#mango drabbles
bettydice · 3 months
56 and 6 for the kiss meme, please! YOU KNOW WHO
56. Caught off-guard kiss for Solavellan, as demanded
Mango closed the door behind her and let out a deep sigh of immense relief. She hadn't managed to cross Skyhold's throne room unseen, of course, but at least unbothered. And he hadn't seen her, which was what mattered.
She slowly climbed the stairs to her room, grimacing with every step. What a day. What a fucking day. But just a few more steps and she could just... lie on the floor. She was too dirty for her bed. Fuck, she should've arranged for a hot bath. But then she'd have needed to talk to someone. And -
Solas leaned against the wall next to the final stairs leading to her room and greeted her with an insufferable smirk.
Mango crossed the distance between them with as much poise as she could muster. "What a... lovely surprise to see you here."
"I heard you'd returned." Solas unfolded his arms and tucked a few stray hairs behind Mango's ear. Stray hairs meaning 'a gross clump of hair and dried mud' in this case. "It seems everything went well then?"
"Arse," Mango rolled her eyes, walked past him and gingerly stomped up the stairs. Of course she heard him follow behind her, because he was an arse.
"I overheard Dorian and Varric talking. Sounded like someone fade-stepped off a cliff and landed in a swamp?"
Mango tried to pretend he wasn't there and focused on climbing the last five steps without groaning out loud. She did make a mental note to kill both Varric and Dorian.
"And... what was it... ah yes:'Ow. Fuck. FUCK. Ow. She has mud in her nose. Her bottom hurts. If anyone ever mentions this happened, she'll feed them to the next dragon we see.' Cole's words, I believe."
Mango had finally reached the top of the ludicrously long stairs, so she turned around and glared at Solas. Who was, of course, smiling at her.
"He's right, I will stuff them in the dragon's maw myself. You included."
"Mhm, are you certain?" Solas cocked an eyebrow, then nodded to the left. Mango grudgingly turned her head and drew in a sharp breath. A bathtub full of hot, steaming, perfect, wonderful water was waiting for her.
"Fine, you may live another day." She turned back to Solas and smiled at him. She couldn't deny that he'd earned it with his thoughtfulness. But he also was an arse, so...
Mango threw her arms around his neck, pressed herself against him and kissed him, deeply. It took him a breath longer than usual to respond, but then he returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around her waist. Then he suddenly drew back and glared at her.
"My deepest apologies, I thought the mud had completely dried, oh no, what a terrible mistake," Mango cheerfully said, while slowly beginning to take off her clothes and walking towards the tub. Then she looked at him over her shoulder, held out her hand and smirked. "Didn't you come here to help me wash off the mud?."
Solas failed to keep up the glare any longer and huffed a laugh "It's possible the thought has crossed my mind, yes."
"Then come on, time to find out if this tub can hold two people."
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liminalpebble · 11 months
Love letter from President Loki.
Well hello my darling,
My apologies that you've had to go so long without my presence, my charming First Lady.
But oh, my love, you shall be so proud of me when you've seen my good work. This entire country now kneels before me...and soon...the planet. Through it all, you shall stand beside me in the most resplendent of finery like the queen you are; for you, my love, are my most glorious purpose.
But I'm getting ahead of myself as I tend to do. For now, come meet me in the oval office in those delightful stockings and heels, and perhaps a pencil skirt you wouldn't mind ruining. I have such plans for you involving that stately antique desk. All this fresh power is having quite the aphrodisiac effect on me, pet, and I wouldn't want it to go to waste.
Ever yours, my First Lady,
Your President, your Love,
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@eleniblue @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @alexakeyloveloki @gigglingtiggerv2 @littlespaceyelf @muddyorbs @ladyofthestayingpower @the-haven-of-fiction @goblingirlsarah @smolvenger @loopsisloops @infinitystoner
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daughterthethird · 5 months
OKOK HALLOO!! <33 sry this is a bit late i had to go out
How do we think,, mango would look as,, a warrior cat,, 🐈
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A lot of their info is in the ref sheet, and idk what else to say other than they’re a bit cuckoo tbh ☹️☹️ and they’re based on a Great Potoo! Mostly js with the smile tho </33 my other ask probs had more on it i just forgot what i put lmaoo mbmb but tysm for the offer!! Have a great day <33
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Warrior-fication under the cut:
“Potoo” is a rogue “cat” that wanders the clan territories and sometimes make patrols really fucking scared when they catch a glimpse of them, considering how elusive they are. You could SWEAR someone was there but when you go back to check theres just. nothing. nothing but a faint unnatural, alien, scent that lingers. Spooky! They’re basically the local Clan Cryptid™ that queens would use to scare their kits into not leaving the camp LMAO. Wether or not they’re actually real is up for debate among the clan cats.
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stick-named-figure · 2 years
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quid pro nil
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sour-heart-treats · 1 year
Ananas needs Pitaya for somethin (Idk what, you can decide ^^) but he's too prideful to ask for help so he suffers
"Ananas Dragon, sire... are you sure we can't ask the other dragons for help? Since they're also dragons, surely they'd know why you've come down with-"
"I do not CARE if they knew the cure to crumbling itself!" The golden dragon Ananas would snarl, startling their poor assistant Mango. Normally he wouldn't be scared so easily, but it was understandable considering the dragon's current condition. What normal cookies would state to be simply 'ill' was a drastic understatement. "We are NOT allowing such pathetic excuses of my own kind in here... this territory is mine, and I can find the cure on my own."
Mango would look up at the bed-ridden dragon, blinking sadly at them as he looked down to the dragon's legs- that of which has been frozen to stone. The full color next to golden scales was such a sharp contrast in Mango's eyes. He's heard many tales about creatures with this capabilities, he's told some himself! But those were in deserts or buried in ruined lands. "I understand, my dragon, but... how can you rule and protect the islands like this? Can you even shift into a dragon?"
"Of course I can! How lowly do you think of me? I am simply... not feeling up to it." The gilded legend huffed, refusing to make eye contact with their friend and assistant. They both knew that the excuse was as pathetic as Ananas' own state. They hated feeling Mango's gaze on them when it wasn't a form of awe or admiration... they didn't want to- need to- be coddled.
"The red dragon is nearby, though I am certain you don't want to see them..."
"Never in a thousand years or more."
"Hm..." The tour guide would hold his oar in both hands, wringing his hands around the handle idly. "In that case, I will have to look for a cure myself. It can be an adventure! And you know how much I love those!"
Ananas would near-instinctively growl, nearly snapping at Mango again, but only holding themself back by virtue of knowing that with a dragon's blessing, he can take care of himself for certain. For someone so small, for someone that's nothing more than a regular cookie, Ananas had faith in him. There's a reason why he's the only assistant Ananas has. Even so...
"And what of myself?" The question was weak- a feeble attempt to keep Mango from leaving. It seems that the softness that Ananas unwittingly let through was reciprocated, as the guide set a gentle hand on the dragon's scaled shoulder. "You still have your geomancy, don't you? There's plenty of ways to use that to get around, especially if you're in danger! Think of it as... a rock canoe!" Mango would smile sweetly, giving a quiet laugh that nearly got the dragon to grin themself.
"Right. A good idea, coming from a cookie." The dragon would snicker, eyes meeting Mango's in a moment of understanding. "Then you are permitted to go find whatever will aid me. Not that I need it, of course, but if it will benefit me- then I see no point as to why I should distrust you."
"Thank you, Ananas Dragon." Switching his ore to one hand, the sunset-colored cookie would salute the dragon and turn away to depart. "You can count on me!" Well, more like count on the red dragon. They were nearby for a visit a few isles over. The timing couldn't have been better! Even the island's protector hated their guts, he had to try.
Anything would be better than letting Ananas lay there and stew in their own selfishness and paranoia... and that stone skin that coated their scales sure looked like it covered more than it did yesterday...
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
I made a Trello (inspired by @matchy6812) to keep track of all of my garbAHge bc I'm drowning in WIPs and I now see why I never get anything done lololol. Never have I stared into the face of my ADHD so hard.
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darkbluekies · 4 months
(Husband) Dr Kry & Hedwig drabbles: summer day activities
Yandere!doctor & yandere!richgirl
Warnings: none, this is probably as fluffy as you can come
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Dr Kry:
For once, you are allowed out of the white edwardian villa and allowed to take a walk among society. Dr Kry is wearing a white linen shirt and a pair of sand colored shorts. His blonde hair is brushed back and over his eyes are a pair of sunglasses. Summer brings out a more laid back version of him.
"Hey, hey, come here", he says as you start to walk away from the car. "You need sunscreen."
He helps cover your face with it. He's careful with his fingers, making sure not to poke you in the eye.
He holds your hand as you start to walk. You walk through greenery, past wooden houses in red and white, and by harbors with sailboats. It seems like all of Sweden population is out at the same time because you pass by more people than you have seen in years. Everyone else wants to enjoy the sunshine. Dr Kry doesn't greet anyone as they walk pass, and neither do them. He gives them a small, awkward smile and moves you closer in case you're about to walk into to someone.
"Karl, can we buy ice cream?" you ask as you walk by a kiosk.
"Sure, what flavor do you want?" he asks and takes out his wallet from his pocket.
"Mango", you say excitedly. "I haven't tried that before."
Dr Kry orders from the woman behind the counter.
"You should take some too", you say. "Don't pick the coffee one, you always take that one."
He sighs and looks at the different flavors.
"And a salted licorice for me, thank you", he says.
"Come on ...", you mutter.
"Don't knock it til you try it", Dr Kry smiles over his shoulder.
He pays and thanks the woman behind the counter. He gives you your paper cup and a small plastic spoon. The mango ice cream is refreshing, reminding you of sorbet. You get to try ice cream from Dr Kry’s spoon and you cough at the salty taste. Dr Kry chuckles and takes a bite.
You take lunch at an old café. Kry picks up his phone and snaps a picture of you that he immediately puts as his lockscreen.
"Can we please do this again?"
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Her pool is the perfect temperature. The two of you are planning to spend the entire day out by the pool. Hedwig have bought a new pink bikini that's she had forced you to help find. It took her three hours to decide on one.
"I'm thirsty", you say and sit up on your sun chair. "Would be nice to have something to drink."
"Trudy!" she shouts.
A small, older lady comes out through the doors.
"Yes, miss Hedwig?" she asks.
"Couls you please bring us something to drink?" Hedwig wonders. "And please make sure there are lots of ice!"
The woman nods and walks back inside. You sit down on Hedwig’s chair, eventually laying down. She guides your head to her bare stomach where you rest your cheek on her burning skin. She plays with your wet hair.
"We're going out with the sailboat in two weeks", she says. "We're going to sail around the Mediterranean. I want you to come. It won't be fun without you."
Her "sailboat" could very well be a small yacht.
"I don't know", you mumble.
Her father scares the living hell out of you.
"Oh, come on, you have to!" she whines. "I won't go without you. It'll be fun. We will visit all sorts if places. You have to come."
Trudy returns with two glasses of lemonade and ridiculously many ice cubes. The two of you thank her and start to gulp it down.
"Y/N get up, let's swim", Hedwig says and taps your shoulder.
She brings out a floating ring and tries to climb into it. You push her into the pool, hearing her scream cut off.
"Fuck you, Y/N!" she coughs and hurries to swim to the ladder. "You have to let me push you in now-"
"No, no-" you try, but she grabs your arms with an evil giggle.
"In you go!"
You're pushed into the water and hear her laugh. Hedwig jumps in afterwards and hugs you under water, smiling widely. She kisses you quickly before diving.
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jolapeno · 3 months
tastes so sweet
javier peña x f!reader
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summary: you like the way he eats fruit...
warnings: smutty themes, mentions of smut, 100% 18+. flirting. public flirting. javi is eating fruit so… an: this is all for @pedgito who didn’t bat an eyelid when I said “can I be feral for a second” and we whiplashed from joel, to someone, to this man. this is just a drabble. wc: <1k [we had an image, and i ran with it]
You’re distracted.
Attention pulled from the plate in front of you, and instead fixated on the too-tight jeans sat beside you—that you’d be even happier if they were tighter.
And that isn’t even the most distracting sight, not as the first slurp meets your ears. Head snapping, eyes wide, focused on Javi as he brings the mango to his mouth—tongue swiping at the juice, off-yellow droplets sliding down his hand.
“Enjoying your fruit, Peña?”
He doesn’t unlatch his mouth from the sliced cubes, brows knitting together, chewing slowly—his sunglasses having slid down his nose. “You enjoying watching, cariño?”
Smirking, thighs pressing together—you’re not sure you can articulate how much. Skin peppered with sweat, the thin cotton between your thighs likely damp, guaranteed to slowly ruin if you keep watching him.
But you’re not sure you can drag your eyes away if you tried. Tongue sliding across the front of your teeth, fingers gripping the arm of your chair as you try to banish the memories, the thoughts—his head, hair all tousled from your own fingers, as his shoulders nudge your thighs apart. As his thumbs dig into the back of your thighs, as his lips close around your swollen clit, sucking, tongue flicking, making you heave, making you moan, making you—
Clearing your throat, you cross your leg over the other. “Oh, I am enjoying the view, yes.”
Snorting, he digs a hole into you, shaking his head as he continues to chew and swallow.
If you didn’t know what it looked like to fuck the scowl from his face, you’d still find him intimidating. He’s always been hard to read, except when he wants something, then it's obvious, practically translucent.
Now, there's this thing between you outside of his visits to your boss. Where you warm his bed and he occasionally takes you for breakfast.
Fingers, long and thick, grasp the mango—more juice sliding down his fingers as you find yourself licking your lips. Warmth spreads through your core, a tingle spreading between your thighs as you flutter around nothing.
And you have a choice, a thing that goes from clandestine to public. Dragging the metal of the chair closer, holding his gaze as he stares at you, unfazed, unblinking, just his jaw sliding as you slowly wrap your fingers around his wrist.
For a moment, his eyes eyes flick from where you meet to your face, as you bring his hand to your mouth.
“This okay, Peña?”
And his mouth twitches at the corner, tilting his head in agreement, as you slowly ease his fingers into your mouth. It’s instant, the sweetness that fills your mouth. Your tongue quick to swipe over, licking it all from his fingers—
“Fuck, hermosa…”
You grin, with difficulty around his fingers, mouth full, eyes wide as you look at him through your lashes. Making him think—reminding him of darker nights and smokier rooms—before sliding them free from your tongue.
Groaning, kissing the tip of his fingers, you place his hand down on the table, resting his wrist on the edge. “Now, imagine that around your… eggplant.”
Sitting back in the chair, you take a steadying breath.
“You're fucking filthy.”
Shifting, you smile. “Only for you.”
His eyes drag up and down your frame, making your skin warm, close to like fire enough to torch the thin layers of your clothes as you grow even wetter between your thighs.
Swiping your thumb across your lower lip, dragging it to the tip of your tongue. “Tastes so sweet.”
And he leans forward, face turning close into your ear, nose pressed to your cheek, breath fluttering over your ear, so reminiscent of when you're bent over, his chest on your spine—
“Bet you taste sweeter.”
Even if it’s impossible, you try to press your thighs even closer together at the sound of his velvety voice.
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zyafics · 5 months
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 mood boards
✦ ethnic gfs | all east asian ༯˖. south asian ༯˖. middle eastern ༯˖. west african ༯˖. southeast asian ༯˖. filipina ༯˖. albanian ༯˖. east african ༯˖. brazilian ༯˖. mexican ༯˖. spaniard ༯˖. syrian ༯˖. afrolatina ༯˖. tongan ༯˖. wasian ༯˖.
✦ finish line | fic, blurb, #maybank!reader
✦ all american sinners | fic, blurb, #sex addict!reader
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 imagines
✦ tlc | rafe hollering at you from the passenger side of his friend's car
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 drabbles
✦ headspace | sfw + fluff
established relationship, academic weapon!reader┆when rafe comforts you regarding your upcoming exam.
✦ proofs | sfw + fluff
established relationship, academic weapon!reader┆when you need rafe's help to finish a math homework.
✦ mangos | sfw + fluff
established relationship, vietnamese!reader┆when your spice tolerance is different from your boyfriend's.
✦ white picket fence | sfw + fluff
established relationship, dad!rafe | when your baby daughter wakes rafe up, he goes to comfort her.
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 oneshots
✦ stay the night | nsfw + fluff
fwb to lovers┆if rafe sees you as a fuck buddy, then you're going to remind him what that truly means.
✦ angry god | sfw + angst
twin flames┆when rafe discovers you're more like him than he realizes, he'll do anything to have you.
✦ dirty air | nsfw
older sister maybank!reader, fuck buddies┆when rafe wants you as a booty call, you're going to make him work for it.
✦ te amo | nsfw + fluff
mexican!reader┆after a fight with his father, rafe shows up to your door for comfort.
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 full-story fics
✦ reality check | request, nsfw + fluff
bsf to lovers┆when rafe gets a buzzcut, it changes how you view your best friend.
✦ finish line | nsfw
older sister maybank!reader, racing rivals┆when your little brother has to forfeit a race against rafe, he seeks your help to replace him and win.
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 series
✦ brother's rival | in progress, nsfw
brother's rival, secret romance┆when your brother is determined to steal something important from the king of kooks, rafe is going to return the favor.
( 01 ) , ( 02 )
✦ play fake | in progress, nsfw + angst
fake dating┆when rafe needs to secure a girlfriend, he enlists the help of a bartender who wants nothing to do with him.
( 01 ) , ( 02 ) , ( 03 ) , ( 04 ) , ( 05 ) , ( 06 ) , ( 07 ) , ( 08 ) , ( 09 ) , ( 10 ) , ( 11 ) , ( 12 ) , ( 13 ) , ( 14 ) , ( 15 ) , ( 16 ) , ( 17 / END )
— extras ( 3.5 ) , ( 5.5 )
✦ dead man walking | oneshot (for now), nsfw + angst
mafia boss!rafe, reluctant allies┆when a shootout injury is more life-threatening than it appears, you have to save him or lose your life.
( 01 )
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bettydice · 3 months
Kiss in a dream
both @servantofclio and @perahn prompted me 33. for Solas/Mango
Gentle fingertips across her cheek wake her up. The tears they wiped away shimmer in the moonlight. “Vhenan.” He smiles down at her, sitting on the edge of the bed, and she lifts her left hand, so she can pull at his arm until he lies down next to her. She turns on her side, guides his hand so he pulls her closer. “I’m tired,” Mango murmurs against his chest. “I know.” “I wish you would’ve come earlier.”
“I know that, too.” Solas sounds amused and Mango leans back, because she wants to see the fondness in his eyes she’s sure is there. She finds it, so close to the surface it surprises her. Anger stirs in her heart. What is she supposed to do with this now?
His hand so tender, stroking her naked back. She clenches her fists against his chest.
“All this knowledge… are you going to do anything with it other than being insufferable in the middle of the night?”
Mango presses her nails into his skin, a little too mean, and his smirk is all the warning she gets before he rolls her onto her back and kisses her. Oh, he really knows her so well. Such cruelty. She arches her back against him, wraps her arms around his neck and bites his lip before he can bite hers.
She feels his deep laugh more than she hears it and it makes her want to cry.
As he kisses and bites a path down her neck, she holds up her left hand and looks at it.
Ah. Fuck. With her right hand she urges him up again until she can kiss his lips. Maybe if she squeezes her eyes shut, if she thinks of nothing at all, if all she does is kiss him, devour him, dissolve into him - Her hand is torn apart, searing pain setting her nerves aflame. Solas shatters, the pieces of him shredding into her skin. Gentle fingertips across her cheek wake her up. “Vhenan.”
As soon as their eyes meet, he turns around and walks away, disappears into whatever shadows he came from. He never stays the fucking coward. Mango closes her eyes again.
Then she wakes up.
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liminalpebble · 1 year
Loki request: Loki and reader getting mani-pedis together.
Hello my dear @eleniblue! Thank you for the prompt. This is wayyyy outside of my usual style, but was a really great challenge so I hope you enjoy it.
CW: No smut, just one f-bomb, I think. Surprisingly wholesome considering what I usually write. But let's say Minors DNI to cover my ass.
Word count: 800 (lil shortie)
Very soft and bisexual Loki x gender neutral reader (just friendship, deeper feels if you squint), soooo fluffy
Wrapped Around Your Finger
“NO, Loki...no way,” you said between swigs from your water bottle. You'd been training in the Avengers' gym with him all morning, and now, a sweating, exhausted, hungry mess, you weren't in any mood for your fellow Avenger's antics.
It wasn't fair that what was an intensive, back-breaking regimen prescribed by the Black Widow herself was simply a walk in the park for his Asgardian body...and what a fucking body it was. But, as you had a thousand times before, you pushed the thought away.
“Darling....why not? Be a bit of a hedonist with me. Why must you insist on being so responsible and stoic?”
You gave him a warning glare and replied, “Because you only give me those sad puppy eyes and call me 'darling' when you're about to get me into trouble.”
He came closer to you, towering over you, but grinning that Cheshire cat grin that always disarmed you. He leaned down and purred into your ear with a mischeivous whisper, “Come on. Let's have a bit of fun, eh?”
That was the final straw. You knew you were wrapped around his lovely pale finger, with its shiny black nail.
“This...this is new,” you said gingerly, sinking your feet into the warm bath (which admittedly, felt amazing) and slid back into the comfortable leather chair. “I've never had a manicure or pedicure before,” you admitted.
“How could you not! It's so delightfulll,” he said drawing the last word out in a low purr. “Truly, since I've taken up residence on Midgard, this has been one of my favorite discoveries.” He sighed wistfully, eyes wondering around to take in the tastefully decorated high-end salon. “After losing my royal status it scratches a rather delicious itch to have someone waiting on me hand and foot in a luxurious setting.”
You rolled your eyes. “Have you always been such a diva?”
“Well, yes.” he said, without a hint of shame, surprised that you would even ask.
You giggled as the smiling technician began working a tickling pumice stone over the soles of your feet, and Loki chuckled along with you. He reached over and held your hand, meeting your eyes, and saying with surprising sincerity, “It really is good to hear you laugh again.”
Grinning you said, “Well, I have to admit. This is sort of fun, but it feels weird to be...well...waited on. Some of us aren't royalty.”
“Well, for now you can feel like you are. I knew you'd warm up to it,” he said just as two more technicians came over to begin on your hands. The one working on Loki's nails took up a friendly chat with him. He was clearly a regular.
After a bit, he looked thoughtfully back to you. “I wanted to do this for you as a gesture of gratitude. Of all of our colleagues, you've been the only one who listens to me and accepts me willingly, rather than out of begrudging necessity. Dare I say, you rather like being around me?” he said with peaked eyebrows and a bit of fragile hope in his voice.
“I do,” you replied, meeting his eyes. “I like our lunch dates, and how you drag me shopping, or to the movies. You even make training more tolerable. You get me out of my comfort zone.”
He scoffed. “My dear, we both know you can't be left to your own devices when it comes to fashion. You'd probably live in those...what are they called...'sweatpants'? How many novel experiences would you forgo if not for my encouragement?” he said, as he raised his long lovely hand and inspected his now perfectly shellac-ed nails. They gleamed like black patent leather with a layer of twinkling emerald glitter and gold flake; a striking contrast to his porcelain skin.
You gave him a knowing smirk. “You're fishing for compliments, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“Indeed I am, poppet,” he confirmed, again, without an ounce of embarrassment.
“Your nails look spectacular,” you said, knowing he wanted more. And he gave you a disappointed look, hungry for more approval.
“And I am very glad to have your friendship. In fact, I might even say you're my best friend. The misfits of the team need to stick together, right?”
“Indeed they do,” he agreed with a regal nod. “And darling...”
“I am also very fond of you,” he said, those big pale aquamarine eyes glimmered with confusing, exciting implication as they met yours.
Then he pulled back, smiling in faux-innocence, saying lightly, “Now...all finished. To brunch. Shall we?” and offered you his arm.
@queen-paladin @littlespaceyelf @goblingirlsarah @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @sweetsigyn @peaches1958 @muddyorbs @gigglingtiggerv2 @peacefulpianist @coldnique @holdmytesseract@infinitystoner @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @glitchquakee @ladyofthestayingpower @marcotheflychair @sarahscribbles @sailorholly @tripleyeeet @acidcasualties @alexakeyloveloki @icytrickster17 @chokeanddagger @joyful-enchantress
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Dead Disco - AUs
Collection of AU works featuring the characters and relationship from Dead Disco. Dead Disco masterlist All works are 18+ Minors DNI. All works contain mature themes. READ THE TAGS.
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Baby Trap AU: 18+ Dark and twisted themes. Explicit sex. Collection of asks revolving around Simon and Johnny baby trapping Darling by replacing her birth control with placebo to get her pregnant on purpose. Tag: baby trap au Original ramble here. Main asks: Breeding kink "What a good girl." List of things "You taste different." That little piece of foil "I'm not." Abortion Spits Grocery store Tranquilizer post tranq Ghost "I want to lay down." Grocery store pt 2 Sobs Darling dies "I need a break" Did you do this? Did you do this aftermath Phone call Hospital After hospital Doting and annoying Cramps cramps pt 2 Johnny "Darling, please!" Celestialpax - baby trap reverse uno card someone calls the cops Mango smoothie Team sport
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Disco baby AU: 18+ Minors DNI. Mature themes. Collection of asks revolving around Darling getting pregnant on accident. Tag: disco baby au Main asks: Ultimate angst Cloud kick Hovering Cupcake Thoughts Birthday party You get it Johnny punches your boyfriend Baby girl Bee on the doorstep Bee and the guys after the doorstep The phone call - taken The phone call - angst The rescue insufferable
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Omegaverse AU: 18+ mature themes. Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics. Explicit sex. Collection of asks/drabbles revolving around the throuple existing in omegaverse. Tag: dead disco omegaverse au Tamale anon "I think there are a lot of things we don't know." The suppressants What if Darling went MIA Lost and Found Pillow talk Warming You're safe Conversation Second heat
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Zombie AU: Undead Disco 18+ mature themes. Collection of asks/drabbles revolving around the throuple existing during a zombie apocalypse Tag: dead disco zombie au or undead disco Ghoap x reader zombie au? What if darling was in Simon's place Immune darling humming Gollum Changes https-shogun Packing
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Fantasy AU: 18+ mature themes. Collection of asks/drabbles revolving around the throuple existing in a fantasy timeline. The Seer Warprize princess If you're a... No notes Horseback
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arafilez · 5 months
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ kgv x reader ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤfluff estb rl 𓏧 drabble ㅤㅤ warnings kissing ㅤ﹢ㅤ0.3k wc ㅤ𓏧ㅤhbd love @sxmmerberries
“Morning sleepyhead,” you hear Gyuvin’s voice beside you and groan lightly when the tiniest bit of sunshine reaches your eyes. Gyuvin shifts a little and you hum in content, smilingly sleepily, and sling an arm around his waist.
“Happy birthday,” he giggles, the soft melody of his voice engulfs the room making your smile widen as he nuzzles his nose in your hair. You scoot closer to him, if that is even possible and take in his morning scent. He smells like mangoes with a hint of spices you cannot define but you can easily say it’s your favourite.
“Do you know how long you slept?” he chuckles, his hands twirling the ends of your hair and unwinding them and you nod lightly with your eyes closed and refusing to look at what you now expect a smug expression on his face. “Ten hours,” he snorts as his fingers slowly trace down your skin, making small traces and he leans down to teasingly whisper, “Is it called the birthday sleep?”
“Stop it,” you whine, sleep still partaking your features as you look at him opening your eyes slowly only to close them again and shove your face into the crook of his neck. A full-blown laugh overtakes his features as he keeps tracing patterns on your waist.
“We should get up,” he softly says, dipping his head and kissing below your ears making you whine and clutch on his crumpled shirt and say, “No.” Gyuvin laughs lightly making you giggle and he slowly parts a little looking at the scrunched-up features cooing in adoration.
“Well since it is your birthday, I guess I have to listen to you,” he sing-songs teasingly making you throw a small punch at his chest and he pecks your nose before holding you close and getting back to sleep.
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤhappy birthday latte, tysm for coming into my life, keep up your gyubi and soob rantsㅤ𓏧ㅤ libraryㅤ zb1 shelfㅤ navi
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੭ 𝅄ㅤ ꒰ TAGLIST ꒱ ㅤ⏤ㅤ @slytherinshua @sxmmerberries @haecien ㅤ𓏧ㅤ fill this or comment or ask to be added
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ㅤㅤ(ㅤㅤ© arafilez on tumblrㅤㅤ)
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probablyintensemuses · 2 months
Quick Armando Drabble, but imagine this:
Mike and Marcus have gone missing and lead has you headed towards Columbia and damn, you really wished you paid more attention in your high school Spanish class because you were a wreck out here and the cell service was shit.
Many people weren’t willing to help you on your cause, and it wasn’t until you found one man selling mangos at a station that you actually got somewhere with a lead.
“Uh, help, por favor.”
“Si, ¿qué ocurre?” He said.
You pretended to know more than the, “yes,” of that sentence and moved on.
“It’s an emergencia. Mis amigos, policía, are missing.”
“Policía?” His eyebrow raised.
“Si!’ You smiled. “Si!”
The man bagged his mangos quicker than you could even spell mango and ran.
“Wait!” You shouted, just about to run after him when a hand caught your forearm.
You whip around and find a man, with a bandana covering half his face, holding you tight. “Are you crazy?” The man said.
“No, but I’ll beat your ass crazy if you don’t let me go.” You pulled at him.
Eventually he did just that, lowering his mask. “You’re fucking terrible at Spanish,” Armando chuckled.
Your eyes widened and you slapped his chest. “What the hell, I thought you were dead! We haven’t heard from you in so long.”
“Perks of being in hiding.” He said. “Give me your phone.”
You dug your phone out of your pocket, handing it to him. “Why?”
“I’m downloading Google translate because, that, was just awful to watch.”
Your cheeks flushed. “Shut up, you little shit.”
He smirked. “Lo amas.”
Your eyebrow perked. “What?”
“Figure it out.” He said.
“Give me my phone back and maybe I will.”
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stick-named-figure · 2 years
King avoids sleeping.
drabble, 67 words.
keywords: king & gold, grief/mourning, dreams.
King thinks the dreams are the worst. In between long nights and days of studying and working, King sleeps. Most of them are nightmares. Some of them aren't.
Some of them, Gold is there. Tells them how they can't stay for long. That they still love King. There was always some other reason they're gone, it's not because they're-
Those are the times King wakes up crying.
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hoseoksluna · 5 months
VAPOR, pt I. | jjk ft. myg
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pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x steam!oc
genre: smut, a hint of angst
word count: 10.6k
summary: yoongi never promised his healing time would be easy and when he hurts you enough that you need your other "boyfriend", jungkook is quick to rescue you.
pinterest board: blur | playlist: car playlist
warnings: mentions of a sex toy, jungkook is upset and angry at his hyung, public sex, dirty talk, sexual tension and frustration, praise kink, fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), bruising, cum swallowing, going behind someone's back........
note: HI MY LOVES—MY STEAM DRABBLE IS HERE AND I'VE NEVER BEEN MORE EXCITED TO POST SOMETHING, OH MY GOSH. OKAY, before i say anything else, i would like to put a disclaimer here: even though all my characters are fictional, they are still human in this world, which means they fuck up, which means they're not perfect whatsoever and never will be. i would like to really put an emphasis on that before you read and if i receive any vulgar and rude asks about this, i assure you that i will not respond to them. OKAY ALL SERIOUSNESS ASIDE—this was fucking AMAZING TO WRITE and i already CANNOT WAIT to start writing another part, this time with yoongi included. i promise to make everything right and—SPOILER—this couple WILL get a happy ending, so don't worry, my loves. ENJOY READING. SPAM MY INBOX. I LOVE YOU.
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There’s a mango-scented candle rustling in a bag, resting on the passenger seat, and Jungkook is driving very carefully so as to not knock it over and possibly break it. For a moment, one that reemerges in his headspace as he keeps his foot light on the pedal, he wonders if he should buckle a seatbelt around it and ensure its safety that way, his fear of ruining his surprise for you causing his brain to come up with the strangest of ideas—in the name of the love he carries for you. 
Is it love, though? 
Jungkook furrows his brows, that thought seizing his sternum enough that he has to turn his music down and let some fresh air in through the window so he doesn’t crash his fucking car. Icy sweat stings his spine, his stomach churning and without sparing a second longer, his eyes take after the sadness of the weather outside his vehicle. His vision blurs and he rubs his eye, one at a time, to focus on the road.
A red light blinks at him and suddenly, there’s fury that he feels deep within chest. 
Conceivably because slowing down means he has to face the onrush of emotions sloshing in him. Has to hear the rain not just outside, but inside, too. Has to feel the prick of those raindrops along his waterline. The heft of those clouds outside and inside his clavicles as well, tightening and tightening. 
Jungkook sighs, drumming his fingers upon his steering wheel, trying to distract himself from it all. From the invading question that absorbs his body like the vapor rising across the night-clothed street—when did he get so emotional? 
Unfortunately, he knows the answer right away.
You’ve been sad. On your own. 
It’s been a few weeks since all three of you made a deal to stick together. Yoongi has been brave, his good mood clutching him for a lot longer than Jungkook sadly estimated. You’ve spent these past two Fridays and weekends together, out and about, rolling in bed, rolling in Yoongi’s apartment. It was all fun and games until the boss reached a dead end. Somehow. Jungkook still doesn’t know what it was that Yoongi actually saw—what was that one particular thing that caused him to spiral. 
To relapse. 
And you didn’t tell him until it was too late. 
Perhaps, you did tell him—nonverbally, that is. You stopped adding your signed messages whenever he was texting with Yoongi during the week and even those alone stopped coming in as the days went on. There was something wrong and he knew it. His intuition only proved to be right when another weekend showed its face and it contained no undertone of you. And no suggestion of Yoongi either. 
Silence. Dead silence. 
And it wasn’t until Jungkook got an incoming call from an unknown number half an hour ago that he realized the gravity of the situation. 
It was you who called him up, sobbing into the phone, having stolen his number from Yoongi’s device. As difficult as it was to understand what happened, Jungkook tied all the strings of information you gave him between your broken breaths and blubbering: Yoongi hasn’t spoken to you all day and took a shower alone, the latter being the most devastating of the two. 
He felt bad for you, terribly bad for you—but simultaneously, he was upset with you. 
Still is. 
It’s one of the reasons why he’s driving up to Yoongi’s apartment. With a mango-scented candle and a puffed-up bag of cheese balls. He doesn’t want to think what the other reasons are, not when he’s staring down his gift for you, clicking his tongue at last and reaching over for the seatbelt and sliding it into its buckle. Just in time for the traffic light to turn green.
Now, now he’s speeding down the road, turning up the volume of his car playlist. A slow song by the Arctic Monkeys is playing and it’s a movie—the set of circumstances that are happening in the present. The rain, the tightness in his chest, the but faint adrenaline of the momentum. What is he really doing? 
It feels as though he’s following a script, however his eyes haven’t skimmed down the entire thing. He doesn’t know how this is going to end. Hell, he doesn’t even know if he’s doing the right thing because he’s planning on staying outside of his hyung’s apartment. Like hell he’s going inside when his sweetheart—
Jungkook purses his lips. Moves the shift stick. Kills the engine. Closes his eyes. 
His heart thumps. Turbulently. It stirs worry in him. What if he’s going to die? 
This is the first time he’s left in the hands of the unknown. He’s always had the sixth sense of knowing tactness like the back of his hand, although this time he doesn’t know shit. Doesn’t know if he’s breaking his best friend’s trust. Doesn’t know what’s going to happen once he sees you, possibly wearing one of your nighttime robes. The last time you touched him was the last time he had his release. His hand doesn’t feel as good as yours does—and his orgasm isn’t as fulfilling as when it’s shared with you. He’s brimming with frustration, with anger so vast that he could explode and he knows it’s unfair to be mad at Yoongi, when he himself said it wasn’t going to be easy, that it was going to take a lot of work. But Jungkook can’t help his feelings. Can’t help to see you. 
Only you. 
Broken, tear-stained, when it should be blush painting your cheeks red from all the love and happiness your own boyfriend should give you as it’s his duty. Something he’s responsible for. Something he should put above himself. 
“Drunken monologues, confused because it's not like I'm falling in love, I just want you to do me no good and you look like you could,” Alex Turner sings and Jungkook’s chin quivers, his heart gaining tempo, his perturbation rising—owing to the violence of that muscle, owing to the state of your feelings. 
He wonders if you’re still crying. 
He’s outside of Yoongi’s apartment. Didn’t even realize it, mind too fucked up, too full of you. 
Grabbing his phone, he sends you a text. 
I’m here. Come outside 
A reply pings right away. 
SWEETHEART: it’s raining 
He’s halfway typing his response that he doesn’t want to go inside, but he decides against it. Doesn’t want to make it worse for you. If you knew of the dark corners of his mind that don’t particularly like Yoongi at the moment, you wouldn’t look at him with those pretty eyes of yours as you always do. 
He can’t afford that. 
I have an umbrella
As his thumb hovers above his phone, waiting for your reply, he can almost hear your sigh. Can feel your breath on his clammy palm as he rubs it on his pants in effort to rid himself of the nerves crawling in his veins. The breath he was favored enough to hold in his grasp the last time he had you to himself—clamping your mouth shut as he spanked your clit for being so beautifully responsive to his touch, rubbing it until your eyes whisked back while Yoongi slept beside you, unaware. 
It’s engraved in his brain. It plays on loop before sleep overtakes him at night and it’s his first thought in the morning once consciousness reminds him that you’re not his. 
SWEETHEART: is it cold outside?
He figures you’re asking the question in order to decide whether you should change or not. It seems as though warm pajamas don’t exist in your world, for the beginning of September is in the process of blooming. It nudges his anger; provokes it enough to fill it with a lethal dose of a yearning to buy you the warmest pair of pants he could find. He clenches his fist, thumb quick to type a response. 
Wear something that covers your legs or stay home. 
The same thumb shakes at the expression of his firmness, his anger disturbed, wholly—wholly disturbed. If you come out wearing your little shorts—
A reply pings again. 
SWEETHEART: ok ill change
And another one right away. 
SWEETHEART: ill text u when i come down
That’s a good girl. 
He almost types it right then and there, but something within, despite the slowly calming storm of his feelings, despite his cock tightening in his pants at the swift image of your bare legs, at the lingering perception of you being a good girl and listening to him, drags his thumb to his emojis. A sudden renewal of his sixth sense, and he doesn’t understand how it’s happened as it dawns on him, makes him realize that’s not exactly what you need right now. You didn’t call him for a fuck. 
You called him for emotional support. 
And like the good girl you are, you merely take five minutes. Stay true to your words, text him as you’re coming down and Jungkook grabs his umbrella from the backseat. Doesn’t forget to unbuckle the seatbelt in the passenger seat. Saves himself from the embarrassment. 
The trees sway in his direction, inviting him in, once he takes two steps at the time, coming up the stairs. He watches them through the clear roundness of his shield, beckoning him closer. The rain pelts against it, but softly this time. Merciful as it knows you’re about to emerge from the ocean of such unfathomable sadness. It doesn’t wish to frighten you, rather it desires to soothe your escaping, make it less harrowing. Even the wind that whips at him stills as soon as you open the door, bathed in light. 
And Jungkook is struck with the notion that he wants to do the same. 
You’re wearing flared leggings. Gray. With sneakers of the same color and a white top that hugs your waist, that seems way smaller than the last time he touched it. He gets a glimpse of it, and it unnerves him, as you lift your hand to curl a strand of your hair behind your ear because otherwise your body is shrouded in a flannel that’s too big for you. Too robust for you and your particular liking of tight, little clothes. 
He doesn’t want to know who that garment belongs to. Doesn’t even want to come close to unfolding that thought, to even let it get a taste of his burning blood. Because there’s another matter at hand. 
You’ve lost weight. 
And he’s going to kill his hyung for it. 
You step out and it’s an instinct, the way his arm draws closer to you so you don’t get touched by the rain, even if it means the raindrops get to trace the back of his head and the nape of his neck. Yet even that invigorating, tender liquid doesn’t cool the scorching lividness that takes place beneath his skin, beneath his bones. But then you touch his hand, left to left, drag it away and hide yourself in his chest. Everything changes when you do that. 
Jungkook explodes. Silently. Gently. His chin quivers again and he doesn’t care that you can hear the tremor of his heart as you lay your ear against it. Doesn’t care that his grip might hurt you as he hugs you back, thinking he could wrap his arm twice around your much different waist. And he takes you like this. Back to his car. He doesn’t even feel the wetness pooling in his waterline, leading you as you walk backwards. And you laugh, you laugh softly while he inhales your mango scent that has somehow even crept up to your scalp, and he doesn’t believe it’s that easy. 
It can’t be that easy to make you feel better. 
He opens the door for you, a façade of nothingness plastered on his face as he tries his hardest to remain stoic so you wouldn’t see the turmoil churning within every perimeter of his body. And it’s an instinct, too, the way he catches your little purse when it slips off your shoulder, even though he doesn’t see it, too busy devouring your gaze—afraid, awfully afraid that tonight might be the last time he sees your pretty eyes, considering the contempt he’s now showing his hyung. 
If Yoongi finds out about this, it’s over. 
His life is over, too. 
Anger, frustration, sadness, love—how is he able to feel all of those emotions at once? You purse your lips, your weary eyes skip his features all the way to his mouth, stopping at his lip ring and the question rises again in his brain. 
Is it love? 
The rain falls harder. And so does he, unfortunately. 
“I got you something. It’s right there.” He tips his chin to the passenger seat without taking his gaze off of your busy eyes. They’re still looking at his mouth, watching every word come out. He finds it so endearing that there’s nothing more he wants to do than grab your cheeks and kiss you for it. Maybe his frustration would loosen a little bit if he did it. “Don’t sit on it.” 
It’s that addition to his previous sentence that causes you to flick those pretty irises of yours up to his. And he studies it as the double meaning uncoils in your brain, even though it was by accident that it tumbled out of his mouth. The weariness in your orbs parts like clouds upon the heavens, though no sunshine spills through them. There’s still a lingering blankness, something unknown, something foreign. Then, the tiniest of smiles curls your mouth and it jolts through him, his heart thudding harder—to the point that even more profound discomfort settles in. 
“Did you get me a dildo? I could use one right now.” 
The perplex that seizes him almost causes his legs to give out. And he can’t help it, the way his eyes roll back and his hand, with your purse hanging from his forearm, runs down his face. Jungkook wants to get drenched in the rain—maybe if the raindrops put out the sudden fire licking at his every nerve ending, maybe then he’ll come to understand how you manage to be in the mood when your state of mind can’t possibly let you have dirty thoughts. 
His cock tightens again and he calls you by your name, firmly. He can’t have this. Not right now. He needs to be sensible. You need it. “Get in the car.” 
You listen, but your smile falters. Grabbing your bag from his forearm, you turn around, bending over to wrap your fist around the bag on the passenger seat. Jungkook doesn’t mean to look at your delicious round cheeks and once he discovers that they’re hidden under that layer of the hideous flannel, he sighs a breath of relief. He can’t look at you that way. Averts his gaze, immediately. 
As soon as you’re seated, he clicks the door shut. Considers letting the rain have him. Did he make a mistake, being firm with you? 
Inside his car, his favorite song is mellowly playing. In the mere few seconds, you’ve managed to suffuse the entire atmosphere with your mango scent and Jungkook inhales it. It takes him into a whole different world, one filled with eternal sunlight as the song portrays it. He finds himself in a country of spring that has been briskly rained upon and now is being softly seared with those shafts of light and speckles of heat, the details of your beauty. 
“For the love of my life, she's got glow on her face…” the singer sings and the lyrics plod into his mind. Jungkook wishes the description applied to you at this very moment like it had before, like it had every single time he stole a glance at you. He misses your glow and your glitter and it pierces his unstable heart that he finds no traces of those particles of shimmer on your cheekbones and eyelids as you’re rummaging through the bag, not even on your cupid’s bow as you gasp, gently, discovering he bought you your favorite things. 
You’re looking at him with such smothered joy and it would relieve his feelings if he didn’t feel such guilt, if he didn’t feel as though he was a crumbling pillar, a failure undeserving of your time. 
You take the candle into your small hands. Such a stark contrast—his heart aches at the sight of it. You pop the lid open, sniff the aroma and your mouth rounds in a terribly, terribly cute manner. Jungkook is glad for the lack of light in the space of his car, which hides his growing manhood. He props an elbow on the door and pinches his nose, trying to regain his composure— 
“It’s mango-scented,” you say in disbelief, pouting and Jungkook can’t breathe. “And cheese balls, are you kidding me?” You open the bag right away, plopping the treat into your mouth. He’s surprised you eat just one—it doesn’t feel right. “Thank you. Honestly. Thank you.” You cradle it into your chest and Jungkook has to look away. 
What has Yoongi done to you that you react this way to such silly things? He needs to ask, but he fears your answer. And what’s worse, he fears what he’ll do to him once you tell him. 
“What did you tell him?” He needs to get away from this place, but it has to correlate with your plan, if there even is any. If not, he’ll handle it. Figure something out. 
You take a sharp breath, loading your gifts back into the bag, keeping it nice and safe on your lap. Then, you lick your lips and look at him with an intention that causes his heart to jump right there onto the wonderfully clothed flesh of your thighs. “I told him I was going home.” 
Home. Since the moment he knew of your existence, your home has been the place wherever Yoongi resided. It never mattered where. Jungkook grips the steering wheel, knuckles white. “Where do you live?” 
You tell him your address. He knows that from this day on, he’ll never, ever forget it. He starts the engine, wondering in the meantime about the ordinariest things of your life. Do you live there during the week and spend your weekends at Yoongi’s apartment? Or has he completely overtaken your life that you spend every hour of it in his presence? He wants to know. And he wants to get some food in that slim tummy of yours. “Do you have any food there? When was the last time you were there?” 
It’s you who looks away now, staring ahead, playing with your fingers while the rest are still wrapped around the bag. “I don’t live there anymore. Haven’t been there in months.” 
Jungkook bites his lip. Too, too many questions are hovering in his brain—he barely has the capacity to think about them, let alone hurl them at you. “What did he say when you told him you were going home?” 
You snivel and his heart on your thighs twitches in pain. He has to grip the steering wheel harder in order not to jump out of this car and kick down Yoongi’s door. 
Jungkook puts the car in drive, wordlessly, seething inside. He’ll invent another plan while yours will remain its prototype. Will keep you safe.
Safe, fed and tearless. 
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The drive is quiet, save for the euphonious melodies emitting through his never-ending playlist. The rain has become less severe, soft in nature, only adding to the background noise—adding to the process of your mollification that he’s overseeing. He’s put a stop to the questions. Has figured you have enough of them, for the only reason you decided to lie to your own boyfriend and go behind his back was because you needed to get out of his clutches. 
A decision he approves of. 
The quietness has helped him regain his composure fully, set some things straight in his brain as the anger in him slowly dissipated. Space is good, for both his hyung and you and he’s proud of you for allowing yourself to get to this point that you walked away. Yoongi, evidently, has returned to his hermit tendencies and Jungkook knows very well that it’s something that he needs in his healing time. It’s who he is; who he always has been. He didn’t push him away too many times for him to be possibly wrong about this and while the information he gained from you that Yoongi changed his ways shattered Jungkook’s heart and glued it back together, he knew, somehow, deep within him, that it was just an effort. For you. 
He didn’t think it was a façade because Yoongi is certainly not a phony person. 
He did it for you. Tried his hardest. And succeeded. With your help, he’s sure—which makes it all the more beautiful—but Yoongi is still Yoongi. 
Someone who deals with things on his own. 
And although the distance he needs hurts other people, he doesn’t mean it. Jungkook knows this just as well, despite the fact what he truly thinks is that Yoongi should try harder. 
For you. 
He needs to tell you this. Needs you to know. But he doesn’t think you’re ready to hear it just yet, which is okay. The plan is constructed, he’s here for you and he will make you feel better. He will caress your heart and make your belly full. Will make you forget for a little while before he gently brings you back to reality. 
You deserve this. After everything you’ve been through. Because of him. Because of Yoongi. 
And because of this, he no longer feels guilty that he has you to himself without Yoongi knowing. Even if that means he risks his brotherhood, even if that means he risks his affection for you seeing the light of day. 
You’re more important. 
It’s this thought that gets interrupted by a sudden ring of your phone. You jump, zipping your purse open and Jungkook keeps his eyes on the road. He doesn’t really want to see the kind of picture you have Yoongi saved under. He has to keep his feelings intact. Remain calm. 
Your breath shakes. “He’s video calling me.” 
Sparks of electricity nip at his fingertips. A surge of adrenaline, the threatening, false notion that he’s doing the wrong thing. Jungkook almost smirks. It’s so fucking thrilling to him. 
He lets you decide on your own what to do, but you grow unsure, nerves burdening you. He feels that heft and it’s quick to sober him up. 
“Should I get out of this car? Say I’m taking a walk?” you ask, your pretty, pretty eyes wide, your pupils so tiny. Jungkook wants to take your hand in his, take your fear that makes you think these silly thoughts and crush it. 
He’s here. He’s going to take care of this. Of you. 
“Let it ring.” 
You look back down at your phone, lip between your teeth, but Jungkook keeps his eyes on you, the red of the stoplight pervading you with the danger of your girlish freedom. And it does ring two more times before Yoongi gives up. 
You have the right to need to distance yourself just as much as he does. Give him the same silent treatment like he did to you.
There’s a smug smirk plastered on his face when he catches you putting your phone back into your purse before the light turns green. He speeds down the road, driving with just one hand, ready to unfold his plan. 
One he’s already shared with you. 
He’s taking you to the mall. 
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His hand itches to take yours as you walk beside him. Strangers stare you down, but you keep your attention on the myriads of shops lining the side of the promenade. He doesn’t understand how it’s possible that there’s so many people wasting their Thursday at such a place like this. At this hour, especially. It kind of makes him regret that he took you here, despite the fact the sole purpose of it was to feed you until you were full. The lights are too bright, children are screaming and running around and it’s giving him a headache, but one look at you changes his mind in an instant. The glow he missed has found its way back to your cheeks and there’s a glint to your eyes that he hasn’t seen in a long while. The paleness is gone and he’s not really ignorant to the way a bush of roses begins to bloom in his chest at the realization. 
You stop dead in your tracks all of a sudden. Your little purse slips off of your shoulder. As attentive as he always is, he slides it back up, a smile tugging his mouth to the side. He thinks it’s just so damn cute. And the fact you don’t pay any attention to it as well. Probably used to it. 
Red posters of sale adorn the storefront that has caught your eye. Jungkook is unfamiliar with it, but you seem to be completely enthralled by it. 
“Where do you wanna eat?” he provokes. Already knows what restaurant you’ll be feasting at, obviously, but poking you is a matter of enjoyment for him. “There’s so many food courts to choose from.” 
You look at him and clutch your stomach, as if the mere mention of food made you hungry. A faint, faded light flashes across that glint in your irises before it dwindles away and Jungkook is ready to throw you over his shoulder and push people off of his path to get you there right now. 
“Can we… go here first?” you ask, hesitatingly, grabbing a hold of his elbow, but he feels as though you’re squeezing his heart, wringing it out of all that liquid emotion that he swallowed down earlier in the car. Your touch is warm, like the pond water kissed by the sun back at his cabin, seeping into his skin and languidly streaming through his body. 
It’s automatic, primal and right, the way he clasps his other hand across your fingers wrapped around his bicep and the way your body draws closer to his. It should be normal to do this when he’s seen you bare—when he’s seen you feral, needy and disappear into your pleasure, one he’s the creator of. Why does it feel so thrilling? So dangerous? 
You can meander through as many stores as you want. And he tells you that, or at least tries to, as he smiles at you, softly, and nods his head, letting you lead him inside the shop that has so vehemently caught your attention. 
A trillion styles of jeans, tiny tops, skirts and shorts of the same size, Jungkook understands your fascination as he takes it all in. And he’s pleasantly surprised when you indulge him as you fondle every material of every clothing you like, telling him how pretty you find it. You’re not timid to show him your disappointment either, wrinkling your nose, when the fabric is too frail or too expensive for the price, muttering vulgarities directed to capitalism and leading him away. 
It isn’t until your sight stumbles upon a rack of dresses that your breath, audibly, hitches in your throat. And you unlink your arm from his, going straight for your seemingly new obsession. 
A red dress. A sheer fabric, more like. With roses sewn in, a split in the middle, one strap covering only a part of the hanger. It’s the only piece of clothing you actually take into both of your hands, putting it against your body, as if to see what it would look like on you. Fuck if he knows what you’re doing—all he knows is that his throat is dry, the image of you wearing something like this making him a living, breathing corpse. 
Jungkook clenches his fists. Even more so when you disappointingly click your tongue upon seeing the price tag, putting it back where you found it. The thought of you not having that dress causing his heart to lodge, tightly and disturbingly, in the shriveled walls of his throat. 
Not happening. Not under his watch. 
That dress was made for you. 
Jungkook licks his lips. Doesn’t stop the words from spilling out. “Why don’t you try it on?”
You give him a look as if he was a mad man. And he is. That he certainly is. “Please, this costs more than I can afford. I’d only go home crying if I tried it on and had to put it back.”
He stifles a laugh at how ridiculous you sound. Picks up the price tag. Less than two hundred thousand wons. It wouldn’t even make a dent in his bank account. 
He grabs the hanger. Hands it to you. “Go try it on, sweetheart.” 
You roll your eyes. Don’t look amused at all. Your brows knit ever so adorably and the corners of your mouth curl downwards, arms crossing over your chest. Oh, he’s going to wipe that expression off of your face. Paint it in pretty, pretty colors. “No, thanks. I think I cried enough today. Let’s go.” 
You walk past him, but Jungkook stops you. Grabs your arm. Calls your name, firmly. “I’m not gonna repeat myself.” 
You huff. “Is there something wrong with your ears?” Your brows quirk and he thinks he died again. Might melt into a putty. Just for you. 
He smirks, showing his teeth. “It’s no issue for me,” he says, speaking of money, taking your hand in his and enveloping your fingers around the hanger. “So be good and try on this dress for me. Off you go.” 
Jungkook turns you around and, with his palms on your shoulders, he leads you towards the dressing rooms, not stopping until he finds one that’s unoccupied. You huff and puff again, but he gently pushes you inside. And when you open your mouth to say something, he drags the curtain to the side. A laughter bubbles in his chest. 
“You’re not buying this for me.” 
Jungkook shakes his head. “Strip.” 
There’s no witty remark, no exhales of your exasperated breaths, only the obnoxious music blasting through the speakers and he assumes that you gave in to him. A tendril of proudness, not of his actions but for you and your good behavior, swims in the hot bloodstream of his veins and it’s now, now that he’s almost alone and you’re out of view, save for your feet clad in pink socks under the curtain, that he perceives that he’s coated in sweat. The disorder of his colorful, all kinds of feelings has turned him so numb that he doesn’t even feel grounded in his body. He needs a strong sip of alcohol. And a good meal. 
He begins to flutter the sides of his leather jacket, just to alleviate himself of how hot he feels, when he hears you gasp, your footsies shuffling on the carpeted floor. He takes a step towards the dressing room, a trembling hand reaching for the curtain and stopping there—a spasm of nerves zaps his abdomen, spreading iciness to the tips of his fingers. He knows what he’s about to see will make him a dead man for the third time this evening and because of that, he takes a deep, soundless breath, closing his eyes for a mere second before his hand pulls the curtain away. 
Nothing, absolutely nothing could have prepared him for the sight before him. 
And nothing is what you’re wearing underneath the dress. 
Abruptly, there’s no music. There’s no gasps emitting out of that marvelous mouth of yours. And the film in front of his eyes is in slow motion, accompanied by the winged fuckers going equally mad inside his stomach. You’re twirling. From side to side. Patting down the material tight against your slender body. A grin on your face, one that he’s last seen during that time joy rested in you, bathes you in a glow that he longed to see. The glint, the light in your eyes takes on a whole new intensity and it shoots embers into his bare hands, burning him ferociously and curtly—just for him to find that he likes it and that he wants more. You turn around, facing him, and you swathe him with that flaring, almost raging light. It’s the sole thing he senses amidst the numbness of his headspace. 
Except for one thing. 
The ruffle of the sorry excuse for a rose beneath the singular strap of the dress is but an inch above your stiffened nipple while the other, just as excited, is left bare for his eyes—as if the principle of being exposed like that awakened your body. But it’s the vast, stitched red buds of that flower across your small waist, stomach, mound and the apex of your thighs that brings his attention to this other thing that he’s aware of. 
He’s hard for you. 
This image of you will perpetually haunt his dreams. Your little, carmine rose tattoos as if lining your skin, mainly. His throat swallows, dryly. 
Jungkook cups himself in an effort to hide his arousal and his bafflement from your stark, astonishing beauty. He thinks you’re unquestionably otherworldly, so far beyond his reach and his league that it aches. As much as the apprehension that if you wore anything else in this fucking dressing room, he’d fall to his knees just the same.
And then you speak and somehow you bring sharpness back into his reality. 
“The socks go well with the dress, don’t you think?” 
Jungkook glances at your feet and what he sees makes him pinch his eyes and let out a rumble of laughter. There’s a fucking Pikachu on your socks, grinning up at him, mocking him for getting hard for you for the third time. 
He can’t look back up and be a witness to the magnificence of your body. If he allows himself to do so, he will combust. Bring the whole building down—
A set of footsteps sound behind him and, with a racing heart, Jungkook steps inside the dressing room, shrouding you with his body without touching you, pulling the curtain shut. You startle, backing away until your spine leans against the mirror and there’s no space, none whatsoever, for him to run from you because when he turns back around, it’s your eyes he meets first. Nose to nose, breath to breath. 
When did they start making dressing rooms so fucking small? 
His breath picks up speed. He wants to pretend he doesn’t see the thick veil of your feminine carnality shunning out the light in your irises, because he can’t afford this, not when you’re sad, not when you need a friend, not when he needs to be stable for you. But the more you look at him, the more you draw him in and he has very little strength to fight against it. 
Averting his gaze, he props a hand on the wall beside your mirror. Notices your clothes, untidy, sprawled on the bench. Finds no traces of you taking off your underwear, which means only one thing.
His heart nearly skips a beat. 
“Where’s your underwear?”
Your grin forms into a smirk and you latch both of your hands onto the sides of his jacket. Danger mingles into that carnality in your eyes and Jungkook knows, right at this instant, that he’s fucked. “Didn’t take any.” 
His cock hardens even more in his hand. A brief flashback of the way he ripped your panties off at his cabin when you disobeyed him fills his mind, and he grows weak. It’s still a private pleasure of his, one that he likes recollecting, no matter the events that took place after. And the whole escapade has caused him to form a certain attachment to your underwear—or lack thereof. Knowing you didn’t take any on your first, secret night out with him suffuses him with delectation, one that intertwines with a rising question in him. 
Did you choose not to wear it for the sake of the old time or did you choose not to wear it because you’re expecting something from him? 
He yearns to know. Needs to. 
Your fists bunch up his T-shirt underneath the jacket, tip of the tongue darting out to lick across your top lip. Your eyes follow the way you squeeze the fabric and Jungkook catches your long lashes quivering at your discovery of his quite prominent problem. A blush scatters along your nose and cheekbones and he doesn’t have to look down to know that his hand scarcely conceals his imprint. He’s grown harder for you in this close proximity and, peculiarly, light pervades him now that you know about his arousal, even though he doesn’t expect you, nor demand from you, to do anything about it. 
“Oh, you know.” Palms flat, you drift them down his stomach. Jungkook stiffens, a forest burned by you. “It would only get in the way.” 
He sucks in a breath, pressing his other hand beside your head, caging you in, his cock in full clothed glory for you. His head spins, but paradoxically, he feels himself gaining strength, as if you managed to rejuvenate him by laying out your cards on the table in such a filthy, electrifying manner. 
“Get in the way of what?”
You mirror him, sucking in a breath of your own. “Get in the way of you fucking my brains out?” 
A quirk of his brow. A twitch of his cock. He can’t breathe—you’ve taken all of the remaining oxygen in his lungs when you sucked in that breath and uttered those dirty, dirty words. How are you capable of this? What has Yoongi done to you? Jungkook drags his teeth up his bottom lip, although it attenuates close to nothing. His arousal only blossoms, the bush of roses in his gut thickening, so akin to your little, feigned tattoos. He yearns to feel them under his palm. 
A dead man, for the fourth time. 
His knees might give out. His hands are clammy.
Though his mouth acts on its own. “Have you forgotten what I’m capable of doing?” 
He watches the flashback swim past your irises and it connects to your mouth, expanding it into a coy smile. “I guess I have.” 
Bad, bad girl. It’s you who’s fucking his brains out, trembling like a little leaf, longing for his touch, calling out for his hands. He feels them buzz, interwoven with your senses and your desires. Even if you didn’t move an inch, if you remained still as a sculpture, his hands would still know you want them and it drives him to the peak of insanity—enough for him to consider taking you right here and there, in all seriousness. In spite of the fact he still has a mind of his own and is aware that he shouldn’t. For Yoongi’s sake, yes—but mostly for your sake. 
The tips of his fingers tingle with the craving to rip that flimsy fabric off of you and make you remember what he did to you, even though you fully remember. Something about that fills him with an onrush of vigorous energy, one that needs a release. It whispers, most intensely, its plea for it within his skin. 
“Do I really need to remind you?” Jungkook asks, playing your little game after all, digits clenched into fists on either side of your head. You nod, briefly, seemingly becoming smaller in his captivity, hands drifting lower, rooting by his hips. He’s surprised he’s letting you touch him like this, but then he’d let you do anything you want. He sweeps a glance at your form, just once, before he bores his gaze back into yours. It did something to you and he draws closer, senses you squeezing your thighs together. Such a cute, bad girl. “It would be a pity to rip this dress off of you. What would they think, hm? If you walked out of this dressing room and had to explain to them what happened?” 
Jungkook drags a finger down your neck and at the first physical contact, you release a breath that wafts over him, deepens his heat. He traces the line of your strap until he reaches the frilly bud of the rose and tugs at it, just once. 
He’s about to continue taunting you, but you catch him off guard. 
“I dunno, I’d tell them I wanted you to do it. That I needed the reminder,” you whisper and your low tone of voice curls unfathomably somewhere within his gut, forcing him to double over. You hook your fingers around his belt loops and Jungkook brims with gladness that he didn’t wear a belt. “What was it that you did to me?” 
He nearly, nearly rolls his eyes back. The effect you have on him—he craves to bunch your hair in his fist, teach you a lesson regarding what you’re doing to him. 
And he just might. Take full responsibility while he’s at it. 
Two responses swirl on his tongue, however. 
One to scold you for provoking him in public, but he knows it would stall the aroused energy and back it away into a corner. The other to keep going and drive you to his level of insanity. 
It’s a crossroad and he’s standing in the middle, a man in charge, his morals questioned and at absolute fucking risk. His blood pumps at full speed and sweat lines his forehead. He’s on the verge of bursting. Time and tension presses against him and with all that energy and strength pulsating in him, it’s scarcely the one he needs to put a stop to this all. It all leads into a far different direction, leading him away from the clearness of his morals. 
Then, your chest lifts in desperate staccatos and that’s it for him. That’s the breaking point. 
No way out. 
Only way in. 
For you. 
Jungkook wets his lips. “How well can you keep a secret?” 
In the same trembling staccatos, you exhale in relief and he’s ready to give you everything. Absolutely fucking everything. “I’m the best in the game.” 
A flash of light in his being. He’s immensely pleased with your answer, growing hotter and hotter. He inches closer to you, flush to your body, lips by your ear. Feels your little nubs pressing against his upper abdominal muscles. Craves to sink his teeth into the delicious flesh of your ear. “You can’t tell anyone about this,” he starts, mimicking your low tone, speaking of the evident elephant in the room, hoping you catch onto it. “And if they ask, you have to come up with something else. Can you do that?” 
He pulls away a tiny bit, just to study your reaction. Your hold tightens on his belt loops while your mouth parts and your head nods in agreement, ever so needy but patient for his next move. He wants to lick you all over just for that, reward you until you lose your voice. 
“You teased me with your words, with your little bratty mouth, and even though you listened well when I told you to lick your finger for me, you disobeyed me when I instructed you to not wear panties at my place,” he starts, lips mouthing your ear and he feels the need of your body to stabilize at the memory. Offering you his own, he presses closer to you until he pins you against the mirror, until both pairs of lungs sync in movement, his fingers skimming, barely, over the sides of your hips. Though something resistant takes place in the middle of that entwinement. Something that gives his mouth the aftertaste of copper. “And when I found out, I ripped them off of you. Fingered you so fast you came in seconds and made a mess on my hand. And then…” he pauses, an inkling regarding how to get rid of his uneasiness plaguing his mind. “Then I made you apologize and you did. You did it so sweetly that I made you come so many times until you lost count,” he alters the memory, concluding the reminder finding the aftertaste rapidly increasing, transmitting down to his heart, burdening it with a heavy load that he doesn’t know the contents of. 
“Can you show me what you did? I think I might remember better if you do.” 
He almost sinks to his knees, but the resistance, the coppery aftertaste in his mouth immobilizes him, keeps him glued on his spot and his hands begin to tremble. An image of Yoongi blazes in the back of his mind and, fleetingly, Jungkook sees a swift movement, a memory of getting hit. If his hyung is in as bad a mental state as he is, it’s inevitable that history will repeat itself. You haven’t received his blessing. Neither has he. 
But at this very moment, he thinks knuckles to his cheek will simulate the act of a kiss. 
Secrets are secrets and he’s weak.
Awfully, awfully weak. 
“Is this what you want me to do?” he asks, looking you dead in the eye, lifting his chin, hoping you see his frailty—hoping you see that he’s hanging by the thread. “Finger you in this dressing room until you ruin that pretty dress?” 
A smile. “Well, you didn’t get me a dildo, so your fingers will have to do.” 
A sharp inhale of breath. “What about this cock, huh? You don’t want it?” 
You drag a finger along his jean-clad length, barely touching him. Jungkook twitches all over. 
“It’s too big for me, you know I can’t take it.” 
A deep chuckle. He’ll ruin his jeans himself. “If my mind serves me well, you’ve always taken it well. Came around it a lot of times.” 
You whine. This, this is your breaking point and all of Jungkook’s muscles tighten at the recognition. He’s gonna give it to you. Say fuck it to it all—his life was damned the moment he set his eyes on you. Knew he was going to die prematurely. Thinks dying in Yoongi’s hands is quite merciful. It’s his best friend after all. 
“Please, Jungkook, I—”
He grabs your waist, tightly. His thumbs touch and his stomach drops. “You what?” He’s going to make you say it, he doesn’t care. He needs it. He craves it. 
A mewl, one that coils around his length. “I’m so wet. I need you. Please, do something. Anything. Let’s get out of here.” 
He turns you around and because you didn’t expect it, you gasp—loudly. Angels must be by his side, for your sounds get instantly swallowed by the blasting music. You can be as loud as you want, as he wants and he makes a mental note to remind you that when the time asks for it. 
His fingers gather the flimsy fabric, bunching it at your waist. In the sharp light, shining down at you most perfectly, he has a splendid view of your drenched thighs and swollen clit. He presses you against him, needs you to feel how hard you made him, how rock solid his cock is at the sight of your mouth-watering filthiness. He needs you in his mouth, he needs you. 
“Where?” Jungkook asks, staring you down in the mirror, brows furrowed, head tipped to yours, lips in a tight line, parting with every hardened exhale. “Where do you need me? Show me.” 
You moan, ever so softly and he can’t help but grind against your ass, fingertips making dents in the flesh of your waist. You take your hand and drift it down to your sweet little cunt and Jungkook holds his breath. You rub your center, your adorable lips wrapping around your small fingers and you show him the thick sheen of your arousal, glistening in the light. Just like you did the first time he set his eyes on you, even though the paradisiacal sight wasn’t meant for him. 
Now it is—and he’s nearly about to weep in joy. Such spiritual experience, swathed with gratitude and mercy, healing him through and through. This is for him. You’re willingly giving it to him. He never thought he was ever deserving of it, but now in your hands, at your service, it feels too good to be true. His eyes wet, his arousal taking a new form, becoming something bigger, more profound, something that will change him, cling to him for the rest of his life. 
“Here. I want your fingers.” 
He takes your palm in his, planning something with it. “Just my fingers?” 
You lean your head back against his chest. “All of you, please, please.” 
At your service. 
Jungkook wraps his lips around your fingers, sucking your dew, swallowing it, needing more. You grow more desperate, watching him in the mirror, and your little index finger grazes his lip ring, smiling sweetly, pleased with yourself. He coos at the sight, but then you turn around, pressing yourself against him, your cunt against his thigh, his cock against your tummy, and you grab the back of his neck and pull him in, harshly, for a kiss. 
You eat his mouth. He’s barely able to reciprocate your hungry kisses, the roll of your tongue, your moans at your own taste and he decides he will simply slow you down. 
Reaching behind you, his fingers tease your entrance. In response, you lift your ass for him, arching your spine as much as you can. He knows that if he were to pull away, he’d see your juices in the mirror, in the stark light, but your starvation and your craving tastes too good and he physically can’t. 
Gathering your slick, he drags his fingers past your parted lips towards your clit and you swirl your hips for him, outrunning him—making the tip of his digit give you the circles you want. He groans into your mouth, out of breath and it isn’t until he rubs your bud rapidly, with deep pressure, and you moan so loud that it alerts him enough to pull away. 
The music did not, in fact, swallow that sound. 
Jungkook clamps your mouth shut.
Without stopping his movement. Watches your eyes roll back. And he’s greedy, unfortunately so. 
Turning you around, he props your leg on the bench and he looks at your pretty cunt. Swollen red clit, like your feigned tattoos, parted lips, dripping hole and equally soaked folds, glistening in the direct light. He swears, can’t help it, fondling your femininity, all four of his fingers gliding with ease, back and forth, everywhere. Down to your other hole, to your inner thighs, back up to your seashell, to your mound and lower tummy. He cakes you with your arousal, one he’s the creator of, bunching your dress higher until he’s holding you right underneath your breasts that spill over his forearm. So full and perky—he’s unhinged. Utterly, utterly unhinged. 
He wants to smear your slick over those clothed nipples as well. 
Jungkook rubs your clit again, with the same speed as before. Your eyes lid, but keep the eye contact in the mirror, ravaging him through and through. He submits to it, even though he has the upper hand, even though he has the capability to make those eyes go cross. And they do—when he sinks his fingers inside of you, middle and ring, stuffing you full. Your walls suck him in so hard that he almost loses his footing, squeezing you so hard against him that he’s sure he will leave bruises on your tender skin. He silently promises he will kiss them later. 
“Is this what you wanted?” He lifts your leg, hoists it up in the air and begins to fuck you speedily, fingers curling in your spot every once in a while. He doesn’t want to make you come fast, but then time is pressing against him and he knows the mall will be closing soon. He still has to fill that belly. Would prefer if you came around his cock. “My fingers fucking your needy little princess parts, hm?” 
You moan his name and Jungkook shushes you in your ear, rewarding you regardless by abusing your clit with circles, alternating between those and swiftly fucking you in your tight hole. 
“I’m gonna come, Jungkook, I’m gonna come.” 
He withdraws his fingers. All of them—even those wrapped around your leg. You sway on your feet, heady, panting, and he stabilizes you with a hand on your arm. He smirks at you in the mirror, fingers in his mouth and you give him a dirty look. 
Before you can tell him off, he explains himself. “You’re coming around my cock, I don’t give a fuck, sweetheart.” 
His words wipe your face off of that scowl and you smile at him. A sunshine personified. Jungkook chuckles, pushing you against the mirror with his hand on your sternum and getting on his knees. 
He places your leg on his shoulder. “Hold your dress for me.” 
You listen right away, ever so eager. One hand clutches the hem, the other sneaks to his hair. Jungkook likes it so much that he doesn’t waste a second and envelops his mouth around your little clit. 
Just briefly. He has your dew to drink. 
He swipes his tongue along your slit. Over and over, until his sweat drips in pearls down his temples and he makes new bruises on the sides of your hips. Even goes one step further and fucks you with his tongue, letting out short little breaths and soft moans against you, gone feral by your taste and your fleshiness. He takes your lips in his mouth, plays with them with his tongue. Pulls away, stares lovingly at them and spits on your clit, sucking it inside his mouth and rubbing his face in your dripping juices, licking up everything you’re giving to him. 
And when your knee gives out, he catches you in time, standing to his feet. Doesn’t kiss you. Is selfish. Wants your taste perpetually on his tongue. Your eyes sink to his wet chin and you lick your lips, a feral look on your own gracing your features. You resemble a horny little animal, one that he craves to own and make his. But he can’t burden his heart with that thought. Doesn’t have the strength for it, not when he’s still hanging by the thread. 
“How do you want my cock?” he asks, his own eyes lidded, darkness consuming him. “Like this or from behind? You decide. I’m giving it to you. It’s yours.” 
You’re left speechless. He taps your cheek, gently, to make you talk. If you don’t, it will be his ruination and he will die. At your Pikachu-clad feet. A sweet, sweet death. Ideal. 
“I—I can’t take it from behind.” A deer in the headlights, terribly cute. 
He chuckles, caressing your hair. “But you have.” He grins, but it’s an answer for him. He’ll take you from behind in the safe confines of your home. “Like this, then. It’s more than perfect, sweetheart.” He kisses you, deeply, but he doesn’t give you his tongue. His heart expands, his affection crawling all around the kiss. He wonders if you can feel it. 
Pulling away, he unbuttons his pants and takes out his length. He’s soaked his underwear, but he doesn’t mind. His arousal drips down and he rubs it along his tip to make it as painless for you as he can when he enters you. 
And once he does, your eyes roll back and you break into whines, ones that fuck with his brain. Your leg is wrapped around his torso, but he joins the other one, holding you by your splendid little cheeks. Like his fingers, you suck him in, even though he hasn’t given you all of it yet. He’s already losing it. Doesn’t know what’s going to happen to him once he’s balls deep. He won’t last. He physically can’t. 
Jungkook bites your lower lip, sucking it into his mouth. “You want all of it?” 
You tug at his hair. “Yes, all of you.” 
At your fucking service. 
He sinks deeper into you, hissing, furrowing his brows, sweat dripping down every perimeter of his body. Your mouth latches onto his neck and he’s gone. Even more so, when you graze your teeth upon his skin before you suck it—like he sucked your lip. He fucks you hard for it, making you let go of his neck and moan against the column. It pleases him so much that he does it again, a warm pressure coiling in his lower belly. It creates a cacophonous sound, your body colliding into the mirror and it mingles, beautifully, with the music playing. As well as the squeaky noises of your slick gliding along his cock every time he draws out. 
“Who do you belong to tonight, huh?” Jungkook rasps, filling you balls-deep just like you wanted, driving into you slowly until his pelvis kisses yours. “You can be as loud as you want, sweetheart. Nobody’s gonna hear you but me.” 
Rapid, whiny moans. He mimics their speed while maintaining eye contact with you and he groans when your eyes go unfocused, mouth parted. You’re just as gone as him. He pecks you for it, so terribly pleased. His orgasm inches closer, enveloping him with even deeper, thicker darkness. 
“To you, Daddy,” you cry out and because you called him by the title, he maneuvers you. Hoists you higher on his cock, with your legs now dangling from his forearms. And like this, he drags you up and down his length, his own moans breaking at the feeling of you tightening around him. He’s gonna come now and it’s your fault. 
“No, sweetheart, you can’t call me that when we’re here,” he scolds, shaking his head, brushing his lips against yours. “I can’t ruin you the way I’d like. They’d kick us out.” He kisses you, slowing down his tempo, stalling his orgasm. “Now apologize or you’re not coming.” 
“I’m so sorry. I won’t call you that in—in public.” 
A rewarding kiss to your neck. A hard stroke. One that blankets his vision with colorful stars. “Good girl,” he praises, looks down at you and kisses you without breaking the stare. “Now you need to be the best girl and come around my cock. I can’t fill you up—you didn’t wear your panties. I’d ruin your leggings for everyone to see.” You cry out again, the idea dizzying your mind as much as his and you tug at his hair, scratching your fingernails down his neck, touching him all over. “Can you do that for me? Can you come for me and not make a mess like the last time, hm?” 
He pounds into you, the strokes so hard that the sound of skin slapping turns disturbing and he holds his orgasm for your sake, all of his muscles clenched, stars dancing across his vision, pecking your features. And that’s it for you. 
You come so hard around him—and you are the bestest girl in the world because you manage to keep your eyes on him throughout the entirety of the wave of your orgasm washing over you, licking up at your body. Mouth parted, his name slipping past, a deep tinge of red, deeper than your dress, flushing your cheeks, eyes dazed, so gone, so fucked out, dark and alluring, so akin to his.
His bestest girl. His sweetheart. 
He needs to pull away. He needs to come. 
“Sweetheart, I know you’re tired but I need you to take off your dress and get on your knees.” 
You do it so quickly, without talking back, that even his own flush finds its way to his cheeks, his heart growing even larger and hotter, winged fuckers zapping his stomach. He fucks his fist in your face, loving the way you’re watching what he’s doing for a little while with a lingering hunger before you flick your eyes to his, beckoning his orgasm out of him. 
“Good girl,” he whispers, muscles straining, movement quickening. White clothes the colorful stars, the warmth in his stomach on the very brink of exploding. “Open your mouth.” 
And he paints your mouth in the same shade of white. You’re so good that you wrap your lips around him, sucking him softly, making popping sounds that prolong his orgasm and he grasps your hair in his fist, gently, despite the violence of his release. He’s not just giving you his cum; he’s giving you all of his affection and when you swallow and smile at him in such a kind, beautiful manner, it wets his eyes in a way that he can’t explain. 
He helps you get on your feet and you worsen his state of emotions. Like earlier, you fold into his form, hugging him skin to skin, squeezing him so hard that he stops breathing altogether. And when you begin to weep and smear his chest with your precious tears, he weeps with you. 
Never in his life before has he experienced such embrace, such love unraveling in the form of tears and quiet sobs. And he doesn’t want to absolve this again. With you, it’s perfect. And right now, he could die with the utmost certainty that you’re both crying for the same reason. 
Love unable to be real, to be fulfilled. 
He senses it. Senses it in the way he cradles your head and wipes your tears away. In the way your lips wrap around his, kissing him as if this was the very last time. You don’t have to say a word. He knows. And it’s enough. 
Jungkook dresses you. Runs his fingers through your hair in effort to fix it and make it look as nice as it did before he ruined it. And his eyes drench again when you zip him up in the meantime. No one has ever done that for him. 
The warmth in his heart heightens. He doesn’t understand how it’s possible. 
Taking your hand, purse and your dress, he leads you to check out. Pays for it. Carries the bag. Pretends you’re his; pretends his duties are nonexistent and his morals have different colors—just for this night. Doesn’t let go of your hand, even as he orders a good bowl of soup for you and himself, even as you sit down together and wait for your food. Even as you look at him deep in thought. 
“You saved me,” you unravel, a soft, tender, drowsy mien gracing your face and his heart thuds against his ribcage, gratitude surrounding it, eyes wetting again. “Thank you. And for the dress. I’ll only wear it for you.” 
The thuds halt. And it’s the only thing that does—a tear rolls down his cheek and he can’t truly believe he’s baring his feelings like that for you, in front of you. He feels as though he was dreaming and he fears he’s going to stir to awakening any moment now. 
A waiter brings your food. None of you pay him any kind of attention, though you don’t forget to say your thank you’s. 
Jungkook opens his mouth to say something, despite the fact no words rise on his tongue, but something interrupts him. 
His phone rings. 
And it’s none other than his hyung himself. 
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