doctorandrose · 6 years
fanfic writers’ wednesday
ok, if you follow me, you know it’s been a loooooong time since I did a post for FFWW.  But, as I have spent the last few days going back through the archives of these two very special blogs, I figured I’d dedicate a post to them.
I know that for a lot of us writers, especially myself, @doctorroseprompts and @timepetalscollective are extremely valuable resources.  These ladies collect ideas for us, adopt out plot bunnies, and make so many masterposts of frankly fantastic fic.  There are over 300 pgs of prompts, fic memes, and masterposts on each of these blogs and holy crap, that is just amazing.
If you have ever been a part of these wonderful blogs, thank you so very much.
The current staff of @doctorroseprompts - @chocolatequeennk, @lastbluetardis, @skyler10fic, @perfectlyrose, @sequencefairy - thank you.
The current staff of @timepetalscollective - @ktrosesworld, @natural--blues, @pipertennant - thank you.
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girlagainsthumanity · 6 years
Hope you feel better soon!
Awww thank you ❤️
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salty--alien · 6 years
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[Before the Eyes of People]
The streets are filling with people / they know nothing about us //
You're waiting for me at the station / maybe the clock will forgive me //
I run rest of my way there, you look as beautiful as ever / in your high heels //
You say: Tonight we'll walk / hand in hand //
Before the eyes of people //
Don't care about the looks the others give us / 'cause we are together //
They know nothing / they’re not a part of this story / that’s only told to few //
The streets are filling with noises / someone shouts after us //
You are the stronger one of us / with you, I'm not afraid of / the darkness of the city //
When passing a group of people / you hold my hand tighter / and my fear is gone //
'Cause tonight we'll walk / hand in hand //
Before the eyes of people //
Don't care about the looks the others give us / 'cause we are together //
They know nothing / they're not a part of this story / that’s only told to few //
This is only told to few //
They know nothing / they are not a part of this story / that’s only told to few // 
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kelkat9 · 6 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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fleurdeneuf · 6 years
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paigenotblank replied to your post “(ssshhhhhhhhh)”
LOL, I was like, "there's a new moderator on gw?" Then noticed a post of yours just below it. *mind blown*
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pipertennant replied to your post “(ssshhhhhhhhh)”
wooooooow i'm shook. i love it
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deathlyfandoms replied to your post “(ssshhhhhhhhh)”
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goingtothetardis replied to your post “(ssshhhhhhhhh)”
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chiaroscuroverse replied to your post “(ssshhhhhhhhh)”
w H a T???
I AM STILL SO CONFUSED.  How long will it take me to get used to this???
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ktrosesworld · 6 years
💖💖💖💖 (Let's start a chain. Send this to people you think deserve hearts.)
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*hugs you so tight* thanks darlin ... 6 more sleeps :D
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megabadbunny · 7 years
okay i just had a thought. that gal gadot look... but with rose. it'd make the doctor regenerate XD
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it’s true that the metacrisis doctor is glad–perhaps for the first time–that regeneration is no longer a possibility, because she is in no way prepared to find her wife lounging outside like that, dressed like that; the shock to her pitiful human system is, quite frankly, rather rude.
(not that she’ll ever admit that she doesn’t mind rude. in fact, she rather likes it.)
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oodlyenough · 7 years
top five video games?
5. the last of us
this was kind of a surprise top 5 for me, and it was tight between this and uncharted: lost legacy, but i ultimately gave it to TLOU because tlou2 is probably the game i am most pumped about in the near future i can’t fuckin’ wait i am so excited to play my angry lesbian zombie daughter!!! i watched the cutscenes from this on youtube before i got a ps4 because i was curious and because i figured i’d never play this game and that it’d be too hard, but it was a total fucking blast to play. sneaky sneaky zombie shivving.
(also i’m counting left behind as part of “the last of us” umbrella, but if i had to choose between main game and left behind, consider this entry for left behind, which is such a great emotional story.)
4. spyro: year of the dragondebated which spyro to put here (between this or ripto’s rage, i gotta have hover) but had to go with YOTD because it was the one I owned and so the one I spent the most time obsessively playing as a child. but the original spyro trilogy was fun as fuck and someone desperately needs to shut up and take my money for a remaster. they don’t have to do anything to improve the graphics or anything tbh i just wanna be able to play it on ps4. fun colourful worlds and cute character design and funny storytelling and a nice mix of challenging but not impossible.
3. the walking dead game TWDG got me back into games after a long hiatus and also began my tumultuous but perpetual and ongoing love-affair with telltale games. this was the first ~modern video game i played and the first game i played that involved player choice and branching storytelling and i immediately fell in love. it’s like fanfiction but for lazy people. hearing “alive inside” still digs up this like, nostalgic emotion for playing it the first time and having my eyes opened tbh
2. tales from the borderlandsputting this above twdg felt vaguely sacrilegious, and i think like objectively it is probably not the better game, but after 80 thousand words of fanfiction i feel like i have to be honest with myself about which i love the most. i love this dumb game and its dumb humour and its dumb, inexplicably compelling cast of characters so much. i expected basically nothing from this game and only bought it as part of a bundle and played it solely out of boredom and yet it somehow wormed its way through the hazy fog of my winter 2017 depression and into my heart. tales hits a lot of the notes i’d been missing in a fandom for a few years post-dw, found family comedy misfits in space with just enough real drama and emotion to keep me invested. as a side note, per my original first tumblr post apparently my one-year anniversary of playing episode 1 is february 19 lmao.
1. life is strangei find it hard to imagine a game that will unseat life is strange because i can’t imagine i am going to get too many more coming of age video game stories about teen girls with superpowers who discover they are in love with the girl next door. life is strange as a game is a collection of a lot of tropes i really like (time travel, choice games, ~mysteries) and the sweet sweet cherry on top is max and chloe’s relationship. i remember so many points during it where i was just like, stunned that this game existed it felt so tailored to me.
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salty--alien · 7 years
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@pipertennant and I, being the unapologetic sapphics we are, came up with a Wonder Woman au with Thirteen as Diana and Rose as Steve Trevor (who else? ;P) At first it was kind of a joke, but then we realised how well it actually fits - Themyscira being Gallifrey and Ares being either Rassilon or the Master, and more.
...Okay but really, the main purpose of this au was because it would make this (and many other) scene(s) so much gayer. Not sorry.
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kelkat9 · 6 years
pipertennant replied to your post: So I’m cat sitting for my neighbor.  She has two...
fingers crossed it’ll all be okay
I am outwitted by a kitty LOL.  I went to check the food I left out and it’s gone and still no cat.  I guess she’s spending the night in the woods. 
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asarahworld · 6 years
My Tumblr Crushes:
@lastbluetardis (Ash) | @tinyconfusion (Jenny) | @tuffetu| @sherlollyandspoilers (Kate) | @chiaroscuroverse (Claire) | @pipertennant (Moony) | @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad | @10isalivingconversecommercial (Lara) | @whatisthepointofyouhardy (Ania)
Tumblr crushes time! Life seems ok - passed my courses that actually matter, have a job interview - let's spread some positivity!
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jeeno2 · 7 years
shamelessly sneaking into your inbox to say i'm here for you writing dad!chewie
Inspired by this post from @rhllors
He thinks of lots of different ways to tell her.
If he’s honest with himself, this is something he’s wanted ever since he came aboard the Falcon again and he realized, all at once, that he no longer had to be afraid.  
But every time he’s on the cusp of telling her the true nature of their relationship, Rey – his daughter; the girl he never thought he would get to meet in person after that one ill-advised night, so very long ago, on Jakku –  does something so wonderful, so brave, that his nerve evaporates like the mist at dawn and the words die on his tongue.
“Hgggnnaaaaaa,” he comments, just before they land on Ach-To to find Luke Skywalker again. “Hnggghahalllllrrrr.”
(Has he always been such a coward?)
At his words Rey looks at him soberly, and nods.
“I know, Chewie,” she says. She closes her eyes and sighs. “We’re out of supplies. But I’m guessing there will be something to eat on this island. Don’t you think?”
“Hngaaaaaaaangrlrlrlrlr,” he quips dryly, and shrugs.
He watches as Rey – his pride and joy; his redemption – disembarks from the Millennium Falcon, hoping that someday, he will find the strength to tell her.
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ktrosesworld · 6 years
pipertennant replied to your post: I MISS YOUR MARK X HANNAH FIC SO MUCH *hugs*
i second what nonny said
You young miss are an enabler
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promisedyouforever · 7 years
Christmas on Doomsday
Rating: G Pairing: TenxRose Length: ~1500 words Summary: Um... what it says on the tin; "A Visit from St. Nicholas" remix, Doomsday fixit style! ♥
READ ON:  Ao3 | Teaspoon NOTES:
I am aware Doomsday aired in July.  But nothing rhymes easily with that, so I used June.  See #1. ;)
Doomsday Fixit! :)
THIS is a gift for @goingtothetardis, @chiaroscuroverse, @lvslie, @caedmonfaith, @skyler10fic, @pipertennant, and basically everyone who’s been wonderful without warrant to me this year and wants corny Christmas fic on New Year’s Eve...  Merry Christmas or [insert your holiday or lack thereof here]!!!!!  ♥♥♥
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Tardis Not a creature was sleeping, though Rose found it hardest; For the stockings they’d hung from the fireplace true Declared, “Santa, the Doctor is looking for you!” Once Rose would have laughed at a notion so jolly; Father Christmas! Well all that was simply child’s folly. But now she was singing a much diff’rent tune, For ‘twas Santa who’d saved them that dark day in June!
You see Torchwood was careless and awfully thick - They’d been poking the Void like a child with a stick! And despite how it cut the Doctor to the quick, He feared Daleks and Cybermen they’d never lick. So he sent Rose to Pete’s World, far out of harm’s way, Giving her in the matter not really much say. Though the sacrifice, it was a dear price to pay, He was not going to lose her to death - not today.
But our Rose was no shrinking violet, not at all! She would never stay on the wrong side of that wall. With just one button’s push she returned to his side. “Never gonna leave you,” she said, naught to hide. The Doctor’s hearts warred with his head, amplifying His dread of this storm and his fear of Rose dying. But despite himself now there was just no denying They would stand together - or they would die trying.
Rest assured that this story does happily end, Though on her slipping fingers Rose could not depend. With a cry she fell fast, the Void pulling her in! But ‘tis here, darlings… Christmas miracles begin.
Rose assumed, just at first, that she was dead or dreaming When the clatter of hooves and sleigh bells came a-streaming! But then out of the Void shot a cloud of fine snow And behind it eight reindeer with Santa in tow! With just one outstretched arm and a twist of his head Father Christmas had pulled her right into his sled. And he was just in time, the Void inches from view Now she gasped in shock as out the window they flew!
With one look around her, her shock turned quite merry; She was flying with Santa, reindeer on the carry! She looked to the ground and she turned toward the sky; She searched every sight with her hopes very high. From her perch she saw nary a sign of their foe. No more Daleks in air, no Cybermen below. Had they done it? They must have! She whooped with pure joy! The battle was over – it had worked, their daft ploy! Santa chuckled as back toward the window they drew Where the Doctor stood gaping when they burst right through! Reindeer slid to a stop before solid white wall Where the Void had sealed over, rescuing them all. The commotion ceased and the reality hit And both Rose and the Doctor fell speechless with it. They were stunned beyond words and shocked beyond measure; The day had been saved by a fat man with treasure! The Doctor shook out of his reverie first; He dodged all eight reindeer as if he would burst. The danger was vanquished with Rose still alive, Alive, whole, and with him, right there by his side!
She leapt and he reached at the very same time; They collided into an embrace so sublime That old Santa’s eyes glittered with bright, joyful tears ‘Til with heartiest laughter he sang, “Oh, my dears!” He climbed down from his bench and stood patient beside As the pair before him gentled fears and dried eyes Finally they turned round both happily gleaming “Transdimensional being?” the Doctor asked, beaming. Santa winked and replied, “Close, Time Lord, but not quite.” The Doc sputtered while Rose simply laughed with delight. Then she turned a bit quiet, recalling their strife; She murmured, “Thank you so much for saving my life.” Suddenly a bit shy, she stood up on her toes, And she kissed old Saint Nicholas’ cheek, our dear Rose. If his face grew one (several) shades redder in hue Well, he never let on; he had more work to do. So he said not a word but went straight to retrieving The gift for them both that he would soon be leaving. A small golden box it was, meant for Rose’s hand, So he placed it there gently and said, “understand. “Understand, my young Rose, what this box has inside. ‘Tis your greatest wish granted; you should caref’ly decide.” “How did you know?” she blurted; and he replied, “Oh, from Santa, sweet girl, no one’s wishes can hide.” Father Christmas then looked to the Doctor and said, As he tapped him, but gingerly, on the forehead, “As for you, youngster, foolish Time Lord, you will rue If you squander this precious gift she’s giving you.” Before either of them could recover their wits Santa turned with a jerk, to his sleigh he did flit. Then by laying a finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, a great whirlwind arose. The tumult obscured him and his trademark white beard, Then abruptly as he’d arrived, he disappeared. He left Rose and the Doctor both wide eyed anew; At the place where he’d been, snow had melted to dew. Finally Rose tore her eyes from the spot and just stared Disbelievingly at the gold box, unprepared. “Rose?” the Doctor said softly. “I don’t understand. Just what has he given you? What’s in your hand?” Tears had sprung to her eyes and, a lump in her throat, She said, “Doctor, I do not want this if you don’t.” She angled the box she held and there he read The words BAD WOLF etched into it, glowing gold thread. “What?” the Doctor cried. “No! No, I took it all out!” “Seems you missed a spot,” Rose murmured, now fraught with doubt. Did he not want her, or did he still not understand Just what this wish was that she held in her hand? The Doctor looked panicked, so she took a deep breath. She mustered the courage to say two words. “My death.” His face turned quite ashen, quite white and quite cold, But she went on, whispr’ing, “I wished not to get old.” He looked staggered and finally light dawned ‘cross his face. His frightened look faded; something else took its place. “I wished I was like you, that we were together. I wished I could stay to give you your forever.” He found his voice and the hope there broke her heart Even as he asked, dumbfounded, “Never apart? But you wouldn’t be human, and how can I take it? If you came to hate me I know I’d never make it.” With a sigh she caressed his cheek tenderly, smiled; “You’re not taking, I’m giving, you git,” she replied. Then she drew him in close for their first kiss, she did; As their lips met her thumb flipped open the box lid. Pure bright light flooded everywhere, white as the snow Father Christmas arrived with, it seemed so long ago. Suddenly she saw timelines, saw them race and fall, But she saw that the brightest and longest of all… Was she and the Doctor, tightly knit, almost twinned, Moving so far beyond she could not see the end. When the light ebbed away she had two beating hearts And a lifespan where she knew forever would start. Happily ever after is the end of our story, But it brings us back to the beginning full glory. Where Rose and the Doctor settled down in their bed, Waiting to hear sleigh bells and see again Santa’s sled. They wanted to thank him for his gift beyond price, To assure him they’d taken all of his advice. But while it was sweet and so awfully nice, They should have known it was unneeded that night. Santa, we know, sees but does not like to be seen. And so it was that night, as if in a dream, That both Rose and the Doctor did think they heard bells, But awoke Christmas morning not knowing much else.
They dashed to the library, to their stockings to see They were filled to the brim, presents beneath the tree. Then Rose saw on the mantel, sitting just right there Was a note in the finest hand, written with care. It read simply Dear Doctor, my dearest sweet Rose, ‘Twas my pleasure. Remember – Santa Claus always knows.
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pipertennant replied to your post “Didn't you find ym&h at all offensive? I see you liked it and that's...”
When people are offended and hurt by something and feel that it's queerphobic and ask folks to be considerate of that, please don't make fun of them. Please don't call it drama, Ania. That's not nice. Nobody wants to take this movie away from you, simply to be heard and respected.
For God sake, Moony. This thing you are doing is a drama, I’m not the one who is constatntly starting the fights. “Nobody wants to take this movie away from you” that’s exactly what you are trying to do. Please just leave me alone, I wanna enjoy it and not listen to your moaning about how bad it is. You think it is bad I think it’s not. Just bloody blacklist it, ignore and make your life a bit happier by it. I’m not making fun of any of you. People asked me very politely and I responded what I think. PLEASE UNDERSTAND FINALLY THAT SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY ENJOY IT. BLOCK ME AGAIN AND IGNORE MY BLOG IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT. IT’S SIMPLE LIKE THAT. Also please consider that you may actually offend other people with your messages and make them feel exactly like you don't want to feel. 
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salty--alien · 7 years
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And the word of today is... Happy birthday, @pipertennant! ❤︎
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