threadsnherbs · 2 months
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Wednesdays are book days! Im currently working on reading this book! "The Book Of Divination A Guide To Predicting The Future" by Michael Johnstone.
Dactylomancy: A branch of radiesthesia. Using a ring suspended on a piece of string.
Daphnomancy: burning laurel branches and interpreting the crackling.
Dendromancy: using wood like oak or mistletoe for divination.
Dowsing: water or precious metal is divined by using a forked rod that vibrates when held over a spot where what is being searched for is to be found.
Genethialogy: using astrology to predict the path a persons life will take by plotting the positions of the stars and planets at the time of birth.
Graphology: using handwriting as a key to character analysis.
Horoscopy: More or less another name for astrology.
Hydromancy: using the color, ebb and flow, and the ripples of water while stones are being dropped in.
Lampadomancy: using the flickering light of a special torch to shed light on the future.
Lecanomancy: gaze into a basin of water hoping to reveal answers to questions.
Libanomancy: observe and interpret the smoke and ash from incense.
Lithomancy: using precious gems in divination.
Margaritomancy: using a pearl clutched in their hand and dropping it on a solid surface for insights of the future.
Metagnomy: Seers fall into a trance during which they have visions of the future.
Meteoromancy: meteors and shooting stars can illuminate the future.
Numerology: Divines by interpreting numbers, dates and the numerical value of letters.
Oenomancy: gazing at wine poured into special chalices to foretell events.
Oneiromancy: interpreting dreams.
Onomancy: letters and syllables formed by a name are ascribed values that combine to enable the seer to plot a course of action.
Onychomancy: a branch of palmistry that focuses on the fingernails.
Oomantia: uses an egg to answer questions.
Palmistry: using lines, mounds, and the shape of the hands, fingers and nails.
Pegomancy: using spring water in its natural fountains.
Physchography: those who are in tune with a spiritual force that tells those blessed with the gift what to write.
Physiognomy: using the physical features of someones face to assess their character and future.
Pyromancy: divining the future by studying fire and flame.
Radiesthesia: divining by using a rod or pendulum.
Rhapsodomancy: using a book of poetry opened at random and a chance-chosen passage on the page.
Sciomancy: also called mediums, communicating with the spirit guides, usually when in a trance-like state.
Scrying: divination via a range of methods from smoke to shells.
Sortilege: Those who practice draw lots and interpret the shapes they make when they fall.
Spodomancy: Deciphering the patterns seen in cinders and soot.
Stichomancy: uses printed word to foretell events. Can be done with any book.
Tasseography: uses tea leaves.
Next weeks topic: tea-leaf reading!
Thank you so much for reading! please reblog to help me grow! Please keep in mind that everyone's practice might be different and that's okay. How i practice may not resonate with you and that's okay! Please be kind and feel free to add to the information! Blessed be!
If you feel drawn to leaving a tip here is a link! Tips will go towards supplies! Thank you so much!
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holycatsandrabbits · 8 months
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Hey, y’all, it’s Weird Wednesday! Where on some Wednesdays, I blog about weird stuff and give writing prompts.
Today: What Next? Methods of Divination
Today we’re trying to make the unknown, well, known. Divination is telling the future through supernatural means. You’ve probably heard of cartomancy (Tarot or playing cards), crystallomancy (crystal balls), and chiromancy (palm reading). We'll look at some rarer rituals, including ornithomancy (birds), cleidomancy (keys), margaritomancy (no this is not getting drunk enough to prophesy, it means pearls), gyromancy (dizziness - no, really), and of course, necromancy (the dead).
Check out the blog post for the whole story and some prescient prompts, such as these for ornithomancy:
Baring your soul. In an alternate universe, what if birds were not animals, but souls of the dead, who could now see the future? Would they give false predictions or true? Would they communicate in pre-arranged bird-code to still-living family members so no one else could understand? Would some birds disagree with each other, leaving the living bewildered? What if each bird could give only one message before passing into the next world?
It’s a bird cage. How about a dystopian universe where birds are nearly extinct, but people are fighting to save them as the only chance they have to know the future. Perhaps there’s an aviary housing the last living birds, and people pay large sums of money to visit or watch a video feed, trying to find a way out of the mess society has become. Who would own the aviary, and can they be trusted?
More prompts here
DannyeChase.com ~ Ao3 ~ Linktree ~ Weird Wednesday writing prompts blog ~ Resources for Writers ~ Newsletter
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0starkafterdark · 8 months
Top Tens - Mythology: Top 10 Mancy (Special Mention) (14) Dipsomancy
  (14) DIPSOMANCY (MARGARITOMANCY) Sometimes you drink the bottle and sometimes the bottle drinks you. Essentially a narrower subset of narcomancy, dipsomancy is what I’ve coined for divination by alcohol or drunkeness – from the same Greek root (dipso- for thirst) that gives us dipsomania, a fancy word for alcoholism. Again there’s some fun fantasy potential for dipsomancy as a magical way of…
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wilddeergirl · 5 years
Margaritomancy- I drink two pitchers of margaritas and tell people their futures
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fangwitch · 6 years
Do you have any resources on margaritomancy? I would love to start divining with pearls, but I just can't seem to find anything about it!
I've looked into it and there are practically no sources! However, I've found there are different methods to use pearls in divination that tend to be really specific.I assume you want to use them in the way you use rune stones or bones, so it'd be worth researching these methods and then applying them to pearls.
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margaritomancy · 4 years
Hello everyone! My name is Margarita :)
I used to roleplay on a lovely site formerly known as Polyvore under usernames such as mirrorboo44i27 , margiexbixdominicana , dvsktilldawn , depuceler , k0wai , slvts/s-lvts, and margaritomancy.
If you remember me and you'd like to roleplay/again, do send me a message on here :) at the moment I am only accepting roleplays from admins/btas/oocs 18+ as I am about to turn 21.
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somepointsomewhere · 8 years
closed with @margaritomancy
A large, exuberant grin was plastered on the six fingered man’s face as he strolled through the bustling, summer warmed streets of the town. He couldn’t hide his excitement, and he didn’t want to. Being there, among the sand and surf and salt made him feel 10 years old again. It was his brother’s idea to take a bit of a vacation and while Stanford had been against it at first, all thoughts of apprehension were wiped from his face at the first sight of the water. 
His head swiveled left and right, eyes taking in all the sights they could. Little restaurants here and there, tourist attractions and shops. It made him downright giddy to think of all the things he and Stanley would be able to do there and for a brief moment, the thought of even settling down there had crossed his mind. He couldn’t dwell on it for too long, though. Not when he was suddenly stumbling forward, his foot caught between someone else’s and nearly causing the two to topple over. 
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“Are you alright?  I’m sorry. I should’ve  been watching where I was going,” 
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holycatsandrabbits · 1 year
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My April 2023 newsletter is now available!
This month: Those Fancy -Mancies: Methods of Divination
Divination is telling the future through supernatural means. You’ve probably heard of cartomancy (Tarot or playing cards), crystallomancy (crystal balls), and chiromancy (palm reading). Read the newsletter for some rarer rituals, including Margaritomancy (no, this isn’t getting drunk enough to prophesy).
Sign up for the free monthly newsletter here
Your email will never be shared with anyone, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Ao3 ~ DannyeChase.com ~ Linktree ~ Weird Wednesday writing prompts blog ~ Ko-fi ~ Newsletter
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//margaritomancy: ▄
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ▄ = telling them a joke .
The nun’s brows furrowed in confusion at the other’s words, unsure of what they just said to her. “Why would a duck be drinking in a bar?” She asked in all seriousness, “they do not consume alcoholic beverages or carry money, for that matter.”
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