#man i feel bad for asha
dahkis · 11 months
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i wonder where asha is after sephiroth burned down...i doubt she's dead but i hope we get to see her in the grandis storyline
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indygotcha · 5 months
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After long observation, this is all I can think with how much Disney fumbled Magnifico and what we really ended up getting
#wish 2023#king magnifico#dhaos#tales of phantasia#tales of#wish spoilers#PLEASE don't take this LITERALLY btw phantasia/dhaos-fans - it's the “tragic villain”-angle magnifico ended with ACCIDENTALLY#because Disney has lost their way of committing to a sincerely evil villain for real since eons ago apparently#had to make him do some weird 180 on his personality after consulting an evil book + a very tonally confusing villain song...#like#this benevolent and frankly wise king had to painstakingly rule a kingdom for eons while knowing how greedy and unknowing people can get -#regarding what they wish for VS what they truly might need - or some possibly having bad wishes/desires (which Wish hardly acknowledges)#And all of this is due him lost his family when young which motivated him to learn sorcery to build a kingdom so none could go through same#sorry but that's massive dhaos-vibes to me man#yet he's eventually driven to villainous breakdown due getting sick of people always wanting more from him#and clearly being traumatised by what happened to him in past and anxious for the kingdom he built so long to protect people from that#but Wish just has to paint his as “bad” and hold Asha's more lacking ethics on wish-granting as “right”? Is that a right message to send?#eventually he's ovethrown to gay-baby-jail mirror for rest of eternity by these very people and his wife (patented disney girlboss moment)#and possibly watch his long-preserved kingdom be destroyed by a wide-eyed wish-granter without any understanding of grey morality...#yeaaahhhh#I think Magnifico would eventually come to be a full-blown misandry and say that wickedness truly lurks in the hearts of men :7c#all I'm saying is#magnifico just feels like more like tragic villain in flavour of dhaos the more I think about the “treatment” he went through in the movie.#IDK should disney have committed on that because we already had enough poor twist villains or sympathetic ones as#but the way magnifico was marketed/hyped up as VS what we got just made me think Disney hasn't still got it and ended writing a tragic one
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annymation · 6 months
My Thoughts On Wish Deleted Scenes
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Now that we got all the deleted scenes out, I thought it would be fun to share my thoughts on them... Mostly rant, yeah, I might get pretty heated with this heheh but it'll be fun.
Villain Couple
So let's begin with my personal favorite, the villain couple that we could've had
I am literally scared with how I nailed their characterization in my rewrite, like, that's them, that's King Magnus (Magnifico) of Rosas and Amaya (Amable) of Rosas right there. The dramatic, power hungry dude that can barely control his temper + a cunning, calm and collected queen that thinks before acting but is just as vicious as him.
Now let's talk about... WHY this was scrapped, according to Mark Kennedy, the head of story in Wish, he says in the Behind the Scenes documentary that the reason they changed this, and I quote:
"We didn't want people to know Magnifico was evil right away, we wanted the people of Rosas to love Magnifico, and have only Asha realize he's not as good as he seems"
... Okay? That's not a reason to not make him SECRETLY evil, just have the rebels be like a group of people who are considered ungrateful weirdos by the people of Rosas, and the king spreads rumors that they're a threat, since they think NO ONE should get their wishes granted. So we have Asha being part of this rebellion, that doesn't fully know what Magnifico does with the wishes, but they know he's doing something bad, so it's up to Asha to find proof and open the eyes of the citizens of Rosas who love Magnifico, easy.
"Also it serve the story better to have Amaya be a good person"
Why? Because she distracted Magnifico and told them about the pulleys they needed to open the castle's ceiling? Just have one of Asha's MANY FRIENDS be a spy of the rebels that became close to the king and queen, maybe the king's apprentice, let's say Safi, and he tells them that info and also distracts them if needed, there, no need for good queen.
This one is the cheery on top, are you guys ready? I don't think you are, but here goes... "Additionally we couldn't really answer the question of why Magnifico wanted a star, and what it would do for him."
............................. I don't know if I can put into words how ENRAGED this make me feel, but I will try.
Mark, my guy, I'm sure you're a lovely person, but I know for a fact that you are lying. Because in a room full of professional screen writers THAT MADE IT TO DISNEY there's absolutely NO WAY no one stepped in and said "Oh but why does the villain want power though?"... THAT'S LIKE ASKING WHY JAFAR WANTED THE LAMP OR WHY URSULA WANTED THE TRIDENT!!!! HE'S A VILLAIN!!! VILLAINS ALWAYS WANT POWER!!!
"Oh buT MaGNiFicO Is DiFfERRenT bEcAuSE He'S A kINg sO He alREadY HaS pOWeR" SO WHAT??? Villains are never satisfied! Magnifico says it himself in the deleted scene
"I can't take it, this wanting that is never satisfied"
THERE! That's your villain motivation, he wants to fill a cup with no bottom, he wants more and more than he already has! Which makes him a PERFECT FOIL to Asha, because Asha wishes for more to her people, because they indeed are struggling, she wants what they need! And she'll fight for it, while Magnifico will only lie, cheat and steal his way into more power! GAAAAH IT WOULD BE SUCH A NEAT CONFLICT I'M GOING FERAL!
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Anyway, on to the next one
Wishing Tree
Deleted Sabino my beloved, you only get one scene in my rewrite, Tiana's father style, but I love you so much you sassy old man
I love this concept of the wishing tree so much, because this is actually a tradition here where I'm from, we take colorful ribbons, think of a wish, and tie them on a tree.
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Would be lovely if Wish showed many types of different traditions of wishing besides just wishing stars, like blowing dandelions, throwing a coin down a well and soon.
But I digress, Asha has such an inspiring personality here, her writings show how she's fierce, longing for adventure
She has an undying hope in her, and she wonders if it'll take Magnifico to DIE for her people to be free to wish, this is amazing, this is what I wrote my Asha into in Kingdom of Wishes
@uva124 joked the other day saying I might secretly be one of the disney writers just pretending to be a fan and sharing the original script, guys I swear that's not the case, they just communicated with me telepathically.
Jokes aside, this scene is so beautiful, Asha had everything to be an amazing protagonist.
Now for what Mark said in the documentary... Oh boy...
"The people of Asha's village keep their wishes a secret, and don't say them out loud, because if they do Magnifico will find their wishes"
Now THIS is very interesting, making Magnifico this almost omnipresent threat that even if you just SAY what you desire he might hear with his magic, maybe with a crystal ball or something Idk but regardless this is a great way to make him aware of who Asha is.
Cause think about it, Asha does make a wish, upon a star, so Magnifico would probably feel that wish, and thus he'd know Asha is the one who summoned a wishing star, so the chase would begin.
Heck, with this concept he could manipulate Asha into giving away star by promising that if she did so all her people would be free and he'd stop eating wishes all together because he wouldn't need more power anymore, obviously that'd be a lie, but it would make Asha have to choose between taking the easy way out and giving away her friend/love interest in exchange of her wish coming true, or risk it all and protecting him at all cost, ya know, a internal conflict.
"We wanted people to love Magnifico, and Asha to be the only one who finds out about his true evil nature, that way, when she tries to tell people, nobody believes her, and that's make fighting him much harder for her"
See Mark, that's a good idea, thing is, that's not what happened... Asha didn't try to tell people, and the times she did tell her family that Magnifico would never grant their wishes, they DID believe her, and Sabino got mad she wanted to tell him his wish. And when she told her friends, they didn't question her much about the fact she challenged the king, Dahlia just rolled with it like it was no big deal...
So yeah it would've been great if Asha tried to spread the truth but people didn't believe her, it really would, but that's not quite what we got
Star and Asha Chase Scene
And there it is, the closest thing we'll ever get of Star Boy, and I love him
Star can take shape of any animal in this version, and that made him too similar to Maui and the genie, well, dear Disney, riddle me this, why didn't you just scrap the idea of him being a shapeshifter? There are many ways for a being to embody magic and creativity that don't involve them turning into animals, maybe have them be- oh I don't know- ANIMATED IN 2D???
"The ability to change into anything made star very powerful"
Here's an idea, make Magnifico MORE powerful than star, by making forbidden magic Star's weakness
"We wanted Asha to be our hero, and we wanted her to solve all her problems by herself, without too much help from star"
Bruh, Walt Disney said himself "You can design and create, and bild the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make that dream a reality" Asha could NOT do this on her own, and that doesn't make her weak or less of a hero, it just means the threat was too big.
And if she was the one who had to make her wish come true, GREAT, just use Blue Fairy logic, she couldn't make Pinocchio a real boy right away, all she did was give him life so he could pursue that himself, same could happen to Asha, star gives her some magical intervention, but he can't do everything for her.
Also let me just say, that interaction between Asha and Star?
"Star we'll have to be very discreet" "Discreet? Got it, sounds like another plan, I'm getting pretty good at this planning stuff" "Uh you know what would help that plan? If you weren't so bright" "Oh-hoho thank you!- oh wait, you mean-" "Shinny, glowy, way too much light, turn it down"
I can SEE KOW!Asha and Aster having this exact same interaction!
And then that scene Star holds her hand under water! Bruh don't tell me they wouldn't be a thing Disney!
And all the sea creatures coming together to make a big spectacle, THAT felt like Disney magic, that WHALE!!!
That would've been so beautiful to see fully animated.
In The Dungeon
Can't believe that I also wrote a scene of the 7 teens and Asha going to the dungeon before this scene came out, like, it's such an specific scenario
Anyway, so once again we see this better version of Asha, that is caring, smart and inspiring.
And Magnifico being a freaking DESPICABLE monster, saying that Dahlia is a burden that no one would miss because of her disability, like DANG that's something I never considered writing because it's so heavy, but they almost did include it, and I think it would've been great to show just how evil he is, and in turn, how amazing Asha is because of what she says next
"He underestimates you, and that's a good thing. When you're underestimated, they don't see your power coming until after it changed the world"
Thank you Wish deleted scenes, I'mma take this line and fit it in my rewrite somehow cause WOW imagine that, the 100th disney princess teaching something very valuable for children of today!
Think of all the disabled kids that would've felt seen in this scene! Instead Dahlia's disability is more of an after thought, and from what I've read, the way she walks doesn't even seem like she's disabled according to some crutch users.
"Also, Asha already had 7 friends, and we thought adding another one was too many"
I agree Mark, so here's a thought, make ONE OF THE 7 TEENS the apprentice that gets locked up in the dungeon, like Safi for example, and they find him by hearing him sneeze! There, suddenly the character whose only personality is sneezing get's something to do!
Magnifico breaking the wishes of people "No one would miss" is actually a thing in my rewrite, I didn't explore it that much cause it wasn't that important, but I'm glad I also got that right
Star was more useful in this clip than he was in the whole movie
Not much to say about this one, hot take, but I'm actually glad this one was changed, sure I like Magnifico eating a bunch of the wishes to get more powerful, but personally I'm not a fan of him turning into a giant muscular monster, but I understand if you're into that.
Though, it's still a funny scene, it's silly yeah, but it's definitely entertaining, which is more than what I can say about the movie
Also Valentino is cute here
I like how Magnifico uses the wishes to shine a spotlight on Asha
This face, lmao
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The thing about this scene though is that... I can't imagine where they were going with this, like, then what? Magnifico climbs the tower to get star and Star manages to defeat him somehow? If so then yeah no wonder you deleted star for doing all the work for Asha, what's Asha supposed to do now that the king is all powerful???
Star saying "We just need one more ingredient" YALL MAKING A POTION??? This feels weird, a magical being making a potion... Wait hold up, I thought of this in this second, was the last ingredient Asha? Like she goes up there to warn them and it turns out she was what they needed to figure out how to defeat Magnifico?... Probably not but who we will never know.
Wish Worth Making
This made me CRY when I first watched it, like WOW Disney, are you TRYING to make this movie as soulless as possible???
This is such a powerful moment that would make us actually CARE about Sabino, feel what Asha feels, and it's a calm and beautiful moment in this movie that never stops to just BREATHE.
Can you imagine Magnifico showing up after THIS?? It would've been so scary because it was the calm before the storm.
Imagine him breaking not only Sakina's wish but also Sabino's lute!
If I was Sabino's voice actor I'd be pissed to find out they deleted my song but kept the chicken dance song... That was a thing.
Anyway, hope yall had fun with this little rant, let me know YOUR thoughts on these scenes too! See ya next time!
Thank You For Reading!
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ringaroundaroses · 10 months
So. About King Magnifico...
Does anyone else feel like the filmmakers went in two contradictory directions with him? On one hand, he certainly has some issues *prior* to becoming a power-hungry megalomaniac, but on the other hand, him becoming a power-hungry megalomaniac genuinely doesn't seem like his fault? Now, that's not to say Magnifico didn't have issues. He's full of himself. He's a narcissist. Based on what Amaya said at the beginning ('don't you dare ever ask about the wishes, what a sorcerer does isn't your concern'), he may or may not be passive-aggressive to his wife-- and he's definitely passive-aggressive to his would-be apprentices. He's become complacent, he's egocentric, he's everything that would be bad in a leader-- --except Rosas genuinely doesn't seem bad under his rule? Asha only knows differently because she saw what wishes *could've* been granted, and granted, he shouldn't be the sole controller of who can fulfill the wishes, but I do feel like he would've been a lower-stakes political villain if Star didn't rush in and cause him to have a mental breakdown. Consider: Magnifico only got to the point of wanting to use the forbidden magic because Dahlia incited the crowd to annoy him. Significantly. He ignored what his wife said, and was in a bad mental state when he turned to the book. Prior to that, when he was more clear-headed, he *did* listen to Amaya and left the forbidden magic behind. This man is clearly hyped up on forbidden magic drugs and no one seems to be concerned by this? They're all saying he was always bad and all the good in him disappeared? Well yeah, technically true, except all the good melted away a day or two after he touched the no-no book that specifically was a danger to everyone. This reads like a possession/corruption plot point? Not a villain that's purely evil and can't be redeemed at all? He hadn't even *considered* breaking a wish up until touching the book, he was definitely not a good person but he only went comedically, scene-chewing evil after his magic corruption. I don't get the need to make him 'fall' *and* to have him get corrupted by a book, because one of the two makes him significantly less at fault than the other, and blending the two of them while treating him as a total lost cause feels... wrong? In some way? I've seen it done before, but those are usually played as a tragedy, and the tone used with Magnifico feels more like 'revel in how bad he is!' instead of 'he could've recovered from this if he didn't choose the obviously evil route.' Not to mention, he has a tragic backstory that's implied and... never brought up again? What was the point of that? If Disney wanted to do a homage to classical villains, giving them a random tragic backstory and then backtracking to add 'actually he's evil all along and super evil and super bad and not at all hyped on magic green bad juice' is a ... bizarre way to make a throwback villain. I like the performance. I honestly like Magnifico's scenes. I just... don't understand why he was written that way.
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your-ne1ghbor · 5 months
Star boy x Asha dyamic
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I decided to explore more of Star Boy's design more, mainly playing with the color pallet then it dawned on me.
He can be black/white animation like VERY old disney, to clay (I will make him into that later hehe), to a sketch version of him! And I was like:
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Also, I plan on exploring some hair styles for Asha but for now Im pretty settled with her design :3
Also I imagine their dyamic to be like:
Asha (trying to hide it by denying it): Nah, I cant have feelings for him (long pause) RIGHT???
Star (walks up to Asha): I have a question. What is love?
(he walks up to her since he trusts her a lot and knows that he does have changed feelings for her but doesnt know what it is so like AHHHHH)
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Star: You Good?
Asha: Skadadles 🏃‍♂️💨
Star: utter confusion
Man I love these guys!
sUrElY nOtHiNg BaD WiLl hApPeN...
(Meanwhile my alternative list of endings are growing)
True Ending
Good Ending
Bad Ending
Fire Ending
Bitter-Sweet Ending
Revenge/Insane Ending
I might explain them in another post, but yeah....
(listened to epic musical and uhh got inspired haha)
@signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @annymation @rascalentertainments @uva124
I am sad to admit that I have failed you guys...
I bought...
Wish Merch
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I mean she was 40% off I had to get her man...
but like broooo WHYYY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 5 months
It really hurts me how bad this poor man was treated and still is by Disney and some empathy and compassion lacking, not-thinking peewees.
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My biggest rant post in cooperation with Magnificolover from Insta is still cooking. And let me tell you, it's gonna be spicy, blunt and long.
Mags might be the star of the show but this topic goes beyond him.
Furthermore, I keep hearing that more and more children are siding with Magnifico. Children!! My people!
Now, teens and adults hating and shitting on Mags because they cannot see past the rim of their plate of narrow-mindedness is one issue by itself, but you know something is seriously wrong when children tell you "But he isn't a villian at all!" But the the others around him! And yes, like him a bunch more than Asha.
I know that disney intented to create a nice story with another lovable heroine but instead we got a deeply traumatized, altruistic man, who, despite his great pain, built an untopia just for the reason so others would never have to suffer like he did. He constantly gave, cared more for others than himself, only wanted love and some respect in return. But got none of that! He didn't get love, he was constantly kicked and picked at his scars. He's not being taken serious, and only ever seen as a source for favors and a scapegoat. No one was ever there for him. He had no one! Not even a sidekick! No one ever saw and heard him, took him into their arms and let him breathe. This man struggled and drowned and people watched, worse even pushed him down further!
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And worse of all, he was pushed to the point of mental breakdown, where he was so terrified and done that he got himself cursed and possessed by an evil force. And then the people who had gotten everything from him and still treated him like shit locked him up to suffer even more for eternity?
This is so so wrong! What the actual frick! My God! The whole movie is a horror show! Magnificolover and I have been fighting for Mags and against this toxic shitshow that disney pulled for over six months now and we won't stop!
If someone really takes the time to carefully read our analyses (which are explained down to the tiniest nitty gritty detail) and still sees Magnifico as a villain ( purely evil person/being) then there is something seriously wrong with them! Why are such people and disney acting like heartless monsters?
We don't want that! You think something like this is fun to watch? Seeing a broken man getting broken even further because people are greedy, ignorant and selfish is not fun! This is horrible! It's sickening to stomach if anything!
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This doesn't celebrate everything good that disney has stood for those past 10 decates! It spits at it and in the faces of everyone who truly loved the content this company has given in the past.
You want a real villain? MAKE ONE! For goodness sake! But not, whatever the obnoxious toxcitity shit, that happened with Magnifico.
We hate it! I hate it!
If I could sing one song to Magnifico, it would be this from Lewis Capaldi :
In the moment you feel half complete
Know the moments are temporary
When the fear fuels the fire underneath
I'm gonna love the hell out of you
Take all the pain that you're going through
And I'll bring you heaven if that's what you need
'Cause you've always loved the hell out of me
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You don't want him? Fine! I'll take him and not give him back ever again! If someone cannot see this man is a jackpot on two legs that's their problem not mine.
Magnifico is many things but most definitly not : a villain, a bad person and a sextoy.
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Idk what this is
A chapter snippet/word blob that came out of my brain I guess idk if it’ll be in the Final Cut.
The star’s smile vanished as he looked at her with…scrutiny?! Oh she was in for it now wasn’t she? “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the slanderous wicked poor-visioned miss skeptic, come to kick a man while he’s still down. Have you?” He said in a scolding manner that Asha wasn’t quite sure was serious or joking.
“Not unprovoked,” she huffed as she crossed her arms. “And my vision is fine…you’re just salty that I completely annihilated you.”
“Salty? My dear we were on a boat in the middle of that ocean and neither sea nor person was as salty as you. The ocean Asha! THE OCEAN!” He exclaimed as a few crows cawed in surprise before taking off.
“I wasn’t salty!” She protested. It…it was true! Sure she’d been feeling…off but to say that she’d been salty was just wrong! Right?
Unfortunately for her the star didn’t seem to back down as he smiled, slowly walking towards her as he asked her slowly, “Really? So why couldn’t you take your eyes off me?”
She hadn’t realized just how close he’d gotten until he’d rested his hand on the wall next to her head. His finger patiently tapped its stone surface with a dark sharp nail. She couldn’t. Wouldn’t take her eyes off him, not when he was practically in front of her.
Tap tap.
As satisfying as it had been to silence the star, she had to admit that in hindsight it was somewhat foolish. He was a star, a being of otherworldly power and temperaments with secrets that had been the reason why the doomsday clock had started ticking once more.
Sure he was her friend, but he was also an alien! And she’d do well to remember that when it came to possibly testing his temper. “I was watching everyone. Not just you,” she lied with as much calm as she could. “Kind of have to given how we were both attacked by hooded assassins, who could literally be anywhere or anyone don’t you think?”
Tap. Tap.
Now even the crows were watching with a little less friendly anticipation than they had the first time Asha had met them.
“Fair enough,” the star shrugged as he took a step back just as Asha remembered to breathe. Whoa did he actually buy that?! “Paranoia is a usual effect of your first assassination attempt. But after the first thirty or so it’ll just feel like another Wednesday-,” he promised as Corvias landed on his shoulder once more. “Or was it Tuesday?” The surrounding crows shrugged as he scratched his head. “I don’t think I have a very good track of time. But that might just be my insanity talking.” He paused, looking at her as Corvias readjusted herself on his shoulder. “What were we talking about again?”
“Uhh,” Asha paused nervously looking from him to the crowd of children before nodding, “you agreed to help me!”
“Asha you are such a bad liar,” the star disapprovingly shook his head.
“You’re saying that like it’s a bad thing!” She protested.
“It could be, especially if you’re not an inherently honest person either,” he huffed while crossing his arms.
She sighed. Now she could see it. Defeat and the end of her sanity, lingering on the horizon as she’d grumbled, “Don’t get mouthy with me Cepheus, I need your help with the children! This is for the children! I want them to have fun! Don’t you want to have fun?”
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artist-issues · 8 months
Actually, no, I’m just going to talk about Sabino.
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I was going to talk about the deleted song “A Wish Worth Keeping,” but suffice to say: that song would not have made the movie better because that song had the same terrible point as the movie: “The power to make your wishes come true is in you, so keep wishing.”
No. Bad. Bad point, therefore bad movie.
The deleted song wouldn’t have saved it. Stop saying “Why This Song Matters” and “The Deleted Song That Could’ve Fixed Wish.” Figure out what was wrong with the movie first. Then you can properly figure out what should and shouldn’t have been cut from the movie.
Now let’s talk about Sabino.
I already said several times that the character is terrible in the actual movie. The idea of him could’ve been good, especially when you’re trying to say something about the concept of wishing, though.
In Wish, he’s an old man who’s tangible wish-trapped-in-a-bubble has never been granted. You’re supposed to feel bad for him; his life has been so long and he’s never gotten what he really wanted. But, even if you accept what the movie is telling you (the main point I referenced up there) he doesn’t do a good job supporting it.
Sabino can’t remember his wish. (Stupid.) So you don’t feel that bad for him. He gave it up when he was eighteen. He’s lived more of his life with no wish to miss than he did with one that didn’t come true. So what if it never comes true? He’ll just keep living as a vaguely cheerful guy with people who love him. He’s never that sad. We don’t care.
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Also, when the idea that his wish will never come true is presented to him, he just… accepts it. On the one hand, that’s logical because of what I just said. But on the other hand, what a wasted opportunity to say something about your lousy “keep on wishing” main theme.
He’s 100 Years Old. He could have been the character that watches and waits, no matter how much time passes, and genuinely has faith like Cinderella or Geppetto or Snow White or Ray the Firefly or Ariel, and hangs on to his wish.
But they couldn’t do that. They couldn’t have an old character who is an example to a young woman. Because they had to have Asha be the one to “teach” everyone the “you have the power, so keep on wishing” message. You have to have her be the spirited child who proves the naysayers wrong—and therefore, you have to have Sabino be the naysayer. He doesn’t get to be the wise old man who teaches her something. He has to be the guy who says “you’re young, sit down and give up.”
Of course, they can’t even really commit to that either, because they’re still halfway-trying to make Sabino sympathetic, they’re trying to convince you that Asha really loves him and everybody does because he’s a sweet old man with a dream. But they half-do everything, and the base is rotten for all of it, so we don’t care.
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Here’s what they should’ve done:
If you’re sticking with that terrible main theme: Give Sabino a wish that he never gives up on. Don’t let him give it to Magnifico. Let him keep it for himself and spend a hundred years working toward it, and he comes close several times, and it keeps blowing up in his face, and everyone (including Asha) thinks he’s crazy for keeping it, but he gets up and tries again over and over. That would’ve at least been interesting and had a shot at being impactful.
Get RID of that terrible main theme. Switch it to “have faith” and then make Sabino the one with the faith. And again, his age highlights that it is hard. It takes a long time. He spends most of his life yearning and wishing, but he never gives up or stops acting on faith. He becomes a source of inspiration for the people around him—except Asha, who loves him but needs to find her own faith before she can understand him—and then eventually joins him in faith. Like Jane from Return to Neverland. (Yes I said it.)
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carline-k · 3 months
The Warmth of Your Starlight
When you open your eyes, a new day, or rather, a new era has arrived.
The first thing you notice is how the sky is very clear and there is nothing eerie about it anymore. The sun lacks the usual menacing wings, illuminating the entire Spirit World with its endless light, waking up every Asha residing in this world. In a way, it’s also a sign for their freedom, escaping the shackles of Lord of the Light. A ray of hope for a better tomorrow.
You draw your hand to cover your eyes, slowly adjusting your eye-sight to its light. After a while, you pull your hand back, still staring at it as you draw both of your hands in front of you as if you are trying to catch the light on your palm. Instead, the sunlight reaches every inch of your skin, embracing them with endless warmth. It makes you shudder a bit, not because it's suddenly cold, but because of how familiar this warmth is to the warmth that once flowed through your body whenever he embraced you.
The same warmth left your palm the moment he fades.
You can fill a pang from your heart.
Basking in the sunlight, your eyes catch a few tiny lights floating in the air. Those tiny lights resemble the scattered stars in the night sky that you always love to see from Earth. You once told him about how beautiful the sky with stars is, and that “it’s too bad that Spirit World doesn’t have it.” You remembered you pouted , showing your disappointment, and it rendered a small chuckle and soft graze from his index finger on your cheek. Yet, he still displayed amusement from your description, hearing your story as he silently gazed at you, as if he had witnessed the starlight by himself. As if the starlight was present during that time in front of him. 
Maybe he did.
The starlight surrounds your view, its dazzling light decorates the forest, like a snow that coats every surface where it lands, making this place look so ethereal. Despite this phenomenon being out-of-place, it somehow fits the forest, seemingly always present before, just in different forms. That, whenever it presents, it always makes the forest more alive. It reminds you again of the starlight you once– no, you always used to see in his eyes.
The same starlight that disappears as you stare at his eyes one last time.
And, as if the world is mocking you, the starlight lands on your lips, like a sugar that coated your lips when you eat something sweet.
The fallen star kissed you, fulfilling his one last selfish desire, before completely becoming one with the sea of stars.
And why is the starlight around you turning blurry suddenly? Why do you feel something warm sliding on your face and making its way on your trembling hands that feels empty, yearning to hold something? Unconsciously, you grab the empty air, silently hoping that just one last time you could hold him. Praying to whatever beings that will hear your plea, to wake you up from this nightmare that anguishes your soul.
Is it okay to comfort yourself, pretending the warmth that you feel– right here and right now– is the same warmth that you felt when you were embracing each other during those days? The same warmth that engulfed you when you were sleeping, your safe haven in this once doomed world. With the warmth, there was usually a small mutter accompanying it, whispered on your ear, lulled you to your slumber:
"I promise, I will never leave you alone."
'... Liar.'
You wanted to spite that word, yet that word is stuck in your throat. After all, how can you? It's so inconsiderate to call him a liar after that promise. No, not after what he did just to fulfill your selfish wish. Your selfish wish that drove the selfless man into sacrificing his whole being, presenting his love through a new world you wish for. It had already become his only wish and he managed to accomplish it. The fallen star answers your wish, passing its flame to light a new world for you.The light passes his warmth, burning your skin and aching heart as you wail his name over and over again like a broken record. What once was calling his name like a mantra to summon him to accompany you wherever you are, now feels like a curse that is embedded in your soul. 
A curse where no matter how hard you look and how loud you scream his name, until it burns your throat, you will never be able to find him.
It took you a lot of time to recover from what you just went through in Spirit World. Cael, as usual, understands your current conditions, giving you some space and trying his best to help you whenever he can. He often brings small gifts: paints, hairpins, brushes, whatever can distract you from your own mind.
Today, he delivers you a letter, immediately leaving you after doing so. You don’t really question his sudden leave, having no mood nor energy to do it anyway, and you are already getting used to Cael's strange-yet-familiar behavior.
Staring at the unopened envelope, you flip it back and forth to find any clue from its cover. You can’t recall anything that requires letters lately, unless the whole trip to Spirit World had broken your brain or memory, somehow. You chuckle a bit at your stupid joke.
Flipping the letter seems to stir the air around you, filling the air with a familiar scent. The scent of soil and morning dew pulls you out from your clouded mental state, drawing your breaths to halt. Carefully, your hand opens the envelope, mentally begging your trembling hand to not screw you up by accidentally ripping its content from too much tremor. Finally, you open the folded letter as you calmly read it.
And it takes a lot of effort to not scream and wet the paper with your tears. There’s no way you will let your tears fall on the paper and blur his last words. You don’t want to see whatever he left behind, the Spirit World and the words he wrote on this letter, disappear from your sight ever again just like he did.
Yet, as this letter re-open your wound, there are lines that comfort you, as if hearing his whispering voice right next to you.
"Things in this world may not always go as planned, but the seeds sown will eventually sprout. When the time comes, I will witness your smile. "
Putting the letter on the table, you lean on the sofa, momentarily closing your eyes that are still pouring tears, then gently open it to see a sea of stars just above you.
Alkaid, have you become the starlight, watching me from up there? That’s not fair, Alkaid. It doesn’t count as ‘not leaving me alone, silly deer.’
Tonight, you find peace with the storm in your heart.  
You want to witness my smile? You better come then. I will wait for you. 
Oh, I can do that for you.
DEERKAID PUSHED MY SAD BUTTON SO HARD THAT IT PERMANENTLY JAMMED AND NOW I HAVE TO WRITE THIS TO VENT MY BLEEDING HEART. A FUCKING HEARTBREAK IS WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE ME WRITE, REVIVING THIS LURKING BLOG. And now I feel obligated to post more stuff. Be it drawing etc, I'll post when I can, feel like LBC brainrot is more alive on tumblr than twitter. Anyway, guys, Spirit World was great. *wipes tears*, I apologize it kinda sucks (wording-wise i feel it does), I'm not good with words </3
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melonberry · 2 months
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Devil Side | jey Uso x ofc
Pairings: Jey Uso x ofc / ofc x omc
Jey Uso x Danielle Price (OFC)
Jey Uso x Asha Fatu (OFC)
Danielle Price (OFC) x Shaun Price (OMC)
Warnings: talks of abuse , domestic abuse , infidelity , non/con (will put bigger warning when happens:it won’t be very descriptive) , gaslighting, angst !!!PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE IF THESE TOPICS UPSET YOU!!!
Plot: She thought he loved her, but he only loved hurting her. All eyes were on her but she couldn’t ask for help. Not when her husband is one of the top dogs in WWE. What happens when Danielle comes back to work after a year hiatus and reunites with her former best friend Jey Uso? Will he uncover the truth about her relationship, or will he keep his words to himself?
Today was the day. Today was the day that Danielle was finally able to see some of her oldest friends again! It had been so long since her departure from the company after Royal Rumble, and so much has happened since then.
Walking around backstage Danielle felt her heart skip a beat when the familiar sight of ring equipment, make up artists and fellow WWE superstars were scattered all over the building.
Wrestling was everything she loved! It kept her sane when home life was becoming to hectic. Over the break that she had taken, Danielle’s husband Shaun Price, had changed. She didn't know what the reason was but something just switched in his mind and he wasn't the same.
Danielle shrugged the memory of a few nights ago out of her mind and walked into catering. The first person that the brunette spotted was her oldest friend Naomi, also known as Trinity.
Turning around Trinity threw a warm smile in Danielle’s direction and walked over to the younger girl.
"Dani! You’re back!" Trinity exclaimed holding her arms out to embrace Danielle with a hug. Danielle didn't realise she flinched until Trinity’s smile was falling slightly.
To cover up her act she quickly pulled Trinity into her arms and hugged her gently.
"Hey Trin. How‘s life been?" She asks pulling away gently.
"It‘a been good yeah, just working hard as per usual." Trinity replied and ran a hand through her braided hair. "You have a good break?"
Danielle contemplated whether to lie or be truthful. But before she could even choose what to answer, she noticed a certain Samoan making his way towards them.
"Hey Jey." Trinity said as Jey Uso walked over. Dani looked up at Jey and she felt something twist inside her stomach..
Before her break, whenever Dani was near Jey she felt happy and safe. But after the break, she had a little resentment towards him and she wasn’t entirely sure why. Jey’s gaze on Dani never wavered, not even a little bit. Not even when Trin poked him slightly.
“You’re back.” Jey said, his voice barely above a whisper. Dani bit the inside of her cheek and nodded. “I didn’t know.. I didn’t know you were coming back.”
“Come on man, it’s her first day back.. let’s not do this.” Trinity spoke and Jey scoffed. Dani dug her fingernails into the palm of her hand to keep herself from crying. She had felt bad for leaving without even saying goodbye. She had a massive storyline with the bloodline and was doing really well, but one day she had a conversation with Paul Levesque and she was never seen again up until now.
“You left without saying goodbye. A whole year.. and nothing. Not even a text.” Jey said with a large dose of hurt laced in his voice which earned a flinch from Danielle.
“I just needed to leave for personal reasons.” Dani answered and Jey licked his lips lightly before stepping back slightly. He knew why her leaving bothered him so much but he had buried his feelings the days he left.
“I’m sorry, I just.. I thought something bad had happened to you and I was just worried.” Jey whispered and Trin placed a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
“Why did you leave Dani?” Trinity asked in a much softer tone than Jey. Danielle wasn’t sure if she should tell the truth or lie, but she knew they would find out soon enough.
“I had a baby.”
Danielle, Trinity and Jey spoke about Dani’s pregnancy and her daughter, Mekai and she even showed them pictures. The moment Danielle swiped to a picture of herself, Shaun and Mekai she felt her breath hitch. Jey noticed but kept it to himself. After their talk, Trinity and Jey had to prepare for their matches and Dani was sad but grateful that the conversation was over and was relieved that no one noticed her wedding ring was off.
Stood outside with a coffee close to her lips and the cold air smacking her cheeks, Danielle was happy again. It had only been 3 hours backstage and yet she feels like she's been happy for a life time. Sure, she loved Shaun and her daughter and wanted to spend the rest of her life with them, but his attitude towards her career had to change.
He hated her storyline with the Bloodline, her role as Jey’s love interest angered him. The promos where her flirtatious gaze looked a little bit too real for him. He was jealous, and Danielle would always get the backlash! Nothing physical has happened yet and she could only hope that it never does.
"What happened?"
Dani was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Jimmy’s voice. Dani smiled at Jimmy and looked towards her finger. She knew what he was on about. Her ring.
Pulling the coffee away from her lips she held it in her hand beside her waist and turned around to meet the face of the voice.
"He doesn't want me to be in romantic storylines anymore, especially in the Bloodline story. He hated my storyline with Jey and just.. just being around all the guys- or any guy for that matter." Danielle explains taking another sip of her coffee.
"Why? He’s one of the top dogs at the moment and his storyline with Maxxine isn’t exactly PG-"
"It was because of the photo Jey retweeted on twitter; about how the chemistry between me and him was too good to just be acting.." She tells him. "He gets loud when he's mad. He yells, punching things and thro-"
"Dani, has he hit you?" Jimmy asks interrupting her, his face becoming serious.
"No! No.. he'd never." Danielle says putting down her coffee and looking at Jimmy. "Please don't tell Jey. I don't want him to think it's his fault because of the picture."
Jimmy nods.
"It's our secret."
Jey was estactic but confused. Danielle’s wedding ring was off but they had a child together 3 months ago! He knows he shouldn't be thinking like this, he's in love with his wife Asha, but whenever he'd see Danielle, his heart feels like it is doing somersaults.
Jey finished his backstage interview that he was filming and saw Danielle and Jimmy walking back inside. She had a smile on her face, the smile that lifts Jey’s spirits higher than the clouds.
Jimmy gave her a high five and a gentle side hug before Dani walked over to the toilets and was out of sight.
"You have a wife you know." Jimmy said walking up to Jey. The Samoan scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"I do know." Jey replied. Rubbing his arm he turned around to Jimmy and took this as his opportunity.
"Where's her wedding ring?" Jey asks. Jimmy picked up a sandwich from the catering table and looked at Jey. He contemplated whether to tell him but Jey was his twin and they never kept secrets, plus he knew he wouldn't say anything.
After explaining everything that Danielle told him, Jimmy saw that Jey had a look of guilt on his face. He also looked angry.
"I really hope she leaves him."
"You'd like that wouldn't you Jey?" Jimmy spat softly and walked away.
Leaving Jey confused, Jimmy walked over to the chairs and sat down. He felt annoyed that Jey was worried about Dani leaving Shaun. He knew how Jey felt about Dani, it was obvious to anyone who cared to look, but Jey wouldn't admit it. That was what angered him even more because someone is going to get hurt at the hands of Jey because he couldn't control his feelings for Dani.
Comments and feedback is much appreciated! 🖤
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unwisegirl · 10 months
*spoilers for wish + a rant abt characters lol*
look overall wish was fine. there were some moments that made me feel the kind of magic I felt as a kid. the star looked like Kirby but yk what it was cute as shit. some of the songs slapped.
but my main problem with the movie was that it seemed to spend so much time trying to make itself about ✨Disney nostalgia✨ that it forsook the characters.
I NEED NEED NEED filmmakers to realise that what makes a good story a good story, what gives a story heart, is ultimately the characters. the wish characters, unfortunately, were simply not well fleshed out.
like, asha was #quirky for no reason at all?? I’m still not sure what her motives were?? her sad dad origin story felt so shoehorned in and overdone??? (compare to moana’s relationship with her grandmother) her mum was kinda just there?? we don’t even get to know what her wish was?? and the friends were too busy trying to be like the 7 dwarves that they weren’t given any actual depth.
though the biggest sins character-wise were magnifico and amaya. like okay, I still don’t get magnifico’s motives??? villains NEED a clear motive and I still have no idea whether he was straight up evil all along but putting up a front or whether asha’s questioning of him was what triggered his descent into evil? his torn tapestry and his back story — they were barely explored??? I was expecting SOMETHING that would better illuminate his psyche for us but there wasn’t?? and the fact that he just opens this forbidden book and then the book consumes and controls him — WAY too convenient. and the fact that even tho the book controlled him afterwards there’s no complexity in his repentance — he’s just trapped in a dungeon by his wife??
SPEAKING OF HIS WIFE. they had such an opportunity to make amaya a far more complex character. this is a woman who married this man with presumably good intentions and has been with him for YEARS, but she betrays him at the drop of a hat and at the end of it all TRAPS HIM IN A DUNGEON???? like??? WHERE IS THE INNER STRUGGLE AND COMPLEXITY????? WHERE IS THE FACT THAT YEAH THE PERSON YOU LOVED SUCKED BUT YOU STILL LOVED THEM AND CARED FOR THEM???? I saw that originally the two of them were suppose to be evil together and honestly that would’ve been WAY better Disney wyd for real
the characters in wish weren’t characters. they were conduits for a cobbled together plot for disney nostalgia. look, the movie wasn’t bad. but it’s not gonna be a movie I relate to or cry at five years from now. because of the characters.
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lara635kookie · 9 months
I didn't even watch "WISH" yet because in my country it will only be available at january, but people are saying it's a bad cliche so I probably won't watch at the cinema.
The thing is, even though I am a hopeless romantic, not everything has to have romance. There are princess who are perfectly fine without a prince, like Mirabel, Elsa, Merida, Moana and Raya(I do kinda like the idea of Raya with a girl, just not Namaari). But we were so robbed of seeing Asha and the star boy(he is literally a staR so I don't doubt Disney would call him StaN or something like that, so his name is Stan from now on, I am gonna call him like that, is easier than star boy). Asha and Stan had the potential to be the next Tianaveen and Rapunzel&Eugene (I don't know their ship name). The concept arts are the cutest thing I have ever seen. Also "At All Costs" (bop) would have been a love song between the two!!! Them singing it man. The pain I will feel when I don't see them passionately sing it, very "I see the light" coded, in the actual movie. Somehow, now is not feminist for a strong female character to have a male partner by her side. Like...This doesn't make sense! You can be a strong female character and have a man at the same time! Have y'all forgotten Mulan and Shang? Anna and Kristoff? Ariel and Eric? Jasmine and Aladdin? (There are more examples and I could go on all day, but you got what I meant already) I hate Disney for throwing good ideas at the trash and playing safe just for money(like Hobie Brown/Spider-Punk said "it's a metaphor for capitalism"). And as the guy looked blonde with blue/green eyes in the arts I have seen, and Asha is a black latina, they lost the opportunity of having a biracial couple ACTUALLY DONE RIGHT (Pocahontas and John Smith don't count, he is a collonizer with the most common name in the world, she deserves so much better). Like, if the thing is show how inclusive you are by having a black latina female protagonist for little girls to see and feel represented in a good way, you could have increased that feeling by making someone fall in love for her. Little girls would feel like they are beautiful and desired/desireable in a positive way and that they worthy of being loved and love and be with whoever they want to be with, even someone who has a different skin color.
I am also mad because we could have seen Disney's first evil villain COUPLE with King Magnifico and his wife, the queen(still don't know her name, sorry). Can't you guys imagine the HITS, THE FIRST PLACE OF BILLBOARD HOT 100 WORTHY songs, they would proportionate us? Even if only one song, it would be enough for me. But someone thought having a female villain would be anti-feminist and they discarded an original and authentic idea, which is what Disney built its empire on the first place. Come on Disney minorities don't want to be portrayed as those unrealistic superior beings, they want to be portrayed as real human beings with emotions, struggles, qualities and flaws. Having an iconic female villain like you guys always had(like Maleficent, Cruella De Vil, Ursula, Mother Gothel, Lady Tremaine, etc) and set her up with an iconic male villain(like Gaston, Doctor Facilier, Shan Yu, Jafar, Hans, etc) it would have been top notch, god tier. King Magnifico and the queen could have been like the Gomez and Morticia of evil. You could address so many topics by it. Like the kingdom being ruled by evil would have been a great social critic of some politicians out there, for example. And we could have had an iconic final boss battle between Asha and Stan VS Magnifico and the queen.
Anyway, what I mean by this is that if someone has fanarts or just ANY CONTENT, of Asha and Stan, tag me, reblog this or comment, I don't care, just warn me, because they are my new obsession. I will also write a fanfic about this movie with these ideas, but only after I have watched the movie so until them, please feed my hyperfixation in Stasha (Star boy/Stan×Asha), I'm begging y'all
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Yaaaayyyyyy requests are back!!! I love your writing so much😭😭😭😭 can i ask for my ASOIAF bois: Jamie, Stannis, Jorah, Sandor (feel free to change the list) when they found out their s/o is injured but their s/o was hiding it from them because s/o didn't want them to worry?
Your boys are at the front :> along with some others i thought of and have been requested over the past few weeks.
Jaime - This man has the nerve to get annoyed with you, asking all sorts of questions about how it happened or how bad it is. He is just as bad about hiding his own hurts, emotional or physical, but does he recognize the irony here? No. The more severe the injury, the more irritated he'll be, and if someone actually did it you can bet Jaime's going to be reckless about retaliation. That may be why you hid it in the first place! He has no experience with treating wounds, so finding some way to retaliate is the only thing Jaime can think of doing to help.
Stannis - Oh, he'd be beyond annoyed with you. It seems reckless to him - yes, he'd worry, but that would only be natural. Expect a lot of grumbling and a lecture as he looks over the injury and does what he can. He'd check on you regularly, even if he's busy, or at least send a maester to ensure it's healing properly. Even before he found out, Stannis probably picked up something was off, but couldn't put his finger on it - now he understands you were trying to walk normally or mask pain. Stannis might take it a little harsher than you intended, wondering why you felt the need to hide it. Was there a different reason?
Jorah - Jorah does not take this well, and that may be the reason why you hid the injury in the first place. You being wounded feels like he's failed in some way - failed to prevent it, failed to help you care for it. He'd be insistent on helping care for it and you'd end up listening to some lectures as he did so. Jorah wants to be relied upon and to be useful, so it's painful when you don't go to him with something like this. He forgives you quickly, though; he always does. Jorah asks you to promise to tell him next time your hurt, maybe even begs. He hates that you could've been hurting and he didn't know it.
Sandor - His temper flares up once he figures it out. He knew you were moving strangely, and why'd you hide it? So he wouldn't worry? The Hound might bark a laugh at that, if he wasn't so pissed. It's fucking stupid to not treat a wound like that, and he tells you as much. There's been plenty of times where he's disregarded his own injuries, but that's different. He's used to being hurt, taking punishment - you aren't that way. You shouldn't be. As much as he distrusts maesters and healers, you both find one, and he glowers the whole time. Well, at least his foul mood is concentrated on someone else ...
Asha - She could just smack you upside the head. She still might, if you resist getting treatment. While you're being taken care of, Asha's really letting you have it. You aren't one of those empty-headed Ironborn warriors, so why are you endangering yourself? She isn't amused by it being for her sake - she's strong, she can take it. She could've gotten you help. Asha's anger fizzles out quickly, especially if you're already contrite. Once the healer is gone, she takes your hand and makes you promise not to hide next time.
Arianne - She knew something was up! You can't hide the injury for long, because she was noting your different gait, your change in attitude. She just confronts you directly, so your plan of hiding goes out the window within days. She might throttle the maester who tried to hide it too, but that's for later. Arianne helps change the bandages herself, speaking quietly yet firmly that she doesn't want you to do this again. The way Arianne sees it, worries you all the time, so it's only natural she gets a taste of her own medicine once in a while.
Ned - If he's busy and you're clever about hiding it, it may take some time for Ned to notice. Some things may strike him as odd, like if he noticed you walking strangely one day or you seemed tight-lipped, but once he finds out the full truth he just feels confused and guilty. Ned doesn't consider any worrying to be a burden; he ought to worry, as your lord husband, and he wishes you came to him rather than hide it. He also feels more guilt over not having noticed right away. With a serious expression (yet still in his soft voice), Ned would ask you to not hide your pains next time, and he'll do the same.
Benjen - He caught onto you acting and moving strangely, and considering how observant he is, figured you'd hurt yourself in some way. There's plenty of ways to get hurt on Castle Black, let alone the constant aches that come with the cold. When some time passes, he eventually brings it up with you, since you aren't mentioning it. He figures that you didn't want to worry him, but Ben wouldn't hide such things from you, so he'd rather you be upfront with him - and once he figures it's a more serious wound, his usual lighthearted, joking expression fades and he asks you to not hide such things. He'd be actually upset if you hadn't sought any treatment. Out in this cold and wilderness, you must let yourself accept help.
Mance - He understands, regardless if you're a Ranger with the Wall or a wildling he met far beyond it. No matter which side, showing weakness is often not an option. He figures you're wounded because he notices you walking and moving differently, trying not to put too much stress on it. He'll just ask you if he can look at it and try to help - and he's surprised if you were hiding it for his sake. It seems a little silly, but Mance would never mock you. Mance just asks that you tell him next time - he insists upon it - so he can help. He'll worry much less if he directly treated the wound.
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your-ne1ghbor · 5 months
Princess Asha Doodles (TKoRaT)
1000000000000% nothing that is foreshadowing there hehe
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I genuinely feel so bad for her. I wanna kick some sense into Magnifico and Amaya for hurting her like brooooo 💀
I liked how Valentino came out but might change it again (Im not good at drawing animals)
She jus needs a hug man :(
Btw, she is from my AU called The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns idk helppppppppp
Rosas insignia is a Rose btw (Wow so creative...SHUT UP MAGNIFICO UR NOT EVEN IN THESE DOODLES. In the other ones I am 🙄. SUHHSHHHHHHHHHHH😡)
(ignore oschrich robot I was bored including the severed hand...really not planning anything with that I swear)
She needs something more for her than this... 🌟💀
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This one is the first time I drew both Star Boy and Asha :D hehe (the anatomy is so bad on that one oml) It was back in January..jezz over 3 months ago? what dah helllll
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And here is one with Amaya and Asha. Still am not set on Amaya's design but I liked how the hair came out on her (yes it is a medusa style and it is intentional)(and yes, Asha is much younger here)
And no foreshadowing here and I definetly was not praticing the severed hand for a certain someone-
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snap-fyre · 8 months
idk I feel like the conflict shouldn't have been 'Magnifico's keeping all the wishes to himself and barely granting any' if they wanted to keep in his backstory so much.
Like, okay, he's possessive and full of himself but they put that backstory in because he's afraid of having his home attacked and destroyed and losing his family/the people around him like what had happened when he was a child, that's why he founded Rosas in the first place, why it was a safe haven, and why he was like 'if any wishes could at all lead to Rosas being harmed in any way it is not being granted.' They should've kept going with that instead of him being all me, me, me even before he got corrupted. (The me, me, me stuff can come after, as in him feeling betrayed and unappreciated by his people because he's seen how bad life can get and how threatening people can be and doesn't want there to be any risk of it happening again.)
Maybe it could have worked better if they did it in a way that had both Asha and Magnifico be in the wrong at first. Like if Asha got the star power to come down and naively gets it to help her grant a wish in order to show Magnifico that he's being too cautious (especially with his whole, I will not be giving any of the wishes back thing) but instead it ends up having negative consequences for other people (like the opposite of one man's trash is another man's treasure sort of thing, what's good for one is bad for other's) only when this happens Asha realizes her mistake and actively works to fix it, and Magnifico gets so desperate and caught up by his past and feels like 'oh no it's happening all over again I need to do something, why don't you people understand what I'm trying to do for you' he goes to that locked-up-behind-the-glass book and it corrupts him.
Instead of making him barely concealed cartoonishly evil all the way to full on cartoonishly evil.
And it's optional but they could still do that Magnifico and Amaya are the antagonists but totally in love with each other thing by having the Queen be angry with Asha because in her eyes she's the one who drove him to act in such a way that he barely see's her anymore (you know, like one of those dramatic eye narrowing scenes where they see their enemy and go 'you!') and at the end when he's sucked into the mirror she wants to find a way to bring him back. Because she did want to bring him back in the movie before she was all 'nah he's too far gone.'
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anythingamarantha · 4 months
So inevitably, I have a few more thoughts on Wish. This is going to focus primarily on the song "Knowing What I Know Now". It's a banger of a song, but it kinda doesn't make sense.
It's a rallying cry, but I can't figure out why the hell Asha's friends go along with it. She doesn't actually tell them why or how Magnifico is bad or evil, she mentions that they've been deceived, he's not the man he claims to be and is "more vicious than [she] could have ever comprehended", but she gives literally no reasoning for it. I don't entirely remember what leads up to the song, but Asha's friends really have no reason to doubt the king as of yet. At least I think.
Like, okay, they've been deceived and Magnifico is not who he claims to be; which is a benevolent ruler and a great king. Okay. Uh... but exactly how have they been deceived? Instead of being benevolent, he's vicious. But are those two things really... what's the word... can't a person be both benevolent and vicious? They might not seem like they go together, but humans are ridiculously complicated.
In the beginning of the song, she talks about seeing his true colors in shades of green and that Magnifico will go to any length... I think. "The lengths he'll go, there's no amount~ I won't sit back, watch this play out~ not allowed🎵~ Knowing what I know now~". Uh.... I'm assuming Asha means there's no limit as to how far Magnifico will go to... do something. She's honestly not very clear on this.
Like,- actually, why the hell are Asha's friends following her on this? Are they really that loyal to her? Do they really put so much faith in her? Why are they trusting her like this? Is it because they know how much Asha looks up to Magnifico (or well, did) and seeing her now warning them about him... so that tells them something really bad must have happened to shake Asha's faith in Magnifico.
Then Dahlia's part comes up. "I'm not the only one that's fed up~". But girl, what are you fed up with? With waiting? For him to grant your wish? It's honestly rather unclear.
And then there's the next bit of the song. "I don't think he's prepared for what's coming! A revolution that hit the ground running!" Okay, sounds cool as hell, but what actually happens does not live up to the hype in the song.
Now Amaya's part is like- woah. Powerful. But I've got some questions. "I've seen so many bad things I can't keep count." ... The movie takes place over like three days max. Day 1: Saba's 100th birthday and the Wish ceremony + new people joining the kingdom. That night: Asha wishes on a star and it comes down. She... has no idea what's going on. Day 2: Magnifico saw the light show and now feels threatened. He calls for the villagers/citizens to alert him to anything suspicious. At this point Asha's friends already know about Star and Dahlia stalls Magnifico while Asha recovers her grandfather's wish. That night Magnifico goes to Asha's house and crushes Asha's mother's wish. This is where he learns he can gain power from destroying wishes. (Or am I backward somewhere here where Magnifico destroys Asha's mother's wish *before* she wishes on a Star and one comes down? But I'm pretty sure it's only after Magnifico destroys Asha's mother's wish that he then sings "This is the Thanks I Get?!" and ends up falling to the forbidden magic book's temptation and evil). But further on that night Asha and her family flee. Day 3: Asha returns to the kingdom and rallies her friends, this song takes place.
But what I want to know is, what bad things has Queen Amaya seen that she can't keep count of? Does she mean generally, as her tenure of being Queen? Then she talks/sings about how "the good in him (Magnifico), [she's] watched it melt" and that she was "fooled by the love [she] felt, so profound~". But I gotta ask again, the movie takes place over like three days. So... how has she really watched the good in Magnifico melt? Like- the biggest thing she's really seen is Magnifico appear to turn on her when she's confused about his anger towards Asha and how he (Magnifico) thinks/feels/believes that Asha has turned on him.
Has stuff happened off-screen where Amaya has seen Magnifico go off the rails and do bad things? Or is it limited to him losing his temper at his citizens asking him questions and then storming off to sing "This is the Thanks I Get?!". *confused look*. Though if that's when he sings "This is the Thanks I Get?!" it means I don't have the timeline right.
... Let me think for a second. ...
... I think I've got the timeline somewhat wrong. But like- marginally.
Day 1: Asha's interview with Magnifico ends with a flop and she wishes on a star that evening and Star comes down. There is a light show accompanying this.
Day 2: Magnifico summons the citizens to try and determine who the traitor is, sings "This is the Thanks I Get?!" and falls to the forbidden book's temptation and goes evil. That night he goes to Asha's house and destroys Sakina's wish. Asha and her family then flee.
Day 3: Asha returns and "Knowing What I Know Now" is sung and she rallies her friends. Also, somewhere between this, Amaya ends up witnessing Magnifico creating his new scepter of power, which he calls his new toy, and then proceeds to threaten her when she kinda questions him or is at the very least confused about his issue with Asha. Also, it's revealed that Simon is the one who told on Asha sometime during day 2 and it's during day 3 that Magnifico grants Simon's wish and manipulates Simon's head. I think. Magnifico probably does this in the morning of Day 3, which may help explain why Asha's friends believe her so easily. Simon outed them as co-conspirators to Asha and as traitors to Rosas/the kingdom. So now they're all in hiding anyways. That evening Magnifico is defeated.
... so after typing this out, some of it becomes more clear. At least assuming my timeline is correct. Mostly in why Asha's friends go along with her so easily during the song. They've already witnessed some of Magnifico being... off.
But while the song is totally banger, it's still lacking as any kind of exposition tool for why Asha's friends are going along with this and Amaya's lines, as powerful as they are, don't make much sense given the overall context. The other thing is the whole thing they're doing throughout the song once Asha has apparently convinced them makes no sense. It appears they're making a replica of the castle and... planning the revolution? But honestly, uh... I'm not really sure how much planning actually occurred. They were kinda busy just... jamming out.
Overall, I really like the song, but the lyrics aren't great at making sense given the context I think. The lyrics don't entirely fit with what's going on, talks a lot bigger about what's going on than what actually will happen, it paints a far more dramatic picture than actually exists, and just generally... kind of doesn't explain how this rally call is effective at all.
Asha sings about them being deceived, Magnifico not being the man he claims to be, what happened (her making a wish and a Star coming down), but only that and not that her mother's wish was destroyed simply to make an example out of it, to hurt Asha; that Magnifico is "more vicious than [she] could have ever comprehended", and that he's a liar because he said "your wishes aren't safe because of [her] and that's a lie, lie, lie".
And that Magnifico showed his true colors in "shades of green". Like, okay, but does anyone wanna tell me why the color green is bad??? I know Disney likes to highlight its villains in green/lime green (Maleficent, Scar, Dr. Facilier), but what exactly is evil about the color green??
Like, I associate the color green with envy, greed, and jealousy, but green is also associated with happiness (along with the color yellow) and calm (when mixed with the color blue). Similarly yellow can be associated with the concept of "warning" and/or "caution" (hi traffic lights) and blue can also be associated with sorrow, depression, melancholy. So??? Why exactly are Magnifico's true colors being shown in "shades of green" proclaim he's evil?? Or you know. Not the good guy at least. Is someone "bad" or "evil".
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