springypaws · 6 months
Another quick & messy jmart drawing cause I’m so sane about them (…there will inevitably be more)
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The image description can be found in the alt text of the image <33333
(Also feel free to lmk if I should move the descriptions here (under the image as a caption), cause I’ve noticed that’s what most people do!!)
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thebookofthefaeries · 2 years
Computer: Please type a password
Martin: *types jon's name*
Computer: Your password is too weak
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leafiot · 2 years
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shes definitely winning
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atelolucid · 3 years
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Mild Spoilers For Magnus Archives
Jon Introducing Martin to everyone in season 5 made me sooo happy!
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toosicktoocare · 4 years
Ya’ll know when you’re waiting for the whole kiss, kiss, fall in love in The Magnus Archives, but there’s no kiss, kiss? 
This is my attempt at fixing the very apparent lack of kiss, kiss in episode 159, The Last. (Spoilers for episode 159.)
The sheer, quivering power of the Eye, of ripping Peter Lukas to static, frayed pieces that disintegrate and fade to nothing, mixes tightly with Jon’s pulsing adrenaline, concoting an almost overwhelming pressure of power that’s steady underneath his heart and mind.
He turns, the echo of his footsteps mingling with a distant pair that soon becomes loud yet lost. 
“Martin.” Jon calls out to Martin, his voice wavering slightly. “He’s gone, Martin. He’s... He’s gone.” Martin’s back is to him, and Jon steps forward, reaching out to Martin, his hand stopping just short of Martin’s shoulder. 
“His only wish was to die alone.” 
Jon’s hand falls, his fingers curling into tight fists at his side. “Now, listen to me, Martin. Listen.” The reverberating roar of compulsion nips at the edges of his tone, but he swallows the pulse of power down, working with his own raw, twisted emotions instead. He lifts his hand once more, grabbing Martin’s shoulder and pulling until Martin’s absently turning to face him. 
“Hello, Jon.” 
Just as before, Martin’s eyes are endless, white pits that are far too hollow and void of life. His face is carefully posied in a neutral, distant look that has Jon digging his fingers hard into Martin’s shoulder. 
“Listen, I know you think you want to be here; I know you think it’s safer, and well... well, maybe it is. But we need you.” Jon’s voice breaks, lips and tongue working thickly around the three, single words he’s been desperately itching to say the moment he woke on a hospital bed. “I need you.”
Martin’s passively still before him, looking but not seeing. “ No, you don’t. Not really. Everyone’s alone, but we all survive.” His words, predictably, come with a lifeless echo that Jon interrupts, unknowingly tapping into a desperate, frustrated plea.
“I don’t want to just survive!” The burst of words come easily, his emotions flipping quickly through his lexicon to form the sentences he doesn’t think he could easily form on any other given day. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Jon lifts his other hand to Martin’s other shoulder, and he digs his fingertips into Martin’s skin, with only a thin shirt stopping the contact of skin. He steps forward, his elbows bending as he shortens the distance until he can feel Martin’s even breaths puffing warm against his face. 
“Martin.” Jon presses, unaware of the inner tremble that’s jerking to his hands. He stares desperately hard into Martin’s vacant, lifeless eyes, searching frantically for any sign of familair life. “Martin, look at me. Look at me and tell me what you see.” The cutting jolt of cumpulsion tiptoes across his tongue, as if teasing him, but this time, Jon welcomes it, if only faintly. 
“I see...” Martin’s voice quivers, shaking similarly to Jon’s hands, and Jon’s breath catches tightly in his throat, air building underneath a growing lump.
The endless white of Martin’s eyes is beginning to darken and fade to familiar colors that Jon wordlessly drinks in with bated breath, relief hesitant. 
“I see you, Jon.” Martin laughs, his distinct echo fading, and then he laughs again, his lips curling upward into a wild and very real smile. 
“I see you.” 
The wall of air pressing against Jon’s rib cage pushes past the lump in his throat, and his entire body sags under the heavy yet very welcome pressure of relief. “Martin.” The smile that crosses his lips is warm yet worringly short-lived when Martin’s breathing hitches before him, his chest rapidly rising and falling in time with the large, pooling tears slipping from his eyes. 
“I... I was on my own. I was all on my own.” 
Jon’s mind falls blank, no words available to ease Martin’s tether to the Lonely, only actions. He steps forward again until the toes of his shoes bump into Martin’s, and he gently leans forward, hands steadying on Martin’s shoulders, and brushes a careful, warm kiss to Martin’s cold lips. 
It feels... impossibly right, Jon thinks. Martin’s lips, warming under his touch, mold perfectly to his, a fautless match of comfort and pressure he melts into. A complete feeling of honest rightness he chases through the easy brush of a kiss.
He pulls away, lips tingling, tasting of Martin, of a warm, present safeness he longs for. 
“Not anymore,” he tells Martin, soft, authentic certainty coloring his tone. “Come on. Let’s go home.” Home, he thinks, one hand slipping down to lace easily into Martin’s. He’s fond of the word, of the scenario that Martin is home. 
“How?” Despite the simple yet heavy question, Martin’s voice is already leaning toward an unwavering trust that Jon solidifies with a tight squeeze of Martin’s hand. 
He turns from Martin, the Eye working to break through the foggy, gray blankness of the Lonely until a wavering path manifests before him. 
“Don’t worry. I know the way.” 
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thebadchoicemachine · 4 years
Jon and Martin ♥️ (and The Ceaseless Watcher)
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statementends · 5 years
Mmmm I’m gonna be super indulgent and ask for jonmartin and asexual? For your prompt thing. Please!
Characters: Jon and MartinPairings: Jon/MartinWarnings: None.AO3: LinkSummary: Martin learns about a bet about his and Jon’s relationship.
“They’re still together. You gotta pay up.”
“Fuck–I mean… it’s great. It’s GOOD and all… but… fuck I didn’t think you’d remember.”
Martin backed up from the door from Melanie and Daisy. He found himself in this situation a lot now. Eavesdropping without meaning to because no one noticed he had come in. Even being free of Peter’s influence he was still a bit… faded from the world. It helped when he was with Jon. When they were together he could never feel lonely. Not anymore. They were… well, they were dating now and… well…
He’d never been happier in his life. Even with all the monsters, and fear, and worry.
He was going to announce himself, he really was but…
“I can’t believe they got past a month,” Melanie grumbled pulling out twenty pounds and handing it over to Daisy who looked smug.
A month was how long him and Jon had been–did they… did they have a bet?! He leaned in to listen not feeling guilty at all now. Really, betting on his love life!?
“I told you,” Daisy said smugly. “They’re in love. It’s sweet.”
“Yeah, yeah. I didn’t think they weren’t in ‘love’ or anything like that.” Martin could hear Melanie’s eye roll. “What I thought was, they’d be incompatible for actually dating. I mean, Jon is so… persnickety.”
“Persnickety?” Daisy snorted.
“He’s a fusspot, don’t try to deny it. And Martin is so needy, I mean–I get it, but even before the thing with Lukas he was a bit… clingy. I don’t doubt they care about each other, I just thought… I don’t know, that after adrenaline wore off they’d annoy each other, or neglect each other. I thought Martin would be too pushy and Jon would be too distant.” Melanie shrugged.
He felt cold. Was he too pushy? Maybe Jon was just tolerating him because of what happened. What if Jon was actually unhappy, but being a martyr because he feels guilty?
A warm hand grabbed his wrist, startling him.
“Martin.” Jon was looking at him up and down, his beautiful piercing dark eyes pinned to him, unblinking. “What’s the matter?”
Martin took a deep breath. Put his free hand over Jon’s. It was later. Melanie and Daisy were gone. How long had he been standing by the door?
“I had to Look for you,” Jon said softly. He squeezed Martin’s wrist, and let it slip into hand holding. Jon rapidly blinked, coming out of his Archivist mode.
Martin’s skin was chilled, but already he was feeling warmer. “I had… a bit of a relapse I guess,” Martin admitted. He paused. “Not that–I’m fine. You don’t have to–I mean–”
Jon was peering at him. Not in his Archivist way, but in his Jon way. Slightly confused, a bit awkward, very curious, and all of it laced with concern. Concern for Martin.
“I just… I heard the others talking about… I just… Jon. You’re not with me just to make me happy, are you?”
Jon’s brows scrunched trying to understand the question. “I mean… yes?”
Martin’s heart dropped. Jon backpedaled seeing his expression.
“That’s how… that’s how relationships work, right?” Jon said quickly. “I know that I’m not the best at it, but that’s–that’s the basic principle isn’t it? I make you happy, and you make me happy, and we’re happy together? Am I not–have I not–Did I do something wrong?”
“No! No, Jon, you’ve been… you’ve been wonderful I… I’m so lucky. I’m so lucky to have you.” Martin squeezed Jon’s hand. Jon still looked a bit upset, unsure.
“I know I’m not …” Jon hesitated. “I know I can’t give you… what a normal relationshi–”
“This is a normal relationship.” Martin reassured. “I mean… besides the spiders, and eyeballs, and disappearing boyfriend. Asexuality is normal. Lots of people are ace.”
Jon snorted. He still wasn’t entirely comfortable with the terminology, but he did like labels. Categorizing was always a comfort to him.
“I just… I don’t want you to be… stuck with someone who doesn’t meet your needs.”
“You do meet them though, Jon. You’re everything.” Martin turned. He was holding both Jon’s hands now, letting Jon gaze at him, so that he could see the truth in him powers or no. “I haven’t been lying to you. I’m the same. I mean… for me sex I can take or leave, but I promise it has nothing to do with that. I was… I was worried I’ve been… too needy in… in other ways.”
Jon blinked once and shook his head. “You haven’t been.” He said plainly. “Not at all. You always ask first… no one else has done that for me.”
Jon was awkward about touches. He had told Martin that he just… wasn’t used to it. That it took a long time for him to get comfortable, and that when people did touch him it tended to end in pain. Martin understood. Every scar on Jon’s body hurt his heart.  He made it a habit to ask first or let Jon make the first move. Jon always had this little smile when he did that. A fondness that heated Martin’s cheeks.
“Where did this all come from, Martin?” Jon frowned. He had gently let go of Martin’s hands and started rubbing them, warming them from the Lonely’s icy touch. “You said you overheard something?”
Martin blushed. It all seemed so stupid now with Jon in front of him, holding him.
“I heard gossip and it… hit close to home. I just… still can’t believe that you actually want me.”
Jon let go of his hands, hesitated, and hugged him. Martin wrapped his arms around Jon encircling the smaller man. God he was so warm. Martin blinked away tears.
“You’re everything,” Jon said, echoing him. “I think… I think we just… fit together.” His cheek was pressed against Martin’s shoulder muffling his words a little.
Martin gently pressed a kiss to the top of Jon’s head. They pulled apart. Jon took his hand again. Both of them were blinking rapidly. Jon rubbed his eyes.
“Let’s go home.”
Martin nodded happily. He walked through the halls with his partner feeling completely there, and whole and content. The others could bet all they wanted, but it would always be a losing bet if they thought Martin would give up Jon for anything.
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sazandorable · 5 years
aza its charlotte,, im gonna be predictable and ask for a jonmartin waltz fic i know i scream about this all the time but ive still not actually seen a fic with this prompt and im mcperishing
(Timeline What Is A Timeline? @Jonny Sims Please Leave Them Even A Sliver Of A Timeframe To Allow For Happy Nonsense Without Completely Disregarding The Canon, WTF
extremely inspired by @iamalivenow’s very very good headcanon)
“Uhm, I’m actually no good at dancing,” Jon says, blinking. On his other side, Tim snickers, comments into his drink something about that not being, in fact, a surprise, which they all ignore.
“Oh, that’s quite all right,” Martin replies without missing a beat, “I am,” and Jon is so blindsided by this display of complete unselfconscious confidence from Martin Blackwood that he doesn’t recover in time to protest Martin tugging him along behind him.
He forgets perhaps too often that Martin, meek, nervous Martin who hates conflict, can also be quite authoritative, stubborn as an entire barren of mules, and a veritable steamroller of understated enthusiasm. Martin doesn’t pull him nor does he force him, yet he still somehow gets Jon all the way to the dance floor with only a, “Oh, it’ll be fun!”
“I do not think so,” Jon points out. He tries to tone down the biting edge; he is unsure whether he succeeds, but either way, Martin seems unaffected.
“I promise I’ll let you go if you tell me it’s really so terrible,” Martin obliges with an indulgent smile, and Jon doesn’t think he intended to manipulate Jon into a position where childish exaggeration would be his only exit, but that’s still the end result. “Okay, we can waltz to this, you should manage that. Hand higher!”
“Am I the woman here?” Jon ironises as Martin rearranges their position.
“Hm? No, we’re both men, aren’t we? But any lower is so inappropriate, sir,” Martin says, with such a straight face Jon isn’t quite sure he’s joking at first. Martin in his element is a strange thing, stranger than the fact that his element is apparently ballroom dancing at work holiday parties.
“Oh, my apologies,” Jon quips back cautiously. “I would not wish to cause a scandal, sir.”
Martin’s face cracks into a giddy grin. “Okay, just follow my lead. You’re going backwards!”
And off they go.
Jon has an existential crisis and questions his entire worldview about once a week at least, at this point. It’s still quite the whiplash to find himself confidently led by his assistant teetering around a room to a tune by, according to Tim’s delighted hollering, Taylor Swift. Not that he can even blame that for his stumbling and stepping on Martin’s foot barely a few steps in.
He doesn’t think he owes any apologies, considering he did warn accordingly, but this seems like the sort of situation that warrants at least a comment, so he mutters over the cheery music: “In case I was too euphemistic: I am quite bad at dancing.”
“Yeah, you really are,” Martin replies, candidly, grinning, and just barely sweeping his foot from under Jon’s before he stomps on it. “But that’s fine, I can work with that, don’t worry. Plus it’s only about having fun!”
“Well, I —”
Martin has straightened out of his usual stooping, and his full height, usually awkward, is ideal for spinning a grown man under his arm. Jon almost trips himself over his own foot, but somehow doesn’t, and Martin keeps him from running into someone else — huh, Tim joined in, grabbed a very pink and laughing Rosie — and whirls him back smoothly.
“Well,” Jon catches his breath, notices the surprise and the speed and the twirling got him smiling instinctively, “it’s all right.”
“How’s your back?”
“Will your back get stuck or hurt if I dip you?”
“Wha— uhm, I don’t think so —”
And Martin sinks down — “Extend your free leg! I’ve got you” — and Jon is already halfway to the floor, staring at the ceiling over Martin’s shoulder, Martin’s hand firm on his back, and Jon doesn’t even have the time to mentally question whether he can trust Martin with that before he gets the clear answer.
Martin is grinning, not smug or even proud, just pure joy, and Jon doesn’t quite get the satisfaction of it, but the thrill of the movements and the absurd lightheartedness of it, yes, that’s easy enough.
Martin hoists him back up easy and fluid, though it’s still a disconcerting lurch and Jon grabs on to him to prevent getting launched into another spin. He goes along with the next one, though.
Whoever has got their hands on the playlist abruptly cuts to a similarly poppy but much faster song, and Martin takes a step back, face scrunching up in thought. “Hm, that’s going to be harder, can’t waltz to that.”
“What a loss,” Jon comments dryly, catching his breath.
Martin smiles, first beaming, then dimming a little, second-guessing. His shoulders lower and he loosens his hold on Jon’s hand, the squeeze suddenly newly awkward. “Sorry. Thank you? That wasn’t... too bad, was it?”
Jon ponders. “It was all right. Still, I think I’d prefer to keep with this anyway, rather than trying something faster. I don’t think I’m cut out for tango.”
Martin bursts out an absolutely inelegant chortle, while gracefully stepping back into a proper embrace. “No, you really aren’t. Waltz to the Spice Girls it is, then!”
A few yards away, Tim is definitely attempting a tango with a Rosie in stitches, so Jon wouldn’t need to worry about looking any more ridiculous than anyone else even if Martin weren’t ensuring that they do rather well, objectively speaking.
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savagehulkstan · 5 years
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blanks at https://twitter.com/ineffmoth/status/1156701799186751488?s=20 and https://twitter.com/VenaCoeurva/status/1156658347711565825
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houlebubo · 3 years
Beloved..... jon....
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xnm8dx · 4 years
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William Karlsson goes between the legs to beat Sharks goalie Martin Jones for a shorthanded goal. 🏒
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springypaws · 6 months
(…Ignore that the drawing’s kinda blurry)
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Image description is in the ALT text <3333
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stupidsexyseguin · 7 years
Two reasons I don't want the stars to completely destroy the sharks
1) martin jones doesn't deserve that
2) he's also on my fantasy team so like don't make his SAA even worse please
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Some of my pinholes will be included in the Rural exhibition at Studio 53 in February 2018. Opening times are as follows:
Open evening - Friday 16th Feb 6pm - 9pm
Sat and Sun 17th and 18th Feb 11am to 5pm
Sat and Sun 24th and 25th Feb 11am to 5pm
For more information visit: https://www.studio53space.co.uk/exhibition-2016
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catgirljudeperry · 3 years
i’m in a little tma discord server and the jonmartin channel is called martinjon and it feels like a parallel universe
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simplywisegirlmama · 7 years
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Martin Jones (#31) Days till I'm back at home with My Peeps & My Boys🦈🏒💙 #MartinJones #SJSharks
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