Ummmm ive been searching for this fic where shiro says itadakimasu right before eating Keith's ass. Thank youuu 🤭
not giving up, just giving in (and never letting me go) - flailingthroughsanity @spaceboykenny
10k. (Explicit) Contains: nsfw content
“I can’t believe you actually said that,” Keith manages to get out, voice hoarse and winded through gritted teeth. Shiro hums, and the lap of his tongue has Keith closing his eyes as he collapses back on to bed.
Shiro pauses, looking up at him, heated taupe searing his skin raw. “It’s only polite to give thanks before eating, right?”
Fourth anniversary. Japan. Shiro being a smartass. Keith isn’t amused at all (he is, he’s just going to keep denying it). Nothing is wrong and everything is perfect, as it should be.
-Fic Finders
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Hi, I was looking for a fic. Keith and Shiro were married after the war and they adopted Pidge’s baby? It was all cute and fluffy when he was a child buy then there was something about the boy being under so much stress cause of being the garrison’s best pilots son but cant flying good and he started distancing himself from Keith. And there was some background racism towards Galras? Keith also started showing signs of PTSD during one of their boys school performance.
I love this fic so much!
Like You - rosegardenlake @whoalookingcooljoker
95k. (Mature). Contains: PTSD, panic attacks, depression.
The war is over.  What awaits the paladins at home is peace and healing and light.  At least, that’s what Keith believes, who has gotten everything in life he could’ve possibly dreamed of: married to the man he loves most, surrounded by people who support and care for him.  He thinks maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to expand on that happiness.  Lance and Allura’s little ones live such a charmed happy life, what is there to fear?
But the world will never be without its problems, no matter how small in comparison they may seem.  When Keith and Shiro decide to raise a child, Keith is desperate to protect him from the harshness of the world he had to endure.
But he quickly learns not all enemies are tangible, and sometimes, the worst ones come from within.
- Kel
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would you happen to know that one office au fic where shiro is the boss and his coworkers know he’s married but not who he’s married to, so when keith is in the picture they think keith is seducing their boss into infidelity?
you’re probably thinking of this one!
All Worked Up - epiproctan @epiproctan
10k. (Explicit.) Contains: nsfw content
Keith is the mysterious cool new guy in the office. He drives a motorcycle, goes out for lunch with a beautiful woman, and gets all his work done. He also wears a wedding ring, but that doesn't seem to stop him from cozying up with his boss, Shiro.
Lance, Pidge, and Hunk make it their business.
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Could we have some fics where Keith and Shiro get married please?
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I think we all need some sappy Sheith weddings in these trying times!
for your one and all - spookyfoot @spookyfoot
3k. (General).
The galaxy brain version of a surprise party is a surprise wedding.
“So, have you two settled on a date yet?” Allura asks.
Coran nods, twirling one end of his mustache thoughtfully. “It’ll have to be when we can get all of the diplomats out here. It’ll be hard to arrange, but I’m sure they’ll make time for the leader of Voltron and the Captain of the Atlas. It’ll be the wedding of the, what’s the word you use on Earth, the century?”
Keith bumps his shoulder against Shiro’s, squeezes his hand and—
”It’s now. The wedding’s right now.”
“What?” everyone choruses.
Wow, Keith thinks, they sound a lot louder in the silence of the desert.
Shiro’s Altean arm rubs at the back of his neck. He chuckles weakly. “Uh. Surprise?”
Devil in a New Dress - Glossolalia @fenri
46k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content.
Keith’s sugar daddy is now his fiancé, but when he falls into an identity crisis not even The Perfect Man can sedate, Keith has to learn self-expression is fluid, love is enough, and ‘red velvet’ will always be the answer.
Something Blue - Strange and Intoxicating-rsa-(strangeandintoxicating)
1k. (General).
Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.
Keith needs to find something before the panic sets in on his wedding day.
Spoiler-Free for S8, Shiro and Keith love each other desperately.
happily ever after - ShirosRedKnight (SweetFanfics) @ironswordandstarshield
1k. (General).
Despite all the pomp and circumstance involved in organizing the wedding of two of the Terran paladins who helped saved numerous galaxies from the Galran army, the venue is modest.
Take My Hand - midnightflame @bymidnightflame
5k. (Teen).
There are several moments in his life that Keith will always remember. The ones the led to marrying Takashi Shirogane are some of them.
Marriage of Inconvenience - Lycoria @lycoria
8k. (Teen).
Long, black lashes fluttered, revealing a pair of dark, violet eyes. His mouth held a noticeable droop, cold and unreadable when it came to emotion. His black hair, which Prince Shiro was sure to be around shoulder length from the looks of it, was tied back with a thin purple ribbon.
He fought, of course, to not notice the sharpness of the man’s cheekbones, which were only second to the knife edge he felt under Keith’s stare.
“Oh.” Shiro thought to himself, at the first sight of him.
If this was who he was to take the hand of in a political marriage, maybe he wouldn’t mind that much at all.
A Royal Sheith Wedding AU
Shoulder Touches Mean I Love You - RukaIsAFan
7k. (Teen).
The Vieux is a race of one-sex aliens that lived for millennia a sheltered life. Sure, they have seen aliens and talk to them. But when the paladins of Voltron came to visit to see if the Vieux will join the Voltron Coalition, Shiro (of all people) did something so shocking to the Vieux that talking about fighting the Galra Empire took the back seat.
He touched Keith’s shoulder.
They have to get married in seven days.
The wedding takes five of those days.
Always and Forever - amoleofmonsters @sharkrinsoup
1k. (General).
It’s the day of Shiro’s wedding and he doesn’t understand why he’s so nervous.
there is this - nigiyakapepper
ongoing, ½ chapters, 8k. (Not rated).
Save the date! Snapshots of how Keith and Shiro prepare for their wedding from one month away to the “I do.”
It’s Good To Be Home - AnonymousObsesser
6k. (Not rated). Contains: background Hunk/Pidge/Shay and Allura/Lance.
Surprisingly, “hyperventilating in a dressing room and suffocating on his own tie” was not on his list of A Million Ways to Die in the Universe.
It really should have been.
More Than Enough - Kika988
1k. (Teen).
It had all come together so easily, it was almost hard to believe it was real. Keith honestly hadn’t expected to survive that last fall from the atmosphere, so when he woke up in the hospital, it had seemed perfectly logical to him for his first words to be marry me. Shiro had said yes immediately, though later it had taken some doing to convince him that no, that wasn’t just the pain meds talking and yes, Keith had been entirely serious.
The Bells Before the Battle - Misttiique @misttiique
2k. (Teen).
With their fates sealed, Shiro and Keith decide that the only thing left to do is to get married.
A thrill I’ve never known - tiedbows @hyxlyns
2k. (Not rated).
“Let’s do it.”
“Do what?”
“Get married,” Keith said. “Let’s get married. Right now. Tonight.”
Wedded Blade - kittymills @flashedarrow
40k. (Mature). Contains: NSFW content.
“The second I tried to tell myself I wasn’t in love was the moment I realized I was.”   ―    Lang Leav, The Universe of Us    
Shiro doesn’t want to hide how he feels about Keith anymore, and frankly, the rest of the team is 100% done with pretending they don’t know that Shiro and Keith are In Love™.
When Shiro finally proposes to Keith, they’re all beyond thrilled and want to celebrate… After all the space battles and drama, who wouldn’t love a good wedding?
Shin’ai - Kalira @kalira9
2k. (General).
Shiro and Keith are (finally) getting married, with all of their (space) family around them. And there’s something extra special about their rings.
mafs: foundation - kittymills @flashedarrow
334k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content, background ships: Allura/Lance, Lotor/Matt, Hunk/Pidge, Antok/Thace/Kolivan.
{Previously “married at first sight”}
Lance thinks Keith needs some romance in his life– but he knows Keith won’t go looking for it on his own so he signs Keith up for a unique experiment designed to determine if science can predict true love.
The Holt siblings think Shiro works too hard and under that very capable façade lies a soft heart that just needs a bit of love. They’re skeptical of the experiment’s professed success rate but they encourage Shiro to apply – it’s all in the name of science after all.
-Alex & Cas
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Any ATC aus or fics with Pilot-Controller communications? My hopes aren’t high but this blog’s team has shown itself to be exceptionally thorough even with less popular niches.
I had to google what this meant, lol. But I did find one!
Where the Heart Belongs - A_Lonely_Soul (ImpendingExodus) @impendingexodus
3k. (General).
Every time Shiro leaves on a flight, he always gives Keith a vibrant red flower.
Keith wonders why. Perhaps the answer lies closer to his heart than he realizes.
- Kel
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Valentine’s Day sheith?
There’s tons, so I’m going to do 2 lists, one SFW and one not. Here’s the SFW ones:
Letter for Valentine’s - Amorina21 @fortressen
2k. (Teen).
Shiro owns his own little coffee shop, the Black Lion, and Keith works in a mechanics store. The latter decides to make Shiro's valentines the best he's ever had, by surprising him with an important letter.
you and me together - ShirosRedKnight (SweetFanfics) @shirosredknight
2k. (Teen).
“I’m gonna tell him how I feel tonight. Yeah. It’s a little cheesy confessing my feelings on Valentine's weekend but he likes that kinda stuff. Of course I cleared it with Allura first. She told me to do it during my break.”
He’s not sure who Keith had been talking too on the phone but it hadn’t been important. The important take away was that Keith’s got someone who he likes and he’s going to confess to that person tonight. There’s no way Shiro can confess his own feelings for Keith now.
As Long As We’re Together - valkyriepilot @valkyriepilot
1k. (General).
Shiro spends most of his days focusing on his work for the ATLAS. But there are many days he keeps working only to forget something important.
Like Valentine's Day.
5 times Keith tries to ask Shiro out to a Valentine’s dinner + the one time he actually does - JackalGoddess
3k. (General).
Keith tries to ask Shiro out to a romantic Valentine's dinner. Distractions and antics ensue.
With You, One Last Time - TeaForRogue @formsheith
3k. (Teen). Contains: major character death.
The hearts had led a corny string of messages, all that Keith had heard in some fashion before; kiss me, be mine, adore you, love you, soul mate.
Miss you.
A short love note from Keith to his husband.
So...You still belong to me? - Soulxphantom
1k. (General).
"Shiro is in love with someone" Is the rumor that began to run through school during that Valentine's day and shatters Keith's heart.
unsettling radio-silence - catpoop @swummeng-geys
1k. (Teen).
Shiro is being a sneaky sneak about something, and Keith is getting worried.
Chocolate Kisses - akeijis @akeijis
2k. (General).
Keith attempts to make Shiro a Valentine's surprise.
Together With You - fio @basukerotics
7k. (General). Contains: trans Keith.
On Shiro's rare day off, he and Keith make a point to make up for missing Valentine's Day proper with a cake and day spent together, just the two of them and their little baby girl.
every morning is a good morning with you - rumpledvelvet
1k. (Teen).
Keith and Shiro enjoy a married Valentine's Day
whatever it means - verdenal
1k. (General).
The gang celebrates Space Valentine's Day.
Darling, My Heart Was Always Yours - psyraah @shiroganedefencesquad
6k. (General).
In a little over twenty-four hours, Shiro goes from downright miserable to the happiest—and luckiest—man alive (hell, maybe even when he counts those that are dead).
The one thing that makes all the difference? Keith.
theobroma cacao - CarbonFootprint @carbonbop
5k. (Teen).
"The Kerberos mission was supposed to have been over in time for Valentine’s Day. They were supposed to have spent it together again, back in each other’s arms where they belonged.
But instead Keith had spent the day staring at the supplies he had prepared months in advance that he knew he wouldn’t use.
And he knew Shiro had likely not even known when the day had passed him by, alone and probably hurting in whatever prison cell the Galra kept him in.
They were together again, but things were still a mess."
In which Keith tries to make Valentine's Day special even when so far from home.
A Nerd and a Dork - Foxberry @foxberryblue
1k. (General).
Keith and Shiro spend their Valentine's Day afternoon confessing their first impressions.
Waiting on a Name - TheAnxiousAce
2k. (General).
Discovering that it's Valentine's Day back on Earth has the Paladins reminiscing. Keith had never really celebrated the holiday before, but maybe he's got something to look forward to this year.
How You Really Feel - blackeyedqueen @fakegenjimain
2k. (General).
Shiro wants to finally tell Keith how he feels.
Valentine's Day request: "Shiro wants to take Keith for a ride in his lion (to spend time and confess maybe) but Keith's just not getting it- but Shiro i have my own lion??"
Not too sweet - Holyangelheart @holyangelheart
7k. (Teen).
Shiro wants to confess to Keith for Valentine's Day the way he remembered being confessed to. He gets the foolproof idea to ask Keith for help with his confession. What could go wrong? A lot of things, actually.
Worth the Shots - whitesilverandmercury
3k. (Teen).
“Marry me,” Shiro says, with such control and charisma. Maybe he should go into community theater instead of The First 48. Maybe they can be friends after this. Worth a shot, Shiro had said earlier. Worth the shot. The shot. Cupid’s arrow flying swift and without mercy into the target in Keith’s chest and Keith slides down off the stool and cranes down where Shiro crouches and he kisses him. And the scribble on the bar napkin reads: 360-324-0927 – Real dates are better any day but V-Day
My Heart Goes To You - Angelicat2 @iamstuckinfandom
4k. (Not rated). Contains: Allura/Lance, one-sided Pidge/Lance.
It's that special day, and the paladins go shopping at the mall. While they are getting something for the others, Keith and Shiro find the perfect gifts for each other.
Amortentia - rosegardenlake @whoalookingcooljoker
9k. (Teen).
Keith's had a massive not-so-secret crush on his best friend for years now but he's always been too afraid to confess.  Shiro's just too good for him, he's a Gryffindor and Keith's a Slytherin, it's just not meant to be.  But when Keith accidentally gives Shiro chocolate mixed with the most powerful love potion in the world, he's not sure he has the strength to resist when Shiro comes to him, confessing his undying love.
a thousand misses (but sometimes i find you) - desastrista
5k. (Teen).
Keith and Shiro keep missing Valentine's Day, but they're determined to make it work this year, even if it isn't always easy to tell how much time passes in outer space.
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Hi, I search for a pre Kerberos fic in which Keith and Shiro marry. Sadly I only remember that Matt organized the stag party or the wedding? Maybe this is enough?
You’re probably thinking of:
all you love, you keep - arahir @arahir
ongoing, 2/4 chapters, 15k. (Teen).
Love isn’t earned in blood and devoted silence, but it takes them years to figure that out.
“I don’t have anyone else,” Shiro starts, and that at least is honest. “But we can only have family at the launch. We can only talk to family on the mission, and you—it would just be a technicality. We can dissolve it when I get back, but—“
Keith is so open, and so unwitting. He’s got a blind spot for Shiro as wide as his heart.
“Will you marry me?”
- Kel
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hey guys! thanks so much for all the work you do!! you recently posted two stories for someone who was asking about a specific pre-kerberos married-sheith fic, but i was wondering if you knew of any more in that genre? i love love love that trope, but i haven't seen much of it!
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Hello anons, there’s a few more with pre-kerb marriage in addition to the two in this post, and I’ve also included a couple with pre-kerb engagement as well.
return - soulofme
1k. (Teen and Up Audiences)
“What the fuck, Shiro? Kerberos. You’re going to fucking Kerberos and you didn’t say shit to me.”
“I was going to!”
sand of the hourglass - xerampelinae @xerampelinaekiss
3k. (Not Rated)
Kerberos presents its own difficulties. Shiro’s been able to switch his emergency medical contact to Keith (and Keith to mark him, except he’s already there due to having been Keith’s mentor once upon a time) but anything beyond that is weighed down by traditional government-inspired bureaucracy.
“I’ve read the handbooks and guidelines,” Shiro admits, “and short of marriage or adoption, there’s no way to alter everything. No way to get Keith cleared to attend the launch.”
Beat the odds - seafoamist @vanilla-blossoms
1k. (General Audiences)
Shiro has been selected to be part of the team for the Kerberos mission, and on the day of his departure Keith feels the sting of their impending separation. However long it takes, Keith is prepared to wait, but he isn’t prepared for how much he will miss this man. Inexplicably, Shiro finds a way to soothe his uneasy heart.
together at the start of time - destiny919 @tarvek-sturmvoraus
2k. (General Audiences)
He was extra glad today that Keith was the one who drove them out into the desert, that it was Shiro’s arms around his waist instead of vice-versa, because otherwise Keith may have felt the little black velvet box nestled in his jacket.
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do you know any bottom keith fics where shiro has to put his hand over keith's mouth to keep him quiet?
just physically obsessed - pumpkinless @disloyalpunk
5k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content.
Keith goes to the gym to work off some of his frustration from Friday’s “date.” Shiro derails that plan.
All Worked Up - epiproctan @epiproctan
10k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content.
Keith is the mysterious cool new guy in the office. He drives a motorcycle, goes out for lunch with a beautiful woman, and gets all his work done. He also wears a wedding ring, but that doesn’t seem to stop him from cozying up with his boss, Shiro.
Lance, Pidge, and Hunk make it their business.
- Kel
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hi!! i was looking at the tags page but didn't see if you have a specific tag for trans!keith pregnancy?
We don’t have a specific tag for that, but I created one for this post! Here are some to start out:
Little Spot - swallowed_stars
2k. (General). Contains: trans Keith.
Keith goes to the infirmary to get his hand fixed up, he leaves with news that he’s pregnant.
Look After You - Anonymous
3k. (Teen). Contains: NSFW content, brief mention of dysphoria, trans Keith.
Keith’s feeling insecure at all the recent changes to his body, so Shiro helps him to feel good.
October 23rd - SugarSweetRascal
2k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content, somnophilia, trans Keith.
“Oh, my God.”
Shiro laughed at Keith, wiping the wetness from his face on the back of his arm, crawling up the bed.“Thought I’d surprise you with your favourite way to wake up. Start the day off right, hmm?”
Arms snaked around his waist as Shiro spooned him snuggly. They kissed, gentle and soft.
“Happy Birthday, baby.”
The Long Way Back - fio @basukerotics
41k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content, ABO dynamics, trans Keith.
As a gladiator, and now Champion, Shiro has given up hope of ever returning to Earth. But when his captors deliver his ‘prize'—an omega, a descendant of both Galran and Altean blood used by the Galra to breed with the strongest aliens they capture—he’s offered a chance to escape.
There’s just one catch: Shiro has to get him pregnant to do it.
- Kel
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Fics w/ Sheith as parents? c:
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Check out our parentsheith tag, plus here’s some:
The Voltron Family - lordzuuko @lordzuuko
ongoing. Contains: some allusions to sex (nothing explicit - most of the drabbles are for general audiences).
Series of Tumblr drabbles featuring Shiro and ace Keith as adopted parents to Hunk, Lance, and Pidge.
Starlight - AINiCa @nax-zela
4k. (General).
“Keith, baby, what’s wrong?”
“It says.. I uh, there’s someone in the camp that’s.. related to me. I mean, I put my DNA in when they started creating the family database but I never.. my dad never told me about any aunts or uncles.”
“What does it say exactly?”
“There’s a little girl. She’s 2 and a half. Her father was killed in one of the attacks before she was even born and her mother died from childbirth. She’s.. she’s all alone, Shiro.”
Weekend at Pidge’s - chocolatemoosey
12k. (Not rated). Contains: xenobiology, mpreg, NSFW content, violence, gore, PTSD, background Hunk/Lance.
 Keith took Shiro gently by the jaw and pulled him into a kiss, “She’s fine. Hunk and Lance are there with her – between the three of them, I think things are gonna be okay.”
 Meanwhile, at the other paladins’ house: “THINGS ARE DEFINITELY NOT OKAY.“
Pidge, Lance, and Hunk have offered to watch Keith and Shiro’s toddler for a night while the couple celebrates their anniversary. Add a hostage situation to the mix and things go about as well as expected.
Miracles and Blessings - Gootbuttheichou @gootbuttheichou
2k. (General). Contains: mpreg, a/b/o dynamics.
Slice of life: A morning with Shiro, his pregnant husband Keith, and their son.
Wake Up Next to You - outofthevalley
1k. (General).
Shiro had been sure that he was used to sleeping and waking up alone again. It wasn’t a big deal; between living in and around several ships both alien and human, and existing in the literal void of the Black Lion’s consciousness, there wasn’t exactly the opportunity to cuddle up whether he wanted to or not. Even after he and Keith had gotten close enough to bridge the small space between them, he had been captaining the Atlas while Keith was leading Voltron. Sure, things were different after the war, but Shiro had already proven that he could survive hell without the little things, so he knew he could cherish them when he had them but function just fine without.
Or, at least, he had thought so. Apparently he had gone soft from Keith spoiling him with too many warm and loving nights, because he was way more upset than he had any right to be the first time we woke up alone in their shared room.
series: The Empress’ Elite - Kalira @kalira9
ongoing, 8/? works, 32k. (Explicit). Contains: mating cycles/in heat, knotting, mpreg, NSFW content.
Chronicling the lives of Shiro and Keith, two of the Galra Empire’s most elite strike force, along with their friends (and fellow elites) and their liege, the Empress Allura.In this AU all of Team Voltron is instead Galra - Allura and Coran included. Keith is still half Galra, half human, though he presents physically as (almost) fully Galra rather than fully human.
series: back to the future but voltron and absolutely nothing like back to the future because i’ve never seen it- damnspacebois (Race_Jackson23) @damnspacebois
ongoing, 4/? works, 10k. (Teen).
A  daughter from the future and a race against the clock to save Shi- Team Voltron before time travelling assassins attack wasn’t exactly what Keith was expecting from his first solo mission. And yet, it’s exactly what he got.
dying for the rush - aubadezayn
3k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content.
Keith and Shiro have been together for a year and they’ve settled into a comfortable domestic life after moving in together. Marianna, Keith’s daughter, has a nightmare. Keith and Shiro share the night together before they have to work the next day.
Parent-Teacher Night - TruebornAlpha @itdans & @runicscribbles
3k. (General).
When Shiro had asked him to join him on his daughter’s Parent-Teacher Conference and told him to wear something nice, Keith was too focused on the first part to really understand what the second part meant.
- Kel
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