#margarita 'peggy' schuyler
mantisnixon55 · 8 days
it's my birthday tomorrow and my nickname is peggy, so if you could draw a Peggy birthday party it would be amazing to not feel alone on the one day of the year im supposed to feel happy.
thank you sm i love your au <3
Happy birthday!
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kyleetryme · 21 days
Can you make some more Jeggy art please?
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terraghostt · 2 years
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schuyler sisters phone wallpapers!! I had a ton of fun making these. They’re a bit messy but I think they’re pretty cute :))
im still very obsessed with hamilton help
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mojo72400 · 1 year
The Kissing Booth Turned Upside Down
Wattpad FFN AO3
One day, in King’s High School, Washington’s class were planning to make an attraction for the school festival. Class Rep Aaron Burr was listing out ideas on the blackboard.
“Are there any other suggestions on what we could set up?” Burr asked.
Laurens raised his hand.
“Yes, Laurens” Burr called.
“Why not a kissing booth?“ Laurens suggested.
“Okay?” Burr said as he wrote the suggestion on the blackboard.
‘It’s not like the majority of the class would vote for this. I’ll just humor him’ Burr thought.
“Okay, are there any other suggestions?” Burr asked.
The rest of the class got quiet.
“If no one’s suggesting anything, then are you okay with proceeding to voting” he asked.
The class shrugged their shoulders and give Burr the green light.
“Okay so who agrees with a haunted house?” he asked and a few hands were raised.
“Then who agrees with a maid café?” he followed and more hands than before were raised.
“Finally, who agrees with a kissing booth?” he asked only to his surprise, the majority of the class raised their hands.
“Are you okay with this Mr. Washington?” Burr asked him hoping that he’d be against it and maybe to just have the class do a maid café.
“I’ll allow it” Washington said much to the class’s joy and Burr’s shock.
“Sweet Jesus” Burr said, appalled by Washington’s decision. ‘I’m surrounded by idiots’ Burr thought to himself.
The day of the school festival came and Washington’s class’s kissing booth was set up outside the school building with a $1 for a kiss.
There were shifts on who’s handling the booth and doing the kissing. Burr, Hercules and Lafayette had their shifts already and managed to kiss a few girls and guys. Burr ended up enjoying since he managed to kiss his crush, Theodosia but it wasn’t enough to surpass their sales quota and beat their rival class.
Their rival class from next door has their Class Rep Thomas Jefferson run a mac and cheese stall which was popular among the visitors. Their stall was far from the kissing booth and they only know of its popularity from the big crowd they saw from afar and through word of mouth and social media.
Laurens spent his shift waiting for Alex to come kiss and pay him but ended up kissing some girls and other guys until his shift is almost over. He decided to kiss Alex once his shift ends and his shift starts especially since Alex handles the last shift.
He plans to kiss and pay Alex in the middle of his shift after he kissed a few people to make it look natural and not desperate.
After a few minutes, Laurens’ shift was over and now begins Alex’s shift.
Meanwhile, The Schuyler Sisters, Angelica, Eliza and Peggy from the other class are on their break after handing out flyers to promote their fortune telling booth that their class is doing.
“I can’t believe daddy gave us too much money for our allowance for the school festival, it’s not like we’re gonna spend too much on food and games” Peggy complained.
“Just be thankful, daddy gave you money because he worked on it from his job. I’m planning to save the remainder of my money” Eliza said.
“It’s just that it’s like rubbing it in people’s faces that we’re rich. I don’t want us to be seen as just rich people” Peggy said.
“That I agree with you, Peggy. Let’s all try talking to our dad later about decreasing our allowance but for now, let’s just agree to save our money” Angelica said.
“Fine” Peggy said.
As The Schuyler Sisters neared the Washington’s class booth, Angelica noticed the class’s booth and asked her sisters “Isn’t that Alex working in that booth?”
 “It is. It must be his class’s booth. Let’s go there and meet him” Eliza said.
“Okay” Angelica and Peggy agreed in unison.
The Schuyler Sisters arrived at Washington’s class’s booth.
“Hey, Alex” The sisters greeted him in unison.
“Oh, hey guys” Alex said.
“Kissing booth?” Eliza questioned Alex as she read the sign.
“It was Laurens’ idea” Alex replied.
“And how did that work out?” Eliza asked.
“Decently” Alex said sadly.
Angelica looked at the staff consisting of just Alex, Burr, Laurens, Lafayette and Hercules before saying “This is what your class has to offer aside from you, Alex? It’s like they were saving the best for last.”
“Hey, we’re reliable with the ladies” Burr retorted.
“That’s true” Hercules said.
“Oui” Lafayette agreed.
“Yeah, ladies and some fellas” Laurens awkwardly said.
“Well, I can help from one friend to another” Eliza said as she brought out a dollar while she looked away blushing.
“Thanks” Alex said sheepishly as his face turned red while he received the dollar.
Eliza then closed her eyes and leaned a bit as Alex gently pulled her into a soft and quick kiss.
“Wow” Eliza opened her eyes in amazement after managing to have her 1st kiss with her crush.
“Is there a rule to have another one?” Eliza asked as she pulled out a dollar.
“Not at all. You don’t have to do this for us” Alex said worryingly.
 “No, I’m doing this because I want to, Alex” Eliza said before she and Alex shared another kiss. The kiss this time was a few seconds longer but still gentle.
Seeing her sister and Alex kiss again especially a slightly longer one lit the fires of jealousy from Angelica.
‘You’re not the only Schuyler Sister who has a crush on him. You kiss him once that’s fine, I’m going to give you an advantage but kissing him again? Oh, you’re on!’ Angelica thought.
Once Eliza and Alex’s lips parted, Angelica approached Alex and handed him a dollar.
“If my baby sister is enjoying this that she wanted another one, why not give it a try?” Angelica said as she briefly glanced at Eliza who was glaring at her.
“Oh, okay” Alex sheepishly said as he received the dollar.
Alex and Angelica slowly learned towards each other and closed the gap as their lips touched in a gentle kiss. It was 3 seconds longer than Eliza’s 2nd kiss with Alex. As Angelica parted her lips from Alex, she proceeded to smirk at Eliza.
Eliza gasped at the gesture Angelica gave her and she thought ‘Oh, is that how you wanna play, Angelica?’
“Um, excuse me?” A voice called out.
Alex, the staff and the sister trio turned to the speaker and saw a girl dressed in a red t-shirt and a buttoned denim short skirt.
“Maria?” Alex addressed her.
She was Maria Lewis. She’s the local klutz of King’s High School and developed a crush on Alex after he helped her up when no one would help her after she tripped and fell while running to her next class.
“Can I get a kiss from you?” Maria shyly asked Alex.
“Sure” Alex said as he nervously gulped. ‘But my God, she looks so helpless and her body's saying, "Hell, yes." I can’t say no to this.’ Alex thought.
“I’ll pay after, okay?” Maria said.
“Okay” Alex said.
“We should give her this” Angelica told Eliza.
“Yeah, she looks more helpless than me” Eliza agreed.
Maria took a deep breath and surprisingly initiated the kiss as she pulled Alex closer to her and put her mouth on his. The kiss was passionate and intense but the moment Maria unconsciously slipped her tongue in the heat of the moment, Alex recoiled in surprise, breaking off the kiss.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. It was in the heat of the moment.” Maria nervously apologized as she backed away a bit.
“It’s okay. It happens, it happens” Alex reassured her.
“Here” Maria pulled out a dollar and walked forward to give it to Alex only for her to trip on her heels and fall which lead to her hand containing the dollar to accidentally slip inside Alex’s pants. Angelica and Eliza’s jaws dropped in shock.
“I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz” Maria apologized again before noticing that she let go of the dollar inside his pants.
“Oh no, the dollar” Maria said.
“Don’t worry, I got it” Alex said.
Before he could put his hand in his pants, Laurens took this opportunity and stopped.
“No, let me get that for you” Laurens said as he placed his hands in Alex’s pants and grabbed the dollar before pulling out his wallet and pulling out 2 $1 bills.
“Here a clean dollar for Maria’s and my payment” Laurens said as he pushed the 2 $1 bills in Alex’s chest before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
“Okay?” Alex said, confused as he took the 2 $1 bills that Laurens pushed in his chest while Laurens put the dollar that was in Alex’s pants in his wallet.
“Anyways, I’m sorry” Maria said.
“It’s just an accident, don’t worry about” Alex reassured her again.
“Thanks, bye Alex” Maria said as she waved at him as she left the booth.
“Bye” Alex and the others waved back at her.
“Okay, so where were we?” Eliza said glancing at Angelica.
“I was about to have my 2nd kiss with Alex” Angelica said smugly.
“Man, all this hype about kissing Alex. Hey, Alex, can I kiss you? Peggy said casually as she handed him a dollar.
The 2 other sisters gasped at what they were seeing.
“Sure” Alex casually said as he accepted her dollar. The 2 shared a quick peck on the lips.
“Not bad. Here’s another dollar out of my respect for you, you don’t have to kiss me” Peggy said.
“Sorry, Peggy, you have to kiss me if you’re gonna pay me” Alex said.
“Fine” Peggy said before she casually pulled Alex into a quick kiss before handing him the dollar
“Pleasure doing business with you” Alex said.
“Likewise” Peggy said before leaning close to Alex and whispered “Whoever you choose between Eliza or Angelica, don’t make her cry or I’ll kick your ass.”
“Noted” Alex said.
Peggy returned to her sisters and told them “He’s all yours.”
Angelica and Eliza were about to approach Alex again until a line full of women and men formed, blocking their way towards Alex.
“Where did all these people come from?” Alex wondered aloud.
“I recorded and posted the whole scenario online” Burr said.
“I’m surprised you did that even though I can tell from your face back then that you didn’t like this idea” Alex said.
“I warmed up to it” Burr said.
“After you kissed Theodosia?” Alex asked as he raised his eyebrow.
“Shut up!” Burr blushed “The chance for more customers was up for grabs so I took it”
“Huh” Alex said in acceptance.
“Now get back to work, customers are waiting” Burr said.
“Yeah, our break’s almost over. Let’s go back and hand out some flyers for our class’s fortune telling booth” Angelica said as she looked at her watch.
“Yes, let’s” Eliza and Peggy agreed in unison.
While walking back, Peggy asked “Can we please get some food? We haven’t eaten a single thing since break and I’m starving.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s find a good food stall on our way back” Angelica suggested.
“Expensive or cheap, I don’t care as long as it’s food and it tastes good” Peggy said.
Later that day, Washington’s class’s kissing booth exceeded their quota and beat their rival class’s mac and cheese stall by a small margin.
While their stall is still busy, they still lost. Jefferson looked at Washington’s class’s kissing booth through his binoculars while eating the mac and cheese he bought from his class’s own stall and said “Oh, please, if we ran a kissing, I’d be getting lots of people lining up for my shift.”
“Not with that personality of yours” Madison said.
The number of visitors slowly dwindled and the sun was starting to set, Alex’s shift was almost over.
The Schuyler Sisters returned just in time before Alex’s shift was over with Angelica and Eliza each of them both handing him a dollar.
“Can we please have one more kiss?” Angelica and Eliza said in unison before glaring at each other.
“I’m surprised you want more and you’re supposed to be the older sister. Isn’t there a saying that goes “Once is enough?”” Eliza said.
“I will never be satisfied with just one kiss and you already had 2. Didn’t the saying go “Once is enough, twice is too much and thrice is a poison that can kill a person?” Angelica argued back.
“What? Don’t blame me, I’m helpless” Eliza said.
“I'm just sayin', if you really loved me, you would share him” Angelica said.
“Ha!” Eliza said as she laughed off her older sister’s prospect of sharing Alex.
“Ugh, women” Peggy face-palmed exasperatedly as she had to listen to her 2 older sisters fighting over the same guy.
“Ladies, if I kiss you both, will you two stop fighting?” Alex asked as he took the dollars from them.
“Fine” Angelica and Eliza begrudgingly agreed in unison.
“Older sisters with less kisses go first” Angelica said before sharing a short but passionate kiss with Alex.
Once their lips parted, Alex turned to Eliza and they also shared a sweet and passionate kiss.
“Thank you for your patronage, ladies” Alex said as he waved goodbye to them.
“Bye, Alex” Angelica and Eliza said in unison as they waved back at Alex.
“Hey, Peggy” Alex casually waved at her.
“Hey, Alex” Peggy casually waved back at him as she walked away with her sisters.
As the rest of Washington’s class came to help Alex, Burr, Hercules, Laurens and Lafayette as they disassembled the booth, Lauren screamed.
The class looked at him in surprise before Laurens said “We should’ve sold pictures and charged them for extra.”
“Oh shit. Yeah, we should’ve” Alex agreed.
“We still won anyways” Burr said.
“Yeah, you’re right about that” Alex said.
After a few seconds of awkward silence has passed, Lafayette broke the tension, saying “So, who’s up for an afterparty at my place? Food and drinks are on me!”
“YEAH!” the class shouted in excitement of Lafayette’s afterparty idea.
“I should call Eliza and ask if she and others will join our afterparty” Alex said.
“You planning to have three-way with Angelica and Eliza?” Hercules teased.
“No, I’m inviting them as friends” Alex said.
“Yo, if you can marry a sister, you're rich, son” Burr said.
“Is it a question of if, Burr, or which one?” Alex said confidently.
“But seriously, you know one of these days, you have to choose between the 2, right?” Burr said.
“I know” Alex said exasperatedly.
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andpeggybroadway · 1 year
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wardrobeoftime · 1 year
Please do gif sets of costumes worn by Angelica, Eliza and Peggy in act 1 of Hamilton
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ask-chubby-hamilton · 7 months
What i think the chaos Squad's middle names would be based off other characters they played/ or their actors names.
Alexander: Alexander Miranda Hamilton (Lin/ Manuel didn't fit to me)
John: John Anthony Laurens
Lafayette: Gilbert Daveed De Lafayette
Hercules: Hercules Oak Mulligan
Aaron: Aaron Leslie Burr
Elizabeth: Elizabeth Phillipa Schuyler
Angelica: Angelica Renée Schuyler
Peggy: Margarita Peggy-Tyisha Schuyler
Thomas: Thomas Paul Jefferson
James M: James Miller Madison
Maria: Maria Ashley Lewis
Thats all i got, but feel free to add more in the comments or reblog :3
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lams-is-canon · 6 months
☆Hamilton headcanoms cuz I'm bored! ☆
MARIA (couldn't think of nickname): bisexual/female
BETSEY (Eliza): Bisexual/female
'GELICA (Angelica): asexual/female
LEXI (Alexander): bisexual/male
LAFFY TAFFY (Marie Joseph Paul Yves roch Gilbert du matter de Lafayette, the marquis De Laffayette): pan/male
HERC (Hercules): gay/male
Jeffershit (Thomas): pansexual/male
Jemmy (James Madison): gay/male
Washingdad (Washington): straight/male
King Georgie (king George): Aroace/male
☆ AND PEGGY (Margarita "Peggy" Schuyler): Bisexual/demi-girl ☆
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umi-teardrop · 2 months
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melpomeneprose · 1 year
Tagged by: myself.
Tagging: @general-lafayette, @honorhearted, @lauraroleplayss, @the-summer-of-73, @pagetreader, and @washingtonsxalphaxwolf. 💙
✧・゚   𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄.
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Name: Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton.
Alias(es): Betsey & Eliza.
Gender: female (she/her).
Orientation: bi (male lean) (Protestant and quiet about it). 
Age: I have her at 24-26 during the American Revolution, after that, 30+, or timeline/verse dependent.
Date of birth: August 9th, 1757
Place of birth: Albany, NYC
Spoken language(s): English, French, Dutch & German.
Occupation(s): socialite, Dutch old money, philanthropist, advocate, wife and mother. Sometimes nurse during the American Revolution -> aiding her father General Phillip Schuyler.
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Eye colour: green-brown.
Hair colour: brunette.
Height: 5’2”
Other: values modesty as well as strength and dressing well. She pretty much always is wearing a fichu.
18th century ladies fashion.
18th century fashion glossary.
Colour: blue, cream, light pink and white.
Song: Eliza playlist.
Hamliza playlist.
Food: Apple turnover.
Drink: wine.
★  ⸻   HAVE THEY...
Passed university: by 18th century standards.
Had sex: yes.
Had sex in public: no.
Gotten pregnant/someone else pregnant: yes.
Kissed a boy: yes.
Kissed a girl: yes.
Gotten tattoos: no.
Gotten piercings: yes, ears.
Been in love: yes.
Stayed up 24+ hours: yes.
★  ⸻   ARE THEY...
A virgin: no.
A cuddler: yes.
A kisser: yes.
Scared easily: subjective.
Jealous easily: yes.
Submissive: yes.
Dominant: no.
In love: verse/thread dependant.
Relationship status: verse/thread dependant.
TW for self-harm/suicide mention.
Have they harmed themselves: no.
Thought of suicide/ideated: once, as a teenager.
Attempted suicide: no.
Wanted to kill someone: Briefly, in a moment of rage and betrayal. (Alexander following The Reynold’s Pamphlet).
Have/had a job: she wants to, but her father won’t let her.
Fears: not being enough.
Sibling(s): Angelica Schuyler-Church, Margarita “Peggy” Schuyler, all of Philip Schuyler’s sons.
Parent(s): Catherine “Kitty” Van Rensselaer/Phillip Schuyler.
Philip Hamilton
Angelica Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton Jr.
James Alexander Hamilton
John Church Hamilton
William S. Hamilton
Eliza Hamilton Holly
Philip Hamilton II
Significant other: Alexander Hamilton (1780 to 1804).
Or: thread/verse dependant.
Pet(s): the feral tomcat. (affectionate) /j
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Eliza’s Wikipedia.
The Dutch in NYC.
Hot take: why Eliza deserves a musical.
The Orphanage Eliza founded.
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ohshit-its1776 · 2 years
What about a pic of the Schuyler Sisters at the winter 1780 winter ball, drawn looking like how you think they would’ve looked like?
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Angelica Schuyler Church 1756-1814
Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton 1757-1854
Margarita "peggy" Schuyler Van Rensselaer 1758-1801
Cornelia Schuyler Morton 1776-1808
Catharine Schuyler Malcolm Cochrane 1781-1857
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46ten · 2 years
Elizabeth Matilda Church Bunner (1783-1867)
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Elizabeth was the second daughter of Angelica Schuyler Church and John Barker Church.  Angelica had teased her sister, Elizabeth, about the name, saying that she was going to name her second daughter Eliza after John Barker Church’s mother. 
She married Rudolph Bunner (1779-1837) and had at least three children, including Catherine Cruger Bunner, as though that’s not confusing since Elizabeth’s older sister was Catharine Church Cruger (1779-1839).* But before you assume that Elizabeth was naming her own daughter after her sister, Bunner was also a Cruger going back a couple generations on his mother’s side. If the name Cruger seems familiar, it’s because one of AH’s boss on St. Croix was Nicholas Cruger (1743-1800). Nicholas was Catharine Church Cruger’s father-in-law; in 1802 she married his son, Bertram Peter Cruger, born on St. Croix in 1772. Read all about the 18th century Cruger men.
But back to the Angelica-John Barker Church children. 
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From the top, clockwise, the four paintings are Elizabeth Matilda Church (1783-1867), John Barker Church, Jr. (1781-1865), Catharine “Kitty” Church (1779-1839), and Philip Church (1778-1861) painted by John Trossarelli.
See this summary of the Church kids by Danielle Funiciello. Not painted are Richard Hamilton Church (1785-1786), Alexander Church (1792-1802), and Richard Stephen Church (1798-1889).
By the way, John Church Cruger (1807-1879), son of Catharine Church Cruger, eventually marries (1843!) Euphemia White Van Rensselaer, one of the daughters of Stephen Van Rensselaer III (whose first wife was Margarita/Peggy Schuyler) and his second wife. And they give their kids names like Catherine Church Cruger and Stephen Van Rensselaer Cruger.
Stephen Van Rensselaer IV (1789-1868), the only child of Peggy’s who survived into adulthood, married Harriet Elizabeth Bayard (1799-1875), William Bayard’s daughter. To confuse one further, they had children with names like Margaret Schuyler Van Rensselaer (1819-1897) and Catherine Van Rensselaer (1827-1909), in addition to the obvious Stephen Van Rensselaer (1824-1861).
*In one of his letters, AH mentions that he knew Catharine from the time Angelica was pregnant with her, which means AH had met Angelica by 1779 at least. I’ve always thought a good argument could be made that he may have first met several of the Philip and Catharine VR Schuyler kids in 1774, by the time of the wedding of John Jay and Sarah Livington, daughter of William Livingston whom AH may have stayed with during this period. Livingston was related to both Philip Schuyler and Catharine VR Schuyler.
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lizahamilton · 1 year
Get to Know Me!
Hello! My name is Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton! I was born August 9, 1757 in Albany, New York. My father is Phillip Schuyler, a Revolutionary War General, and my mother is Catherine Van Rensselaer Schuyler. Here are 5 fun facts about me!
I have 14 siblings altogether, but only seven of us survived until adulthood. I am the 2nd oldest child and I am closet to my oldest sister, Angelica Schuyler Church and the sister who is the next oldest after me, Margarita "Peggy" Schuyler Van Rensselaer.
I have many nicknames. Most people call me Eliza and my husband, Alexander Hamilton calls me Betsey.
I learned to play backgammon from Benjamin Franklin himself! Since my father was a war general, we had many influential people in our home. One of which was Mr. Franklin! He took a special liking to me and we often played games together!
I had 8 children! I made a post about that so for more details go down below.
The private orphanage I helped start still provides counseling and services to 5,000 families a year! It is now known about Graham Windham and I have a post about that and I'll link it down below as well.
Those are some fun facts about me! I hope you learned something. If you have any questions or want to know more, you can always ask me questions in my questions box on my blog! Until next time,
Sincerely, E. Hamilton
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sporadiceagleheart · 4 months
Margarita “Peggy” Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Stephen van Rensselaer II, Catherine Livingston Westerlo, Philip Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Stephen van Rensselaer IV, Stephen Van Rensselaer III, William Paterson Van Rensselaer, Henry Bell Van Rensselaer, Euphemia White Van Rensselaer Cruger, Westerlo Van Rensselaer, Cornelia Bell Paterson Van Rensselaer,Como Nicholas Biddle, James Biddle, Edward Biddle, Nicholas Biddle, Thomas Biddle, John Biddle, Richard Biddle, Charles Biddle,Julia Catherine Krebs Williams, Julia Williams Rush Biddle, Julia Catherine Beckwith, Maria Judith Page Randolph, William Randolph, Mary Randolph Keith Marshall, Mary Isham Randolph Keith, Judith Fleming Randolph, Richard Randolph, Elizabeth Ryland Randolph,Phoebe Isham Belcher,Katherine Royall Perrin,Elizabeth Katherine Banks Royall Isham,COL Henry Lee II,Richard Bland,Katherine Royall Perrin,Mary Elizabeth Bland Lee,Col William Randolph,Mary Isham Randolph,Isham Randolph,Lt. Col Thomas Randolph,Sir John Randolph Sr.,Edward Randolph
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chloerie · 1 year
Incorrect quotes with AU explainpson
Okay, so, after the last episode of the TV series, they(The Baudelaire children) managed on their own for like a year or two and after those two years, the Baudelaire children + Katherine(What I call Kit’s daughter) were adopted by the Schuylers and they dyed their hair to look like their adopted parents and changed/switched(In the case of Anna Elizabeth Baudelaire who became Elizabeth Anna Schuyler-Hamilton)their names also the Quagmires were taken in by Philip Schuyler’s sister and did the same thing lol anyways characters and who they changed/became(Technically) their names too
Violet Baudelaire became: Angelica Schuyler-Church!
Anna Elizabeth Baudelaire became: Elizabeth Anna Schuyler-Hamilton!
Sunny Baudelaire became: Margarita “Peggy” Schuyler(Single bitch lol)
Katherine “Kit” Baudelaire became: Catharine Schuyler
Also Alexander is the second son of Count Olaf(First one is Uncle Monty) and his real name is Evan Olaf(In this AU lol) so he became: Alexander Hamilton(-Washington)
Oh, also James Hamilton SR is Count Olaf if you couldn’t tell James JR is Monty
Violet: We need to distract these guys
Anna: Leave it to me
Anna: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Sunny, Katherine(Beatrice JR), and SOUE!Philip Schuyler: *Immediately begin arguing*
SOUE!Philip Schuyler, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
(Chat names:
Angelica/Violet: Angie
Peggy/Sunny: PegSun
Elizabeth/Anna: Lizzie
Katherine(Beatrice JR): KitKat
Philip Schuyler: Philip Schuyler
Catherine VR Schuyler: PRETTY LADY)
PegSun: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Lizzie: :O language
KitKat: Yeah watch your fucking language
Lizzie: 'The fuck word'.
Philip Schuyler: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Lizzie: Oh my god he censored it
PRETTY LADY: Say fuck, Phil.
Angie: Do it, Dad. Say fuck.
Angelica/Violet: I’m an idiot.
Kit JR:
Literally everyone, except Angelica/Violet
Elizabeth/Anna: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day
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lauraroleplayss · 2 years
Name ; Elizabeth "Betsy" Schuyler
Nicknames ; Eliza, Lizzie, Betsy
Age ; 18
Universe ; Hamilton
Personality .
Never the one for the spotlight, Eliza much prefers the company of a few people close to her. She isn't the type for large crowds and would often get uncomfortable in them. Elizabeth would often be seen with a book or two in her hands. She is an observer. The type that would remember who was there, what they were wearing, who they were with and so on and so forth. She normally stands to the side and watches people have fun. Although, if being forced to(Angelica and Peggy we're looking at you), she will participate in the activity.
Now, with that being said, she does have her bad side. She can get competitive at times. Often working herself to the point of exhaustion. She wants to be the best society lady but also be true to herself. That's a fine line for her to walk in however. She is a tad bit judgemental at times, believing in first impressions. Despite her dainty appearance, Elizabeth does have a temper. She will strike out with words rather than fists. She does have a sharp tongue. She has a strong impulsive side to her as noted by several people, mainly her family and friends.
Elizabeth was born the middle child to Phillip Schuyler and Catherine Van Rensselear. She is the middle sister as she had a sister who was a year older, Angelica, and a sister who would be two years younger, Margarita 'Peggy'. The sisters were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. The Van Rensselear family were very wealthy and Phillip was a General in the Continental Army. They were from old Dutch families who settled in the area around the mid 1600s or so. They are able to fully speak and understand Dutch as both parents held firm in making sure they learned the language of their ancestors.
Growing up, life for Elizabeth had been wonderful. If not for one without constant worrying whenever her father would be called out. She spent most of her childhood learning how to read and playing in the mud. A lot of people had described her as a tomboy. She had matured around the age of eight, a late bloomer as she started learning how to become a proper lady of society. She learned how to walk properly, play the piano, sing, speak French amongst other things. She spent time usually annoying Angelica, following her around and asking a lot of questions.
Eliza is now eighteen and she is around the age where Phillip is starting to look for a suitable match for his daughters. She doesn't want to get married as of yet. She thinks that there is more to life at her age. 
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