#send me a 🔥 + a topic
bobendsneyder64 · 2 years
🔥 top gun 👀
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Need I say more?
(I felt these 2 gifs were very fitting 😍)
Send me a 🔥 + a topic
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fanonical · 11 months
Doctor Who
Moffat era Doctor Who is better, more interesting, and has better written women than Chibnall era Doctor Who
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quantumshade · 10 months
🔥 rose tyler
she would need to take a Fucking Minute to adjust after journey’s end and it would not be easy for her. not because tentoo isn’t the doctor or anything like that, he is, and rose would see that, but because she never planned to stay in pete’s world. from day one of being stuck there she was working to get back to the prime universe. every hour of every day she was working on getting back. i doubt she had friends other than mickey, and he’s now gone. i doubt she had much of a life there at all. she would take a while to adjust to the idea of being in pete’s world permanently because it is an Entirely Different Universe. also i hate when people act like being in pete’s world with tentoo was the Only Way she would ever have been happy, or that a normal suburbia white picket fence life was what she had secretly wanted all along, because that is just patently untrue
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familyabolisher · 1 year
🔥 lgbt infighting discourse
everyone keeps referring to the "lgbt community" as though this is an ontologically, prediscursively extant organ of which we all hold a shared definition (and as though "community" in this context is an a priori useful descriptor) and i think that's the misconception we need to start tackling before we can accomplish anything else
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bumblingbee1 · 11 months
🔥 for Tekken if you got any?
Hmmm... I'm not sure if my opinions can be considered unpopular, but imma share them anyway
No readmore because it's not that long lmao
As for Kazuya and Jun, I don't think there's much hope for them. Too much has happened that cannot be undone over the years that cannot be taken back. It's tragic, and as much as I usually like to cling on to hope for something wholesome, I have my doubts.
Tekken fans be doing too much about the newcomers sometimes. I get that you miss your OGs, but it's not the new ones' fault, I promise.
I know Tekken 4 would leave a lot of unanswered questions, but I personally feel it was its peak lorewise. As much as I enjoyed the individuals' stories in Tekken 5, I don't like how it got at the expense of the original story. Like... Jinpachi got possessed by an evil spirit which wants to destroy the world, what else?
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deadboyswalking · 2 years
Even people who claim to love the villains and love Twice mischaracterize him so badly that it's almost insulting. I can't stand posts/fics that treat Jin like he's an actual child, even for "comedic" purposes.
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liass-21 · 10 months
confession… i have not watched top gun 😭 only tgm… i confess i do not have the background knowledge to get icemav
however i’ve read a couple fics that seem pretty cute of them. hunting down an accessible top gun recording constantly
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godfistgonnalive · 3 months
ultrakill dashboard simulator 2
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🐉 grounded Follow
this grey bitch has no idea whats coming lol
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♦️ flesh-n-teeth Follow
Contrary to popular belief, I actually do not bite people.
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🍵 benign-rodent Follow
Can we talk about how incredibly problematic the Lust Renaissance was? I personally believe the Council had every right to send Gabriel to strike Minos down. It's appalling to think people come on this website and say that Minos was in the right. Do some research.
🌷 strayandferal Follow
are we seriously having this discussion in this day and age? not only is this just an evil thing to say, but saying "do some research" afterwards is just blatantly ignorant.
🍵 benign-rodent Follow
As you can see here, here, and here, these are some proof that the Lust Renaissance was actually super problematic for both Hell and Heaven. To have the gall to call me ignorant when you probably only know very little about this topic is embarrassing.
🌷 strayandferal Follow
those are all obviously extremely biased articles. i wasn't damned to hell yesterday. there's no sources on them, either. come back to me when you have actual proof.
‎‎‎‎‎ ‎ Expand‎
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💣 skullonmysleeve Follow
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🔥 throughthefireandflames Follow
warning to all limbo-goers: watch out if you go any higher than the first part of the layer. i wandered into this air shaft (was curious if i could clean anything up there) and it's extremely dark. i feel like something is watching me
📎 wicked2 Follow
🔥 throughthefireandflames Follow
what. was that
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🟥 teeth-n-flesh Follow
i bite people
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💫 gabriel-judgeofhell Follow
Please do not contact me to strike down sinners you dislike.
🔘 meowrice-deactivated22340521
isnt that what you do for the council tho lol
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🩸 bloodpowered Follow
fuck v2 😞😞😞 #allmachinesarethesame no one talk to me 💔💔💔 #deactivating #abandoned 😢😢😢😢😢😢
🛒get-whiplashed Follow
i go fishing without you one time and this is what happens
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🌵 sandfan59 Follow
today i saw some biogenic sand!!! i think is super cool how its all tiny sea creature skeletons... i collected some in my container to bring home and examine im so excited to get a better look at them
🪨 rockenthusiast234 Follow
if you come to my part of greed i can share my sand i have and you can share any rocks you find
🌵 sandfan59 Follow
hell yes. can we make out
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🌟 heavenly-council Follow
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⚰️ gutterthem Follow
i just crashed my fucking tram listening to HELL'S GREATEST COUNTRY HITS VOL. 35 on the cd player and when i got off all the guttertanks and mannequins were laughing at me
#is it over for me
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w0rmm1lk · 5 months
Reader: not mentioned.
characters: all characters i write for (besides kota and eri)
type: can be read as both platonic and romantic
sumarry: how i think the mha characters would text.
warnings: possible swearing, denki being denki.
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👾Mina Ashido👾
she abuses her emoji privledges. like nobody will ever receive a message from her that doesn't have an emoji. lots of all caps.
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👓Tenya Iida👓
oh you were texting him? bitch writes as if he's writing a formal email. your ass is lucky that he doesn't start that shit off with "I hope this message finds you well.". not even kidding will proof read every message he sends at least twice.
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♾️Ochaco Uraraka♾️
will end every message that isnt on a serious topic with :D. its so sweet tbh.
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⚡Denki Kaminari⚡
this man uses so many abbreviations that even if you think you use a lot just know you're learning a new one everyday. not even kidding makes up his own shit. once sent mina "lmkiydthesicci" and nobody could figure out wtf he meant. lowkey flirting with every mssg he sends. every single person in the class, girl or not has received a message from him that just says "hey bbg ;)". he received a very long lecture from iida and a very confused reply from todoroki. todoroki didn't actually know wtf bbg meant. thought he misspelled bbq at first.
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unironically sends messages that just say "rawr". uses the :} face a lot bc he thinks it looks like his unbreakable.
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🐙Mezou Shoji🐙
i feel like he has such a low screentime that if anyone needs to text him he's only available for like an hour a day. accidentally leaves ppl on read. messages seem very bland usually.
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❄️Shoto Todoroki🔥
another bland person but tbh hes the worst out of them all. like he can look at a whole paragraph asking him if he wants to go to the movies with the rest of the class and all he will reply with is just "ok." uses periods at the end of every message but I swear he's not mad.
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💥 Bakugo💥
if he receives any messages past 8pm the "reply" will be you getting left on delivered even if he's still up, or a message just saying "shut the fuck up and go to bed.". also bland but he's more of a "k" bland rather than a "ok." bland.
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🥦Izuku Midoryia🥦
he will not even kidding receive a message that just says "hi" and will send a whole paragraph that is basically just a lengthened "hi! how are you?". uses the smiley emoji a lot.
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💫Momo Yaoyorozu💫
lots of ! at the end of messages, you can feel the happiness through your phone screen. uses heart emojis at the end of messages and memorizes the meaning of each color so she can use them accordingly.
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🖤Shihai Kuroiro🖤
another :} user, sometimes uses :] but mainly :}. only ever texts ppl at hours like 2-4 am. you cant convince me he gets enough sleep.
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👔Neito Monoma👔
you think hed text you?/j kinda just an average texter, any message about class 1a will be in all caps.
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oh look. another bland ass texter, at least he takes the time to actually type out "okay," only sends emojis if he's talking about how weird the emoji looks.
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🔪Himiko Toga🔪
uses :] all the time. not :}, or :). just :]. if anyone texts her, even if its just a simple "hi." and she isn't busy, congrats you've agreed to a 3 hour face time call.
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✋Tomura Shigaraki✋
he leaves everyone on read. if you question why he left you on read all you're getting is an "if its so important then talk to me face to face."
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🃏Mr. Compress🃏
so you know how earlier i said you were lucky Iida didnt start with "I hope this message finds you well,"? your luck ran out. he writes it like you're a long distant friend who he is sending some fancy ass shit letter to. not even kidding ends each message with "--Compress."
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types so fast his phone doesnt even register his hands. half his messages be looking like "se tht ouds ood". he doesn't even bother to edit it or correct himself.
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he texts like a dad. texting this mf be like:
"*photo of a weird boat*"
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miss girl uses so many ;) that its hard to tell if shes suggesting something weird or not. ended every greetings message with that one kissy emoji.
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🙂Mirio Togata🙂
uses the 🙂 all the time because he thinks it looks like him. it does.
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🌀Nejire Hado🌀
lots of !!! and :D, also uses the :> a lot lol. lots of blue heart emojis aswell.
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🦋Tamaki Amajiki🦋
sends articles about different butterflies he likes or thinks the person he sends it to would like along with a message along the lines of "I think this fits you :]". rarely texts first but when he does he clicks send and sitts on the other side of the bed as his phone while staring at it intensely, just waiting for the reply notif. wont actually read the reply for a good minute.
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🐈‍⬛Hitoshi Shinsou🐈‍⬛
sends photos of random animals he sees while out and about. usually just cats. (no way this man doesn't feed the strays around ua) another person that only texts at night time.
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🛠️Mei Hastume🛠️
uses >:D a lot, shows blueprints of her new babies all the time, ngl they are usually rlly messy. texts are just :
"* incomprehensible image of a blueprint *"
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⭐Yo Shindo⭐
uses the thumbs up way to much but like in the passive aggresive way yk? but also if you send him a photo of something ur proud of he will reply with a simple "oh that's cool!" but there's so much fucking emotion behind it ur just kinda like ???
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🛡Melissa Shield🛡
her messages are so sweet. sunset pictures of the ocean every other day. lots of :).
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wrote this is one go and now my hands hate me. i think this was at least 20 characters-? idk I'm struggling to count.
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[a case study in how thirsty i am for this man.] [aka fic recommendations]
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Unfortunately, in my extensive research on this topic, I have found some pretty damning evidence against my sanity.
dad's best friend!joel miller x fem!reader
Your Summer Dream [masterlist] by @swiftispunk It is a scientific fact that if you place Joel Miller on a beach he becomes 100x hotter. I don't make the rules, I just report them.
Creep it Real! by @swiftispunk I am a puddle. I melted and I'm a shallow pathetic puddle. Cowboy and Angel. I just hnnnnnggggg. I need him to ruin me pls dear god.
*I'm realizing if i include all the DBF!JM i read this will get very long, very quickly, and i think i have revealed enough of myself on this blog to highlight my very obvious daddy issues
**speaking of daddy issues...
stepdad!joel miller x fem!reader
Don't Be Cute, Be Nasty by @cockslutpadalecki i'm pretty sure this was the first stepdad!joel miller anything i read and it awoke something in my soul. it's always fun to reach new levels of my daddy issues and BY GOD was this just 🫠
Bad Girl [part i of many] by @seventeenpins he walks in on her while she's watching stepdaddy porn and good lord it gets filthier and filthier in the best kind of way.
boyfriend's dad!joel miller x fem!reader
Lost in the Dark [masterlist] by @iamasaddie i expected to be a slut reading this but then it made me an emotional slut out of nowhere i am obsessed. there is nothing i love more than being drawn in by my thots only to be hit by an emotional bus out of nowhere.
Thigh's Out AU [masterlist] by @toxicanonymity not only is this a boyfriend's dad AU, but said boyfriend's dad is a hot and slutty. just like i like my dilfs.
father-in-law!joel miller x fem!reader
Pink [masterlist] by @netherfeildren holy fuck. that's all. just holy fuck. this altered my genetic makeup.
Help, I'm Stuck! by @nosesitter spoiler alert: he takes her wedding ring off before dicking her down and I-- 👀 send help.
***i didn't think i had a lot of significant other's father!joel miller in my repertoire, but i had to stop myself again from listing them all on this one otherwise we'd be here all day. shit, i'm learning things about myself 🤡
dark therapist!joel miller x fem!reader
Session 1 by @elvinaa i think this only highlights how badly i need an actual therapist (as does this entire list actually).
sleazy gas station clerk!joel miller x fem!reader
Meet Me in the Back (1) & The Night is Dark Enough ... (2) written by @atticrissfinch It does not bode well for me that this version of Joel Miller made me so fucking feral. In no way, shape, nor form should a sleazy gas station clerk make me feel this way AND YET HERE WE ARE.
tattoo artist!joel miller x fem!reader
Honeyed [masterlist] by @softlyspector This one absolutely hits too close to home for me, but that's probably why I'm so obsessed with it. My touch adverse yet touch starved ass ate this up and left no crumbs😌
chiro!joel miller x fem!reader
Say Yes to Heaven by @pascalisbaby i thought the medical side of my brain would cringe at the doctor/patient dynamic but as it turns out my depravity knows no bounds 🥵
frat dad!joel miller x fem!reader
The Old College Try by @proxima-writes i didn't even know this was something i needed in my life until it came into my life. blessings🙏🏼
ceo!joel miller x fem!reader
Sex on Fire [masterlist] by @macfrog i don't think i need to harp on what that sugar daddy vibes do to me🤤
mafia!joel miller x fem!reader
Divine Dynasty by @cavillscurls Remember when I said putting Joel by a body of water makes him 100x hotter? The same applies to a Mafia AU. I can't explain it. I have no sound reasoning to support my claim other than "he hot tho".
pornstar!joel miller x fem!reader
I Know it When I See it [masterlist] by @bageldaddy 🔥🔥🔥 that is all.
maintenance man!joel miller x fem!reader
Maintenance Man [masterlist] by @gracieispunk toolbelt. say less.
slasher!joel miller x fem!reader
Slasher [masterlist] by @toxicanonymity i thought for sure, FOR SURE, this would be blind, pure, detached smut that i could enjoy with no emotional ties whatsoever. and then all of a sudden i'm feeling things??? he just loves his mom so much😭 mama's boy wants to be happy. JAIL. real jail for murderer joel miller. horny jail for me. and audacity jail for toxic b/c how dare you make me feel things for a serial killer😩
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as i said previously, the evidence speaks for itself. i have yet to find a version of joel miller i could not immediately fuck. i'm actually planning (i have a lot of plans and no time smh), to go through all these on my recommendation blog w/play by play commentary so everyone can know just how unhinged i am for this guy.
but now!! you guys have a syllabus for my insanity!!
now, excuse me while i go find a therapist (a real one, not a hot/dark joel miller version of one) (although beggars can't be choosers right?👀)
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dividers by @saradika
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witchy-scribblings · 11 months
imagine matching with rengoku kyojuro on tinder...
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❀ tinder date kyojuro who has a long ass bio, written in all caps and with an excessive amount of exclamation marks and fire emojis, but his introduction is so sweet and endearingly to the point that you ignore the possibility of him being another weirdo.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who has only uploaded three pictures of himself: a selfie featuring the most intense eyes and radiant smile you've ever seen, a shot of a table covered in various delicious-looking dishes and a full body shot of him right after a training session, displaying a very sculpted and very sweaty upper body.
❀ tinder date kyojuro whose friend, uzui, was the actual mastermind behind the idea of introducing him to online dating (and who is to blame for the addition of that third picture everyone say thank you tengen).
❀ tinder date kyojuro who isn't partial to the idea of matching for a hook-up because that's far from his style.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who feels so pulled in by your profile when it appears that he doesn't even swipe right, he superlikes instead.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who forces himself not to stare at your swimsuit pictures because he thinks it's disrespectful, but at the same time can't stop admiring how pretty your face and smile are.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who feels so ridiculously giddy when he matches with you (even more if you had already swiped right on him before he superliked you) that he messages you immediately.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who couldn't come up with a pick-up line to save his life, so he just started with a very simple, very straightforward "HI! I'M KYOJURO! I THINK YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!! 🔥🔥😃"
❀ tinder date kyojuro who is admittedly bad at replying because he's generally very disconnected from his phone, but when he does answer he can engage in hours-long conversations if nothing else demands his immediate attention and, of course, if you're up for them.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who respectfully ends chats with other matches the moment he becomes hopeful and optimistic about the direction of his conversations with you, because he would never, ever ghost other people if he stopped being interested.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who has actually taken notes of the hints you drop from time to time, like preferred date types and spots, hobbies, your favorite flowers, what kind of drink you order at coffee shops...
❀ tinder date kyojuro who doesn't rush meeting you in real life because he's genuinely content just chatting with you and learning more about you, but is unmistakably excited when you decide to exchange phone numbers.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who is smitten with the first voice note you send him, especially because it was of you wheezing at some funny inside joke he had referenced, and he had thought you had the most stunning kettle laugh ever (he lets you know that).
❀ tinder date kyojuro who physically fist bumps the air when the topic of your actual first date together comes up, and he can't help gushing to uzui about every detail he arranges with you. "a picnic, tengen! isn't it just the most wonderful idea for a first date?"
❀ tinder date kyojuro who turns up at the park only a few minutes later than you, apologizing for making you wait with a lovely bouquet of your favorite flowers.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who is absolutely delighted (and, flankly, a little blown away) that you had prepared some homemade food for the picnic (some of which he remembers having mentioned he likes).
❀ tinder date kyojuro who hasn't even held hands with you yet, but thinks he could marry you on the spot after the first bite of your cooking; he's the literal embodiment of the saying "the easiest way to a man's heart is through his stomach" (and yes, of course he goes "UMAI").
❀ tinder date kyojuro who loses track of time when he's with you, and visibly deflates like a scolded puppy when it gets dark because it means it's time to say goodbye. it helps, just a little, that you ask him to walk you home, and he complies without hesitation.
❀ tinder date kyojuro, whose disappointment at having to part ways with you is easily fixed when you confess that you'd love to see him again as soon as possible, and he has to actively fight the urge to squeeze the life out of you right there by your doorstep.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who deletes his tinder account as soon as he gets home because he knows it in his bones that there's no need for further searching.
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fanonical · 11 months
🔥 Homestuck
really REALLY unpopular opinion but with a couple of notable exceptions, i really don’t think it’s that big of a deal that Homestuck has some bigoted & otherwise unsavoury language in it. like, don’t get me wrong, i’m not thrilled about it, but any time i talk about reading Homestuck in 2023 somebody suggests the mod that takes all the slurs out, and whilst i’m glad such a thing exists, personally i think that Homestuck is a more honest & impactful storyline when it is authentically about shitty little teenagers in 2009 who think it’s ok to call each other “gay” or “retarded”. it’s not nice but again to me it’s authentic to the truth of teenagers talking online in chat windows in 2009. again, glad the option exists for people who don’t wanna see that, but i also think it’s important that adults are able to engage with uncensored versions of a text too, especially something like Homestuck
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quantumshade · 10 months
🔥 dr who ships
oh i have many unpopular opinions on these.
if you see nine/rose and ten/rose as two entirely separate and distinct things you have missed the point of at least two episodes
if you get genuinely angry or annoyed at people for shipping rose tyler with post-ten doctors you should go outside perhaps.
actually if you get genuinely angry or annoyed at people for any sort of dr who shipping reason you should throw your computer into the ocean and live in the wild for several months like thoreau. that being said,
twelve/clara is 1000x more interesting when read as toxic platonic codependency than as a romance, and boiling them down to simple romance makes it boring
thasmin COULD have been good but by the time the showrunners started paying attention to it was far too late and they would have been better off not touching it at all. it should have started much earlier, preferably from day one. hell, even if they had started in series 12 it could have been good. but according matt strevens they “forgot”.
rose tyler and river song would get along extremely well. in a gay way
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writinandcrying · 4 months
TMNT HEADCANON / how the turtles text
A lot can be said from how someone express themselves through texting, so this is just some crack / light headcanons !
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Not really based on a single version per say, more that turtles have been deprived of social interaction for the majority of their life and I think texting them would be an very interesting experience lol
Idea based on @avery73 last random turtle post (thanks for being one of our strongest soldiers and writing wonderful pieces 🫡) English is not my first language and I didn’t proofread this, if there is any grammatical erros pls don’t hesitate to tell me!
🎢 Single texts
🎢 Just like this
🎢 Loads of it
🎢 You got 60 new messages
🎢 in the past 2 minutes
🎢 Loads of gifs too
🎢 And voice memos
🎢Oh look
🎢6 personality tests links
🎢What do you mean you won’t do it
🎢He needs to know what kind of cupcake you are!!!!
🎢 And music recs
🎢 Your phone won’t stop vibrating
🎢 for the next weeks
🎢 After you meet him (Honestly really annoying unless you have a crush on him)
🎢 For the latinos/latinas; if he EVER finds out about WhatsApp and the stickers. Oh you are so done. If you have an older phone that shit WILL blow up / malfunction for SURE
🎢 uses TONS OF EMOJIS !!!!! 😍😍😝🤪😋🤩AND CAPS AS WELL!!! 🥳😽✌️👅🗣️
🎢Mikey live reaction when you ask if he’s upset that you asked him to tone it down a notch with the texting on a busy day:
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🎢 Will lowkey tone it down with the emojis when he finds out some ppl find it cringe, but with his angels cakes ???????? 🫵 YOU BET 🗣️ HE WILL SHOW YOU WITH IT 💋🫦💅🏻🤳🏼💃🏻🕺🏽🙈🦋🌺🧡🌚🌻🔥💥🌟
🎢Will accidentally send you some random ass emoji that wasn’t supposed to be on the context of the text, also the autocorrect is def not his friend
Mikey : how’s it going baby gorila
Mikey: babygirl*
Mikey: I’m sorry
🎢 adds emojis to very contacts in his t-phone:
Leo: Leader of the pack 🐺 🐢 🫡
Donnie: Eistein 📚🧬⚗️ (Raph also shares this name on his t-cell)
Raph: Murderous teddy bear 🧸 🧨
Splinter: Mafia Boss 🪤 (no one knows about this name tho)
April: Chanel N.6 🎤(or World of Apes 🦧 lmao)
Casey: New York Hockey League 🏒
Vern: Some dude (adds 🦅 so he knows it’s Vern and not “some random dude”)
Y/n: angelcakes pookie wookie baby boo boo love of my life !!!!!! 😍🥰👀🧚🏻‍♂️
🎢Mikey live reaction when Raph yells at him to stop flooding the chat, followed by mikey texting him “make me” (they are sitting next to each other):
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🔭Huge blocks of it in the speed of light. many topics, many questions and also explanations at just one sitting
🔭But won’t hold back on a smart ass short cut response for one his brothers (literally has the sharpest tongue)
🔭Will hardly uses emojis, only when it’s a single text to express an emotion (most current used emojis: 🤓when he does something impressive 💜: for y/n 🙄: when venting about something annoying Leo / Mikey / Raph did)
🔭Will want to discuss random ass problems he has encountered in his projects, in forums online, specially if you ever show interest in debating / doesnt hold back into showing your strong opinions
🔭 Has named their brothers as “Failed Lab Experiments” and managed to color code their messages (has the only t-phone that has this feature)
🔭Donnie creating the most unique and smartass way to charge his phone just cuz he can:
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🔭Deadass his reaction when texting his crush 👀:
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🔭 Has modified Mikey’s phone so he doesn’t have access to emojis for a whole week after his baby brother decided to spam him “out of no where” (after Donnie won consecutively 10 Mario Kart matches AND ate the last 2 slices of cold pizza)
🔭Result: mikey spammed EVEN MORE and only spoke to EVERYONE by Japanese emojis. Leo and Raph begged demanded that donnie install his emojis back cuz they were DONE with the whole situation
Failed lab experiment N.4: ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ" °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° (♡´౪`♡)
Failed lab experiment N.1: Stop.
Failed lab experiment N.4: ┬┴┬┴┤ᵒᵏ (・_├┬┴┬┴ Failed lab experiment N.4: (;﹏;)
Failed lab experiment N.2: You stupid IDIOT Failed lab experiment N.2: look what you've done now he’s sad
🔭 Donnie also has to deal with his brothers thinking he is their personal Google (he will always answer their questions, even out of spite):
Failed lab experiment N.4: Donnie what’s a Cochlear implant
Successful lab experiment: A small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard-of-hearing. The implant consists of an external portion that sits behind the ear and a second portion that is surgically placed under the skin.
Failed lab experiment N.4: :0 yikes
Failed lab experiment N.4: Okay thanks!!!!
Successful lab experiment: Stop asking me stuff when you can just Google it.
Failed lab experiment N.4: But I like talking to you 🙀😔
Failed lab experiment N.4: You are my favorite turtle Siri!!! 😉
Successful lab experiment: I’d prefer if I wasn’t... Also, why are you curious about cochlear implants?
Successful lab experiment: Mikey?
Successful lab experiment: Mikey!!!!!
(He still doesn’t know why)
🥊 Barely uses emojis. Lowkey barely texts? doesn't see the appeal to it, rather prefer to hang out with you 1 on 1 than being far away from you (will never ever admit to it. maybe after 3 years in a relationship)
🥊as a friend: he wont be the one spiking a conversation, but might keep going if he's truly bored (this is prone to happen during daylight / evening when they still can't go out) but will probably be the one to ask to hang out when he needs an outlet and such 🥊*sees messages* eh i'll reply later *completely forgets about it*
🥊 will effortlessly take the most breath-taking pictures of new york during patrol and send it to you 🥊 if you are already his s/o / someone he trusts: will most likely text you to ask about stuff (if you need anything or something he needs from topside) or to diss / vent / gossip about his brothers 🥊 will send embarrassing pictures of his brothers to you cuz he can't deal with that shit alone lmao
🥊 will either be pretty clueless with the most random ass stuff or out of propose just to tease you: y/n: jniasunoakpfa raph: what was that y/n: keyboard smash? raph: how do i do that y/n: just press anything raph: 7 🥊 Raph Live reaction as soon as he realizes he has feelings for you:
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🥊 Also Raph Live reaction when he comes to terms with this feelings and has an excuse to ignore Leo (even if he doesnt like texting) just bc he can ignore Leo as he pleases:
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🎏 Perfect texts 🎏 looks like an email/letter sometimes 🎏 to most people: 1 message with divided topics. pretty direct 🎏 when he can't reply right away: "Hello. I'm happy you wrote to me. I try to reply promptly but currently I'm not available at the moment-" Like omg bro RELAX. 🎏 to his s/o: 70% direct, the other 30% likes to send little reminders, either with songs or pretty things she has seen during a patrol with a "thinking of you" message. lowkey romantic when he doesn't even mean to be, def shows how thoughtful he is 🎏 prefers to call you rather than texting. especially if you are dating/has a crush on you he might not even realize why he likes calling you so much, until it hits like a brick that he just wants to hear your voice 🎏Leo when he calls you and doesn't know when to "intervene" / his time to talk back (god forbid he's unpolite and interrupts you):
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lowkey him listening to April vent about smth dumb shit Casey did /any human friend venting and he doesnt know how to react lmao 🎏Just like Donnie, has favorite emojis and will only use it in specific situations (this will take time for it to happen, like after years Donnie first invented the t-phone and finally relized he didn't had to be so formal when texting): 🐢 when talking about team work or his brothers / 🪷 for meditating or mindfulness (thinks its peaceful) / 💙 for his boo and his boo only / 😏 only in a relationship, especially when he's feeling scipy (extremely rare for it to happen over text tho)
Group chat (more than one reaction)
💚 catching social cues irl can be hard, you are telling me there are hidden social cues in texting too??
💚 “Nah shut up” group, doesn’t care much about it and won’t change their ways: Leo, Raph
💚 Will research about it, will talk to every single human he knows (yes. you. Vern. Casey and April) Needs to know the social cues. NOW: lmao try to guess
💚 Also needs to know, but for meme reasons, he has to say up to date w the terminology/ slangs: another hard guess /j
💚 Oh btw, Donnie totally uses /j /Tw /srs terminology WHILE he texts fast AND huge text blocks. none of his brothers know how he does it
💚Will over use fresh lingo he has learned overhearing humans on patrol, shows, from his humans friends to the point it’s almost unbearable: Mikey 💚Live reaction of Raph and Leo trying to understand when Mikey or Donnie spamming the group chat with their extremely recent memes or hyperfixations:
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💚the chat WILL be flooded with things related to their favorite basketball teams, show they want to see or dumbass pictures of their daily lifes, example: Mikey: *has sent an selfie*
Mikey: you know y/n
Mikey:If you’re fortunate enough
Mikey: your internal organs will spend their entire lifespan in absolute darkness
Mikey: but mine?
April: oh boy here we go
Mikey: Hasn’t. 😏😏😏
Y/n: Oh?
Mikey: *send another selfie flexing muscles* you see when you fight crime everyday-
Raph: yeah he shallowed a glow stick
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faceless-soul2 · 1 month
Nuked at 2,500
Prev @faceless-soul
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🩸25 years old
🩸I'm single
*not looking for a partner or permanent submissive at the moment- just here to express myself, enjoy some play, and make some friends along the way that enjoy the dark things I do.
🩸I'm 6'3 - seems to be important to you little ones out there lol
Follow my twitter little ones. @faceless_soul1
Some personal interest (yes we can talk about more than just kink and dirty topics) :
Cars, nature, football and baseball, anime, My PC aka gaming, Smoking
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Asks/DMs/ submissions are open.
Be respectful and l'll do the same.
I’ll always respond to DM’s, just be patient.
🩸[If you send pics in subs please know it's for my eyes only and will not be posted unless you want me to. If you would like to be reposted on my blog, submit which post. 2]🩸
Do not call me Daddy. Being referred to as Daddy is a very special and intimate thing for me and is reserved for when I'm comfortable.
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⛓️My cabbage patch collection⛓️
[Anon sign offs- not required but I do enjoy keeping track of who's sends what - makes it fun]
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||⚠️Of This Is Strictly Fantasy, Expression, And Play Between CONSENTING Adults !!⚠️||
If you can’t respect me or my boundaries do not interact with me.
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⛓️My Kinks & Likes⛓️
🩸dom/sub dynamics
🩸degradation edging
🩸orgasm denial
🩸breeding (w/o pregnancy)
🩸spanking, slapping and other impact play
🩸pet play
🩸size difference
And more
Limits- race play, pregnancy, feederism, scat
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My DNI List:
racists, homophobes, misogynists, terfs, zoophiles, maps/ pedos, minors and anyone that doesn't consent to seeing sexual content
⚠️🔞blogs with no age in bio get blocked🔞⚠️
Tags To Find My Content:
Pictures of me: #me
Asks: #asks
Original posts/ personal: #faceless
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kinardbuckleys · 2 months
🔥 + buck
he’s so smart. incredibly smart. the fandom likes to make out that he’s dumb or not self aware and it’s just. incorrect.
send me 🔥 + a topic for an unpopular opinion
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