#Hibiki x Kanade
magical-demigirl · 1 year
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Lesbian screenshots from every season of precure I kinda want to see some redraw challenge for all of these screenshots I want to note I have not watched hugtto and had trouble finding a lesbian screenshot for it so I might of missed something
For gogo and healin' good I guess it a threesome
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Hibiki Otokonoji and Kanade Otokonoji from Super Danganronpa Another 2 are in love. There's nothing you can do to stop them.
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rekino2114 · 3 months
can I ask sdra2 with reader that got cheated/ or almost died by their ex
Sdra2 girls with a reader that was abused by their ex
A/n:I kinda decided to go with a mix of the two ideas you gave me
(Credit to @omori-kunster for this amazing sora banner my weird brain got bothered that she doesn't have an introduction like everyone else so I decided to use this, please let me know if you're ok with me using it)
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Sora probably picked up on some habits of yours that suggested you had a troubled past with relationship, and wanting you to trust her completely asked you about it.
She was flabbergasted when you told her that your ex abused you, why would they do that to such a kind and sweet person?
If she meets your ex she will just glare at incredibly hard while mentally spouting out all of the possible insults she can think of.
"Don't worry y/n, I won't treat you like that. I love only you, and nothing will make me stop"
Kokoro mitsume
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She already knew about it very early in your relationship, but she didn't want to confront you about it because she wanted you to be the one to bring it up whenever you felt ready.
She's probably one of the best people you could tell. She's a psychologist, so she probably knows how to handle similar situations. She'll make sure to show you her love more directly after that conversation to show you that she's not like your ex.
She asks you to ignore your ex if you ever meet them again. They don't deserve your time, plus engaging in conversations with them might trigger you.
"I'm very proud of you for telling me this y/n. You are very brave to open up, and I'm glad you trust me enough to do so"
Emma magorobi
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Even with her acting skills, she couldn't hide how heartbroken, surprised, and pissed off she was at hearing your story, she just couldn't believe someone could do this to you.
She decided to share a bit of her traumatic past with you too, if you trusted her that much, then she should do the same.
This is one of the few times she thinks about using her influence for something like this. She'll accuse your ex of everything you told her they did on social media, hoping to get them arrested.
"I am so sorry for what happened, my love, but on the bright side, now we know we can trust each other even more"
Setsuka chiebukuro
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She probably noticed when you flinched while she was hugging you, she loves being physically affectionate but she wants you to be comfortably with it first, she will sit you down and try to ask you what was wrong.
She was just so shocked that something like that happened to you, she knows people like that exist but she didn't expect you to be a victim of that. She will remind you of her love daily and will make sure to show you that she is much much better than your ex.
She might try to find out who your ex is if you don't feel like telling her, if to just satisfy her curiosity. But if you ever meet them again she will turn your head the other direction while hugging you and shooting them a death glare.
"Don't worry now. Big sis has got you, no one will hurt you again while she's with you. I love you more than you could ever imagine. Don't forget that, ok baby?"
Hibiki otonokoji
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Hibiki doesn't have much experience with love so she probably didn't notice anything particularly weird about your behavior, she just thought you were shy and didn't like physical affection and it was fine with her.
When you told her that you were actually abused by your ex, she just started crying and hugging you. She blames herself for not noticing earlier, but from now on, she makes sure everyone treats you nicely, even by yelling at them if they do anything to trigger you.
She could not contain her rage if she saw your ex around. She would just scream and yell at them until she had no voice left in her, and thanks to her vocal training that's a lot of time. (She considered beating them up too but then realized she's too weak)
"I'm so sorry for not noticing earlier y/n but don't worry I will make sure no one treats you like that again you only deserve the best"
Kanade otonokoji
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Your ex is so dead. As soon as she learned you had an ex, she was already planning to kill them just to make sure they didn't bother your relationship, but when she learned they actually abused you,her plans got way way more brutal.
Of course she will make sure you feel loved and protected, she'll make everything she can to make you trust her, she'd never hurt you after all, but with the people who harm you it's another story.
You'll never see your ex again because conveniently, shortly after telling kanade about them, they disappeared mysteriously, while it was a surprise it definitely wasn't an unwelcome one.
"Darling, don't worry about your ex anymore, ok? I promise they'll never hurt you again as will no one else I'll make sure of that my love"
Iroha nijiue
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Iroha isn't the smartest so she'll probably mistake some of your gestures as shyness or simply inexperience like hibiki.
She cried too when she heard your experiences, she blamed herself even If she didn't do anything, you ended up being the one to comfort her but she makes sure to show you her love too especially by hugging you a lot.
She's way too shy and scared to do anything if she ever meets your ex so she will just ask you to go to another place.
"I-i'm sorry for what you've been through y/n *sniffle* I really am. B-but if it makes you feel better I love you and will never treat you like that"
Yoruko kabuya
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Yoruko is pretty observant, so even if not immediately, she noticed the signs but didn't wanna be too forward so she waited for you to be ready to tell her, dropping hints that she was fine with whatever happened in your past along the way.
While she expected it to be something like this, she was still surprised at the sheer amount of abuse you went trough, she will try to comfort you the best she can and will try to be a little less tsundere and show you her love more directly.
She really doesn't want you to meet your ex again to keep you safe so if she ever sees them she will guide you away and start berating them with insults and threats.
"I feel really sorry for you y/n but at least you have me now, you're safe with me...and loved"
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teruyakisser · 5 months
How about a S/O who is a serial killer. With Kanade, Hibiki, and Teruya. maybe angst with Hibiki and Teruya but idk bout Kanade.
Have a nice day btw. ♥️
Kanade, Hibiki, and Teruya with a s/o who is a serial killer🩷❤️💚🩸
Teruya's note: Of course! I will do my best!
Warnings: Mentions of murder and killing? And some spoilers?
Gender: Neutral
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ᰔᩚ Kanade Otonokoji ᰔᩚ
To be honest, she had a feeling that something was off about you the first time she met you.
Unlike how she felt about Syobai, she was intrigued by this strange feeling and she wanted to know more about you.
You both have talked a lot and got along well with each other and shared some similarities. The more she paid attention to you, the more she started to figure out that little secret about you.
You were flabbergasted when she told you that she knew you were a killer. You hadn't told her yet so how did she know????
Eventually, she gave you that same smile you always saw on her face when you both first interacted with each other.
"Don't worry (Name) I won't tell anyone, you can tell me all about it as much as you want. I'll be taking this secret to our graves if we have too" 🩷
ᰔᩚ Hibiki Otonokoji ᰔᩚ
She was a brat towards you at first but she eventually started to warm up to you when you both were alone together and spend some time talking with each other
Everyone she has gotten close to always dies for some reason and it makes her upset. When that happens she always goes to Kanade for comfort, she has no idea that it's her sister who's killing everyone that gets close to her.
She thinks she might be cursed with bad luck or something. You had a feeling something was off about Kanade so you and Hibiki only talked whenever she wasn't around.
Hibiki wasn't as smart as her twin sister so she didn't catch on or know you were a killer until you told her yourself.
She was devastated and scared when you told her you were a serial killer. Were you the one who killed all of those Hibiki interacted with!?
You quickly defended yourself and told her you weren't the one who killed all of those people. You even showed proof that you weren't involved in the cases.
Hibiki is still weary of you....but she still trusts nonetheless. She just wishes all of the killings of the people she talked too would just stop....🩷
ᰔᩚ Teruya Otori ᰔᩚ
Ever since you known Teruya that was a part of the kisaragi foundation you were afraid of how he would react to you being a serial killer.
You had your reasons for being a killer in the first place...but it seemed too complicated to tell him.
Teruya was concerned about your strange behavior and asked if you were okay. You always gave him a reassured smile and told him everything was okay.
And of course...he believed you.
That was until he saw a file on the computer that showed a wanted poster that had your face on it. Teruya felt his heart sank the moment he recognized your face on the poster.
He went to confront you and showed you the picture. He placed his other hand on your shoulder and asked you if you were really a killer with an unreadable look on his face that sent shivers down your spine.
You realized you couldn't hide it any longer and openly admitted it.
Teruya felt sad and betrayed at the same time. Of all people, he never expected you would do something such as murder.
He stopped talking to you for a few days after that. This made you think he now hated you after hiding the fact that you were a serial killer.
You wondered if he will ever trust you again if you figure out how to make it up to him......
He might.....;)💚💚
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danganronpafan777 · 10 months
Hi, I saw your post asking for Christmas prompts. May I suggest doing Kanade and Hibiki building a snowman with a younger sibling reader?
“Kanade! You made the head crooked!” Hibiki scolded her, to which her sister frantically apologized.
“Ah! I’m sorry!”
“But… I kinda like it crooked…” You muttered. At those words, both sisters immediately stopped, Kanade even trying to make it more crooked. You continued picking out sticks for arms, the cold air causing you to shiver, despite Hibiki’s constant insistence that you wear multiple layers. 
Hibiki helped you put the arms into place, even moving them around a bit to make you laugh.
“Hey! Look at me! I’m snowman Kanade!” 
Kanade seemed to giggle a bit at that, knowing Hibiki’s words held little malice. Setsuka telling her to be kinder to Kanade, especially around you, seemed to be sinking in like an early Christmas present. 
Kanade picked you up, allowing you to give the snowman a smily face. Both of your sisters complimented the snowman, Kanade giving it her scarf before Hibiki starting throwing snowballs at her. 
It was rare for you to be able to spend time with your sisters all alone, given their lives as idols and being very particular about the people they let watch you. With a large grin, you threw a snowball back at Hibiki. 
She immediately squealed at the cold, “Oh it’s on now!!”
Kanade tried her best to shield you, but you told her to have fun too. Hesitantly, with aim rivaling one of Santa’s elves, she completely obliterated both of you, only pausing when you hid behind the snowman. 
Cause just like you, she’d protect it with her life.
You and Hibiki had to team up to take Kanade down, but even then, you could tell she let you win. By the time it was all over, the three of you were soaked to the bone.
Even with your teeth chattering and hands being frozen, you couldn’t be happier. Hibiki helped you set up a fort while Kanade made you both some hot chocolate. Cuddling with your two beloved sisters, you admired the snowman once again.
Maybe you’d make him some siblings too.
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comfortabletogether · 5 months
Hi! I just came across your writings. May I request the SDRA2 girls helping their S/O move on from a previous relationship with a toxic ex?
thank you for the request!! And sorry it took a while and isn’t everyone. Typically full cast requests will. And I think I’m going to do a six or seven character limit to requests. Just because of how long it takes to write these, and that i can’t do it in a timely fashion. Thank you!!
I don’t know much about this subject but i tried to write it the best i can. And I want you guys to correct me if i got anything wrong with this and I am in no way trying to romanticize this.
and if you are in a toxic relationship do not be scared to ask for help, alright?
TW: Mentions of previous toxic relationships, Kanade Otonokoji, Swearing, Hibiki’s part is also focused on her own trauma too, Mentions of Kanade’s abuse to Hibiki, Implied Spoilers, Mentions of Emma’s past,
~Mod Haruhiko ✈️
Emma Magorobi
🎬 If anyone gets this, it’s Emma. From Hollywood to her father, she gets it. If you have a panic attack she’ll be by your side, comforting you in ways that Emma taught herself when she would get triggered.
🎬 If you ever think Emma would hurt you or was mad at you or anything like that, she would try her hardest to prove to you that it is not true.
🎬 Emma would tell you puns to try and make you laugh whenever you’d get extremely anxious.
Kanade Otonokoji
🎵 Kanade, she will not fix you. Kanade will make you at least ten times worse and make you a lot more anxious and have a toxic amount of co-dependency. And your ex, well they most likely will disappear completely without any explanation. Tragic, huh?
🎵 Though Kanade will probably get pissed at herself if you ever thought she’d hurt you. And she’d probably would try to guilt trip you into feeling bad for ever not having blind trust in her.
🎵 Despite being awful about not being completely toxic, Kanade is actually extremely helpful in getting over your toxic old ex. And she swears (lies) to you that she would never be like that.
Kokoro Mitsume
🧠 Kokoro understands to some extent of what it would’ve been like. She has studied this kind of thing and while she cares for your well being, she also has a tendency to take notes and record data on how you’re doing.
🧠 If you ever got scared that Kokoro would be mad with you, she’d probably get confused but quickly began to realize that it would’ve been a trauma response and reassured you that she’d do nothing to harm you.
🧠 Kokoro would enjoy doing puzzles or color books if you ever wanted to just hang out with her after calming down from a panic attack. She would say it’s calming.
Setsuka Chiebukuro
🎱 Setsuka is the best, she’ll always listen to your experience and she would treat you like absolute royalty. Setsuka is so extremely patient with you and will always be right by your side if in need of support.
🎱 If problems regarding communication ever comes up. With you now liking something Setsuka has done but afraid of speaking out, she’ll be able to pick up that something is wrong and try and confront you about it.
🎱 When you’re not doing the best your girlfriend, Setsuka will always bring you some sort of comfort, even if it’s just her hugging you tightly cause she loves you so much and she hates seeing you suffer.
Hibiki Otonokoji 
🎶 You’ve had a toxic relationship before? Her too! Hibiki isn’t the best with sharing her baggage with anyone but she’ll listen to you and your trauma and she’ll share some of her own back. It helps her be able to truly trust you and vise versa.
🎶 If you ever get scared that she’ll yell at you, she’s probably cry and assure you that she’d never do it in an intentional manner (she yells a lot but that’s just cause she likes to be loud.) 
🎶 Honestly, it’s a learning curve for the both of you because, getting out of something toxic is hard. And Hibiki hasn’t ever been the best at comforting people and she’s never been in a consensual romantic relationship but she’s trying. And she dearly loves you.
Yoruko Kabuya
🍷 Yoruko would be able to pick up on your behaviors before you’d even tell her what happened in your previous relationship. And she would give you gifts or small words of affirmation while telling you about how you can trust her with anything and that she trusts you.
🍷When you finally tell her, she hugs you and Yoruko immediately starts to insult your ex and spurting threats for whatever she seems them but quickly realizes that won’t help. Yoruko tells you that she loves you and that she’s happy you trusted her.
🍷 Yoruko does a teeny bit of research about what she can do and will always listen to you vent about anything. And will always remind you that she doesn’t need to be praised for doing the most mundane things.
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: Symphogear
Sample Size: 554 stories
Source: AO3
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Sora: So…why am i here again?
Hibiki: I already told you Sosie…i gotta make sure this “date” is perfect for Kanade!
Sora: …But aren't we like…stalking them?
Hibiki: Not necessary…we’re basically just bodyguards for Kanade.
Sora: …i see..
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baileypie-writes · 2 months
~Suite Pretty Cure♪ Masterlist~
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💜 - Gender Neutral Reader
🩷 - Female Reader
🩵 - Male Reader
💛 - Pretty Cure Reader
🖤 - Villain Reader
💕 - Platonic Relationship
💞 - Familial Relationship
☁️ - Fluff
⛅️ - Hurt/Comfort
🌧️ - Minor Angst
‼️ - Minor Violence
~Hibiki Hojo/Cure Melody~
(💞/💕 Only)
(nothing yet!)
(nothing yet)
~Kanade Minamino/Cure Rhythm~
(💞/💕 Only)
(nothing yet!)
(nothing yet!)
~Ellen Kurokawa/Cure Beat~
(💞/💕 Only)
(nothing yet!)
(nothing yet!)
~Ako Shirabe/Cure Muse~
(💞/💕 Only)
(nothing yet!)
(nothing yet!)
• Dating Headcanons💖💜☁️
(nothing yet!)
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The Hope Universe is wholesome. Kanade-chan did not betray us all. Didn’t shatter Hibiki-chan. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Praise @vergilsama922​ ~ Lovely sprites. (๑╹ω╹๑ )
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yugirl · 6 months
Hey Magical Girl Fans! I need your help!!
I want to make a series of images for magical girls who share the same name but my range of franchises isn’t as diverse as I would like. So I’d like your help compiling the list!
Hibiki Hojo/Cure Melody (Suite Precure)
Hibiki Tachibana (Symphogear)
Nozomi Waku/Non Chan (Ojamajo Doremi)
Nozomi Yumehara/Cure Dream
Iroha Inukai/Cure Friendy (Wonderful Precure)
Iroha Tamaki (Magia Record)
Madoka Kaname (Madoka Magica)
Madoka Kaguya/Cure Celene (Star Twinkle Precure)
Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon)
Haruka Haruno/Cure Flora (Go Princess Precure)
Haruka Kanade (Magia Record)
Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon)
Michiru/Cure Bright (Precure Splash Star)
Tsubasa Yuunagi/Cure Wing (Hirogaru Sky Precure)
Tsubasa Kazanari (Symphogear)
Tsubasa Hanekawa (Magia Record)
Tsubasa Aiba from Police x Warrior Lovepatrina
Kanade Minamino/Cure Rhythm (Suite Precure)
Kanade Chidori (6 heart princess)
Kanade Amou (Symphogear)
Setsuna Meioh/Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)
Setsuna Higashi/Cure Passion (Fresh Precure)
Fuu Inobuzaki (Yuki Yuna is a Hero)
Fuu Hoji (Magic Knights Rayearth)
Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword (Doki Doki Pretty Cure)
Makoto Yoshichu (6 Hearts Princess)
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon)
Megumi Aino/Cure Lovely (Happiness Charge Pretty Cure)
Megumi Taishin (6 Hearts Princess)
Hikaru Hoshino/Cure Star (Star Twinkle Precure)
Hikaru Shidou (Magic Knights Rayearth)
Mai Mishou/Cure Egret/Cure Windy (Futari Wa Pretty Cure Splash Star)
Mai Kanzaki (Idol x Warrior Miracle Tunes)
Hikari Kujou/Shiny Luminous (Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart)
Hikari Shiratori (Idol x Warrior Miracle Tunes)
Yuri Tsukikage/Cure Moonlight (Heartcatch Pretty Cure)
Yuri Tanima (Wedding Peach)
Momoka Hanasaki (Wedding Peach)
Momoka Aino (Magic x Warrior Maji Maho Pures)
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon)
Ami Gidou (6 Hearts Princess)
Rin Natsuki/Cure Rouge (Yes Pretty Cure 5)
Rin Shirayuki (Magic x Warrior Maji Maho Pures)
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rekino2114 · 4 months
Random texts with sdra2 girls
A/n:You probably thought I forgot about this prompt......and you would be right I did until now
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Kokoro mitsume
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Emma magorobi
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Setsuka chiebukuro
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Hibiki otonokoji
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Kanade otonokoji
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Iroha nijiue
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Yoruko kabuya
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teruyakisser · 5 months
Hey hey hey! welcome to my blog! You are free to call me Sylvie if you want or nothing at all!💚
This blog is only dra and sdra2, I kinda saw the lack of posts based on it so I wanted to write my own!💚💚
request rules are below the cut.
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First things first, I can write for both games. DRA and SDRA2! I can write for all of the characters (Teruya my favorite to write lol), so don't hesitate to request any one! But if it's about Teruya, you need to specify which one you're talking about or I'll just randomly pick either of them to write.
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What I am eligible to write:
ᰔᩚ Fluff
ᰔᩚ Angst
ᰔᩚ Yandere (Extreme detailed gore too!)
ᰔᩚ Mental disorders/disabilities
ᰔᩚ All genders, but the reader will remain gender neutral unless specified.
ᰔᩚ Headcanons (I'll be writing in bullet points anyways)
ᰔᩚ Romantic/Platonic
ᰔᩚ Child reader/sibling requests will always be platonic★
ᰔᩚ Incorrect quotes
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What I am ineligible and will not write:
✘ P€d0ph!le
✘ Character x character
✘ !n€est
✘ ®Ap€
✘ Monocrow
✘ Matchups (I don't know how to do those stuff)
✘ N$FW (I don't know how to write that nor I am comfortable with it. The closest I can do is french kissing and that is it)
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Oh! by the way, I can only do up to 5 characters maximum!
Please respect my boundaries and follow my rules when submitting your request in my inbox. And I hope you enjoy my writings💚🩵🩵
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danganronpafan777 · 1 year
Request—-> SDRA2 girlies with a basically “perfect” S/o. (Gen-neutral) Like they can learn ANYTHING in a span of a week, and are also very kind. But they have very neglectful parents who don’t care about them. Like S/o could win an Olympic medal/solve world hunger/cure cancer.. but the parents won’t care no matter what S/o does. So the gals see reader trying to make their parents proud but the Parents. Just. Don’t. Care. Also, I can imagine S/o making up excuses for them like “Nah my parents love me. They’re just busy is all! :D” (S/o is in delulu land. Bonus point if reader is getting bunt out too)
“Delulu land” lol
Setsuka Chiebukuro:
Perfect, huh? Would you mind if she put it to the test? 
Every week, Setsuka would give you another skill to master, and every week you beat her in her own game. Even with her robotic eye, she lost a round of billiards to you! 
She would tease you a bit, and ruffle your hair, but made sure that you weren't overworking yourself just to prove her wrong. After only a few weeks, Setsuka developed feelings for you 
Despite how 'perfect' you were, she loved catching you off guard. The moment you accepted her confession, she dipped you for a kiss.
She wasn't too worried about meeting your parents, planning to just be herself and work her charm. When your parents told the two of you to leave, as they were too busy, Setsuka immediately disliked them. 
"That was a bit rude, eh, N/n?"
"Don't mind them! They're glad to meet you, they’re just busy right now!"
She didn't buy it, but she calmly held your hand and led you away from them. The two of you spent the rest of the day together, and Setsuka never hesitated to congratulate you or tell you how proud she was of you after you aced her challenges from then on. 
She wasn't upfront, but would drop small hints about your parents, maybe even asking a few questions about your past with them. You didn't see the harm in it, but she was slowly making you realize the truth. It wasn't until a few weeks later, when she was walking you home from school that it all seemed to dawn on you. 
"Setsuka...my parents... Do you think they...?"
She gave your hand a squeeze, and patted your head,
"It doesn't matter what they think, N/n. You are perfect the way you are, and you shouldn't push yourself just to get their attention."
"Then what should I do..?"
Setsuka smiled back at you, 
"Nothing, just be yourself. I love you for you, N/n."
Your eyes felt watery as she pulled you into a hug, kissing you on the forehead. The two of you began to walk to her place, hand in hand, Setsuka whispering you words of reassurance every step of the way. 
When burnout hit, she set up an array of snacks and the two of you layed on her bed, the TV playing absentmindedly in the background. She played with your hair as you laid your head on her chest
Even if you didn't have your parents support, you had hers all the way. And you always will.
Yoruko Kabuya:
Yoruko didn't believe you were perfect in the slightest. It was impossible for someone the be perfect at everything, right?
She was glad you didn't take offense to her skepticism, even taking it as a challenge. She had to hide how impressed she was every time you mastered a skill she had never even heard of, not noticing how she was already falling for you 
She was a tsundere around you for months, but you patiently waited for her to confess on her own, accepting her confession with a smug grin on your face. Yoruko couldn't decide if she wanted to lightly smack your face away or kiss that grin off your face
She was fairly nervous about meeting your parents, wearing casual clothing that didn't reveal too much, and little makeup for a change. You and Sora advised her to just be herself, so that was what she planned to do. 
But when your parents paid neither of you any state of mind, she was immediately annoyed. She didn't want to complain since they were still your parents, but she put a lot of effort into looking good in front of them! The least they can do is look at the two of you
Yoruko felt... disturbed at how unbothered about it you were. Did they always ignore you like this? She couldn't let you lie to yourself like this,
"Y/n, no... it's wrong for them to ignore you like this. You're...amazing. You deserve better parents than them."
You were a bit caught off guard by her praise, and Yoruko tried to hide her blush. 
"W-What!? Hey, I can compliment my S/o!"
You laughed a bit. It was a while before her words really started to sink in, but she didn't leave your side. She was fairly mad when she realized that you were burning yourself out for those people, so she sat you down on the couch and made you a drink. 
Yoruko didn't complain when you snuggled up to her, hiding her red face in your shoulder. 
Emma Magorobi:
She was skeptical of your ability to be perfect at everything you did, but she never told you 
However, as you skillfully did her makeup, acted out a skit with her, and happily commented on her movies with a critic's detail, she couldn't help but be impressed. You definitely had a unique charm to you, and dare she say, you were quite good at making puns
You and Emma became close friends fast, but it was months before the two of you officially got together. By that time, you already had a fan base and became a popular ship with Emma among her fans
She was slightly nervous about meeting your parents, but as the ultimate actress, she hid it well. Emma put on her best casual clothes and spent an hour on her makeup, just for your parents to not bat an eye towards either of you
She was confused, slightly offended on both of your parts, and hurt for your sake. She asked if you were alright, but you brushed it off, saying they were just busy
You were lying to yourself. Not only that, but you were acting. 
It was like her own father all over again, only talking to her to demand money or use her as an ashtray. Emma started to shake a bit. She needed to get both of you away from here.
"Emma? Where are you taking me?"
"Y/n...those people... They don't care. They don't care about... anything."
You asked her what she was talking about. When the two of you were in the privacy of your own home, she slowly became undone. Emma told you of her past, and her biological father,
"They're liars, Y/n...They make you lie to yourself...they make you act...like everything's fine."
Slowly, she showed you her arms, wincing when you grimaced. As tears rolled down both of your cheeks, staining her makeup, the two of you held each other and made a promise,
That no matter what, the two of you would love each other just the way you were
Hibiki Otonokoji:
Perfect? Yeah, right! 
She didn't believe it, and no matter how good you sang, she insisted that she was better
With a smile, you agreed, and complimented her on her voice, making a strawberry blush spread across her face. 
The two of you performed duets together, and as much as she denied it, she felt herself falling for you. As much as she tried to hide her feelings, you could easily tell. 
She'll never admit how happy she was when you accepted her confession, and she bragged about you every chance she got.
Hibiki acted like she didn't mind meeting your parents, as she was a famous singer! What could they not like about her? 
She was terrified, but did everything she could to hide it. You smiled, putting your arm around her and introduced her.
Only to be met with annoyance, as your parents asked you to leave them alone. Hibiki was appalled and offended, 
"Hey! Don't ignore Y/n! She's your daughter!"
She scoffed when you told her that they loved you, but we're just busy. Hibiki was blunt about what she thought of your parents, and how rude they were,
"What a bunch of lowlifes! They don't deserve you, N/n!"
She was stubborn, and denied any excuse you came up with. She wouldn't let up, and it became a full blown argument between the two of you. Out of anger, you remarked that she treated Kanade worse, but still claimed to love her. 
Hibiki told you off, saying your parents never even claimed to love you in the first place. It wasn't until you were crying that she felt terrible, and realized she may have went too far...
"W-Wait..! I-I'm sorry...! I didn't mean..-"
"No...you're right. I was stupid not to see it..."
"Th-That's not true! You didn't do anything wrong, N/n!"
With tears in her own eyes, she tried to comfort you, and offered to leave or give you space. Hibiki wouldn't stop apologizing, and as much as she wanted to beg you to forgive her, you weren't in a state of mind to make a choice like that. Right now, you just needed someone. 
She held you as you cried, letting you sob into her shoulder. Hibiki cried to muffle the sounds of her own cries, but it didn't work, and the two of you just held each other, trying to comfort the other
The realization was difficult, but Hibiki no longer hesitated to tell you how much she loved you. Even if you didn't have your parents' support, she was rooting for you
Kokoro Mitsume:
Perfect? That's not possible, no human being is perfect.
Even when you mastered every ability and skill she could think of in a span of a few months, she didn't believe it. You definitely interested her.
She evaluated your emotions and your movements. Your mind was quick and calculated.. with a need to prove yourself. Kokoro couldn't bring herself away, not even noticing her own feelings towards you.
You had no idea how Kokoro felt about you, given how distant she usually was, so it was a while before the two of you got together, and even then, no one noticed you were dating until you told them. 
She wasn't worried about meeting your parents, as she was skilled at knowing what people wanted her to say. Your mind always showed a positive view of your parents, so she wasn't expecting for them to be so neglectful.
Perhaps that's where your drive to prove yourself had started... how long had they been this way?
You were in complete denial, so Kokoro had to ask you for herself. You didn't know why she looked so concerned. They were just busy, like she usually was!
She felt a stab of an unknown emotion at those words. 
"I...I don't mean to be like them. I'm proud of you, Y/n." Kokoro had a small, comforting smile on her face. You didn't really understand what she said, but you were happy she was showing more emotion! 
Slowly, Kokoro would help you realize the truth. She recognizes the symptoms of burnout easily, so the two of you watch movies on her IPad together. She slowly places her hand on top of yours, a rare display of affection from her. 
"Y/n... you don't have to lie to yourself anymore. I'm here. I'll always make time for you."
You held her hand, laying your head on her shoulder as the tears started to flow. Kokoro didn't judge, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
Kanade Otonokoji:
It disturbed her a bit that just like her, you were perfect. It was her first time meeting someone that even held a match to her raw talent.
She wouldn't drop her facade, but that didn't stop her from slowly falling to you, losing her obsession over her sister.
Someone just like her... so you had to feel the same way as she did, right? 
When you accepted her confession, the two of you were the perfect lovebirds of your class. There was just no way your parents wouldn't like you two!
Your parent's indifference towards you definitely caught her off guard. She could understand if they treated you normally, since she was treated the same as Hibiki despite being better in every way, but they're seriously ignoring you?? Ha...well, perhaps she could make use out of it.
She could tell you were in denial about it before you even said anything, so slowly but surely, she asked you about your relationship with your parents, picking apart your arguments one by one. Kanade had to give your parents some credit, they manipulated you pretty damn well, as tearing down their lies took way longer than she expected, but in less than a month, you were faced with the cold, hard, truth.
"Kanade...you really think...my parents..."
"Y/n, darling... I'm proud of you, and I love you with all of my heart. I wouldn't be saying this if I wasn't concerned."
Her words kept you up at night, making you restless, wanting to do better... and where did that land you? Right back into Kanade's arms. 
She gently ran her fingers through your hair, sweetly pampering you for the day, as you were too burnt out to do anything. Too burnt out to even see the news report about the gruesome death of both of your parents.
As you snuggled up to her, Kanade's smile grew wider, and she softly whispered in your ear,
"Y/n... you really are perfect to me...fufufu~"
Iroha Nijue:
She didn't really believe it at first, but when you painted a picture even better than her, she was completely dumbfounded.
How were you so good at everything!? Were you born like that?
She was jealous at first, but couldn't resist falling for your kindness and genuine desire to help her, her heart beating out of her chest when you guided her brush along the canvas.
When you accepted her shy confession, she was over the moon. Iroha was extremely clingy, and would happily brag about you whenever she could, but nearly fainted at the idea of meeting your parents. 
She thought about creating a painting for them, but nothing she made ever seemed good enough to give them, especially compared to your art skills. The best she could do was take a deep breath and put on her neatest outfit.
Iroha expected the same from your parents, or at least something similar, but neither of them paid her any mind. Not just her, but they acted like you didn't exist!
"Y-Y/n...why are your parents ignoring us!?"
She thought it was something she did, but you kept assuring her that they loved you and were glad to see her, they were just busy. Iroha may be stupid, but she recognized those thoughts.
She spent many nights drawing, beat up in her basement, alone with nothing but those thoughts. Thoughts of being the best just so your parents would finally be proud of you...
You freaked out when you realized your girlfriend was crying, and you immediately took her to your room and held her.
"Hey...Iroha, it's okay..."
"...No...Y/n..." Iroha wiped her eyes, shaking her head, "G-Get away from them...please..."
"Them? You mean my parents?"
Iroha didn't talk about her life before Utsuro very often, but this was an exception. She told you everything, and how she recognized that pattern of behavior and the thoughts that followed. Everything she said...was so vivid to you... She knew exactly how you felt...
After all those years, it finally occurred to you that your parents truly didn't care. And it hurt.
It hurt so bad that you could only sob with your girlfriend, the two of you clinging to each other for dear life. Everything felt like a lie, but there was one thing you knew for certain.
You were never letting Iroha go.
She was thoroughly impressed by your ability to be perfect in nearly everything you did
It felt....vaguely familiar...
Still, Sora fell for you pretty quickly, after all, what was there not to like? You were the shining star of the class, helping everyone in need and looking out for her
She was expecting you to reject her, since she didn't even know her own talent, but you accepted with a smile that made her heart pound. As the relationship went on, she was getting more impressed by you, and your ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to!
She was pretty curious about you, and she couldn't be happier as your girlfriend! Sora appreciated how the two of you tried different hobbies, searching for Sora's potential talent, and while the results proved nothing, the two of you only got closer
She was definitely nervous and worried about meeting your parents, given how ordinary she was compared to you, but she still decided to give it her best shot
What she didn't expect was for your own parents to brush you off, and completely ignore the two of you. Sora can't remember anything about her own parents, or even people she grew up with, but something about this struck a cord...
"Hey. HEY!" She tried to yell, but you calmly shushed her, reassuring her that your parents were glad she met you and that you had a girlfriend. 
It felt like you were reassuring yourself the most. That didn't stop her from scolding your parents the moment you were out of sight. She didn't want to push her boundaries, but couldn't you see what they were like!?
Sora kept you away from your parents as much as possible, reminding you how proud she was of you. The moment she noticed that you were burning yourself out, she pulled you in for a hug.
"Y/n... your parents... They aren't good people. You shouldn't work so hard just to impress them. Come with me, we'll take a break."
As you drifted to sleep in her arms, you couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. No matter how many times you told her that your parents really did love you, you'd only be met with a sad look.
Could she have been right...?
You held her tighter. No matter what your parents thought, you knew that you'd always have her.
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comfortabletogether · 4 months
Hey. I looooooove your work and I was wondering if you could do some celebrating their S/o's bday hcs with kokoro, hibiki and kanade (separate) ? Thank you if you could do it also have a nice day or night.
thank you for requesting!! This ended up being a short blurb and not Headcanons but I doubt anyone is going to complain.
Anyways, have a good day/night to you as well!! It’s currently 4:40am as I write this, I just slept for several hours so I’m good don’t worry.
~ Mod Haruhiko ✈️
Hibiki Otonokoji
‘Hey sweetie, do you mind if I come over at 3pm?’ Hibiki woke up to your text buzzing on her phone.
Hibiki had blanked out, she had barely remembered the last two days and when she woke up in the morning Hibiki had seen the notification that it was your birthday. Hibiki didn’t have anything prepared, did that make her a bad girlfriend?
She already knew the answer as she ran out the door not even listening to her sister’s objections, or questions of where Hibiki was going or why. Kanade didn’t need to know everything single thing Hibiki was doing.
It was 10:41am, perfect! Hibiki could do a little shopping and set up her room for you before you were coming over. Hibiki went around only the best places buying you clothes, makeup, shoes and whatever other essentials to fuel your hobbies. And she had also bought some ribbons of your favorite color to decorate her room.
By the time you got to her house, she wasn’t exactly done setting it up. Hibiki didn’t even have time to wraps the gifts, but it was still so sweet.
“You didn’t have to do this.” You smile, looking at the dolled up Hibiki, who gave you a necklace that had the same sixteenth note she wore.
“But I wanted to.”
Kokoro Mitsume 
“Koko, put the icing down.” You smile endearingly at Kokoro’s attempts to frost the cake. It was a sticky yet colorful and delicious mess that looked like it was some color theorist’s final project. 
Kokoro had tried to write your name and happy birthday on the side of the cake but the two of you must have messed up the recipe for the icing as it ran down the crumbling side of the cake.
The two of you definitely messed it up.
“Hm? What’s wrong?” Kokoro inquired, wiping her hands that had icing smeared in them off on a nearby hand towel. She had a small smile painted on her face, she was pleased not just with you, but with how the cake is going.
“If you don’t like the cake we can always just buy one from the store. It isn’t the most— pleasing looking cake.” Kokoro remarked.
With her words you pressed a kiss onto Kokoro’s cheek, causing her to raise her towel up to shield her red hot face.
It wasn’t often that the typically stoic Kokoro blushed but it was the cutest side ever when she did.
“I love you, Kokoro. This is the best birthday ever.”
Kanade Otonokoji
“Watch it! It’s my partners birthday.” Kanade yelled at the stage manager that had told you you couldn’t go backstage, despite the fact he knew you and had seen you many times before.
“Are my sister and I seriously in need of a new stage manager? We just lost our old one too! How incompetent are you that you can’t even follow basic instructions.” Kanade continued to chew the man out.
“Kana, I think we’re good. And you don’t have to fire him over me.” You tell Kanade placing a hand onto her shoulder to try and calm her down.
Kanade stared at you with a lovesick look in her eyes before turning back to the stage manager.
“You’re lucky.”
The stage manager, now fearing for his life, ran off. Probably to go check in with Hibiki and how she is doing. And once he was gone Kanade’s face turned bright again.
“I’m sorry about that! Happy Birthday, S/O!” Kanade grinned wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you into a hug. Before you could say anything back to her she kissed your face probably a thousand times.
“Thank you—“
“Don’t thank me yet! You haven’t even seen the presents!” Kanade cheerfully smiled before pulling you off to her dressing room.
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iraqi-menace · 5 months
top 10 most iconic sibling ships in all of media, go
OK, these are not in any particular order BUT BUT
NezuTan (Nezuko x Tanjiro Kamado), honestly Idek how to elaborate on this one, or if I even should, but every instance they're on screen together I'm just like "JUST FUCK ALREADY!!!"
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KeiOku (Keicho x Okuyasu Nijimura), to be completely honest, this pairing started as a joke to me when I was searching up ships on AO3, but then I saw GORGEOUS ART on Pixiv and I got hooked And with the fact I spent AT LEAST 100$ worth of content of that ship, I think it's safe to say it's no longer a joke for me. In fact, this is my all time fav JoJo pairing still to this day.
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GenSane (Genya x Sanemi Shinazugawa), fun fact, this is the ship that got me into KNY in the first place, my friend once told me about this pairing, and I was intrigued because of how similar it sounds to KeiOku. And I'll say that's not that far off, especially with the fact that one of them dies XD. SMH their beef would've been solved a lot faster if they just... kissed...
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Kanabiki (Kanade x Hibiki Otonokoji), tbh Idek much about them, I just saw my friend playing SRDA2 once and I just thought they look cute together.
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Kanae x Shinobu x Kanao (idk the ship name of this one but if anyone does pls tell me), tbh I don't really have anything to say other than JUST LOOK AT THEM!!
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AceLu (Portgas D. Ace x Monkey D. Luffy), same as the last one, like, just look at them
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Daki x Gyutaro, aren't they basically NezuTan but evil?
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JonaDio (Jonathan Joestar x Dio Brando), look look, before anyone tells me that they're not actually siblings, NEITHER ARE ACELU, DAKI AND GYUTARO OR ANY OF THE KOCHO SISTERS AND KANAO, I do consider it incest either way, and Idc if you do or not. As for why I like this pairing.... look, they canonically had a child together, and the thought of Dio saying "cuff me, step bro~" is hot and sexy.
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tbh any of the Dio babies with each other.
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Kyojuro x Senjuro Rengoku, honestly the only elaboration I can think of is something about Kyojuro definitely being a shotacon.
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