#marry me you beautiful idiot hunk of a man
myreygn · 1 year
look i know poly relationships are a thing and i accept tengen has three wives but all i'm saying is he could have four
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aviationlover4life · 2 years
Prince of the Stars / Chapter 6
Surprise Surprise
The Paladins, Galran Prince, and the two wizards we're all gathered in the lounge area of The Castle of Lions. Most of the Paladins we're chatting quietly about the two new guests who had just boarded the ship. Keith and Lance we're speculating on how the bluenette and scarlet redhead had gotten here, while Hunk and Pidge wondered about how the wizard's technology worked.
"I wonder if he came from an alternative reality." Keith said, his voice slightly above a whisper.
"Or maybe, he's secretly Shiro's twin brother in disguise." Lance said in a slightly louder tone, catching the bluenette's attention. This earned the Cuban boy a harsh elbow to the stomach.
"Ow, Quiznak Keith!"
"Who are you two talking about? I have absolutely no idea who this... Shiro is." the bluenette said, confusion lacing his voice, "And why would 'I' be his brother if I'm not even from here?"
"Sounds like I should introduce myself," came a husky voice, catching all three of the men's attention.
A young man, slightly taller than Keith and Lance walked over and took a seat next to the bluenette. He had a tuft of white hair hanging down slightly in his face, a facial scar covering his nose, and handsome masculine features.
"Hi, I'm Shiro, Paladin of the Black Lion and the Leader of Voltron, can you tell us your name?" Shiro asked, his voice polite, extending his hand to the blue haired man sitting next to him. The bluenette complied, obeying the Black Paladin's request, and gave everyone his name.
"JELLAL?!" Lance practically screamed, earning him a slap upside the head from Keith.
"Lance, stop screaming like an idiot," Keith said, irritatingly.
"I'm not an idiot, your the idiot, mullet," Lance shot back at the raven haired teen. "Don't call me mullet," Keith said, glaring slightly at the Cuban teenager.
"Alright that's enough out of both of you!" Shiro cut in, his authoritive voice, startling Jellal slightly.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you like that," Shiro lowered his voice as he turned back to Jellal, and continued his conversation with the bluenette.
"Okay, I'm confused, you practically screamed my name, why?" Jellal asked, looking at Lance with a confused look on his face.
"Your practically the most powerful Heavenly Body Mage in all of Fiore, that's so awesome!" The Blue Paladin explained excitedly.
"What? *chuckles* Your kidding right?" Jellal said, a bit skeptical of what he'd just heard, "I wouldn't be so sure about that, I mean, I'm not that powerful." he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Hey, take a compliment, stop being so gloomy," Jellal looked over and saw his beautiful wife Erza, "Brighten up, besides you have me, if anything else." she said, taking Jellal's face into her hands as she pulled her husband into a passionate kiss.
"Ooooh, wow okay," Shiro said, turning his face away, blushing slightly.
The kiss lasted roughly a minute and the two pulled back, pressing their foreheads together, gazing into each other's eyes.
"Love you, Honey," Erza whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear, as she caressed her husband's tattooed cheek.
"Love you too, babe," Jellal murmured back, blushing slightly.
"Wait a minute... honey?" Lotor suddenly butted in, catching both Jellal's and Erza's attention.
Jellal looked at his beautiful wife, then back at the Prince and smirked, "Oops, I guess I forgot to mention that..." he shrugged before looking back at Erza, "...I'm married," and with that said, the blue haired mage pulled his wife in for yet another passionate kiss.
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
Inspired by a YouTube short.
“I never used to understand why women were attracted to—like firefighters and policemen and operators. You know, like real rugged men.” Wei Wuxian slurs, drunk out of his mind.
“Oh, not this again.” Jiang Cheng groans.
“What do you mean?” Wen Ning asks and Nie Huaisang, Nie Mingjue, and Wen Qing all sigh.
“Just listen to the idiot.” Jiang Cheng replies. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
“…….pararescues, with their final activity. And I said, of course! It gets me out of work.” Wei Wuxian grumbles. “So they handed everyone casualty cards and these clothes covered in fake blood. And mine said I was missing my leg below my knee and a gaping chest wound. So I’m laying there like…..”
Wei Wuxian flops, sprawling in an exaggerated manner to show what he did.
“So this group of like twelve men come in and one beautiful, broad-shouldered, mouth-watering specimen makes eye contact with me. Oh! And did I mention his eyes? His mesmerizing, golden eyes? My gods, they just drew me in! But anyway, he slides up, grabs my casualty card, looks at it, looks at me and says in this deep, rich voice “I’m going to get you out of here, don’t you worry.” And when I tell you I swooned,” Wei Wuxian cut himself off, fanning his reddening face. “And then he picked me up! Like I weighed nothing!! And carries me out of the building. I was 100% straight when I walked in—”
At everyone’s disbelieving looks, he amended, “Okay, I was in denial what with my compulsory heterosexuality clouding my thoughts, but I was straight! At the time!! And then this hunk of a man completely overturns any thoughts I had! Heavens, his muscles! I could feel them! They were so firm and hard and……”
Jiang Cheng and the rest of them give Wei Wuxian a withering look and continue drinking.
“And oh! I ended up meeting him again and again and guess what?”
“What happened?” Wen Ning, the ever patient one out of all of them, asks.
“Well, we ended up going on a date or two or three! And A’ Ning, he’s soooo great! I think I want to marry him!” Wei Wuxian whines, draping himself over Wen Ning.
Wen Ning patted Wei Wuxian’s back until he fel something cold prickle his neck. He turned around to see a man with gold eyes, staring daggers at him.
Wen Ning gulped and was about to stutter out an answer when Wei Wuxian noticed the man and peeled himself off Wen Ning, flinging himself at his boyfriend(?).
“Lan Zhan! I was just telling Wen Ning how I met you!! I’m so glad you’re here, I missed you~.”
“Mm. Missed Wei Ying too.”
Wei Wuxian preened and soon after was led away from the bar by his boyfriend.
“So,” Wen Ning said, trying to keep conversation. “How many times has he told you this story? Everyone seems fed up.” Wen Ning had just returned from a study abroad trip so he didn’t know the story until now.
Wen Qing gave a long suffering sigh. “We have had to listen to that idiot for months, now.”
“One would think that he would stop considering he tapped that,” Wen Qing said darkly. “But no. We still listen to him recall the story even today. I can only hope this all stops when they get married.”
In the end, Wen Qing got that wish six months later.
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gardenerian · 3 years
I wish you’d write a fic where: based on something like these tweets? Where Ian pulls Mickey in and says something sweet to him and Mickey says something back and they’re both kinda crying a little bit while they dance, reminiscing on all of the stuff they went through to get where they are today:)
sara! thank you for this sweet prompt! i took this opportunity to finally try out a 5 + 1 fic, which i've never done before.... i hope it doesn't deviate too much from what you wanted! sometimes my brain just does what it wants. so i present: five times ian dances and one time he dances with mickey. [tw for mentions of the club and ian's dancing/mindset there.]
The wedding had been perfect, really, even if it was fake. Loud music, cold beers, everyone coming together to dance and celebrate. All the makings of a perfect southside throw down.
Ian watches Kevin and Veronica over Mandy's shoulder as they sway together. Kev leans down to whisper something in V's ear; she laughs loudly, the sound echoing across the bar. Ian smiles. Love. That's what the day is all about.
Love, and a good scam.
"You ever wanna get married?" Mandy asks, and Ian looks down at her in surprise.
"Not to me, you idiot," she corrects. "Just, like... you wanna meet a nice hunk, settle down?"
"I'm not allowed to get married," he says, frowning slightly. He couldn't marry someone he loved. Not here.
"You could move to Massachusetts, find a gay Kennedy," Mandy teases.
"Fuck no."
He tries to picture it - a wedding, a ceremony, a faceless man in a tux reaching out a hand for him to take. To have and to hold. He's not sure he can see it.
"I might like that, I think," Mandy says lowly, tightening her grip on Ian's shoulders. "A husband, I mean."
Ian grins, twirls her. Brings her in close. They move together, a pair in tandem, and he hopes they'll always have this.
He thinks about spinning her around on her wedding day.
"Then you'll have one," he promises.
His mother is in his arms this time, laughing under pulsing lights. She slides her hands down to his hips, moving them in time with the thumping bass.
Ian laughs with her, alcohol flitting through his veins and warming his blood.
"My beautiful boy," she sighs happily. "See them looking at you, baby?"
He sees them.
And he aches for Mickey. To see him under these lights, skin bathed in color. Loose and free and his.
But Mickey would never come to a place like this.
Mickey's not here. And these men are. They watch him openly, unashamed in their wanting.
Maybe this is something he can lean into. Maybe this is something he can rely on. These lights, this body.
Ian closes his eyes and throws his hands in the air.
He's alone now.
Raised above a mass of moving bodies, Ian dances alone.
He feels the eyes on him, feels them roam over his hair, his face, his skin. He feels powerful under their gaze. Youthful. Beautiful.
Dancing here soothes the itch under his skin. He moves his body, losing himself in the highs of this place.
Fuck the army, this is where he's meant to be. Living fully, breathing in every sensation, indulging every impulse.
He'll live forever, he'll dance forever.
Alone, and on display.
This wedding is nothing like the southside riot for Kevin and Veronica. It's a little cold, more than a little awkward.
Ian feels eyes on him, but the pleasure thrumming through his veins is distinctly absent.
The light he moves in is blue and purple, but the hands on his waist are too big.
Everything here is just a little bit wrong.
But maybe that's his life now. Medicated, aimless, without Mickey. Wrong.
But he can stick his tongue out and roll his hips to freak out some self-righteous homophobes. He can let Caleb parade him around this reception, lift up his shirt and drop to the floor.
He can do that.
Even if it all feels wrong.
It's nice to be out like this again. He's always loved dancing, and he's missed that loud, thumping rhythm. Plus, Trevor's hot, and Ian won't pretend he isn't.
He feels something spark under his skin. Something exciting.
It's not the same thrill he used to feel.
It's not the same warmth in his belly.
It's not the same skin under his hands.
It's nice. It's sexy. They move together, kiss under the lights. Ian likes it, likes him. But it's not the same.
Ian had the best, and he lost it.
Maybe it's like this: maybe he'll move from nice distraction to nice distraction, touching and dancing and smiling.
It'll never be the same. But maybe he's meant for just nice.
There's a man in a tuxedo and he holds a hand out for Ian to take.
Ian knows every line of his face, the slope of his nose, the curve of his smile. Ian knows him; Ian loves him.
There are eyes on him. Mickey's eyes, shining with love and tears.
And everything feels right.
He draws Mickey close - draws his husband close - and holds him in purple light, swaying lightly, slowly.
He feels Mickey breathe against him - deep, peaceful breaths. Ian tries to match them as his heart threatens to beat out of his chest.
"What are you thinking about?" Mickey asks, tightening his hold on Ian's waist.
"I love to dance," Ian muses, "I always have."
Mickey's quiet. Ian knows he's thinking of snow and gold shorts.
"But I've never danced with you. Before today."
"And you never will again, big shot. Enjoy it while it lasts."
"I don't think that's true, Mick."
Mickey just hums. Ian's right, and he knows it.
He presses his face further into Mickey's neck, breathing him in as the song winds down.
"I love you," he whispers as they pull apart and another song begins. Mickey looks back at him, sees him, and pulls him back in for another dance.
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slashscowboyboots · 3 years
The Stars Are a Part Of Us: The Brains Of This Outfit
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This my “Almost Famous” inspired groupie fic, with appearances by @awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands (Celestia/Alessia), @sexcoffeeandrockandroll (Absinthe/Amy) and @no-stone-no-bone (Velvet), plus yours truly as Karen.  This is a pretty dark fic, with VERY mature themes and smut.  Cross-posted on AO3
Tag list @izzysdenimjacket ​ @no-stone-no-bone ​ @sexcoffeeandrockandroll @awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands ​ @smokeandmirrorz ​ @sodalitefully ​ @roger-taylors-car ​ @lost-in-the-80s @whisperess33 ​ @shawolat​ ​@80snikki @rumoured-whispers
Warnings: Underage sex, drug use, drinking, implied violence.  18+ ONLY
This must be her.
Izzy sat up straighter, watching as a short blonde shuffled toward the back of the bus, a huge bag on her shoulder and carrying a pillow in her arms.  She didn’t notice him sitting in the next to the last seat, and she flopped down on the one behind him, setting down her pillow and leaning against it, then rifling through her purse till she found a book.
Bella Donna. The most beautiful one of all.  She certainly was pretty, he thought, with her long blonde waves and huge blue eyes.  She dressed like Stevie Nicks’ runaway progeny too, all ruffles and lace and faded jeans, although instead of Stevie’s platforms she wore a pair of snakeskin cowboy boots.  
I’ve never seen a groupie play hard to get, he chuckled to himself.  She must be something else.  Watching her turn a page, he noticed her full lips pursing as she read the text.  He couldn’t make out what the title was, but he could see a long-haired bare-chested hunk and a bosomy babe spilling out of her bodice in a passionate clinch on the cover.  
Oh, shit, she’s reading romance novels.  Probably wants me to seduce her.
 Izzy didn’t think he was quite up to that.  
87 had been rough on him so far.  Getting busted on a possessions charge (thankfully, it hadn’t included a “with an intent to sell,” although that had been exactly his intention), sentenced to rehab and now on probation, with orders he continue to be piss tested on the road.
It was a miracle he was allowed to leave the country, but his lawyer (who was far too good to be in his pay scale, Izzy noted) argued that his client’s ability to earn a living shouldn’t be hampered by his arrest.  (The fact that his paying profession had led to his arrest wasn’t lost on him either.)  To his amazement, the judge had agreed, and Geffen, desperate to recoup their investment and make a little scratch before the band killed themselves, sent them with The Cult on a tour of Canadian hockey rinks.  Woo hoo.  
Just before the tour started, he and Niv were approached in a shitty dive by a curvy brunette introducing herself as Absinthe and claiming she was one of the Road Wives.  
“Heard of us?” she asked, coyly batting her eyelashes.
Izzy took a sip from his Coke and nodded.  Yes, he’d heard of all of them.  The Flying Garter Girls, the GTO’s, the Road Wives.  All conglomerates of groupies who traveled with bands and made life on the road even more colorful and chaotic.
“Of course you have.  It’s an honor to travel with the Wives.”
Izzy rolled his eyes and lit a cigarette, blowing the smoke from his nose.  “And you’ve selected us, I suppose.”
Absinthe smiled, the contrast of her crimson pout with her white teeth and skin visible even in the dim light.  “We have.  Our leader Velvet has chosen Axl as her traveling companion.” 
Niven smirked, and Izzy raised his eyebrows.  “Has this already been decided?” he said quietly.
Those red lips formed a tight line.  “No.  Axl said to take this up with you.  ‘Izzy has the final word,’ he said.”
He took another drag, and she leaped at the opportunity to speak.  “There’s uhh, four of us, and Celestia has picked Slash, and I,” she smiled, and Izzy swore he saw devil horns poke out of her dark hair, “I settle down with no man, but I’ve spent time with your drummer and won’t mind repeating that experience.”
He flicked his ash from his cigarette, bored disinterest on his unsmiling face.  “And Duff is married.”
She swallowed, then nodded.  “Yes, Duff is engaged, and has cordially informed us he will not require our services.  Shame, there’s a tree I’d like to climb again and again.”
Izzy lit a new cigarette with the end of the first one and ground the butt out, then leaned forward on the table and said, “Shame, because I say no to the whole shooting match.”
The whites of her black-lined eyes became enormous.  “Wait, you haven’t heard who’s with you.”
“I don’t care who’s with me,” he said, in a quiet but firm voice.  “I’m on fucking probation and I don’t need any more headaches.  And I damn sure don’t need four chicks we have to babysit.”
“Hear her out,” Niven snickered.  “I gotta hear about the whore that wants you.”
Absinthe licked the front of her teeth.  “Bella Donna.  The most beautiful one of all,” she said softly.
Izzy shook his head.  “Nope.  I’m not traveling with anyone fucked up or underage.”
“She’s 21.  And she blows a gasket over drugs.”
Niven elbowed Izzy.  “She sounds right up your alley, mate.”
Izzy shifted in his seat, rolling the end of his cigarette in the ashtray as he chewed the inside of his cheek.  
“She and I went to school together, and we’re older than the other girls.  We keep them in line.  They will not cause you any problems on the road.  You have my word.”
Izzy slid his eyes to Alan, who shrugged.  “Canada’s cold, Izz.”
Absinthe smiled.  
He still wasn’t convinced.  “She doesn’t use?  Cause I’ve never heard of a groupie who didn’t.”
She shook her head.  “Reads us the riot act if we do.  She smokes weed every now and then, but I don’t even think she’s done that in the last six months.”  She batted her eyes, sensing his interest.  “Drinks the occasional beer, but she’s normally our DD.”
Izzy sighed, then downed the last of his Coke.  “All right.  One fuckup, and I don’t care what it is, if one of you broads even breaks a nail, your asses are heading home.  Put that in the tour budget Niv, four bus tickets back to LA if any of them get the hiccups.”  He stood up.  “I’m not joking.”
No, a seduction was not something he was up to.  Maybe a quick fuck when the bus got dark, if she loosened up a little.  Normally, groupies sucked you off as a way of saying hello, but this one had tromped on past him and buried her nose in a book.
Honey, is that any way to welcome your man?
He leaned over the bus seat, carefully studying her.  She wore a moonstone ring on one hand, a crystal ball set in a pair of hands ring on the other one, and gigantic sparkly hoop earrings.  He didn’t especially understand this Stevie Nicks fixation, but if memory served, she’d fucked her way through Fleetwood Mac and the Eagles, so as long as Rhiannon here didn’t wear a chastity belt, it was fine by him.
He tilted his head and asked, “Aren’t you going to say hi?”
Her eyes darted up from her page, then back down.  “Hi.”
He had another great view of the top of her head.  “Is this any way to act?”
She turned a page, her eyes not leaving her book.  “I wasn’t aware I was a bother.”
Since Izzy’s arrest, patience was not something he had large reserves of.  “Are you really going to do this?” he snapped.
Her eyes met his then, and he had a second to register how long her eyelashes were before he realized how irritated she was.  “Do WHAT, may I ask?” she growled, her voice hard.
Izzy was thrown, but he shrugged it off.  Maybe this is foreplay to her.  “Why aren’t you in my lap right now?  Daddy’s had a rough day.”
She went completely, utterly still, then asked, “What?”
A little voice in his head (something he heard much more frequently now that he was sober) told him something was off, but he blurted, “You’re my whore and I shouldn’t have to beg you to blow me.”
He watched her cheeks flush, then the sides of her neck, and he belatedly realized that this was someone you didn’t piss off.  To his relief, she didn’t reach into her purse, but instead slammed her book shut and gritted, “Who told you I was your whore?”
“Well, I see you two have met,” Absinthe said, smiling as she sat down next to her.
“She did,” Izzy said, tipping his chin up, not taking his eyes off the blonde.
“Amy Louise, do you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?”  She glanced up at Izzy.  “Are you telling people I’m ‘Bella Donna the wonder groupie’ again?”  Closing her eyes, she muttered, “Because you know how much I hate that.”
“Ahh,” Absinthe answered, “well, possibly.   But you really should get to know Izzy.”
Her eyes darted back to him.  “I’m good,” she snapped.  “I think I know all I need to know.”
“What’s the hell’s that supposed to mean?” he growled.
“It means what you think it means.”  She turned to Absinthe.  “You are going to stop calling me ‘Bella Donna’ or I am going to make you stop.  You got that?”
“Yes.”  Shoulders slumping, Absinthe stood up and walked back to the front of the bus.
Izzy watched as the blonde laid her forehead on her palm, then reached into her bag and lit a cigarette with trembling hands.  She looked up at him.  “Did you get that, Hoss?” she said in a tired voice.  “I’m not ‘Bella Donna,’ and I’m definitely not your whore.”
He nodded, then a small voice said, “Sissy?  Is that my Sissy?” A younger girl with brown hair sat down next to her, and she immediately hugged her, then laid her head on her shoulder.
“I love you, Sis,” the younger girl said.
“I love you, too, Celly Belly.”
“Who’s that?”
“That’s Izzy.”
“Hi, Izzy, I’m Celestia.”
“Izzy, this is my sister, Karen.”
“We’ve met,” Karen said icily.
“Why don’t you like him?  He’s cute.”
Karen looked at her sister in horror.  “He’s a drug dealer.”
“Former,” Izzy said.
“And a junkie.”
“Also former.”
“He has a girlfriend.”
“Nope, she left me when I went to rehab.  For another guitarist with better drugs.”
“He’s cute.  You should bang him.”
“Celestia.  That’s not why you sleep with people.”
“Yes, it is,” Celestia and Izzy said in unison.
Karen rolled her eyes.  “That’s not why I sleep with people.”
“Have you talked to Steve?” Celestia asked.
Karen breathed out a sigh.  “No, not since he took up with that model.  Catriona.”
“Steve is an idiot,” Celestia said, lighting up a cigarette.  “I heard their record is multi platinum.”
“Yeah, they brought Mutt back.”  Karen said.  “When you sell that many records, that’s when the models show up.”
“Yeah.”  Celestia blew out a plume of smoke.  “Did you bring your hat?”
Karen crossed her arms and slumped in her seat.  “Yeah.”
 “Yay!”  Celestia squeezed her.  “ I know you don’t want to be ‘Bella Donna’ anymore, but I love it when you are.”  She looked up at Izzy, who was still watching them.  “I bet he could make you forget Steve.”
“I’m good.”  Karen tightened her arms and scowled.
“Sissy, please be nice to Izzy.”
“Because I really like Slash.  And Izzy will make us go home if we don’t behave.”
Karen looked at Izzy, then Celestia.  “You really want to stay?”
“Celestia?” a voice called.  “Baby, where are you?”
Celestia said, “I gotta go.  I love you, Sis.”
“Here,” Karen said, reaching into her bag and pulling out a handful of condoms.  “Don’t fuck him without one.  I don’t want any more doctor’s visits.”
Celestia tucked them inside her waistband of her microshorts, then kissed Karen’s cheek.  “I’m not going to get in trouble again, I promise.”  As she stood up, she smiled at Izzy, then squealed, “Slashy!”
Izzy lit a cigarette and smirked at Karen.  “Well, that was just absolutely fucking touching, but you twats are hitting the pavement the first stop we make.”
“No, we’re not.”
“Oh, yes, you are.”
Karen narrowed her eyes.  “That girl is 16.  Velvet is 17.  And you’re planning to take them into another country to have sex with them, which the last time I looked was a criminal act.”
“Not if we dump your asses out before we hit the border.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“Well, you’re not.  I’m on probation and I don’t need this bullshit.”
“Yes, let’s talk about that.  You do realize any of these girls, myself included, though I wouldn’t, can at any time say, ‘He raped me?’   ‘He hit me?’  Now for anyone else in this band, that would be any given Tuesday, but for you?  You have a lot more to lose.”
Izzy’s eyes widened.  
“I mean, Absinthe told you I was your whore, and obviously that’s not true.  We’re liable to say just anything.”
He shifted in his seat, feeling a chill run down his back.
“Where are we stopping anyway?  McDonald’s?  There’s always a cop there with nothing to do.  Maybe he’ll have time for a damsel in distress.”
Izzy swallowed.  “What do you want?” he gritted, knowing she had the upper hand.
“You can show us ‘twats’ a little respect, for starters.”
“That’s rich, coming from you,” he spat.  “Your ass is chapped because I was a dealer.”
“Hoss, don’t make me play my ace.  Cause I have four of them, and I ain’t on probation.”
He ground his molars together.  “What else?”
“We stay, and you provide us with basic human necessities.  A place to sleep, food, and shelter.”
“Take us backstage.”
“That’s a given.”
She shrugged.
“Then what?”
“Then your band runs around with empty balls and everyone is happy happy happy.  ‘Cept you, you’re on your own with that.”  She crossed her arms.  “And I make sure no one is a headache.  You’ll never know we’re here.”
“Can I believe you?”
She directly met his gaze.  “Yes.”
“How do I know that?”
“I’m not a liar.  I’ve been honest about everything so far.”
Why didn’t I meet you first?  It would’ve saved a shitload of time.  “Why are you here?” he snapped.
“Because your band has a body count, Stradlin.”
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“Todd Crew.  Slash shot him up, did he not?”
Izzy took a deep breath.  “He says he didn’t.”
“Do you believe that?”
“What I believe is none of your fucking business.”
“I heard he did, and Todd died in his arms.”
Izzy lit a cigarette and looked away.  “We, ah, we were all gutted when he died.”
“Well, my baby sister is sleeping with Slash, and I want to make sure that is an isolated incident.”
Izzy took a drag.  “It is.  None of us are on smack anymore.  Slash just drinks now, and I can’t do fucking anything.”
Karen met his eyes.  “You’ll forgive me if I’m not entirely swayed by your testimony.”
He shrugged.  Even though she was judgmental and unforgiving, he could see where she was coming from.  If he had a sister, he’d shit himself if she took up with Slash.  Or any of them.
She must be the brains of this outfit.  She hates us all.
Karen shot him one final filthy look, then dug a Walkman out of her purse and closed her eyes, resolutely shutting him out.
Izzy sighed, then his eyes landed a few seats ahead of him.  Duff had pledged undying fidelity to his fiancee and planned on recreationally drinking instead of fucking, and had already passed out cold, snoring loudly against the window.
I don’t have that option, Izzy bitterly thought.  It wasn’t even that he wanted to drink or raise hell anymore.  His rehab stint had opened his eyes to how close he’d skated to the edge, and just when he felt like he’d finally made it back to the land of the living, Todd had fallen into the abyss.
There’d also been the unspoken question, Is Slash going to be charged with murder?  The band had closed ranks and called all the lawyers, and in the end, no one was indicted.  Guns was already on thin ice for Axl and Slash’s separate arrests for statutory rape, and Izzy’s incarceration was the final straw.  The brass at Geffen was adamant: One more strike, boys, and your asses are done.
He titled his chin up and blew out a plume of smoke.  He hadn’t had many plans for this tour, but he had expected to spend it in the arms of a submissive woman.  Sex hadn’t been forbidden by the terms of his probation, not yet anyway, and he’d been, well, enchanted by the idea of a babe who didn’t get fucked up and yet was enthusiastic to do his bidding in the sack.  He could slap himself now for believing such a creature even existed.
He stole a glance at Karen, whose head had slumped forward.  Even in her sleep, she looked weary, beautiful but worn out.  He realized now, if Absinthe’s description was right, she was just a nice girl looking after her sister, and Celestia’s taste in men must be exhausting if Slash was any indication.  Izzy felt his ears growing hot as he thought about how aggressively he’d approached her, even though he’d been promised she was a sure thing.  Demanding she immediately hop on his dick wasn’t what he considered finesse.
Fuck, how am I going to get laid now?  That thought was punctuated by a hushed moan from Slash, and Izzy wanted to pound his head against the seat in front of him.  He’d just have to hope that somehow Canadian groupies were very willing yet went to church frequently.
Damn, woman, you’re sure you won’t change your mind about me?  I can be romantic if you want me to.
Can’t do much about me being a dealer though.  That ship already sailed.
He heard Karen stirring behind him, and turned to watch her stretch out and cover herself with a blanket.  Since he expected to be wrapped in her arms, Izzy had packed away his own covers, so he buttoned his denim jacket and crossed his arms, sleep mercifully arriving quickly.
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paradise-creator · 3 years
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Pauline's song:
A royal Au with Daichi Sawamura! Dancing and Semi comfort. You can never feel unloved with his man.
Word count: 1.9k
Genre: Fluff
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The masquerade ball has been going on for hours at this point. Starting when the sun had set and it will continue was the sun will rise. As the people danced inside, the music was loud and food was served. Daichi, the king of Karasuno, was merely watching his fellow royals walk along the crowd and finding for people to chat with. “Are you not going to socialize?” Sugawara, his right hand man asked as he placed his hands on his hips. “Oh, well Ushijima left to reunite with his love so I am just waiting for an opportunity,” The blackette said. “Opportunity to get your babe?” Sugawara teased. “Yes, exactly that,” Daichi said. “Where is M’lady anyway?” The silver asked. “She is currently mingling with a few nobles down over there,” Daichi said as he gestured to where you were.
As the queen of Karasuno, you were dressed in a gown of your choice. It was your favorite dress, after all. It was also Daichi’s favorite. Cause it really matches you and he loves the sparkle in your eye whenever you wear it. “I heard you married King Daichi Sawamura of Karasuno, congrats~” One of the girls said as she placed her fan in front of her mouth. “Yes! Sawamura has been so sweet! I absolutely love him,” You responded as you smiled. “Show us the ring!” Your closest friend said as they looked at you. You showed them the ring Daichi gave to you. The symbol of his undying and eternal love for you, his queen. “That is a really pretty ring!” One of them said as they looked at your ring. “Yeah, he picked it himself,” You responded with a smile.
As the conversation continued, things got a bit uncomfortable. “You know on how some royals marry for political purposes, are you sure Daichi loves you?” One of the nobles said. You hummed in confusion as you looked at her. “Of course I know he loves me,” You responded. “It doesn’t seem like it though,” Another commented. “What do you mean?” You then asked as you slightly glared at them. “Well Karasuno was a weak kingdom before recently, are you sure he isn’t using this as a political advantage?” One said. “Or maybe it was a scheme for them to rise to power?” One added. They explained their part and it made sense to you. Daichi is a gentleman, so maybe he was just doing this for curtesy. Was all the moments you both spent together a fraud? All the stolen kisses, the dates, and even the moments you held in close doors. Are all of them just curtsy? A sense of insecurity flooded your senses but you still kept the smile upon your face.
As the conversation about your relationship with Daichi continues, your lover noticed the change of behavior from you and decided to go check. He was observing you from afar and he knows your habits. “Pardon me, m’ladies,” Daichi said as he came towards you and your group of friends. You all greet him and some tried to change the subject. “Your majesty, these three tried to spread lies about your love for your queen,” Your friend then explained to Daichi. You subtly give her a “What was that for?” face while she mouth your welcome. “Is this true?” He asked as he looked at you. You responded honestly and looked away from his gaze. His face stoic and cold in front of the three said nobles. “Such blasphemy you are spreading,” He started as he gently made you look at him. He placed one of his arms on your waist and his other hand cupped your cheek.
His cold and stoic expression melted into a soft one. His eyes and smile could show how much love he has for you. The gentleness of his hands and the warmth. All of it reminded you of home. All your worries washed away as you leaned in to his touch. “I love you, okay? Don’t ever doubt that,” He said as he kissed your forehead. He then turned back to the ladies in front of you. “To answer the already obvious question. I love her,” Daichi started as he pulled you close. “I love her with all my heart. She is my queen, my lover, my other half. This ring I gave her shows that I want to be by her side for eternity. It is not just some political project. What I feel for her is genuine and real” He added as he displayed his ring to them. His voice was soft and filled with love. Those that are listen can feel the sheer amount of love he has for you.
It was not a surprised. Everyone can see how much love he has for you. But it’s oh so easy to feel down. How could you forget the promises he had given you? The vows that you both exchanged. For better or for worse, you both would be together. Daichi looked at you with such fondness. He leaned in and kissed your forehead. He then looked at all of them before turning back to you. He leaned in and kissed you softly. He cupped your face and pulled you closer. Once he pulled away, he had a smirk. He then kissed your forehead and let you recover from his attempt.
“Anyone who says otherwise will have consequences,” Daichi said coldly. “Come now my darling. Let’s go to somewhere else,” He then said as he led you out of the place. “See you, your majesty!” Your friend then said as they waved goodbye. You and him walked silently across the busy ballroom. As people made way for the two of you, Daichi held you close and refused to let go. Once you both were outside of the palace, things were a bit peaceful. It was silent the whole time, the tension and awkwardness was, unnerving.
“Don’t listen to them,” Daichi said as he stopped walking. Now the two of you were in a middle of an empty hallway. It was very well lit and at your left was a door to the garden. Daichi turned to face you, he gently made you look up and smiled. “I love you, and you alone.” He explained. “I’m not doing this for curtesy or for political purposes. I am infatuated with you. I am devoted to you,” He explained further. He cupped your face gently and placed his forehead on yours. “I’ll remind you, no matter how many times it takes. I love you, I love you, I love you,” He said as he kissed your forehead. “Alright?” He said as he pulled away. You responded to his advances and he chuckled. He loves your reaction, no matter what it would be.
“I have a place to show you,” He said as he held you hand. He opened the door to the left to reveal a beautiful garden. You had a garden in your castle as well, but this was something else. Everything seems so familiar and close but you knew that this was the first time you were here. “This is so pretty,” You responded as you looked around. As your eyes wander, it was hard to keep track of all the details. There were statues, lamps, and even floating lanterns. The flowers were so pretty and arranged in such a way that all of them could shine in their own way. Each of them had a different meaning and so different yet together, they seem so unified. There was fairy lights to light up the place. It gave it a more fantasy output. It gave enough light to see the path but also dim enough not to disturb the nocturnal animals. A perfect balance, Kuroo thought this through well. “That’s not all,” Daichi said as he led you further inside. You looked around and saw night butterflies or better known as moths. “Don’t worry, we are just passing by,” He reassured. As you passed by the moths, you realized how pretty they are. Some were brown in color but some were even blue and green. It gave a sense of nostalgia. The memories of childhood came flooding in.
But passing the flower area, in front of you was an arch way. It was covered in plants and seemed to be old but still very sturdy. With Daichi leading you, you felt safe. It was an unfamiliar place but it still felt nostalgic. The flowers that hang from the arc, the leaves that sway with the wind. The night gave an unfamiliar feel to this majestic garden. When Daichi finally stopped leading you, you looked at what was in front of you. It was large empty gazebo surrounded by flowers. Specifically, the flowers were different colored tulips. And within the flowers there were fake tulips that light up like fairy light. The vines that were attached on the supports made it look even more majestic.
“Here we are,” Daichi said as he smiled. But there was two people about to go out. “Ah, Daichi, a pleasure,” Oikawa said as he pulled his lover close. “Oikawa, it’s a coincidence seeing you here,” Daichi replied. As the two briefly talked, you and his lover looked at each other. “Is your idiot this tense or?” She asked as she looked at you. “Idiot? Far from that but he isn’t this tense,” You replied with a soft smile. “Oh, thank the gods. I’m dealing with this idiot everyday so at least the others won’t struggle as much,” She playfully said. “You know I just prosed to you and this is how you treat me,” Oikawa then pouted. “Oh? Really? Congratulations for a new chapter in life, Oikawa,” Daichi said as he pulled you close. “Yeah now I have to spend my whole life with this handsome hunk of a man,” Oikawa’s lover said with a smile. You congratulated them and chatted for a while. “We’ll leave you two alone now. Trashykawa and I will go now. I deeply apologize for the intrusion,” The short female said as she held Oikawa’s hand. “We are about to get married in a month and this is how you treat me?” Oikawa then whined. “You better invite all of us, even Ushiwaka,” Daichi reminded. “Yeah yeah whatever,” The taller male then said as he disappeared with his lover.
“Now that they are gone, shall we continue?” Daichi asked. “We shall,” You added as you held his hand. You both went towards the gazebo and you were in awe. The roof of the gazebo had hanging stars and butterflies. You awed at the intricate design and the hanging decoration. “It’s pretty isn’t it?” Daichi said. “It really is,” You added. “But that is not the best part,” Daichi then said as he walked towards this box that is on a pedestal. He pressed on a button and soft music started playing. “Kuroo said that he installed this for those that want some privacy with their lovers,” Daishi said. He then started to walk towards you and offered his hand. “And so I asked If I could use it,” He continued. “May I have this dance, My queen?” He asked as he offered his hand. You accept his hand and he pulled you close. “I love you,” He said as he started dancing with you. “Don’t you ever forget that,” He added. He continued to lead you with the dance, making sure that you would be able to follow. “You don’t even try but you make me feel butterflies in my stomach,” He continued. As you both danced together, the wind blow making the hanging stars and butterflies dance with you.
The night continued with the two of you dancing the night away. Butterflies aren’t the only ones that dances beautifully.
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Right One - Josh Anderson
Word Count: 4,063
POV: Josh
Warnings: Language
Notes: Just felt like writing something that wasn’t Tyler Seguin...haha So here you here’s a little Josh Anderson for anyone interested. Happy Reading!
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The game against the Devils had been hard-fought, but thankfully you guys ended up with the win. Luckily, you had a couple days before your next game. Once the media finally left the locker room, a more relaxed atmosphere filled the air. "So, where are we celebrating tonight?" You inquired of Seth.
 "Sorry man I'm out tonight. I've got plans."
 "Gettin' some tonight, huh Seth?" This from Boone, at least you could count on him to party with tonight.
 "It's not like that, man. (Y/N)'s one of my best friends and she just got a job at OSU. I'm taking her out to dinner to welcome her to town and celebrate."
 "Looks like it's just me and you then Boone. Where should we go?" You threw your jacket on and grabbed your bag, getting ready to head out the door. Seth and Boone a few steps behind you. When you opened the door, there stood the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen. She was wearing a skin-tight white sweater, that showed off her well-endowed breasts and her midriff, with a pair of skinny jeans and heeled boots. But it wasn't just her body that caught your attention it was her smile. She could literally light up a room, with that smile of hers, and at that moment it was directed at you. You felt it all the down to your toes, and at that moment you knew that she was the one you'd been praying to come into your life. That was until Seth moved past you and wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a huge hug.
 "Seth, you played amazing tonight." Her voice was like an angel's, and you wondered what it would sound like simply saying your name. "Though I still think that high sticking penalty in the second was bullshit."
 "I know right. Hischier totally lifted it." Seth pulled back from their embrace before saying. "So, you got into town ok, obviously."
 "Yeah, the moving company should be here tomorrow."
 "Sorry I wasn't here when you got here yesterday." Seth apologized, then slung his arm around her shoulders. "But to make it up to you, I made dinner reservations at the best restaurant in town."
 "Excellent, because stale beer and nachos in the second period aside, I'm starving."
 They turned to walk out to the parking garage, and you felt her slipping away. You went to say something, but Boone's voice interjected. "Hey Jonsey, aren't you going to introduce us?"
 "Oh right. I totally forgot you guys never met (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Boone Jenner and Josh Anderson; guys this is (Y/F/L/N) my oldest friend."
 She held out her hand first to Boone, then to you. Her skin was soft and as you whispered hello, you realized you didn't want to let go. She was looking at you finally, her smile warm and inviting, and you found yourself smiling back in return. But then she released you and turned back to Seth. "It's nice to meet some of Seth's teammates finally."
 "And how is it that we're only meeting you now?" It was a question you had on your lips, only Boone was the one asking it, as you stood there mute.
 "Miss Smartypants here has been teaching at Oxford for the last couple years, but we were finally able to lure her back to the states, though I know she considers it slumming."
 "Haha…you're so funny Mr. Hockey. I've been wanting to come back for a while and you know it. Though you haven't convinced me yet, that you didn't make this opening at OSU happen."
 "If I was capable of that, I would've done it when I first got here and not a couple years later." You weren't entirely sure that things were platonic between Seth and (Y/N). Comments like that seemed more intimate, than just friendship. "But we can talk about that over dinner. We better get going if we're going to make those reservations."
 "You could just come out with us?" They were the first words you uttered, other than 'hi,' and though you didn't want them to leave; you felt like an idiot just standing there when she looked at you.
 "And where exactly are you two headed? Out to pick up women I suspect." She giggled. Little did she know other women were the furthest thing from your mind.
 "We hadn't really picked a place yet. Just going out to celebrate the win." Her eyes were still focused on you, and you liked having all of her attention.
 "Will there be something other than bar food at this yet to be established destination? Because this one promised me an actual meal." She playfully swatted Seth in the chest, and you wished it was you she was touching. "Hopefully that means something that isn't actually made in a deep fryer."
 Before you could say anything at all, Seth spoke up. "Why don't we compromise? Dinner first, then we can hit a club."
 The whole thing sounded perfect to you, as it meant you would get more time with (Y/N). "Sounds good, though I'm not sure I can be a wing woman for all of you." She sent you a quick wink. Was she feeling the same thing you were? That instant connection.
 "Ok now that, that's settle. Let's get going." The four of you headed out of the arena and piled into Seth's car. Luckily, the restaurant was accommodating and able to put you all in a quiet spot. The corner booth provided privacy while allowing you to be close to (Y/N), as you chose to scoot in next her. She smelled of lavender, a fragrance you normally didn't prefer but on her it was intoxicating. Though it was a struggle to just not reach out and touch her. If this was a date, your hand would be on her thigh or entwined with hers, but this wasn't a date; this was the first time you were meeting this woman.
 "So Josh, Boone, give me some scoop on this one." Her words brought you out of your musings. "Has anyone captured his attention?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at Seth when you wanted it to be directed at you.
 "Geez (Y/N), give me a break. Don't you think I'd tell you if I'd met someone special?" She seemed to accept his answer, but Seth quickly added. "Besides I have you as a backup."
 "A backup?" The words were out of your mouth before you could take them back, but damnit you wanted to know if there was something more than friendship going on between them.
 She playfully swatted at Seth's shoulder. "Please, like you need me for a backup." She turned towards you then. "Sorry, I didn't mean to not answer you. It's a stupid promise we made when we were fourteen." She thought for a moment before continuing. "God, what was his name?"
 "Michael Billington," Seth spat out.
 "Right, I can't believe you remember that. Anyway, Michael totally broke my heart at the ripe old age of fourteen." She patted your thigh, the contact going straight to your groin. "As you can see I'm still not over it." Her hand left and you thought you'd die from the loss. "I ended up crying on Seth's shoulder that night, and we made a pact that if neither of us was married by thirty we'd get hitched."
 "By my calculations, you've only got four years to find Mr. Right or you're going to be Mrs. Jones." Seth quipped back to her.
 "Please I have until you turn thirty, which is closer to five years, and who says I'd take your last name. You'd probably take mine." They both laughed at that, though you really didn't find the conversation funny at all. Their friendship seemed to be a bit more than your original assessment. "Besides I have a feeling some puck bunny will snatch you up and you'll be her problem, not mine."
 "I save the puck bunnies for these two." Great now your best friend was throwing you under the bus. So you'd been a bit of womanizer in your past; that was only because you hadn't met the right one. Yet that might have changed tonight when you met (Y/N). Though you needed to defend yourself first.
 "Come on man, that's not fair. It's not like that, right Boone?"
 "No, Seth pretty much got it right. I mean isn't that why we're going to the club tonight?" He was going to pay for that comment at practice in the morning.
 "You don't really need to hear about these guys sexcapades." Seth quickly tried to change the subject.
 "Sexcapades huh? No, I think I definitely need to hear about this." Her curiosity was piqued and you wondered how to turn this night back around before it went south.
 "Oh no we're not going there." You added. "What about you (Y/N)? Seth said you were in England, any British men catch your fancy, so to say."
 She giggled, the sound sweet and melodic. "If they had, I wouldn't be here, surrounded by you three hunks." You were relieved to find out that she didn't have some British nob waiting for her, across the pond. The conversation at dinner flowed so easily; you almost didn't want it to end. It was nice just having her here mainly to yourself, instead of fighting off random men for her attention. It was bad enough vying for it with Seth and Boone.
 Too soon for your liking dinner ended and the four of you headed to a club that you frequented. The music was loud and the dance floor was crowded, but thankfully there was a VIP section, that you were able to make your way to. Boone ordered everyone a round of drinks and shots. "Here's to a great win tonight and to my best friend finally moving to Columbus," Seth announced, and you all cheers before slinging down the burning liquid.
 "Damn Boone, what the hell was that shit?" You asked him, coughing a bit from the bad alcohol you'd just drank. (Y/N) was already chasing it down with her other drink.
 "I did not order that shit. I specifically asked for 1942 Don Julio. I'm gonna go see what the hell happened."
 "Hold up, I'm going with you because this does not taste like what I ordered either," Seth told him before the two took off, leaving you and (Y/N) alone. She was swaying to the music as she sat on the sofa and you wondered what she'd look like when her whole body moved.
 "Do you want to dance?"
 "Took you long enough to ask Andy." She quipped, using your nickname, which out of her mouth was completely adorable. You took her hand and led her just past the roped-off area, close enough that Seth and Boone would know where you went. Dancing with a Stranger was playing and you raised your joined hands as you started to move to the beat. Her body swayed to the rhythm and you found your free hand reaching for her waist; pulling her close to you. Her hips gyrated with yours and her arm skated around your neck. She was intoxicating, the way she moved, the smile on her face; just everything about her spoke to you on some other level. You'd only had her in your arms a few moments, but you knew you never wanted to let her go.
 She spun around then, her backside now grinding into your crotch; while your arm sat low on her hips holding her close. You leaned down, half tempted to whisper in her ear how much you wanted her; but that damn lavender scent of hers engulfed you, even though the smell of alcohol and sweat permeated the air. You wanted to drink her in, and get drunk solely on being in her presence alone. Instead you were stuck holding her tight against you in a crowded club.
 The music shifted and so did she in your arms, as she twisted back around front. "Don't look now, but the girl at your two o'clock is staring at you like a starving dog." You moved your head to see who (Y/N) was talking about, even though she was the only one who you wanted to spend the rest of the night staring at. "I said not to look." (Y/N) chuckled and you joined in. "So should I be a good wing-woman and help you get her, now that you've checked her out."
 God that was the last thing that you wanted, for (Y/N) was the only woman who'd captured your attention and there was no one in this club or on the planet for that matter that you wanted to be with but her. An easy 'no' fell from your lips before you even really figured out which girl (Y/N) was talking about.  "Really? I don't think it would be a hard sell." This time when you looked your saw who she meant, a groan escaped your lips. "Ah, so that was a death glare she was giving me; I take it?"
 "Yeah, probably." (Y/N) cocked her head in question for you to explain further. "Her name is Carmen, and she's one of those puck bunnies you were talking about earlier. She's been trying to get her hooks into me for weeks."
 "Oh, well in that case let's give her a show." She wrapped her arms around your neck and grinded down on you, making your cock go from stiff to rock solid. "Put your hands on my ass." You blinked down at her, but who were you to argue with such demands. With her breasts pressed against you and the cheeks of her bottom in your hands, you were struggling not to just lift her up and take her to the nearest quiet corner. "Is she still watching?"
 You weren't even paying any attention to Carmen. Why would you, when you had everything you wanted in your arms, but for (Y/N)'s sake you looked over to check. "God, she's actually coming this way."
 "Kiss me."
 "Kiss me, so she thinks we're together." You didn't move, so she reached her hands up to the nape of your neck and brought your lips down to hers. It wasn't how you wanted your first kiss with her to be, yet her lips were soft and pliant beneath yours. You couldn't help how your hands pressed her body even closer to yours. Her lips molded to yours and you felt her melt into your arms. The kiss shifted then, it was no longer about pretending, but purely about two people that wanted each other, no needed each other. The music around you was deafening but you heard the slight moan she gave above it all. You took full advantage, sweeping your tongue inside her mouth to tangle with hers. She tasted of alcohol and faintly of the chocolate cake she'd had at dinner, and something that was purely her. You were lost in her and you never wanted to be found.
 You were so focused on (Y/N) and everything about her, that you forgot where were until some drunk bumped into the two of you spilling their drink partially on you both; causing you to break the kiss. It didn't matter that your pant leg was half soaked, all you could do was stare down at the beautiful woman in front of you. Her lips slightly swollen from the kiss, and a look of awe on her face. Neither of you recovered quickly, and you knew you should've said something but all you could think of was how badly you wanted to kiss her again.
 She cleared her throat, effectively breaking the spell going on between the two of you. "Well, um…" You weren't sure what else she was going to say, but you knew if it was negative you didn't want to hear it.
 "That had nothing to do with Carmen." You told her, being completely honest. Her mouth formed an 'O' yet no sound came out. There was so much more you wanted to say, but it didn't happen as Seth and Boone joined you then.
 "Did we miss anything?" Seth asked, as he placed a hand on your shoulder giving you a squeeze and pointedly looked at where your hands were, which happened to still be glued to (Y/N)'s ass. You immediately released her though regretted it.
 (Y/N) answered him first. "Just saving Andy here from the wolves." She skated one arm down yours to entwine with your fingers, then took the other to pull Seth nearer to her. "The wolf's name is Carmen." She stated, nodding her head in the direction Carmen previously was, but now was nowhere to be found.
 Just the mention of Carmen's name and understanding dawned on Seth, even though there was more to the story than what was being told. "Gotcha. Well we have drinks back at the table."
 "Great. I'll be right there, just going to freshen up." She squeezed your hand, then headed off, and though you knew she'd only be gone a few minutes; you felt an overwhelming desire to run after her just so you could kiss her again. Instead, you went back to the table with Seth, where Boone was flirting with some brunette.
 Taking a long swig of your drink, you sat down, only to hear Seth say. "So, care to tell me what's really going?"
 You set the glass back before you had a chance to down the entire contents. "I like her. What else can I say? But if you tell me right now that, you're secretly in love with her or something; I'll back off."
 Seth rolled his eyes. "I do love her." God, you felt your heart literally sink to the floor, and you found yourself picking the glass back up and bringing it to your lips, which still burned from kissing her. "But like a sister." Just like that you brought the drink back down, to look over at your friend. "And before you say anything, that means I won't tolerate you treating her like some one-night stand. She's special Josh."
 "You don't think I noticed that." You raked a hand through your hair, more frustrated at yourself for not being able to explain the things you were feeling for a woman you'd only just met. "I saw that the minute I came out of the locker room and she was standing there. It's only been more evident throughout the night. She's amazing Seth." You had to be sure, he knew you'd walk away if there was something between them. "You're positive it's just a brother/sister thing?"
 "Look, I won't lie. We tried it once." Now that you knew the truth, you weren't sure you wanted to hear it. "We were eighteen, and I felt like she was slipping away going off to college and all. It was awful." He chuckled and part of you felt relief that you weren't going to be competing with one of your best friends. "We realized then, that we were always going to be friends and nothing more." He slapped you on the shoulder before continuing. "But seriously man, you may be the better fighter of the two of us. Though I'm telling you now, I will literally beat the living shit out of you if you break her heart."
 "Noted." You went to say more but he stopped you yet again.
 "It took me a long time to convince her to come back to the states. Don't fuck this up."
 "Jesus, I don't even know if she likes me."
 "She does. I can see it." Now that was something that you finally wanted to hear.
 "You really think so?"
 "Dude, calm down. You sound like you're five or something." Seth took a long drink before actually answering your question, enjoying making you wait. "Yeah, I really do." He shrugged then. "I saw her kiss you and I saw the look on her face afterward, but you can find out for yourself because here she comes."
 You watched as (Y/N) moved through the crowd to make it back to your seats. "What I miss?" She asked as she took the seat next to you.
 "Oh, not much," Seth said handing her a drink, and sending you a sly glance.
 "Doesn't seem like that." She added with that cute little giggle of hers. "Please tell me you didn't have a run-in with that Carmen girl while I was gone." Actually, you'd forgotten all about her.
 "No, thank god," Seth answered. "Though I do see her and her friends staring at us." You followed Seth's vision and sure enough there she was glaring over more at (Y/N) then either him or Seth. "If this wasn't your first night out in Columbus; I'd be suggesting we call it a night." You were inclined to agree.
 "Hey no need to stay on my account. I'm literally still on London time, which means my carriage turned into a pumpkin a few hours ago. I'd rather party when I didn't think that it was six in the morning." Both you and Seth laughed at her comment. "Laugh all you want, but one of you two will be carrying me back to the hotel when I fall asleep here." You had no qualms with carrying her anywhere though your bed was your preferred choice.
 "In this noise? You'll never fall asleep. I know you and you don't even like the tv on to sleep." Seth quipped to her and you stored the knowledge away. "Let me go see what Romeo over there wants to do and I'll be back." He headed over to Boone leaving you and (Y/N) alone, which provided you the perfect opportunity to talk to her.
 "So, about earlier." You started and she nodded. "I didn't want it to be like that…kissing you that is." Her eyes widen and you could tell she misunderstood what you were trying to say. "It's not that I didn't want to kiss you…" You blew out a frustrated breath, before raking your hands through your hair. "I mean I want to kiss you…fuck…I just…well, I like you, and well…I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out. Just the two of us, where I can kiss you properly." There you'd said it all. It was a jumbled mess, but at least you'd asked her out. The problem now was that she wasn't saying anything in return, and now you were worried you didn't make yourself clear. "So…um…would you like to go out with me?"
 A small smile spread across her features and you took that as a good sign. "You're really cute when you're flustered. Do you know that?" You could feel a blush rising to your cheeks. "I like you too Josh, but…" She looked over at Seth and then it occurred to you that maybe she had feelings for him.
 "I didn't realize there was…."
 "No!" She said quickly. "There's not. Seth is my best friend and that's all. I just don't know how he'd feel about me dating one of his teammates."
 "Well if it helps, he told me he'd kick my ass if I hurt you."
 She shook her head as a light chuckle escaped her lips. "God, he never changes. He used to say that to every guy I dated growing up, but I'll take that as him giving us his blessing. So, if that's the case, then…Yeah, I'd love to go on a date with you."
 "Really?" You were completely elated but wanted to be one hundred percent sure.
 "Yes really. I like you Josh." She reached over and kissed your cheek. "And just so you know. I don't regret kissing you on the dance floor, but I understand that you didn't want it to be our first. So let's just consider that practice, until you take me out."
 Seth came back then, with Boone falling behind. "Everyone ready to go?"
 You laced your fingers with (Y/N)'s and the four of you headed out the door. Tonight had proved to be more of a win for you than just in hockey and you couldn't wait for your next matchup with the girl on your arm, because for some reason you thought you’d finally found the right one.
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synvamp · 4 years
Like lightning
A little fair game first date. Clover is extra and Qrow is in a romantic mood <3
Rating: T
“Marry me,” Clover said, his teal eyes blazing. He lifted a hand and brushed a few stray strands of hair behind Qrow’s ear.
Qrow let his cheek press into Clover’s cupped palm and smiled, “No.”
“Come on!” Clover pulled his hand away, laughing, “At least think about it!”
 “It’s our first date Cloves. Lightning doesn’t move this fast,” Qrow laughed.
“It’s not our first date! What about the library?”
 “I was returning Blake’s books because she was sick. We were there like ten minutes.”
 “You kissed me! That makes it a date!” Clover spread his hands out as if the gesture might add some weight to his flimsy argument.
 “Oh, so every time we kissed was a date?”
 “What would that make our little tryst in the barracks?” Qrow smirked. Their first and only time together. It had been wonderful. Exciting, desperate, lustful…  but rushed. They were both too keen by far. Clover had seemed to enjoy it just as much as he had, but after he’d said that he wanted to go on a real date. To do it properly, this time.
 Qrow had been all for it, excited to get another taste of Clover’s enthusiastic bedroom style… getting married was not exactly on his bucket list. Or his bedroom role-play list, for that matter.
 “Our little tryst in the barracks was not a date.”
 “But the library was?” Qrow asked puzzled, “How do you figure that?”
 “The library was sweet…”
 “I thought the tryst was pretty sweet,” Qrow twitched his brows.
 Clover blushed, “It was… very hot but…”
 “Are romance and lust really so incompatible?” Qrow asked, mostly because he knew it would make Clover blush more.
 It worked and Qrow basked shamelessly in the heat on his sexy, flustered face.
 It was almost too much for him, to see this guy who he was kinda starting to adore all choked up at the thought of their stolen hour of illicit passion. Maybe a little romance wouldn’t kill me…
 “I might not be ready to walk down the aisle just yet but…”
 Clover leaned closer, his eyes bright with hope. Gods he’s gorgeous…
 Qrow swallowed, “I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you… I know that I tease you but it’s really not just lust for me… you always make me smile. And that’s not easy.”
 “I…” Clover just gazed at him, Qrow put one hand out onto Clover’s knee and Clover grasped it in both his hands and crushed it.
 “Qrow…” he breathed.
 “So… would you… I mean would you like to be… with me? Like… together?”
 “Yes,” Clover whispered.
 “Like my boyfriend?”
 “Yes,” Clover’s expression barely moved, Qrow started to worry that he’d broken the guy.
 “So you’re sure?” he asked.
 “Yes… whatever you say I’m just going to keep saying yes,” Clover let out a shaky breath and leaned closer, Qrow met him half way in a tender kiss. He felt like he hadn’t been kissed like that for an eternity… he almost felt like Clover’s heat was filling him. Like his heart was being poured into Qrow, letting him experience the quiet trust and confidence he felt when Clover looked into his eyes.
 Clover’s lips left his and brushed Qrow’s ear, “Marry me.”
 I should be so put off by this. The guy is so intense…
 But somehow it was just… Clover. He was a sweet dork, a dedicated professional, an absolute hunk, deliciously naughty but so straight-laced. A man who wore his heart on his non-existent sleeve. And after so many people had been so duplicitous to him. After he had been betrayed so many times… having someone who would be honest with him about their feelings even to point of complete insanity… it was weirdly comforting.
 Clover grinned, “You’re thinking about it!”
 “I’m thinking you’re a dork.” An adorable dork. Adorkable. Qrow smirked.
 “What?” Clover asked, finally realising he was clutching Qrow’s hand and letting go.
 “Nothing,” Qrow reached back, taking Clover’s hands again. “I just think I might love you a little bit.”
 Clover didn’t speak. He didn’t say I love you too… but his beautiful eyes filled and one slow tear escaped. He jerked his hands away and wiped it self-consciously. Blinking, embarrassed.
 “Come on Boy Scout, you’ll get me started,” Qrow lifted that strong jaw and forced Clover to look into his eyes, “I can try to stop if you like.”
 “Don’t stop…” Clover huffed as another traitor tear snuck out.
 Qrow brushed it away, “Good. I don’t think I could if I wanted to.”
 Clover took a shuddering breath, “At… least my… evil plan worked…”
 “Evil plan?” Qrow asked; looking into the entrancing, damp eyes of a man who was so soft that he couldn’t even deal with I love you.
 “I thought if I kept asking you then you might agree to something…. Less…” he smiled, sheepish.
 “You’re an evil genius.”
 “Shut up,” Clover managed a little grin.
 “Then come home with me at least, it’s getting late…” his gaze was so fond and hopeful. Don’t you know that I’d already tear the moon from the goddamned sky just to make you smile, you oblivious idiot?!
 “I’ll come if you promise not to cry when I say I love you.”
 “Won’t,” Clover huffed.
 “I’m going to have to desensitise you then. I love you.”
 Clover sniffed, his smile trembling.
 Qrow grinned and stood up, offering Clover his hand and lifting him to his feet, “I love you,” he repeated.
 “Marry me.”
 “No. Love me.”
 “Then I’ll think about it.”
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lance-space-mommy · 4 years
Dirty Sheets
Langst -> Klance :)
So empty. Quiet. The air was stiff.
Whenever Lance wasn’t working or training he sat in the vast silence that filled him and a nobody ruler from an unspoken of planet.
Nights were loveless touch starved and once and a while filled with lustless moans forgotten in the seemingly never-ending halls of the castle.
Lance finally decided to call someone, anyone.
“Coran, can I come over for a little bit, maybe a week or less?”
He heard conversing in the background grow quiet, “Why of course is something wrong?”
Lance turned around to see his husband still asleep before he quickly left the room.
“No- just... I need to get away for a bit.”
“Of course you can come over!”
Lance smiled looking overwhelmed with joy, something he should’ve found in his husband, recently married.
“I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
Just as quick as the conversation came it was over the silent static once again filled the void in Lance’s ears.
“Absolutely not!”
“I’m going whether or not you want me to!”
“Well then! I’ll just go with you!”
“Oh really? I’m shocked you’d give up time away from me-“
-power 100%-
Lance grabbed his bags and walked in the silent footsteps behind him followed as the door hissed shut.
Lance shook his head butting his lip.
“Why would I want to be away from you? Huh!”
“Oh like hell you don’t know!”
“Stop pretending like you aren’t obvious about what you do when I’m busy!”
“What exactly are you implying?”
-You’ve arrived at your destination-
Silent Lance walked out and up to Coran who tightly hugged Lance in his arms picking up on his radiating sadness.
“I missed this.”
Coran couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, “What is it that you miss my boy?”
“A hug.”
The simple phrase was enough to strike a nerve in Coran’s heart as he let go to gaze at the husband.
“Hello, my names Coran.”
“Ethan, Prince Ethan, honor to meet you, Coran.”
“Come on in everyone’s here”
Lance smiled softly coming in and he tried to shine bright and let his usual ego take control but he had nothing left.
Pidge froze before leaping at Lance, “Lance! Oh my god, I’ve missed you so much! How come you never call?”
Lance glanced for his husband, “Oh! Sorry for not being active I’ve been very... busy!”
Pidge shrugged, “Understandable everyone always has a problem to deal with.”
Hunk walked over and just hugged Lance tightly as Pidge introduced herself to Ethan.
“You okay Lance?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“You sure? You don’t seem your usual chipper self.”
Forcing a shit-eating grin and a laugh, “Time will change even the most beautiful of roses.”
Pulling back Hunk softly smiled, “You’re right about that buddy, but it’s nice to see you, your features have really matured.”
Chuckling I turned to Shiro, “Hi! How have you been?”
“Good, how about you? Your charm finally paid off I see.”
I shifted my weight between my two feet uncomfortably, “Yeah... it really did, didn’t it?”
Finally, I turned to Keith, oh perfect Keith. How I’d give anything to change our course and our passings for one bright future. He hadn’t changed too much seeming relatively the same.
I grew taller my muscles for defined along with my eyes and from Allura Altean features started to change my DNA slowly.
“We just had dinner a couple before you arrived so if you like I can show you your room and then heat you something up.”
Ethan interjected, “We’ll be fine thank you very much.”
Lance sighed as Ethan grabbed Lance’s wrist whispering in his ear. Lance nodded seemingly irritated, Coran smiled guiding the way as Lance ripped his hand from Ethan's grapes putting space between the two.
Once shown their room Ethan smiled, “Thank you, we will join you in a bit we have matters to discuss at the moment with work.”
Lance looked at Coran, “Sorry he felt like he needed to lie to you, we will need to establish some things personal between the two of us and then we will be out with you all.”
“Okay, my boy...”
Pidge had other plans. Getting Hunk and Keith to go with her to snoop she rushed to their room where voices could be heard. It was almost screaming.
“What exactly do you know Lance?”
“Oh my god... Why are you ignoring the fact that I know you’ve been unfaithful!”
“You know I’ve had my rough spots but I’m not cheating on you!”
“Oh? So everyone on our planet is lying, they haven’t seen you out with a girl, by the name of Ruthan?”
“Lance, that’s enough!”
“You know what? I’m done with your bullshit! Day and night I’m slaving away doing work for a civilization you couldn’t give a tinnier shit about! I come back just for you to need sex, a loveless marriage you make me regret every day!”
“I give you money! I give you fame! Everything you possibly would want! You selfish whore!”
A loud smack was heard and everything went silent.
“How. Dare. You! You fucking asshole!”
“Lance I’m so sorry!”
Shattering was heard.
“Your ring!”
“I hate you....”
“Baby...You don’t mean that-“
“I fucking hate you!”
“I love you, Lance! I love you and I may make mistakes but I have never not loved you.”
“What? You love me ridding you’re dick cause your too lazy to be a man? What you’re telling me that when I try and take a shower you come in and slam me to the wall and make me scream until nothing else matters?”
“Well guess what? I wish I never loved you.”
“Wait... is that why you're here? Are you not over him?”
“As if any of this was influenced by that! You even know you're trying to fuck with my head again!” There was a long pause, “You’re trying to manipulate me! Sabotage me, make me wanna crawl right back into square one where this cycle will never end.”
“I swear Ruthan was a once time thing Lance. I love you. I really do.”
“God just shut up already and get over here.”
Laughing was heard as jumping was heard.
“Get off you fucking idiot!”
Well, they had heard everything they needed to.
It took two hours for them to be found. It was silent there was a sense of compassionate intimacy between the two. Yet it was built on lies. Lance didn’t budge as Ethan whispered toxic nothings into his ear. With each one, the sweet cooling burn of alcohol brought Lance peace.
“You can head to bed I’ll be there eventually.”
“Okay, Lance I’ll be knocked out in two seconds.”
It was silent as Lance let his head hit the table his body trembles as sobs erupted from his throat knowing at this point he was officially lost.
The growing sounds of footsteps neared as Lance felt a hand on his leg, “Lance?”
Immediately wiping his tears he did his best to smile and make perfect eye contact, “Yes...”
Keith. Shit.
“Come here.”
Lance threw himself onto Keith knocking him to the ground, Keith fully flushed he hugged Lance back. Lance pulled back wiping at his beautiful skin to remove the tears.
Keith cupped Lance’s face, “Wanna stay in my room tonight?”
Lance hesitated, “Ethan will get mad at me.”
“Then let him. Judging by the fact your ring is now gone that’s enough for you to be your own person again.”
Keith held Lance’s hand tightly, not in a rough controlling manner but rather guiding and secure.
The door slid open to reveal a neat room other than a desk overflowing his papers.
Lance sat on the desk, “Nice room, Mullet.”
Keith smirked, “This is longer and more grown out than any mullet I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s a nickname dummy.”
The playful banter was back without even the tiniest bit of effort. Yet it grew quiet.
“I overheard you earlier, the fighting. Why do you stay?”
“I have nowhere else to go and... what about the people they’d be under a foolish ruler?”
Keith looked at Lance with the most serious expression, “It’s not your job to be his sex slave and be a ruler for him. Your his husband, not his accountant.”
“So leave him.”
“Runaway how could I possibly do that?”
“You still train right?”
“Yes? Why?”
“Come with me to the BOM, be my right hand again. I missed having stability.”
Lance slowly took Keith's hand, it was a comfortable silence.
“I’d like that.”
The tone, the small smile, the taunt in his eyes, the fall of his perfect curls, it sent Keith into overdrive.
Keith took Lance’s hands intertwining their fingers and pushing him back further on the desk knocking papers off Lance not in the slightest bit phased just started breathlessly at Keith.
“Tell me no.”
Lance leaned into Keith's lips melting together like butter. Perfection. And yet they only wanted more. Lance pulled Keith down onto him. It was hot, very hot. Sincereness was something Lance had long forgotten yet now it’s driving him wild. Keith pushed himself onto Lance who opens his mouth letting out a groan. Slipping his tongue inside Keith's mouth Lance wanted to draw out that noise, that beautiful noise he’s always dreamed of bitting and leaving a beautiful mark on Keith's collar bone was enough to retrieve that sound.
Keith slid his hand to Lance’s throat kissing him so rough Lance felt like he was flying, the pressure on his neck stimulated him and all he could do was moan into Keith's mouth.
Keith let himself teasingly play eoth Lance’s tongue before pulling away and kissing him softly on the lips. Leaving a trail of kisses to the crook of his jawline Keith declared this was his promise to Lance. Every kiss will be from love, from burning desire to cherish each and every inch of the beautiful blue boy. Lance smirked cupping Keith's face kissing him compassionately and quickly running his fingers between the strands of Keith's beautiful long locks before tugging at them and as Keith let out a moan Lance roughly made sure that Keith wasn’t letting out that moan. All while grinding on one another both visibly hard. Keith softly kissed Lance all over the face and mainly on the cheek he could tell Ethan had slapped.
Keith smiled, “Am I the one Ethan was scared about?”
“He has nothing to be scared about. He already knew he lost.”
Keith kisses Lance one last time respecting his boundaries leading him to bed. Lance begins to take off his jewelry and clothes which he had a lot to make sure he maintained his physique.
“You wearing Earth clothing tomorrow by the way.”
Lance smiled softly, “May I lock the door by the way?”
“Way ahead of you I locked it when we came in.”
Lance laughed, it felt good after so long.
It was quiet Lance looked up to Keith, “Don’t let me go back.”
Keith softly kissed Lance even their lips were a perfect match together, “The only place your going back to is my base where you’ll work far away from that asshole.”
Lance smiled comfy under the sheets as Keith curled up onto him, an arm wrapped around Keith the other under his head. Slowly he fell asleep. Oh boy, what a night.
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randombtsprincessa · 5 years
Asylum || Epilogue
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Chapter:  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09
A/N: I am bidding a tearful goodbye to this story. It has been helpful in so many degrees and I hope you got out of it as much as I tried to put into it.
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“I don’t know what’s more horrible, Yoongi Hyung dancing, or Taehyung trying to rap.” Hoseok whined, the heavy base of his beer bottle hitting the table with a thud.
He was immediately met with throes of protests.
“I’m not that bad, jerk.” Yoongi said, unbothered as usual, not even pulling the bottle completely away from his lips.
“I’m fairly decent,” Taehyung cried, at which Yoongi glanced at me, a wink thrown out of the corner of his eye, way too fast for anyone else to catch.
“Sure, Tae, why don’t you give us a small demonstration?” he called.
The younger boy immediately cowed, mumbling something about ‘not being prepared’ but bravely picked up an empty bottle, turning it over to form a mike and then started spitting out words.
There was a small silence before Jimin started to clap, cheering for his best friend and Yoongi, Hoseok and I politely clapped.
“Well then, where’s Namjoon?” Yoongi turned to look at you.
“He’s with Jin actually. You know how they are. Some kids in the pediatric ward, showed interest and off they both went. He’ll be here soon enough.” I rolled my eyes fondly and Yoongi chuckled.
“Well, as long as it makes kids happy.” He sighed, his fingers drumming on the table as if he was playing the piano too.
“How are you?” Jimin continued.
“I’m fine. Better as a matter of fact, I’m really glad we all managed to get together again. It’s been ages since I saw you.” I commented.
I grinned when I remembered the last time I’d seen them all together. The dining hall of the Sanctuary, where I’d bid them a tearful goodbye, making them promise to get better as soon as they could so we could see each other out of our white uniforms and promising to keep visiting as much as I could.
Life had picked up at a staggering pace once I was out and visits had to be cut short till slowly they all got out.
Now seven years later, here we were.
I’d built upon my late degrees, gotten in a whirlwind education before settling down firmly. Now I worked as a Public Relations department head in the entertainment company that Yoongi and Namjoon had set up together when they were both out. It was a nice, comfortable job and it helped me deal with the anxiety. You know what they say, practice made perfect.
Jin and I had stayed friends, long while he rose up on the medical hierarchy, now owning a medical centre of his own. We made it a point to catch up once in a while, if not both of us were busy.
Hoseok had gone further with his dance, taking up the position of a back up dancer before opening his dance studio, teaching kids and teens. Jimin had soon, claiming that it wasn’t too stressful and at least this way he still got to keep a connection with his dancer spirit.
Taehyung had finally made it home. His step dad was long gone, his mother working hard to provide for whatever was left of their family. It wasn’t until her son returned that they both got back on their feet. Maybe money didn’t bring happiness after all.
Yoongi and Namjoon were a lot more complicated. Yoongi had returned to the music scene amid a lot of media coverage. His entertainment had dropped him but he started one from the scratch, building it up brick by brick to where it was now. Big Hit Entertainment snagged award after award, its reach stretching out to almost all the corners of the world. All because Yoongi kept his head and motto of getting as much artistic freedom as he could.
It had been a year later when he visited me, asking me to take up my position in managing his world wide image and while I’d been on the rocks about the publicity of it, he’d always been a good convincer.
Soon enough, Namjoon had joined the fold, leaving his parent’s house, amid many loud arguments, threats and emotional blackmail.
It had taken him a while to completely get out of his parent’s shadow before Yoongi had made good on his promise, swooping down and carrying him to work for him.
Namjoon had proven his skill magnificently and by the time his own songs made it to the charts, his parents had given up.
Call it arrogance but I was proud of them all, dusting them off to rise back up like phoenixes.
I glanced at my phone to check the time before standing.
“Guys, I’ll see you all in a while. I have to go do something.” I said and the conversation lulled, everyone’s eyes turning to me in sympathy.
“Yeah sure, Y/N, we’ll be here.” Hoseok said gently and I smiled, nodding before grabbing the keys to my car and purse.
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The slow breeze gently ruffled the edges of my coat, whistling in my hair as I stared down at the protruding smooth marble hunk in the ground.
The heels of my boots were digging into the softer dirt, constantly disturbed from hoards of visitors. Of course, he was so very popular.
I sighed, glancing down at the prettily wrapped bouquet of white roses, intermingled with reds, one of his favorite colors.
Time had strengthened my resolve to visit him. I could imagine him now, sitting with a pout, whining that I took so long. I smiled, a soft sad smile, knowing that all my imagination couldn’t make up for what I had had in reality.
Leaning over, I placed the bouquet in the vase, his parents had attached to the headstone, running a caressing hand over the ingrained words.
 Jeon Jungkook
1997 – 2018
Loving Son and Amazing Friend
You are the color painted on my heart that will never fade.
 Beautiful words, may be his mother picked them out, I thought. They couldn’t be more right. I stood up, dusting off the knees of my jeans as I drew back, breathing in the cold air of the cemetery. It was way too late to be visiting, so it was almost completely empty.
“I miss you, Kook. Still, always, forever…I wish you could be here. I’m…happier now. I think you helped me with that as well. I hope you’re happy where you are too.” I said quietly, my hand swiping at the small tear drop that had dripped over the edge of my eye.
The glint of gold caught my eye and I looked down at the ring circling my ring finger on the left hand, twisting it.
“I have someone now. I know I should’ve come before, to let you know. I just didn’t have it in me, I guess. I wanted to go through with it, imaging you were there. I know it’s cruel but I’m here now. I’ll be coming back a lot more. You’ll be seeing a whole lot more of me and him too...I’ll try bringing him as soon as I can. He works a lot, and so hard. Just like you.”
I smiled again and looked at the circle of his picture, front teeth poking through.
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A large hand slid softly against mine, capturing my palm and entwining our fingers.
“Yoongi told me where you were so I had to come.” He said in his deep baritone and I nodded in response, my husband’s warmth driving away the cold of the atmosphere.
“I’m glad you did. I think he would’ve liked to meet you.” I said softly, feeling his eyes turn to look at the headstone as well, examining it with his keen gaze.
“I would’ve liked to meet him too.”
I turned to look at him, pulling his palm up to kiss the lightly calloused skin, right above where my ring glittered on his finger. “Thank you for coming for me.”
“Always,” he smiled back, drawing closer to wrap an arm around me, pulling me to rest my head on his shoulder as we stared down at the grave of my best friend.
I closed my eyes going back to the day when he’d proposed.
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All limbs and clumsy as usual as he stumbled into the office, making me laugh as Yoongi shook his head.
“Yah, man, you can’t act like a goof today.” I heard Yoongi mutter as he went to pat down the front of his suit.
“What’s today?” I asked curiously, feeling his eyes widen and look to the older man for help.
“Nothing, nothing, I’ll be in my office.” Yoongi swept out and left me alone with him as he drew closer to smile nervously at me.
“Hi,” I smiled, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to his plump lips which he returned a split second later.
I pulled back, frowning. “Is something wrong?”
“Nope,” he mumbled, turning away from me before sighing and rubbing the back of his neck.
“Actually, I wanted to ask you something.”
I waited, watching as he took a deep breath and then slowly sank down to one knee.
There was silence as I gasped, taking a quick step back, to watch him look up at me with a glint in his eyes, shining behind his glasses.
“Y/N, you have stayed with me throughout my thick and thin. You have grounded me, and encouraged me to reach for the skies. You have made me happy in times when I thought I would never be. I know we haven’t dated very long, but I have known you for long enough to know you’re it, baby. I love you so much, I have never wanted something so much, before my music. So would you, after that terrible speech, please marry me?” he dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a silver ring, the solitaire on it bright with the promise of hope.
“Oh my god, you idiot,” I whispered.
It was true we hadn’t been dating long. It had started with a drunken confession, one of the many catch up parties I held at my place. Long after everyone had passed out in my living room or guest room, I and he had shared stories and his yearning for me had spilled out, as he liked to call out.
Now, after nearly two years of marriage, I liked to say it was him growing a pair.
Then, however, looking at my future husband looking up at me like I put stars in his galaxy, what else could I say but…
“Yes, of course, I’ll marry you.”
The sentence was barely out before he was getting to his feet, mouth clashing against mine.
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“You think he would’ve approved?” I heard my husband say.
With my eyes still closed, I felt him start to lead me away, turning my body so we could head to the car.
“Yes, I think so.” I smiled looking up at him as he nodded to himself.
“Hey, he would’ve loved you.” I said, more firmly and he looked at me, a thoughtful look on his face before nodding again, this time more assertive and understanding.
The sleek black of the car waited for us at the edge of the lawn and as he reached out to open the door of the car, I squeezed his hand.
“Thank you, Namjoon.” I said softly.
He stopped before turned to cup my face, giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead.
“Thank you, Y/N.” he said.
I smiled.
The future looked good enough for now…and it was enough.
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Chapter 11
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Title: Falling for the Holidays
Pairing: Dean x Reader AU
Word Count: 1856
Summary: With October ending and the holidays underway, that only meant one thing for Dean Winchester. It meant returning to his childhood home and spending time with his family. It meant listening to his parents, especially his mom, ramble on and on about when he was going to find himself a nice girl, bring her home for the holidays, and then eventually get married and have children.  However, Dean wasn’t ready for that sort of commitment, so in order to get his family off his back, he comes up with an elaborate scheme! But like the saying goes, “sometimes lies become truths.”
Warnings: Angsty-ish, One bad word (I think).
A/N: I said I wasn’t going to take forever to write the next chapter and I feel like it took me twice as long this time. Ugh. I hope you all forgive me. Thank you for being patient and thank you for showing my series some attention and love. It means a lot to me! Happy Reading! Please let me know what you think! I do adore the feedbacks, even if it’s a gif, emoji, or one word. Thanks again! xx
Series Masterlist
Dean watched her disappear through the crowds. Jo was about to chase after you, but Cass stopped her, reminding the petite blonde how you needed space when you were upset. Disturbing you would only make matters worse, unless it was Dean. But that was no longer an option, since the person she was currently furious with was Dean.
Without relaying a word back to his friends, Dean walked off, exiting the cafeteria. Cass, Jo, and Meg, just watched, not knowing what to do.
Sharing similar characteristics as you, Dean needed time to cool off. Usually, you were the designated Dean-Control person, but that wasn’t an option. The two people who needed each other was the two people who couldn’t be around each other. It was all… very complicated. Before you came along, Dean was a pretty private man. Cass was his only constant friend (his best friend.) But when you came along, Jo started to hang out with them, Benny and Garth came around often, and there were other’s who would stop Dean to say hello through the halls or in the library. Dean was an introvert at best.
“Fuck. This is gonna be some mess, isn’t it?” Jo asked aloud.
“Unfortunately,” Cass sighed, not wanting to think about the repercussions of the feud.
Dean went through the rest of his classes like a zombie, listening to what his professors were saying but not fully grasping it. He just jotted down notes he thought might be important, but didn’t bother to absorb the information like he usually did.
You on the other hand, used your fury to type down word for word everything your professor spoke, even his terrible jokes. You had no idea what he was saying, but your fingers had no time to rest. You needed to focus your pent up energy on something otherwise you’d lose it.
When classes were over, Dean dragged his way to his truck, sitting there for a while, wondering if you were going show up. Dean sat up straight when he saw you walking down the campus, but instantly slumped back into his seat when he noticed a black sports car pull up in front of you. The driver’s side window was open and Dean’s fists clenched around the steering wheel when he noticed who it was.
“Ketch,” he growled, intensely staring.
When his eyes averted back to you, both your eyes suddenly met. You were a little shocked and so was Dean, but you could see the pain in his expression even from yards away. Brushing the feelings away, you hopped into the car.
“Hello, beautiful. How was your classes?” Ketch asked.
“It was boring as usual,” you told him, glancing back in time to see Dean race out of the parking lot.
You felt a little guilty because you knew your words had hurt, but so did his. But you knew Dean better than that and you knew he didn’t mean what he said, but still… he didn’t deserve your understanding. He stepped over the line and now he had to pay the consequences however, the look he gave you when you said you never wanted to see or talk to him again made your stomach sink. Regret washed all over him and you knew then that he was sorry, but you couldn’t bring yourself to face him head on, at least not in a room full of people. You couldn’t let them see you cry.
“Everything alright? You seem a little distracted,” Ketch brought you out of your thoughts.
“Uh, yeah,” you sent him a weak smile, “just a rough day.”
“Oh. Well, if you want to go home, I can drop you off. I don’t mind a raincheck. You don’t have to go out with me if you’re not up for it.”
“No, it’s fine. A distraction from my distraction could be just what I need. I’m glad you called, I really am,” you assured him.
“Okay, great. Are you hungry?” You could tell he was trying to change the subject and lighten up the mood, much to your relief.
“Starved,” was you reply.
Ketch brought you to a quaint little restaurant. It was practically a hole in the wall. You’ve been there once with Dean, but neither of you liked what was served on the menu, claiming it was “too healthy,” but you didn’t want to offend Ketch, so you went along with it.
“Have you ever eaten here before?” He asked, as the he lead you to a table next to the window.
“I’ve been here once, when it first opened. Dean and I came here to try it out,” you explained.
“Dean? Was he an old boyfriend?” Ketch wondered.
“O-oh. Um, Dean is my…” you didn’t even have to finish the sentence. Ketch was more than capable to put two and two together.
“Oh. Your best friend. The one you told me about. I see. So his name is Dean.”
“Yeah. I mean… we’re friends and I figured I could trust you.” You looked at him with hesitant eyes, reluctant to believe that maybe it was a bad idea.
“Yes. Of course. You can trust me. I’m not here to judge anyone,” Ketch replied. A sense of relief washed over you. There weren’t many people you opened up to, so knowing Ketch was someone you could trust made everything a lot lighter.
“Thank you, Ketch. It makes me so relieved to know I can count on you.”
“Always,” he smiled with soft brown eyes showing his sincerity.
Dean raced back to his apartment, coming to a slow stop when he finally cooled down. He cursed himself for being an idiot, assuming that you had called Ketch to pick you up instead of catching a ride with him, but he couldn’t blame you. He had ditched you that morning and during lunch he insulted you. Everything was his fault. Karma was a bitch.
“Dammit!” Dean shouted in his truck, banging on the steering wheel, his chest heaving with frustration.
A knock on his window made him jump, distracting him from his current thoughts. “Dean?”
“L-Lisa?” He stared at her with confusion. “What—” Dean opened the door, stepping out of his truck when he realized it that she wouldn’t be able to hear him clearly. “What are you doing here?” He questioned, his eyes catching Ben in the car parked a few spaces behind her.
“We wanted to come see you,” she admitted.
“Doesn’t Ben have school or something?”
“Oh! Yes he does, but he’s in preschool, so he’ll be fine,” Lisa explained.
“Oh. I see.” Dean didn’t say it out loud, but he thought that it was a little extreme that she’d take Ben out of school just to visit him, especially since he’d be back home for Christmas in a at the end of the instruction week.
“Look, I know what you’re thinking. Why, right?” When Dean didn’t reply, she took that as her cue to speak again. “Can we just go inside and talk about it? Ben and I are freezing.”
“Uh, yeah. Sure. Let’s go—”
“Mom! I’m hungry!” Ben screamed, his voice muffled by the car window.
“Looks like the kid has spoken. Why don’t you both hope into the truck and we go get something to eat?” Dean suggested.
“That sounds amazing,” Lisa smiled, skipping over to Ben.
With everyone in the truck, Ben sandwiched between his mom and Dean, they sped off into the center of town. School had just ended, so the traffic was pretty heavy. “Oh. c’mon. I hate the afterschool rush,” Dean grumbled.
You were about to take a bite out of your salad when you happened to look out the window. It was hard to miss the red Ford truck passing through with not only Dean in the hunk of metal, but Ben and Lisa as well.
A loud clank echoed through the restaurant as your fork crashed onto the ceramic plate.
“Y/N? Everything alright?” Ketch, along with everyone else in the restaurant, stared at you with concern, a few patrons glaring at you with irritation. “Y/N.” Only when Ketch placed his hand over yours did you snap back to reality.
“What? Uh… sorry. I – I thought I saw something,” you faked a chuckle.
“What was it?” Ketch asked, turning around to take a glimpse out the window behind him.
“It… it was nothing. Sorry. I guess my mind was playing tricks on me. I must be really hungry,” you joked.
The rest of the evening, you were a little – or a lot – out if. Ketch had to steer you around many times, and had to yank you back from walking into traffic.
“Y/N, what in god’s name is going on in that head of yours?” He snapped, grabbing you by the arms and looking you into the eyes. You could tell that he was worried, so you weren’t offended by his scolding.
“Sorry. I think I’m just a little tired. It was a long weekend and a rough day at school.”
“Hey. It’s okay. How about I just take you home, hm?” You nodded your head in a response, allowing him to take your hand and lead the way back to his car.
Rounding a corner, you and Ketch came to an abrupt stop, almost running into a group of people.
“Oh, pardon u—” Ketch didn’t finish, flinching. “Li—B—umm, Dennis?” Ketch stammered.
“Dea-Dennis?” Your attention drew to Ketch. Who the hell was Dennis? You had heard that name before… Quickly averting your attention back to the group in your path, you stared at them. “Dean? Lisa?”
“Y/N?” Lisa seemed to be surprised as well. There was a flicker in her eyes when they barely landed on Ketch that had you thinking, perhaps, they new each other. “U-um, hi,” Lisa was able to pull her self back together quickly, a big smile adorning her lips. “Who’s your friend?”
“Uh, Lisa, Dean, Ben, this is Ketch,” you introduced.
“Dean? I think we’ve met. Didn’t you say your name was Dennis?” Ketch announced, his head tilting a tad.
“Wait, you two have met before?” Lisa chimed in.
“Lisa, do you know Ketch?” You added to the conversation, directing your question at the brunette.
“Funny story…” Dean chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, as he figured out a plausible explanation.
Everything was in disarray and everyone was talking all at the same time, holding multiple conversations that quickly started to make no sense. When you finally took control and stopped the madness, you all noticed that Ben was missing.
“Where’s Ben?” Lisa asked, snapping her head side to side in search for her four-year old son. “Ben?!”
Panic shot threw all of you. “It’ll be easier with we split up,” Dean advised, looking over at you, standing directly in front of him.
“Agreed,” Ketch responded.  
It took less than a second for you and Dean to pull your eyes away from each other when you noticed that Ketch and Lisa were gone. It was a little weird, but it wasn’t the time to think about that. The priority was Ben.
Say Something Nice Here!
Falling for the Holidays Tags: @hannahindie @pinknerdpanda @winchesterprincessbride@amanda-teaches @dancingalone21 @a-winchester-fairytale @dolphincliffs @oneshoeshort @brewsthespirit-blog @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @atc74 @natasha-baggins@heavymetalhauswife @linki-locks11 @spnwoman @veevm @chameleah86 @kdcollinsauthor @claitynroberts @roonyxx@rainflowermoon @ladylaylo @closetspngirl @mirandaaustin93 @salt-n-burn-em-all @flamencodiva @fangirlanotherjust @tabbyjane@shamelesslydean @couldabeenamermaid @alexwinchester23 @algud @gracefultrenchcoat494 @prettyinplaid94 @shhhs3cret @cookiechipdough @justkending
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detroit-become-hurt · 5 years
Reconcile pt.1
Hello!!! This is pt. 1! I hope you enjoy!
Requested: yes. Hank doesn’t expect to see his ex-wife at the DPD. He most certainly doesn’t expect to reconcile with her thanks to his android partner
(Gif does not belong to me)
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You winced as you stretched out your arms, body cracking after having been hunched over paperwork for so long. Glancing at the clock you noticed it was nearly noon. Shit, you were going to be late for your meeting with the chief police officer at the DPD. Quickly standing you gathered the necessary files you would be needing, before hurrying out the door with your key in hand. You were in such a hurry that you didn’t realize you left your bag, and coat in your office. Hurrying down the street you shivered slightly as the cold fall air blew against your face, and through your clothes. “God I’m such an idiot sometimes.” You think to yourself, pushing past people.
As the DPD’s sign entered your vision, you suddenly found yourself not wanting to do this anymore. Being one of the best Lawyers in Detroit had its perks. Good pay, great office, very flexible work hours. However, it had its downsides as well, and this was one of them. You suppose you could call them, tell them you had to reschedule your visit, but you knew that wasn’t fair to your client. No, your client was depending on you to win this case, and that’s what you were going to do...whether you liked it or not. “I just hope he isn’t here today…” you grumble quietly as you entered the building. Passing through security check you waved and smiled at a few familiar faces, eye’s searching frantically, keeping a watchout. So busy with looking anywhere but in front of you, you stumbled into someone’s back on accident.
“Oh! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going!” You say, backing up, cheeks flushed. Looking up you saw a man-no, an android giving you an understanding look. “It’s quite alright.” he says, “My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by Cyberlife, I don’t believe we’ve met.” He says sticking his hand out. Shaking it you introduce yourself as well, “Y/n. I’m a lawyer who happens to work with the DPD. I’m here to speak to the chief about a case I have.” you say waving the stack of files in your hands. “Ah, the chief-” However, Connor isn’t able to finish his sentence due to someone interrupting him. “Oi! Y/n? Is that you? Is this hunk of metal giving you problems, fuck off tin can!” Turning around, there stood one of your best friends. “Gavin Reed, you look like shit.” Gavin gives you an offended look, before doubling over in laughter as you do the same. Connor had gone back to his desk, watching the two of you interact. How were the two of you acquainted? Friends? Intimate relationships?
“I wish I could talk, but I really need to see the chief. Got a case to settle.” You say. Gavin nods, pointing you in the direction of his office (even though you knew where it was), after telling you to come catch up before you left. Walking towards the Chief you didn’t see Lieutenant Hank enter the precinct. “Good Morning Lieutenant.” Connor greets, his response from Hank being a grunt. The two work silently on the computers, before Connor turns to Hank. “Lieutenant,” Hank gives him a side glance, “Who’s that woman in the Chief’s office, and how does she know Detective Reed?” At his question Hank turns to look and see who he’s talking about, and suddenly he can’t breathe. It was no surprise to him that you were here, however that didn’t stop him from being absolutely blown away at how beautiful you still were. Though your eyes were hardened, and frown lines marked you forehead whenever you were thinking, you were still undoubtedly beautiful in his eyes.
“Ah shit. Didn’t realize she’d be here today.” Hank grumbles, not taking his eyes off of you. He still had yet to answer Connor’s question. “You know her?” Connor pushes lightly. “Yeah I fuckin know her, she’s my ex wife. Doesn’t like seeing me, can’t say that I blame her.” Hank adds in quietly, “Her and Reed are good friends. Have been since childhood.” Turning away Hank goes back to looking at the computer monitor. “Don’t know how she can be friends with that asshole…” was his last response as he resumed typing. “Well he isn't’t as big of an asshole as you.” You say passing by. Hank sputters, moving to stand up as you stopped and turned to face him. “Besides, Gavin’s always joking when he yells insults at me.” Hank sighs, running a hand over his face. “Y/n. Didn’t know you’d be here.” He says. When you don’t say anything Hank panics slightly, not wanting you to leave yet. “It was nice meeting you Connor. I’m sure we’ll see each other a lot more! Bye!” You say ignoring Hank, before making your way over to Gavin.
Connor watched as Hank seemed to deflate, even more grumpy now, a hint of sadness in his eyes. Feeling Connor’s eyes on him he barked at the android to get back to work. Turning to face his monitor Connor once again, was very curious. He decided to look up whatever information he could find about you, only coming across how successful you were. You had been married to Hank for fifteen years, before calling it quits sometime after your son had passed away. He assumed since then, the two of you were not on good terms. Connor watches as you laugh with Gavin, eye’s glancing over to Hank when Gavin isn’t paying attention. Your eyes to, held the same sadness that was evident in Hanks. You’re hugging Gavin goodbye now, before leaving the station. It was evident to Connor that both yourself and Hank had feelings for each other still. The love you two shared was still there, but neither wanted to act on it. He decided something would have to be done about that.
Two days later you find yourself back at the Precinct, the chief giving you some unwanted news. “You know why I can’t work with him!” You exclaimed, hands slamming on his desk. “I told you, I would work with any of your detectives, except him!” The chief sighs, “I understand y/n, however all of our other detectives have a lawyer working with them.” Still trying to fight his decision you continue to fight, “Right. And Hank right now is investigating rogue androids. Tell me how that job needs a lawyer.” When the Chief doesn’t answer, that’s the last straw for you. “You’re kidding me. You want me to go with him, not as a lawyer, but as a detective?” By now you’re shouting, and everyone in the precinct glances at the two of you through the glass doors. The chief gives a tired sigh, perhaps looking a little dead inside as he answers, “Yes, as a detective. You’ve done it in the past, I’m more than confident you can still handle being a detective.” He leans his forearms on the desk, looking up at you, “And unless you want your reputation ruined, you’ll do it.” He says leaving no room for argument.
Shoulders sagging down in defeat you grumbled, accepting the case. Walking out of his office and towards Hank’s desk you groan. How dare he, threaten you? But you knew that he was right. He could easily tarnish your reputation, and there goes your business, and clientele. No one would want to hire you. Sitting in Hanks chair you patiently wait for him to arrive, used to him showing up late. Your eyes scan his desk, reading messy notes he had written to himself, along with some pictures. One was of him and other detectives, you included among the past employees. The next picture made you smile, seeing a photo of Sumo and Connor together. God did you miss Sumo. There was one last picture, hidden behind tape dispensers, staplers, and a mug full of pencils that almost went unnoticed. Pulling it out, you see that it’s old. Creased from being folded over the course of many years, edges faded and starting to feather. It’s a picture of you when you were younger, perhaps in your college years. Turning it over on the back you can barely read the writing you had written : To my sweet, may you remember me while away. Laughing slightly you wanted to scream out loud right there in the precinct. God did that sound stupid still.
“That’s still the corniest thing you’ve written in all my time of knowing you.” A gruff voice says. Looking up you see Hank standing before you, hands tucked into his coat pocket. “Please, I was trying to be sweet. My boyfriend was leaving for an internship and we wouldn't see each other for months.” “It was three weeks.” “Months.” You two joked back and forth before smiling. For once...you didn’t feel the anger your normally felt when seeing Hank. Maybe it was because you were missing him after all this time. “Why are you here anyways?” he asks. “Chief put me with you and Connor. Wants me to do detective work. Why? I don’t know. It’s been ages since I’ve actually gone into the field.” Hank doesn’t say anything. Instead he just watches how you fidget with you sleeve, a habit you’ve always had since he’s known you.
“Lieutenant, Y/n. Good morning.” Came Connor’s voice, interrupting the silence between you two. “Good morning Connor.” You smile. “Well...care to explain what our case was?” Hank goes to open the file, you leaning next to him on the table as both of you went through the case. Missing android, possible murder suspect. While Hank and you discussed the details, Connor watch how both his partners interact. There was no denying the feelings between you and Hank, and the fact that you had a pleasant conversation with him this morning? It was all a sign. A sign that Connor’s plans were working.
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anchoredtether · 6 years
Why I think Plance and Kallura as endgames results in the best character development arcs
These two ships happen to be my main ships for the fandom (and I’m quickly becoming a Hunelle diehard) and I think the reason why is because of the meaning behind these two ships and how they relate to each other.
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There are some gorgeous tropes and symbolism (and overall fantastic messages) in these two relationships, even more so if both ships happen because of their impact upon each other. 
Delve into my literary rambling below the cut.
First let’s start with Lance’s obvious crush on Allura.
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Lance is immediately in love with Allura, or at least the idea of her. In season 6 we learned that he eventually passed the infatuation stage (at some point) and developed genuine feelings for her. You can see this in the series as he progresses from obnoxious flirting to giving her motivational speeches and being an emotional support. 
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This scene was huge. Lance’s feelings for Allura were actually addressed in season 6, and yet he treated her as a supportive friend instead of trying to take advantage or capitalize on her broken heart. Season one Lance might have done that, but not the Lance we have now.
If Lance moves on from his crush on Allura, we already know he’ll stay a supportive friend. This is huge. Most shows would approach this situation as Lance matures but he still ends up with the girl of his dreams, or even worse, Lance matures and forgets about Allura entirely (or even WORSE is Lance maturing and Allura coming to him after her breakup with Lotor because “Lance has been there for her all along” *gags* For a good discussion on why Allurance is a disservice to both Lance and Allura, read this post). I’ve seen it happen so many times, and you know what would be incredibly refreshing?
A man and a woman progressing from unrequited love to a strong, platonic, supportive relationship. 
Things get even better when you add Keith ending up with Allura.
Lance and Keith may not have a “rivalry” like Lance likes to claim, but it’s clear from episode one of season one that Lance does not like Keith. I don’t think it’s outright hatred, but for whatever reason Keith just gets under Lance’s skin, and he feels the need to always prove himself better than him. (some Garrison flashbacks may better explain why this is, but for now it’s all speculation)
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Keith and Lance have both amazingly progressed into the roles they were meant to fulfill. Keith never wanted to be a leader, he was always comfortable being a loner. Lance is a showoff and wanted to get the glory and lead the team. In the end, Keith has become a strong leader and Lance has become a leader in his own right by being Keith’s right-hand man.
That character/relational development in and of itself is incredible.
But it gets even better if Keith ends up with Allura. Why? Because not only would Lance become a great friend/partner to Keith, who used to be his rival, but if Allura ends up with Keith Lance could potentially end up supporting his “rival” who is now dating his “dream girl.” Most shows take such a scenario where Lance would become incredibly jealous and vindictive, and ruin both his relationship with Keith and Allura.
How often do we see someone turn a rival and an infatuation into a brother and a platonic friend? I think that’s an amazing message.
Another fantastic development is Keith and Allura’s relationship.
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Honesty time: I really did not like Allura at first. She had to grow on me before I came to like her. When she started hating Keith for NO REASON besides the fact he was Galra, I wanted someone to slap some sense into her. Luckily, Keith did.
Keith and Allura had a definitely rocky start to their relationship, even before Allura started being racist. I feel like Allura had little faith in him since Keith was reckless and a bit of an emotionally loose canon in the beginning (which you can hardly blame her, but still) and never really seemed to understand where he was coming from. 
Over time their relationship has progressed, Allura saw the fault in her line of reasoning, and Keith in turn became more patient with her. Keith and Allura’s progression shows that it’s the actions and heart of a person that defines them, not their race (and symbolically can apply this to gender, sexual orientation, appearance, etc.). 
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Allura falling for Keith breaks the barriers that you can fall in love with someone who shares characteristics of those who have hurt you - that not everyone of a similar characteristic can be “lumped together,” as Keith worded it.
Not only is this an amazing message against racism, but literally every other kind of triggered perception towards people of a certain race, gender, nationality, religion, wealth, or what have you.
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Alright, girl power time.
First off, Allura and Pidge are two vastly different yet fantastic role models for all girls. We have Allura, your typical “girly” girl who is gorgeous and likes sparkly things, and Pidge, your typical “tomboy” who doesn’t fall into typical feministic stereotypes and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. Two stark contrasts, practically polar opposites for both appearance, quirks, interests, and personality.
But both our girls are strong role models in their own right. 
Allura is a leader but she still has her insecurities, she isn’t afraid to sacrifice for the team and she loves everyone dearly, she admits when she’s wrong and works hard to set things right. Pidge is ambitious, pragmatic, brilliant, and although she can have a sharp tongue at times she is basically a force to be reckoned with (which I love considering she’s a very smol human). 
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At first Pidge is rather savage towards Allura. There were moments where I was thinking “well, you’re not wrong but was that really necessary?” Basically Pidge has no filter. YET, despite the tension between these two at first, Allura never becomes cold towards Pidge (like she did Keith lol). These girls are supportive and loving towards each other and that by itself is a great message because most people would say that two girls with these kinds of personalities would never get along.
And while yes, if Plance and Kallura both become a thing it would show that the two only (lead) female characters end up in relationships (instead of going the “strong independent woman who don’t need no man” route), it would show that whether you’re a girly girl or a tomboy, you can find love. Most shows would only emphasize one of these girls finding true love, while the other is left forever alone. Besides, I think everyone can agree that both Allura and Pidge are VERY MUCH the “strong independent female” trope.
They don’t necessarily need a man, none of us are questioning that. But wouldn’t it be nice to have already established strong and independent women have a man to love and who loves them back? Now THAT, would be refreshing.
Now here’s my favorite part.
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Lance and Pidge ending up together covers so many beautiful tropes. With Lance’s Loverboy character you’d expect him to end up with a gorgeous woman, maybe even a girl who is a bit of an airhead. At first we all think he’ll end up with Allura one day, and now there’s speculation he’ll end up with Romelle. Because falling in love with a princess or a beautiful blonde is such a common thing for characters similar to Lance. It’s also a bit expected that Pidge will just end up with Hunk, someone else who is a total nerd. Preps and Jocks marry each other while nerds marry each other, that is just what is stereotypical and to be expected.
But what if the jock and nerd fell in love?
I think this would cover so many strong messages for both boys and girls. Lance has this terrible perception of what makes a girl desirable (at first) but we see him progress (especially in the comics) into digging a girl who is courageous and smart - two amazing qualities to focus on in a partner instead of just looks!! And considering Pidge isn’t exactly “curvy,” it could showcase how Pidge truly IS beautiful in her own way that doesn’t conform to the standard sexualization of women in society. Showing Lance, who had those kinds of societal standards, falling for someone like Pidge, who does not meet those distorted standards, would be completely out of the norm. And I love it.
I also really like the idea of the genius falling for an idiot? I know this is portrayed in the media a lot, but it’s such a good trope. Pidge could easily never pay Lance any attention and write him off as “too stupid for her,” but instead we see her trying to be patient with his limited understanding and explain things in a way he can understand. Lance in turn has progressively shown more interest in science-related things and tries to focus on the things Pidge does/says instead of just saying “I don’t get it” and ignoring her.
Lance also praises Pidge’s brains?? And not in a flirtatious way either, it’s genuine and full of respect. He knows Pidge is the smartest one on the team and he acknowledges her for it. Coming from the “idiot” of the team, that is incredible. You would expect Lance to get frustrated with Pidge being so smart or try to play her down (like the bully calling her out as a nerd) but he doesn’t. Lance does not fall into the toxic trope of men wanting to be smarter than women and becoming frustrated when they’re proven wrong. Instead Lance knows Pidge is smarter than her and is humbly proud of it.
The writers have also said that Lance will end up not with the person he wants, but the person he needs. And I think this covers the trope of marry your best friend. Yes, Lance and Allura are close friends now, but who was he best friends with since episode one? Pidge. Who was someone that was always under his radar but has always been there? Pidge. Who is someone he gets along with so naturally he doesn’t even have to try? Pidge.
Dude, the guy didn’t even know she was a girl till she revealed it.
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I also think it’s amazing that Lance has never shown any romantic interest in Pidge (yet). And I think that’s a great message because the best relationships are built on friendship. We know that Lance’s relationship with Pidge isn’t based off of any kind of romantic desire or lust, but instead the simple genuine concern and love one has for a friend. I personally think Lance does have romantic feelings for Pidge, he just hasn’t realized it yet (because Pidge is her best friend, not a crush to flirt after - and that’s currently what he thinks love is).
Likewise, if Pidge falls for Lance it tells the message that people can change. Lance was kind of a terrible, shallow person in the beginning, I ain’t gonna sugarcoat it. Because of this, it would be easy to have Pidge never fall for a guy like him. But Lance has changed (arguably he’s had the most drastic change of all the characters) and you’ve seen it in how Pidge treats him with greater respect now. Especially in the comics, she takes his points into consideration and doesn’t make fun of him (too much). 
His character development is what makes Pidge attracted to him, and change for the better is always attractive. (although part of me thinks she was physically attracted to him at first since she always got annoyed with him flirting and whatnot lol)
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Ok I’m rambling too much so I’m going to stop here.
Basically Lance and Pidge getting together, Keith and Allura getting together with Lance being supportive of Keith and Allura, and Pidge and Allura forming a stronger friendship - I’m here for that amazing combination and the messages it gives. It breaks stereotypes and tells a fantastic story and gives all the characters the development and growth they deserve.
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Butterfly [51]
summary Do it yourself
“Man, can’t believe the school year’s almost over. We should go on a trip during the break,” Shikamaru declared, crossing his arms behind his head. He flopped onto his back, stretching his legs out. 
“Where were you thinking, Nara-sensei?” asked Itachi, looking up from his sketchbook. Kiba lowered his phone to peek at them, listening in on the conversation. 
“Dunno.... maybe Hakone? An onsen sounds nice,” mused Shikamaru. Kiba grimaced. He aimed a kick at Shikamaru’s thigh.
“We’ve got a million hot springs around here. Yufuin is like... 40 minutes away. Why would I go all the way up to Hakone?” retorted Kiba. Itachi wasn’t as violent in his protest, but he nodded as Kiba spoke. 
“I bet Haruno would want to go,” grumbled Shikamaru. 
“I bet she’d call you an idiot too,” snorted Kiba. 
And then, at the same time, they turned in the direction of the door to yell: “HARUNO!”
Sakura appeared in the doorway, a cardboard box on her hip. 
“Either way, I can’t go. I’m busy during spring break,” she told them.
Kiba and Shikamaru snuck glances at Itachi, hopeful smiles stretching their mouths. But their expressions fell when they saw the bewilderment in his face. Shikamaru very carefully nudged Itachi’s back with his foot. 
“What are your plans, Haruno-sensei?” Itachi questioned. Sakura reached into the box to pull out a poster. It was light blue with glittering snowflakes creating a frame. In the middle was a bejeweled ice skate.
“Stars on Ice Japan Tour 2018,” Itachi read the English, squinting a little without his glasses. 
“I’ll be in Osaka and then Yokohama,” she added.
“You weren’t going to tell us?” asked Shikamaru, reading the dates. She would be gone for all of spring break. Sakura lowered the poster, eyebrows rising.
“I just did,” she replied. “Weirdo.”
Kiba made a face at her back as she turned around to head back into the house.
“She’s always doing this,” sighed Shikamaru. 
“Yeah. One day she was all-” Kiba raised his phone to his ear. “Hey. I’m getting married. Lol.” He mocked her in a high-pitched voice.
“I can hear you!” Sakura called from inside. 
“Good! I hate you!” Kiba shouted in response. Kiba and Shikamaru exchanged a long look. Then, sighing, Kiba sat up to clap his hand on Itachi’s shoulder. 
“Alright, Uchiha-sensei. We’re in crisis mode,” he whispered.
“Crisis mode?” repeated Itachi. Kiba shushed him. Itachi looked to Shikamaru. But Shikamaru was sitting up too, his expression weary as he nodded along. 
“You gotta pick up the pace, man. Especially if she’s going to be seeing all those skaters,” Kiba hissed. When Itachi gave him a blank look, Kiba huffed. He typed something into his phone before throwing it at him. 
Itachi barely managed to catch it by the tips of his fingers. It was open to an image search. 
“Look! Look at how buff all those skaters are! And it’s, like, statistically improbable how good-looking each one is!” Kiba whispered loudly, casting nervous looks over his shoulder. Like Sakura would be hovering over him, listening in. Itachi lowered the phone. Shikamaru was nodding.
“They’re all hot,” he agreed in a low voice. He flexed his arm, giving Itachi a pointed look. Itachi glanced at his own arm, then at the phone. Then back up at Shikamaru and Kiba. Who were staring holes into him. 
Itachi typed a few words into Kiba’s phone. He looked up the website. And then he held it up for his friends to see.
“All the tickets are sold out. For every show,” he told them. 
“Guess I’ll die, then,” declared Shikamaru, falling onto his back again.
Yoshino held out a paper bag. Sakura peered inside. There were pocket warmers and energy drinks.
"Take care of yourself, Sakura-chan. I wish you weren’t going alone," Yoshino fretted.
"Let me give you some spending money. Buy yourself a nice dinner," Shikaku declared, digging in his back pocket for his wallet. Shikamaru grabbed his father’s arm.
“Mom, Dad, you don’t have to do this every time. She’s not a kid,” sighed Shikamaru. Yoshino reached out to rub her hands up and down Sakura’s arms. 
“I know. I know. It’s just... well, you understand me, right, Sakura-chan?” Yoshino said. Sakura smiled.
“I get it. Thank you, Oba-san, Oji-san.”
Sighing, Yoshino pulled Sakura in for a hug, stroking Sakura’s back. “Why couldn’t we have had a beautiful, sweet daughter like you instead of that rude son?” 
The flight to Osaka was short. By the time the attendants served drinks, it was time to begin the descent into Itami Airport. Haku met her at arrivals, bouncing from foot to foot as she dragged her suitcase behind her. He pulled his black mask down to reveal his grin.
“Hey,” Sakura greeted him, throwing her arms around him. He squeezed back just as hard. But she felt something hard against his chest. She pulled away, already glaring at him. 
“Are you-?” 
She didn’t even get a chance to finish the question. Because Haku reached into the front of his jacket. He hooked his thumb into the ribbon and pulled out the gold medal he had won at Worlds. He waved it back and forth like a pendulum. 
“You seriously wore that all the way here?” she demanded.
Haku nodded. He let it drop back under his shirt. Sighing, she reached out to ruffle his hair. 
“You’re unbelievable,” she declared. 
“Yeah, I know,” he retorted.
They had lunch together, Haku talking a mile a minute as he caught her up on everything. She had missed the first couple days of rehearsal because of work. Sakura knew that Tsunade would have excused her without hesitation. But it felt wrong to be missing so many days, especially since it would be the last few days she would see the seniors. So she had stuck around until the last day of the spring semester and even attended graduation before taking the next flight up to Osaka.
“I can’t believe Karin-chan’s retiring. I feel old!” Haku groaned, reaching for her plate. Sakura pushed it over to him so that he could steal the last of her salad. She slapped his fingers away when he began reaching for her cookie, though. 
“Okay. Anyone I should keep an eye out for?” she asked. Haku gave her puppy dog eyes when she opened the plastic and tore off a hunk of her cookie. She didn’t offer him a crumb. He made a face. Crossing his arms, he rested his elbows on the plastic table.
“Nah, not really. Everyone seems pretty cool,” he replied. 
They hung out for a little while longer. They made a little detour to visit Kobe Harborland. They took a couple selfies in front of the ferris wheel, which Haku spent the taxi ride editing and filtering to look just right. 
When they arrived at the arena they ran into one of the other skaters in the parking lot. She hugged Sakura, chattering nonstop about how nice it was to see her. This continued on as they entered the lobby. They flashed their ID at security, who pointed them in the direction of the locker room. Sakura waved at Haku as they parted between the men’s and women’s locker rooms. 
The one-sided conversation stopped short when Karin spotted them. She pounced, grabbing Sakura in a hug. She kissed each of Sakura’s cheeks, leaving lipstick marks. 
“Прости,” Karin apologized as she rubbed at the red with the edge of her sleeve.
“That’s okay, Karin-chan. It’s good to see you too,” laughed Sakura. 
Stars on Ice had reached out to Sakura many times throughout her career. It had surprised her when they had contacted her again this year. After all, there were dozens of young skaters who were in the spotlight now. Why reach out to someone who had retired? And rejected them dozens of times before?
But they had been thrilled to have her. And as one of the staff members gave her the rundown, Sakura was surprised by the amount of freedom she was given with her programs. As soon as the meeting was over, someone dashed across the rink toward her. She barely recognized Mangetsu before he collided with her.
“Hi!” she exclaimed as he squeezed her in one arm and Haku in the other.
“Get off me, you old fart!” Haku snapped, shoving him away. And then he struggled to pry his arm off of Sakura.
“Relax, Shimizu. We were friends first, right?” Mangetsu goaded him. 
“Hi, Hozuki-kun,” Sakura laughed. She threw her arms around Haku, squeezing him against her chest. 
“Don’t be jealous, little Haku-chan,” she teased in a baby voice.
“The both of you suck. Lemme go!” snarled Haku, flailing his arms around. But Sakura held tight. And Mangetsu held onto the both of them, cackling as Haku began spewing profanities. 
Sakura showed off the new choreography to Karin. But as she did a triple-salchow, she miscalculated the distance and botched her landing. She skidded on the ice, giggling as she rolled onto her side.
“You okay, Haruno?” called Karin. 
“My butt!” groaned Sakura, still laughing.
Mangetsu did a wide loop around her, waiting for her to get to her feet. But when Sakura held out her hand, he drew closer. He grasped her outstretched hand and pulled her to her feet. Once she was steady, he swung her in a circle around him. She released his hand, grabbing the opposite one as she completed the loop.
Mangetsu pulled her in closer, but she pushed off his chest, rolling her eyes at him. 
“Maybe we should’ve done pairs,” he suggested, releasing her hand. 
“No way. We would’ve killed each other,” she pointed out.
“You’re right,” he conceded, chuckling. "But you’re tiny. I bet I could lift you easy.” 
A look crossed Sakura’s face as she considered that. She tilted her head a little. Skates slowing, she looked in Karin’s direction. The redhead was by the edge of the rink, chatting with Suigetsu and one of the Chinese skaters. She had mentioned on more than one occasion that sometimes Suigetsu would lift her. And then they would joke about having her replace his ice dance partner.
“Wait, let’s try it,” Sakura suggested. She held out her hands. Mangetsu grabbed them, lacing their fingers together. 
“Alright. On the count of three,” he told her.
Everyone turned to watch as Mangetsu lifted Sakura into the air, his arms shaking a little. But as her elbows locked, Sakura found herself held rather securely in a press lift. 
“Am I heavy?” she called down to him, core and back muscles tight as she tried to keep steady. 
“Not really,” Mangetsu replied. 
“Wait, how do I get down?” Sakura then wondered, realizing that the rink was suddenly a couple meters away from her feet. She began giggling, and so did Mangetsu. Their arms began shaking from the movement.
“Help!” she laughed.
Haku and Suigetsu glided over. Suigetsu said something to his older brother while Haku approached Sakura. As Mangetsu began easing his arms down, Haku wrapped his arms around Sakura’s legs. She tried to stop laughing at how ridiculous the situation had become. She sagged against Haku when her blades finally touched the ice. 
“This is like how cats climb up into trees and can’t get down,” Haku remarked.
Sakura turned, already lunging from him. But Haku had read her body language and began skating away. She hurried after him, arms pumping at her sides. When she finally seized his shoulders from behind, he kept going, dragging her along after him. 
“Conga line!” Sakura announced. Karin caught up to them, grasping Sakura’s shoulders. When a fourth skater joined in, he threw them off balance, sending them tumbling onto the ice. Sakura sat there, laughing and laughing until her stomach hurt. Haku laughed right along with her, barely protesting when she slapped his arm a couple times.
“Feeling nervous?” Karin asked as she fixed the buttons of Sakura’s costume that Saturday afternoon. 
“A little. But also no,” replied Sakura. 
“I heard the tickets sold out right away when people found out that you were joining the line-up,” Karin teased just a little. And Sakura looked over her shoulder at her. Karin stuck out her tongue before she gave Sakura a light slap on her back. Her costume was all secured.
They could hear string music playing as the introduction video played on the big screens. She and Karin made their way into the tunnel. It led straight out onto the ice. And in the darkness, she could make out the packed stands. Black silhouettes crowding together. 
One by one, they played a short clip for each performer. And then they would do a short lap around the rink before heading back out, just to whet the appetites of the audience. 
A staff member with a clipboard tapped her on the arm, urging her forward. 
The ice was dark as she skated out of the tunnel. She could hear the whispers and rustles of paper as she glided out. And when the purple and white spotlights flickered on, screams erupted all around her. Sakura threw her arms up, beaming. 
People had brought along signs with her name on them. They shook them, waving their hands as she moved past them. She did a lap all around the rink. It was smaller than what she was used to, but it was nice that the seats were so close. She could finally see the faces of all the people in the audience. 
Including Itachi, who sat in one of the VIP seats at the very front. Her eyes widened as their gazes met. And she wondered whether she had just been seeing things. But when she glanced over her shoulder, he was still sitting there. Shaking her head a little, she forced the smile back onto her face. 
“Oh, Itachi-kun, she looked right at me!” Mikoto said, shaking Itachi’s arm a little. It took a second for his mother’s voice to process in his brain. Itachi looked over at her, at the way Mikoto held the pamphlet in front of her mouth as she spoke. Her sparkling eyes. And he laughed a little.
“Yeah, Mom. She did,” he agreed with her. 
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getyourvitamin-bri · 6 years
Super-Mega-Foxy-Awesome-Hot Klance Fic Recs!
Sweet Quiznak - CheckeredCloth Read if your into hurt/comfort and humor, an odd mix but this fic does it awesomely. Summary: "You're really into him," Hunk mutters, and wow, Lance's face is on fire. Hunk is killing him. "Look, read into how you like, Freud, just make sure that if I die Keith knows I totally would've mowed his ass like grass. That way, I can laugh hysterically at his emotionally-constipated expression from the afterlife." Rated Teen & Up
Love Bug Stuff - WhatTheBodyGraspsNot @whatthebodygraspsnot I’m such trash for Love Bug fics, this one in particular is stellar. Summary: Keith is bitten by an alien love bug that makes him fall in love with the first person he sees. And just guess who the heck that first person is? Rated M
Never Saw You Coming - dimpleforyourthoughts @dimpleforyourthoughts Read if you love angst, slow burn, mutual pinning, and hurt/comfort aka read if you love being put through all the feels :) Summary: Three months in space on his own would have been fine. Three months in space with Lance McClain is a whole other fucking story. Rated M
nothing’s quite as sweet - dimpleforyourthoughts There is cute cats and cute klance, need I say more? Summary: Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street. Rated Teen & Up
Muy Lindo - flipfloppandas - I’m trash for shy adorable keith and this fic delivered. Summary: In which Lance must learn how to navigate through a relationship with a Keith who is surprisingly shy, but it’s okay because Lance honestly freaking loves it. Not Rated.
implosion (the lines we cross) - pidgeotto_gunderson Some well written hard core angst if your up for it. Summary: The adrenaline is pumping through his veins - this is what he needs, what they both need. To yell and scream and hurt each other before they can mend.Fix-it fic for s7e6, imagining if Lance and Keith fought things out while they were all lost in space and it led to Lance finally spilling about his insecurities. Rated Teen & Up
Crest of White, Bow Down - 2towels @2towels I totally went “awwww” while reading this fic, its so adorable, it will definitely make you smile. Summary: “I don’t know what I need to do to prove to you that I haven’t thought about leaving, but I haven’t.”Without hesitating, Lance lifted his good hand to rest on Keith’s cheek and stroked his thumb across it, silently appreciating his pouty features as he swallowed. “Tell me every day you love me more,” He finally demanded dramatically and breathlessly, flitting his gaze down to Keith’s shoulders instead of the intensity of his eyes, “maybe that would work.”“That wouldn’t even be a challenge.” Keith said quietly.--Five times Lance is swept off his feet, and one time he falls. Rated Teen & Up
Kodachrome - HoddieMaine @joinmeinthishell , Ninke_A @collector-of-hats Wow this is such a beautiful story, its really well written, read if you love pinning and fluff. Summary: Keith has been at a loss for a while now. His job is terrible, his passion for photography has waned, and his pseudo brother has moved to some little town and keeps insisting he visit.When Keith finally does go, he ends up on a little street full of quaint shops. He intends to simply spend time with Shiro but ends up in a record store across the street. With a very attractive man, who signs instead of speaks. Rated E
Thinking ‘Bout You - BleuSarcelle @bleusarcelle, Queerklancing   @queerklancing I got a cavity from the fluff in this fic :) Summary: That time Keith had a voice in his head singing and found out he had a quite unique soulmate link. Rated G
Rose-Colored Boy - melancholymango  @melancholymango Read if you enjoy angsty lance, langst, & to experience all the feels. Summary: “I missed you, you know.”“Yeah?” Lance sighed, warm and giddy, clearly not absorbing how serious the words truly were. “Yeah.” Keith said, more certainty in his voice now. He reached down, hesitantly threading his fingers through Lance’s and giving his hand a squeeze. Lance tensed next to him. “I still do.”“I mean, I’m right here.”“Are you? You still seem pretty far away.” Rated Teen & Up
Blue Christmas -  melancholymango  I loved how keith and lance were written in this fic, its just overall super well written. Summary: The team decides to celebrate the holiday season in space as nostalgia gets the better of them, but reflecting on the past hurts Lance more than it helps and Keith doesn't have any memories to reflect on. AKA the one where Keith and Lance hate the holidays together, only to realize that they were actually celebrating all along in their own Keith and Lance way. Rated G
Not That Bad - varelsen @lvtvr Yeah this fic gave me lot of feelings, their relationship builds beautifully. Summay: “Am I really going to have to explain this to you?”“No, I’m totally fine with you shutting up right about now.” Hunk cups his hands around his mouth. “You. Are crushing. On Keith.” Or, a college AU featuring coffee shops, silly rivalries, motorcycles, arcade games, friendships, and lots of warm, fluffy feelings that are both confusing and delightful all at the same time. Rated M
Entangled - Purpleneutrino (mackerelmademedoit) @purpleneutrino I found this fic super interesting to read, and literally could not put it down. Summary: When Keith found himself mentally linked to Lance of all people, he never thought that it would end in anything but irritation and misery on both sides. He certainly never imagined that it would be a useful asset in team Voltron's fight against the Galra Empire. Now if he can just keep his feelings in check, they might actually have a chance at defeating Zarkon. Needless to say, when he'd wished for a 'bonding moment' with Lance, this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind. Rated M
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here - klancekorner @dimplesandcurlsss Yeah I stayed up till 4am reading this and it was glorious, I finished at 3am and just thought about it for another hour, so awesome! Summary: Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else. Rated M
Something just like this - klancekorner A summer romance sundae with a friends to lovers cherry on top. Summary: Keith reluctantly becomes the counselor for the Red Cabin at Camp Voltron, a summer camp in the middle of buttfuck nowhere that his older brother Shiro has worked at for years. Already unhappy with the current position that he is in, Keith prepares himself for a boring, sweaty, miserable summer; and his frustration only grows when he meets the counselor for the Blue Cabin Rated M
You and I Collide - idratherhaveyou @itsthegameilike If you looked up cute in the dictionary, this modern apartment au would be the definition. Summary: Lance likes to sing in the shower. Keith lives in the apartment next door and the walls are not very thick. And you can bet when Lance wakes him up at 7:30 in the morning, Keith has something to say about it. Rated M
I’ve Got You - DragonofFernweh @dragonastral Keith comforting lance is my aesthetic, this fic is my aesthetic. Summary: Keith isn’t great at the whole comfort thing, he doesn’t have a way with words, nor does he have much experience in way of affection. Still, when Lance hurts, Keith wants to do something to help. Otherwise known as; five times Keith comforts Lance, and one time Lance comforts Keith. Rated G
it’s easier for you to let me go - welcometothehumanrace  Should be called 6 times I went AAJKSCNSKDCNSJ because of how fluffin’ cute keith and lance are. Summary: Keith did not think Lance's arms were anything to get excited about. Or his shoulders. Or any general part of him. Just everything about him was unexciting as a whole.Obviously. Or 5 times Lance put his arms around Keith and the one time Keith really wanted him to. Rated Teen & Up
The Message - shipstiel @shipstiel-writes Wow this wrong number fic is just glorious, I laughed, I went “awwwww”, I just had such a good time reading this. Summary: Keith is texted by accident by some idiot one day, and honestly he's not even sure why he responds. Or why he keeps responding. Yet somehow he finds himself drawn in, and okay, so maybe this fool is mildly entertaining after all. Who would've thought. Rated Teen & Up
Homesick at Space Camp - K0bot @k0tron So awesome...just a fucking great fic. Its got fake relationship/married, its got angst, its got ballroom dancing, its got so much fluff, do I need to say any more? Summary: Lance realizes he's been an asshole to Keith, and on a diplomatic mission to a key planet for the Voltron alliance he... overcompensates.
Fake It Till You Make It - nikkiRA @aravenlikeawritingdesk I’m a sucker for Fake/Pretend Relationship fics and this one is the fic that started that particular habit. Summary: “What Keith here means to say,” Lance says, and although his voice is steady, he is gripping Keith’s fingers so tightly it’s painful. “Is that we can’t mate with your people, although we, um, appreciate the offer, because, well. We already are. M-mated, I mean. With, you know. Each other.” Rated M
I hope you love these fics as much as I did, they are some of my fav fics of all time. It took me forever to finish this post because I sorta, kinda, maybe, totally re-read a lot of them while making it :) Shout out to fanfiction writers, thank you for putting so much of your time into these stories for free, your all amazing! 
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Check out my blog if you would like >>> @getyourvitamin-bri
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langstykangsty · 6 years
"You are an idiot." Hunk laughed loudly.
"You flatter me buddy. I am awesome and you know it." Lance said and sneezed.
"Why were you out in the rain?" Keith asked out of nowhere. "Didn't you think that you'll catch a cold or you really don't use your brain at all?"
"I missed rain, okay? A cold isn't enough to put me down."
"I think you missed my soup." Hunk said.
"I missed it too. The best medicine for my cold."
"But why were you standing in the rain?" Pidge asked, curiosity taking over.
"I was stargazing. I didn't know that this planet has invisible clouds, so when I felt the rain I couldn't go inside."
"Oh man. Your stupidy just became cuteness."
"Thanks Hunk."
"You're welcome man."
Lance wanted to say something, but a sneeze interruped what he was wanting to say. And then, unexpected and unwanted, he couldn't feel his body and black dots blurred his vision. Without a word of warning, Lance collapsed and his friends sadly found out that their friend has fever.
They decided to watch him over until Allura, Coran and Shiro come back from their delegation.
"We can't stay all awake, so we'll watch him in shifts. First shift is Keith's." Pidge said and ran away before Keith had the chance to protest.
"Hunk?" Keith asked in an attempt of winning Hunk's compassion.
"I'm more afraid of Pidge. I'm sorry." Hunk said and vanished away.
"I hate you. Both of you." Keith said and tried to calm down.
He looked at Lance and remembered an old conversation between him and Shiro, how Shiro encouraged him to confess his feelings and how he promised he'll try his best to do so.
A little blush formed on his cheeks. With a stupid smile he shacked his head and stared at Lance's face. He looked so beautiful. He could kiss him if he wanted to. And this thing was so catchy that he thought he won't be able to control himself until Hunk comes to take his shift.
"Marco?" Lance asked and raised his hand up in the air.
"No Marco. Keith's here."
"Marco, what are you talking about?"
Keith grabbed Lance's hand which was raised up a moment ago. It was hot and sweaty.
"Do you need something? Water? Towels?" Keith asked scared.
"Where's Allura?"
"Yes Marco, Allura. The girl I introduced you as my girlfriend."
"Your... girlfriend?"
"Yes Marco, her. The one I'm gonna marry."
"Do you... love her?"
"More than anything."
That's what Lance said before he fell asleep again. Keith could feel his heart breaking in his chest. He knew Lance had a crush on Allura, but he never imagined that his feeling would be rejected indirect.
"Does Allura love you back?" Keith asked shyly.
Lance was sleeping, he didn't hear Keith's worry.
"You know, Allura isn't the only one who loves you." Keith whispered. "One day I hope you will return my feelings."
Time passed and Keith fell asleep. A tap on his shoulder woke him up. Hunk was the one who woke him up.
"It's my shift now. Go and rest. I think Shiro will come soon."
"Okay. Thanks big buddy."
"You're welcome."
Keith smiled and stand up, going to the door.
"I love you." Lance groaned in his sleep.
"Does he dream about Allura again?" Hunk asked.
"Most probably."
The air from the outside of the castle was cold, very cold. It still smelled like rain even though the rain stopped a while ago. The morning sun wasn't up on the sky yet, so it was dark.
"Keith?" Keith heard Shiro's voice.
"Yes?" Keith asked and tried to stop the tears.
"Why are you crying?"
Shiro understood instantly and hugged the red paladin. He remebers very clear the conversation they had a few days ago, so he felt sad for his friend.
"Did you ask him?"
"No. But he loves Allura."
"And what are you going to do?"
"I'm gonna wait. One day he'll see me the way I see him, 'till then I'm gonna be the same Keith."
"And are you okay with this?"
"With being friend with the person I have feeling for? I don't want to be okay with it, but I am." he sobbed. "I'll be his friend for the moment."
Hello guys. This is short and awful, but this is something I wanted to write. I hope some of you liked it. (the action is placed in the castle of lions in season 2 I think, long before Keith left the team)
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