#mariah killed it though like DAMN
lastwiltedflower · 10 months
things written in my notes app during my first watch of hey, melissa this morning
-no one out sleazes ted. get this man OUT! [on Freddie]
-I just know emma despises being put on delivering duty because isn't ccrp like three blocks from beanies... is she walking there with over a dozen orders of coffee?
-bill is the father of ccrp technical department love him for that
-oh where oh where has my greasy sleazeball gone?
-"don't work too hard!" "oh, I won't!" so he's just like me actually
-A REVOLVER? american civil war ass weapon
-Mr. Davidson WTF
-hot. just kidding.... or am I? [on Paul's "defeat" of Freddie in the basement with the belt]
-OH? found greasy sleazeball I guess.
-Catboy Paul Matthews enters the chat?
-Corey and Matt's faces... me too guys
-Paul and Ted are so that one tiktok sound with the dog and cat going back and forth melodically
-this is what republicans think middle school bathrooms are like [on that scene that melissa films]
-Nick being iconic once again okayy
-Dude is way too horny right now... just leave man
-Slay (literally)
-YIPPEE! Safe at last
-*Mr. Davidson voice* Paul... Paul... PAUUULLLLLL
-Puss Matthews
-the immediate laughter and regret on everyone's voices the SECOND that last line was said
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ad-astrah · 19 days
Cinderella's Castle Digital Ticket Reactions (Part III)
"GOOD. Good. Good. good. goo--*sobs.*"
Starkid does one little concert in London and suddenly EVERYBODY'S got a British accent. lol I'm just joking. They work here with the setting of the show and as a way to differentiate characters. And I think it was smart of them to only use the accents for minor characters that only briefly appear.
"because your labor pained me and I swore that I'd get you back and...well, that time has come." Honestly, she's a real one for that. Also that line delivery was so perfect. Angela's comedic timing is so good.
I was actually rooting for Rancilda, though. The blowjob jokes that she and the prince could've shared...
"fits like a glove." "It's a shoe, stupid!" "IT'S AN EXPRESSION, DUMBASS."
Again, I just love how stupid and wildly different and fun Mariah's character is in this show! Love seeing her range.
Tadius gettin' the fuq outta there. He knows shit's goin' down.
Tadius' face during these vows. Gives me Chris Pine sitting through an interview with Harry Styles vibes.
When Ella came back I was like: WELCOME BACK, QUEEN. SLAY.
THE HAIR. THE ROBES. THE LONG SLEEVES. This is so fuckin' dope.
How did the outfit get MORE. DOPE. YASSSSS ELLA. WERK BITCH. This chainmail-like look literally and figuratively KILLS.
And thus Winnifred Sanderson the Stepmother dies.
Tadius just casually admitting to regicide.
"Who knows! I wasn't there." Biiiitch.
Queen Putrice. lol gurl was queen for like 5 minutes.
I thought he was proposing for a hot sec there. And as good of a power couple I think they'd make, they ain't ready for that yet. They got boatlads of fuckin' trauma to unpack and I'm pretty sure neither of them have ever been in a relationship before lol. They gotta take that ish slow.
Wasn't quite expecting an 80s gospel ballad but it makes sense and it works. Especially with Bryce's powerful, soulful voice. Gimme that power ballad gilrboss vibe.
Yo, listen to how GOOD Jon Matteson sounds! And whilst using a character voice, too! Proud of you, boo. He's come such a long way since GWDLM.
Jeff working the crowd like the attention whore he is and we love him for that.
Jeff's falsetto is insane!
I'm wondering if Ella's wardrobe was all green as a reference to her mother's dancing and praying in the forest in front of that tree and to the Fairy Queen herself? I feel like it's symbolic and not just a "Bryce looks good in green, so let's make her entire wardrobe green" thing. Although she DOES look good in green.
Another brilliant, hilarious, incredible show from Team Starkid. I cannot WAIT until the Youtube edition comes out and all Starkid fans can watch it over and over as much as we want and soak up every little detail and joke and make all the memes. I know they'll never see a post from lil ole me, but THANK YOU, TEAM STARKID, for making my days brighter, my heart lighter, my laughter louder, and my smile wider.
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alwaysahiccupandastrid · 11 months
🪓 Nerdy Prudes Must Die - Some Thoughts 🪓
I decided to rewatch NPMD (second day in a row 🙈) and wanted to write down some random thoughts and reactions because why the fuck not 😌
I loved this show from the second it started omg I love things about murder 🤭
“Riiiiichie… Riiiiiichie…” — kind of gave off IT vibes ngl
They really killed off Jon Matteson’s nerd character in the first 35 seconds 💀
“They twisted his nipples off 🤣” - WHY WAS HE SO HAPPY ABOUT IT
“🎵I’m dead…the blood is arbitrating from my head🎵” needs to become a trending TikTok sound or something oh my fucking gOD
LAUREN YOU QUEEN 🙌🏻👏🏻 also living for that fucking wig
Definitely felt the “High School is Killin’ Me” “I’m so fucking dead” in my soul even though I’m a full ass adult now
“I was deep in a Twitter fight about a problematic puppy” ROFL OMFG
Joey as Peter Spankoffski 😭👏🏻
We all knew someone at school who snitched to the teachers lbh 💀
“So you don’t wanna be bullied?” “No, I wanna be invisible.” “…then why do you come to public school dressed in suspenders and a fucking bow tie?” - PLEAAAASE 💀🤣
Joey taking off his glasses and going “oh god” under his breath, “IT’S NOT ACTUALLY A MICROPENIS”… oh he ATE the role, R*bert who?!?
“My titties are tenderised” - I MEAN SAME BUT-?!?
“I didn’t know you were funny.” “Neither did I.” “I like funny guys.” — I AM SORRY BUT IM ALREADY SHIPPING HARD
Actually obsessed with Richie’s hair and outfit like I can’t explain it other than I’m obsessed
“Ohh well there’s a difference between intent and impact - I learnt that at an anti bullying assembly last month, FUCK NUGGET” took me off guard tbh like I know I’m tired and easily surprised but still 🤭
Jägerman is literally the archetype of the school bully jock who peaked in high school like omg but also he’s into Grace?!?!
“I run laps in the gym and I don’t want to slip on any SPUNK” - FUCKING HELL
“Can I carry your books for you?” “Carry my books? 🤢 I don’t think either of us are ready for that, I mean we’re only 18!”
“My little dirty girl.” — 😳😲😮‍💨
“I am only one man’s girl, Max, and his name is Jesus Christ!” — IM FUCKING HOWLING ANGELA KILLED THE DELIVERY OF THAT LINE I CANT-
“I’m a literal monster!” - oh so Max is self aware then 🤔
“This is politics, Stephanie 🙄 learn to multitask!”
I love that Starkid keep casting Corey as Mariah’s dad?!?
Stephanie is apparently her father’s “October surprise”… so her birthday is in October, like Hannah Foster’s? 🤔
“Stephanie, please, I’d like to have an intelligent conversation with you - in other words, shut up” - DAMN WHAT A BURN
NOOO NOT HER PHONE 😰 (I am also addicted to my phone so I get it lol)
Mayor Lauter really said “I don’t give a shit if you lie, steal or cheat to get your grades up, just don’t get caught” - spoken like a true politician
“How am I supposed to study without listening to Spotify?!?” probably should not have resonated with me like it did 🤭
Peter trying to make a joke and Richie and Ruth not getting it is so relatable tbh
I’m obsessed with Ruth’s mushroom jumper tbh
“I just want someone to touch me… anyone, PLEASE” — ROFL (same girl)
“What was it like when she touched your arm?… DID YOU CUM?!?” — 💀💀💀💀
“You and Steph, it’s a fantasy - like a boy and his anime love pillows. It’s a beautiful dream, but I’ll never hold the real Rei or Asuka in my arms.” — I AM PISSING MYSELF LAUGHING JESUS FUCKING CHRIST
“I’m such a loser, telemarketers hang up on me” 💀😭
Richie and Ruth climbing Pete like a tree and demanding to know what Stephanie is saying is so ridiculously funny 😆
“Really, Ruth? A Star Wars analogy? Need I go into why Attack on Titan is superior in every possible way?” — STARKID UNDERSTAND THE NERDS I LOVE IT
“You’re telling me I gotta be funny again?!? I didn’t do it on purpose the first time!”
“Pete, you’ve been given a once in a lifetime opportunity - someone’s willing to tolerate your presence for a whole evening! This may never happen again!” — damn wish that would happen to me 😭🙈
Not Pete getting a boner during “Cool as I think I am” 🙈
Nooooo not Max finding Pete before he could go into the restaurant to meet Stephanie 😭
“I’m sick of your ssshhhhit!” — YES PETEY STAND UP TO HIM
The fact Max said “Rendezvous” as “Randay-Voose” 💀
The way it transitioned from “say your prayers” to the Chasity family going “AMEN” was PERFECTION
Grace’s father referring to his wife as “mother” is…something 💀
“He came up to me in the hallway and he asked if he could carry my books.” “Oh, Mark - I didn’t know that sort of thing happened at Hatchetfield High! Do you think you should call the boy’s father?” — ?!?!?!
“Mom, will you pass the butt stuff? The butter. Butter. Will you pass the butter? (Chuckles nervously) I just want some head and butter. BREAD! Bread! Bread and butt-sex to go with this big shaft of meat I’m gonna choke down. Oh boy…oh criminy!” - THE SCREECH I GAVE WAS UNHOLY
“I’ve just got some butterflies in my tummy; and they’re flying REAL low today” 😭💀🙈
“Brewing up a big ol’ pot of dirty girl soup” - ABSOLUTELY NOT 💀
“Everyone’s got their secrets, and this one’s mine. I love… Jesus! 😃” - this was when I definitely knew she was fantasising because ain’t no fucking way-
You see, if Christian parents didn’t repress their teenager’s hormones and sexuality then MAYBE their teenagers wouldn’t resort to murder 🙃
Grace’s dad saying he’s going to get the plunger when she said she was doing a big poop 😭💀
Grace really thinks that impure thoughts only happen after marriage and I almost envy her innocence
“Money isn’t everything… looks are.” - yeah no that about sums people up in this day and age 😑
“We thought you were waifu material, but you’re just a bully” — NOT WAIFU MATERIAL 💀
Grace is kind of a psychopath and I’m loving that for her tbh
“I’m not comfortable with the plan if it involves that kind of language” but she’s comfortable with filming someone getting terrified and pissing their pants 💀
The “the place is not structurally sound” comment was DEFINITELY foreshadowing
“I get pus in my pits!” Jesus ☠️
🎵🤌🏻we’re gonna bully the bully🤌🏻🎵
“We’re gonna cut off his nips!” - what is with the obsession with n!pples in this show 😳
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“You’re like super nice to me 😀” “…not really. I’m just doing the bare minimum here.” “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.” “Oh, that’s sad!” — 😂😅🤣
“Okay, Richie, be honest… Am I reading as ghost or Lin Manuel Miranda” — OH FUCKING GOD IM CACKLING
“You kinda look like that homeless guy from downtown” 💀 FOURTH WALL BREAK?!?
Max must be VERY drunk because ain’t no way he thought Pete was a ghost or Ruth was actually a skeleton 💀
“Grace, we gotta abort the plan, it’s not working!” “It’s working for me, he’s so violent! 😍”
Not Max actually being touched by them putting this whole thing together for him 💀 very much giving off himbo vibes and I love him for that
“NERDY! PRUDES! MUST! DIE!” — oh hey it’s the name of the show! 😃 And also it was written on the wall in… oh 😳
“I did get a lot of incriminating footage of us luring him here with malicious intent!” - uh oh
“My god! We’re going to jail! And with my luck, no one will even bother making me their bitch!” — PLEASE 💀
“It wasn’t murder, and it wasn’t an accident… it was an act of God! 😇” - Grace is UNHINGED
“No more tickling in our mommy spots!” - OUR WHAT SPOTS?!?
“🎵🤌🏻 We’re gonna bury the body! 🤌🏻🎵”
“Oh no she’s snapping again”
“I just cut off his nips 😌” - again with the nips?!?
“Two weeks of heartache” - cut to all of his classmates happy without his influence 💀
“Ya know, this is really your C+.” “Oh Steph… you can keep it. It’d really bring down my GPA.”
Steph asking Pete out to the football game 🥹😁 we love to see it!
GO GO NIGHTHAWKS! 😃🦅 (I know it’s an eagle emoji there’s no hawk emoji 🙈)
“N, I-G, H-T… *squawk squawk* Ks!” 👏🏻🙌🏻
Richie is the team mascot and they wanted/needed him in the huddle 🥹
They apologised for bullying him 😭👏🏻
“And we’d like to apologise in advance for if Max ever comes back, ‘cause we’ll probably go right back to doing it”
“Fuck Clivesdale! Fuck ‘em straight to hell! Assholes!” — AGREED! 👏🏻
I’m 90% sure Jon actually struggled with taking that mascot top off but it worked well with the scene so 😌
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“I love being alive! 😃” — oh he’s so about to fucking die, isn’t he?
“Should’ve joined the smoke club you nerdy prude” — ANOTHER SMOKE CLUB REFERENCE
Every song on this soundtrack fucking slaps I LOVE IT
There’s not very many men that can pull off being absolutely absolutely fucking terrifying while dancing and singing across the stage but Will Branner managed it so kudos to him
The bit where Richie was repeating what Max said (“who will pray for me? When I’m gone?”) was INSANELY GOOD
“What did they find? You don’t say…you don’t say!” “What’d they find, dad?” “They didn’t say” - 💀
“Oh heck… I’m so hecking fudged”
“*relieved* Oh well we don’t know anything about that one!” “Or ANY one!”
“Maybe it’s a coincidence. People tell me to die every day!” — Okay why is Ruth kind of me 😭
“Ohhh I remember before the lockdown” - yeah me too 😅
Ruth walking onto the stage and into the spotlight 🥺 literally she was me this whole scene omg I relate so hard to most of what she said ASDFGHJKL
Lauren ATE that song up by the way
Him telling her to “project” so those in the back row could hear her triggered me so bad as an actor omg 😳
Grace really accusing the entirety of Clivesdale 💀
As soon as the WWJD bracelet was brought up I KNEW what was going on 😭
“Who’s plan was it, Grace?” “It was God’s plan! And now he’s leaving me out to dry! Do something, you son of a bitch!” 💀😅🤣
Grace has lost her fucking SHIT and I fully support that for her
“Show Me Your Hands” musical refrain?!
“Cup of roasted coffee” refrain too?!?
🎵”Don’t need a lover boy need a lover man / sure I’m a sapiosexual and you’re intellectual but I’ll cut my lover losses when I can” 🎵 — this song goes so hard omg
Grace pushing between them and shouting “leave room for Jesus!” 💀
“Do we need to get ahold of Ruth?” “Good luck getting ahold of her. Does your phone pls cover calls to hell?” “…Hell?” “She’s bisexual and dead, where else would she be?!?” — 💀
Grace whipping out the gun and telling Steph to cool her beans was so iconic of her
“(Canadian accent) ‘Cause if I’m going down, you hosers comin’ with me, eh” — OH MY FUCKING GOD
Doesn’t shock me a cop would arrest Paul for zero fucking reason, fuck the police 💀
“All I wanted was to be a regular girl with no sexual desire until she was safely married 😭” the FUCK-
“Don’t comfort her, she’s fuckin’ weird” 💀
“I don’t give a shit who you kill - but you just had to go and do it in that house, didn’t you?” — Mayor Lauter really said “murder is fine but NOT in that specific house, you fucking idiots”
“She gave me head in her car - check it out!” *throws Miss Tessburger’s head onstage* — BRO THE FUCK
“Detective Shapiro, are you a woman of faith?” “Catholic.” “I’ll take that as a no” — THE FUCK GRACE 😑
They’re really about to summon five otherworldly entities who are evil I’m-
The Summoning screams CRACK and I’m living for it
“Pay the price or fuck off” 💀
Can I just say that I need would love a show specifically just about the Lords in Black fucking about and it’s Jon the whole time as Wiggly exactly as he was during the Summoning scene because that was AMAZING IM SHAKING-
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The fact Pete cherishes Steph and she cherishes him oh my hEART 😭
“Hey Steph, if things were different, would you wanna come to homecoming with me?” “I’d like that, Pete. I’d really like that.” - SHUT THE FUCK UP NO 😭😭😭
Not Max saving Pete from being shot 💀
“So you do know the Bible!” — GRACE OMG IM SCREECHING HELP
“But Jesus never threw a football like you, Max” - WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING
Max being confused about what dirty girl soup is and then being turned on when she explains 😭💀
“Take me, Max, right here on the 50 yard line!” — oh dear gOD
Max’s struggle over whether to kill Steph and Pete or whether to bang Grace omfg 😭😅
Grace got Max kicking his feet, twirling his hair, after one shag, just like a teenage girl 💀 I’m crying so hard with laughter I can’t cope with it-
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Grace choosing not to get the dance cancelled and she brought a date?!? That’s character development! 😀
She let Jason walk her home?!? O_o and then asked him to kiss her?!?!
“That was… absolutely disgusting! Really, Jason?!? Kissing on the first date?!?” Oh noooo 💀
“You’re a dirty perv, Jason”
Anyway, 11/10, immaculate, amazing, incredible, show-stopping, would recommend to everyone of course and will definitely be rewatching it a LOT 🪓
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Come back Nesta, please
This is perhaps the silliest thing I’ve ever written. Honestly it’s ridiculous. But considering Nike has her own Cassian at home I’m sure she can relate to these antics. Maybe :)
Happy birthday @nikethestatue! It’s been so lovely getting to know you this year and honestly I cannot imagine a day going past without chatting with you. Not only are you strong and intelligent, but you are so generous and truly care about your friends. So, here’s a little drabble of ridiculousness just for you. Don’t ever leave your Cassian 🤭 lots of love to you today, and always 💕
Bat boys + background Nessian. 1.3k words. Fluff/idiocy.
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The final bars of a moody Mariah Carey song blasted through the tiny apartment Azriel shared with his brothers. It was tough being a fresh university graduate and they all told themselves the living situation was temporary, but really, it was second nature.  Azriel, Cassian and Rhys had all been living together since Rhys’ mother had fostered the other two boys when they were eleven and even shared a dorm during their college years.
It felt like home for Azriel, and he really didn’t mind it. That is, until last night. When Cassian had decided to incessantly play that fucking song on repeat. That whiny, depressing, shrill song. We Belong Together. Over and over and over.
Sure, Mariah could croon with the best of them, but his last nerve was fraying. Her voice was blasting though the speakers and echoing down the hall from Cassian’s room where he’d been holed up for about fourteen hours now and Azriel had developed a tick in his jaw.
Rhys, even more infuriatingly, seemed unperturbed.
Azriel tried to concentrate on the words he was typing on the resume he was updating to send to prospective jobs he intended to apply to. His jaw clenched as he deleted the last line he’d messed up, backspacing aggressively.
As the final notes of the tune faded off, he breathed a sigh of relief… before he heard that insufferable song start up. Again.
Slamming his laptop closed, Azriel only saw red as he muttered darkly, “I’m going to fucking kill him.”
Rhys’ head snapped up from his phone at the violent declaration, lazily sprawled in a brown leather armchair, one leg hitched up on the armrest. He sat up at attention when he spied the livid look on Azriel’s face.
“Wait. Az. Stop—”
Abruptly standing from the couch, Azriel shoved his laptop aside as he trudged down the hall, his footfalls stomping loudly, ensuring Cassian would be well aware of the onslaught that was heading his way.
Azriel didn’t even turn around as he growled back, “It’s been long enough! And if I have to hear that gods damned song one more fucking time—”
“He’s just upset, leave him be. You know what Cass is like,” Rhys reasoned, trailing after Az as he barrelled down the hall.
Azriel had reached Cassian’s room and, not bothering to knock, he burst through the door with such force Rhys was surprised it hadn’t been ripped clean off the hinges.
…I should have held on tight, I never should have let you go I didn’t know nothing I was stupid I was foolish, I was lying to myself…
The song pounded through the small space, like a wave engulfing them as Azriel opened the door. The melody ricocheted off the walls of the tiny bedroom, the curtains drawn tightly closed, Cassian seemingly intent on giving the room a cave like quality in his melancholy.
Peering around Azriel’s shoulder, Rhys spied the most pathetic sight he’d possibly ever seen: lying feebly in his bed like an 18th century maiden who had taken ill and required to either be shipped off to a distant aunts’ home by the sea or await her demise on her deathbed, was Cassian.
If Azriel hadn’t been so irritated, he would have laughed, then perhaps felt a little bad for the guy. But as it were, he was just annoyed.
“Cass!” Azriel shouted over the loud music. “Turn that shit down, or turn that shit off, but either way I do NOT want to hear it again!”
Cassian turned his hazel eyes onto his brothers, now both standing in the doorway; Azriel’s face twisted in a look of disgruntled rage, while Rhys’ mouth seemed to be wobbling, either trying not to burst out laughing or truly feeling sorry for his friend.
From his bed, he curled into a foetal position on top of his duvet, clutching his pillow with the most wretched, forlorn looking expression on his face. After a beat of silence between the brothers, Cassian just dramatically started singing along to the words, intent to ignore Azriel’s requests to turn it off.
“When you left I lost a part of me, it’s still so hard to believe, come back baby please, ‘cause we belong together.”
Azriel just exhaled through flared nostrils. “For fucks sake, Cass—”
“Who else am I gonna lean on when times get tough…”
Rhys, this time interjected. “She didn’t even—”
Cassian only got louder, singing over his brothers’ fruitless reasoning. “WHO’S GOING TO TALK TO ME ON THE PHONE ‘TIL THE SUN COMES UP?”
“Cass. She’s only—”
Azriel and Rhys could only stand there dumbfounded, each with various shades of disbelief and incredulity splashed across their faces.
Rhys leaned towards Azriel, his eyes flaring in alarm and flicking towards Cassian before landing back on Az. “You’d think after draining the life out of that song repeatedly for the last 14 hours he’d know the words,” Rhys muttered from the corner of his mouth, a smirk fighting its way across his lips.
Azriel pinched the bridge of his nose, breathing deeply, trying to fight the urge to straddle Cassian where he lay and suffocate him with his own pillow. Instead, he just stomped to Cassian’s desk and turned down the volume, Mariah reduced to background noise as his brain finally cleared of its rage induced fog.
“Cassian, get a fucking grip, man!”
“You don’t understand!” Cassian started heatedly, sitting up on his bed, his hair ruffled and matted behind him.
“It’s really not that bad, Cass,” Rhys placated, leaning against the door jamb, his arms crossed against his chest.
Cassian scoffed. “Easy for you to say. Feyre didn’t just up and leave you!”
“Oh my god,” Rhys sighed. “Nesta did not just up and leave you!”
“She did! She’s gone, she’s not here!”
“She is on student exchange for two weeks. TWO GOD DAMN WEEKS! You’re acting like she ran off with her yoga instructor,” Azriel exasperated, arms flailing around him as he tried to make his brother see reason and stop the insanity.
Cassian narrowed his eyes, before hurling his pillow at Azriel’s face.
“At least I express how I feel. Pined after Elain much, lately?”
Azriel caught the pillow and promptly launched it back at him.
“I don’t pine! And she has a boyfriend.”
“She dumped him months ago!”
Rhys interjected, sensing one of their infamous brawls brewing, and he didn’t feel like replacing a lamp or cleaning up pieces of broken desk tonight. “Cass, why don’t you just call Nesta? She wouldn’t be starting classes straight away.”
Cassian averted his gaze, a look of sheepishness fleeting across his rough-hewn face. “I tried. I don’t think she’s landed in Japan yet.”
Azriel snorted and Cassian cast narrowed hazel eyes in his direction, as if daring him to say something. Rhys swallowed his lips, smothering his own desire to make fun of his friend as he grabbed Azriel by the shoulder and led him out.
“Well, come out when you get hungry. We ordered pizza…”
Cassian just grunted in response as Rhys closed the door behind them.
They hadn’t reached halfway back down the hall when the music started blaring through the corridor again, Mariah serenading them all once more, to Azriel’s dismay.
“Nesta better not extend her exchange program. I’ll be throwing a sack over his head and abandoning him in a forest otherwise,” Azriel muttered.
Rhys just chuckled, clapping his brother on the shoulder before responding, “It would be no use anyway, he’d eventually find his way back home. He’s incredibly needy.”
tagging: @offtorivendell @fawnandshadows @swankii-art-teacher @pagemasters @the-laughing-bubble @sakurakittypeach @tswaney17 @wingedblooms @thefangirlofhp @alwayssara @ultadverb
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melt-into-the-night · 4 months
My thoughts on this season of SYTYCD (pull up a chair it’s a long one)
You know…I was intrigued by this format change for SYTYCD. The show has been through several format changes over the years, not to mention endless changes in judges, changes in stages, changes in choreographers and all of that combined made me tune in less and less. To be honest I always thought the original stage was the best because there was so much to utilize, the stairs, the balconies, the shape of the stage being round making for great cinematic shots so when the next stage came that’s really when I started losing interest and I’ve never managed to watch a full season after that. Always tried though.
Full disclosure, I am from Canada, and for a minute we also had So You Think You Can Dance Canada, with an exact replica of the original stage, and I thought the shows first season blew the American version out of the water cause Canadian television wasn’t as censored as the U.S so the choreography was allowed to be a lot more bold and whenever the American judges came over their reactions were priceless, so we got really spoiled 😅 (shout out Nico who won season one from my hometown Montreal). Unfortunately funding for Canadian television has always been literal ass so it unfortunately ended far too early as a result.
Back to my point though, when I seen the trailer for this season I was like “hmm okay the premise isn’t bad, it’s cool they’ll be doing these different challenges to prepare them for real world situations” and I’ve tuned in every week.
Obviously I miss the original format, I missed the couples, the crowds, and I hate that it’s not live, hate that it’s strictly the judges pick instead of Americas. But honestly if they had slapped a different name on the show, I’d be on board cause as a dance show, it’s a pretty cool premise. It’s like a crash course in what new aspiring dancers will experience in the real world, and also a competition sprinkled with some reality television aspects that has them living in a house together and we’re getting windows into relationships being formed and families reuniting. It’s kinda like if MTV’s DanceLife and SYTYCD were combined.
Here’s my problem though.. up until now I’ve kinda been operating under the assumption that these are all dancers relatively new to the game who have yet to experience the things these challenges are showing them. Least it’s certainly been framed that way. And I think it’s actually true for the majority because most of them are so young and talking about how they’ve never done anything like this before. And I’ve not followed any of their social media but tonight I creeped some of them and I see…Madison literally just did the Chromatica Ball Tour with Lady Gaga??!?…she was a back up dancer for Mariah Carey like a decade ago?!
And unless I missed it, I don’t think she’s brought up any of this on the show itself cause I’d like to think I would remember something as big as dancing for Lady Gaga on a stadium tour around the world… I’ve been rooting for Madison from the jump because she has that rock star vibe and the confidence that none of the other dancers has, she dances through injuries like a boss and now I’m sitting here feeling some type of way like “damn…this ain’t even a fair fight though”
This woman has a resume the rest of the top ten would kill for. She’s danced in movies, on tour, and does videos with Brian Friedman on social media regularly…
I just think if they’re gonna continue this format, they need to even out the playing field, and aim for dancers who are new to the game and hungry to get exactly where Madison already has been for ten years, girl was dancing for Mariah Carey when she was a teenager and danced on a world tour that’s like…days away from being shown on HBO with Lady Gaga who let’s be real, is arguably one of the best mentors you can have on being fearless in your craft.
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I’ve watched the Nerdy Prudes proshot twice now since it came out, so here is:
A completely unhinged list of all the things that are on rotation in my head because I lack the ability to be normal about anything ever, but they get progressively more unhinged each time:
(Spoilers under the cut)
The classic, “high school, is killing me! I’m so fucking dead!” also “it’s not cool, it’s a fallacy, it’s a cruel and unusual brutality” even though that’s not the order of the words
‘I got left behind this morning, bus driver’s a fuckin’ asshole,’ - dude Joey as Pete is a damn gem!
“He’s got the hallway on lock, his fists are always half cocked, he’s got me hiding in ma locker!” - something about the way Joey says ‘my locker’ satisfies the little gremlins in my brain
“He’s a literal monster!” - also Max’s dance when he sings it cracks me up
‘I learned that in anti bullying assembly last month - FUCK NUGGET!’ - have I mentioned I love Max?
“What if all my thoughts were stronger? What if my beliefs were taller? What if I were king of the hill? Captain of the team!” - this one is on serious repeat for no damn reason except I love Joey
Just all of Bully the Bully and Bury the Bully - especially “I just cut off his nips”
‘Oh my god, it’s a skele’on!’ - I cannot with that fucking line oh my god
“I never thought I could walk into a bathroom, without the fear of a swirly, but now I can pee all by myself!”
Also the boys just going “NIGHT HAWKS! NIGHT HAWKS!” in the background cracks me up
The entirety of Nerdy Prudes Must Die but also:
“Does the math club comfort you? Should’ve joined the SMOKE CLUB YOU NERDY PRUDE!” - I sing this at least 5 times a day even though I am legit a nerdy prude
Also “Will you pray for me? When I’m gone? Or until another Ritchie comes along?”
ALL of Hatchet Town, but particularly “someone’s got their hands on the hatchet handle, swinging on the youth it’s a hatchet scandal” - I swear Jeff put literal crack into all of these songs oh my gosh
“Oh how was it?” “Fuckin transcendent!” - dude I don’t know why this line cracks me up but I literally can’t stop saying it
“If i loved you, you would know it, if I loved you, I would show it, if I loved you like you should be loved, loved you like I’m capable of!” Again… Joey and Mariah, I have no other explanation other than singing up high on the ‘you’ is pretty fun
Literally just… the way they sing each of the Lords in Black’s names in The Summoning. I just… I have no idea, it’s just addictive
“You summon us once, you summon us twice, you gamble it on the roll of a dice! La la la la la!” Again, no reason… just vibes
“Stephanie has got a g*n it’s time to have some fun! Stephanie has got a g*n she knows what must be done!” - The whole Summoning scene is so good oh my god!
“It’s like you knew me, before you knew me, it’s like you saw me, before you saw me,” - I keep getting the words to this one mixed up so I just throw in random ass lyrics
And that’s it! Long story short, this musical gave me severe brainrot, but I loved every second of it, and now I’m going to go listen to the soundtrack every day until the proshot is on YouTube, thank you for coming to my Ted talk!
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deadcactuswalking · 11 months
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 11/11/2023 (Olivia Rodrigo, Jax Jones/D.O.D/Ina Wroldsen, The Kid LAROI)
Welp, with a ton of sales and some actually good streaming traction, the Beatles have done it. With their supposedly final single, they now have 18 #1s, the second most of anybody charting only second to Elvis. It’s their first #1 since 1969, “Now and Then” surging up to the top spot this week. So what about the rest? Well, welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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It should be no surprise that “Now and Then” hit #1. They sold 78,000 units - a lot of it being physical copies - which naturally stomps on the usual sales figures we get nowadays. They set all kinds of chart-span records, including gap between #1 singles, and whilst it’s far from the only story this week, it is pretty great to have a genuine chart moment much like the Christmas #1 where the average person may actually give a damn about the chart. Now that you’re interested, here’s what’s on the chart, our notable dropouts - songs exiting from the UK Top 75 after five weeks in the region or a peak in the top 40. This week, we say farewell to all the Halloween-related re-entries and debuts - probably not worth listening here, just make five guesses and check last week’s episode, you’re probably correct - and then it’s just “ONE MORE TIME” by blink-182, “bad idea right?” by Olivia Rodrigo, “Bittersweet Goodbye” by Issey Cross and “Kill Bill” by SZA, it’s not exactly a week for big losses.
This is also one of those weeks where we do see resurgences of old songs, with “Bad Habits” by Ed Sheeran back at #74, as well as the return for “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls at #67. This is its first time in the top 75 since 2014, and it has a bit of a bizarre run in general. It charted at #50 on release, died almost immediately, came back the next year at #26 before soon drifting back away. With the introduction of digital sales and eventually streaming, however, “Iris” has won out, going in and out of the charts for 100+ weeks since 2006. It peaked at #3 after a performance on The X Factor in 2011 pushed its sales up, which meant it was competing with Sak Noel’s “Loca People” and Maroon 5’s “Moves Like Jagger”. Elsewhere, we see gains for “Everywhere” by Fleetwood Mac at #61, “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi at #58, “As it Was” by Harry Styles at #57, “Another Love” by Tom Odell at #51 and the earliest defrosting of the Christmas hits ever, with “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey at #40 and “Last Christmas” by Wham! at #37. Therefore, Christmas rules need a reminder: I will not discuss Christmas gains past the top five unless they are entering the top 75 for the first time that year in that week. It means the rundowns get a lot less tedious during the holiday season.
To be fair, we have some more contemporary gains, like “MONEY ON THE DASH” by Elley Duhé and Whethan at #63, “Black Friday” by Tom Odell at #54, “Dance the Night” by Dua Lipa, “Would You (go to bed with me?)” by Campbell and Alcemist at #29, and “On My Love” by Zara Larsson and David Guetta at #22. Additionally, Jung Kook’s solo debut album GOLDEN debuts at #3 on the albums chart, thus we see gains for “3D” featuring Jack Harlow at #45 and a re-entry for “Seven” featuring Latto at #35, alongside a new single in the top 10 which we’ll talk about later, standing right next to Taylor Swift swapping out “Slut!” for “Cruel Summer” returning at #7, and speaking of the top 10…
The top five this week consists of “Water” by Tyla back up to #5 with Tate McRae’s “greedy” at #4, Taylor Swift’s “Is it Over Now?” holding on at #3, “Prada” by casso, RAYE and D-Block Europe at #2 and of course the Fab Four at the very top. Now for our pretty scarce but vaguely interesting batch of new songs, though I say the term “new” a bit loosely.
#75 - “The Night We Met” - Lord Huron
Produced by Ben Schneider
Okay, so we have another weird chart run here. This song by California indie rock band Lord Huron was originally released in 2015 - which is soon, terrifyingly, near a decade ago - and did not make much noise until it was featured on the soundtrack to Selena Gomez-backed polarising Netflix show 13 Reasons Why in 2017, the year in which this song actually charted below the top 75 for a brief couple weeks. The year after, a remix featuring Phoebe Bridgers of boygenius was featured in the soundtrack for the show’s second season, and gave the song a bit of a third wind… and now it’s back for a fourth because God knows why, probably TikTok because the show is long cancelled. Thankfully this constant slow-burn of a chart run is for a song that is genuinely very good, going for a slightly retro-sounding guitar lick with the haunting doo-wop vocal lead-in, for a song about losing the spark and connection of a relationship and just desperately wanting to recapture - or honestly, escape - the initial moments. I wish the lead vocalist would really get into it a bit more as whilst his fried devastation is effective, I’d like to hear a real belt considering the desperate melodrama of these lyrics. It’s also not the bets co-ordinated-sounding chorus in the world, isn’t really that impactful, and the mix can feel a bit compressed, but as a song, the qualities are there, and I think it lacking a bridge or real climax is by design. It’s the closer of the album after all, and I’m not about to complain about something that could be corrected by listening to the full record. I prefer the Bridgers version, primarily because of how a female perspective in the second verse just touches a better note for me, I don’t exactly know why. It doesn’t make any major differences to the composition so either will work, and if it ends up sticking around, it’s far from the worst indie pop track to have lying around at the bottom of the charts. Isn’t that right, Vance Joy?
#66 - “Brilliant Mind” - Blanco
Produced by Jensmuller
We’ve seen UK rapper Blanco, specifically accompanied by Central Cee, and he didn’t make much of an impression then, though the song wasn’t bad. Here he is backed with what may be one of the best drill beats I’ve heard this year, if it counts as one, applying the rhythms to a club bounce and some African-influenced blocky percussion, as Zelda-sounding flutes ring off in the background and as soon as Blanco starts rapping, a warm sax joins the mix, adding a lot of richer potency to otherwise standard flexing and violence, though the rhyme schemes and flows are on point, and Blanco has a fantastic delivery to sell all of this. I find the lack of ad-libs for the most part really interesting too, it makes the song feel a lot more self-interested, inward-looking rather than flexing on the audience, where each thing he’s grateful for in his life has the added caveat of what should have happened or what eventually does happen to defy the purpose and meaning of it, like when his old gang friends hop the gated fence he has up. It’s a shame that the name of the song comes from a corny sex pun in the hook because there really is a lot to this one, and I think a better outro would seal it for me, but as this there’s still a lot of quality here, especially in the production and that frankly fantastic second verse, for me to call this a pretty excellent example of where British hip hop could be going. Check this out.
#41 - “BLEED” - The Kid LAROI
Produced by Billy Walsh, Omer Fedi, Blake Slatkin and The Kid LAROI
So The Mid LAROI has slowly been drip-feeding songs from the new album he just released this week, and whilst rap is still an influence, LAROI is moving further into the pop rock direction Post Malone kind of took, which makes complete sense for LAROI considering he is some kind of amalgamation of Posty, Bieber and Juice WRLD, with the only thing that really makes him all too recognisable being his hate-it-or-love-it voice. Now I love “WHAT JUST HAPPENED”, but that’s not the single that charted this week. Instead, we have “BLEED”, which just goes for a similar indie pop-influenced acoustic rock sound, except more familiar and laidback than what the other single went for. It’s not bad at all, even if LAROI’s rawer lead vocal take seems a tad detached from the backing harmonies. I do quite actually like that interplay - or more accurately counterplay - on the chorus, where LAROI’s vocal inflections seem particularly dejected when he’s not going for a half-rap angst. The soaring backdrop makes this a pretty solid track, even if perhaps a one-note one that doesn’t go for much more than the one cool trick it saves for the second verse, that being the fast-pace build-up with the distorted guitar and synth flutters sliding in, but it doesn’t lead up to all that great of a final chorus, especially since some of the extra layers are stuck in the back of the mix or only in the left channel. There’s a good song here, but it’s not really fully realised and I don’t think it’ll ever be a great one.
#28 - “Won’t Forget You” - Jax Jones, D.O.D and Ina Wroldsen featuring The Blackout Crew
Produced by Jax Jones, D.O.D and Mitch Jones
Part of me perhaps optimistically hopes that D.O.D will offset some of Jax Jones’ copy-and-paste house-pop genericism by a lot trying a little, and we have Ina Wroldsen - who you probably heard on Jones’ older hit “Breathe” - on the meaningless vocals, so it’s not exactly a good sign, but hey, it’s not awful. Wroldsen sounds frankly terrible but the Euro-trance revival is still in full effect and that slightly jerkier take on the beeping trance synths is actually a bit of a cool, different touch amidst the rest of the oddly drowned-out atmospherics that Wroldsen is mixed way over. It was probably D.O.D’s idea but that’s not important, it’s still there… but it loses its novelty past the first drop. It’s an earworm for sure, though and for whatever reason, the Official Charts Company credits “The Blackout Crew” here for the less-streamed “donk edit”, which is basically the song sped-up and with comical rapping over the drop. Welcome back, Blackout Crew, you haven’t charted since you “Put a Donk on It” in 2008, and you haven’t gotten any better in those 15 years, but it’s still… just delightful. In fact their style of comical EDM-rap they introduced with that classic novelty single is probably more influential than I’d like to admit nowadays. I’d like to see them collaborate with some of the people that clearly take influence from them, like Kak Hatt or, uh, the “give me some time, I’ll have that Rover” guy. Yeah, that would work.
#18 - “Can’t Catch Me Now” (from The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes) - Olivia Rodrigo
Produced by Dan Nigro
Welp, there’s a new Hunger Games, and Lorde isn’t hip with the young-adult demographic anymore so guess who’s back? This seems to act as a semi-motivational semi-revenge track that makes many direct references - albeit through metaphors and imagery you could absolutely apply to, say, a breakup - to the film’s plot, or at least seems to. Rodrigo plays a powerful woman responding to mistreatment by just being everywhere and having whoever wronged her constantly reminded me of O-Rod, without them being able to “catch” her. It’s a cool idea for a song, but perhaps not an acoustic ballad? Rodrigo doesn’t feel like she’s signifying much power here, even if the acoustic guitars sound a lot richer this time around and the harmonies are pretty gorgeous as one would expect. For an acoustic Olivia Rodrigo ballad, it’s actually up there quality-wise, even if just for the swell and for the lack of annoying wordiness that is a bit of an O-Rod trademark at this point. The haunting strings do a pretty good job at feeling surrounding and particularly enclosing, giving a ghostly essence to the reverb and echo on Rodrigo’s “oohs” in the post-chorus. In fact, the bridge kind of seals it: her performance is fantastic, the initial hit is great, but then it repeats as a mantra, gaining swell but losing most of its steam. Unlike LAROI’s ballad from earlier, there IS a great song here, somewhere, but the structure of it - and perhaps my lack of connection of the franchise - doesn’t do it as many favours for me. I can see it growing on me or really being a fan favourite but for now, I just think it’s pretty good.
#6 - “Standing Next to You” - Jung Kook
Produced by watt and Cirkut
I’m still yet to be impressed by BTS solo work and whilst Jung Kook is somewhat close - he definitely has the charisma of a pop star - I feel like he ends up losing me just in the songs department, as they really end up being a competent version of a mostly competently-written song with a fun performance, and nothing more. They’re so fine-tuned and well-done it makes me forget that he was at some point a K-pop singer, and that’s definitely true for this one that just throws 80s synth funk grooves, harmonies and disjointed blasts of horns and bass at you, to convince that there’s some kind of bombast. But I’m honestly not convinced: it’s trying a lot, trying to make some kind of epic, but it doesn’t have a lot of the guts. One of the big lines in the chorus is “it’s deep like DNA” and the wham line it drops on is just a stuttered, kind of weakly-sold “take off”. There’s also just not a lot lyrically here at all, and I mean that in quite literal terms of how many unique words there are. It’s not bad, it’s just a nothing burger.
And sadly, on a decent week, that’s enough to get Worst of the Week. I probably have to clarify given it’s Jung Kook that I have absolutely nothing against the boys, just I’m not a fan of the song. I can’t sincerely give out a Dishonourable Mention so I’ll tie the Honourable Mention between “The Night We Met” by Lord Huron, specifically the version featuring Phoebe Bridgers, and Olivia Rodrigo for “Can’t Catch Me Now”, whilst Best of the Week goes to, surprisingly enough, Blanco for “Brilliant Mind”. I guess, keep it up, man. As for what’s on the horizon, we’ll be in festive season soon enough, but maybe PinkPantheress will give us something less confectionery to chew on in the interim? I don’t know. Regardless, thank you for reading and I’ll see you next week!
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mekanikaltrifle · 1 year
☁️ for Malcolm, 🚆 for Mai, 🌠 for Lina and 💘 for Dom ? (asking for Mariah. She needs to prepare for the wedding)
oh nice spread of little guys! I love all of these choices so here. some answers,,, for you :D
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Well Malcolm is my boy so all headcanons are in fact canons, especially the contradictory ones. Especially with him. But a soft detail about him, you ask...
I think despite the depressive air and the fact he really doesn't like his now-wounded face, if he sees a baby like :c he will without even thinking pull a silly face at said baby. On the bus, sitting in the council office, wherever it is he's sitting about waiting for shit to happen, that baby is getting a :p face.
And even if the wean doesn't laugh, he's still feeling like he did something at least halfway worthwhile. Depression and trauma are a bitch, but babies are cute. And there's no reason not to at least be silly once in a while right? For a good cause?
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
Lmao that's a good one. Mai already feels a bit like she's had to do the trolley problem thing once and wasn't suuuuuper happy with it (she shot an imbued until he died, but yknow he kinda forced her to so who's the culprit here?).
As it stands she'd probably sigh and look at you like you just asked her the worst possible question and then mull it over for a bit. 'Trolley problem?', she'd say. 'Like with the-- lil tram thing and the guys all tied up an' shit?'. Pondering. 'An' it's, like, five dudes on one track and one on another an' you gotta pull that lever and kill someone?'
And she'd drag that shit way out. Really zero in on the problem in her head, and if you tell her it's not that big a deal she's gonna shush you cause you damn well asked buddy, you're getting an answer. Eventually she'd concede she'd have to kill the one person and spare five others, but then she informs you that making her do this is not helping the nerves actually and she's not even remotely high enough for you to spring those kinds'a questions and next time, buddy, ya wanna' ask that after she's actually smoked the joint she's spent this whole goddamn time rollin'? Thanks.
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
Ooh ouch. As the ST for that game, you know exactly how nasty a question that is, don't you pretend it ain't. :D Still, I think if she was actually offered a wish that she could actually use, no repercussions... it'd take her a good long scrutinising to even believe you. She didn't earn a law degree by blindly believing everything that sounds nice and simple.
Once she decided it was actually true though, I could see her telling the others she'd wish for perfect memory recall or something really useful.
But in reality she'd wish that everyone had gotten to live. That the vampires had never targeted them and they'd all been able to get past it in safety and peace. Maybe even never met each other at all, save them all of the pain. Her, Bram, Frankie, Ralley, they all didn't deserve to be slaughtered the way they did and she knows it. It's an injustice of both human and vampire laws, and she isn't just thinking this because she's a victim of it and an Anarch.
Failing that she'd wish for the ability to eat again, and quiet in her head. No more things stalking her from the dark, and no more taste of blood in her mouth. Please. If that's too much maybe just not to be the kinda vampire she is. Or even just to be able to retract her fangs. Anything changed would be a mercy.
Not that she'll admit it. Everything's fine. She can handle it, maybe she doesn't even need your wish. She'll make her own change.
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
Dom does not in fact believe in love at first sight, nor love at first week of being around someone. Hell, you ask them about love in these nights and they'll probably curl their lip in a sardonic kinda smirk.
'Love.' they laugh. 'Try another joke.' Are they trying to be edgy, or just hopelessly obfuscating what the Giovanni have done to them over the years? So far their only hope at a relationship died out and everything else after that has been built on mutual loathing and a desire to bite, but knowing they can't. Revenge is a great motivator to smash your face against someone else's, shed as much clothing as you can be fucked with ripping off the other guy, and make a goddamn cathartic mess.
They're not even sure they can love now. The Family wouldn't allow it. Not observing vigilance, nor clarity of their purpose.
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echthr0s · 8 months
9. three songs that get you in the Christmas Mood 13. three songs you want at your funeral
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasure (not sure if you actually consider anything a "guilty pleasure" but the number demanded it)
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
Obviously, The Mariah Carey Song. That goes without saying -- in fact, I won't even count it as one of my answers. Same for The Trans-Siberian Orchestra Song, as in the one everyone knows. Will still include a different TSO song for the list, though:
What Christmas Means to Me, Stevie Wonder (again, this man and the bops)
Oh Holy Night, August Burns Red (yeah, the metal band. too bad they forewent vocals because that would have fucked, if you ask me)
Christmas Canon Rock, TSO (I mean, it just isn't Christmas without them. what can I say.)
Disclaimer: As much as I believe that Death is the Road to Awe is The Only Death Song For Me, I don't think it makes a great funeral song, per se. Which is a shame.
Carry Me, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
How To Disappear Completely, Ane Brun (yes, specifically her cover)
I have a vision of a second-line style death procession with You Ain't Coming Back (Zeal & Ardor) playing for the first, idk, half-mile or so. You can then segue into more energetic songs afterward. But you gotta start with this. It's my Nearer My God To Thee, okay. (TBF, you could just play that, too. I wouldn't be too mad.)
You assume correctly, so instead here are three fave songs by bands/artists that are pretty unpopular (at least in some circles):
Faceless Man, Creed (I got straight up bullied for having this band as my special interest in high school and I still feel it to this day)
Killing Strangers, Marilyn Manson (yeah, of all my MM faves I picked the John Wick song on purpose, lol)
Patience, Guns n' Roses (I think they've fallen so far out of the public consciousness at this point that it's no longer unpopular to like them bc not enough people care anymore, but.)
Challenge mode: doing this but excluding artists that I probably learned about from you in the first place.
Hour of the Wolf, Ulver
Wild Animal, Hante.
Omen, the Damned Things
[spotify playlist with all songs featured in my answers to this meme]
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godlytemperance · 11 months
npmd proshot reaction livethread
except i'm not on twitter and also this is probably my third time watching it because i was too busy painting my room to make a proper live reaction post
having the two nerds that die be the first singers we see is such good foreshadowing actually,,, you know from the first moment they start to experience a change in their lives after max kicks the bucket that they're doomed, and the first act shows you that right away. none of the other kids in the first song are injured by max, just richie and ruth.
lauren doesn't have her headgear in High School Is Killing Me, which is a bit confusing, but i think it's so her voice is clearer in the first song
also i love ruth's sweater? i'd totally wear that irl
grace looks utterly deranged in every song because she doesn't drop that fuckin SMILE the whole time i love her so much
i love the "AUGH" chorus after "it's one hell of a normal abnormality"
someone brought this up before i noticed it, but grace is the only one to cover her mouth during any iteration of "i'm so fucking dead", which is so swag actually... it fits the choreo while also showing that she's super averse to cursing (initially)
pete my beloved... stephanie's so correct for falling in love with him
also PETE'S TIE MATCHES HIS SUSPENDERS THAT'S ADORABLE??? plus it very (very) subtly matches steph's flannel i'm gonna explode
anyways mariah looks gorgeous throughout the whole show
the little string instrument *plunk* as steph snaps pete's suspenders
pete's goofy run
steph giving up on asking who pete's running from as soon as she realizes he's dipped
i'm pretty sure that kim's nerd character has a unibrow, or very thick brows that have that appearance? that's actually really cool that they implemented features on characters that would lead to bullying from a societal standpoint.
i'm not ashamed to admit that i thought richie was gonna be a metalhead from the very brief glimpses we had of his outfit before the show dropped... imagine my terror when i heard "anime love pillows"
oh also is richie's hair Like That because of bedhead? a cowlick? hat hair? a shitty haircut? i don't know and it's gonna drive me insane
as someone who's been bullied, then Suddenly had one of my bullies admit to having a crush on me, max's crush on grace is completely realistic fr
homec*mming... babygirl you are so repressed
continually stating that all of the main characters are 18+ / seniors is actually very relieving to see, especially for shows set in high school. like yeah, teens can be weird and nsfw, but it feels deeply upsetting when it's not established that they're of legal age. it's still gross, though, but in a "aw shit we Were like that in high school, damn" kinda way
literal monster slaps so fucking hard
is ms. tessburger in a relationship with mr. lauter? she acts like a shitty stepmom to steph (on that note, the theory that steph's biological mom was a former honey queen, and that's why solomon has used the black book before)
if i had a nickel for every time corey doris nearly brought a hammer down on his daughter, mariah rose faith casillas, i'd have two nickels
i love ruth's warm color palette, it's even visible in her wig :00
ruth is so "i read hetalia wattpad lemon too early and that's the only reason i passed social studies"
i didn't catch richie saying "NANI????" on my first run and it felt like a punch to the gut
ruth and richie crawling all over pete to try and hear steph is so hysterical. they are just creatures
richie please... richieeee attack on titan is so badddd
"someone's willing to tolerate your presence for a whole evening",,,, he is so neurodivergent to me
pete you are SO much cooler than you think you are
steph 🤝 emma being head over heels obsessed with the normalest dork in history
i desperately wanna read the newspaper that mr. chastity is reading
also if the chastity's weren't so adamant on abstinence-only education for grace, they'd be the cutest family ever... like they're actually really healthy and communicate really well with each other
karen chastity freezing up during every freudian slip kills me
grace's fucking FACE when she says "this is sooo wrawng"
MAX'S ABS?????
max is so puppydog when he's talking about jesus. that scene is what made everyone say he was babygirl
grace sweetie you're drooling
local nerdy prude realizes she has a blasphemy kink and promptly goes insane about it
grace and max are toxic yuri actually. if max was a girl grace would've got the black book speed-run world record
max's little scramble back to the stage. little cockroach of a man
i will never shut up about grace starting her villain arc immediately after dirty girl. she just doesn't SHOW it until after she tastes blood
not waifu material
as much as i love lautski and dirtyprude (i don't know the actual ship name for max and grace), i do think that the entire nerdy prudes squad + max should be in a poly relationship,,,, love their dynamics
"there are two girls in the boy's bathroom" grace. grace is there something you wanna share with the class. grace why didn't you count yourself
the lore drop of the black altars Before we even hear about the black altars... :3
"SEX MAGIC" "😳😏"
"wait but where are the waylons" you may be asking. simple. they put a curse on the house that made sure that nothing dies in it... but they didn't die in the house. they died by the witchwood bc of the hatchetmen. the curse wasn't activated until max died there.
they actually spell potty-pants as PottyPants and PissyPants in the captions
"i have overactive sweat glands" I AM A TRANS RICHIE TRUTHER
she spin
and she spin others too
also a kamehameha for good measure
as someone whose entire family says "cool beans", the cool beans section is stuck in my head
lauren's face as she says "excellent" is so cute
ruth's crush on steph getting multiplied by a thousand the MOMENT steph touches her shoulder. god me too
"you kinda look like that homeless guy from downtown" (audience hollers)
i didn't realize that lauren was twerking at joey in the background of the proshot. i know for a fact that he had to practice so hard to keep from giggling
richie trying to hook ruth up with pete... he loves her so much he wants ruth to be happy so bad....... polynerds should be real
i think that if max hadn't fallen from the third floor (which i think is this timeline's event that got messed up, like how the starlight theater got crushed in TGWDLM), he would've loved going to haunted houses with the group... they go to the local haunts every year and one time they get tickets to Halloween Horror Nights and max happy-cries so hard about it that he fucks up his voice
SKELE'IN count x5
grace stop being horny for two seconds
ruth's little yelp is so cute
also MAX GOING TO PROTECT STEPH... he loves people deep down
the audience going "aw...!" when max says that the prank was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him
grace literally blue-screens when she realizes she hasn't gotten the upper hand on max. girl is Stunned
will doing the goofiest noises of exertion is so funny to me
the gore sfx under the wooden planks is so gnarly actually also the blood from max's mouth, holy fuck
... y'r fuckin useless, rich
ruth being more upset about not being someone's bitch than about Going To Jail In The First Place
i love how doe-eyed grace is as she says "it was an act of god!" she is like a little purse dog to me
"oh no she's snapping again"
i love ruth's slumped pose. she is just 🧍
steph looks like she's gonna throw up when grace mentions cutting up the body
also steph's "WHY????"
hypegirl grace real
pete getting anxious after being called a nerd... boy's traumatized now
they are so flirting in this scene. sarcastically going to a football game. lautski forever
ruth and richie actually getting positive attention for once,,,,, they deserve the world,,,, stacy calling richie Mr. Lipschitz is adorably sweet
realizing that the mascot is a reference to ezekiel the nighthawk from Perky's Buds nearly incapacitated me
stacy and brenda are so cute in the background
i love that the football team is so nice to each other when max is gone, to the point where the team rapport is actually genuine instead of forced
FUCK YOU CLIVESDALE GO GET FUCKED YOU'RE FUCKIN LOSERS AND WE'LL KILL YOOOOOU (i checked the live comment section when the show had just dropped, and it was a fucking cacophony of "FUCK CLIVESDALE" the same exact thing happened during the talkback livestream too it was so fucking funny)
i love that they squawk as part of their school chant
stacy's smile dropping was so cunty of her
richie's the best mascot ever (do you think he has a fursuit. i think he has a fursuit. it's tricked out like crazy and it has built in ac. he doesn't talk about it because its a timberwolf and it makes him feel guilty as a hatchetfield nighthawk)
wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube richie, i love the way he makes the suit slap the ground with his wiggles
the audience collectively remembering he's the first body mentioned in the show as soon as he says "i love being alive!"
max's bedazzled ghost costume kills me
but on a serious note, the ghost sfx slays so hard
does max have psychic powers after he dies? he's shown making richie float, forcing the doors to close, and knocking richie prone without touching him in the NPMD song. but all of his kills involve physical contact?
speaking of: the DOOR SLAM holy fuck
they had to give richie a dorky vest over his long sleeve + button-up combo because otherwise he would've had too much transmasc swag. proof: right before he dies he loses the vest
grace having a prophetic nightmare that doesn't get elaborated on... waddahell
unironically grace's shirt is so cute. the coquette girls would love her
max defo would've whooped the chemists' asses. plus if he actually got his redemption arc he would've boosted the team's morale like crazy
grace is never chill ever
all of the nerds having their own nauseous reactions to getting called to the office
i honestly thought they were asking about max in the group interrogation scene the first run through. god i can only imagine how sick the three (not counting grace) of them felt realizing that one of their closest friends was dead
the lauren urge to lie face-down on the nearest surface
grace immediately targeting ruth... homophobic behavior fr /j
i am glad that none of them assume that it's a ghost right away, because that kind of trope is super cliche. let them figure it out slowly!! they don't need to know it's a monster right away! let them think it's a mundane threat!
dan and donna moment
also it took my second run-through of the show to realize that the "hatchetfield kennel" line isn't just a smooth transition into dan's last name. it's referencing the problematic pooch from HSIKM
i actually thought that officer bailey was sam for a bit, then i remembered that charlotte's last name was sweetly, then i realized it's a separate character
LAUREN CHOREO POG + donna is so pretty in this song
karen gendering ziggy correctly is something that can be so personal to me
barry swift slays
the creeping steps in the second chorus repetition are so cool
CHARLIE???? BRUH??????
bryce's solo was so well-deserved, she has a fucking angelic voice!!! i just know that the audience lost their minds every fucking night
GERALD!!!!! my favorite evil old man
"can i shit or will i drown" references richie dying by swirly and it took too fucking long for me to realize that
fuckin traaaaaanscendent (is this sam? i think it's sam)
the little implied bird
KAH-bob. he sounds like a text-to-speech. accurate for some theater production actors tbh
paaaaahsshin <3
i love kim's teacher character, she's so cute
the collective "thank you ten" from the actors (and maybe the audience)
knowing that ruth's first canonical debut on stage (canonical in the Workin' Boys short film, at least) involved her forgetting her only line bc of stage fright makes me so sad... she does have a lot of talent, but her anxiety about being watched and judged scares her from the stage. it takes failing once to get over that fear, but even then, it leaves a lasting worry that you'll fail again.
on that note: ruth being so conscious of her appearance and personality that she's terrified of her own future. she's afraid that the best parts of her future will be centered around making other people happy, and never about what makes her happy. she's afraid that she'll get married to someone who doesn't care for her. (or worse, someone who has taboo desires, because who else would take her but those who want to use her as a diversion? the "maury prefers their kids" line after the pool is mentioned makes my skin crawl for ruth.) "well done on the outside, not within" "should i let the coals burn out" "should i let the years cook my body down" she's horrified of the future she feels she's destined for. she has so many dreams, but she feels like she isn't able to - or allowed - to pursue them.
i'm gonna be skipping ruth's death scene because it actually makes me feel sick... half because it's a form of torture that actually makes me feel nauseous (getting split from the crotch upwards) and half because it's happening to a character who's living an experience i've had in the past (feeling unworthy of pursuing something you love)
it's super obvious that shapiro is waiting to catch grace in a lie, which makes her interrogation of grace super funny in hindsight. she KNOWS this perfect christian girl is bullshitting her and blatantly lying about the deaths. i can only imagine how vindicated she felt when grace immediately crumpled under the pressure
OH FUCK GRACE GOT A GUN!!! SHIT!!! THIS NEVER GOES GOOD!!! (grace gets a gun in Workin' Boys too it's so fucking insane)
i love that grace's bike is so iconic
the audience losing their fucking minds when paul and emma appear on stage. same fr
"it's short for a perpetrator" paul you are so autistic (affectionate)
also this time around we get to see what the paulkins meeting would've been like in another universe and it's just as cute as we expected it would be
........ WWWWHAT
if richie could see them now he'd be calling them tsunderes. am i fucking wrong
did pete just shotgun a hot chocolate. buddy that was fresh out the fuckin pot
pete's color scheme switching from subtly green (to match with steph) to subtly yellow has me running laps in the kitchen rn. tinky would lose his fucking mind
steph openly admitting she likes smart people, implying that she doesn't consider herself smart by comparison... babygirl you are so intelligent i prommy
starkid consistently showing that romantic partners don't have to kiss on stage for them to have chemistry makes me so fucking happy as a person with kiss aversion
why does beanies just have hot water in cups. do they just make instant drinks. iconic of them actually
HOMOPHOBIC GRACE REAL??? /j (but also not)
grace immediately jumping to fleeing the country and holding her friends at gunpoint has me giggling. she's got the world record for jumping to conclusions
also thank god grace knows proper gun etiquette (not holding her finger on the trigger) but also. who taught her that.
the way grace immediately scrambles to hide, and she does it fast enough to make it look like she just teleported behind the chairs in the proshot
yyyAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (how dare they call her Barista in the captions. you put some respect on emma perkins's name)
alternatively: imagine you work up the nerve to give your number to a cute barista and five minutes later she's trying to get a cop to stop holding you in an armlock. what a wild first impression to give to someone who marries you in every fucking timeline
grace is so wet cat coded, angela did an incredible job playing her!!
bringing up the honey queen Mrs. Lauter theory again because how else would the lauters have the black book? i know that linda's family is the one in charge of the festival, but the mayor obviously has some sway in it as well. he probably acts as the warden for the book in most timelines, because if it was in the hands of the church itself, they'd be trying to summon gods every damn day. he keeps the church under control, allowing them one day a year to summon the only god that is the easiest to pacify. he probably proved his worth by convincing his wife to pursue the honey queen title, knowing full well what would happen to her, because he needed to give up something to show he could be trusted. (i also think this is why nibbly singles steph out when they first meet. he's already tasted lauter blood, and he likely recognizes her as the daughter of the man who facilitates his resurrection every year.)
AGAIN: the waylons made sure the spell was cast on the house, but the spell wasn't TRIGGERED until max died there. more proof that the waylons aren't ghosts, but that they were intended to be the ghosts.
returning to the honey queen lauter theory again: imagine how heartbroken steph is after all of her parental figures have died. her mom isn't around by NPMD, and during the show, her stand-in stepmom and her dad both die. she's technically an adult by the time of NPMD, but she's still lost all of her remaining family in one night.
i'm glad that they were able to convince shapiro about max at the last second, but damn, how fucked up is it that you learn that the current suspects of a homicide case are being haunted by a spirit that's been picking them off one by one, only for said spirit to slam your face through your fucking windshield. you survive the incident, somehow, but now you know that hatchetfield is haunted and you nearly became a victim.
i talked about the LiB and their altars at the very beginning of my NPMD fixation so i'm not gonna repeat it here :PP bleh
i am gonna mention that i love the designs of the LiB tho! they're so neon and goofy, they have little props that show who they are, it's so cute nibbly has his lollipop (which happens to look pretty fleshy, like a twirled up intestine), pokey has his mask, blinky has his sunglasses, tinky has his Bastard Box, and wiggly has a plush of himself + a crown that indicates his place in the hierarchy
the hair touch when steph starts to realize that pete is the thing she desires most... chills
also someone mentioned that in the digital ticket, steph fully collapses during "stephanie has got a gun", and i can definitely see that in the proshot too! it isn't seen in full, but her posture definitely slumps something fierce between shots
and what if i cried? huh? what if i burst into tears knowing that pete was resigned to dying to save steph's life? that he openly admits to loving her more than the stars in what he thinks is his final moments? that he thought he wouldn't make it to homecoming, and that steph would live on knowing that she would carry the blood of her true love on her hands?
literally if max hadn't intervened, steph would've lost her soulmate. imagine how horrifying that is for her. she would've lost everyone important to her in one fell swoop. her family. her friends. her love. it would've broken her.
pete reeling up to throw what should've been a devastating right hook to protect steph, only to get knocked aside by max's otherworldly power
and then we get the absolute whiplash of grace fucking a ghost
SPEAKING OF WHICH bro!!! angela put her whole christianussy into that performance. grace knew she had one chance to seduce max into taking what she cherished most and she thought "welp. might as well open up all the repression i've shoved into this box"
"WHAT. THE FUCK. IS HHHAPPENING RIGHT NOW." you're watching the mating ritual of two toxic lesbians
thank god they didn't caption the sex noises because if i knew what grace and max were saying the whole time i'd be in shambles
steph + pete slowly looking over and breaking into a giant grin as grace gets NASTY with it is so funny to me. pete looks genuinely touched by the experience while steph is learning something new about herself
grace smoking her first cigarette immediately after boning down is so goofy to me
you can see the moment where steph and pete realize what grace did, even if it's out of frame in the proshot. steph whips around to look up at pete, while pete seems to stumble back a bit. when their faces are in frame again, they both look quietly concerned for grace, like they're trying to process what she gave up for their sake.
the shot of max looking up at the lights, eyes and makeup perfectly illuminated as he witnesses (what can only be) the true forms of the Lords In Black - creatures which he didn't even know existed, considering their involvement was very distant in max's resurrection... CHEF'S KISS
also the eyes-rolled-back exorcism of max is so fucking incredible actually??? very slay of him
CUTE TEACHER IS BACK!!! i love her she's so girlypop
cawwww caw! <3 <3 <3
their little conspiratorial giggles as they scuttle away from shapiro i fucking LOVE THEM
grace is so evil in the intro to Best Of You i love that for her
BLINK 182 / OWL CITY AHH SONG <3 it's such a bop
not something i saw, but something i heard: the staged version where the lights went out after Best Of You being the "good" end is so cute actually! i love that the actors and tech people like to include alternate endings / stories based off of different actor portrayals and mishaps is such a fun way to provide variety for audiences
(for example: jon has mentioned he played Inevitable in TGWDLM two different ways. he either plays it like paul isn't infected, but is trying to convince emma to fake it with him so they don't get force-infected... or he plays it like paul is truly dead, and he's part of the hivemind. the proshot version of TGWDLM is a case of the latter, where paul truly was infected.)
grace tricking jason into kissing her on the cheek, only to punish him for it... girl you TOLD him to do that? bruh
i do stand for women's wrongs tho she's so slay for this
poor jason has a literal fear boner bc grace goes on her villain arc
the audience collectively going "OHHHHH" as they realize that grace is reprising the NPMD song is so insane
"darkness will spare my soul" GOES SO HARDDDDDD
0 notes
backhandtrebond · 2 years
The day of the Cage
“This is by far the stupidest thing you have ever done.” Crow glared at his friend, wondering how many times he had said those words to Kelder. At least this would probably be the last.
The two leant against a stone doorway, one of many in the tunnel maze they called home. Older than either cared to guess, it spread into the mountain like cracks across glass.
“Did you misunderstand the word ‘reconnaissance?’ Here’s a hint: it doesn’t mean ‘steal the obviously magical orb’, it means ‘don’t let the Celestials know you were there, because they’ll follow you home and kill us all.’”
Kelder, far from chastised, simply widened his ever-present grin. “You worry too much, Crow. Besides, we’re going to have to actually do something if we want to get an entire world to rise up.” He began pacing back and forth. “I know we need to take it slow- of course we do- but this is the first action any of have taken in weeks, and even then, it was spur-of-the-moment!” Brushing his dark hair out of his eyes, he stopped pacing to face his friend. “I can’t just sit around doing nothing while the gods keep working people to death.”
“We’re not doing nothing,” Crow replied, “we’re gathering information, resources. Things we’ll need when this turns violent.” Putting a hand on Kelder’s shoulder, he continued: “Take a breath. Right now, they don’t know we exist, and we’ll need to keep it that way until we’re ready to topple them-”
“All at once, I know.”
“Exactly. As we are now, we have plenty of time to prepare, and preparation means fewer casualties. I keep smuggling knowledge from the Great Library, Sonya keeps plotting, Mariah keeps her ears open with her ‘owner’… Need I go on?”
Kelder relaxed a little, shaking his head. “No, you’ve made your point. But you should have seen this thing. Itwas like it wanted to be taken, you know?”
“I understand why, but we meet in this warren for a reason.” Crow rubbed his eyes. “I just don’t want this Rebellion to kill more than we save, okay?”
“Hey, I’m right there with you on that, it’s Mariah who needs-”
He was cut off by the doors creaking open. “Looks like the others have arrived. Let’s go and see what this thing is, shall we?”
The two men walked side-by-side into the room, squinting in the torchlight to find their fellow rebels. Joining the other eight, they formed a loose ring around the pedestal in the centre of the flagstone floor. Looking around the circle, Crow fought down the smug grin creeping across his face. They had come to the same conclusion he had, it seemed. Between them all, floating a few inches above the pedestal, was an orb the size of his fist. Though at first it seemed to consist entirely of faintly-glowing chains, closer inspection revealed dark glass beneath. Kelder had found the odd construct while mapping out the Divine Palace – the central hub of the Celestial rulership, where they kept their most valuable artefacts. “So,” he began, breaking the silence, “did anyone here work out what this is, or do I need to go and get my books?”
“We worked it out alright.”
Surprised, Crow glanced to his left. “Really? You never struck me as the scholarly type, Mariah.”
A feral grin appeared on the woman’s face, visible even in the gloom. “Not me, dolt. Sonya and Verrier got it figured out.” She let out a low bark of laughter. “Though I still say it’s cheating when the damn thing tells you what it does.” At Crow’s furrowed brow, her grin widened. “Oh, yeah. It was being downright chatty after a few minutes alone with them. You won’t believe what it does.”
“It hates, mostly,” Sonya’s breezy voice chimed in. “It went on a bit of a rant about the gods trapping something inside it. Or trapping it inside the orb, I suppose.”
Startled, Crow and Kelder stepped back, suddenly tense and alert.
Sonya held up a soothing hand. “Calm down, both of you. It – sorry, they – aren’t our enemies. Quite the opposite, in fact. There’s a bargain to be struck here, but only if we all agree.”
Cautiously stepping back into the circle, Kelder kept his eyes on the orb. “It never said a word while I was carrying it.”
“Killing gods was mentioned near it, and it started speaking,” Sonya explained. “But as I said, what it’s offering is what matters.” Narrowing his eyes, Crow leant over to examine the artefact. “And what would that be, exactly?” He ghosted a fingertip over the more prominent runes, trying and failing to decipher them. “Even with everything I’ve read on the Celestials, I’ve never heard of them binding anything like this. Much as it pains me to say it, I have no idea where we’d even start to free you.”
“Then what? Mortal souls? Eternal servitude? Blood of virgins?” Crow continued his attempts to read the glowing text, keeping up his questioning almost automatically. “The whole point of this little enterprise is to stop crap like that, so this negotiation might be a little tricky, given that there’s only so much we can offer a disembodied voice stuck in a ball.”
“Good for you.”
“Can we cut the small-talk and get to the good bit?” Mariah cut in. “This place is freezing, and I’m getting bored.” After a moment of nine glares being sent in her direction, she rolled her eyes. “Oh, like you weren’t all thinking it.” There was a long pause before the voice from the sphere continued.
The sarcastic comments and disparate conversations immediately stopped.
After several hours of heated debate and frantic research, the ten leaders of the Rebellion found themselves back in that same circle around the Cage, only this time there was a palpable tension in the air.
“So,” Kelder murmured, “who wants to go first?” He bounced slightly on the balls of his feet, shooting frequent glances at Crow.
“You brought it here,” Alder’s deep voice echoed. “It called to you, and we’d never have had this chance without your sticky fingers, so…” He tailed off with a shrug.
Kelder shuffled his feet, then took a deep breath. “Alright then.” He stepped forward and placed his hand on the sphere’s chained surface. “Ready to go, friends?”
There was a moment of stillness, as if the world held its breath, and Kelder spoke. “I want to find everything the Celestials hold dear, every last thing, and I want to take it from them.” Leaning to his side slightly, Crow could just make out the cold fury held behind the other man’s eyes. “I want to make them afraid to ever put anything down, and then take those things right out of their hands.”
There was no dramatic flash of light, no runes scrawling across his skin, no great clash of thunder. Even Crow almost missed the slight glow in Kelder’s eyes, but no one missed the way the room’s shadows now seemed deepen. As he stepped back to his place in the circle, his steps were silent.
And so it went, one by one, each granted powers to achieve what they asked for. Alder stepped back with flames dancing in his palm; Verrier and Aberash’s clasped hands played host to contrasting light and dark energies; Rosa’s footsteps cracked the stonework as plants sprouted in her wake. Sonya’s simple request of knowing what was necessary was met with a few raised eyebrows until she was proclaimed ‘Oracle’. The solemn atmosphere had some of the earlier tension returned to it when Mariah stepped forward and spoke just one word.
Crow couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy at the wording on that one. Finally, it was his turn. Closing his eyes, he tried to formulate everything he wanted out of this endeavour into something less than a week-long speech.
“Knowledge. I seek knowledge, and the means to acquire it. I want to learn as much about this world and the people in it as I can, and then I want to use every single scrap of it to free the mortal races. I want to know what I need to know to win.” The pause after he finished seemed a few seconds longer than the others, but he concluded he was just noticing it more.
Overwhelmed by the influx of surface thoughts he could suddenly hear, the meaning behind those words did not have a chance to sink in properly. Later, he regretted not seeing them for what they were, and what no one else not even Mariah had received.
A warning.
0 notes
earthtoharlow · 2 years
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liked by yourinsta, urbanwyatt, and 489,965 others
miniharlow: asked dad to take photos of me in the studio and this happened…
view all 6378 comments
user: jack be fucking fr 😭
user: now why he do this
yourinsta: JACKMAN!!! @jackharlow
user: Oop not the first name
user: he’s gonna get GOT!!
jackharlow: 🫣
urbanwyatt: I would never do this to you
miniharlow: not gonna lie, that’s debatable uncle urb
user: father of the year me thinks
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liked by miniharlow, jackharlow and 895,358 others
yourinsta: when your first born dresses as you for a costume party 😳
view all 8,479 comments
user: holy smokes!
user: woah it’s crazy how much she looks like you
user: it’s almost like she gave birth to her
miniharlow: thank you for letting me steal, I mean borrow this out your closet 🫶
jackharlow: wait you never told me you still had this outfit 😏
yourinsta: you should see what else I have in there
jackharlow: teasing me? Just wait till I get home
miniharlow: guys where’s the class? I’m disgusted
user: y/n is a milf and im a mother fucker
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liked by 595,235 others
harlowupdates: Y/N backstage on the opening night of the Harlow Family Reunion Tour! + plus photos of Jack & Mariah from Y/N IG Story!
view all 4,786 comments
user: the real royal family
user: so happy Jack is performing again
user: omg I was there last night! Y/N started tearing up when Mariah started performing! It was so sweet 🥲
user: you’re doing amazing sweetie
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liked by miniharlow, yourinsta, urbanwyatt and 938,086 others
jackharlow: Never in a million years did I think I would go on a sold out world tour with my daughter. Mini, I’m so damn proud of you, you killed it every single night. No one sees the amount of hard work you put in, I’m so excited for everything that’s still to come.
view all 10,578 comments
user: I’m not crying it’s just raining on my face
user: god how do I get this family to adopt me
yourinsta: what he said and more! I’m proud that you keep showing up, every. single. day. I’m proud of all the tough decisions you had to make and even though it was hard, you stood your ground! You’re an inspiration to us all, mama loves you so much 💜
miniharlow: MOM, DAD! I literally could not have done this without you guys support, you always supported me, and never made my dreams seem small or unimportant. Could not ask for better parents. Thank you for being on this journey with me! Love you guys so so much
urbanwyatt: my girl 💪
396 notes · View notes
astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Dionysus
Hey y’all, sorry for going dark! I’m alright, almost completely recovered in fact! I just got so sleepy while my body was fighting stuff off and couldn’t really work up the energy to write... Still going to be spotty for a short time, but I’m glad to have gotten this done. See ya soon!
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus
Well, this mortal stumbled out of the portal covered in glitter, body paint, and carrying a red solo cup… which they proceeded to stare at like, "'ell sshhit… Thiz iz sum stron s'uff…"
First impressions were not on their side here.
He spent a depressingly long amount of time more or less assuming that the MC was a drunken f-up and spent the first few months trying to make them more… presentable.
But like… How do you stop someone from acting like a drunk fool when they can turn any drink they touch alcoholic???
For months they would show up to meetings buzzed or stumbling, all smiles and all giggles but HORRIBLY unprofessional, and he just couldn't stand it!
But then he found out their little secret…
Assassination threats befall the exchange students all the time. Most of them are dealt with quickly but some (through skill or dumb luck) manage to slip through...
He had been walking with the MC through their new vineyard in the House's courtyard, yet again trying to lecture them about their drunken behavior, when suddenly the two were ambushed!
Ten or so heavily armored demons dropped down from the sky to attack them! Lucifer was so preoccupied that he got cornered by three of them and it took him a hot minute to destroy them.
When he looked back at the mortal (who had been fighting a 1-on-7) he was certain they'd have been kidnapped or worse…
But he saw that they had already cut down two attackers with their weapon with ease. The other five were rolling in the dirt, babbling about inexplicable terrors and imaginary pain as their minds succumbed to madness…
Meanwhile, the MC just stood in the middle of it all with the icy glare of someone who’s just revealed how stone-cold sober they've always been under the surface...
When they turned back to him, they put their usual ditzy smile back on over the tormented wails of the demons around them...
MC: Whoopsie… Gotta little mad there. 🙂
He uh… took a big ol'step off their back after that. Surprisingly, they're more pleasant (and less dangerous) "drunk" than they are sober…
Oh HELL yeah!! Lucifer actually gave him a mortal that knows how to party!!
Admittedly, they looked like utter trash when they first met, like, "Hey, I've been at this party since DAWN" trash, but they gave him one good look and pulled together a surprisingly hot smile.
MC: "-ey yer cute… Ya like strip poker?"
Spoken like someone else who also makes shit decisions… They were going to get along just fine!
And they did. The MC to him was that one friend that's always down for anything. Just anything. Whenever. Wherever.
He wants to try sneaking into Lucifer's room to steal stuff? Sure, what time?
He wants to take a mattress and see if he can ride it down the grand staircase of the palace? Alright, we bringin' pillows too?
He needs to set up another scheme that's gotta involve live rats and box of tiny hats and monocles?? That's oddly specific but count them in!!
Sometimes he honestly can't tell if they're laid back or just crave chaos... but it works out fine for him either way so who cares? 🤷‍♀️
And if you think normal Mammon is a pain in the ass for Lucifer? Check out drunk Mammon. All the same urges but literally none of the (marginal) competence!!
At one point, the eldest ended up stringing both Mammon and the MC from the ceiling after they both barged into his office looking for Goldie… while he was still in there… watching them wander around aimlessly calling out for a piece of plastic like it was a missing puppy…
They end up together on the ceiling a lot come to think of it, but hey, at least now he has some company. 😌
Thinks they're the most normal normie to have ever normed on this normie planet!!!
No, seriously. They're a billion times worse than Asmo!! All they want to do is go to parties and drink all the time! What kind of use is he to someone like that??
… That being said they ARE pretty fun to be around… And their sake is WAY better than anything he could get off Akuzon!!
They also like karaoke too! So at least he has someone else to go with (even if they get so drunk they can’t remember any lyrics and just belt barely coherent discount Mariah Carey vocals behind him...)
Of course, the real fun between these two is everybody else getting to watch a couple of the Devildom's sloppiest drunks attempt to communicate with each other…
Levi: MMM-*hic*-MCCC…!!! *throws himself at them from across the bar*
MC: What Leviachan??? 😨 Did the chair kick you off?!
Levi: Nooo! *pokes their cheek* I wanna-I wanna tell you sometin'...! *tries pulling them closer*
MC: Whaa? Secrets?? *leans in eagerly*
Levi: Mammon used all ma money on’a pyramid scheme a thou-zand years ago… AND HE STILL WON'T PAY ME BAAA-!!! 😭😭 *starts shaking them violently*
MC: *getting flung around like a limp noodle* Waaaat?! Nooo!!! I'm so sowwy!! 😢
Mammon: *watching it all go down right next to him* 😑 Ya guys need some water… I'm cuttin' ya off, got it?
MC: 😱 Shut yer whore mouth, criminal!! *starts pelting him with pretzel bites*
Levi: 😤 Yah!! *joins in*
Good thing he's a shut-in, because the hangovers he gets after those escapades are unreal…
A little concerned for their liver, honestly… How much damage have they already done to the poor thing...?
But at the same time, he'll be damned if they don't make some utterly fantastic wine!
Alcokinesis wasn't a power he would have pegged a demigod to have but apparently the great art of making drinks comes from their godly DNA.
When they first met, he was trying to get the MC to act less slovenly but made the mistake of agreeing to a wager: he'd let them dress however they pleased if they could give him the BEST drink he'd ever tasted.
Now, Satan isn't a huge drinker (thank you terrible alcohol tolerance), but he's still a man of fine tastes. Plus, he's sampled Demonus from Diavolo royal stock before. They should not have won…
But on that day, he had to let them go to RAD in a pink blanket toga... 😑 Their wine is just THAT good.
He hates to admit it, but they've gotten him drunk more times than he could probably count too… He's not a huge fan of clubbing with them and the others, but if they bring over a bottle from their vineyard he just can't resist. They're a master of their craft, truly.
And it's a good thing he likes their drinks so much, because if they called him, "Kitty-boy," when he's sober, he may have just become a sour grape himself…
They also may or may not have copious amounts of blackmail material of him either meowing between sentences, sobbing over some fictional character he likes, pole dancing on dares….
Yeah, he's been trying to destroy their phone for months now. If Lucifer were to see ANY of that, he's done for… 😣
He has also been meaning to ask them about other aspects of their abilities, their father is also the God of Madness after all, but anytime he tries to bring it up they shove another glass in his hand and tell him not to kill the mood...
Eh. What's the harm in having another drink, right? 🤷‍♀️
Honey. He's MET Dionysus. He's been to a Dio-party or two and they're INSANE. He could not be more thrilled by this!!!
He practically scooped them up on the first night that they were in the House and it’s practically been a nonstop rave between these two ever since. They’re like the party twin he never knew he needed!!
He absolutely abuses their ability to turn pretty much any drink they touch into alcohol at clubs. It makes the nights so much easier on the wallet PLUS it makes an excellent little party trick to impress the succubi! Who doesn’t want a free drink? 😏
And can he just say that their drinks are better? Just flat out amazing! If it weren’t so unhealthy he’d consider drinking nothing but their booze and wine for the rest of his days, Satan’s certainly getting close to it.
But little does Satan know, he’s not even getting the GOOD stuff...
There’s the normal wine: grapes picked from the vineyard, hand squeezed, then magically helped through the fermenting process. But their real good stuff? They were given enchanted oak barrels from their father and anything that comes out of those is worth starting a WAR over. 😩
He knows, because he gifted an extra bottle to Diavolo once and Barbs came to him the very next day demanding to know what vineyard had produced it with the look of man willing to annex a small nation...
Asmo had to beg Lucifer to talk to Diavolo after the butler more or less kidnapped the MC back to the Castle… Devil knows even Barbs wouldn’t ever be able to reproduce their wine, so they could have been locked there for eternity!!
Thankfully, he got his party-buddy back and their debauchery continued! (Just now with Barbatos following them around sometimes like he’s trying to gather state secrets... It’s an impossible task but he hasn’t given up yet, bless his black heart.)
He isn't much bothered by their carefree nature, at least they seem to be having fun with his family which he appreciates. 🙂
To be honest, though, he nearly ate them when they first met because they smell like freshly peeled grapes… and for good reason.
By their third day at the House they had (somehow) planted and cultivated a full on vineyard in the courtyard. Hell, the wall growing to their bedroom balcony was covered in grapevines!! Always ripe and completely healthy in defiance of the lack of sun... Whatever magic they used was strong.
And, of course, their grapes were also delicious! Easily among the best fruits he's ever tasted! Every cluster is ridiculously plump, juicy, and sweet like little droplets of pure Heaven… 🤤
When their fruit first ripened, the MC came out with a basket to collect some only to find Beel had gouged himself on over half of their crop!!!
… which may have been why he got snared up on one of the courtyard walls by pissed off grapevines... Even with all his strength, he couldn't break through them and had to wait for Lucifer to cut him down… 😔 
From then on, Beel was pretty much the pesky rabbit to the MC's harvest. They had to set up traps and magical barriers to keep him from their precious grapes…!! Which inevitably meant one of his brothers had to come rescue him from their furious vines at least once a week... 🙄
SOMETIMES, the MC will bring him along to help harvest with them with the deal that he can have an extra basket for however many he helps them pick. But the second he takes a bite he shouldn't, it’s back on the wall!
Out of the vineyard, they're nice enough. But put some grapes between these two and they're mortal enemies… STOP messing with their plants, Beel!! 😤
So… this drunken fool is supposed to get him out of the attic? Never mind, this is never going to work…
He was SEVERELY underwhelmed when the "human" finally made it up the steps. This was who they decided to bring for their exchange program? They seemed like they could barely stand!
Naturally, he figured all the better for him. They probably wouldn't even last that long! 
Some poor, incompetent human falling victim to a demon out there? Diavolo's reputation would in tatters and he wouldn't even have to lift a finger! (His favorite way of doing things really 😌).
But… they just kept coming back? Like. Nothing was killing them….! How guarded were they keeping this moron?? 
Or… maybe it was something else?
Sure, the MC seemed like a drunken idiot but there were times when he'd swear that they were just… too aware to be sloshed…
MC: *suddenly stops smiling at him mid-conversation and looks him in the eye* You tilt your head when you lie. You know that?
How can someone so cheerful ALSO be so unnerving…?
So really, he should have seen their sudden heel-turn after they opened the door coming. There he was, fully intending to take them by surprise and choke them after a hug…
...and they knocked him down, climbed onto his back like a spider monkey, and rode him around like a bucking bull using his horns like handlebars!!
It wouldn’t have been AS humiliating if they didn’t also keep shouting things like "Giddiyap!" And "Yee-haw!!"
It took him a whole month to be sure that any and all footage of that nightmare was erased and he STILL hates the MC quite a bit for it…. But he's too scared to attack them now, so…
The lesson here? It's not a fair fight when one side’s crazy... 😔😒
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Seungkwan: A New Perspective
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Characters: Seungkwan x reader (gender neutral)
Genre/warnings: college au, friends to lovers, literally all fluff, a little humor thrown in there
Word count: 1,072
Summary: When someone’s in love with you, you’ll see color when they look at you. You’ve always seen in black and white when any of your friends looked at you, but one day, Seungkwan looked at you differently.
You leaned back in the desk chair, going cross-eyed as you looked down at the pencil you were trying to keep balanced between your nose and your upper lip as you puckered your lips. You could feel the weight of someone’s stare on you, so your eyes flickered up to see Seungkwan laying on his bed across the dorm room, just staring like he was looking at possibly the dumbest thing he’d ever seen.
The black and white of your world was something you were used to. You’d seen that way since you had grown up, and while some of your friends had experienced colors before -- including Seungkwan -- you had yet to. But it wasn’t anything you were necessarily upset about. You weren’t going out trying to get anyone to fall in love with you just so you could experience it. Seeing the grey spectrum wasn’t so bad, really.
Seungkwan continued to stare wordlessly until you finally hummed as if to ask what he was looking at you for, raising your eyebrows.
He just scoffed and rolled his eyes, “You’re fucking weird...”
Your face broke into a smile, the pencil falling from your face and into your lap before rolling onto the floor, “Thanks.”
“Can you study like a normal person for once?” he asked, seeming like he was genuinely annoyed but you could tell easily that he was just teasing you.
“I’m bored, Seungkwan,” you whined.
“And I want to pass college,” he replied, glancing back at you. “Stop distracting me.”
“Then stop staring, butthead.”
He just grumbled to himself before going back to his textbook.
The last thing he would do was tell you how cute he thought you were.
Seungkwan’s face was inches away from the dashboard before he was flung backwards, his body hitting the seat. He continued to stare forward out the windshield before slowly turning his head to face you. He was looking emotionlessly at your profile, but you still refused to make eye contact despite feeling his intense gaze on you. You just stared straight ahead at the light grey car that you almost rear-ended. 
“_____, can you not drive like a fucking maniac?!” his voice started out calm before he slowly began yelling toward the end.
“Well can you not distract me with your singing?!” you shot back, finally looking at him. “You’re not Mariah Carey, dude!”
“My singing is beautiful, thank you!” he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and dramatically looking out the window.
You knew he wasn’t genuinely mad, and he knew you didn’t actually hate his singing. Actually, it was kind of the fault of the dude who decided to pull out in front of you without using a blinker. Seungkwan just wanted to give you a hard time like always.
You started giggling, seeing how he stuck his nose up in the air like he was going to start giving you the silent treatment -- something you were no stranger to, “Kwannie, I’m sorryyyy!”
“Sorry doesn’t fix the fact you almost killed me,” he stated.
“Almost, Seungkwan, almost!”
It took everything in him to not crack a smile hearing your laugh.
What caused the stare-off, you weren’t sure. The two of you were supposed to be cramming for your midterms tomorrow, but instead, you were both sitting on opposite ends of Seungkwan’s bed and just staring at each other. You took in every shade of grey that was Seungkwan, while he quirked a brow as if to silently ask what the hell you wanted.
“_____, stop staring at me!” he whined before throwing his pillow at your face.
You let out a laugh as the pillow fell to your lap, “Damn, I can’t admire the beauty of Boo Seungkwan? Sorry.”
“No,” he frowned, “I wish to not be perceived at this time.”
“Understood,” you nodded.
It wasn’t uncommon for you and Seungkwan to have sleepovers, but they always ended with the two of you staying up way too late, and you getting especially over-tired and slaphappy. You’d giggle at anything and everything, say and do whatever you felt like in the moment, and become especially cuddly.
But Seungkwan would never tell you how endearing he found it. Especially not when you fell asleep on his chest, and he stayed up for a few more moments to watch your sleeping face in full color. Because he knew you never knew you fell in love with him, but he knew the exact moment it happened because his world went from black and white to every color of the rainbow every single time you looked at him. But he was slowly, slowly falling in love with you every single day, no matter how hard he tried to come off like everything was the same as it had always been. He was never going to tell you.
He was just going to wait.
Your eyes were closed as you laid on the soccer field, taking in the sun while you listened to music from your phone. You’d gotten out of class fifteen minutes ago and decided to just wait for Seungkwan so you could share your results in person.
“How’d it go?” you heard his familiar voice.
You sat up and opened your eyes, seeing him sitting by your feet while he was scrolling on his phone. You shifted yourself around so you were sitting beside him and digging through your backpack that you’d left laying in the grass next to you, “I got a 91. What about--”
You stopped, being almost blinded by the beautiful green of the grass. Your backpack went from being a shade of grey to suddenly being a vibrant blue that you always imagined the sky might look like. Your skin came alive with color, your shoes -- the entire world around you.
That was when you were aware of the feeling of someone staring at you.
Slowly, almost nervously, you turned your head to the right. Your eyes locked with Seungkwan, seeing beautiful brown that looked like warm chocolate in the sun. He stared back at you, almost like he was scared you’d run away even though he knew you weren’t going to. He just wasn’t sure what stopped you from speaking.
“You have really pretty eyes,” you told him in a murmur.
He smiled softly despite his heart hammering in his chest, “Funny, I’ve always thought the same about you.”
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fandom-monium · 4 years
For the Holidays - Part 3
Summary: In which Spencer doesn’t want to go to his high school reunion, but you tagging along changes things. “Please, we're FBI agents. I think we have enough stealth training to get by.”
WC: 2k
Tags/Warnings: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, fake-dating trope, pining (so much pining), fluff, descriptions of panic/anxiety (non-extreme), defensive Spencer, angst but not from unnecessary trauma, emotional-support Reader, reunion arc, song fic
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I'm at a party I don't wanna be at And I don't ever wear a suit and tie, yeah Wondering if I could sneak out the back Nobody's even looking me in my eyes Then you take my hand Finish my drink, say, "Shall we dance?" (Hell, yeah) You know I love ya, did I ever tell ya? You make it better like that
You shield your eyes, “Your class sure knows how to throw a party.”
Immediately, you’re blinded by white and gold, the strobe lights bouncing off the matching streamers and balloons surrounding you. Gingerbread and peppermint bombards your noses as Mariah Carey blasts from the overhead speakers, well-dressed men and women swaying all over the gymnasium. Others laugh, walk around, eat, catching up with old friends. It reminds you of a middle school winter formal, aside from the understandable sophistication that comes with age. And the alcohol.
However, there’s hundreds of faces; they’re worn, deep-set, and wrinkled over time but Spencer would recognize them anywhere.
Memories flood in. His heart rate skyrockets.
No, no, no! Not now!
You feel Spencer tense next to you before you see it. His eyes are unblinking and his breathing quickens.
You don’t hesitate, dragging him aside and sticking to the wall.
“I-I’m so-sorry,” Spencer manages between shuttered breaths.
"Sorry? For what?" You don’t look at him, gently guiding him with a hand on his back, eyes searching. You stop next to a Christmas tree. Perfect. Shadowed, private. No one will look twice at a couple in a secluded corner.
Spencer ducks his chin, “F-for all this.”
Although Underneath the Christmas Tree thunders overhead, you still catch the small whimper that escapes him. Your chest tightens; you knew he was bullied, but what the hell did these people do to make him react like this?
Knowing you won’t get answers now, you rest his back against the wall, shielding him from prying eyes. “Reid, it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not 'fine',” He rasps, shaking his head. He tries to focus on something⎼anything⎼but tears muddle his vision. So he shuts his eyes and presses a hand over his pounding heart, willing it to calm down. It refuses. “You came all this way to help me, and-and now I’m wasting your time⎼”
“Woah, hold up,” You grasp his free arm, stepping closer and trying to meet his eyes. Mindful of his aversion to touch and his germaphobic tendencies, you leave a sliver of space. 
It doesn’t go unnoticed. Spencer feels your warmth bloom even through the sleeve of his blazer. 
“You have nothing to apologize for. None of this was a waste of time, and honestly, I still would have come along had you asked, even if I didn’t have to act as your partner.” Your smile turns shy as you add, “And for what it’s worth, I had a lot of fun today.” 
Your words, while an attempt to comfort him, only sends his heart into hyper-speed. He finally meets your gaze, blinking through unshed tears. “Really?”
Your eyes, tender and earnest, sparkle in the strobe lights. Spencer thinks, if you keep looking at him like that, he might kiss you.
He doesn't even notice his heartbeat leveling as you lace your hand over his tentatively pulling it away from his pounding heart. He flushes when you don’t let go. “Reid, this can wait. Whatever your bullies told you, whatever they did, you prove them wrong every time you put a bad guy behind bars, every time you finish a geo-profile, every time you save a life. You can always try another time. If it really is too much, we can leave now and you can show me that first bar you went to, the one that gave you shots of apple juice?”
Your smile broadens as Spencer gives you a wobbly grin. "You think anyone will notice us leaving?"
You snort, "Please, we're FBI agents. I think we have enough stealth training to get by."
Spencer chuckles. Without another word you pull away from him, leading him towards the exit, hands still intertwined as the double doors come into view. Then you feel Spencer resist and you pause, glancing over your shoulder. 
He’s looking at you, and for the first time, you see him looking at you like he’s never done before. 
But he has. The only difference is it’s completely unrestrained. Spencer has looked at you like this time and time again⎼eyes soft and brimming with adoration⎼never to your face, always held back in fear of what it could mean, how’d you react.
Right now he doesn’t care. He just… wants you to know. To understand.
You chalk it up to the lighting. 
“I know I said this already, but,” His eyes crinkle and his voice, though wavers, is laced with such warmth, you nearly melt on the spot. “I’m really glad you’re here.”
… Oh dear. Only Dr. Spencer Reid could knock the air out of you with just words.
Not sure of what else to say, you bite your lip and nod, lips threatening to turn into a full blown grin. “Me too.” You ignore the way your heart pounds. 
Not now.
Satisfied, he moves to leave, tugging you behind him as you approach the exit.
“Spencer Reid? Is that you?”
You freeze.
We at a party we don't wanna be at Tryna talk, but we can't hear ourselves Read your lips, I'd rather kiss 'em right back With all these people all around
I'm crippled with anxiety But I'm told it's where we're s'posed to be You know what? It's kinda crazy 'cause I really don't mind When you make it better like that
It’s been over a decade. Her voice comes hesitant, deeper than he remembers but he could never forget.
Your voice shakes him out of his stupor and he glances at you.
Right, he’s got you. He’s safe with you. 
You frown. “Who’s this?”
Before he can conjure an answer (he’s not even sure if he wants to), the woman steps up, “Hi, I’m Alexa Lisbon. I was Reid’s… classmate.” She says it slow, like she’s not entirely sure either, offering a hand and a tight-lipped smile. You introduce yourself, taking her hand.
Spencer wishes he brought a bottle of hand sanitizer. 
Honestly, the one time he doesn’t bother? IQ 187, my ass.
Pushing down his discomfort, he inches himself between Alexa and you, despite the subtle tremble in his hands.
It’s actually her. She's aged just like everyone around them, wrinkles by her eyes and smile lines at her painted lips. What the hell could she have smiled about after what she did to him?
She's still pretty though. He hates that he still thinks she's pretty.
Alexa’s eyes roam over him, and his skin crawls. "Wow, it’s been so long. You’ve grown.“
“Thanks, it’s the trauma. You know, from working for the FBI, among other things,” He spits out the last part. He feels you press against his side, a warning. He doesn’t care. 
If his biting tone affects Alexa, she doesn’t show it. “Right, right. You’re in the FBI now. That’s amazing,” She trails off, rolling her lips anxiously and clearing her throat. “Hey… can we talk in private?” 
Memories flash like snapshots. 
The grass field. The sports shed. A blank-faced audience.
Spencer bristles, “Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of (Your Name). Why? You want to laugh at me? Criticize me? Stri-” You adjust your hand in his, reminding him he’s not alone. He grits his teeth. 
He almost feels guilty when Alexa flinches. Almost.
“Okay,” Her tone is soothing, careful like she’s addressing a cornered animal. Her gaze flicks between you two, hesitating. “If it makes you feel better, you can bring (Your Name), but we really need to speak with you.”
Spencer’s brow furrows. “We?”
Alexa steps aside, nodding past the crowd of drunken dancing, waiting for him to decide.
“It’ll be okay,” You watch him from the corner of your eye. It’s strange; you’ve witnessed Spencer snap a few times, usually to unsubs, people who deserved sharp tongues and razored vocabulary. There were rare occasions when the two of you had your spats, but he never lashed out at you. Not like this.
You wonder what Alexa Lisbon did to warrant such hostility. 
“She’s not an unsub, Reid,” He shivers, your whisper brushing against his ear. He clenches his jaw as he stares down Alexa, but he leans into you, listening. “You’re going to be fine. I’ll be right behind you the whole time.”
And you swear if something happens to Spencer, you’ll kill everyone in the room and then yourself.
Apparently, that’s enough for him as he steps after Alexa, weaving through the mass of bodies. His grip tightens around your hand. Eventually, Alexa stops and you find yourselves at the farthest corner of the gym, by the dining tables.
Suddenly, Spencer wants to run. To throw up. 
Like Alexa their faces have aged, matured as he expected. Some have gained and lost weight, dressed completely different than back in the day, while others look like the world treated them so, so kindly. It makes him grimace. 
Of course the universe decided his tormentors didn’t need to suffer after what they did. He’d expect nothing else. Karma is nothing if not a bitch.
Maybe he can projectile vomit onto them.
Wait, he doesn’t have the abdominal strength to do that. Damn it.
“Spencer Reid,” Harper Hillman breathes, as if she’s testing the way it rolls off of her tongue. Like his name is new to her. Makes sense, considering all they’ve ever called him was anything but his name. She stands from her chair, smile tight-lipped like Alexa’s. “I didn’t think you’d make it.”
Spencer gestures lamely. “Well, here I am.”
“Yeah, um, would you like to sit? We saved you a seat,” Harper’s gaze switches between Spencer and the table. 
They saved him a seat? They saved him a seat? 
Who are these people? 
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Spencer shifts his stance, eyes flitting over each face but never lingering, unable to look them in the eye for long. “I’d rather stand, thanks.“
“Oh, no problem. You remember everyone, right?” Harper glances at Alexa, the few members of the football team that showed up, gesturing to them. 
“I have an eidetic memory and an IQ of 187,” Spencer’s face hardens. “What do you think?”
To his delight and astonishment, Harper has the sense to look flustered. “Right, almost forgot about that.”
Spencer nods, toeing the hardwood with his converses. The atmosphere is so thick. Seconds go by.
Alexa clears her throat, “Well-uh⎼”
“What do you want?” Spencer grinds out, one hand fisted in his pocket while the other grips yours tighter. He hasn't even been there for an hour, and already he’s tired and afraid. Whatever they had to say, he wants to get it over with.
Mouths open and close as they try to come up with an answer. Harper, Alexa, the entire group trade hesitant looks, like they had a plan and it wasn’t going accordingly. Like they’re not sure how to proceed. Or who should lead the assault.
Then a nod from Alexa and they stand almost in unison. Spencer’s eyes narrow when Harper smoothes down her dress and tugs at her collar, while Alexa wrings her hands together and bites the inside of her cheek. They all exchange looks between each other and the football team, even they look apprehensive, shoulders tense. Readied.
Oh my god they’re going to jump him. Pin him down and strip him naked again. 
“Reid,” Alexa starts, the group stepping forward as if backing her up. 
Waiting, probably for a signal, Spencer realizes. His stomach turns to lead.
“We want to say…”
Well, good fucking luck. The gym is packed with witnesses, and he’s 90% sure you’d risk your job, bust their kneecaps before you’d let them touch him.
It’s a bold but foolish move, really⎼
“We’re sorry.”
He braces himself.
…Wait. ‘Sorry’?
All his brain function stutters to a halt.
AN: 3/4?? 
guess who wrote 4k just to set up a song-fic?? *raises hand* 
yes this entire fic was inspired by I Don’t Care by Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber okay dont come for me
we all need an emotional-support reader in our lives
also my first reid angst i hope i set the tone and pacing right, wrote it a lot differently :| 
If y'all notice the reference to starstruck by @spacedikut?? Just a small dedication/tribute thingy to them bc I love and appreciate their everything 😚💛
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 3 years
since i've been talking a lot about my hcs for la squadra's backgrounds i figured i would drop what i've thought of so far for risotto 👀
as a heads up there will be talk of ❗catholic trauma, familial death, and grief❗
prefacing this: so i saw an idea somewhere once that risotto and mariah are related b/c their stands both deal w/ magnetism and they both have white hair and then i made a mental exercise to play around with the idea of how that would actually Work but then the idea stuck lol
so they're half siblings and mariah is like, 5 or 6 years older? they have the same dad. he and mariah's mom separated on good terms and he eventually moved to sicily for work but went back n forth a lot to still be active in mariah's life
which is where he met risotto's mama. risotto was born and raised in siracusa but the family went to cairo a lot and likewise mariah and her mama would come visit too
so risotto's family life may have been unconventional (especially considering it was the 70s in a catholic country and his parents weren't married, nero is his mama's last name) but was very happy. he had good and loving parents, he and his sister loved each other a lot, their moms got along really well and mariah's mama was very nice to risotto too and vice versa, it was all pretty chill!!!!
maybe a few months (or a few years) later some wreckage washed ashore that could be identified as part of their vessel, but that's the most closure risotto had. he knows in his heart that they're dead because they were good parents, they would never have abandoned him and mariah. he doesn't blame the sea though and he's not afraid of it, it's just nature, and nature happens sometimes.
but when risotto was about 8 or 9, his parents were lost at sea. not sure if they were on a ferry and there was a freak storm and there were others that were lost too or they just liked to sail or what, but their boat pretty much vanished and they were never found.
so as presumably, probably, an orphan, he was taken in by his maternal grandparents in the sicilian countryside and lost contact with mariah and her mama. his grandparents had also taken in his older cousin prior to that too so it was the two of them being raised in the middle of bumfuck nowhere by their grandparents.
and their grandparents were, hm. Not Great. they were pretty hardcore catholics who ran a strict house, made ris and his cousin go to church whether they liked it or not, tried to instill them both with Catholic Guilt™️, were very conservative, kinda broadly fucked up and controlling etc. it was just, not an emotionally healthy environment.
risotto's mama probably moved away for a reason 😬 they were definitely aghast that their daughter had a child out of wedlock and it wouldn't surprise me if they had this notion of having to '''save''' risotto from '''sin'''. which probably made him feel like something was wrong with him, which he thankfully knew wasn't true because his early childhood was happy and healthy enough to give him that perspective, but it hurt nonetheless.
he and his cousin were each other's confidants and partners in crime, they loved each other so damn much and were always looking out for each other. often it was big cousin looking out for baby ris cause he was like ~5 years older but risotto wanted to be there for him too.
they got up to a lot of trouble as kids in small towns in the middle of nowhere do and it was stupid as hell but fun and freeing. authoritarian houses make good sneaks and good liars and the two of them definitely lived up to that. risotto also couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and love when he did what he pleased and tried his best to live freely because he felt like it brought him closer to his parents in spirit.
as soon as big cousin graduated the two of them hit the road and moved to palermo, against their grandparents' wishes. they shared a shitty cheap apartment that felt like a damn mansion to them cause they could do whatever they wanted and just live their lives.
they lived there for about a year before risotto's cousin was killed and he felt like the fucking world crumbled from beneath him. he viewed it very differently from his parents' deaths: one was nature, one was some asshole who couldn't be considerate to the people around him and now risotto's best friend is dead.
so he was back with his grandparents but without his cousin and he was pretty fucking miserable, but he refused to just be sad for himself, he was sad for his cousin first and foremost and couldn't stop thinking about him. and he was angry. big cousin had his whole life ahead of him that was cut short, he was a whole person with dreams who loved and was loved, and this guy only gets four years in prison and then could just go back to his life like nothing had happened when his cousin wasn't alive anymore? no. it wasn't right. risotto refused to let that go unresolved.
and that thought is what kept him going but he still ran away a lot, didn't bother with school unless he thought it could help him, etc. he became sort of numb to his grandparents and the irony of plotting revenge in his head while he was made to sit in church wasn't lost on him.
he probably dropped out and left his grandparents' place by the time he was 17 and he hasn't spoken with them since, went back to palermo, and went from there with his plotting. that's how he got involved with passione.
he got vengeance for his cousin at 18, and it was at least something, but yeah, he realized it would never be enough and the pain stayed. not that he regretted it in the slightest tho, he can still sleep a little easier and feels like he can do.... something aside from just being consumed by it.
but then he was indebted to passione for their help with getting risotto to the guy, risotto took it in stride cause again, he didn't regret it, and the rest is history.
not to say he's necessarily happy or satisfied being in passione tho, but he accepts it and works with it. he doesn't really think about what he'd like to do cause this is what he just.... does.
he tries to visit his cousin's grave in palermo every year for his birthday (and maybe throws some flowers into the ocean for his parents too, they left from the opposite coast but he figures the water will carry his intentions where they need to go). he would be perfectly happy to never see or hear from his grandparents again. once as an adult (and with gang connections) he realized he could try to track down his sister again, but decided against it. not only because he's not sure if she would accept him for who he became (he can't stand the thought of her rejecting or being afraid of him), but if he put her in harm's way, he would never forgive himself.
he doesn't know mariah is also a stand user, nor her involvement with dio or who the fuck dio even is or basically the whole mess of stardust crusaders. but she IS alive, she got very injured but is alive. maybe once giorno becomes boss, gets in touch w/ his joestar family and the speedwagon foundation etc all the little strings start coming together and risotto and mariah can find each other again. and she very much does love her big baby brother and wouldn't even dream of rejecting him. so they can be brother and sister again and it's really lovely and healing :')
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