#And all of this is due him lost his family when young which motivated him to learn sorcery to build a kingdom so none could go through same
indygotcha · 22 days
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After long observation, this is all I can think with how much Disney fumbled Magnifico and what we really ended up getting
#wish 2023#king magnifico#dhaos#tales of phantasia#tales of#wish spoilers#PLEASE don't take this LITERALLY btw phantasia/dhaos-fans - it's the “tragic villain”-angle magnifico ended with ACCIDENTALLY#because Disney has lost their way of committing to a sincerely evil villain for real since eons ago apparently#had to make him do some weird 180 on his personality after consulting an evil book + a very tonally confusing villain song...#like#this benevolent and frankly wise king had to painstakingly rule a kingdom for eons while knowing how greedy and unknowing people can get -#regarding what they wish for VS what they truly might need - or some possibly having bad wishes/desires (which Wish hardly acknowledges)#And all of this is due him lost his family when young which motivated him to learn sorcery to build a kingdom so none could go through same#sorry but that's massive dhaos-vibes to me man#yet he's eventually driven to villainous breakdown due getting sick of people always wanting more from him#and clearly being traumatised by what happened to him in past and anxious for the kingdom he built so long to protect people from that#but Wish just has to paint his as “bad” and hold Asha's more lacking ethics on wish-granting as “right”? Is that a right message to send?#eventually he's ovethrown to gay-baby-jail mirror for rest of eternity by these very people and his wife (patented disney girlboss moment)#and possibly watch his long-preserved kingdom be destroyed by a wide-eyed wish-granter without any understanding of grey morality...#yeaaahhhh#I think Magnifico would eventually come to be a full-blown misandry and say that wickedness truly lurks in the hearts of men :7c#all I'm saying is#magnifico just feels like more like tragic villain in flavour of dhaos the more I think about the “treatment” he went through in the movie.#IDK should disney have committed on that because we already had enough poor twist villains or sympathetic ones as#but the way magnifico was marketed/hyped up as VS what we got just made me think Disney hasn't still got it and ended writing a tragic one
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multific · 1 year
A Love Without Words
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Paul Atreides x Mute!Reader
Summary: Destiny has its way to make us suffer. It gives us power but it can take it away just as easily. 
You and Paul grew up together.
It was decided at a young age that you were to become his wife when the time comes.
Lady Jessica remembered the day he took his young boy, barely two years old into the healers where you were just born. 
Lady Jessica remembered the day he told his son that the baby laying in the crib will be his wife. 
Paul didn't understand it back then. Of course, he didn't, he was too young.
You soon grew up to be a strong woman, strong with the Voice. Your power and ability to use the Voice became evident at a young age.
You loved to sing as well.
It is how Paul fell in love with you. One morning, he heard a voice, oh so sweet, singing. He knew he needed to find the person. He needed to know who it was. And he found you. Baking away as you sang. Paul was only sixteen, yet he found the love of his life.
But then, things turned for the worst. On your sixteenth birthday, you celebrated with your family.
Your family was attacked.
The Duke himself went to help but it was all in vain. Your parents were dead, and they found you in terrible conditions.
"My Lady, she is stable now, her vitals are good but... My Lady... she lost her voice." Paul and her mother looked at the nurse as she handed them a note.
'I tried to save them, I used the Voice but I failed. And now, I lost my parents and the Voice.'
Paul looked up at the nurse, demanding answers.
"She can't speak anymore, she had gone mute."
Your beautiful voice.
Your songs.
Were all gone?
The voice that made him laugh and smile. The voice that talked so sweetly to him.
Was it truly gone?
Paul looked at his mother who had sadness in her eyes.
All she could say was "At least she is still alive."
But it was no comfort for Paul.
He headed into the room, finding you alone in bed, but you weren't sleeping.
He didn't say anything, he didn't know what to say.
So, he sat down beside your bed and held your hand as you silently cried.
Paul wanted nothing more than to burn the world. The world that took so much from you. 
You swore on that hospital bed that no matter what, you won't let this fully break you.
It is what your attackers would have wanted, and you weren't going to give them the satisfaction of winning.
They came into your home to kill you and your family due to your closeness to the Duke. Everyone knew about your engagement to Paul, and they wanted to attack where it would hurt.
And it hurt. 
It really did hurt Paul.
You were moved into his room, his mother decided to marry you to him earlier. Saying in order to keep your title and the power your House once had, you had to be married.
It was disgusting to hear that after the day of your attack, many nobles offered their daughters up for marriage to Paul.
But there you were, only a week after you buried your parents and your voice, you were standing in a white dress getting married. 
You tried to be happy, after all, you did love Paul with all of your heart. 
But you were still grieving.
Slowly, you started to heal, Paul and Lady Jessica did help you a lot. While the Lady tried to help you get your voice back, Paul wanted you to accept the fact that you lost it.
You felt like you were pulled in two directions.
Then the following week, during your daily training with Lady Jessica, you finally had enough.
'I don't wish to continue. I lost my voice and I'm coming to terms with it, Paul helps a lot. I understand that the Voice is a gift. Unfortunately, I have lost my gift, so I'm trying to find a new purpose.'
Read the note you handed to Lady Jessica before exiting the room.
She didn't argue. She knew she was holding onto something which she couldn't save. She knew, but at least you both tried.
Now, you needed a new purpose, and motivation to keep you going. And you found it in Paul. 
Paul was a kind soul. Attentive, affectionate and caring. He loved you like no other. 
And you loved him. You loved that even though you were only a shadow of the woman you once were, he loved you.
You often found yourself in the library, reading or by the window looking out.
Your daily routine was simple. And every day you had dinner with your now-family. The Duke, Lady Jessica and Paul. 
You never really paid attention to the conversations, it was mainly the Duke speaking with Paul 
Then, during one dinner, something caught your attention. Something the Duke said.
A child.
The Duke asked Paul when does he plan on having a child, an heir. 
It shocked you. It really did.
Considering that you and Paul only spent one night intimate. It was the best night of your life. Even if he said he didn't have any experience, you didn't mind. 
You were still rather nervous around him.
Thankfully you had your notepad with you. Everyone watched as you wrote something before a servant stepped up and you handed him the note. He read it out loud.
"It was rather difficult for my mother to conceive. It is why I am an only child. I'm afraid I might have the same difficulty, My Duke. I sincerely apologise." as he finished you bowed your head and everyone was so speechless it made you nervous. You did just admit to a flaw in your bloodline. But it would be better for them to know. You motioned for the servant who gave you back the notebook and you wrote. "I do wish to be a mother, however. But I do not want to rush my husband with such duty. My mother often said, 'It will happen when the time is right.'" 
"You are such a sweetheart, Y/N." said the Duke. "I remember your father often reminding me of your mother's... issues. I simply asked because the council was also curious. I do understand however, it is not their place to ask."
You knew that a baby could be a good purpose for you. But you also didn't want to have a baby and then have this feeling of only giving birth because you lost your purpose. You wished to have a child out of love, not duty.
While you did understand it was one of your duties. You also didn't wish the child to have this sense that you only gave birth because of that reason.
And somehow Paul understood that. But he also desperately wanted to give you more. Give you his voice in exchange for yours. He wanted to give you the entire Galaxy.
It is why he spoke up and told his father, when you two are ready for a child, you shall have one.
You appreciated Paul taking your side.
Later that evening, you were in the bath, enjoying the water before Paul would soon return.
You smiled to yourself, imagining a young boy, hair like Paul's running around, giggling and calling you Mommy.
It was beautiful.
But you knew you had a low chance. And babies are supposed to hear their mommies talk.
You will never be able to do that. And it hurt. 
You really needed something to take up your mind. You felt like you have read every book in there. You felt like you explored all rooms.
You sank deeper into the tub when your servants arrived and helped you clean and got you dressed. 
"How was your day?" asked Paul as he entered the room and sat down on your shared bed. You offered him a smile and a nod. "Great, I have a surprise for you." 
You grabbed your note, 'Now?'
"I was supposed to wait until tomorrow morning, but I can't."
He grabbed your hand and guided you down the halls and into the garden, there you noticed something in the back.
It looked like a...
Paul guided you closer. It was harder to see in the dark.
It was a green house, made out purely from glass. 
"I just thought... Mother said ladies usually enjoy gardens and flowers and I thought you might like it." you silently walked inside, looking at all the possibilities as all trays were still empty.
Paul stood in silence as he watched you looking around. You soon noticed a corner where there were sofas placed. You walked over and soon turned to paul.
'Is this for me?'
"Of course! You can decorate or plant however you like. Tomorrow a planner will come and you can tell her what you would like."
'This is wonderful, Paul.'
"I know you have been feeling lost since your voice and parents were taken from you. I hope this will give you a new goal to take your mind off of things."
You wanted to cry, you walked over to him and hugged him. Silently thanking him.
"I hope, every time I come in here I will see you smile." you pulled away and smiled at him. He smiled back. "I love you so much, Y/N."
You placed your palm on his heart.
It was your way of telling him that you felt the same, that you loved him just as much.
It might have been a love without words, but Paul understood it perfectly.
Your eyes shined every time you looked at him, your smile was always so kind and pure.
He slowly leaned down to kiss your perfect lips. 
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  
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gaywarcriminals · 22 days
Shen Jiu is an Abusive Mother
Yeah this is my Mother's Day post <3 This is just for funsies, and I by no mean think its the best lens through which to see SJ and LBH's relationship— its just a comparison I find interesting, and I was feeling festive 🥰.
To start, none of this is to say that SJ is a feminine character. I don't believe that, and I think that he's often misinterpreted as more feminine by western fans due to differences in gender norms/gender roles (which is a Whole Other Coversation). Maternal/mommy are being used loosely here.
Secondly, I don't think we'd even be looking at SJ through a maternal framework if the man who took over his body wasn't Shen "I would never abort you" Yuan. SJ is mostly pulled into this because he exist in juxtaposition to Mr. Freud's Wet Dream (go read tshirt's SVSSS Freud zine btw, several points here are inspired by it).
The fact remains, though, that even without Wifebeam Supreme playing the part, there is something distinctly parental about the role of Shizun. Shizuns cannot be compared to teachers or tutors, who the child either go to visit durning the day, or who come to the child's home when it's time for lessons. Even with the respect due to them, a teacher remains distinct from a child's home and family. They do not overly incorporate themselves into these things that define a child's life. 
Shizuns are a little different. There is, ofc, lots of variation within the xianxia and wuxia genres, but in most of the stories I've encountered— and more importantly for our purposes, in SVSSS itself— unless the child’s family home is their sect, when a child is accepted as a disciple, they're expected to join their shizun/shifu either in the master's home/sect, or in free-roaming travel. In both cases, the shizun's home becomes the disciple's home, and their shizun becomes the main adult responsible for the child. The master will take over in guiding the child's development from here, shaping them by their hand. Is that not a parent? I think some such imprinting is inevitable, even among more well-adjusted disciples. Do you know who's not well-adjusted?
Luo Binghe enters the sect soon after the death of his mother. There is a mommy shaped hole in his heart. Though absolutely nothing could replace her, he's a sad, lost, and angry child, coming to a mountain of immortal masters, desperately hoping for one of them to take him as their own. As much as he's motivated by fulfilling his mother's wishes, isn't he also looking for a place to belong in this world, now that the hut that he once called home is ruined by his mother's absence? Doesn't he hope, if only for a short time, that someone else will see fit to care for him? As much as Luo Binghe is already hurt and hardened in many ways, he's still just a child; he's not yet blackened beyond dreaming of someone to love him.
Shen Jiu is very much Not That. Shen Jiu is not a merely a lofty immortal ambivalent to his disciple’s emotional needs. No, Shen Jiu hates Luo Binghe enough to unfairly punish and ostracize him, and even puts him in deadly harm's way twice before just outright trying to kill him (the manual, the demon invasion, the abyss). Going by the framework of SQQ as a parental figure, he's undeniably an abusive one. In what way could this be said to be maternal, though? In my eyes, it comes down to motive.
Shen Jiu has a lot of motivations for abusing Binghe, mostly coming down to the fact that's he's more trauma response than man at this point, but one of these is more explicitly outlined in the text than the others: Shen Qingqiu saw three things on the original flavor’s face: envy, envy, and more envy. Envy that Luo Binghe had a mother who was “the kindest in all the world to him,” envy of Luo Binghe’s talent, envy that Luo Binghe would enter Cang Qiong Mountain Sect at the best age for cultivating. He was indeed the kind of person to brim with envy and resentment toward a young child.
Envy and jealously, at least in the western canon, are usually associated with female characters (and though it’s outside the scope of this post to dissect, let it not go unremarked that this trope is deeply misogynistic in origin). They are almost always envious of a younger, more beautiful, and/or more skillful woman, who are posed at the moral superior to the jealous woman. That's right, Shen Jiu is an evil stepmother! He tolerates having no superior or equal on his peak, needing his power and superiority to go unquestioned. Outside of his abuse of Binghe, and the references early in the novel to SJ chasing away talented disciples, I think this is also shown by how the male disciple SJ tolerates the most is Ming Fan, who has only middling talent and is obsequious before his shifu, never challenging SJ in any way, and never threatening to surpass him.
But of course, SJ’s relationship to Binghe is the most obvious example. Shen Jiu sees himself in Luo Binghe (derogatory). He sees Luo Binghe as a symbol of everything he never had. Luo Binghe is a creature like himself that, for no rhythm or reason, was given so much more than SJ. It is also notable that, at least as far as Shen Qingqiu, as an outside observer, can tell, the thing which first sparked SJ's ire was the mention of LBH's mother. Never mind that LBH says in the same breath that she's dead; the fact that when she lived, she was a kind and loving mother to LBH is enough for SJ to envy him, and as he finds more to envy, it comes justification to hate the boy, and to punish him for daring to have someone who died loving him. 
(Side note: after consulting the qijiu server about the implications of SJ’s reaction, my reading is that SJ never knew his mother. The only alternative is that she was a bad mother, but I don't think he would find such unilateral comfort in women if that was the case. It's made me wonder if SJ ever believed that having a mother, a protector, would have spared him his fate. But alas, this post is not about SJ's mommy issues. Another day!)
Even outside the realm of cartoonish villains, I think this particular brand of envy is, in some ways, associate with motherhood. There's a natural tendency in parents to see themselves in their children, but as mothers are almost always the ones more involved in raising children and more expected to foster emotional connections with their children, I think this is both more common and more encouraged in mothers than fathers. Mothers are expected to be in charge of and over-involved in most aspects of a child's life, and in turn their lives are expected to revolve around their children, blurring the boarder between the self and the child. The child becomes symbolic of the mother's past self and what she can no longer be. The expectations on the child are the expectations of the mother's idealized self, and whether the child meets them or not, the mother will resent them for it, for daring to fail when they are her, or daring to succeed when they are not.
That's not to say SJ ever had such deep identification with LBH— he certainly never cared for LBH, and if anything, he's more like a mother who resents her child being born (as though he did not pick this boy out of the dirt himself)— but the hatred for a child under his care being like him but supposedly better off feels evocative of this characteristically maternal form of envy.
And finally, there is the fruit of SJ's actions, and the most explicitly/textually maternal aspect of SJ's abuse: it created Luo Bingge.
“Has Shidi ever considered that, if you hadn’t treated Luo Binghe like that in the beginning, everything that unfolded today never would have happened?”
He had singlehandedly created the Luo Binghe of today,
Luo Bingge, the all-powerful demon, the ruler of the three realms, and Shen Jiu's own personal torturer, would never have existed without SJ's intervention. Luo Bingge is shaped in Shen Jiu's image, and everything Shen Jiu ever did to destroy the boy only twisted him to further fit this mold. Luo Bingge's fate, the shape of his very soul, have been defined by SJ. And what is more maternal than giving someone their life defining trauma? 
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ubtendo · 6 days
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Wait an AU in my AU? Nooo never! Unless...
OK so this is dumb but I literally couldn't get tge Villan Kids AU out of my brain the whole day at work, you can literally ask me questions about the AU I wanna talk about it so much it not normal😫😭
And since I can't write up a coherent story right now and I don't know if I'm ever motivated to write about this again, here are the usual bullet points:
• Basically Eggman attacked Sonic & Co when Soda was still a very young child, causing a buch of explosions and crumbling, they lost sight of Soda who escaped fairly unharmed but that means she lost sight of everyone else too, she did find a weird flying ship tho
• Turnes out that this was actually Eggmans ship, oops
• He finds that weird child, and obviously wants to cast her out immediately, but he isn't that heartless to throw out a baby in the middle of nowhere, so he decides to let her staiy just till she can fend for herself
• Eggman obviously doesn't know Sodas name and she isn't that good at talking yet, all he understood that her name starts with an S, so Eggman decides to call her "Sola" conveniently (and correct me if I'm wrong but I think to remember that "sola" as an adverb was the female version of "solo" and ment something along the line like "alone" and/or "lonly", and I think that's really clever)
• in the regular AU Soda doesn't really realise her potential as a mechanic and engineer way later, (Earth time till back to Mobius kind of later) with nothing else to do tho "Sola" impresses Eggman with a robot she built out of spear parts
• seeing this Eggman sees her potential as a possible underling to help him construct his Eggman Empire
• since Scout isn't born in this AU the robot replaces him (tho I think regular Scout would be thrilled to find out that he is a robot in a different universe), still "Sola" gave him his name just like in the original AU
• She didn't have enough paint to make the Scouting Unit fully black, and also accidentally switch up the LED lights for the eyes while changing them, since then Metal Sonic had Scouting Units red eyes and vise versa
• "Sola" actually wanted to give Scouting Unit red eyes so that they would match hers
• due to an programming error Scouting Unit sees "Sola" as the main command giver and only follows her commands
• since "Sola" never got stuck of earth her quills and marks developed at a normal speed, she is 14 in the drawing
• Due to an accident at the construction from a ship her hands are partially paralysed, her gloves give her electric stimulations so that she can use them normally (these are gloves she would design for Scout in the regular AU, where she would be the main strength of the team but can't always go with Scout on adventures due to her job at the scrap yard, they would give Scout strength from the electric stimulation, she gave them to him as a birthday present)
• tho neither Eggman nor "Sola" see each other as family they have a deep mutual respect for each other, Eggman even making her second-in-command
• "Sola" still has her bangs but she combs them back to look more serious
• in reality she still would be sweet, but she is deeply misguided and trusts in Eggman and his goals
• she doesn't remember her life before being a part of the Eggman Empire, that includes her parents
• when/if redeemed "Sola" still wouldn't see Sonic and Shadow as her parents, she takes true to her name
• sometimes "Sola" wishes she had more friends than robots
(How did I do more character building for this than the main AU😫)
(Also here is a version without "Sola"s outfit, I didn't know which looked better)
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scattered-winter · 10 months
Say, what are some characters you feel like had a metric ton of potential that was completely scrapped by the writers?
i feel like it would be cheating if i said all of them so. ill try and be more specific lmao <3 i was gonna show restraint and only do a few but FUCK IT you're getting the entire essay
coran. i know he's meant to be the Comic Relief character but idk. its possible to have a comic relief character who also has gravity and emotion, ykw ??? like idk i feel like all the show/fandom ever talks about is how allura lost everything (which is TRUE. SHE DID. IM NOT TRYING TO MINIMIZE THAT AT ALL.) but idk. allura was young enough that she probably didn't really have an established life on altea yet but coran??? he was an adult. fully grown, probably had friends or coworkers, even a partner and family. idk idk he lost as much as if not more than allura did and the writers barely ever acknowledged it. he isn't allowed to connect with any of the characters or have any actual genuine moments because he's supposed to be The Funny One. idk if the writing actually aknowledged his grief and trauma more, but still made him so lighthearted and goofy, that would be FASCINATING. HE STILL HAS HOPE. HE CAN STILL LAUGH. ET CETERA. but noooo he's just Silly with nothing deeper to it. sigh
in that same vein, hunk. again, he's often comic relief (and that comic relief is usually a fat joke
lotor. ik a lot of ppl have mixed opinions on the guy (fair) but like. he had SO much potential to be so many different things but i think the writers just. had too many things they wanted him to be. so his writing was all over the place because they couldn't make up their minds
haggar......again. i had SUCH a hard time pinning down any of her motives or characterization when she was the Main Villain (which to be fair might have been due to the fact that i was Mentally Checked The Fuck Out by the time s7/s8 rolled around) but like ??? i still have no idea what she was trying to do as the main villain in s7/8. she was such a menacing villain in the first few seasons but then the writing got soo confusing and needlessly complicated and i completely lost interest in anything about her character
shiro. the fact that he went through So Much but still gave the blade of marmora enough hope to risk everything to rescue him and kickstart the events of s1 ??? the fact that he Continued to go through So Much but was still a rock for the team and was still goofy and fun and dorky and lovable ?????? and ALL THAT to not even be in the show for the next 5 or so seasons and then be permanently sidelined when he DOES come back. what the fuck. like they tried to have an atlas metaphor later on to try and bring him back into the narrative but it was MEANINGLESS. sooo much wasted potential. a narrative about healing....finding love + family + connection......ending the war that has caused so much pain for Him Personally......man. we could have had it ALL
keith. i legiterally don't even recognize keith after s3 like !!! who is this man !!!!! he had abandonment + anger issues from being alone his Whole Life and instead of finding a close-knit family in space, he was isolated again and again and again, and shoved into a role he didn't want and wasn't meant for, and by the end bro was UNRECOGNIZABLE. in theory i LOVE the concept of keith learning to rely on his team more and take more of a leadership role as he grows as a person + teammate, but they had the PERFECT opportunity to do that already with keith being red paladin!!!!!!!! the red paladin is voltron's right hand!!!!!!! if the black isn't there, then red steps up to take charge!!!!!! idk. it would have been so so so so cool if shiro was only missing Temporarily and keith had to work through his own grief/fear/etc and take up the mantle of red paladin to keep the team together just long enough until shiro got back because he would NOT want that shit long-term. idk. i know keith literally got most of the storylines and arcs in the show but i still think he had wasted potential because most of those arcs fundamentally misunderstood him as a character and turned him into something he wasn't. idk
allura. she lost her ENTIRE FAMILY her ENTIRE CULTURE her ENTIRE SPECIES and it doesn't stop there lol !!!! over the course of the show she lost LITERALLY EVERYTHING. the castle of lions (the last remnant of her home), her tiara thingie (last thing she had left of her family), AND her life. what the fuuuck what the fuck. EVEN WITH the other alteans w romelle's group, allura still got discarded. like idk. she grieved her whole people and tried so hard to lead this resistance and then after she's grown so much and become a powerful leader and warrior she becomes queen of new altea. that would have been SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
matt. he was alone in space for YEARS. like its unclear how long it was between shiro saving him from the arena and pidge finally finding him, but it was at LEAST a year, probably longer. he was a prisoner for most of that time, separated from the only two people he knew, and likely thinking they're both dead. no way to be rescued. no way to escape. and THEN when he IS rescued by the rebels, he's alone still because he's the only human!!! none of them can speak his language!!! he can't go home!!!! and ofc he fights the galra as part of the resistance and is this badass rebel leader but the show doesn't shed ANY light on how he got there. how he turned from nerdy little scientist to badass rebel leader in a space war. and just. idk. there was barely ANY matt screentime and there was so much wasted potential there
and i could keep going. i could have an essay for every single character. but alas i am sooo fucking sleepy so i must cap it here </3
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bibibbon · 4 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Thank you for the ask and no, no one has asked me this before.
I must admit Iam someone who doesn't really have favourite characters in a way I can rank them but I like talking about every character I find interesting which tends to be majority. Also my opinions about what characters I like change very frequently.
I find it hard to rank characters I like from different media so here's the list in no particular order
Katara (avatar the last airbender) - ever since I watched atla I have always loved katara and the premise of her character. Katara is someone who lost her mother at a young age due to abilities that she possessed of being a water bender. She was then forced into a motherly role after her father left for war so she definitely struggled coming to terms with a lot of things and probably felt a sense of isolation being the only bender in her tribe. I love how katara is tough and femine at the same time, how she also has her own complex feelings about things and how she is the glue to team avatar.
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Pidge (Voltron) - no I was never active in the Voltron fandom but even with the wasted potential of the show pidge will always be my favourite character in that series. Pidge is a character who would do anything for both knowledge and family. Her knowledge is what ends up saving voltorn a lot of the time and I loved her motivations and the character conflict she had where she wanted to prioritise her family over Voltron. (Ps I don't recommend watching voltron the story writing went out the window in season 2)
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Itadori yuuji (Jujutsu kaisen)- I think you kinda tell the type of characters I like by now all are moan characters (I guess I just have a soft spot for MCs). To me yuji is a very fascinating character he can bring out the best people and honestly his character arc is very satisfying to see. The boy who was cursed to try and save people failing to do so and then going on to develop ideologies like how he is just a cog within a system and how his only purpose is to be a vessel and die but then all of that being broken Infront of him and he ends up causing the people he wanted to protect pain just by existing is something so heartshattering. The losses he goes through and how he always viewed himself as a lonely guy but now he finds strength in community and ends up viewing his only purpose is to save megumi.
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Izuku midoriya (my hero academia)- Iam not sure if this counts but Iam more in love with the wasted potential and the what we could of had when it comes to izuku. Izuku isn't the regular shonen MC kinda guy there are many scenes of him analysing and overthinking things easily. He is also someone who isn't afraid to show and express his emotions and I truly wish he was handled by a better writer because there are some very small things I like about his character that don't get explored. Izuku is a very emotionally intelligent character who is able to realise a lot of things about people he usually spots and sees what people want to keep hidden and he isn't afraid to point these things out and actually do something about it.
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Takemichi hanagaki (tokyo revengers)- This was the first series I actually started to make theories for and I loved takemichi as an MC. He was someone who made a lot of mistakes in the past and got the chance to change everything so he did and he tried to become everyone's saviour but sometimes not everyone can be saved. I just also really love the idea of a character who was lonely and got a chance to escape from that lonieless and surround himself with the people he loved just to slowly lose them and then goes on to blame himself and views that his only way of redeeming himself is to help another person suffering the same fate as him (I think the TR ending could of been improved a whole lot more but Iam not mad with what we got it's pretty good for a time travel and deliqunent manga)
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Mao Mao (the apothecary diaries)- honestly I love how relatable and adorable she is. There is also the fact that she grew up in a bath house where her emotional needs where neglected so she grew up quite apathetic and slowly her character is used to explore the female world in china and how broken and unfair the system can be to people all make me love her character. Also who doesn't want to be a cat and spend their days doing nothing.
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Violet evergarden (violet evergarden)- oh how much I hold this short series dearly. Violet was always used as a tool her entire life the series follows her journey of her learning love she goes and writes letters for people trying to capture what they want to say and understands their feelings learning about different types of love whole she slowly starts to incorporate that into her life. I do have some mixed feelings about the ending considering that Gilbert and her share a nine year age gap and some of the controversial stuff that goes with the ship but overall violets story is really beautifully executed and her character development is beautiful.
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Eren Yeager (attack on titan)- Yes another MC I love. If you're wondering no I don't believe Eren was right for what he did but i understand why he did it. I understand why he wanted destruction and viewed the world as a rotten place I also understand why he wanted to abandon his duty and live out his life in peace with the person he loved. I love how isayama wrote his character and I especially love how he humanised Eren in chapter 139 and actually showed us that Eren is still a 19 year old who was exploited and used as a child soldier, a child who saw too much when he was too young in a world that was too cruel for him to survive.
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Genya Shinazugawa (demon slayer)- he definitely deserved more screentime but I love genya he is an absolute menace all he needs is some demon flesh and a gun and he is sorted. I loved his character arc with sanemi how the manga explored his confusion of what happend to his mother, him naturally growing to become cold hearted to survive, him wanting nothing but his brothers love and the tragedy behind his character how he could never hear his brothers last words to him.
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Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson)- loved this series and I read it when I was young. I mainly love how Percy is just a little confused meance to society who has a fatal flaw of being too loyal to the ones he loves. His story of not fitting in and his relationship with his mum Sally is everything to me. I haven't read the series in a long time but I still truly love Percy.
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Yeah my liking for characters is actually very basic. Majority of these characters are main characters but that doesn't mean I don't like talking about other characters I just like thinking about and analysing these characters way more also this list changes a lot of the time. Again thank you for the ask
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howlingday · 9 months
My idea for a potential DEATH BATTLE! #2
2023, August 16-31
Link to first post;
Yang Xiao Long vs. Akihiko Sanada (RWBY vs. Persona)
RWBY's heavy hitter and Persona's bruising boxer duke it out!
(I wanted to use "electric emperor", but Kanji Tatsumi can also be called that)
Fighter 1: Yang Xiao Long, the blazing dragon from RWBY.
Fighter 2: Akihiko Sanada, the specialist boxer of Persona's SEES.
Wiz: We may lose our loved ones to events out of our control, but that only leads us down a path to finding a new family to look after and care for.
Boomstick: And the best way to do it is by saving the world through punching! He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
We had Weiss vs. Mitsuru as an actual episode and Yates did a commission for Penny Polendina vs. Aegis, so why not our hard-hitting punching people? P.S., Don't think I hate RWBY. I just love the idea of certain RWBY characters fighting, nay, interacting with other fictional characters that are similar to them, especially if they have some sort of connection through crossovers.
1. Both fight via boxing and punching.
2. Both lost family members that served as motivation for their actions. Yang lost her stepmom and was abandoned by her birth mother, which led to a rough childhood for Yang, resulting in her thrill-seeking lifestyle (essentially living her childhood later on as she couldn't do it as a kid). Akihiko's sister died when they were both young and his best friend Shinjiro died, but he steeled his resolve which led to his Persona's growth. You can also add in Blake leaving Yang.
3. Both have a specific trait that they don't exhibit much but are now seen as the chore trait of their personalities due to side material. Those are their passions for puns and protein respectively.
4. Funnily enough, both have powerful connections to a younger sister (Ruby and Miki respectively).
Personal reasons: I'll be blunt, I want this to be another Balrog vs. TJ Combo. I think it could work, but the only other way I see this match starting would be an encounter similar to those of Tartarus, the Yellow Trailer, or Yang's interactions with Shay. What I want the most from the fight is for them to compliment each other's physical strength, treating the fight first like a friendly spar and then turning up the heat (like All Might vs. Might Guy). The encounter could happen in the open since both have a history of wandering in search of something (Yang would be on her bike, and she has searched for info on her mom and Akihiko traveled the world, searching to become stronger), which would come into play in the Notable Events. If Akihiko is shown in his P4A model, I'd want him to use his knife, but it'll likely not happen. I also want some lighting and hothead puns, and I think the golden colors of Yang's Blaze and golden colors will complement Caesar's blue and violet lighting as well as Aki's scarlet and black clothes.
Art and animation: This one will either be 3D like Weiss vs. Mitsuru. It could also be a 2D fight like a potential BBCTB fight, but I think they'll go with the former because all RWBY fights (as of me writing this) have been in 3D so they could distinguish themselves from BBCTB. I think the animation from All Might vs. Might Guy or even Blake vs. Mikasa could work with the CQC involved, but the former is the better option.
Possible setup:
OPTION A: They're part of a tournament like the Yang vs. Bakugo DBX (Yang would look like she did in Vol. 1-3 and Aki would look like he did in P3 for some reason) or a boxing match a la Balrog and TJ Combo, or even Heihachi vs Geese. The prize is cash, which Yang wants for her bike and Aki wants for equipment, be it for boxing or the Tartarus quests. Or ramen.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Introducing our fighters! In one corner, you have the blazing sunny dragon from Beacon, the fiery and explosive Yang Xiao Long! On the other, Gekkougan High's boxing captain, the shocking protein junky, Akihiko Sanada!" The announcer mumbles, asking someone near him whether or not this is the chick that broke a kid's leg even after she won a tournament match, but quickly gets back into the job.
Yang: "You better not go easy on me."
Akihiko: "Same to you, blondie."
They walk back to their corners and prepare themselves.
OPTION B: They encounter out in the open, likely in an urban scene like the Kingdom of Vale or Tatsumi Port Island. Yang is riding her bike, searching for something, be it info or thrills. However, a screaming man falls in front of her and she swerves out of the way, only to find more people falling out of the sky. She hopes to find the source of the commotion and see Aki punching out thugs. She speeds in, excited and ready for a fight.
1. If the fight starts with Option B, then Yang enters like in Vol. 6's fight against Adam, so away goes her bike! Aki notices, and either punches away the vehicle or dodges out of the way. Yang skydives in, reeling in a punch. Aki prepares his own strike, and BOOM!
2. They both relish the combat. Their competitive natures lead them to be ever so slightly boastful, but they'll complement each other's power.
3. Akihiko summons Caesar and lightning is launched. Yang makes puns as a result: "Well, that was shocking."
4. Yang uses Ember Celica and Aki dodges.
5. Combos from BBCTB and P4A/U.
6. Yang takes advantage of both their up-close approaches and uses her bombs. The explosives catch Aki off guard.
7. Eventually, a strand of Yang's hair falls, and she notices. She thusly activates Blaze, and Aki is in awe of the increase in firepower (ba-dum-tss), even if momentarily, but he then embraces the challenge and rises to the occasion. "Bring it on!".
8. The ending is a clash of fists like in the cover of Brandon Yates's Blazing Fury, and it would pay homage to the Yellow Trailer and Akihiko's one-hit KO from the Arena games. If it's option A, then the arena, the spectators, and the announcer are blown away (ba-dum-tss) by the impact, and the winner is left standing, panting, and tired. However, they thank the loser for the fun and challenge. I want the winner to take one of the loser's weapons as a memorandum, but I don't think it'd be in character.
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Blaze allows for strength increase
+ Has ranged weaponry
≥ Has slight versatility due to her kicks and weapons
≥ Likely has longer experience due to her training under Taiyang
≥ Can likely dodge Caesar's lightning if scaled to Mercury
- Aura takes a long time to recharge
- Cannot activate Blaze without Aura
- Cannot exploit any weakness
+ Caesar can quickly recharge if broken
+ Stronger and more durable
+ Has greater support due to Caesar's support spells like Power Charge
+ Has faced more dangerous opponents in Straega, the Full Moon Shadows, and the Red Fog clones.
= Can likely keep up with Yang as he has avoided lightning attacks
Ending puns:
"Don't Celica short; Akihiko went out in Blaze of glory."
"Yang was handed a defeat and Akihiko Caesar (see-zar) victory."
I wanted to use "got beaten to the punch" but Roshi vs. Jiraya had that as a punch line. Dio vs. Alucard used the "owned" punch line like Mario vs. Sonic 2018 but then added to it.
Name: "Beat You To The Punch"
The title makes reference to Yang's love of puns and both their primary methods of fighting.
Art: The art would depict the two arm wrestling, Yang's arm blazing and Aki's having lightning coursing about it. There could be a Strawberry Sunrise with Caesar's sword in it in the background.
Sound: I Burn + Mass Destruction. The beginning is MD but with a rock vibe, and the climax has I Burn, like in Yang vs. Mercury.
Another fascinating idea, but sadly, one I can't really give my opinion on. First, I'm not familiar with Persona (Saw bits of 4 and 5 and that's it). Second, after the last Death Battle, I'm hesitant to pit RWBY against them, since Persona characters seem a bit... OP compared to RWBY.
Still, I will honor your submission with at least this...
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On the one hand, I feel Yang may have an edge with her kickboxing, bombs, AND durability compared to Weiss.
However, Persona also has, well, personas, which kinda give an unfair edge over their opponents (like a stand VS a regular person). Then again, I don't know the exact details.
Still, I like the idea you brought up.
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stargazer4501 · 2 months
Walle: The Graffiti Bug
Walle is the Overlord over the Art industry, specifically painting and scenic art, and is part of the Theatre Overlords lead by The Puppeteer.
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Walle grew up in Vienna, Austria during the 1920s and 1930s. He was a rather sickly child, with a very weak immune system and often being neglected by his family.
He almost never left his home or even go outside, meaning he had no friends growing except for the many rodents and bugs that would enter his rooms. His best friend being a stag beetle.
However, he would entertain himself by drawing and painting with material he can find. Even his family dubbed his activities as “wasteful and useless”, he would continue to draw anything and anyone that he saw either from his room or outside his window.
However, during the 1930s, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was placed under the care of the Am Spiegelgrund Clinic in Vienna, Austria. While there, he was bullied and mistreated by the other patients and staff members. To continue his artistic passion, he would use food, clothes, dust, and even his own blood, hair, and nails to create art. However, while being punished by a nurse, Walle lost control and attacked the nurse, which he doesn’t remember much off except that he was holding a knife and the nurse was lying in a pool of her own blood.
Because of this incident, he was locked his room, wearing a straitjacket and shackles around his ankles, preventing him from even walking around his room.
During this time, Austria was under Nazi rule, where a new program was established to “handle” the mentally ill/physically defective children, called Aktion T4. This program lead to over 700 children to be euthanized at the Am Spiegelgrund Clinic.
In December of 1941, Walle was sent to be euthanized by a lethal injection of phenol, and soon became one of the many unfortunate children to fall to this program.
After arriving in Hell, he was greeted by violence of the sinners, and tried to hide to protect himself. However, he was found by The Puppeteer, who saw his potential artistic talent when he was alive. The Puppeteer offered him a deal, they would bring out the artistic talent dormant within him, give him the energy and motivation to create massive masterpieces in just hours (or days depending on the size of project), and offer to protect him from all the dangers within Hell. However, in exchange, his soul is owned by the Puppeteer, having to follow their command when needed. Due to his young age, and being taught that he was of low value, he accepted The Puppeteer’s offer.
Due to being isolated for most of life, he doesn’t really know how to socialize, mainly keeping to himself unless he’s addressed, which then he only responds with one word to short sentences. He does get along with Zelyezda, almost viewing her as a mother. She was the first to greet and comfort him whenever he felt stressed or had a nightmare. After the Puppeteer invited Charlie and the gang to watch one of their performances, he met with Charlie, but barely paid any attention to her. It was Zelyezda who told him about what Charlie is trying to accomplish at the Hazbin Hotel. After learning about the possibility of redemption and going to Heaven, she urges him to go there and try to be redeemed, wanting to both give him a better afterlife and to break free from the Puppeteer’s control.
His name is the combination of the German words: “Wanze” meaning Bug and “Falle” meaning Trap.
He is around 4ft tall (4ft 6in including his horns), making him the shortest of the Theatre Overlords and around the same height as Niffty who’s around 3ft 9in-4ft.
His horns resemble that of a stag beetle, specifically an European Stag Beetle. This is supposed to represent both his “best friend” growing and the saying “small but mighty”
Regarding the colors, I wanted him to similar to a corpse during decomposition, which the body turns pale and slightly green.
His very frail and slim, having a general humanoid figure, with the exception of the horns, lack of nose, and deathly cold skin. The red x on his arm represents where he got the lethal injection, with veins representing the phenol.
Unlike the other Theatre Overlords, he doesn’t have any physical shackles. This is due to him being in the “free trial” of The Puppeteer’s deal. This gives him a false sense of freedom and The Puppeteer feels that shackles aren’t needed to control him, unless he severely misbehaves.
Here is a basic reference without the dress:
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arcielee · 1 year
Interview With a Writer
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This is a tentative series idea I had to reach out to writers whose completed stories I just absolutely fell in love with and just want to share with the rest of Tumblr. ♥ Its continuation is solely based if these talented beings are willing to answer my questions or not.
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Name: bittersweetarts
Story: Little Lamb // ao3
Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Rating/Warning: Explicit, sexual themes, misogynistic behaviour (borderline sexist) depictions of violence and death.
So, when did you start writing? 
I started writing during primary school, like a lot of people do. Funny enough, my first completed short story was essentially a fanfic about my classmates during a natural disaster (which is so embarrassing I know), and the worst part is that I did show it to my closest friends at the time. Thankfully, I wrote it by hand and only have the memory of it as a keepsake, so no one can ever read it now.
Where did the plot for Little Lamb come from? (Was it a daydream on repeat in your mind, fan vid, etc.)
I have always been the type of person to obsess over fictional characters, but when House of the Dragon episodes started coming out, I didn't obsess over anyone, which caught me off guard (I started watching GoT when the first season premiered, and though I was too young for it, I was obsessed).
But I was interested in the history of the Targaryens so I decided to read Fire & Blood, and the moment that we were introduced to Aemond's character, it was game over for me. I became obsessed, but at the time (September 2022), there were practically no stories, and I felt like I had read them all.
This is when the plot of the first chapter began marinating in my mind and, one evening, I was not feeling great mentally and just drafted the first chapter to feel better. I didn't plan to post it, as I never had before, but decided to on a whim. From then on, I really only continued the story due to the amazing response from the community! The rest of the plot's inspiration essentially came from an accumulation of all the books, fanfics, and stories I have read.
Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal?
I had never written in second person prior to Little Lamb, and had only done so to not have to actually create an original character as that takes more effort (like coming up with their backstory, how they fit into George R. R. Martin's world, etc). I didn't intend on publishing the first chapter, let alone finishing the story, so to begin with, I wrote a very plain character/reader that any person could relate to. However, as I continued writing the story, this was less possible, so I tried to create a character that felt real and tangible, with the virtues and flaws of a real person.
Do you feel your Reader compliments Aemond well?
I hope that the Reader in Little Lamb compliments Aemond well (or at least my interpretation of Aemond), but that really is up to the person reading the story!
Explain your interpretation of Aemond Targaryen. What drives him? Why is he the way he is in Little Lamb?
The way I characterise Aemond is more so based on Fire & Blood rather than the TV series, as I had read the book first before he was introduced in the HotD. Aemond reminds me a lot of Anakin Skywalker (from Star Wars) and Paul Atreides (from Dune) in that he possesses the qualities of a Byronic hero – he is a generally good person haunted by his past. In my opinion, Aemond's main motivation is to protect those he considers family, as he understood that no one would protect them otherwise, and he learned this lesson in a brutal way when he lost his eye as a child and had no one on his side except his mother.
Was there another character (OC or canon) in your story you enjoyed portraying? (And why?)
I didn’t explore other characters too much as Little Lamb is not very long (its word count is only about sixty thousand), but I did really enjoy writing Daeron Targaryen into the story whenever it felt appropriate. The show-runners in HotD decided to not include him Season 1, which saddened me because I loved him in Fire & Blood, but I do think that he will be included in the next season. I am not going to mention anything about his character (as it would probably be a spoiler since he hasn’t been introduced in the TV series yet), but in case anyone is not aware of him, Daeron is Viserys and Alicent’s youngest son, and he ends up becoming an important (and bad ass) character in the Dance of the Dragons. I really enjoyed writing about him because there is so little about him, both in canon and in fanfiction, and I have a massive soft spot for him.
Do you think you would do a sequel?
I thought about it, due to how positive the response to Little Lamb was, but decided against it as I think that story had reached its natural end. Due to the nature of the story (as it is a second person narrative with an ambiguous reader), I feel like expanding the story would make it convoluted, and I did write it randomly one evening, so it has many plot holes which I cannot patch up.
However, I did start a new HotD story, with an OC, and that story is incredibly more fleshed out and thought through, so that is what I am working on currently. Unfortunately, progress on it has been slower, but I hope to be able to regularly post chapter updates on it soon.
Do you have a personal favorite story you'd like to share?
Definitely! I am a reader more so than a writer, and my favourite story is The Fool and the Dragon by @prince-aemond-targaryen​ – it is a beautiful story, written in such emotive language and a plot that is so absorbing, and I have re-read it multiple times now! I began reading it when the first chapter was published on AO3, and her updates were what brightened up my days back then. By far my favourite Aemond fanfic, but I am on Tumblr and AO3 most evenings reading fanfiction, and love most of the ones I come across.
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mistfallengw2 · 3 months
5, 11, and 19 for Adamas?
OC ask game ✨
5. How do they feel about their family? Chosen and/or biological?
Biological family (his dam Aurelia and mother Ardea, plus his sire Obsius): loved them a lot, misses them even more. Finding out that Aurelia had survived felt like the bestest of miracles, and he is NOT leaving her side. As a note, Aurelia could not remember a lot of things about their family due to what had happened to her in the Mists, and at first it hurt him a lot to see her like that, so different one could almost wonder if she was still his dam. Still, he was happy to help her regain those memories as she recovered, and they bonded a lot during that time.
Assigned family (late warband): misses them terribly and still wished he could have done more the day he lost them (he was wounded and knocked out before most of them were killed by Branded), but at least now he doesn't wish anymore he had died with them.
Adoptive family (his fathers Quazz and Myrn, his brother Tocchix): loves them to bits, regardless of the fact he had been "properly" part of their family only for a couple of years before joining the Order of Whispers (Tocchix had begun training a year into his adoption, but was still around often due to their parents' hospital being tied to the Order). On top of that, he quite literally owes them his life and a lot of his medical and alchemical skills.
Chosen family (basically everyone above who is still alive + his partners and cubs + Dragon's Watch and close associates): he loves them, they're all great and amazing, he wants them to be in his life forever, no he's not crying right now, yes you can give him a hug to comfort him. -
11. Obligation or initiative, why do they do what they do? Is there something/someone specific that motivates them? (bonus: has their motivation changed over the years?)
When he was in the Legions, it was mostly obligation: in the fahrar he was the prospect Legionnaire, so he felt responsible for his friends' wellbeing and wanted to make his dams proud; after losing them, he was forced to join and stay in a warband that was mostly hostile to his presence, but that was all he knew and resisted as much as he could. After leaving and being adopted, he joined the Order of Whispers because he wanted to be as helpful as he could and stay close to his new brother.
Took him a while and a few close calls to understand it, but his core motivation is to keep on living for those he lost and to fight so he doesn't have to lose anyone else. -
19. Do they love easily (platonic, familial, romantic, etc)? Is love easy for them to express?
By regular standards, yes. By charr standards, absolutely. He's quick to consider others in friendly terms, grows fond of people the moment they return his kindness, and he learned not to be afraid to show he cares for others from his parents. [Trivia time: Ardea was quite affectionate with baby Adamas, and after he left for the fahrar (which was run by an ex member of the warband) she visited regularly to teach him personally (other cubs could join too). Aurelia was more distant (she wanted Ardea to feel like he was her biological cub since she had lost her own), but she visited as well so that was still a huge expression of affection for a charr. Adding to that, he grew up in their warband, where everyone was pretty chill and genuinely cared for each other.]
At first him being extra nice with all the other cubs in the fahrar made him a bit of a target, but since he had been taught how to peacefully de-escalate things AND how to end fights quickly, it was hard not to become his friend. After he ran away to Lion's Arch and was adopted by Tocchix's family, he was a bit dumbfounded by how warm everyone was with him, but he quickly (and happily) adapted. Despite entering each other's lives when they were both on the edge of young adulthood, they bonded extremely quickly and he considers Tocchix his brother through and through, and he ended up calling both Quazz and Myrn "dad" within a couple of months or so.
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yanderefairyangel · 3 months
Hello, do you have, like, a timeline for fire emblem engage's backstory and plot? I'm trying to compile all the fire emblem gamed into one timeline and you're the only person I think would have the timeline for Engage
If I understand (tell me if I didn't) how the events happened in the chronological order ?
So in chronological order, the events happened this way
There was in another world a war between two dragon clan to posseses Emblem rings, one of the clan lost and was entirely destroyed, only one survived, a child named Sombron, who was shy and scared. His enemies spared him out of pity because he was so young and decided to exile him in another world, called Elyos.
Elyos was a peaceful land with no war ruled by a tribe called the Divine dragon, Sombron was sent there but he managed to sneak away one of the Emblems rings of his world, the Emblem of Foundation, 0 Emblem. Though normally Emblem cannot travel to other worlds due to their lack of physical form, 0 Emblem was so powerful it managed to stay with Sombron for years. Sombron stayed all alone with 0 Emblem. Years after he arrived, he was found by villagers who took pity on him and took him with him, however not long after, 0 Emblem vanished likely from having no longer the strenght so stay. Sombron believed the Emblem abandonned him because he connected with other people (0 Emblem represent Sombron's survival guilt) and in anger, Sombron killed all the villagers, he vowed to grow stronger all alone, forsaking all connection and to seek 0 Emblem so that the two can return to Sombron's home world and perfom revenge on his enemies. In order to do this, Sombron needed the Emblems rings of the Divine dragon and waged war, taking contact with the Mage dragon tribe and having several mate so that he can have children from them and raise an army, along with the Corrupted he would create. Sombron's rule was such that all of his children died safe for two : Alear and Veyle. Veyle was too young to partake into the war, so Alear was the only one fighting on the battlefield. Having lost their mother at a young age and saw all their siblings died, they eventually became broken.
Meanwhile, the Divine dragon tribe all went extinct due to Sombron killing them all, safe for only one Lumera. Lumera back in the day had numerous friends and relative, but the only surviving friend she had was Sommie, a pet she played with when she was a child.
Meanwhile, a Mage dragon called Zephia was still a young dragon, but she isolated herself due to having too powerful dragonic impulse. However, one day, she had a surge of those impulse and was victim of a degeneration crisis and destoryed her own village, killing her family. After that, she felt so guilty and had nowhere else to go that she would wander about until she eventually became one of Sombron's servant, like the other Mage dragon of that time.
Lumera still fought against Sombron in this war, supported by the 4 kingdom : Firene, Brodia, Elusia and Solm. At this period the kingdom were different, for example, with Lumera's besslings, Brodia used to be a peaceful country.
One day, Alear was tasked with guarding the Dragon shard. They met Veyle for the first time, as she was crying and gave her a dragon stone, theirs, as a proof they would still be alive, then departed. At that time they were in possesion of one of the Emblem ring, the ring of the Hero King, and they meet a bunch of stranger warrior, including one that looked like them but had blue eye and blue hair. Alear fought against their doppleganger but lost. When they woke up, they go greeted by Lumera who would invite them to meet in secret. Meanwhile, Sombron and Zephia had a conversation that which motivated Zephia in having her own child so that she would no longer be alone and hoped for Sombron to be the father, so that she could be sure that no one but her would be involved in her childs life. Lumera and Alear would then meet often until the two developped a mother/child relationship and resulting in Alear finally deciding to betray Sombron in hope of becoming a hero like Lumera and one day, they fought him in Lythos Castle and successfully defeated him however Sombron would then injure Alear so deeply that they would almost die. Lumera promise them to help them be reborn and make a last promise with Alear before they feel into sleep. She then uses the power of the rings to sceal Sombron and the rings become inactive for 1000 years, until the time to share their milenial power again.
However, to avoid repeating a scenario were all the rings would be gathered in the same place and putting them at risk to be stolen, Lumera decided to entrusted each kingdom with a specific ring, following the tradition of the Divine dragon Monarch having to go to each kingdom to collect them. The Firenese Royal having died or suffered a tragedy that the game let be ambigious, Lumera choose to instead give them the ring of the Caring Princess and the Dawn Maiden but to get the ring of the Exalted Princess back. She also entrusted Brodia with the ring of the Young Lion, Elusia with the Ring of the Lady of the Plain and Solm with 2 rings : the Ring of the Radiant Hero and the ring of the Crux of Fate. She placed in the vault of Lythos Castle the Ring of the Sage Lord, the ring of the Instructor, the ring of the Azure Twins, the ring of the Exalted Princess and the ring of the Holy Knight. She placed Alear in the Somniel, a place that was long ago found by the Divine dragons and kept by Sommie, her childhood friend, with Marth's ring still be worn by Alear. She then hired some people called the Stewards of the Divine dragon to watch upon Alear until they woke up. For 33rd generation. In the meantime, Lumera told no one but a few people of Alear's existence, that being some Royals and some believers of the Divine dragon. At some point, Lumera allowed more people to come to Lythos, but originally she was the only one to guard the castle.
Peace remained for a 1000 years. However after Sombron was scealed, Veyle and her mother were targeted by some of the Divine dragon's believer who tortured Veyle's mother to death and threaneted her as well. Veyle got hidden in a temple and kept asleep for centuries thanks to some of her father's believer. By that point, everyone believed that there was no longer any Fell dragon and the Mage dragon tribe retrieved to an hidden place to escape persecution. However, Zephia was still working on a way to bring Sombron back. As time went on, Brodia grew more and more greedy, fueled by a greedy nobility obsessed with profit and conquest. They decided to target Elusia under the claim that recently, Elusia came to worship another dragon, Sombron. This war lasted long enough it ended up being present in history record, a village was notably destroyed, Saphir's, who was a child at the time. However, Elusia was in a situation where the throne would pass to king Hyacinth, rather then his brother. But Hyacinth was unable to handle the conflict against Brodia. Meanwhile, Firene was victim of a deadly plague who killed many including Alfred's father and Mauvier's Mother, and possibly Louis's mother. Alfred was ten when his father died and that's when he showed signs of suffering from his chronic illness for the first time. He was so sick people were convinced he would die, leading to Céline to have to be trained in case he would die. Mauvier's mother moved to Elusia and converted both to Sombron's cult. When she died, Mauvier remained alone and was part of the follower watching over Veyle. Meanwhile Hyacinth got progresively depressed as the war with Brodia worsened. It resulted in both country becoming hard to live in for the civilian. Parents would abandon or outright sell their children such is what happened with Yunaka, Griss and Marni. Zephia took over Griss who entered the chruch as a fervent follower addicted to pain and Marni as well, then Mauvier and form the 4 Hounds, fervent follower of Sombron.
Hyacinth came in contact of Sombron's clan. Since Lumera's motto is not intervene in humans affair, Hyacinth convinced himself that Sombron would gladly help him save his country. And thus he accepted to help them in reviving Sombron. 1000 years later, Sombron's sceal was broken. In the meantime, Veyle awoke a bit earlier then Sombron and having being alone for so long, she though they could finally reunite but Sombron, upon seeing his daughter being so kind and greatly weakened by the sceal's power, shared some of his power with Zephia and tasked her with casting a manipulation spell on Veyle so that she would cooperate. Meanwhile Alear was dreaming of the day they fought Sombron, but instead of viewing the real events, they instead imagined themselves as being like the doppleganger they fought 1000 years ago since they were envious of them and fighting with the strange people they saw since they said they would want people as strong by their side. And then Alear woke up as well and the story begins.
In another universe, at the same time, in another Elyos (XenElyos), a peaceful land, a first dragon was born, the First Dragon. He became the ancestor of 2 dragon tribe, Divine and Fell dragon. 1000 years later, one of his descendant, the king of the Fell dragon tribe, XenoSombron would turn to conquest and fight against his dragon tribe kin, the Divine dragon tribe to obtain the 7 bracelets. This version of Sombron killed all the Mage dragon of this world because they refused to cooperate, the only survivor being a Mage dragon called Zelestia who would find a safe heaven with Lumera and her young child, Alear. Meanwhile Xenobron got many children, who all had the pecualirty to be born as twins. A pair of twins, Nel and Nil, loved each other and didn't tried to kill each other unlike their other siblings and Nel gave Nil her dragonstone to console him. Another of Sombron's children, Rafal, lost his twin and met with Nil, who looked exactly liked him, and they became friends. One day, during the battle of 1000 years ago, Nil died and asked Rafal to take his place to not sadden Nel. Lumera also died and Sombron was scealed away. Alear took the role of Dragon Monarch and at some point, Nel and Rafal disguised as Nil betrayed Sombron and joined Alear's fight. Zelestia meet a young men called Gregory who was sold by his parents to Sombron's cult but escaped due to not being able to handle pain. A man called Mauvier who served under of one Sombron's children, Veyle, deflected from his side after Veyle died and rescued the daughter of two knight's whose village was destroyed by the Fell dragon army called Madeline, he took over her and they eventually arrived in Lythos and Zelestia would form a group called the 4 Winds to protect the dragons of Lythos. However, Sombron was brought back by the Elusian princess Ivy who killed her father and became Queen. Alear would collect the bracelets and fight Sombron, but before the final fight, they placed a shard on one of the bracelets. Sombron and Alear killed each other. Nel then collected all the bracelets and gave some of them to each kingdom, however the Royals got killed by Rafal under the influence of Sombron who plannified to use him to carry his will. Seeing the recent events, Nel decided to perform a special ritual to save Elyos and summoned our Alear from another world and this lead to the event of the Xenologue
I hope it answers your question !!
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legobiwan · 2 years
Tales of the Jedi 1:3 "Choices"
Just...my gods, there is a lot in this episode
Okay, okay - first of all, I do love Mace and Dooku's interactions here. Mace obviously respects, although doesn't always agree, with Dooku. But! Despite registering his protest to Dooku's so-called "interference," he also doesn't prevent Dooku from carrying out that investigation. The whole breakdown really happens when Mace inadvertently kills that one guard in self defence (I guess you could read it, from Mace's point of view, that this is what happens when the Jedi veer from their directives, from their rules. Innocent lives are lost and I don't think that death rested easy on Mace's conscience. And you could imagine him doubling down on the rules after that incident and inheriting Katri's seat due to the events just prior to that incident. Not to say that this is the entire reason Mace is rule-bound - it's certainly not - but it probably caused him to dig in a little more, especially during his initial tenure as a Council Member.)
ANYWAY, getting back to Dooku.
I thought this line was hilarious and my gods, is this man the teacher of Rael Averross and Qui-gon Jinn, or WHAT?
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Can you imagine him saying the EXACT SAME THING to a young Obi-wan? BECAUSE I SURE AS HELL CAN!!!!!!!!!
The line about not getting involved in local political skirmishes without approval from the Council or Senate is fascinating. Just much autonomy do the Jedi have out there? You know Dooku disagrees with this philosophy and thinks the Jedi could do more but being an arm of the Senate - which they absolutely are at this point, involvement in "local politics" could upset the status quo, for both good and ill. Obviously, the death of Katri was something the corrupt Senator did not want investigated and he assumed it wouldn't be as it's probably well-known the Jedi cannot interfere as their own political arm...a philosophy that has two sides in that no, you can't save everyone but at the same time, at what point do you end up being the "lapdogs and enforcers" of the corrupt, rich and powerful?
Alright, I have to spend a moment talking about Dooku: Space Detective because this is 100% a precursor to Obi-wan Kenobi: Space Detective. The way they investigate their physical environments! Ask logical questions! LOOK AT THIS!
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This is all to say we need an AU of Dooku and Obi-wan quitting the order to open up a Space Detective Agency because COULD. YOU. IMAGINE??? (And to make one more point, the opening of this episode reminded me a lot of the opening of the Utapau arc. Retrieving a dead Jedi body, a mysterious murder, etc.)
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And also - the absolute control, strength, and focus it must take to do all this ONE-HANDED. With limited acrobatics. (Unlike Mace). INCREDIBLE.
One of the interesting facets of Dooku I feel isn't talked about enough is the fact that he comes from this patrician background. Is Serennian royalty. AND YET, his largest concern is the way in which the Order, to his mind, is abandoning planets and beings to serve the interests of the rich and powerful. Is it because he was forsaken by Serenno, by his family? (Which works both in the EU and Canon backstories). And then he returns to Serenno to claim that title and become one of the rich and the powerful (and yes, to a certain degree, corrupt). It's really a fascinating arc and one I'd like to tease out a little further to really get at all possible implications and motivations.
I also found the statement he made to the Raxxian prisoner that his people shouldn't "evolve" to be a precise and odd choice of wording. Dooku is a man of precision who wields his words as well as his lightsaber. "Evolve" is such an interesting term to use. Is this meant to contrast with the Jedi and the Senate, who have "evolved" so much as to consider themselves above what they came from, to have forgotten their roots and their peoples? That the Jedi are too concerned with philosophicals and not enough with practicals in the way they have "evolved" in the Temple? Their heads being too far up in the clouds, along with the Temple Spire, as it were?
Okay, I have to say, the funeral scene with Ki-Adi was a little funny, only because the minute I saw his comically elongated hood, this immediately popped into my deranged mind:
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(Admittedly, I had been thinking of this meme this morning as a way to introduce enharmonic respellings for chromatic modulation in the class I teach. And this is where it all lands me. Ha!)
There are a lot of implications in Dooku's question to Mace regarding the timing of his knowledge of his new Council appointment. Is Dooku insinuating Mace was somehow in cahoots with the Senator? No, that would be ridiculous. But what, then? That Mace didn't want to interfere for fear of losing his new seat, or losing face with the Council. More likely.
And there's this line, which ages TERRIBLY in light of everything that happens in TCW.
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And I know Filoni's going hard on the Council in this episode, but there is a point to be made - less about the corruption of the Council, but rather its stasis and its inflexibility in the light of a failing pangalactic government. (Even before anything with Palpatine or the War came to fruition). The Council is 1000% guided by politics - they would be independent of the Senate if they weren't. And ego - maybe not Mace, as much, but certainly Yoda (forget the whole Dark Side thing, I'm just thinking of sending Obi-wan alone after Maul when re-emerges due to whisperings from "the Force." If Yoda had actually listened to Mace and sent a task force, how different would things have turned out? At least in that situation).
Okay last point. When Dooku is doing his whole pensive reflection bit at the end of the episode in the Temple, we see these diamond-ish shaped obelisks as part of the Temple decor. It did not escape my attention that Dooku has similarly shaped obelisks on the grounds of his Serenno estate, specifically the area where he trains Savage. I DON'T THINK THAT IS A COINCIDENCE.
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Anyway, so far, this series is doing a great job of painting Dooku and his fall as highly nuanced and is actually making valid criticisms of the Jedi - things that definitely helped lead to Palpatine's rise and the outcome of the war. I also like that this version of Dooku seems to be a little closer to his Dark Rendezvous iteration (which is my absolute favorite backstory and a favorite portrayal of older!Dooku. Although Jedi Lost and M&A do a first-rate job showing teacher!Dooku to Rael and Qui-gon).
I think the next episode is the one where Qui-gon is going to show up again and I'm going to lose it when that happens. I also really need to go to sleep so I can wake up for a flight in like, *checks watch and laughs nervously* 4ish hours. Oof.
Anyway, 10/10 LOVE
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queenofgravyfries · 2 years
I'm so happy people love my rise! Hcs, so I'd figure I'd share my hcs for rc9gn as well.
He believes in Judaism like Howard's family, he started to study it and follow the religion because of the weinermens as well. He hasn't told his family yet because they follow a different religion and want him to follow it(the Japanese religion Shinto).
His dad's away on work trips a lot, it's why he brings up his mom so much, she's the one always around.
His mom works as a caretaker for young kids(like Marci did), she's in her own head a lot so Randy can often get away with a lot.
Randy sometimes does dumb crap to cheer someone up(can't cry if you're laughing at him).
I joke about him being blood thirsty but in all honesty I don't think he is, he'd kill out of necessity but even then he be merciful(to people, animals/beasts are free game). And even then he wouldn't like it. A "I did what I had to" kinda situation.
Mature for his age due to his parents being busy most of the time.
Nothing wrong with weinerham as a ship(I just want to make that clear) but personally, I think they'd see each other more as brothers, I think Randy associates the whole weinermen family into his own, AGAIN there is nothing wrong with shipping weinerham! What i am saying is mere opinion, please Don't use this to attack anyone!.
Has called Mort dad before, it was a great moment for Mort.
Considers Mort and First ninja as father figures, in their own right. Not that he doesn't care for his bio dad, they all help him in some parental way, Mort being the comforting force, First ninja the motivating one and his bio dad being fun loving one.
Is very proud of his Japanese culture, his dad would make him study the language, history, and mythology, which was the one type of teaching he liked.
Is Very protective and clingy when he's in love.
Gets physically violent if mad enough (see: Raiders of the lost nomicon scene with bash as that's where I got the idea) which is why he tries to restrain his emotions.
Met Theresa off screen by bumping into her a little before "so you think you can stank?".
Has nightmares about Norrisville getting destroyed, normally he can handle it but sometimes it scares him bad enough he needs Something to shake him back to reality.
Has definitely got some magic skills.
Grew up with first ninja, the nine took him off the streets when they first found norrisville.
Is actually First Ninja's voice of reason when he gets angry.
Helped the "shadow warrior"nine brother with his magical techniques.
First ninja-
* these are mostly on the idea of him being in modern day
Would absolutely own a dog named something like poopsie or spots.
Leather jackets and motorcycles 💫
Is addicted to coffee, rarely sleeps, and has in fact gotten dragged across his home by ploplop demanding he respect his wish to "sleep when he's dead" lol.
He was the baby brother ™️ of the nine. He looked up to all of them.
One of his brothers created the "Shadow warrior" persona out of "necessity", he truly believed fear would give them the power to stop the sorcerer.
First ninja studied every method, fighting technique, rages etc. From his brothers, he wanted to be as good as them someday.
The dragon fist move he does in "13th century Ninja" is a move only he can do. his brothers had moves exclusive to each of them as well.
It bothers him about his anger, he wants to teach himself to calm down but it's difficult, given the situations he often finds himself in.
Gets as jealous as Randy if ploplop gets other friends, it's like a yandere but in a more platonic way.
Him and Slimovitz would be pals i think.
Used to head butt and bite his opponents, until his eldest brother demanded he stop.
The red tie he has his hair tied back with is from his second eldest brother, who was almost like a mother to him.
Born in the swamp, parents died while he was really young.
Grigri/swamp spirit is either a witch he knew or his bio mom, either way she dead now 🤷‍♀️.
The creep/Bruce Mcheese-
Slob lifestyle 💫
Is the strongest thing in rc9gn's universe yet doesn't raise a finger at threats because 💖trauma💖.
Isn't from Norrisville, wasn't even born there(my man gotta be from a realm)
Has a mythical gf but they argue a lot.
Is closest to first ninja since they've spent the most time together.
Pacifist in present day, menace in the past.
Wants to become an actress
Needs reassurance a lot
Cries regardless of emotion
Isn't fond of Howard but is more then willing to change that for Randy's sake.
Is being raised by her step mother(she's big, Scottish, and very protective).
Has a parrot(patty) along with the hamster(sammy).
Everyone lives scarily longer then normal, side effect of the stankings. it's why no one bats an eye at immortals like Ward Smith or Creep.
Tourists often visit to try and live longer as well, or get some footage of a monster attack.
Those "top 5 unsolved mysteries" videos are flooded on Shoobtube, almost all of them talk about norrisville. Norrisvilians watch them to laugh at since there always because of a stanking or robot.
People outside of norrisville are mixed about The ninja, some are grateful he saves at least one town, others wish he would extend his heroism.
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theyareweird · 5 months
My Hero Academia: Dabi —Aesthetic
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Toya Todoroki's Character & Personality
Due to his abusive upbringing, Toya eventually broke down emotionally and lost control of his flames, which nearly burned him to death. When his psychological state broke, he became Dabi, a murderous and pyromaniacal villain. Now, he's obsessed with ruining his father's reputation as vengeance to get him back for all the suffering he went through. Dabi is a stoic, aloof, confident and focused individual who rarely expresses emotion. While quite violent, he's cautious. Overall, Dabi is a highly enigmatic individual who trusts no one, preferring to do things alone in his way. He enjoys establishing himself as a villain, fighting what he believes to be false heroes. Dabi is dedicated to destroying superhuman society. To him, heroes are hypocritical and unworthy of their title, but he doesn't seek a society with better heroes, believing true heroes don't exist. Despite his devotion to the Hero Killer's creed, Dabi does many things Stain wouldn’t, like attacking innocent bystanders and helping the League get revenge. Thus, he only uses Stain's ideals to cover his motives and justify his crimes against the hero society. Dabi takes pleasure in taunting heroic figures, students and Pro Heroes. He sadistically enjoys inflicting pain on others, including those he murders. Sometimes, Dabi engages in psychological warfare to unnerve whoever his opposition is while allowing himself to cool down from his Quirk's effects. Pragmatic in battle, he's well versed about how heroes operate and will exploit their natural tendency to rescue others. Dabi isn't afraid of causing collateral destruction, rarely holding back, even if it puts his allies at risk. Being intolerant of most people, he can be derisive, rude and condescending to everyone he interacts with. This includes Dabi's enemies and allies as he doesn't care for the League of Villains. Instead, his value on them comes from their ability to bring his ambitions a reality. This selfish way of thinking establishes Dabi as an extreme sociopath. However, he's capable of feeling some remorse. While Dabi had no problem killing a Pro Hero, it's implied he has sympathy for those who have lost family due to villains, including the loved ones of those who he has killed. Yet, this remorse doesn't extend to his family as he has frequently contemplated their deaths for revenge. Dabi also has specific standards. He's disgusted by how the heroes and government are willing to bring young students into war, although he could've been looking down on them for relying on high schoolers. Even though he doesn't care for the other League members, Dabi cares enough about his allies to support their morale when needed for his pragmatic and self-serving purposes. He's also aware of his madness and isn't against the idea of suicide if it can kill his father or hurt him more. Overtime, Dabi expresses how he can't feel anything anymore, further cementing his apathy.
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he11swinter · 1 year
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First off, Hello I am Rae, how is your day? Or Noon? Or Night? Hi~! :3
I always pictured the while 12 ghosts being a somewhat "found family" type of friendship / maybe romance if things happened. Like make Isabella upset you'll get the full wrath of Susan's teenage queen bee whiplashes until you start crying before she could even do anything. Or make Billy or Harold cry you're getting a baseball bat or madman claws to the face I feel as if each one's "moment" of feeling this way to the ghosts are different and either funny of angsty (aka any time Ryan would feel not murder craze to any of them let alone any of the girls)
But I feel like one is agreed the most: Jean is the mom of the group. She's a mother figure to pretty much all or a common ground of "welp we're the most mature out of everyone here" with George or Margret So this like SUPER angsty and a bit too sad maybe, I'll ask a bright ask another time to cheer things up or share my own thoughts, but what are you headcanons or thoughts of the ghosts when Jean pass over?
I mainly ask cause I saw a fic where Ryan watched her cross over after the house exploded and felt sad and got all emo debating if he'll even be welcomed to Heaven or whereever Jean went
Hi Rae! I’m great, thank you, and I hope you are too! Thank you for your awesome questions, they really had me thinking, so I wrote a lot more than I thought I would. 🫢 I would love to hear more of your thoughts, and that fic certainly sounds interesting if you have the link.
The Black Zodiac could be a found family for sure. A messed up one, but a family nonetheless. I think that a lot of them wouldn’t even realize this. What I do think is clear is that they’re all connected through something—whether that’s this “ancient prophecy” or simply the fact they were all imprisoned by the same man.
I think Jean is an interesting subject, because actually, I think she’s the black sheep. Her thoughts were always on her living family, and any attempts to connect with the ghosts were likely shut down. Perhaps she once tried to comfort Billy, who rolled his eyes, disinterested in reassurance; she knew better than to talk to Horace or Ryan. She mostly kept to herself as a result, and when she was the only one to find peace and pass on, this took a while for the others to process.
I think the ghosts would be the ones bullying each other more than anything. They’re out of touch. They’re dead, they’re bored, and have nothing to lose—and that’s why Jean’s caring seemed so strange. When there was a real threat we DID witness the ghosts band together to tear it (*HIM, cough cough*) apart, but I think their motivations were self-centred. If the time came again, they could definitely dip back in to that team effort—but I do think that most of the time, many would be entertained through watching or causing the other’s misfortune.
I think that the two with the most in common would be Susan and Royce, that Susan probably flirted with him at the beginning, but quickly lost interest due to his lack of interest—so I don’t think I could see any of them romantically involved with one another. Similarly, Ryan held an indifference (or also disgust) to the ladies in containment. When he met Kathy his manic excitement returned, which again, I think having real-world impact on something is what woke him—and the rest of them—up from their sulking.
When the ghosts were set free, they all felt that rush. Nothing mattered but their freedom, and they couldn’t care less about Jean passing on. But, I think that after a while they began to wander aimlessly, bored again. Some wondered where exactly they went wrong.
Here are my headcanons:
Billy, Susan and Royce: They’re the kids. Because they died so young, there’s a lot in the world they still want to see and do—so the thought of passing into the oblivion that Jean did sounds awful. I mean, Jean can do it if she wants, but they know better than to die a second time.
Jimmy, George, Isabella: They knew there was something off—something they were missing within themselves—but they didn’t say much or anything about it. While Jimmy and George thought of Jean often, wishing she’d stayed to give them some of her wisdom, Isabella searched for answers in God. They all hoped to find peace too.
Dana and Horace: They just wanted to be alone now. They didn’t care about Jean or where she went. Finding peace seemed like it would never be an option for them—although they showed that in different ways… (Endless moping versus more murder.)
Margaret and Harold: No one was sure they noticed Jean was gone, or really much of anything. They always seemed content where they were, so long as they were together.
Ryan: Oh boy, Ryan’s a complicated mess of emotions (but he always is). Sure, he was excited to be free, but it didn’t last long. Torn between feeling like he’s always been a monster and wishing he could fix it, it left him feeling lost and even afraid of where passing on would take him. He had nothing left in this world, but from his experience, everything can always get worse.
Messing with the others and seeing how they interacted with each other took Ryan away from his thoughts, so in my mind, he regathered the group. Everyone had their own reasons for returning, but at this point perhaps they began working more on themselves?
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patinorenato · 8 months
Preserving the Flow: A Water Conservation Crusade
Story: A description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events.
Tales: A story, especially one that might be invented or difficult to believe.
Science Fiction: Books, films, or cartoons about an imagined future, especially about space travel or other planets.
Words in bold and Italics: Transition Words
Words in Red and Bold: Borrowings
Renato, a young man living in the year 2047, was struggling to survive in a world where the water was contaminated by a venom/toxin created by an evil factory. In addition, the toxin turned humans into feral monsters, and Renato had lost his family to it. Due to this, He was determined to find a way to save humanity from extinction.
-Renato: Everything is lost, my water supply will end next week, There's nothing I can do. If only I could find a way to revert things...
When he stumbled upon a time machine called “Timecochet X” that worked with contra particles, he decided to travel back in time to stop the facility from being founded. After that, he met Pokey inside a Café which was in ruins, Pokey was from an alternate future who had come back in time to help him, he was some kind of vigilante in his timeline.
They were the same person, however they were really different in personality, Renato had to change due to the toxin, but Pokey was someone who never gave up and motivated Renato in order to save the world, because he was unable to save his own from this apocalypse.
As soon as they arrived in the year 2025, they discovered that the factory was about to be founded in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. They knew that they had to stop it at all costs.
They ingressed the facility and discovered that it was being run by a group of depraved businessmen who were only interested in making money. They were using the venom as a way to control the population and make them dependent on their products, little they knew what this toxin could do.
Despite the security measures and sentinels equipped with the best technology, they fought their way through the factory and managed to destroy it before it could be founded. They returned to their own time and found out that the water had been purified and humanity had been saved from a total eradication.
As a result, Renato realized that he had been given a second chance to make things right. Because of this, he decided to dedicate his life to helping others and making sure that nothing like this ever happened again. At the end, Renato and Pokey enjoyed some coffee at the café where they first met.
-Pokey: It was nice to meet you, other me. I'm glad we were able to at least save your world. -Renato: I wouldn't have been able to do this if you weren't there with the Timecochet X. Everything you see here and now is thanks to you buddy, I'm really grateful, thank you very much other me.
story. (2023). https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/story
tale. (2023). https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/tale?q=Tales
science fiction. (2023). https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/science-fiction?q=Science+Fiction
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A person walking through a futuristic city where water was contaminated by a toxin.
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