#but what about the gray hat hacker
alexnichole880 · 5 months
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This Is What The Black Hat Hacker Look Like In Terrain Of Magical Expertise:
(Seriously, He Resembled The Watchdogs From Manhunt 2 Because Of The Designs Also, They Do Have The Sharp Teeth and Long Tongue Than The White Hat Hacker's Teeth and Tongue, which he look like the tumblr sexyman)
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spectral-honey · 1 year
Civilian Tim au where hes one of those guys whose job it is to just try to break into places just to see if he can
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nyancrimew · 1 year
How do you feel about government sponsored APT groups? I'm honestly curious about your take on it as an hacker yourself
the concept of APTs as we know it exists because of US companies and the US government which is why there is no US APTs which annoys me because it creates such an US/western centric view of a complex geopolitical issue and who's good and bad in the cyber world, also resulting in our fucked view of what a black hat and what a white hat is, which is why i reject labels like that (if you really need one i'm a gray hat, stop calling me a white hat pls lmao)
anyways basically my question is when can i be classified as an APT pls 👉👈 im pretty persistent and threatening and somewhat advanced
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stillness-in-green · 2 years
Chapter Thoughts: 378 — The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 4
Rather belated, but I'm hopefully getting back to something resembling on-schedule. Hit the jump, all. <3
On La Brava and Skeptic—
O  La Brava vs. Skeptic is something I wish I could enjoy more than I do.  I’m very fond of both of them, her dunking on him about his coding habits is very funny, and his reaction faces are always on point!
But…  It was eye-rolling enough that the good guys had La Brava apparently just hanging out on the sidelines this whole time but never even hinted at her as soon as the hacking started, all in the name of a big surprise twist;[1] it’s worse that La Brava is the one who hacked Skeptic when he was just starting out.
Something I’ve been thinking about lately with BNHA, especially wrt to All For One, is the idea that the more characters are connected to one another, the smaller the world feels.  Sometimes that’s what you want!  A small world (in the sense of the scope of it that the story encompasses) can also feel more intimate or more claustrophobic, which are perfectly valid choices!  But for a big heroic action story which, just last chapter, threatened The Whole World, I can’t help but think that the world should feel big and sprawling, full of stuff and people.
There’s obviously a balance to be struck there—go too far, and you wind up with the thing people sometimes complain about in Shonen Jump comics, where every arc introduces a new gang of characters that will cease to be important after the arc ends.  Still, as someone who made the jump from lurker to fandom participant because of how much I adored what the Meta Liberation Army did for the feeling of depth in the HeroAca setting, I like it when Big Stories have Big Worlds.[2]
Can you see where this is going?  It was one thing when La Brava was the only white hat hacker (or at least a nice pale dove gray) the heroes could find to counter Skeptic.  At the very least, she made enough of a splash that I can see someone like Officer Gori, Hound Dog, or Deku bringing her up in the planning sessions.[3]  She has established connections to the heroes, fair and square; my problem with her involvement was never about her relevance, but rather about my being unconvinced that the heroes had changed enough on-panel to ask for a villain’s help.
But her being the one that hacked Skeptic in the past?  That is a line drive straight into  “This makes the world smaller” territory.  Are we to believe Aiba Manami and Chikazoku Tomoyasu are the only hackers in the entirety of Japan?  Because that’s what, “Skeptic has only ever failed once in his entire life, and it just so happens that it was because of the only hacker Deku ever fought.”
O  Skeptic getting collared by the Ketsubutsu squad is bullshit, frankly.  Like, it can’t even have been a full minute since he fled the cave!  I don’t care how “in the area” they were; I know good and well they didn’t teleport to his coordinates, and there’s no other explanation for them getting a heads-up on his location and then just materializing on top of him!  God!  It is so incredibly cheap that the guy set up in Deika as a hacker and a specialist in remote observation—the cameras he has set up on the streets, the information he gathers about the League, all the recording devices he had set up on Hawks, his literal satellite view—keeps getting caught off-guard by heroes turning up on his doorstep.
On Tsukauchi and Trusting Villains—
O  I’m realizing, looking at the official scans, that it’s not Tsukauchi talking about leaving their defenses to villains, but rather the Glasses Cop dude.  I rather preferred my initial impression because I like Hardass Tsukauchi and I persist in feeling that the story would have benefited from Deku and the kids having a nastier confrontation with the adults that represent the system.  It’s good that he’s finally starting to be swayed, but I wish we could have seen it more directly.
The whole “villains are human too” line is great, but I feel like it begs the question, “So how long until someone applies that sentiment to, say, Moonfish?  Muscular?  Gigantomachia?  All For One?”  Tsukauchi’s words are very forthright: each villain, no matter how far they’ve fallen.  Meaning every villain, no matter what.  I wonder how they’ll ever find a way to live up to that?
On Gentle Criminal—
O  Gentle is great; no notes.
Haha, no, of course I have notes.  They’re all positive ones, though!  Get ready; I’m about to have a pile of nice things to say!  More than I have in ages!
This is the first scene that I’ve really thought the heroes, and Deku in particular, has earned in—God, how long?  Way too long.  Gentle and La Brava are my absolute favorite of Deku’s fights because it’s the only fight in the entire series that features Deku keeping the conversation going, engaging with his opponent(s) about what they want and why they want it so badly.  He and Gentle respond to each other; they both recognize their reflections in each other, and, crucially, they both say so out loud.
I think the key thing that makes Gentle’s regard for Deku feel earned in a way Lady Nagant’s does not is that Deku really did give Gentle what he wanted: recognition.  If you look at Gentle’s backstory, it is one person after another rejecting, spurning, or forgetting him.  His school, his parents, the legal system, his old classmates, even the userbase of YoTube!—each and every one of them tells him, implicitly or explicitly, that he’s a failure who won’t amount to anything, a feckless loser with shallow ideals.
La Brava is the first person to acknowledge Gentle’s efforts.  Deku is the second.  Of course Gentle likes Deku and wants to help him!  When we first saw him from the back doing so warm-up bouncing and already wreathed in the effect of La Brava’s quirk, guys, I cheered out loud.  Just a fantastic return that he and Deku earned every inch of.
…The story at large probably did not entirely earn it, but that goes back to the whole thing of me not buying the cops and established heroes asking known villains for help, especially in such apparent secrecy that a bunch of people involved in this operation didn’t know about it (Deku, Mandalay, etc).
Anyway, I like Hardass Tsukauchi roughly addressing Gentle by his family name, especially the nice juxtaposition with La Brava’s heart-eyed enthusiasm and Deku’s very touchingly rendered expression of wide-eyed shock and vulnerable disbelief.
On the Prison Flashback—
O  I mostly like this callback to the one prison that didn’t lose any inmates to the jailbreaks.  It’s a little bit world-shrinking, but also strikes me as a pretty solid use of previously established fact.  Also, it makes Gentle look like a total badass, wow.  I would have appreciated him actually being able to convince one (1) person to stop rather than having to fight them all—prove that Deku’s methods work even when people other than Deku are using them, you know?—but I’m willing to grant that if anybody just wanted to stay in their cell and Do Their Time Fair And Square, they probably wouldn’t have been in the crowd trying to escape anyway!
O  One thing I talked about a bit way back in the Mass Arrest essay was how, in real-life Japan, inmates are grouped by demographic and offense to be sent to prisons that hold mostly others who committed about the same type and severity of crime; it was one of the issues I saw with incarcerating the entire MLA.  Here, we see Gentle—who very much did not commit any particularly nasty offenses; at worst he beat up some heroes—in the company of a bunch of more stereotypical stab-happy types.  I wonder if that means HeroAca!Japan just has such a high crime rate that it doesn’t have the resources to keep up with all that careful sorting, or if administering some mildly humiliating beatings to heroes is enough to get a YouTube criminal sentenced to Maximum Security?
O  Muscular is such a hunk, my god.  He is so hilarious.  What a gallant jailbreaking hero to downtrodden villains!  We should have seen him fight Gentle, though; it’s hard to imagine a quirk more tailor-made to fend him off than Gentle’s.  An air trampoline would have bounced him clear to the next municipality until he stopped having fun and just bailed to go find easier prey.
On that note, given that all AFO asked the Tartarus escapees (with the exception of Nagant) to do was rage to their hearts’ content, it’s maybe just a touch odd to see Muscular involved here.  I had always assumed the prison breaks were mostly carried out by the Noumu!  So did Muscular volunteer?  Did AFO ask?  Did Shigaraki (well, VFO)?  Curious.
O  It is, again, a little world-shrinking that Officer Gori shows up at specifically the one prison out of seven targets that Gentle was at.  I can’t complain too much, though; Gori’s like the only cop in this entire series that has been not a total asshole to some hard-on-their-luck schmuck who wound up in the hot seat, so it just feels like a well-earned reunion.  (Which speaks to the nebulous boundaries of good or bad coincidences—a lot is going to bank on how much the reader likes what’s happening.  As always, if a reader is enjoying themself, they’re less likely to nitpick.)
On Lady Nagant—
O  UNFORTUNATELY, I am not anywhere near as giddy about Lady Nagant’s return as I am about Gentle's.  It’s cliffhangerish enough, however—and the scanlation for the next chapter has been out for long enough—that I’ll talk about her more next week.  I don’t know that I have a lot new to say about her since the last time I broke down why I completely fail to buy her turn, but we’ll see.
Stray Notes—
O  Why does anyone think UA falling out of the sky would be stopped by a new control program?  I realize Skeptic was interfering with the place, but given that it didn’t actually start falling until Shigaraki set off a huge explosion in the middle of it, I assumed the problem was mechanical failure!  Nothing anybody should be expecting La Brava to do about that!
O  It’s heartening to see Deku reflecting back on Shigaraki’s words from Jakku.  It’s a nice contrast to both Endeavor, who took the monologue as an opportunity to catch his breath before immediately starting to attack again, and Deku himself, who at the time didn’t even seem to register what Shigaraki said through the battle adrenaline.  Shigaraki keeps handing Deku the keys to his issues and Deku has ignored them every time, so it’s good to see they’ve at least stuck with him.  I wish we could have seen him weighing those words against The Crying Child, but let me not spurn what tiny bit of progress he is making.
O  The Togawices human-chaining their way across the cables connecting the little attached island to the main body of the school is good stuff.  Appreciate the little beat of Kaminari and Manga-kun being concerned about Aizawa and Monoma, too.  (RIP Manual.  If Iida were here, he’d probably have yelled your name, dude.)
O  It’s funny to me that they gave Gentle the tattered remnants of his costume back—actually, it’s in even worse shape than it was last time he wore it, given that the exaggerated collar of his coat seems to have been detached completely from the coat itself.  But they didn’t just give him and La Brava their costumes back; they also gave Gentle a marker for his eyes.  XD  Gotta have The Look, y’know?
O  Tsukauchi’s mini-flashback of All Might walking off strikes me as mostly thin set-up for some later splashy reveal.
1: Go on, ask me how I feel about the Villain Reveal in Disney's Frozen.
2: Everyone please watch the Giant Robo OVAs.
3: Not that any of those three were involved in the planning sessions, mind you.
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themculibrary · 2 years
Tony Kidnapped Masterlist
All The Leaves Are Brown (And the sky is gray) (ao3) - AvocadoLove background pepper/tony, steve/bucky 17k
Summary: The Winter Soldier’s mission is nearly complete. Howard and Maria Stark are dead, leaving him to dispatch their four-year-old child. One quick twist of the neck is all it will take, but the Soldier finds he cannot do it.
So instead of killing Tony Stark, the Winter Soldier takes him away to raise as his own.
and you needed someone to show you the way (ao3) - SailorChibi bucky/steve/tony T, 24k
Summary: Tony knows what the team really thinks of him. It’s a delicate balance: they tolerate him because of his money and his toys, and he gets to stay on the team and fight with them. He’s okay with that. So long as he hides the fact that Steve’s and Bucky’s names are written on his skin in the most embarrassing act of one-sided love affection ever, everything will be fine.
It just figures that a fantastically stupid villain, a kidnapping plot and a video camera will bring Tony’s well-kept secret out into the open.
Apropos of Nothing (ao3) - Gir_Hugs T, 54k
Summary: Tony Stark is three years old when he is kidnapped and held for ransom. Howard Stark refuses to pay and Tony is never seen again, presumed to be dead.
Thirteen years later, Agent Phil Coulson is sent out on a mission to find an ingenious hacker and bring him into SHIELD. Coulson’s training has prepared him for gun-fights, torture, interrogations, hand-to-hand combat, explosives, paperwork…you know, the usual. What it didn’t prepare him for is finding a brilliant but unruly teenager and being assigned his caretaker.
Yeah, everyone at SHIELD is in for one hell of a ride.
Bend Around the Wind (ao3) - Scyllaya loki/tony E, 403k
Summary: A few months after the battle of New York the God Loki appears back on Stark Tower under chaotic circumstances. This time however he is on the run. Tony Stark gets caught up in the crossfire and is taken along with the Aesir. Can the two of them ever make truce in order to get away? And even if they do, how does one escape from such a dark corner of the universe, when they are so very far away from the Nine Realms, that not even Loki knows the way back home. But first, they need to survive.
Damn Close (ao3) - hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes) steve/tony T, 4k
Summary: Steve’s still stunned everytime Tony gets taken. Some part of him thinks he should be expecting it by now given that it’s happened at least a dozen times over the last three years they’ve worked together. It’s almost like their enemies don’t understand that Tony’s a superhero now and that, even if he wasn’t, he has a whole team of other superheroes that would come to get him regardless. Really, they should know better. But they don’t and he still gets taken on the regular and it all feels so much worse now that they’re dating.
The usual frisson of energy that those words elicit in him doesn’t come.
Tony gets kidnapped. Steve gets mad. Bad things happen to the kidnappers. Nobody feels bad about it.
Four (Or Five) Reasons for Kidnapping Tony Stark (ao3) - scifigrl47 steve/tony T, 78k
Summary: There are four reasons for kidnapping Tony Stark. Tony’s sick of all of them. Well, there’s potentially a fifth, but it’s highly unlikely that Captain America will suddenly fulfill THAT fantasy. Tony’s deeply disappointed about that.
Steve Rogers, as always, is oblivious. At least, that is, until someone who isn’t him kidnaps Tony. Then he’s just pissed.
Like a Mirror (ao3) - Bluemary loki/tony E, 168k
Summary: Iron Man is dead, Tony Stark is broken and Loki just happens to be in the right place at the right time. What would you do if you found your favorite enemy mute and in chains?
One Hell of a Show (ao3) - MillyVeil pepper/tony E, 44k
Summary: Tony gets kidnapped for ransom and Clint gets nabbed with him. It’s rough for them both.
Our Sins (ao3) - AvocadoLove bucky/tony 15k
Summary: Tony’s practically become an old hat at being taken hostage, but something’s fishier than usual this time around: his captor looks twenty-eight but claims to know Howard Stark, the NYPD negotiator is a SHIELD plant, and what’s this about a fleet of helicarriers set to launch?
Perspective (ao3) - d_aia tony/t’challa M, 50k
Summary: When Tony is kidnapped by HYDRA, T'Challa finds himself plunged into Avenger-drama, but it has its advantages.
Somebody’s Hero (ao3) - EternalSheWolf G, 4k
Summary: Tony Stark is six when he learns that nobody will come for him. If he wants to be rescued, he’ll have to take care of it himself.
Still Alive (ao3) - araydre, Menatiera, Neutralchaos, and yeppers bucky/tony E, 62k
Summary: The Winter Soldier escaped from Hydra, and on the run, It needs a Mechanic to maintain the very efficient weapon attached to its body. It decides the best person for the work is the world’s best weapon expert: Tony Stark.
Abducting him goes unexpectedly well. Then, complications come.
three weeks (ao3) - CapnShellhead steve/tony T, 4k
Summary: Tony Stark is missing and he’s pretty sure no one’s coming for him.
The Engineer (ao3) - lomku M, 125k
Summary: After Civil War, Tony Stark is trying to piece his life back together and to avoid falling into depression. But one day, he gets himself kidnapped. The kidnappers want something he cannot give them, and when he tries to escape, everything goes wrong.
This is a story of Tony suffering, losing himself, adapting and surviving.
Tear Me To Pieces, Skin To Bone (ao3) - ErrorInLoading T, 2k
Summary: They didn't take Peter for any real intention, they didn't take him because they know about Spider-Man. They took him so Tony would behave.
Irondad Bingo #11: Kidnapping
The Secrets We Keep (ao3) - Us_Alive                                              pepper/tony, ben/may, bruce/natasha N/R, 76k
Summary: “Who are all these people?” Pepper looked at the crowd forming around them.
Tony flashed his million-dollar smile that always made Pepper melt. “Don’t worry about them Pep, it’s just business.”
So, Pepper let it go. She shouldn’t have.
Pepper's life was perfect. Tony was the perfect husband, gentleman and he made her feel like the luckiest woman alive. It was everything she dreamed of.
But she soon finds out Tony's biggest secret. So she hides her biggest secret by running away. Problem is, Tony is not about to let her go.
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Ethical Hacking: Understanding the Role of White Hat Hackers in Cyber Defense
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Welcome to the exciting world of ethical hacking! In a digital era where cyber threats loom large, organizations are constantly battling against malicious hackers who seek to exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain. But fear not, because in this blog post, we’re going to delve into the fascinating realm of white hat hackers — the unsung heroes of cybersecurity. Picture this: a group of talented individuals with an insatiable curiosity and an unparalleled knack for deciphering complex codes. These modern-day superheroes use their skills for good, employing their expertise to identify and patch up security weaknesses before the bad guys can even think about launching an attack. So grab your virtual cape and get ready as we explore what ethical hacking is all about, discover the different types of hackers out there, and uncover how white hat hackers play a crucial role in defending against cyber threats. It’s time to shine a light on these tech-savvy guardians who silently battle in the shadows to keep our online world safe and secure. Let’s dive right in!
What is Ethical Hacking?
What exactly is ethical hacking and why is it even a thing? Well, put simply, ethical hacking refers to the practice of intentionally testing computer systems or networks for vulnerabilities. It involves using the same techniques employed by malicious hackers, but with one crucial difference — permission! Ethical hackers are authorized by organizations to probe their systems in order to identify weaknesses before they can be exploited. Ethical hacking serves as a proactive approach to cybersecurity. By thinking like a hacker, white hat professionals can anticipate potential threats and take preventive measures. This allows organizations to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals and protect sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands. It’s important to note that ethical hacking isn’t about causing harm or engaging in illegal activities. Instead, it focuses on strengthening defenses and enhancing security protocols. Think of it as having a friendly neighborhood burglar who helps you fortify your home against real invaders! By conducting thorough vulnerability assessments and penetration tests, ethical hackers help uncover flaws in software applications, network infrastructure, or even physical security measures. They employ various tools and methodologies to simulate attacks while also ensuring compliance with legal boundaries. While some may question whether “hacker” has negative connotations associated with it (thanks Hollywood!), remember that not all hackers are bad guys wearing hoodies typing away feverishly in dimly lit rooms. In fact, without these talented individuals actively searching for vulnerabilities within our digital landscape, we would be far more susceptible to devastating cyber-attacks. Stay tuned as we explore further into the world of ethical hacking!
The Different Types of Hackers
Just like in any field, the world of hacking is diverse and multifaceted. There are different types of hackers, each with their own motivations and objectives. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for anyone interested in the realm of cybersecurity. One type of hacker that often comes to mind is the black hat hacker. These individuals operate with malicious intent, exploiting vulnerabilities for personal gain or to cause harm. They may engage in activities such as stealing sensitive data, launching cyber attacks, or spreading malware. On the other end of the spectrum are white hat hackers. Also known as ethical hackers, they use their skills for good by identifying weaknesses in a system’s security defenses. Their primary goal is to help organizations strengthen their cybersecurity measures and protect against potential threats. Another category worth mentioning is gray hat hackers who fall somewhere between black hats and white hats. While they may not have malicious intentions like black hats, they also don’t always seek formal permission before probing systems for vulnerabilities. There are hacktivists who leverage hacking techniques to promote social or political causes. Often driven by ideology or activism, these hackers aim to raise awareness about issues through digital means. Understanding the different types of hackers allows us to appreciate both the positive impact that white hat hackers can have on cybersecurity as well as be aware of potential threats posed by others operating outside legal boundaries.
White Hat Hackers vs Black Hat Hackers
When it comes to hacking, the first image that may come to mind is a shadowy figure hunched over a keyboard, breaking into systems and stealing information. However, not all hackers are cut from the same cloth. In fact, there are two distinct categories: White Hat Hackers and Black Hat Hackers. White Hat Hackers, also known as ethical hackers or security experts, use their skills for good. They work within legal boundaries to identify vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks in order to help organizations strengthen their defenses against potential cyber attacks. These individuals have extensive knowledge of various programming languages and utilize their expertise ethically. On the other hand, we have Black Hat Hackers who operate on the wrong side of the law. Their intentions are malicious as they exploit weaknesses in systems with the aim of gaining unauthorized access or causing harm for personal gain. These individuals engage in activities such as data theft, identity fraud, and spreading malware. While both types possess similar technical abilities when it comes to hacking techniques, their motivations set them apart drastically. White Hats focus on protecting organizations by identifying vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by criminals while Black Hats seek personal gain at any cost. In conclusion (as per instructions), understanding the distinction between White Hat Hackers and Black Hat Hackers is essential for comprehending how ethical hacking plays a vital role in cybersecurity defense strategies
The Role of White Hat Hackers in Cyber Defense
White Hat Hackers play a crucial role in defending organizations against cyber threats. These ethical hackers use their skills to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses within systems, networks, and applications. By proactively finding these flaws, they help organizations strengthen their security measures and protect sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands. One of the primary responsibilities of white hat hackers is performing penetration testing. This involves simulating real-world cyber attacks to evaluate an organization’s defenses. They employ various techniques to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to systems. By doing so, they can provide valuable insights on how to mitigate these risks before malicious actors exploit them. White hat hackers also collaborate with organizations in developing secure software and applications. They review code for potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers, ensuring that proper security measures are implemented during the development stages. Another important aspect of a white hat hacker’s role is conducting thorough security assessments and audits. By assessing an organization’s infrastructure, policies, and procedures, they can identify areas where improvements need to be made. Moreover, white hat hackers contribute significantly to incident response efforts when cybersecurity incidents occur. Their expertise enables them to investigate breaches or attacks promptly while minimizing damage caused by the event. White hat hackers are essential players in modern-day cyber defense strategies. Their knowledge and skills help organizations stay one step ahead of malicious actors by identifying vulnerabilities before they are exploited. Through collaboration with businesses and proactive security practices such as penetration testing and code review, these ethical hackers play a vital role in safeguarding digital assets from cyber threats
Common Techniques Used by White Hat Hackers
White hat hackers employ a variety of techniques to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen the security of systems. These techniques require a deep understanding of computer networks, programming languages, and operating systems. Let’s take a closer look at some common methods used by these ethical hackers. One technique is penetration testing, where white hat hackers attempt to exploit weaknesses in a system’s defenses. By simulating real-world attacks, they can pinpoint areas that are susceptible to unauthorized access or data breaches. Another method is social engineering, which involves manipulating people rather than technology. White hat hackers may use tactics such as phishing emails or phone calls to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or granting access to secure systems. Network scanning is yet another approach employed by white hat hackers. They use specialized tools to scan networks for open ports and misconfigured services that could be exploited by malicious actors. In addition, vulnerability assessment plays an important role in ethical hacking. White hat hackers utilize automated scanners as well as manual inspection to identify software bugs or configuration errors that could potentially be exploited. Furthermore, password cracking is frequently utilized by white hat hackers when assessing the strength of passwords used within organizations’ systems. This helps them determine whether weak passwords pose a risk and suggest improvements for better security practices. White hat hackers also analyze source code for potential vulnerabilities in software applications. They review the code line-by-line with a meticulous eye for weaknesses that could lead to unauthorized access or manipulation of data. These are just a few examples of the techniques white hat hackers employ during their cybersecurity missions. Their goal is not only identifying vulnerabilities but also providing recommendations on how organizations can improve their overall security posture effectively.
Benefits of Ethical Hacking for Organizations
Ethical hacking, also known as white hat hacking, offers numerous benefits to organizations in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape. By proactively identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their systems, companies can enhance their overall cybersecurity posture and protect sensitive data from malicious attacks. One key benefit of ethical hacking is the ability to identify potential security loopholes before they can be exploited by cybercriminals. Through thorough penetration testing and vulnerability assessments, white hat hackers simulate real-world attack scenarios to uncover weaknesses that could otherwise go unnoticed. This proactive approach allows organizations to patch vulnerabilities and strengthen their defenses against future threats. Additionally, ethical hacking helps businesses comply with industry regulations and standards. By conducting regular security audits and assessments, companies demonstrate their commitment to maintaining a secure environment for customer data. This not only helps build trust among clients but also safeguards the organization’s reputation from potentially devastating breaches. Another advantage of ethical hacking is its cost-effectiveness compared to recovering from a successful cyberattack. Investing in preventive measures upfront can save organizations substantial financial resources that would otherwise be spent on incident response, damage control, legal fees, or even compensating affected customers. Furthermore, incorporating ethical hacking into an organization’s cybersecurity strategy fosters a culture of continuous improvement. Regularly testing systems and addressing identified vulnerabilities ensures that security measures are up-to-date with evolving threats. This proactive mindset encourages ongoing education within the IT team and promotes staying ahead of emerging risks. Engaging ethical hackers sends a strong message to stakeholders regarding an organization’s commitment to protecting sensitive information. It demonstrates due diligence in safeguarding customer privacy while emphasizing transparency about potential weaknesses within internal networks or applications. In conclusion (as per instruction), implementing ethical hacking practices provides significant benefits for organizations seeking robust cybersecurity defenses. From identifying vulnerabilities early on and complying with industry regulations to cost savings and fostering a culture of continuous improvement — embracing this proactive approach strengthens an organization’s overall cyber defense strategy.
How to Become a White Hat Hacker
Have you ever been intrigued by the world of hacking and cybersecurity? Do you have a passion for problem-solving and protecting others from malicious attacks? If so, becoming a white hat hacker might be the perfect career path for you. To become a white hat hacker, it’s essential to develop a strong foundation in computer science and cybersecurity. Start by obtaining a degree in computer science or a related field, which will provide you with the necessary technical knowledge and skills. Additionally, gaining certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) can greatly enhance your credibility as an ethical hacker. These certifications validate your expertise in various hacking techniques and tools. Hands-on experience is crucial in this field. Participate in bug bounty programs on platforms like HackerOne or Bugcrowd to practice your skills while earning rewards. Additionally, consider joining Capture The Flag competitions or contributing to open-source projects to further hone your abilities. Networking is another vital aspect of becoming a white hat hacker. Attend industry conferences, join professional organizations such as OWASP or ISSA, and connect with experienced professionals in the field. Building relationships with mentors can offer valuable guidance throughout your journey. Never stop learning! The world of technology is constantly evolving, so staying updated on the latest security trends and vulnerabilities is crucial. Read books on cybersecurity topics, and follow reputable blogs and news outlets such as KrebsOnSecurity or DarkReading for relevant information. Becoming a white hat hacker requires dedication, continuous learning, and ethical conduct. By following these steps and remaining committed to integrity-driven practices, you can contribute significantly to cyber defense efforts while enjoying an exciting career that keeps hackers at bay!
Ethical hacking plays a crucial role in today’s digital landscape, helping organizations protect their sensitive information from malicious attacks. White hat hackers are the unsung heroes of cybersecurity, using their skills and knowledge to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen defenses. Through this article, we have gained an understanding of what ethical hacking is and the different types of hackers that exist. We have explored the stark contrast between white hat hackers and black hat hackers, highlighting how their motivations differ greatly. Furthermore, we have delved into the important role that white hat hackers play in cyber defense. Their expertise helps organizations proactively identify weaknesses in systems before they can be exploited by malicious actors. By conducting controlled penetration tests and vulnerability assessments, these skilled professionals help mitigate potential risks. White hat hackers employ various techniques to uncover vulnerabilities within networks or applications. From social engineering tactics to network scanning and code analysis, they leave no stone unturned in ensuring maximum security for businesses. The benefits of ethical hacking for organizations cannot be overstated. By identifying vulnerabilities before criminals do, companies can prevent potentially devastating data breaches or financial losses. Ethical hacking helps maintain customer trust by demonstrating a commitment to robust cybersecurity practices. If you aspire to become a white hat hacker yourself, it is essential to develop strong technical skills along with an ethical mindset. Pursuing relevant certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) can provide a solid foundation for your career in cybersecurity. In conclusion, ethical hacking has emerged as an indispensable tool in safeguarding our digital world. The tireless efforts of white hat hackers contribute significantly to strengthening cyber defenses across industries worldwide. As technology continues to advance rapidly, so does the need for skilled professionals who can protect our valuable information assets from those seeking unauthorized access.
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ipmcomputers · 1 year
The Different Types of Hackers
Understanding the many facets of cybersecurity includes an understanding of hacking.  We hear the word hacker, and we immediately think of a character in a dark room, surrounded by monitors as code flashes on the screen where he or she is attempting to compromise a website or business. But that’s not always the case.  What is a Hacker?  Hackers are individuals or groups who exploit security weaknesses in computer systems and networks to gain unauthorized access, steal data, or cause damage. However, not all hackers are the same. Let’s explore the different types of hackers that exist, including the good ones and the bad ones. Black Hat Hackers These are the malicious hackers who break into computer systems and networks with the intent to cause damage, steal data, or commit cybercrimes. They often use advanced hacking techniques and tools to carry out their attacks. Black hat hackers can cause serious harm to individuals, businesses, and governments, and their actions are illegal and punishable by law. White Hat Hackers Also known as ethical hackers, these individuals use their hacking skills for good. They work for companies or governments to find vulnerabilities in their systems and networks before malicious hackers can exploit them. White hat hackers use the same techniques and tools as black hat hackers but with the goal of improving cybersecurity and preventing cyberattacks. Grey Hat Hackers These hackers don’t have a specific agenda, and they often operate in a gray area between black and white hat hacking. They may use their skills to identify vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks and then alert the owners of these systems. However, they may also demand payment or other benefits in exchange for their services, which may be illegal. Script Kiddies These hackers are often young and inexperienced, and they use pre-written scripts or tools to carry out their attacks. They may not have a specific agenda, and their attacks are often random and aimless. However, they can still cause damage to computer systems and networks, and their actions are illegal. Hacktivists These are political or social activists who use hacking to promote their causes. They may target government websites, corporate websites, or other high-profile targets to raise awareness about their issues. Hacktivists can sometimes use illegal methods to achieve their goals, and their actions can have serious consequences. State-Sponsored Hackers These are hackers who are sponsored by governments to carry out cyber espionage or cyber warfare. Their attacks can be highly sophisticated and can target critical infrastructure, businesses, or other countries. State-sponsored hackers can cause significant damage, and their actions can lead to diplomatic tensions and even military conflicts. So, as you can see, there are many different types of hackers.  And their motivations and actions vary widely. While some hackers use their skills for malicious purposes, others use them for good. And understanding cybersecurity includes understanding the different types of hackers and how their actions affect us individuals and our businesses. The post The Different Types of Hackers appeared first on Breach Secure Now!. The post The Different Types of Hackers appeared first on IPM Computers LLC. from https://www.ipmcomputers.com/
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yuraimi-lee-bunny · 4 years
Gray’s Character Analysis Part II. Empathy vs Ambition
Hello! Sorry if it took me a while to show the next part of my Gray’s analysis, but this part was a bit difficult for me especially in what order I should give it. You'll see what I mean as soon as you read. This part is going to be a little longer than the previous one and will explain some issues not only about Gray, but also about Carmen and VILE in general.
Thank you very much for the support of the previous analysis and I hope you like this too! Here we go!
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As we already know, Gray is an orphan. And yes, it’s important to understand certain behaviors and ways of thinking about him. First, I want to explain a small detail of Black Sheep/Carmen so that Gray's decisions are understood in greater depth once he’s in VILE and his ease of trying to go far (and even the position of almost all VILE agents would also be understood usually)
Why does Carmen think and feel different compared to all VILE and especially Gray?
Simple: Empathy.
Now, it doesn't mean that Carmen is the only one who has empathy and others don't. Rather, Carmen's level of empathy is greater, deeper and broader. What caused it? Living in VILE was the first.
Yes, surprisingly it was that, VILE created her own "enemy" since they decided to give her a home on the former Island of VILE when she was a pretty baby. From the first episode, Carmen relates how stealing was a game for her and VILE Faculty was like her family in some way, especially Coach Brunt because her relationship was "mother/daughter." The other members of the faculty treated her well, they taught her the culture of thier countries and around the world, they gave her food and clothing, a large home, basic education and also living with many VILE students. But Black Sheep only knew the "basics" about VILE, because she lived with the belief that they only taught to steal all over the world, just a "the game of cat and mouse" but it didn't harm anyone, or so she believed.
Another very important factor helped Black Sheep's empathy to expand: Player. That's right, our little favorite hacker was very influential on her. First, because he was the first person she met, empathized and talked about her life outside of VILE. Black Sheep always wanted to know the world outside the island, and Player was his first contact outside the world, and a white hat hacker, his abilities used for good. Black Sheep never saw that as something bad or like a "enemy". On the contrary, he was her friend and appreciated him very much.
Last important factor: The archaeologist's words:
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Black Sheep, the one who didn’t know anything about her roots, about her family, thought about how she wouldn’t like someone or an entire country and it’s people to live the same as her: not to know a part of her life. These factors caused that Black Sheep's empathy was different from that of VILE and her agents.
The other agents, although we don’t know their lives completely, the fact that we know that they’re orphans is enough to give us a glimpse that their lives haven’t been easy. The reasons why one can be orphaned are many, which can lead to sad experiences, hard, full of pain, others not of course, but being an orphan is to carry a great mark on your life. And in the end one must survive and get what he needs by his own hands if you are alone. But maybe have a brother, have a life partner, in these cases a brother/sister, can change everything, because you no longer feel alone in life, and you can create a bond of empathy, like Zach and Ivy. Or maybe not, like Shadowsan and his brother.
Sorry if it seems that I'm moving away from Gray, but I need you to understand how the VILE agents don't have a great connection and their empathy is lower because they don't know (or perhaps they do and not having good consequences) about their roots. To experience rejection more than once and for years. Of not having had a "family" or person to help them connect with the world and thereby seek and understand other people. Perhaps most of them had to survive alone. Or they got together with people of bad influences as seen with Shadowsan. They didn't have or lived the points that I mentioned about Carmen, or maybe they did, and even so they wanted to steal for mere enjoyment and get money easily. Everything is possible.
The fact that the faculty recruits students over 16 (it seems that it's from the age of 20 or is an approximate) is a great plan because it's 20 years of a habit of only trusting you, seeing for you and stealing for you, there comes a point where you live it with more enjoyment/play than just "surviving". A "vocational school" will provide you with a home, food, appreciate you for your stealing skills, without being without any communication, living for a year on an island, with people who have in common being an orphan and stealing, feeding your enjoyment of theft , that the faculty helps you find and develop skills to achieve a successful robbery, continuing to see it as a game and now see it in a professional way, which will make you survive forever, generates the idea that “it's okay to do it ”And you do it together like a family.
Graham and Black Sheep understood each other very easily and enjoyed spending time together most of the time. Antonio, Jean Paul and Sheena also considered them his friends, but not as close as Black Sheep. They communicated just by looking at each other, they understood each other easily, and they covered their backs. How to forget when as long as they didn't expel Black Sheep, Graham lied to the Faculty. He reassured her as long as he trusted that he would pass the exam and graduate from her. He felt very bad to realized that they wouldn’t graduate together. Gray somehow began to develop an empathy for Black Sheep. In the book he mentions to Black Sheep in detention: 
“I know they say there is no loyalty between thieves, but we’re in this together right? I have always taken care of you”
Which shows that he appreciated her a lot, but being on the island and under their ideals, made him think that everything was to be in a “family”, everything was loyalty, he didn't realize it could be more than loyalty, but appreciation, the beginning of great empathy. He really knew her very well, her goals, her desire to be the best thief and always improve herself. He knew Black Sheep, but not the factors that would make her Carmen Sandiego.
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The next thing I will say is more of a theory/assumption, not a fact: As I mentioned in the previous analysis, Gray is someone who wants to be successful, he's always going to prove it to himself and will give everything to achieve it. Being an orphan, perhaps he has affected him in some way, that at some point in his life he decided to just see for himself and show that he can be successful and that nothing would stop him. He's ambitious. But when he met Black Sheep, his empathy grew more, however, a “struggle” began within him between his ambition and his love for Black Sheep, a person outside his life, but who has lived with her so much that your appreciation is big. A fight, of which, throughout the whole series, Gray will never be aware, but with acts it is always demonstrated.
There is a sentence from him in the second episode that I always found very curious:
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This is cute and talks about how much he appreciates Black Sheep to mention her well-being first.
"Criminal Career" Do you realize how much Crackle has thought about it? He doesn't see being in VILE as a game or something. He sees it as a "Career". Something tells me that if it were up to him, he would have set his sights on a position at the faculty. That he would be willing to do anything to achieve it.
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At least as far as I'm concerned, Crackle wasn't going to kill the archaeologist because he's evil, or because he doesn't have absolute empathy, it's because he always tests himself to achieve his goals, for him, to start with his criminal career, was to abide by ALL the rules of VILE. He somehow affirms it:
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Did he want to be successful? Did he want to have a great criminal career? He had to do EVERYTHING.
His empathy reminder was there
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and was still there
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This, this expression says it all (This expression was the one that convinced me that Crackle wasn’t bad at all and from then on no one moved me from that belief). Deep down, Crackle wasn't so convinced of going that far either. Something in him, the empathy in him spoke and made him feel that such acts were too much for him. Carmen's words reached him. Deep down, he felt she was right. But what could he do? Although he listened to all of Carmen's story, even his ambition and all that year in VILE resonated more with him. Because he hasn’t lived experiences of strong empathy as Carmen already lived.
His goals are very big, he commits himself to them at any cost. But there is also still a place for her in his heart. Unfortunately, we don’t know in detail (or rather nothing) of how he reacted when Black Sheep managed to escape from VILE. But when he and Carmen Sandiego meet on the train, he asks so many questions because he doesn't understand what led her to do all this. As I said before: he didn’t know the factors that I mentioned at the beginning, and there was no time for them to talk about it. He no longer recognizes her, he only has his memories of Black Sheep and of course he misses her, but he doesn't understand that she is no longer Black Sheep, she is Carmen Sandiego:
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He told her that because he believed that she was still thinking like Black Sheep, but no more.
I always liked this scene because it shows how Carmen is in the light and Gray is in the dark.
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I can only say that he didn’t want to do it, he only did on VILE's orders, because of his ambition that he was almost going too far. But deep down he didn't want to, if only there was a proof… oh, yes there is, but this is not the time to move on to it ;D
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In the end and as we know, Carmen defeats Crackle and she uses him to distract Devineaux. This is caught by the police, VILE saves him, and he "regrets" not having caught Carmen (he’s relieved that he had not killed her rather. Crackle NEVER wanted to.)
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VILE can accept failures, but not be trapped by the Law.
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So Crackle, since you've lived so many years for your goals and ambitions, let's see what happens to live as little as 18 months with just pure empathy.
It would be all with this part! Geez, I feel that I wrote a lot but it was necessary to tell all this! Believe me that doing this is making me better connect my ideas and understand better to Gray. I hope it’s also helping you, you like it and it makes you reflect. I want to know what they think and if they have any other points of view. I love talking about analysis with more people. The next part for sure will be shorter, but still very important, it’s the safest that if they have it in two days. Greetings!
Part. I Introdution
Part. II Empathy vs Ambition (HERE)
Part. III Amnesia and it’s Future Consequences
Part. III.5 Graham Calloway: The Walking Enigma
Part. IV Integrity At a high (and unfair) price
Part. V The final decision and a new beginning
Plus 1. Gray and his strange habit of explaining things
Plus 2. Crossover: Sabrina And Gray: New Beginning
Plus 3. Crossover: Hawk/Eli and Crackle/Gray: Redemption
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decembersylph-a-t-u · 3 years
I mean … Why not?
Vigilante AU - The Siblings Blonde
After a particularly bad day of being abused by his father, Keigo decides to run away. He lives on the streets before being found by Jin.
Jin’s family is lower middle-class, living in the shadier part of town. (Twice is canonically 31 when he first debuts, and Hawks is 22-23, so an 8-9 year difference.)
Jin finds Keigo wandering the streets, an almost feral child, and decides to try talking to him. That doesn’t work out so well as Keigo is mistrustful of people after just escaping an abusive environment, but he is more trustful of kids than he is of adults due to his mind seeing people way older than him as dangerous and not to be trusted. Jin wins his trust by giving him food and meager medical attention through rubbing alcohol and band-aids. Keigo learns about Jin having DID and he shares about how his parents were abusive, his father having been a thief and killed someone. The two bond over their unfair hand in life, eventually becoming as close as brothers.
Tragedy strikes when Jin’s parents die in a house (apartment building) fire due to a pro *cough Endeawhore cough* not being aware of his surroundings while chasing a criminal while patrolling. Jin and Keigo leave the area, deciding it’s not safe to be in the area.
To survive, they pickpocket cash and items off of people, as well as stealing from shipping warehouses. The two kids eventually gain a reputation as hard to catch thieves because one can detach his feathers and use them as distractions and the other can make clones of himself. Heroes and police try catching them to no luck, as even when trying to ambush them, the two are able to escape thanks to their Quirks aiding them in escaping. They gain the names Twice and Hawks from other criminals that have a soft spot for the two and get amused that two kids not yet in their teens are making the pros and police run around like headless chickens trying to catch them.
Some years later, Keigo, at age 15, finds a young kid on the streets. 8 year old Kaminari Denki was abandoned on the streets. His Quirk had been hurting him, affecting his grades, but his teachers didn’t see it. His parents called him a failure, telling him to shape up and not use his Quirk as an excuse for “laziness”. Denki had snapped when his classmates began pushing him around, trying to get him to go into his “dumb mode” for their own amusement, and he gave the ones closest to him electrical burns. His teachers had told his parents he attacked his classmates unprovoked, causing Denki’s parents to become violent with him. He ran away, traumatized by what happened.
Keigo was reminded of his childhood when hearing from Denki why he was out on the streets, and learned just how Denki’s Quirk affected him. He decided to take Denki back to his and Jin’s hiding place, where Jin wasn’t so keen on keeping Denki because he and Keigo were barely able to get by themselves, but eventually caved at the powerful pair of pleading faces.
Jin and Keigo trained Denki in using his Quirk in hand-to-hand, and Denki learned how to cause power outages purposefully without hurting himself. (Some police and even pros actually wept when they learned there was now another “blonde brat” that they had to go after, this one able to cause power outages that could spread to several blocks!)
The three accidentally busted a trafficking ring when they were stealing from a storage warehouse, which had young children captive. The three had only meant to steal some food from there, or valuables they could sell, but upon seeing young kids that were hurt and looking scared, they decided to give the adults a little nasty surprise. The pros and police that arrived on scene learned from the kids that “three blonde kids” had saved them. They immediately knew who saved the kids and news started spreading that there were three young vigilantes on the scene.
Seeing the news, the three have a debate on whether to keep on saving people, before ultimately agreeing it’s a good idea. Thus giving pros and police alike more headaches.
Some years later, when Himiko lashes out at her middle school graduation and runs away, she ends up meeting “the Brothers Blonde” as they’re being called by the media. Himiko had been running on instinct when she attacked them, but got knocked out. She later woke to find blood in a glass ready for her, Jin having been the donor. Himiko learns that the boys had realized she needed blood, and she learns they got mistreated by society one way or another. She quickly becomes part of their team, and so the “Brothers Blonde” become the “Siblings Blonde”, as the media catches wind of her.
Some parts of this AU are:
People wonder if they’re actually related, as the four are all blonde (even if different shades of).
The four like to play pranks when stopping the baddies. (Once, the pros and police called in to collect some criminals found them strung suspended from a telephone pole, covered in yellow paint with their faces covered in funny additions drawn on with permanent markers.)
Twice is the embodiment of the quote from the live action Cat In The Hat: ‘A little voice inside of me is saying, "This is a bad idea." But I can barely hear that little voice, because an even louder little voice is screaming, "Let the twelve-year-old drive."’ He is both the encourager of chaos in his siblings and the one to reel them back when they’re likely to get in over their heads. When he isn’t trying to coral his siblings, he likes to read whatever books he can get his hands on.
Hawks was pretty much an emotionless, quiet child due to his parents’ abuse, so when he became older, he started venting through graffiti and nailing people with paint-filled water balloons. He’s where the Siblings usually get their paint to dump on people, because Keigo has a stock.
Denki learned how to hack from some criminals with computer skills. He has a habit of going into chat room forums and trolling people that deserve it, as well as crashing the computers of hackers in video games that go against the rules to play unfairly.
Himiko is into insects. When she learned about mosquitoes and other bloodsucking insects, she grew a hobby of catching, collecting, and releasing them on her enemies. Her brothers know to stay well out of her room, because she can and will unleash her insects on them if they enter without her permission and it’s not an emergency.
Denki often complains over being the baby of the family, but doesn’t actually mind it since he likes the attention of his siblings.
Keigo will take to ferrying his siblings around when bored, but doesn’t do this as much as he used to with Jin since Jin grew heavier than Keigo as they grew older.
Himiko will often pull her brothers into a night of letting her paint their nails, with Jin sporting alternating black, gray, and sparkly white, Keigo with sky blue, and Denki with sparkly yellow.
Jin will often use his Quirk to make copies of objects, and then have his siblings tell which is real and which is fake, with Denki having the better success rate as he can tell the difference in electromagnetic fields the objects give off.
They all hate Endeavor, have a great respect for Present Mic, Eraserhead, and Ms. Joke, among a few other Pros, and don’t like All Might.
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evermorehaikyuu · 4 years
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Brute Force Attack
In which Tsukishima Kei finds out the real danger lurking behind the screens.
Word Count: 1383 words
Taglist: @our-tall-slytherin-queen @gg9183 @airybby @wheeshllumi
Note: White Hats are hackers with good ethics. Black Hats are the complete opposite of that. Gray Hats remain neutral. I actually liked writing this one, it took me a while to do so, but I liked it.
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There was never a moment of sleep for him. Maybe he could've taken a break, it was just a hacking job after all. His own brother was caught, he'd be a fool if he let himself be next as well.
Tsukishima pressed a finger to his temple, a gentle sigh resting on his lips. His best friend was a sniper and someone he knew was a mechanic. Both of them worked for the same side.
What side?, he asked himself. There wasn't a side. He was a Gray Hat, only neutral, not joining anyone. He knew he had great potential as a hacker, working under a good influence or a bad one. This was too much to think about.
Standing up from his desk and unplugging all of the computers, he plucked a USB drive from nowhere and triple locked his door. He wasn't exactly paranoid but after what happened to his brother, he couldn't risk it. It felt like it was just yesterday that he recalled what had happened. 
Akiteru was smart, that much Tsukishima agreed with. But he had lied completely and said that he didn’t have any agents at his back, he was one of the best hackers in the industry. However, when Tsukishima was going to go back to his house, it became clear that Akiteru had tricked Tsukishima into thinking he was safe. 
It doesn’t matter anymore, he thought to himself as he walked along the shady streets heading to his favorite person’s place. He’d never openly admit it, but just from his actions it was clear how he felt towards her.
Y/N had been the person to get him out of his slump by force and taught him so much that he used in his everyday life, also helping him earn a job that he’d get paid for. With time, she was the one to help him move on from the feeling of betrayal he had gone through with his brother. It didn’t help either that every time he saw her, something inside of his chest twisted and his heart raced faster. 
Knocking on the door and waiting patiently, once he saw her through the crack of the door, he had to suppress a smile. 
Y/N, on the other hand, grinned widely as she opened the door fully. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite person in the world.”
“You say that to every person that brings you food, Y/N.” Tsukishima rolled his eyes as she laughed and followed her inside. 
“What brings you here, Tsukishima?”
“What, I can’t visit you?” He questioned, sitting down on one of her armchairs. “You make it seem like I always want something from you, maybe I just want your company.”
“Tsundere.” Y/N shook her head playfully and set a slice of strawberry shortcake and a water bottle in front of him. She started making herself busy in the kitchen and Tsukishima got a good glimpse of everything around him.
It wasn’t a clean room, it was the typical hacker’s room. Full of computers, wires, knick-knacks, heavy hardcover books the sizes of textbooks, a swivel chair in front of all of the screens, but there was one thing that did catch his eye from all of this. On one of the walls, there was a collage of black and white pictures, red string connecting them to a large map in the center and sheets of paper tacked to the wall. He didn’t think he should go and look at it, it’d be an invasion of privacy. Maybe she was becoming a Red Hat. She had taught him to be a Gray Hat, he didn’t expect her to stay in that position. She couldn’t be held down to one thing only. He took the water bottle in his hand, but didn’t open it.
Sitting in the chair across from him, she squinted at him and smiled. “You’re worried about something or someone. Let me take a lucky guess here and say you’re thinking about Akiteru.”
Damn it, he thought. Y/N was exceedingly good at reading emotions and it wasn’t like he wore his heart on his sleeve either. It was a miracle she hadn’t deduced his actual feelings towards her. “I don’t know how he was caught. He lied to me and said he wasn’t being traced but he was. He put himself in so much danger and didn’t say anything.” The object in his hand was dangerously closed to combusting from his grip.
Y/N placed her hand on his and plucked it out of his hold. “You know our job, Tsukishima. It doesn’t matter when or where or how, sometimes even the best people get caught.” Taking his hands in hers, she stared up at him with meaning behind her eyes. “Look at me.”
“I am.” Tsukishima insisted, but he could only look at her hands, his heart rate going faster than the adrenaline he always felt during a job. 
“Mm, no you’re not. Let me ask you this, why do you think the best people and the good people get caught? Because their morals make them choose incorrectly and they end up behind bars. How many Black Hats do you think have been caught in the past years? The ratio is immense.” 
Something was off. There was a shimmer in her eyes. Why was she talking about the Black Hats like they were her savior? They were Gray Hats, they were supposed to stay absolutely neutral. But Tsukishima knew that if he had to choose, he’d choose the White Hats for the sole fact that if he choose the Black Hats, he’d be going against what Akiteru worked for. 
The gleam in her eyes disappeared as quickly as it came, making him think he was imagining things. She pulled her hands away gently as she heard a timer go off in the kitchen. “We’re Gray Hats, yes. However...don’t you think it’s time to choose?” She left him alone in his thoughts as she entered the kitchen.
That was the statement that got to him. There was definitely something suspicious going on with her. Looking at the wall full of paper and back at the place where Y/N had entered, he had a choice. Either live not knowing or see what was behind her motives of her words. Obviously, he chose the latter.
However, as he studied everything, the sheets of paper were written in a language he didn’t recognize, yet the pictures gave him everything he needed to know. These were the cases he had studied with Y/N when she was his mentor in the field. They were cases caused by Black Hats. They studied all of these cases together and tried to solve them before moving on. It wasn’t him that chose to move on, it was her. 
Tsukishima couldn’t tear his eyes away from everything, all of the pieces finally coming together. That’s when he noticed something. He took a picture of Akiteru away from the wall and then saw a sticky note applied to it that said “concluded”. No. It couldn’t be possible, he was wrong, everything his rational mind was saying was incorrect. She couldn’t possibly have been working with the Black Hats and caused his brother to be sentenced. Not the girl he had fallen so hard for. Not the girl who had taught him everything. 
Not the girl that was there for him through it all.
“So your curiosity got the better of you, huh?” Y/N said, leaning against the kitchen doorframe with her arms crossed. 
He looked at her and squinted, not wanting to believe what his mind chanted as the truth. "You're one of them, aren't you?"
Y/N grinned at him, yet it wasn't the sweet smile he'd come to love. Malice resonated behind it, truly making him fear her for the first time in his life. "I'm not you. You only run away from both sides. I chose the side that will prevail. You have five minutes before they come for you too. Oh and tell Akiteru I said hello."
With those words, Tsukishima took off running, not daring to look behind from fear of only seeing dark pools of tar in her eyes.
Betrayal was a sweet and unexpected poison.
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mondixu · 3 years
butterflies | d. kaminari
you're my new best friend if you get the reference </3
genre: fluff
gender: neutral
warning: none
[ ✾ ]
        You were fourteen when you first met him.          It was a rainy day when you were walking to school that morning, and instead of doing the smart thing - bringing an umbrella - you decided you could just run the whole way there.          And yet, despite training to be a hero, you couldn't run for ten minutes with your arms over your head as if that would somehow shield you from the rain like you imagined.          So there you were, walking in your uniform and worrying about your reputation and how much it would be damaged, when all of a sudden, you didn't feel the cold drops of water splattering on your soggy clothes anymore.          Instead, there was a slight feeling of warmth beside you. Glancing over, you looked into the golden eyes of a tall male, whose yellow hair wasn't the least bit wet.          Ah, yes, he brought an umbrella.          Like a smart person would do.          He grinned like a dork and you ignored your stupid heart that fluttered when he smiled his adorably cute smile.          "Hey."          That simple word changed your fucking life.          "Who the hell are you?"          "Can you . . . see me?!"          "Yeah . . . "          "You can see me! I'm gonna have a new best- FRIENNND-"          "Okay I think that's enough now," you said, pushing him away and snatching the umbrella out of his hand. "Wait wha?"          You stared at the cute boy in front of you and decided you didn't like him, no matter how many times he smiled his stupidly cute smile at you, no matter how many times he would save you from the freezing rain, you would never like him.          Never in your life.          And so, you traipsed away from the boy with his lightning-patterned umbrella clutched tightly in your hand down the path to your school.          You never looked back. 
[ ✾ ]
        Out of all the places you expected to see the blonde boy next, you never would've guessed the famous hero school of U.A.         You didn't want to be reminded of him, of his cute face, his golden eyes, his honey-blonde hair, and his adorable grin, it wasn't particularly fair that someone could look that good. Just looking at him made you want to puke from nerves.          And of course, he wiggled his way into your friend group.          The two of you never talked about what had happened, but he always flashed his bright grin whenever he saw you, activating the ever-present flutters in your heart once again.         You ignored the stupid butterflies.          Quickly making friends at U.A., you thought that everything was looking up for you, the future was looking bright!          That is, until villains suddenly bombarded USJ.          And of course, as "fate" would have it, you got thrown into a group with your least favorite blonde.          And yes, there were females from the class with you -- you hadn't bothered to learn their names -- but that didn't stop the stupid butterflies from deciding to come to life once again. They were worse when he made physical contact with you, such as when he saved you from tumbling off of a pile of rocks, or when he shoved you out of the way as a knife went flying by where your head had once been.          Stupid butterflies. 
[ ✾ ]
        Note to self: never tell the Bakusquad you're going to study.          They'll beg to come along.          It wasn't that you didn't love your friends -- far from it -- but they could be a little . . . hectic, to say the least.         When it comes to sitting still, go to the Dekusquad for studying help.         Bakugou was fine, the only reason he came along was because Kirishima wouldn't "get off of his fucking back", at least he knew how to study quietly.          Sero was okay; he was sorta mellow, occasionally finding the passion to study with no sound emitting from him, while other times, he was spilling Tic Tacs all over his books and having a mini food fight with Kaminari and Mina.         Kirishima tried.          He really did.          He just had no concentration in him whatsoever.         The red-haired male was constantly asking you or Bakugou for help, and while you were more than happy to help him, you came here to study, not to tutor. Bakugou, obviously, did nothing to help until Kirishima pulled out the puppy eyes.          Kiri's got him hooked on a fucking leash.         Kaminari = never ever ever ever ever ever ask him to study.          The child probably had dyslexia, as he was c o n s t a n t l y asking how to pronounce the simplest of words, then going off and googling it as soon as you told him, thinking that you were the one who pronounced it wrong, not him.          He peered over your shoulder, whispering in your ear for the correct math answer on the homework, fueling your already prominent blush on your face already.          To say the least, you didn't get much studying done when you sat beside him, and instead, spent the entire time glaring at your book as you thought about the stupid butterflies that existed in your stomach.          When it came to Mina, she honestly didn't really try. While she wanted to pass school and become a hero, it was hard for her energetic body to sit still and stare at books all day.         When you suggested she grab some snacks for the group after seeing her restlessness, she jumped at the chance, but then didn't come back for a whole hour.          When she did finally come back, she had no snacks in her arms, and instead, held a dog.          Yes.          Ashido fucking Mina bought a dog instead of getting a simple box of pocky for her friends.          Everyone but you and Bakugou found it hilarious, asking to see the dog, pet it, and become the fucking parent.          Then, they got kicked out of the library.          Kaminari tried to engage you in a conversation as the group walked back home, but you were too pissed to concentrate on anything he rambled about.          Mina bought a dog.          A fucking dog.          "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BUY A DOG, MINA?!" you cried, interrupting the blonde's tangent about a hacker who beat him in Roblox.          "Because it was cute," she said simply.          You facepalmed.          Kaminari slung his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close and saying, "aw, c'mon [Name]! You gotta admit, it was pretty cute!"         You shoved him in a mud puddle.          Stupid butterflies. 
[ ✾ ]
        "Look Denki, I get that you want to have lightning bolt streamers everywhere, but this is Aizawa's party we're talking about here, not yours."          You were in your second year of U.A., all of your class having graduated the first year of hero training with flying colors. You were on better terms with Denki now, having saved him from impending doom when the League kidnapped Bakugou. You worked all your differences out and were now good friends, some even going as far as to call the two of you besties.          That didn't mean the butterflies had disappeared.          In fact, they were worse than ever the more time you spent around him. It was like every time he put his arm around your shoulders or abruptly snatched your hand, the bugs were on a reproducing spree, manifesting more and more butterflies every time he came into physical contact with you.          "C'mon! It's lightning! How could you not love it?!"          "You weren't the one who came up with the idea for this party! I was!"          Ah, yes.          Your fiery temper was still there.          "Fine, fine, we can use the black streamers," he said, rolling his eyes and heading to the kitchen. You grinned deviously, a plan already forming in mind that would surely get you a handful of swears from your teacher.          Fuck it all, you were doing it anyway. 
[ ✾ ]
        "[Last Name], what the hell are you doing?" Aizawa inquired, rubbing his tired eyes vigorously.          "Oh, don't worry Aizawa-sensei," you replied deviously, smirking at the black-clothed teacher. "Everything is a-okay!"          "That automatically makes me assume that nothing is okay."          "I SAID DON'T WORRY, AIZAWA-SENSEI!"          "And I said that automatically makes me assume I have to worry."          "BUT YOU DON'T!"          "Mhm." You could hear the skepticism lacing his fatigued voice, giving a boost of excitement to your tired legs as you dragged the sleepy man to the common room, smacking your hands over his eyes.          "Ow."         "Okay, okay, okay, open your eyes," you said, ignoring his cry of pain.          "I can't because your filthy hands are over them."          "NOW OPEN THEM."         His dark eyes opened, holding a small glint of surprise as he saw the black, silver, gray, and white streamers dangling from the ceiling that Shouji put up, the luscious dark chocolate cake Sato had prepared, the birthday balloons Yaomomo and Denki had dotted around, and the whole class sprinkled around the common room (plus Shinso and Eri), wearing party hats and smiling at their shocked teacher.          Aizawa's throat caught slightly at the end, but he still managed to get out the words, "who's idea was this?"          Denki stepped up, raising his arm but pointing his finger at you. "[Name] did, they just dragged us into it." You grinned sheepishly, rubbing the nape of your neck and quickly trying to atone for your sins.          "I understand if you don't like it, I could take it all down if you want, I just thought that maybe-"          Kaminari rushed over to your side and slapped his hand over your mouth, steadily looking you in the eye and shaking his head.          "No, [Last Name], it's great."          You were surprised to hear the tired voice of your favorite teacher, and even more surprised to see him crack a small grin at you, saying, "where'd you get the party hats?"          "Yaomomo made them," Denki cut in.          "He didn't ask you," you said, licking his hand as he jerked it away.          "Let's party!" 
[ ✾ ]
        So far, so good, you thought, twisting your fingers together as you watched your favorite blonde attempt to playfully flirt with Uraraka.         You can do this, you can do this, you can do this, you can do this.          "Hey."          You shrieked at the voice that suddenly appeared in your ear, jumping a little and whipping around, only to come face-to-face with an electric boy.          "Denki! You scared me!"          "And you made me bite my tongue! Even?"          "How did I make you bite your tongue?"          "When you jumped, my chin was on my way to your shoulder," Denki exclaimed, "but then it moved so my teeth clanked together and my tongue got in the way."          You smiled, lightly punching him in the arm.          "Clanked," you teased with a grin.          "It's a word!"          "Okay." You rolled your eyes. "Hey, what happened to Uraraka?"          "Oh, as soon as I started talking, she said she had to make sure Midoriya had his hero notebook or something, then ran away."          "WOW," you said, bending over and clutching your stomach, trying to breathe through your laughter. "That's a mood."          "It is indeed," Kaminari replied, a grin on his face.          Stupid butterflies.          "Hey, Denki --"          You were abruptly stopped by the strange feeling of another pair of lips on yours, kissing you passionately. Your shocked brain had no idea what was happening until the sudden warmth moved away, revealing the familiar golden eyes of a honey-blonde.          "I'm so sorry, I just thought you looked really cute in that shirt and then I thought 'well why don't I kiss you' and then you didn't kiss back and --"         You pressed your lips against his this time, a small smile gracing your lips as your crush kissed back with fervor.          Finally, after what seemed like it would never be enough, you pulled away from the awkward-yet-electrifying kiss to inhale the life-saving air around you.          "Did you get butterflies too?" you asked, panting. "Yeah, yeah I did."          Those golden eyes.          You couldn't look away from the millions of emotions swirling in his orbs, anxiety, euphoria, fear, nervousness, joy, shock, and trillions more.          The same feelings were probably circling round and around in your eyes.          "So what does this make us?"          Another kiss was your answer.
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write-it-right-2 · 4 years
Okay, since none of you asked and I find that very rude, here, have an incomplete list of my WIPS anyways. Please bug me about them, or I will never finish like half of them.
 1 - The main story of the very silly and fluffy series benrey stole a duck, which will include things like 
  Benrey meeting gordon
  benrey learning english
  benrey using his skills in english solely for evil
  benrey stealing a duck
  and more!
2 - another HLVRAI fic, which actually takes place in the standard kinda-but-not-really AU of post-canon. It’s the roleplay my friend and I are doing, but in story format. Summary: It starts when Darnold wakes up only to find that he’s scribbled strange images in the night. Recognizing them, he calls the rest of the science team, with a very important message - they need to go back into black mesa. - it’s complete nonsense and i love it. (probably earns the ‘crack treated seriously’ tag? that’s the general mood.) we both have no idea what we’re doing and it’s fun.
3 - A very tender and heartfelt BBC Merlin fic, about Merlin in the time between Arthur’s death and his return. Has things like: cool new powers, Merlin actually being happy, and??? a??? soulmate bond??? im not sure what i made but i’m having fun. technically just needs to be edited but also - i wrote it in may and we are now in december i am a little behind on that.
side note: i have never actually watched merlin despite being in the fandom for more than four years
4 - A very tender and heartfelt story about the Doctor, River, Amy, and Rory, about stories, endings or lack thereof, the chance to always come home, and a million other things, all wrapped up in the guise of “an AU where river falls in love with some later regeneration instead of eleven”
it has some of the strongest wham lines out of anything I’ve written
it is basically my love letter to the ponds.
5 - the like??? three?? lines i had of a no-ghosts AU where team phantom is a team of gray-hat hackers. I thought the parallel worked really well and I hope I write it some day. it’s cool.
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asthalntechinfo · 3 years
What is Hacking? How to learn Hacking? || LN-TECHINFO
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What is Hacking?
Computer Hacking is a process by which we modify and modify a computer software or hardware and implement other goals besides the original purpose of creator. Hacking is the art of declaring the mistake of software. Because the word 'Hack' is mostly used for people who are weak in their 'profession', so some hackers tell about this term, that it is offensive and unable to recognize their real skill. .
Who's the hackers?
A Hacker or white hat Hacker, is also known as Ethical Hacker. It is a computer security expert who specialized in penetration testing and other testing methods, and ensures that the company's information system is secure or not. These people work in companies and these people are called as sneakers Also known.
Read more blog :  https://lntechinfo.blogspot.com/
Types of Hackers
1)White Hat Hacker
- We can call it good hackers, White hat hackers use their skills for the safety of other people and company. We know it as security expert and Ethical hackrs.Black Hat hacker - We also know Black hat hackers as Crackers, they do illegal work using their skill like account hacking, online phishing etc.
2)Gray Hat Hackers
- Gray hat hacker is made up of black and white hat hackers, they work well some times and illegal work so some times they are called gray hat hackers.
What is crackers?
Black hat hackers, known as Cracker. These people illegally enter the computer system and do their profit, fun and illegal work. They mostly do this through data modification and destruction. They can distribute computer virus and internet worm, deliver spam through botnet.
Who is Script Kiddies?
A script kiddies is an wannabe (common type) crackers, these people know about how the computer works, but these people get into the computer by adopting the well known and easy technique and important files and data. Can steal
What skills are required to become a Hacker?
It also requires dedication and willingness to learn. For this, it is very important to know about some topics like, operating system and its working, computer network, programming etc. It is impossible to become a Hacker in a day or a night, for this long time duration is required.
What is the best way to learn Hacking?
The best way to learn Hacking is to start basic learning about it from now on. Many books are also available to learn hacking. But before you start learning hacking, you must have basic knowledge about computer programming and security network. Internet is the best source for this.
How to protect your computer from being hacked?
Basic knowledge about computer such as security network, virus, torjan, spyware.phishing etc is enough to protect the computer from hacking.
What is the Best Way to Learn
Step-1: Start with Basic
For the beginner, who doesn't know anything about hacking. It is better for him to do it than the starting basic. Instead of learning direct hacking, you should do research about basics like security network, virus, ports, firewalls, common network protocols like IP address, HTTP, FTP, DNS, SMTP etc.
You can also learn about alternate operating system Linux. Whose knowledge is very important for hacking. Once you learn about basic fundamental. Then you will reach a position where you can easily understand any hacking technique.
Step-2: Select good source to learn Hacking
If you have a good knowledge about hacking, then there are many books that give you technical information about the latest vulnerabilities and also show possible ways to exploit it. It is difficult for a beginner to find a good source that teaches basic hacking. Hacking Secrets Exposed is a very good book for a beginner, it teaches beginner hacking without any previous knowledge and it is also very easy to follow its step. For more information about this book, you can follow its official website.
Step-3: Learn Programming (Optional)
If you want to know more and more about hacking, then programming is something that you cannot skip. Even if you can easily use some ready made tools for hacking.
Contact us :https://lntechinfo.in/contacts/
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grahamcarmen · 5 years
I'm rewatching and when Carmen says "like the big brother I never had" Gray's face changes from closed off/angry to something else then back
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highkey when i saw it i’m like “oh so you’re surprised too huh graham?”
because for like the entire first episode i had been reading their dynamic as black sheep and crackle as a friendship and carmen herself had been defining it as a friendship up until this moment
“i was making new friends” she narrates over graham coming to her defense when tigress tries to touch her russian doll set
“he’s my best friend” she excitedly tells player before amending the statement to “school friend”
while Graham’s not unaware of carmen being younger (ex. he calls her kiddo, ruffles her hair when he’s trying to cheer her up) he more or less treats her as an equal due to her abilities and straightforward attitude. she’s as much his friend as the others on the VILE squad
the hair ruffle is probably when carmen had decided that their relationship’s definition was probably closer to family than it was friends (remember when a random kid in ep 1 did a head ruffle and she pants-ed him and it was all ok because VILE’s just a playground with “family” passing through) and kinda plays into the interesting thing about these 2? they keep redefining their dynamic in an attempt to understand exactly what it is. 
if we’re doing color theory i’m kinda suspicious that white = unknown (ex. white hat hacker player doesn’t know about carmen, zack’s the one i feel understands carmen the least and his shirt is white, and VILE’S uniform is white/gray) and probably when she gets her green and black colors does she feel comfortable in what everyone’s roles are aka. after they choose codenames. but the moment she stopped considering him “like a brother she never had” and discovering unknown things about VILE she’s wearing the white uniform again.
but Graham was probably aiming for friend. just friend. so he’s probably taken aback that this was how carmen had viewed their dynamic for any amount of time, especially after having the friendship aspect have more of a role for a huge part of her retelling...
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and  probably why he glosses over it to instead address her accusations at his actions
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shining-red-diamond · 5 years
Ch. 5: The Quest
Cast of Characters//Ch. 1//Ch. 2//Ch. 3//Ch. 4//Ch. 5//Ch. 6//Ch. 7//Ch. 8//Ch. 9//Ch. 10//Ch. 11//Ch. 12//Ch. 13//Ch. 14//Ch. 15//Ch. 16//Ch. 17//Ch. 18//Ch. 19//Ch. 20//Ch. 21//Ch. 22//Ch. 23//Ch. 24//Ch. 25//Ch. 26//Ch. 27//Ch. 28 (coming soon)
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Words: 1598
Pairing: OT8 x OCs
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
A/N: Italics mean they’re speaking in Korean.
One by one, the crew members entered through the bronze door.
“You can hang your coats and hats on the hangers to your left,” the woman instructed, and they followed suit.
The interior of the house had a luxurious aspect to it. The furniture was covered in white fabric, the fireplace had a carved, wooden mantle with a buffalo’s head hanging over it, and the walls were lined with various paintings and marble statues. The floor was a white and black marble with intricately designed carpets covering various spots in the main area. A marble staircase was leading up to a second floor, the railing being a polished wood; and a crystal chandelier glittered from the ceiling.
“Fancy,” Phoebe commented after hanging her coat and setting her umbrella in the umbrella holder.
“I’ll alert the professor you’ve arrived,” the woman said.
“No need, Dalia,” a voice objected from the top of the stairs. “I saw them walking up the path.”
A fairly tall man stood at the top of the staircase. He appeared to be middle-aged with chestnut brown hair and graying at the temples. A dark mustache sat right above his top lip, and his glasses were placed firmly on his nose. He was dressed in light khaki pants, a brown sweater, and a white lab coat with brown dress shoes covering his feet.
“Dr. Steinbeck,” Hongjoong bowed, the rest of crew copying him.
“My goodness, Hongjoong,” the professor smiled as he stepped down the stairs. “How long has it been since I last saw you? Twelve years?”
“I believe so.” He shook the professor’s hand.
“Your father, God rest his soul, often spoke about how you wanted to be the captain of the ship someday.”
“I just hope I am making him proud by doing so.”
“And who are your friends?” Dr. Steinbeck noticed the crew behind the captain.
Hongjoong brought Dahae forward. “This is my fiancée, Dahae.”
“Nice to meet you, professor,” she greeted.
“Pleasure’s all mine, my dear,” the professor returned.
Hongjoong went down the line as he introduced his members. “This is my first mate Seonghwa and his fiancée Grace-Anne. Our quartermaster and medic Yeosang and his girlfriend Phoebe. Our engineer Yunho. Our weapons master and gunman Jongho. The HALA’s pilot Mingi and his girlfriend Taeran. Our physicist Wooyoung and his girlfriend and barrelman Dinah. And our navigation expert San and his wife Celestia.” The captain motioned towards her baby bump. “And this is their daughter.”
The professor’s eyes immediately went to Celestia’s necklace. San took note and scooted closer to her, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Quite a team you have, I must say.”
“Thank you.”
“Shall we head to my lab?” The professor began to lead the way.
The young woman, now identified as Dalia, walked up to Celestia and asked, “Do you need to sit down, darling?”
“I appreciate it, but I’m alright,” Celestia politely declined. “I’ll let you know if I do.”
Dalia nodded and walked into another room.
The house seemed like any normal one would be. A few pictures hung on the wall displaying family pictures and some achievements. Awards also displayed some of the professor’s accomplishments, and a few doors in the hallway lead to various rooms. They entered another living room, decorated just as luxuriously as the first one, and they were lead to a pair of double doors. A black screen brightened up next to the doors. The professor punched in a code, and a voice said, “Welcome, professor.”
Dr. Steinbeck turned towards the crew. “Ladies and gents, welcome to the Wonder.”
The doors slid open, revealing a brightly lit room filled with artifacts on tables, stored in shelves and some boxes placed under tables. Some tools littered the tables, and a sparkling crown could be seen up front. Other artifacts displayed were a box full of gold coins, an ancient tablet with Latin writings scratched on the surface, and some Greek pottery. Study equipment were sitting on each table as if ready to be used for exam the artifacts. The crew wandered around the lab, gawking and taking in the entire set up but careful not to touch anything as their captain had instructed.
The lab intrigued Celestia the most. Only when she was alone in her room was she able to study her findings, but never in such delicacy as the real archaeologists do. All she had were a few tools and some scrolls she found on her and San’s secret honeymoon in Dubai.
“This is amazing,” she exclaimed as she examined one of the pots, her hands resting on her belly. “And you’ve accomplished all of this in a thirty year time period?”
“It’s only a fraction of what I’ve found,” Dr. Steinbeck claimed. “Everything else is at the main lab by the museum. This is only if I’m trying decipher something big, or if I just want to study something.”
“Is this why you’ve asked us here?” Dahae asked.
“The deciphering part, yes.”
“Lunch is ready, sir,” Dalia announced from the doorway.
“Thank you, but please knock next time, Dalia.”
“Sorry, sir.” She scurried away.
The dining room was just as fancy as the rest of the first floor of the house. A large window revealed a beautiful view of the city, however it was still raining pretty hard. A long wooden table stretched out from one each of the room to the other, and it was able to seat at least twenty people, which was more than enough for the crew. Red placemats were placed at each spot and a plate of salmon, sweet potatoes, and blackberries on top; and a glass of water stood by each meal. Dr. Steinbeck sat at one end of the table, and the crew sitting at the sides with Hongjoong and Seonghwa seated closest to him.
Dalia was in and out of the kitchen and running around the table tending to everyone’s needs. She was their designated waitress for the time being. Yunho couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of her, and everyone else could see why. She was a beauty with smooth caramel skin, sparkling brown eyes, and an aura that radiated warmth and love.
“So what is it you need our help with?” Hongjoong asked after swallowing a piece of salmon. “In your email, you didn’t exactly say what was happening.”
“Well, for starters, with all the talk of hackers these days, you can’t be too careful,” the professor chuckled at his own joke.
“Yeah, I don’t feel attacked,” Phoebe whispered to Yeosang.
“In all seriousness,” Dr. Steinbeck continued, “I was on an expedition in the Conga a few weeks ago, and in one of the scrolls I found, it talked about a diamond so rare and precious that it was cut up into eight different pieces and scattered across the world. So far, only three have been found. Two of them are housed in the Smithsonian in the States. The third one has been missing for about seventy-eight years. No one knows how it disappeared, but some speculate it was either stolen or possibly lost in the transport to the Smithsonian.”
“What about the other five?” Dahae asked. “Has anyone else tried to find them?”
“No. As of now, I’m the only archaeologist in the world who has attempted to do so. However, I have been having trouble decoding some of the clues in the scrolls that reveal the locations of the diamonds. That’s why I contacted you.”
“What made you decide on us?” Celestia asked. “We just like traveling and making discoveries. We’re nothing special.”
“Oh, on the contrary, dear.” He took a sip of his drink before continuing. “When I heard of your most recent discoveries in Peru and Guatemala, I knew I had discovered the perfect team to take on this quest. I’d go on the adventure myself, but I hurt my back on that same dig in the Conga. My doctor wants me resting.”
His eyes wandered back to Celestia’s neck.
“Forgive me for staring, love,” he apologized, “but that is quite a beautiful necklace.”
“Thank you,” she replied. “It was grandmother’s, and then she passed it down to me before she died.”
The professor nodded, his wrinkling face showing wheels turning in his mind. “Do you know where she got it?”
“My grandfather gave it to her the night before they got married, but he never told anyone where he got it.”
“I see.”
Taeran sensed something was off, but decided not to jump to conclusions. If he had hurt his back in Ethiopia, how could he have walked down the stairs so well? Maybe he’s going through physical therapy? However, he didn’t have a cane.
“Anyhow,” the professor continued, “would you all be willing to take on this quest?”
Hongjoong looked around at his crew, all of their eyes filled with hope. He knew his crewmates. Something like this could benefit them all financially in their own ways: San and Celestia could rebuild their old house if they wanted to return home, Grace-Anne and Seonghwa could fund their wedding, Phoebe could pay off her grandfather’s medical bills, and the list goes on. The only downsides were, however, this was going to be much riskier than previous explorations, and Celestia’s pregnancy was the cherry on top.
The captain was hesitant to answer; but if they were going to take this journey, then they were going to have to do what he said without question. Their safety and wellbeing mattered the most to him.
“We will go,” he finally answered, shaking the professor’s hand.
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ghosthouses27 · 4 years
Hot Damn
Summary: George fucking dies and Phil takes him to Hell Court™
(i had so many options for puns for the title-)
(warning: swearing, mentions of death)
George jolted awake, eyes wide with panic and shaking slightly. A black void surrounded him and whatever flooring was beneath felt cold, almost like water.
"W-what the hell?!" he stammered, his words echoing and bouncing around the... room? He didn't know where he was, in fact he didn't even remembered how he got here! All he remembered was sitting in his friend's speeding car, the sirens behind, and then-
"Hello." A calm voice interrupted his thoughts and he looked around. A man with pale blond hair and green-and-white striped hat was stood behind him, black robes covering his body. George was quick to notice to gleaming scythe in his hand that was just taller than the man himself.
"H-hi?" George replied, putting on a nervous smile. "Uh, where am I?"
"The afterlife."
George felt dread pool in his stomach. "O-oh... So I did get shot..."
The man nodded, a sad smile on his face. "Yes, you did," he said with a nod. "I understand if you need to mourn but I will also need you to follow me."
George nodded and stood up to follow him, feeling slightly intimidated by the giant scythe hovering its blade over his head. As they walked, George noticed the large black wings on the man's back but decided not to question it.
"Hey uh, actually where are we going?" George asked, the shock of suddenly being in the afterlife finally wearing off. "I thought you said this was the afterlife? Seems pretty boring... Also uh, who are you?"
The man chuckled with a surprisingly warm smile on his face. "I'm usually known amongst mortals as the Grim Reaper, but since you're dead now you can just call me Phil. I'm taking you to the Court of Souls, where you'll be put on trial to see whether you go to heaven or hell."
"Oh, I thought you just automatically go to one or the other?" George asked, tilting his head.
"Well for most it is," Phil explained. "But for some people, like you, it's harder to decide what your moral compass is. Small white crimes usually just go to heaven, terrorists go to hell, but a hacking into and robbing a bank takes some more thought."
George was about to ask how he knew about that when Phil put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from nearly crashing into a ridiculously tall door. He gazed up at what looked like a cream colored palace with gold accents and a red carpet peeking out from under the door.
Phil glanced at him and smirked. "Hope you're ready."
The doors burst open dramatically and George was met with a large throne room and 7 people, all of which seemed to be arguing with each other.
"We really couldn't have done this at Pride's place?" a tan man complained, slumping in his golden throne. "It's so much nicer there, this place is shit."
"Language!" a man with strawberry blond hair yelped, eyeing the raven-haired. "There's children here!"
"For the last time I'M NOT A FUCKING CHILD!" a blond yelled from the other side of the line of seats.
Phil fake-coughed in an attempt to get their attention and the pink-haired one in the middle turned to him. He quickly straightened up and snapped his fingers a few times. The rest of the group looked over and seemed to notice George and Phil standing there.
"Oh, hey there," a man with curly brown hair said, waving at the two from where he was laying down. "Nice to meet ya."
The blond next to him gave him a harsh shove with a disgusted look. "Ew, don't hit on him, you're like a hundred years older than him."
The brunette rolled his eyes. "Who gives a shit, we're dead," he scoffed. "Plus, I'm not gay, I'm just being nice."
"Well you make so many jokes about it I can't tell anymore-!"
"Shut up you two," the pink-haired snapped, giving them both a harsh glare. He glanced back at Phil and George, staring at both of them with a withering glare. "So this is who we have to trial?"
"Yup, George Nolfund," Phil said with a smile that seemed too bright for the situation they were in. "He's come down here because he was out robbing a bank with some friends."
He turned to the brunette next to him who was staring at the rag-tag group with pure bewilderment. "George, this is the 7 Deadly Sins of Hell," he explained, gesturing to them.
The pink haired one in the middle glared at him with scarlet red eyes. He was sat on a golden throne with ruby colored cushioning, and adorned in a dark red cape with a fur trim. A diamond sword leaned against his throne, gleaming dangerously, and a shining golden crown sat on his head.
The raven-haired with tan skin was sat in an identical golden throne, one leg propped up on the velvet seat. He wore a bright cyan beanie and matching t-shirt hoodie, black irises glaring at George with a scowl on his face.
A dirty blond man in a lime-green hoodie was sitting in a similar throne, although his was lavished with even more riches and spoils. A strange white mask covered his eyes and a silver sword was at his hip, shining as brightly as the snarky grin on his face.
The brunette laying on a victorian-style chaise lounge flashed him a smile, adjusting his black beanie slightly. He had a black jacket over a white collared shirt, the top few buttons undone, and a slick guitar was strapped over his back.
The blond in a red and white shirt bared his teeth in a glower, crossing his arms. He was sitting on a generic stool that looked to shiny to be real wood, not to mention the various chunks taken out of it.
The strawberry blond look up from his muffin and waved, sat on a throne that looked to be made of various sweets and deserts. A dark gray cloak covered him and he had on a checkered gray sweater underneath, with little devil horns on the top of his hood that George couldn't tell if they were real or not.
"And Sloth."
A man with black hair was slouched on a beanbag, looking up at George sleepily from under a white headband. He was wearing a black turtleneck with a white t-shirt thrown on top, the flame design on the front crumpled and folded like it'd never seen an iron in its life.
"You will be judged by them to see if you go to Hell or Heaven," Phil said. "So I suggest you be on your best behavior," he added with a smirk.
"So what's the crime?" Greed asked, leaning forward in his chair.
Phil snapped his fingers and a scroll appeared in his hands. "Well, George here is from a rather well-off family but ended up being disowned by his parents and turned to a life of crime, working as a hacker for a group of well-known robbers in the city."
George shifted slightly, feeling uncomfortable at how much the man knew.
"Well G-"
"Well George," Pride interrupted, glaring at Greed. "That certainly doesn't sound like heaven material." He glanced over at his partners then back at George. "I say we just send him down. Greed you can take him, he seems boring."
Greed clapped his hands together happily. "Wonderful!"
"I- whoa, hold on!" Gluttony cut in, nearly choking on his mouthful of muffin. "We need to talk more! He's here on trial for a reaso-"
"I say send him down," Lust said, grinning slyly at the brunette before him. "I'll take him in if he seems like a bother, the more the merrier as they say."
"Guys we need to talk-"
"Actually, I'll be taking him, thank you very much," Envy hissed, shooting a glare at him.
"SHUT UP I WANNA HEAR GLUTTONY!" Wrath yelled, making Lust who was sitting next to him nearly fall off his chair.
Gluttony sighed, taking another bite of his muffin. "As I was saying," he began again, giving a pointed look to Envy who turned away sourly. "Whilst I do agree he doesn't seem like heaven material, we need to actually agree what faction he'll go to. No just calling dibs Greed."
Pride huffed, rolling his eyes. "Well I'm not taking him," he grumbled. "He doesn't even seem proud of his sins, hell he seems remorseful." He made a fake gagging noise which made Lust giggle.
"I don't think he fits Lust either," Lust commented, rolling onto his back to look at George upside down. "Robbing a bank isn't very sexy."
"Not Gluttony either," Gluttony added, voice muffled from a mouthful of muffin. "Least he didn't burn down a house trying to make a cake! Actually, 3 houses," he added with a giggle.
George winced slightly, imagining the flames consuming the building all for the sake of a measly pastry.
"Yup, definitely not Gluttony," the strawberry blond said, seeing his reaction. He glanced over at Sloth who seemed to have fallen asleep. "Got anything to say Sloth?"
The raven-haired jolted awake, spluttering for words and trying to grasp reality for a moment. "Uh- I- yeah, did you say something?" he asked, grinning slightly.
Gluttony huffed in frustration. "We're trying to figure out what faction to put uh..."
"Right. What faction to put George in. You got anything to say?"
Sloth shrugged, resting his head in his arms. "I dunno. Didn't you say he like, robbed a bank? Probably not fit for Sloth then."
"Geez you actually have something to contribute," Wrath muttered.
"Well do you have anything to add dipshit?" Sloth shot back, smirking.
Wrath bristled, gripping the edge of his stool tightly. "You're the dipshit, dipshit!" he retorted, before glaring over at George and making the brunette flinch. "He's too nice, acts like one of Lust's bitches."
"I don't want him either," Envy quickly added, looking away. "He looks... dumb..."
"Then I do get him!" Greed exclaimed, grinning. "Hell yeah!"
Phil smiled that all-too-friendly smile again. "Alright then! Trial over! You guys can get back to whatever and I'll take this one down on under!"
Sloth was gone before he even finished speaking, and Pride quickly followed in suit. Lust waved goodbye before vanishing as well. Gluttony sent him one last smile before disappearing and Envy sent him a glare before following.
"Bye bitch boy," Wrath sneered before leaving.
Greed gave him a final smile and a wave. "It was great to meet you George!" he exclaimed with a smile that seemed almost fake. "See you in Hell."
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