#marius gage
mistermasochist · 9 months
We all know that Roboute Guilliman had a soft spot on Aeonid Thiel
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rebeccamar9 · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Horus Heresy - Various Authors, Warhammer 40.000 Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Eidolon/Emperor's Children Legion (Warhammer 40.000), Kharn world eaters Characters: Eidolon (Warhammer 40.000), Khârn (Warhammer 40.000), Corswain (Warhammer 40.000), gabriel santor, Sigismund (Warhammer 40.000), raldoran, Jago Sevatarion, Ahzek Ahriman, Marius Gage, Ezekyle Abaddon, Erebus (Warhammer 40.000), Artellus Numeon, Alpharius (Warhammer 40.000), Agapito Nev, Calas Typhon | Typhus Summary:
During a strategic meeting of Emperors Children and World Eaters, Lord Commander Eidolon seeks an alliance with a brother astartes
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Thought of the Day: Seek no reward but the satisfaction of your Master!
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bittersweetblasphemy · 6 months
hey sorry you're sick bud. what's your oc with the most tragic backstory? vs an oc with a relatively chill past?
the most tragic? woof that's a tough one. and i'm gonna use it as an opportunity to infodump about a lot of OCs lol
most of my characters have at least some level of trauma. i mean just going through my works (and not touching reader characters):
your First Mate in LLTQ comes from a species known for stealing people away to use as brood queens and where said Queens are usually not consenting, then was sent off to perpetuate that same cycle completely alone for the first time in his life. one has to wonder what he went through to decide your consent actually mattered to him.
Hulo was once a human man whose literal humanity was slowly stripped from his soul and eaten over the course of decades
David's no-contact with his family. mom was neglectful from the beginning and cares more about his half-siblings than him. step-dad is some ex-military jackoff who thinks he's a loser who will never amount to anything. doesn't have many memories of his bio dad who just up and left when he was three
Brizeth and Colovan i won't say much about bc i'm actually going to talk about this in the next chapter for B&D. what i will say is that their childhood was fucked up but also a completely normal childhood for demons like them, so is it really that tragic? 🤔 (and bc im sure people's minds are going there, no, there is no CSA involved despite them being concubi)
Adrian is a fallen angel whose anger got his wings ripped off
Hector watched his first love die
Malak is the bastard child of a palace concubine who very conveniently isn't around anymore so you do the math
Tuq left his herd to live completely on his own due to rampant transphobia
Sasha got his scars from attempted murder via arson by homophobic wannabe monster hunters who were hoping to kill him and Theodore
Viktor's big sister, who he looked up to, was killed by a werewolf hunter
the imps in QR paint a pretty clear picture of the hell (literally and figuratively) they'd lived through before being taken in by Horace
where do i even start with Arro? [1][2][3][4]
but ultimately if i had to pick, i think i'd pick Gage. they were kidnapped and sold into forced sex work where all of their memories of their prior life were completely wiped, effectively factory reset, and they frequently deal with trauma by just erasing memories they can't handle. this includes deleting any knowledge of entire people and friendships because they were either killed or committed suicide, and Gage would rather forget than deal with the pain of missing them.
and while they may not have those direct traumatic memories haunting them, they're perfectly aware of the gaps in their memory and what they mean, which just strikes me as particularly sad.
Chill backstories? I mean,
Willow had a normal childhood and learned her love of gardening from her mom and dad, who she has a good relationship with
Marius came from a decently well off family and just liked having sex enough to make a profession of it
Ahlex grew up in a world with UBI, Universal Healthcare, and where there's always plenty of food and fresh water to go around, so despite being raised by his single disabled mother, he had a pretty easy time growing up
Marble and Button were childhood friends that fell in love as they got older
ignoring the tragedy that led to his current position as Malak's guard, Bic had a great childhood and was being mentored to be a clan storyteller, which is a very highly respected position in goblin clan hierarchy
Nina lived a comfortable life with her mother and father, who taught her the art of monster hunting and also impressed upon her the importance of the honor code she still lives by.
anyone else who i haven't listed either has their chill backstories at least alluded to in their fic (like Melia), or i just haven't given them a backstory yet
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someginger05 · 9 months
Traitor (A Warhammer 40k Fan Story)
Traitor will be a three part story taking place in the Warhammer Sci Fi universe. This story follows a slightly different history from what we know from the 30,000 millennium with new horrors, new monsters and new traitors. There is no one who can be trusted as of this time. The most vital resource in this period is the truth.
Part 1: From The Skies
The Imperium had seen a golden age for centuries when the legendary primarchs and their space marine legions brought the Galaxy to heel under the banner of the Emperor himself. Colchis was the home to the Word Bearers legion and their Primarch Lorgar Aurelian. The world was covered in sprawling dunes and great spires of worship to who they believed was the God Emperor of Mankind. Lorgar and his legion had been looked down upon by many for their zealotry but their effectiveness in securing loyal and efficient worlds could not be understated. Although Colchis was their home world, the true land of the Word Bearers and the Imperial Truth was on Khur, especially within the city of Monarchia. Monarchia was a city of spires that pierced the void itself and eternally loyal citizens to the Emperor as the cathedrals and temples across the world enforced their belief. Monarchia was a city beyond the simple favour of zealots however as although the Emperor himself could never set foot in the land, his sons did so and acted with awe and joy. Even the Primarchs who sought perfection and scrutinised anything but, saw the city as an example for the rest of the Imperium, even if the dogma was undesirable. 
In recent times the western Galaxy had fallen under a shadow of failed communications and thus word travelled slowly with even the greatest minds in the Mechanicus being unable to find the source of the disruption. Despite this no one in the west were fearful or confused as the Word Bearers prevented any invasion from beyond their borders. This day was a good one on Colchis, the air was not as dry as it would normally be which meant that soon rain would fall which was a celebrated affair on Colchis as they could collect water without relying on the outer Imperium. Lorgar was in his greatest Cathedral built atop his old home continuing to write and plan alongside his apostles and commanders such as his own adoptive father Kor Phaeron and Erebus. Suddenly from the cloudy skies descended a colossal ship bearing the symbols of the 13th legion. 
From the ship emerged Chapter Master Marius Gage on behalf of his primarch Roboute Guilliman. The golden rim of his armour shone like stars in the eyes of the people with his deep blue armour reminding them of the skies above. He laughed and embraced Argel Tal who had been sent to meet with him. The two goliaths then marched back to the great Cathedral. The Ultramarines followed their Chapter Master, they never removed their helmets or spoke but simply moved forward while the Word Bearers, their heads bare, looked upon their brothers with unease. The Ultramarines and Word Bearers had no animosity and yet the Ultramarines treated the Word Bearers, not as cousins but as just other soldiers. The matter was serious, they could tell instantly after as the Ultramarines, usually in armour that exuded perfection and glory now, were chipped and damaged by an unseen war.  
After some time, the signals were given, the Word Bearers were rallied with the reserves donning their armour and moving swiftly. More of the 13th arrived as citizens were moved to shelters and told to remain far from the planetary defences. On one of these ships, we see Captain Marakos Arasian lead his company into organising from their deployment. He is approached by his Word Bearer companion Zar Kadal, a Captain. 
“Cousin! How have you been? I have not seen you since the days of the northern campaign and when we faced down the Xenos at Hellion!” Kadal expressed; his arms open for a kindly embrace. Marakos was the first of the 13th to remove his helm as a gracious smile came over his strained face, “I have been well Kadal! However, times have not been kind to the Imperium! We shall see it outdone though; we always do!” Marakos exclaimed as they embraced their arms. Kadal requested a walk and Marakos indulged him. Marakos and Kadal handed their lieutenants their written orders and they moved with vigour.  
The two Captains walked along the battlements laughing of ages past. Then the air cooled, and the breeze halted, “Why are you here Marakos? Not just you but the 13th? We have had no word of what is occurring and yet we appear to prepare for the end of days” Kadal inquired as he rested his gauntlet upon the mace by his hip. Marakos looked to the sky and began to sweat, Kadal looked upon the scars and chips on Marakos’ armour, tilting his head in confusion “What are the marks too cousin? Your legion does not often appear in any state less than what the Emperor, praise be his name, would expect?” Marakos’ demeanour was broken as he placed his helm upon his head. 
“We are betrayed Kadal” Marakos said, resting on the battlement barrier. Kadal was confused and before he could speak Marakos continued, “The communication of the west had not been broken by any mistake or Xenos threat, it was planned from the beginning” Marakos turned around and unwrapped a bloody rag, inside was the symbol of the Dark Angels, broken and seemingly altered to feature an eye and at the end of the hilt was the very star of chaos. Kadal gasped, “Cousin, we had been isolated from the Imperium for some time but surely it has not been that long? And how? How could I have been so blind? How could the God Emperor permit or not see this betrayal? Why did they betray us?” Marakos wrapped the sigil back in the rag and placed it at his hip.  
“We fell upon Caliban with haste and wrath, too swiftly for any further legions to know. We were joined by the 5th, 10th, 12th, 18th, and 19th legions alongside the Emperor’s sons. We were turned on during this battle, but most of the Ultramarine fleet was still in the void upon the betrayal and fled to extend the message of treason. Soon the traitors will arrive, and they must prepare in the meantime” Marakos explained with a choked grief stuck in his throat. Kadal was stricken by this to the heart and expressed his shock. Marakos assured his cousin but warned, “Kadal be aware, traitors are within our ranks and their locations are unknown. Many of our own have been found dead in friendly territory. Be careful cousin, this is not a war we intend to lose” Kadal nodded, quite shaken. Marakos looked to the skies and Kadal turned his gaze towards Marakos, “So… who’s blood shall fall upon our blades?” Kadal asked, placing the helm upon his head. Marakos explained that after they had fled Caliban they were pursued by the 5th and 12th with the 5th being at full strength. Kadal pulled his eyes attention from the clouded sky and turned to face the landing Ultramarines, “Well, cousin if we are to die then we shall die together. If we are to be victorious then we will make the Emperor smile” Kadal lamented. 
Writer's Gratitude:
This is the end of Part 1! Please stay tuned for part 2 hopefully coming in this month (hopefully) Any and all constructive criticism will be appreciated as I have never undertaken anything of this sort before and would appreciate any and all help. Thank you if you have read this fanfiction and I hope to see you again in the next part! (Thanks again)
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female-malice · 2 years
Why is there more than one version of Sojourner Truth’s famous 1851, “Ain’t I a Woman” speech?
Most people are familiar with the 1863 popular version of Sojourner Truth's famous, “Ain’t I a woman” speech but they have no idea that this popular version, while based off of Sojourner’s original 1851 speech, is not Sojourner's speech and is vastly different from Sojourner’s original 1851 speech. I must acknowledge Nell Irvin Painter, a professor at Princeton University, specializing in American history and notable for her works on southern history of the nineteenth century. Professor Painter was the scholar who first rang the bell on this historical mistake. This site would not be possible with out relying on her brilliant work.
The popular but inaccurate version was written and published in 1863, (12 years after Sojourner gave the "Ain't I a woman" speech), by a white abolitionist named Frances Dana Barker Gage. Curiously, Gage not only changed all of Sojourner’s words but chose to represent Sojourner speaking in a stereotypical 'southern black slave accent', rather than in Sojourner’s distinct upper New York State low-Dutch accent. Frances Gage’s actions were well intended and served the suffrage and women's rights movement at the time; however, by today’s standards of ethical journalism, her actions were a gross misrepresentation of Sojourner Truth’s words and identity. By changing Truth's words and her dialect to that of a stereotypical southern slave, Frances Gage effectively erased Sojourner’s Dutch heritage and her authentic voice. As well as unintentionally adding to the oversimplification of the American slave culture and furthering the eradication of our nations Northern slave history. Frances Gage admitted that her amended version had “given but a faint sketch” of Sojourner's original speech but she felt justified and believed her version stronger and more palatable to the American public then Sojourner's original version. 
The most authentic version of Sojourner Truth's, "Ain't I a woman," speech was first published in 1851 by Truth's good friend Rev. Marius Robinson in the Anti-Slavery Bugle and was titled, “On Woman’s Rights”. This website is dedicated to re-introducing this original transcription of the speech and Sojourner's authentic voice.
Why it's important to hear both speeches?
The question of why there is more than one version of Sojourner’s speech is a fascinating story. It is also one that underlies our nation’s multiple perspectives; connecting the issues of gender and race addressed in the speech to contemporary social issues and the politics of language. 
For many reasons Gage’s “faint sketch of the truth” version of the speech persists as Truth’s “truth” while the more authentic version, by Marius Robinson, is largely unknown. I believe Marius Robinson’s transcription of Sojourner Truth’s speech should be heard along side of Frances Gage’s version. If you are going to teach one version you must also present the other. They both have a place in American history.
How can we honor Sojourner Truth's heritage?
In an 1851 issue of the Kalamazoo Daily Telegraph, an article states that Truth prided herself on “fairly correct English, which is in all senses a foreign tongue to her. . .. People who report her often exaggerate her expressions, putting in to her mouth the most marked southern dialect, which Sojourner feels is rather taking an unfair advantage of her”. (qtd. in Fitch and Mandziuk 1997: 129)
In 1851 the technology to record sound had not yet been invented and speeches were transcribed by reporters who did their best to record accurately. Thus, we will never know exactly what Sojourner said on that day in 1851 or exactly what her dialect sounded like, but the videos on this site help us move in the direction of truth. Truth, unable to read or write, could not offer her own rhetoric in the written form. Her words (as we read them today) are not her words, but a representation of her words by people who transcribed them. 
It is important to note Sojourner’s specific Dutch dialect is officially lost and is not rediscovered. Because of this, I have chosen to represent the speech in many different contemporary Afro-Dutch dialects. These women and their readings do not claim to embody Sojourner in any way, in fact, none of them may be correct, but all of them are a nod to Sojourner’s authentic voice and her heritage.  The intent of these videos is to counter the hundreds of popular but inaccurate Gage versions of Sojourner's speech on the internet that portray Sojourner with a southern slave dialect.  Gage's version effectively erases Sojourner's identity and heritage, adding to the oversimplification of American slave culture and furthers the eradication of our nations Northern slave history.
Sojourner never said "ain't I a woman?"
She said "I am a woman's rights"
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Another Heresy Poll: Astartes pt 2
Same rules & everything apply as this post.
NEXT will be the obscure characters poll, then I'll make the human poll.
If there's anyone I missed, yell about them in the comments/tags. I'll be happy to see them.
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buzzkafunel · 1 year
Revue de presse du 26 mai 2023 : A la Une, les réponses du gouvernement aux députés. Les réponses du gouvernement aux députés lors de la séance des questions d’actualité sont au menu des quotidiens reçus vendredi à la rédaction. ,Réponses du gouvernement ,députés ,Revue de presse,26 mai 2023,DÉPÊCHES , REVUE DE PRESSE,SENEGAL,PRESSE,REVUE ,A la Une, réponses ,gouvernement ,députés, la Une, réponses ,gouvernement ,députés,Dakar, Réponses du gouvernement aux députés Revue de presse du 26 mai 2023 [caption id="attachment_338617" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Revue Digitale du Vendredi 26 Mai 2023 ok[/caption] ‘’Depuis sa nomination, en septembre 2022, le Premier ministre Amadou a vécu, hier, pour la première fois, le rituel des questions d’actualité des députés de la 14e législature. Le chef du gouvernement et ses ministres ont répondu à toutes les questions, lesquelles ont porté sur tous les secteurs de la vie sociale, notamment la politique, la santé, l’éducation, l’énergie, l’agriculture…’’, écrit Le Soleil. ’’Pétrole, pêche, croissance, prix des denrées de première nécessité, Amadou Ba rassure les députés’’, indique le journal. Selon Le Témoin aussi, ‘’Amadou Ba rassure sur les questions de l’heure’’. [caption id="attachment_338615" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Rideau sur la conférence internationale de Banjul consacrée aux changements anticonstitutionnels de gouvernement[/caption] A propos des suspicions au tour de l’organisation libre et transparente de la présidentielle de 2024, le Premier ministre Amadou Ba ‘’calme le jeu’’ face à la représentation nationale, selon Sud Quotidien. ‘’En février 2024, tout va se passer dans de très bonnes conditions (…) les élections ont toujours bien été organisées dans le respect des règles en vigueur. Tous les candidats retenus par le Conseil constitutionnel iront en compétition’’ soutient le PM dont les propos ont été rapportés par Sud. [caption id="attachment_338618" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Réponses du gouvernement aux députés Revue de presse du 26 mai 2023[/caption] →A lire aussi Le député Guy Marius Sagna et plus de 15 autres activistes arrêtés par la police L’Info souligne que ‘’face aux députés, hier, dans le cadre des questions d’actualités posées au gouvernement, le Premier ministre a donné des gages de transparence et de sincérité sur l’organisation des élections à venir’’. Questions d’actualités posées par les parlementaires de la 14e législature [caption id="attachment_338611" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Travaux du Promovilles de Birkelane exécutés à 40% (Coordonnatrice) 1[/caption] Le Quotidien relève que ‘’les débats ont été houleux, les échanges parfois musclés. (…) le passage du gouvernement devant les députés pour répondre aux questions d’actualités posées par les parlementaires de la 14e législature n’a pas été un long fleuve tranquille pour le premier ministre Amadou Ba et son équipe’’. ‘’Une foire d’empoigne à l’hémicycle’’, commente le quotidien L’As, qui signale que ‘’les débats se sont déroulés dans une ambiance électrique entre les députés de l’opposition et les membres du gouvernement’’. Question du maintien de l’ordre, le litige foncier à Ngor, la bande des filaos à Guédiawaye [caption id="attachment_338616" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Revue Digitale du Vendredi 26 Mai 2023[/caption] ‘’Comme sur un ring !’’, s’exclame EnQuête, qui note que la question du maintien de l’ordre, le litige foncier à Ngor, la bande des filaos à Guédiawaye, les licences de pêches, etc, ont été les ‘’points de crispation’’. Le quotidien Bës Bi, relève que ‘’sur les sanglantes tensions politiques qui minent le pays dans le cadre du bras de fer entre le leader du Pastef et le pouvoir, le Premier ministre s’est frotté, hier, à un Guy Marius Sagna plus que grincheux’’. ‘’Mais selon Amadou Ba, lors des dernières manifestations, si les forces de défense et de sécurité n’avaient pas de professionnalisme et de sang-froid, on allait voir dans ce pays, ce qui se passe ailleurs’’, ajoute la publication.
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belifii · 1 year
Revue de presse du 26 mai 2023 : A la Une, les réponses du gouvernement aux députés. Les réponses du gouvernement aux députés lors de la séance des questions d’actualité sont au menu des quotidiens reçus vendredi à la rédaction. ,Réponses du gouvernement ,députés ,Revue de presse,26 mai 2023,DÉPÊCHES , REVUE DE PRESSE,SENEGAL,PRESSE,REVUE ,A la Une, réponses ,gouvernement ,députés, la Une, réponses ,gouvernement ,députés,Dakar, Réponses du gouvernement aux députés Revue de presse du 26 mai 2023 [caption id="attachment_338617" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Revue Digitale du Vendredi 26 Mai 2023 ok[/caption] ‘’Depuis sa nomination, en septembre 2022, le Premier ministre Amadou a vécu, hier, pour la première fois, le rituel des questions d’actualité des députés de la 14e législature. Le chef du gouvernement et ses ministres ont répondu à toutes les questions, lesquelles ont porté sur tous les secteurs de la vie sociale, notamment la politique, la santé, l’éducation, l’énergie, l’agriculture…’’, écrit Le Soleil. ’’Pétrole, pêche, croissance, prix des denrées de première nécessité, Amadou Ba rassure les députés’’, indique le journal. Selon Le Témoin aussi, ‘’Amadou Ba rassure sur les questions de l’heure’’. [caption id="attachment_338615" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Rideau sur la conférence internationale de Banjul consacrée aux changements anticonstitutionnels de gouvernement[/caption] A propos des suspicions au tour de l’organisation libre et transparente de la présidentielle de 2024, le Premier ministre Amadou Ba ‘’calme le jeu’’ face à la représentation nationale, selon Sud Quotidien. ‘’En février 2024, tout va se passer dans de très bonnes conditions (…) les élections ont toujours bien été organisées dans le respect des règles en vigueur. Tous les candidats retenus par le Conseil constitutionnel iront en compétition’’ soutient le PM dont les propos ont été rapportés par Sud. [caption id="attachment_338618" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Réponses du gouvernement aux députés Revue de presse du 26 mai 2023[/caption] →A lire aussi Le député Guy Marius Sagna et plus de 15 autres activistes arrêtés par la police L’Info souligne que ‘’face aux députés, hier, dans le cadre des questions d’actualités posées au gouvernement, le Premier ministre a donné des gages de transparence et de sincérité sur l’organisation des élections à venir’’. Questions d’actualités posées par les parlementaires de la 14e législature [caption id="attachment_338611" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Travaux du Promovilles de Birkelane exécutés à 40% (Coordonnatrice) 1[/caption] Le Quotidien relève que ‘’les débats ont été houleux, les échanges parfois musclés. (…) le passage du gouvernement devant les députés pour répondre aux questions d’actualités posées par les parlementaires de la 14e législature n’a pas été un long fleuve tranquille pour le premier ministre Amadou Ba et son équipe’’. ‘’Une foire d’empoigne à l’hémicycle’’, commente le quotidien L’As, qui signale que ‘’les débats se sont déroulés dans une ambiance électrique entre les députés de l’opposition et les membres du gouvernement’’. Question du maintien de l’ordre, le litige foncier à Ngor, la bande des filaos à Guédiawaye [caption id="attachment_338616" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Revue Digitale du Vendredi 26 Mai 2023[/caption] ‘’Comme sur un ring !’’, s’exclame EnQuête, qui note que la question du maintien de l’ordre, le litige foncier à Ngor, la bande des filaos à Guédiawaye, les licences de pêches, etc, ont été les ‘’points de crispation’’. Le quotidien Bës Bi, relève que ‘’sur les sanglantes tensions politiques qui minent le pays dans le cadre du bras de fer entre le leader du Pastef et le pouvoir, le Premier ministre s’est frotté, hier, à un Guy Marius Sagna plus que grincheux’’. ‘’Mais selon Amadou Ba, lors des dernières manifestations, si les forces de défense et de sécurité n’avaient pas de professionnalisme et de sang-froid, on allait voir dans ce pays, ce qui se passe ailleurs’’, ajoute la publication.
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ladymirdan · 2 years
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I love Thiel but I feel like Gage gets slept on a lot. Show the man some love.
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titanomancy · 5 years
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Can’t believe I’m seriously thinking about getting a squad of Suzerains just to kitbash Marius Gage.
At least I already have everything I need for Aeonid Thiel and Remus Ventanus.
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gehayi · 6 years
This is the original version of Sojourner Truth’s speech that she delivered at the Woman's Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio on May 29, 1851.
From https://www.thesojournertruthproject.com/compare-the-speeches/:
It is interesting to note that Marius Robinson and Sojourner Truth were good friends and it was documented that they went over his transcription of her speech before he published it. One could infer from this pre printing meeting, that even if he did not capture every word she said,  that she must have blessed his transcription and given permission to print her speech in the [June 21, 1851 issue of] the Anti‐Slavery Bugle.
From Wikipedia:
[Frances] Gage's version notably differs from 1851 accounts, lengthening the speech, adding the oft-repeated "ain't I a woman" refrain, and rendering it in a minstrel-like imitation of the speech of Southern slaves - speech patterns which Truth, having grown up in New York speaking Dutch, did not possess.
Gage’s rewrite also contains the N-word. Twice. 
Sojourner Truth didn’t use it once in her speech.
I think that Sojourner Truth’s actual words should be the standard, not Gage’s racist rewrite.
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sleepynegress · 3 years
TIL that the famous "Ain't I A Woman?" speech from Sojourner Truth, was actually embellished and re-interpreted 12 years after the fact, by a white abolitionist writer named Frances Dana Barker Gage to center southern slavery. The Southern AAVE and wording is mostly inaccurate. Sojourner Truth was actually born and enslaved in upper New York, so she actually had a low-Dutch accent. She didn't have 13 children, but 5, one of whom she successfully sued to have returned to her from enlsavement, a son. ...And she never used the word "Ain't." The above video is an account of her words from her friend and abolitionist/journalist Marius Robinson for The Anti-Slavery Bugle, which she signed off on weeks after her speech, -which he also attended. The Sojourner Truth Project, (thesojournertruthproject.org) has a catalog of Afro-Dutch orators, reading the wording from that orginal article. The above version is read by Gloria Wekker, in an attempt to approximate an accent closer to what Sojourner Truth might have used. Below, pictured are Sojourner Truth and the journalist who manipulated her voice to the point that many of us believe the blackfaced account she manipulated, "Ain't I A Woman?"
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Here is a comparison of the two versions, from the source thesojournertruthproject.com/compare-the-speeches:
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My mind is blown, learning all of this. From all the renditions from schoolchildren to famous black actresses...To now know at my grown age, that the AAVE and details were a fictional rendition by a white lady. *smh* PLEASE spread this, to help it to become closer to common knowledge.
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Thought of the Day:  A dedicated life may reach the end of infinity.
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bittersweetblasphemy · 10 months
okay a few OC questions:
who is most likely to get so drunk they dont recognize their partner and is INSISTENT on sleeping on the couch cus "they have a partner and arent a cheater"
who is most likely to just. decide to go on a vacation the next day and just go. like full on, get on a random flight or train and just see where the hell they end up
who brings a paper map on a road trip (bonus points if its like 30+ years out of date)
who is most likely to steal a pigeon of the streets and raise it and keep it as a pet
also I hope you and your family get better soon! I know a lot of people are currently sick (myself included, though the worst has passed for me luckily). take your rest, only do the bare minimum you need to and dont let anybody shame you into doing more they can shove a zucchini up their ass so they have to go to the ER to get it fished out. cheers 🫡✨
who is most likely to get so drunk they dont recognize their partner and is INSISTENT on sleeping on the couch cus "they have a partner and arent a cheater"
oh boy a lot of them. even some of the ones in open relationships because they'd still want to make sure their partner(s) are okay with it.
so in order i've posted their stories (not including reader characters):
LLTQ's First Mate, Hulo (if he could get drunk), Willow, David (B would laugh so hard she'd cry), Charis, Lysosi, Tasha, Philon, Nicole, Ren, Hector, Adrian, Gage (robot equivalent of drunk idk), Ahlex, Serena, Marble, Button, Bic, Malak, Tuq (Moura would drag him into bed anyway (just to sleep) bc she can't sleep without cuddles), Moura, all of the werewolf boys, Arro (he'd 100% get off on it if you took advantage of him anyway), Viktor, and Nina.
who is most likely to just. decide to go on a vacation the next day and just go. like full on, get on a random flight or train and just see where the hell they end up
Willow, Adrian, Candi, Chelle, and Colovan (not without at least 2 of his boys).
who brings a paper map on a road trip (bonus points if its like 30+ years out of date)
brings a paper map: Willow, Marius, Nicole, Hector, Ahlex, Gage (picked up the habit from Ahlex), Jason, Marble, Tuq (never gets to use it because Moura somehow always knows where they are and how to get where they're going), and Nina.
brings a hilariously outdated paper map: Hulo and Malak (updates it as he goes, delighted to find new things and dejected when something he wanted to see is already gone).
who is most likely to steal a pigeon of the streets and raise it and keep it as a pet
just because: Willow, Malak (technically Bic caught it to eat but Malak completely misread the situation and now Bic can't eat it bc his husband is already doting over his lunch), Noah
only if it's visibly sick/injured bc they can't stand to see an animal suffer: Nicole, Hector, Gage, Echo, Tuq, Beau, and Silvain.
thank you! i hope you feel better soon as well. thankfully my husband came home early to take care of us, so he was able to help and has been letting me rest (because the kiddo sure isn't letting a little bug slow them down no sir lol).
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Ain't I A Woman?
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Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that 'twixt the neg*s of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all this here talking about? That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman? Then they talk about this thing in the head; what's this they call it? [member of audience whispers, "intellect"] That's it, honey. What's that got to do with women's rights or neg*s' rights? If my cup won't hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn't you be mean not to let me have my little half measure full? Then that little man in black there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman! Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him. If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back , and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them. Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner ain't got nothing more to say.
In this speech, Sojourner Truth fought for the rights of African Americans and women during and after the Civil War.
(Note: there are multiple versions of this famous speech. The version above is the one published by Frances Gage 12 years after it was originally given. There is an earlier version, published a month after the speech was given, by rev. Marius Robinson. However, in that version the famous phrase "Ain't I a Woman" is not present. x )
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