#martin desmond
rickchung · 10 months
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BS High (dir. Martin Desmond Roe & Travon Free).
HBO's sports documentary lays out all the embarrassing details behind the largely non-existent Bishop Sycamore High School and how their fake football team was badly defeated on national television against powerhouse IMG Academy. Former head coach Roy Johnson's inclusion reveals a truly unrepentant narcissist who didn't care how he destroyed several promising young futures.
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“But then, at the age of 45, Martin Leman published (with Angela Carter) a book of Comic and Curious Cats and made the discovery that people love exaggeratedly rounded, excessively cuddly, comically cartoony cats.”
-Cats in Art, Desmond Morris 2017.
Here are some of his painting.
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cardigancyn · 3 months
Thunderball - 1965
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stripesysheaven · 1 year
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desmond why are you staring at keamy’s ass
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apazwtsn · 8 months
They're gay your honour
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nerds-yearbook · 7 months
Goldeneye was released on November 17, 1995. Goldeneye was the 17th EON James Bond film and the first to star Pierce Brosnan as 007. Brosnan was originally picked to star as Bond in The Living Daylights (1987), but at the last minute was prevented due to contractual obligations to Remington Steele. Goldeneye was meant to be Timothy Dalton's 3rd Bond film but the production got held up for years due to legal problems. Dalton finally gave up waiting and the role once again was offered to Brosnan. It was the first EON Bond film not produced by Albert R Broccoli. Besides, recasting Bond, Judi Dench took over as M and Samantha Bond as Moneypenny with Desmond Llewelyn being the only returning cast member in his long running performance as Q. It was only the second EON Bond film (the first being Licence to Kill -1989) to not be named after an Ian Fleming book (Goldeneye was the name of the house where Fleming wrote the Bond books in Jamaica) and the plot wasn't based on any of his books either. It also marked the first EON Bond film to use CGI. In a plot twist, Sean Bean dies at the end. ("Goldeneye" Bond movie event)
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Books for political formation
Books that have left an indelible mark on my understanding of politics some way. My political development is unfinished, so this list is unfinished - I'm always open to suggestions
Capital Vol. 1, Karl Marx - unmasks the inherently exploitative social relations embedded within capitalism, critiques capitalism as ineffective/self-destructive (not just immoral)
Capital and Ideology, Thomas Piketty - there is no such thing as a "natural" social order, examines how inequality regimes have emerged and been justified across the world throughout the past 1000 years of history
Nixon Agonistes, Garry Wills - captures a cross-section of American politics over a short period, probing insights into the psychology driving political affinities, documents the evolution of the word "liberal" in American political discourse
What Are We Doing Here?, Marilynne Robinson - provides a constructive, anti-Hobbesian view of society
Poverty, by America, Matthew Desmond - shows the extent to which poverty in America is a policy choice, harm reduction is possible without revolution
The Code of Capital, Katharina Pistor - a cursory overview of the legal strategies to insulate capital from any competing legal claims
Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt - laziness and insistence on self-exoneration is often the psychological engine behind human wickedness and injustice over and above malice
Illness as Metaphor / AIDS and Its Metaphors, Susan Sontag - shows how deeply ingrained prejudicial views of disability is within our collective language and psyche
Blood Meridian, or, the Evening Redness in the West, Cormac McCarthy - violence has never been excised from politics, the invisibility of violence to the bourgeois is an illusion
Lysistrata, Aristophanes - unmasks the nature of gender politics despite its operation behind closed doors, imagines a project of mass organizing along gender lines
Civilization and Its Discontents, Sigmund Freud - civility is unfortunately a tenuous prospect
Heroes of the Fourth Turning, Will Arbery - excoriates conservative psychological pathologies
Martin Luther King Jr
A Gift of Love - justice is love in public
Letter From a Birmingham Jail - there are contexts where civil disobedience is mandatory for the Christian, solidarity with the marginalized is always mandatory
The Waste Land, T.S. Eliot - progress is not inevitable
William Faulkner
Absalom, Absalom! - racism is an inexorable part of American capitalism, imperialism cannot be stopped until we are able to free ourselves of our disingenuous national myths
The Sound and the Fury - nostalgia makes you an idiot, unable to understand your present or to predict your future
Herman Melville
Billy Budd, Sailor - history is unavoidably malleable
Moby-Dick - a true-believer demagogue is worse than a cynically disingenuous one, democracy can be an ineffective antidote to a tyrant
Franz Kafka
The Trial - the very procedures instilled to protect (or at least mitigate) injustice can also exacerbate it
The Metamorphosis - modernity interferes with our ability to see and relate to others as human, liberalism's self-advocating and individualistic ethic destroys us from the inside out because it forecloses our ability to recognize this
John Milton
Areopagitica - freedom of speech is as much about the individual's freedom to render judgment on speech as it is about the speakers ability to speak, the problem with censorship is the top-down nature of it, not in the governed people's discernment of quality or value
Paradise Lost - similar to Birmingham Jail, the character of Abdiel represents righteous opposition to Earthly principalities
The Autobiography of Malcolm X - the psychological, spiritual, emotional toll that being black in America takes on a person, black empowerment is a necessary step towards black liberation
Ursula LeGuin
The Lathe of Heaven - structural reform can only be undertaken democratically, no change is without trade-offs so changes must be broadly accepted and supported by the populace who will inevitably bear the unforeseen burden that results
The Ones Who Walk Away From the Omelas - shows the extent to which our brains are broken by imperialistic thinking, exploitation is a necessary feature of the worlds we are capable of imagining
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sparklepony · 10 months
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onecest but it’s with these two martin short characters
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watchingmoviesandshit · 10 months
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BS High (2023)
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
3 novembre … ricordiamo …
3 novembre… ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2020: Claude Giraud, attore e doppiatore francese. Sposato con Catherine Demanet (che lo lasciò vedovo nel 2012). (n. 1936) 2018: Sondra Locke, Sandra Louise Anderson nata Smith, attrice e regista statunitense. Legatasi sentimentalmente a Clint Eastwood nel 1975, lo affiancò in molti suoi film. (n. 1944) 1979:  Paolo Carlini, attore teatrale, attore cinematografico e attore televisivo italiano.…
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eddysocs · 2 years
Primo Porno (Henry Desmond x Kip Wilson x OC)
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Summary: Kip brings home a dirty video and tries to get Dawn and Henry on board, but they have other plans.
Word Count: 1,019
Warnings: Soft smut, threesome, porn video mentions
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Kip came bursting through the door of their shared apartment, brandishing a VHS tape. Still dressed as Buffy, his wig was askew, his dress falling off one shoulder, and his left shoe was practically falling off his foot. He was truly a piece of work looking like he was. He stood there panting for a moment, sweat forming at his brow, undoubtedly from racing up here.
"Calm down, Lassie. What is it, girl," Henry deadpanned, causing Dawn to laugh. Kip ripped off his wig with his free hand to cool himself off, and took a couple of extra seconds to catch his breath.
Kip didn’t even try to mock Henry for the lame joke, he was so excited. "I just got us some primo adult entertainment," Kip alluded. Both Henry and Dawn shifted their gaze from Kip to the tape in his hand, piecing it all together.
"You didn’t," Henry accused.
"Kip, isn’t that a little…seedy," Dawn questioned.
"Nah, I mean sure, some is in poor taste, but this is the good stuff. Wanna watch it?" He really was like a dog with a bone over this, and even under the circumstances, Henry found it all a bit amusing. Dawn, however, was a bit more skeptical.
"I assume that is why you bought it," Henry quipped as Kip put his wig in the closet. Kip then made a childish face, sticking his tongue out at Henry as he went over to put the tape in their brand new player. For better or worse, they decided to go along with him, at least for a while.
It started off tame enough. The acting wasn’t stellar, but after having watched a couple of B movies recently, they couldn’t fault it as being all that bad either. The girl was a tall redhead, busty with a small waist, absolute perfection for this kind of role, though personally, she didn’t do anything for Dawn nor Henry. Kip could get excited at a piece of paper if they drew a pair of boobs on it.
The male co-star wasn’t all that much to write home about either. He was fit enough, but too tan, and his oiled up body was unrealistic for coming over to fix a leaky pipe. Not that X-rated movies were meant to be realistic, but still. Trying to ignore what they deemed its obvious flaws, Henry and Dawn patiently awaited things to start heating up, and when they did, they were even less impressed than before. Kip was eating it all up, but Henry wasn’t really feeling it and Dawn had had enough. When it got really graphic, she left the room, locking herself in the bathroom.
Henry noticed her escape immediately. Kip, still engrossed in the tawdry film, had to be elbowed in the side before he realized that Dawn was no longer on the couch with them. "Where’d she go?"
"Bathroom. I really don’t think she’s as into this as you are, Kip."
"You are though, right?" Henry shrugged. It wasn’t like he was disgusted, but it wasn’t doing its job of turning him on either. He much preferred just being with the two of them, no outside stimulation needed.
Kip shut the movie off and went over to the bathroom door. "Dawn? Are you okay?"
"I’m fine," came the muffled response through the door.
"Come out and sit with us," Kip invited. "I turned it off." Kip heard the knob turn and Dawn stepped out. She walked back to the couch and plopped herself on the middle cushion next to Henry. Kip sat on her left.
"I’m sorry I wasn’t into it. It was okay for a while and then I just started comparing myself to that woman and thinking that’s what you wanted from me and I couldn’t take it anymore, Kip."
Kip was shocked. He hadn’t realized it would have that much of an impact on Dawn. "No, I’m sorry. I should have asked. You know I don’t want you any other way than the way you are."
"Neither of us do," Henry supplied. "And to be honest, it wasn’t doing much for me either. I like it when it’s just us."
"I do too," Kip confessed. "I just thought I could spice it up a little. Guess I was wrong."
Dawn shook her head. "You weren’t wrong to try and spice things up," she began.
"Only the way you went about it was wrong," Henry cut in, causing the three of them to laugh, lightening the heavy mood.
"All you really needed to do was ask us how we could spice it up. This…wasn’t it. And that’s okay."
"I’m actually kind of turned on by you still sitting here in that dress," Henry said.
Kip looked down at himself, having completely forgotten he was still wearing the bright pink frock. "You serious?"
"I like it too," Dawn added. "Maybe you can let us help you get the makeup off." To demonstrate what she meant, Dawn leaned over and kissed Kip, transferring some of the light pink gloss on his lips over to hers. Henry was next, taking another layer of pink away from Kip's mouth. And soon they weren’t thinking of the makeup anymore. Or the dirty movie. Just each other.
Clothes finally came off, piling up on the floor beneath them. Fingers trailed over bare skin, causing tickles and laughter, the three of them now fully enjoying one another, their previous worries forgotten. Their moans and sighs mixed together and the teasing never stopped.
Despite a couple awkward positions, they never left the couch when they made love this time, figuring it as good of a place as any in their small apartment. And they remained there after for a time, a mess of tangled limbs, skin pink and sheened with a fine layer of sweat. Dawn rested her head on one side of Kip's chest and Henry rested his on the other. Kip didn’t know what he’d been thinking. Nothing could have improved upon this. This was really primo, and no amount of porn could even come close.
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @borg-queer, @foxesandmagic, @connietheecunning, @chickensarentcheap
Dawn Martin: @dancingwith-sunflowers, @smutember
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skyburger · 3 months
oh i got recommended a video of john romero playing myhouse.wad and i had to think on who he was. i was like "is this the doom guy" so i looked him up and went on his wikipedia page and discovered we have the same birthday... so awesome. ive never known anyone with the same bday as me not even fictional characters except for bill fucking gates 😭😭😭 WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT BILL GATES!!! anyway yes he is in fact the doom guy (and apparently the wolfenstein 3D and quake guy! which i did not know) so me and john romero are birthday buddies now. shoutsout to mr. romero
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graphicpolicy · 7 months
With the Winter Solstice Comes Superpowers! Black Solstice is coming this December
With the Winter Solstice Comes Superpowers! Black Solstice is coming this December #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel
From writers Travon Free and Martin Desmond Roe, the creative team behind the Academy Award-winning short film Two Distant Strangers, joined by artist Aremo Massa, comes a brand-new graphic novel: Black Solstice. This title is set to arrive right on time for the Winter Solstice this December. Last winter solstice, the world was transformed when every Black person in America gained…
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deathsmallcaps · 8 months
Very interesting film, nowhere near as bad as the clickbait title sounds. I hadn’t seen it before tonight. Trigger warnings below the readmore
These are in no particular order
Murder, institutional racism, gun violence, gun-related death, asphyxiation, death by asphyxiation, antiblackness, internal terrorism, sadism, torture
Lots of callbacks to the murders of Black people by cops
Some reviews called it torture and/or trauma porn. I’m not sure how well it fits in that category, considering who it was made for, the people who wrote it, and the fully intentional theme, but I’m no expert.
Also I wouldn’t call this a trigger, but the film was left open ended, which fits but is still sad.
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thebrownees · 10 months
American high school/college football is one big exploitation racket that massively exploits the young men on whose backs the whole system rests.
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floorman3 · 10 months
BS High Review- A Sports Documentary That's Not Too Hard To Believe For Those Who Know About This Sort Of Thing
Football is a billion-dollar industry. It has grown by leaps and bounds since its creation. The last few decades have made it one of the biggest industries in the world. Fans and everyone in between turned professional, college, high school, and youth football into more than just a sport. Everyone wanted their piece of the pie. Including crooks who didn’t care if kids were used in making their…
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