bobendsneyder64 · 2 years
Thanks Marjolien! 💚
Hot chocolate - Emma
I'm gonna make you the biggest star this world has ever seen
Send me a ♪
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fastsalad · 3 months
funniest thing about the posthuman war to me is that lloyd is the ONE character sarah specifically swears she will murder and he is the ONLY one she doesn't kill, grievously injure, or otherwise incapacitate. she celebrates her victory while he is still fully alive and well like did she just forget or something
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jow99 · 1 year
Fiesta time (again) 🥂🎆
Thursday is usually cycling day but Tijn (M&M’s older child) had a concert and lunch on today as he’s now finished primary school. Marjolein wanted to make sure he got off ok and that she was ready in time so we went for a swim (got to the buoys today) and had a lie and chat on the beach.
Jose had a moment and forgot the group was leaving at 8:30 so rode on his own. Sounded like a nice ride. The good thing about riding solo here is that you have time to stop and take photos and you get to explore new routes - both of which Jose did.
After cleaning bathrooms post swim I decided to have an easy afternoon and apart from some Spanish homework spent the afternoon on my jigsaw. During the afternoon it poured with rain but stopped in time for a late afternoon trip to the beach, which was a bit if a necessity as it was so steamy after the rain.
Of course there was sangria and today, nachos before some shopping and then home for dinner on the balcony. We were treated to a beautiful sunset.
Friday morning was errands and grocery shopping. I then had a treatment with Marjolein. Today we had a late lunch in preparation for our late night tonight.
Late afternoon we went for a swim but no drink today as we expected we’d be drinking more than enough in the evening. Home from the swim we got party ready and then made the half hour walk to the beach where the party was being held. It was put on by one of the chiringuitos (those of you who have visited us in the warmer weather will no doubt have been there with us).
So this is the fiesta of San Juan which was originally a pagan festival to celebrate the start of summer but also to ward off evil spirits so they lit fires on the beaches.
It was a great night and Marjolien, myself and another couple danced ourselves into the wee hours of the morning. The last song we danced to was ACDC, Back in Black!
By the time we walked home it was about 3am when we fell into bed.
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twistednuns · 6 days
August 2024
Munich Micro Burn. First and foremost, learning my lesson: EMBRACE THE CHAOS. After all the planning and hustling and stressful weeks, nothing really worked out. First I was pissed, then I cried myself into a tiny nervous breakdown and eventually I just accepted it and went with the flow, enjoying myself. I didn't even do any workshops myself and completely gave up control. Acid Friday was magical on the dancefloor with my kaleidoscope and prism glasses. I went on a little trip through the universe and ended up in a cuddle puddle with Luna, Patri and David. Rainmaker massaged me. I was so happy to be reunited with Luki and loved hanging out with him in the pool or cuddle space. He shared a baritone sax fantasy with me. I also connected with Makelove (playing bingo) and Marjolien (following a black cat together, then I drew one of her heart notes - "there is no right or wrong"). I got buffed. And drank a lot of cherry slushie. Played with the ball pool equipment in the pool. And started a mud wrestling event. I reunited with Frank after months of hardly any contact. I made a delicious batch of creamy coconut porridge. I performed in the Consent Cabaret and initiated the Sonic Sound Experiment with C. (humming and tuning in together with an electric toothbrush). I happily ate Pombären in my tent and wrote down everything I wanted to get rid of into the old book we'd burn in Katharina's and Alex's temple on Saturday. I played on the swing and enjoyed watching my boyfriend's DJ sets. The opening ceremony was cute this year, too. We all got little keys and symbols for our archetypes.
A personal little decompression with C. I don't even know what we did all those days. All I know is that we started watching Twin Peaks.
Holding Charlie in baby pose. He even snuggled up to my chest.
Homemade pizza.
Getting a cheep red dress that is so comfy I wanna live in it for the whole summer.
Devouring a whole, moist mozzarella ball. Alone time. Dopamine mode with strange food, gaming, even smoking a few cigarettes. I don't really like myself when I'm like that though. I appreciate a pinch of control in my life.
Board game night with Margit and Ansgar. Having three kids around was a little too much though. Spiel des Wissens nostalgia.
Swimming in Klostersee during Golden Hour after L.'s sport event. Going to the other side of the lake. Watching the dragonflies (thinking of my mum whenever I see one after Ash's comment) and water lilies.
Test-driving e-bikes.
Cuddling with L. and C. on the sofa. With lots of blankets and pillows.
Having Kanako, Uli, Gyan and Jana over for a campfire BBQ and stargazing. Kanako shared a lot of stories and the next day we sat around in the kiddie pool together.
Riding the rollercoasters, water slide and boat swing with C. and L. at the amusement park. More cherry slushie. Discovering the Nordic theme world with obvious Midsommar vibes. There was a triangular church and eerie music playing. Inside the church you could ride around a tree in walnut halves and shoot at creepy little animals. Lian was super scared of the buffalos with the giant horns. In the evening, we drive through a medieval village and had delicious pizza and ice-cream. C. researched its history and came up with stories about witch trials.
Flutschfinger popsicles. So fruity.
Getting to know Christian's parents. They're pretty much exactly as he described them. It's creepy to see how he changes his personality completely when he's around them.
Getting to know Maike and Simon. Such wonderfully open, engaged, intelligent, easy-going people. She used to be a feminist porn director and now works as an art teacher. He used to be a climate activist and cuts movies. I loved their home (the green bathroom with yellow and pastel pink accents looked delicious), the conversations, dinners with their friends and daughters. We stayed in Ala's room. Of course I connected with her. Little girls always find me.
Mediterana Therme in Bergisch Gladbach. I've never visited a more beautiful spa. I especially enjoyed the Indian and Persian saunas, pools and courtyards. There were events every 30 minutes and there was so much art around. No kids allowed either. What a fantastic experience.
Richard Seewald's Surrealist painting Katze mit Salamander (I didn't even find the original - I bought the postcard in the gift shop before I even bought an entrance ticket). Walking through Museum Ludwig with Christian, calming down after a sensitive mood with tears and overwhelm in the morning. Taking photos in a far-off corner of the photography exhibition. Being inspired by the Surrealist paintings. I probably liked Ursula's Dunkle Messe best.
Only touching, no talking during the train ride. Earplugs. C. already knows when I need them and offers them to me.
A tiny corner of Cologne (my first time there): lighting a candle in the cathedral. Gift shopping on our way to Brüsseler Platz (I bought a glass straw, a Hamsa bookmark made from brass and a postcard as a thank you note for Maike and Simon). Balinese food. Chocolate coconut popcorn. Going home early, enjoying the night outside on the terrace after everybody had already gone to bed.
Cute children's books in Ava's room (one about a little girl going on a nightly stroll through the city with her dad because she's afraid of the dark) and in the museum shop.
Staying with Ludo in Eibelstadt. He let us stay there the first night even though he wasn't there. On our way back to Munich we stopped by again and went to his cabin in the hills behind the river with him, his partner Sophia and his son. He built everything himself! Such a cozy and cool place. We had a decadent barbecue and hopped into the warm jacuzzi after the boys had gone to bed. I performed a witchy little ritual on C. in the morning. Then we went to Ludo's other property to visit the old building there. Lost places.
Bubblegum pink nails.
C. sending kiss emojis and 111(1) reminders.
Guessing correctly which year a movie came out.
Late summer/early fall vibes. I can already feel a slight urge to bake zucchini cake and pumpkin quiche, watch whimsical autumn movies, read gothic novels. I started reading the first Practical Magic book and even found a copy of the Book of Shadows on the street in Leipzig. And when I bought a drink at Marie's Hoffest, the bartender girl tattooed a little magic wand on my wrist! It's the season of the witch!
Going to Leipzig for my Gestalt therapy training. Meeting my group. Observing my process. I'm very happy with my decision to ditch my yoga module and do this instead. I got the feeling that my empathy and intuition is very well-suited for the position of a therapist. I even managed to make someone cry because I helped him realize an important need in one of my first training sessions.
Learning about my role as a leader / how I want to be lead in an exercise with Tillmann.
Going into plough pose to help my back pain. Deep stretches. Recovery measures after hours on those tiny meditation pillows.
All the mirroring and the little insights it produces: that I'm hardly able to sit with a feeling. I always want to move on, find solutions, go deeper. Movement comes easy, stillness is hard. Which is quite fitting to someone's recent observation about me: I tend to avoid stillness and rest. / I can't feel myself very well. Which is why I push my boundaries. I don't even notice them until it's too late and at that point I draw a very strict line and establish tight boundaries. Too tight, of course. But I need to protect myself because I haven't taken good care of my needs before. / I can't tolerate weakness very well. Not in me, not in others. I want to learn how to lean into my own fragility more and allow it to come to the surface from time to time.
Listening to NOUK and Anna's beautiful voice. I adored her edgy haircut and the long white dress she was wearing.
Sitting outside on the balcony with Franzi and Marie, talking in the dark. / Drinking beer outside Marcus's camper van after class on Saturday.
(Vintage) shopping. I got a cheap yellow plastic ring, a wooden ring holder, a hair clip, and a funny postcard for C.
I got a copy of Psychologie Heute for the train and was surprised to find articles about the topics most relevant to me now: Gestalt Therapy, eating disorders, and especially boundaries.
C. picked me up from the train in Munich. It was lovely to see him but felt a little unfamiliar at first. On the way home he filled me in on his exciting weekend. We had a chat with his neighbors who gave us fresh produce from the garden and plum cake - which was fantastic because the fridge was empty so now we were able to make a big pot of creamy lemon-zucchini pasta. I loved touching each other's warm, naked skin. Reconnecting, tuning in. Going through an elaborate pop-up book together.
Hearing about C.'s very cinematic dream in the morning. Toasted bread with butter and honey for breakfast. Encouragement to become some sort of touch therapist. Apparently I've got magic hands.
Learning about Ursula Schultze-Blum and her fascinating Surrealist art.
Two harmonious, beautiful days at C.'s place. Journalling, drawing, making a shadow frame for the Hilma Af Klint altar piece. Visiting Tobi one evening, creating visions for the cabin and the forest lot. Pizza and a long evening walk with Marcus. Caring for the scared little red cat they caught to bring him to the vet. Watching a spider catch a fly, devouring it violently. Embracing my crazy urges. Eating scrambled eggs on cheese toast. Watching The Broken Circle Breakdown together, researching Bluegrass bands in Munich. Singing together. C. said I should find a Bluegrass band and sing with them instead of my gospel choir.
A summer afternoon outside. Ripping out vines, picking blackberries behind the vegetable garden. Memories of the brambles we had behind our house when I was young. Huge tomatoes, an abundance of beautiful butterflies everywhere. Biting into a ripe plum; vowing to make zucchini cake and plum dumplings when we get back from France.
C. carrying my backpack for me, entertaining me during the wait at the train station. Waving cheerfully after the train doors had closed and I was about to leave.
Drawing the Page of Fire, Playfulness - along with Adventure (Page of Rainbows). Writing about it. And the dream I had about feeling unwanted and criticized at home, trying to leave in overwhelm and chaos. And then there was C., smiling at me, embracing me, not even aware of the perceived hostility.
Emotional release on a physical level. This is new for me. I felt so nervous, was hardly able to hold the feeling in my body. It was unbearable. I ate some granola with almond milk and an apple. Lay down. And then my jaw started shaking uncontrollably. I was crying, grasping for air. I already felt better afterwards.
A hard massage from Pani. Coming back into my body.
Starting our roadtrip with a deep talk about having children. Visiting Kerem (I loved learning about his travels and diving, playing and drawing with his daughter, confusing the cat, looking at his design furniture), Makelove (our afternoon by the river was gorgeous; eggs and mayonnaise, land art, insightful conversations, learning something new about him), and Marjolien (eating salad on her balcony, learning about her passion for constellation work, her love for Tobi). Then we drove all the way over the San Bernardino pass. Enjoyed the view of the austere landscape and even saw a true cowboy up there. Dinner in Torino. Well-deserved sleep.
Making an excellent 90s Ethno-pop playlist on our way over the mountains between Italy and France. And the view from the top! What a lovely road we took.
Try not / to expect / anything - in this way / everything / will open up / to you (Buddhist teaching)
Arriving at Villa Josalie. Buying the most delicious snacks at the French supermarket. The friends dropping in one by one. Drinking wine and eating cheese outside, watching fireworks together.
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waru-chan8 · 3 years
Oh you follow Chicago PD as well? I just started watching it and I like it so far!
Yes, I do watch Chicago P.D. but I also watch (ed) all the other series from One Chicago (yes including Chicago Justice). And also up to date with all of them.
I do like it, but at the same times, there's moments where it's too much. I like that some stories are based on real stuff or problematic surrounding USA, but some stuff does not make a lot of sense from my European perspective.
And before you ask, Jay and Kim are favourite characters, and I have a love/hate relationship with Voight. I do like him as the 'solo' police, but at the same time I have him for the same stuff.
Anyway, happy to not be the only one, and I recommend you to watch the other two series too.
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augustofernandez37 · 3 years
From one Libra to another HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎈🎉🎊🎁🎂
Thank you so much Marjolien! 🥺❤️
(When is your bday?)
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yootaesowlwrites · 5 years
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Requested by; MICKSHUMI
Note; Part 2/3
Prince Mick stood next to his father King Michael as they watch the guest being announced but Prince Mick was looking for a certain girl to enter and his father could tell.
"Who are you looking for?" King Michael asks.
"No one." Prince Mick says.
"It's that girl in the forest, isn't it? That's why you were so generous with the invitations." King Michael states.
"Father, it was for the people." Prince Mick says.
"I know you love the people, Mick, but I also know that your head's been turned, you've only met her once, in the forest." King Michael says.
"And you'd have me marry someone once tonight." Prince Mick says.
"A Princess, it's a Princess or nothing." King Michael says.
"May I present her Royal Highness the Princess Chelina of Zaragosa." The Grand Duke says, The Princess held her hand out for the Prince and he gently kisses her hand.
"You are as handsome as your picture, and your little kingdom is enchanting." Princess Chelina says.
"I hope the Princess will not find our little kingdom too confining." Prince Mick says.
Marjolien arrives at the palace and the lizard footmen open the carriage doors.
"Miss Marjolien." The Lizard Footman says and extends his hand to help her off the carriage.
"Thank you." Marjolien says and looks up at the palace in awe. "I'm frightened, Mr. Lizard." Marjolien says.
"Oh." The Lizard footman says.
"I'm only a girl, not a princess." Marjolien says.
"And I'm only a lizard, not a footman, enjoy it while it lasts." The Lizard Footman says, Marjolien smiles and then with a breath of courage she starts making her way inside the palace, Marjolien enters the ballroom balcony and everyone looks up at her along with Prince Mick who smiles and turns to Princess Chelina.
"Excuse me." Prince Mick says and makes his way to Marjolien.
"A thousand apologies, Your Royal Highness, I don't know what happened." The Grand Duke says as Marjolien makes her way down the staircase with everyone's eyes on her, Prince Mick smiles at her as she reaches the bottom of the stairs, they walk towards each other.
"Mr. Mick." Marjolien says.
"It's you, isn't it?" Prince Mick asks.
"Just so." Marjolien says.
"Your highness, if I may, that is, it would give me the greatest pleasure, if you would do me the honour, of letting me lead you through this, the first..." Prince Mick stops and hesitates for a moment.
"Dance?" Marjolien asks.
"Yes, Dance." Prince Mick says and laughs. "That's it." He says, Marjolien nods her head and Prince Mick places one hand around her waist as they begin to dance, it felt absolutely amazing and it was like a spark went off when Mick placed his hand on her waist.
"They're all looking at you." Marjolien whispers.
"Believe me, they're all looking at you." Prince Mick says, everyone watches in amazement as they dance.
"Who is she?" Princess Chelina asks.
"I have no idea." The Grand Duke says, the guests give them an applause when they finish their dance, Prince Mick leads her off the dance floor and into a private room so they could talk without being disturbed.
"So you're the prince?" Marjolien asks.
"Well not 'the' prince exactly, there are a bunch of princes in the world, I'm only 'a' prince." Prince Mick says.
"But your name's not really Mick." Marjolien states.
"It is Mick." Prince Mick says.
"You're no apprentice." Marjolien says.
"I am an apprentice monarch, I'm still learning my trade." Prince Mick says.
"Oh, gosh." Marjolien says as several different emotions started to take over.
"Please forgive me, I thought you might treat me differently if you knew, I mistook you for a good honest country girl, Now I see you didn't want overwrought a plain soldier." Prince Mick says.
"Little chance of that." Marjolien says.
"No more surprises?" Mick asks extending his hand to Marjolien.
"No more surprises." Marjolien says as she takes his hand, she notices a painting of him. "Is that you?" She asks walking past him, Prince Mick turns to watch her.
"I hate myself in paintings, don't you?" Prince Mick says making Marjolien laugh.
"No one's ever painted my portrait." Marjolien says.
"No? well, they should." Prine Mick says. "Come, I wish to show you the gardens."
"Won't they miss you at the ball?" Marjolien asks as Prince Mick leads her outside the palace and towards the gardens.
"Maybe, but let's not go back just yet." Prince Mick says, as they walk through the garden Marjolien could sense something was wrong with Prince Mick.
"What's wrong?" Marjolien asks.
"When I go back they will try to pair me off with a lady of their choosing, I'm expected to marry for advantage." Mick says.
"Oh, well, who's advantage?" Marjolien asks.
"That's a good question." Prince Mick says.
"Well, surely you have a right to your own heart?" Marjolien asks.
"I must weigh that against the King's wishes, he's a wise ruler and a loving father." Prince Mick says.
"Well, perhaps he'll change his mind." Marjolien says, Prince Mick watches her carefully hesitating to answer her.
"I fear he hasn't much time to do so." Prince Mick says, he lets out a sigh. "I've never shown this place to anyone." He says trying to change the subject, he opens a door to a secret garden.
"A secret garden! Oh, I love it." Marjolien says and walks over to the swing.
"Please." Prince mick says gesturing to the swing.
"Oh, I shouldn't." Marjolien says.
"You should." Prince Mick says.
"I shouldn't." Marjolien says.
"You should." Prince Mick says a smile appears on his face.
"I shouldn't." Marjolien says.
"You should." He says, she gives him a smile.
"I will." She says accepting that this is not a battle she will win, she takes a seat on the swing as Prince Mick stands behind her.
"May I?" Prince Mick asks.
"Please." Marjolien says and Prince Mick gently pushes her on the swing, as he swings her one of her glass slippers fall.
"It's made of glass." Prince Mick states as he picks it up.
"And why not?" Marjolien asks.
"Allow me." Prince Mick says.
"Thank you." Marjolien says, Prince Mick kneels down in front of her and gently lifts the bottom of her dress and places the slipper back on her foot.
"There." Prince Mick says.
"There." Marjolien repeats and stood up from the swing, Prince Mick stood up from the ground and pulls her closer to him.
"Won't you tell me who you really are?" Prince Mick asks.
"If I do I think everything might be different." Marjolien says.
"I don't understand, can you at least tell me your name?" Prince Mick asks.
"My name is..." Marjolien begins but just then she hears the bell signalling it's midnight rings, her eyes widen in fear. "I have to leave, it's hard to explain, Lizards and pumpkins and things." Marjolien says before suddenly taking off
"Wait! Where are you going?" Prince Mick asks, Marjolien looks back at Prince Mick.
"You've been awfully nice, thank you for a wonderful evening, I've loved it, every second of it." Marjolien says and turns around and rushes off again, Prince Mick sits down on the swing looking baffled.
"Lizards and pumpkins?" Prince Mick says, he smiles to himself and decides to follow her.
Marjolien rushes through the ballroom dance floor.
"Oh, excuse me, sorry, terribly sorry." Marjolien apologises as she bumps into the guests.
"Oh, your highness!" The Grand Duke says, As Prince Mick follows behind Marjolien on the dance floor Anastasia sees an opportunity and grabs Prince Mick and pulls him to the dance floor.
"My Prince!" Anastasia says.
"Oh, how do you do?" Prince Mick asks not wanting to be rude.
"You've got the wrong one! You've got the wrong one!" Drisella shouts, Marjolien makes her way up the stairs.
"He needs her name!" One of the Royal Crier's assistant shouts as they begin chasing after Marjolien.
"I know he needs her name!" The other assistant says.
"Her name, you Niiny! her name!" The Royal Crier shouts, he bangs his head on the stairwell arch as he goes after Marjolien, as Marjolien is about to leave the ballroom she bumps into the King.
"Oh, your Majesty." Marjolien says.
"Young lady." King Michael says.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." Marjolien says and curtsies.
"Oh, think nothing of it, my dear." King Michael says, Marjolien moves past him.
"I wanted to say, Your Majesty, your son Mick is the most lovely person I ever met, so kind and brave, I hope you know how much he loves you, excuse me." Marjolien says as fast as she could before rushing away, As Marjolien flees down the stairs at the palace exit one of her glass slippers fall off from her foot.
"Wait!" Prince Mick says as Marjolien turned to pick up her slipper. "Wait, where are you going?" Prince Mick asks, deciding to leave her slipper behind she rushes to the carriage.
"Hurry! hurry!" Marjolien says loudly waking the Lizard footmen that were sleeping.
"Come back!" Prince Mick says, Marjolien climbs into the carriage.
"Hurry! hurry, please Mr Goose." Marjolien says, the carriage takes off in a rush.
"Wait!" Prince Mick says but only saw the carriage disappearing in the distance, he looks down and saw the glass slipper on the step, he picks it up and smiles to himself. "Captain, my horse!" Prince Mick says.
"No, this may be some trick to lure you from the palace, your father needs you here." The Grand Duke says.
"I was having a fine old time, you had to go and choose that one, didn't you?" The Cpatain asks and walks off with the Grand Duke.
"Yes, I did." Prince Mick says to himself, the Grand Duke and the Captain follow Marjolien at the same time the clock continues to strike for midnight.
"Hurry, Mr. Goose." Marjolien says.
"Come on." Goose Coachman says to the horses.
"Be careful, Mr. Goose." Marjolien says as they nearly topple over the cliff's edge. "Oh, my goodness."
"You there! Stop in the name of the King!" The Grand Duke shouts as they chase after the carriage.
"Such bad timing." Marjolien mumbles to herself, the Lizards start to grow back their tails.
"I know what to do!" The Lizard Footman says, he uses his tail to drawn down the iron fence and stop the Grand Duke and his guards from chasing them.
"Get this thing open!" The Grand Duke says, as the clock is getting near to its last strike everything starts transforming to their normal state.
"Oh, dear." The Goose Coachman says.
"Oh, no!" Marjolien says, she watches as the lizards and the goose transform back to normal. "No, no, no, no." She says, she watches as the pumpkin shrinks and lets out a sigh. "No, no." She whisper, she slowly starts walking back home with the mice following her, she stops and bends down taking off her glass slipper. "Oh, I'm sorry." She says and allows them to climb into her glass slipper. "You'll find it's very comfortable." She says and laughs to herself as it starts to rain.
Marjolien makes it back home just as Lady Tremaine and the girls arrive home.
"Marjolien!" Lady Tremaine shouts.
"Wake up, lazybones!" Drisella shouts, they walk into the kitchen and saw Marjolien. "Tea and a plate of biscuits."
"Welcome back." Marjolien says cheerfully.
"You look cheerful." Anastasia says.
"And wet." Drisella says.
"Oh, I took a walk in the rain to cheer myself up." Marjolien says.
"Typical." Anastasia mumbles.
"Tea." Marjolien says and begins preparing their tea and biscuits.
"We did not communicate through mere words, our souls met." Drisella says to Marjolien.
"Precisely my soul and the Prince's soul." Anastasia says. "Your soul was  over by the banquet tables." Anastasia says, Marjolien places the tea and biscuits down at the table.
"You didn't see him dance with me." Drisella says.
"Dance with you? He didn't even speak to you." Lady Tremaine states.
"It was not our fault, mother, it was that girl!" Anastasia says.
"The mystery princess." Drisella says.
"Mystery princess? why, what a charming notion." Marjolien says.
"Oh, she was no princess, she was a preening interloper who made a spectacle of herself." Lady Tremaine says.
"Oh?" Marjolien softly says.
"A vulgar young hussy marched into the ball, unaccompanied if you will, and to the horror of everyone threw herself at the Prince." Lady Tremaine says, Marjolien goes to get more teat when she starts swaying to herself as she remembers her dance with Prince Mick.
"And he actually danced with the ugly thing." Anastasia says.
"Yes?" Marjolien questions.
"Yes." Drisella says, Lady Tremaine looks suspiciously at Marjolien as she continues to sway.
"It was pity, he was too polite to send her packing in front of everyone, you see, but not wanting to expose us to the presumptuous wench any further, he took her apart." Drisella says.
"And told her off, but she refused to leave and the palace guards chased her from the party." Anastasia says as they tell their own version of the story. "I pity the prince, such bad taste."
"They belong with each other." Drisella says.
"Mh." Anastasia hums.
"Well, it's no matter, girls, the ball was a mere diversion, the Prince is not free to marry for love, he's promised to the Princess Chelina of Zaragosa, Grand Duke told me himself." Lady Tremaine says.
"It's so very unfair." Anastasia says.
"Yes, the way of the world." Lady Tremaine says.
Once everyone went off the bed and Marjolien finished her cleaning she went to her room in the attic, she finds the mice under the floorboards where she's hidden a box of her parent's things.
"Oh, hello again." Marjolien says, she places the glass slipper in the box. "Thank you for your help, it really was like a dream, better than a dream." Marjolien says and grabs her notebook, she begins writing down in excitement as if she were telling her mother and father about the palace ball and her time with Prince Mick.
Prince Mick walks into his father's chambers where he's lying in bed sick.
"Oh, you've come. Good." King Michael says.
"Oh, father, don't go." Prince Mick says.
"I must, You needn't be alone, take a bride, the Princess Chelina." King Michael says, Prince Mick doesn't respond. "What if I commanded you to do so." King Michael asks.
"I love and respect you, but I will not. I believe that we need not look outside of our borders for strength or guidance, what we need is right before us, and we only have courage and be kind to see it." Prince Mick says.
"Just so, you've become your own man, good, and perhaps with the little time left to me, I could become the father you deserve, you must not marry for advantage, you must marry for love, find that girl, find her, go on, they're all talking about the forgetful one who loses her shoes." King Michael says causing the to chuckle. "Oh, be cheerful, boy."
"Thank you, father." Prince Mick says.
"Thank you, son." King Michael says.
"I love you father." Prince Mick says.
Weeks passed and King Michael was no longer with the Kingdom and his son had to take the crown of being King, once the time for mourning had passed a proclamation was sent out.
"Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye!" The Royal Crier shouts in the town center. "Know that our new King hereby declares his love for the mysterious princess as wore glass slipper to the ball, and requests that she presents herself at the palace whereupon, if she be willing, he will forthwith, marry her with all due ceremony." The Royal Crier shouts, the crowd murmurs with shock while Marjolien smiles to herself before riding off back home to collect her glass slipper.
Marjolien rushes to her room in the attic to collect the slipper hidden beneath the floorboards but discovers it's not there, Lady Tremaine sat in the shadows holding the slipper in her hand.
"Are you looking for this?" Lady Tremaine asks shocking Marjolien, she spins around and looks at Lady Tremaine. "There must be quite a story go with it, won't you tell me? No? Alright then, I shall tell you a story, once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl who married for love and she had two loving daughters, all was well, but one day her husband, the light of her life, died. The next time she married for the sake of her daughters, but that man too was taken from her and she was doomed to look every day upon his beloved child, she had hoped to marry off one of her beautiful stupid daughters to the Prince, but his head was turned, by a girl with glass slippers and so, I lived unhappily ever after, my story would appear to be ended, now, tell me yours, did you steal it?" Lady Tremaine asks out for blood, she was furious with Marjolien.
"It was given to me." Marjolien says softly.
"Given to you" Given to you? Nothing is ever given, for everything you must pay, pay!" Lady Tremaine says standing up from the bed she was sitting on.
"That's not true! Kindness is free, love is free." Marjolien says.
"Love is not free!" Lady Tremaine says and slowly makes her way towards Marjolien. "Now, here is how you will pay me, if you were to have what you desire, no one will believe you, a dirty servant girl without a family if you lay claim to the Prince's heart, but with a respectable gentlewoman to put you forward, you will not be ignored, when you are married you will make me the head of the royal household, Anastasia and Drisella we will pair off with wealthy lords and I shall manage that boy." Lady Tremaine says.
"But he's not a boy!" Marjolien defends Prince Mick.
"And who are you? How would you rule the kingdom? Best to leave it to me, that way we all get what we want." Lady Tremaine says and begins to leave.
"No." Marjolien says, Lady Tremaine looks at Marjolien.
"No?" Lady Tremaine repeats.
"I was not able to protect my father from you, but I will protect the Prince and the Kingdom, no matter what becomes of me." Marjolien says.
"Well, that is a mistake." Lady Tremaine says and smashes the slipper against the wall shattering it to pieces.
"No! why? Why are you so cruel? I don't understand it, I've tried to be kind to you." Marjolien says.
"You kind to me?" Lady Tremaine questions.
"Yes! I know no one deserves to be treated as you have treated me, why do you do it? why?!" Marjolien asks loudly.
"Why? Because you are young and innocent and good, and I..." Lady Tremaine stops herself and turns around and walks out of the attic closing the door behind her, Marjolien rushes towards the door.
"No, no, no." Marjolien says in a panic as Lady Tremaine locks Marjolien in the attic.
Lady Tremaine takes the remains of the glass slipper to the Grand Duke.
"May I ask where you got this?" The Grand Duke asks taking the piece of glass.
"From a ragged servant girl in my household." Lady Tremaine says.
"The Mystery princess is a commoner." The Grand Duke states.
"You can imagine when I discovered her subterfuge how horrified I was." Lady Tremaine says,
"You've told no one else?" The Grand Duke asks.
"Not even my own daughters." Lady Tremaine says, The Grand Duke chuckles. "No one need ever know the truth." Lady Tremaine says.
"You've spared the Kingdom a great deal of embarrassment." The Grand Duke says.
"And I should ike to keep it that way." Lady Tremaine threatens.
"Are you threatening me?" the Grand Duke asks.
"Yes." Lady Tremaine says, they both chuckle.
"So what do you want?" The Grand Duke asks.
"I should like to be a countess, and I require advantageous marriages for my two daughters." Lady Tremaine says.
"Done, and the girl?" The Grand Duke asks.
"Oh, do with her what you will, she's nothing to me." Lady Tremaine says.
The Grand Duke shows the remains of the glass slipper to newly crowned King, King Mick.
"Where?" King Mick asks as he takes the remains of the slipper.
"Abandoned on the side of the road." The Grand Duke says.
"And have you found her?" King Mick asks.
"The girl? No, she's disappeared." The Grand Duke says.
"There must be some reason she vanished, Perhaps she has been prevented from speaking." King Mick says.
"Do not lose heart yet." The Captain says.
"On the contrary, lose heart and gain wisdom, the people need to know that the kingdom is secure, that the King has a queen and that the land may have an heir, they want to face the future with certainty." the Grand Duke says.
"Agreed, then let us be certain! I am King, I say we shall seek out the mystery Princess, even if she does not want to be found, I have to see her again." King Mick says.
"But if she is not found, then for the good of the kingdom, you must marry the Princess Chelina, for the good of the kingdom." The Grand Duke says, King Mick sits down on his throne and looks at the piece of glass slipper for a moment.
"Very well, agreed." King Mick agrees.
"But, your highness?" The Captain says, King Mick looks at the Captain with determination. "But you will spare no effort."
"Your Majesty, of course, you have my word." The Grand Duke says and turns around as a wicked smile forms on his face.
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angelsjunk · 4 years
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I got some second hand books from medimops.de (Beatrix Potter and Marjolien Bastin) yesterday - so cute! 
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bobendsneyder64 · 2 years
🔥 top gun 👀
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Need I say more?
(I felt these 2 gifs were very fitting 😍)
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annatartastic · 7 years
got tagged by @patrick-dempsey and @jnstarks thank you! :)
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better
Name: Marjolien. Nicknames: Hm don’t really have one? Zodiac sign: Libra. Height: 1.76 cm. Orientation: Straight. Nationality: Western European. Favourite fruit: Nectarines. Favourite season: Spring. Favourite book: The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. Favourite flower: Tulips. Favourite scent: Scented candles. Favourite colour: Maroon. Favourite animal: Horses, Bunny’s, Cats & Dogs. Coffee | tea | hot cocoa: Hot cocoa. Average sleep hours: 6-7. Cat or dog person: Cats. Favourite fictional character: Jon Snow.
Number of blankets you sleep with: One. Dream trip: New Zealand I think, I don’t really have a dream trip. Blog created: Somewhere in 2011. Number of followers: 1083. Random Fact(s): Pff can’t think of one right now.
I tag @sunfyres @starkargaryen @wildflower-clace @jammeke @tkyloren @ice-and-fire09 @mhysaofdragons 
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jow99 · 5 years
L’Escala to Barcelona
Again a bit to do before our bus to Barcelona. First up the council to get some paperwork we’ll need on our return and then breakfast at our bar up there with the lovely man who does gluten free for me. Initially I had hoped to do a last swim but as we left the apartment it was only 14 degrees.
Next tourist information to get our bus tickets and then the post office. A final goodbye with Marjolien and we’ve left some keys with her. Back to the apartment to put the last bits in and close our bags, final clean and lunch. Lunch was an unusual affair using up all the last bits in the fridge (though the local cats did score some jamon we couldn’t eat). We also made up a new drink, very refreshing - vermouth and tonic! Not too dissimilar to Porto tonic.
Finally it was time to haul ourselves and our bags (which seem to be ridiculously full) up to the bus stop. By now the weather is beautiful and that swim would have been very nice.
It’s about a 3 hour trip to Barcelona - I read and Jose slept. We’re staying close to where we did when we left last year so we had a reasonable idea of the area. Tonight we went for a stroll and did a bit of a bar crawl as we tried different bars and their tapas. Now we’re back in the hotel tired and full and writing my blog before lights out 😴
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autowrite · 6 years
7 April - proud of myself
I did my pages I did my time. I lined up all my ducks and shot them in a row. People ask if I’m an artist and I tell them that I ‘write’. The only thing I write is journals so does that make me a writer? I publish them online so at least I share it. But is it art? The more interesting question is: why is it not art? I will continue to do this everyday. I feel better than usual, I’m feeding my cells with love. Marjolien is the dumbest girl I’ve ever met, said someone else once to me. I met Roy the saxophonist from Alex Cameron and later I recorded words into my phone. Get in there, open yourself. You’ve got SO MUCH to give Steven. Even if it’s just a little silly dance or whatever. Don’t deprive yourself of the world of your natural abilities. I, proud of myself everyday, I’m proud of the roads I’ve taken, the commitments. Commitments are a good idea. I like good ideas. I did my yoga today. Don’t get mad get even, then wipe your feet on the floor. Back at the office we decided to sever a head or 2. The problem with that is that you won’t get paid. So there’s no system in place. You owe it to yourself to leave fantasy land. Run baby run. Become Goliath. Hurt people hurt people. I’m glad you found me on Instagram. I danced tonight, I heard some great music. Alex Cameron is special and I need to learn how to complete songs. We’ve been in oceans, the life of the party, Elisabeth Taylor’s squeeze from Limburg. Mic check, on the train until your knees hurt. I don’t want to see a frozen belly anymore. Ok Eminem, if that’s how you like it. Deep breaths, just 1 more for the road.
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eemskrant-blog · 7 years
Kinderkerst in Loppersum
Loppersum – Op zaterdag 23 december om 19.00 uur is het weer kinderkerstnacht in de Petrus en Pauluskerk aan het Marktplein in Loppersum.
Een groep kinderen gaat een kerstspel spelen, dat geschreven is door Marjolien Kippersluys. Het stuk heeft als titel ‘Roos is boos’. Tussen de bedrijven door kunnen de aanwezigen samen een aantal bekende kerstliederen zingen. Muzikale begeleiding is in handen…
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bobendsneyder64 · 2 years
🎥 📻 🐷 :)
Thank you for these!! 💚
🎥 - favourite film
At the moment Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick, but also some of my all time favourites: Treasure Planet, Mamma Mia and Raya and the last dragon.
📻 - favourite song currently
I ain't worried - OneRepublic
It's my life - Dr Alban
The night we met - Lord Huron
Give it up - the good men
🐷 - junk food you can never get enough of
Crisps and fries
Send me a symbol
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bobendsneyder64 · 3 years
37, 45, 50 :)
Thank you Marjolien! 💚
37. favourite actor/actress
Angela Bassett, Meryl Streep, Maggie Smith, Dylan O'Brien, Emma Watson. I'm probably forgetting a few, but these were the first that came to my mind
45. how you found out about your idol
I first saw Emma Watson in the harry potter movies and started following her on social media. But the reason she is my idol is because of everything she did after that. Her fighting for womens rights and much more. When I see her I always see a strong and kind woman who isn't afraid to speak up and I love that about her
50. favourite picture of your idol
I don't really have a favourite picture
Get to know me
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bobendsneyder64 · 3 years
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Omg look at that cute Vale pic!! Thank you Marjolien!! 💚💚
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