#march madness poll game
the-thorster · 1 year
Wanna start a little March Madness-style poll game!
Round 1: I'll post 2 polls with 20 vines to choose from (10 each) – out of my personal favorites. Don't come crying if your faves are not in there. Make your own post!
Round 2: Choose from the top 10 (top 5 of each post).
Round 3: Choose from the top 5 of Round 2.
Round 4: Choose from the top 3 of Round 3.
Round 5: Choose from the top 2 of Round 4. Which of my favorite vines is gonna be the most iconic?
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A little helper if you don't know one of the options:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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For statistics reasons, pls reblog after voting! <3
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have you done your daily click
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fandom-march-madness · 2 months
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I decided to do a March Madness for So Much (For) Stardust!! Please vote on whichever you think deserves to win!
Masterlist of polls
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xkcdbracket · 1 year
Literal March Madness
Seventy-Six Trombones. Song from The Music Man
110 Cornets. Mentioned in Seventy-Six Trombones
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inwhichiramble · 1 year
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Juliette Ferrars (Shatter Me) VS Tris Prior (Divergent)—WINNER: JULIETTE
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles) VS Jude Duarte (The Cruel Prince)—WINNER: CINDER
Alina Starkov (Shadow and Bone) VS Celaena Sardothien (Throne of Glass)—WINNER: CELAENA
Nova Artino (Renegades) VS Bella Swan (Twilight)—WINNER: NOVA
Mare Barrow (Red Queen) VS June Iparis (Legend)—WINNER: JUNE
Lara Jean Covey (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before) VS America Singer (The Selection)—WINNER: LARA JEAN
Pippa Fitz-Amobi (A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder) VS Hazel Grace Lancaster (The Fault in Our Stars)—WINNER: PIPPA
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) VS Clary Fairchild (The Mortal Instruments)—WINNER: KATNISS
The bracket for Round Two stands as follows:
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Round Two will last one week and then we will head into the semifinals!
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llycaons · 2 years
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kawoshin is losing I feel ILL
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hey-august · 3 months
March Madness Event - Winner (NSFW | Buggy X Marine!GN!Reader)
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Woah woah woah, this story concludes the March Madness event!
(In case you missed it, throughout the month of March I posted polls pitting kinks against kinks. The ones that lost in the polls received short stories involving a bit of failure. The kink that won at the end of the month was slated to receive a proper story. And that's where we are now!)
I'll be honest, I did not expect this to be the winner. Then again, I should have seen it coming with how it took off in every poll it was in.
Thank you all for participating! Voting, reading, commenting, liking, reblogging - everything!!
I hope you enjoyed this event and that you enjoy this story. 🩷
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Description: As a Marine, you're responsible for safely escorting the captured prisoner, Buggy the Clown. Things don't go according to plan and while the prisoner remains captured, not all of him ends up behind bars...
Teeny tiny teaser: "This fucker needed to know the effect his dumbass decision had on others."
Word count: ~3.4k (I don't remember the last time I wrote a one-shot this long 🥴)
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, buggy x GN!reader, marine!reader, no use of Y/N, insertion sex, bit of degradation, cockwarming (not solely intimate, but there is some eventually), misuse of devil fruit powers
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“I can fuck you harder if you uncuff me,” he said through gritted teeth. “C’mon, tell me you don’t want that.” 
The teasing remark was hissed behind your ear, sending a shiver through your body. Your weak fucking body, nearly wiped of all self-restraint. A thin thread of rationality kept you tethered to a sense of preservation, but the constant pounding threatened to snap that hold.
You were responsible for locking up the prisoner - a duty you’ve fulfilled many times without issue. Over the years, your strength and cleverness helped you climb the ranks of Marines, yet this was the first time you failed to complete this responsibility. Well, you haven’t failed yet, but the more the thread frays, the more your legs shake, the more his heavy grunts fill your ears…
Your shaky hands gripped the seastone cuffed wrists wrapped around your body. Although the pirate couldn’t grip your hips the way either of you wanted, he was able to pull your body towards his as he relentlessly slammed himself in you. 
Of all the captured criminals you ever escorted, it was the goddamn clown that broke you. The pathetic clown with a face of smeared paint. Left behind by his crew. A captain who was visibly crestfallen when none of the Marines appeared impressed by his presence.
Despite his circumstances, the prisoner - Buggy the Clown - lived up to his namesake. Nearly every comment out of his mouth was a joke, often at the expense of anyone around him. The lack of laughter after each quip should add to embarrassment and pity for the clown, but you found yourself enjoying the amusement he was clearly creating for himself. It was…endearing.
As his sole escort below deck, his attention quickly turned towards you and the warm fluttery feeling you had moved lower in your body. Silence only protected you for so long before your face was too red to ignore, giving the clown encouragement to continue. Changing tactics, Buggy started spouting cheesy and overused pickup lines. Each remark said with unabashed enthusiasm added to the heat on your face.
“If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together.” “I’d like to report a crime. My breath was stolen.” “That Marine uniform doesn’t look so bad on you. But it would look better on the floor.”
Those comments were so stupid and worked so well. A few hissed retorts and threats of punishment were disarmed with a charming smile. You had no chance of winning whatever this game was. Secretly, you weren’t sure you wanted to win. There was something alluring about this pirate who tried to hide behind jokes and laughter that you wanted more of.
Arousal easily increases in potency when mixed with other feelings. For you, it was unexpected affection and the lure of degeneracy. For Buggy, you assumed it was the fear and anxiety that comes with imprisonment. Each concoction was perfectly portioned and all it took were choice words, overly-familiar touches, and curious glances for the poison to take effect.
Alone in the room, it only took seconds to pull your pants low enough to grant Buggy access. You leaned forwards, steadying yourself against the wall, while he grabbed the lower hem of your top. His thrusts were erratic and sloppy as he tried to find a decent pace. There was barely enough time for this moment of guilty indulgence and you both wanted as much from it as possible.
Bringing his bound hands overhead, Buggy pulled you close to his chest until you were wrapped in his hold. With his hands closer to your hips, he was able to move both of your bodies at a quick tempo. He was rewarded with a whine that escaped your heavy breathing.
“S’that how you like it? Hard and rough? I didn’t expect you to be so fucking filthy. Do all your prisoners get welcomed like this?”
Fuck. Why did his voice sound so good? And why did it sound better saying such degrading shit?
You shook your head and leaned into his touch, wanting to feel more. “Sh-shut up. Don’t you ever stop talking?”
“You d-don’t want that,” Buggy groaned. “I can feel your body squeeze when I talk. You like it.” His teasing was met with a delicious whimper.
Every word from his mouth had your head spinning. You wanted so much more. You wanted to taste his voice, to feel his mouth against yours, to feel his lips on your skin, but he wore that stupid face paint. You wanted his touch everywhere, for his hands to roam your body, for him to hold you tighter, but he needed to keep the cuffs on. Buggy was a Devil Fruit user. He was dangerous. And he was breaking you down.
Almost as if he could read your mind, Buggy started describing all the ways he wanted to screw you. How good you are at taking him. He wants to hear how good he makes you feel. Lost in the haze of lust, you barely remembered pulling out the key you wore on a chain and had tucked under your clothes. Your palm ached from how tightly you gripped the key while fighting against the horny instincts crowding your body.
You were so close, so achingly close. Maybe if you timed it right, it would be okay. You could minimize the danger. That makes sense, right? It could work. The wisp of rational thought faded away so softly that you didn’t miss its absence.
“Please,” was all you could get out as you unlocked the cuffs and let them fall to the floor.
It was like you released a feral animal with that decision. You didn’t realize just how much the seastone had sapped from Buggy until you felt his bruising grip as he brutally slammed his hips into yours. Even his cock seemed to get harder as it was bullied deeper in your body. He struggled to stay quiet, grunting like a wild boar as he rut into you.
You were on the edge of the precipice, ready to throw yourself over the ledge, when a horrible sound yanked you back to solid ground. A piercing siren sound filled the ship, signaling the top of the hour and a change in duties. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. You needed to finish your job before anyone found out what you were doing. Who you were doing.
In a panic, you elbowed the pirate and spun around. “They’re gonna catch us,” you said with wide-eyes.
With all his blood below the belt, Buggy was already caught off-guard by the loud noise. Your rapid change from a whimpering needy thing who needed to be railed, to a Marine who wanted to follow the rules was a lot for the pirate to follow after losing the trail of his own orgasm. All he could do was struggle to pull up his pants as you shoved him into the jail cell and locked him in. Thoughts slowly returned to his head and weakness seeped back into his body as he watched you fix up your uniform before freezing.
“What the fuck did you do?” The question started as a shout before you restrained the rest of your temper.
“I wanted to make sure you come back for me,” Buggy responded with a wink. “Besides, we didn’t get to finish. I figured you could keep it warm for me until the encore.” He reached down and grabbed the crotch of his pants, which was baggier than it should be.
“Are you fucking ser-” The rhetoric question was stopped by the throbbing in your body. 
Between your body fully accepting the rough fuck and the whirlwind of anxiety about being caught, you didn’t notice that Buggy left you with a piece of himself. Of all the things he could have done with his Devil Fruit powers in that moment, rather than doing something, anything, that could help him escape, the clown chose to part from his dick. What a fucking joke.
It was a sunny day with just enough of a breeze to keep the sails full and to blow away excess heat from the sun. The gentle wind helped dry the perspiration on your skin as you crossed the deck, towards the meeting room. While the air carried away some of the physical evidence, your body still burned and you chose to believe the unrelenting heat was shame. Punctual attendance was critical on the ship and you couldn’t even spare a few minutes to evict the pirate’s privates without risking a penalty.
With each step, you felt the fullness between your legs and the stretch from his girth. You couldn’t remember what it meant to walk normally. Every movement was over thought and analyzed. What felt normal made your core feel too tight against the intrusion. Longer strides had you worry that he might slip out. While it seemed unlikely (all of this was unlikely already), you worried about losing this bit of Buggy. There would be no reasonable way to explain a lone penis anywhere on the ship.
As hard as you tried to be upset with Buggy’s stupid horny decision, your body was still flooded with hormones that drowned logic and only allowed obscene thoughts to float. You were deep in a fucked up situation and you were enjoying it.
You arrived just in time for the meeting to start. It was a daily check-in where attendees would recite numbers and metrics that meant nothing to you. It was important and wholly unnecessary. The returning sheen of sweat and lingering redness on your face could be excused as the hustle needed to arrive on time and not the throbbing you felt inside. 
Settling into one of the open chairs, you couldn’t find a position that was remotely comfortable. There was minimal padding on the wood chairs and the backrests were at an awkward height that provided no support. Leaning too far one way pushed Buggy further inside and you just barely concealed the discovering gasp as a deep breath. 
Crossing your legs was a terrible idea, as it only added to the unforgiving pressure. The sensation attacked you both, as you felt the confined cock flex in its warm prison. You quickly uncrossed your legs, glad no one could see how they shook under the table.
Wicked voices began whispering to you, talking over the droning presentation at the head of the table. You couldn’t find any reprieve from what you were feeling. The only thing that made you feel better was giving in. You could afford to let your mind drift, this meeting was only to make others feel important. You had your own feelings to deal with.
Your mind wandered down to where those feelings radiated from. To the frustrating ache between your legs. Buggy was a good length, on the longer end of average, but his thickness was far more than average. Thankfully he got you so riled up earlier and all you had to suffer through was a burn that he quickly fucked away. Your body had grown accustomed to the wideness, but being held open for so long was different. Even through the uniform, you felt exposed. With each twitch from your hole as it fruitlessly tried to find some give against the occupant, you fell apart a little more. 
You shifted in the chair again, cautiously rolling your hips with the movement. Just once. And then again, under the guise of trying to get comfortable. Fuck, that did feel good. Your body shifted against Buggy’s member just right. You tensed against him, chasing that sensation, and receiving a heavy throb in response.
Your name broke through the fog you willingly got lost in. Your eyes snapped to the man standing at the head of the table.
“Is there something more important than going over these reports?” 
Maybe your movements weren’t as subtle as you thought.
“No, Sir. Just trying to get comfortable. I apologize for the distraction.” You spoke loudly, overriding the quiver hiding in your throat. 
Buggy was reacting to the jolt of tension that ran through our body. Clenched fists pressed into your knees and your toes curled in the little space available in your boots as you rode out his movement. It was incredibly frustrating and absolutely embarrassing. So why did it feel so fucking good?
The rest of the meeting ended without further incident. At least, as far as any of the attendees cared. For you, every action and reaction from either of your linked bodies felt like a whole new event to survive. You offered a tight lipped smile to everyone as they left the room, preferring a small audience when you attempted to use your weak legs. Luckily, horniness and adrenaline held you up and supported you out of the room.
The infirmary was a few doors down and it was around the time the doctor took a break. If you were lucky, the room would be empty and you could put an end to this. The luck was debatable when you opened the door to two pale faces. One belonged to the Marine who was on guard duty and the other belonged to the prisoner being guarded. A prisoner who offered you a small smile that matched the one painted on his face.
The guard started babbling when you entered the room. “H-he doesn’t look good, r-right? I brought him h-here, but they’re all on break. I’m wor-worried he’s gonna upch- upchu-ugh, pu- v- vom-”
“Get sick?”
The guard nodded with pursed lips, struggling to hold back the hiccups and sympathetic heaves that wracked their body. “Doesn’t seem ser-serious enough to call the med-ugh medics b-back.”
You looked at Buggy, trying to assess what was going on. Was this a ploy or was he actually ill? Were you going to get sick? 
“It doesn’t look that serious. I can stay with him. Why don’t you go lie down?” Your offer was accepted before you even finished speaking. 
The infirmary door closed, leaving you and Buggy in an awkward silence. He sat in a chair, hunched over, still giving you a weak smile.
“Are you okay? Is it bad?” You asked, concerned that his flashy self seemed to be affected. Crouching down, you brought yourself closer to his level.
“Bad,” he repeated hoarsely, leaning towards you. 
His trajectory would bring his painted forehead to the white shoulder of your uniform, so you intercepted. Pressing your head against his, you waited for Buggy to continue. 
“N-need you. Made a bad decision, need you, please.” One of his cuffed hands pawed at the empty space where his dick should be. 
With his strength and stamina taken away during imprisonment, Buggy’s self-inflicted secondary imprisonment was too much. He could feel everything - how your body continued to struggle around him, how warm you were inside, how you reacted to his involuntary cries and demands for more. It felt so fucking good, so deliriously wonderful, and downright torturous.
There was no end in sight, though. There had to be a reason you kept him inside, so even if Buggy could come, it would be followed with overstimulation that could go for who knows how long. Not to mention how upset you would probably be if you were unexpectedly full of his hot cum. 
Buggy whimpered at the thought. At imagining you full and plugged. Of his jizz dripping out and collecting in your underwear. Of you being an absolute fucking mess under your prim and pristine uniform, because of him.
“Please,” he whined again.
You pulled away and locked the door. “We don’t have a lot of time. Again.”
Buggy bit his lip as you held out your hand to help him up and blubbered what sounded like, “thank you.”
You understood how he felt. So insatiable that nothing mattered more than giving into these desperate needs that aggressively grew out of desire. Giving up on everything but chasing the high, you uncuffed Buggy and undid your pants. 
This fucker needed to know the effect his dumbass decision had on others. You shoved his hand down your pants, letting him feel how wildly aroused you were. How much of a mess he made.
His groan was laced with delight and pain at the knowledge. His touch was everywhere, committing all of the evidence of your lust to memory. As his hand crept further, it came in contact with his base and his body jolted at the touch. This was too much.
Yanking his hand out of your pants, Buggy rushed to unbuckle his and expose where his member belonged. Following his lead, you pulled your pants down and turned around. Wary about wasting precious time, Buggy pressed his hips against yours and shuddered when his cock returned to its rightful place. It felt as if his senses increased a hundredfold now that it was back.
“M’close,” he warned, struggling to set a reliable pace. 
Honestly, he was about to explode when his hand was down your pants. But he needed this. He needed to feel you moving on his cock. To feel your body react against him. To feel you explode.
As if reading his thoughts, you grabbed his hand and pushed it down. You didn’t need much. This entire time, you didn’t need much, apparently. Just his attention on you was enough to pull you off the trail you were on. And that’s what he gave you - his enthusiastic attention. 
His hand moved fervently, following the cues your body gave. The touches that had your breaths teeter on moans, pressure that had your body clench his, sensations that increased the tension in your core.
“Uh-haah, uh-huh, just like that. K-keep going, g-gonna… You’re gonna make me c-” You were cut off as the feeling ripped through your body, sharp and electric. The words in your mouth were wiped away as you fell to the indescribable surge.
Buggy huffed as he struggled to fuck through your orgasm. Your unsaid words rung through his head - he was responsible for this. You were shaking beneath him because of what he did. Your sweet sighs of relief were for him.
“Wh-where-” Buggy could hardly stutter a question he should have asked earlier.
“Finish what you started,” you said, leaning into his touch once again.
Feeling your body melt against his, accepting his thick cock so easily, pulling him deeper - that was more than enough.
“F-fucking shit,” Buggy hissed as he came. 
The climax was nearly painful as he shot stream after stream inside your body. Feeling like the release would never end, the pirate clung to you and whimpered with each pulse. Eventually, he ran out. His hold released with a shaky sigh.
Buggy struggled with words to fill the next moment. Something about how this felt good. Maybe a thanks? But before he could decide, yet another loud sound interrupted the moment. A sound that was accompanied by a lurch that threw the pirate back. An explosion. Then came the alarms. The ship was under attack by pirates. You both rushed to fix yourselves up.
“I-I think that’s for me,” Buggy said.
You looked at him incredulously. Was this all a fucking trick?
“I want you to come with me.”
His request kept you silent. This didn’t make sense.
“I didn’t think they were coming. I didn’t mean for it to happen like this. But it was fun - well, I had fun. I think you did too. We can keep having fun, unless you want to keep living this stuffy life.” Buggy spoke quickly. 
His explanation was rushed, but you could see a hint of honesty among the turmoil.
Buggy held his hand out for you to grab.
Life on a pirate ship was different, but also similar to life with the Marines. Useless meetings couldn’t be avoided and petty drama existed everywhere. But the spirit and passion that came with piracy was unbelievably vast. Joys flew high, parties raged hard, drinks always flowed, treasure was celebrated.
And on Buggy’s ship, there was always more. More life, more color, more light. Dumb jokes, death defying stunts, fantastic skills, and stupid decisions that managed to work out in the end.
One of your favorite things about life aboard the ship were the quiet afternoons you spent with the captain. Afternoons that were spent laying in the shared bed, your body nestled against his. Afternoons full of stories and musings. Afternoons dedicated to the two of you, which you spent slotted together in warmth and intimacy.
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ao3topshipsbracket · 8 months
Obviously Spirk and Mulder/Scully are iconic pairs, but I can't get over how low they were seeded (I'm not arguing with the data, or your awesome methods -- It's just wild).
I looked at some sports rankings and imagine if the US Open finals were Women's Tennis: Emma Navarro vs Yulia Putintseva
Men's Tennis: Daniel Altmaier vs Arthur Rinderknech
Or March Madness ended with a game between Missouri vs Kent St.
I love it!
Wangxian is the only one of the semifinalists that was seeded in the top 32! We knew going in that number of works on ao3 is a messy proxy at best for weight class in the actual polls, but it's been fascinating watching that play out in practice.
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perioddramapolls · 1 month
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Period dramas dresses tournament: Pink dresses Round 1 Bracket!- Wil be updating with the links once esch poll is posted
Group A
Sita Mahalakshmi, Sita Ramam vs Celia Foote, The help
Princess Margaret, The crown vs Betty Draper, Mad men
Miriam Maisel, The marvelous mrs Maisel vs Eilis Lacey, Brooklyn
Claire Wood, Hollywood vs Marilyn Monroe, Blonde
Princess Elizabeth, A royal night out vs Alma Elson, Phantom tread
Sayuri Nitta, Memoirs of a geisha vs Kathy Seldon, Singin' in the rain
Polly Gray, Peaky blinders vs Pat McClellan, Good news
Rose MacClare, Downton abbey vs Aunt Alicia, Gigi
Group B
Eliza Doolittle, My fair lady vs Irma Leopold, Picnic at hanging rock
Teresa Raffo, The innocent vs Medda Larkin, Newsies
Peggy Scott, The gilded age vs May Welland, The age of innocence
Christine Daae (1), The phantom of the opera musical vs Christine Daae (2), The phantom of the opera
Meg March, Little women vs Umrao Jaan, Umrao Jaan
Queen Victoria, Victoria vs Cosette Fauchelevent, Les miserables
Ann Walker, Gentleman Jack vs Emma Woodhouse, Emma
Edwina Sharma, Bridgerton vs Jane Bennet, Pride and prejudice
Group C
Marie Antoinette (1), Chevalier vs Marie Antoinette (2), La revolution francaise
Elizabeth Dido Belle, Belle vs Marie Antoinette (3), Marie Antoinette
Isabella Fitzwilliam, Harlots vs Catherine of Russia, The great
Nian Shilan, Legend of Zhen Huan vs Moll Flanders, The fortunes and misfortunes of Moll Flanders
Angélique de Sancé, Angélique et le roy vs Roxanne, Cyrano
Cinderella, Cinderella vs Jadwiga Ryczyńska, 1670
Ayse sultan, Magnificent century Kosem vs Anarkali, Mughal-e-Azam
Claude de Valois, Reign vs Jane Grey, Crossed swords
Group D
Anne Boleyn, Wolf hall vs Lucrezia Borgia, The Borgias
Isabel de Castilla, Isabel vs Princess Gwendolyn, The court jester
Princess Buttercup, The princess bride vs Regina Mills, Once upon a time
Princess Jasmine, Aladdin vs Cinderella, Three wishes for Cinderella
Juliet Capulet, Romeo et Juliette vs Lena hatun, Kurulus Osman
Cersei Lannister, Game of thrones vs Turna hatun, Uyanış: Büyük Selçuklu
Li Wei, New life begins vs Ilithyia, Spartacus
Sheba, Solomon and Sheba vs Carolyn Palamas, Star trek's ancient Greece themed episode
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 months
May Mammal Madness
Although this is about 2 months late, I'm announcing the official Tumblr version of March Mammal Madness-- a bracket to determine the Superior Animal!
For those of you who aren't mega-biology nerds, March Mammal Madness is a tournament based on the basketball competition of the same name, which pits different animals against each other. The battles are simulated, using real-world data, and the results are posted throughout March. You can read more about the tournament here.
This tournament will be following the 2024 bracket with some slight variations. First, all the plants in the original bracket will be replaced by animals of my choosing, due to my objection that plants are not animals and therefore are not qualified to compete. Second, rather than simulating the battles, which I have neither the time nor the resources to do, I will allow Tumblr to vote on the winner.
Otherwise, the rules are the same. Each animal in its respective section is ranked by how likely it is to win, with 1 being the most likely and 16 being the least likely. Assume that the combatants represent the most prime-aged, healthy and strong specimen of that species. The "battle" does not necessarily have to be to the death-- the winner can also "win" by displacing the other, or the loser may simply wander out of the arena in search of food/shelter/a mate. In rounds 1-3, the higher-ranked animal has the home-field advantage; for example, if a great white shark is facing a red squirrel, the shark is the higher-ranked animal and the battle will therefore take place in the Pacific Ocean. In rounds 4-6, the location will be 1 of four biomes-- Savannah, Tropical Forest, Arctic, or Deep Ocean-- randomly determined by me.
I will post approx. 2 polls each day, along with a short post detailing the basic information for each competitor. Each post will last 24 hours, at which time the winner will move on to the next game in the tournament until only one remains.
The first round of info posts will be put up on April 31st, and the first round of polls will be up on May 1st, so stay tuned!
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the-thorster · 1 year
Wanna start a little March Madness-style poll game!
Round 1: I'll post 2 polls with 20 vines to choose from (10 each) – out of my personal favorites. Don't come crying if your faves are not in there. Make your own post!
Round 2: Choose from the top 10 (top 5 of each post).
Round 3: Choose from the top 5 of Round 2.
Round 4: Choose from the top 3 of Round 3.
Round 5: Choose from the top 2 of Round 4. Which of my favorite vines is gonna be the most iconic?
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A little helper if you don't know one of the options:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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For statistics reasons, pls reblog after voting! <3
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d3m0nicdream · 7 months
Prom Night: Colby Brock (Part 1)
**Colby Brock Prom AU Poll Winner**
Colby Brock x fem!reader - a budding story about two people believed to be very unavailable to anyone, until they set their sights on eachother.
Part 2 is now up:
Part 2
tags: Slowish-burn, multi-parts, POVs will change in each part, I'll put tags on each part as they get posted. (there will be smut in later parts)
There is a difference between being well known and being popular. Y/N was both but Colby Brock was well known.
Y/N was a popular girl in high school. She wasn’t mean to people, she talked to pretty much everyone and she had pretty good grades all in all. Everyone knew her and everyone liked her. Especially the boys, but she would never accept anyone's proposal for dates or hang outs. It frustrated the majority of the male population but they weren't mad per say. They saw it as more of a competition against each other. If you could bag Y/N for just a hangout session, you would be a legend. So of course, Y/N had a lot of the male attention.
Colby Brock. He was a funny guy, he was also known throughout the school. He was nice to everyone, talked to everybody like they were friends, no matter who you were. His stunning dark hair and blue eye combo had all the girls fiendish over him and he would hear them out but politely decline.
While sitting and watching the football players practice, an event she was invited to by the entire football team. Y/N and her best friend Kat sit on the bleachers and witness the calamity that is their football team. Truthfully she felt more like a distraction than anything so with that she yells to the team.
“Hey, I going to head to study hall guys, good luck!” She waves and they all wave back, telling her to drop by again sometime which would not be happening unbeknownst to them. Her and Kat walk down the track but her eyes wander to the marching band, setting up for a football game performance.
"Hey Kat? Is that Colby Brock?" She points to the dark haired boy setting up his clarinet, him oblivious to her presence.
"Yeah, he's a band nerd haha. What a loser." Kat scoffs and rolls her eyes.
"What's wrong with being in the marching band?" Y/N quizzes as she stares at the group and their instruments, she had always wanted to learn how to play an instrument but never had time for it.
"Uh. Only nerds are in band, Y/N. Come on. Haven't you seen like any high school movie ever? Why are we staring at them. We need to go to study hall." She glares at the group and then walks away. Y/N jogs to catch up. She doesn't go unnoticed because there were two boys watching her, one being Colby Brock.
"I don't know dude. it definitely looked like she was staring at you. Could you imagine?" Sam pipes up smacking Colby in the arm.
"My best friend bagging the legendary Y/N. That would be crazy!" Sam beams.
"Yeah, hence I'm not doing it." Colby goes back to packing up his instrument. He thought it was so ridiculous. Sure she was pretty but every dude was fawning over her. He would probably be murdered by someone to get to her, he believed people were that crazy.
"Hey, you think her friend Kat would go out with me?"
"Doubt it. She seems bitchy. I don't get how they are friends." Colby heads to his dreaded 4th period class where he's forced to watch people make fools of themselves for Y/N. It was quite painful to witness if he was being honest. As he's walking, he overhears what sounds like a threat by someone to his left. He sees Y/N being pressed up against a wall by some football douche with no escape.
"Sam, follow me." Colby walks up behind the guy, grabbing his shoulder.
"Damn, out here trying to bag Y/N?" Colby smirks.
"I wouldn't hold my breath buddy." Colby whispers in the kids ear while patting his back.
"Back the fuck off. She was just about to tell me she was going to see later. Right, Doll?" He smirks at Y/N like shes a meal and it doesn't sit well with Colby at all. He looks at Sam and he nods over to her. Sam understands him without a word being spoken. Colby grabs the dudes shoulders and yanks him around, pushing him out into the hall where he stumbles and falls to the ground. Colby towering over him while Sam slides by and grabs Y/N to move her out of the way.
"You better get going, class starts soon and you probably shouldn't miss it." Colby winks.
"This is not how you play the game, Colby."
"Oh buddy, I'm not even playing." He waves the guy off. He gets up and mumbles a 'fuck you' to Colby before heading down the hall. He turns and heads to Sam.
"Hey, uh. Thanks for that. Usually I can handle them but he was... persistent." Y/N speaks up immediately as Colby walks up. He waves at her.
"It's all good. We need to get to class though." All three walk to their class together and make it just before the bell. The rest of class, the room is buzzing about them all showing up together.
After class, Colby and Sam leave to meet up with Jake and Corey but they end up finding them first.
"Dude. You seriously got into a fight with Brent Snider? That's ballsy." Corey grabs Colby by the shoulders, playfully shaking him. Colby smiles at his friends actions.
"It wasn't that big of a deal. I was just helping someone."
"That someone being Y/N!" Jake flashes his screen at Corey and the boys. Corey's jaw drops.
"Dude. What the fuck. I thought you weren't in the game?" Corey stares at him wide eyed.
"I'm NOT. Look, he had her pinned to a wall, what was I supposed to do? Leave her there?" Colby rolls his eyes.
"I'm going home. I'll see you guys later." Colby pushes through everyone and they look at each other.
"COLBY! WAIT FOR US, DUDE!" Jake yells and runs after him, the others in tow. On the other side of the school, another conversation was being had between Y/N and Kat.
"Seriously! If Colby wasn't there, Brent would have done something to me, dude." Y/N shudders as she goes on about what happened to her to Kat. That was one thing she was afraid of when it came to the guys and this 'game' as they call it. She almost wishes she had someone like Colby around to ward them off. They walk towards the parking lot to their cars.
"Well, I'm glad you are safe. that sounds really scary. Hey.. Was Sam there with him?" Kat asks nonchalantly, avoiding eye contact with her friend who is clearly staring daggers into her.
"Sam Golbach? Yeah, he pulled me out of the corner while Colby was doing his thing. Why?" Y/N could read Kat like a book.
"Oh, uh. no reason. Let's go."
:)))) thanks for the love &lt;3
Part 2
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fandom-march-madness · 3 months
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I decided to do a March Madness for So Much (For) Stardust!! Please vote on whichever you think deserves to win!
Masterist of polls
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chaos-good-life · 3 months
ROUND 8: Julian Bashir's March Fashion Madness!
With this round, we calculate the votes and move on to.... whatever you call a round with 8 games/polls in a bracket.
We are going through the outfits Bashir wore throughout Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to pick the number one outfit! Here are the previous polls:
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Round 6
Round 7
Here is Round 8!
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The Irish warrior costume from the season 4 episode "Bar Association"
The full baseball uniform from "Take Me Out to the Holosuite"
May the best fit win!
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