*the android crew eating popsicles*
Kara: *casually deepthroats popsicle*
Josh: WHAT-
Kara: what? It’s not that big!
Markus, Connor, and Luther: *all nervously sweating*
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Images by r/jinxed_pixie
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qrjung · 9 months
Markus and Kara would be a battle couple
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fakesurprise · 6 months
Dollar Wonderful didn’t have a shingle outside, every window designed so people could see out but not in. If you didn’t know it was a bar, you’d never have a clue as the exterior looked more like a worn-down warehouse someone was using than a bar that would have been called trending just based on the variety of customers.
The small sign on the door simply read: MARKARA ONLY, a statement about modern parlance and moving with the world. No one had defaced it yet today, but I didn’t know if that was a good sign or not. A couple of bulky younger trolls were outside the door: brother and sister, able to pass as human without issue. They went by Splat and Shove interchangeably and knew who was banned and who should be banned. I’d helped convince some waer to not cause an incident a few times, enough for them to greet me with wide toothy smiles.
“How are things?”
“Been a good week,” one rumbled.
“For you, or for the bar?”
“Both? Probably both. We got to throw out two waer, one harpy and one drunk frankencritter last night. Busy for a weekday, that. Been about that the whole week, Ryke: three to four, only one ban in the last month and that was more that the arse wouldn’t tip on top of being a jerk. Things are going pretty well, all told.”
The other troll grinned. “If you want to liven things up, we’d appreciate the fun.”
“What kind of trolls are you again?”
The brother mock-growled and glared down at me before they opened the door.
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thegayestandalite · 4 months
Humans didn’t have much in natural weapons, the best they could do was throw blunt punches and while it wasn’t exactly pleasant it was ignorable as the human female went wild, trying to disengage him with a ferocity he wouldn’t have guessed was in her.
“Let me go!” She hissed, bringing his wrist to her mouth so she could bite down savagely. He always forgot about the teeth.
He looked at her calmly, and began to morph. His image slowly melting away to melt back into her features. He became furless, eyeless, tailless, just all around helpless. He was second guessing this plan, fighting as this pathetic little thing? Well. Earth was a fierce place, you couldn’t just come to dominate it by accident.
He let go and let the morph take over, devouring the instincts and the fear and the wants and the needs. It was surprisingly peaceful, but so sharp. It was all edges ready to take what was needed and then some.
He stared back at her with her own eyes.
He grinned. A huge toothy grin that might have meant to be a little bit threatening.
“There are controllers here to infest your household,” he informed her with his disarming smile.
She stepped back, clutching her wrist and looking at him in disbelief.
Her face grew hard. “You’re lying.”
He turned to face the window again, watching the controllers begin to advance.
“I’m not,” he spoke. He stopped to run his tongue around his mouth. An interesting array of sounds although not much different than other mouthed morphs.
“In a few minutes they will brief their commander and enter the domicile, that’s all the time you have to secure the household of anyone unable to fight and weapons for those that can - so what I guess I’m saying is to move, NOW.”
She didn’t Move, knitting her brows with confusion she asked, “Why did you morph me? Why not use your andalite form, or some animal morph?”
His eyes searched the room, looking for a suitable weapon while replying, “They’re looking for an andalite, it’s best they don’t find one or they really will stop at nothing to destroy this place. And anyway-,” he paused to glance at her, “I have something to prove. Now, weapons, please?”
She raised a finger, opened her mouth like she was about to say something then closed it again. “We’re going to talk about this later,” she promised.
He strode to an assortment of clothing articles hanging in a closet, something some species used rather than fur.
Well, they seemed complicated. He settled on a few long scarves and did a warrior’s weave to secure his upper torso, and skirt and leg wrap with his lower torso. He hesitated, all considering he was working with A new morph, unpracticed. Anything at all that would be a disadvantage to him could be catastrophic.
But. He did take this dna without permission, and lead an alien invasion to their door step. It would be best if he were respectful of the culture and wear the clothing. And anyway, he was awesome enough to compensate.
He took another cloth article to hold onto, until the right moment.
He quickly got to work his movement. A few million years of evolution wouldn’t leave a two legged critter without balance.
He stretched out, practicing emptying his mind to let the human instincts operate its body properly.
She came back with an assortment of rusted, inferior metaled blades. But they were long. And sharp enough.
She took in his attire, she was largely relieved he had decided to clothe her dna.
He grabbed the blade and settled it between his teeth before hoisting himself onward and out the window.
“Who the hell are you?” She yelled exasperated.
He looked back up as the gravity rushed him back to the earth, courtesy of a rain gutter, a smile curved around the blade.
[I’m Bor’ij and I’m here to win this stupid war.]
He could feel his markara rising rapidly, wildly. They called it fight or flight. It whipped at him, filled him, made his heart burn from the inside out. It made him angry and rageful and happy and giddy.
He hit the ground, feet first and rolled as if he were an expert in two legged mobility. It was 90 percent attitude. It was all 90 percent attitude, fake that and you’re good. Well. 90 percent good.
He kept his center of gravity low to the ground, keeping himself steadier with his brand new morph.
He felt the rough taped grip. Hand to hand combat wasn’t really his style, or at least his first choice, but it’d do. Quickly whipping the scarf around his face, masking identifying features, he charged - slamming the sharp edge in an upward angle to the closest controller, who barely had time to raise his dracon beam. He assumed the neck was a good place to start.
The only thing the human controller had time to do was let out a startled scream, slashed short. A spray of the deepest red he ever saw splurged from his wound as he crumpled to the ground.
His human morph screamed in his mind. A scream of triumph or horror?
He turned to size up his next opponent. This one DID have the time to pull up his dracon beam.
He barely let the thought touch his mind before he reacted, cutting towards the weapon holding hand. The blade was not sharp enough nor was his one handed attack strong enough to sever, but it was well enough. The weapon dropped and he came back with his other hand to deliver a downward blow to the neck.
Intense pain slammed brutally into his shoulder, he gnawed his teeth but kept his grip.
A dracon beam let loose.
Bor’ij turned Angrily to the source and stared, facing two dracon beams pointed straight at him.
He rolled with Ease, off the black vehicle to it’s other side, with beams chasing after and over him.
That left his second target still at large and ready for vengeance.
The human controller reached over to grip his throat and drag him out, slamming him down onto the vehicle’s metal casing.
He loomed over the andalite, staggering his air flow, crushing his..human…throat..organs.
Bor’ij grabbed the controller’s workin’ arm and rolled his legs upward, forward, and wrapped them correspondingly around his neck. Using the tremendous thigh muscles of his morphs to crush the air out of the enemy with far more efficiency, he found that he could also bring the larger male human controller topping over him head first, landing directly upside, thighs still crushing but now with his full weight.
He glanced at the watching controllers, gave them a sly smile and a wink, picking up the abandoned dracon beam and casually shot the nearest controller with an effortless kill shot to the head in one smooth motion. Guns were his thing.
The controller underneath him had stopped moving. So that left the one remaining controller and he was-
Bor’ij looked around with his limited human eyes. He was just there!
Sneaky little slugs.
He carefully untangled his legs from the controller’s neck, readying his dracon beam.
The machine underneath him came to life, rumbling and hot. He whipped around to see the controller’s stolen face contorted in, what his human morph understood to be, rage.
The vehicle screeched forward sliding him against the windshield.
“Offuck,” he cried, his voice muffled by the scarf. The machine suddenly slammed to a stop, throwing him with inertia fueled vengeance.
He thudded to the ground, his shoulder taking the brunt, the shoulder that was already hit and hurt. Luckily the manic energy dulled the pain.
Hardy thinking, he scrambled away to his left as the vehicle revved and charged past him.
He quickly scrambled to his feet, dracon beam in one hand as he placed the blade in a loop of cloth behind him and instantly started calculating. Or to be more precise, absorbing.
The machine wheeled around, and this time it was Bor’ij that charged. He ran forward, utilizing his long legs and leaped easily onto The hood, his foot sinking slightly into the flimsy metal, giving him balance and traction to leap onto the roof. Slamming himself onto the roof, belly first, and gripping onto the open window to keep him from flying off again. He pulled himself against that awful inertia crap and crawled straight into the window.
Seeing the controller he attempted to seize his collar and pull himself all the way into the moving vehicle.
Th controller panicked, letting go of the wheel that controlled the machine’s direction, now it turned wildly wherever the terrain directed it, slamming Bor’ij against the edge of the window opening, crushing his belly and giving him a sick feeling, and no doubt bursting open blood vessels left and right.
He growled through gritted teeth and refocused himself. He heaved himself into the window opening, instant reprieve from the dragging force of gravity or whatever. Of course, now there was a very scared and murderous controller he was sitting in the lap of.
He reached behind him to grab his blade.
He hesitated.
He unsheathed his weapon.
“Surrender now, and you’ll live.”
The controller looked at him incredulously.
It was absurd. He knew it, but he still had to try, He still had to at least *ask*.
The yeerk made it’s move.
Swiping his arm so that his elbow made direct contact against Bor’ij’s face.
Ignoring the sharp powerful stinging pain, his arm was already moving before he could think about it. It was just an old blade, probably never meant to see combat, but with one swipe it cut through skin, tendons, arteries, blood, life.
The controller could only grasp his gaping neck as bright red blood flooded from it.
Bor’ij could only take a breath before-
“WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?” A familiar voice bellowed.
Bor’ij looked over his shoulder. The mobile he was in was barreling straight towards him and their domicile.
Er. Er.
He turned to grip the wheel with both hands and pull it to the right, causing the whole thing to veer.
Ok, temporary solution, so how did you stop it?
The human male, Cassie’s father, stared at him in astonishment.
“Cassie?” He asked
Oops. Seems he still had enough identifying features to be associated with his daughter.
Who Knew.
At that moment Cassie came running out the door.
“DAD,” she cried.
“Cassie? Get back inside!”
“YOU get back inside Dad!” She grabbed his hand and hauled him backwards into the house.
Bor’ij wheeled the vehicle around again, kicking the dead controller off the seat into the passenger side.
The car started to gradually slow.
Ok, so somehow a dead controller was controlling the machine…. On the bottom were pedals of some sort. He gave an experimental nudge with his foot and it surged forward. He hit the other pedal, it stopped front wheels first, jerking him and the dead controller forward.
Ah yes. It was all coming together.
He directed the car in the opposite direction and slammed the go pedal, the machine screeched in response, wheels churning up sod before ripping forward and far.
Soon, he left the three grizzly kills behind him as the engine rumbled softly.
No andalite mobile made made quite an exhilarating noise or satisfying rumbling vibrations.
The trees and shrubbery zoomed past.
He slowed down on the accelerator as a precautionary measure.
He was suddenly aware of…fluttering.
Bor’ij jerked his head in . He looked around suspiciously.
[Stop the car!]
He considered.
He shifted his foot to slowly hit the brake.
A small feathery bird flopped onto the seat when the car stopped.
“Soo..” he started,” ..how ya doin’?”
She opened her beak and half squawked, then seemed to reconsider and started skillfully morphing back to her human form.
“Where do you think you’re going?” She asked evenly, with a definite edge to her voice.
“I’mm, going away…from the murder scene?” He said helpfully.
“Murder scene! MURDER SCENE,” she laughed in a very mirthless way, “Murder scene is right! Three dead bodies, who obviously didn’t just kill themselves. At my house, right in front of my house! How do I explain that? How do I explain ANY of that?!”
“….Don’t?” He suggested
She took a deep breath.
“Yes, Cassie?”
“What is wrong with you?”
He stared back balefully. “That’s just hurtful Cassie.”
She took another breath.
“Alright. Ok. I’m Sorry. Just. Let me help you.”
He noticed the omitting of the word “we”.
“Sure Cassie, what do you want to help with,” he asked innocently.
“Ok, well, first…what are you doing here?”
He gave her a non-committal look.
“Oook…what is your deal with Ax?”
“I’m sorry, who?”
“You know who, your whole demeanor changed as soon as you saw him.”
“I don’t want to talk about that Cassie, my emotional state is vulnerable. I must protect my peace.”
“So..Ax has something to do with your emotions?”
Bor’ij frowned. She as far more emotionally perceptive than what he was used to.
The cloth was still covering his features so she couldn’t see his displeasure , but he was pretty sure she could just sense it.
“Ok.” She answered to the silence of disapproval.
She studied him, in his (or rather, her) blood splattered clothing. The andalite who jumped out of a window and took on four controllers, singly handedly, on an alien world in an alien morph on a dare.
“How did you learn to tie these weaves,” she asked, pointing to the wraps of clothing.
Now he was really irritated, he had a fuckin’ noticer on his hands.
“You tryin’ to start a fight, Cassie?”
She looked at him startled, “Uum, no?”
“Ok then.” He gripped the wheel and stared ahead.
“Look, we really are trying to help.” She placed a hand on his shoulder. “How about I take you into town? You haven’t been to earth before, right?”
“I don-“
“It’s just me,” she promised.
He looked ahead. It wasn’t as if he had much to do before the rest of his cell got here.
Anyway, doing recon was a respectable use of time and could be hardly argued against by any critical or grumpy princesses.
“Alright,” he relented.
She nodded her head. “Alright, let’s…get rid of this..uh, body first.”
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Gamzee markara and Dave strider from homestuck are kisrails
Hi anon, this request was filled here. F33l fr33 to send another request!
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gojnclinicblog · 10 months
Best male urologist near Markara Deoria
Are you in search of exceptional urology care? Look no further! JN Clinic in Deoria is proud to introduce the best urologist in the area, offering specialized expertise and personalized treatment plans to address your urological concerns.
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Why Choose Us?
Leading Urologist: Our clinic houses a renowned urologist with extensive experience and expertise in diagnosing and treating a wide range of urological conditions. From kidney stones and urinary tract infections to prostate issues and male infertility, our specialist is dedicated to delivering the highest standard of care.
Comprehensive Urological Services: We provide a comprehensive range of urological services to address various conditions and concerns. Our urologist employs state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and advanced treatment techniques to offer accurate diagnoses and effective treatment options tailored to your specific needs. At JN Clinic, we prioritize utilizing the latest technology and modern facilities to ensure precise diagnoses and optimal outcomes. Our clinic is equipped with cutting-edge equipment and comfortable amenities, creating a conducive environment for your urological care.
Patient-Centered Approach: We understand that each patient is unique, and their urological needs vary. Our urologist takes a patient-centered approach, taking the time to listen to your concerns, thoroughly evaluate your condition, and develop a personalized treatment plan. Your comfort, well-being, and active involvement in your healthcare decisions are our top priorities.
Address: Dr. Avinash Chaubey Parking, Dipu Ji House, Tube Well Colony Rd, in front of SBI ATM, Chauraha, Deoria, Uttar Pradesh 274001
Phone: 8860455545Are you in search of exceptional urology care? Look no further! JN Clinic in Deoria is proud to introduce the best urologist in the area, offering specialized expertise and personalized treatment plans to address your urological concerns.Why Choose Us?Leading Urologist: Our clinic houses a renowned urologist with extensive experience and expertise in diagnosing and treating a wide range of urological conditions. From kidney stones and urinary tract infections to prostate issues and male infertility, our specialist is dedicated to delivering the highest standard of care.Comprehensive Urological Services: We provide a comprehensive range of urological services to address various conditions and concerns. Our urologist employs state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and advanced treatment techniques to offer accurate diagnoses and effective treatment options tailored to your specific needs. At JN Clinic, we prioritize utilizing the latest technology and modern facilities to ensure precise diagnoses and optimal outcomes. Our clinic is equipped with cutting-edge equipment and comfortable amenities, creating a conducive environment for your urological care.Patient-Centered Approach: We understand that each patient is unique, and their urological needs vary. Our urologist takes a patient-centered approach, taking the time to listen to your concerns, thoroughly evaluate your condition, and develop a personalized treatment plan. Your comfort, well-being, and active involvement in your healthcare decisions are our top priorities.Address: Dr. Avinash Chaubey Parking, Dipu Ji House, Tube Well Colony Rd, in front of SBI ATM, Chauraha, Deoria, Uttar Pradesh 274001Phone: 8860455545
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who16be · 2 years
Terai eta bere filosofia - YouTube Found on YouTube: Terai eta bere filosofia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRrF2WVQj1Q via Diigo https://www.youtube.com/watch/oRrF2WVQj1Q July 15, 2022 at 02:31PM
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napoddwry · 2 years
Terai eta bere filosofia - YouTube Found on YouTube: Terai eta bere filosofia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRrF2WVQj1Q via Diigo https://www.youtube.com/watch/oRrF2WVQj1Q July 15, 2022 at 02:21PM
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17, 18 and 20!
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Markus-centric anything. Luthara. Lucy. Josh being appreciated. Post-Revolutionary path stories.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Markus/Kara. RK1K is fairly popular and Connara has its fans but there's literally NO markara to be found besides one fic! 😭😭😭
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I have to go with 'A New Home'. I don't hate it but the first time I played it, I literally put the game down for almost an entire year before i played it again. Dude, I HATE cleaning in video games. Also, unpopular opinion but the Zlatko chapter drags.
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fakesurprise · 5 months
Aeosi slowed me as we got closer with a touch on my arm as we went to enter, voice low. “This area feels like it fits what you told me?”
“Warehouses, dive bars, cheap businesses and smuggling, yes. Why?”
“You’re moving like you want to hurt someone: you’ll draw attention from those who want to show off. And also from those who want to hide others from view: those security people don’t know you, so don’t give them a reason to?”
I put on a camera-resistant scarf while Aeosi did the same as we crossed the street. A police car idled half a block down, but left us alone. The docks were the part of the city that the city tried to pretend didn’t exist, even for tax reasons. Most every business didn’t pay taxes or owned ones that never did, and the few actual businesses were all bars pretending to be churches for tax breaks. The warehouses were all technically closed and the security officers for shady companies which pretended to be otherwise.
A few burned out buildings remained untouched: places that had run services and done things that even the docks didn’t approve of. Pier 333 was one of those: it had literally been sunk into the harbour as a warning to every secret government agency to fuck off. The few who had tried to operate had been driven away, often by virtue of a lot of dead bodies left in their wake. Ironically, markara were safer here than in the more suburban areas: no one here cared about the past, only what you could do for your current boss.
Those who did have pasts took pains to hide them as best they could.
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nurkemalafitri-blog · 5 years
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Krudung salwa instan 30k wanna mocca,silver,mustard,marun,toska,dusty,hitam,navy,lavender,salem 🥳🥳 Mint bisa chat wa 085647323277 #olshopmurah#olshop#masker#markernaturgo#olshopbaju#gamis#pakaian#sepatu#tas#alatkecantikan#olshopkemusu#olshopklego#olshopandong#makeup#serum#lipstik#markara#celana#bajukoko#lotion#pemutih#blouse#hijab#hijabinstan https://www.instagram.com/p/By1gQtUDglr/?igshid=1nhozwlildelh
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redkani · 5 years
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Pıra Marqerê (Markara Köprüsü), bu köprü Iğdır ile Erivan arasındaki can damarıydı. Redki aşireti Erivan'dan göç etmeden önce, Qulp'tan (Tuzluca) tuz götürüp, Rewan ve Gomri (Gümrü) şehirlerinde satarlardı. Ayrıca koyun, yağ, bal gibi şeylerde götürüp, getirilerdi. Bu köprü aracılığıyla Elegez, Axmaxan, Egrice, Heçe gibi yaylalarına giderlerdi. Redki aşiretinin Erivan göçünden bahseden birçok tanık, göç anılarında mutlaka bu köprüden de bahseder. *Birçok kişi Pıra Marqerê nerede? diye sounca. Harita üzerinden tarif etmek istedik. #pıramerqerê #markaraköprüsü #markara #elegez #axmaxan #egrice #heçe #rewan #qulp #îdir #redkî #eşîraredkî https://www.instagram.com/p/B4cs2xDFpvY/?igshid=1529ekam53p2u
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aligatorrageinator · 2 years
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punkburdarts · 3 years
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Did this for the last 4/13 since deep inside I'm still that trash.
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latte-abstract · 4 years
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drawing gamzee makara? with my drawing tablet? more likely than you think.
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