#martha x casanova
crookedfivefingers · 2 months
I had this thought about Ten and Martha traveling back to Venice in the 1700’s.
Naturally, they wind up separated during the trip — which is how Martha eventually finds herself in the company of a charming, if hauntingly familiar stranger…
One who can’t seem to keep his eyes off of her.
Ten x Martha | Martha x Casanova
✨WIP snip from ch.1✨
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In May of 1758, the many streets of Venice are packed for the annual Feast of the Ascension —but a day filled with food and laughter is cut short when Martha loses sight of the Doctor in the crowds.
By the time she’s finally able to break free and locate the missing Time Lord, she’s stunned to see him being tugged into a carriage by a beautiful young woman… A carriage that swiftly disappears down the road and out of sight.
Alone, hurting, and more than a little cross, Martha suddenly realizes that she’s stranded in an unfamiliar city… over two hundred years in the past. Bloody brilliant.
She can’t even remember where they parked the TARDIS at this point — not with the endless narrow alleyways and labyrinthine streets.
It’s a modest blessing, but she takes some comfort in knowing she’s at least dressed appropriately for the times, straightening her elaborate wig as she begins walking in the carriage’s general direction.
As time passes, the sun tucks itself away beneath the edge of the horizon, and the crowds finally begin to dissipate. Without the excess noise and foot traffic, Martha has more room to process the events of the evening, sort-of-searching for the long-lost carriage (but mostly brooding) as she puts increasing wear on her shoes.
After some time, the sound of music and laughter drifts into her ears, catching her attention to pull her from the darkness of her thoughts. She allows herself to be drawn towards it without hesitation, and not three minutes later, she’s standing at the edge of a ballroom in the Palazzo Pisani Moretta.
Partying shouldn’t be top of mind, of course — but after a full day of celebrating throughout the city, she can’t imagine putting any more stress on her aching feet. The poor extremities scream for reprieve in the wedge sandals that hide beneath her skirt, scolding her for not putting more thought into her choice of footwear.
To be fair, the move to enter the building isn’t entirely void of strategy. After all, the Doctor could be in here. Seems like just the sort of place his little date might like to mingle, she thinks with a healthy roll of her eyes.
To say the Palazzo is extravagant is putting it mildly. In addition to what may well be a few hundred elite guests in attendance, the spacious hall is adorned from floor to ceiling with finery, the glowing chandeliers illuminating marble statues and countless works of art. Servers in masquerade weave through the crowd with practiced ease, trays of nibbles and beverages balancing on splayed fingertips.
Feeling inspired, Martha snags a cup of wine as soon as she’s close enough to reach for one, downing half of the bitter, eighteenth-century swill with as much haste as her twenty-first-century taste buds will allow. She forces a smile through her grimace when the server looks to her for approval, still concerned with cordiality [even as she crashes a party wherein she knows no one at all].
Partygoers welcome her readily: happy socialites with hair as big and dramatic as the wig she’s been regretting picking out all day. The compliments they lavish her with almost make it feel worth the hassle, however, and in that moment, she’s grateful that the Doctor let her raid the wardrobe. It feels so much easier to exist in a time period without standing out — at least, more than she already feels she does as a black woman.
(The Time Lord really can be thick, can’t he?)
Over and onward, Martha decides to let loose as much as she can, keeping a wary eye out between little sips of murky, purple wet. It’s been at least three hours since she last saw her mate, and though the environment that surrounds her is intoxicating, she can’t deny the little pinpricks of worry that emerge in her gut.
Surely he wouldn’t just sod off for a shag... would he? Leave her all alone without a word?
Is that really something the Doctor is capable of after everything they’ve been through?
An image of his disappearance flitters across her mind’s eye: a flash of a woman’s smiling face as she drags him into her fancy carriage by the lapels, her giggles resounding off the stone walls as they slip away together.
Another image nips at the heels of the former, only this time, it’s the Doctor’s stony expression as he returns from across the field in Farringham, having just had a proposition rejected by Nurse Redfern. The same proposition he made the morning after finding out how his companion truly felt for him, easily filing that information away as a “non-issue.”
Alright, so maybe he can be a bit of a tosser. Great. Maybe he has no interest in being found just yet, being fully aware that Martha can handle her own.
Everything’s always on his terms, anyway.
Furthermore, and she hates to even think it in the first place, but: who’s to say he didn’t think slipping out unannounced was the only way to get away from her for the night?
Blimey. If that’s the way he really thinks of her...
No. No, no, no — those thoughts aren't helpful for anyone. Not right now.
Worst case scenario, Martha will find a kind local to seek shelter with before night’s end, though she prays it doesn’t come to that. The idea of even thinking about sleeping knowing the Doctor is just out there somewhere makes her stomach churn — even if he has got… friendly company.
Time for more wine, she reckons; her eyes flick about the crowd until she spots the closest server, and then she attempts to head in her direction.
While en route, a portly man in technicolor robes requests a dance, which she turns down as politely as possible. Then another guest — a dark-haired noblewoman about forty-five years old — stumbles on the mosaic when her heels catch the train of another woman’s dress, and Martha helps her to her feet.
All the servers carting wine around only seem to be getting further away, and it feels like a sign. Perhaps she shouldn’t be consuming any more alcohol — at least, not until she has a little more peace of mind.
To her surprise, she doesn’t have to wait long at all.
Through a sea of bobbing heads, swaying bodies shrouded in brightly-colored fabrics, and a thin haze of incense smoke, their eyes lock from across the room — and Martha briefly foregoes the right to oxygen.
She knows she should be relieved (or perhaps furious — definitely furious), but as her throat grows tight and dry, all she’s got the presence of mind to feel is the frantic fluttering of her heartbeat as blood roars in her ears.
The Doctor has never looked at her like that.
Temporarily immobile, she can only watch as he approaches her with deliberate, single-minded steps, the dance floor seeming to part naturally around him. He doesn’t falter or pause and he doesn’t need to; this man claims a route that no one capable of sight would dare interfere.
Somehow, in the last few hours, he’s wound up in a loose red tunic, tight black trousers — tights, essentially — and matching black boots. A black, silken band wraps around his neck, purely decorative, bringing the black from the rest of the outfit together to complete the look.
It’s an entirely different getup than the one she helped him pick out this morning, but let it be known that it’s no less gorgeous for it. Even his hair is different than she’s ever seen it, appearing softer and lighter with significantly less product than usual (if any at all), and he looks…
Bloody hell, he looks incredible.
When he arrives, he gets quite close — closer than Martha’s body and mind are anywhere near recovered enough to be prepared for — and she has just enough time to notice the color of his eyes when he takes her hand.
Are his eyes... blue?
The smile he fixes her with is slow and certain; it simmers just as the gaze he ensnares her with. He seems to reach right into her soul’s lowered defenses to bury himself at the thick of it, lifting her hand to his mouth to rest his gentle lips against her skin.
The touch is just jarring enough to wrench Martha out from the clouds as the realization hits her.
This man is not the Doctor.
“I hope you’ll forgive me,” he murmurs, his voice and cadence eerily identical to the one she knows. “If I'm honest, I just couldn’t resist your magnetism for another moment longer.”
His words, though softly spoken, seem louder than anyone or anything else in the room, effectively shutting the rest of the world out.
"Erm," Martha chokes, eyes wide. Stunned. "I-I, er..." She shakes her head slowly, her voice (and brain) temporarily evading her. It feels as though she's fallen through a crack in dimensions. Perhaps she has.
“Right — sorry," the man chuckles. "Bit rude of me. My name's Giac." He finally lowers her hand between them, flashing a wink, giving her fingers the softest of squeezes before letting them slip through his. "Though I must admit... I am far more eager to learn yours.”
Note: This is a post-Blink story in which Martha is seduced by Giacomo, inspiring clarity and an almost possessive jealousy within the Doctor. How ever will he handle it? I’ve also considered an eventual threesome, but should that happen, it will be strictly het Martha-worship. (Also, per the David Tennant miniseries, Giac is pronounced “Jack”)
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super-predictable98 · 2 months
MaterniTARDIS (10th Doctor x Wife)
Word count: 1,3k
Warning: Strong language, childbirth, mention of blood
A/n: Again with another request, it took me a while, but I really wanted to post something I'm happy with. I hope you like it and the person who requested asked me to name the character that would be the Doctor's wife, so this isn't part of the Galaxies of Gallifrey canon. Thank you so much for the request, lots of love 🧡
"Love… I think it's time," The Doctor warned, looking down at his wife's huge pregnancy bump.
"What? But I don't feel anything, I'm only having Braxton Hicks," Lydia mumbled.
"I'm getting our baby's telepathic field and it wants out. I'm gonna call Martha," he grabbed the cellphone his former companion had given him when she left so they could stay in contact.
Martha's eyes lit up when she saw the phone ringing with her old number. She picked it up and rolled over on her bed with a big smile.
"Hey! Long time no see!"
"Hey, we have a little situation here," the Doctor said while rubbing Lydia's belly. "My wife is having her baby any time now and we really need someone to help with that."
"Lydia is pregnant? Since when?" Martha gasped.
"Since about 38 weeks ago?"
"Why didn't you call me before?" She jumped from the bed to get her jacket and her first aid kit. "Has she been taking her vitamins? Did she do any tests for gestational diabetes? Any ultrasounds?"
"Of course… actually no… we got caught up with some business in Melissa Majoria. Then we visited 18th Century Venice, but that didn't work very well and now I owe Casanova a chicken. Then we-"
"You're so incredibly irresponsible! Pick me up right now in my room!"
It didn't take long for the familiar whirring of the TARDIS to fill the room and the blue police box to appear in the corner.
"Hey, Martha Jones!" The Doctor grinned and offered his hand to help her inside. "This room almost feels smaller… come on in, she is about ready to pop."
"No, I'm not," Lydia chuckled. "I actually feel… FUCK!"
Her voice cracked and she screamed when the first proper contraction hit. The Doctor had a smug smile, but Martha just rolled her eyes and led Lydia to one of the many rooms in the TARDIS with at least a bed.
"Just keep breathing, I don't have any epidural-" Martha murmured.
"I'LL HAVE TO GIVE BIRTH WITHOUT DRUGS?" Lydia cried. "Doctor, I hate you! I hate you, I hate you! You put this baby in me and you said a birth in the TARDIS would be ideal, I wanna KILL you!"
"Do I look like an amateur? Your husband is an alien," he pulled out a little shot in a metal syringe. "Local anesthesia from the future."
"Forget what I said, I love you," she sighed relieved when he applied the shot.
Martha positioned her in the best way possible and went down to check the cervix. She didn't have a lot of medical equipment to assist with the birth, but what they had would have to do.
The pain Lydia felt was slowly subsiding and she relaxed, focusing on the pressure on her lower stomach, while the Doctor sat by her side stroking her belly and holding her hand.
"You're not very dilated right now, it could take an hour, it could take a day… I'll try to find some tools," Martha went to the door. "Call me if anything changes."
When they were alone, the Doctor sat next to Lydia and wrapped one arm tightly around her shoulders while his other hand rested on her bump. He had a big goofy smile on his face, he couldn't wait to meet their little one.
"You look so incredibly beautiful right now," he kissed her cheek. "I love you so much, you're like a goddess to me. You can make a person in your belly, you beauty! You're so gorgeous!"
"Stop that, I'm all disheveled and covered in amniotic fluid," Lydia chuckled.
"And you've never been more beautiful. I'll miss this sexy belly of yours, I love your belly so much, but I'm glad it's not disappearing right away when the baby is born. I can rub it a while longer."
"You're weird," she snorted, but felt warm and fuzzy inside with each compliment.
"I know… I missed being a dad, you know? It's been so long."
"I'm sure wherever and whenever your children are right now, they are very proud of their father."
"For someone who believes in heaven that's very comforting… I'll choose to believe that today."
"Do you think I'm gonna be a good mother?" Lydia asked, a little insecure.
"You're gonna be brilliant! Besides, I'll be here to help, I speak baby, I can understand anything they need.
"Do you really speak baby? I always thought you were taking the piss…"
"No, I actually do. It's all about perception, anyone can do it. After being a father to so many kids, I learned a thing or two."
"Yeah? What else do you know?"
The Doctor sighed and leaned, placing his ear on Lydia's belly.
"I know that it won't take long for the baby to be born. It really wants to come out, it won't wait much longer," he moved to look under her dress and stuck a couple fingers in there. "Yeah, definitely not much longer. I can feel their little head… awww they have so much hair!"
"Ew ew, get your hand out of there!" She laughed.
"That's not what you said last night…" The Doctor teased.
"And don't be silly you can't feel our baby's head like that, it's impossible."
"Is it?"
"Yes!" Lydia laughed, no longer sure.
About an hour and a half passed before Martha returned, looking really tired from roaming the hundreds of rooms in the TARDIS in search of makeshift medical equipment.
"How are we doing? Feeling the urge to push?" She asked.
"Yeah, I have for a little while, but I was scared," Lydia explained.
"Alright, let's have a look," she said before giving the Doctor a pair of oversized scissors for him to cut the umbilical cord with. "Oh yeah, definitely dilated enough, let's start pushing, alright? I'll count to ten while you push then we have a little break to breathe and I'll count again, alright?"
"Alright," Lydia nodded, the pain wasn't too bad thanks to the anesthetics, but she could still feel the pressure of the baby fighting to come out.
Martha started to count and Lydia started to push, the Doctor held back her leg while kissing her forehead for support.
"Come on, you're so brilliant, and our baby will be just as brilliant!" The Doctor cheered her on. "Keep going, keep going! Yeah, that's my girl! I love you so much…"
"I don't think I can do this," Lydia wailed.
"Of course you can, you were genetically programmed to be able to do this, your body can do the stuff of legends, let's keep going. Just a little more, I can see the head already! I was right, a full head of hair!"
Martha shook her head and rolled her eyes before starting the countdown again. "10, 9, 8, big push now, 7, 6…"
And just like that, with one swift motion, she was able to get the baby, who started to cry almost immediately.
"Oh look, loud like their daddy," Lydia teased.
"It's a girl," Martha smiled, waving over the Doctor to cut the cord. He did so and picked up his daughter, getting blood and baby goo all over his suit, but he didn't mind.
"Look, Lyds, our girl," he cooed, placing the crying child on her mother's chest. "My new little companion!"
While Martha helped Lydia deliver the placenta, she watched them occasionally. "What will you name her?" She asked.
"Any ideas, Doc?" Lyddie asked.
"Yes, I know you want Mummy to give you milk, but do you know which name you want to have? Aham, okay," he nodded. "She has a sense of humor, she wants to be named Angel because the first time she heard our voice, we were running from weeping angels."
"Hmmm which name do you like, baby?" He looked down at his daughter and she cooed.
"You're kidding, she did not just say that," Lydia started feeding their baby.
"Cross my hearts," the Doctor chuckled. "Welcome to the world, Angel, we love you so much."
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literatemisfit · 8 months
You know what I think is funny?
I finished Broadchurch s3 on Sunday for the first time and now I find myself watching fan-made videos of Alec and Ellie and reading fanfiction at work. And I'm realizing that David is part of so many fictional fan couplings.
Alec x Ellie
10 x Rose
10 x Martha
10 x Donna
10 x Jack
David x Billie
David x Catherine
Crowley x Aziraphale
David x Michael
Kilgrave x Jessica
Benedick x Beatrice
Casanova x Bellino
And I'm just like. No matter what phase of his career we're in, there's always one ship that people hang on to and swear is real. It's just so silly.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Disney+ UK Star Launch: Complete List of New TV Shows and Films
We came for The Mandalorian, stuck around for WandaVision, and, as we wait for The Falcon and Winter Soldier and Loki to arrive, there’s now a huge pile of new catalogue additions to work through, courtesy of Disney Plus’ Star brand.
Star launched on the Disney Plus streaming service in territories outside of the US (where Disney already has a home for adult drama in Hulu) on the 23rd of February. It’s added over 75 TV shows and 280 feature films here in the UK, including the entirety of Lost, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, Glee, Prison Break, Sons of Anarchy and Scrubs as well as cult favourites Firefly, Flashforward, Terriers and more. There are also some UK debuts in the form of the Star Originals listed below.
Film-wise, there’s ample reason to go back to the 90s in the form of Arachnophobia, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Con Air and a host of others, plus…well, it’s almost 300 films. Chances are you’ll find something to tickle your fancy. Households with kids should know there are new parental controls to set too, ensuring that nobody gets any unwelcome surprises.
Here’s the complete list of titles so far:
Star Originals
Big Sky
From Mr TV himself, David E. Kelley (Doogie Howser, Chicago Hope, Ally Mcbeal, Big Little Lies) comes a nine-part crime thriller starring Ryan Philippe and Vikings‘ Katheryn Winnick. Based on the 2013 novel The Highway by C.J. Box, Big Sky is the story of a series of missing girls and a private detective/cop trio with a messy personal history who team up to find them. It aired on ABC in the US last winter.
There’s very little fanfare for this comic book show‘s UK debut, which met with mostly negative reviews on release and was cancelled after 10 episodes, but Marvel completists will want to take a look. Tom Austen and Sidney Lemmon play the Helstrom siblings Daimon and Satana, the children of serial killers who hunt down the worst of humanity.
Love, Victor
Another Hulu original making its UK debut, this teen drama spins off from celebrated gay teen 2018 film Love, Simon. It’s narrated by Nick Robinson, who played Simon in the original film, and follows the story of a Puerto-Rican/Colombian-American teen living in Atalanta. Reviews for the 10-part first season were strong and it’s been renewed for a second.
Solar Opposites
Rick and Morty‘s Justin Roiland and Star Trek: Lower Decks‘s Mike McMahan are the creators of this adult animated comedy series about a family of aliens (pictured above) forced to seek refuge in middle America. Season one was enthusiastically received, and a second run is due to air in the US in March. Read plenty more about it here.
TV Series
According To Jim, Seasons 1 – 8 Alias, Seasons 1-5 American Dad, Seasons 1-16 Animal Fight Night, Seasons 1-6 Apocalypse World War I, Season 1 Apocalypse: The Second World War, Season 1 Atlanta, Seasons 1-2 Blackish, Seasons 1-5 Bloody Tales Of Europe, Season 1 Bloody Tales Of The Tower, Season 1 Bones, Seasons 1-12 Brothers & Sisters, Seasons 1-5 Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Seasons 1-7 Buried Secrets Of WWII, Season 1 Burn Notice, Seasons 1-7 Castle, Seasons 1-8 Code Black, Seasons 1-3 Cougar Town, Seasons 1-6 Desperate Housewives, Seasons 1-8 Devious Maids, Seasons 1-4 Drugs, Inc. Seasons 2-7 Family Guy, Seasons 1-18 Feud: Bette And Joan, Season 1 Firefly, Season 1 Flashforward, Season 1 The Fosters, Seasons 1- 5 The Gifted, Seasons 1-2 Glee, Seasons 1-6 Grey’s Anatomy, Seasons 1-15 The Hot Zone, Season 1 How I Met Your Mother, Seasons 1-9 Inside North Korea’s Dynasty, Season 1 The Killing, Seasons 1-4 LA 92 Lance, Season 1 Lie To Me, Seasons 1-3 Lost, Seasons 1-6 Mafia Confidential Maradona Confidential Mars, Seasons 1-2 Modern Family, Seasons 1-8 O.J.: Made In America Perception, Seasons 1-3 Prison Break, Seasons 1-5 Raising Hope, Seasons 1-4 Resurrection, Seasons 1-2 Revenge, Seasons 1-4 Rosewood, Seasons 1-2 Scandal, Seasons 1-7 Scream Queens, Seasons 1-2 Scrubs, Seasons 1-9 Sleepy Hollow, Seasons 1-4 Snowfall, Seasons 1-3 Sons Of Anarchy, Seasons 1-7 The Strain, Seasons 1-4 Terra Nova, Season 1 Terriers, Season 1 Trust, Season 1 Ugly Betty, Season 1-4 Ultimate Survival WWII, Season 1 Valley Of The Boom, Season 1 Witness To Disaster, Season 1 WWII Bomb Hunters The X-Files, Season 1-9 The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All, Season 1 24, Season 1-9 24: Legacy, Season 1 The 80s: The Decade That Made Us, Season 1 9/11 Firehouse The 90s: The Last Great Decade? Season 1 9-1-1, Season 1-2
Read more
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Gina Carano Was Fired from The Mandalorian, But Should Cara Dune Live On?
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The 13th Warrior 42 to 1 9 to 5 Adam (2009) The Air Up There The Alamo (2004) Anna And The King Annapolis Another Earth Another Stakeout Anywhere But Here Arachnophobia Australia Bachelor Party Bad Ass Bad Company (2002) Bad Company (Aka: Tool Shed) Bad Girls (1994) Bad Times At The El Royale Baggage Claim The Banger Sisters Be Water Beaches Before And After (1996) Belle Beloved (1998) The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Best Laid Plans Big Trouble Billy Bathgate Black Nativity Borat: Cultural Learnings Of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation … Boys Don’t Cry Braveheart Breaking And Entering Bringing Out The Dead Broadcast News Brokedown Palace Broken Lizard’s Club Dread Brothers In Exile Brown Sugar Bubble Boy Bulworth Bushwhacked Can’t Buy Me Love Casanova (2005) Catch That Kid Cedar Rapids Chain Reaction Chasing Papi Chasing Tyson Choke The Clearing Cleopatra (1963) Cocktail Cocoon: The Return Cold Creek Manor The Color Of Money Come See The Paradise The Comebacks Commando (1985) Con Air Conan The Barbarian Confetti Consenting Adults A Cool Dry Place Cousin Bette Crazy/Beautiful Crimson Tide The Crucible Cyrus Damien – Omen Ii The Darjeeling Limited Dark Water Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008) The Day The Series Stopped Day Watch Deadpool 2 Dead Presidents Deceived (1991) The Deep End Deep Rising Deion’s Double Play The Devil Wears Prada Devil’s Due Die Hard 2 Die Hard With A Vengeance Double Take Down And Out In Beverly Hills Down Periscope Dragonball: Evolution Dreaming Of Joseph Lees Drive Me Crazy The Drop Duets The East Ed Wood The Edge Encino Man Enemy Of The State Enough Said Evita Exodus: Gods And Kings The Fab Five (2011) Far From The Madding Crowd (2015) The Fault In Our Stars The Favourite The Final Conflict Firestorm (1998) The Fly (1986) For The Boys Four Falls Of Buffalo French Connection II The French Connection From Hell Gentlemen Broncos A Good Day To Die Hard Good Morning, Vietnam The Good Son (1993) A Good Year The Grand Budapest Hotel The Great White Hype Grosse Pointe Blank Guilty As Sin Gun Shy The Happening Here On Earth High Fidelity High Heels And Low Lifes Hitchcock Hoffa Holy Man Hope Springs (2003) I Heart Huckabees I Love You, Beth Cooper I Origins I Think I Love My Wife Idiocracy In America In Her Shoes Independence Day Independence Day: Resurgence Inventing The Abbotts Jennifer’s Body The Jewel Of The Nile John Tucker Must Die Johnson Family Vacation Jordan Rides The Bus Joshua Just Married Just Wright Kingdom Come Kissing Jessica Stein Kung Pow: Enter The Fist Ladyhawke The Ladykillers (2004) Last Dance (1996) Le Divorce The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou Live Free Or Die Hard Looking For Richard Mad Love (1995) The Man From Snowy River Margaret The Marine Marked For Death The Marrying Man Martha Marcy May Marlene MASH Max Payne The Maze Runner Medicine Man Melinda And Melinda Metro Miami Rhapsody Miller’s Crossing Moulin Rouge (2001) My Father The Hero Mystery, Alaska The Namesake Nature Boy Never Die Alone The Newton Boys Night Watch (2006) No Mas Nothing To Lose Notorious Office Space One Hour Photo Oscar And Lucinda The Other Woman (2014) Our Family Wedding Out To Sea Pathfinder (2007) Phat Girlz Phone Booth Planet Of The Apes (1968) Planet Of The Apes (2001) Pony Excess The Poseidon Adventure (1972) Post Grad Powder The Preacher’s Wife Pretty Woman Primeval The Puppet Masters The Pyramid Quills Quiz Show Ravenous Rebound Renaissance Man Revenge Of The Nerds Ii: Nerds In Paradise The Ringer Robin Hood (1991) The Rocker Romancing The Stone Ruby Sparks Runaway Bride Rushmore Ruthless People The Savages Say It Isn’t So The Scarlet Letter Sea Of Shadows The Secret Life Of Bees Separate Lies The Sessions Shadow Conspiracy Shallow Hal Shining Through The Siege Signs Simon Birch A Simple Twist Of Fate The Sitter (2011) Six Days, Seven Nights Sleeping With The Enemy Solaris Someone Like You Soul Food Spy Hard Stakeout Starship Troopers Stoker Summer Of Sam Super Troopers (2002) Surrogates Swing Kids Taxi (2004) Terminal Velocity Thank You For Smoking There’s Something About Mary The Thin Red Line (1999) Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Three Fugitives The Three Stooges (2012) Titan A.E. Tombstone Toys Trapped In Paradise Tristan & Isolde Up Close & Personal V.I. Warshawski Veronica Guerin The Village (2004) Von Ryan’s Express Waiting To Exhale Waitress Waking Life The War Of The Roses The Watch (2012) The Waterboy The Way Way Back What’s Love Got To Do With It When A Man Loves A Woman White Men Can’t Jump William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet Win Win Woman On Top Working Girl (1988) The X-Files
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The X-Files: I Want To Believe
Disney+ UK, now including Star is available for £7.99 per month
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perfectlyrose · 6 years
Monthly Self-Rec: November Edition
Rounding up everything I’ve written in November as part of the monthly self rec project! If you’ve created something this month (doesn’t have to be fic!), write a post about it and we’ll celebrate with you!
obscured [ch 2] - Nine x Rose AU, all ages, 3803 words, WIP
The forest is a dangerous place. Impenetrable fog has descended on it for one day a month for as long as anyone can remember. There are stories of wolves and ghosts haunting the woods and tales of doomed lovers from long ago. Things are about to change though and maybe love will find a way after all.
AO3 // tumblr // TSP // FF
ready to fly - Tentoo x Rose, all ages, 2694 words
The Doctor’s been working on a secret project in his workshop for his and Rose’s second wedding anniversary. The TARDIS is in on the secret and the two of them can hardly wait until the appointed day to reveal the surprise.
mark for later - Tentoo x Rose, NSFW, 100 words
concentration - Tentoo x Rose, NSFW, 412 words, AO3
something’s in the air (it’s love baby, call it love) - Casanova x Fanny, all ages, 109 words
it’s electric! - Ten x Rose, all ages, 136 words
direct current - Eight x Charley, all ages, 116 words
right at home here in this ghost town - Dimension-hopping Rose, all ages, 1191 words
The need to go, to be anywhere but here, was a buzz under her skin that kept her going when she should be exhausted and kept her up when she should be sleeping. Jumping through the Void repeatedly was preferable to giving in to the one inside of her chest.
healing sleep - Nine x Rose, all ages, 808 words
Rose and the Doctor are banged up and tired when they end up in a hotel room with only one bed.
fort building - Ten x Rose, all ages, 254 words
an excessive number of pillows - Six x Rose, all ages, 197 words
Writing Meme Responses: 10,304 words
Buffy x Willow + “you don’t need to worry about me”
Fem!Nine x Rose + bedsharing
Nine x Rose x Jack + visiting an alien festival
Eight x Rose + alien invasion wedding
Clara x Jenny + “this should be our new tradition”
Willow x Martha + met in a college lecture
Fem!Ten x Rose + post-thanksgiving cuddling
Fem!Ten x Rose + giggly smut (nsfw)
Ten x Rose + seeing Rose naked for the first time (nsfw)
Nine x Rose + first kiss
Twelve x Rose + in the console room (nsfw)
Ten x Rose + in the shower
WonderTrev + “Well I hear you’re doing fine. And that you’re doing it the best that you can”
Hannah x Hardy + insecurities
Nine x Rose + accents (nsfw)
Clara x Rose + fake dating
Ten x Rose + spooning
Eleven x Clara + cocktails on the moon
Eleven x Rose + ferris wheel kiss
Nine x Rose + baking
Ten x Rose + wrong number
Hannah x Hardy + stuck inside during a thunderstorm (nsfw)
Bill x Heather + adopting a dog
Bill x Rose + be my model for this art assignment?
Clara x Jenny + adopting a dog
Hannah x Hardy + fire alarm went off at 3 am and it’s cold
Fem!Nine x Rose + made up a reason to give you flowers
Thirteen x Rose + adopting a dog
Two of Clara’s echoes + new neighbors
Eleven x Rose + aquarium date
Clara x Jenny + proposal
Clara x Rose + Clara meeting DH!Rose
Thirteen x Rose + “that jacket is mine, sorry”
Martha & Rose + meeting before either travels with the Doctor
Twelve x Rose + soulmate AU
Clara x Rose + “i don’t want you like a best friend”
Eleven x Rose + “there’s a perfectly good reason for all of these kittens”
Ten x Rose + met in a coffee shop
Original Work: 366 words
Accalia “Callie” Astra Cooper
Total word count for the month: 20,490
Total word count for the year: 118,686
[all monthly self-rec posts]
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December Prompts
Apologies this is a few days late, we got a bit preoccupied with life things. But here we are now with a few nuggets of inspiration to consider  ❄️ 🎄 🌠
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- We’d love all your Twelfth Doctor prompts ideas, fics, and fanworks :)
- Nativity 2! December is a great time to try out Donald or Roderick Peterson, or write a Doctor x Rose AU of Nativity 2 (which if you’ve never seen it is rather delightful Christmas fluff featuring Tennant :)
- December 8th is Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day! For the love of Gallifrey that needs to be in a fic and art!
- Chevalier d’Eon (Big Finish audios) meets Chevalier de Seingault (Casanova)
- A fic about every time Rose teased the Doctor in the new audios 
- Jackie Tyler, strong woman™
- The Doctor and companion discover the elf on the shelf is a wicked plot
- Ugly sweater party (prompt from @waltzing-with-my-inner-geek)
- Multi-Doctor prompt: who makes the best hot cocoa? Rose is the judge
- Real life dealing with snow rather than the snow in movies and stories (car troubles, falling on the ice, everything freezing, cold hands, snowed in, etc etc)
- Make use of Billie’s cake baking photos in some way :D
- The horror of Hendrik’s Christmas sales. AU Doctor needs to buy a last minute present and makes Rose’s last five mins on shift a nightmare but fun
- Baby!fic prompt: rushing to hospital to deliver on Christmas Eve / Day 
- Christmas wedding / engagement 
- Harry Potter xovers … nargles in the mistletoe and other magical shenanigans
- Office party hookup sex ;)
- We always want more Alec Hardy at Christmas because he’s the perfect character for it 
- Tag us in any non-Christmas holiday fic. There are SO MANY December holidays yet to be written in fics! ^_^ 
- What if Bill Potts met Martha Jones?
- A fic/fanwork inspired by or using DW season 11 behind the scenes photos of Thirteen in Twelve’s costume
- The Good Place AU. The Master could be the architect. Doubles as a soulmates AU!
- Decorating the TARDIS or turning the console into a Christmas tree
- A Secret Santa mixup 
- Drunk holiday karaoke or caroling 
- Cookie exchange on the TARDIS or another planet 
- A fic making use of your personal headcanons for Jackie’s holiday traditions, cooking, or baking
- Sleeping through New Years
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20 Followers I Like to Get to Know Better
I was tagged by @notgingerbutstillgotlegs and I think maybe one other person. I don’t know, sorry I don’t get tagged much on this blog.
Name: Catherine
Nickname: Katie
Gender: female last time I checked
Star Sign: Aquarius
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favourite colour: Blue specifically Tardis Blue
Favourite animal: Foxes or Penguins or Cats depends on my mood.
Time right now: 3:34pm
Average hours of sleep: I don’t count how many hours I get, I am lucky if I sleep at all.
Cat or dog person: Cats
Favourite fictional characters: The Tenth Doctor, Alec Hardy, Kilgrave(because he is a complex villain and not the cliche type of one) Emmett Carver(like Alec but doesn’t get enough love) Giacomo Casanova, All of David Tennant’s Shakespeare roles like Hamlet, Benedick, and Richard II, Peter Carlisle, etc this list can go on forever if I keep up with character he played. Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes. Donna Noble, Martha Jones, and Rose Tyler. River Song, Captain Jack pretty much most of Ten’s companions on Doctor Who. This list will take forever so I will leave it at that. Number of blankets I sleep with: Depends on how cold I am, usually I sleep with one or 2 and I end up kicking them all off in the middle of the night. 
Favourite singer/band: I like a lot of bands and singers. Mostly right now I am listening to Chain Smokers, 21 Pilots, Imagine Dragons, Bastille, X Ambassadors, The Proclaimers, I also listen to a lot 70s and 80s music too, so it varies.
Dream trip: Well I am going on my dream trip this April when I head over to the UK for a week. 
Dream job: I really want to work at the RSC or just get a job working in theater in general, but who knows. 
Current number of followers: 512 on this blog but I have 2 other blogs I run as well and one is currently around 5000 or so followers, and the other is around 13,000 or so followers.
When did you blog reach its peak: I think maybe this is it’s peak. I don’t do much on this blog except reblog things I like and send asks or reply because I can’t with my other blogs. Seriously Tumblr should fix that, most people know me from other blogs than this one.
I will only tag a few followers for this and you don’t have to do this if you don’t want too. I hate tag things that are like you must do this blah blah blah...
alright that is all I am doing, and if I didn’t tag you and you want to do this then feel free to do so.
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perfectlyrose · 7 years
kelsey’s thanksgiving fics: a master list
a list of the ficlets from this year’s round of thanksgiving fic-giving
SFW ficlets
Nine x Rose x Jack + visiting an alien planet for @waltzing-with-my-inner-geek
Eight x Rose +  "I always knew an alien invasion would gate crash our wedding." for @letters-from-the-tardis
Clara x Jenny + “This should be our new tradition” for @skyler10fic
Willow Rosenburg (BtVS) x Martha Jones (DW) + meeting at a college lecture for @lesbidar
Casanova x Fanny + fluff for @aneclipsedhabitue
Fem!Ten x Rose + post-Thanksgiving cuddle for anon
Nine x Rose + first kiss for @leejordan
Ten x Rose + shower argument for anon
WonderTrev +  "He says, 'Well I hear you're doing fine. And that you're doing it the best that you can.'” for @sequencefairy
Hardy x Hannah + insecurities for @aneclipsedhabitue​
Clara x Rose + fake dating for anon
Ten x Rose + first time spooning for anon
Eleven x Rose + kissing at the top of the ferris wheel for anon
Nine x Rose + baking cookies for @thenameiszebra
NSFW ficlets
Ten x Rose + Ten seeing Rose naked for the first time for anon
Twelve x Rose + console room for anon
Nine x Rose + accents for @chiaroscuroverse​
Eleven x Clara + cocktails on the moon for anon
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ktrosesworld · 7 years
Diary of a Single Rose - Ch14
Pairing : Giacomo Casanova x Rose Tyler Rating : Teen
Summary : Rose’s single life gets a new twist added when a neighbour moves into the flat on the other side of a shared wall.
AO3 Link, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11, Ch12, Ch13
[The screen is filled with Martha’s face.]
Donna [off camera]: Is that thing working yet?
Martha [pulling back from the camera]: Yeah it looks like it. So how do you have keys to Rose’s flat?
Donna: Oh I’ve had her emergency keys for a couple of years now, and she has mine. Don’t worry Rose won’t freak out, we’ve both used each other’s keys before.
Martha: Okay, if you say so. Now popcorn or pizza or ice cream?
[The sound of a bed knocking against a wall is heard.]
[Donna and Martha look at each other and turn to stare down the hallway.]
Giac [off camera]: Oooooh Rooose
Rose [off camera]: Yes, Giac, Yes! Right there!
Donna: No Way!
Martha: Quick we have to get outta here.
[Martha and Donna scramble to collect their things together]
Donna: Wait wait, I just have to do something.
[Donna quickly scribbles something on a piece of paper and leaves it prominently placed on the coffee table.]
[The front door slams as Martha and Donna make their escape.]
[Rose wrapped in a sheet creeps down the hallway]
[Giac struts down after her in just his pants]
Rose: Phew looks like they’ve gone now.
Giac [picking up Donna’s note]: Why is there a note with 10/10 on it?
Rose [blushing snatches the note out of Giac’s hand]: umm we kinda got in the habit of scoring your performances.
Giac [with a big grin on his face]: Really!?!!
Rose [dropping the note back on the table and wrapping her arms around Giac]: Your best score so far has been 8.5, and I think you need to do something about deserving that 10 instead of the acting job we just did.
Giac [sliding his hands down to Rose’s bum]: Can you give a man some pointers on making sure you get your 10/10 experience fiore mio?
Rose [nibbling on Giac’s neck]: I might have a few ideas we can work with
[Giac picks Rose up and wraps her legs around him as he quickly carries her back down the hallway]
[End video]
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ktrosesworld · 7 years
Diary of a Single Rose - Ch12
Pairing : Giacomo Casanova x Rose Tyler Rating : Teen Summary : Rose’s single life gets a new twist added when a neighbour moves into the flat on the other side of a shared wall.
AO3 Link, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11
[Rose is sitting in front of her couch and Giac is sitting behind her plaiting her hair in two]
Rose: … so yeah ever since then it’s just been Mum and me.
Giac: Well at least you got to learn about your Dad from you Mum. My Mother never knew which of her paramours sired me.
Rose: Paramours?
Giac: My Mother was an opera singer and toured all the great opera houses of Europe. She was never the lead but always played the other significant roles. It meant that she always had a bevy of admirers who wanted to boast of bedding her. She always ensured that they lavished her in gifts before “giving in to their declarations of love”.
Rose [turning to look up at Giac]: Blimey, that just seems so calculated. I don’t think I could ever be like that. That must have been a tough world to grow up in Giac.
Giac: Well I only experienced it for a few years. Mother packed me off to a boarding school as soon as she could. I only received letters from her after that and she died shortly after my final year.
Rose [rising to kneel and hug Giac to her]: Oh Giac I’m so sorry.
[Giac pulled Rose closer into a hug]
<jump cut>
[Rose and Giac are sitting at opposite ends of the couch. Giac is painting Rose’s toenails. Glittery butterfly clips clutching twists of hair cover Giac’s head.]
Rose [laughing]: Yes, well, Jimmy Stone, also known as, he who shall never be named again. Is the piece of shite who stole my heart, and all my savings, before running off with Shareen. Who was my best mate up until then.
Giac: Maledission! Rose I hope you reported him to the police.
Rose [hugging herself tight]: Probably should have. Although I heard he got nicked last year for dealing. I just wish it hadn’t taken me so long to get over him. Urgh anyways enough about me. How did you end up here?
Giac [taking his time to finish her little piggy]: Sorry to say my story isn’t much better. I had to flee from Paris to escape a stalker and the debt collectors that were after her. Well technically me, as she was using my name and credit to fund her lifestyle.
Rose [rolling her eyes]: Why do they always go for your money. Who is this bint and what does she look like. If I see her creeping around outside I’ll call the coppers on her.
Giac [smiling]: Ha, I would love to see the great Reinette Poisson pushed into the back of a police van.
Rose [finger quoting]: The great Reinette Poisson?
Giac: Yeah, she is a direct descendant of the Orleans line of the French throne, and as such she claims to be the queen of France.
Rose: In other words she’s a total nutter.
Giac [holding in the laughter as he paints another nail]: If only that were so. Unfortunately, her lineage has been validated, although, the queen part not so much. Last I heard she has turned her affections towards Prince Jean-Christophe Napoleon in a bid to unite the two family lines with claims to the throne. Poor Jean-Christophe high tailed it to Harvard as soon as he could to escape her.
<jump cut>
[Rose is now painting Giac’s toenails a bright red]
Rose: You know, Donna and Martha will never forgive me if I don’t ask about what happened the other night.
[Giac slides his hands down his face and groans]: It was a nightmare
Rose: We contemplated inviting you over to drown your sorrows in champagne.
Giac: I’m glad you didn’t. I was in no state to be sociable then.
Rose: So go on spill, what happened. Or didn’t in this case.
Giac: Okay but no names. She had always wanted to try a threesome and so she arranged for both of them to come over. It was going well, she was all flirty with champagne. He was a bit surprised at first but was happy to go along with it. Things move along as they do. I kissed her and all was well. Then when I kissed him, and he didn’t hesitate at all to get involved, she decided that she didn’t like sharing him. Next thing, it’s all clothes on and she’s storming out the door dragging him behind her.
Rose [laughing and trying not to drip nail polish everywhere]: So she got jealous of the two of you together.
Giac: I think she was more upset that he wasn’t jealous. It’s a pity because he was a much better snog than her, and from what I felt in his jeans he would’ve been a memorable shag too.
[Giac manages to catch the nail polish, as Rose collapses into laughter]
[End video]
Author Note:
For those who might interested Prince Jean-Christophe Napoleon is the actual current heir to the Bonaparte line of claimants to the French throne. He is a 31 year old bachelor and is studying something finance related at Harvard ... well at least according to his wikipedia page he is :)
As for the bachelors in the Orleans line (i.e. the descendants of the kings) we have 7 year old Prince Gaston of Orleans and his brother Prince Joseph who is almost 1.
There's another line of claimants but they're Spanish so apparently they don't really count *shrugs idk*
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ktrosesworld · 7 years
Diary of a Single Rose - Ch11
Pairing : Giacomo Casanova x Rose Tyler Rating : Teen Summary : Rose’s single life gets a new twist added when a neighbour moves into the flat on the other side of a shared wall.
AO3 Link, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10
@timepetalsprompts what do you think ladies, does this qualify for this week’s prompt :)
[Rose, Donna and Martha are sprawled on the couch and picking over the last pieces of pizza]
Donna: I still can’t believe you didn’t take him up on his offer to share your bedroom!
Rose: He was only joking about that Donna.
[Donna and Martha both look at her incredulously]
Rose: Okay, I choose to believe he was only joking. What did you expect me to do, just drop trou right there and go for it.
[Martha and Donna both nod vigorously]
Martha: Yes! Yes, that’s exactly what we expected you to do.
Donna: How can we live vicariously through you if you don’t take him up on the offer.
Martha: You know what I can’t believe, that he left you a note encouraging you to invite us over tonight.
Donna: Yeah why’d he do that?
Rose: Well he said that he enjoyed hearing us party. Said it helped him to perform better.
Martha: Not sure if I’m disgusted or flattered by that.
Donna: Shhhhh I can hear voices!!
[All three ladies rush to the shared wall and listen intently]
Rose: Is that?
Martha: I think it is. Yep, definitely another man and woman.
Donna [fist pumping]: Yes! Threesome!!!!
Rose [flapping at Donna’s arm]: You are so incorrigible girl.
Donna: Wonder how it’s going to go down.
Martha: Do I need to give you the sex talk again.
Donna [giving Martha filthy look]: No silly. I want to know who’s going to be in the middle.
Rose: Well all I can hear is giggling, so I’m guessing no one at the moment. Anyone for a top up to their drink.
[Both Martha and Donna drain their glasses]
Rose: I’ll take that as a yes.
[As the ladies take a seat on the couch again, the giggling can still be heard through the wall.]
Donna: Geez this is taking awhile, do you think someone’s being shy?
Martha: I’m really trying to not think about what is going on over there. The voyeurism aspect is starting to make me feel queezy.
Rose [poking her toe at Martha]: You sure it wasn’t that last slice that’s making you queezy?
Martha: Ha, ha. You’re sooo funny.
[The giggling suddenly stops.]
Donna: Ooo things must be hotting up now. I still want to know who’s in the middle.
Rose: I say it’s her.
Martha: Nah, it’s gotta be him doesn’t it.
Rose: What makes you say that?
Donna [gesturing to the three of them]: Well he does like to be the centre of attention.
Rose [laughing]: Well there is that. Could you do it?
Donna: What a threesome? Never really thought about it.
[Martha stands up quickly and starts cleaning up the pizza boxes]
Rose: You’re being kind of quiet there Martha.
Donna: Yeah anything you want to share with us.
Martha: Umm, nope, no, not really. Nothing at all.
Rose: That’s a lot of no going on there.
Donna: Me thinks she doth protest too much.
Martha: Fine, I may have experimented in college.
Donna: Woohoo details!!
Rose: Yeah Mar, we want details no holding out on us.
[A loud slamming of a door is heard]
Martha: Uh oh, I think something didn’t go as expected next door.
Rose: Aww poor Giac, maybe we should invite him over for ice cream.
Donna: Yeah, then he and Martha can compare notes on threesomes.
[Martha starts throwing cushions at Donna]
[End Video]
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ktrosesworld · 7 years
Diary of a Single Rose - Ch7
Pairing : Giacomo Casanova x Rose Tyler Rating : Teen (may go up in later chapters) Summary : Rose’s single life gets a new twist added when a neighbour moves into the flat on the other side of a shared wall. AO3 Link, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
[Rose, Donna and a friend are seen sitting on the couch, demolishing a large bowl of popcorn. The couch has been turned to face the shared wall.]
[The thumping against the wall stops, causing the girls to turn towards each other in confusion. Smiles spread across their faces as the thumping begins again accompanied with grunting.]
Donna: I bet he's changed position.
Martha: Sounds like he’s got more leverage now, wonder if he’s holding on to the bedpost.
Rose [thumping Martha’s arm]: Martha!
Donna [laughing]: I’m with Martha, the last position obviously wasn’t doing anything for him. Listen to the noises coming outta him now.
Rose: I am listening, I can’t help listening can I. He’s been keeping me up for weeks.
Martha: ssssh I think he’s about to finish.
[The sounds of grunting increase in volume and frequency, until a very loud expletive is shouted towards them.]
[The girls applaud enthusiastically, and then scramble towards pens and paper sitting on the coffee table.]
Martha: Alright Rose, you know him best what are you giving him out of ten.
Rose [holds up a piece of paper]: Well I think this effort was a solid eight. He was obviously getting into it towards the end, but he loses points on not getting whoever’s with him to lose control too. Although after The Screamer, I’m sure neither he nor I are particularly upset about that.
Martha [holding up her paper]: Yeah I’m with you definitely an eight.
Donna: Are you two mad? That was a nine at least, for gawd’s sake HE CHANGED POSITIONS! How many guys do you know can change positions that close to the end?
Martha: True, we definitely have to give him something for that. Okay, how about eight and a half.
Rose [laughing]: All settled then, it’s an eight and half for tonight’s performance.
Martha: You two certainly know how to cheer a girl up after a long week. This was so much better than a romcom and ice cream.
Donna: We should send him a bottle of champagne as a token of appreciation.
[The girls raise their wine glasses and salute the wall.]
All together: To the fucking neighbour
[After taking a swig of their glasses, they all collapse laughing on the couch.]
[End video.]
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