#mana x regina
magical-demigirl · 1 year
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Lesbian screenshots from every season of precure I kinda want to see some redraw challenge for all of these screenshots I want to note I have not watched hugtto and had trouble finding a lesbian screenshot for it so I might of missed something
For gogo and healin' good I guess it a threesome
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prettycurefever2024 · 1 month
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valentinaruiba · 4 months
Redemption|DokiDoki precure AMV
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regimana · 6 months
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they matter so much
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starry-milkshake-fan · 3 months
imagine this but Four and X (Four would be the purple one (Regina) and X would be the pink one (Mana))
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baileypie-writes · 2 months
Can you do any of the main pretty cure girls x female reader who is a ray of sunshine and has always brighten the girls day, but reader is also a anti magical girl who fights for the bad guys, but when reader sees innocent people or those she cares about getting hurt she helps the main girls
A/N ~ Sure! I hope I interpreted your request correctly. Apologies if I didn’t! Hope you enjoy!
~The DokiDoki Pretty Cure with a Sunshine Villain Friend~
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Fandom: DokiDoki! Precure
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral, evil to good
Relationship: Platonic
Characters Included: Mana Aida/Cure Heart, Rikka Hishikawa/Cure Diamond, Alice Yotsuba/Cure Rosetta, Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword, Aguri Madoka/Cure Ace
Genre: Mostly fluff, minor angst
Rating: PG
Warnings: Makoto’s section is the most angsty, possibly OOC Aguri
~DokiDoki! Precure Masterlist~
Guide: Each character’s dialogue is their signature color, and Reader’s dialogue is uncolored.
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
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~Mana Aida/Cure Heart~
~ Mana always sees the best in everyone, even the most cruel. So when she finds out you’re on the side of the Selfish, she still continues to be your friend. When in your company, she tries to keep the whole Pretty Cure thing out of conversation to reduce the risk of any drama. But of course, she still intends to bring you to the good side.
“Hey (name)! We’re all going to the mall. Wanna come?”
“You’re inviting me? Even though I’m-“
“Oh please! Don’t worry about that. We’re still friends! Now c’mon, let’s go!”
~ In her mind, someone as kind and caring as you can’t be all that bad. So she constantly tries to use that as an attempt to help you turn good. She’ll talk about how good it feels to be nice, and how if you wanted to, you could choose to do so all the time.
“Wow, that was a close one! It was so nice of you to save that child from the Jikochuu!
“I had to. They had nothing to do with this.”
“I knew you’re not all bad!”
“Oh Mana…”
~ She treats you the nearly same way as she treats Regina. Meaning she includes you in as many adventures as she can, and always tries to defend you when the others get mad at your label as a Selfish. In fact, she treat you even better than Regina, because you’re much kinder than her, so there’s more to work with.
“Why are you inviting (name), Mana? They’re a Selfish. They don’t belong here.”
“Aw, c’mon. Don’t you think that’s a bit harsh? After all, they’re still a great friend!”
“How great can they be if they’re one of the people who helped take over the Trump Kingdom?”
“Makopi, please have some compassion! I’m sure they did it because they never knew about being good! They were only doing what they were told. I’m sure if we let them, they can switch sides!”
~ It always makes Cure Heart’s day when you help out in battles. It makes her so happy how you go out of your way to fight against your own side when innocent people’s lives are in danger. It gives her even more hope that you can be reformed, and more determination to help you.
“Cure Heart, look out!”
“Woah, that was close! You saved me, thanks! Hey, don’t you think you’d make a good Pretty Cure? You’re so caring, I think you’d be a natural!”
“Not a chance.”
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~Rikka Hishikawa/Cure Diamond~
~ When she first met you, Rikka tried her hardest not to be your friend. She thought it would be easy, considering you were evil. However, when someone who’s a walking ray of sunshine comes into your life, it’s hard to warm up to them.
“Hey guy! I brought cookies!”
“They’re not poisoned, are they?”
“What? No? Why on earth would they be?”
“Because you’re evil?”
“Yeah, but I’m not a monster! Just try one!”
“Hmm… these are actually pretty good.”
~ She would’ve preferred not to see you, to avoid conflicting feelings. But of course, Mana couldn’t care less. She tried talking some sense into her, trying to get her to understand that you were evil, but to no avail. Knowing Mana’s tendency to not give up seeing the good in people, she just learned to bear with your presence. Although, she can’t help but enjoy it when it’s so nice.
“Hey guys! Look who’s here!”
“Oh. Hey (name)…”
“Ha! You’re smiling! That means you’re happy to see me!”
~ Sometimes, she forgets that you’re on the bad side, and finds herself being friendly with you. She hates to admit it, but she thinks you’re fun to be around. But of course, once her memory comes back, a pit of guilt in her stomach makes her distance herself from you once again.
“Hey, I know that book! It’s really good!”
“Really, you like it?”
“Yeah! The twist at the end is so good! Oh, sorry! I don’t wanna spoil.”
“Haha, it’s okay. I’ve actually already read this a few times. I really like it too.”
“Rikka! A Jikochuu is nearby!”
“Aaand that’s my queue to leave!”
“Oh… yeah…”
~ Conflicting feelings once again find themselves in Cure Diamond’s mind whenever you choose to help them out with fighting Jikochuus. She knows she should dislike you for being a Selfish, but she can’t help but remember Mana’s way of thinking. Afterwards, her demeanor towards you alters a bit. She continues being friendly to you, but when it comes to Pretty Cure stuff, she never lets that get in the way of saving the Trump Kingdom.
“Hey (name).”
“Hey Rikka! Wow, you’re actually talking to me first?”
“Haha, yeah. I just wanted to say that it was really cool of you to save Mana like that.”
“Oh, it was nothing. I just didn’t want my friend to get hurt. You know I’d do the same for you, right?”
“Yeah… I do.”
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~Alice Yotsuba/Cure Rosetta~
~ Alice just went along with whatever Mana did. So when Mana decided to be your friend, so did she. She didn’t really care much about you being a selfish, just as long as you weren’t purposely hanging out with them to target them. But you weren’t, so she treats you with the utmost kindness and hospitality.
*Alice’s car pulls up next to you*
“Good day, (name). The girls and I are having a tea party later today. You’re welcome to attend if you’d like.”
“Wow, really? That sounds like fun! I’d love to!”
“Wonderful. Would you like to ride in the car with me, or would you rather teleport.”
“Eh, teleporting’s too boring. Besides, I’ve never ridden in a car before!”
~ While she trusts you, she still keeps tabs on you, just to be safe. She has security cameras everywhere, so there’s no avoiding her watchful eyes. It’s not a secret either. Just ask, and she’ll admit it.
“How was Makoto’s concert, (name)?”
“Great! Wait, how did you know I was there?”
“My family owns the security cameras in the building she performed in.”
“So… you were spying on me.”
“(name), I’m aware of everything that happens around the city.”
~ Anytime a potential fight or argument threatens to break out due to you being a Selfish, Alice quickly and calmly stops it before it can happen. She prefers to keep your “job” something only to be talked about during Pretty Cure related things.
“Why is the Selfish here?”
“Because they’re our friend.”
“They’re no friend of mine.”
“Please, Aguri. Let’s not argue. Just enjoy the party; something unrelated to our jobs.”
~ The main reason Cure Rosetta treats you as a friend is because of your kindness. She knows that if you were truly evil, your kindness wouldn’t even be a fraction of what it is. So she believes that it’s not worth it to hate you. Over time, her thoughts are only proven more true as you continue to help them out during battles. Any true villain couldn’t care less about people they know getting hurt, never mind innocent bystanders.
“I can’t believe (name) still has the nerve to show their face. Especially after all they’ve done.”
“Makoto, isn’t (name) a big supporter of yours?”
“Well, yeah. But that doesn’t matter.”
“I beg to differ. If they were truly so bad, don’t you think they wouldn’t be listening to your music?”
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~Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword~
~ Makoto made no effort whatsoever to be your friend. She refused to talk to you as much as possible, not wanting to interact with one of the people responsible for the taking over of her home. Convinced it was all an act, she despised you for even having the nerve to be so friendly with the others.
“How’s your day been, Makoto?”
“It was fine until you showed up. And don’t call me that. If you want to refer to me, call me Kenzaki.”
“Woah, no need to be so cold!”
“I have every right to be cold.”
~ Anytime you showed your presence, her attitude immediately shifted to a grumpy one. She did not want you around, and she didn’t even try to hide it. She made many attempts to get the others to stop hanging out with you, but none were successful. If only Mana weren’t so keen on seeing the good in people.
“Hey Makopi! Look who’s coming to the mall with us!”
“Oh, it’s them. I’m second thought, maybe I won’t go.”
“Aww, c’mon Makoto! It’ll be fun!”
“I told you, call me Kenzaki. We’re not friends, and never will be.”
~ Eventually, against her will, Makoto seemed to begin warming up to you. It started when she found out you were a fan of hers. She found it annoying at first, and would give you signed merchandise to get you to leave her alone. But over time, she would find herself anticipating your interactions with her. But of course, she’d never admit it.
“We needed to get rid of some extra stock, so here’s a CD of some of my older songs. I already signed it.”
“Oh my gosh, no way! You’re the best, Makoto! Thank you!”
“I’ve told you many times before, call me Ken- You know what? Never mind.”
~ It confused her a lot when you’d help them out. You cared way too much for the innocent and those you considered friends, even though you were supposed to be harming them. The one thing it took for her to finally trust you was you saving her. Since then, she no longer treated you with disgust and hatred. Instead, she greeted you with soft, barely noticeable smiles. She even talks to you, and laughs at your jokes.
“Why did you save me?”
“Because you’re my friend, Makoto.”
“No I’m not.”
“To me, you are. Even if it’s one-sided, I still care about you. But I don’t think it’s one-sided. After all, you let me call you by your first name now!”
“*sigh* You know, I tried my best to hate you. But you just keep making it harder. I don’t even think I still do at this point.”
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~Aguri Madoka/Cure Ace~
~ Like Makoto, Aguri also refused to be your friend at first. But her dislike for you didn’t come from a personal level, but from a respect for her kingdom. She feels as though it’s simply irresponsible and downright offensive to the Trump Kingdom for her to even consider being friendly with you.
“Wanna go hang out at Alice’s house, Aguri?”
“Will the Selfish be there?”
“You mean (name)? Yeah, why?”
“Then I’ll have to pass. Sorry.”
~ But unlike Makoto, her feelings are much more easily swayed. Of course, she’s still very stubborn. But she knows she’s growing to like you. And besides, she doesn’t show her love for her other friends that much either. For you specifically though, she’s much more cold.
“Hello Selfish.”
“Oh, hi Aguri! Wow, you’re actually talking to me!”
“Hm, yeah. But that doesn’t mean I like you.”
“Haha, I’m not convinced.”
“What was that?”
“Oh, nothing.”
~ She carefully and closely studied your relationship with the others, and took note of how caring you are when it comes to their safety. She also took into account how you also care for the safety of random bystanders. This was what really pushed her to finally trust you.
“Selfish, why do you go out of your way to help others? You’re supposed to be evil.”
“Well, because I care about them. The bystanders have nothing to do with what’s going on. And, of course, you all are my friends. So why wouldn’t I save you?”
“But you’re not supposed to care.”
“Then I guess that’s what makes me special!”
~ After a while, she finally allowed herself to bond with you. You finally earned yourself the right for her to talk to you, to which nobody ever thought would happen. She even considers the two of you to be friends. Though, of course, she’d never say it out loud. But don’t take it personally. However, when it comes to the sake of her kingdom, don’t expect her to spare you.
“Can you pass me the cake (name)?”
“Sure! Wait, you didn’t call me ‘Selfish’! You actually said my name!”
“Yeah, yeah. Just gimme the cake.”
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harufallinwonderland · 5 months
I have very few precure ships that are otps (reason why I removed the ship portion of my intro there lots I like just few I love) so here are mines cause I’m bored
Tsubomi x Itsuki (idk why but whenever I see them together I go feral)
Baritone x @shinysparklesapphires (BARISAPH FOR LIFE and I support A bit of self shipping especially with my friends/moots)
Mana x Regina (they make me physically ill together loved them in the English dub that shall not be named I love them now)
Go princess precure poly (there all just gfs trying to save the world and add Yui in there as there emotional support)
Mirai x Liko (i don’t need to see the whole show to know these two gay as hell they legit have A fairy daughter they called them her moms in the manga!)
Yukari x Akira (I want what they have)
Ruru x Emiru (they make me ill but like times that by 100,000)
Sora x Mashiro (they are the most gay precures that haven’t been confirmed since Emiru and Ruru I live for them)
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yuribracket · 2 years
Really? Lovesetsu? Adopted siblings are still siblings, this is kinda gross. Also the lack of regimana disappoints me
Hi! Fresh isn't a season of Precure I've seen yet, but the pairing was recommended to me for the bracket by a friend I trust very deeply to not be gross and weird, so I would assume their relationship can be interpreted as friendship, sisterhood, or romance by various viewers. If sisterhood is an especially popular interpretation, they will probably be voted out early on anyway.
However, if many people who have watched Fresh are uncomfortable with or grossed out by the pair's inclusion, I would be open to hearing other suggestions for a pairing from the season to add to the bracket. Alternatively, there is a pairing from Smile I have on the backburner that they could be swapped out for.
As for Regina/Mana, since spots were limited I wanted to keep the bracket to only cure x cure ships (+ curelike allies in the case of Milky Rose). Sorry for the disappointment!
However, I will also point out: Rikka mad gay
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[Image ID: Screenshot from the Pretty Cure Wiki of a translated verse from Rikka's character song, "Clear Eyes." The lyrics read:
Sparkling bright, My friend’s smile Will always give me courage. Joining hand in hand, I wish I could tell her This feeling of connectedness is love. End ID.]
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Go on, explain how their straight and not in love
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i-know-geography · 2 years
Yandere Regina x Maya/Mana (Doki doki precure) headcanons
Requested by:Esther/Angel
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Regina it's for sure the jealous and possesive type.
She always wanna be with Mana(Maya,for the Glitter force fans),and only with her.
If she isn't with Mana,she's sad and angry.
She likes to be spoiled by Mana,but she also spoils her too.
She's kinda of fine with the rest of precure,but only because Mana likes them really much.
She don't like any boys being close do Mana and always tries to scare them away.
She likes sleeping in Mana's house and talking with her family,sometimes she says that they should marry so she can live with Mana forever.
If anything,and i mean ANYTHING interrupts them,Regina will destroy whathever it is.
She cheers for Mana during the battles,its super cute.
Mana is kinda oblivious about this weird behavior of her.
She always says that its because she never had a girlfriend before,or that she doesn't know how relationship works.
She only will notice if something really extreme happens.
Their relationship is very cute though
They're always cuddling or holiding hands.
Regina is very attention starved,like,she needs attention 24/7.
Regina doesn't know what a healthy relationship is,probaly by all this years with her dad.
But she respects Mana though,she's just not healthy with people around her.
Their realtionship is very cute and fluffy,despite all that.
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jewlwpet · 5 years
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I’m reading chapter 5 right now. It’s the one where Regina shows up.
Makopi is playing Juliet, and she’s having trouble because she can’t understand how someone would fall in love with an enemy. And this is the context in which Regina comes in and sweeps Mana off her feet, which results in Makopi being angry and hurt.
The others tell Mana that if she wants Makopi to start talking to her again, she’ll get her feelings across to her. So Mana climbs the set and starts quoting Romeo’s lines about Juliet to her (”It is the East, and Makopi is the sun!”). She then gives an impassioned speech about how friendship and love transcend birth and allegiances (”If you and I were enemies... would we not be friends?”), and her passion in defending her bond with Regina is what enables Makopi to understand Juliet and pull off a splendid performance (though, as in the anime, she still held reservations about Regina and wasn’t going to forgive her right away).
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magical-demigirl · 1 year
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pokechicadel · 7 years
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Don’t reblog, take a screenshot and re-upload it, but tag it with all your OTP’s
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valentinaruiba · 2 months
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regimana · 6 months
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girlfriend transport!
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blogyogawp · 2 years
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Here’s the images of Precure Sisters with Shield Sunglasses (Doki Doki x Star Twinkle (Akira Takahashi), Go! Princess x Tropical-Rouge! (Yukiko Nakatani), Part 2)
Mana Aida & Hikaru Hoshina
Rikka Hishikawa & Yuni
Alice Yotsuba & Elena Amamiya
Makoto Kenzaki & Madoka Kaguya
Regina & Lala Hagoromo
Haruka Haruno & Manatsu Natsuumi
Minami Kaidou & Laura La Mer
Kirara Amanogawa & Minori Ichinose
Towa Akagi & Asuka Takizawa
Yui Nanase & Sango Suzumura
The illustrations number 1 to 5 are credited to Pixiv user licht (Pixiv ID  31108704), while the illustrations number 6 to 10 are credited to Pixiv user Romantic Utopic/Romauto (Pixiv ID 33586646)
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