#just trying to share my horniness with the world
crookedfivefingers · 2 months
I had this thought about Ten and Martha traveling back to Venice in the 1700’s.
Naturally, they wind up separated during the trip — which is how Martha eventually finds herself in the company of a charming, if hauntingly familiar stranger…
One who can’t seem to keep his eyes off of her.
Ten x Martha | Martha x Casanova
✨WIP snip from ch.1✨
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In May of 1758, the many streets of Venice are packed for the annual Feast of the Ascension —but a day filled with food and laughter is cut short when Martha loses sight of the Doctor in the crowds.
By the time she’s finally able to break free and locate the missing Time Lord, she’s stunned to see him being tugged into a carriage by a beautiful young woman… A carriage that swiftly disappears down the road and out of sight.
Alone, hurting, and more than a little cross, Martha suddenly realizes that she’s stranded in an unfamiliar city… over two hundred years in the past. Bloody brilliant.
She can’t even remember where they parked the TARDIS at this point — not with the endless narrow alleyways and labyrinthine streets.
It’s a modest blessing, but she takes some comfort in knowing she’s at least dressed appropriately for the times, straightening her elaborate wig as she begins walking in the carriage’s general direction.
As time passes, the sun tucks itself away beneath the edge of the horizon, and the crowds finally begin to dissipate. Without the excess noise and foot traffic, Martha has more room to process the events of the evening, sort-of-searching for the long-lost carriage (but mostly brooding) as she puts increasing wear on her shoes.
After some time, the sound of music and laughter drifts into her ears, catching her attention to pull her from the darkness of her thoughts. She allows herself to be drawn towards it without hesitation, and not three minutes later, she’s standing at the edge of a ballroom in the Palazzo Pisani Moretta.
Partying shouldn’t be top of mind, of course — but after a full day of celebrating throughout the city, she can’t imagine putting any more stress on her aching feet. The poor extremities scream for reprieve in the wedge sandals that hide beneath her skirt, scolding her for not putting more thought into her choice of footwear.
To be fair, the move to enter the building isn’t entirely void of strategy. After all, the Doctor could be in here. Seems like just the sort of place his little date might like to mingle, she thinks with a healthy roll of her eyes.
To say the Palazzo is extravagant is putting it mildly. In addition to what may well be a few hundred elite guests in attendance, the spacious hall is adorned from floor to ceiling with finery, the glowing chandeliers illuminating marble statues and countless works of art. Servers in masquerade weave through the crowd with practiced ease, trays of nibbles and beverages balancing on splayed fingertips.
Feeling inspired, Martha snags a cup of wine as soon as she’s close enough to reach for one, downing half of the bitter, eighteenth-century swill with as much haste as her twenty-first-century taste buds will allow. She forces a smile through her grimace when the server looks to her for approval, still concerned with cordiality [even as she crashes a party wherein she knows no one at all].
Partygoers welcome her readily: happy socialites with hair as big and dramatic as the wig she’s been regretting picking out all day. The compliments they lavish her with almost make it feel worth the hassle, however, and in that moment, she’s grateful that the Doctor let her raid the wardrobe. It feels so much easier to exist in a time period without standing out — at least, more than she already feels she does as a black woman.
(The Time Lord really can be thick, can’t he?)
Over and onward, Martha decides to let loose as much as she can, keeping a wary eye out between little sips of murky, purple wet. It’s been at least three hours since she last saw her mate, and though the environment that surrounds her is intoxicating, she can’t deny the little pinpricks of worry that emerge in her gut.
Surely he wouldn’t just sod off for a shag... would he? Leave her all alone without a word?
Is that really something the Doctor is capable of after everything they’ve been through?
An image of his disappearance flitters across her mind’s eye: a flash of a woman’s smiling face as she drags him into her fancy carriage by the lapels, her giggles resounding off the stone walls as they slip away together.
Another image nips at the heels of the former, only this time, it’s the Doctor’s stony expression as he returns from across the field in Farringham, having just had a proposition rejected by Nurse Redfern. The same proposition he made the morning after finding out how his companion truly felt for him, easily filing that information away as a “non-issue.”
Alright, so maybe he can be a bit of a tosser. Great. Maybe he has no interest in being found just yet, being fully aware that Martha can handle her own.
Everything’s always on his terms, anyway.
Furthermore, and she hates to even think it in the first place, but: who’s to say he didn’t think slipping out unannounced was the only way to get away from her for the night?
Blimey. If that’s the way he really thinks of her...
No. No, no, no — those thoughts aren't helpful for anyone. Not right now.
Worst case scenario, Martha will find a kind local to seek shelter with before night’s end, though she prays it doesn’t come to that. The idea of even thinking about sleeping knowing the Doctor is just out there somewhere makes her stomach churn — even if he has got… friendly company.
Time for more wine, she reckons; her eyes flick about the crowd until she spots the closest server, and then she attempts to head in her direction.
While en route, a portly man in technicolor robes requests a dance, which she turns down as politely as possible. Then another guest — a dark-haired noblewoman about forty-five years old — stumbles on the mosaic when her heels catch the train of another woman’s dress, and Martha helps her to her feet.
All the servers carting wine around only seem to be getting further away, and it feels like a sign. Perhaps she shouldn’t be consuming any more alcohol — at least, not until she has a little more peace of mind.
To her surprise, she doesn’t have to wait long at all.
Through a sea of bobbing heads, swaying bodies shrouded in brightly-colored fabrics, and a thin haze of incense smoke, their eyes lock from across the room — and Martha briefly foregoes the right to oxygen.
She knows she should be relieved (or perhaps furious — definitely furious), but as her throat grows tight and dry, all she’s got the presence of mind to feel is the frantic fluttering of her heartbeat as blood roars in her ears.
The Doctor has never looked at her like that.
Temporarily immobile, she can only watch as he approaches her with deliberate, single-minded steps, the dance floor seeming to part naturally around him. He doesn’t falter or pause and he doesn’t need to; this man claims a route that no one capable of sight would dare interfere.
Somehow, in the last few hours, he’s wound up in a loose red tunic, tight black trousers — tights, essentially — and matching black boots. A black, silken band wraps around his neck, purely decorative, bringing the black from the rest of the outfit together to complete the look.
It’s an entirely different getup than the one she helped him pick out this morning, but let it be known that it’s no less gorgeous for it. Even his hair is different than she’s ever seen it, appearing softer and lighter with significantly less product than usual (if any at all), and he looks…
Bloody hell, he looks incredible.
When he arrives, he gets quite close — closer than Martha’s body and mind are anywhere near recovered enough to be prepared for — and she has just enough time to notice the color of his eyes when he takes her hand.
Are his eyes... blue?
The smile he fixes her with is slow and certain; it simmers just as the gaze he ensnares her with. He seems to reach right into her soul’s lowered defenses to bury himself at the thick of it, lifting her hand to his mouth to rest his gentle lips against her skin.
The touch is just jarring enough to wrench Martha out from the clouds as the realization hits her.
This man is not the Doctor.
“I hope you’ll forgive me,” he murmurs, his voice and cadence eerily identical to the one she knows. “If I'm honest, I just couldn’t resist your magnetism for another moment longer.”
His words, though softly spoken, seem louder than anyone or anything else in the room, effectively shutting the rest of the world out.
"Erm," Martha chokes, eyes wide. Stunned. "I-I, er..." She shakes her head slowly, her voice (and brain) temporarily evading her. It feels as though she's fallen through a crack in dimensions. Perhaps she has.
“Right — sorry," the man chuckles. "Bit rude of me. My name's Giac." He finally lowers her hand between them, flashing a wink, giving her fingers the softest of squeezes before letting them slip through his. "Though I must admit... I am far more eager to learn yours.”
Note: This is a post-Blink story in which Martha is seduced by Giacomo, inspiring clarity and an almost possessive jealousy within the Doctor. How ever will he handle it? I’ve also considered an eventual threesome, but should that happen, it will be strictly het Martha-worship. (Also, per the David Tennant miniseries, Giac is pronounced “Jack”)
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rafeandonlyrafe · 7 months
a bet's a bet
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rafe participates in no nut november
words: 1.9k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, female masturbation (with toys), p in v sex, unprotected sex
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @slut4drudy @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs
nov. 1
“this is the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard.” you cross your arms over your chest, but your boyfriend doesn’t give in, remaining steadfast.
“i already agreed to the bet, baby. you can’t change my mind.” rafe simply says, focusing on looking out the window instead of at you, avoiding your glare.
“i have needs too rafe! i can’t believe you’d agree to this without talking to me first.” you stand up from the couch, tired of this conversation. you grab your laptop and head up to your shared bedroom.
if rafe was going to make a stupid bet to not cum for the entire month of november, then you are at least going to repurchase a vibrator and dildo that rafe threw away when you first started dating, claiming you’d never need them again.
you pay for rush shipping and use rafes credit card, because fuck him.
nov. 3
“come on, just eat my pussy.” you groan, legs spread wide open on the bed, trying to convince rafe to pleasure you, but he just shakes his head no.
“baby, if i eat you out, i’m going to fuck you too. i can’t cum and break the bet, it’s only november 3rd. it’s been three days, we can do this.”
you close your legs as rafe lays down in bed next to you. you shouldn’t even be particularly needy yet. it’s not like you haven’t gone this amount of time before without having sex, but knowing you can’t have him is torture. 
you can’t imagine a world without rafes cock, you’ve gotten so used to being stretched out by him on the regular that an entire month without is giving you withdrawal symptoms, increasing your horniness to unbearable levels.
nov. 5
look what just arrived. you attach a picture of your opened package, pink dildo and vibrator sat inside the box.
rafe reads the message but doesn’t deem you a reply, too busy doing whatever with barry. you honestly doesn’t care as you cunt pulses, needing to feel something inside of it, knowing it won’t be anywhere near as satisfying as rafes cock, but it will do. for now.
you strip yourself free of clothing and lay down on the bed, not even needing to go into the hidden album on your phone of nudes rafe has sent you, or when he snatched your phone off the nightstand and videoed you getting fucked, you simply imagine rafe being there, being the one touching you.
you send snaps to rafe, hoping to entice him into coming home and giving you his cock, but when you send him a video of you coming on the dildo, he simply replies with good try princess.
nov. 6
“aren’t you jealous of my dildo?” you ask, purposely leaving it out on the bed, but rafe doesn’t say a word as he lays down for the night.
“of course i am. this is hell for me too, y/n, but a bet is bet.”
nov. 7
“they won’t even know. just fuck me, i need it.” you whine, rocking against the seat that you’re sat on, not even caring that you’re out on rafes boat, and anyone could see you, not when he’s shirtless, muscles gleaming in the sun, a slight sweat sheening his skin from the high temperature.
“i can’t lie, princess. besides, they’ll know.”
“please, i’m desperate.” you beg, sliding off the stool to sit next to rafe on the captains bench as he effortlessly steers the boat towards deeper water.
“sorry baby.” rafe just tsks.
“can we make out at least? you’ve barely kissed me at all this month.” it’s true, in an effort to keep himself from growing a boner and losing self control, rafe has kept all of your kisses brief.
“fine, but keep your hands away.” rafe says, also missing your lips against his.
you were hoping you could press your body against his, at least get some relief, but rafe does make you keep your distance as your lips glide over his.
nov. 9
“i think this counts as girlfriend cruelty.” you cross your arms over your chest after another unsuccessful attempt at begging rafe to fuck you.
“i’ll make it up with a shopping spree.” rafe offers, and it’s not as good as his dick, but you still agree to it.
nov. 10
“does it feel as good as me?” rafe whispers in your ear, resisting the urge to reach down and help you out as you’re sat on the bed, fucking yourself with your new dildo as he tries to ignore the pulsating erection, forcing himself to think about things that turn him off, even as you’re laid out masturbating in front of him.
“fuck no it doesn’t.” you grunt, desperate for an orgasm even though you hate doing it solo, especially when rafe is right there, able to help. “which is why you should give up on this stupid bet and fuck me. need your cock, baby, i miss it.” “sorry.” rafe kisses your cheek, but still watches you in fascination as you cum.
nov. 12
“miss you.” you tell rafe, snuggling into his side as his arms are wrapped around you, keeping you tight to his body as you cuddle, having just enjoyed a lazy day together.
“miss you too baby.” rafe kisses the top of your head, letting his hands touch your, rub over your back, but never venturing into dangerous territory.
“want you so bad.” you complain. you don’t mean to ruin the sweet moment, but you really are beyond desperate for rafe.
“18 more days, we can do it.” rafe says, but you’re really not sure that you can.
nov. 13
“maybe i’ll go sleep with topper.” you say, hands on your hips, finally getting rafes attention as his head snaps up.
“fuck you will not.” he grunts.
“well, this bet is between you topper and kelce, right? maybe i’ll just go make them cum and then you can finally fuck me. i would also get some new dick out of it.” “you’re being a brat.” rafe says, knowing they’re idle threats, there’s no way you’d ever cheat on rafe, you just want to get him to break.
“well what are you going to do?” you taunt. “it’s not like you can punish me.”
rafe just smirks.
nov. 15
“what are you working on?” you ask rafe, placing your hands on his shoulders as he types away on his laptop. you bend down and give him a kiss on the cheek as he hums about whatever project he’s doing. you rub your hands over his shoulders, mumbling something about tension and working too much.
you let your hands move forward against his chest, and then lower and lower, until rafe is pushing your hand away from his crotch.
“come on, please.” you pout.
“you’re halfway there, baby. we can do this. a little bit longer and i’ll make you cum every day in december.” “multiple times a day, i think i’ve earned it.” you argue back.
nov. 16
you’ve had it. you’re sitting watching rafe work out, pussy dripping into you’re underwear, and you’re done with the games and the stupid bet, you’re getting your boyfriend to fuck you today.
you leave the home gym, rafe asking you where you’re going as he lifts the weight, but you ignore him. you head into your bedroom, changing into rafes favorite pair of lingerie and a tall pair of heels that still don’t cause you to reach his height.
you walk back down the stairs, heels clicking on the hardwood floor as you reenter the gym.
“fuck, baby, don’t do this to me.” rafe drops his head into his hands, physically unable to look at you.
“no. fuck this bet. it’s so stupid, rafe, i’m about to explode. i need you to fuck me. i don’t care what you lose.” “fine.” rafe says, and you think you misheard him at first.
“what?” you question.
“get the fuck over here before i change my mind, god i need you.” rafe stands, meeting you halfway as your bodies clash, lips pressed hard against each others as you paw at rafes clothes, needing to see him in all his naked glory.
you don’t even care that he’s sweaty from the gym, or that he’s lowering you onto the tiled floor instead of your bed. you’re not going to take the time to move even a foot.
“take your shorts off, fuck.” you groan, hands slipping as you try to push them down his hips. 
rafe pauses his assault on your mouth to push his shoulders and underwear down, his hard cock springing free, tip already leaking with his balls hanging heavy down, filled with need from going without an orgasm for so long.
you pull your underwear to the side, revealing your soaked cunt. all it took was rafe agreeing to have sex that you got a rush of wetness.
rafe doesn’t waste time fingering you to open you up. you’ve been consistent enough with your dildo that it doesn’t hurt at all as he slides in, his warmth pressing against your walls as rafe groans, eyes fluttering shut as he cums before he even gives you one thrust, spurting into your pussy.
it’s too quick for you, but you still moan, clit pulsing as you finally get your boyfriend inside of you again.
“fuck, forgot how fucking tight you are.” rafe moans, and despite just cumming, he begins to snap his hips again already, fucking the cum further into you.
you reach down with one hand to rub your clit, pulling your boobs out of your bra with the other, letting them bounce with every hard thrust rafe delivers, not going easy on you despite it being 16 full days since you last had him.
“never doing no nut november again.” rafe promises you, pressing your lips back together in a searing kiss as you wrap your free arm around his shoulder and pulling him into you, his chest pressing against your sensitive nipples.
“i love your cock so much.” you moan, knowing when this is over you are going right upstairs and throwing that dildo away again.
“cum for me baby.” rafe begs, already feeling a second orgasm build, somehow having more cum to give you.
“yes, rafe!” you shout, back arching up off the floor as you cum, rubbing your clit to completion as rafe finishes inside you again, the excess of cum spilling out even as he keeps himself deep inside of you.
rafe collapses on top of you, twisting to the side so all your weight isn’t on him. he flinches when his bare skin hits the floor. “fuck, it’s cold.”
“it’s tile, dummy.” you giggle, causing rafe to groan when your pussy tightens. “take me upstairs, please.” you press your lips to rafe.
“i need a little bit of a break, baby.” rafe says, and you can tell from the way his cock is steadily softening inside of you.
“nope, you can eat me out until you’re ready to go again. i absolutely deserve this.” rafe laughs softly, “okay, you do.”
nov. 17
“you didn’t tell me this is what you had to do if you lost!” you shout at rafe as he looks at himself in the mirror.
“would it have changed how crazy horny you were?” rafe asks.
“i mean- no.” you sigh. “but you could have told me! i probably could have made it 15 more days if you just fingered me or something!” “do you wanna do it for me or do i have to do it myself?” rafe asks, causing you to snatch the clippers out of his hand.
“i’ll do it.” you run the blade over his head, watching as the gorgeous blond strands of hair fall off your boyfriends head, having to buzz it because he couldn’t resist fucking you for an entire month.
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ltleflrt · 3 months
Figuring out I'm on the ace spectrum was so difficult because I have always been a horny bitch. I knew what sex was at a fairly young age, because I'd asked my mom and she's one of those good parents who'll answer questions like those, and as I grew older and would ask more complex questions, her answers would evolve along with my curiosity and understanding of the world. And I remember having fantasies as young as 9 or 10 years old, even if they were hella vague and nothing close to what sex actually is lol
So as I became a teenager, and all my friends' focus turned from playing with dolls to flirting with boys, I automatically thought I was attracted to boys. And I paid more attention to Cute Boys than I did to Cute Girls, because girls were just nice to look at while boys were People To Have Crushes On. Because of heteronormativity. Looking back on it now, I know there were girls I liked to stare at just as intently as boys, although less often because I wasn't trying to pay attention. And I certainly didn't fantasize about girls because I started reading romance novels in 5th grade, so I was fantasizing about male romantic partners because that was the fiction I was consuming. I didn't even realize fantasizing about girls was possible until I was 17, and I had a few "am I a lesbian" internal crises for years because of it.
So when I did start having sex, I had A LOT OF IT with SO MANY different guys, and eventually a couple of women once I started accepting that bisexuality was real. But it was never really fulfilling. Not like my fantasies were. Not like my books were. I was slutty because sex was fun, I was horny, there were plenty of options so I kept searching for that satisfaction I was craving.
Getting married was a relief (even though it turns out I'm aro-spec too lol) because I was tired of hunting, and even if sex with my husband was meh, at least I had someone around to scratch that itch if I had it, and he didn't mind if I occasionally took care of things on my own because I'd read an especially hot scene in a romance.
I learned about asexuality in my early 20s, but I brushed it off. Couldn't be me, I'm far too horny for that. But I think that comes from the fact that everything you hear about Aces is attached to sex-repulsion or sex-indifference. I wasn't either of those things. I was horny all the dang time. I was fantasizing about sex all the dang time. I figured actual sex was meh because my imagination was so vivid that real life could never match up. Which could be true to an extent, but I think not as much as popular opinion would have us believe. If fantasy was really that much better for everyone, then I think we'd have less incels and unplanned pregnancies than we do.
In my 30s I finally saw people talking about The Spectrum, and I started examining my past, and I figured out I wasn't really attracted to anyone I had sex with. I do occasionally find someone attractive; there are men and women and enbies who make my skin feel tight and give me a little wave of lightheadedness lol... but it's always always the fantasy that gets me really going. If given the opportunity I wouldn't have sex with any of those people. Thank you, but no thank you, I'd rather just imagine it than physically participate in the act with them.
(Ok I might go down on them, but that's less about wanting sex, and more about being able to add them to my Tally. Hell yeah I want to brag about making *insert hot person* have an orgasm. There's PRIDE in that kind of accomplishment lol)
I have a lot of respect for aces that are not horny. I understand it even if I don't share the sentiment. And I feel like most of them understand me even if they don't share the sentiment. There's a solidarity between us.
Until I go into a fandom tag for a character that the aces have glommed onto because they're canonically ace or headcanoned as ace. Good lord, the non-horny aces can turn into downright vicious bastards if a horny ace sexualizes their blorbo.
This post is for them.
Horny aces exist. Please look up "autochorissexual, lithosexual, and aegosexual."
Refer to those definitions in regards to romantic attraction as well as sexual attraction.
Some aces may not fall into one of those definitions, because asexuality is a spectrum, but they may still be horny.
Horny aces are not disrespecting you by enjoying being horny on main. We promise we'll wash the stickiness off our hands before we hold your hands in queer solidarity.
And most importantly: Your blorbo is fictional and does not need to be defended from icky sexuality. They exist in an infinite multiverse, so your blorbo and my blorbo are not the same, even if they appear to be on the surface.
This post is also for the people who are confused about themselves because they're horny but don't actually feel attraction. You're not crazy, you're not wishy washy, you're not "waiting for the right person to come along" (unless you are, in which case I hope you find them). You're just a thin strip of color on a massive rainbow that holds more unique shades than anyone can perceive at a glance.
You're valid. You're one of us too.
And don't be mean to the non-horny aces. Tag your smut so they can avoid it. (But actually so I can find it lol)
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dollfacefantasy · 29 days
Room for One More
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pairing: leon kennedy x fem!reader x chris redfield
summary: months ago, chris let his apprentice slip through his fingers when she transferred to the d.s.o. to work with leon kennedy. now the three of them have been sent on a mission together and are forced to share a hotel room.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, threesome, p in v, oral sex (f and m recieving), face-sitting, exhibitionism, age gap (early 20s, late 30s), jealousy, light angst
word count: 9.2k
a/n: had this in my drafts since february let's go. hope you guys like it <3
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You and Leon were so fucking annoying.
Irritating, aggravating, infuriating pains in his ass. That’s all Chris could think while speeding down the road, his knuckles white from their tight grip on the steering wheel. The three of you were all supposed to be professionals for god’s sake. He shouldn’t have to deal with the two of you acting no better than a couple of horny teenagers during a fucking mission.
It was constant. The giggling and gasping, soft whines of “Leon stoppppp.” And he could hear Leon’s stupid fucking smirk when he chuckled and kept doing whatever was causing you to squirm around with him in the back seat. If he had to sit through much more of this, he was pretty sure he’d end up plowing the car into a nearby tree and putting himself out of his misery.
Chris glanced in the rearview mirror. Darkness engulfed the car right now, making it hard to clearly see what his ‘partners’ were up to. All he could really make out was that Leon’s head had been in the crook of your neck but was now tilted upwards to capture you in a kiss. The only thing keeping him sane was the miniscule light in the distance. The small reminder that he wouldn’t be stuck in the car with the sounds of saliva swapping forever. He lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head, trying to will himself to just tune the aggravation out. But as the minutes pass by, each wet smack of lips grates on his nerves more and more.
“Can you two cut it out back there? I’m trying to focus,” he says. His harsh stare remains on the road ahead.
He hears your bodies briefly untangling as his words pierce the bubble you had created for yourselves. Leon is the first to respond.
“Our mistake, Redfield. Didn’t know it was such a challenge to go twenty-five miles an hour on an empty road,” he remarks. Again, Chris’s blood boils as he senses that self-satisfied expression taking over the other man’s features.
Your light slap to Leon’s bicep sounds through the car’s interior. “Sorry, Chris. We’ll keep it down,” you apologize.
In contrast to your boyfriend, your tone rings genuine. You sounded almost a little embarrassed by Chris calling out your antics. Your soft voice drifting to his ears actually softens him a tad. He knew the expression you wore now too. How your eyes were fixed on the DSO agent, giving him the glare you used when you wanted to seem firm. In reality, it came off as cute, like an angry kitten. And now Leon got to be the one to grin at you and shake his head, amused by your sweet face. He got to be in the position Chris let slip through his fingers months ago.
You’d been his first. Started out at the BSAA as his rookie. Your first day you’d been so bright-eyed, hopeful and ready to start out your career and face the world. He’d been reluctant to take on a trainee at first. It’s a lot of work with a 50/50 shot at reward, but the second he laid eyes on you, he knew the luck of the draw had worked in his favor.
You were the ideal apprentice. A great listener, eager to learn everything you could, and accepting of commands. Every day with you was a breeze. And besides the parts of you suited for your job, you were just generally pleasant to be around. He could joke with you, talk to you about damn near any subject. You were a great partner in the field too. At first, he’d been worried. A cute little thing like you taking on bioterrorists? He struggled to believe that would work out. As soon as he saw you in action though, you left no doubt that he’d been wrong. He became more taken with you upon seeing you act so capable. He realized that he felt a connection with you that he’d been lacking for so much of his life.
Unfortunately for him, he had these pesky things called ‘morals’ that prevented him from pursuing you. Every time he legitimately considered flirting or asking you out, the guilt gnawed at him, filling his mind with words of shame rather than anything that could charm you. No matter how he thought about it, he just couldn’t work out any way it would be right. Not only were you his subordinate, his rookie, you were nearly twenty years his junior too. You shouldn’t be wasting the prime of your life with some old man, so he cut off any hope of being more than a mentor to you.
About a year after he’d taken you on, the two of you were sent on that mission in Texas. It was simple, standard, routine. You and Chris were simply there to assist local police with the aftermath of a bioterror attack. Both of you were in the transport vehicle on the way to the site, and this was a rare occasion where he was pretty calm. He wasn’t tense or anxious, didn’t have any other motive than getting in and getting out. He was just enjoying the ride and watching your pretty face soak up the sunlight beaming through the window.
What he hadn’t been briefed on was the DSO’s involvement in the case. More specifically, a certain DSO agent’s presence. Apparently he’d been in the area on unrelated business and had been ordered to stop by in case your team needed assistance.
The two of you got out of the car and wandered through the remnants of the event. At first, Chris was happy to see him. It’d been a while, and he seemed to be in a better place than the last time they’d met. You seemed happy to see him too despite the fact that you’d never met before. Right then, Chris should’ve known it was over.
“Who’s that?” you asked with more interest than he felt was appropriate, leaning closer his muscular frame to keep your tone hushed.
He glanced down at you and raised his eyebrows, initially amused with the way you almost seemed in awe.
“Leon Kennedy. He’s with the DSO. Probably just here for some backup,” he informed you.
You nodded, and as you padded along behind Chris, your eyes remained locked on the agent in front of you. If he hadn’t been wrapped around your finger, it would have been obvious to him that you were developing a little crush. You became so bashful around Leon. Smiling up at him, batting your eyelashes like a cartoon character, following him around the scene like a puppy.
At the time, Chris thought that you were simply intrigued by the prestige of the DSO. Looking back, he couldn’t believe how clueless he’d been.
It was only six weeks later that you came to his office to notify him you were transferring agencies.
“What do you mean transferring? I’ve been training you to work here. I need you here,” Chris said.
Your eyes had cast down. Your body appeared to shrink in on itself. “I know. The BSAA is important and all, and I’ll always be grateful for what I learned here. It’s just that Leon said…”
And those last two words were all Chris heard.
“Leon said? What’s he know? He met you one time. He’s gonna try and tell you that you’re a better fit for the DSO?” he asked, probably coming off more interrogating than concerned, “You’re perfect for what we do here. The Agency hasn’t had someone with your propensity for research and field work in years.”
All his reasons paled in comparison to the hearts you had in your eyes for Leon. Chris ended the day by signing off on your transfer and watching you pack up your desk. You gave him a hug and tearful words of goodbye before walking out the translucent doors of the BSAA building.
The next time he saw you was another two months after that. He had to bring some files over to the DSO building. The only thing he was looking forward to about it was seeing how his rookie was adapting to her new position. He wasn’t prepared for the sharp pain in his chest when he saw your new position was on Leon’s lap.
Your eyes had gone wide. You shot up off the other man’s thighs to try and act as if you two were merely two agents and nothing more. Chris wasn’t fooled, but he kept his composure even in the face of Leon’s obvious amusement. He had no real place to get mad at you. It’s not like you were throwing your career away; you still held a respectable position at a federal government agency. You hadn’t betrayed him either. The relationship between you and him had actually just been professional. He had no claim on you that could keep Leon away. The only thing Chris had to be angry about was the fact that you were going to spend the prime of your life with some guy over a decade older than you. It just wasn’t gonna be him.
The collection of lights down the road were getting closer now. You and Leon had settled down enough to make the last fifteen minutes of this trip bearable. Chris glances around the small, misty town the road was leading into. It was pretty desolate and old-fashioned. Everything was tinted orange from the dated street lamps lining the road. Buildings were mostly bricks except for the upcoming motel which looked primarily wooden. It would’ve been eerie if he wasn’t so exhausted.
He pulled into the parking lot of the place and stopped the car. Turning around in his seat to talk to you and Leon, he tries not to roll his eyes at how the younger man has you tucked to his side while you show him something on your phone.
Chris clears his throat. Leon’s eyes meet his, still smug from the earlier exchange. He can’t be mad though because you look up at him in earnest, ready to do what needs to be done.
“The target isn’t going to be passing through until tomorrow. How would the two of you feel about staying here for the night?” he asks.
Fortunately, you and Leon seem to want to rest for a while just as much as he does so there’s no pushback.
Chris steps out of the car into the brisk air. He heads across the way into the small lobby of the motel to grab a room. You and your boyfriend handle getting the small bags you were allowed to take on missions out of the car.
“Cold out here, baby,” Leon mumbles as he pulls you flush against his chest and plants some kisses down your neck.
“Mhm. And you’re making me shiver more,” you say as you still try to collect the bags.
He chuckles at your little joke and nips at the warm flesh of your throat. “Once we get in the room, I think I’ll be able to heat you up,” he says.
You giggle and squirm a bit in his hold as Chris comes back to the car. He’s stone faced, but for once on this trip, it isn’t due to you and Leon.
“They only have one room available,” he says flatly and holds up the small golden key.
Your face drops and Leon lets go of you.
“What do you mean they only have one room?” he asks, “Look at this place. It doesn’t even look like anyone’s even accidentally wandered through here in this century. How could they only have one room?”
“They said the others are closed for renovation,” Chris relays.
“Renovation for what? For the ghosts of people who stayed here the last time this place was actually full?” Leon continues.
“I don’t know, man. You wanna go in there and argue with the lady at the desk? She’s half deaf and in a great mood, I’m sure she’ll be open to hearing your concerns,” the older man says sarcastically, beginning to grow frustrated.
Their bickering continues as you glance around at your surroundings. It was cold, it was dark, and it really was starting to creep you out how empty this place was.
You carefully take Leon’s hand and give it a little tug.
“I’m really tired. Can we just deal with it for the night?” you ask him hopefully.
He looks over at you, the petty complaints seeping from his body when he hears your soft voice requesting something so simple.
He sighs and nods. “Yeah, sweetheart,” he says and kisses your forehead.
Chris is grateful for your intervention and scoops up the bags so you aren’t bothered with them. The three of you walk in line to your room.
The door creaks as your ex-mentor pushes it open. It’s pitch black inside until Leon reaches over and taps the light switch. Your eyes scan the small room. It wasn’t a horrible set up. The furniture was a little vintage to put it nicely, but it didn’t feel haunted. Two double beds sat against one wall while a ratty leather chair occupied the opposite corner. Besides that there was a dresser, an old tv that was shaped like a cube, and a small counter with a microwave and mini-fridge. Leon looks around with the same disinterest displayed on your face.
“Hey, at least there isn’t only one bed,” he jokes and slaps Chris’s shoulder.
The older man rolls his eyes and tosses his duffel onto the mattress closest to the door. You and your boyfriend follow suit. You tuck your bag neatly against the side of the dresser while he drops it on the floor next to the farther bed.
“I’m gonna take a shower,” Chris tells the both of you as he fishes some fresh clothes and toiletries out of his bag.
He gets two unconcerned nods in response, and that’s enough for him to head to the bathroom. As he’s shutting the door, he can already hear your giggling starting up again along with the creak of the mattress, presumably from Leon pulling you down onto it.
Turning on the water, he sighs deeply. The faucet was as old as everything else in the room. It whooshed and groaned before starting up and letting out some water. The stream was hot and even, so he guessed he couldn't complain too much. He sheds his clothes and steps in the shower that was too small for him. The confined area didn’t act as much as a reprieve for him. His head is about three or four inches too tall for where the showerhead was angled. The slick curtain clings to the part of his bicep that stuck out against it.
It felt like a physical manifestation of how the next twelve hours would feel.
Being in the room next to you and Leon would’ve been bad enough. He’d have to hear you two going at it for hours like there was no tomorrow, but at least he’d be alone. He wouldn’t have to repress his grimaces or hide his wistful exhales. No one would have to know how shameful he looked when he felt himself getting hard over the way you whined and mewled for the other agent.
Now you two wouldn’t be going at it, but he’d have to be in the room clouded by both of your desires to do it. He’d have to watch the lingering looks and hear the little hitches in your breaths. He’d see whatever cute little pajamas wore and the way you curled up to Leon beneath the covers. He’d witness how peaceful your face looked while you slept in another man’s arms.
He’d honestly just prefer to be forced to listen to the sounds of your headboard banging against the wall all night.
But he pushes those thoughts away to finish up washing himself. His large hands guide the shampoo out of his hair and glide the washcloth over his muscular form. The steam starting to rise helps to calm him a little.
He isn’t in there for much longer before he shuts the water off and steps out of the shower to dry off. He wraps a towel around his waist, letting the cloth hang on hips just below his happy trail and v-line. His reflection gazes back at him through the fog on the mirror as he rubs a towel over his head and dries his hair.
In an effort to be considerate, he dresses in the bathroom. Gray sweats cover his lower half while a loose t-shirt adorns his chest. He makes sure everything in the bathroom is back in place before heading back out there, hopefully to just get some sleep and not be bothered by his temporary roommates.
That isn’t meant to be though. As soon as he steps back into the main portion of the room, he’s greeted by the sight of Leon’s hand down your shorts and your lips locked together in a flurry of kisses. He’s frozen in place for a moment, watching how Leon’s knuckles move underneath the fabric between your legs. Though a moment later, he remembers how he should be reacting.
“Come the fuck on,” he says and brings his hand to his face in frustration.
Your eyes widen, and your head snaps up. Leon lazily glances in his direction. Chris looks back at the pair of you, thinking you’d had enough time to readjust. What really enrages him now is that Leon’s hand was still where it was. You have to grab his wrist and pull it away.
“I’m so sorry, Chris,” you apologize without another thought, “We got distracted and didn’t hear the water shut off. I’m so-”
He doesn’t even look at you though. He’s locked in a stare with the other man in the room.
“Grow the fuck up, Leon,” he says, his tone deadly serious, “I’ve had enough of this shit. You’re acting like a fucking high schooler. Like a dog with a bone.”
You go silent and look down with guilt. He would’ve felt bad if he wasn’t so fed up. To make matters worse, Leon merely rolls his eyes.
“Jesus, calm down,” he says, “You’re acting like you just walked in on a porno or something. You’ve never seen two people making out?”
“Leon, shut up,” you say, keeping your voice hushed as if Chris couldn’t hear you from a small distance of ten feet. Your boyfriend doesn’t even acknowledge you though.
“That’s not what it’s about, and you know that. I don’t give a shit if the two of you want to make out till your lips are blue. Do it on your own time. I don’t wanna have to deal with the two of you slobbering all over each other while I’m trying to do my job,” he says with a glare.
“That’s not what this is about either, and you know it,” the younger man retorts.
“Leon, just give it up!” you plead. He shoots you a look though that makes you react like a scolded puppy.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Chris asks incredulously as he crosses his arms.
Your boyfriend almost laughs in his face. He sits up, looking at him with a more pointed gaze. “You don’t care about what I’m doing. You’re pissed off because I’m doing it with her,” he taunts.
Somehow the look on Chris’s face darkens further.
“Alright, man. I’m sure that’s what it is. It’s not you just being an insecure dickhead like always,” he says, trying to sound dismissive as he walks to his own bed, “You're more immature than I thought.”
“Don’t try to act like it’s bullshit because I know it’s the truth. All the years I’ve known you, all the missions we’ve partnered on; this isn’t the first time you’ve seen me with a girl but you’ve never pitched a fit about it before,” Leon says.
Chris shakes his head, not dignifying the accusations with a response, but he won’t give it up.
“Also, you think I’m fucking stupid? You think I don’t see the way you’re looking at her? Undressing her with your eyes, laser focused every time she bends over? I think if she gave you the go ahead, you wouldn’t even hesitate to steal her away from me,” he says.
You notice as they argue that in contrast to the genuine aggravation on Chris’s face, Leon’s words come from somewhere else. Almost as if he’s enjoying calling him a liar, poking and prodding at the other man to provoke a reaction.
Chris looks directly at him now as if he’s ready to lunge in a moment’s notice.
“Shut your mouth. You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says.
“Tell me then. Tell me how it is.”
That makes the older man pause. Of course Leon was right, but under no circumstances would he make that apparent.
“She had a bright future ahead of her, and look what you’ve done. She’s the best either one of the agencies has had in years, and you keep her in the palm of your hand like she’s a barbie doll!” he exclaims.
He sees the flicker of hurt on your face and knows he fucked up, but he could apologize later. He continues speaking to try and temporarily rectify his slip up.
“She’s too good for you, Leon,” he says simply, sighing and sitting down on his bed.
You see genuine emotion flash in your boyfriend's eyes. Chris struck a chord, picking at a very real insecurity Leon held. But he wanted to win this confrontation too, so he wouldn’t let that be known. Instead, he beckons you to him with a languid wave of his hand.
“C’mere, baby.”
Chris rolls his eyes, thinking Leon was gonna swoop in to comfort you for the way your feelings had been hurt. You waddle across the mattress on your knees and plop down between his legs, your back against his chest. His hands sweep over your stomach, soothingly caressing your skin.
“She might be too good for me, but you’re pissed off because she’s too good for you too,” he says.
“Leon, stop,” you whisper. Tomorrow was going to be awkward enough as is. He didn’t need to make it any worse.
Chris glances up at the two of you but looks down again quickly, not wanting to see the way the other man’s hands moved on your body.
“You think I’m the bad guy. That I’m corrupting your innocent little rookie,” Leon mocks, “But tell me you wouldn’t take my place if you could.”
“I wouldn’t,” he mumbles instantaneously.
“Look me in the eyes and tell me. Tell me that if she was actually interested in you, that you wouldn’t have taken her in your arms as fast as you could. When she was prancing around the BSAA, looking up at you with stars in her eyes, tell me you didn’t want her,” your boyfriend challenges.
Chris looks up at the both of you. His expression is hard to read. It’s some mixture of hurt and relief that you’re unfamiliar with.
“I didn’t,” he maintains.
Leon’s hand continues trailing on your tummy up and down. His fingers coast in between your breasts, causing you to shiver, but everyone’s so wrapped up in the conflict that you choose not to say anything.
“That’s a shame because I’m pretty sure your little rookie had a crush on you,” he says quietly.
“Don’t joke around like that Leon,” Chris scoffs at the same time as your eyes widen and you start to tell your boyfriend to be quiet.
“Shh shh shh,” he hushes you and places a small kiss on your temple, “You’re giving yourself away, sweetheart.”
You look down and the man across from you just looks confused. Leon smirks at the both of you before resuming.
“C’mon man. Don’t tell me you couldn’t see it. She’s a terrible liar, and I think she had it pretty bad for you. I just came along and pulled her attention elsewhere,” he says, teasing you while redirecting his words to Chris.
Your face was heating up fast as Leon aired out a confession you’d made to him on a night after too many drinks. Chris slowly returned his gaze back to the two of you. Instead of bothering with Leon, he looked into your eyes this time.
“Is that true?” he asks.
Every limb on your body feels frozen up, but you manage to force your head into nodding. You hear Leon chuckle from behind you, which only intensifies how awkward you feel.
“I liked you at first when I first started working at the BSAA. For the first few months,” you begin to explain. It’s not like anything you said would help the situation at all, but it still felt like you were supposed to offer something.
He continues staring at you, and you honestly can’t tell what’s running through his mind. All you can think is that he looks like he’s in pain. Meanwhile, your boyfriend’s hands caress over your skin in a pattern they’d developed.
“You were just so nice and understanding with me-” you start. But you’re cut off by your sharp gasp when Leon’s hand slides under the waistband of your bottoms and into your panties.
“Leon!” you whimper as fast as his fingers find your clit. You grab his wrist and try to pull it away like you’d done earlier, but when he didn’t want to be interrupted, he wouldn’t be. It wasn’t like you tried too hard anyways. You were still a little pent up from earlier, craving the pleasure that had been cut short.
“No, go on, sweetheart. Keep telling Chris how much you liked him. I know he wants to hear it,” he says lowly while his fingers toy with you.
“Leon,” Chris says firmly, trying to stand up for you. But fuck, if he didn’t want to keep watching your breath hitch and your hips squirm. Or your face getting pouty whenever his fingers stroked a certain way.
“Chris,” he says back, “Don’t act like you don’t wanna see. This might be your only chance.”
He smirks and kisses your temple again, rotating the pad of his middle finger over your clit. The motions draw little whines from you, and your eyes flutter. You keep them on Chris, looking into his own as you sink back into Leon’s chest.
“Go ahead, honey. Continue your story,” Leon prompts.
“You were so sweet- mm- and you taught me a lot and- ah- I don’t know it was just a little crush,” you say timidly.
Chris watches you. He doesn’t move at all for fear of bringing attention to how fast his cock has hardened.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he breathes.
“Cause you were my boss,” you say, “I- Leon fuck- I didn’t wanna put you in a bad position.”
His chest feels like it’s turned to stone as he takes in these revelations. It’s hard not to let the regret take over. The realization that he’d been much closer to everything he’d wanted threatened to consume him if he dwelled on it. That on top of the fact that he was hearing all this while you whimpered another man’s name between your words had his mind scrambled.
“It wouldn’t have put me in a bad position, sweetheart,” he says, attempting to sound normal about the situation.
Your lips curve further down, as if you feel guilty for the mess of emotions building inside him. Behind you, Leon’s mouth makes the opposite expression.
“What happened to not wanting her, Redfield?” he teases.
“Shut up,” Chris says. Even if he wasn’t the one pleasuring you, this was a moment for you and him.
His eyes are locked on you, trying to drink in everything about the vision of beauty in front of him. Leon’s warning that this could be the only time he gets to see it echoes in his mind. He doesn’t know how he’ll survive if this is the only time. He doesn’t think he could ever get enough of this. The way your lashes flutter and your eyes look dreamy. How your soft thighs tremble while spread open. The little movements of your hips rocking your ass back and forth against the man behind you.
Why couldn’t that man be him?
It was the most blissful form of torture he’d experienced. He tried to tell himself that even if he just got to watch you cum, it’d be worth it. It’d be better to share this unforgettable sliver of time with you than to have nothing special at all.
He tries to refocus himself back on enjoying the view of your shorts sliding off your legs rather than mourn the relationship he’d lost out on. It was just nearly impossible to avoid envisioning himself and the other man swapped. He had imagined you in his lap like that for months before you even knew the name Leon Kennedy.
Chris’s mind is actually drawn back to the action in front of him once Leon’s got your shorts off, and your panties are fully exposed. The crotch is soaked through. He can see the way the fabric sticks to your center, only peeling away to make space for the nimble fingers working beneath it.
“Leon…” you mewl and tilt your head back against his shoulder.
“I know, princess,” he murmurs, “You’re doing such a good job showing off for Chris. I’m proud of you. You’re really making it worth his while.”
“Thank you,” you whimper.
Leon grins at your display of submission and rewards you with a gentle pinch to your clit. You yelp, and Chris’s cock jerks inside his pants. His bulge is completely visible to everyone in the room by now, no way of sitting could hide that. Despite his arousal, he still had questions.
“Am I the reason you left?” he decides to ask you.
He watches you snap out of the throes of lust and look at him. You hesitate before answering.
“No,” you say softly, “I left to be with Leon.”
It feels like a dagger straight to his heart. He watches any chance of salvaging you as his own die before his very eyes, those words acting as the nails in the coffin. It shows on his face too because he can see the guilt replacing the desire in your eyes. Even Leon’s face flashes with some sympathy. He tilts his head towards you again and nips at the shell of your ear.
“I think you might have hurt Chris’s feelings, baby,” he chides lovingly. His hand then leaves your panties and goes with his other one to your waist. Boosting you to your feet, he looks up at you and taps your ass. “Maybe you should help him feel better. Show him some of what I taught you.”
There’s only a brief pause on your part. You stand between the two beds, between the two men, looking back and forth. You weren’t against the idea at all, it just didn’t seem real. You never imagined this happening in your wildest dreams.
You drop to your knees and approach Chris from the ground, positioning yourself between his legs and looking up at him.
“You don’t have to,” he says, his tone quiet and genuine.
You reach up, sliding your hand up his thigh to palm at his bulge.
“I know,” you respond.
In the simplest of terms, you were still very much attracted to Chris. Your relationship with Leon had extinguished the torch you carried for him down to a small flame, but on a physical and instinctual level, you still wanted him bad. Especially having not cum yet after being teased twice. Your fingers unzip his pants and begin pulling them down, eager to get his cock out.
In a way, you were pretty sure you loved him. Not in the way you love Leon. You knew that. You didn’t dream of love and marriage and the baby carriage with Chris. But for so long, he’d been your safe space. Amongst the violence and horrors in the world of Bioterrorism, your mentor had always been there for you to hold your hand.
You yank his pants down to his ankles, and his dick flops out against his thigh. Your eyes widen slightly. It made sense for it to be big just like everything else on him was, but the sight had you drooling. It was thick and long, from one look you could only imagine how it would stretch you out.
Your fingers wrap around the length, feeling its warmth. The veins that sprawl across it pulse with desire for you. He moans quietly with only one stroke. Your hand pumps up and down tentatively as you spit down onto it for some lubrication.
No one in the room is in the mood to be teased tonight, so you lean in and flick your tongue against the tip. Another groan bubbles from Chris’s lips and you can feel Leon’s lecherous gaze on you the entire time. You lap at the head some more and keep working your fist up and down.
You’re either very talented or Chris is very needy for you, because it only takes a handful of gentle licks before precum beads at the top. His eyes are blown out and locked on you as you suckle the swollen tip between your lips and bob your head. Your mouth is the perfect combination of warm and wet and soft. You cup his balls and give them a gentle massage while working your magic.
He reaches down and pets your head as you work. His head snaps up when he hears the other man speak to him.
“How’s it feel? As good as you imagined?” he asks.
“Better,” Chris moans.
His breaths enter and exit his lungs in deep puffs. This truly was better than he could’ve imagined. Everything about you was beyond the capabilities of human imagination. Your gags were so soft and tender. They were precious despite their inherent lewd nature. You looked up at him with glossy eyes, maintaining eye contact most of the time. That was something he’d taught you. Your first days of work you were always looking down at your shoes or right through him at the wall. He’d been the one to tell you eye contact was important. It was the most baseline form of connection.
You take your mouth off Chris’s shaft with a small pop. A string of saliva dangles between you and his cock, but you quickly destroy it when your lips smoosh against the flushed skin. You kiss the tip over and over, savoring the taste of precum it brings.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, not caring if he heard or not.
But he does, and his gaze softens. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, rookie,” he says back.
Leon decides not to interrupt the exchange or tease Chris about the old nickname for you. He had no genuine ill will toward the other man. That plus his own cock was rising to attention, and he was more interested in palming it through his jeans.
“You're such a good girl. You don’t need to apologize for anything,” Chris continues to coo at you as you take his length back into your mouth.
His eyes crinkle as they shut. He doesn’t want to cum yet just in case there was the chance for anything more. You’re too taken with servicing him to notice that you should maybe slow down. Lucky for the both of you, Leon intervenes.
“Ah ah, baby. Don’t take Chris out of the fun too quick,” he tuts, reaching forward to guide your head back.
You pull off obediently and lean back onto your knees. Chris sighs at the reprieve but nearly blows his load when his eyes refocus on you gazing up at him with spit and precum on your lips.
“I think Chris needs a break, angel. You know how good that mouth of yours is,” he says and pets your head before looking up to the older man, “You want a little taste of her while you cool off?”
It’s like time slows to a halt in the world of Chris Redfield. The heavens part and the words he just heard are the gateway to paradise. He stares at Leon, almost in the same disbelief you had been in minutes ago.
“You’re cool with that?” he says, trying to seem casual.
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t,” he says and shrugs, “Plus, I think your rookie deserves a treat for her performance.”
“Of course she does. She’s probably feeling pretty needy by now too,” Chris says in return, beginning to feel more comfortable with the situation at hand.
“I’ll even let you pick, man. You want her spread out on the bed or riding your face?” he asks.
You look between the both of them as they speak before stopping on Chris as he makes the decision.
“Riding my face. Want her to smother me,” the older man says as he looks down at you with his familiar smile.
Leon glances down at you too. “You heard him, baby,” he says.
You return to your feet and approach the bed closer to the window. Chris discards his pants completely and removes his shirt before lying back. He pats his chest, signaling for you to climb up. As you move closer, so does your boyfriend. He rounds the bed and sits on the other side of the mattress to watch the pair of you.
You crawl over Chris’s muscular body, looking down at him for a moment when your faces are level. You then scoot up more so you’re basically sitting on his chest. You weren’t shy about sitting on someone’s face necessarily. You’d done it for Leon about a dozen times before, but Chris was new and you didn’t know how he liked to do it. From the way he guided your hips higher up though, you could already tell he was a little more gentle than your boyfriend.
He pulls you up until your pussy is hovering over his face. Then he takes a few moments to just admire it. It was cute just like every other part of you. One of his fingers drags over your flesh and pulls on the puffy folds, showing off your pretty little clit and slick entrance.
“Don’t hold back for me, rookie. I want to taste all of you,” he says as he looks up at you.
You return his look and nod before he pulls you lower by your hips onto his face. A squeak flies from your lips when his tongue makes contact with your cunt. Leon chuckles as he watches the two of you with lustful eyes. He’s working on undressing himself now.
Chris’s tongue takes a long swipe from the bottom to the top of your pussy, taking in as much of you as he can. Right now you’re all he can smell. Every breath brings him more of you. Your taste overwhelms him too. It’s the way he wants to live. You whine as his lips engulf your clit to suck on.
“Already making such pretty noises,” Leon teases, “Is Chris doing it how you like, sweet girl?”
You nod, your eyes connecting with those of your boyfriend’s for a moment. He kneels on the bed to be closer to you. His hand comes up to stroke your cheek.
“Good. You deserve it, baby. Just look at you. So precious. No wonder he’s crazy about you too,” Leon murmurs as he leans in and kisses you deeply.
His lips move with yours as you moan into his mouth. You begin rocking your hips back and forth on Chris’s face to get more of the stimulation he’s providing you with. His tongue flattens over your cunt and presses against it in stripes, making broad strokes that spark euphoria in your belly each time. His hands lock onto your hips to keep you still enough that you’re not interrupting his devouring of you.
The constant pleasure to your core makes you lightheaded. You would be swaying if not for the two men’s combined efforts to keep you up right. Your kisses become sloppier, and to alleviate it, Leon ducks down to kiss your neck instead. He peppers your skin with hickeys, his possessive nature shining through a bit.
“My pretty girl, doing so good for us right now. Taking it like a pro,” he whispers teasingly as his hands cup your breasts and give them a tender squeeze.
His lips travel down to where his hands are. He plants a few kisses on the swell of your chest. The sight of your nipples perking up for him would never get old.
“Sweet baby, everything about you is perfect. Don’t know how Chris resisted and never got a taste,” he says as he sucks one of your nipples into his mouth.
Your head falls back and you shudder. Two mouths on you, both licking and sucking in harmony. It made you moan loud enough that you would’ve certainly got a noise complaint if any of the other rooms were occupied.
“Is that for me or Chris, babydoll?” Leon asks and smirks up at you.
“Both,” you whimper, “Both of you are making me feel so good.”
“Not picking favorites, hm?” he goads you further.
“Can’t think enough to pick one right now,” you say simply before another whine leaves you. You didn’t want any more drama. At least not before you came.
“Oh, is your head getting all foggy, baby?” he coos.
“Mhm,” you whimper and nod.
On your lower half, Chris keeps his mouth firmly attached to your pussy. He’s pretty sure you already have him addicted, and you haven’t even cum yet. He’s licking with all the dedication in the world as if this task was his life’s purpose, the action he was put on this very earth to complete.
“Tastes so fucking good,” he grunts into you as he continues open mouth kissing your cunt, “Prettiest little pussy I’ve ever seen.”
Leon smiles at the compliment, almost as if it was partially intended for him by virtue of being your boyfriend.
“She’s loving you, Chris. You’ve got her brain melting out her ears,” Leon purrs while rubbing your back soothingly, steadying you from the tremors that rack your body, “Pretty baby’s probably gonna cum all over your face soon.
When he hears that, the man below you pulls your hips down even harder and locks you onto his mouth. He works even harder to please you, relishing in the way your noises grow louder and more strained.
You give Leon puppy eyes as your hand darts out for his. Your fingers squeeze his palm so tight, he’s sure there will be little red crescents on the skin when you let go.
“What is it, sweetheart? You need to hold my hand?” he croons. He gently squeezes your hand back and moves his face to your neck to press a few more kisses there. “I’ve got you, baby. You cum whenever you want, I’m not gonna let go. Show Chris how pretty you are when you cum.”
Your teeth dig into your lip and your hips quiver violently.
“Fuck Leon- I just- I- Chris,” you stutter out. Your brain rushes to latch onto something, but it can’t seem to get a lock on anything.
“Don’t gotta say anything, angel. Just cum all over my face,” Chris commands from between your thighs.
“You heard him, baby. No thinking. Just let yourself feel good. That’s what we both wanna see,” he whispers and brings your hand to his lips.
Your lips part to say something, but you decide to just listen. You grind your hips down against Chris’s mouth, gasping as the euphoria paramounts within you. Your hips roll even faster as you feel release within your grasp. You’re closing in on it when you shriek and nearly double over with the shattering feeling of your peak.
“There we go, that’s it,” Leon chuckles softly, “Show him what I get to see every night. My favorite sight in the whole world.”
Your body moves as if it’s possessed when you cum. Your back arches into a curve with supernatural speed. Your eyes are screwed shut while your mouth is wide open. The younger man next to you grins while the older man below you continues to make out with your pussy, lapping up every drop of you that he could.
When you start to come down, he lets up, knowing Leon had more in store from you. He lets your hips go, and you basically topple over onto the mattress. You inhale and exhale deeply as the cool motel sheets rest against your cheek.
Chris’s eyes are hooded from lust, the effects of the most erotic experience in his life lingering. His cock is fully hard, standing up and aching for more of your touch. Yet in a way he’s satisfied, having just made you cum, tasted the sweetest part of you, and heard your most vulnerable sounds.
Leon’s undressed on the bed, the only one of the three of you whose mind didn’t feel hazy with clouds of desire. He tugs on his stiff cock a few times as he decides what to do. His eyes flit between your crumpled up form and the other man lying on his back.
“Chris, you wanna hold her for a little bit? Have her sit in your lap?” he asks.
The older man almost felt pathetic at how eager he was to play along and say yes. Almost. Because he still does that. He nods and sits up, leaning back against the headboard.
The next move is getting you up. Your boyfriend guides you to where Chris is, and he then helps you into his lap. Your mind was coming back to normal, and you were looking up at Leon with adoration while you melted against Chris’s broad chest. You nuzzle it gently, feeling its warmth and plush quality. His thick arms encase you, making sure you feel secure.
Leon pulls you on your hips to get you a bit lower where he has easier access.
“I’m not gonna let you fuck her this time. I wanna show you how it’s done first,” Leon teases as he slots himself between your legs.
In any other instance, this would’ve pissed Chris off. Everything about it would’ve left him disappointed and annoyed. But now any negative emotion is overshadowed by two words.
This time.
Because this time implies there will be a next time. And maybe even a time after next time. Another time for him to feel his cock inside you. Another time for him to make you cum on his fingers or watch you ride him. Some of his hopes spring back to life.
Internally, his heart is soaring. He kisses your hairline carefully as Leon slides his tip between your folds that are sticky with arousal. He teases himself with the feeling only a few times before nudging the tip inside.
Your head falls back against Chris’s chest and you moan. He kisses your temple and caresses your sides as if you need to be soothed. As if this isn’t the dick you’ve been taking nightly for the last few months.
Chris’s own length is rock solid against your back. Every small change in your facial expression or rise in pitch of your voice sends blood rushing to it, the threat of cumming untouched ever present.
Leon steadily pushes in until he’s buried all the way inside and you’re nice and filled to the hilt.
“So fucking tight. You gotta feel it, Chris. You thought she tasted good? Just wait till you feel her,” he grunts.
“I bet. I could tell from how cute her pussy was. She was clenching around nothing the whole time. I’m sure she loves to squeeze down anytime she’s got a cock in her,” Chris whispers
More hope was rising in him that this wouldn’t be a one night only thing, and it took all his strength not to smile like an idiot. His knuckles move down your cheek lovingly as he speaks to you and holds you while Leon thrusts. Your body rocks gently with the momentum, pushing you against Chris’s cock each time.
“She does love to get all tight. Just wants to suck me in so I can never leave,” Leon says and holds your thighs to start thrusting harder.
“Such a needy girl. I should’ve known, rookie,” Chris murmurs to you.
“It just feels so good,” you whine, “It’s not my fault.”
“Oh I know it’s not, precious,” Leon mocks, “Your head is always full of nothing but air when I’m around. It probably just gets worse with Chris here.”
You whine in protest and squirm a little, unknowingly grinding your ass on Chris’s cock and coaxing a moan from him. Leon’s dick hits deeper too, bringing you heightened pleasure.
“You’re not an airhead, baby. You’re a sweet girl. My rookie. You just wanna feel good, hm?” Chris says teasingly.
You nod along, and from the look on his face, Leon is amused, pleased with the dynamic Chris opened up.
“No one said she isn’t sweet. Just that she goes a little dumb as soon as she’s got my dick in her,” he teases.
He sighs and his eyes roll back for a moment as you clamp around you. He keeps rocking in and out, enjoying the wet sounds coming from each one of his movements. He also can’t get enough of your mewls or the way you're clutching one of Chris’s forearms right now.
“Maybe he’s right about that. You just work so hard all the time. You need something that can calm you down,” Chris says and squeezes his arms around you, “You’re still so precious.”
You look up at Chris with lovey dovey eyes, remembering why you’d been so enamored with him in the first place. He talked to you like you were the sweetest thing to walk this earth and made you believe it. He made you feel cared for in a way that was indescribable. Pure feeling.
“Yeah you are,” Leon grunts, “And you can go as dumb as you want right now, baby. We’re both here taking care of you. I’m sure Chris loves holding you while all you can do is whine for more.”
“That’s right. I love seeing you like this, knowing you’re taken care of,” he whispers, “And you know I’ve always got you. I’ll never let my rookie go.”
All the words are overwhelming. You pant and writhe more in Chris’s grasp.
“You getting close again, babydoll?” Leon asks, knowing your tells.
You whimper and nod quickly.
“Good. I am too,” he grunts.
He starts working himself into you harder. The momentum from each snap of his hips keeps you rubbing against Chris’s shaft and working him closer to the edge as well. All three of you are panting, muscles tensing up in some way as the end approaches. 
You stare into Leon’s eyes for a moment before rotating your head and looking up at Chris. Both sets of eyes are fixated on you. The overflow of attention is the final strike your body needs to start convulsing with release. The older man’s arms tighten around you, keeping you close as your skin heats up and your noises grow whinier. Your boyfriend keeps a steel grip on your hips, his fingers stroking back and forth.
“That’s my girl,” Leon grunts, “Let it out, baby.”
He moans and lets his head fall back as he feels himself hurtling towards the finish line.
“My rookie. Just perfect, honey,” Chris whispers, “I’m so proud of you.”
The words nearly triple your pleasure and you continue to ride out the high as Leon finally cums and shoots it inside you. He nearly growls as he pounds into you, completely emptying himself. All the rutting is enough for Chris to cum too. He spurts his hot seed against the small of your back, holding onto you with all he has as his hips jerk upwards and he imagines it’s him buried inside you.
Leon’s the first to get his bearings back. He pulls out slowly, letting you adjust to the feeling of emptiness. He then rolls to the side of you and Chris, watching the final moments with the other man. You lie on his chest with your eyes drooping, your chest heaving as you catch your breath. His hand lazily runs down your side. He savors your warmth on his chest. Almost subconsciously, it feels like you really are his in this moment.
That is until you regain your composure and sit up. You hop up for a moment to clean off the mess on your back. He knew you’d have to, but the sight still makes Chris’s heart ache. 
As you return to the bed, you give your boyfriend a dizzy smile and crawl over to curl up at his side. He rubs your back and pecks your forehead. For the two of you, it’s like a regular night. Chris isn’t sure where he fits in this anymore. Should he just move to the bed you two had claimed earlier? Should he make the two of you get up?
He’s running through solutions in his mind when your hand comes out and grabs his wrist. You’re looking up at him with some sort of longing in your eyes.
“Stay with us,” you say.
It was softer than he ever heard from you, different from when you introduced yourself on your first day of work or made a mistake on a mission. It was a new kind of shyness that just made him want more from you. He stares at you and contemplates the idea. Leon raises his eyebrows and gives him a look, giving him the silent ok he needed to slowly lower himself to the mattress. 
He shuts off the light first, leaving the motel room in darkness except for the glow of the yellow street lamps shining through the window. His head hits the pillow, and he drapes an arm over you. You’re still leaning into Leon for the most part which he makes no move to interfere with.
The three of you don’t say anything for the rest of the night. Silence permeates the atmosphere of your shared space. The events of the last hour run through each of your minds in different ways. The mission had taken a back seat for now. It could return to prominence tomorrow once the mental dust had settled.
Leon’s eyes flutter shut first, and his deep, even breaths of sleep follow. You’re barely awake with your cheek squished against his pectoral muscle. Chris watches you, the outline of your face illuminated from the faint light outside. He wonders if this really will be the only time with you. If his taste of heaven will remain that, a sample of what he could have had. He chooses to not believe that and drive himself crazy.
He shuts his eyes too and brings his face to nestle against the crook of your neck. His breath hits your neck when he sighs. In the abyss that is the motel room, he feels your hands come up to rest on his arm.
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taintedcigs · 7 months
˚     . ✧ 𝐒𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐈𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐄
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vol 2; summer breeze — king!steve harrington x fgirl!reader x eddie munson
summary: in which some chaos ensues between the boys and billy, and one of the boys finally get what they want; you. (wc: 6.5k+)
warnings: smut smut smut, minors DNI, p in v, creampie, unprotected (wrap it up irl im so serious) kinda fist fight? billy gets punched, im sorry but billy gets punched a lot in my fics, protective steddie hehe, drgs, weed basically, no use of ‘y/n’, degrading, praises, LOTS OF PRAISES, nicknames! reader is kinda heartless basically a maneater and kinda of a mastermind, eddie is a cutiepie.
authors note: not proof-read ignore mistakes ! thank u @andvys for giving me the best ideas always and thank u for helping me! ily and hope u enjoy this mwah!!! also yall know mastermind by ts? and how its kinda supposed to be sarcastic? well i took that song too seriously and literally. listened to a lot of metal and this fic is their love child! enjoy !!
and please like + reblog + interact to support me ! thank u ily
read vol. 1 here
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Exactly how your mind and body felt.
You didn’t expect to do that with Steve.
King Steve. You were just supposed to play with him.
He wasn’t supposed to make you feel like this.
And it wasn’t anything, it was purely physical. Or at least that’s what your mind forced you to think.
Because no one had ever made you cum like that before, no one ever attended to you like that before.
Pathetic. Really pathetic. You’ve fucked half the guys in Hawkins, yet one night with Steve, and he didn’t even fuck you, yet that’s all you could think about.
You sucked on the cigarette sitting between your lips, the feeling giving you a lewd reminder of earlier when you remembered how good he felt between your lips, sliding down your throat.
Shit shit shit. Shut the fuck up. What the fuck was wrong with you?
“Want something stronger than that?” The voice belonged to the curly-haired boy you were looking everywhere for.
It felt like a fucked up horny deja vu. 
Turning around swiftly, the smoke formed around the air between you when you blew it in his face, making him grin. “Eddie!” Your tone gleeful, “Been looking everywhere for you!” Sweet. Sweet but so fucking dangerous. Eddie knew that about you.
He knew about the effect you had on everyone. I mean, he wasn’t complaining, he was right there in line with them. Just to have a glimpse of you.
He and Steve shared one thing in common; you.
Maybe that’s eventually what drew them closer, both boys begging for your attention in every way possible. Pathetic, but you were so tempting.
They teased each other about you, Eddie bragged about the countless times you batted your lashes at him, the countless times you twirled and giggled at him.
and Steve bragged about how you looked at him with your alluring eyes, or how you called him ‘baby’ that one time. 
Eddie was sure he had never seen Steve the way he did with you, because Steve usually never got hung up on one girl, it was simple for him, he’d fuck one and then move to another. But you always kept him on his toes. Something no one ever did before. So he always tried and tried, failing regardless. 
He didn’t blame him, he’d burn the world down if you asked him to, even though the only interactions he had with you were when you bought something from him, or the countless times you winked at him whenever he saw you around. God, that had him on his knees. 
So it was no surprise he almost melted when you said those magical words. You? Looking for him? 
“Me?” A rush of bubblegum pink is quick to rise to his cheeks. He can’t help himself, Steve was going to freak out when he found out how you were looking for Eddie. God, he was going to have fun with this. 
“Where’s Billy?” He added, trying to sound cool when he lit the freshly rolled joint sitting on his wetted lips. 
He was cute. Didn’t even know the rumors, and the blush on his cheeks weirdly had you need him. 
“We broke up,” you hummed, and a boyish grin sat on his lips immediately while he noted how you didn’t have a sad bone in your body, that jerk didn’t deserve you. “I’m just having fun now, you know?” You added with a smirk. 
You were going to be the death of him. He could be fun, he could be so fucking fun, he could make you feel fun you’ve never felt before. 
“Oh, yeah? With who, now?” Shit, shit, shit. That is not what he meant to say, he was an absolute fucking idiot. A grade one asshole.  
Your eyes widened when you tilted your head, “are you calling me a slut, Munson?” You snatched the joint from his lips, earning a whine from him as you kept your piercing eye contact. 
The pinkish color on his cheeks turned blood red, and you could see him almost fidgeting. Why did you find it so endearing? 
“N-no! No that’s not what I meant at all! You’re not a slut! I mean if you want to be you could be— I mean you’re not but—” His words tangled with each other adorably, and you couldn’t help but let out a deep chuckle. 
“I’m just playing with you!” You playfully nudged his shoulder, adoring the way his grin came back instantly, you took a long drag from the joint before passing it back to him. “Don’t worry, baby.” 
Eddie almost lost it at that.
Suck it, Steve. She called him baby, too, and now they were fucking even. 
“I’m having fun with everyone that douchebag hates.” You muttered with a smirk. 
Eddie desperately needed to make Billy hate him, maybe he could rip him off the next time he brought from him, or maybe he could just… sucker punch him? 
“Steve was fun.” You giggled, remembering the way he was so pathetically begging for you to stay. And you had to admit he was good, the best you had in this messed up town. 
Eddie blinked quickly, struggling to process what you just said… You.. and.. Steve?
“Steve?” He almost stammered, face growing hot at what you were implying, did that little asshole actually manage to be with you? You?!? 
“Steve Harrington?” He repeated.
“Yeah,” you hummed, brows scrunching at his dumbfounded expression… What was going on? Was he… jealous?
 “You jealous, Munson?” You giggled with a smirk, brow raised and all bold. So upfront that it has Eddie stammering and blushing all over again. 
“N-no, uh— Steve is my friend is all.” He adds, taking a long drag from the joint to keep himself together, he has to look all confident because he wants to impress you. 
He just doesn’t know that you being all flustered is what draws your attention. Confident but still cute. The exact mix you need for Steve’s arrogance. And they’re friends? Fuck, just the thought of them together has you rubbing your thighs. 
“Oh!” You hum, “That’s funny because I was actually going to go for you, but Steve found me first.” You know the effect that will have on Eddie, you see it in the way he coughs while exhaling the smoke, wetting his lips while he tries to play it cool. 
Sadly, it’s all interrupted by the one and only. Billy fucking Hargrove. 
His hand roughly makes you turn to him before you can comprehend what’s happening, “Fucking Harrington, really?” He spat in your face, nostrils flaring with how angry he was, but all it did was make you want to laugh in his face—the audacity of this little boy. 
Eddie’s quicker than you to react, trying to push him away from you but Billy shakes off his hold. “Get away from her.” Eddie spits. Billy ignores him with a scoff, attention all on you. 
You hate the way your stomach flutters at Eddie being protective, what the fuck are these boys doing to you?
“You kiss Tina in front of everyone, and me fucking Harrington is the problem?”
“You fucked him?” Billy lets out through gritted teeth, technically, you didn’t but it seemed like Billy only thought the two of you kissed. 
Before you could answer he clenched his fists, “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill him.” 
Shit. You really didn’t think this through, did you? 
A guilty feeling settled into your stomach, Steve didn’t deserve that. And he definitely didn’t deserve to get beaten up because of you. You swallowed the lump in your throat and grabbed Billy by the arm to stop him from searching for Steve.
“Excuse me?” Billy said, pinching his brows together.
“Please don’t do anything to him.” Eddie watches everything unravel, taken aback by how willing you are to throw yourself under the bus for Steve. It makes his brows furrow and makes him almost get a glimpse of you, behind that cool facade, behind that whole act. It entices him more and more.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Billy scoffs, “You fuck him one time, and look how pathetic you get. No wonder everyone keeps calling you a slut—”
A loud thud resounds in your ears, you barely register what happened before you turn to see Steve shaking off his fist with a smirk on his face. “Don’t fucking call her that again.” 
Billy chuckles loudly at the impact, blood quickly dripping down his nose and an obvious red mark bruising his cheek. “My my, Harrington coming to defend his new little slut, huh?” 
And this time, another thud of a punch resonated from your side, and you audibly gasp. 
These boys were going to be the death of you, appearing out of nowhere and then doing shit like this. 
They stood in front of you, arms crossed against their chest as they eyed Billy groaning on the ground, it wasn’t long before Tina came with her annoying shriek and a crowd formed around the four of you, the two boys were quick to drag you out of the party. 
“Couldn’t stay away from me, could you, sweetheart?” Steve muttered in your ear with his lips twitched into a smirk. 
Cocky bastard. 
You gave him a slight smile. “Actually… I was looking for this one,” you hummed sweetly, hand gently nudging Eddie’s shoulder. A grin sat on his lips, he itched to elbow Steve, who just gave him a roll of his eyes. 
“But, thank you, both.” You give them a shy smile, it’s meaningful, and you’re grateful to have them protect you. 
“Anything for our special girl,” Steve winks.
“Want us to take you home?” Eddie interrupts, eyeing you, he can see that you’re a bit shaken up, even though you try to hide it. 
“No need, boys. Can walk home!” You giggle with a wink. 
“We insist.” Steve steps up, leaning into the car, hips jutted out. All slutty, and it’s tempting. But, no. 
You had fucked up enough today and gotten your feelings too involved. You couldn’t do it. 
You gave both of them a sloppy kiss on their cheek before you got on your feet, “My house is just around the corner.” 
“See you around, boys.” You winked one last time, turning back before they could say anything, walking away with a strut as you could almost feel their gaze burn your back. 
Both boys watched you with their jaws almost open, teeth biting onto their bottom lips with hope. They wanted—needed you. 
“I’m tellin’ you dude, it was fuckin’ unreal. She was just so good,” Steve hummed into the ice cream he took a stripe of lick from.
Eddie grunted. “Jesus, fuck. Still can’t believe she let you even near her.” He glared daggers into him.
Steve grumbled a chuckle, nudging him. “Jealous much, Munson?” His lips curled into a boyish grin, face inches away from Eddie who was now stammering.
“C’mon, we can share, can’t we big boy?” Steve winked, enjoying the crimson red coloring the curly boy’s puffy cheeks.
“Nothing we haven’t done before,” He hummed, sucking his cheeks with a ‘mmhmm’ sound as the flavors of the strawberry goodness flooded his senses.
They did have threesomes before, but this was different, this was you. It meant so much more to Eddie, and selfishly, he wanted you to himself first, too. 
“If you can even get her,” Steve smirked, knowing if it took him this long, Eddie would have to try for years.
“Oh, don’t worry about that.” Eddie winked with a new-found confidence
“I’ll turn on the Munson charm.” He snapped his fingers together with a wicked grin, “and she’ll be beggin’ for me in no time.” 
Steve couldn’t even keep the throaty chuckle for a second before he patted Eddie on the back. “Good fuckin’ luck with that.” 
You shouldn’t have been eavesdropping, but how could you not when they were right fucking in front of you?!
And after Steve said, they had done threesomes before, your mouth watered just at the thought of both boys towering over you, attending to your every need, trying to dominate you but also pathetically begging for more. 
And if you framed everything correctly, they’d want to fuck you and would think they were the ones in charge, not knowing you were the mastermind behind all of it.
“Hi, boys!” You waved with a giggle, rushing to their side as your skirt rode up your thigh, both boys turning their bodies fully to meet you. 
Both of their Adam’s apple bobbing at the sight of you—a graphic baby tee showing just enough of your skin, paired with the most perfect skirt Steve has ever seen, and Eddie’s eyes were almost glued to your chest, enjoying the way your breasts jiggled as you walked. 
You couldn’t hide your smirk at their widened eyes, men were so easy. 
They both stammered, and you wished you weren’t enjoying this so fucking much. But, you were. You had to have both of them. 
Letting your tongue swirl around the cone in your hand, you looked up at Eddie. “What flavor is that?” 
“Chocolate,” He replied quickly, “I love chocolate!” You exclaimed, and Eddie grew weak in his knees, gulping and letting his cock strain himself against his zipper. God, he felt like a fucking pervert. 
“Do you wanna try some?” He barely managed to speak clearly and you nodded quickly with a grin, Steve watching it all with a huff. 
Without giving him a chance to do anything, you wrapped your palm around his, giggling while you let the cold silkiness coat your tongue, lapping at it while your focus remained on Eddie’s dark eyes. 
He almost groaned at the sight; you knew that was your cue. “Tastes so delicious, Eds.” You hummed with an exaggerated sound, reveling in the way Eddie blinked quickly to register all of it. 
“Wanna try mine?” Steve’s silky, cocky voice had your attention shifting, you raised a single brow, shrugging. 
“Already tried that, thanks,” Your voice carries a bit of coldness but is still alluring enough to have Steve crave more from you. 
“I don’t think you tried all of it, sweetheart,” His voice still held that cool tone, tongue sticking out to lick a stripe from the cone wrapped around his palm, almost giving you a flashback as rosy lips framed the words so lewd that you had to do something. 
You were quick to tilt your head sideways, leaning in just enough to have your velvety lips against his, Eddie watched in awe, enjoying the way you sucked on Steve’s tongue, letting the sweet strawberry flavor explode your taste buds as exaggerated sounds left your lips as you pulled away, leaving Steve with nothing. 
“Mhmm, you’re right, Stevie,” You hummed, Steve’s face wearing a shock you hadn’t seen before. “But I think mine, tastes so much better…” You cooed facing Eddie, “Wouldn’t you agree, pretty boy?” You directed it at Steve, relishing the dumbfounded look on his face, while Eddie watched all of it with a contented sigh. 
He needed both of you. 
You needed both of them. 
And Steve would do anything for you, and for Eddie, even if he never would explicitly show it. 
“Y-yeah,” he stammered, bringing a wicked smirk to your face. Easy. 
Before you turned to leave, you faced Eddie, “Oh!” 
“Do you have any free time this afternoon?” If you gave him those eyes and that sweet tone, he’d give you all of his time in the world. 
“Uh-huh, of course.” He's sure his voice sounds so squeaky but you smile at him so sweetly that it melts away all his worries.
“Okay, do you mind if I drop by? I need something to relax, and to let a little bit of my steam off…” You winked at him, you couldn’t be more obvious, and Eddie almost went limp at your words, no need for the Munson charm after all. 
“S-sure!” He exclaimed, mouth curling into a wide grin. 
“See you later, boys.”
“Really?” Eddie eyed you with a raise of his brows, getting more and more comfortable the further both of you inhaled from the rolled joint, your knee brushed against his, and his worries ghosted away with it. 
“You think Michael Myers is hot?”
“Yeah!” You nodded, “Too weird for you, Munson?” you nudged him playfully.
“No, no! It’s just… how? He has a mask on,”
With a shrug, “The mask is the appeal,” you giggle. 
He scrunches his brows, confused. “The mystery of the mask is what makes him sexy.” You shrug, and a soft ‘oh!’ escapes his lips. 
He’s quick to ash the joint to the skull resin ashtray, getting up in a rush, causing you to furrow your brows, “what the hell are you doing?”
He turns with a grin, “getting a mask.” 
You giggle at that, “Oh, trust me, you don’t need a mask pretty boy.”
“W-what?” He blinks quickly to process all of it, bringing a wide smile to your lips as you almost drag him by the collar of his shirt. 
Eddie’s almost frozen, his mind explodes at how forward you’re being, pants getting tighter when he realizes how close you are to him. 
It’s finally happening and he can feel himself melt into you, he lets you stripe him of his control and his lips part slightly in surprise. 
Mind struggling to process if this is all real. With a giggle you take him by surprise when you tug your fingertips at his messy curls, twisting his head to the side as you crash your lips down to his. 
Dangerously sweet, addicting, and bold. And Eddie is putty in your hands.
“The prettiest lips,” you hum into his mouth. 
“Yeah?” He almost blushes a rosy color, and you can’t help but relish that feeling, letting it sink to your chest at how beautiful he looks when he’s so flushed, and you realize you need both of them. 
You need Steve’s cockiness, you need Eddie’s tentativeness at the same fucking time. 
And both of their dominance. 
You whimper needily, the feel and taste of his soft lips flood all over your body, making you ache. Holy shit, he’s fucking good. 
“F-fuck,” He whimpers as he pulls back, mind trying to register everything, but he’s quick to dive back in once he realizes he just stopped kissing you. 
A passionate, needy kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth, teeth nibbling on your bottom lip, as his hand roughly grabs your waist, pulling you further. You feel hot, skin buzzing at how demanding he is. 
Then he slowly moves from your lips to your jaw, down to your neck, leaving sloppy kisses all over, and you can’t help but feel that warm slickness coating your thighs at how fucking needy he is for you. 
And you know exactly what you need to do to lure him in, entirely. 
“N-need you, Eds,” you whine into his lips, brows pinched together and Eddie’s already about to explode in his pants, you’re fucking perfect. 
“Where do you need me, angel?” He asks, all obedient and it has your core throbbing with need. 
Your thighs part slowly, skirt riding up more and more as you expose yourself to him, and Eddie’s teeth drag on his bottom lip at the sight. “Here,” nails rake on the surface of the couch beneath your legs, pussy fully on display. 
He almost groans at the sight, but no, he has to take control back again, he has to impress you. 
And he wants to savor this moment, enjoy you, fully. 
It gives him all the confidence he needs, with a slight push he has you on your back, sprawled on the couch, you’re surprised by the sudden change of control, but anticipation jumps in your insides, not knowing his next move is exciting and you let him enjoy it. 
His hands start to idly run everywhere on your body, all grabby and rough. You don’t know what to expect from him, and it certainly isn’t this, his hold on your hips, breasts, and thighs, enough to leave a mark, still gentle, still attentive but equally rough and it has you almost whining out. 
He’s perfect. 
“Needy baby,” He hums, planting a sloppy kiss on your neck. “What do you need… my fingers or my tongue?” 
You shamelessly spread your legs further, enjoying his weight on top of you, hard bulge pressing against your thigh, but you need more. “Both.” 
And your whiny answer is all he needs, his rough hands travel down to your inner thighs, almost toying as he drags his mouth all over you. Nibbling and biting all over your neck, shoulder, breasts, everywhere. 
He’s quick to drop down between your legs, and he groans at the sight of your puffy lips and dampened thighs, “Jesus Christ…” His teeth draw on his bottom lip.
“No panties?” 
“Nuh-uh,” you giggle shamelessly, and he’s almost fucking gone. The fabric of his pants so painfully harsh against his erected cock that he hisses. 
Your legs quiver when he traces a finger around your opening teasingly and his mouth is pressing kisses down your inner thigh, sloppy and filthy. 
“So fuckin’ beautiful,” he hums into you. 
Your little whimpers and the sight of you so relaxed make Eddie a madman, he understands Steve’s non-stop blabbing about you the last few days, granted, he always knew you were perfect. 
But once he gets a taste of this, and a sight of you like this, he knows he can’t fucking quit, ever. 
“More.” You hiss out a breath as his fingertips gently circle your clit. It’s demanding, and Eddie’s amber gaze is dark as it meets yours. “Behave,” He warns, it’s electrifying, making you want to disobey more than anything, everything about him draws you in. 
With a smirk, you run your hand down his arms, meeting his fingertips with a gaze so dangerously lewd that Eddie’s eyes almost roll to the back of his head. “But I’m aching… I need so much more.” 
He groans, loudly. “So fucking needy, aren’t you? Only for me, huh?” 
He wants reassurance, he wants you to tell him he’s better than Steve. And you don’t, because you need both of them, so you just tease him enough, just so both of them could get the idea of proving themselves to you. 
You could just imagine them both taking turns, trying to prove to you which one would make you cum more, complementing each other, striping you out of your control, just for that one second, not knowing that you planned all of it.
It’s sick, a bit deranged, and stupid. But exactly what you need.
“Mhmm, only for you, baby.” 
Endearing words have him quick to push two fingers inside of you, still agonizingly slow, withdrawing a breath when he feels your slick walls. 
His fingers slowly go in and out of you, the suspenseful score from the movie almost mirrors your heartbeat, rising each time he gives you a grin, basking in your whines. 
“Look so pretty like this, sweetheart,” he praises, enjoying how your lips part slightly, pretty whines coming out of it. He circles your clit at a slow pace, still. Relishing in the way his name slips past your mouth so desperately, almost begging. 
He presses a light kiss to your clit, and you shudder at the impact, gazing down at him, “You like the way I look between your pretty thighs?” He hums into your walls. 
“Yes,” You coo, and he doesn’t hesitate to dive in, parting your cunt with his thumb before his tongue is teasingly lapping up at you. 
It’s all so filthy and intimate that you immediately squeeze your eyes shut, his fingers, his tongue, it’s all too much but at the same time not enough. 
You need him, you need more from him. It’s just not enough. 
“Makin’ prettiest noises for me, such a good girl, aren’t ya?” You hum excitedly, all fucked out as you grind yourself on his mouth, you don’t know what it is, but you can’t help yourself, fingertips latched onto his curls, head thrown back, you feel like screaming. 
And he’s torturously slow, giving you everything you need but not fully everything, withdrawing just a little to have you go crazy. And it’s fucking working, his tongue works wonders inside of your walls, his name falling like a prayer from your lips. 
Not fucking enough. And it’s frustrating, to feel so on edge. 
You shouldn’t do this, you shouldn’t beg for more, but you can’t help it, it’s all hazy and you want more, it’s like you’ve been deprived, and he feels so fucking good. 
And maybe, you letting Eddie fuck you could drive Steve further, you could just imagine the scorched face on Steve’s look when he found out, and you want that mean side of him. You want him to compete for your attention, you want him to stripe you out of your control, for once in your fucking life.
You try to drag at his curls to feel his tongue more and more, flicking at your clit agonizingly slow but he slaps your hand away, warning you with his dark gaze. 
“I need more,” you pout, looking down at him all doe-eyed. 
“Need you to fuck me,” you whine with a hidden smirk, Eddie’s eyes flashing a hunger that has you all excited in your tummy.  
“Needy little slut,” he murmurs in your ear. “Steve wasn’t enough for you?” You love the newfound confidence in him, the sudden change in his tone, the darker his eyes get, the way he cooes has you dripping with need. 
You shake your head with a giggle, “Steve didn’t fuck me.” 
“What?” That brings an unintentional grin to his lips. You didn’t let Steve fuck you but you were going to let Eddie fuck you? Oh, he could just cum in his pants right then and there. 
You? Begging to be fucked by him? He was in heaven, and you were the prettiest angel. 
“No wonder, he can’t fucking shut up about you,” 
So your plan was working. 
“I don’t blame him, angel. I wouldn’t be able to quit you right after I tasted you either, so fucking perfect, hmm?” He gives you a dazzlingly addicting kiss, lips tasting like you and you hum into it. 
You try to pull him closer by his shirt, but he doesn’t let you, making you pout innocently at him. “I need you.” You don’t know how he has you like this, and you try to make your brain believe that this was your plan, but you wholeheartedly want this, you want him to fuck your brains out. You want him to make you cum until you physically can’t anymore. 
A possessive look sits on his face, gaze all dangerous and it has you wanting more, “You have me.” A wicked grin overturns on his lips, he’s quick to get rid of his clothes, almost ripping open your blouse. Fingertips brush over your skin with such passion that it almost burns.
He groans at the sight of your breasts, hands itching to grab them, mouth watering at the sight. “So.” A kiss on your breasts, “fucking”, a nibble, “perfect.” His hands grabbed everywhere, mind reveling in everything.
Still struggling to realize if this was all real or not. He was hooked, so fucking hooked. 
He couldn’t blame Steve for not shutting up about you, you were addicting. He was right, maybe the two of you could share. He wouldn’t be opposed to it at all, if there was one thing the three of you were good at, it was this. 
“That stays on.” He hums against your chest, fingers sliding over the tight little skirt you were wearing, flipping it over to your stomach but not taking it off.  
You were whining like a bitch in heat now, eagerly watching him take off his cock from his already wet boxers, patches of pre-cum had formed on it and you couldn’t help the delicious smirk on your face. 
With a painful groan, his cock slipped past his boxers, and your eyes widened at the sight. 
Salmon pink tip pearled with his pre-cum, looking so delicious that your mouth involuntarily opened at it, he was almost as big as Steve, only thicker, and slightly more curved to the left, perfect, just fucking perfect. 
You understood his cockiness when it came to this, he was absolutely packing and by the way he had been acting, you could tell he knew how to fucking use it. 
He leaned back slightly, still positioned between your thighs before he took his cock in his hand, with a dangerous gaze, he jerked at it, letting out a small groan with a sly smirk. 
You could feel your thighs dampening when he circled the angry tip over your clit. “That feels good, doesn’t it, angel?” Mocking, cruel, teasing. And you loved every fucking second of it. 
“Y-yeah,” You murmur, eyes squeezed shut, your thighs are almost shaking and he’s watching you with a smirk, it’s all too sensitive and everything he does gives you an electrifying pleasure that you haven’t felt before. 
Shutting up all the avoidant voices in your head that tell you you shouldn’t be doing this. Your thoughts and your body is consumed by pleasure as you hazily look down, his hand still on his cock while he drags it down through your folds. The tip of his pink slit parts you slightly, enjoying the way you’re gushing for him. 
“Jesus fucking Christ… look at this cunt… just soaked for me,” he growls and lines his throbbing cock at your entrance, a loud needy moan escapes your lips, making him gloat.
“Look at how greedy your pussy is, angel… practically pulling me in.” He teases, cock still dragging along your folds, and you are about to embarrassingly beg, before he finally drives his cock the rest of the way into your aching cunt, “Fuck, fuck, fuuuck!” He groans loudly, his moans deliciously lewd. And your whines are mixed with his. 
His hands are everywhere, rough, and grabby, almost like they are marking you. His hips thrust further into you fucking all of your worries away. 
“Look how well you’re takin’ me, doll.” He hums, eagerly watching the way his cock disappears in and out of your soppy walls, mouth hanging open as curses slip past it at each of his movements. 
“Eddie…” You whimper, you can’t focus, you can’t even fucking think. Your brain is short-circuiting by how good everything he feels, how he is hitting that one spot and is stretching you wider and wider, and you are doing everything you can to adjust to his size. 
“What d’ya need, baby?” He coos mockingly.
He’s so much more cocky now, and he has earned it because he’s that good and you’re awfully pathetic for him. 
You want to speak, but it’s almost as if you’re unable to, it’s frustrating, and Eddie is loving every second of it. 
“Awww, so cock drunk that you can’t even speak, princess?” Another harsh thrust has you whining and squirming. 
“You need more, baby? Need me deeper inside of this tight little cunt?” He hums, cock slamming inside of you so agonizingly slow that it has you moaning for more, you’re simply fucked out and he’s too far gone. 
“Need me to stretch it out with my big cock?” You nod so quickly that your head almost falls off, and Eddie’s chuckle reverberates loudly, echoing in the room with your whimpers. 
“Greedy little slut.” He picks up his pace, and you’re fully lost in desire now, clinging to him as each of his thrusts pushes you closer and closer, he’s filling you to the brim and it nearly has you sobbing beneath him. 
“You feel so good, sweetheart. Fuckin’ soaked for me and this tight cunt was just made for my cock, wasn’t it?” He growls against your neck, licking a path from your collarbone to the shell of your ear, grinning like a Cheshire cat. 
Your eyes are squeezed shut, head thrown back in full euphoria while he thrusts in and out of you, setting a hard, brutal pace. Teeth sucking into your shoulder to slow himself down, to stop the release he can feel building.
Incoherent babbles are all that leave your lips, you can feel that familiar knot forming in your stomach, “Y-yes, yes!” You whine, “I’m close, baby.” You lift your hips, trying to grind it against his cock to get more friction. 
It’s all filthy and desperate and it has Eddie’s eyes rolling to the back of his head. You’re so fucking perfect for him and you stick to his mind. 
This image of you, begging, his name falling from your swollen lips, all fucked out and spread for him. It’s doing the best fucking damage to his mind and he can’t get enough of you. 
“You gonna cum for me, honey? Wanna soak my cock?” His words are so lewd and it has you nodding like an idiot, you want him to cum with you, you need to feel him inside of you. Filling every fucking inch of you. 
He can feel your pussy clamping around him, it’s all glorious and he wants nothing more than to engrave this image of you to his brain. He wants Steve to know, how you were mewling for him. “Cum for me, angel.” He praises, slamming inside of you deeper than before, thrusts getting sloppier the more he sees how close you are. 
He wants nothing more than to last, but your whimpers, the way you take him in, your mouth hanging open, it’s all fucking too much, and he knows if you give him one more whine or one more filthy talk he’s going to explode. 
You writhe under him, so painfully good, but fucking impossible to hold yourself back once his thumb circles around your clit.
“W-want you to cum, too. Need to feel you i-inside.” You encourage him, and he groans at the idea of cumming together with you, balls drawing up and ready to fill your insides. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuuuck, baby,” He growls, slamming into you once, twice, thrice. “If you say shit like that I’m gonna—fuck, fuck, fuck, baby!” He can feel his cock filling you to the brim, hitting that sensitive spot one last fucking time and you know it’s over.
“Cum for me, pretty boy.” You cry out as you orgasm, pleasure shooting through your already hazy mind, and that’s all the encouragement Eddie needs before he chases his own release. 
He pounds into you one final time, deeper and harder, in a frenzy with how badly he needs to cum inside of you. With a few ‘fuck’s and ‘shit’s, and ‘so f-fucking perfect’s he growls your name as he fills you up. Not slipping out until he’s sure you’re filled full of him. 
He collapses next to you with a sigh of breath, a sloppy kiss on your shoulder as he’s trying to register what the fuck just happened. 
You don’t give him a minute to breathe when you quickly get up, collecting your blouse as you ignore the confused look on his face. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Getting ready?” You answer with a giggle. 
“What for?” 
“To leave, pretty boy.”
“B-but we just-” 
He sounded so adorable, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t allow yourself to fall into a mess of feelings, and yet without knowing, you were already walking right into it. 
“I’m going to this thing at The Hideout today.” You murmured while fixing your skirt and hair in the mirror. Skirt creased and hair all chaotic. You thought you looked a fucking mess, but Eddie would argue that's the prettiest you looked.
Ruined by him.
“There’s this band—”
“Corroded Coffin?” Eddie replied quickly. 
“How did you know?” You turned with a raised brow, intrigued. 
“You’re looking at their lead singer, sweetheart.” He replied smugly, a grin sitting on his plump lips. 
“Oh my god!” You said in a mock screeching voice, “Can I please get your autograph, Mr. Rockstar?” You batted your eyelashes with a twirl of your hair, giggling when he narrowed his gaze at you. 
“You’re lucky, you’re so pretty, huh?” You shouldn’t have felt your cheeks heat at the comment because he just fucked your brains out, but shit was he smooth. Making you blush with one fucking compliment. You were way too deep into this, weren’t you?
“So you listened to our stuff?” He asked, with a beaming smile on his face, too cocky. And it killed you to tell him you didn’t when he had the most adorable look on his face. 
“No, but, this might be a great first listening experience.” You hummed, “So make sure you don’t suck, Mr. Rockstar.” Your hand turned the doorknob when you threw him a wink. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I will rock your fuckin’ world," He returned the wink. “Again.” He said with a smug smile and a cool tone. 
You rolled your eyes playfully at him, “Oh, and make sure to invite Steve too.” You hummed nonchalantly as Eddie nodded, almost obediently.
He would do anything you asked him to. 
Maybe you shouldn’t have accepted to go, because it was never any good to fuck the same guy twice, especially with someone like Steve who just slept around, or someone like Eddie who wore his heart on his sleeve. It would either end with your heart broken or theirs. Things always got too messy.
But both of them were just so… good. And you had this opportunity to have both of them.
How were you supposed to hold yourself back? 
“No fucking way.” Steve said exasperatedly, shaking his head and denying what Eddie told him for the hundredth time. 
Eddie groaned, growing frustrated, “Yes fucking way, dude, ask her!” 
“Ask her what, whether you fucked her or not?” Steve narrowed his gaze when he turned to him, words laced with bitterness, if Eddie didn't know him better he'd say Steve was jealous. 
And he was.
“Yeah, because I did, and she fucking loved it.” 
“Bullshit.” Steve spat, his face still wearing a shocked look that had Eddie grinning. 
His mind was almost spiraling, that insecurity he felt years ago almost returning and the image was quick to shatter. Why didn’t you want him? Why did you want Eddie? 
“C’mon, Stevie,” He elbowed Steve playfully, enjoying this. Steve gloated for days about you, for days. And now he had something bigger to tease him with.
Because you, who rejected every idiotic boy in this town, who even rejected 'King Steve' begged for Eddie. And he couldn't help but bask in that, especially to annoy Steve further. “Don’t be jealous, I thought you said we could share.” Eddie grinned like an idiot, brushing his shoulder against his teasingly.
And it was getting to Steve, the idea that you didn’t want him. Like you could see right through his King Steve bullshit. “Fuck you, man.” 
“So, what? You can have her, but I can’t?” He said with a little bitterness spilling out, eyeing Steve. 
“No, dude, just—” Steve sighed, “I can’t fucking get my mind off of her.” He mumbled, almost embarrassed.
“Neither can I!”
“So what the fuck are we supposed to do now?” Desperate, pathetic, and horny. Ironically, that’s how you were feeling too, without knowing that’s exactly what the boys were feeling too. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got that covered.” Steve looked at Eddie with a narrowed gaze.
“She’s coming to the show tonight,” Eddie hummed excitedly, “and she asked me to invite you too.”
Holy shit. That brought a saccharine smile on Steve’s face, it was stupid, to be so excited over something like this. But that meant you did want him. Stirring his stomach in the best and worst way possible, he wanted to shake it off, but he fucking couldn’t.
Jesus fucking Christ. What were you doing to him?
“Dude, do you realize what that means?” 
“What?” Eddie inquired. 
“Oh my sweet, sweet, Munson…” Steve tssked, “She wants both of us.”
“Oh, shit.” The realization was slow to hit Eddie, his mind still replaying what happened with you over and over again. “Wait you— uh, you’re okay with that?” Eddie asked, almost nervous. 
“Yeah, dude, why wouldn’t I be?” Steve shrugged carelessly, it wasn’t anything they hadn’t done before, but Eddie still felt nervous, because this time it did feel different, with both of you. 
“Besides we can’t keep our girl depraved now, can we?” 
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leejenowrld · 5 months
nct dream reactions, what sex + aftercare with them is like
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nct dream ‘00 liner + mark
this is very long and in bullet point format
☆ mark lee
a very soft dom
sex happens frequently, it catches him off guard sometimes but you’re horny for him 24/7, he doesn’t quite realise how sexy he is and that’s what makes it so interesting and fun
delicately taking the clothes off each others body even even in desperation and even if you’re rushing, you just have an intensifying love for each other
presses the most comforting and softest kisses all over every inch of your body
doesn’t fail to make you feel loved and beautiful
praise after praise, he’s so in love and in awe of you, he can’t believe he’s yours and your his
chuckles and tuts, warns you to be patient when you close your thighs tightly
he’s all about the foreplay
he likes a gradual and sensual build up
presses open mouthed kisses to your pussy, sucking and lapping at your folds
makes you cum by eating you out before his cock is even inside of you
loves when you scream his name and he’s not even inside of you, gives him the confidence boost he needs and deserves
he always looks so beautiful above you, his hair falling down and messily hanging over his eyes
his eyes that are so full of light and love as he stares deep into your eyes that share the same feeling, never breaking eye contact
you guys love tired and lazy sex, he’s a busy guy so you can’t expect 100% energy all the time! but it’s enough, the lazy kisses, muffled moans, lazy thrusts… it’s still perfection
giddy smiles and laughs, definitely kisses you while grinning
soft touches on your face, hand holding is a must, hands over your boobs as you ride him or suck his cock when your head is hanging off the side of the bed
loves being inside of you. his no.1 feeling in the world, nothing else comes close
loves seeing where you connect
heavy sighs and moans leave his mouth
the most softest and sweet open mouthed kisses against your lips when he bottoms out
hands gripping your thighs as you wrap them around him waist
truly feels like he’s making love with you
every time he’s inside you he thanks god, he falls in love with you a little more every time he’s buried deep into your tight cunt
it’s so tight and he loves it
heavy panting and breathing
grunts and moans of your name
he whispers in your ear, words he only wants you to hear. “your pussy was made for me, wasn’t it?” “such a good girl for me” “fuck, yeah, just like that baby girl” “this feels so good”
occasionally he has a dirty mouth and can be very pussy drunk. “you pussy is so tight for me” “you’re so tight” “pretty cunt so tight just for me” “my cunt”
the aftercare!!! he will give you everything and anything, he will go above and beyond to care for your needs and make sure you feel as humanly good as possible
he will apologise to every inch of your body that he hurt, he will also kiss every inch, making you feel loved doesn’t stop with sex, it’s a forever thing, he will always make you feel cherished
massages every inch of your body, tells you how good you are for him and how much he will love you and always will love you
☆ renjun
he’s a soft dom or a switch, he fucks with his only priority being you, making you feel good and loved, giving you pleasure and meeting all of your needs, you come first always
his love language, acts of service, comes through even when he’s fucking you
sex with him is super sweet and loving, it always ends with the most full feeling in your hearts. making love with him is the best
he’s definitely whiny and can beg for you
his main focus is praising you and loving you
loves when you take the need and initiate it, he just loves when you get needy and beg to ride him, loves when you become desperate for him
loves when you try to ride him after he’s fucked you dumb
your palms pressed against his chest or your hands tightening in his as you bite your lip, determined face as you ride up and down his length, his hands guiding you
but you’re always so weak, you’re already so wet and so fucked, nonetheless he loves it when you take control
he’s usually in a softer mood, will never fail to tell you how much he loves you and appreciates your body and this moment
loves the feeling of your walls clenching around him, loves the sight of your pussy making room for him. it's always so snug and tight
prefers when the two of you make little noise, loves the idea that he’s the only one who can hear how hot and sexy you are
moans nonstop in your ear, moans concealed only for you, choked sobs and grunts of your name, all to give you reassurance and turn you on, he lives to turn you on.
his moans are very airy and light
covers your mouth or chokes you when you’re being too loud, or even kisses you when he’s in a soft and loving mood (which is always)
a lot of cockwarming, aftercare is all about feeling close with him
he’ll hold you all night long
it’s a very loving and caring experience with him
temple and forehead kisses as he confesses his love for you over and over again
☆ lee jeno
he’s very quick, rough and fast with you 90% of the time. it’s what you want and love.
you have a very adventurous sex life, he’s a hard dom and the sex always has you curling your toes and screaming his name
rips your clothes/lingerie off, is able to unhook your bra with his teeth, it’s very hot
pounds into your pussy, flush against flush, hits your g-spot over and over again
his cock is so big and he knows it
loves when you squirt all over his cock or his face, drinks your cum like it’s water
paints patterns on your skin with your cum
fucks all your cum back into you, also loves cumming inside of you, won’t stop until your walls are filled with cum, wants to a fuck a baby info you, major breeding kink
loves looking down to see where you connect, grunts when he moves his cock away from your hole post orgasm, seeing all the juices and cum slick up
loves seeing you cry, dacryphilia, loves when you beg him and tell him it’s too much and that you can’t take it anymore
he shakes his head. you’ve already cummed so many times but he wipes away your tears, telling you to be his good girl
loves looking down at you and seeing how tiny your hole is, definitely a size kink thing, loves your tight pussy that makes enough room for his massive cock.
always reassures you that your pussy and his cock were made for each other, so when you cry that you can’t take his cock or that it’s too big he shakes his head and tells you it will fit
loves pinning you down, loves manhandling you, loves trapping your arms and locking them above your head, loves choking you, loves slapping your pussy and cheek
spits on your pussy and in your mouth, he does it with no warning, you’re his cum slut, he can do whatever he wants to you and you oblige with a grin
he loves eating you out, kisses your pussy and always tell you how in love he is with you and your pussy
eats you out like a starved man
loves being in between your thighs, licking a long stripe of his tongue against your clit, lapping and sucking until you’re screaming his name and come undone on his tongue
also loves when you sit on his face, your thighs either side of his head as he closes you in, hands kneading your thighs and he eats you out, lapping as you fuck his face, thrusting up and down
can be so mean to you in bed when you’ve pissed him off or just because he wants to
ties your arms and legs up so you can’t touch him as he fucks you dumb, orgasm over orgasm, leaves hickies all over your body without care for who’s going to see them
his hand tightens around your neck so easily, it’s second nature for him to apply pressure with his fingers and metal rings and choke you
bottoms you out and doesn’t move when you’ve really pissed him off
loves spanking and slapping you, it’s all consensual of course, loves to take his anger out on you, his hands will just naturally find your ass and slap you as you ride him, titties bouncing over his face as he slaps you boobs or your cheek
can and will fuck you anywhere, finds you leaning against the desk on your phone? he’s coming up behind you, pressing his back against you and whispering filth in your ear, bulge pressing hard against your ass as he lifts your dress up and fucks you from behind,
rare and occasional moments of a soft dom jeno, happens mostly when you ride him, in his car, a chair or his bed. wraps his arms around you to bring you as humanly close to him as possible, you mould into one, his hands gripping your hips, guiding you on his cock when he feels your climax is high because he knows you can hold on, he wants to cum with you, in you
constant praises “you’re so pretty” “so beautiful” “you’re mine” “your tight little cunt is all mine” “i love you so fucking much” “you’re my world”
aftercare is always the sweetest whether he was a hard dom or soft dom
always has a bath with you even when you’re tired and begging to sleep. “just stay awake for me, ok? 10 more minutes than i’ll cuddle you and hold you all night long”
massages your skin thoroughly, holds you tightly and applies your favourite scents all over your body, smirking when his fingers softly massage your folds, tutting and telling you no with a nod of his head when you whine and try to move his fingers away from your sensitive spot
☆ lee donghyuck
bratty switch
he is so whiny and needy, you’ve gotten used to him begging for your attention
always touching you, if it’s non sexual, a light hand on the back, kneading your stomach, massaging your shoulders, then don’t worry because it will always end up sexual
light slaps of your ass, massaging your boobs, finger circling your nipple
such a tease, will lap at your cunt and eat you out until you’re panting his name heavily but will stop his movements the second you clench, when he can feel you’re about to cum
loves edging you on, loves your frustrated moans and whimpers, loves when you pull on his hair with force, loves when you slap him or spit on him
loves fucking your boobs, loves when you sit on his face, just wants his vision to be suffocated by your ass or your tits
loves size training with you, will start with his fingers and coo when you shake your head and say it’s too big “how will your pretty, tight little cunt take my cock then?”
thrusts his fingers in and out, adding more when he pleases, stretching you out for him
you cry when his tip enters you, already crying that he’s too big for you but he makes you believe that he will always fit in you, your cunt is made for him
loves throwing you in all different positions, loves missionary when he’s feeling like making love to you, loves doggy when he wants to feel all of you and get the most control, loves when you’re on too too, he loves begging for you, calling you mummy as you slap him and take the lead
loves when you choke him, tying him up, you love slowing your rise and fall on his cock when he’s being bratty and begging too much for it
he fucks you so deep, filling every inch of your walls and hitting your g-spot tighter when you wrap your legs around his waist or shoulders, he starts to cry when you’re both close to cumming
he’s very messy, cum, spit and drool is everywhere. your makeup is smudged and the two of you are sore all over due to using each other to let out your built up frustrations
aftercare is about mutual care and looking after each other, the two of you cuddle, wipe each other clean and massage each others limbs, sometimes you’re too lazy to go and have a bath so he always keeps wipes near the bed
☆ na jaemin
whether he’s angry at you or simply wants to make love to you until the two of you become one, he always starts off gentle and soft
affection in his eyes and touch, gentle hands as he takes off your panties or lingerie, covering your body in kisses and praises “you’re so beautiful, baby” “so pretty for me”
massages your limbs, gets you prepared for him breaking your bones and bending you in ways your body has never moved in before
he always has such a cheeky and annoying smile on his face, the same smile when he tells you he loves you and that you’re his pretty baby and the same smile when you’re begging and crying underneath him, tears welling up in your eyes as you’re begging him to touch you instead of teasing you
loves cumming inside of you, painting your walls and the feeling of your liquids and juices combining and mixing, he wants to fuck a baby into you
into foreplay and will make you cum by his tongue atleast twice before slamming his cock into you but when you’re both in a rush, you waste no time
your walls stretch for him and the two of you just stay like that for a while, breathing and panting heavily, looking into each other’s eyes, looking down with a moan to see where you’ve become one
he’ll call you his “pretty girl” “good girl” “you always take me so well” before he slams his hips against yours, flush against flush as he fucks you so deeply, fucking into your wet pussy and driving his cock so fast into you
creampie, loves filling you with cum to the point where it leaks out, “it’s too much for your tiny and pretty cunt? awww….”
loves when you’re loud, whispers in your ear that you’re not being loud because he wants you to be louder, he wants people to hear you moan his name and how good he’s making you feel
will definitely tut when you clench around him
spanks you as he fucks you, the feeling of your thighs meeting his making him moan your name over and over again
he’s so soft with you, he loves looking into your eyes and telling you how much he loves you
he loves running his fingertips over every inch of your skin softly, replacing his fingers with his lips, making sure every inch of you feels beautiful, it’s one thing when he calls you beautiful but he truly makes you feel it too
doesn’t ever break eye contact with you, shakes his head when you try to cover your face with your hands or hide into his neck
loves marking you and isn’t unapologetic about it, loves to show you off and show everyone that you’re his, the marks all over your neck and proof, only he can touch you like this
“pretty little cunt made for me” “look so beautiful like this baby” he truly believes that his cock and your pussy were made for each other, that they’re only complete when he’s fucking into your tight little hole
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crucialplayer · 9 months
Thoughts on Mars placements 
!! everything is based purely on my experiences with signs, written with no other purpose than to share my observations and be unserious.
Aries mars. Practical jokes lovers, gentle touch haters. Hit u while laughing. Love the banter, sometimes a lil too much. Go for it (whatever it is) fiercely and without a single backthought. Explosive in conflict, but in a sense of crying screaming throwing up banging against the wall. 
Taurus mars. Life could be on Mars but they still be going on and on about that one thing. Sudden outbursts of anger. It might seem out of the blue but they’ve probably been brooding some hurt for a long time. They just hoped it’d go away… naturally. Also surprisingly horny. 
Gemini mars. Mind fuckers. That one guy defending polygamy «as a concept» rather too enthusiastically. Can talk their way out of hell with one leg already in the hottest boiling cauldron. I suppose it’s a placement most people will find charming at some point (says a lot about society…). 
Cancer mars. Rumors are true, the sky is blue, and they are manipulative. Watching anybody else display vulnerability is the same as watching a children’s play to them. Ur rawest and most disturbing moment? To a cancer mars its a chill Tuesday morning. Humanization of a silent treatment. 
Leo mars. You’d gather that its serious by the sheer scale of their reaction but I promise its not. 9 times out of 10 will cause a huge scene and won't be able to remember it 2 days after. Very defensive. Won't put themselves out there if they’re not guaranteed a 10-minute standing ovation. 
Virgo mars. They believe that they make sense but usually they don't. They’re calculating but it’s like they do it backwards resulting in some of the most unhinged decisions made. Want to be praised for… um… existing as they are. Kind of a menace in conflict. 
Libra mars. If u think it's hard for you to wait for them to make up their mind imagine how they feel. It’s similar to watching a plant move without a time-lapse. Cry when they’re angry. Go with the flow not because they’re chill but more cause it's easier for them. 
Scorpio mars. They ARE vengeance and I'm scared. Slash 3 tires after one fight mars. Not the person you’d try to make jokingly jealous. For further information read the lyrics to… really any Taylor Swift song. 
Sagittarius mars. Don't think before they do and think after they’ve done smth only if u make them. The kind of people that will try everything once just to know how it feels (and then present that to everyone as if they’ve found god by bungee jumping one time). Very easy to dare. Also are always checking someone out. 
Capricorn mars. Blood is cold, the heart is beating twice per minute. ISN’T IT lonely on top of the world fellas??? If u get them to like u your love language better not be words of affirmation. Instead of arguing chances are high they disappear for a while or just go into a rock regime. 
Aquarius mars. Are only attracted to intellectuals so naturally in a room full of sweet gentle people will go for the most narcissistic motherfucker out there. They’re sorta very patient but I feel maybe it's just them dissociating… Ponder a lot before making a move. 
Pisces mars. I'm afraid no one knows whats going on there. It's like they’re never actually present. Therefore often times can have a delayed reaction to smth, which people might read as passive aggression. Very sentimental, will write u a song or a poem on a second date. Also low LOW energy. 
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arsenalfanf1 · 2 months
Sebastian vettel smut with fem Reader please 🙏 Bonus points for age gap, thank you!
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He was 36 you were 21. You never knew how much you liked an age gap before meeting him. He was more experienced than any guy you had ever met before, he also had a dominant side to him which you adored.
When the media found out you got shamed and criticised, you were going to break up with him before he reassured you, telling you how perfect you were and to not listen to what others said. He always knew what to say.
You had been out drinking with some of your friends, one of them had graduated and wanted to celebrate freedom which of course you added too. You had sent a text to Seb telling him you had gone out for the night and not to wait up.
You arrived home heels in your hands, you had ditched them quite early on, having realised it was your worst mistake. You were being as silent as you could be, but of course you were a bit tipsy, which ended with you knocking over a few things and even falling over a pair of shoes.
“Are you alright my love?” You heard a voice say, looking up to reveal your boyfriend, you could tell you had woke him, he looked sleepy and his hair was all over the place. “Babe I had such a good night, you could have seen the drinks we had, also some guys brought us drink and Luna even went home with one” you rambled on, including details about your friend. “I’m glad you had a good night” he replied “But let’s get you up to bed”
You dropped your shoes to the floor letting Sebastian help you up the stairs, once you got up to your shared room, he went into the bathroom to grab you a makeup wipe and help you remove your makeup. Although that wasn’t what you were focused on, you couldn’t help but noticed how hot he looked.
“Are you alright my love you’re staring?” he asked feeling your eyes on him “mh just admiring the view” you replied, dragging your hands down his body. Before you could go any further he grabbed your hands.
“You’re drunk” he said “No i’m not, i’m horny” you replied “Ok your drunk and horny”
You were barely tipsy no where close to being drunk, he knew that you knew that he was just making up excuses.
Before he could say anything else you pulled him into a kiss which got heated and soon enough you found yourself taking off his shirt feeling up his body that your craved.
“You’ve got too much clothes on” he pulled away from the kiss, within seconds you were stripping down with him helping you.
“Are you going to be a good girl and suck daddy’s cock?” he asked before taking off his boxers letting you get too work.
He was too big to fully fit in your mouth so you made it work.
You started off with long, slow licks from top to bottom, making sure to tease him a little. You started off slow, knowing soon enough he would take control. You then deepthroated him, going all the way down to his base while he hit the back of your throat making you gag. “Fuck you know how to take me princess” he spoke feeling pleasure, even though you couldn’t speak you made sure to moan to let him know you enjoyed his comment.
You were moaning like mad and giving him lustful looks, trying to look as innocent as possible.
You could tell when he was approaching his orgasm, you felt him take control with his movements. Soon enough he had cummed in your mouth. He pulled out your mouth before you could argue “I need to be in that pussy” he said flipping you round and ripping off your pants “hey those were expensive” you complained “I’ll buy you more, I’ll buy you anything in the world I just need to be inside you”
He put in just the tip first letting you get wet and to get use to his size. “You ready?” He asked with a simple yes he pushed fully into you holding his position for a couple seconds before he started moving in and out. “You feel amazing” It had been a while since you’ve had sex, you have both been so busy with your jobs and too tired when you got home, so you were enjoying the pleasure.
He made sure too go slow wanting to appreciate your body and actually not have to rush for once. “Are you close?” He asked knowing you were, your cheeks were rosy pink and eyebrows twisted. “Yes” you replied focusing on your own high. His pace quickened chasing his own high whilst trying to get you to cum. You cummed first before he closely followed, before riding out your own high.
“I love you” he said at this point he had pulled out before getting up and grabbing a wet towel to rub your thighs clean, on his travels he had always grabbed you an oversized top that smelt exactly like him. “I love you too” you replied feeling sleepy after your busy night.
Tag list- @ur-fave-ave @faithshouseofchaos @nickxcorpse @may7460 @babyprofessorsharkpalace
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fourmoony · 8 months
remus lupin x f!reader
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smut. p in v. creampie. unprotected sex. fingering. sex with a friend. language. 18+ content minors DNI.
3.2k - masterlist
summary - reader can't sleep. remus helps out. not with warm milk, though.
i'm supposed to be working on an assignment for college. but remus lupin is taking up space in my brain. so, enjoy :)
The air feels stuffy, too hot against your slick skin.
You blow a breath out in frustration, a piece of hair stuck to your forehead refusing to budge and you groan. The house is silent apart from the droning on of the electronic device between your legs that does little to abate the feeling clawing at your insides and it only makes you more frustrated. The lights in your bedroom are turned off, the world outside asleep. Everyone apart from you. You’ve spent two hours tossing and turning, and a further half hour trying to cure the ache between your legs.
It’s futile. You’ve tried everything. Every speed your overly expensive vibrator has to offer, every position, you even got out the glittery pink dildo Marlene got you for Secret Santa the previous year, leaving it out to the side after coming to the heart-breaking decision that it simply wasn’t big enough.
You feel like nothing will be big enough. Nothing feels right, nothing feels good enough, nothing is even close to tipping you over the edge. You shift, further to the left, and whine again, pressing the vibrator to a higher speed. It moves as you press the button, and the feeling of closeness is gone just like that. You growl, pushing the blankets off in a fit of rage and choose to stare at the ceiling in defeat. It’s not going to happen. You should just accept that. But you’re worked up, horny, and too fucking clammy.
The flat is quiet. Remus is asleep – the only reason you’re so nonchalant about the noise of your vibrator still buzzing against the mattress next to you, taunting you. You reach to turn it off, sitting up and putting your hair into a makeshift bun. You stare with narrowed eyes at the shadowed outline of the sparkly pink atrocity of a Secret Santa gift. It was given as a joke to make you blush. Your friends like to tease you for your innocence. It’s not something you ever would have bought for yourself. You’d blushed furiously and everyone laughed. It was addictive for the first few weeks, being able to explore your own pleasure. But now. Now, it doesn’t feel enough. Doesn’t feel as good. As big. As filling.
It’s a quick thought, a fleeting thought. A memory that makes your cheeks flush and your eyes close in embarrassment. Remus, fresh out of the shower, two seconds away from closing the towel around his waist. He hadn’t locked the door. It was an accident. You hadn’t meant to walk in on him. You’d been half asleep, bursting for a pee, and he hadn’t locked the door. Even worse, you hadn’t meant to look. But he was wide eyed and frozen, and your fight or flight had you trying to assess every part of the situation. And his nakedness was a large part of the situation.
You’re not proud of it. But you’d looked. And you liked what you saw.
And now.
Well, now, you can’t stop thinking about it. About Remus. Kind Remus who makes you tea on cold mornings, puts your pyjamas in the dryer for you when you get out of the shower, who cooks you dinner and leaves it in the oven when you work the late shift at the café down the road. He’s kind and attentive and always there to lend a helping hand. You feel silly as you clamber off your bed, knowing there’s a high likelihood that Remus will tell you you’ve taken his kindness to its boundaries.
Your feet pad quietly down the hallway of your shared flat. The under counter lights in the open plan kitchen at the end of the hall illuminate the space enough to see. Remus’ door is closed, but you twist the handle and push, wincing when it lets out an annoying squeal. Remus rouses at the sound, squinting sleepily at you as he turns. He lets out a breath, sits up on his elbow and pulls back his blanket to offer you the space beside him.
It’s not the first time you’ve climbed into bed with Remus, but you still shift nervously on your feet, biting at your lip.
“You okay, love?” Remus asks, voice deep and croaky.
It makes you flustered in your reply. Voice quiet, unsure, “Can’t sleep.”
Remus nods, reiterates pulling back the blanket to make room for you. You cross one leg over the other in front of you, fiddling with the metal daisy chain ring on your middle finger. Remus got you it when you got into university last year. It’s your favourite piece of jewellery you own, overpriced tennis bracelet from your overcompensating parents be damned. He catches your nervous tic and his eyes narrow, his head tilts, messy hair flopping sideways with the movement. There’s a slight stubble on his chin from running late this morning and skipping his daily shave and he’s sans pyjama top, having clearly also felt the heat.
He sits up fully and the blanket pools around his waist. His skin glows in the low light of the moon through the window beside his bed. He’s beautiful. This you’ve always known. Now, it’s tenfold because you’ve seen all of him. And all of him is what you want, in this moment. Your face is flames as you edge closer until you’re hovering beside his bed.
“Have you tried warm milk?” Remus asks, his voice almost teasing.
“Don’t want warm milk.” You pout.
There’s something about the way he’s looking at you, trying to sus you out. He knows. He must know something. You’re hardly being subtle. Remus’ lips twitch in a smile when you squeeze your legs together in front of you, again, lip between your teeth, eyes watery.
“What do you want?” He asks, voice breathy.
He wants you to say it. But you can’t. You won’t.
“Rem, please,” You whine, “I’ve tried everything.”
His hand reaches for yours, pulls you until you’re straddling him. His lips are a centimetre from yours, hot breath fanning out over your mouth. You press down hard against him, lips pouted. He doesn’t let up, just raises his eyebrows. A question. What have you tried?
“I couldn’t get the angle right with my vibrator,” You whisper, cheeks bright red and warm to the touch, where Remus’ thumb is gently rubbing back and forth, fingers cupping your wobbling jaw, “Then the thingy Marlene got me wasn’t-“ You huff.
Remus chuckles softly, endearingly.
“It wasn’t enough.”
Remus smiles, “You want my help?”
You nod eagerly, “Please, Rem.”
He’s on you in a second. Lips and tongue and teeth, so hot and heavy it knocks the breath from you. His hands fist the thin material of your shorts, at your waist and you bend into him, hands running up his sides, over his shoulders, into the hair at the nape of his neck. He’s hard beneath the flannel of his pyjama bottoms. You can feel it against the crease of your thigh. It makes you whine into his mouth, shifting until you’re perfectly aligned over him. His grip focusses on your arse cheeks when you grind down, a bruising grip that you relish in.
His hands push you forward, you pull yourself back. His lips leave yours, trailing along your jaw, down your neck. Your head tilts back, panting for breath, lost in the pleasure. Your stomach tightens the harder his grip gets, the harder you press down, the faster you move. You feel like a seedy teenager, dry humping yourself against him. Remus’ teeth nip at your collarbone, only to soothe over it with his tongue. You whine again, making your impatience known, but Remus doesn’t speed up.
He looks up, lips mouthing at the underside of your chin until you tilt your head back up to look at him. His pupils are blown, eyes hooded, lips curved into a sinful smirk.
“So needy.” He mumbles into your lips.
You push down harder in response. Remus grabs your hips, stills you. You pout, doe eyes watery. Remus tuts, shakes his head, “You want my help, we do it my way.”
He shifts until you’re lying beneath him, legs hiked up around his waist. He doesn’t waste time in stripping you. Your shirt, then your shorts, your panties following. He throws them across the room, and they fall into the shadows of his darkened room. You’re glad they’re gone. Your body feels like it’s burning up under his touch, featherlight as he traces the goosebumps across your skin. He presses kisses in the wake of his fingertips, to your collarbones, your chest, the tops of your breasts, your stomach, navel.
His lips are warm, wet, pressing kisses to the insides of your thighs. You’re high strung, keening, and needy. He comes back to face level, and you grumble, deep in your throat. So close. He was so close to where you need him. He’s smug. You’re about to protest when he slides a finger into you. Your mouth opens, head pushing back into the pillow. His fingers are long, but slender, and it’s not long before he adds another. Your back arches, eyes closing. The minute you close your eyes, Remus stops. You look up, furious, to find him smirking something evil down at you.
“Eyes on me, pretty girl.” He whispers, nose bumping yours.
You comply. Remus resumes, fingers pumping steadily in and out. When he’s knuckle deep, he curls them and your body jerks in response. It’s too much and not enough, a dizzying euphoria of Remus’ casual confidence and his skilful fingers. His thumb brushes your clit gently, the bundle of nerves swollen and begging for attention. You moan his name, thighs squeezing against his hips where they’re splayed open. It urges him on, he whispers quiet encouragements – good girl, that’s it sweetheart, you’re so wet for me – and you continue to writhe beneath him.
“Rem,” You gasp, hand encircling the wrist that’s pumping in and out of you, “Need you.”
“Soon,” He promises softly, lips pressing to the swell of your breast, teeth lightly nipping at the skin there, “Want you to come on my fingers first.”
His thumb moves in tighter circles, his fingers curl deeper, move faster. He adds a third, the stretch burns but in the best way. Your jaw opens on its own accord, a string of moans emitting from your throat, and you arch into Remus. His eyes meet yours, blazing with lust.
“C’mon, baby,” He urges, voice sinfully deep, demanding. “Come for me.”
You clench around his fingers, and he groans as you gush around his hand, voice high pitched, your grip on his shoulders vice like. He’s surprised you don’t snap in two with how high your back arches. His fingers pump you through the rush in your veins, his quiet reassurances blacked out by the sound of blood rushing to your ears. Your head spins and you see white as the orgasm you’ve been chasing for what must be hours by now crashes over you. You babble nonsense, buck against Remus’ fingers, mouth open, eyes wide, back arched and head pushed violently into the pillow beneath you.
Remus hovers over you when your breathing evens, eye’s a little less clouded, and his usual concerned look on his face. You smile dopily up at him, eyes bright.
“Good?” He asks.
It’s a double ended question – you good? Was that good?
You nod.
“More.” You whine, attempting to pull him closer with your legs around his waist.
“You’re insatiable.” He laughs lightly, head bending down to peck your smiling lips gently.
You nod in agreement, head tilted as you look up at him, “I’m blaming you.”
“Of course.” Remus nods, placating you.
He shimmies his pyjamas off, kicks them off the end of the bed, and comes back to crowd your space, again. Hard, he’s much bigger than you saw from Shower-Gate. Your mouth waters as his hand wraps around his dick, pumping a few times before looking back to you. His face softens when he notices your lip trapped between your teeth.
“Baby?” He questions and you soften.
“That’s,” You sigh, embarrassed, “That’s not going to fit, Rem.”
Remus laughs, the apples of his cheeks rounding out, his teeth appearing from behind his lips. His head hangs over your shoulder and you hide in his hair, mortified. The hand that isn’t supporting his weight runs softly up and down your thigh. You groan to show your mortification, heels digging into Remus’ tail bone to try kill his laughter.
“Rem,” You protest, letting a chuckle of your own slip.
Remus looks up, eyes soft, lips pressed together to stop his laughter, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, pretty girl. I’m not laughing at you. No one’s ever said that before, you just caught me by surprise.”
You giggle, squeezing his waist with your thighs, “They’ve definitely thought it.”
Remus shakes his head, “We don’t have to.”
It’s your turn to shake your head, “I want to. I really want to.”
He smiles, leans in to kiss you. When he pulls away to pump himself again, you let out a low breath. He brushes the tip against your folds, wet and puffy, a couple times before he pushes in slowly. He groans, you moan. You’re tight, fitting around him like perfection. He goes slow until he’s buried to the hilt. You allow yourself to get used to the feeling, whimpering softly when his thumb comes to circle your clit again, working you up.
“That’s it, baby,” He speaks softly, so softly, and you moan.
He pulls back, pushes back in. Takes it slow. Allows you to adjust.
But it’s not enough. You need more. You need the raw pent-up aggression you’ve seen Remus show pervs at bars when they touch you inappropriately. You need angry Remus, who threw a book at the mantle place when your parents missed another birthday. You need the Remus who tries so hard to hide the aggressive side of him but can never fully rid himself of his primal urges, of that white hot fury and determination.
“More,” You breathe, “Faster. Harder. I need more, Rem. Please.”
You’re babbling, begging. But Remus complies. He snaps his hips forward and you all but scream. He groans, breath hot and heavy against your neck. He’s attentive, hips attacking your pelvis. His wooden headboard slams against the wall, your hand reaching up to hold on and stop you from sliding further up the bed. An arm wraps around your waist, pulling you up, closer to him. He feels deeper at the new angle, hips battering into yours. He’s relentless, hitting every spot you need.
You’re babbling nonsense, but so is Remus. Words of encouragement, words that tell you how good you’re taking all of him, how tight you are, how perfect you are. You’re meeting his every thrust, hips grinding against him, the stubble creating friction that tightens the coil in your stomach.
Remus attaches his lips to your shoulder, biting down as he pounds harder against you. You say his name like a mantra, unable to think of anything other than the feeling of him, all over, everywhere, filling, stretching, pounding.
“Rem,” You whine – so close. So, so close – “Come in me.”
Remus’ head snaps up, pupils blown, mouth hung open. He doesn’t slow down, doesn’t falter, “What?”
“Pill. Just,” You gasp when he hits that spot, “Come in me. Please. Wanna feel it.”
Remus moans. Dirty and deep. He fucking moans.
He’s relentless, sweat dripping from his forehead, he releases your waist, hikes your thigh up over his shoulder, you scream. He urges you, tells you sweet things, details how he’s going to fill you up, bites the skin of your calf. His other hand reaches down, draws tight circles that have you seeing stars. You scream his name, loud enough for the entire street to hear, using the leverage on his shoulder to lift your lower back off the bed.
The feeling is dizzying, all consuming. It’s feverish, frantic, a wild chase to the end.
You clench, he hits the right spot, the sting of his teeth on your calf emulates up your leg, the stomach muscles holding you up clench, and he calls you baby, all at the right time. You see white. It feels like your entire body explodes, lights on fire, crashes and burns. You convulse, twitching and screaming, broken words and moans of his names, clenched vice-like around him.
You’re begging. Begging him to follow, to finish in you, even in your pleasure.
You’re still floating, but coherent enough, when Remus grows sloppy, uncoordinated, drops your leg from his shoulder, falls forward, hands at your sides to hold himself up. He jerks, groans, his head falls into your shoulder, and you whine, happily, dopily, when you feel the white-hot spurts of his come against your walls.
He’s breathing heavily, both your bodies slicked with sweat. He drops his weight onto you, and you welcome him happily. Your legs wrap around his lower back, you both wince with the movement. You can feel the slickness between you both, the way he’s dripping out of you. But you’re comfortable, lips pressed to his damp hair. You trace shapes on his back until he comes to, pushing up to press his lips to yours.
The clock on his nightstand reads four in the morning.
He gets up to leave and you whine, “Don’t go.”
Remus chuckles, “Just going to get a warm cloth. Be back.”
You allow him that, grateful he had the idea. You hear him running the tap in the bathroom and he returns with a warm cloth. He’s gentle when he wipes you clear. You wince and flinch, blushing when Remus presses gentle kisses to your thighs as he works. He whispers softly between kisses how pretty you are, how well you did.
He discards the cloth in the wash basket by his door and returns to the bed.
He groans as he settles, holding his arm out for you to fall into him. You do so, swinging a leg over his thighs. It’s then that you realise you’re both still very naked, and your shyness returns. Remus traces shapes on your arm, tucking his head over yours, lips to the crown of your head.
“I can hear your cute little brain running laps, you know.” Remus teases.
You roll your eyes, push your face further into his neck.
“I just came to you in the middle of the night for sex,” the post coital dread sets in tenfold, despite feeling the most relaxed you’ve felt in weeks, “I’m so sorry, Remus.”
You feel Remus shrug, “Don’t fret, sweetheart. I was more than happy to oblige.”
“Get some rest, honey. We can talk more tomorrow.” He assures you, pulling the blanket further up your naked bodies.
You concede, pressing a kiss to the underside of his jaw, the stubble tickling your lips, “Okay.”
He pulls you closer, settles in. You allow sleep to wash over you, let the relaxation in your bones pull you under. It’s a dreamless sleep, a comfortable sleep, wrapped in Remus’ arms.
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the-writer-arrived · 8 months
Voice lines and habits that give me unholy thoughts
Synopsis: it doesn't need much for your cute little brain to go haywire with desire for him... (un)fortunately for you, he's quick to catch on the signs and use them against you.
Characters: wriothesley, alhaitham.
Warnings: afab!fem!reader; explicit smut; established relationship; a bit of plot since i like the build up to the horny part; use of handcuffs, oral f!receiving, fingering & overstimulation (wriothesley); semi-public/office sex & oral m!receiving (alhaitham).
A/N: wrio's teaser and web event messed with my brain :D hoyoverse def knew what they were doing when they created him.
This work has sexual themes and is not suitable for minors. If you click on read more, I am not responsable for any discomfort you may feel reading this. You have been warned.
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"...Sweetheart, did you hear me or were you too busy staring intensely at my hand?"
"...Oh! I, uh... was just thinking about an answer to your question!"
"Does my question of whether you want more tea or not need that much pondering over?"
Wriothesley rests his cheek on his hand, not even trying to hold back a smirk as he watches the redness of your cheeks becoming more proeminent.
Shit. So much for thinking you were being discreet about it.
You decide to exercise your right to remain silent, taking the teapot and filling your own cup, promptly ignoring the chuckle coming from the man before you.
At the corner of your eyes, you see the handsome bastard has the audacity to return twirling and moving that dastard pen again, as if to taunt you.
...Is feeling jealous of an object too concerning of a sign?
Wriothesley was seeing you out of his office, a stack of documents in your arms that needed to be delivered to Neuvillette about the recent happenings of the Fortress, a task that you were more than happy to do for him.
As you were finishing your conversation, you hear a commotion coming from the Coupon Cafeteria. With a shared glance between you two, the warden walks towards the scene to investigate, you following a few steps behind.
There, you see a group of inmates-- no, it's more like one inmate is causing a ruckus while the others are trying to cool him off... without much success apparently. In fact, things are quickly getting out of control when the riled up man begins to fight anyone opposing him.
Your boyfriend is known to be level-headed, always trying to resolve internal conflicts by talking things out to reach an agreement. Cases like this one, however, require a more... on hands approach.
It all happens too fast. The prisoner turns around to hit the next person that dared to touch him so casually, only for his sloppy attack to be dodged with ease by none other than the Duke himself. One could easily see the color draining from man's face, any trace of his anger disappearing in a flash.
You gasp at the scene ahead of you, having to lean on the large pipe next to you as your legs suddenly feel weak.
Make no mistake, your reaction isn't fear by the violence you witness, far from it. Rather, it is because of the sudden wave of arousal you feel as you watch Wriothesley pin the troublemaker underneath him, pulling his arms behind his back to cuff him.
Fuck. For a split second, you wish you could trade places with the inmate.
'...What in the world. Get a hold of yourself!'
You shake your head in an attempt to clear the indecent thoughts... Which proves to be futile at the way the stern and cold look of your lover melts into a soft and warm one when his eyes turn to you. All while 'adjusting' his loose tie, aka pulling it lower and revealing a bit more of his scarred skin that you adore kissing it.
"Are you okay, sweetheart? Sorry, did that scare you?"
His duality makes you crazy horny-- t-that is, deeply in love with him!
"No! No, no, I wasn't scared! I was just, um... feeling a little faint due to the heat, yes!"
You wave a hand in front of you make it more believable... which don't seem to be working very we'll, seeing the frown on Wriothesley's face. So you start your plan B: run away.
"Ah, I-I better go deliever this documents to Monsieur Neuvillette then. Seeyouathomeloveyoubye!"
Wriothesley watches as you scurry off to the elevator, clutching the files in your arms like a lifeline. He shakes his head, a hand covering the grin.
"Oh darling, you're too easy to read."
"Y-You mean-- ahh, that you k-knew all along?!"
"How could I not, when your eyes were almost begging me to fuck you? You should reward me for my self control, sweetheart."
Any retort you had dissolve into a shaky moan when Wriothesley curls his two fingers inside your core, hitting that deep spot that turns your brain into mush.
You want grasp the sheets, you want to scratch his back, you want to cover your face, ANYTHING. But you can't, not with your hands locked with his handcuffs to the bedpost. You hate it and you love it.
"Now, now princess, don't tug the handcuffs so hard, it'll hurt you and we can't have that." His free hand trails up your arms, lightly dragging his nails to make you shiver at the ticklish feeling, until he holds your wrists in place. "Be a good girl and focus on me, yeah?"
Jokes on him, that's what you've been doing the whole day. Thinking about your dear boyfriend, his sweet personality, his cute adoration for tea, his godly body, his great strength and how you wished for nothing more than to be bent over his desk and--
"C-Close, close... Gonna-!" Your babbles are interrupted by a gasp, Wriothesley's fingers speeding up and his palm brushing against your clit over and over that it takes just a few seconds for you to see white, body taut, eyes squeezed shut as pleasure washes over you.
The Duke slows down his movement until his hand stops completely, kissing your temple and cooing at you when you whine at his fingers leaving you empty.
You sigh when his mouth meets yours in a languid kiss, helping your heartbeat return to normal... until it races again when you realize his lips going down, down and down your body...
"W-Wrio... what are you-- Ahh!" You squeal at the sudden cold sensation in your sensitive pussy, attempting to wiggle your hips away. Your very mean lover just chuckles, wrapping his strong arms around your thighs and drags you back to his face, the asshole shooting you a smirk after he uses cold tongue to lick your folds again.
"Surely you didn't think I'd stop at one round, after you used your bedroom eyes at me the whole day, right? So..."
"Don't run away now, sweetheart."
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"W-What did you say?!"
"...I said, don't let any of it, the treasure, roll away now."
Your lover looks at you with a quizzical look, not comprehending your unusual reaction to his words. You, on the other hand, are silent praying to all the Seven archons for your face to not be as red as you think it is.
In any case, you decide to turn your back to Alhaitham to get the rest of the treasure inside the chest, while he keeps on look out for any other hilichurl or abyss monsters lurking around.
You see, it's not common for you two to go adventure together around Sumeru, much less to see the scribe in action with your own eyes. So, you can't be blamed when you've been too distracted by the way his toned arms flex as he swings his sword(s), his cape gracefully flowing at each movement, the focused expression as the Chisel-Light Mirrors cut down the enemies...
Anyway, you were far too busy gawking over your boyfriend and how unfairly hot he is to actually notice the chest spawning right in front of you. And those words that he had said? It's no surprise your mind went to the gutter.
You just hope you weren't acting so obviously down bad for him as you fear...
"So good... Always so good to me. Fuck, I'm getting close...!"
You really don't know how you got here. The memories from returning to Sumeru City from adventuring in the wilderness to being on your knees, sucking on Alhaitham's cock while in his office are a blur.
But, honestly? You can't bring yourself to care about these minor details.
You drag your head back slowly, torturously forcing the man above you to feel every inch of your mouth until only the tip, angry red and drooling pre cum, remains inside.
The harsh suck you give at the sensitive area earns you a groan, a growl almost, that leaves you rubbing your thighs together. Looking up at your beloved, you watch his chest rise and fall rapidly, a pretty flush on his cheeks and eyes sending you a glare.
A side of you wants to be mean, to give him a taste of paradise before taking it away, just like he so adores to do with you. You want him to be frustrated, to beg you for release, a taste of his own medicine...
But you can't. You shouldn't.
Regardless of the locked door, anyone might come knocking, requiring the presence of the scribe for some unimportant business and, archons forbid, hear what is happening inside the office.
You try not to acknowledge the dampness of your panties from this thought.
And then you feel it, three taps of his fingers on the back of your head, the sign you two came up with to tell the other when you're about to cum.
You release his shaft with a "pop" and Alhaitham is ready to question your cruel actions, but whatever words he had wanted to say get thrown out of the window when you swallow him again without warning, taking as much of his cock as you can.
With one, two shallow thrusts of his hips, he paints your throat white with his release, head thrown back, eyes tightly shut and a moan that most certainly would be heard by everyone in the Akademiya halls had the scribe not covered his mouth.
You try, you swear to Celestia that you try your hardest to swallow every single drop of cum, but there's too much and you can control your breathing only for so long. With much dismay, your mouth lets go of the slowly softening member, covered with a mix of his seeds and your saliva.
Chuckling at your dejected look, Alhaitham raises your chin to make you look at him, thumb gathering the very same mix that has escaped from your mouth to smear it over your lips, his next words making you shiver in arousal but also embarrasment of the knowledge that he had known all along what had gone through your mind during your adventure earlier.
"Don't let any of it roll away now, my love."
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thanks for reading <3 likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated <3
heart divider made by @/cafekitsune
red wriothesley and alhaitham banners (smut) made by @/the-writer-arrived aka yours truly ;)
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borathae · 4 months
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↳ Index [Snippet #47 - Quiet]
"When you and Jungkook have to be quiet because you are at his parents' house."
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life Fluff, Smut
Warnings: toothrotting fluff, so much domestic loveliness, they're so married y'all, they're so annoying <3, sharing of his small childhood bed, a very mild fight about how little space they have (it's more marital bickering), naked cuddling, Koo gets horny from it, switch!Kook, switch!reader, he is so hot besties, like he such a safe Dom omfg, also a total cutie once he gets subby, good girl kink, good boy kink, having to stay quiet, making out, needy touches, nipple & breast sucking, nipple play, finger sucking, gentle choking (m.receiving), Koo has sensitive nipples, hair pulling, oral (f.receiving), pussy fingering, tiny spit kink, multiple orgasms (f.receiving), he treats her so well after making her cum with his mouth, the smallest strength kink, cowgirl position where he is sitting, loving dirty talk, he cries cause he loves her so much!, he keeps that he loves her as she rides him <3, creampies, some cute lil mess ups during sex <3, sweet aftercare, this is so wholesome and hot and cute, they're in love :(
Wordcount: 9.2k
a/n: this is inspired by anonie's idea 🧡 i'm so fucking obsessed with this couple and most importantly, with this Kook. you guys have no idea how much FUN i always have when i write for them :8 he is such a cutie and i need my future husband to be like him istfg have fun besties ily 🧡
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You and Jungkook normally book a hotel room close by when you visit his parents. It is easier and more comfortable that way. However, this time around, the visit was quite spontaneous and your go-to-hotel was fully booked. 
“No worries, you can stay with us”, his father assured you on the phone before calling over his wife to talk as well.
“Just tell us what you’ll eat for breakfast and I’ll pop right down to the store to get it”, she instantly said and then proceeded to ask if you and Jungkook were eating enough (you assured her that you were).
And so you agreed. Just a little shy about it, you agreed.
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Jungkook’s childhood home was small yet homely. It was located at the border of where country life meets suburban life. A grocery store, drugstore and hardware store were close by, as well as the hotel you always stay at. The roads were well taken care of, but were never busy enough to be of annoyance volume-wise. The neighbours were also very nice and welcoming. The house had a good garden surrounding it and a shed his father uses as his man cave where he always works on his cars and bikes. There was only one floor and Jungkook’s bedroom was closest to the bathroom and office. His parents’ bedroom was on the opposite side of the hallway two doors down. 
They welcomed you with loud voices and happy smiles, taking their son into their arms as tightly as they could. 
They weren’t good parents when he was young, but you can see that they are really trying these days. You like that. He might not have had parents in his childhood, but at least in his adulthood he can.
They even sat down with him and apologised, which not many parents ever do. You know that it meant the world to Jungkook even if he always pretended that he didn't need his parents. Deep down, everyone needs their parents. So to know that your Jungkookie could hear the apology he needed and witness their growth really means the world to you. He deserves it, your love.
Like always, his mother drags you inside for food after hugging you as well. She chats and babbles excitedly, holding you and Jungkook by your arms. She is walking with a skip in her steps, looking oh so happy to have you with them. His father follows with the suitcases.
You left Bam with your parents for the weekend because the drive would have been too long for him. He will be happy and well taken care of, so you don’t worry too much. 
Not that this stops his parents from asking for all the updates and pictures. For the majority of dinner, you have to tell them everything about Bam with pictures included of course. It meant a lot to you because Bam feels like your baby to you. 
One thing you really like about his parents (and yours) is how they never pressured you to have children. They asked of course and tried to change your minds a few times, but when they finally realised that you and Jungkook truly don’t want to have children, they accepted it without any sort of retaliation. These days, they treat Bam like their grandson, cooing about your little fur baby as if it was your real son. 
The hours after dinner are spent taking walks in the nearby forest and exchanging life stories and laughter. After the walk, Jungkook’s dad kidnaps him to the shed so they could tinker on bikes together, while his mother asks if you wanted to knit. You agreed and so you sat on the back porch in your rocking chairs as you each knitted something for your husbands. 
The sun has already set when Jungkook and his dad join you as well. 
“What are you making?” Jungkook asks, caressing the crown of your head.
“I don’t know. I tried making a bunny, but it looks like roadkill. It’s supposed to be for you, but it’s ugly. Sorry.”
Jungkook laughs, leaning down to peck your cheek.
“It’s not ugly. It’s unique. Thank you, my love”, he says and looks at his mom, “what are you making, eomma?” 
“Just a scarf for appa. He is always cold in winter.” 
“I am. It’s because winter is cold.” 
She laughs. He grins. 
He looks a little like Jungkook when he grins like that. It kind of makes sense that Jungkook is always trying to make you laugh. He must have learned from his father, because that man constantly tries to crack jokes to get his wife to laugh. It works most of the times. 
“Oh jagi, you are too silly”, she says and stands up, “is it time for the bath already?” 
“It is. Do you want wine?” 
“Yes, that would be wonderful.”
They are conversing as they leave for inside. Apparently his parents share baths most nights. 
Jungkook sits down on his mother’s rocking chair, running his eyes over the view. 
“Did you have a good time with your dad?”
“Yeah. I did.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“Did you have a good time with eomma too?” 
Jungkook grew up bilingual. So he told you very early in your relationship and that he is fluent in both languages, just as his parents are. When Jungkook is alone with his parents, he speaks Korean with them. When you are with them as well, they switch into your shared language so you wouldn’t feel left out. Small phrases and words still transcend languages however. You think that it is wonderful. 
“I did have fun yeah. Except for my roadkill bunny.”
Jungkook laughs, “it doesn’t even look that bad. I don’t know what you’re on about.” 
“Yeah, I guess. I don’t know, knitting’s hard.” 
“Yeah, I never figured it out. Stuff’s too complicated”, Jungkook says and sighs deeply, sinking deeper into the chair, “yeah, that’s the good life. Crickets, a chilly night, the smell of hay and my beautiful wifey by my side.” 
“You’re so sweet.” 
“Mhm”, he hums, “wanna have a beer?” 
“No thank you. I’m not in the mood for alcohol.”
“Okay, yeah I’m not taking one either then.”
“You can if you want to. I’m not stopping you.”
“No, no I’m good. I only would have taken one if you did. But it’s good, I’ve got everything I need right now”, he says and stretches his legs out.
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You and Jungkook stay outside until it is time to say goodnight. His parents are in their bedroom watching telly when you and Jungkook officially go back inside.
Jungkook knocks on their doorframe. 
They look at him and you standing in the door.
“We’re gonna go to sleep now. Good night, eomma and appa”, Jungkook says.
“Good night, my son”, his father says.
“Sleep tight, my boy”, his mother says, “and you too, my daughter.”
“Thank you, sleep tight eomma and appa”, you say to which his father tells you to have a good night.
“I’m closing your door already, yeah?” Jungkook says.
“Thank you.”
The door closes with a soft click. Jungkook looks at you and smiles, placing his arm around your waist so he can pull you in for a temple kiss. 
“It means a lot that you call them like this.”
“You’re sweet, my love”, you say and lean into him.
“I’m serious. I don’t have a lot of connection to my parents’ heritage, but it’s the little stuff like calling them eomma and appa or sharing traditional food which means a lot to me. I feel really loved by you when you participate as well.”
You smile, stealing a kiss.
“I love you, you know?” 
“I love you too”, Jungkook says and kisses your cheek, “also, I’m calling dips on the bathroom. Bye”, he says quickly and runs off. 
“Hey, not cool. I wasn’t ready”, you call after him, but he merely snickers and disappears in the bathroom. 
You wait in the living room for him to finish, watching some random show on the telly. It’s a stupid show, but still entertaining. You even find yourself snickering at some parts. 
“Sweetie, the bathroom’s free now”, Jungkook announces himself once he finished his night routine. He is currently walking to the water dispenser on the kitchen counter for a glass of water. 
“Nice. Finally”, you say, turning off the show to hurry to the bathroom as well.
He left the door closed so you would have it toasty. He really loves you, doesn’t he? He hates leaving the door closed because of potential mould, but for you he did. You would marry this man again and again if it was legally possible.
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He isn’t in the living room once you finish your night routine and his closed bedroom door lets you know that he is already cozied up there.
After getting yourself a glass of water as well, you go to the bedroom.
You close the door and lock it. Jungkook is looking at you over the brim of his glasses, cocking his brow up in question.
“I feel better like this. At least we have a little bit of privacy this way”, you explain. 
He nods in acknowledgement and looks back into his phone. 
You love how the bedside lamp illuminates his features. He is such a beautiful person. 
“You’re so handsome, my sweetheart”, you tell him, watching in delight as his face lights up.
“Thanks yeah”, he murmurs, wiggling his feet under the blanket. 
Now feeling good, you make your way to his childhood bed. This weekend is going to be very interesting. Because it is a bed once meant to house a small preteen Jungkook, it is sized accordingly. It is going to be very interesting to share it now that you were both grown adults. You can already feel all his sleep flinching and your sleep twitches annoying the shit out of the other. 
You climb over Jungkook. He lifts his arms and watches you with confusion as you scramble over his lap. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I want the wall side”, you say and grunt as you try to wiggle yourself into the small gap.
Jungkook scoots over a little. Groggily if one may add that little fact.
“Yeah sure, so you can kick me out of bed in your sleep”, he complains.
“I’m not gonna kick you out. I’m a plank once I sleep, you know that.” 
“No you’re not. You twitch and kick your feet.”
“Only sometimes.”
“Still. Hey, stop that. You already have enough space. I only have a third left now. That’s unfair.” 
“Lies. We’re equal”, you throw back and flip to your side so you are facing him. Your back is squished against the wall. It feels cold even through your pyjamas. You don’t mind because his room is very hot and his blanket very thick. 
“Tch, whatever”, Jungkook murmurs and looks back into his phone. He looks a little annoyed, but won’t act on it. 
But because you were feeling like a little shit, you want to annoy him more. You poke your finger into his side.
He writhes away, pressing out a quiet “stop that.”
You do it again.
“Stop”, he whines loudly.
One last time.
Jungkook drops the phone in the blanket and looks at you.
“Stop it”, his voice is raised in pitch, his lips pouty, “it hurts, don’t do that.”
“It hurts, really?” you snicker.
“Yeah, it’s uncomfy”, he mumbles, rubbing the spot you poked.
One more time. 
“Stop it”, he grabs your wrist gently, “why are you being so annoying? Stop it.” 
You break into giggles, gazing up at him.
“No, don’t laugh. You’re not funny right now.”
“Gosh, I’m sorry. You looked pokeable.”
“I’m gonna poke you if you do it again”, he murmurs and picks up his phone. 
You touch his waist.
“___”, he whines, sagging his shoulders in defeat.
“I wasn’t tryna to do something. I just wanted to caress you”, you whine as well and rub his side softly, “like this.” 
“Yeah good. Don’t do the other thing again”, he says and relaxes. 
You won’t do it again. Being an annoying little shit is only this fun before it turns into being a bad spouse. You don’t want him to lose trust in you or feel uncomfortable. So you keep rubbing his side as he scrolls on his phone. Soon, you also incorporate his stomach, drawing little circles with your palm and fingertips. 
“What are you looking at?” you ask him. 
Jungkook flips the phone so you could see it.
“Just funny videos. That one’s not funny, but look at that”, he switches to his likes and shows you a video of two cats fighting. There are speech bubbles appearing on screen as if the cats were talking to each other. They contain silly and funny one liners which are exactly Jungkook’s humour.
He is snickering and laughing as he shows you the video, pointing out the funniest parts by going “and now look at this” before following it up with a laugh. 
You have to laugh right with him. Soon you find yourself resting your head on his chest with his arm around you and his fingers scratching your scalp mindlessly as you both look into his phone to watch funny videos. He shows you his likes and together you snicker, laugh at silly stuff or gush over talented people. 
You share quality time like this until you both are starting to get sleepy. 
“I think I’m gonna pass out now”, you tell him, kissing his chest, “sleep tight, baby.”
“I’m gonna pass out too. The drive really fucked with me”, Jungkook says and places his phone and glasses on the bedside table. He turns off the lamp, then rolls to his side so he could spoon you. 
You snuggle back into him, intertwining hands with him. 
“It was really exhausting”, you agree, “this is nice by the way. Really snuggly.”
“Mhm yeah, so snuggly”, Jungkook agrees. 
This is however, when the interesting part starts to happen. The cuddling is so nice and romantic at first. To be so close and cuddle is wonderful, but then your bodies begin heating up to uncomfortable levels and you can’t do your routine of breaking apart for sleep and the cuddling becomes one annoying thing. Bickering begins. You tell him to move back, while he insists that you could scoot closer to the wall. Jungkook is annoyed about his ass feeling the edge of the mattress and you are annoyed about his hot body boiling yours. Your knees are also hurting in the current position and you can’t move them because there is no space. 
“I wanna move. Can you scoot back?” you ask him. 
“I can’t, my love. I told you already. I’m literally hanging off the edge already”, Jungkook answers you with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“Let’s just-”, you wiggle until Jungkook has no choice but to scoot back, “do that. That’s better.” 
“No it’s not. I have no space on here”, Jungkook says and scoots closer. His nose is all up in the nape of your neck this way. He is burning you alive. He is so hot, it’s insane. 
“God Kook, you’re literally breathing into my fucking spine. Can you not?” you hiss just a little snappishly.
“Excuse me? I need to breathe. You’re all in my face with your stupid pyjama collar. What should I say?” he throws back and flips it with his fingers 
“Hey, don’t touch it.” 
“Oh my god, I’m not even doing anything”, he says and moves just a little which ends in you accidentally knocking into the wall.
“Kook, stop that.”
“What did I do now?”
“You kicked me into the wall.”
“You wanted the wall side. I’m literally just moving, oh my god, I didn’t kick you.”
“Yeah you did. You went like this.”
“Hey, don’t kick me”, he says and pokes your side.
“Hey! Stop that”, you flip onto your side instantly, facing him this way.
Your breaths intermingle. Your noses brush against the other, ripping both of you back to reality enough that you just kind of freeze. The silence exists while you and Jungkook stare at where the other is hidden in darkness. 
Suddenly you feel his sigh on your face.
“What are we doing? Why are we fighting?” he asks in a soft spoken voice. 
“I don’t know”, you speak softly as well, “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry. Let’s not fight anymore.”
“Yeah, let’s not fight”, you say and touch his chest, “sorry again.”
“Sorry too.” 
“I think I’m so irritated because it’s so hot, I’m literally dying.”
“Same. Fuck, the blanket’s grilling me and my clothes are the devil”, he says and sits up to undress.
“Are you getting naked?” 
“Yeah, I can’t do clothes. Seriously.”
“Actually, that’s a good idea. I’m stealing it”, you say and sit up to get naked as well. 
You and he throw your clothes onto the floor, getting under the blanket again once naked.
“I’m keeping my ass out tough”, Jungkook says 
“Really? Aren’t you scared that something’s gonna poke your hole?”
“Why would something poke my hole randomly?” he is snickering.
“I don’t know. You never know, sleep paralysis demons maybe.”
“I’m sure the demon is hot, so they can poke my hole if they want to.”
You slap his chest softly. 
“That’s not funny.”
“Why not?” he is snickering.
“Cause I don’t want you fucking demons.”
“Not even if you could watch? Imagine waking up to me getting railed by a sexy, hot demon.”
“You’re not funny”, you murmur and huff out air.
“Are you jealous?” 
“Aww sweetie, don’t be. It’s just my sleep paralysis demon.”
“God, I regret this stupid joke. Whatever, good night I guess”, you say and turn your back to him.
Jungkook touches your waist instantly, whispering your name.
“Don’t be jealous. You’re the only one I want poking my hole.” 
You snort. He chuckles.
“Yeah good, whatever I guess.”
Jungkook trails soft kisses up your spine until he can kiss your shoulder. His arm is over your waist again.
“You know that you’re the only one, don’t you?” he whispers.
“Yeah, I do. Still, thank you for saying that”, you say. 
Now reassured that you aren’t feeling insecure anymore, Jungkook relaxes into the pillow. His chest is pressed into your back, your butt is snug with his crotch. 
“Can you feel my dick like this?”
“I can yeah.”
“Okay, good to know.”
You chuckle, “you’re a goof.” 
Silence overcomes you and him afterwards. Sharing the small bed doesn’t feel awful anymore. Truly, getting naked took a lot of that heat away. Quite frankly, now you are glad that he is keeping you warm because the room finally feels chilly. 
You could fall asleep like this and you probably would have if Jungkook hadn’t called your attention again.
“Are you still awake?” 
“Yeah, I guess. It’s only been a few.”
“Right yeah. Hey uhm”, he dances his hand over your waist and hip. You know exactly what this touch means, “I’m a little horny.”
“I know, your touch says enough.”
He kneads your thigh.
“Yeah well, you’re naked and soft, so yeah.”
“And we’re in the smallest bed ever.”
“I’ll be careful.”
“Quiet too?” 
Jungkook doesn’t have an answer instantly and so you flip to your other side so you were facing him. You run your fingers up and down his pecs, drawing circles around his pierced nipples.
He shivers and shudders like crazy, sighing the softest moan.
“Mhm? Are you gonna manage to be quiet?” you stress.
“Why shouldn’t I?”
“Because I know you. You’re a whiny baby when my wet, soft pussy fucks your cock just right.”
“___, jesus fuck”, he gets out and squirms, pressing his legs together, “don’t say that, I’m gonna leak on the sheets.”
You chuckle, “I’m just stating the obvious. You’re not gonna be able to be quiet. Sorry Kookie, but because of this I can’t give you what you want.”
You flip to your other side, grinning to yourself when Jungkook grabs your hip desperately. 
“___ baby…please”, he begs in a breathy voice and his thumb drawing swirls on your skin.   
If you were being honest, you had been feeling a little horny yourself before Jungkook confessed. You are very down to mingle, but getting him to beg some more is way too much fun not to do it. He is so delicious when he is desperate. 
“Sorry, the risk is too high.”
Jungkook lets out a dramatic little sob, following it up with a whiney “pleaseee” and his cheek rubbing against your shoulder. He is such a cutie. 
“You can’t sway me. My decision is final”, you coo, grinning to yourself. 
“Please, baby. I’ll be so, so quiet”, he pleads and begins kissing your neck. 
It tingles, sending electricity to your core. You press into him, parting your lips in a silent gasp. 
“Please baby, please I’ll be quiet”, Jungkook begs between kisses, upping the game by cradling your right breast in his strong hand. He kneads and massages it gently, rubbing his thumb over your nipple every chance he gets. 
“Behave, Kook”, you sigh. 
Jungkook purrs quietly, flicking his tongue over the piercings on your ear. He makes sure that it brushes your skin as well so you could feel the tongue he could put to good use. 
“Please? I’ve been such a good boy today.”
A fond smile curls your lips.
“Have you?” 
“Yeah, so good. Such a good boy. I filled up the gas for you when you went to pee, remember?” 
“Mhm, I do remember.”
“And I let you squeeze my butt at the red light.” 
“You did let me, yeah.”
“I was a good boy, please”, he begs and gives your nipple an especially good massage, “please can I have a reward, please?” 
“Fine, fuck you’re too good”, you give up because you can’t deny him when he is hitting you with The Good Boy. He is too powerful and the goodest boy. You couldn’t possibly deny him.
“Thank you, god I’m gonna fuck you so good”, Jungkook says and rolls you to your back as best as the small bed allows. 
His tits are pressing into your arm like this. Fuck, they are so huge. All this working out he is doing really pays off because his tits are gorgeous. 
Jungkook pecks your lips before paying attention to your jawline instead. He runs his tattooed hand all over your torso and legs, reminding your skin why his touch will always be the best. 
You enjoy the attention with closed eyes and your fingers feeling up his tits as best as possible. So squishy and soft when relaxed, but so hard and strong when flexed. Fuck, he could smother you with them and you would thank him. 
“You really want this, don’t you? I’m not forcing you?” he makes sure in a whisper and his gentle fingers caressing your waist.
“Yes Kook, I want this. Just wanted to make you work for it.”
“Wah baby, so mean” he gasps.
You snicker.
“No, don’t laugh. Do you have any idea how awful blue balls are? I was fighting for my life and you were just being a tease? Wah so mean.”
You giggle, hooking your fingers behind his neck.
“I wasn’t being mean.”
“Yeah, you were. God, come here you”, he says and begins nibbling on your jawline, “I’ll eat you up, you tease.” 
You laugh and squeak, scrunching your face in happiness. It tickles, but in a good way. A tingly way. 
Jungkook hums, smiling against your skin. He loves hearing you laugh. 
“Such a tease. My baby’s such a fucking tease”, he purrs, moving his lips to the most sensitive part of your neck while his tattooed, strong hand feels up your waist and hips. 
You sigh, melting in his hands. You are still hot, but it feels nice. He is getting you all heated up and bothered. You love being like this because of him, breathing heavier because it is so exciting. 
“Mhm? You’re a fucking tease. Making me beg and driving me crazy that way. Fuck”, he moans softly, squeezing your thigh. He slides his hand to your inner thigh afterwards, sending electricity through your veins. 
You open your legs further, feeling heat pool where you need him most. 
“I’m gonna eat you up”, he rasps and takes your earlobe between his teeth to tug on it gently.
“Kook, fuck”, you get out breathily, arching your back. 
“And out”, he whispers, “get it? Gonna eat you up and out.”
“That’s not funny”, you whine, but laugh.
“Yeah it is, you’re laughing”, he snickers.
“Cause you’re silly, you goof.”
He smiles and kisses your cheek, pressing himself closer until his semi hard cock rubs against the side of your leg. He humps it slowly, feeling up your inner thighs with more vigor. 
“I need you so bad, babygirl. I need you so fucking bad.” 
“Take me. Please”, you beg in a sigh, feeling excitement leak out of you. You are aching. You need him to act soon or else you are going to be the one not staying quiet. 
Jungkook presses a kiss to your cheek and whispers a needy curse, before finally breaking away from you to disappear under the blanket.
You feel him grab your hips and fix your position, opening your legs willingly. His head is hidden under the blanket, his strong hands hold your hips. His lips kiss down your inner thighs.
“My babygirl, my fucking queen, my everything”, he whispers and finally, fucking finally, you feel his wet, hot tongue against your pussy.
“Kook”, you get out at a normal volume before you remember where you are, “shit, sorry.” 
“Ssh quiet, baby”, he is teasing, smiling against you, “you gotta be quiet.”
“Fuck…” you croak and throw your arm over your eyes, “ah, fuck. God, Kook.”
Jungkook chuckles, burying his mouth back in your pussy again to lap up the sweetness you offer him gladly. He purrs and hums, making it even harder for you to stay quiet. 
But this is his plan. You want to tease him for being loud? You dare to call him a whiny baby? He is going to show you how easily he can make you struggle with your volume. The only whiney baby is going to be you and he is going to fucking make you shake on his tongue. 
“You’ve got the best pussy”, he says and slurps deliciously, “the fucking best. You’re so sweet, so fucking sweet”, he adds between his hungry slurping. He rests two of his fingers against your pussy, wetting them with eager licks as he worships your clit. Once his digits are wet and slickened, he pushes them inside, forcing shakes through your legs. 
“Hmhmn”, you let out, trying so so hard to keep your mouth shut. It’s difficult. His fingers are your ruin.
He has the longest fingers ever. You always forget how long they are until you have them inside you to his knuckles with your body feeling as if it is being consumed by electric flames. 
“Kook”, you croak, arching your back as your fingers close around a bundle of his hair. 
Jungkook purrs against you, flicking his tongue over your clit messily while his long digits fuck your puffy hole. Your walls are throbbing around him, your g-spot is swelling more and more. Jungkook fucks it out of hiding with how good he fingers your pretty pussy. Good. That’s what he wants. He needs you blissed out.
“Like it? You’re shaking”, he lulls against your clit, licking her eagerly afterwards.
“Like it”, you mewl, wiggling on the sheets before deciding to arch your back again.
“Mhhhm baby”, he lets you really feel his purr, taking your clit between his lips to give her a good, long suck. And as he sucks on your bundle of nerves, he drags his slickened tongue over it in languid, long strokes. He is making the slowest love to your clit, while his long fingers fuck your pussy as if anger motivated them. 
The contrast is sending you into a frenzy. Out of all the places he could pick to give you the hottest head ever, he chooses his childhood bed. Where you can’t be loud, where you can’t chant his name and where the biggest torture is how you have to hold back. He is driving you fucking mad. 
You mewl and keen, sounding so obviously pained by how quiet you have to be. 
Jungkook breaks away from your clit with a nasty slurp, reappearing from the blanket as he sits up just a little. He has a plan and he needs to sit for it. He turns his hand palm-way up and begins drilling his digits into you quickly, keeping his fingers curled so they would stroke your sensitive spot every single fucking pump. 
“Koo-” you throw your hand over your mouth, whimpering into it loudly as your legs shake out of control.
Your pussy sounds so wet. The fuck is so rough in the best way. 
“That’s good, isn’t it?” he taunts, staring into the darkness with blown out pupils. He can feel you shake and squirm. He just knows you are covering your own mouth. 
“Mhh mhmh ngmh.” 
“Yeah it’s good. Keep staying quiet, baby”, he teases and spits on your pussy. He slips his other hand to it so he could rub your clit with his spit as sinful lube. Quick and skilled. The shakes course through your entire body, he has you fucking burning up.
“Mhm! Ahmgm!” you scream with a closed mouth, arching off the mattress so aggressively his entire bed croaks in protest. 
You drop in embarrassment, dragging your hand from your mouth.
“Please stop”, you beg squeakily, grasping his wrist to try and stop him. You can’t, destined to tremble uncontrollably as he ruins you with just his fingers.
“No, too hard…stay…quiet pl-please.”
“Who’s the whiny baby now, mhm?” 
Your mind scrambles, your legs shake. Fuck, you’re leaking like a fucking faucet on his fingers. He is so mean. It’s getting you off so well. 
“You’re so mean”, you mewl and throw your hand over your mouth again to muffle your needy moans. 
“The fucking meanest”, Jungkook hisses and lowers his head to your pussy to lick your clit as quickly as his skilled tongue can go. He keeps you spread apart with his fingers so he can reach the best parts. All while he still drills your pussy as if she had a debt to pay. 
You grab his hair and twist. Jungkook growls from the tug, furrowing his brows. 
“Koo-” is all you get out and then you have to press your hand to your mouth. No more arm over your eyes, you need to silence yourself because Jungkook is making you climax as if you never climaxed before and you could fucking scream.
Jungkook moans into your pussy, keeping his fingers deep inside and moving as you cum all over his pretty face. He had a feeling that your hair grab meant he is making you lose control. Now that it’s his sweet reality, he is hellbent on making it the best fucking experience of your life. That most difficult one as well because he knows for a fact that you want to scream his name, but can’t. 
He is so painfully hard because of it. His pretty, perfect wife mewling so painfully tortured just because she can’t scream his name. Jungkook wants to change your life with this orgasm. Holy fuck, he is so into you.
“Stop please”, you soon beg, tugging at his hair in a way that lets him know you’ve had enough. 
Jungkook breaks away from your well fucked pussy, kissing his way up your torso. He makes sure to worship every inch of it, using his hands to give you soothing touches. That he spreads your mess this way, neither of you care about. 
He finds his home between your legs naturally. The leaky tip of his hard cock rubs over your pussy and lower tummy, but isn’t of importance for now. 
Jungkook lingers on your chest a little longer, massaging and kissing your breasts with soft moans at the back of his throat. He sucks and licks your nipples, while between your legs his cock is twitching oh so needily against your tummy.
Jungkook only moves on to worshiping your neck once your nipples are pulsating in sensitivity. 
“My good girl”, he whispers, following it up with kisses on each side of your neck. Even your throat he worships, going especially gentle because he knows it’s a vulnerable spot for you. 
“Koo”, you sigh, following it up with an exhausted huff of air. 
He kisses his way up to your face, adoring every inch of it while his fingers run along your hairline and ears. 
“My good, pretty girl”, he whispers sweetly, “how was that, babygirl?”
“Good”, you lull, melting in his safe hands.
“That’s good to hear”, he kisses your heated cheek.
“You were mean.”
He smiles against you, “I was?”
You nod your head, “I wanted to be quiet but you acted like that.”
Jungkook chuckles and kisses your lips mid-smile. He tugs on your lower lip gently, still smiling like a lovedrunk puppy. 
“I didn’t even do anything.”
“Yeah, you did. You acted like that on purpose.”
“Mhm”, another slow, obsessed kiss followed with a suck on your lower lip, “had a point to prove.” 
“Koo, you’re mean.”
“Mhm yeah”, he agrees and tongue kisses you slowly as his fingers caress your temples. He breaks the kiss with his tongue tracing your lips, “I love your pussy so much. You got me obsessed, babygirl.”
“Mhm Koo…” you mewl and squirm under him happily. 
Jungkook’s whispered curse swirls against your lips. You know its origin without needing to ask. His cock is so hard, rubbing against your stomach and your squirming made him aware of how unfucked he still is. 
“Do you want me to return the favour?” 
His cock twitches, his fingers close a little around your face.
“You wanna suck my cock?” his voice trembled as he asked, his lips nib on yours hungrily afterwards. 
“Suck your cock, lick your balls, eat your ass. You name it.”
He smiles against your lips, letting out a raspy chuckle.
“You’re gonna fucking kill me with your words one day. Fuck”, he bites your lower lip gently, “I’m fucking crazy for you. Can I just stick it in? Please?”
“Yeah, stick it in.” 
“I love you, thank you”, he says and reaches over to turn on the light.
You groan in the sudden brightness, squinting your eyes at him. His face is flushed, his pupils dilated, his dark hair messy. You feel yourself falling for him again and again.
“Is that okay for you? Wanna see my beautiful woman when I fuck her.”
“Aww Kook, you’re so sweet. Course it’s okay. Com’ere you.” 
“Okay wait, gotta go slow. The space is small”, Jungkook says and begins his grande adventure of fixing himself atop of you.
He manages after a few bumps against the wall with his elbows.
“Okay, okay I got it. Got it”, he says and places his hands on the pillow above your head. 
He meets your eyes and grins. You retort it.
You nod your head, running your hands down his torso so you could push his cock inside.
“Want you like crazy, babyboy”, you rasp.
“Babyboy?” he is stifling a laugh, tingling like crazy because you are dragging his tip through your wet folds. It feels crazy good. 
“Mh-hm, babyboy. Fits you ‘cause you’re cute.”
“I’m not cute.”
“Right. You’re so cool”, you are teasing him, stealing him of his whiney complaint by sinking his cock into you.
“Holy fuck, ___”, he drops his face into the crook of your neck and groans. Thankfully his lips are pressed to your skin because otherwise his noise would have echoed through the entire house. 
You grab his buttocks, moving his hips this way.
“Fuck, baby”, he moans, slamming his hand onto the headboard just to drag it down in desperation. Another loud groan tickles your neck, his fingers close around the crown of your head. His arms tense.
“Quiet baby, you’re being too loud”, you coo. 
“Quiet, yeah, quiet. Ah fuck, gotta be quiet urgh mhhmhm.” 
“That’s it. Gotta be quiet”, you sigh and do the unthinkable crime of sliding your fingers between his buttocks just to rub his hole. 
“Fu-”, Jungkook stops himself, sucking on your neck instead. He whimpers cutely as he does it, gripping the edge of the pillow. 
“See? Told you, someone gonna poke your hole tonight “
“Fuck, shut up just- why are you so calm? A-ah you have me ahm, ah, fucking ah oh god, can’t talk. Oh god”, he stutters and retorts to whimpering softly and panting for air. 
“You’re cute”, you snicker and sigh just for his hearing pleasure, “such a good boy too. Such a good boy” 
“Fuck, baby…”
He begins chasing you, speeding up because you’ve got him desperate. He thrusts into you harshly.
“Ah, ouchies my head.”
You open your eyes.
“What happened?” you gasp, sliding your hands to his hips.
“I banged my head on this stupid headboard”, he sits back on his heels and hits the headboard softly. He pouts, rubbing his aching head. He slipped out like this, but neither of you mind as his aching head is more important right now. 
“Oh god, are you okay?” you laugh, sitting up to cup his head and rub the spot he hit.
“No, I’m not. Hurts”, he mumbles, “stupid shit, ruined the entire flow. I was picking up such a good rhythm too. Stupid.”
“God, come here you”, you say and tilt his head so you could press a kiss to the sore spot, “did that help?” 
“Yeah, thanks”, he says with a little pout still present. 
You trace it with your thumb, gazing at him.
“I’ve got an idea. Switch with me real quick.”
“Trust me.” 
“I am. Okay fine, teamwork come on.”
You and he make it work. How it happened is a mystery of the universe, but you managed.
“And now?” he asks, sitting where you once sat.
“Now, lean back and relax”, you say and push at his strong chest until his back collides with the headboard.
You climb his lap and sink down on him. 
“Baby, oh god”, he croaks, looking up at you with droopy eyes. He places his hands on your hips, giving them a needy squeeze.
“There we go. Right where you’re supposed to be.”
You begin moving instantly, bouncing up and down on his cock with a swirl in your hips. Jungkook parts his lips in a silent moan, arching his back. You know that if you were in the privacy of your own home, he would be noisy as fuck right now. But the only thing noisy is your wet pussy getting stuffed with his perfect cock and his childhood bed croaking from the movement. 
“How’s that baby?” you ask him, feeling out of breath because it feels so good to ride him. His groin keeps grinding against your clit, his cock hits all the best spots.
“Fucking heaven…ah, god ah, baby don’t stop”, he sighs, parting his lips to let small moans escape. 
“It’s safer too. Can’t have my man bang his head again”, you say as you ruffle his hair with both hands.
He grins goofily, letting his head sort of droop as you completely turn him into puddy under you. 
You giggle and cradle his head against your chest, closing your eyes. He hugs you back, throbbing deep inside you. 
“You feel so good, oh god”, Jungkook moans into you, grasping you tightly.
“You too, my love…so good…you’ve got the best cock. Fucking love it so much.”
“Holy shit, please don’t stop. It’s so intense, ah god.”
“So good, baby. So good.” 
“I love you so much, oh god. Love you, lo-love you s-so much.”
“I love you too, Kookie.”
“I love you, ah ___, I love…love you.” 
“I love you too, baby. So much.” 
Jungkook is a romantic. It has always been that way and will always stay this way. He is a total, soft and proud romantic. You notice it in day to day life in the little things he does or says. And then, when the sex hits the right spot on his heart, it practically bursts out of him. It isn’t rare that your husband ends up chanting the breathiest, neediest confessions of love when you and he are connecting. Tonight seems to hit the right spot for him. He just can’t stop saying it. It spills out of him with each movement, filling your heart with so much love for him.
You hug him closer, slowing down your bounces until you are only rocking back and forth on him. 
Jungkook whimpers into your chest, lifting his head just so he can nuzzle into your neck. 
“I love you so much”, he breathes out, shuddering uncontrollably. 
“I love you too, baby.” 
“Oh god, this feels so good.” 
“Yeah, feels amazing”, you sigh, playing with his soft hair. 
You understand why it is getting to him. You are so close. Your chests are melted together, you can feel the other’s racing pulse, your skins share one warmth and your noses are filled with the other’s scent. You are so close and connected, feeling even more intertwined through the deep, slow movements of your hips.
Jungkook slides his hands under your buttocks and lifts you just enough that he can sit cross legged and deepen the connection even further. He hits his knee on the wall as he tries to change it, mumbling a low “ouch” into your shoulder.
“Did you just hit your knee?” 
“Yeah, there’s no space. Just ignore it, it’s fine”, he jokes, making you snicker just as he makes you moan because he sinks you back onto his cock.  
“Fuck, Kook.”
“We’re so close, it’s insane”, you croak and press him closer, rocking your hips back and forth needily. He is grinding against your clit, it feels so good. No words can describe how good he feels. 
“I know. I love you, baby.”
“I love you too, baby.” 
Jungkook cradles you in his strong arms and sobs softly against your neck. 
“I love you…”
“I love you too…”
From what you have learned, Jungkook needs you to say it back every time when he is in that headspace. No matter how often, how many variations, how loud or quiet, you need to say it back otherwise he gets so, so sad. The three most wonderful words are so, so much more important to him when he is in this headspace and they are also, quite frankly, the hottest dirty talk you could give him. No other words, no matter how nasty and dirty, could get his cock as hard and leaky as your confession of love could get him in those moments. 
And oh how hard and leaky he is. How he is throbbing and twitching and filling you up. How his legs are shaking under you. 
You lift your head from his neck to breathe, using the moment to litter his shoulder with kisses. He has such a pretty birthmark on it. You love to kiss it. He is yours, every inch of him, every birthmark and scar, every single inch of him is yours. Yours to love, to cherish, treat well and kiss. You could honestly eat him up. 
Now aware of your changed position, Jungkook lifts his head as well, meeting your eyes. He is making the biggest, sparkliest doe eyes at you, looking so so in love. 
“I love you”, he whispers shakily.
“I love you too”, you whisper back, cradling his cheeks, “mine, you’re all mine.”
“Yours, so yours” he agrees as the galaxies in his big brown eyes practically turn into countless little hearts.
“Mhm, yeah. Mine”, you sigh, swiping your palm down his cheek until you have his throat under it. You close your fingers around his neck without applying pressure. Your other hand still cradles his cheek. 
Jungkook moans. 
“Quiet, baby.”
“Sorry, oh god it’s so hard”, he whispers and parts his lips to gasp repeatedly.
“Mhhm Kook”, you purr, “mine. I love you so much, sweetheart”, you lull and apply just a little pressure. Not enough to make him dizzy, just enough to let him know you’ve got him.
Jungkook bites down on his lower lip, grasping your waist desperately. His cock twitches deep inside you, his thighs tense under you. You are seriously ruining him. You are. 
“Good boy, you’re such a good boy”, you praise, tracing his pierced lip. Not for long because then you already have Jungkook opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue. 
You drag your fingers up his soft muscle, feeling tingles deep inside you. This is so hot. 
Jungkook sighs and closes his mouth around your digits, sucking on them with pouty lips and big doe eyes. You can feel how his neck tenses from the movement and how much faster his pulse becomes. 
“You’re so hot, holy fuck”, you croak, lifting yourself off his cock so you could command him to stretch out his legs.
He follows, getting rewarded with your pussy and your eager hips dancing on his needy cock. You are on your knees for it, using the bounce of his mattress to your advantage to ride him as if it is the last time you ever will. He moans around your fingers, furrowing his brows in utter bliss.
“Quiet baby, be quiet”, you gasp out, feeling breathless from pleasure. His throat under your hand, his mouth on your fingers and his cock deep inside while his strong hands knead your waist and hips. Yeah, it can’t get any better than that. You are fucking obsessed. 
Jungkook mewls and keens. You slip your fingers out, resulting in his spit to cover his chin.
“Quiet, come on.”
“It’s, it’s so ah ha-hard. A-ah.”
“Quiet, baby. Just be quiet, it’s easy’, you order, slamming your hips down on him repeatedly. And to make matters worse, you put your slickened, greedy fingers on his left nipple to massage it eagerly. You abandon his neck to lick your other hand and use it to massage his right nipple as well. You twist and pinch, tug and rub, play with his piercings and trace his very tip. You know exactly what drives your husband crazy and you are hellbent on showing him all your tricks. 
“Stop please”, Jungkook begs, arching his back, “stop please stop”, he pleads.
He shakes his head, “too hard, please.”
“You can do it, baby. Just be quiet, it’s easy.”
“Ah god, ah, aaah” Jungkook mewls and throws his head back, grasping your waist with such desperation he brings it in just a little. He is kicking the sheets as best as possible, curling his tongue in his agape mouth. 
That’s where you want him. That’s his best look. You take his swollen nipples between your fingers and rub them in sideways motions. 
His abs tense, his huge pecs throb and tighten, his arms bulge as well. You are hitting the right fucking spots and his body reacts in the sexiest of ways. 
“Ahng”, Jungkook silences himself by throwing his hand over his own mouth. He scrunches his face, whimpering behind his hand.
“Holy fuck, this is so hot. That’s it, keep quiet. Good boy. Fuck, I love you.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes back and squeezes them shut. He sobs your name. You can feel it before you see it on his face. This was too much for him. You are making him climax. Deep, deep inside you and with days worth of hot, creamy cum he is shooting into you, bruising your waist in the process and biting down on his own palm just to stop himself from screaming your name. Tears run down his cheeks, he is arching his back even more. Yeah, you’ve really got him good. 
You help him ride it out with a fluttering heart, giving him the best kind of afterglow by cupping his face and pulling it in for kisses all while your hips rock back and forth on his still hard cock. 
Jungkook drops into your hands, feeling so far away and yet so, so close to you. His cock is sensitive, but it doesn’t hurt. It is just warm, wet and safe. He is so safe when he is inside you. Your pussy feels so good. Every ridge, hill, crevice and inch. Only you feel this good. Only you. And only you can make him feel this way. 
“I love you”, Jungkook gets out shakily, dripping tears from the tip of his perfect nose. You tilt his head up and kiss the tears away.
“I love you too, Kookie. How is my hubby love doing? Comfy?”
“Yes comfy”, his voice is just a little higher in pitch, “feels so good.” 
“Yeah, feels amazing. You did such a good job filling me up like this. Making me yours and all. I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you too, oh god”, Jungkook opens his eyes, sniffling with shaking shoulders.
He nods his head vigorously, cradling your cheeks.
“I just love you so much”, he squeaks and rolls his hips up slowly, meeting your movements as best as possible.
“Yes love you too”, you sigh, “oh”, your eyes go just a little out of focus, “oh Kook, there.”
“There? Do you like this?” he asks repeating his movements all the way down to flow, speed and angle. 
“Yes, so much. Ah Kookie, you…ah feel…holy fuck, so good. Ah.”
“Quiet, baby”, he whispers, making you chuckle breathlessly.
“Yeah, fuck I get you now. Fuck mhm.”
“It’s hard, isn’t it?” 
You nod your head, giving his cheeks a squeeze. 
“Shit baby. Kookie, I’m close.”
His pupils dilate even more. His breathing speeds up.
“You are?” 
“You feel so good”, you sigh and whimper softly, fluttering your lashes, “is hard.” 
“Don’t hold back, baby. I’ve got you.” 
“No, is hard to, to keep looking at you. Want to look at you as I…ah…I, I cum.” 
“Baby…” Jungkook gets out and squeezes your cheeks, “fuck. I love you so fucking much.”
“I love…you…too...Kookie ah please.”
“Let go, baby. Let go. I’ve got you, baby.”
“Koo, ah”, you squeak out, falling into him as your high overtakes you. 
You shake and convulse, using his shoulder to muffle your sounds as Jungkook soothes you. He is cradling your head, rubbing your back as he shushes you and whispers the sweetest love to you.
“That’s my girl. I love you cumming on my cock. That’s it. You’re doing so well. I’ve got you, babygirl. You’re such a good girl. Such a good girl, god you’re my good girl.” 
Honestly, you blame him for making this orgasm as hard and intense as it is, because goddamn does it feel good to be talked through this way. Fuck, you’re climaxing just from his words. Honestly. 
Jungkook makes sure to give you the best afterglow as well by squeezing your hips tighter to his body and giving your sensitive clit warm pressure. You love warm pressure after a high. The comedown is so intense but healing. And as you shudder in his arms, he is tracing your spine slowly, enjoying the moments of silence with closed eyes. You have your eyes closed as well, finding solace in his heartbeat against your chest. It is synced with yours, slowing down gradually. 
You are the one to break the silence.
“So uhm, that was intense.”
“Yeah”, he sighs and sighs again, “thank you, I needed this so bad.”
“Me too, baby. Who would have thought that your tiny bed is that good to fuck in.”
Jungkook chuckles, “yeah. The creaking was a little annoying though.”
“I kinda feel like your parents must have heard something.”
“Please don’t say that, I’ll cringe to death.”
You laugh, lifting your head from his shoulder. You press a loving kiss to his lips then wipe his tear-stained cheeks.
“I genuinely tried to be quiet.”
“Me too. You didn’t make it easier. I think I nutted with my nipples, no joke.”
“I can imagine”, you snort and shimmy on his lap, “I’m starting to leak.”
“Not sexy. Wet and gooey.”
“Don’t call it that”, he laughs as he helps you slip off his cock. You leak onto his thighs, hissing in distaste.
“God, such a mess. Sorry.”
“It’s okay, let it happen.”
“Don’t wanna let it happen. It’s so messy and wet.”
“Wait, let me”, Jungkook says and reaches for his bedside table. He takes a handful of tissues, “here you go”, he says and hands them to you. 
You press them to your pussy, climbing off his lap awkwardly. 
“Please ignore the noises, air sometimes has its own mind”, you mumble.
“It’s okay, let it happen baby. You know how I sometimes sound after anal.”
You and he snicker in comradery. Yep, being married and comfortable is definitely amazing. Not even the most embarrassing sex noises are embarrassing when you’re together. 
“You know, creampies are awesome in the moment, but afterwards? A cramp in the anus”, you say, wiping at your pussy with new tissues.
Jungkook laughs, “at least you’ve got tissues. Remember that one time we fucked in a motel only to realise we didn’t have tissues?”
You are putting on your pyjama just in case you meet his parents outside. If you were alone, you wouldn’t bother.
“And I had to use my hand to catch it? Yes baby, you laughed at me. How could I forget?”
“I only laughed because you were cute as you waddled to the bathroom.” 
“Yeah sure”, you say and lean down to peck his cheek, “brb, gonna go piss real quick.”
“Mhm’kay”, Jungkook says with a goofy smile on his lips. 
He is still grinning goofily when you come back, resting on his side with his eyes to the door. He is still naked, opening the blanket for you. 
“Did you steal the wall side?” you ask him as you get naked again.
“I did.”
“Not cool. I claimed it.” 
“And I reclaimed it.” 
You roll your eyes fondly, climbing under the blanket. Jungkook wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him instantly. He drapes his leg over your hips, smooching your cheek before nuzzling into your neck. 
“You feel cold”, he whispers
“The pee cooled me down.” 
“Mhm, is nice”, he kisses your skin, “sleep tight, my sweetie.”
“You too, my love”, you say and turn off the light.
He wiggles and makes a small sound of contentment. He shifts his head a little.
“Psst, sweetie?” 
“Yes, sweetie?” you giggle because he is a goof.
“How was it for you?”
“Amazing. I loved it.” 
“Me too. Was so good”, he breathes and sighs, growing softer, “I really love you. I do. Yeah, you my baby and boo.”
“That rhymed.”
“Mhm, yeah…” he sighs and exhales deeply. He fell asleep. Of course he did. 
You melt into him and drift off in his arms. Maybe sharing a small bed isn’t as terrible as you first thought it would be. 
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yok00k · 4 months
sanrio!oc & boxer!jk headcannon
⤷ ⊹₊⋆ series masterlist ⊹₊⋆
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>pics from pinterest<
—warning: some mature contents, read at your own risk—
ᡣ𐭩 y/n l/n, 19
ʚɞ lives in a tiny/luxurious apartment nearby the lake
ʚɞ works at a bubble tea store. you love being in a minimalistic and cute place. indeed you think you’re just a girl and your world is full of sanrio and cute stuff.
ʚɞ currently studying cosmetology. you dont know what you want to do just yet but you’re trying to figure it out. you love doing your own makeup, nails, and eyelashes. anything that makes you feel that feminine energy you’ll do it. that’s the reason why you’re pursuing something that’s related to your very own interest!
ʚɞ obsessed with hello kitty. you just has to collect at least one every week so you can function properly
ʚɞ has daddy’s issue (just like the author)
ʚɞ friendly to everyone but you have 3 real friends who you know really well. you open up to them about some details of you and jungkook’s relationship. there’s always there to give you advice or just listen to your rants
ʚɞ you’re very affectionate and genuinely loves the people in your life + sensitive: cry yourself to sleep when someone yells at you. how dare they
ʚɞ had multiple sugar daddies prior to entering a relationship with jk
ʚɞ your go-to outfits are mini skirts+black platform boots/mary janes + crop tops
ʚɞ dumb and slow as a turtle. you just never get what’s going on most of the time & that’s why guys get to take advantage of you and your dummy self won’t even realize it.
ʚɞ may look innocent but be the freakiest in the bedroom. 100% certified virgin (just for the first 6 months of her and jk’s relationship) but that doesn’t mean you can’t own multiple toys + toys that jk gifted you.
ʚɞ unintentionally and intentionally tease jk. you just likes seeing all worked up for nothing.. or something
ʚɞ sucker for creampie & cockwarming
ʚɞ listen to kali uchis, lana del rey, mitski, etc.
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<pics from pinterest>
ᡣ𐭩 Jeongguk Jeon, 23
ꕤ born from a wealthy family. he rebels against his parents: they wanted him to be the heir of their business, but jungkook said “fuck that imma do my own thing”
ꕤ was an underground boxer at the age of 20, but because of his skills, he became somewhat popular in mainstream boxing.
ꕤ has lots of boxing competition [i think he likes to fight]
ꕤ has anger issues. especially when he sees men taking advantage of you. boxing helps him to let out all the anger and he’s learning how to be better. [ you can fix him ]
ꕤ nonchalant but possessive? he doesn’t like to share
ꕤ lives on his own for some time now, in a huge penthouse. he gets lonely most of the time, he’s used to it though
ꕤ @ the gym 24/7. he basically lives there.
ꕤ rumor has it that he was a fuckboy? there’s no proof though.. yet. there’s been rumors around and they don’t sound nice.
ꕤ smokes + vapes [oc hates it]
ꕤ has a big dog named Bam, he’s such a good dog to you!
ꕤ always horny, he keeps the videos of you playing with yourself for his personal use
ꕤ has lots of fantasy of you, he’s infatuated then later on will be in love
ꕤ listens to partynextdoor, metro boomin, brent faiyaz, etc.
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kmt123whatsthetea · 1 year
Room for two (NSFW)
Fred Weasley x fem reader x George Weasley
Fred and y/n have been dating for a whole but she still struggles to tell her boyfriend and his brother apart. The twins (being the horny, mischievous fuckers they are) decide to use that to their advantage and have a little fun. What can I say, Fred likes to watch…
TW: nsfw (under 16’s dni), mean dom Fred, mean dom George, degradation, no incest, sharing, voyeurism, spanking, slight bondage, no prep (evil boys 😏), unprotected sex, masturbation (male), face smacking, cum swallowing. I think that's everything.
A/N: This is not only my first Weasley fic, but also my first time writing smut, yay! Italic bold speech is a flashback except for the word ‘Kitten’. Read and it’ll make more sense lol.
1.4K words
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“C’mon love, me and Georgie have missed you. Spend the weekend with us above the shop, it’ll be fun”
When the brilliant Fred Weasley invites you to stay with him and his brother above their shop in Diagon Alley, there’s really no option other than yes. You had been dating him for nearly three years and you loved him more than anything else in the world. A nice, quiet weekend with the Weasley twins would do you some good…
…but Fred had other plans.
You arrived on Friday and walked into the shop, seeing one of the ginger haired twins behind the counter and the other stocking a shelf nearby, neither one aware of your presence. Fuck, which one was which? Maybe if you let them notice you first, you'd be able to tell. You pottered around the shop, browsing the shelves of different potions and colourful boxes containing all kinds of mischief, trying to attract the attention of the twin stocking the shelf. He looked up with a smirk and instantly knew what you were up to, and he didn't plan on revealing who he was just yet. He knew that Fred would be alright with this, they had discussed it the night before. He can still remember Fred’s words clear as day:
“She’ll love every minute of it, she can be a needy little slut when you give her what she wants”
“I've seen how she looks at you, she wants us both but she likes to act all innocent and pretend that she doesn't”
“You can have her for the night, as long as I get to watch. She’s my dirty little whore after all”
The twin in front of you simply smirked, knowing that with one simple nickname, you’d think he was your loving boyfriend. Getting you into his bed would be easier than Fred said it would be.
“Go on up, Kitten, and wait for me on the bed”
George smirked at how fast you moved up the stairs to the flat above the shop. He finished stocking the shelves before shooting Fred a wink and following you up. Fred had been watching everything. This was his idea in the first place, and he wasn't going to miss a single thing. You always acted so innocent when he talked about George, but he knew how you felt. He could practically see the way your mouth watered when you would watch them at Quidditch practice. He could see the way you rubbed your legs together when they sat either side of you in the common room. Now that you had all graduated, he had promised George a turn with you.
As soon as the shop shut and all of the customers had left, he would go upstairs and enjoy the show.
You didn't even have time to enter Fred’s room and get undressed before George had come up behind you, gripping your waist tightly and sucking harshly on your neck. His right hand trailed up, practically ripping the buttons apart on your dress to reveal your bra covered tits beneath. He would never get sick of looking at them. When he’d sit next to you and look down your shirt, knowing that all of your attention was on Fred. He couldn’t help himself. George ripped off your bra, groping your bare tits harshly. He listened in on every gasp, every moan, and every whimper that you made, only becoming rougher as he pinched and tugged on your nipples.
George chuckled darkly and tore your dress off, followed by your soaked panties. He pushed you onto the bed, smirking mischievously at the way your legs opened wide, your glistening cunt on full display for him. Poor little slut, George thought, Getting this turned on for her boyfriend's brother.
“On your hands and knees, now”
George growled, pushing his suit trousers down and getting behind you. He ran his hands over your ass before bringing his hand down swiftly, making you yelp from the stinging sensation. But he didn’t care, George seemed transfixed by the way your ass jiggled and the skin turned bright red. He kept spanking each cheek, making sure to leave handprints and a painful memory whenever you sat down.
“Freddie, Please…been so good, please fuck me. Need you so badly” you whined, your thighs rubbing together to give your needy clit friction.
“You’re such a desperate, whiney little slut. Bet you’d love nothing more than my cock deep inside of your slutty cunt. Keep begging, beautiful, let me hear how much you need me” George started stroking his cock to your pleas. He’d give you what you wanted eventually, he’d been dreaming of your tight pussy ever since his brother introduced you to the family. The younger twin suddenly had an idea and pulled your arms behind your back, tying them securely together with his tie.
He gripped your joined arms tightly and rammed his cock inside your wet pussy. The stretch made you yelp in pain and squirm in a (not so) desperate attempt to flee, but George only held you tighter, a cruel pout on his lips.
“Thought this is what you wanted, little love. Don't tell me you can't be a good girl for me now”
His cock was so deep, hitting that spongy spot that made you clench around him and shut your eyes tight. His hands gripped your skin with a bruising force, you were so close…
“Well, well, well, look who’s enjoying themselves” an identical voice quipped, but it wasn't from above you, it came from the doorway.
The older Weasley twin stalked close, making you squirm in embarrassment of being caught by your boyfriend's brother. But he only knelt in front of you with a devilish smirk.
“Guess my little kitten really is a slut for it, huh?”
Your eyes widened as everything seemed to click into place. The man in front of you was your boyfriend, the man with his cock pressing deep inside of you was his younger twin brother. A pout spread across your lips, thinking that Fred was mad at you for being underneath George. But Fred simply got up and sat in the chair across from the foot of the bed, getting comfortable but exposing his hard cock.
“Go on Kitten, show Georgie just what a little slut you are. Put on a show for us”
George smirked and snapped his hips forward, knocking the breath from your lungs. He started his brutal pace that rubbed your insides raw. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you buried your head into the soft sheets beneath you. But George wasn't having any of that. He pulled you up by your hair, your back pressing against his chest, causing his cock to somehow push deeper into your cunt. You hissed at the sting from your scalp.
“Such a spoiled brat. Doesn't even say thank you for her lovely surprise” George spat next to your ear, his other hand coming up to lightly smack your face. “What do you say, slut?”
“Thank you, Freddie…Feels s..so good”. Your moans got louder with every word.
Fred pumped his cock, trying to match the pace his brother had set so that he could pretend that he was the one fucking you. But he knew you’d need more, you were his insatiable little slut. Fred simply looked into your desperate eyes and grunted through gritted teeth…
“Cum for me, Kitten”
At his command, you let the blinding pleasure take over your entire body. Your velvety walls clench around George, pushing him over the edge too. You could feel his cum spurt deep inside of you, staining your walls. He let go of your hair and you dropped forward onto the mattress. Fred got up and walked over to your fucked out body and you immediately opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, smiling as you felt his warm, salty sweet cum hit your tongue and lips. You swallowed all that he had given you and licked your lips, collecting every last drop. Fred stroked your hair softly.
“My turn, kitten”
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jojikawa · 6 months
The Princess and the Delinquent 🎀🖤
Highschool AU — Delinquent!Ryomen Sukuna, Popular!Reader, Little Brother Yuuji, is Mostly SFW apart from AU Sukuna being a horny young adult.
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artist: yom
Delinquent!Ryomen who’s been staring at you every day since you’ve transferred to his school. His attraction towards you was nearly immediate. You were just so soft-looking and pretty.
Delinquent!Ryomen who tells himself that he will emotionally distance himself from you once he finds out you’re already taken but he fails miserably, settling for admiring you from afar.
Delinquent!Ryomen who learns that you had a nasty breakup with the guy and now you’re really heartbroken because you’ve been dating that guy since grade school.
Delinquent!Ryomen who begins messing with you during the classes the two of you have together. He sits behind you, tugging your hair if it’s long enough to go down your back, moving your chair more towards him with his foot and even getting bold enough to throw things at you like candy wrappers and small crumpled sticky notes.
Delinquent!Ryomen who scares off any guys that seem like they may be trying to pursue a relationship with you, leaving you wondering why no guys ever approach you after your break up.
Delinquent!Ryomen who you’re forced to partner up with because of your consistently high grades and his consistently low ones.
Delinquent!Ryomen who nicknames you princess when he experiences just how soft and frilly yet demanding you are when you try to get him to do his half of the work.
Delinquent!Ryomen who gets in a fight and is almost expelled because he heard some guy in the locker room saying something vulgar about you. He doesn’t mention this to you at all to protect your feelings. 
Delinquent!Ryomen who eventually opens up after your excessive help to keep his grades up. You end up tolerating him a lot more too which he is grateful for.
Delinquent!Ryomen who you actually find kinda cute once your heartbreak begins to subside.
Delinquent!Ryomen who leaves unsigned love letters in your locker, just to convince you that some sad lonely loser left them instead once you mention it to him: 
You: “Ryomen…someone keeps putting these notes in my locker.”
Ryo: “I wonder who’s gonna tell that poor freak you’re not into him.”
You: “Well, I want to know because they’re actually kinda sweet.”
Ryo: “Wait, really?!”
Delinquent!Ryomen who kisses you in the hallway in front of everyone on Valentine’s Day because you felt sad and left out about not getting a present.
Delinquent!Ryomen who confesses his feelings shortly after.
Delinquent!Ryomen who is extremely surprised about you returning his feelings and kissing him back because why would a pretty princess like you want anything to do with him?
Delinquent!Ryomen who invites you to his house for homework after school where you meet his adorable kid brother, Yuuji. He was a sweet, curious toddler who immediately latched onto you the moment you got in the door.
Delinquent!Ryomen who you scold for bullying the poor child because he annoyed him.
Delinquent!Ryomen who gets bored of homework so soon and pulls you into his bed with him instead. You sorta get the vibe that he’s sorta lonely and isolated because others find him scary.
Delinquent!Ryomen who makes you his security blanket, melting into your chest and falling asleep before you could even say anything about it.
Delinquent!Ryomen who randomly asks if you’re on birth control or not while he’s walking you home. He does not elaborate why but you sorta get it.
Delinquent!Ryomen who uses his bathroom break to peer into the windows of whatever class that the two of you don't share to stalk you. If you see him watching you then he smirks before waving at you and disappearing. If you don’t notice him, he will tap the window, alerting the entire class and earning himself detention.
Delinquent!Ryomen who gets you in trouble so that you can be stuck in detention with him. 
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🎀 — @ameliabs-world
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astrolynnworld · 6 months
movie date
pairings: switch!chris x reader
summary: you and chris are at the movie theater and chris starts to get horny.
warnings: smut, switch chris, fingering, oral, exhibitionism, language, mommy/daddy kink, praise.
a/n: since you guys loved my last sub story with chris i decided to give you guys a best of both worlds 🫡
word count: 1,255
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chris holds the door for you as you guys walk into the theater
“after you, princess” he says as he gestures his hand out for me to go first. i laugh at the corniness that is chris sturniolo
nonetheless i walk in first as he trails behind me. we had already bought our tickets online so we just had to go to the employee working at the front desk to confirm our purchase and further allow us entry.
“do you want anything to eat before we go in, bae?” chris asks
“can we share a popcorn please?” i ask back
“i love when you know what i like” he remarks with a smile
after getting our popcorn, we find the theater number for our showing and get comfortable in the first open seats we could find.
as the trailers play, me and chris are having little side conversations about which movies look interesting enough to see for future dates.
we continuously eat our popcorn as the lights dim, signaling that the movie will begin soon.
about 10 minutes into the movie i decided to lift the arm rest up and get comfortable in chris’s lap as we finish the last bits of popcorn
“why does every movie theater have to be freezing?” i ask rhetorically
chris laughs, “here” he says while taking off his sweater to wrap around me while i lay on his lap
i smile as the small romantic gesture.
we continue to watch the movie without a word. although, i do start to shuffle around trying to find a better position where my body wont feel uncomfortable.
soon after, i start to hear chris’s heartbeat pick up.
“are you okay?” i ask the anxious boy
“yeah, why wouldn’t i be?” he responds
i leave it alone from there.. until i start to feel an growing imprint on my back
chris was getting hard. what from? i don’t know
“chris .. are you hard?” i ask
“im sorry.. i can’t help it when you’re this close to me, i can feel the warmth of your body” he replies.
“do- do you want me to take care of it?” i say while raising up so i can get closer to his face
“but- y/n there’s people around” chris says while anxiously looking around
“come on chris, there’s nobody in our row. nobody will be able to see, all you have to do is just keep quiet.. can you do that for me like a good boy?” i say while rubbing on his hard dick
“hugh.. of course i can miss” chris states while entering his submissive state
i personally love when chris is submissive, he gets so needy and cute. i would do nothing more than to always be the one in charge when it came to chris
“good boy.” i reply, knowing these words are his weak spot
i pull out his dick and start softly touching the tip just to tease him a little. he throws his head back on the chair.
the movie theater was dark but that doesn’t stop me from seeing the red throbbing tip that lies in front of me
“when’s the last time you touched yourself, chris?”
“i don’t touch myself, i wait for you”
now if i wasn’t already turned on by this whole scenario, this sentence would have sent me into a spiral.
i knew the last time we had sex was over 3 days ago, had he really not cum in three days?
“good. i want you to always keep it like that. good boys don’t cum when mommy’s not around”
i felt it throb in my hand.
“awe do you like when i talk to you like this baby?”
“mommy please.” he whines
“please what, baby?”
“please put it in your mouth” he tries to whisper
with this phrase i immediately put as much of him in my mouth as i could.
the speed of my motion caught him off guard so he let out a huff that almost blew our cover.
i put my right hand over his mouth and used my left hand to stroke whatever could not fit in my mouth.
i stroke stroke stroke, spit spit spit, lick lick lick, just being sloppy on his dick cause i knew that’s what he liked the most.
“fuck y/n your mouth is absolutely amazing” he iterated in an exasperated moan
he started to thrust up into my mouth, forcing his cock deeper.
gagging on his dick, i let him continue because i knew he was about to cum
“omg omg omg i’m gonna-“ the boy says before releasing spurts of semen down my throat
“fuck y/n..” he says out in breathy moans
i swallow his semen and give him a kiss to further lay back in my original position
“oh we’re not done” he says after i get back in my spot on his lap
“wha-“ i’m cut short as i feel his hands slide down into my underwear
“you’re so wet baby, is that all from me?”
the code switch drove me insane, how he went from calling me mommy 3 minutes ago to calling me baby in that patronizing tone
“hmm? i need you to speak for me baby” he says while gently rubbing my clit in circles
“fuck chris, yes this is from you.” i say inbetween breaths trying to maintain my volume
“you sound so good when you say my name like that” he says keeping the pace steady
“chris i need you to go faster please” i plead
“beg me princess.” he says in a stern dominant tone
how could a sentence be so hot?
“please chris please go faster, i neeeed to feel you so bad… do your worst to me daddy”
this ignited a new passion in chris, a passion to make you a fuzzy brained mess for his fingers.
“you’re gonna regret saying that, princess”
he uses the wetness of my pussy to slide his fingers on in.
i freeze at the feeling of his fingers going in because immediately after, he starts thrusting his fingers inside of me as a pace uncomprehending
“chri- chris.” i moan quietly while trying to pull away from him
“don’t move princess, don’t you wanna be a good girl?” he says mockingly
i thrust my body up trying to follow the rhythm of his fingers as he pushes and curls his fingers deeper inside of me
“that’s it my pretty girl, feel good for me”
i continue to use my body to push into his fingers, feeling the knot in my stomach start to untie.
he pulls his fingers out and starts fastly circling my clit once again so he can help me reach my climax.
i cover my mouth in pleasure while pushing out the feeling of my orgasm.
“cum for me princess, you’re doing so good” he says as he talks me through it
losing control of my hips i start bucking into his hand while letting out my high.
“you just squirted all over the chair” chris says as i relax my body
“huh?” i have him repeat
“the chair.. look”
the chair next to us was covered in my juices
“oh my god.” i say as a notice the scene
“we need to clean this up” i continue
“after baby, i wanna enjoy you for right now.” chris says
he grabs me back in his lap to cuddle as we finish the movie.
“we’re definitely gonna have to rewatch this movie” i say laughing
“oh yeah for sure” he responds.
a/n: thank y’all for reading this!! hope you guys enjoyed <33
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halsteadlover · 8 months
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
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*Gif and pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader.
• Requested: no.
• Summary: being away most of the time, Charles is not always there to give you what you need so you decide to take the matter in your hands… But with a little help.
• Warnings: masturbation (f), use of vibrator, oral sex (fem receiving), swearing, unprotected sex (what can I say I’m a sucker BUT USE PROTECTION YOU GUYS).
• Word count: 3192.
• A/N: PLEASE READ THIS ONLY IF YOU’RE 18+. Here is my first Charles fic, I’m so nervous about it so please have some mercy 😭 I really hope you’ll like it, let me know what you think and comment, like and reblog if you want. Sending lots of love to all of you ❤️
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When Charles turned the keys in the door lock he didn't immediately announce his presence, wanting to surprise you.
He put the bag on the ground and took off his jacket, but it was him who was caught completely off guard when he heard sounds that could only be moans.
He froze in place, his heart immediately starting to beat wildly in his chest.
What the fuck?
There was no doubt they were your moans, he would’ve recognized them from a mile away. For an instant the world collapsed on him, already projecting into his head you fucking with someone else on the bed you shared.
With silent steps and trembling legs he approached your bedroom, noticing the open door and immediately mentally breathing a sigh of relief in realizing you were the only one there.
He knew you’d never do something like that to him but he couldn't control the heart attack fear almost caused him.
However, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he realized what you were doing. You were leaning back on the bed frame, your shirt pulled up enough to leave your breasts exposed, you were naked from the waist down, legs spread and the vibrator in your hands.
Charles leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest as his eyes were glued to you. You didn’t noticed his presence, your eyes half closed as you let yourself be carried away by the pleasure.
“Oh Charles… Yes…”
Pleasure coursed through your veins as the vibrations radiated all over your pussy.
That evening you were particularly needy and horny and Charles wasn't home as he was away for the Mexican GP and would be back the next day. Unfortunately you had a lot of work to do so you couldn’t join him and saying you were missing him like crazy was an understatement.
“Oh yes.” A small moan escaped your lips, your eyes closed as you let yourself be carried away by the sensations. It felt good, you couldn’t deny it, but it wasn’t Charles.
God, only him knew how to touch you. He knew every button to press to make you completely lose your mind, he knew how to give you such overwhelming pleasure it’d make you lose the ground beneath your feet and your soul to come out of your body.
As you continued to move the vibrator on your clit, trying to find the exact point of high pleasure, you imagined his hands on you, touching you, his tongue licking your pussy, his dick inside of you as he fucked you until he took your breath away.
Another soft moan left your lips and he felt his pants get tighter and tighter as his dick got harder and harder. It had been too long since he last touched you, since he heard you moan his name like that and just seeing you brought back that desire he had repressed for weeks and weeks.
Before he knew it his palm was already pressing on his crotch as he watched you masturbate, trying to find some relief.
He wanted so much to approach you, take that vibrator out of you hand and use his mouth but he was mesmerized, he couldn't take his eyes off you and that pussy so wet he wanted to drown himself in it.
He would’ve liked to take his cell phone and film it so he could watch you over and over again but in any case he knew that image would never leave his mind again and seeing you giving yourself pleasure would be a fantasy he would’ve replayed for the rest of his life.
But when his erection started to press painfully against his pants he couldn't resist anymore, the need to have you and touch you was too intense to just continue watching.
“You missed me that much baby?”.
He tried to suppress a chuckle when you jumped in fright, throwing the vibrator next to you and instinctively closing your legs. He couldn't help but find adorable the way your cheeks got redder than Ferrari, as if you had just been caught committing a crime.
You didn't know what emotions to listen to first: shame for being caught masturbating or joy and shock because your boyfriend was finally home.
“Charles oh my god you’re here! I thought… I thought you were coming back tomorrow.”
He walked over and climbed onto the bed, crawling towards you until he was inches away from your face. You grabbed his face and kissed him but since he was so horny he couldn't even think anymore, he immediately deepened the kiss sliding his tongue in your mouth.
Soon you found yourselves lost in each other, taken by the passion and inebriation that made your head spin and that you had both missed so much. It was enough to set off a flock of butterflies in your stomach, and as your mouths moved against each other you feared you’d pass out there in his arms.
“Putain, I missed you so much,” he whispered against your lips as he caught his breath after that impetuous, almost animalistic kiss. His hand wrapped around one of your breasts, squeezing and groping it before leaning down and surrounding the other with his lips, biting and sucking on your nipple and eliciting sighs from you.
“Tell me what were you thinking about chérie?”.
“You baby, only you. Charles please I need you.” You moaned, wanting his fingers inside you.
He took the vibrator next to you and lay between your legs resting on one elbow, his eyes fixed on yours and a smirk on his lips. He was so fucking how that this alone would’ve been enough to make you come.
“I want to know baby. What were you thinking about? Tell me,” he spoke but before you could say anything he placed the still working vibrator back on your clit causing you to let out a loud moan.
He looked away from your eyes to your wet pussy, his mouth watering at the mere sight of it, looking at it as if he had just found the holy grail.
“Now I’m going to lick this gorgeous pussy and I want to hear what you were thinking while you were touching yourself okay?”.
You couldn't answer, too caught up with the pleasure you were feeling to even talk. He removed the vibrator and you let out a frustrated sigh.
“Answer me.”
“Y-yes… Just touch me please, I need it so badly…” you babbled and you didn’t care how pathetic you sounded, now that you finally had Charles you wanted him with every fiber of your body.
“My princess is so needy,” he smirked again before sticking his tongue out and taking a long, slow lick on your pussy, moaning at the sensation. Few words could describe how he felt after finally tasting you after so long but none came to mind, too focused on controlling himself to not come in his pants.
“Fuck… Do it again please.”
“Mon dieu, I missed this pussy so fucking much,” he moaned, “I'm gonna take such a good care of you baby… But I'm still waiting.”
He drew another long line across your labia, his tongue wet with your fluids. You threw your head back as your chest rose and fell rapidly.
“I was… I was thinking about your t-tongue licking me… Fuck I can't…”
He started licking you more vehemently, eating you out like a hungry man who hadn’t put anything in his stomach in months. His lips sucked on your folds as his tongue focused on your clit and that, coupled with the suppressed pleasure, was enough to push you over the edge.
Charles had never been as horny as he was at that moment. Every fiber of his body trembled with the desire to have you, he felt like he was burning, even though your pleasure came before everything and there was no more satisfying sexual act than pleasure you until your soul was consumed.
He slowly penetrated you with the vibrator and for a moment you seriously thought you were dying.
At that point you couldn’t think or say anything other that wasn’t a moan or a loud gasp.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck… Oh shit…”
You continued to squirm while he instead kept you anchored to the bed, preventing you from moving away. No matter how intense you and Charles’ sex life was, each time it was better than the last.
The combination of his tongue continuing to stimulate your clit, his mouth eating you out, and the vibrator inside you was too much, too much to bear. You didn’t know how much more your body could hold, how much more you could sustain before collapsing into many pieces.
Your hands threaded through his hair, pulling it and eliciting such a sexy growl from him you felt it in every corner of your body as your legs trembled so much you seemed to be convulsing.
“I can’t… Charles p-please…”
“Yes you can baby, you’re so good to me,” he murmured, almost risking coming again when you pulled his hair hard. He eventually gave up on knowing what you were thinking while touching yourself, knowing it’d be impossible for you to talk.
But god he fucking loved that. He loved seeing you squirm like that and not being even able to properly speak, he loved hearing you scream his name so loud all the neighbors must’ve heard you, he loved feeling the taste of your pussy so wet and your fluids covering his chin.
Your muscles began to tense, your guts to twist, your breathing irregular. The pleasure you were feeling in that moment was something you had never felt before, it was indescribable.
“Stop… Stop… I need… Please…” you cried out not knowing what you were saying, feeling like you were about to explode, trying to push his head away because of how overwhelming pleasure was.
Charles smiled on your pussy, continuing to lick you and let the vibrator penetrate you.
The orgasm that hit you full on was so intense it almost made your heart stop, your breathing caught up in your chest and your soul come out of your body. Waves of pleasure ran through your body as if shaken by electric shocks, and you would’ve been lying if you said you didn’t truly feel you were about to faint.
It was the most fucking beautiful and overwhelming orgasm you had ever felt in your life.
Charles licked and swallowed every trace of your leaking fluids, adding equally as much pleasure to that intense orgasm. Your head spun but at the same time, so light you felt yourself floating in space, momentarily disconnected from the entire world.
But he didn’t give you time to recover but from that sensational orgasm.
He tossed the vibrator onto a random spot on the bed and lifted himself up before grabbing your ankles and dragging you towards him and laying you flat on your back on the mattress.
He kissed you, sucking away that bit of strength and soul that was left in your body. You tasted yourself in his mouth, his chin and beard still wet with your fluids. His hands roamed ferociously all over your body and never before he was so desperate, hungry and eager to have you.
“I need you so fucking bad baby, god I need you,” he whispered against your lips as you tore off each others clothes which ended up being thrown somewhere in the room. “I need to be inside you.”
Charles let out a deep, loud moan as his dick penetrated you, practically sliding into you because of how wet you were. His chest rose and fell quickly as he tried not to come instantly even though it was damn hard when you wrapped and squeezed him so perfectly.
“Oh mon putain de dieu,” he cursed through gritted teeth, his breath heavy on your lips as he struggled to keep control. His forehead was covered in a light layer of sweat, his lips were parted as you breathed in each other's sighs and, damn it, he had never looked more mesmerizing and beautiful than he was in that moment.
You lost yourself in his eyes, those eyes you had missed so much it hurt, in those eyes in which you found your refuge from the world.
You wrapped your legs around his pelvis, pressing your heels into the small of his back in an attempt to get him closer to you, closer than he already was. It didn’t matter how warm his skin was pressed against yours, how close the two of you were, it was never enough, you always wanted more.
“Fucking hell baby you destroy me,” he groaned as he began to move his hips, making you writhe beneath him and pant as if you were the most experienced of porn stars. Your fingers traced his shoulders, nails instead pressing so deeply into his skin you feared he’d start to bleed.
“Yeah moan for me, let everyone know who gets to fuck you like this,” he groaned in your ear, causing a rush of shivers throughout your body, in contrast to the fire that instead blazed inside you. His thrusts were forceful, strong, so deep you were sure you wouldn't be able to sit up for days, his dick stretching every corner of your pussy.
You tried to kiss him but it was a messy kiss, which neither of you could continue due to the gasps and moans that were coming out of your mouths.
Charles was fucking you just like you’d expect an animal would and you couldn't even remember your own name anymore by then.
“Fuck baby fuck… Ah shit…” you moaned. “Don’t stop please don’t stop.”
He held you closer to him, as if somehow your souls could join, his face was hidden in the crook of your neck while his tongue licked your skin and his lips sucked them not caring if he could leave any mark.
“That’s it, that’s my pretty girl, shit, taking my dick so good,” he praised you making his dick twitch inside you as your walls tightened around him. “Oh yeah… Fuck… Keep clenching around me like that. You want to make me come? My pretty girl likes when I praise her doesn’t she?”.
God please have mercy on my soul because I’m about to die.
Charles felt he was about to come but he didn’t want to, he still wanted to be buried deep inside you, he still wanted to feel your pussy so wet it could swallow him, he wanted to hear your moans in his ears, your nails scratching his back, he wanted to swallow your breaths and sighs.
He pulled out before grabbing your hips and flipping you onto your stomach, moving like he pleased as if you were a doll. He bent you over, your hands held together behind your back with his right hand and your face pressed against the mattress.
With a single thrust he penetrated you again, starting to fuck you again and picking up the same intense and ferocious rhythm and making you almost spit every organ in your body. The bed moved to the rhythm of his thrusts, creaking under your weight as the sound mixed with his groans, your moans and the sound of your skin colliding with each other.
The fingers of his left hand pressed into the skin of your hip as he continued to move aimlessly in and out of your pussy, fucking you mercilessly into oblivion. “Fuck I missed this, god yeah…” he moaned, throwing his head back, eyes half closed as he struggled to hold on any longer.
You were on the verge of losing consciousness, completely unsure whether you’d survive a second orgasm which, from the pleasure and the way your body was shaking and spasming, would come very soon and be just as overwhelming and shocking as the first one.
“Oh C-Charles… I can’t… Oh yeah just like that baby keep going… Fuck…” you babbled in pure ecstasy and bliss, feeling his dick hitting that deep spot inside you. The fact you couldn’t move and your hands were held behind your back added even more pleasure and intensity and you actually felt like you couldn’t breathe anymore.
He went deeper and deeper with each thrust and it didn't take long for your vision to blur and for another orgasm to completely destroy you, making you almost die on that mattress.
Death from an orgasm, that would’ve been a pretty good headline.
His movements started to become erratic, messy, losing the vigorous and ferocious rhythm he had been using until recently. “Ah shit, shit, I'm coming fuck yes… Ah yes!” he loudly groaned before giving one final thrust and with it emptying himself into you, his dick twitching as he filled you with his cum until the last drop.
He stayed inside you for a moment as he softened and tried to catch his breath, his mouth still slightly open, struggling to get air.
Charles let go of your hands which fell dead weight on the bed and when he pulled out you lay on the bed, exhausted and on the verge of requiring an oxygen tank. He did the same, collapsing dead weight next to you as well.
There was a few moments of silence, broken only by your heavy breathing as you both tried to get it back into a normal rhythm. You wanted to kiss him, hug him, hold him until he’d get tired of it but you were genuine when you said you couldn’t move a damn muscle.
“Wow…” he breathed out, eyes still closed. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I can’t wait to come back home the next time and see you touch yourself again.” You chuckled tiredly, your eyes closed too. “But I’m not going to lie, I almost had a heart attack as soon as I walked in the door. You really scared the shit out of me for a second bébé.”
“You’re so stupid. I only have eyes for you love, you know that,” you murmured, still laughing and finally managing to open your eyes only for your heart to explode when you looked at his serene expression and the small smile on his lips.
He’s here, he’s truly here.
It was only then that you stopped to look at him and there was no need to say that he was always breathtakingly beautiful, his hair was slightly longer since the last time, his lips rosy, his cheeks flushed and the joy that filled you for finally having him back again was indescribable.
“Can you kiss me now please Mr Leclerc?”.
He opened his eyes and a laugh came out of his mouth before he leaned in and left a sweet, long kiss on your lips, lifting a hand and fixing the hair fallen in your face that you were sure looked more like a nest of birds.
“Welcome home baby.”
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