matchmaker235 · 2 years
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barkhoffman · 7 months
3, 7, 10?! spins around and falls over on my face
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've ever seen on tumblr
hm it's gotta be either someone who was like WHY would ANYONE ever ship HOFFSTRAHM (delulu) or that one I alluded to in the last one where someone said that Adam was not a liar lmao like no shade to that person in particular I just found it very funny and very very inaccurate
I'm sure there are objectively more garbage takes because I haven't been in this fandom on tumblr for very long though, I'm confident I'll vagueblog about a worse post when I find one AHAHAHA
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I haven't been in the fandom proper long enough to hate any characters for this specific reason but I'll come back to this post to eat my words in a couple months I'm sure
10. worst part of fanon
this is controversial and might get rocks and sticks and tomatoes and sharp objects thrown in my direction but
"Hoffman intended Strahm to trust him and get in the glass coffin omg he's so sad that he didn't!!!"
besties I
I hate to break it to you but
they spend all that time with John training Hoffman on anticipating human nature for a reason
Hoffman 3000% intended Strahm to get panini pressed, he knew from the experience of putting Strahm in his first trap that Strahm was not the type to trust Jigsaw (or much of anyone), he worded Strahm's second tape how he did specifically knowing he wouldn't get to the end and wouldn't do what it said even if he did
like I know the glass coffin is the Titanic door for weird gay people but Hoffman in no way, shape, or form ever intended for Strahm to actually become his apprentice or survive that room I'm SORRY I KNOW WE LIKE TO BE FLUFFY AND DELUSIONAL HERE I JUST WROTE OVER 12K WORDS OF FLUFF FOR THEM BUT IT'S NOT! REALISTIC!!!
and on that note, if you look closely at the end of that scene, Hoffman isn't turning his head away from Strahm's death, he's turning his head under the gap in the walls specifically so that he can keep watching Strahm getting crushed the entire time until the walls are all the way closed, HE WAS SMIRKING BASICALLY THE ENTIRE TIME THE WALLS WERE CLOSING HE WAS SMIRKING
idc what Hoffman's actor said about turning his head away as a gesture of guilt, if Hoffman was that guilty about killing Strahm he would have closed his eyes or started to turn his head the second his coffin was money shot'd by Strahm's blood when Strahm's arm cracked open like a crab leg in the hand of your average Marlyander
my hottest most scorching take on this matter is that there's a better argument he actually wanted Rigg to be his apprentice in the style everyone says he wanted to recruit Strahm, since Rigg was actually made to "see what I see/feel what I feel/save how I save" and put people in traps himself, whereas the entire time Strahm is chasing down Hoffman, Hoffman is actively taking the steps to frame him even before Strahm dies (which lends credence to the idea that Hoffman learned how to anticipate people from John and knew there was no way Strahm was leaving that coffin room alive)
sorry I'll probably be excommunicated from the coffinfandom for this or smth but they hated Jesus for telling the truth too
[choose violence ask game]
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barbaiz · 3 months
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hi!! bear (he/him) again, and this here is barbie bailey, who has existed in my head for a long time now, but i've not had the opportunity to write yet, so i'm super excited to finally have her! she's 20 years old, and the maknae of hi/fi. she's the most girl boss girl ever (i've been told), very independent and no-nonsense, hard-working and ambitious. here are links to her profile, and bio, and under the cut i'll leave some tldr info about her. and, as always, please like this post if you'd like to plot!
born in annapolis, marlyand, usa to a very ordinary couple (a housewife, and some sort of lobbyist; she never really paid attention to what her dad did) the only daughter and younger of two children. she doesn't have a very close relationship with her family due to growing up away from them
at the age of 8 she left home to attend a ballet boarding school in paris. she found the school herself and begged to be allowed to audition. living apart from her parents so young didn't bother her, as she'd always been independent
she was always a very high-achiever both academically and in her ballet, but when she was 15 she suffered an ankle injury that meant she could no longer dance on pointe, leading to the end of her ballet career
feeling somewhat lost without her one and only dream, she decided against going home to annapolis, instead going to live with an aunt in seoul, seeking out a new adventure. her initial plan was to finish high school there, then pursue some form of entertainmen in university, but as luck would have it, she didn't have to wait that long, and after a successful audition for canvas labs, she became a trainee
cut to a few years later and she debuts as the maknae of hi/fi, and while it wasn't her initial dream (to be a kpop idol) she actually had a natural affinity for singing, and took to it really well as soon as she began her lessons as a trainee, and now takes her career very seriously
she wants to pursue modelling and solo music eventually, but right now is very content where she is, and works very hard to make sure her image stays squeaky clean, which means no one can ever find out that her brother's a furry
personality-wise, barbie's an incredibly independent, head-strong girl who really has very little interest in things that might jeopardise her career, which means she's never been in a relationship, though she doesn't care since most men she's met since moving to seoul have been terrible anyway
she loves fashion and puts a lot of effort into her appearance, but also isn't afraid of going out without makeup on—she's very confident in her appearance and abilities
she's a good friend, but also very honest. she won't sugarcoat things, and will tell you the absolute truth, whether you can handle it or not
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Marlyand + this makup pallete
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my attempt at drawing on makup:
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anxious (/neg) to post this but here we are lmao.
if anyone likes this and wants other ones uhhh send me a pic of the state and the pallete you want and ill do my best
i know so little about makup
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lurline86n · 1 month
Baltmore Bridge Collapse of Marlyand mgm . All the residents' homes got destroyed around Metro Train Area of insurrection Gaza wellstar #wellstar
mgm . Feb. 14 , 2024 .. #Gaza then 3 days Georgia Paulding Bridge Collapse. #insurrection #NationalDisaster
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northiowatoday · 4 months
College Basketball: Iowa blows late lead, loses to Maryland, 78-66
COLLEGE PARK, MARYLAND – Iowa built a 10-point lead late in this game but Marlyand put together a big run and the Hawkeyes lost to the Terrapins, 78-66 Wednesday night. Iowa led 54-44 with 12:09 remaining in the game before Maryland went on a 21-6 run over an eight-minute stretch to take a 65-60 lead. Maryland outscored the Hawkeyes, 34-12, over the final 12:09 to complete the season sweep. Iowa…
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epicdentalcenter · 1 year
Why Do We Need Dental Bridges?
A dental bridge can substitute single or multiple lost teeth by employing artificial (fake) teeth to bridge the gap. According to Houston dental clinic, a bridge often comprises crowns cemented on each side of the missing tooth or teeth that support the pontic. Tooth erosion, gum infection, and trauma are the three most recurring causes of lost teeth. Or you were born without teeth due to a congenital disorder. You need healthy teeth on either side of the missing teeth to acquire a dental bridge.
What are the various kinds of dental bridges? 
According to a family dental clinic, there are four varieties of dental bridges:
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Traditional dental bridges
A traditional dental bridge consists of dental crowns that have been permanently bonded to each of the teeth that serve as the artificial tooth or teeth abutment teeth. When you still have healthy teeth on either side of the gap caused by your missing tooth, you can use a conventional bridge, the most popular type of dental bridge.
Maryland dental bridges 
Like a traditional bridge, marlyand bridges dental requires two healthy abutment teeth, one on either side of the gap. While a traditional bridge uses dental crowns on the abutment teeth, a Maryland bridge uses a framework made of metal or porcelain that is glued to the backs of the teeth. Like a regular bridge, a Maryland bridge can only be used if there are healthy teeth on either side of the space created by the missing tooth or teeth.
Implant-supported bridge
As the name suggests, this temporary dental bridge supports implants rather than frameworks or crowns. Dentists surgically place an implant for every lost tooth, which holds the bridge in place. Suppose it's impossible to set one dental implant for each lost tooth. In that case, the dental bridge may contain a pontic hanging between 2 implant-supported crowns.
Cantilever dental bridge
Cantilever bridge dental is similar to standard bridges in that only one abutment tooth functions as the anchor for the pontic, which is attached in position by a dental crown. You need one healthy tooth next to the space created by the missing tooth to sustain a cantilever bridge. You can see the precise results via a dental bridge before and after pictures.
What occurs during the procedure of a dental bridge? 
A typical dental bridge installation takes place throughout two appointments. At the initial appointment, your dentist will prepare the abutment teeth and take impressions of your teeth. You will be given a temporary bridge while a dental laboratory creates your permanent one. During a subsequent appointment, the final, permanent dental bridge will be implanted in place of the temporary one. It is possible to modify the bridge so that it fits snugly.
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How to make your dental bridge long-lasting? 
Maintaining good oral health and hygiene is crucial if your mouth contains a dental bridge because you may want to keep your natural teeth strong and healthy. Maintaining proper dental health is vital if you wish for your bridge to last long. You must brush and floss your bridge twice daily, just like your natural teeth.
The above article discusses dental bridges and their types. For more valuable facts and details, please refer to epicdentalcenter.com.  
Article source : https://www.spiceupblogging.com/why-do-we-need-dental-bridges/
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nowthisnews · 4 years
Watch these opera singers serenade hikers at a Maryland park 🎵
follow @nowthisnews for daily news videos & more
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getparticulr · 6 years
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48 by Peter van Agtmael
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blueskittlesart · 5 years
thoughts on sea food? (I love shrimp and lobster and some fish but cant stand crab)
im a marylander so im legally obligated to love crab (no but really crab is so fuckign good what the fuck.) i dont have lobster that often but its valid. shrimp is good fried but im not a fan of it just like on its own or in pasta or whatever
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alexkablob · 6 years
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Side note it’s so deeply fucking weird that this is a plausible map of this year’s gubernatorials. Massachusetts and Maryland are somehow safer for the GOP than Kansas or Oklahoma or Georgia. Fuckin weird man. If we get this map then @bionic-jedi @cthulhu-with-a-fez I will probably relentlessly mock your states for the next four years.
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rootedincuteness · 6 years
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Mudpie accompanied his human to the Maryland Renaissance Festival yesterday, and he had a blast! He enjoyed it maybe a little too much. When I realized he was no longer with me, I began to look all over the grounds for him. A logical choice was the mud pit, but alas, he was not there. I eventually found him acting like quite the royal little root, sitting upon a magnificent throne constructed by the very talented Iron Antler Forge. Mudpie was very much liked at the shop and allowed to be on the throne as he pleased, however I did try to coax him off of it after a while for politeness’ sake. But when I did, he replied, “King Mudpie wants to stay!” It seems that the spirit of the ren faire really sparked this tiny root’s enthusiasm!
Mudpie was made by @itsthebeastpeddler, and his moment of royalty was made possible by Iron Antler Forge, and if you go here, there is a little video where you can see the actual shop at the Maryland Renaissance Festival that Mudpie and his human visited! =)
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lurline86n · 1 month
Baltmore Bridge Collapse of Marlyand mgm . All the residents' homes got destroyed around Metro Train Area of insurrection Gaza wellstar #wellstar
mgm . Feb. 14 , 2024 .. #Gaza then 3 days Georgia Paulding Bridge Collapse. #insurrection #NationalDisaster
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franrusso · 2 years
francesca ‘francine’ russo: an introduction!
name: francesca francine russo. 
nickname: goes by her middle name, francine. some people call her fran.
age: 52. 
job: communications professor at columbia university. was chief of state to president cargill for a years before she was removed from the position. 
degrees: bachelors and masters in communications from johns hopkins university in baltimore, also has her phd in political communication.
places lived: baltimore, marlyand (hometown) washington dc, and presently, manhattan. 
sexual orientation: bisexual, biromantic. 
marital status: divorced from her ex husband, callum wright. 
children: adopted daughter marie russo-wright, now in her late 20s. 
aesthetic: red wine stained lips, crinkled book pages from years of use, power suits, the new york times crossward, silky sheets, an organized shoe closet. 
(she’s basically a hot milf professor once caught up in an almost political scandalous romance who prides herself on getting her students out of their comfort zones, but also brings in an entirely too fancy spread of bagels and coffee on each exam day.)
francine, even though she never expected to, stayed in baltimore marlyand until she obtained her undergrad and graduate degrees, and then headed to washington as soon as her diploma arrived at her apartment. education was something fran took seriously, and she enjoyed it tremendously, keeping it as an option to always go back if her political communications career backfired (spoiler: it did). 
after obtaining an internship at the white house following her masters degree, francine didn’t leave, and moved herself up the ranks until she accepted a coveted position in the communications team for the president, chief of staff to the leader of america. single and busy, francine threw herself into her job, enjoying it and all of it’s perks tremendously, especially when she became even closer to the first lady at the time, rosalind. it didn’t start out romantic, but when it did, it did, and it was kept secretley under wraps. working for the president and being in an affair with his wife was never something francine signed up for, but for the first time since college, she was experiencing love and passion and all of the things that her family finally told her to seek out. 
until she wasn’t, and she was quickly removed from her position due to the affair becoming known to a select few, and francine knew she couldn’t fight it. without much of a goodbye to rosalind, she was headed out the white house doors. 
obtaining her phd in political communication was an obvious next step for her while she figured out what to do next, not really knowing what to do when you’re fired from the white house. while getting her phd, she met callum wright, and the rest was history. after a few years of dating, they married and moved to new york city. 
fran always wanted children, but found out quickly that she wasn’t able to have children of her own-- her older age at the time didn’t seem to help, so her and her husband adopted marie, a 16 year old girl. although her and callum have since divorced for a multitude of reasons, their relationship is pretty sound, and so is their relationship with marie who has since moved to california for work. 
these days, fran is a professor of communications at columbia, unable to totally remove herself from the educational atmosphere. she has plans to retire soon,
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ladieschoicee · 4 years
⌞ʾ⁎ ⊰ avan jogia, cis male, he/him ⊱ i think i just saw LINCOLN “LINK” LARKIN walk across trafalgar square, singing to ALL I CARE ABOUT ( CHICAGO THE MUSICAL ). you know, the TWENTY-SIX year old ACTOR? people claim that they are just like LINK LARKIN from HAIRSPRAY. it must be because they are AMBITIOUS and SELFISH as well… though i could be wrong. all i know for sure is that they live at BALTIMORE apartment.⌝
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okay i’m super not great at bios so these are mostly just some points, feel free to hmu to plot and stuff!
Lincoln was born in Maryland to Zackary and Diana Larkin, his childhood was a little more upperclass than some of his peers, but it led to him being able to do what he wanted. Dance lessons, vocal lessons, whatever kind of art he wanted to pursue, he could, which he took full advantage of. Even if his father would have preferred him to focus on sports.
When he was 16, he landed a role on a television show, leading to an early life of fame for him. The show ended when he was 20, where he went on to Hollywood and do other projects, mostly musical variety but some serious ones too. But fame during his teenage peak lead to him having problems with most relationships with people his age, he had a girlfriend, a costar on his show, but after they ended, he mostly went through some quick relationships. 
His next project lead him away from the States to London when he was 22, and even though the movie has been released for a few years now, he hasn’t left. The environment is pretty different from Marlyand and Hollywood, and he has been enjoying it a lot.
Link is a big fan of romance, but he has gotten pretty used to people using him for fame rather than himself.
Shooting for better roles has always been a priority for him, he likes the spotlight and is too used to being in it for the past ten years. 
He is...not the sharpest tool in the shed, he was homeschooled while doing his first show but he focused on the show more than anything else, and some things slipped through the cracks. 
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lecliss · 4 years
U don't have Florida vibes. You feel like ur from some boring north east state, like Vermont
I feel like 'you dont have florida vibes' should be a compliment fjfncjcnck I wanna know what florida vibes are tho. And I wanna know what vermont is like cuz I've only ever been as far north up as missouri lmao
But maybe its cuz I live in a weird spot in the panhandle. Im not near miami or the everglades or even disney world(but thats just like. An 8 hour drive I think) and while the beach is somewhat nearby its still a long drive. And I hate the Georgiabama vibe that a lot of other people around here have. Like back in high school sooo many people wore camo and john deere merch and were like the Bad kinda southern, ya know what I mean? Or on the opposite end people were always taking trips to the beach and I just. Hate all that stuff and would honestly prefer to live up north and far away from the south, but I'm sure the north has northerny things that are probably annoying too.
So maybe thats why, cuz I hate the southern environment here and want nothing to do with it? And also I didnt grow up in a family that likes to go mud trucking or whatever that is lmao. My mom's side is originally from virginia(edit: i realize i made a mistake, it was marlyand not virginia) anyway. Now I do think tho that when you look at the town I live in it definitely has florida vibes but like, the georgiabama kind. Which is not the good kind. But the city nearby has spring break florida vibes cuz its a popular tourist location.
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