#mangos scribbles
mangomagicaart · 6 months
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It's been an...interesting couple of weeks.
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souverite · 2 years
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an idea. ft. red with their ghost-seeing eyes
don’t mind the fact that i started experimenting with my brush halfway through
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selkra-souza · 1 year
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I ate a lot of mangos this summer
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hopskip-andajump · 11 months
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Redesign of an old oc of mine :3 her name is Sparky and she is a wanted criminal for MURDER!!!!!😲😲😲🤯🤯💥💥💥
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cursedthing · 2 years
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valentinesdayy · 2 years
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Ponies i made :] 
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scribe-of-the-moon · 1 year
Bubblegum boss' son
mango with cat ears
the one that knows what theyre doing
basey acey
pink lawyer man
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shoverse · 1 year
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sfw — thinkin bout bestfriend! jeongin, who loves to joke about how 'rizzful' he is, giggling loudly when you turn your head slowly in faux horror and feign a disgusted expression. not that you don't believe him, of course, he's always out. it's just that he he always comes home and flops onto the couch next to you, sipping a fresh (not really) lemonade he bought from the seven eleven down the road. 'what movie today?' he asks, resting his head on your shoulder, peering into your eyes.
jeongin, who wakes you up to the sweet smell of fluffy pancakes, setting the table with his favourite weaved placemat and hanging up his pretty white apron. he smiles softly and wishes you good morning, voice soaked in morning grog. the pretty heart he meticulously carved into your butter was already half-melted, your own heart melting into the familiarity of it all.
jeongin, who was there for your first crush, first love, first heartbreak. he'll, he's been there for every heartbreak. he sneaks into your room and sits next to you on your bed, rubbing your back and letting you cry into his chest.
jeongin, who buys you pretty flowers on every occasion possible. he picks out the best bunch of sunflowers, wraps them up in a checkered yellow cloth and scribbles out a heartfelt note for you. something about how you're his sun always slips in, about how pretty you are, but he crosses it out and starts again.
jeongin, who turns just a shade pinker every time you thank him for the flowers. smiles so wide and offers to spend the rest of the day with you. you accept, of course, who could ever turn a boy like him down?
jeongin, who's been with you since the start, smiling his sunshine boy smile, drawing bright yellow tulips on the sidewalk. he wipes his chalk covers fingers on you and sticks his little tongue out. the tongue that slowly retracts as you sport a devilish grin and chase the shrieking boy down the road.
jeongin, who spends weeks learning how to paint from hyunjin, trying not to get frustrated when he messes up. he grins and calls it effortless when the painting finally ends up in your hand, but his shy smile hints at something else.
jeongin, who demands that 'as best friends, we are obliged to get matching phone cases'. he giggles every time you tap your phone cases together and completes the cartoon on the back of your phones.
jeongin, who sits on a picnic blanket with you, picking daisies and weaving them into your hair. he rests his head on your lap as you absentmindedly play with his hair and watch the sun set. he squeals and rolls off of you when a drop from your mango popsicle drips onto his forehead.
jeongin, who robs jisung of his nail polish so you two could match colours. he spends his afternoon focusing on getting your nails absolutely perfect, scrunching up his nose and furrowing his eyebrows. he smiles when you take dozens of pictures of yours and his interlocking fingers.
jeongin, who humors you and agrees to play a game of truth or dare with you. it's tame at first, stupid questions like 'what's the fattest shit you've ever taken?' (okay, maybe not exactly that.) until it's not. i mean, you don't think it's that serious, chewing on your snacks and thinking up interesting questions. when the words fall from your lips, he clams up immediately. 'do you like anyone?' he opens his mouth to say no, but what slips out instead is what he's kept locked away for all those years.
jeongin, who's a terrible kisser. maybe it's his nerves, maybe he's just bad, but it makes you laugh into the kiss. he tastes like honey, sweet and infatuating. his lips are soft, he slips his hand behind your neck and smiles when he pulls away. he rests his forehead against yours and erupts into an explosion of laughter.
jeongin, who hugs you close to his chest that night, whispering into your hair as you drift off to sleep. you're so perfect, he's so glad he can finally say it.
jeongin, who's yours. that is all.
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gabrielleyueerrrrr · 25 days
Broken (but it's on the mend) - AVA/M
Word count: 6,221
-Graphic depictions of panic attack
-Mentioning of past child abuse
Characters: Purple, King Orange/Mango Tango, Green, Blue, Yellow, Red, The Second Coming, Navy Blue(mentioned), Orchid/Pink(mentioned), Gold(mentioned)
Relationships: (No romantic pairings) Purple & King Orange/Mango Tango, Purple & Green, Purple & The Colour Gang
Additional tags: Hurt/Comfort, Post AVM Ep 30 "The King" , Purple having self-worth issues, Good parent Mango, Bad parent Navy, the Colour Gang being good friends
Summary: Purple decided to clean up Mango's house while he was away, but made a terrible mistake in the process.
»»———— ❋ ————-««
"Okay, I'm leaving. Remember not to open the door for strangers, if you want to visit Green and the other kids in Minecraft drop me a message first, if I'm not home yet when you come back, don't forget to close the nether portal, also-"
"Sir-MT, I'm not a kid anymore. I've been living by myself for almost 2 years now, you don't have to worry about me." Purple pouted at Mango as the latter reached for his gold scarf, wrapping it around his neck meticulously.
"I know, I know. I have completely faith in your ability to take care of yourself, it's just..." Mango let out a sigh and placed a hand on the door knob, "...old habits die hard."
Purple bit their lip as they watched Mango open the door. The fierce, icy wind of December blew some snow flakes onto the doormat. 
"And don't forget to eat your lunch, there's food in the fridge. Don't heat metal containers in the microwave, remember to scoop whatever's inside into a bowl first-"
"Okay okay I'll stop now." Mango laughed and ruffled Purple's hair. "See you in the afternoon."
"See you!"
The door closed with a thud. Purple let out a breath they didn't know they were holding and turned around.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...The sound of the wall clock echoed across the living room, the only sound keeping them company.
They were alone, the realisation slowly sank in like a pebble descending down a deep well. Purple hugged themselves absentmindedly, their gaze drifted onto the small framed photograph placed on a low cabinet to their left. In it, a young child sat on their father's shoulders, beaming at them brightly. 
Purple responded with a small smile of their own, then withdrew their gaze and straightened their back. No use in standing here like a moron, they scolded themselves, they need to find something to do.
They scanned across the living room and only then did they realise what a mess it still was. The walls were covered with furious scribbles of Mango King Orange's notes and calculations, books and previous iterations of the King's staff were hastily piled up in the corners, the floor was coated by a thick layer of dust. 
Purple mentally kicked themselves. It's been two weeks since Mango gave up his title as King Orange and even allowed Purple to live with him in his own house, and they didn't even think of cleaning up said house for him? What kind of child roommate were they?
They'll make the house spotless before Mango came back. Purple's heart leaped as they pictured Mango returning home, pleasantly surprised, and telling them how good it was to have them around. They bounced on their feet a few times in excitement, and immediately set themselves in motion.
An indefinite amount of scrubbing, sweeping, mopping and tidying later, Purple glanced at the wall clock and noticed the minute hand had thrice swept pass the same marking since Mango left. They stretched their sore muscles and admired their work: the once dusty and stained floor now practically gleaming, the walls clean and polished, furnitures and items neatly arranged, a fresh scent of cleaning products filled the air. Several short, joyful notes escaped from Purple’s mouth, they can’t wait for Mango to see this! 
Satisfied, they realised how exhausted they were, and decided to take a well deserved break.
A bucket of dirty soap water, coincidentally sitting in Purple's way, was knocked over. Purple stumbled on the slippery floor and lost their balance. They yelped in surprise, flailed their arms and tried to grab hold of something, but failed and fell painfully into the puddle of filthy water with a splash. "Ow..." They mumbled, sitting up and rubbed their aching elbows. "Great, I have to mop the floor all over again..."
Suddenly, they spotted something on the floor. Blood drained from their face.
The photograph of Mango and his child lay submerged in the foul, murky water. A large, ugly crack marred the lovingly polished glass, liquid gradually seeped in through the crack, tainting Gold's wide grin with a greyish stain.
"God, oh no, oh nononononono...." Purple snatched the broken photograph from the ground and desperately wiped away all the disgusting liquid from its surface, but the damage was already done.
"It's okay, it's okay! I-I can fix this!" Purple reassured themselves with trembling voice, knowing perfectly well deep down that there's nothing they could do to reverse the damage. They traced the cracks with cold, numb fingers, the glaring blemish on the photo paper stung their eyes. "Oh god, what have I done..."
Purple recalled the first time they entered Mango's house, everything was carelessly lying around unkempt except for this photograph, which was free from the slightest speckle of dust. When Purple picked up the photograph to have a closer look, Mango snatched the photo away from Purple immediately. Every now and then, Mango would stare at the photo with such tenderness in his eyes that made Purple's heart throb.
A newfound horror dawned upon Purple. What would Mango do when he found out that Purple broke his most cherished possession? The one and only memento of his dearest child? 
The mere thought alone made Purple's whole body seize up in fear. Their legs felt like noodles as they sat helplessly in the slowly spreading puddle of dirty water. Purple hugged the broken photograph closely to their chest, their frame trembling with every sharp inhale, wet eyes darting around the room, desperately trying to find a solution.
Then, Purple heard the click of a key inserted into the keyhole, followed by the soft clunk of the bolt retracting.
Their heart stopped.
"I'm home!" Mango's deep, warm voice sounded like death knell to Purple's ears. They suddenly found themselves pinned to the ground, eyes glued to the dark liquid beneath them, unable to move, unable to speak. Their knuckles went white with how tightly they clinched the photograph, heart hammering against their chest.
"Wait no-shoot...wrong house..." 
"...Eh? But this is my house?"
"Purple! Kid, did you clean up the whole place while I was gone? Hehe, I didn't even recognise this place!"
Footsteps. Mango's voice was right above them. "Purple? Why are you...what's wrong?"
Purple tried to answer, but their vocal cord cannot make a sound.
"Hey, kid-" Purple felt Mango touching their shoulders, they jerked backwards so violently as if being burnt. Purple looked up, and saw Mango towering over them.
A heavy kick from Navy sent Purple slamming into the gravel ground. The friction sent scorching pain across their back. Their father towered over them, looking angry and disappointed. "Get up! Now!" He growled, stomping the ground hard with one foot.
"S-sir! I-" Purple wanted to stand up, but their feet doesn't feel like theirs. Instead they scrambled backwards like a wounded animal. 
Mango must have sensed something was wrong. Purple didn't miss how his brows furrowed and how his eyes went sharp and scrutinising. His gaze was like an invisible hand squeezing the air out of Purple's lungs.
"Get up you little-! You think your enemies are just going to let you take your own sweet time?! If you're in a real battle you'd be dead by now!" Navy's mouth was contorted in a snarl, his booming voice rung at Purple's ears. They tried to stand up, but every muscle inside them screamed of pain and exhaustion.
"Purple, I need you to to tell me what's wrong. I promise I won't hurt you." Mango's voice was gentle and steady, but Purple still flinched as if Mango was yelling.
"I...I..." Purple's tongue felt like sandpaper inside their mouth.
Say something! Make something up! Anything! He cannot find out about the photograph!
As if on cue, Mango's piercing gaze locked onto the small rectangular frame in Purple's arms. All was lost.
Time slowed down. Purple watched, frozen in place, as Mango slowly bent down and took away the photograph. Seeing the damage, Mango's body stiffened, lips pressed together tightly. Then, his eyes turned to Purple again.
The floor was spinning. The room was spinning. Purple's chest felt weird. They tasted bile in their throat. Heartbeats were deafening. Needles were pricking their hands and feet. Somewhere in the distance someone was gasping for breath. They were gasping for breath. 
"What the hell is wrong with you today?! Stop crying like a wimp! Did you forget everything I taught you? GET. UP!!" This wasn't their father. This couldn't be their father. The being yelling at them was a demon taking form of their father. Purple curled into a fetal position and hid their face, wishing for everything to stop.
No, no, no. They need to calm down, go back normal. Mango's gonna notice and things would get worse. These episodes always make things worse. Stop breathing this fast, NOW!
"Purple, what-" Mango's lips were moving, but Purple cannot register what he was saying. Mango crouched down. Mango lifted their hand towards them.
The first kick landed on Purple's back, knocking the air out of them. 
Useless. Thud. 
Weak. Thud.
Pathetic. Thud.
Failure. Thud.
Purple's pupils contracted as the hand inched closer to them. No, no, no. This is bad. This's very bad. He's angry. He's going to hurt them. He's going to hurt them like Navy did. 
They need to stay away from him, they need to run, they need to get out of here.
Driven by a sudden rush of adrenaline, Purple bolted like a doe startled by a gunshot and dove straight into the trap door leading to the basement. Mango's astonished shout rang behind them, but they didn't dare to look back. They stumbled across the passageway littered with debris, blood pounded in their ears.
Purple activated the nether portal and threw themselves inside.
»»———— ❋ ————-««
Purple stumbled through the jagged terrain between deep ravines filled with flowing lava. The sweltering heat amplified their dizziness, making everything around them swirl and warp. The crimson landscape around them seemed to close in, muffling every sound except their desperate, shallow gasps of breath, and the frantic scream in their mind urging them to run, escape, get away.
They didn't know how long they ran or how far they went, eventually fatigue overtook them, as if molten lead had filled their veins. They staggered to a stop, bending over and gasping for breath. Wetness clung to their face, but they couldn't even tell if it was sweat or tears.
Suddenly, a faint, melodious sound of the flute drifted into Purple's ears, a stark contrast to the incessant grunt and rumble in the Nether. Purple's heart skipped a beat. But it couldn't be who they hoped it was, right? Must have been their ears playing tricks on them.
The sound rang out again, Purple held their breath and lifted their head. Could it be? Could it really be?
"...uuuuurrrrrple......!" Purple gasped. A young, silky voice was calling out their name. The familiarity of that voice nearly made Purple burst into tears in relief. They wanted to shout back, but their throat was too tight to make a sound.
"My dear ol' grape boy!" A blur of vibrant green flashed before their eyes and they were enveloped by a pair of warm, slender arms. They automatically replicated the gesture, suddenly felt so completely drained that they could barely stand. It took all they had not to instantly melt into a sobbing mess.
"-so nice to see you again! How're you and King doing? Are you here by yourself?"
"...Green? How...how'd you..." They croaked weakly. Green seemed to notice something was off.
"Why's your voice so...and oh my Alan-"Green pulled away from the embrace, hands still clutching Purple's shoulders, "-you're shaking like crazy! What happened?!"
"I-uh-" The intensity in those emerald eyes made Purple look away. "I...I'm lost...?"
Green's brow twitched. "Purple, that's the lamest lie I've ever heard, even Red can do better than that." He scanned them from head to toe with concern and barely concealed anger. “Tell me, is it King again? Did he do something to you?!"
"No no h-he didn't, I just-"
"You know you can tell me anything, right? You don't have to worry about anyone, you're safe with me!"
And just like that, the dam collapsed. Purple's knees quietly buckled below them, they hid their face in the crook of Green's neck and started to bawl. 
"Cursors!" Green stumbled backward slightly due to Purple's weight but quickly steadied himself. With one arm he cradled Purple firmly, supporting their limp body, with the other he began to rub soothing circles on Purple's back. 
"No, no-It-it's not him..." They whispered between sobs,"-It's me...I did something...I did something terrible...I messed up...Oh Green, I messed up so bad!"
"Shh, shh…A-ah, it’s alright Purp, it's alright..." Green replied, with a slight tremble in his voice that Purple did not notice.
“An-and now he must be so mad at me! W-what if he doesn’t want me anymore? What if h-he kick me out?” Purple wailed.
“Don’t say that! King wouldn’t-“
“It-it’s all m-my fault! I’m so u-useless!”
That obviously hit a nerve, because Green’s body immediately went rigid. “Bullshit!” He retorted heatedly. “Look, Purple, forget whatever just happened, right now what you need is plenty of rest. So here’s the plan. You, are going to come to our place and stay here for the night. After that we’ll figure out the situation with the other guys. Deal?”
Purple could only stare at Green blankly, teardrops still on their cheeks.
“Actually, never mind! C'mere!” Without further ado, Green tucked a dumbfounded Purple beneath his arm and started walking towards a Nether Portal.
What happened after that was a blur. Various colours danced around Purple emitting a cacophony of voices, but they barely have the energy to acknowledge each of the Colour Gang's presence. Green kept Purple close to his side and exchanged a few words with the others. Then, Purple was led into a dim and quiet room and lay down on a soft surface. They vaguely registered a small plushie being slid into their arms and felt the comforting pressure of a soft, warm blanket wrapped around them. Purple let out a long sigh of relief and silently thanked the Colour Gang for their consideration. At last, they allowed their weary mind to drift into sweet oblivion.
»»———— ❋ ————-««
Purple was woken up by raised voices outside their room. 
"...did you do this time?! Purple ran into the Nether! They weren't even wearing their elytra! You have no idea how bad a state they were in, shaking and crying all that, who knows what would've happened if I haven't found them!" Green was shouting angrily.
Purple's heart raced as they faintly heard Mango's voice outside the door, but his exact words were indecipherable.
"No! What kind of 'accident' are you talking about?! Was mistreating and betraying them in the past also counted as 'accidents'? We won't let you take another step forward unless you tell us exactly what happened!"
"What happened is between Purple and me. Let me talk to them and things would be resolved." Mango's voice increased in volume, his tone was carefully kept neutral, but Purple could detect the seething anger underneath.
"They're terrified of you! Who knows what you'll do to them if we let you through!"
"I won't do anything to them you stupid kid! I already told you it was a misunderstanding!" Great, now Mango was shouting too. 
Purple hurriedly untangled themselves from the blankets and stood up. Despite their dread of confronting Mango, they knew they had to intervene before things escalated further. Having two people who mean the most to them fighting over them was the last thing they wanted. They already made enough mistakes.
Purple took a deep breath and opened the door.
Just as they thought, Mango and the Colour Gang were outside. The five teenagers formed a semi-circle around Mango, shielding Purple from the adult stick figure.
"H-hey MT..."
Seeing Purple, Mango's irritated expression was immediately replaced by relief. 
"Purple! Thank the internet you’re okay!" He barged his way through the gang, ignoring their indignant yelp, and strode towards Purple, only stopping abruptly at a 2 meters away as if fearing Purple might run away again if he gets too close.
That wasn't right. Shouldn't Mango be furiously yelling at them for damaging his most valuable possession? Or at least gave them "the look" of disappointment like what Navy used to do? But Mango did nothing like that. Instead, he looked at Purple as if they were made out of delicate glass, and when he spoke his voice was soft and cautious.
“Purple, are-are you…is it alright if I talk with you for a moment? In private?”
What was happening?
“S-sure…?” Purple’s answer was more like a question. They never saw Mango like this before. King Orange was always authoritative and commanding, and although he often treated Purple harshly, his demeanour somehow made Purple feel safe. After giving up his title, Mango became calm and gentle. Purple really liked that, even if they were still unsure how to act around him. But right now, Mango looked like he was treading on thin ice, it even reminded Purple of themselves. 
“Purple, you sure? You don’t have to if you don’t want to, we’ll deal with him.” Green walked to Purple’s side and whispered. The rest of the gang also looked at Purple with concern.
“Thank you guys, but I want to talk with him. We’ll be okay.” Purple offered the gang a weak but genuine smile.
“…Right. If you say so.” Green reluctantly walked away, throwing Mango a dirty look as he brushed past the tall stick figure. Mango visibly heaved a sigh of relief, and together they entered Purple’s room.
Sitting on their bed, Purple’s heart start pounding again. What if all that was just an act, and Mango was going to unleash all of his anger on them now that they were alone? Purple’s mind drifted back to the broken photograph and trembled. After committing such a horrendous crime, how could they just ran away without a single apology? Indeed, Mango had every right to be furious with them, they deserved every bit of his wrath and disappointment. 
But first, they need to apologise to Mango, it was the least they could do.
Purple watched as Mango quietly closed the door and turned to Purple. They cowered and squeezed their eyes shut, took a deep breath, and-
“I-I’m sorry MT!”
“Purple, I’m so sorry.” 
Two voices said in unison, both of them froze.
Wait, what? Was Purple's ears playing tricks on them again?
Purple opened their eyes and stared incredulously at Mango. Mango, meanwhile, grabbed a chair and sat down at a comfortable distance away from Purple. Purple saw him shifting in his seat.
"Allow me to start first, alright?" Mango closed his eyes and took a deep breath, suddenly appearing ten years older. Then, he straightened his back, and that fleeting moment of vulnerability was gone.
"I want to apologise to you for overlooking the damage I inflicted upon you as King Orange. I manipulated you, deceived you, oppressed you, forced you to act against your conscience, and I had almost... if not for these kids...I would've..." Mango closed his eyes again, his face twitched as if in pain. "...I should never assume that you were okay. No one would be okay after what you've been through. And due to my ignorance, I caused you much distress today. I scared you, didn't I? You ran away because you were afraid I might hurt you again like before, didn't you?" Mango's eyes were shimmering with tears.
"Oh Purple, I am so, so sorry. For everything." Mango's hand inched forward as if wanting to hold Purple's hand, but quickly gave up when Purple did not replicate the gesture.
This conversation was not at all what Purple anticipated to be. The memories of King Orange were still raw and painful, they didn't want to relate this kind, gentle stick in front of them with the ruthless, intimidating King they remembered. It broke Purple's heart to witness Mango being swallowed by guilt, but at the same time, it felt like an empty, aching part of them was gradually being filled up by something warm and fuzzy. These complicated feelings was not something they experienced before, and it scared them. So instead, they decided to push them away for the time being and ask Mango the question they cared about the most: 
"You...you're not mad about me? For ruining the photograph?"
Mango turned his head to the side and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "No, Purple. It was an accident. It was not your fault."
"But I tripped over a bucket and knocked it down! If I were more careful..."
"Everyone makes mistakes, you didn't mean it."
"But that was your only keepsake of Gold! It's so important to you, yet I ruined it! "
"...I am upset about the stain, yes. but what is done is done. Being angry at you doesn't reverse the damage."
"Purple, if there is one thing I learned from my mistakes as King, is not to let my own emotions get the better of me and to inflict unnecessary harm upon others. Especially those that I care about, like you." Mango's voice regained its strength. He looked at Purple with such impeccable sincerity that Purple almost believed him. And Purple wanted to believe him, but a voice inside them just kept screaming wrong wrong wrong.
Mango shouldn't forgive you, he should be mad, he has to be, because you are-
"Although there is something I want to know." Mango's voice interrupted Purple's train of thought, "Why did you cleaned up the house all by yourself? You know you can wait for me to come home so that we can do it together, right?"
"Oh, I'm sorry- you're right," Purple said quickly, "I shouldn't have...if I didn't mess around, I wouldn't have broken the photograph-"
"No, no, I'm not blaming you!" Mango held up his hands in a placating manner, "As a matter of fact, I should thank you. I don't remember the last time the house was so clean and tidy." He chuckled to himself. "I just wanted to know why you decided to do it. It's not an easy task to do after all."
"Be-because, I wanted to be useful for once..." Purple admitted quietly, "It's been two weeks since...well...you let me to stay with you even though you weren't hiring me anymore, and you've been so nice to me all this time, so I thought, cleaning your house is the least I could do to repay you for that..."
Mango inhaled. "Purple, you don't have to repay me for anything. I let you stay because I...because you're a good kid. I'm no longer your superior and you're no longer my lackey, I should never have treated you as one in the first place." Mango moved his chair forward and gently placed a hand on Purple's lap. The warmth in his gaze was reserved for them alone. "I don't expect you to do anything in my favour, because I care about your welfare more than mine. I wish you could do the same for yourself."
Purple took a second to register what Mango said. The elder stick figure's words sent streams of warmth through their torso and into their limbs, as if there was a tiny sun blooming inside Purple's body. Oh stick, Mango really cared about them, maybe even more than they ever dreamed of. Their whole body was warm with joy...
Useless. Weak. Pathetic. Failure. 
Navy's voice rang at their ears, and suddenly the warmth was gone, a cold realisation set in. Purple lowered their head and discreetly shifted their legs away from Mango's touch. Mango must have noticed their sudden change in attitude. "...Kid, is something... did I say something wrong?" He inquired gingerly.
"MT...sir," Purple replied softly after a moment of silence, "You don't have to keep this up if you don't want to."
Mango blinked, looking surprised. "Wha-Kid, what are you talking about-"
"Sir, I know you're treating me well like this only because you're guilty of what you did to me in the past. I assure you there is no need for that." Purple looked down at their feet, trying their best to keep their tone levelled.
Mango's response didn't came immediately. When Purple timidly raised their head, it was to their mild surprise too see Mango's lower lip wobbling slightly, his expression was a mixture of shock and hurt. Then, it morphed into indignation. “Nonsense!" Mango raised his voice for the first time since their conversation. "Didn't you hear what I was trying say this whole time? I don't know what has gotten into your head all of a sudden-" Purple gritted their teeth at those words, "-but I certainly did not take you in because of guilt! I truly care about you from the bottom of my-"
"But why should you?! I'm of no use to you anymore!" Purple sprung to their feet, hands shaking.
"This isn't about-"
"I can't even get a single job done without breaking the one thing you value the most!"
"That's not-"
"Why're you still keeping me around? You should know I'm just a waste of space by now!"
"Enough!" Mango finally stood up, his face burning with rage."Why do you keep saying things like this?! What makes you think I would stop caring about you just because of your mistakes?! Can't you see how-"
"Because I'm not good enough!" These words made a daring escape out of Purple's lips before their brain could stop them. Tears obscured their vision, they couldn't see Mango's expression, but they didn't care, they just squeezed their eyes shut and kept on going.
"I-I'm weak, I'm useless, I'm a failure...I can't even g-get up on my feet when my dad ordered me to! "It felt like a cold, unforgiving hand had seized Purple's heart, tightening its grip painfully. But still, words tumbled out of their mouth like water pouring through the floodgates.
"If o-only I was strong enough, if only I was a be-better fighter, dad wouldn't have fed up with me and le-left me and mom behind, and, and if d-dad didn't left, then, then mom might still be alive right now! It's all my fault!" Tears streamed down Purple's cheeks as sobs wrack their body, it was as if they were once again the grief-stricken child standing in front of the freshly dug grave of their mother, helpless, vulnerable, alone.
"If I d-don't try hard en-enough, I'll just le-let everyone d-down, then no-no one would-“
“That’s not true!” A voice interrupted Purple’s lament. Green's arms were strong yet gentle, pulling Purple close with a reassuring steadiness, shielding them from the fierce winds on the top of the snowy mountain. "You don't always do the right thing, and you're not always as strong and capable as you want to be, but that's okay! As long as you are your true self, we would love you just the same."
Purple opened their eyes, the familiar warmth made them realise that Mango was holding them. They were both sitting on the floor, Mango's large, firm hand cradled the back of Purple's head, pressing it gently against his chest. Purple automatically leaned into the embrace, resting their head against Mango's broad and sturdy chest. The deep, steady rhythm of his heart beat thrummed against their ears, spreading through Purple's body like a calming wave. They could hear Mango breathing heavily right above them, with every exhale his breath came out wavering and unsteady.
"Please, enough...that's enough." Mango's voice was hardly more than a whisper, quivering with raw emotions.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tell you all these things..." Purple sniffled, wiping their eyes furiously, their cheeks felt tight after crying so hard.
"No, Purple, I should be sorry, sorry for not connecting the dots earlier. I finally understood, everything makes sense now."
"W-What do you mean?"
Mango slowly and gently pulled away from the hug. Holding Purple's hand, he guided them to rise from the floor and settle on the mattress, himself following suit. Honey brown eyes met amethyst, a tender, sincere gaze that wrapped Purple up like a warm, fluffy blanket. "Purple, you need to know that none of what happened to you in the past was your fault. You shouldn't be burdened by those things."
Purple frowned, "How could you say that? My father left because of me, didn't he?"
"Oh Purple..."Mango sighed,"You're such a kind soul to think that way, but no. Definitely not. Your father set unrealistic expectations on you, and blamed you for not living up to them. This is extremely unfair." There was a noticeable edge to Mango's tone, as if he was struggling to contain his boiling anger.
"Unrealistic expectations?" Purple's head whipped towards Mango,"But I thought all parents wanted their children to be good fighters?"
"Well, yes, but not all of us would be such an a- I mean-"Mango took a deep breath, "-apparently, your father's way did more harm than good. At what age did your father start training you, may I ask?"
"Um...he started sparring with me since I was five."
"Five?!" Mango's hand was gripping the bed sheets so hard that it wrinkled. "Me and Gold still play fight with corn dogs when they were your age!"
A snicker broke the solemnity of the conversation, despite the previous emotional breakdown, Purple couldn't help but chuckle at the mental image."S-sorry, but really?" Purple's shoulders trembled with barely conceived laughter, "The King of the Nether, playing with corn dogs?"
Mango raised his eyebrows, clearly not expecting such a reaction from Purple. But Purple's laughter was contagious, soon, Mango's eyes softened, and his lips curled into a grin.
"If you want we can do it as well someday, I know a guy that makes the best corn dogs."
But then his smile wavered, on the verge of fading, as his gaze grew distant and sorrowful, as if he was lost in a bittersweet memory. Purple knew he was thinking of Gold again.
"MT..." Driven by a newfound strength, they gingerly reached for Mango's hand, offering him a reassuring squeeze. Mango blinked, glancing down at his hand in mild surprise before turning back to Purple with a thankful smile, gently holding their hand in return.
"Purple, You...reminded me of Gold in some ways," He said softly. "You're both enthusiastic, curious, and always seeking my attention. But Purple, you are so much more than these similarities. You have a brilliant tactical mind, able to craft creative strategies that outsmart your opponents, " Mango tighten his grip on Purple's hand, "and what you did just now shows just how incredibly observant and compassionate you are. I'm sorry it took me so long to realise what a wonderful kid I've found, but now that I did, how could I not care about you?"
"But I..."
"Before you say anything, yes, I know you are not perfect, you are a real kid, not an emotionless machine. You are allowed to make mistakes, you are allowed to be vulnerable, and you are allowed to feel the way you do. I'm here to accept every part of you——your mistakes, your flaws, your insecurities and your trauma, and I'll keep supporting and caring for you until you are ready to open up to me. So, Purple, will you give me a chance?"
At that very moment, Purple recalled their mother's tender, sad smile as her frail hand gently touched their face before going limp in their grasp. They wondered if Orchid's spirit was still watching over them, and if it was she who blessed them with such a perfect parental figure, because fate could never be so kind. They tried to summon a response, but what words could possibly convey the depth of the emotions surging through their heart? So instead, Purple did what first came to their mind: they threw themselves towards Mango, wrapping their arms tightly around his neck. And Mango did not hesitate for a second to pull Purple into his arms, enveloping them in a firm but gentle hug only a father could offer. "Heh..." He croaked, "I'll take that as a yes."
Yet, one last question lingered in Purple's mind like a blemish on a smooth, clear surface, and they couldn’t be completely at peace until they got an answer.
"But...what if I start doubting myself again? What if something went wrong and-and I-sorry..." Purple bit their lips, trying to break free from Mango's hold." I...I just couldn't see myself as you see me..."
But Mango only hugged Purple tighter. "It's alright, healing isn’t an overnight process,  it's a long journey that requires a lot of patience and support. Whenever doubts cloud your mind, I'll keep reminding you just how wonderful you are, and how much you mean to me, as many times as you need, until you believe it just as I do."
Mango paused, turning his ear towards the door, and smiled mysteriously. "And don't forget-" he released Purple, walked up to the door, and yanked the door open."-you have friends that care about you as well."
"What the-!"
With surprised yelps, five colourful sticks tumbled to the ground in a tangled heap of limbs.
"What the-!" Purple leaped up from the bed, blood rushing to their cheeks as they sputtered: "Why are- How did- Are you guys eavesdropping?!"
"Red get your fat ass off my- Sorry Purple! I tried to stop them but they just wouldn't listen!" Green explained hurriedly while trying to free himself from the others.
"Hey that not true!" Red shot back, "You were the one eavesdropping in the first place!
Yellow managed to get to his feet first, panting. "How did you know we're behind the door Ki- I mean Mr Tango?" He asked incredulously.
"Eh, I learned from experience." Mango sat back into his chair, a smug smile on his face.
"What does that mean-"
"-Anyway we're really sorry for eavesdropping you guys," Second gave Purple and Mango an apologetic look while helping Blue up, "but we were just worried..."
"Yeah," Blue added, "we heard shouting and we thought-"
"That's not an excuse for eavesdropping us!" Purple stomped the floor in exasperation, face as red as a plum.
"Don't worry!" Red flashed a toothy smile at Purple, "we didn't hear a thing!"
"Well except the part where you screamed you were a waste of space, and the part where-"
"Yellow you're not helping!" The others shouted in unison.
"I...you..!" At this point, Purple just wanted to disappear into thin air and never to be seen again.
"Alright alright," Mango stood up and placed a comforting hand on Purple's shoulder. "I understand you kids are concerned about Purple, but it's improper to listen in on our private conversation."
The five teenagers at least had the courtesy to look ashamed, their eyes fixed to the ground as they mumbled their apologies. Green, in particular, seemed the most uneasy. "Hey uh...Mr Mango? Sorry for talking to you like that earlier... I shouldn't have assumed that you were hurting Purple..." He stepped forward and bowed his head.
"I accept your apology," Mango said, patting Green on the shoulders and gesturing him to lift his head. "Although a bit rash, your protectiveness towards your friend is commendable."
"Yeah, thank you guys for...well...everything. I guess we do owe you an explanation for what happened between me and MT..." Purple scratched the back of their head, suddenly feeling a bit awkward.
"Nah, it's fine, we're just glad that you guys are okay now!" Green gave a dismissive wave of his hand, the others nodded in agreement, smiling at Purple warmly.
Then, Yellow's expression brightened. "Hold on, is this the first time Mr Tango visited the PC?!" Hearing his words, the rest of the gang visibly perked up.
"Oh my gosh you're right! We should totally show him and Purple something cool!" Red chimed in, flapping his arms in excitement. 
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking-" 
"Yes! Sec, grab Alan's pen!"
"On it!" And with that, as swift and sudden as a summer storm, the gang ran off into the desktop.
Green stopped abruptly at the door and turned around, bouncing at the spot and waving at both of them wildly. "Purple! Mr Tango! You gotta come and join us!"
Purple heard Mango chuckle right behind them."These kids..." He sighed fondly before looking down to meet Purple's gaze. "So? What do you think? Want to see what crazy shenanigans they're up to?"
Purple stared into those soft honey-brown eyes, and remembered his words. "Healing isn’t an overnight process, it's a long journey that requires a lot of patience and support." Right now, with Mango by their side and five amazing friends up ahead, Purple know that they will not travel this journey alone.
They smiled. "Of course!"
»»———— ❋ ————-««
Thank you very much for reading this fic! Although Alan gave Mango and Purple a happy ending at the end of AVM Ep.30, I doubt it would be smooth sailing concerning Purple's backstory. This kid really had a rough childhood, years of tryiing and failing the expectations of an overly strict parent and shouldering the weight of another parent's death must have lasting impacts on their mental health. Purple and Mango's relationship was like a thin piece of ice, and it does not take a boulder to break the ice and discover the surging current underneath. But thankfully, both of them have what it takes to strengthen the relationship and to heal from their past trauma: love, understanding, and the support from others.
P.S: I've never played Minecraft before so I apologise for any inaccuracies about the game.
P.P.S: 10 minutes later, "More faces" happened.
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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aesthetic-bbyg · 1 year
Tom Kaulitz x chola!reader
in which you and a group of friends walk into a convince store in LA only for you to end up crushing on the German boy buying beer and candy.
Nattie speaks: I came up with this while listening to music hehehehe. I was also torn between braids or dreads but ultimately I chose braids🤞
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TOM SHUFFLED ACROSS the aisle of the gas station, eyes wandering across the variety of candy and occasionally glancing down at the crumpled up paper in his hand, scribbles of what everyone wanted hardly readable. He wasn’t familiar of the area, only being in LA for a few days for the tour but he was still sent off to find all the necessity’s to survive in the hotel a little longer. His black glasses were shoved up onto his hat, braids swinging down his back with each step while also pulling his baggy pants up. His hands were full of chips, candy, cookies, now his vision was directed towards the back freezers were the beer was stored.
Off in the distance he could hear a faint buzz, a booming sound of music being heard from a mile away and it only got closer. The lyrics of a Tupac song echoed into the store, a mixture of boys and girls stumbling in loudly. The one holding stereo grinned innocently, lowering down the music as the clerk behind the counter glared at him. Two girls trailed in after, you and your best friend, Alejandra, pinkies interlocked as you whispered about some teen pregnancy that happened downtown.
“Hurry up, or I ain’t getting you nothin’.” Your brother, Manuel, demanded, heading towards the food. His hair was slicked back, far too much gel layed on his dark locks to stick it in place.
The two of you headed down to the back, immediately searching for the cold drinks, you sharp eyes looked around the glass doors of different beverages. You gasped suddenly, wrapping your fingers around the metal handle of the door and pulling it open. A fresh breeze blew onto your body, contrasting against the hot sun that beamed brightly just outside. “Damn, Jandra!” Your friend jogged by you with curious eyes. “They released a sandía version of the Arizona Teas!” A big grin filled your face, grabbing the red tin can.
“Shiit.” Alejandra smiled, “Alright, you get the sandía and I get the mango, just so we got options.” You nodded, closing the door as someone walked behind you. You looked over your shoulder instinctively, catching sight of a tall boy, adorned in baggy clothing, a bandana wrapped along his hairline and long cornrows.
Tom had also taken notice of you the moment you stepped into the store, he turned to catch a better look but was met with your own eyes. For a moment, time slowed, both of gazed kept on each other, waiting for the other to look away. In the end, his eyes were lost behind a shelf, but you could see the way his lips quirked up into a smirk before he walked into the chip aisle.
You nudged Alejandra, removing her attention from the kids juice box section. You subtly nodded over to the boy who stood a few feet away, grabbing a bag of salty snacks. “He’s cute.” You whispered, Alejandra nodded in agreement smiling over at you knowingly. “Should ask I for his number?”
“Do it.” The girl giggled, revealing her pearly teeth that were caged behind a pair of braces. But, before you could walk over he began to make his way to the front, breezing past your brother and his group of friends who were going ham on the condiments. You huffed, walking by your brother to get a better look at him but still keeping it nonchalant. Your hands were inching towards a bag of Hot Cheetos, you brother loudly chewed on his hotdog, you stared over at him with a disgusted face. Alejandra opened up a bag of hot Cheetos, filling it up with cheese from the nacho section. You joined her, doing the same till your ear picked up a brewing commotion.
“In the United States you need to be 21 to buy beer.” The old clerk lectured, angrily glaring at the boy in front of him, a ID slipped on the counter that showed all of the mysterious cute boys information.
“But I am 19,” He pointed at the date of birth stated on the card, “that’s legal everywhere else, just let me have them.” The boy argued back, a thick accent in the back of his throat while he flailed his arms angrily.
“But we’re not anywhere else, we’re in the United States, it’s the law, kid.” The braid-haired boy groaned, taking back his ID and leaving behind the pack of beers, cursing under his breath in german. At that point the commotion had caught the attention of all the group. You stared as he stomped out the store, bag full of other snacks in his hands. Your brother and his friends snickered amongst eachother, you shoved his shoulder with a stern look.
“Yo, do him a solid and get them.” You muttered, your brother stared down at you, expression laid back and careless like usual, but he raised a brow.
“You gon’ pay for it o que?” (Or what) He questioned, “Cuz, I’m already payin’ for whatever you and Jandra got there, I ain’t spending my money on nothin’ more.”
You rolled your eyes, stuffing your hands into your pocket and pulling out the last bit of cash you had on you, placing it in his open palm. He smirked smugly, walking to get a pack before making his way upfront, the things got paid for, the cashier asking the same questions of did you find everything okay? as always, though his miserable tone was pitiful. As soon as you and the group stepped out the store, your brothers friend cranked up the volume on the stereo again, the song blasting from the speaker. From a distance you could see the same boy, leaned up against the ice machine, his snacks still in hand while the other held a cigarette between his fingers. His dark glasses protecting his eyes from the lowering sun.
Alejandra smiled at you, passing the pack of cold beers before cheering you on silently. You looked back at her before jogging over to the tall boy. “Yo, got these for you.” For a moment he just stared at you confusingly, cigarette burning down as the seconds ticked by. “I saw what happened in there, but don’t worry, we always got each others backs here in LA.”
You’d begun to think that maybe he didn’t understand you, he did have a thick, foreign accent while speaking earlier which made you assume that he may have a limited English vocabulary. You weren’t sure, but it made you nervous and awkwardly shuffle from side to side. But finally, he dropped the cigarette, crushing it under his shoes and lifting his sunglasses from his enchanting irises. He grabbed the pack, a smirk on forming on his pierced lips. “Thank you, beautiful, what’s your name?”
You liked his confidence, the nickname immediately making your smile and lean your head to the side flirtatiously. “Y/n, and you?”
“Tom.” He replied swiftly, eyes examining your body. The tight white tank top that hugged your skin, the baggy Dickies that belong to your brother hung low on your waist being kept up by a black belt, your ears gleaming with large silver hoops. You had a few tattoos scattered across the exposed skin he could see, your eyebrows were thinly drawn on, lips lined with a dark shade of brown. He liked you, adored your style. “You’re gorgeous.”
“Thanks.” You bit your lip, looking up at him through your lashes. “You fine as hell too, that’s why I wanted to ask for your number.”
“Yeah?” Tom lowly questioned, his shit-eating smirk only getting bigger. “Well you’ve got it, gorgeous.” He set down the beers, reaching for his phone in his deep pockets. You exchanged numbers, conversing a little longer, pulling all the flirty comments you could think of. You got him to chuckle a few times before he revealed that he was in town with his band.
“I like your glasses.” You hands reached forward, grabbing them from his head and placing them on your face. “Damn, these nice as fuck.”
He chuckled softly, staring at you. “Keep them.” You looked over at him, lowering the glasses to make sure that he meant it and wasn’t playing with you. “Gives me a reason to see your pretty face again.”
“Damn.” You stared at him happily before a loud horn blasted from behind you, you rolled your eyes, glancing back to see your brother looking back at you from red the low-rider car seat. “I gotta go, but call me guapo.” You smirked, waving your hand before walking towards the car. Alejandra smirked as she saw your happy express when you hopped in the open-roofed car. Tom eyes never left you as the car pulled away from the gas station and sped down the road, the whole vehicle vibrating as a rap song shrieked out the speakers.
“Who was that vato you were talkin’ to?” Manuel questioned, looking back at you from the rear-view mirror with a raised brow.
“None of ya’ business, mitotero.” You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, head turning to stare out into the road, the harsh wind whipping through your hair. Alejandra smirked, leaning in closer to your ear.
“So, did you get it?” Your friend watched as your lips twitched, teeth coming out to bite back the grin that threatened to show. She giggled, shaking your body lightly. “Ohh, girl, you got that look of looove.”
“He fine as hell but love is a little much.” You replied, looking over at her with a mischievous smile. “He gave him his glasses, though.” You pull them from your head and passed them to her as she gawked at them.
“A la madre, this is some of that nice shit.” She examined it closely, staring at the Ray-ban logo printed on the side. Just then you felt a buzz on your thigh, you looked down at the phone as it lit up with a notification, an unknown number texted you. Immediately you opened it and smiled, Tom had texted you, a flirty greeting topped with a winky face. “I assume it your man textin’?”
“Cállate.” You turn your phone off, stuffing it in the side pocket of your pants. The text was only the first of many, Tom taking more interest in you the longer you talked, it wasn’t long till he’d taken you to his hotel room.
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“Shit, fool.” You mumbled, tightening the belt around your waist as Tom chuckled, being the only audience member of your fashion show, aka you trying on his stupidly baggy clothes. “How so you wear this stuff everyday.”
He shrugged, throwing his hands up slightly. “I am a big man, I need big clothes.”
“No shit.” You scoffed, turning towards the mirror and staring at the huge shirt that looked more like a dress. “Should I wear this to the carne asada?”
“I think you should wear nothing, you’re sexier that way.” The Kaulitz boy smirked, doing that thing where he fiddled with the black piercing on his lip. You rolled your eyes and walked back into the closet, ignoring his comments as you dug through more of his clothes. In a few hours you and Tom would have to arrive at your tíos carne asada, Tom being requested to join by non other then your mother.
Tom was already dressed and splayed out on the seat, just watching as you struggled to find something, which why you ended digging through his clothes. It took an half hour before you came out satisfied, grinning widely as you put on your silver hoops.
The real problem came the moment you stepped in the backyard, your tíos home full of guest that you knew and some you didn’t. Either way a handful of them came up to with same comments how old you looked and how big you’ve gotten. Manuel came up with his little gang that constantly followed him around, it took him the longest to get sue to Tom. Though, it wasn’t long before your brother and Tom became friends.
“Wassup, ese.” Manuel he held a corona beer in his hand, using his free one to grab clap against Tom’s and bring him in for a swift chest bump. Then you ran into your mother, her expression going from a stern glare to a huge smile. Everything had went smooth so far, you were happy to be there, until a familiar voice squealed from behind you.
“Tomas! Mi Niño, mira que guapo té vez!” Your mother chanted, bringing him into a tight hug and planting her calloused hands on his cheek, he smiled shyly at her affection. The boy had grown to be a favorite, his charisma and cute looks making him popular with the tías.
“Mama, he just got here from Germany a couple days ago, está cansado, we just gonna sit and chill.” You attempted to reason with the woman, staring at your boyfriend apologetically. But you’d only made the situation worse, she gasped dramatically, looking back at the boy and ushering him to a table. She’s explained everything to all of the tías, which lead to him being taken care of for most of the night. He was constantly being checked up on, being handed plates of food, being talked to about the latest scandal of the neighborhood, it left you sitting with Alejandra, on the other side of the backyard.
“Que tienes, amiga?” The dark haired girl questioned, staring at your frowning face and squinted eyes. She could practically feel the heat of annoyance radiating of you.
“They took my fucking man!”
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heheheheh, this just a short little thang I decided to write bc why not,🤷‍♀️y’all already know that Tom would have the aunties in a CHOKEHOLD!! I also had to rewrite the last half of this bc I forgot to save it so sorry if any parts of it seem rushed or short!
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confessedlyfannish · 2 months
Six Years Ago
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Fortunately for them, the kid isn't good at subtlety. When he appears it is usually with a delayed boom announcing his arrival, like a crack of thunder to his lightning. And a hood pulled low over someone's face doesn't mean much when there's only one preteen in the world who can blow a fire out with his bare breath while floating in midair.
Unfortunately for them the kid is fast, see aforementioned "sonic boom". That is not to say Danny could not follow him anyway, but after the eighth time he heads to one of the kid's rescues and he flees before Danny can get a word out, Ellie is sitting at his kitchen counter heating up his leftovers.
"You need to cool it," she says, using her fang to pop open a sapporo. "He doesn't want to be found right now."
"Yeah, I got that." Danny says, swiping the beer out of the hands of what is technically a fourteen year old. She shoots him a scowl as the microwave dings.
"He's a child, and he's sick, Ellie." Even if Frostbite hadn't said as much, it hasn't escaped Danny's notice that in the past two months his speed has ever so slightly slowed. A particularly brave emergency worker had scolded Phantom for scaring him off this time around, concerned about his thin wrists.
"Gee, a sick child runaway, I wonder who that reminds me of," she says, tapping at her chin. She douses the chicken lo mein in sriracha.
"That's different. You knew to come find me, when it got bad. This kid is afraid of me." And he was. Whenever he and Danny met eyes the kid would go pale(r) with fear before zipping away.
"So make him less afraid."
Danny gapes at her. "Gee," he says slowly, a mimicry of her earlier sarcasm. "Why didn't I think of that."
"You're literally stalking the kid right now, you think I don't know about Tucker's alert system? Right now you must seem like the boss monster that shows up at the end of the level," Ellie says. "You need to approach this differently. Go slow, the way you did with me." She pauses, mouth twisting in a way that signals she's about to be reluctantly vulnerable with him.
"I didn't know what it was like to be...cared about. Properly. Before you guys. Even with the memories," she taps her head with the chopsticks, "It didn't click. But you showed me you would be there for me, even as you respected that I needed my space. You taught me how to trust you."
Danny takes a lengthy pull from the bottle he's still holding. "I can't be patient with him, Ellie," he says. He fiddles with the edge of the peeling label. "He's going to get worse."
"Yeah." Ellie says. "And I think you should let him."
The first time the backpack appears, Jon takes one look at the post-it with the scribbled stylized D and ":)" on it and tosses the whole thing in the trash before taking off.
He does the same the next four times, even as the backpack gets bulkier, its contents crashing together as it hits the nearest available dumpster.
He's in New York City after he saves a window washer from falling twenty stories when he sees his face plastered on a Times Square billboard. A hotdog stand owner in New York City offers him one on the house which he reluctantly accepts, trying to ignore the man's searching gaze.
He's not an idiot. He knows he's starting to look like crap, if the way the people react when they see him means anything. It's not like he smells, he regularly bathes in clean streams and lakes, but even when he eats coconuts and mangos and wild raspberries until his stomach is bursting and he has spent the last five minutes petting a giraffe on the head, feeling so giddy he almost forgets how his family is gone—he feels...strange. Weaker. The cuts on his side and face from the evil robot with the green eyes have slowly scarred pink, and they still pull and sting if he stretches. Jon's never had a scar before, and now he has six. And he's losing weight.
A lot of the people he meets have been super nice about it, offering him food and, in a particularly cold area of Alaska, a zip up hoodie he now wears over his recognizable family crest. Not that doing so has stopped the white-haired guy from finding him. But it has allowed Jon to move around more freely when he isn't out rescuing people. He even made some cash in Wisconsin cleaning up a grocery store before the night shift manager had recognized his face.
This and the billboard means he stops to buy a pair of cheap glasses and a large t-shirt with the NYC skyline and shorts on it from a tourist shop. After, he takes a bus to New Jersey with the last of his money and changes in the bathroom. He bites back a sniffle when he peels his superhero costume from his body. He's suddenly overcome, poking a finger through the slashes in the side, and spends the rest of the trip with his head buried in his knees, trying to keep his hiccups quiet.
When he exits, he heads to the library he's already visited three times before. It's bad, to develop a routine like this when he is actively being hunted, but he can't help himself any more than he can help the way he sometimes sleeps in that barn in Kansas, the few times he feels like he can actually rest, surrounded by the familiar smell of animal and hay.
As he searches a few more terms that predictably turn up nothing on the public computer, he notes bitterly it's not like the man can't find him anyway. Just because he's backed off doesn't mean he isn't around, silently threatening Jon with randomly appearing backpacks. Each backpack is different too, as if Jon might be taking issue with the color purple rather than the scary guy providing them.
Jon pushes away from desk, waiting for the inevitable wave of despair that hits him after each Google session proves fruitless. He's even, in one moment of lunacy, searched Talia Al Ghul, thinking if anyone can find him after his search pings her servers it's her—
But she never did come.
No one has.
Except for him.
The wave today is muted, lapping at his ankles rather than bowling him over, and somehow the resignation that accompanies it hurts more. He wants to do something, anything, and so he scoots back to the cubicle and types in white haired flying man, d symbol.
This is the first time he learns about Phantom.
The boy has started taking the backpacks.
Each one is filled with fresh meals in glass tupperware, meant to last for a while even without refrigeration (though with the boy's ice breath, maybe it's not a problem), as well as ziploc baggies filled with pretzels and carrots and goldfish and celery sticks.
("no peanut butter, he might have a nut allergy!"
"Wouldn't that have come up in Frostbite's scan?"
"You think Frostbite would've thought amidst scanning a little boy's half-alien body to check for a peanut allergy?"
"...Fair enough")
Alongside the meals are cash in the form of U.S. dollars, pounds, euros, yen, yuan, and an extreme hail mary in the form of an ATM card that Ellie rolls her eyes at every time Danny packs it.
There is also a miniature first aid kit, sans medicine but including ice and heat packs you can shake to activate. Danny wedges folded clothing in the spare edges of the bag, a blanket, and forces the zipper closed over a pair of high top sneakers similar to the ragged ones the boy wears. He tops every one with the same post-it drawing of his symbol, and a smiley face.
The boy is still weakening, beginning to look like a strong wind could blow him over even as he zips through mudslides in Colombia and scoops a father and son out of a rip current in Italy, but as he accepts the backpacks Danny listens to Ellie and waits.
And then one day Danny is watching him push a bus away from the edge of a sinkhole in Mexico, school kids pressed against the rear windshield watching him, and Danny hears the creaking of his bone right before the kid's arm snaps.
"Okay, fuck this," Danny says into the Fenton comms as the child wails, swooping down to grab the boy with one arm and the bus with the other.
The boy is too stunned to react, sobbing with pain as he cradles his arm protectively, and Danny shamelessly takes advantage of that as he gently but hurriedly places the bus beside the crowd of spectators.
A very small woman who immediately beelined for him as he landed smacks him in the shoulder, hissing at him in Spanish while several people try to hold her back. She smacks him again.
"I'm trying to help him. I promise. Ayuda." Danny says, shifting the boy into a more comfortable bridal carry.
"Ayuda? Help? You, you bad! El pobre niño." The woman sneers. "Bad! ¡Mal Fantasma! ¡Eres un padre horrible!"
Danny knows what padre means, and even if he didn't, he's heard the rumors and conspiracies (and maybe even leveraged them in a conversation with the U.S. government, who can say) and he doesn't bother denying it, because the truth is he has let this child down from the moment he allowed him to be hunted on Skulker's island, and he deserves every nasty word and more.
"Yeah. I know," he tells the woman. In his ear, Sam demands to know what's happening. The boy is incoherent with pain, the outline of the bone pressing against his skin.
"It's going to be okay," Danny tells him, lifting off the ground. Regret is sour in his gut, bile on his tongue. What was he thinking? In the curl of his arms, the child is so small. This isn't a stray cat one coaxes into their home. This is a terrified little boy.
Danny isn't a fourteen-year-old too young and stupid to recognize he shouldn't let a two-month-old clone explore the world with his blessing. He's twenty-eight. He needs to get a grip.
He needs to be better.
The world stops. Everything goes quiet.
A blue portal unwinds via the hands of time.
"I see you're ready now." Clockwork says to him.
Danny wants to deny it, but the words are stuck in his throat. What use is denying what Clockwork already knows to be true?
"This is the right choice, Danny. Everything will be as it should be. Help him," Clockwork nods at the child. "Then find me."
Danny's tongue unsticks from his mouth. "Only if you tell me. If I do this, will he be safe? Will I have the power to protect him?" An echo of what waits to be unlocked drapes over his words, cracks appearing in the ground at his feet. "Tell me."
"Yes. You will keep him safe. Until he no longer needs you to do so. Here."
With a wave of his staff, a neon green portal rends through the air.
Clockwork drifts back to his own portal. "I will see you in Time, Danny."
Danny nods at him as he leaves, feeling a contract snap into place as time restarts at a crawl.
"Shh kiddo," he says as the boy, gradually unfreezing, trickles tears. "I've got you. You'll be okay. I'm going to fix this. I promise."
He steps through the portal, towards whatever comes next.
Part 5
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souverite · 2 years
jumping red
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lokisprettygirl · 7 months
Utopia (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x female reader) (Non Canon AU) (18+)
Read chapter 2 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 3
Summary: Survival on your own becomes difficult but at least you're not alone.
Warning: 18+ death and destruction that comes from a ship wreckage, smut, sex, menstrual sex, unprotected sex. Some inconsistency with ship sinking, i researched as much as I could
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Three weeks, it has been three weeks since you had been stranded on that forsaken island with Daemon and no rescue has come looking for you two. You were marking everyday by scribbling the numbers with stones. Each morning you awoke with a deep sense of dread, hoping with all your heart that this nightmare would finally end.
Looking after yourselves on the island wasn't easy, as you were constantly fighting for survival. Both of you were barely surviving on eating fruits in the day and occasional fish that Daemon managed to catch, which was never enough to fulfill your hunger for the night.
Things seemed to just get worse everyday. On the 4th day Daemon had suggested that you two needed to take care of personal hygiene, like brushing your teeths and bathing. This wasn't the type of conversation you wanted to have with the guy you had a huge crush on but you were both emptying your bowels in the woods while the other one remained a few feet away to safeguard so the shame was the first thing to get swept up in the waters.
Your hair was starting to get matted and you feared you'd have to cut it all off if by chance you'd end up getting rescued. If you'd end up getting rescued.
However you had watched a nature documentary where the man suggested using mango tree barks as dental twigs, sure it didn't do the best job but it did something to keep your teeth and mouths clean.
All of those things were terrifying of course but none of it seemed as horrible as what you were about to go through soon. You were close to the beginning of your menstrual cycle, it was one less thing Daemon didn't have to worry about you thought.
Within the first two days on the island, you and Daemon made the difficult decision to remove the clothing of the people who had perished, it felt disrespectful sure but you both needed it, you washed those clothes in the sea water to get rid of blood as much as you could and you were saving some of it for the hell week, bleeding wasn't your concern though, it was the deathly cramps you were about to suffer.
“Here..eat it” Daemon handed you a banana before he sat down next to you. They had ripened. You looked at the blue shirt he was wearing today as it was from one of the bodies. His hair was all messed up, same as yours, and he had grown a thick stubble which actually made him look really rugged. As your eyes met, you realized that despite the grueling circumstances, you had somehow maintained a sense of normalcy, a familiar comfort in the midst of chaos.
On the 12th day he got one of his migraine attacks and there was nothing to soothe him from the pain and sensory overload.
Well that was one thing you thought you didn't have to worry about.
At night while he was wailing in pain you took him near the sea and soaked a piece of cloth in the cold water to put it over his head order to bring him some relief, then you caressed his head until he had fallen asleep, once he was asleep you stepped a few feet away from him but stayed close enough where you could see him. And then you cried, you cried and cried until you weren't able to cry anymore, you were beginning to lose hope everyday, the tears were streaming down your face as you acknowledged the bleakness of your situation. The realization of the harsh reality of the island and the possibility that rescue will never come weighed heavily on your heart.
Despite continuously scanning the skies for the past three weeks, neither of you had spotted even the slightest hint of a helicopter. In a desperate attempt to attract attention, you had gathered large rocks to form the word “HELP” on the beach. However, the days passed by without a single rescue mission. You had a feeling that they weren't even looking for you. Perhaps they thought both of you had succumbed to death like the other passengers.
“Oh god it's happening” you grabbed your stomach as you felt the first churn and you felt the blood dribbling down so you quickly got up and ran towards the shack to get the cloth. Daemon sighed as he realized you were going to be in additional pain today, this hasn't been easy for you two. After all, nobody truly prepares you for a situation like this where you are at the mercy of nature on a remote island, stripped of all your comforts and basic necessities.
When you came back after a few minutes, it was turning dark already so Daemon had got the fire ready and also prepared the bed of leaves for you so you immediately laid down on it.
“What can I do darling” he asked you softly as he caressed your head so you groaned in response.
“Take my uterus” he couldn't help but chuckle in amusement. In an attempt to alleviate your suffering, he heated a coconut shell over the fire and wrapped it in a piece of cloth before placing it gently on your belly. The gesture would have made you bawl your eyes out if you weren't already crying from the pain. You always felt as if your pain was on the number ten but you knew most women felt that way.
“God i wanna die..I wanna die daemon..i am done..i can't ..I can't..just kill me I'm done” you began to cry profusely so he laid down next to you and wrapped his arms around you.
“You're not going to die my brave girl..I'll get you through this alright” his tone was gentle and reassuring.
“It hurts so bad ..”
“I know..i know” he really wished he could have eased your pain somehow and then he remembered something.
“Ummmm may I offer a suggestion?” he pulled away to look at you, your cheek was soaked with tears.
“Don't suggest sex, we can't have sex” you mumbled between your cries so he smiled.
“I almost forgot you are off pills”
You hummed in agreement as he said that. You didn't want to have sex with him to prevent yourself from falling in love with him, the thought of the pills hadn't even crossed your mind “I can still do something” he mumbled as he scooted closer to you so you scooted away.
“What are you doing?” You asked him so he wrapped his arm around your waist, his fingers gently caressed circles on your skin.
“Just trying to help” he mumbled softly as he kissed your forehead, even though his mind was racing and he really wanted to kiss you, he went with his better judgment and refrained.
In the last three weeks both of you had seen each other be at your worsts, physically and mentally, and the old Daemon that had never suffered through such a turmoil, for him perhaps seeing a woman stripped down to her primal nature in every possible way might not have evoked such emotions but this new Daemon that had suffered and was lucky enough to have this gorgeous brave woman by his side on this journey, he only found himself being more drawn towards you every passing day.
Lily still crossed his mind every damn day, he was still in love with her but a part of him resented her as well because he couldn't get over that part where their lives were in imminent danger and she didn't look for him.
“Daemon” you whispered as he unbuttoned your pants and his hand slipped inside, at first he slowly rubbed his fingers over your clothed mound and the gesture was enough to make you feel aroused.
Even amidst the excruciating pain you couldn't deny how attracted you were to him, the beard was awakening something in you and you weren't ready for it. You clenched your thighs around his hand to feel the pressure because the underwear and the cloth you were using as a pad was hindering the sensation from building.
Tears rolled down your eyes as you still felt the pain but he was definitely distracting you as well as he could, you weren't even sure if the orgasm was going to help but you really needed the distraction.
He leaned down to kiss your cheek and it made your breath hitch in your chest.
“Can I touch you without the barrier?” He whispered in your ear so you nodded, at this point you were done being civil about it, it's not as if he hadn't fucked you once already during your periods.
He brought his other hand over your head and caressed your scalp while his fingers slipped into your underwear, you gasped as he used his index and middle fingers to rub across the insides of your labia, thumb played with your clit simultaneously, your breath quickened and fingers clenched around his biceps as the sensation began to build slowly.
"Have you done this before?’ you asked him but your voice came out in breathless whispers which immediately rushed the blood to his cock, it's been three weeks of no release for him as we. He didn't remember going this long without a sexual release ever since he had turned thirteen.
“Mmmm i have pleasured women before darling” he mumbled softly and you gasped as his middle finger slipped inside you. Curling his digit inside he looked for your sweet spot, his long slender fingers were one of the reasons he was so good at pleasing women using just his hands.
“No I mean like this” you murmured softly so he shook his head,
“No..i had sex with lily while she bled but she never allowed me to touch her with my fingers”
“Ohhh okay” you whispered and your nails dug into his skin as his digit brushed over that spot that made you see millions of stars on a very clear night.
“Is it weird?” you asked him as you moaned so he leaned down to kiss your neck,
“Mmmhm but I like it.. I like weird, i like touching you like this when you're going through something so natural”
His thumb played with your clit while he pumped two fingers in and out, didn't take you long enough to cum around him, it has been three weeks since you had touched yourself..
He had left you gasping and shaking with that orgasm. Much to your shock and relief the cramp had subsided, it was still there but the pain had gone down from ten to five almost immediately.
“Thank you..thank you so much” you mumbled softly as you caressed his cheek so he leaned down to kiss your forehead and pulled his hand out of you to go wash them off the blood. When he came back you noticed the clear bulge in his pants, you were hoping things won't get weird between you two now, he was still hung up on Lily and you had learned that important lesson the last time.
You really had learned your lesson but he had done something nice for you, something sweet and thoughtful and–
“Do you want me to touch you?” You whispered in his ear as he laid down next to you so he turned his head to look at you. You had helped him go through the migraine attack he has suffered so he really just wanted to help you the same.
“Didn't do it for the exchange” he turned his body towards you as he propped himself on his elbow so you wrapped hand around his neck to caress his nap, you both had been cuddling each other for warmth since you got here so the position didn't really seem foreign.
“I know…I just..you must need it too”
He sucked in a breath as your hand slipped down and you didn't waste a second before you pulled him out of the confinement of his pants, he was hard and leaking as you had assumed.
You brought your hand up and looked at him confidently,
The way you said the word made him feel weak in the knees, there was no room for argument or discussion anymore nor did he want it. He grabbed your palm and brought it closer to his mouth to dribble down his spit which you used as a lube to stroke him slowly.
Perhaps you'd have never done this in your normal life, you never would have felt so bold and confident but here on this island, far away from the civilization, there were no rules for any of you. In nature you found yourself to be an extension of it.
“That feel okay?” You mumbled softly as you pumped his cock up and down slowly and all he could respond with was a moan and the clenching of his jaw. It felt more than okay, it felt amazing. His mouth kept opening as the pleasure built slowly, he looked like a fish out of water as you increased the pace ever so slowly.
Shallow breaths heated up quickly as he was driven to the edge just from a few strokes of your skilled hand, he never imagined you had it in you, when he met you for the first time for some reason he thought of you as a sweet, shy prudish girl but you kept surprising him with your actions.
Loud grunt spilled from his throat as he came, his cum splattered all between you two but you didn't mind it at all, you didn't care.
He panted heavily as he tried to recover from the mind numbing orgasm, for a moment he had forgotten where he was, for a moment he just felt as if he was on a beach fooling around with a beautiful girl, you had made him escape his mind and he was afraid he'd get addicted to that feeling.
No words were spoken as you cleaned yourselves with the sea water but there was no awkwardness whatsoever between you two either, once you both returned you took your usual spot on the leaves.
“Can I ask you a personal question?” You mumbled so he hummed in response.
“Why did you and Lily break up?” he sighed as he heard her name.
“Long story short, we had been together for a long time, we were eighteen when we first met, a few years into the relationship we broke up a few times when it got difficult but found our way back to each other every time..this time around was going to be the same”
Doesn't this negate the whole purpose of a relationship you wondered, aren't you supposed to ride through the hard times together?
“Doesn't it bother you? Letting go of the girl you love?” confusion was visible in your voice, you didn't want to judge their relationship but it just didn't feel right.
“It does but I figured it would be better than losing her completely”
“Are you feeling better?” He asked you so you nodded before you turned on your side and closed your eyes.
That night you woke up to a huge spider crawling on your body which immediately made you jump and scream from the top of your lungs, Daemon had no idea whether the spider was poisonous or not so he just grabbed a huge block of rock to end it's life which you weren't really proud of, the island was their home and you two were the ones intruding.
There was a spider bite on your leg which made him worry, he asked you if you were feeling okay and you just nodded in response, the bit mark stung but you felt fine. However Daemon didn't go to sleep that night, he was watching you like a hawk, fearing that you'd die and leave him all alone here.
The next morning when you woke up he hugged you as warmly as he could before you two got on with your day.
The mornings somehow seemed shorter than the nights and everyday when you woke up, daemon took you into the woods to grab freshwater from the river, in four weeks you had encountered snakes, countless of bugs and spiders, he had suggested to eat snakes when he wasn't able to catch a fish but you preferred to starve and die than put a snake in your mouth.
His will to survive was stronger than yours, he had people he wanted to go back to and you had family as well but everyday was making you more and more hopeless, you weren't as strong as him. You kept thinking about your next menstrual cycle arriving and the thought made you shudder, something would eventually kill you and you knew that.
“Why are you so quiet?” He asked you as he sat down next to you, you were halfway into the sea water so he joined you.
“I am losing hope daemon, i know you don't want to hear that but I am losing hope and my sanity everyday”
You hadn't seen any helicopter flying over you yet and you didn't think you were going to either.
“You're not alone in feeling this way okay?” He mumbled as he wrapped his arms around you, both of you had lost a considerable amount of weight in the past two months which was given as you were somehow surviving on fruits and occasional fish but your appetite had decreased as well.
“What will we do if they never come?” your eyes welled up as you questioned him.
“Then we will be here, just like this, we will make a home here and survive as long as we can.. I'll build a house for you from the scratch if I have to”
The moment he said that you broke down and hugged him as tightly as you could. That's when he cupped your cheeks between his palms and kissed you briefly before he pulled away to look at you, then he leaned into you to kiss you deeply this time, the last time you had kissed him was when you had sex on that drunken night.
However you didn't have time to even relish the kiss or think about what it meant to any of you because you heard it, you heard the loud sound of a helicopter whirling in the sky. Daemon jumped up, frantically waving his arms about, trying to signal the helicopter. His actions were desperate and urgent. You wished you had stayed awake for the moment where they came to rescue you both but the relief and shock pushed your already weak body over the edge and you passed out immediately.
However when your eyes flutter open next you were all alone on the beach and Daemon wasn't there. He was gone.
@mcufan72 @123forgottherest @shuichiakainx
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hyunverse · 2 years
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thinking about hyunjin, and his ways of saying that he loves you.
hyunjin says the three words often, between chaste kisses shared once you awake from the daylight, and when you greet him home from work. hyunjin would say he loves you at random moments — when you’re cooking for him in the kitchen, or when you’re entangled with each other as a movie plays on the television. he means it everytime he says them — you can see the sincerity in his eyes, and the adoring smile he’d plaster across his face at the mere sight of you.
but his ways of conveying his loving emotions isn’t only limited to those three words.
you can see it in the way he would mindlessly draw you. you would be walking into the living room after a shower, and spot him drawing you from memory. at times he doesn’t even realize that he’s sketching you — you’re just always in his mind that sketching your face is like muscle memory.
hyunjin portrays it during the times he’d cut you some fruits. you would be doing your work in your office, and he’ll silently slide you a plate of mangoes, with a fork on it. the fruits are cut the way you like it, fresh and cold from the fridge. at times, he’ll feed you your first bite, cooing at the way your face scrunches up from the cold.
it is routine for him to kiss your forehead. every morning when he wakes up, before he goes to work, once he walks into the door after work, and before he goes to sleep. each kiss is accompanied with a loud, “mwah!” sound, followed by his little giggles.
there are times when you’d flop into bed in exhaustion, work clothes still in tact. he’ll change you into a set of pajamas, tuck you under the duvets. he’ll wipe off your makeup, massage some lotion into your skin. before turning the lights off you’d feel gentle kisses being pressed onto your forehead and your lips.
a big section of his journalling book is dedicated to you. pages occupied with poetry written about you — you know because he spends a little time writing before he goes to bed. you’d be tucked in under the duvets, and he’d still be sitting, scribbling words into his brown journal. smiling foolishly while he’s at it, too — ask him what he’s writing, and he’ll say, “something about you.”
hyunjin shows you he loves you by taking care of you during the times you simply could not. those times when you’d cry more than you eat, when self care is no longer a priority. you'll feel yourself being lifted off the bed, clothes stripped and put into a warm bath. he’ll massage your shampoo into your scalp as he whispers sweet reassurances into your skin. you’re beautiful, he’s proud of you — his assurances will make happy tears run down your cheeks. then, he’ll feed you your favourite food, gentle smile adorning his face serves as a reminder that he’ll always be there for you. always.
you have one too many gifts from him. little things he’d get you when he’s touring — things that he claims reminded him of you. pieces of jewellery, a puppy keychain, (he said that it looks like you) clothes, and many more. it’s come to a point where your friends would call you a hoarder — nightstand filled with a miscellaneous of things, and bed full of the plushies he had given you over the years.
you’ve received many love letters from him too. he would write you love letters from time to time, filling in empty pages with words that could make you cry out of joy. he has a special paper he writes his letters on —because everything has to be special when it comes to you! there’s this thing he likes doing, too — he starts all his love letters with “to my eternal love, y/n,” and ends them with “endless love, hyunjin.”
hyunjin loves you endlessly, and he doesn’t cower away from showing it.
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disclaimer — © 2023 hyunverse on tumblr. all rights reserved. authors works are protected under the copyright law. do not plagiarize or translate my works. tumblr is my only platform.
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poruvoron · 2 years
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sakadays scribbles,, and dark-haired babygirls from mango i like
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redflagshipwriter · 8 months
Hi, it's Tim (just Tim) Chapter 4
Tim paid cash for a mid range hotel room. He had to use his ID, so the odds weren't zero that it was eventually going to be found when the hotel registered their current guests. But there was nearly infinite data out there. Not even Barbara could monitor every upload in real time.
Kon was hovering a nervous centimeter off the ground behind him when Tim swiped the door open. He flicked his eyes down pointedly and raised a single eyebrow. Subtle much?
“Thanks,” Kon said, apparently misinterpreting that as an invitation to enter first.
Ah well. Tim walked in second and surveyed the room. They'd been given a two queen setup. He gave the one near the window a disdainful look. Like he'd be caught dead directly under a viable entrance. That was just begging for some dickbag to shoot a bazooka at you, like what happened to that one mask creep a couple weeks back.
Kon plopped down on the bed by the window and posed, crossing one ankle over his knee.
“I thought you were going to get supplies so we can stay in?” Tim said, knowing he was ruining Kon’s attempt at seduction.
Kon stared blankly for a moment and then flipped up in a way a human never could. “That's right. What do we need?”
“Two boxes of poptarts, two pizzas, a pack of bottled coffee- I'll write down my preferred brand.” Tim ripped off the first page of hotel stationery and started scribbling out his list. Hmm. He looked at it and made some changes so that Alfred would be less upset at him. He wrote ‘vegetable’ before pizza and added “bottled water”. Tim looked over his list once more, frowning slightly in concentration. He was hoping to hole up here for 24 hours or until a bat came and dragged him out, whichever came first. Would this be enough food for Kon?
“How much do you eat?”
“Daily calorie intake?” Tim clarified.
Kon blinked at him. “I eat until I'm not hungry, man.”
Tim sighed. “Make sure to get some things that you like too,” he prompted. He moved over to where Kon was still hovering over the bed and folded the paper into neat quarters. Kon watched curiously as Tim stepped to the edge of the bed and leaned over slightly to tuck the paper into his jacket pocket.
Then he dug his wallet out of his back pocket and did some quick calculations. “Use the blue-green card,” he decided. “PIN is 8516, if you need it. How fast can you fly without a human passenger?”
Kon rattled off numbers.
Tim nodded decisively. “Good. Can you use the card like, two cities over? Make sure to stay off of camera,” he clarified. “So my family doesn't spot you and realize it's not me.”
He took a moment to consider how Bruce would react if he thought Tim was missing and someone else was accessing his money.
Hmm. Tim frowned. “Be really careful to stay off camera,” he amended. He reached around and put his wallet in Kon’s back pocket. “I think that's all.”
He was going to have a hell of a time explaining this and paying for it. Tomorrow.
“Okay,” Kon said, strangled. He was gone in a blink.
Tim took the time to do a proper check of the room for surveillance equipment and any biohazards. It came up clean, or clean enough, considering it was a hotel room. He plugged his phone in on the bedside table without turning it on. It was just a burner but Bruce would check for it eventually. He didn't need to make it easier.
Knock knock
Tim heaved himself up silently and padded to confirm if it was Kon without a key, an assassin, paparazzi, or (worst of all) Dick.
It was Kon. He opened the door.
“Thanks man.” Kon breezed in and started unloading bags at high speed. Tim watched his teammate open up the mini fridge and start packing in coffees. He smiled. Then Kon started putting in vegetable puree style juice. Tim frowned. A bunch of bananas and “What even is that?” Tim complained. “A potato? You brought a potato?”
Kon gave him a piteous look. “It's a mango, Tim.”
Tim crossed his arms. “I don't see why we need it,” he muttered suspiciously. It still looked like a potato. He knew all about potatoes. Maybe Kon just ate raw potatoes like a- like a chicken or something.
“Why…” Kon smiled in disbelief and shook his head a little. “You don't have to eat it. You might like it, though.”
He chose to keep his thoughts on that to himself.
Kon let out a delighted laugh anyway and floated over, dubious potato still in hand. “Don't be so grumpy, baby,” he crooned.
Tim huffed. “I am not grumpy,” he lied. “I am just rightfully suspicious of unidentified produce in my vicinity-”
“I identified it,” Kon pointed out. He leaned down and brushed hair off of Tim’s face. “I promise it's a mango. Let me give you a taste?”
Ugh. Fine.
Kon rightfully took his posture as agreement. He looked under his eyelashes coyly as he peeled some skin off- and okay, that didn't look like a potato. Tim relaxed a little. Kon brought the mango up. Tim leaned towards it but Kon brought it to his own mouth and took a bite, releasing a sweet scent into the air. He swallowed. He put the mango down and crowded into Tim.
Oh. Tim realized where this was going. He smirked up at Kon and trailed his fingers up the bigger boy's biceps. God, they were enormous. When Kon leaned down, Tim lifted his face to match their lips together.
They were soft and- weirdly big. Tim wrapped a hand around Kon’s neck to pull him down more firmly so he could explore the new feeling. Was that how it just felt to kiss someone with bigger lips than yours? He licked the bottom one and dug his fingers into Kon’s scalp. Kon sighed and slid his hot hands around Tim’s back. Fuck. Tim pressed back into them. The one spanned the back of his whole waist and the other was splayed over both of his shoulder blades. Fuck.
Unfortunately, Kon took the movement as asking for an end. He broke the kiss and took a step back, eyes hazy. Tim let his hands drop to his sides. “How was the mango?” He asked, husky.
Tim had to take a moment to process. “I have no idea.” He squeezed his hands into fists. “I didn't notice that at all.”
Kon preened.
Ah. Tim frowned. He should have realized that would fuel Kon’s ego. “Are you hungry?” He checked.
Kon blinked. “No, not really.”
“Good.” Tim fisted the lapels of Kon’s jacket. He pulled in to get Kon off balance– and Kon let him. Tim pushed back. Kon went backwards onto the bed with pure confusion on his face. Tim swallowed a laugh and crawled into Kon’s lap. He knew he was making the smug expression that Stephanie had hated in bed, but Kon didn't seem put off at all. “Can I?”
Kon swallowed. “Y-yeah.”
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