#manhunt 2 watchdogs
bumblingbee1 · 2 years
Manhunt 2 if The Project won
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jgabriel1920 · 4 months
"No John, you HAVE to do the requests, imagine spending so much time waiting!"
My dumbass:
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
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Made some silly goofy manhunt stuff.
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deadpuppetboi · 11 months
Goretober Day 19: Field
Aunt Judy had given them instructions.
Very specific instructions.
Stacy and Ben Lamb hadn't expected this from their aunt, of course, hardly getting answers for themselves as usual. Having gone through the deplorable Hell that was within ‘The Dungeon’ they expected a proper answer as to why they were being targeted in the first place.
What was The Project?
Why was Aunt Judy here?
Why was she working with The Project?
Why did these sick people recognize them?
Who? What? When? Where? Why?
“Dr. Whyte will explain everything,” the older woman said in a hushed whisper to the children, giving them a note with a particular address written on it.
‘1899 Arthur Dr’
“Trust no one. Whoever you think can help you won't, they’ll only hurt you. Just go to this address and ask for Dr. Whyte, you’ll be safe there, I promise.”
She held the two in a hug as tight as steel, giving them each a kiss on their heads before moving them over to the exit.
“I don't have much time, they’ll find out you’re both here any moment, you both need to run, now.”
She hadn't even given them the chance to say goodbye.
Now, wherever the two had been on the other side of the city, completely differentiating the suburban life they were so used to. The dingy and trash-ridden shadows of the lively city they'd grown to love had cut them deep. And while they knew of its existence, they hadn't expected to ever travel to such corners, especially when it came to the address that was given to them by their Aunt Judy.
God, they hoped she was alright.
“Are we close?” Ben asked, turning his head over to look behind him, worrying gnawing at his brain.
“Maybe, I don't know, I don't recognize these streets,” Stacy replied, taking one more look at the map they had stolen to see where they were going.
They were completely lost, eyes trailing from one street to the next with anxiety eating them alive as they did. Anyone or anything could have gotten to them, any gang of any fraction of the city’s shadows would have gotten their hands on them by now. But they were lucky and with this string of luck, they kept on going, hoping that it stayed long enough until they could see Dr. Whyte.
“Is the street even real? We’ve been walking for hours now! Are we at the right block?” Ben spat, eager to get himself to rest so that the blisters on the heels of his feet could stop aching. Even with the seriousness of this situation, the teenager couldn't help but complain, which upset Stacy greatly.
“We are on the right block, Aunt Judy said we have to be here, we’re just not paying attention to notice where it's at!” Stacy retorted, huffing as she took another look around where she stood, poking her head out from the corner of a building to check the addresses once again.
She knew they were missing something.
But what?
Any important detail could have been the smallest incontinence. A damn rock on the side of the road could have been a clue. Or maybe a crushed paper thrown haphazardly next to a full trash can could have had the information they needed. Or God knows what it could be, Stacy wouldn't know, she was trying to survive with her little brother in tow.
The young woman felt a tap on her shoulder.
“Stacy,” Ben hushed, “Look!”
Stacy turned to her brother, noticing his hand raised and finger-pointing across the street. Looking over, Stacy noticed a chain-linked fence in between two barren buildings, ahead of it tall grass that reached up to their shoulders. She looked back at her brother, confused before he pointed again, more urgently.
“Over the grass, look at the sign.”
Stacy looked back, squinting her eyes slightly to look more closely before she saw the sign from afar.
‘1899 Arthur Dr’
The words were small but enough to be made out from a distance. And just beyond that a few more buildings, untouched and barren like the others surrounding the siblings.
Why hadn't she seen those before?
“It’s an open field,” Stacy muttered, turning her head over to her brother, obviously unsure if it was safe to go through such a thing.
It just seemed too empty even with the tall grass moving about in the calm breeze. It was a bright full moon tonight, it could only shine so bright and expose them right away if they were not too careful.
“It’s the only way, there are bridges over to the far left and right, they’ll be expecting us to get through that. There's the river up ahead too, the ground is too steep to walk on but there's a chance the water isn't too deep. If we hurry up they won't see if, if they do anyway, we’ll run.”
Stacy looked at Ben, looking away for a moment to think about the plan he had laid out. He seemed confident, planning it all out in his head, although there was a twinge of worry in his eyes. He had planned out escapes before and usually, they did work, but this was too risky.
“There has to be another way,” Stacy mumbled, looking over the map to figure out another way.
Ben shook his head.
“There is no other way, we have to get through them now and see Dr. Whyte. She’ll give us answers. Actual answers. We need those answers, Stacy, if we don't get any and keep running around we’ll be dead before the sun hits the horizon.”
Ben gripped his older sister’s shoulder, trying to give her a sense of security when her anxiety was taking her whole. These past few weeks were nothing but complete insanity with people they thought they could trust turning their backs and trying to turn them in a place they barely knew about. What information they did have was nothing but speculation and word of mouth from people they never knew and were eager to hurt them one way or another.
It was like one more bad thing could happen and they could impulsively cry out of instinct. Mainly Stacy, who throughout this entire process, had put so much stress on herself to be the leader that it took a toll on her mentally and physically.
“I’ll lead the way, okay?” Ben directed his sister’s attention towards him, hands over her shaking ones.
Stacy took a moment to breathe, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. After a few minutes, the young woman calmly folded the map, placed it in her shoulder bag, and kept herself calm and collected.
“Okay, let's go.”
Ben gave a nod and held his sister’s hand, moving over to the side of the building, he poked his head out to see if anyone was nearby. An empty street had greeted his vision by his right and his left, considering that, the teenager quickly ran across the street. Stacy was behind, keeping her grip on her brother tight, she made another look around to make sure they both weren't being followed.
Once in between the buildings across the street, the two made their way towards the wired fence. It was obvious it was run down of time and rust had collected at various parts. Placing their hands on the fence created a creaking sound that pierced their ears, making them cringe.
As Stacy made her way to climb over the fence, Ben stopped her.
“Hold on, look.”
He reached over to the bottom of the fence, gripping it harshly before he pulled it off, revealing an open space beneath. Stacy got herself down and crawled underneath as her brother held the fence up. Once on the other side, Ben quickly went down under, joining his sister and overlooking the field before them.
It had to be at least sixty yards across, not too big but not too small either.
Upon a closer look, the field only consisted of tall grass, the fibers sprouting at the very top and swaying side to side as if they were dancing. Stacy was right about her predictions earlier, they were as tall as her shoulders, and only her head would manage to poke through while Ben would be engulfed by them.
The two took a moment to assess their situation before they walked forward, heads straight to finally get to their destination.
“Why, isn't this a surprise?!” A cheerful voice boomed from the far left. “And here I thought my own comrade’s strange gift was starting to fall apart!”
That voice-
“I told you!” Another voice shouted. “My nose is never wrong! I told you!”
The children ran into the tall grass.
Stacy, now taking the lead, took on the splatter of the tall grass onto her face as Ben followed, blind as his height wasn't enough to see ahead of him. Quick to avoid the stray bullets, Stacy ducked her head, her ears catching the onslaught of voices from behind.
“Don’t let them cross the river, get them!” Thomas screamed, his team following his orders as they rushed into the tall grass.
Various footsteps shook the ground below, voices calling out to each other as they held their guns and searched all around for their targets.
The children ran faster than before, making a quick step to the left, right, and left again to avoid being captured. Even when they were wasting time running in a jagged pattern, they knew running in a straight line would only influence The Watchdogs to capture them much faster. The grass helped them hide but not for long, they needed to find a way to get to the other side and fast.
Ben sniffed his nose before Stacy covered his mouth, stopping momentarily to crouch down. They could still hear the footsteps and the men all around them, they scoured the premises yet failed to find them.
“Agent Nine, can you sniff them out?” Agent Forty-Seven asked, pushing past the grass to see if the children were in between them.
“Give me a second, dammit, I need time with this shit!” Agent Nine growled, sniffing aggressively in the air before angrily scratching at his nose afterward.
He then sneezed.
“Ah, don't tell me you have allergies, Agent Nine.” Thomas tufted, his voice condensing as he roamed the grass with his arms behind his back.
“I said give me a second, there's a process to all of this.” The man then pointed to the full moon causing the rest of the crew to groan.
“Here we go again,” a couple groaned.
“Don't tell me you still believe in that full moon bullshit, Nine,” another complained.
“You just don't get what I'm going through,” Agent Nine snapped, turning quickly where he stood where the children had seen a form of him near them.
Stacy and Ben quickly made the move to leave, crawling on their hands and feet to avoid the men as much as possible. With them arguing, it seemed like a genuine possibility that they could escape. They just needed to get through the river and they’d be just fine.
“Calm yourselves,” Thomas shouted, “Everyone stays calm, this is no time to fight when there are more important manners at hand!”
There was the sound of grumbling yet the children ignored them, anxiously crawling with their minds racing. They couldn't make too much noise nor could they talk to calm themselves down. They had to leave yet they couldn't make it too obvious. They were near the end, the very end of this field, and it was likely there was a gap from it towards the river.
Stacy ignored the talk of the gang behind her and her brother, feeling his side against her, they crawled as far as they could until they couldn't anymore. Their hands and knees were caked with dirt and mud, but thankfully no broken glass or trash like the city they had run through before. They were on their lucky streak again, and as soon as Stacy had poked her head out of the field and felt the fresh air brush her itchy face she felt a wave of hope course through her.
She looked from her left to her right before she crawled right out, now hearing The Watchdog's arguments from the far back. They were far enough, if they could get to the river in time without getting detected they could make it to the street. Ben followed along, finally in the open, he held his nose in a vice grip and tried not to sneeze.
Him and his damn allergies.
As Ben held himself back he pointed to the river, Stacy started to get herself up on her feet. She only made it until she was crouching, prompting her brother to do the same as she started to move along.
“We’re almost there,” she whispered and Ben gave a nod as he followed along.
They quietly kept at a slow pace, not looking back but forward to not give themselves another reason to freak out. One foot over the other, careful steps, and breathing calm yet quick, the two were getting closer to the river. They were near the edge when a new wave of confidence overwhelmed them as if they were finally getting the answers they were eager to get at last.
Ben made the move to go, careful not to fall, he stepped near the edge.
And then he heard the bang.
Nearly falling over himself, Ben turned his head toward the source, noticing one of the masked figures had been at the edge of the field. Gun in his hand, smoke billowed from the barrel, and a crazed look was in his eyes. Turning his head over, Ben checked to see if his sister was alright only to see her crumple to the ground. As if she had lost all movement in her legs, Stacy Lamb fell onto her back, shaking as her breathing turned labored and slightly erratic.
On her right thigh, a pool of blood started to form and soaked her jeans.
It was as if time stood still.
The world stopped spinning, the wind stopped blowing, the taunts of the gang were silent, and Ben ceased all bodily functions. His eyes water as he watches his sister’s once shocked face slowly twist into one of pain and suffering. She grabbed at her wound, opening her mouth and crying out accordingly, snapping Ben out of his haze.
The Watchdogs were catching up, the one who shot his sister had called out to the others, screaming at them to come as he finally got ‘one of them.’
Stacy started to choke out her words, adrenaline running through her system as she looked at her younger brother. She mouthed the words too slowly, her brain jumping from one warning to the other before she finally came to one clear enough so that Ben could understand.
And Ben jumped.
Out of complete impulse, stupidity, anxiety, or just his survival instincts that made Ben jump into the river, he’ll never know. He just knew that his sister knew what she was saying, she was smart, really smart, and she wanted nothing more than to protect him than herself.
And Ben Lamb kept thinking that as his body was engulfed by the cold rushing waters below.
Stacy kept herself down, the pain forcing her to keep still as possible as even the smallest movement caused her immense pain. She heard various voices as well as the forms of masked men coming to the edge of the river, cursing to themselves as they couldn't see where her brother had gone. A part of her was grateful, thankful he took the jump before he could get caught, but that also meant she was the center of these men’s attention now.
Thomas had hit the back of one of the men’s heads, the one that had shot her.
“You said I could shoot and that's what I did,” the masked man defended himself, pointing his gun at the young woman.
“Yes, but angle it perfectly, you were reckless,” Thomas had crouched down to look at Stacy who flinched at his touch.
“Look, her artery was punctured, she'll be bleeding out in fifteen minutes! How careless you are, how careless indeed! Ms. Lamb, can you hear me? Are you feeling any kind of pain right now?”
A gloved hand brushed her hair back, revealing her sweaty forehead, from which Stacy snapped her head to the side. Her mind grew fuzzy all she could do was fumble with the words that stumbled out of her mouth.
“D—don’t touch—ch me,” she coughed out, breathing heavily before she cried out again, feeling her body get manhandled. Feeling dizzy, she closed her eyes, crying slightly as she felt her legs give out from under her.
“I’ll carry her,” Thomas snapped, careful not to cause any more excessive damage to the young man as he rushed to the van, “Search for the boy, I don't give a damn if you shoot him but make sure he doesn't die!”
As he ran, Stacy tried to push the man off of her, like she could build enough energy within her to get away from him, but she couldn't.
Thomas scoffed.
“Oh, don't you worry, we’ll have you right as rain before you know it,” he said as Stacy started to drift in and out of consciousness.
“Besides,” Stacy heard a heavy door start to open and her being carefully laid out on something cold.
She started to close her eyes before she snapped them back open, screaming once again as she felt a finger dig into her wound, preventing her from passing out. Thomas gave out a laugh, watching as the young woman grabbed at his wrist and tried to get him to stop only to be completely futile. He held her down, letting the blood soak his entire hand as he heard her whiny cries, anxious for her to hear what else he had to say.
“We have much to talk about.”
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ukrfeminism · 6 months
Sadiq Khan says the brutal London murders of four women in three weeks is “absolutely heartbreaking” and vowed to tackle violent crime if given a historic third term.
Police found Kamonnan Thiamphanit, 27, stabbed to death at a £4 million Grade II-listed property on Stanhope Place, Bayswater near Hyde Park around 8.30am on Monday.
Neighbours heard sounds of a loud party on Saturday night at the home being rented out as an Airbnb holiday let, followed by two high-pitched screams the following day. 
The Metropolitan Police search for Thiamphanit’s killer continues. 
Last Saturday, Kennedi Westcarr-Sabaroche, 25, was discovered dead in a Vauxhall car in Hackney.
The dismembered torso of Sarah Mayhew, 38, was dumped in a Croydon park on April 2.
Goldsmiths College student Zhe Wang, 31, was fatally stabbed in Hither Green, Lewisham on March 20. 
A spokesman for the London mayor said: “These murders are absolutely heartbreaking and Sadiq’s thoughts remain with their loved ones at this unimaginably awful time. 
“Tackling violence against women and girls is an absolute top priority and that’s why he’s investing in policing and prevention, tackling the causes of these horrific crimes.”
A source close to him added: “The Tory government has imposed £1billion cuts on the Met with a devastating impact on the services that keep women safe. 
“By contrast, Sadiq has invested a record £163m on tacking violence against women and girls in London.”
Susan Hall, Mr Khan’s Conservative opponent at the mayoral elections on May 2, said: “My thoughts are with the friends and family of the four women who have been murdered in recent weeks. 
“It is truly shocking and heartbreaking. 
“Everyone in our city deserves to feel safe, and to be safe, and I am determined to do all I can to reduce crime and make London safer for women.”
Lib-Dem Rob Blackie, another frontrunner, claimed there had been a “failure to tackle violence against women and girls under Sadiq Khan”.
He said: “Clear-up rates for rape and sexual assault have halved since he became mayor. And that is really because there hasn’t been any political attention to the problem.
“Police need the right IT and equipment. We have lost many cases due to freezers used to keep forensic evidence not being up to standard. Very often the same man will commit crimes again and again if you don’t catch them the first time. 
“My top priority would be to get more money into the Met by abolishing Khan’s phoney Tube fares freeze. That would put more officers on the front line. We have 6,000 police stuck in back offices, double the number of any force in Britain.” 
Commander Owain Richards said in Ms Thiamphanit’s killing there had been no signs of forced entry to the three-storey, five-bedroom terraced house. 
Mr Richards added: “We believe the suspect was known to the victim in this case and our homicide detectives are working around the clock to pursue all lines of inquiry to trace the suspect, arrest them and bring them to justice.
“This terrible incident follows a number of other horrific fatal attacks on women recently – including those in Croydon, Hackney and Lewisham.
“We recently shared information about the work we’re doing to tackle violence against women and girls using data-led tactics to target dangerous offenders and bring them to justice.
“Kamonnan’s murder makes us all the more determined in our efforts to do everything we possibly can to keep women and girls safe.”
The Metropolitan Police has referred itself to the Independent Office for Police Conduct watchdog over the incident.
Police were contacted twice on Sunday by a friend concerned about her welfare, but officers attended over 13 hours later.
Pacharapol Padermprach, press secretary of the Royal Thai Embassy in London, told the Standard his community is “shocked and saddened”, adding: “We have been in close contact with the Metropolitan Police on this case and in informing Ms Thiamphanit’s family. 
“We are confident that the Met will do its best to bring those responsible to justice. 
“Due to the ongoing investigation, we are unable to provide any further information.”
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alexnichole880 · 5 months
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This Is What The Black Hat Hacker Look Like In Terrain Of Magical Expertise:
(Seriously, He Resembled The Watchdogs From Manhunt 2 Because Of The Designs Also, They Do Have The Sharp Teeth and Long Tongue Than The White Hat Hacker's Teeth and Tongue, which he look like the tumblr sexyman)
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valiantvideo · 1 year
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watchdogs in manhunt 2: personality clash
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trustwi · 2 years
Manhunt 2 ps2 review
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Manhunt 2 ps2 review Patch#
Manhunt 2 ps2 review series#
Manhunt 2 ps2 review psp#
I could lead them back and forth between the same dark places I was hiding in and they still didn’t realise! Whilst hiding in shadows, you may occasionally have to press a button, as instructed, to make sure you stay undetected. Further playing showed that the right stick is merely used for the occasional looking left or right – even though the left one can do that if you’ve got your back against the wall, and the default for most games that allow you to run about an area is that the left stick controls movement whilst the right one allows you to look.īaddies aren’t very bright, either. It’s reasonably okay to move with the left one but you need to be able to turn so you can check an enemy walking past while you’re in the shadows so you can leap out at them. Manhunt 2: Level 2: Ghosts Turning round can be difficult as your guy just doesn’t seem to respond properly when looking with the right controller stick.
Manhunt 2 ps2 review Patch#
However, since the game’s on the PS2 the graphics are nowhere near as great as they could’ve been – as the footage shows – and while the original had sound in Dolby Digital 5.1, the PS2 can only manage Dolby Surround (it states ProLogic 2, but it’s not a patch on what DD5.1 or DTS could’ve done and DTS is certainly possible as GTA Vice City proved – and why they never used it in the San Andreas sequel, god only knows).
Manhunt 2 ps2 review series#
Sadly, there’s also a series of problems with the game and the one thing that kept me playing is the amusing voicework of the others in the game, such as when I could hear one of the “Watchdogs” chase after me, shouting, “Face… meet fist!” What to do now? Where to go? Anywhere but here, for sure!Īnd so begins the game as you make your way through the dank corridors, following a linear path as with the first game, but being able to kill and maim in whichever order you see fit. For some reason, a female doctor in a white coat falls to the floor in front of you, seemingly, dead at your hand via the contents of a syringe. Naturally, the powers that be want to stop you before you can tell the world about what they’ve been up to for the last six years. You play one of two surviving inmates, Daniel Lamb, and you’re on the run with the other one, Leo Kasper. The basic premise here is that things have gone very wrong at a secret research facility. In fact, the US have had this game for a whole year before we got it. Manhunt 2: Level 1: Awakenings Part 1 Still, it’s great to see it make it to these shores at all after the BBFC were complete arseholes about it for months on end.
Manhunt 2 ps2 review psp#
While I can understand the Wii, even if I don’t go for such energetic use of a controller myself, and it’s great to see some support for the PSP given that most developers appear to have abandoned it over the last year, the graphic gore would’ve been ripe for a release on the Xbox 360 and PS3, surely? I thoroughly enjoyed the original Manhunt on the Xbox, but I can’t fathom out why Rockstar have brought out the sequel only on the PS2, Wii and the PSP? Vote and comment on this game: View Comments.uk – Manhunt 2 Playstation 2 review Dom Robinson reviews Manhunt 2 for Sony Playstation 2 Distributed by Rockstar Games
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captin-azoth · 2 years
Random, but what's your favorite group of hunters in Manhunt 2?
OOOOH~ 👀👀👀
Hurmm, I know you only said for manhunt 2 but I’ll answer for both games since it’s not often I get to talk Manhunt 👁👁
In Manhunt 1 it’s definitely the Smileys, omg I love them. Just how they yell “ARE THOSE MY SHOES!?” Gets me every time, they’re so goofy to me, I love them aaa
And for Manhunt 2! Honestly that’s a tough one. Cause each group feels kinda samey in the second game? The Pervs kinda make me laugh (that and cause the cut weapon you would’ve used in that area makes me laugh)
But honestly it’s really hard to choose? Just cause I feels all the groups blend together, The Cerberus watchdogs we’re interesting and they have some goofy lines? But I feel The Pervs stick out the most to me (maybe also cause I spent a lot of time idle in the club and wandering for fun too)
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xundeadqueenx · 2 years
Which group of Hunters did you find most difficult? In both Manhunt 1 and 2
I’m just glad I FINALLY through the “Fueled By Hate” scene 😂😂
I personally havent played 1, so I couldnt say. But for 2, I would say the Watchdogs because getting ganged up on by them at Daniels old house was a pain lol. Otherwise, usually most enemies I normally dont have a problem with
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less-bumbling · 2 years
Since this blog is about Manhunt at the moment; What do you think is the most messed up gang in both games? (Manhunt 1 & 2)
Like, which ones are the ones that get under your skin? Or what makes them different from the rest that makes them messed up? And so on.
Asking the big questions here...
I love it! 😄😄 Keep 'em coming!
There are plenty to go around, so it's under the cut.
These are the gangs that stick out to me the most, for different reasons.
Manhunt 1:
The Innocents The Babyfaces in particular. Half of them are fucking pedos.
The Smileys I can't help but to feel for those guys. They might be vicious killers, but they represent some of the most vulnerable groups of people in society. And scumbags like Starkweather are taking advantage of them.
The Carcer City Police Department As fas as I know, they believed Gary Schaffer's lie about Cash being a homeless drug addict. And they are hunting him down because of it?! It's terrifyingly realistic-
Manhunt 2:
The Pervs This has got to be one of the sickest, most twisted and out of pocket group I've ever come across in the Manhuntverse! 😆😆
The Watchdogs I dunno why, but they feel similar to the Cerberus team. Which I find really enjoyable.
The Bloodhounds Their getups are mainly for shock value, I think. They're so unintentionally funny that I can't help but to love them. I think they're a mix of the Skinz and Wardogs (mainly the latter).
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what do you think Alex's superhero name is going to be?
Hi friend 
when it comes to superhero names there are 2 ways to do it (traditionally anyway)
2- theme 
or if you will
1- legion rules
2-batman rules
so yeah, 
Dreaming powers = dreamer 
a whole bunch of powers = super + preferred pronoun/species (super cat and super horse etc) 
martian = martian manhunter 
but when it comes to NON-POWERED hero’s is when things get symbolic.
Batman = fear
Nightwing= freedom
Robin= hope
blue beetle= ancient and strong 
boaster gold = getting/in for money/ fake gold
Guardian= a shield for others 
and so on....
so Alex would most likely follow this logic (if you can indeed call it that)
so what is Alex know for 
-being an agent 
-being every human among aliens
-a protector
-a driven women
-a kick ass fighter
now are there any symbols around Alex 
1-black (as all her suits have it)
2- red hair 
3- magnets / flexible weapons ( martian weapon) 
4- Kara sister (so house of el / krypton to a small degree)  
5-agent / government work
6- has friends in the legion
ok now lets mix it up
1- Black Bird 
this is one here (got black and a spot of red it also fly's like the superfam)
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2- Free agent
cause well, she is now a FREE AGENT .... so it fits.
3-  something like Bulwark or Defender , Watchdog
things of a protective and mindful manner but are also have standing and fighting connotations.
but yeah i m not sure exactly what they are going for so it will be neat to see where it goes. 
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deadpuppetboi · 2 years
Kidnapping children is, in fact, the easiest yet hardest thing Thomas had ever done.
It wasn't because of their age, far from it, it was more of how difficult it was to keep them in place. You can tie them up with so many knots, beat them to a standstill, and even threaten them to no end.
But they will still resist.
Point taken: Teenagers.
Thomas entered the home with a smile plastered on his face, hidden behind his mask of course. But if you looked closely you can see the indents of his smile with how tight the mask was tied around his head.
The front door had been broken down, rather brutally than he’d like to admit. He saw how the door had been carelessly thrown to the side where the wall was its unfortunate victim. The dent showed itself clearly as the cheap paint was torn off without much of a hitch.
He took so long to observe the damage he failed to realize the entire home in general. The other damage had made this entire place look like a break-in, a rather pathetic one at that.
Nothing was really stolen apart from broken picture frames, memorabilia, and even the occasional vase or two. Nothing too important, not that Thomas or his crew would care, honestly Ms. Sender wasn't always the best at keeping things tidy.
“Fuck off!”
Speaking of which...
Thomas hummed to himself as he made his way to the kitchen, nearly skipping on his two feet. He felt his smile widen as the sounds of struggling escalated the more he came close. His hands held together he watched as a teenage boy (no older than thirteen) cursed one of his subordinates as they held his arms behind his back.
Benjamin Lamb.
His clothing choice was atrocious, the youth of today dress in clothes too big that they hung on them like racks. Cheap mascara was bought from the local convenient store to make up a look that was laughable at best. And what was that? Lipstick? Black lipstick???
Lord, give Thomas strength, he can't believe how sad this child’s life must have been to make him the way he is now.
“Venchek, calm yourself, you might break the poor thing’s arms the farther you twist those frail arms of his!”
“Well, if he’d stop struggling then maybe I wouldn't have to be so damn rough!” The hunter huffed, still trying his best to keep the teenager down to his knees.
Ben spat out another crude comment, moving as much as he can to get himself free. Thomas had to admit, his commitment was favorable, too bad his body would fall apart just by one paper cut alone.
“Get off me!”
And there she is!
The star of the hour!
The true aspiration of a young adult!
Stacy Lamb.
Way before his ‘retirement’, Thomas and his crew had made themselves known within The Project. Had it to take care of or bring in new patients for the entire company then it was done without a second wasted. Daniel Lamb, before his madness, had a reasonable part in The Project’s plans for a better future. (or whatever the Hell Pickman said was the case)
He had his own little office, and coworkers to talk to, and even got himself to understand the unsettling environment he got himself into. Much of which was how much his family knew what he was up to instead of helping the poor people who were sick inside and out. So, the married man of two would like to keep his family thinking he was a graceful man to all.
And Thomas knew how much trouble his crew would get getting too much into Mr. Lamb’s files for their entertainment.
Case in point: Grimmins.
The very man who had Stacy Lamb into a headlock and ‘politely’ thrown her against the wall. Getting too close to comfort, not only getting to experience meeting the young woman for the first time but not by some file with a picture clipped onto the side.
And with how close this man was getting, it was very obvious what his true intentions were.
“Grimmins, stand down, you’re suffocating the poor girl.”
The man laughed in response, twisting Stacy’s hands at her back one more time to see her squirm before he calmed down. The young woman gasped at the sudden ease on her arms yet that didn't stop her from glaring daggers at him.
Thomas took this as a moment to properly introduce himself.
“What a pleasure it is to finally meet you both face to face! I’ll have to admit, I’d rather have this be done in better circumstances, but this will have to do!”
Venchek kicked the back of Ben’s knees, the teenager yelped in pain as he finally fell to his knees. Stacy turned her attention to her little brother, she moved over to try to help him but was still held back.
“I know you both have your questions, most of which will be answered while the rest will be up to you to answer yourselves! I’ll be the one to answer them for you, so I might as well get the easy ones out of the way!”
Thomas opened his mouth.
“Who the hell are you?!”
But Stacy had beat him to it much to Thomas’s dismay.
“Well, do you mean as in me or as my group in general? You have to be more specific, my dear, if not then this won't be fun for any of us!”
“You know what she meant, “Ben called out, “stop being a dumbass and answer it!”
Venchek made a move to punch the young teen but Thomas raised his hand to stop him from going through.
They needed these two conscious after all...
“We are The Watchdogs, a group of highly educated and trained killers of The Project. Whenever we’re paid (handsomely of course) to personally take care of someone or a group in general we do as we’re told! It’s not only in our contracts to do so but in our nature as well!”
The elder seemed to pride himself on the fact he was informing the two siblings of what his group was. Although, that didn't seem to ease their fears the more the man seemed to glance over the fact that he was an assassin.
“I am Thomas Chapman The Third, the chosen leader of The Watchdogs. I would go out of my way to introduce the rest of my team but why bother, you both met them already.”
Thomas laughed to himself yet the siblings kept themselves silent overall.
“But what does that have to do with us?” Stacy found herself asking, cursing only when she felt the hunter behind her pinch at her side.
“Wonderful question, Ms. Lamb, “Thomas cheered, coming close to the young woman.
Stacy stood back, moving her head back as gloved hands made their way over to her face. It took but two tries before gloved hands gripped her face harshly, squishing her cheeks together like clay. Despite the pain, the young woman kept her rage on tenfold, refusing to give these sick men the pleasure of her tears.
Nonetheless, Thomas grew hungry for more, tracing his thumbs over the girl’s lips softly.
“It has everything to do with you, “the elder whispered, watching the young woman contemplating whether to spit at him or not.
God, he loved the ones who didn't give up too easily. It excites him so.
“Of course, I don't want to give you the entire story, but I’ll give you a snippet. Two of them if I’m feeling generous tonight, honestly, it depends on my mood.”
The same gloved thumbs traced over Stacy’s cheeks, brushing away the dried tears that coated them.
“And I’m in a good mood, a great one even, so I’ll make this brief for both of you.”
Thomas looked over at Ben, the teenager sharing the same anger his sister had from before. But he had that idea in him that Thomas knew all too well. The idea is to keep his mouth shut and listen closely for more answers.
“My men and I have been hired to capture you both to be taken safely into The Project’s open arms. Unfortunately, due to how easy it was to capture you both, I find your part in playing this game to be lacking! And it's not fair for one side to play harder l while the other doesn't bother to do anything at all! It's not fun, no fun at all, it makes me disappointed that I even bothered to get out of retirement for any of this!”
Ben and Stacy kept their silence, not one of them chose to speak out or bother to in the first place. Thomas smiled nonetheless, maybe this generation had some manners after all!
“So, despite my better judgment, I’m choosing to let the both of you go.”
As soon as the elder had ended his sentence, the siblings were let go. The both of them gasped in relief as the pressure on their arms was finally gone. Ben hissed as the impact of his knees hindered him from getting up correctly. While Stacy ignored her pain and immediately got herself to grab at her little brother and drag him to a distance away from the men that surrounded them.
Thomas didn't mind, still keeping himself where he stood with that same smile he wore since the start.
“Now children, listen very closely to what I'm about to say next because it is crucial to the future decisions you’ll make from then on!”
He clapped his hands together, loud enough that it made both siblings jump from the sudden sound.
“My men and I will hunt you down, day and night, no amount of your blood or tears will make us reconsider. The Project is a very lucrative company, I can assure you both that the loss of your lives would be inconsistent to them as a rock in my shoe. I suggest that you both comply and try all you can to survive in this cruel and unforgiving world filled with perverts and maniacs alike.”
Thomas reached into his suit, taking out his gun.
Ben and Stacy yelped at the sight of the weapon, both siblings covering each other in fear that they may be in line with the fire.
“Oh, calm down, I’m just proving a point!”
The man pulled back the barrel with ease, muttering as the click was overhead.
“Overreacting like all the others, honestly, you both act like you haven't seen a gun up close before.”
Making a quick show of displaying the gun before quickly shooting up in the air. The siblings screamed at the sound as the bullet pierced through the walls of their home.
“As I said before, perverts and maniacs alike, I happen to be one of those two. Pick and chose what I am, it doesn't matter, I have the will to inflict harm on any and/or both of you with the confidential knowledge I know. So, now that you know that, you know that my men and I aren't to be messed with.”
“No shit,” Ben muttered, Stacy, shushing him as she pushed him to hide behind her.
Thomas didn't take that to heart.
“Now, before I allow you both to make your attempt to run away, I will set down a few rules. I know, annoying, I’m sure, but it's important I say them now so that this game doesn't end quickly as possible.”
The elder raised his free hand, one finger up in the air.
“Rule number one: There is to be no attempt to contact law enforcement. They will do you both no good as I will bathe you both with their insides once they are altered.”
Stacy opened her mouth to speak but Thomas intervened.
“Rule number two: The Watchdogs are not the only group who The Project has hired to hunt you both down. As we speak, there is a close-minded group hot in pursuit to capture you both, I suggest you both be grateful we got to you ahead of time.”
Stacy shut her mouth, carefully making her way back to where the doorway was free to go through. Ben caught up to her plan, stepping back with her, careful not to miss a single step that could trip them both.
“Rule number three: Remember we are always watching! No matter where you go or who you call, we are always there to make sure you don't go out of line! But I know you two are smart enough to pick up on that fact, so I suspect you both are capable of living on your own.”
Thomas then shrugged.
“Then again, survival is key, I would love to see how everything goes down.”
The gun was pointed over at the two, the siblings freezing up as they were near the open doorway, hearts at their throats.
“Now, children, I’m going to count down from ten to one. During that time, I want you both to run as fast as you can and collect what you want, my men and I won't do much. However, after one, we will do everything in our power to put you both down on the ground like animals.”
Stacy and Ben stayed silent, only a few seconds lingered before everything went into chaos.
Thomas smiled.
Stacy was the first to run, grabbing Ben, she zipped through the open doorway toward the living room. She yelped in surprise when she saw another man stand by, gun in hand.
She ran up the stairs, ignoring the other man who stood back and watched as the two ran.
“Eight...!” Thomas called out, stepping forward to where the two can hear him clearly.
Stacy ran into her room, Ben shutting the door behind them and locked up. He rushed to push up his sister’s study chair to use as a blockage.
Stacy threw open her closet, rummaging through her things to get the two most important things that were hidden. She opened the lone shoebox buried behind her old shoes and opened it to gather what was inside.
Stacy gathered all of her savings including the spare flip phone she hid away from everyone else.
“You have another flip phone?!” Ben asked, shocked.
“Not the time!” Stacy spat, grabbing her purse.
“Four...!” Thomas was right outside the room, Ben felt himself fly as he jumped over towards the window, grabbing at the hinges.
Stacy shoved him aside, unlocking the locks from above, she opened the window. She grabbed at her little brother and pushed him through, ignoring his pained grunts as she quickly followed suit.
Ben nearly fell over, grabbing the tiles of the home as he quickly corrected himself. Stacy was halfway through, nearly dropping her belongings in the process.
“Jump!” She called out, Ben struggling to follow through as he slid down at the very edge. Stacy jumped from inside to the outside, accidentally pushing her and Ben off the edge and onto the ground below.
The door was kicked down, a force like the one used before by the front door emitting with each hit. Stacy and Ben groaned as they hit the grass below, getting up on their two feet, they rushed to make sure they had what they needed.
From inside, Stacy’s door was broken down, and Thomas and his men ran inside to do their bidding.
The siblings ran off, never minding the calls from the men above nor did they mind the sounds of gunshots that echoed throughout the night. They merely ducked, crying out as they felt something whiz past them as they passed through the walls of the streets of their neighborhood.
Thomas threw out his hand, commanding his men in the process.
“Get them!”
The men did as they were told, rushing to get the two siblings as quickly and efficiently as they could.
Being left alone in the girlish room, Thomas felt his phone ring from his pocket. The old man reached in and received the call, recognizing the familiar voice from the other line.
“Chapman, did you get them?”
Thomas forced a dreadful sigh from his lips.
“No, Doctor Pickman, I, unfortunately, did not. It seemed that the two children ran out quickly and evaded my men’s grasp.” He walked over towards the window, noticing something glittering from beside the window still.
“Well, what are you waiting for, man, get them! Daniel has already escaped, we can't let him ruin my life’s work!”
Thomas crouched down, grabbing the small golden amulet shaped like a heart. He opened it, showcasing two pictures from within. One of the late Mrs. Lamb holding what was a crude drawing of her on it. The other was that of Ben but before he secluded himself to dress as a discounted black crayon left at the bottom of a trash bin.
“Are you listening to me, Chapman, did you hear what I said?!”
“I did, Mr. Pickman, don't you worry.” Thomas closed the amulet, pocketing it as he smiled wider than before.
“They will be detained, I guarantee it.”
“Guarantee, I’ll make sure those two will be detained in no time...”
“Guarantee, I’ll make sure those two will be detained in no time...”
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hellacre13 · 6 years
What Superman story made you realize why Lois can’t work as his love interest?
I suspect Superman the movie and everything after that. And then getting into comics themselves. As we mature and the world changes then so do societal norms, I realized how seriously effed up the Lois/Clark/Superman love story is.
Many heroes might have started off in a more camp way, asking us to suspend belief etc but as time went by the story telling got more complex and tied into real world themes etc. Superhero stories often reflects the time we live in. Like the Golden Age Superman was created during a time of the Depression and pre World War 2.. He was rougher, brasher, a man who was the champion of the oppressed and small man, who fought corrupt business men and Nazis etc. The new 52 was more modern and looked at Superman via a more global lens by looking at his alien aspect and making him more socially conscious. Rebirth he has gone back to traditional troupes and is more preachy father figure who seems to be more concerned about his comfort and playing house. He calls his wife and kid his world and so wants to preserve that comfort, he is willing to ply Lois with immortal juice to live for a billion years. It’s got that feel of a guy who isn’t too concerned about the bigger picture as long as life does not change for him. I mean, what he does with Lois isn’t too far off what Mr Freeze wanted to do with his wife if you think about it? But that is “love” according to DC. 
Anyway I digress. Lois, Clark and Superman was the original love story for decades. She had the hots for the rock star while the nerd Clark pined for her to notice him. He even prob ignored women who cared for him. She was often mean spirited and very ambitious and walked all over him. She was a career girl in a time it was a largely male centric job but in fiction she was not the only female that did this. In fact she was inspired from another character Torchy Blane who did what she did first. And there were other female characters in fiction that were just as brave, empowered before her too. Anyway as the world evolved and more female characters  were created what Lois did became not all that special. We have many strong women in fiction, from different backgrounds and people have their favorites. We are spoiled for choice. 
The love triangle or what I like to call now the lie triangle is what define Lois and Clark’s dynamics. I really did not understand why this guy wasted his time on someone who never valued him. I guess he was a bit of a masochist. As as I grew to learn more about Superman’s mythos and who he was and what drove him, I genuinely could not understand why DC kept pushing them as some ideal. The woman did stupid things to try to get his attention or outing his secret when she suspected…from trying to jump off buildings and Niagara Falls. That is not brave. It’s dumb, at least to me. She even had her own comics for a time whereby she was obsessed with trying to get him…Superman… to marry her. Lois and Clark’s iconic imagery is of him carrying her like a baby or saving her. I am sorry but as a female reader and fan of heroes…that just does not interest me nor do I see it as romantic. DC might think it is seeing they still push it.
And Superman himself was a douche bag too. Lying his ass off to her as Superman and Clark. Or dating her as one or the other…yet claims this was love. The guy was even willing to give up his gifts just to bone her in Superman 2. Can you really see a real hero being that needy and hard up? The Reeve movies are considered quintessential Superman but to me it is outdated and the stuff between him and Lois is eye rolling. The other movies like Superman Returns his love for her is not noble. Fact it is creepy and selfish on both their parts considering she was shacked up with another man who was a real father to a boy not even his own.
Man of Steel and the DCEU show how they need to shoe horn her into many things that defy logic and really just to try to find something for her to do. She is a human. She should be subject to its limitations. This woman just throws herself in dangerous situations and survives. Or DC tries to suggest she can handle situations she is not even trained to.
Most recent cases…1. Fighting Female Furies. She has 0 training …people like Barda and Diana who trained all their lives and have to have back up with Darkseid’s elite Lois Lane can take on these women with no problems. That is the stupidity we have come to. 2. MOS Superman is fighting Zod and snaps his neck and Lois who was miles away just appears to pet his head. I didn’t know she had superspeed. 3 Death of Superman ( just like Batman v Superman) the woman is in the middle of the action because? Two heavy hitters battling, Doomsday beat up the whole JL, damaged the city, the earth is crater city, smoke, dust and debris is being kicked up while Superman is battling him…yet Lois is in the middle of all this so these two characters can make google eyes at each other. When Superman dies…after killing Doomsday with a killer blow…she just standing there…unscathed…like she got some force field I was not aware of.
The writing suffers because they have to find something for her to do. Even the most sensible journalist would know to get the hell out of the way and get shelter if you are in between two warring sides. Why are you making your ass a potential causality and distracting a man from his job?
Death of Superman really sealed the deal for me. Lois and Clark act like two jerks.. Clark is dating her but has not told her he is Superman.She has no clue he is Superman. Yet she flirts with Superman even while having Clark on the side. He tells her she knows him better than anyone else. Yet she claims she does not know him at all. ???? It’s bizarre logic. He says he loves her…I have no clue why. He acts insecure and whiny and a bit of a prick to Diana. Given his and Diana’s relationship was based on honesty…she knew who he was…it’s very amusing to see Clark try to convince the viewer Lois is the one for him. They even tried to throw all his other past loves under the bus putting the blame on them.
I found it all forced and dysfunctional. And the Superman we admired and who respected Diana berates her for calling him Clark while sparring in a simulator no less…they were not even in public…because he wants to be called Superman because Lois (who he had not told his secret) gave him the name.I am sorry. But when has Clark/Superman/Kal ever acted such a douche to anyone? And he blames Diana for their “break up” because she wants to live as herself.
Anyone who reads comics know that Clark and Diana had a very close bond. I can get you tons of panels of her calling him Clark or Kal or Superman depending on the situation and he was never this asshole Tomasi wrote here just to prop Lois. Also even if Diana did not like a dual identity here, it’s clear DC does what it wants when it wants because she used Diana Prince off and on for decades. She uses it in the DCEU and other comics. But for Superman to judge her this way makes him come cross as unlikable.
What it mean is Superman is a selfish character. He wants a woman to do what he says and lives as he says. He wants to make no compromise. In truth and fact he never made a compromise for Lois Lane when he told her his secret. She just accepts it and adapts to HIM. They are in love because he can continue to live the way he wants. I thought real love was give and take. In Death of Superman she is not even questioning his lies. She is like oooh my boyfriend is an alien when he tells her he is Superman. Must be nice her boyfriend looks like a man she lusted after and he did not really look like Martian Manhunter, eh? I bet she’d react quite differently. How can anyone elevate this type of relationship over Clark and Diana’s is beyond me.
There was no truth and no trust from the start and when they hook up Clark and Lois continue their charade yet claim to be watchdogs for truth for humanity. This is such a joke to me. They both have no ethics. He still gives her scoops even though they banging each other and they act as if they are more moral than other people.
And let us not forget Superman goes evil troupe or needs her alone to ground him because it is what pisses me off the most. It undermines Superman’s heritage, upbringing, innate goodness and compassion and heroism to suggest he cannot be who he is unless he is banging Lois Lane. If Batman could not be with Selina no one here would suggest he would never be who he is. Same for every other hero. But Superman? The dude is crippled morally, spiritually and emotionally if no Lois. In Justice League the entire League is nerfed so she can call him to heel. A woman he knows all of 2 years. What about his mom? Hell what about the earth?The people? His own mind and goodness? Nah. Only Lois. I am sorry that is bs
We have the superhero landscape where heroes can live openly, many don’t need ID’s, some have given them up. Look to Marvel and how well they do it. These men and women do jobs that don’t require jumping through hoops like Superman and his news room reporter job requires. They might be billionaire scientists, supersoldiers, Gods, Kings, aliens but we feel with and for them because their stories are woven in a coherent manner, and their heroism doesn’t have conditions. It has real and truth sacrifice and growth. Superman with Lois is what I call a fair weather hero. He is concerned about himself and his comfort. All is well and he is happy. Things go a little iffy or something happens to her…his ass is useless.
I could go on and on but if your hero’s entire pov and how he views the world and whether he feels connection to a place he grew up in is based on one person he screws as it is with him and Lois…then I cannot support that. So It is not one story. It is a cumulative thing. And it sucks as a fan of Superman because you realizing he might not be what you thought he was nor hoped he could be.
As someone who was drawn to Superman comics on a story based on him dealing with real challenges and loss and trying to be a leader in the face of great odds as in Kingdom Come…I am at a loss what DC is putting out. I feel like the Superman I want to believe in is no longer around. Punching something very hard doesn’t make you a hero. All the League put their life on the line everyday. Just because SM can hit hard does not make them less than him nor their lives less than his. Wonder Woman nearly died in Death of Superman but for him lunching with Lois. He left her in the lurch for Lois on the battlefield in BM v SM, not even knowing if she could handle Doomsday. No good soldier would do that. Heroism is the way you live and choices you make and how you try to make the world better for others even at the expense of your own comfort.  I look to other heroes now outside of DC and I am ironically finding what Superman could or should be there. It’s a shame.
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deadpuppetboi · 2 years
Thomas Chapman III is a classy man.
Despite his age, Thomas has accomplished so much more than his peers ever did.
He's gotten high grades, gets high praise from his teachers, and even worked for the elite compared to others.
Yet, it was through his efforts for praise and complete accomplishment, that the man sought better opportunities.
Better ways to expand his horizons, expand his abilities, and even brace himself to fight those who dared cross his path.
By his prime, Thomas proved himself to be a complete menace not only in his line of work but in his personal life.
He's had relationships with various men and women both in his work and private life. Work just to get more intel on opposing sides of the companies he worked on. Private just to seek if he could ever regain a permanent relationship only to go from one person to another.
It was exciting, of course, to be with someone in either of his lives proved to entertain him. More so in his personal life, Thomas couldn't tell how many ‘close calls’ he had with someone while their loved one was closed by.
But after a while, he got bored.
The same thriving existence the man lived for then turned into a borefest of the same people, the same events, and the same ending.
It bothered Thomas, so much in fact, he figured it was a displeasure to his livelihood. He still considered himself in his prime, and despite his age, he figured that a part of him was still as it was in his youth. Nowadays, he struggles to pull himself together just to put a single man down on his lonesome.
Such a disgrace Thomas had to consider himself a ‘retired’ old man.
To the ordinary public, Thomas is an older man who spends his time helping poor communities. People down on their luck need that extra ‘bump’ in their life just to get themselves up and walking all over again. It was an act that many saw Thomas as a ‘saving grace’ yet he saw it as a dead-end to his life.
He was stuck, so utterly and completely stuck.
It was agonizing and the older man often found himself waiting beside his ‘personal’ phone to see if anything has changed. He still keeps the old voicemails, the old texts, and even the old phone numbers of clients and old friends. He doesn't do anything but look over them and reminisce on older times when he lived the life.
So when he heard the phone ring, he thought he was dreaming.
He had picked up his phone, expecting it to be either a scam or another one of his co-workers told him another one of their ‘achievements’ on their charitable work.
He paused when he realized that his phone wasn't the one ringing. It was the one from his vault, the one that was locked away. Immediately, the older man rushed to the counter, fumbling with the combination to open the small vault door.
He had gotten the phone on the fifth ring, fingers shaking to press that single button. He raised the phone to his ear, nearly out of breath, he asked who this was.
“Mr. Chapman?”
Thomas nearly dropped the phone.
“Dr. Pickman?”
He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
He was being offered another chance. Another chance of getting out and about.
Another chance of getting out of retirement.
Another chance for pure ecstasy all over again.
To say Thomas agreed was out of the question, he did, he practically laughed at how excited he was.
It didn't matter what time it was, how dark the streets were, or even how his body dragged itself over to his belongings. The man was so excited to finally get back in action, back to a life he dreamed about for years on end. At last, he’ll finally be able to feel the ecstatic beauty of his hands grasping his weapon of choice and using it for a brutal execution.
He didn't question what he was told to do or even why he needed to do it.
He was so excited to get everything done that the second the call ended he was gathering what was needed. It was as if he was seven all over again, gathering his best suit to get himself ready for a birthday party not for the person’s birthday but for the chance of eating cake!
Everything was perfect just for him!
By the end of it, Thomas had felt his heart beat faster than before, stumbling over himself to get himself together. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, ironed his clothes, and wore his favorite cologne.
The only thing left was his mask.
He’ll be honest, Thomas took extra precautions to hide his mask.
As much as he’ll laugh about it now, the man had an extra box hidden underneath a floorboard underneath his bed. He wasn't sure why he wanted to hide it this much, he barely had any visitors, so maybe this was all for peace of mind.
He wanted to hide the part of himself that he knew he wouldn't go back on. That the mask that he had hidden away for nearly an entire decade will come back to haunt him once more.
Opening the box felt like he was opening a treasure trove.
The mask had laid, untouched, and unused for so long. With shaking hands, Thomas reached over and grasped the mask tightly. His heart skipped a beat once his fingers traced the lining of the leather. The stretch of the clothing over his face conceals the life he has and will always despise.
Thomas breathed in and out, feeling the mask move along with him as if it was another layer of skin.
Slowly, the man reached over and put his gloves on before making his way to his mirror. And like a child, he closed his eyes once his eyes caught the reflection of his shoes. And once he stood up with hopeful pride, Thomas breathed in and out slowly, before opening his eyes.
He nearly lost his breath.
He puffed out his chest, shaking his hands to relieve his nerves, the man laughed in relief.
“Thank God, “he turned to his side, still laughing, “I still got it.”
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bumblingbee1 · 2 years
I kinda wanna dress up/cosplay as one of The Watchdogs from Manhunt 2 for Halloween
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