#marimo posting
princessjellyfish · 1 year
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marimo-art · 2 months
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Inspired by a Dragon Age piece by @nipuni here
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zoolitsky-fandom · 24 days
I’m not a fan of child fics/AUs tbh but. BUT.
For those of you like “should Zoro be mama… papa… dad….” He should be marimo.
Like would that not be the funniest thing ever
this would probably make the most sense with zosan but it could also work with zolu or any other ship methinks. as long as sanji is present in someway for the kid to pick up on “marimo”
idk chat maybe I’m on something but I think this is peak comedy
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diamondsheep · 9 months
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A quick sketch of my favorite Luffy image :D !
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uboatan · 5 months
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from the game “Little Marimo Preschool” on roblox
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yourfavesaysfag · 28 days
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Black Leg Sanji from One Piece says fag!
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whitxd · 6 days
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My Marimo collection. Pls do not repost without credit please :3
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sunnydayaoe · 7 months
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drew the guys !!
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diabelskoga · 6 months
"This is how I find out you've lied the whole time?"
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❝ Ah, the brain traffic finally cleared up in your mosshead, I see. ❞ Sanji murmurs, gritting his teeth; his cigarette now limp between his teeth. ❝ ──Listen, moron... I was not lying; it was more like tip-toeing around the truth and that is a major difference. ❞ Sanji soon averted his gaze, now taking the cigarette out from his mouth. ❝ Different, y'know because-- I never intended to lie, but I also never intended to tell the full truth either. ❞
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He breathed deeply, eyeing at the lit cigarette, the ash falling off the tip, landing on the floor somewhere. ❝ What do you want me to admit? Should I swallow my pride and agree that, I guess, I did fuckin' lie? I did it for reasons. I don't lie for the fuckin' fun of it. ❞
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frostedpuffs · 1 year
some life advice. if you have adhd and object permanence issues do not put fruit where you cant see it. especially do not put it in a bag you like that you rarely ever use. bc you might forget about it due to never using the bag. and the fruit may turn Hulk Green
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princessjellyfish · 3 months
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omg hiiiiiiiiiiiiii 🍊
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fleetingfutures · 1 year
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Psst... fishblr... I'd love to hear some opinions on my new ten gallon tank! I want it to be more heavily planted than it is right now, but I can't decide how to go about it. Should I add some new species, a few more plants of the same species I already have, or just be patient and wait for what I currently have to grow in more? Initially I was fine doing the latter, but I saw some people online acting like any tank that starts with less than, like, 75% plant coverage is doomed to be completely overtaken by algae and fail, and it got me worried since I'm starting to see my first bits of brown algae on the substrate and driftwood. It kinda just feels like bullshit marketing designed to sell more plants, but who knows, maybe it's not.
My current plants are vallisneria, pearlweed, amazon sword, moneywort, dwarf hairgrass, and a moss ball. They're all doing pretty well: the vallisneria has already produced five runners, the sword is making lots of new leaves, and the moneywort reached the surface so I trimmed and replanted the tips. The pearlweed melted really badly at first, but it's filling out now and I'm probably going to trim it soon too. I also just added some red root floaters, amazon frogbit, dwarf water lettuce, and water spangles that may or may not survive (lots and lots of melting so far, but I'm also starting to see a few new leaves on some of the plants. The frogbit in particular seems to be doing well even though the plants had exactly zero roots upon arrival).
Some assorted information that might be helpful: this is my first planted tank ever, so I'm starting with plants that are on the easier side of things. It's been set up for about a month with medium-ish light, no CO2, root tabs, very light dosing of a complete liquid fertilizer, and a basic sand substrate. I'm trying for a roughly triangular scape with taller plants in the back left and shorter plants in the front right. It's going to be home to a betta and some invertebrates (nerite snails/mystery snails/amano shrimp/cherry shrimp, still undecided).
Right now, I'm leaning towards just getting some moss or other epiphytes like anubias to stuff in the spaces between the rocks and the driftwood to hide my atrocious glue job and letting everything else grow out more before making new additions.
Any thoughts?
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rainbowfeatherreplies · 7 months
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"Alright," Cyberpunk Quartz Horn explains as she sneaks sneakily, "Here's where Feather and I split up... she's going to go after physical samples, something big and flashy and valuable, I'm going to the systems to get some data... and leave a few treats in return...."
"In short, she goes loud, I go quiet, and then the party happens!"
Art by @marimo-punk / @mlp-ask-blog-doodle
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mtomauw · 1 year
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**curses you with the bad ideas from the discord last night**
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mar-im-o · 7 months
guys im SO normal
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justyefei · 10 months
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Happy late birthday to our beloved marimo! 🤩🥳
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