#manhole: wonderland's feel
queenpiranhadon · 3 months
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𝕬/𝕹: AHHH I'M SO HAPPY THIS EVENT CAME TOGETHER BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THE WRITERS IN THIS EVENT I LOVE YOU ALL SMMM 🤍 In case you couldn't tell, this is set in the world of Wonderland- though I've never read the books so please bear with me 😭 Here's the event masterlist for those who want to read the rest in the collection!
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌(𝖘): Cursing, mentions of death and decapitation, starvation, mentions of vomit but no physical vomit, Bakugou kisses you w/o consent BUT it's not bad I promise, soft Bakugou (maybe a little ooc but just bear with me here), incomplete plot, reader has a cat and a big family, reader is gender neutral but is written with f!reader in mind, Bakugou calls reader idiot.
𝕻𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
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Loneliness, you came to find out, was an enveloping emotion, overwhelming and suffocating with no way out- it was a feeling you’d come to hate. 
Growing up in a big family, you were used to the neglect and isolation to a certain extent, but you never minded it. Now- you wanted to scream. 
Though it wasn’t loneliness as the main issue so much as your impending death waiting for you outside of these cell bars. 
It was cold, metal stinging your skin- you were starving, so nauseous you wanted to throw up, but you couldn’t, in fear you’d lose the little amount of food you already had. 
How did you get here in the first place?!
It was a stupid question- you knew how you got here, but everything felt so…surreal. Like everything had happened, but not to you. 
You had been at home, reading, before your cat and escaped the house again, prompting you to chase it. Watching your cat run down the street, you sprint after it, terrified of what may happen if a car comes down the road. In your tunnel vision however, you don’t notice the open manhole below you, and you fall, down,
Down a rabbit hole that seems endless, with the strangest assortment of objects and creatures floating around you, as if stuck in time. You reach the bottom, finding a hall of doors, your eye catching onto a small locked one whose key was on a nearby table - along with a bottle marked DRINK ME and a piece of cake labeled EAT ME. 
At first, you panic, wondering where you are, tears threatening to spill over until you force yourself to take a deep breath and calm down.
You unlock the small door, only to see a beautiful garden on the inside, wanting to go see it, but annoyingly, you couldn’t fit through the door. Pocketing the tiny key, you rose up to your normal height, looking for a way to find an entrance- there must’ve been a way.
Eyes trailing back to the bottle and cake, you wonder if that’s how you’d enter. You had nothing to lose- there was no way back up the hole you’d fallen through. 
But you didn’t feel like dying - on the off chance it was poison. 
What would happen, you wondered, if you mixed the cake with the liquid?
You weren’t sure what would happen, maybe everything would explode - but then again, you really had no other choice. And so, you break the cake apart, and drop the pieces into the bottle, shaking it thoroughly, before bolting to the other end of the hallway.
There’s a rumbling, before the bottle explodes, glass shards sent flying everywhere as the liquid in the vial starts flowing out like a tap, the concoction you had made started pooling at your ankles, and then kept rising, to the point where you had to tread to keep your head afloat. 
The waters slowly shift, the hall of mirrors and the landscape around you changing, until you find yourself swimming to a seashore. Everything made no sense, your reality warping and things that should happen were happening- you honestly just felt so dizzy.
You were traveling for days after that, looking for something to eat, until one day, you stumbled across some tarts, and in a moment of desperation, you ate them- as you were on the brink of dying from starvation. 
What you didn’t know, is that those tarts belonged to the queen, the Queen of Hearts, and now you were facing execution for your trials.
Which is why now, in your cell, you sit- awaiting the end of your life.
You wonder how your cat is doing. 
TIme was hard to keep track of, considering you had no window, and no interaction with anyone. They didn’t feed you, and you had no bed, leaving you to lie on the floor and stare at the ceiling.
You just wanted to go home…
One day however, you hear a sharp knock at the door to your cell and you jump abruptly, turning your head to find the source of the sound. 
A man, with blonde hair and piercing red eyes stood at your door, his locks spiked and you could see the urgency in his expression. 
“Oi, take this.” he whispers harshly, shoving a loaf of bread between the rungs of the cell’s gated wall and you take it gratefully, staring at him in shock. 
“Who-” you start, but he’s already gone. 
It went on like that for almost months, the strange man visiting you to bring you food every now and then, whether it be fresh bread, fruit, he even brought you cake once. 
It was strange, you knew, but you greatly appreciated his kindness, you only wished he stuck around- you longed for some company.
And then one day, everything came crashing down. 
The day of your execution. 
A hooded figure came to your cell that morning with a sack for your head and ropes to bind you with. And at his side was the ax that you knew would be the one cutting through your neck.
You felt sick.
Was this all just some twisted, horrible nightmare?
The figure unlocks your cell door, and you curl up into a ball in the corner, knowing what was going to come. But the figure doesn’t leave from the door, instead, they lift a gloved hand to take down their hood- to reveal those same vermillion eyes that had provided you with food.
“Wha- it’s you?!” you blurt out, your eyes widening when you realize. “Y-You’re supposed to kill me, aren’t you…?”
The man doesn’t say anything, turning his head to the side, but his eyes end up trailing back to you, raking over your form and taking in your state. 
“C’mon. We’re going.” the executioner says, holding out his hand - an offering, a chance. 
You stare at it, unbelieving. Was this some cruel trick? Would he turn you in? But the look in his eyes was genuine, a man who was capable of kindness, but thrown into a world that he couldn’t show it.
That hand, the one he was extending to you, had been used to take the lives of people, living beings. You wondered if it ever got any easier. 
You put your hand in his, and he pulls you up- but your malnourished body couldn’t support your weight immediately, and so you stumble, directly into the blonde’s arms.
“Ah, I’m so sorry I-” you fret, but he sighs, and adjusts your arms to lean on him. 
“Just shut up idiot, yer gonna get us both caught.” he grumbles, and you wince at his harsh words, but know he’s right.
You both slip out of the cell, shutting the door quietly before sneaking down the hallway, where the man said there was a secret stairwell that led to the yard, where the both of you could hide until the coast was clear. 
You reach it at the end of the hallway, only for you to hear footsteps at the end of the corridor. 
The man grabs you and bolts for a nearby room- but your feet can’t keep up - moment your enveloped by darkness, you lose your footing- about to fall over and let out a yelp before a pair of warm lips comes in contact with yours, keeping you quiet.
You couldn’t see- but you knew that if you did, your face would be bright red right now- put off by the fact that you weren’t disturbed by the stranger kissing you, and more the fact that you… liked it?
His strong arms were wrapped securely around your waist, preventing your fall, and you can’t help but melt into his touch. 
Outside you hear voices. 
“Hey- have you seen Bakugou? He was supposed to come to the throne room with the prisoner a while ago.” one asks.
“No… maybe we should check the prisoner’s cell.” the other one replies, and you hear the two men retreat.
The man, who you now know as Bakugou, pulls away, and wraps his hand around your wrist, pulling you out of the room and up the stairwell. 
“Hurry.” he gruffly says, and you comply, dazed - still a hot mess from the kiss you shared. 
The two of you ran up the stairwell, to freedom, trying to keep from your steps echoing throughout the castle. 
Deciding to save both of your from the awkwardness, you don’t address the elephant in the room. Instead you ask something else. 
“Why…why are you helping me?” your voice barely above a whisper. 
Bakugou doesn’t stop running up the stairs though, only halting when he sees the top. 
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I…I don’t know.” he admits, looking away, giving you the opportunity to admire his side profile, taking notices of his ears which were tinged red. 
“Are you- are you blushing?” you tease, and he glares at you. 
“Shut up- idiot- is this how ya repay me?! I was supposed ta kill ya for heaven’s sake.” he glowered and you smile sheepishly in return. 
“Sorry… I just…” you trail off, unsure of what to say. “Thank you.”
Bakugou’s eyes widen and he scoffs, his face becoming slightly redder as he wraps your arm around him, giving you more support. 
“Whatever idiot- it’s not like I’m doing ya some charity here. I know ya don’t deserve this and frankly- the queen’s an old hag.”
His insult to the Queen of Hearts catches you off guard, bursting into quiet giggles -  not noticing the small smile that forms on Bakugou’s face, though it disappears as quickly as it comes. 
“We should probably get goin’ - they’ll be lookin’ for us soon.” he mutters, and you nod in assent stepping out into the yard, one step closer to freedom. 
Hopefully your cat hasn’t run out of food yet.
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𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: @cashmoneyyysstuff @starieq @lovelyiida @lady-ashfade @angels-fantasy
@seonne @sweetnans @vexis-world @2melamoo2 @tootiecakes234
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berrymascarpone · 1 year
A Brief Tour of Seireitei
So I’ve been reading the Soul Society Arc again after finishing the Bleach manga a while back and now that all the plot tension has already been resolved, I’ve found myself looking at the scenery. And by scenery, I mean the architecture and city planning of Seireitei.
Now, the good thing is Ichigo and co really get around a bit in this arc, not to mention the cuts to the captains and lieutenants doing there thing in the background, so here’s a brief tour following along with them.
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The first thing we notice about Seireitei is that clearly they spend much more on infrastructure in the city than in Rukongai. That is where all your tax money has gone folks, to nice tiled roofs, whitewashed walls, fancy windows.
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But also, considering the magically appearing wall that just straight up falls from the sky when you go near, it’s probably a good idea to have some way of demarcating where you have to stay away from in order to stay un-pancaked.
(Also electrical wires? Just what era is their infrastructure from?)
It looks like there’s a pretty open layout here, but later on, the streets get more labrythine, with long walls splitting the space into narrow roadways.
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However, from above, it appears that these complicated halls are actually just blocks of mazes, separated by normal roads. Are they compounds? Is this just the geography of that particular area? Are they individual houses? Who lives there?
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And although the streets look pretty narrow from these angles, another ground angle shows that they are actually pretty wide. But also, you might run into something like, uh this.
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We all knew the Gotei 13 was pretty fucked up, but uh, yeah. Makes me wonder which earlier generation captain had this installed.
Anyways, after destroying many of those walls, Ichigo and Ganju eventually make it below the uniformly tiled floors to make it to the sewers (or are they storm drains? They feel very tall for sewers.
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These remind me somewhat of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel, which I had to look up once for a fic, so that makes me think it’s more of a stormwater system. Also, apparently they don’t mark their manhole covers in Seireitei? And it looks kinda fragile too, what with only that tiny little ledge to hold up such a big board. What happens when a particularly heavy person (and we know there are some real big boys in the Gotei 13) steps on one of these tiles and falls through? I imagine Komamura and Zaraki Kenpachi have learned to memorize the locations these manhole covers, or they accidentally step through the floor every few blocks.
Once we exit the underwater canals, we arrive at Sōkyoku Hill, the most scenic view of Seireitei, and also where they lock up and execute their prisoners. I guess they would at least get a good view before they die?
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Not only is it on a hill, but the architecture takes quite a brutalist turn. All square blocks and flat tops (except for the nice little row of towers up there? And also a few sky bridges, for the scenic view.)
As a side note, this area appears to be surrounded by several warehouse-like buildings. Not sure if it’s actual warehouses, and this is the prison/industrial district of Seireitei, but interesting to note.
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But also, when Ichigo and Renji absolutely wreck a few of these buildings in their fight they appear to contain…absolutely nothing?? Like not even some broken furniture, or debris.
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Anyways, after a bit of regrouping back in the underground waterways (which also have some room-like areas a bit further away from the water…for…reasons…) our heroes finally venture forth into brutalist architecture wonderland.
I assume this area is a prison complex, since, judging by the texture, it appears to be made out of Sekkiseki, the reiatsu-suppressing stone. Also interesting to note, the buildings appear to be placed haphazardly, at odd angles. Is this to confuse invaders and/or escaped prisoners? Is it because their city planning consisted of Yamamoto scribbling out something on a napkin? Is it because this hill was one big sekkiseki deposit and they had to carve buildings out from the ground, so their planning had to follow the natural contours? And why is there absolutely no one here? Like the empty warehouses, this area seems to be abandoned. Are there not enough prisoners, or did the last crisis in Soul Society wipe out enough people that there aren’t enough to fill these houses? Is it like those fake buildings that are actually subway stations and the top part is just for show?
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Anyways, it seems like I’ve hit the limit on the number of images I can add on the mobile app, so I’ll continue in a part 2 once I get around to it.
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thesugarhole · 2 years
literally just a list of stuff from this video whose summaries interested me. posting here to have on my reading bookmarks because its easier to keep track there than in my things folders
already read/saw (if anime only):
1 junji ito - everything
1 tokyo ghoul
1 parasyte
1 death note
1 berserk
2 kazuo umezu - cat eyed boy
2 devilman
2 perfect blue
2 tenkuu shinpan (high rise invasion)
3 ringu / ju-on / one last call / dark water
3 corpse party
4 litchi hikari club
? neon genesis evangelion
5 ichi the killer
5 homunculus
already read/saw but revisiting
1 soul eater
2 d-gray man
was already on my list
2 dorohedoro / dai dark
2 mieruko chan
2 oyasumi punpun
3 shiki
4 franken fran
? serial experiments lain (wasn't on the list but something else reminded me of it)
1 chainsaw man
1 the promised neverland
1 jujutsu kaisen
1 jojo's bizarre adventure
1 mirai nikki
2 kazuo umezu - orochi blood & the drifting classroom
2 inuyashiki
2 doubt / judge / secret
2 beastar
2 elfen lied
2 dead man wonderland
2 happy sugar life
2 another
2 magical girl apocalypse
2 pet shop horror
2 zom100 bucket list of the dead
3 zashiki onna
3 portus
3 soul liquid chambers
3 gakuen densetsu hasami onna
3 erotic horror
3 the tarot cafe
3 karada sagashi
3 kudan no gotoshi
3 ibitsu
3 shikei game
3 museum: the serial killer is laughing in the rain
3 aragne: sign of vermillion
3 oyayubi sagashi
3 kuronou syndrome
3 heartless
3 final girl
3 kiriko
3 can you just die, my darling?
3 the quiz
3 signal 100
3 suicide club
3 alive!
3 octopus girl
3 nemuri no fuchi
4 as the gods will
4 hell baby / panorama of hell / hino horror
4 presents / school zone
4 kurosagi corpse delivery service
4 battle royale (manga??)
4 gift +-
4 jinrou game
4 manhole
4 dead tube
4 yajin
4 sekai oni
4 this man: sono kao wo mita mono ni wa shi wo
4 domu
4 pygmalion
4 scumbag loser
4 eko eko azarak
4 the room
4 pumpkin night
4 children
5 mr arashi's amazing freak show ✅ / ultra gash inferno / the strange tale of panorama island
5 ptsd radio
5 dementia 21
5 goth
5 notpia
5 bradherlen no basha
5 starving anonymous
5 kangoku jikken
5 kibou no shima
5 euphoria ✅ although i have no plans to actually play the game, ive read a ton of summarys and plot explanations so tbh im considering it as a ✅
5 misu misou
5 doku mushi
5 kaidan: ghost stories (if available)
not interested but i know what happens:
1 the flowers of evil
1 attack on titan
1 kimetsu no yaiba
1 highschool of the dead
2 higurashi & 3 umineko (would rather play the games)
3 bl of the dead
3 megami tensei
3 versailles of the dead
4 i am a hero
4 pupa
4 bokurano
5 mai-chan's daily life ✅ you cannot make me read this no matter how hard you try. baby blender was enough. fun fact i somehow managed to stomach it all in a time i was feeling more emotionally detached. yay
speaking of, seeing the comments now and I'm seeing one disappointed with the no mention of pedophilia in happy sugar life, which made me go "oh so its like that huh" (the constant falls in love was suspicious enough) and like. i don't know a whole lot about horror manga and anime in particular but i know FOR A FACT that I'm gonna have to navigate so many sexual adjacent horror. from fanservice to genuine to "for horrors sake" ... I'm strong. i live 👍
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dkfmaekdnsrm · 1 year
아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)
아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드) 링크<<
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아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)
아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)
아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)
아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)
아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)
말더듬증으로 어릴 적부터 친구가 없었던 히라, 그런 히라를 구해준 키요이. 고등학생 시절 처음 만났다. 이 둘의 인연은 성인이 되어 서로의 생활에 변화가 생겨도 끊어질 듯 끊어지지 않는다.
On July 31, 2009, after a conflict over the terms of an exclusive contract with SM Entertainment, he filed a lawsuit to invalidate it, leaving TVXQ and starting a new group activity as JYJ. When I was first active, I changed my stage name and promoted as Jaejoong, the name minus the last name from my아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드) real name. However, from a certain point on, he has been promoting as Kim Jaejoong, his real name including his last name. For group activities, refer to JYJ's documentation. In addition, as his personal activities widened, he released a solo album, challenged his favorite genre of rock, and started acting in earnest.
He enlisted in the military on March 31, 2015. He entered the military band of the 55th Army Division and on December 30, 2016, after a long wait, he was discharged and returned to the fans. After being discharged, he immediately resumed his music activities, starting with a concert tour, and resumed his a아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)cting activities as Bong Pil, the main character in the KBS drama Manhole - Phil in Wonderland. Literally a visual shock. However, because of his rather neutral appearance, people who like the masculine type or the warm college senior type do not like it very much. Kim Jaejoong himself thinks of himself as ferocious and cold. In an interview broadcast on KMTV in 2006, he said that it would be difficult for him to like hi아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)mself based only on his first impression, and that fans seem to appreciate his personality and human aspects rather than his appearance. He often expressed regret over his cold impression. He gradually softened a lot as he got older. However, when he doesn't smile and has an expressionless face, it feels difficult to be touched. Perhaps because of that, overseas fans often synthesize them into a vampire image. Ho아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)wever, unlike his face or impression, he has a savory personality.[15] [16]
It's a neutral look, so it goes well with women's clothing. Once, he took on the role of Jang Noksu in a parody of the king's man in an antiwar drama, and even though he only wor아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)e a female hanbok, he looked pretty good and was chosen as one of the legends among fans, calling him 'Noksu Jaejoong'. The intense makeup suits him very well, and the use of eye shadow It's not awkward at all. When he is doing his solo activities, he is making bold attempts such as drawing thick eye lines or attaching decorations to his eyelashes according to the genre. In pictorials and concerts, they are giving fans the pleasure of seeing them by becoming more glamorous. If 아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)you search on portal sites, there are women who imitate Kim Jaejoong's makeup. I took Liz in the army. He said that he gained about 20kg because he worked out a lot in the army. Despite his physical and short hair cut, his shining visuals have nurtured countless admirers. Jaejoong Kim himself admits that he was handsome during his military days.[17] 아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)When he was in the army, honestly I want to admit it too
During the filming of 3hree voices, photographer Peter Han once compared Kim Jaejoong to an angel, asking if he had ever seen 'Berlin Angel's Poetry' (Germany, 1993). Perhaps because of his androgynous face, he seems to have been seri아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)ously confessed to by male fans. He confessed to carrying a bouquet of flowers in front of the dorm, and the male fan in Japan talks about it over and over again in the fandom. Even on the Internet, if you search for Kim Jaejoong, you can find quite a few articles from intellectuals 아름다운 그 시즌2 다시보기 1화~4화 (완결,일드)saying, "I like Kim Jaejoong even though he's a man." On the fan site, Kim Jaejoong is praising that tomorrow is Leeds days.
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kevrocksicehouse · 3 years
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In the Heights
D: John M. Chu (2021)
For Usnavi (Anthony Ramos), the bodega owner who centers Jon Chu and Lin-Manuel Miranda’s In the Heights, the neighborhood of Washington Heights is a Latina wonderland. As he narrates the day to day workings of the neighborhood, spinning a manhole cover like a DJ (to get the gum off of his shoe) and introducing us to the movie’s main characters. Like Tevye opening up Fiddler on the Roof (using Miranda’s patented Sondheim-meets-hip-hop verbal rhythms), he’s a man utterly at home in this world even as he’s about to fulfill his “suenito”, or  “little dream” of leaving it to go back to the Dominican Republic and rebuild his father’s own cantina, reclaiming “the happiest days of his life.”  In that, he’s like Melissa Barrera’s Vanessa (the only person that can render the hyperarticulate Usnavi tongue-tied) the pedicurist who wants to be a fashion designer on the southside (a world away from the Heights) or any of the other dreamers who fantasize about getting out (especially when Navi’s bodega sells a winning lottery ticket) even as they turn the alleys into dance parties and the community pool into a Busby Berkeley dance routine. Like the movie itself (Chu ignores or downplays, crime, drugs or any kind of urban blight) they live in a present already lit with the glow of memory. 
For others that glow is dimmed by a more complex reality. Nina (Leslie Grace, a singer making a stunning acting debut) is a brilliant student whose father (Jimmy Smits) has gone into hock to send her to Stanford, but who has dropped out over the chilly racism she encountered there. Sonny (Gregory Diaz IV), Navi’s young cousin and in heavy competition for the film’s most likable character (he’s like a teenage Donald O’Connor) is an undocumented immigrant, like his bitter alcoholic father (Marc Antony who burns a black hole in his one scene). At film’s end his fate is still uncertain. In the Heights was supposed to be released a year ago, which would have put it in the worst part of the pandemic and the tail end of the Trump administration. I’m glad it’s here now when (fingers crossed) things are getting better. Not just because it deserves to be seen on the big screen. Or that it feels like a coming-out party for the great culture of a great city. But in a time with so much ugly debate over who should be considered a part of this country, it’s significant that a film with not one white anglo face in it feels like the most American movie in years.
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heroinjihoon · 7 years
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When I see a couple act all lovey dovey in front of me while I am the single one...
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hailbop1701 · 4 years
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Thank you @dreamers-wonderland! This was a lot of fun to back through and talk about! 😅 (Still no beta for this part. I left it as it was when I posted it. )
Only The Beginning Chapter 1: Old Friends
(Writers Commentary) 
The air was freezing and you had been running for a solid hour. Groaning you looked down at your stomach, moving your hand you hissed when it came away soaked in blood. “Damnit,” you growled frustratedly. 
“Can’t run away you fucking bitch!” a voice cried out angrily from behind you. Rolling your eyes you placed your hand back on the gunshot wound in hopes to keep as much blood in your body as possible. The sound of footsteps was getting louder behind you making you sigh heavily, 
“I’m bleeding too much,” you muttered in annoyance. Glancing over your shoulder you quickly duck behind a dumpster. The footsteps slow and come to a jog as they pass your hiding spot. Gritting your teeth you pull the knife from your boot and crept up behind the merc. Steadying your frantic breathing you lunged, plunging the knife into the man’s neck. The merc didn’t make a sound as he crumpled to the ground. Yanking the knife out of the merc’s neck you wiped it clean on the guy’s jacket, 
“Don’t fucking move!” a voice screamed from behind you, huffing a breath you gripped the knife tighter. “Get up and slowly turn around!” the voice screamed again. 
“Okay do you not want me to move or do you want me to get up and turn around?” you asked sassily. The man (You decided) growled, “Get the fuck up. Slowly with your hands where I can see em’ “ 
I wanted the reader in this story to be a bit more out there. She mouths off more and gets into a lot more trouble. Here you can tell she is getting rather fed up with constantly being on the run or “taking care of” mercenaries. She’s constantly feeling guilty for the lives she’s taking and does her best in finding other ways. 
Rolling your eyes you eased the knife back into your boot and lifted your bloody hands into the air. Groaning you slowly rose to your feet and turned to face the paid mercenary aiming a gun at you. “What the hell are you?” he whispered, hands shaking, a flash of pity coursed through you. Taking a deep breath you looked the man dead in the eyes, “Leave the city and never come back. Final warning,” you offered, voice a deadly calm. 
The man shifted nervously, “They’ll kill me,” he hissed eyes darting around as if the UAC was going to jump out and say “Boo!” 
I really wanted to make the UAC a ghost story a company to be feared.  John and the Reader being on the run from them for so long and still being alive is practically unheard of. So they sort of become legends in certain circles. 
You grimaced, “I’ll kill you if you give a reason too, run and get a new line of work,” you ground out starting to feel dizzy from blood loss. The mercenary slowly began to lower his gun, “What are you?” he asked again. 
As he lowered his gun you placed your hand on the bullet wound again, “Honey you don’t wanna know,” you grumbled keeping your hands where the twitchy man could see them, you didn’t need any more holes. 
The merc holstered his weapon, “ They want you, really bad. That guy...Kennex too.” he said eyeing you as you opened up a manhole. Wrinkling your nose at the intense smell of piss, shit, and death. Grunting in pain you lifted the dead man, dragging him toward the manhole. “Yeah they’re persistent this time around,” you muttered finally after dumping the body. The distant splash and grinding of the manhole cover was the only sound between you and the merc. Nudging the cover back into place with the toe of your boot you saw that the merc drifted to your side curiously, 
I actually played around with the idea of having this merc be the ancestor of one of the bridge crew of the Enterprise. Who knows I might still do it.  I kinda left him descriptionless just in case I wanted to use him later. I’m still unsure of who he really is. 
“What are you going to do?” he asked, brows furrowed. “Well, for starters get this mess fixed and maybe take a nap,” you joked lightly moving in the direction of the wall. “I mean with the UAC!” 
Glancing over your shoulder you grin, “I’m going to be a pain in their ass until they leave me and Kennex the hell alone!” 
The reader will go pretty great lengths into protecting her people. Her team, Sam, Duke, and especially John. If you read the epilogue in “To Hell And Back” you would have seen that they spent a whole year running away from the UAC together. A lot of bonding could happen in that time. Though not the kind of bonding you would have liked 😏
John unlocked his front door with a quiet sigh, they were no closer to catching the bastard who had been kidnapping and killing young women. He had stopped two weeks ago and the trail is starting to go cold. John kicked his door shut, balancing beer and take out in his hands; he breathed the air and froze. 
Dropping the bags onto a side table John pulled his gun and entered his living room. A shadow sat against the large windows, curled into themselves. “Not exactly how I wanted to see you again but I didn’t have many options,” 
John choked, “(Y/N)?” 
He knew it was her but I think he really didn’t want to believe it. He’s still pretty heartbroken from when they separated and she never called or wrote. Didn’t visit or say anything after he lost his leg.  That’s how I imagined Anna got to him so easily at first. He was still raw and she was the perfect distraction. I’m not gonna beat around the bush so I am going to confirm that John does indeed like the reader a great deal (More than friends) but he hides it not wanting to ruin their friendship. 
You grunted in pain as you pushed yourself off of the ground, “You’ve been shot. Why aren’t you healing?” John asked, holstering his weapon. You rolled your eyes fondly, 
“The bullet is still lodged in there, I can get it out by myself,” you mumbled and hissed in pain. John gave you a look, “You know you don’t have to be shot to see me,” 
You snorted and sat down heavily on a chair, “It’s been five years John, I figured that you would want me to keep my distance,” 
John pressed his lips into a thin line, “I was mad, I only heard from you by the occasional postcards you’ve sent,” he grumbled from across the room. Digging through a series of drawers John looked up at your silence. 
“It’s a really long story,” you sighed shifting in your chair; John grunted pulling a black zip-up bag and a flashlight from the depths of the drawer he was searching through. He crossed the room in quick strides, “You’ll have plenty of time to tell me,” he whispered crouching in front of you. 
Oh he’s still mad but the way I imagined it was that he’s really good at keeping his emotions in check. John is very bottled up and eventually, he will have to unload and it won’t be pretty when he does. 
You huffed a laugh, “Yeah I’m going to be out for a day or two,” John smirked putting the lit flashlight between his teeth, he grabbed a pair of surgical scissors from the black bag. Cutting your shirt open John wiped away the blood with a clean towel, “Why are you in the city (Y/N)?” he asked, his real question is ‘Why were you shot in my city and where is the body?’ 
Clenching your jaw you breathed deeply as John dug around for the bullet stuck in your abdomen. “I’m helping an old friend,” you said cryptically, hands clutching onto the chair’s arms. The metal creaked and groaned under your grip, John raised an eyebrow. 
“(Y/N) what’s going on?”
You took a shaky breath, “The UAC found you and put a rather large bounty on your head,” 
John froze for a millisecond before cursing under his breath, you yelped when he pulled the slug from your abdomen. Dropping it into a glass he quickly placed gauze on the bleeding, healing wound. Panting you dropped your head back, “How many?” his voice was quiet and his eyes practically glowed in the dark. 
You looked away from them, “Four, I convinced the fifth one to find a new line of work,” 
For those of you curious the bounty is million each. The reader and John are full of C24 and if at all possible the UAC wants them brought in alive well at least one of them brought in alive anyway. 
John watched you carefully for a moment; his hand found yours and pried them from the warped remains of the chair. “There are more coming, huh?” he asked quietly. You glanced down at him again, 
“It’s my fault,” sitting up you shook off John’s hands, he sat back on his heels giving you room to breathe. Jumping out of the chair you began to pace back and forth like a caged animal. 
“I found all of them, John. The ARK’s, and I blew them to hell. They-they killed my team and left Hunter in a wheelchair!” You screamed, grabbing the chair and throwing it across the room with a loud crash. John didn’t move or flinch, he simply got to his feet and watched you sadness in his eyes. “It’s my fault, I should have just left them alone,” 
The reader has been on her own for quite some time (five years). She is full of anger and anxiety and is constantly looking over her shoulder. Being in the same place for so long will put her on edge and John will be the only one to keep her calm. He has a talent for it. She constantly blames herself for her actions in destroying the ARKS and she holds a lot of weight on her shoulders. 
 At some point, after I finish the series I was thinking about doing a small series of one-shots/Drabbles to give you happy readers a view into what had happened and adventures that were cut out. Deleted scenes if you will.  
“They were going to find me again eventually (Y/N). It’s not your fault and you know it, and it wasn’t your fault when your team died. Hunter didn’t blame you for the chair either!” John said, keeping his voice calm. He slowly stepped toward you as if moving any more quickly he would scare you off. Tears cascaded down your face, the long sleepless nights, the fighting and, the weight of the world finally catching up to you. 
Quickly turning away you grabbed your discarded coat from the floor and moved away to the open window you came through. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-” you mumbled moving to your escape inhumanly fast. John was behind you in a second. 
In this story I’m going to definitely be showing the reader and John all superhuman at certain points. They have to be REALLY careful though so they don’t get caught. There will be eyes everywhere and not all of them are the UAC. 
Wrapping his arms around you, he easily held you in place. “Stop. Take a breath,” he ordered softly. The anxiety within you calmed some at his proximity; taking a deep breath you let it out. John loosened his grip some, trusting you not to bolt for the open window. He moved so he could look you in the eyes, 
“You’re running on fumes (Y/N) I can tell. When was the last time you slept or ate?” you avoided his gaze not answering. John hummed not surprised, “You’re going to sleep and in the morning we’re going to figure out how to get the UAC to fuck off,” 
You huffed out a humorless laugh, “John I’ve been dealing with the UAC for almost six years. They won’t stop until they get what they want,” 
“What do they want? Like you said the ARK’s are gone…” he trailed off when your expression became stormy. 
“They want C24. And the only two people left with it are you and me, they’ll kill one of us and capture the other,” you whispered and John was quiet thinking over his words carefully. 
“We made a promise, remember?” He asked with a small smile raising his pinky finger. You couldn’t help but snort, raising your finger you curled it around his. 
The pinky promise thing! I actually came up with that after dreaming about it and I thought it was damn cute and you would never expect it from a guy like John. I think he softens just a bit when the reader is around and sometimes that scares him. It’s sort of like an inside joke between him and the reader. 
“We made a lot of promises John and I broke a lot of them,” you sighed looking at your best friend.
“We did and you had no choice,” he fired back tone forgiving. You scowled annoyed at being forgiven so easily. “Stop being so nice, you’re freaking me out.” 
Yeah, they bicker and banter a lot. They will tease each other obscenely! “Hey, bitch,” “Shut the fuck up asshole,” that type thing. It sounds so mean to an outsider but to them, it's pure affection.  
John nudged you almost playfully, “We promised to look out for one another and you need to ease yourself back into society,” 
You groaned, stomping your feet like a child. Fingers still hooked together John pulled you into a hug, “Stop being an infant and listen,” 
“Stop being an infant and listen,” you mocked and stuck out your tongue. John rolled his eyes and smiled at how easy it was to fall back on routine. 
*Side eyes* Infant...get it? Eh? Anyone? 
“We’ll stop every merc that will come for us and show the UAC that we don’t fuck around,” 
You pulled back a little, eyebrows disappearing into your hairline, “That is the dumbest plan-” 
“It’s brilliant,” he shushed you as he led you into his bedroom. “It’s really bad like we could die or become human pincushions bad,”  you muttered with a shake of your head. 
“I’m not sleeping with you either,” you joked, yelping when John threw a spare t-shirt and sweatpants at your head. “Go take a shower, ass,” 
Walking toward what you assumed was the restroom you shot John a cheeky grin. After you closed the bathroom door John let out a sigh, looking out the window at the falling rain John couldn’t help have a knot in his stomach. Something bad is going to happen and he couldn’t shake the feeling that it was going to happen to you. John grabbed a spare blanket and pillow from the bed jaw set. 
Depositing the pillow and blanket onto his new bed John stripped out of his clothes before dropping onto the couch. Getting into a comfortable position he secured his gun under his pillow; sleep being the furthest to his mind he let his thoughts wander. 
He thought about your postcards and your mission. You had been keeping the UAC busy, so busy that until only recently that they had left him alone. He hadn’t exactly been hiding, he’s been making a lot of noise. Causing a stir, maybe in hopes that you would contact him, even if it were to tell him to shut the fuck up. The ARK’s are gone, and the UAC is crumbling into nothing, but that doesn’t mean that they’ll stop or not sell their secrets to someone else so they can swoop in for the kill. 
Postcards don’t really count...especially when they just say a single word on them. The reader and John have a codeword system. So when she would write “Whiskey” on a postcard it means that she’s okay and alive. If she wrote “Tequila” then it would have meant that she’s in trouble. And I’m sort of sure y'all caught on what “Siberia'' means. If you don’t know it means ‘I need to disappear again,’ 
Like I said earlier one-shots and drabbles. It will be a thing...eventually. 
“It’s only the beginning,” he whispered, the truth of the words made him want to shudder. John took a deep breath and listened, the sound of the shower running and you humming softly filled him with warmth. Enough for him to relax and drift off to sleep with the hopes of you still being there in the morning. 
What I had in mind for my lovely sequel was to combine the gritty, horror, and the cracky banter of Doom and Almost Human. So there will be cracky moments, there will be horrific moments, and there will be tension filled moments. The reader and John will get closer and more domestic in this story. Chapter 4 is already up and I’m already outlining number five! 
SO much is going to happen and I’m practically dying here trying to keep it all to myself. 
But like John said “It’s Only The Beginning,” so stay tuned! 
-H ❤🖖
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lanasaved · 5 years
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cue me, clanking noisily at a nearby manhole as i attempt to scrabble my way bk out of the sewer like the stinky little rat tht i am. enchanté, ghouls! some of u might remember me (nai/from manchester so i pronounce things like a gallagher brother n i’m profusely sry abt it) bt if nt i hd to drop off the face of the Earth rp wise fr a hot minute there bt now im bk n i couldn’t resist reviving lana so???? here we r. u kno the drill more abt her under the cut!!
( cis-female ) haven’t seen LANA JAMESON around in a while. the KRISTINE FROSETH lookalike has been known to be (+) VIVACIOUS & (+) ALLURING, but SHE can also be (-) UNRELIABLE & (-) CARELESS. The 22 year old is a SOPHOMORE majoring in BALLET. I believe they’re living in AUDAX but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. ( nai. 22. gmt. she/ha/the beast from split. )
some random aesthetics: a red water pistol topped up with caribbean rum and covered in stickers of cartoon pin up girls, a vinyl record whirring silently because you got too distracted by a stranger’s hands to reach over and flip sides, giant inflatable flamingos floating in the aftermath of a pool party, smudgy lipstick kisses left like an autograph on someone else’s mirror
SO i think in terms of explainin where she’s been fr the past month i’m gna say tht she didn’t rly.... tell a lot of ppl??? probably only a select few bt to others im guessin she was pretty vague bc she hates discussin anythin serious/personal. anyway essentially she’s been back @ home helpin her brother out n i won’t elaborate much more bc im a thot
frm this point on ive jst pasted her old intro bc im the laziest woman alive n that’s jst life Babey
she’s local to the ny area i jst havent decided where exactly she grew up tbh. probably somewhere upstate
okay so her mum is an old money socialite / three time campaign model way back when n her dad is a big record label mogul. he owns a label called jameson records n they repped a few rly big rock bands back in the eighties, altho they’re mostly known for ‘poppy injects’ whose lead singer had a big heroin scandal tht brought down his career. lana p much grew up around musicians snorting lines instead of spooning down cereal fr breakfast n her parents were v much absent her whole life
they’re pretty well off obviously n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst.... a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pastel coloured fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably very pretty
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her. it was v clear that she was an accident after her older brother caleb n that even when they just had him alone they weren’t cut out for parenthood. they always kind of jst… ignored her n hoped she’d go away. she had to mke herself microwave meals when she ws only like 12 bc they’d forget to get her anything. once she went like 6 days without her mum even looking her in the eyes once
despite this tho!!! she’s always been insanely close w her brother caleb. he’s her whole world. thts why when he decided to sign up to the army she ws understandably scared bt supported him regardless. bt then he wound up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed his best friend die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home n he was never the same n lana kind of felt like he’d died out there too. he’s in n out of hospital a lot n it’s rly hard on her bt she doesn’t tlk abt it to anyone rly
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. jst literally…. knew everyone n everyone definitely knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. she has this magnetic way abt her tht is kind of hard to find in real life. it’s something ud only rly expect out of a movie character
she’s always been insatiably spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand stories tht always earn a laugh or a gasp over how ridiculously absurd they r
anyway so after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not. in fact she’s so… shameless in her endeavours tht she’s actually currently having an affair w her ballet instructor tanya who’s engaged to b married
she also currently? is working as a cam girl. she found this website bc she trawls… porn stuff a lot n she wound up applying to work as one bc she thought it’d b fun n wld earn her some disposal income (even tho she frankly doesn’t need it bc she’s already well off). the guy tht manages all of the girls on the site is kind of suspect n it’s a whole plot i’m gna unravel where it’s actually like the front for a cult or something wild so. stay posted ig. kgjdkgjh
new development!!!!!!!! cue me trottin around doin jazz hands. she’s actually been cut off by her dad so she’s….. living off the money she has left n has to look to find a job which is jst. a nightmare fr someone like lana bc she’s insatiably irresponsible n destined to be fired from anything she tries to hold down bt. it’ll be interesting bc this means she genuinely has to keep on camming even tho she’s starting not to want to any more bc of other circumstances i won’t elaborate on jst yet winks
personality/some fun facts: uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. her fav book as a child used to b alice in wonderland n she’d fantasise abt having her own little wonderland too where everyone knew her name n asked her things n took her on adventures. at the time it didn’t rly strike her how evident it was tht that was bc she was so lonely. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s strawberry laces or gummy bears or cherry lollipops. she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. wildflowers r her favourites bc they’re the brightest and u can’t buy them. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
plot ideas: exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other. someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh. an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool). someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label. someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh. umm a good influence too mayb? oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days. let’s get wildt!
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tanithrea · 6 years
Bias & Wrecker Tag
Rules: list the groups you like, your bias, and your bias wrecker. tag 10 people
I was tagged a wee while ago by I think @prettywordsyouleft but I literally can’t find anything on tumblr, it’s so confusing even after all this time. Lol I only started really using anything orther than post/reblogg when I started looking for kpop. Lol
This is going to be really short cause I only discovered VIXX in April 2018 and I’m so attached to them I haven’t found any other groups that I really like enough to say oooh he’s a wrecker. But there are some guys I discovered through their acting performances were idols (which means they qualify) and hence my tiny list is born.
1. Ultimate Bias - VIXX - Leo (AKA Jung Taekwoon)
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he’s the reason I’m watching/seeing/listening/interacting with any of this. I caught a random playing of scentist and saw silver haired Leo at the piano and was like “is he CGI? Is this a new anime? And then realising he was an actual living human I kept watching and couldn’t stop. The visuals and plot, symbolism etc in that video MV is just outrageous. And when that finished I saw Shangri-la and down the rabbit hole I went. Leo was so strong in the MV and singing but wow he was such an introverted, shy, quiet, I risk to say almost unable to “perform” as just being himself. It was incredibly endearing and I recognised a lot of my traits, as well as a protective feeling for him. Can’t help it. He’s now come on just in 6months and it’s incredible to see such amazing positive changes in him. He’s debuted and it was incredible, he was on shows by himself, leading conversations and interacting with MC’s and fans with ease and such a light hearted atmosphere. Whatever positive things happening in his life to bring him into this mood/stage may it long be good to him cause wow what a changed man and all any starlight wants is for them to be healthy and happy. Yay
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2. VIXX Wrecker - N (AKA Cha Hakyeon)
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This was the slow, steady, sneaky art that is the Cha-booty. The whole band are stunning there is no question and half are just seriously too young for me sad to say lol but N has been slowly burning into 2nd position since the start. Mostly for how he is as the leader, carer, protector and “mom” of the group. He takes a lot on himself to support each one of them and is always there for them even when they wish he would go away he’s there cause he’s so proud of them. His hugs, his silly and even his cringe is bearable cause of the truly genuine person he comes across ass. When he did a 121 fansign with a girl who was working and at college and trying to support her mum and he went and was just lovely with her. Talked honestly and openly with her it was eye opening into his personality and a lot of his trials and struggles I think he hides to keep his support for the others strong again this was some of the traits I associate with and how I was raised as well so he’s steadily made his way into my list. P.S. amazing dancer, choregrapher and artist. His acting in Tunnel left me stunned. It’s amazing. Check it out.
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3. JYJ/TVXQ - Kim Jaejoong
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Honestly a couple of years ago I had seen him in a clip of triangle and not even linked him to the kpop world. I was like hmmmm he’s really good actor, he stuck out. The end. Jump forward and Vixx have lead me into the wonderland of kpop and rediscovered my like, nae love, of kdrama and I rediscover him. Then find that he was an idol the whole time! he’s ridiculously sweet and his cats and puppy are just adorable and bonkers. He has a real artistic feel with his love of creating, acting, singing, photography, composing, directing and producing. His personality though still seems truly genuine and gentle, with a lot of grace and honour. It doesn’t hurt that he’s also gorgeous lol but it was his emotional performances that truly reached me and then lead me to his music. Check him out in SPY, Triangle, Manhole and his film code name: jackal.
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4. CNBLUE - Lee Jonghyun
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Again acting lead me to this person, while watching Orange Marmalade (I highly reccomend it) this 2nd lead character stuck out so much and was just the guy you felt the writers just couldn’t stop hurting. I mean literally it was like please, stop kicking him he’s already down!! Anyway, later in the show he is sitting with a guitar (I do love a gutair playing musical hands) and sings a bit and I was like WOW this guy is really good for an actor and msgs my friend saying so. To which she replied “....singing in orange marmalade?....OH FOR F**KS SAKE, HES AN IDOL!!” Then lots of 😭🤣🤣🤣so I go check out some of him and he’s insane guitar skills and he starts to spear on my list. What truly pushes him into it was watching the reality show We Got Married and seeing how crazy sweet and adorable he was and just wishing that they got married for real and had babies cause they were too perfect and sincere to not feel for each other. He wrote her a song!!! That they record together at the end as a gift from him!! 😍💍
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5. ZE:A - Park Hyungsik
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This is the newest, he slid into the kpop list after watching Hwarang and Bong Soon Strong Girl. Both fabulous by the way. But he was amazing and then of course while watching Hwarang I knew there was an idol or two in the show but I didn’t know who or from where so it was while going through the show and again asking my all things Korean friend about the cast and she by this time has decided I have an “Idol Radar”. Filling me in that he was in ZE:A bit they have disbanded. I listen to some of his singing and seriously how can someone that pretty, sweet, funny, talented exsist? Mind boggling but after the emotional performances from him in the dramas I couldn’t forget him.
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I have others on the list but they are actors not idols, so don’t qualify for this round but honourable mention to them:
Park Seo-Joon (Hwarang, What’s the matter with Secretary Kim?, kill me heal me, she was pretty, a witch’s love, &6films)
Nam Joo-Hyuk (Bride of The Water God)
Woo Do-Hwan (Mad Dog, Save Me, Tempted)
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casstrashh · 3 years
Journal Entry #3 Life and Death? (11:32 am)
As you can see by the timestamp, this entry is out of my routine. I’m in the city for the weekend to finally get out of town. Oh how I missed the smell of sulfur coming from the manholes, the dog shit smeared on the concrete every 5 steps, and inclined speed walk from port authority to the 7 line. To explain this random writing time, I have lost my motivation. This past week I have been having strong bouts of sadness, and the high of reading and writing has been declining. I’m basically forcing myself to write this in order to release the emotions that I have been bottling up this past week. I have just realized the higher my stress levels get, I become numb and incapable of doing the things I want to do. I may not even finish this journal on time, so I may have to draft this in the next half hour. I mentioned this in therapy. Unfortunately, I have a hard time paying attention to the advice my therapist gives me, but I now realized all of this roots from my fear of failing. I would like to recognized the one thing I accomplished this past week, I ran a mile 3x this week! I wouldn’t say those runs really felt good, but I can say I did it. I got a covid exposure scare, and that really put me on an emotional toll. I was not crying or explicitly panicking, but I just closed off and gave up for a second. I sat in bed to quarantine all day, and it took me back to the days and nights where I felt nothing, but hopelessness. I just knew I wouldn't get covid, but I came back to my old ways and started spiraling. Thankfully, I’m negative. 
Side note, I don’t have ADHD and it’s just my crippling anxiety (so no Adderal for me).
I’m gonna be an aunt! I am so excited, I could cry again. I don’t know how to hold a baby, but I’ll get the hang of it. No kids coming out of me, so thank my sister for taking one for the team. On a sad note, I have been having deep thoughts about life and death again. I for sure have accepted death since birth, and it scares me to think the worst for my niece/nephew. Cognitive dissonance is the new word I learned, and it’s the root of all my anxiety. I get it from my father. I’m trying to not think the impending doom, but how can I help it? I watched the new Sex and the City and goddamn Mr.Big died. That did not help at ALL. 
(12.22.21/ 10:53 pm)
As previously said before, my motivation is low. I am not sure how to fix this. I have not ran for a week, my thoughts are dull, the clutter in my room is accumulating, the “To Do’s” in my To Do list are getting longer and longer with nothing yet accomplished, and  I am driving 95 mph too fast without caution or thought of the repercussions if I jerked my wheel to the right without looking. I do not care. Why don't I care? I see my friends, but the emotions of feeling carefree and distracted is no longer there. I’m feeling a little lonely again. I have had these episodes before, and I have concluded this is not a seasonal thing. I noticed it big time during the summer. Actually, is happened multiple times in the summer. Waking up, feeling everything (yet nothing), and having the same dreadful cycle for a week or two, or three (maybe sometimes four)... It’s nice when the wires in my brain finally sparks up again, and I feel better, not like there was a gray cloud over my head for a month. I am not sure when this current switch up began, but I hope “this too shall pass’ DAMN SOON. 
What do I want for Christmas?
Christmas is coming up in a few days, and I have not felt the winter wonderland spirit at all. 
I saw this girl on TikTok make a list, and it was the most unconventional  and impossible Christmas list ever. So, here's mine.
An endless supply of Poland Spring bottled water
The weather to be always 72º and sunny
for my room to smell like a freshly washed dishwasher
another car
to be able to drink w/o the cons of drinking
to wake up on Christmas Day and become my ideal body type
A jazz bar of my own (OH coffee shop during the day then jazz bar at night perhaps??)
serotonin without the meds
bed sheets that never get dirty
finally reading all the books I bought
Teeth whitening strips
clear skin
Painless Brazilian waxes
The 5 places I get my coffee from to know my name and order
sick ass breakdancing moves
to be able to come up with good analogies 
ability to style better
an extra large white chicken chili
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Manhole: Wonderland's Feel Schedule: Wed. & Thu. 22:00 (KST)
© antalo 
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Korean Dramas - Summer 2017
This is a list of miniseries; dramas over 50 episodes and webdramas have been excluded. I also chose to ignore the split in episodes recently done by some broadcasting stations. Episode counts will be left at the original hour long total for each day. Lastly, if there is a question mark (?) next to a start date, it is a date that I guessed based on previous dramas’ end dates and is subject to change. Happy watching~
The Best Hit - June 2
Romance, Comedy, Family
KBS - 16 episodes
Yoon Shi Yoon, Cha Tae Hyun, Kim Min Jae, Lee Se Young
First KBS Fri/Sat drama since The Producers
Duel - June 3
Sci-fi, Suspense, Thriller
OCN - 16 episodes
Jung Jae Young, Kim Jung Eum, Yang Se Jong, Seo Eun Soo
Airing after Tunnel
Stranger (a.k.a. Secret Forest) - June 10
Drama, Law, Thriller
TvN - 16 episodes
Jo Seung Woo, Bae Doo Na, Lee Joon Hyuk
Airing after Chicago Typewriter
Woman of Dignity - June 16
JTBC - 20 episodes
Kim Hee Sun, Kim Sun Ah, Lee Ki Woo, Shim Hyung Tak
Airing after Man to Man
Bride of the Water God - July 3
Fantasy, Romance, Manga
TvN - 16 episodes
Nam Joo Hyuk, Shin Se Kyung, Krystal, Gong Myung, Im Joo Hwan
Airing after Circle
The King Loves - July 17
Historical, Melodrama, Romance
MBC - 20 episodes
Im Siwan, Yoona, Hong Jong Hyun, Park Hwan Hee
Airing after Lookout
School 2017 - July 17
Romance, School
KBS - 16 episodes
Kim Se Jeong, Kim Jung Hyun, Jang Dong Yoon, Seol In Ah
Airing after Fight For My Way
Reunited Worlds - July 19
Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural
SBS - 20 episodes
Lee Yeon Hee, Yeo Jin Goo, Jung Chae Yeon, Ahn Jae Hyun
Airing after Suspicious Partner
Man Who Dies To Live - July 19
MBC - 24 episodes
Choi Min Soo, Kang Ye Won, Shin Sung Rok
Airing after Ruler: Master of the Mask
Fabrication (a.k.a. Falsify) - July 24
Law, Thriller
SBS - 16 episodes
Nam Goong Min, Uhm Ji Won, Jun Hye Bin, Yoo Joon Sang
Airing after My Sassy Girl
Criminal Minds - July 26
TvN - 20 episodes
Lee Jun Ki, Moon Chae Won
First in TvN’s Wed/Thurs time slot
Strongest Deliveryman - Aug 4
Romance, Youth
KBS - 16 episodes
Chae Soo Bin, Go Kyung Po, Go Won Hee, Kim Sun Ho
Airing after The Best Hit
Save Me - Aug 5
Action, Crime, Mystery, Psychological, Suspense, Thriller
OCN - 16 episodes
Seo Ye Ji, Ok Taecyeon, Jo Sung Ha, Woo Do Hwan
Airing after Duel
Manhole: Wonderland’s Feel - Aug 9
Comedy, Supernatural, youth
KBS - 16 episodes
Jaejoong, UEE
Airing After Queen for Seven Days
Deserving of the Name - Aug 12
Medical, Sci-fi
TvN - 16 episodes
Kim Nam Gil, Kim Ah Joong, Moon Ga Young, Yoo Min Kyu
Airing after Secret Forest
Age of Youth Season 2 - Aug 25
Comedy, Drama, Friendship, Life, Romance
JTBC - 12 episodes
Han Ye Ri, Park Eun Bin, Han Seung Yeon, Ji Woo, Choi Ara
Airing after Woman of Dignity
Hospital Ship - Aug 30
Medical, Romance
MBC - 20 episodes
Ha Ji Won, Kang Minhyuk, Kwon Mina, Lee Seo Won
Airing after Man Who Dies To Live
***will update as new info is released***
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finishinglinepress · 5 years
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MOONSICK by Korbin Jones
https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/moonsick-by-korbin-jones/ RESERVE YOUR COPY TODAY
Korbin Jones received his Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and his Bachelor of Arts in Writing: Creative Writing and Publishing from Northwest Missouri State University. He is currently a candidate for his Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing: Poetry at the University of Kansas. His poetry and translations have been published by Indolent Books, Sheila-Na-Gig, South Dakota Review, The Oakland Review, and peculiar, among others. His translation of Pablo Luque Pinilla’s poetry collection “SFO: Pictures and Poetry about San Francisco” was published by Tolsun Books (April 2019). His debut collection of poetry, “songs for the long night.,” was published by QueerMojo (July 2019). When not writing, he is the Editor-in-Chief of Fearsome Critters: A Millennial Arts Journal and the Design Editor of LandLocked.
“Korbin Jones‘ chapbook, MOONSICK, is an exploration of personal mythology. Using themes of escapism and portal fantasy, Jones has created a queer Alice in Wonderland: ‘[I] Climbed down the manhole / that was tucked neatly in the dark…When I stopped falling, / I landed on bottles.’ This narrative examines sexuality in a world that feels almost like a laboratory. Here, the body is on the table, and the speaker pokes and prods it, peeling away the skin to find what lies beneath. Here, the body both does and doesn’t exist. A harrying compilation, this long poem pulls the reader from one edge to another, leaving them wondering how they can slough away their own skin and become something new.”
–Hannah V Warren, [re]construction of the necromancer
“MOONSICK is an epic poem which shows us the illumination of the protagonist’s first queer experience. This first experience unsheathes the narrator from his skin, exposing him to the rhythms of a queer world. Jones’s blending of elements both natural and fantastical creates an interesting yet consistent image, such as that of voyeurs gazing through an ethereal wall, fertilizing the soil that is the skin. Through such events, the reader becomes wary that they’ve also become voyeurs, as the narrator reveals all of himself to us.”
–Jeremy Mifsud, From the Backseat of a Bus
https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/moonsick-by-korbin-jones/ PREORDER SHIPS JANUARY 24, 2020 #poetry, #book #booklovers #readers #flp #poetrylovers #preorder #now #reading
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irishcoffeeslushie · 7 years
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Manhole - Bong Pil’s Wonderland, ep 2 thoughts
After seeing the latter half of the second episode, I’m not so sure again about how I feel about this. It’s kind of all over the place, but there are a few scenes which I rather liked. One of the bits I liked was the scene depicted in the screenshots here, where UEE is in her bedroom, and we can see that she’s a gigantic DBSK fan from the posters on her walls, complete with DBSK as they were back in 2007. It’s hilarious because I have that exact same poster of Changmin, which was a gift for people who bought the S magazine that December. 
So, yeah, still all over the place and I’m not exactly a fan of that. After such a nice start, Jaejoong’s started going nuts again - loads of rather unnatural shrieking and shouting. He basically behaves the way I wish I could when I’m drunk. There’s just something so uncomfortable about seeing him cavort around awkwardly, almost as if he feels a tad bit ridiculous himself. 
My biggest complaint though is that the drama spends a lot of time cutting into Jaejoong’s imagination and daydreams without any warning, and it gets disorienting, as we keep being dragged into all these daydreams of his, only to find out that he’s been dreaming or thinking it. All of these sequences are thrown together in a way that is confusing, and hard to follow. Honestly, just thinking and typing about it makes me dizzy, and as the viewer, I found it hard to tell which bits were real and which weren’t. Put that in a blender with the fact that this is a time travel drama, and you get messiness.
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asia1one · 5 years
دانلود سریال کره ای چاله Manhole بازیرنویس فارسی
♦ دانلود سریال کره ای چاله Manhole ♦ ♦ پخش آنلاین , دانلود موسیقی متن و زیرنویس ها تا قسمت آخر ♦
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♦ دانلود سریال کره ای Manhole ♦
♦ مشخصات سریال کره ای چاله ♦ عنوان: چاله / Manhole عنوان کره ای:맨홀-이상한 나라의 필 ژانر: کمدی، عاشقانه، علمی تخیلی کارگردان:  Park Man Young نویسنده:Lee Jae Gon شبکه پخش:KBS2 تعداد قسمت ها:16 تاریخ شروع پخش: 9 آگوست 2018 کیفیت: ۴۸۰-۵۴۰-۷۲۰ ♦ خلاصه داستان ♦  داستان درباره شخصی به نام “بونگ پیل” هست. یک مرد بیکار که با تَلَکه کردن پدر و مادرش زندگی میکنه به طوری که وانمود میکنه در حال درس خوندن برای آزمون دولتی است. بونگ پیل از طریق یک گودال به گذشته سفر میکنه تا جلوی ازدواج عشق یک طرفه زندگی اش “سوجین” رو که تا یک هفته دیگه هست رو بگیره. ♦ بازیگران سریال کره ای Manhole ♦
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Kim Jae-Joong Uee Jung Hye-Sung Baro Bong Pil Kang Soo-Jin Yoon Jin-Sook Jo Suk-Tae
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Lee Sang-Yi Kang Hong-Suk Kim Min-Ji Jang Mi-Kwan Oh Dal-Soo Yoo Goo-Gil Hong Jung-Ae Park Jae-Hyun ♦ لیست موسیقی متن های سریال Manhole ♦ Part 1 01. Louie (루이) of Geeks feat. Hayana (하야나) - Airplane (비행기) 02. Louie (루이) of Geeks feat. Hayana (하야나) - Airplane (비행기) (Inst.) Part 2 01. EXSY (김수윤) of Royal Pirates - To You (너의 앞으로) 02. EXSY (김수윤) of Royal Pirates - To You (너의 앞으로) (Inst.) Part 3 01. Sandeul  (산들) (B1A4) - Tell me (말해줘) 02. Sandeul  (산들) (B1A4) - Tell me (말해줘) (Inst.) Part 4 01. Norwegian Wood (노르웨이 숲) - It`s a secret (쉿! 비밀인데) 02. Norwegian Wood (노르웨이 숲) - It`s a secret (쉿! 비밀인데) (Inst.) Part 5 01. U-KISS - Run a Way 02. U-KISS - Run a Way (Inst.) Part 6 01. Kim E-Z (김이지) - To You (너에게) 02. Kim E-Z (김이지) - To You (너에게) (Inst.) Part 7 01. Kim Ji Soo (김지수) - Stay With Me 02. Kim Ji Soo (김지수) - Stay With Me (Inst.) Part 8 01. Maktub (마크툽) - Love Come (사랑이 찾아와) 02. Maktub (마크툽) - Love Come (사랑이 찾아와) (Inst.) Part 9 01. Kevin Oh (케빈오) - With You 02. Kevin Oh (케빈오) - With You (Inst.) Various Artists 01. Louie (루이) of Geeks feat. Hayana (하야나) - Airplane (비행기) 02. EXSY (김수윤) of Royal Pirates - To You (너의 앞으로) 03. San Deul  (산들) - Say It (말해줘) 04. Norwegian Wood (노르웨이 숲) - It`s a secret (쉿! 비밀인데) 05. U-KISS - Run a Way 06. Kim E-Z (김이지) - To You (너에게) 07. Kim Ji Soo (김지수) - Stay With Me 08. Maktub (마크툽) - Love Come (사랑이 찾아와) 09. Kevin Oh (케빈오) - With You 10. Various Artists - Through The Manhole (맨홀속으로) 11. Various Artists - Pure Young Boy Bong Pil (순수청년 봉필) 12. Various Artists - Don't Go Baby feat. Chairman (회장님) 13. Various Artists - Run, Bong Pil! feat. Chairman (달려라, 봉필! feat. 회장님) 14. Various Artists - Bongs Family (봉쓰 패밀리) 15. Various Artists - Feel So Sexy 16. Various Artists - Wonderland's Feel (Sugar Fairy's Dance) (이상한 나라의 필 (사탕요정의 춤)) 17. Various Artists - When I Call You (나지막히 너를 부를때) 18. Various Artists - Eternity Read the full article
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dramacravings · 7 years
Upcoming Korean Dramas
May 08 Individualist Ms. Ji Young >> Mon/Tue | KBS | 2 10 Ruler—Master of the Mask >> Wed/Thu | MBC | 20 10 Suspicious Partner >> Wed/Thu | SBS | 20 13 Bad Thief, Good Thief >> Sat/Sun | MBC | 50 15 Baek Hee Has Returned >> Mon/Tue | KBS | 4 22 Circle: Two Connected Worlds >> Mon/Tue | tvN | 12 22 Fight My Way >> Mon/Tue | KBS | 20 22 Lookout >> Mon/Tue | MBC | 16 29 My Sassy Girl >> Mon/Tue | SBS | 16 31 Seven Day Queen >> Wed/Thu | KBS | 20
June 02 The Best Hit >> Fri/Sat | KBS 03 Duel >> Sat/Sun | OCN 10 Forest of Secrets >> Sat/Sun | tvN 16 Woman of Dignity >> Fri/Sat | jTBC
July 03 Bride of the Water God 2017 >> Mon/Tue | tvN 19 Man Who Dies to Live >> Wed/Thu | MBC 19 Reunited Worlds >> Wed/Thu | SBS 24 Falsify >> Mon/Tue | SBS 28 Strongest Deliveryman >> Fri/Sat | KBS 31 School 2017 >> Mon/Tue | KBS
August 05 Save Me >> Sat/Sun | OCN 09 Manhole: Wonderland's Feel >> Wed/Thu | KBS 11 Age of Youth 2 >> Fri/Sat | jTBC 12 Deserving of the Name >> Sat/Sun | tvN 23 Single Wife >> Wed/Thu | DramaX
Updates & To Be Announced >> Upcoming Dramas Page
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