#mars facts
martian-messages · 10 months
Happy Red Planet Day!
November 28 commemorates the launch of Mariner 4, one of the more important Mars missions.
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allpleasuer · 1 year
About Mars
About Mars: A Comprehensive Guide ALL PLEASUER Welcome to our in-depth exploration of Mars, the fourth planet in our solar system. This blog post will delve into various aspects of Mars, providing a wealth of information for both novice space enthusiasts and seasoned astronomers. We will cover a range of topics, including: Basic facts about Mars The type of planet Mars is Historical information…
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not-from-mars · 10 months
Not-Donna: I see into your soul. I know everything about you. I understand what you’ve been through. And I am going to use it against you and take over your universe.
Not-Doctor: [crawling upside down] donna donna donna donna donna donna donna
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houseswife · 8 months
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alokastrology1 · 2 years
How to manage anger issues caused due to Mars?
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Mars the red planet is notorious for igniting anger in the native if placed in the 2nd and 12th house of your horoscope. It makes you emotionally vulnerable and pushes you towards distress.
How to reduce anger through Astrology? Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Let's see how mars impact different zodiac signs.
Living in the present now is easier said than done, but Mars in Aries people do it fairly well. These locals follow their instincts and think on their feet, making them swift decision-makers, and it is a testament to their abilities that they rarely make mistakes. When a task is completed, they do not sit down to rest, but instead, immediately begin the next work in line. The main strengths are simplicity, purity of action, and uniqueness. These aid in the control of anger. They become bored when life becomes too routine. They are always looking for ways to create enthusiasm. 
Mars in Taurus residents, despite their cool and quiet demeanor, may truly flare up when irritated. They will never, however, bring the roof down, preferring to display their rage in more subtle but nonetheless effective methods. They want stability and prefer to hoard their stuff. They are hard workers who will not cut shortcuts to reaching their goals, even if it takes a long time. People with Mars in Taurus might be quite sensual. It is difficult to awaken them, but once aroused, they are nearly impossible to stop. 
They want only a little nudge to get them moving since they are sluggish starters and, moreover, they become tired fast. As a result, they must be kept motivated on a constant basis. The strange thing is that when they have nothing to do, their energy tends to drain out, yet when confronted with seemingly formidable difficulties, they are capable of marshaling up hitherto unexpected amounts of energy. These people may not be easily angered, but when they are, they tend to express themselves in a bluntly caustic manner that might sever others around them.
Mars in Cancer inhabitants value security and will respond forcefully, if passively, to anything that threatens their security. They aggressively fight change and are tenacious. Though they may appear to be hesitant to respond, they are steadfast in their commitment. Mars might become melancholy when people react indifferently to them, that is when they are not given the significance they believe they deserve. Their rage is passive, and they do not respond angrily until they believe they have been intentionally forced between a rock and a hard place. 
Mars in Leo people are continuously striving to climb beyond the mundane. In fact, they can be quite ambitious and want to make a significant impact in their neighborhood, if not the entire globe. They believe that their lives have been pointless unless they contribute considerably to society. These individuals might have tremendous wants and be extremely passionate about them, and it is this enthusiasm that gives them the tenacity to achieve their ambitions. 
People with Mars in Virgo are not very aggressive. Even yet, being near a raging Mars in Virgo native may be challenging. When they do grow furious, though, they may become pushy and pester you incessantly until their rage is soothed with the right balm. They might be overly emotional and prone to anxiousness at times. They are generally humble and will follow directions to the letter; nevertheless, they do have their own ideas and maybe extremely adamant about doing things their way. They are enthusiastic and have considerable stamina; yet, if a project drags on for too long, they might grow bored and restless.
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They prefer to respond to things rather than react to them, which is a highly mature quality that prevents conflicts from escalating. However, because reacting intelligently requires some time to examine the matter, they may become indecisive or postpone making decisions, which might jeopardize their own interests in the long term. Though this propensity stops them from becoming overly upset, learn to strike a balance without sacrificing wisdom. These individuals are peaceful by nature, yet this trait might irritate certain others around them. It’s not that they don’t feel rage within; it’s just that they manage it effectively. 
People born with Mars in Scorpio make themselves impossible objectives and attempt to attain them with every resource at their disposal. They have exceptional attention and tenacity, which serve them well in their life goals. They are strong competitors who will go to any length to attain their aims, even if it means exploiting other people’s emotions, which they have a remarkable understanding of. Continuously test themselves to see whether they can meet their own expectations after setting them too high. 
Mars in Sagittarius people tend to express their rage in a big way. They could go for a cross-country run or use a gym treadmill. This is, without a doubt, a constructive method of sweating out their fury, but it is not always enough for them, and the residue tends to come out in a variety of unpleasant ways, which can harm both them and others around them. And the fact that they are impatient doesn’t help matters much. Mars in Sagittarius residents must also engage in their adventurous spirit, which they thankfully have in abundance.
Mars in Capricorn residents desire total control over their surroundings. These people do not shy away from hard labor since they are completely focused on their life goals. This wealth of self-control is also shown in how they cope with rage in a calm and mature manner. To contain their rage, these indigenous frequently submerge themselves further into their job. Materialistic by nature, yet they do not flaunt their accomplishments or belongings. They have bodily cravings, but they do not indulge in them excessively. 
Being pushed about by others is something that might irritate Mars in Aquarius. This is due to their strong feeling of independence, and when someone attempts to press over them, they become enraged because they feel smothered. These individuals are often more distant than connected in relationships, yet they are enjoyable to be around. They like surprising and shocking others, usually with a good dose of humor, which makes them pleasant individuals. They like giving but rarely receive anything in return. 
Mars in Pisces natives are among the most kind. This combo is a bit of a paradox. Mars is a forceful planet, whereas Pisces is not and prefers to swim with the stream. However, this may sometimes be an issue, particularly when someone is being unkind to them and they become furious; they find themselves unable to express their displeasure or put their foot down.
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butchmartyr · 3 months
gotta say it’s um sooo funny watching the predictable backlash to that possum post pour in and almost every time I see who puts it on my dash it’s another american like bro you’re literally walking face first into the American chauvinism criticism yourself like idk how to tell you this but many people actually hate the US rather than pretending they hate the us while engaging in blind patriotism and liberalism. you couldn’t pay me to put an american flag on anything of mine! I can’t stop you from doing the patriotism but you have to stop acting surprised when the rest of the world finds you insufferable for it lol
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holographic-mars · 3 months
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Losers flirting
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truevedicastrology · 10 months
Unveiling the Enigma of Mars
🚀Mars, the celestial orchestrator of how you magnetize individuals and the manner in which you resonate. It delves into the intricate essence you exude and the perceptions people harbor about you. This cosmic force also embodies masculine energy, offering insights into the archetype of men you may allure.
🌌Mars in the 1st house unravels your allure externally, where your energy becomes swiftly discernible. You're characterized by responsiveness and a tenacious self-advocacy. Occasionally perceived as impulsive or irate, your sanctuary lies in self-indulgence, physical exertion, and athletic pursuits. The gravitational pull extends to men with athletic prowess or those with a self-centric aesthetic.
🌺Mars in the 2nd house manifests allure through olfactory allure, skin aesthetics, or indulgence in epicurean pleasures. Passion for culinary arts and a penchant for opulence mark your identity. Your charm attracts men of affluence or those generously disposed.
🏖️Mars in the 3rd house articulates allure through eloquence and the written word. Passion resonates in your speech, and the written realm becomes a source of profound joy. A proclivity for literature and related pursuits is evident. The enticement extends to multitasking, loquacious men, possibly educators or wordsmiths.
🏡Mars in the 4th house unveils allure in moments of domestic comfort, adorned in unassuming attire. Emotional energy becomes an irresistible magnet. Mars, discreetly nestled here, shares passion exclusively with intimate circles or family. Attraction extends to nurturing, emotionally expressive men, perhaps with a hint of moodiness.
🎨Mars in the 5th house radiates allure during dynamic activities, invoking attractiveness in motion. Passion is channeled into hobbies, joy, and a perpetual youthful spirit. The magnetic pull is towards confident, charismatic, and playful individuals.
🌈Mars in the 6th house renders allure through physique and an organized, health-conscious lifestyle. The zenith of well-being is achieved through proactive endeavors, organization, and animal companionship. Attraction is directed towards industrious, meticulous men, potentially involved in animal care or fitness training.
🌙Mars in the 7th house allures through aesthetic grace, fastidiousness, and a pursuit of justice. The epitome of well-being lies in harmonious relationships and aesthetic refinement. Attraction extends to men who embody beauty, meticulous grooming, and charm.
🔮Mars in the 8th house projects allure through intimate and sexual charisma, intertwined with an aura of power. Stability and emotional equilibrium define your zenith. This allure thrives in secrecy and spiritual pursuits, attracting individuals exuding intense energy, possessiveness, and depth.
🌐Mars in the 9th house emanates allure through vivacity, intellect, and captivating narratives. The ardor for exploration, diverse cultures, and distant realms is palpable. Attraction aligns with optimistic, adventurous men, including educators, professors, or those hailing from diverse cultures.
🏰Mars in the 10th house showcases allure in the public eye, accentuating tenacity and success. Energy converges into achievements and reputation, possibly bordering on work-centric tendencies. Attraction is drawn towards older, stable, and successful men, echoing qualities reminiscent of paternal figures.
📱Mars in the 11th house unfolds allure in the digital realm, exuding uniqueness that captivates social networks. The energy is invested in friendships, aspirations, and dreams. Attraction encompasses peculiar, distinctive men, thriving either in group dynamics or solitude, immersed in individual pursuits.
💖Mars in the 12th house mystically radiates allure, captivating through an enigmatic aura. Appreciation transcends the physical, delving into the spiritual and ethereal facets. Energy is channeled into artistic expressions, resonating with the profound. Attraction unfolds towards artistic, spiritual, emotionally profound individuals, potentially from coastal regions, with a transcendent connection that transcends verbal communication.
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marokra · 5 months
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A unique view of Mars and its scarred surface!
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Overlay Observations #1
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Note: keep in mind that aspects and signs are also very important when reading synastry charts, and it cannot be left aside to prioritize overlays.
Sun in 1st house: this is a tricky overlay for any type of relationships, because it will depend a lot on the strength of the sun in both charts. It can either become the type of relationship where the Sun becomes an excellent guide for the house person to discover their creativity, skills, and core self. They will feel more confident and with an extra shine next to the planet person. As if a disco ball was turned on in a dark room, and there’s a spotlight right on you. The house person will also help the Sun stick to their core principles and feeling comfortable in fully expressing themselves with little judgment. Now, that is the positive expression of this overlay if both individuals are able to avoid the elephant in the room. Yes, the ego. The sour side for the house person is to feel overshadowed when they are next to the planet person, and it can therefore trigger an unnecessary need of competition that could easily ruin the relationship. It is also difficult for both individuals to ignore the triggers that they cause in each other due to the amount of similarities that they share. Their own toxic or unhealthy habits will be noticeable to both, but so will the positive ones as well. It really all boils down to how comfortable both individuals feel within their core self. If either has very low self esteem, it will be harsh to feel at ease with each other. Overall, it can be very helpful and rewarding to encounter each other and see themselves in a mirror for good or bad, especially for the house person since the planet person aspects their 7th house of relationships.
Venus + Mars in 1st house: this one takes the cake for "I saw, I wanted, and I conquered" with the planet person being the one who quite literally charges towards the house person with A LOT of passion to the point that it can be overwhelming if there isn't any other aspect to support it. The planet person recognizes in the other all the qualities that they look for when it comes to relationships and the way they move through life. They both feel extremely physically attracted to each other. Instant magnetism. They are able to see the house person as someone who naturally matches their own sexual energy, and it feels like a no brainer to desire closeness. If Saturn or any other strong aspect/overlay isn't involved in any way, it might be a short hot fling. You will both enjoy the insane chemistry and common ground, and unless Pluto, Rahu, harsh aspects are involved, there shouldn't be much of a hiccup if there's a separation at the end. You will fondly look back to remember how you both felt like an IT couple next to each other, and rekindling the fire would be quite easy if there's a reencounter.
Saturn in 1st house: there is a deep sense of responsibility and seriousness that is quickly developed between these two individuals. They both feel like the relationship is one that they would prefer long term, even if there's a heaviness to it. The planet person brings a grounded energy that encourages the house person to think long term, and they will go to great lengths to please the planet person. Its almost as if the house person wants to earn the respect or admiration of the other, and depending on any other planetary aspects made, it will either be something that will lift the house planets to higher highs or will make them feel overwhelmed with the pressure. Think of it as the pressure necessary to build diamonds, meaning, a necessary discomfort to achieve greatness. There's also a very karmic tie between these two individuals, and they will recognize it. The house person will feel like the other was brough into their lives for a reason, be it good or bad. As if they attracted this person due to their previous actions in a current or past life.
Ketu in 1st house: this is the most common "I've met you before" aspect in synastry. There is a strong feeling of comfort and ease between these two individuals, and the house person will feel a breeze from the past with the planet person. This truly goes both ways, and they both recognize it as well. It can also feel like a soulmate connection and one of the two will comfortably claim it so in their mind and heart. Even if Ketu is commonly perceived as a malefic in Vedic astrology, it is also the key to unlock a higher spiritual awareness, and this is exactly what this overlay causes. So, if both individuals are not actively pursuing to expanding their spiritual side, it will gradually create separation. Ketu brings a cleansing or purifying effect that almost feels like a burning sensation when its met with resistance. Hence why this synastry overlay or even with aspects can feel so debilitating for the planet person particularly. There cannot be a spiritual resistance from either side, and growth must be consistently practiced. Meditating together, learning occult knowledge, or even doing yoga will naturally enhance the relationship and it will be much easier to manage. It will also be more comfortable for individuals who already have Ketu touching personal planets or in the 1st house, also for those that have Scorpio placements in their natal chart.
Juno in 1st house: this is the "You are wife/husband material!" synastry overlay. They both feel like the other person has the qualities that they look for in a serious committed relationship. The asteroid person will simply feel like house person matches a lot of the pointers they have for what they would like in a marriage partner. On the other hand, the house person feels like they can hear wedding bells ringing from afar whenever they interact with the other. It is generally a pleasing overlay and both individuals are able to have a good common ground on what they expect from a long term relationship.
Venus in 4th house: a definite favorite overlay for romantic or platonic relationships. They are able to break the ice easily with each other during the beginning stages because there is a strong feeling of comfort they experience together. They are the type to spend hours chilling next to each other reading, scrolling through TikTok, or watching movies for hours with no issues (unless there are harsh aspects or malefic planets). The planet person feels at home with the house person, and things like cooking, cleaning, or nurturing each other develops with a lot of ease. The planet person brings material benefits to the house person, so if they move in together, the house person quite literally gets their space improved or it gets beautified in some way. Lots of harmony when it comes to these matters in general. They are the type that redecorate their home together as a hobby. It is also a good overlay for naturally wanting to grow a family and having an ease with it since their values match when it comes to raising children.
Mars in 6th house: this is a very wholesome and motivating overlay. The planet person brings a lot of energy to get things done and actively helps the house person on their daily life. The house person on the other hand, gets activated on their sense of servicing Mars, and it is common for them to also do a lot of little AND big things to make their life easier. I've seen them cooking, cleaning, or even fixing things for the house person frequently, but it generally goes both ways regardless. Acts of service as a love language is seen here. In general, there's a lot of "I want to help you grow and develop" between the two of them. They could even work or do exercises together as well. The only downside is that one of them could be too judgmental or picky with how things get done, and it could make either feel as if their efforts go unnoticed or unappreciated. If the relationship drifts apart, they will miss each other a lot because of how present they were in their day to day. Sort of like, you will think of each other while doing mundane activities like washing the dishes or doing groceries.
Venus in 8th house: as most astrologer enthusiast explain, this is not an overlay or synastry for the weak, at all. There is a strong attachment that is developed whenever the 8th house involved. Both individuals feel like two candles that join together to create a big flame that can warm and destroy with equal strength. The negative side is very clear, a heavy and almost addictive feeling with a heavy dark intense undertone. The house person sees Venus as a princess/prince that somehow appeared in the place they try to hide the most from others, and this immediately creates a desire to get very close. They want to study Venus, understand how they got in there to begin with, and determine whether they want them in there or not. In this case, the house person holds a lot of the control. Venus will not have easy access to the house person unless it is granted. They will keep on creating obstacles to keep the planet person from getting closer until they recognize that there's no way to keep them out unless they literally walk away. The positive side is when the house person surrenders to the feeling of developing an intense and deep connection with the planet person. Once they do, it will feel like they are able to reach depths that they were unable to do so before with anyone else. It is common for both of them to share resources with each other and there is also a strong sense of loyalty that develops after the common challenges (jealousy, possessiveness, mistrust, etc) are worked out. Venus brings wealth and abundance to the house person, either through gifts or by simply attracting that towards them like a magnet. The house person on the other side shares their own resources VERY often, and have no issues with even dipping into their savings just to please Venus.
Jupiter in 10th house: I would call this the "You're my money lucky charm" overlay along with the 2nd house overlay. The planet person brings expansion, growth, and luck to the house person when it comes to their profession and public image. There is a lot of knowledge and guidance that the planet person provides, and that allows the house person to use those pointers to achieve their goals much faster than they would have been able to do so alone. For the planet person, it feels like they are very popular and/or noticeable within the work or public life of the house person. Unlike Venus, who is seen as a trophy wife/husband or as a very obvious romantic partner next to the house person, Jupiter is seen as someone who is like a sage, advisor, or foreigner. Overall, this is a very positive overlay for both to grow towards their material goals. The house person will prefer to spend more time outside with the planet person instead of being at home all the time since it aspects their 4th house. You both want to be seen together being out and about.
Moon in 12th house: this is a very complex interaction between two people, and it will depend a lot on what type of relationship they have (romantic, platonic, familiar, etc). In a general sense, the moon person will experience some confusion when it comes to acknowledging their feelings towards the house person. As if there was a veil that keeps them from taking confident steps forward. It is common for both people to develop a resistance into trusting each other at the beginning, but the other side of the coin is that they can't help but grow closer towards each other. The house person feels seen in every sense of the word, and they can notice how the other seamlessly understands what goes through their head almost as if it was telepathy. Now, even if the planet person is able to navigate somewhat well the subconscious mind of the other, there will be a constant doubt or hesitance. It will be hard for them to even understand why it feels this way, and only through identifying their own subconscious wounds will they will able to recognize the root of their confusion. Once this feeling and pattern is explored, it will feel as if they veil is lifted and they will understand the house person like the back of their hand. This is an aspect that can be rewarding if the planet person is focused on their spiritual growth, as they will gain immense knowledge to their own mind (since the moon rules the subconscious mind as well).
Hope this was an insightful and enjoyable reading~
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madam-quack · 13 days
I have a super cool, kind of whacky space/chemistry fact for people who have the patience to read this.
When satellites and other spacecraft enter Earth’s atmosphere, they get all burnt, charred, and blackened, right? Well, we (as in humans) have sent several satellites to Mars, and they don’t get charred at all.
Why do the satellites burn up in Earth’s atmosphere but not Mars’s?
Before I give you the answer, first you’ll need a bit of background information. At dry cleaners, one of the more eco-friendly cleaning methods they use is super critical carbon dioxide. (Super critical fluid is a state of matter that’s a combination of vapor and liquid). When it’s pressurized, the CO2 is liquid and gets the dirt off of clothes. When it depressurizes, the CO2 returns to vapor form, and the dirt falls out. As a result, the clothes get clean without ever actually getting wet.
This is relevant because what is Mars’s atmosphere made of? Carbon dioxide. When little robot guys (AKA satellites) enter Mars’s atmosphere… they get dry cleaned.
(Credit to my physical chemistry professor for teaching me this fun fact).
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marsoid · 2 months
hi! i saw you had a character named sawyer whos trans , and my name is sawyer and i am also trans ( ftm tho ) so i thought that was really cool , lol !! i love your comics so much btw !!
NICE!!! sawyer is one of my fave gender neutral names. shout out to these guys
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
misinformation is bad but some people say very funny lies
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marsmarbles · 5 months
oh please dont draw more sausage and mog kissing * 👀 vine boom* that would be awful to see more old man yaoi * 👀vine boom* please dont draw them making out, that would be the worse thing in the world 👀
Awghhhh fuck my hand slipped,,,,
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* ˚ ✦Capricorn observation* ˚ ✦
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• Like any earth sign they like a timeless look or something fitting to their environment (messy environment messy look, clean environment clean look, picking up what I’m putting down?)
It also kind applies to when they’re looking for love interests.
• Very “old school” probably has a collection of some kind, maybe along the lines of retro memorabilia or collections of antiques (that they only think looks good) or they’re place looks bare because they could never spend money on “that pointless crap”
(I’ve almost met a lot of Capricorn placements who collects comic books.)
• They could never spend large amounts of money unless it’s apart of their “whole master plan” aka they will do anything to get ahead in their job or career even if it means hurting your feelings or taking your position!
That’s earths sign kinda of competitiveness.
• I personally feel like thrifting was invented by a Capricorn or the Russian mail order bride service, both ends mean business for one common thing, not love…. But money.
In some cases it means love.
• Capricorn in love is like a strong tree trunk if you appreciate it enough and have enough patience.
Can you stay all 4 seasons?
• Can you handle a Capricorn’s depression or seasonal depression because they rather get the bag than celebrate holidays including if they live far away from family.
•Free time for Capricorn means learning/ planning how to get more money when they DO have free time (which is never, they’re always busy) or tinkering around trying to make something (crafty) or fixing something that needed to be fixed 6 months ago.
They procrastinate a bit here and there.
• Just like a cancer they like they’re space and personal space but not carrying they’re home on they’re back like cancer, that’s what they lack and leads them to depression, dating a cancer can help them gain that nostalgia back for them but won’t solve there depression! (Don’t use water signs as emotional body bags.
• They do love the used, daddy issues, mommy issues people, because earlier on their life or childhood they had to grow up fast and never really shown love or proper love towards them. So they do the same.
Whata cycle Capricorn!
• They mentally think like a teenager but have a body like a 80 year old. Having back pains in highschool? And problems with they’re knees?
• Do you have crooked teeth? Deep voice? Sometimes raspy? Small face features but a long nasal cavity? Did you ever have those gold/silver caps in your teeth while growing up?
• The males are into older women, and women are into younger guys.
• Shy when it comes to love but very confident when it comes to money.
• Once when you have everything why do you feel like you gotta keep searching?
•How does it feel to chase something you don’t even know what your chasing?
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