#marcus davenport x reader
infiniteimaginings · 28 days
hi! Can you write a Marcus Davenport x reader? Maybe where she finds his body and rebuilds him or just pure fluff?
I Can't Fix You (Marcus Davenport x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: After the fight Marcus had with Adam, Bree, Chase and the others, after you all left before the whole place collapsed, you watched as debris crushed Marcus. You went back, you found Marcus's body and you tried to put him back together. Will his memory regain or do you just have to stay known as the person who found him? Pronouns: You/Yours, She/Her Warnings: Kind of angsty because he's assumed to be dead before getting rebuilt lol! Word Count: 3.3k A/N: (Fic can be seen as platonic or as romantic). I know what the title says, it's not full angst. Also yes, I'm just showing off my scientific vocabulary, what of it?
Marcus Davenport wasn’t a good person, he wasn’t a ‘person’ at all, he was an android and now everyone knew that was because of Douglas, his creator, his father.
Douglas knew that Marcus wouldn’t have even made it to sixteen since androids burn out far quicker than humans with bionics, but it didn’t matter. Even though he was ordered to kill Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo and you, none of you wanted him to die. You all tried to warn him, Chase told him to run but he was set on his orders. Due to that, he was crushed by the ceiling of the crumbling garage as the group all ran to save themselves.
Your eyes filled with tears as you yelled his name, your body a;most moving on its own to grab him, but someone else grabbed you first, you could only hear ringing, you barely registered that you were being dragged out of the area. You only realized when someone was holding you to their chest, their hand covering your head, they were shielding you from the debris as you screamed, as you sobbed. 
Once the damage had been done, you noticed Adam had protected you from the blast. You couldn’t say anything, tears were streaming down your face. You looked around at everyone, but they were already looking at you with deep regret in their eyes.
They knew how much Marcus meant to you.
You made eye contact with Douglas and before you could even stop yourself you stomped towards him, “How dare you!” You yelled, someone grabbing you by your waist to stop you from getting closer. You kicked and flailed as Leo stepped to your side, holding your arm, Bree holding your other. 
Douglas rolled his eyes, “What’s her problem?” He asked, no sort of sympathy in his voice.
Chase stepped in front of you, telling Douglas to just remove himself from in front of you. You couldn’t hear him, you couldn’t hear anything but the sound of the ceiling caving in and crushing Marcus to the point you couldn’t see him anymore.
He must’ve been in so much pain. You knew he was an android, but he still must be so hurt and he was all alone, under so much rubble that no one can get him from under. 
You continued to cry, your body relaxing as you sobbed. Adam, the person holding you from practically jumping Douglas, placed you down to your feet, but they gave in. You fell to your knees, chest heaving from your gasping breaths, you were clawing at your throat because you couldn’t breathe. 
Bree sat next to you, rubbing consoling circles into your back gently, her head on your shoulder, “I’m so sorry.” She whispered, repeating it a few times. 
Leo sat on your other side, gently pulling your hands from your throat so you would stop clawing at yourself. He didn’t say anything, no one else said anything.
The teens all sat around you, comforting you, holding you as you cried, no longer having the voice to scream.
About a week later, the group were all at the Davenport residence, where they lived, and they hadn’t seen you for a while. They knew that they were a little out of it, they had seen someone die, it took a toll on them. Nothing they were feeling was comparable to how you were feeling in that moment. You didn’t text, you didn’t call, you didn’t send any reports which was understandable. 
No one expected anything from you because you were genuinely grieving, and they would give you as much space as possible.
You were in your own lab, a lab that was paid for by Donald Davenport himself after your help with his children, their missions, and all of their tests. Your own personal lab where you could do anything you wanted, he never had much concern because he knew you would never do anything to hurt anyone.
You walked around your lab, turning on a tablet as you reached a long table with a cloth over it. You gently peeled it off to expose a metal like body, parts separate from itself. A few pieces of rubber like skin were connected to the parts which caused you to frown. 
You inhaled a deep breath before releasing it slowly, blinking back tears. “I’m going to fix you, Marcus. Just, give me time.” You whispered to him, sitting in a chair with wheels so you could move more efficiently as you reached for a table with a few tools.
This process would obviously take more than a few days, or a few weeks, you knew this. That still doesn’t stop your disappointment when you try to activate the android, and nothing happens.
“Day 49,” You spoke into a small mic you decided to use for research. You were recording the process in case you did something different that worked better than other tests. “Skull reassembled, initiating power test.” 
You took a step back and rubbed at your eyes, you had barely been getting sleep in the weeks of trying to fix Marcus, but it would all work out in the end. At least you hoped it would. 
With a turn, you input a few codes into your system to initiate the test. You turned back to the android, pressing the start up key. A light entered the android's eyes which made your face light up before it completely put out again. 
Your body slumped as you sat on the floor, “What am I doing wrong?” You groaned, pulling your knees up, placing your head in between them. 
You almost fell asleep in that position until you were shuffling and high pitched whirring sounds. You slowly looked up, eyes wide with shock as you saw the android staring down at you. He didn't really have an expression since half of his synthetic face had been lost in the damage. 
You quickly stood up, grabbing your tablet and speaking quietly, “Power test completed successfully.” 
After a moment you walked up to him, slowly and gently so as to not set off some sort of memory with your facial expression. He didn’t react, his facial muscles didn’t move, so you were unsure if he was trying to or if he didn’t recognize you. 
“Please perform a comprehension test. Repeat the following sentence after me: Testing, one, two, three.” 
You noticed he opened his mouth, but no sound came out so he simply closed it again. “Okay, can you understand me?” You asked and he nodded, you typed it out into a document on your tablet before noting that he can’t speak.
“It seems there's an issue with the voicing function of the android. The comprehension test didn't yield the expected results. I'll need to investigate further to address this issue."
After the initial test, you couldn't run diagnostics since he couldn't speak. You powered him down and thanked the stars that it finally worked.
A few days later, you believed that you figured out the voicing issue and powered him on once again. After running the test, it gave you the proper results and he was able to repeat a few of the phrases for you. Hearing his voice again almost made you tear up, but you kept it down or the sake of putting him back together.
You weren’t worried about any sort of memory or cognitive functions at the moment, you wanted to make sure his body could move, he could feel things, and that his processors were working well.
You tested him everyday until each section was working as needed and began working on the synthetic flesh and facial details so you wouldn’t have to be staring at pure metal with a few pieces of Marcus on it. You’d be able to just look at Marcus.
You let Marcus stay powered on as you worked so he could walk around, do a few tests, live a little bit how he did before just from the comfort of your lab. He would occasionally just watch you intensely as you added details to the silicone rubber for his skin, never really asking questions. 
The time it took to complete the flesh with the silicone and thermoplastic elastomers with your determination was about two and a half months. You already knew Marcus’s design, and from the androids you helped Mr. Davenport with you knew what you were doing. 
Marcus didn’t speak to you at all really, the only time he did was when he asked to stay powered on when you applied the external details. You agreed, not minding it as you applied the  foam first to go under the silicone flesh. After the silicone, everything was easier, and was quicker to get done.
You had a ton of clothes from when Adam, Chase, and Leo stayed over so you put Marcus in a grouping of those and got started on his nails. They were resin and plastic, so they were easy to get done.
Next was his dental, the teeth weren’t as difficult as you expected so you moved on to his eyes, connecting them so he could move them on his own. 
The final thing you had to do was add his hair, his eyebrows, and his eyelashes. That took about a week as a whole, but when you were done, god you were so happy.
After months of work you finally got to see Marcus again, your Marcus. 
One of these days, weeks later, you were just testing his internal systems  so you could do more work on it. You could barely hide how giddy you were to be able to be with Marcus again, but you had to in order to finish the tests.
You sat in a chair at your desk, the reflection of the computer screen in your eyes. “Okay Marcus, it’s time for checks.” You told him, typing a few things into the document you had written up.
The boy looked over to you and nodded, waiting for your first check order.
“Initiate movement status check.”
Marcus rolled his neck around a bit, rotating his shoulders, and kicking his legs from the table before fully standing and stretching his back. “Movement systems online. Limb articulation within standard operating range. Motor functions at full capacity.” He told you, deciding to walk around for a bit.
You were used to this in the routine, so you didn’t blink an eye to it, simply moving on to the next one as you documented the report. “Sensory status check.”
He blinked his eyes and picked up one of the books you had in your lab, among the other things to keep him entertained. “Sensory receptors functioning optimally. Visual, auditory, and tactile sensors are all operational.”
“Emotional status check.” You spoke blankly, tiredly, before yawning and shaking your head, continuing to document. 
Marcus continued to walk around, humming as he ran the system, “Emotional simulation systems activated. Mood regulation protocols operational,” He had a small pause as he ran into an issue, “but experiencing minor glitches. Emotional responses calibrated to mimic human behavior, though intermittently disrupted.” He spoke, his response the same as prior testing.
You grunted a bit, “Explain the glitches.”
“Minor malfunctions detected in emotional simulation systems.” He mumbled a bit, looking at the pictures on your other desk. It was of you and the Davenports. “Glitches attributed to data inconsistencies and software irregularities. Efforts underway to rectify deviations from optimal functioning.” He spoke plainly, picking up one of the pictures, a bit distracted.
“Okay. What are your efforts?”
Marcus cleared his throat, placing the picture down, “I am currently undergoing a diagnostic analysis to pinpoint the sources of emotional simulation systems. Efforts are also being made to recalibrate my data processing algorithms and conduct hardware checks.”
You typed it out into the document, turning to your touchpad desk, “How are those going?” You asked him, pulling up his system on it.
Marcus paused once again, putting his hand through his hair before sighing. “I am unable to proceed with the diagnostic analysis, software updates, or recalibration of my emotional simulation systems.” He admitted, the comment causing you to look up immediately. “External interference or system limitations prevent me from executing these corrective measures at this time.” He finished, looking away.
“I’ll figure it out. Cognitive status check.” You waved it off, placing x’s around what he was talking about. 
“Cognitive processes functioning within expected parameters.” He answered, sitting back on the table that he was on originally, “Memory storage and retrieval systems are partially functional, with limited capacity for retention. Decision-making algorithms operating optimally.”
“What percentage of memory retention capacity are you exhibiting?”
“Memory retention capacity is currently at minimal levels.” He told you, a small flash of an expression on his face but he didn’t keep it on for long. “Able to recall initial construction, select testing procedures, and limited facial recognition. Dialogue recall is limited to brief fragments.” He told you, swallowing harshly.
You nodded and hummed a bit, “Okay, I’ll…” You huffed out a breath. “I’ll have to figure it out another day, I’m sorry, I’m tired.” You told him with an airy chuckle, rubbing your eyes again.
Marcus nodded in understanding, he wasn’t worried about you shutting him off again, you tend to let him run and he just has to sleep in a generated area to keep his system in check. His expression wasn’t because he was worried about you leaving, he was worried and he didn’t know why.
He looked down a bit, “Um…” He began as you packed up your computer and tablet. You looked up at the sound with a raised brow. Marcus clasped his hands together, “How long do you think it’ll be until I have my memories back?” He asked you, his eyes soft, confusion sparking in them.
You thought about it before ultimately looking down, “I don’t know, but I’m trying to get them back to you. Why?”
“I just feel these weird glitches, as if I should know what they are but it’s not connecting.” He explained, rubbing the back of his neck, not meeting your eyes. 
You smiled at him gently, “I won’t stop until you get your memories back. I promise.” You told him before leaving the lab to get some rest.
More weeks passed and Marcus could see your growing frustration because you didn’t have the original system Marcus had been connected to prior. You didn’t know how to regain his memories without overwriting the memory completely. 
One particularly late night, Marcus was in his generated when you had just shut yourself down. You picked up the mic and gently began to cry because you felt like you’ve tried everything. “I can’t fix you.” You mumbled into the mic, recording your voice for the documents, “I can’t fix you completely and I’m so sorry Marcus.” You whispered, keeping your sobs as quiet as possible, “I’m so so sorry.” You sobbed, tears pouring and dripping to the floor as you kept your head down.
What you didn't notice was that Marcus had opened his eyes and watched you sadly as you cried. He didn’t know how he could help you. There was something inside him that wanted to go to you, that hated seeing you cry, but he didn’t know which part that was. He didn’t know why he wanted you to be happy. He didn’t know why he wanted to be so close to you. He didn’t know why he felt so far.
One of the days in passing your hands were implanted onto your face, trying not to cry out of irritation. Marcus walked beside you, squatting down a bit, “What’s wrong?” He asked you suddenly, causing you to flinch a bit. 
He’s known you for months, you’ve built memories with him. He knows your name, but he only knows you because you rebuilt him. He knows your quirks because he’s had no choice but to watch you do them. 
You shook your head, “Nothing, nothing I’m just trying to figure this out.” You mumbled to him, clutching your chest since your heart was racing a bit.
Unfortunately for you, Marcus had bionic hearing, why did you add that feature? You were unsure, perhaps you missed your bionic friends after the months of locking yourself away, only hearing them through phone calls, seeing them through pictures.
The android boy could hear your heart racing and led you to the table he typically laid on, placing a pillow on it, “Just, take a break.” He told you before walking off to another section of the lab.
You couldn't deny Marcus, whether he remembered you or not so you closed your eyes for a moment, only a moment.
While you eventually dozed off to sleep, Marcus opened your laptop and looked through the documents concerning his memory and everything you tried. He went to your touchpad desk and began building something to hopefully help in the long run. Whilst he did that, he couldn’t help his gaze locking to you, softening at your sleeping figure, almost not wanting to pull away. 
After a few long hours, you blinked your eyes open, wiping the watery tears from your eyes when you finally looked through them. You looked around and didn’t see Marcus in any of his usual spots which concerned you.
You jumped up, looking a little closer around the room until you saw him sitting in a chair, holding a framed picture.
“Marcus?” You spoke out quietly so as to not scare him, walking forward. When you looked at the picture it was one of you and him, one you could’ve sworn you locked away in your drawer with a code he couldn’t have known because of his memory loss. 
He didn’t look up, he wiped his eyes with his arm. You nodded as his tear ducts seemed to be working, your mind not stopping from test runs as they’ve been on since the beginning.
You tried again, “Marcus?”
When he finally looked up at you, you saw something in his eyes click. His eyes widened ever so slightly and his lips parted, it’s as if you could see the status check already…’Facial Recognition’.
“You put me back together again…” He trailed off, shaking his head slightly, still staring at you in what seemed like awe.
It was your turn for your eyes to widen. Your breaths quickened as you stared at him, “You know who I am?” You asked him, brows furrowing. 
A choked sob left his lips as he looked away from you, not really answering your question, “You did that alone, and I didn’t remember you the whole time.” He spoke breathily, putting the picture down and turning back to you.
You couldn’t speak as he wrapped his arms around you, holding your head gently, his other arm around your waist as he gently kissed your head. “I’m so sorry, thank you.” He whispered out to you, “Thank you, thank you for not giving up on me.” He softly cried, holding you tightly.
After a moment you slowly wrapped your arms around him, holding him tightly, hearing the heartbeat you added which you were so glad you added now. “You remember who I am?” You began to cry, your shoulders shaking harshly as you gasped out your cries.
Marcus cradled your head gently and nodded against you, “I remember you, I promise I do. I’m so sorry for forgetting in the first place.” He continued to cry, holding onto you as if you were the one who disappeared.
The two of you stayed holding each other in the lab, shedding tears, not letting go. You guys may have spent months together, but it felt like you guys had been apart for the entire time and even longer.
You finally got him back, you finally had your Marcus back.
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strawb3rrybumbl3b33 · 2 years
we have chemistry
in case you don’t know-
(y/n) = your name
(y/p) = your pronouns
Summary: (y/n) was always shy and easily flustered. This is no different when it comes to being lab partners with (y/p) crush; Marcus.
warnings: I’ve been online schooled my whole life, idk how this sh1t works. and nor do i entirely care. I also wrote this on a whim. 
word count: 234
(y/n) had always been shy and socially awkward. So, when it came to lab partners, it was actual hell for (y/p). Especially since (y/n)’s partner was (y/p) crush, Marcus.
It was lunch time. (y/n) had just finished eating and headed into the hallway to gather all (y/p) stuff for the next period. Marcus, the Davenports and Leo were sitting around the circular thing in the middle of hallway (seriously, if anyone knows what it’s called please tell me). Leo didn’t look too happy to be there. But that’s not what (y/n) was focused on. Panic surged through (y/p) as (y/p) stared at Marcus. (y/n) knew that talking to him was inevitable. Might as well get it out of the way.
(y/n) approached the group with intent. But as soon as everyone turned their attention to (y/n), (y/p) froze up a little.
“Uh- hi.” (y/p) muttered before turning (y/p) attention to Marcus. “We have chemistry-”
Marcus raised an eyebrow, a slight smile appearing on his face.
“No- i meant-” (y/n)’s face turned red.
“I know what you meant.” Marcus said keeping the smile on his face but lowering his eyebrow.
“Lab partner- work at.. Mine? 8?” (y/n) managed to stutter out.
“Sounds good.” Marcus responded.
“Good.” (y/n) finished, walking away as fast as (y/p) could.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Hi again it's good to see you!
Can I request volturi kings with a ruler s/o? They have their own kingdom which is (not to brag) bigger than theirs and powerful, maybe they have more advanced tech like wakanda or are just different types of superhumans/creatures. And s/o is an unknown yet extremely powerful being. ❤❤❤❤❤
The reader is powerful. She has a lot of talent. She has a large colony away from the city. Here he gathered different talented people together. These people are excluded from society because of their differences. The reader has created an opportunity for them to start life anew. All together they are big and happy family. The reader helps them control their power and understand themselves. I think it would be a coincidence that Kings found your reader. The reader is cautious at first. However, he agrees to develop his soul mate bonds with Kings. Indeed, Aro marvels at the reader's ability to set up such an organization. In fact, he will want you to help him find talented people. He wants to add talented people who want to transform in the reader's colony to Volturi. Marcus admires you for saving so many people. Caius brags about having such a talented wife. They want you to live in the Volturi castle, but they don't force you to do so. They want to learn more about you by spending time with you. The Three Kings also love and adore you.
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generalkenobee · 10 months
Hey guyss I just made a story update!!
Lukesboots is my Wattpad if you wanna check it out
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If anyone has any good lab rats fic recs that you don't have to have watched elite force (I haven't gotten that far yet) PLEASE send them my way I am begging you I'm STARVING for content
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allzelemonz · 7 months
Events Masterlist
Main Masterlist
These fics are listed here as well as under the characters and fandoms they are relevent for
Kinktober 2021
Armitage Hux X Male Reader X Kylo Ren
(To be reviewed to standard)
Eobard Thawne X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Eric Coulter X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Alexsandr Kallus X Male Reader X Mitth'raw'nuruodo
(To be reviewed to standard)
Maul X Gender Neutral Reader X Savage
(To be reviewed to standard)
The Swedes X AFAB Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Mitth'raw'nuruodo X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Henry King Sr X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Kinktober 2022
October 1st, Clothed Sex with Douglas Davenport
Pronouns: None mentioned, Marcus calls the Reader ‘Dad’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Reader is a step/adoptive-dad to Marcus, sex, mentions of cum, grinding, allusions to Douglas’ evil activities, nothing is proof-read Summary: Just a normal Friday with the smaller Davenport family, you bring Douglas some snacks and find him stuck in thought. You both decide you have ample time to yourselves.
October 3rd, Sex Pollen with Pavel Chekov
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Non-established relationship, but they’re in love, hinted Kirk/Spock and Chapel/Uhura, sex pollen enhances arousal and attraction but no fuck or die, allusions to bad wig Chekov, focus on how cute the Russian is, top reader, bottom Chekov, mentions of Chekov’s love for Russia Summary: The away team gets separated and the Captain orders for exploration in the meantime. Chekov and yourself wander across some strange plants that cause some interesting side effects.
October 5th, Mind Control/Dub/Non-Con with Tom Riddle
Pronouns: None mentioned except in summary Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Dubious consent, non-con vibes, mind control, drugging, Viagra potion, Tom Riddle being Voldemort in the early days, oral sex, anal sex, bottom reader, multiple orgasms, hopeful open ending, not proof read Summary: Tom Riddle met a nice boy at Hogwarts. One he couldn’t let get away. He keeps him away from his work and uses him as he sees fit.
October 7th, Generating Warmth with Leonard McCoy
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Non-established relationship, but they’re in love, stranded together, stuck in a cave, McCoy calls the reader “kid,” but he calls lots of people that, riding, hand-job, standard McCoy snark, long set up Summary: When Spock’s away team get stranded a second team is sent to locate them when the ship’s sensors fail. As a part of the rescue team, yourself and Doctor McCoy happen across a cave that needs investigating. A spontaneous collapse of the entrance leaves you both stuck in a freezing cave with limited sources of heat. You have to find a way to stay warm.
October 9th, Toys with Simon
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ in dialogue Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Toys, grinding, Simon hates dildos and thinks he’s too good for toys, mentions of Negan loving his wives, anal plug, handcuffs, prostate massage, rough sex, both of them are switches but Simon’s more of a top, Negan needs his Lieutenants to loosen up, asexual author that had to do a lot of fic reading to figure out how toys work Summary: On a run with Negan, the Saviors happen across a sex shop and bring home the lot. Being Negan’s right hand, Simon and his S/O get first pick.
October 11th, Cockwarming with Rumpelstiltskin
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader referred to as ‘Da’ by Baelfire Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, Tooth Rotting Fluff Warnings: Pre-Dark One Rumple, wholesome father with anxiety, Reader is a Stepdad to Baelfire, mentions/depiction of minor injury, fluff in the beginning, smut is brief and fluffy, top Reader, bottom Rumple, I proof read nothing Summary: A domestic life with Rumplestiltskin before his time as the Dark One. You are the comfort he needs, especially on cold nights.
October 13th, Somnophilia/Waking Up with Edward Nashton
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Edward being needy, mentions of Riddler stuff, light somnophilia with pre-established consent, multiple orgasms for the Reader, oral sex, riding, rough sex, not proof read, very little dialogue, top Reader, bottom Edward Summary: Edward often wakes you up when he’s feeling particularly needy. The trick is figuring exactly how he wants it. So long as he’s dizzy by the end, all is as it should be.
October 15th, Mating Cycles/In Heat with Spock
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Pon Farr, Spock having an animalistic drive, multiple orgasms, () used for custom name and rank, verbal consent is sexy, top Spock, bottom, Reader Summary: Spock has been careful to keep track of his Pon Farr, but it still snuck up on him before you could have your first time as a couple. Now Spock has to ask something very intimate of you.
October 17th, Power Imbalance with Mirror Kirk
Pronouns: He/Him, Reader is referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Mirrorverse runs on sex and blood, Mirror Kirk is mean, switch Reader, sub Reader, dom Mirror Kirk, references to Reader giving oral but it doesn’t happen, hand job, sex as a threat, sex a discipline, mentions of execution and torture, use of the pet name “good boy,” mentions of prior sex partner and Reader, mentions of Reader’s time at the academy, inexperienced Reader, dirty talk, handjob, mentions of grinding, sex Summary: As a Commander aboard the ISS Enterprise you get the occasional privilege of sitting in the Captain’s chair. When the Captain comes to relieve the Beta shift he keeps you behind for some fun, but things don’t go quite how he planned.
Tropesgiving 2022
Wrong Door: The Master X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 1: Enemies to Lovers Pronouns: He/Him Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Canon typical violence, double meaning/implied future intimacy, background Yaz/Doctor, Dhawan Master Summary: The Doctor responds to a distress signal and meets an unexpected enemy with the intention of hurting her and the fam. When everyone’s plans are ruined, a certain Timelord has to improvise.
Pelt: Snotlout Jorgenson X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 2: One Bed Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G/Fluff Warnings: Snotlout the flirt, the twins fight, written with a male reader in mind - but it’s never stated Summary: When someone forgets to bring enough blankets for the no-dragon training trip the group ends up having to share the few they do have.
Those Blue Eyes: Leonard McCoy X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 3: Evil Twins Pronouns: He/Him, use of boyfriend, reader called ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Canon typical violence, flirty mirror counterparts, mentions of surgery and death Summary: A mirrored version of Doctor McCoy is on the Enterprise and you have him at phaser point, but things are much more complicated than they seem.
The Prince: Armitage Hux X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 4: Arranged Marriage Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘prince’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Foundation of a queer platonic relationship, marriage for politics, aroace Hux and Reader, asexual bonding, sex/romance repulsion Summary: The First Order needs a strong alliance to beat the Resistance out of your system. Your government agrees, so long as there is a strong tie between the two governments. Armitage Hux receives an order from Supreme Leader Snoke himself.
Free Comics: Stuart Bloom X Male Reader X Barry Kripke
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 5: Love Triangle Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Barry is an asshole, Stuart stares a lot, Reader enjoys Silver Age DC, mentions/hints towards sex, hint of poly ending, Captain Sweatpants being a good guy Summary: Stuart and Barry are both flirty towards you, but when Barry finds out someone else is flirting with you he feels the need to do something about it. You have no problem laying out their options for them.
Not Your Tie: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 6: Clothing Swap Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Mature Themes Warnings: Oswald stays in the closet to get votes, mentions of sex, Ed knows everything and doesn’t hate Oswald, Oswald isn’t in this very much Summary: After a long night of celebration you arrive at the mayor’s office wearing Oswald’s tie. Luckily for you, Edward is a good friend.
12 Days of AU 2022
Dragons Know Things: Viggo Grimborn X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Soulmate Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Viking typical violence, minor injuries, hunters are hunters, Reader is an older dragon rider Summary: Shot down during a storm by the dragon hunters, you meet their leader.
The Death Knights: Severus Snape X Male Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Royalty Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader is called ‘sir’ as in the knightly title and acts as a traditionally masculine knight Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Mentions of death and war, arranged marriage, Voldemort still looks human, Snape is still a spy Summary: King Dumbledore’s precious school has fallen to the Dark King Voldemort’s forces, now they celebrate that victory.
Gaslight Hatter: Jervis Tetch X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Historic Pronouns: None Mentioned *Reader is a cop and the first female cop in America would have just joined the force around this time so there’s no room for pronoun plot holes, use what you want Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Mentions of murder/serial murder, based on the comic not the movie, reader is a cop but a cool one I guess, Reader referred to as an Alice by Hatter, I hope you’ve read the book Summary: 1890s Gotham is facing a new threat after the demise of Jack the Ripper. A madman dressed as the beloved Hatter from a popular storybook who has a pension for playing dress up with the young adults of the city. As an officer working under Inspector Gordon, it’s your job to protect the people.
Necromancer: Milton Mamet X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Magic Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Zombies Warnings: Mentions of death and zombies, use of ‘biters’ instead of 'walkers’ Summary: When science fails, magic is needed to learn more about the dead.
Navyman: Malcolm Reed X Male Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Modern Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G Warnings: Malcolm’s family is clueless, aquaphobia, mentions of scary/life threatening conditions at sea Summary: In modern times, Malcolm Reed didn’t have any Starfleet to join and is pressured into the Navy despite his fear. His family is proud, but knows nothing about his phobia so you have to help him through it during a storytelling session.
Traditions: Montgomery Scott X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Holiday Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Alcohol Warnings: Multiple holiday celebration, Scotty’s tree has to be perfect, mentions of scotch, holidays/faiths mentioned specifically: Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, and Christmas, author celebrates Yule and did research for other holidays Summary: When the holiday season rolls around the Enterprise has an annual party, limited to one night due to the dangers of space. Scotty and the Operations division are in charge of decorations for all of the holidays and it’s time to set up.
Fictober 2023
Street Urchin: Dutch Van der Linde X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 1, Age Play Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘son’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Age play, role play, begging, slight pain/rough handling, anal fingering, anal sex, prostate massage, biting, neck kissing, dirty talk, teasing Summary: Dutch suggested you pretend to be one of those young street boys while in Saint Denis so he can teach you a lesson.
Big, Not Dumb: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 2, Compliments Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Language Warnings: Referenced bullying, referenced crime, fluff, comfort, kisses, cuddling, bashful Bill, use of Bill’s birth name Summary: You get back to camp to find Bill in a bad mood, that simply will not do.
Annoying: John Marston X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 3, Hate Sex Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Hate sex, anal fingering, anal sex, prostate massage, dirty talk, teasing, mentions of John’s situation with Abigail and Jack, Reader is an asshole, pre-Blackwater, violence, punching Summary: You’ve been sent on a scouting excursion with John to find a good spot closer to Blackwater, John is annoying through the whole ride.
Never Again: Kieran Duffy X Bill Williamson
Fictober Prompt: Day 4, Hurt/Comfort Pairing Type: M/M Rating: T/Language, References to sex Warnings: Referenced/Implied forced prostitution, trauma, mentions of past torture, the tongs, Dutch is an asshole, soft Bill Williamson, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, protective bahavior, hugs, internalized homophobia, Bill is at war with himself Summary: Kieran finds himself forced into something he doesn’t want to do in order to make money for camp, Bill is there to keep that from happening.
Little O’Driscoll Dog: Micah Bell X Kieran Duffy
Fictober Prompt: Day 5, Collaring Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, fluff, tooth rotting?, repressed Micah Bell, kinky Kieran Duffy, admittance of feelings, established relationship, slow sex, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, marking, protectiveness, possessiveness, top Micah and bottom Kieran Summary: Micah and Kieran spend their first night in a hotel room, giving them both the opportunity to admit things.
Sit Still: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 6, Dubcon/Frottage Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Slight dubcon, frottage, sex with clothes on, grinding, kissing, neck kissing, marking, low honor Arthur Morgan, dominate Arthur and submissive Reader, sleeping, slight cuddling Summary: With the whole camp noticing Arthur’s darker turn recently, Dutch sent you out to keep an eye on him.
Helping and Teaching: Colm O’Driscoll X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 7, Virginity Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB, Mention of chest hair Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Colm O’Driscoll has a virginity kink big time, Reader is an O’Driscoll, praise, dirty talk, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, proposition, kissing, grinding, clothed dominant/naked submissive, anal fingering, anal sex, top Colm/bottom Reader, gentle Colm for once Summary: While out on a job with the other O’Driscoll boys, you let slip that you’re a virgin. When this news gets back to Colm, his interest is piqued.
Not a Drop: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 8, Breeding Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Passing mention of having a kid (but not really talking about it, just dirty talk), Micah being a needy bottom, Reader is confused but supportive of Micah’s breeding kink, multiple orgasms, playing with hair, cuddling, cockwarming, breeding, anal fingering, anal sex, dirty talk, top Reader and bottom Micah Summary: Micah has a bit of a surprising request, he wants to be filled like he’s being bred.
The Map: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 9, Kisses Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/References to sex Warnings: Kisses, fluff, light bickering, spoiling Brown Jack of course, use of Bill’s birth name, established relationship, implied future sex, slight appreciation of Bill’s thighs Summary: Lost in a new area when trying to find a new town, you have a sweet moment with Bill.
Sweet: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 10, Praise Kink Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kisses, fluff, smut, outdoor sex, praise kink, self anal fingering, anal sex, top Reader and bottom Kieran, statements of love, established relationship Summary: A moment away from camp in which you notice Kieran reacts rather pleasantly to being praised.
Lesson: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 11, Humiliation Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kisses, smut, outdoor sex, long term humiliation, anal fingering, anal sex, top Reader and bottom Micah, established relationship, jealousy, rough sex Summary: When Micah gets too close with Dutch, you feel the need to remind him of something.
Wake The Bear: Bill Williamson X Micah Bell
Fictober Prompt: Day 12, Somnophillia Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, sleep sex, slightly dubious consent, insomniac Micah, thicc (™) Bill, clingy Bill, established relationship, kissing, marking, possessiveness, top Micah and bottom Bill Summary: Stuck in Bill’s bear-like cuddles, Micah comes across something to entertain himself.
Trustworthy: Arthur Morgan X Albert Mason
Fictober Prompt: Day 13, Cuckolding Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, established relationship (Arthur/Albert), fluff, kink negotiation, domestic themes, soft sex, gentle sex, masturbation, exhibitionism, cuckolding, kisses, oral sex, blow jobs, anal fingering, anal sex, cuddling, fantasies come to life, top Charles and bottom Albert with viewing Arthur. Summary: Arthur finds himself thinking of a new dirty fantasy and he is lucky enough to have a sweetheart and friend that are willing to help him fulfill it.
Training The Workhorse: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 14, Orgasm Denial Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Arthur being needy, orgasm denial, kissing, anal fingering, oral sex, blow jobs, rimming, teasing, top Reader and bottom Arthur Summary: Arthur has been overly needy, so you give him just enough attention to ensure he listens.
Rebound: Dutch Van der Linde X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 15, Noncon/Rape Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ and holds a generally masculine mindset given the circumstances Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Rape, grief, drinking, mentions of Annabelle’s death, unhealthy coping mechanisms, hints of victim blaming because Dutch is an ass, threats, semi-public sex, hand jobs, anal fingering, anal sex, marking, neck kissing, slight cum fixation, vomiting, crying, Dutch is such a bad person in this one dude, shifting perspective Summary: After losing someone he loves, Dutch drinks to forget and gets an idea in his drunken mind when he spots a man he likes the look of.
Flipped: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader X Kieran Duffy
Fictober Prompt: Day 16, Gentle threesome, Double penetration Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: threesome, rimming, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, double penetration, fluff, smut, guys being dudes Summary: Sean’s big mouth ends up with you taking both he and Kieran at the same time.
Dare: The Van der Linde Boys X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 17, Multi Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘fella’ and ‘man’, heavy masculine implication Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: (have you ever been in a men’s locker room and things got a little weird), smut, background relationships, masturbation, hand jobs, kissing, oral sex, blow jobs, dirty talk, facial, cum swallowing, Micah being an asshole, flirting, casual sex, everyone is gay but especially Bill Summary: Drunk Sean wanting to get off prompts a dare to jerk off and last longer than anyone else at the fire. Gay chaos of a sort ensues.
Bruises: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 18, Spanking Pronouns: None Mentioned, masculine implication Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: M/Mild sexual themes Warnings: Mentions of violence and injuries sustained, marking, spanking, bruising, fantasizing, masturbation, anal fingering, cuddling, kissing, aftercare, sex put off in favor of cuddling Summary: Arthur loves being put over your knee but this is the longest you’ve been apart.
At His Lowest: Dutch Van der Linde X Micah Bell
Fictober Prompt: Day 19, Exhibitionism Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Exhibitionism, epilogue setting, power dynamics, dom/sub undertones, anal fingering, anal sex, bottom Micah/top Dutch, mentions of past grief, Dutch is not mentally healthy Summary: Now that Dutch has reunited with Micah, he has an opportunity he should have taken years ago.
Needy Firsts: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 20, Rimming Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kissing, established relationship, begging, Sean is loud, rimming, first time rimming, mentions of prior sex, slight aftercare Summary: After a few days without much alone time you decide to do something with Sean that you haven’t done before.
Sweet Blood: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 21, Blood/Murder Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, violence Warnings: Appreciation of Bill’s size, kissing, gunfight, blood, murder, oral sex, blow job, hint of anal fingering, mentions of bathing together, goofy fluff, Bill is clumsy Summary: After a shootout Bill gets a little show that he enjoys more than he might expect.
Thickness: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 22, Intercrural Sex Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Prior failed sex with injury, mention of blood, a lesson in lubrication, Bill’s thighs getting the attention they deserve, intercrural sex, prepping, aftercare, kissing, hand job, soft sex, fluff Summary: After a painful failed attempt at typical intimacy, Bill has an idea that won’t worsen his injury.
Practice Makes Perfect: Abe X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 23, First Time Deepthroating Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Fluff, oral sex, blow job, deepthroating, cum swallowing, domestic-ish, established relationship Summary: After a lot of practice, Abe finally manages to get you down into his throat.
Slow: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 24, Sounding Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Fluff, careful sex, sounding, safe sex for the time period, the fence has a spicy inventory you know he does, communication Summary: A new toy from the fence means testing it out with caution.
End: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 25, Crying Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence, language Warnings: Angst, crying, betrayal, Reader doesn’t take Micah’s side, violence, guns, shootout, drinking, Micah doesn’t know how to do emotions, Baylock is a good horse, extreme coping mechanisms Summary: The end of the gang, everything is going Micah’s way. There’s just one little snag that Micah doesn’t know how to handle, something he didn’t know how to account for.
A Dynamic: Dutch Van der Linde X Arthur Morgan
Fictober Prompt: Day 26, Grooming Pairing Type: M/M Rating: M/Grooming, references to sex Warnings: Underage, dead dove, grooming, dark themes, Dutch’s mind is a wasteland, bad father Dutch, groping, head kissing, cuddling, affection Summary: Dutch doesn’t think what he does with Arthur is all that wrong. A/N: Goes without saying this is your extra dead dove warning. This is an interesting dynamic I had read a few fics on and I wanted to explore Dutch’s odd interest in ‘younger women’ that he has in the game. It’s short because it’s gross.
Messed Up: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 27, S&M Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘sir’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: E/Smut, blood Warnings: Rough sex, rough masturbation, anal fingering, sex toys, anal plug, knife play, blood, marking, dom/sub, bottom Micah and top Reader, aftercare, cuddling, choking, asphyxiation, blacking out, passing out  Summary: After misbehaving before, Micah gets a well loved punishment.
Well Behaved: Colm O’Driscoll X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 28, Daddy Kink Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/References to sex Warnings: Colm being sweet, cuddling by a fire, blankets, soft behavior, daddy kink, neck kissing, sensual touching, cozy setting, I wrote this in thirty degree weather because cold Summary: A warm night by the fire with Colm.
Squeeze: Charles Smith X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 29, Breathplay Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Choking, anal fingering, anal sex, cockwarming, kissing, neck kissing, slight aftercare of sorts, birthday presents, fluff, Charles being extra pretty, established relationship, bottom Charles and top Reader Summary: Charles gets everything he wants for his birthday.
Misadventures: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 30, Failed Date Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Language, mention of injury Warnings: Fluff, romance, date, picnic, kissing, mention of violence and injury, Micah trying his best Summary: Micah plans a date to make up for being a bad sweetheart, only for things to turn on him all at once.
Boys’ Night: The Van der Linde Boys X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 31, Orgy Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Orgy, threesomes, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, oral sex, blow jobs, rough sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, Sean’s drunken mind, marking, viagra-esc tonics, almost everyone is passed around to everyone else, Reader takes both top and bottom roles Summary: Sean has an idea that leads most of the boys in the gang to a damn fun time.
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Elite Force Universe Masterlist
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Lab Rats
"Home" Armida Davenport(OC) Drabble
Armida reflects on her strained relationship with her adoptive father, Douglas Davenport. 
"Special" (A Christmas) Donald Davenport Oneshot 
Donald reflects on how circumstances in his life changed his perspective on the holidays. 
Warning: mentions of neglectful/toxic parenting
"Where the Devils Go" Chase Davenport & Armida Davenport(OC) Drabble 
Chase struggles to move past the avalanche incident, and the choices he could’ve made.
Reader Insert
"Explain" Marcus Davenport x Sibling!Reader Drabble 
The Reader returns home to discover Marcus and Douglas may be lying to them.
Relationship: Platonic
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Lab Rats: Bionic Island
"Doubt" Adam Davenport Drabble
Adam reflects on his relationship with his siblings. 
"Allergy" Chase Davenport Drabble 
For: Sicktember 2021 - Day 24 - Sneezing
"Red" Chase Davenport Drabble 
Chase deals with memories.
Warning: blood, injury, traumatic memories
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Mighty Med
"Parade" Bridget Drabble 
Playing the role of a supervillain, though theatrical, came more naturally than Bridget expected.
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Lab Rats: Elite Force
"Justice" Lab Rats: Elite Force Drabble 
The underlying motivations behind the members of the Elite Force. 
"Fractured" Oliver Drabble 
Oliver reaches his breaking point. 
Warning: depression, discussion of a broken home
"Game" Kaz Drabble
Kaz always knew he was destined to be a superhero. 
"All You Were Meant to Be" Chase Davenport Drabble
Burdened with guilt over Douglas’ fate, Chase considers going rogue. 
"Worry" Leo Dooley Drabble
Miles away at the Bionic Academy, Leo worries about his siblings. 
"Fall" Skylar Storm Drabble 
Skylar is conlflicted about her role admist this war. 
Warning: discussions of death
"Admissions" Bree Davenport Drabble 
Bree had admitted she was wrong to think that the Arcturion would fix everything. So why, now that she has new powers, is she pretending like it did?
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 1 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
Leo was the one who heard all of Davenport’s confessions in the elevator. He was the one who sought out Douglas, who had been the one to originally break into his and Marcus’ lab. He’s the one who’s been trapped in and escaped from a freaking parallel universe. 
He knows, better than any of them, that all the secrets surrounding their past will never fully come to light. 
But he needs to save his brother. And if that means chasing a ghost from Douglas’ past, then he will. No matter where it leads him. (Background crossover material: The Dark Tower by C.S. Lewis) 
Warning: violence, minor character death, mentioned drug use, mild horror, moderate blood and gore
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 2 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 3 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 4 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
Character x Character
"Lifeline" Bree Davenport x Oliver Drabble 
In the midst of the escalating war, Bree considers her relationship with Oliver.
"Regret" Skylar Storm x Chase Davenport Drabble 
Skylar reflecting on her relationship with Chase.
"Burn" Skylar Storm x Chase Davenport Drabble
Skylar, again, reflecting on her relationship with Chase.
"Streets" Skylar Storm x Chase Davenport Drabble 
Skylar reflecting on Chase’s disappearance. 
"Balance" Skylar Storm x Leo Dooley Drabble 
Skylar may refuse to acknowledge her crush on Leo, but she knows she can’t stand it when his girlfriend visits.
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writingfanficlis · 2 years
Found out that all the Marcus Davenport from Lab Rats simps are being deprived. Don’t worry I got you fam
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Okay, so I have this one fanfiction on Wattpad that I haven’t updated in quite a bit of time and I’ve been kinda discouraged to update ever since Wattpad updated (and it’s so fucking ugly, ngl) and it just distracts me from actually writing.
Regardless, I got on Wattpad just now and I checked my notifications and I saw that somebody put my fanfic in their library, right? That’s nice, right? It’s cause they like my writing enough to want to keep reading it.
But here’s the fucking catch:
They put my fanfic in their “Waiting for Updates” library.
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imaginefan · 2 years
Do This Right
Marcus Davenport X F!Reader
Word Count: 1314
Requested: Anon
Request: Can you do a Marcus Davenport x FEM or GN reader where he comes back after everyone assumes that he's dead (like The Vanishing episode) but since he remembers everything from his past he remembers the reader and Giselle promises that If he helps her destroy the bionics and Douglas Davenport she'll help him find the reader
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Leo was a friend of yours and you were more than happy to welcome his new siblings when they started attending the school as well. They weren't very good a keeping a secret and while everyone around you seemed to just write off all the weird things that happened around them, you knew Leo far too well to just ignore everything that happened and eventually you ended up walking in on something that they couldn't explain away, so you learned about their abilities and promised to help them get through school like normal kids. When Marcus came along you, much like Leo didn't trust him but the problem for you was that you found it hard to do anything about it because of the way that you felt about him. You were pretty sure that Marcus knew of these feelings and he played on them, he always asked for help and even offered the help where he could, so much so that you thought that you were wrong and started to get closer to him.
Unfortunately, Leo was right and he was not worth the trust that you had given him and you thought that you were angry at him when he told you the truth you said some horrible things to him in the hopes that he would see what he was doing was wrong but he still walked away, you were hurt but it all seemed pointless when they came back and told you that he had been crushed, that he wasn't coming back, you were glad that they were all okay but for a little, while you did distance yourself from them in attempts to understand the feelings that you were caught up in, eventually they got in contact with you, they wanted your help teaching the new bionic kids, you decided that it was time to stop sulking and get yourself back together, so you started helping them, you were only there on the weekends to help them understand how to interact with non-bionic people, it seemed that your life was getting back on track.
One night you were sitting in your room, you were doing homework. It was one of the days that you weren't supposed to be at the island and your phone rang, you looked down and saw Bree's name on the screen "Hello?" You asked as you put the phone on speaker and put it on the bed. "(Y/N) we need your help," Bree said, you could hear the panic in her voice. "What's wrong?" You asked. "Gizelle she..." "She rebuilt Marcus, you say my memory is bad." You heard Adam say on the other end of the phone. "Marcus?" You asked. "We need you to get to the island, you'll be able to find Gizelle's lab from the computer, you have to get here you could be the only one that could get Marcus to change sides," Chase said. "He walked away from me once, he'll do it again," You said as you got out of bed, you weren't going to ignore their cry for help but you knew that plan wasn't going to work. "Just try please." Bree pleaded before it seemed that the call was cut off.
You made it to the island in record time, it was weird that it was so quiet, with no one there it was almost creepy, you grabbed the stuff that you needed since you had been training with the others to learn all the basics you weren't completely useless, it took a little longer than you wanted to actually get to Gizelle's lab considering there was no one to get you there but once you were there, it all seemed far to easy for you to sneak through the halls. On any normal occasion, you would have found it rather annoying the way that Donnie and Douglas argued but that was the only way that you managed to find them, you quickly looked through the door to see that it was in fact Marcus, throwing Daniel around but Gizelle wasn't there so you opened the door properly clearing your throat to make yourself known. "Marcus!" You called, it seemed like everything froze, he stopped moving, there seemed to be an air of confusion around everything. "(Y/N)?" He asked, he turned to look at you and you smiled as you looked at him. "You've got to stop that." You said as you pointed at Daniel. "He's just a kid, he never asked for any of this." "Neither did I." Marcus argued "the only reason I'm here is that she said that she would help me find you, I don't want to be this way... I thought that we were going to win and I would be able to come back and fix everything before but..." "Well you can fix it now but only if you stop making the same mistakes." You said, "let him go." "You think I can just walk away?" He asked. "You're one of the strongest beings on the planet, you can walk away from anything you want to." You answered and although there was slight sass behind that sentence you meant everything that you said. "We could just go." Marcus dropped Daniel as he turned to you, he closed the space between us. "I wish we could but there is something that I have to do first." He said softly. "I probably shouldn't let the rest of your friends die because of me." "I should go with you." You said. "Stay here, it's safer." He ordered. "Not for you, if I stay here, they'll kill you the moment that they see you." You argued. "They're like an old married couple!" Douglas cheered and you rolled your eyes. "Let's just go." You muttered as you pulled him out with you. "(Y/N) get away from him!" Leo yelled as he appeared in the doorway and you looked at him and frowned. "No Leo! He's going to help us get out of here! We just need to find the others." You informed him. "You're serious!?" He asked, his bionic hand lowering. "Leo, we really don't have time for this." You reminded him and he looked at the two of you for a second before helping you untie Donnie and Douglas and head off to find the others. Marcus made sure that you stayed close to you in case something happened and before you knew it you were faced with a room that had a very dead Gizelle as well as Bree, Adam and Chase looking no worse for wear. "(Y/N) you came!" Bree smiled as she walked over hugging you. "Of course I did. I wasn't going to leave you here." You smiled as you stepped back "and Marcus even agreed to come back with us."
Later that evening you were sitting on the bed in the room that they had given Marcus while he stood by the window looking out at the sea and you couldn't stop thinking about what you had said to him before he died and you needed to talk to him about it "Marcus... What I said before..." "Don't worry about it, I walked away from you after all, I wasn't very nice about everything either." He said as he walked back over crouching in front of you taking your hands in his. "I thought that when I walked away from you, I'd be able to come back and make everything right after, then I died... When Gizelle found me and reassembled me all I could think about was you and she promised that she would help me find you after we got rid of everyone but you found me and now we can make this right, I promise we'll do this right." He pressed a kiss to the top of your head to finalize his promise.
Requests and general question!
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luvrlou · 3 years
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Bill Denbrough
Richie Tozier
"Please cuddle me all day"
Summary: Your boyfriend Richie comes over to hang out with you but all you want to do is sleep.
Eddie Kaspbrak
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Mike Hanlon
Stanley Uris
Henry Bowers
Reginald “Belch” Huggins
Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter
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Seaquest DSV
Lucas Wolenczak
Happy Couple
Summary: On Captain Bridger’s tour of the SeaQuest he meets Y/N and Lucas, the only teenagers, and the only ones who can sustain a healthy relationship.
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Newsies 1992
Jack Kelly
Spot Conlon
Surprises on Set (Gabriel Damon x Reader)
Summary: Max flys Y/N out to Universal Studios to visit her boyfriend, Gabriel Damon, who has been very moody lately.
David Jacobs
Racetrack Higgins
Kid Blink
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Karl Jacobs, Sapnap and Quackity streaming with a scottish!reader
Karl Jacobs
Karl Jacobs, Sapnap and Quackity streaming with a scottish!reader
Karl Jacobs, Sapnap and Quackity streaming with a scottish!reader
Cuddles with Tommy include
Summary: Tommy complains about Y/N’s new nickname for him.
Chill Stream
Summary: Sbi, Tubbo, Dream and George gushing over Tommy and Y/N being couple goals
Come see the stars
Summary: Tommy takes his best friend stargazing.
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The Outsiders
Ponyboy Curtis
Dating Ponyboy Curtis Would Include:
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston
Johnny Cade
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Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Draco Malfoy
Ginny Weasley
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Back to the Future
Marty McFly
George McFly
Lorraine Baines
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The Mighty Ducks
Charlie Conway
Spy Deal
Summary: Coach Orion has a little job for his younger sister
Adam Banks
Guy Germaine
Ken Wu
Luis Mendoza
Dean Portman
Fulton Reed
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Dream a Little Dream
Bobby Keller
Dinger Holfield
Dating him would include
What are my Flaws
Summary: After being invited to a party some truths come out after a silly drunken conversation.
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Mikey Walsh
Clarke “Mouth” Deveraux
Andy Carmichael
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Cher Horowitz
Dionne Davenport
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Defending Jacob
Jacob Barber
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Malcolm in the Middle
Malcolm Wilkerson
Reese Wilkerson
Nail Polish
Summary: Y/N finds Reece's many bottles of nail polish and paints his nails.
Summary: A sworn enemy sparks a romance at a Halloween party?
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Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste
They're Whipped
Summary: Head canons about some miraculous characters being whipped for you.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Nino Lahiffe
They're Whipped
Summary: Head canons about some miraculous characters being whipped for you.
Luca Couffaine
Chloe Bourgeois
They're Whipped
Summary: Head canons about some miraculous characters being whipped for you.
Félix Graham de Vanily
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The Black Phone
Vance Hopper
Finney Blake
Bruce Yamada
Robin Arellano
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Sidemen + Friends
What Happens in Mykonos Stays in Mykonos
Summary: After a drunken night of clubbing Harry and Y/N exchange some intoxicated words.
Drunk on Cam
Summary: Cal and his girlfriend have a bit too much fun helping Tobi film his video.
"Y/N and Cal being our favourites"
Summary: If a fan made a compilation of Cal and Y/N's best moments.
Stephen Tries
Summary: A little twitter thread
Harry Pinero
Yung Filly
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Ginny & Georgia
Matt press
Get Out Of Your Own Way
Summary: Matt Press can never seem to get out of his own way.
Marcus Baker
Abby Littman
Young Zion Miller
Young Joe
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Beta Squad
Niko Omilana
Cutie Patooties
Summary: Niko's day seems to lighten up incredibly after a certain guest is invited into the studio.
Aj Shabeel
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infiniteimaginings · 3 months
「𝘓𝘢𝘣 𝘙𝘢𝘵𝘴」
Started: March 1st, 2024 Updated: March 1st, 2024
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Characters I write for in the show 'Lab Rats'
Adam Davenport Bree Davenport Chase Davenport Leo Dooley Marcus Davenport
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the-captains-mop · 3 years
TW! mental illness, abuse, eating disorders mentioned briefly
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☆I don't tend to go in order with requests. I do usually get to almost all request.
☆ I have the right to turn down requests.
☆ Please don't rush me; I write in my free time. I have school and other priorities
☆ Feel free to request as much as you'd like just be sure to send each request separately.
!!! Let me know if I forget to Trigger/Content warnings. If I am writing about serious topics I put warnings before the fic starts and in the tags.
What I will and won't write, fandom and ship list below the cut
x Reader's
Serious topics like Mental Illness, Abuse, Eating disorders ect.
Henry Danger
The Thundermans
Lab Rats
Mighty Med
Lab Rats Elite Force
other's to be added! Feel free to ask if id write for a fandom you don't see here and I'll let you know if i would.
Oliver/Skylar (more of OC Oliver that isn't so creepy)
If you'd like to see a ship not mentioned ask and i'll let you know if id write for them!
Henry Hart
Jasper Dunlop
Charlotte Page
Max Thunderman
Phoebe Thunderman
Skylar Storm
Allan Diaz
Adam Davenport
Bree Davenport
Chase davenport
Marcus Davenport
Leo Dooley
If you want an x reader for someone who is not on the list feel free to ask.
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disneygirl2202 · 7 years
You’ll Be Fine (Chase Davenport x reader)
A/N: Don’t judge me if the characters seem out of character, I haven’t watched Lab Rats in a while and well, I wanted to test my luck on writing this.
Summary: You’re also bionic, you’ve been dating your best friend, Bree’s brother, Chase. You’ve only been on a few missions with them, but Chase doesn’t like to bring you around any mission that involves Krane, afraid he is going to figure everything out and use you against him. But that fails as Marcus told Krane everything about you. Krana manages to kidnap you while everybody is on a mission while you’re helping from the base. 
Your P.O.V.
“From what I’m seeing from the camera on Chase’s vest, everything is in perfect condition.” You say, studying the blue prints, while looking at the video feed your boyfriend is sending you 
“Are you sure Y/N? Cause whoever sent this mission to us said it was malfunctioning.” Chase says 
“Yes Chase. I’m sure. I’m looking at the blue prints and the thing at the same time. Everything is fine. Whoever sent this mission must have either fixed it before you got there, or they tricked you.” You say, sighing, leaning against the desk turning around 
You listen to the others as they discuss what they’re supposed to do. You aren’t paying attention to anything around you until you hear footsteps coming down the hallway leading to the base. 
“Guys, are you back already?” You ask 
“No. We’re just heading back to the plane. Why?” Leo asks 
“I just hear footsteps in the hallway and I have no idea who it is.” You say, starting to get scared, knowing it’s not Tasha since she doesn’t come down here very often
“Y/N, hide somewhere safe. We will be right there.” Chase says, worry in his voice 
You splutter out a response as you go to quickly hide in one of the closets when you see the door open and Victor Krane shows up. Your eyes widen as you go to run away but he uses molecularkinesis to hold you in place. 
“Let me go!” You yell 
“Not so fast Y/N, it looks like your friends didn’t do a very good job hiding you from me.” He laughs
You try to use your own molecularkinesis to fight against his to try and get away. 
“Y/N, what’s going on?” Chase asks 
“It’s Krane. He found the base.” You cry 
“You’ll be fine Y/N. Try to hold him off until we get there.” Chase says
You look back at him, still using your own bionic against his but he’s slowly crushing you. Tears come to your eyes as you look him in the eye. 
“They’re going to find you and take you down.” You say 
That’s the last thing you remember before blacking out. 
Chase’s P.O.V. 
I run into the base and see the mess from the stuggle Y/N put up. I put my hands on my head, pulling at my hair. 
“How could Krane have possibly found out about her? I kept her away from the missions that involve him.” I say 
“Who else knew about her?” Bree asks 
“Marcus knew about her, didn’t he?” Adam says 
“But we destroyed him. He possibly couldn’t have told Krane about Y/N, could he?” I say 
“He could have mentioned her before you guys took him down.” Douglas says 
“Where would Krane be holding her?” I ask Douglas 
“He could be holding her anywhere to be completely honest.” He says 
“Of course he could be.” I say 
“The tracking app!” Bree says 
“What?” I ask 
“The tracking app that Donald added to our chip for if we ever needed it.” She says 
“Oh my gosh! You’re a genius!” I say, rushing to a desk, logging onto the computer
I look though all of the data that comes up from Y/N’s chip, but nothing is helpful to what I need to find out. 
“It’s not showing on here.” I say 
“Chase....” A voice on the earpieces break out 
“Y/N, is that you?” I ask 
“Yeah... Washi... D... Please... Me...” Her voice breaks in and out
“Y/N, we’ll be right there. You’ll be fine. I promise.” I say and look at the others 
“She must be in Washington DC.” Bree says 
“Exactly. Krane will be expecting us to come rushing in to safe her.” Davenport says 
“So what is the plan?” Adam asks 
“We do exactly what Krane expects, just improvise when he goes to attack us.” I say 
“Alright Chase. She’s your girlfriend, what’s the main plan?” Leo asks 
“While Adam, Leo, and I will be distracting Krane, Bree will use her superspeed to hopefully get Y/N out of there.” I say 
They all nod as we run off towards the helicopter. As we take off, I watch the ground as it gets smaller and smaller. 
“Hopefully we aren’t too late.” I whisper
Your P.O.V. 
You would try to pull against your restraints, holding you to the table you’re laying on. You would see a whole bunch of machines surrounding you and the room. 
“What is this place?” You ask
“Just where your mother implanted your chip.” Krane says, looking through a few files 
“Why did you bring me back here?” You ask, trying to pull against them again 
“Just to lure your friends out of hiding.” He says, finally looking up 
“They’ve left you alone. Why start this now?” You say 
“Because I can’t proceed with the plan until you, Bree, Adam, and Chase are gone for good.” He says “Marcus, get in here and get on with your duty.” 
“Marcus?” You say quietly 
“Yeah, you may have thought he was gone for good, but you obviously thought wrong. Now if you will excuse me, I have people to stop.” He says, walking out
You look at the door and see Marcus’s brown hair as he is looking down at the ground. 
“How could you do this Marcus? We all trusted you!” You say 
“Well you obviously trusted the wrong person.” He says
“Obviously. And you obviously got a hold of the wrong Lab Rat.” You say 
“Why do you say that? You’re obviously the weakest out of you four Lab Rats.” He says, crossing his arms “So tell me Y/N, why do you still work with them when Chases doesn’t allow you on many missions.” 
“Because they do it out of my safety.” You say, looking down at your hands, trying to slip them out
“Not so fast.” He says, rushing over, tightening them a little tighter
“Y/N?!” You hear Bree yell 
“Oh look who somehow got through Victor.” Marcus says 
“Bree watch out!” You yell, seeing Marcus’s eyes start to glow
Bree moves out of the way and rushes over to you, quickly undoing one of the restraints, moving out of the way so Marcus follows her. You reach over and undo the other restraint, sitting up and scanning the area, finding the door, but then scanning for Bree or Marcus. 
Your super hearing kicks in and you hear Leo yelling at Chase to watch behind him. 
“Bree where are you?” You yell, standing up 
“Behind a few things. Go help Chase and them. I can deal with Marcus.” She says 
You spot Marcus slowly starting to creep up to a corner, you quickly use your molecularkenisis and throw him across the room. You smile in success then remember  what you heard Leo yelling. 
You turn on your heel and run out the door, using a plasma grenade on Krane, shooting him in the back,sending him off of the building. You smirk as you run over to Chase and offer him a hand. 
He takes it and pulls himself up, pulling you into a hug. You smile and hold him tightly. 
“I told you, you’ll be fine.” He says
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revwinchester · 7 years
First Date
Summary: The reader is getting ready for a first date with a man she met online but her brothers, Sam and Dean, seem to be trying everything they can think of to ruin her evening.
Pairings/Characters: Sister!Reader x Marcus (OMC), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Word Count: 1553
Warnings: lots of fluff, Sam and Dean being overprotective big brothers, some cursing
A/N: This was written for @idreamofhazel and @impala-dreamer 1K/2K Sammy Says Challenge!  ‘Grats to you both on the milestones!  My prompt was Sam’s line from The Real Ghostbusters “we have guns and we’ll find you” and it’s bolded in the fic.  I know I told you it was going to be a genfic and it looks like it’s a OMC fic, but it’s really not in the end, I promise.
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
First Date -
You were flying through your room searching for a shirt.  Well, searching for a specific shirt.  You had plenty of others but none of them were right for tonight; none of them were date shirts.  You had tried on everything you owned - twice - and your entire closet was basically spread out on every flat surface in your bedroom.  Nothing looked like you wanted it to and the shirt you really wanted to wear was definitely missing.  
“DEAN!” you shouted for your brother as you wrapped your robe around yourself and resigned to doing your makeup before you had fully assembled your outfit.  You began laying out the contents of your makeup case.  It wasn’t every day you got to get all dolled up and you were looking forward to this.
After a few minutes, your oldest brother poked his head into your room and took in the mess that surrounded you.  “It looks like a tornado ripped through here, Y/N.”
You turned to face Dean, keeping the bitchface that you wanted to use on him off of your face since you were pretty sure you needed your brother’s help.  “You did the laundry after our last case, right?”
“Yeah, I threw it all in the machine right when we got back,” Dean reminded you.
“I thought so,” you replied.  “I think I’m missing a shirt I wore; the purple one with the silver details on the straps.  Have you seen it?”
Dean made his thinking face, the one where he pursed his lips and stuck them out like a duck’s beak while his eyes turned toward the ceiling.  “Nope,” he said, popping the ‘p’ sound.
He was lying; you could tell.  Dean was acting way too innocent and you were positive he knew where your shirt was.  “You sure?  It’s the one that I wore when I went undercover.  I was planning on wearing it tonight.”
You saw something flash through Dean’s eyes and you were positive he had your shirt hidden away somewhere.  “You are not wearing the shirt that you used to disguise yourself as a hooker to go out on a date with some random guy.”
“So you do know what I’m talking about!” you exclaimed in victory.  “Where is my shirt?”
Dean just pursed his lips again and shrugged, looking entirely unrepentant as you finally gave in to the bitchface.
You were running out of time and needed to up the ante quickly.  “Don’t make me take one of these out to decorate your precious car’s leather,” you threatened, indicating your small but mighty lipstick collection.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Dean declared as his eyes narrowed.
You picked out your brightest red and twisted the tube, extending the lipstick to its full length.  “Oh, really?” you asked with raised eyebrows.  “Are you sure about that?”
You made a play for the door but Dean stepped in your way.  However, you were smaller and more agile than he was and you were able to get passed him and into the hallway.  You ran a few paces down the hall in the direction of the garage before turning back to your brother.  “Last chance, Dean.  Would you rather give me back my shirt or let me give your car a makeover?”
Your brother lunged for you but you spun out of his reach.  Sensing defeat, he sighed.  “Give me the lipstick and I’ll tell you where your shirt is.”
“Nuh-uh, no way,” you told him with a shake of your head, “there’s nothing in it for you if I give this up.”  You turned your back and started heading for the garage again.
“It’s in the back of Sam’s closet!” Dean shouted and you stopped, turning to your brother with a grin on your face.
“Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” you asked as you practically skipped by him, headed for Sam’s room.  
You dug through your brother’s closet, finally finding the silky purple shirt you were looking for buried beneath flannels Sam hadn’t worn in years.  You loved Dean, really you did - he was your older brother, you didn’t really have much of a choice - but he was way overprotective of you sometimes.  This was a fantastic shirt and it made your boobs look amazing; besides, you were a grown woman and could make your own decisions about your clothes.
You scurried back to your room to finally get dressed and put on your makeup.  Thanks to Dean’s shenanigans, you were going to be late.  You fired off a quick text message to your date to let him know you had been held up a bit and got down to business.  You dressed and fixed your hair quickly before sitting down to put on your makeup.  
“Y/N!” you heard Sam shout, “Dean and I are going out.  Have fun tonight!”
“Thanks Sam!” you yelled in reply, quickly turning your focus back to your eyeliner; you were going to make the wings symmetrical if it was the last thing you did.
You finished with your eyeliner and moved on to the rest of your makeup, working as quickly as you could without rushing.  You were excited for your date and wanted to get to the restaurant and finally meet Marcus in person.  
You hadn’t told your brothers that you had signed up for an online dating site.  Dean had done it once and Sam had teased him mercilessly and you didn’t want to deal with that reality.  You figured that online was the best way to meet someone stable considering the life the three of you led, and stable was really what you needed right now.  Sure, he had to understand that you traveled a lot for work, but you were tired of bar hookups and one night stands on the road; you wanted someone to come home to.
When you were done with your makeup, you gave yourself a onceover in the mirror.  You liked what you saw and went to collect your purse and jacket.  There was a piece of paper folded and placed on top of your purse and you picked it up to look at it.
A quick note had been scribbled on the paper: “sorry about tonight! - S&D”
S?  Had Sam been in on hiding your shirt too?  He could be just as overprotective as Dean at times but policing your clothes wasn’t really Sam’s style…
You tried not to worry about it too much as you grabbed a set of keys and made your way to the bunker’s garage.  You had opted to take one of the cars that the Men of Letters had left behind and that Dean had decided to work on in his spare time.  The cherry red convertible would definitely impress your date.
You hopped behind the wheel and sent another text to let him know you were on your way.  You waited a minute for him to respond and were surprised when he didn’t, he was generally really good about replying to your texts quickly.  You figured that it was probably a little noisy in the restaurant and didn’t think too much of it as you pulled onto the road and pointed your car towards downtown Lebanon.  
You arrived at the restaurant about 20 minutes later and checked your hair in the car’s mirror.  It was a little windswept from driving with the top down but it still looked good; overall, you thought you looked fabulous.
You entered the restaurant, keeping your eyes open for the man you were meeting.  When you found him, he was sitting at a table but the scene in front of you made you stop dead in your tracks.  The man wasn’t alone.
“Hey sis!” Dean called to you across the room.
You approached the table with caution, wondering just what in the hell was going on here.
“What… what are you two doing here?” you asked your brothers.  
“We just wanted to make sure that Marcus here was going to treat you right tonight,” Sam replied, never taking his eyes off the terrified man at the table.  “You’re our baby sister, after all.”  He was clearly reminding your date of this fact, not you, and his gaze was cold and calculated.  If you didn’t know him, you would be afraid of Sam right now and Dean’s face had a matching expression.
Both of your brothers stood from the table and Dean pulled your chair out for you once he had vacated the seat across from your date.  You sat, the fact that your cheeks burning with embarrassment not precluding you from giving both of your brothers death glares, and turned to apologize to Marcus.  However, before you could open your mouth, Sam spoke again, his voice cold and hard.
“We have guns and we’ll find you,” he warned.
“Treat our baby sister right and everything will be just fine, Marky-boy,” Dean added.
Your brothers left the restaurant and you did your best to salvage your date with Marcus but nothing you said seemed to make it through to the man across the table from you.  He was scared shitless, terrified of making a wrong move, and suddenly it clicked, the note Sam and Dean had left you finally making sense.
You were going to kill your brothers when you got home.
Sister!Reader Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis tag list: @theficlibrarium @deandoesthingstome @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @manawhaat @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @sis-tafics @fandommaniacx @meganwinchester1999 @samanddeanwinchester67 @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien @myfand0msandm0re @strange-inhumanity-blog @roxy-davenport @chrisatplay @faith-in-dean @pada-ackles-reads @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @curliesallovertheplace @jencharlan @skybinx-blog @thebunkerismyhome @feelmyroarrrr @winchesters-princess @tia58 @sams-little-toy @dr-dean @winchesterswoonathon @jotink78 @lucifer-in-leather @i-dont-know-how-to-write @everyday-supernatural-af @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @mysaintsasinner @spn-fan-girl-173 @iamreadinginsecret @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @supernaturalismalife @hexparker
Pond Sister!Reader Tags: @purgatoan @trisscar368 @bohowitch @clueless-gold
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allzelemonz · 7 months
Disney Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Frank Bickle
SFW Alphabet
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: None mentioned Rating: T/Fluff Warnings: Jealousy, canon typical violence, anger issues, Author being a simp since 2015
Frank Bickle X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Douglas Davenport
Evil Lair
Pronouns: None mentioned, Marcus calls the Reader ‘Dad’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Reader is a step/adoptive-dad to Marcus, sex, mentions of cum, grinding, allusions to Douglas’ evil activities, nothing is proof-read Summary: Just a normal Friday with the smaller Davenport family, you bring Douglas some snacks and find him stuck in thought. You both decide you have ample time to yourselves.
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