#maruki adopts akechi au
chatlote · 7 months
Please. Share more info about the maruki adopts akechi au. IM INVESTED
Anything about the PT in this au? Would Akechi meet them? (Drama? Romance?)
Thank you sm for being interested! Theres SO MUCH I can say that I wouldnt be sure where to start so I will focus on the ones you did ask!
The phantom thieves are very much in this universe as well. And Akechi will join them eventually, he approaches them himself when he realizes that maybe Maruki isn't following through their cause properly. He requests them to change Maruki heart along with him for the sake of making sure the world the envision will truly be good. (Obviously this will all blow up into Akechi breaking out of brainwashing as they explore the palace)
I will copy a snippet of my notes about the fact that he is part of Shujin academy as well and how he Joker first meet! And reply to the romance question under cut!
"Akechi would be the vice president of the student council and has a general reputation of being approachable and kind and that venting about your problems to him always helps. He doesn't always use his powers it's just a general he Helps just by listening. The entire school is rumors of how kind and pretty is the counselor and his son. They might not look alike but everyone is like they are so similar it's so true this school will always be at peace with them. Then akiren charges in. And it's not like he brainwashed the whole school so rumors start, it's unpleasant and akechi won't have that its not their goal. He changes the person who started the rumors but that doesn't stop it and they can't make their plans too obvious he can't change everyone so he approaches akiren with the goal of knowing how he is doing if he should just change him into someone 'calm' and maybe the rumors would go away on their own. But he realizes akiren is … harmless and kind? There's nothing there to even rumor about. Maybe it's because akechi is there and he is pretending? He decides he wants to keep in contact he wants akiren to keep in touch to know if he will adjust well if he can give names if someone does something to him and funny enough akiren agrees in a similar reason of, tell me if there seems to be a big person that the students are worried about (so the thieves can change them) Basically they are each other new source of info for side quests. Also joker figures it out after kamoshida because the entire school seems to be Too Calm and Too Okay with what just happened. Something akechi slipped with Morgana there makes him realize Akechi has some powers too and maybe that's why."
As for romance, I'm obviously a shuake fan if you have glanced at my blog. Basically there would indeed be a endgame with the two of them but things are a bit more complicated than that. Because for Akechi to heal and accept himself after Maruki brainwash breaks, he needs Joker to not have loved his pleasant self. Unlike canon it's not like that's a version of him he was just pretending to be, it's a version of him that existed out of his control.
So basically while they have feelings for each other before it a bit, even though Maruki says he shouldnt (making this one of the few things Akechi has picked out of his own free will) and Joker mostly likes him as a friend. Their relationship mostly develops as in a similar way to Sumire Rank5-10, Joker spends time with Akechi figuring out together what 'Akechi' even is as a person, its been all 4 years since he has been under control, and now all he has is Anger and Sadness at his manipulation and forgotten memories that came back. Joker is the one who introduces him to competitive games like darts and shogi this time around. The most validating thing Joker does for Akechi is loving his anger more than his politeness in the end.
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smolstarthief · 4 months
P5 Until Dawn AU
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"O Death, O Death... Won't you spare me over 'til another year?"
Inspiration struck upon remembering this gem of a game (took me a bit to save EVERYONE though!!)! Before I start, some notes to keep in mind:
*Character personalities are primarily determined by player choices in the game generally so as a result the P5 Cast will STAY as their respective canon characterizations.
**Given that you can have the whole main cast survive, this will be based on a no-death run except for characters that do die no matter your choices (Ex: Beth, Flamethrower Guy)
***Some story beats will be changed to better accommodate the characters and their personalities... That and small canon complaints (Josh deserved better... Forever bitter about that)
Now let's dive in
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Characters and traits:
Kasumi Yoshizawa
Protective, Passionate, Cheerful
Sumire Yoshizawa
Shy, Trusting, Dreamer
Ren Amamiya
Caring, Adventurous, Resourceful
Ryuji Sakamoto
Loyal, Empathetic, Humorous
Ann Takamaki
Bold, Peppy, Playful
Yusuke Kitagawa
Eccentric, Creative, Blunt
Makoto Niijima
Studious, Brash, Thoughtful
Futaba Sakura
Intelligent, Introverted, Mischievous
Haru Okumura
Ambitious, Loving, Strong
Goro Akechi (Adoptive Brother of the sisters and the oldest)
Complex, Withdrawn, Motivated
Zenkichi Hasegawa
Driven, Inquisitive, Rational
Akane Hasegawa
Rash, Impulsive, Childish
Sophia Amamiya
Curious, Bubbly, Innocent
****I couldn’t figure out a role for Sophia now matter how hard I tried so her being a little sibling to Ren it is!
Flamethrower Guy- Iwai (Sadly doesn’t survive the story, his motivation for hunting Wendigos is tied to Kaoru though)
Dr. Hill- Dr. Maruki (Starts out patient and empathetic but then grows more unhinged and assertive as the story progresses)
Other Plot Info:
+Zenkichi was hired by the Yoshizawas to investigate the disappearance of the twins on the side along with chaperoning due to his occupation and being a family friend (he was passed out drunk with Akechi at the time of the incident and wants to make up for his mistake). He decides to bring Akane with him in an attempt to bond with her before she enters High School (Aoi is still dead).
+Potential Pairings- PegoRyu and YuMako
Full Plotline still a W.I.P. but so far:
-Akechi was an orphan who was adopted by the Yoshizawas, he immediately grew attached and protective of his new sisters (which naturally becomes warped due to grief)
-Sumire develops a crush on Ren when she gets introduced to the group, he sadly doesn’t return them and sees her as a close friend. Like Hannah, she gets a tattoo of a butterfly at one point.
-As previously mentioned, Zenkichi is a family friend and would often join their getaways with Aoi and Akane until the former’s passing and the latter growing distant from him. After that he mostly chaperones.
Prologue- One Year Ago
-The context for this particular getaway is celebrating Haru, Akechi, and Makoto graduating High School with the others entering either their 2nd or 3rd years.
-The prank is given slightly different context but still not good at all. It’s not out of any pettiness or spite but they thought it would be “funny” somehow (they quickly learn that it really wasn’t and are quick to feel ashamed).
-Ren actually starts to have second thoughts about it and was going to try to stop Sumire but the others give themselves away before he could. Sumire naturally feels upset and betrayed as she impulsively runs off.
-Kasumi meanwhile, catches wind of something being up and briefly sees Sumire run by through a window. She tries to wake a passed out Akechi and Zenkichi but fails, prompting her to investigate.
-The others head out the door, calling after her in concern. Kasumi questions them and when they admit what they did, she gets furious with them and goes to find her sister (they briefly consider going after both of them but feel like that they were the last people they’d want to see (Sumire especially))
-Fast forward to Kasumi finding Sumire, they hear a loud noise and run for it. They get cornered at the end of a cliff and slip, Kasumi being able to grab a branch and catch Sumire.
-A strange person looks down at them, appearing to reach for them. Kasumi panics and lets go, both girls falling into the cave below.
One year later and the real story starts:
Dr. Maruki: So, you have committed to commence with this 'game'. This is significant. And I want to help you see it through. Sometimes... Sometimes these things can be a little scary... Even terrifying... But I am here to make sure that no matter how upsetting things may get, you'll always find a way to work through it.
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That's about it so far guys! I'll admit I had a lot of fun with this one!
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justdalek · 3 months
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Part one of the Phantom Thieves for the Crusaders au
More info + Gor(e)o Akechi below cut
Ren (Amamiya) Kitagawa
Husband of Ryuji and Yusuke, father of Hikari
Arcana: The World
Persona (Main): Arsene
Still the Wildcard
Has the ability to physically curse anyone in and outside the Metaverse when it opens up again
Works as a Child Service agent to help properly rehome children who were put up for adoption
Became a vigilante hero to save kids from abusive situations after the Metaverse shut down (prior to its second opening)
He is happy to be a model for Yusuke or a consultant for Ryuji
Hikari is closest to him due to his calm demeanor
The only time he lost his temper in front of his daughter was when she was rushed to the hospital after a bad battle in Mementos and Morgana did not inform Ren what actually happened until a few days later (he thought Hikari went missing)
He is still very much a troll when he wants to be
Ryuji (Sakamoto) Kitagawa
Husband of Ren and Yusuke, father of Hikari
Arcana: Chariot
Persona: Captain Kidd
Fully lost his right leg after a bad car accident shattered his femur bone (Ren nearly sued the other driver out of sheer anger that Ryuji couldn’t get his leg back once and for all)
Became a Paralympic for Japan’s track team
He has won 2 gold and 3 silver medals before retiring to become a track coach for one of the high schools
He loves racing Ren in the evenings and being Yusuke’s model in the early morning
Was surprised that Hikari took an interest in skating, but was fully behind her (he fell many times on the ice)
Nearly became a helicopter parent because he was worried that he’d end up like his father, but Ren and Yusuke made sure to remind him that he is not a repeat and that Hikari needs her own space
After the Metaverse opens again, he has the ability to generate electricity by himself, causing several accidental power outages
Yusuke Kitagawa
Husband of Ren and Ryuji, father of Hikari
Arcana: Emperor
Persona: Goemon
Uses his art to inspire people to be their best self
Cried happy tears when Ren and Ryuji asked to take on his last name
Created a self portrait of the current Kitagawa family after Hikari’s arrival (with much encouragement from Ren and Ryuji)
Had a rather hard time bonding with Hikari at first due to remembering how rough his own life got with Madarame, as well as wondering if he is living up to his mother’s expectations
That changed when Hikari (and later Ryuji) had an honest conversation with him about how he’s doing fine and that he shouldn’t be thinking too hard about it
Hikari gets much closer with him after that, and especially after she takes an interest (later hobby) in pottery
Very much makes sure that his family has all Japanese traditional outfits for the proper occasions (especially Ryuji)
Yusuke gains the ability to generate ice after the Metaverse opens a second time. He has to be mindful about his body temperature as he could accidentally freeze an entire floor or person he comes in contact with
Goro Akechi
Arcana: Justice
Persona: Robin Loki
The last remnant of his soul that somehow existed after Dr. Maruki’s reality/Palace was destroyed
He has only one goal: Destroy the Metaverse permanently
His personas are a mutated fusion since Akechi hasn’t fully passed on
Joins the Phantom Crusaders under the guise that he is a mentor for them
Surprisingly becomes a sort of uncle figure to Hikari and Fuyuki
Loves to get under Ren’s skin
Yes, he’s still petty
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wispexists · 1 year
P5R PMD AU because i am insane!!!
So I have many a thought in my head and with Spike Chunsoft dangling the idea of a new Mystery Dungeon entry in front of my face this past week I have more thoughts. Especially about the Mystery Dungeon AU's I create with every fandom I join.
So um Persona 5 PMD au (with some visuals).
Also this will contain major spoilers for Persona 5 Royal and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.
First, this is a rewrite of PMD Super, because I will not write a new story for this and also because I always see Explorers get the crossover au/rewrite treatment (as it should tbh) and we gotta switch it up!! Now with the main plot not really changing we can jump into the characters.
1. The Heros
The hero role is filled both by Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi, both being human and both losing their memories respectfully after being isekai'd into a foreign world. These bitches gay, so I think it's funny to throw them into another god killing situation.
The role stays true to the plot, get chased by Beheeyem, get adopted, join the guild, etc. it would just have more banter between characters in between.
At first you may think, "Wouldn't Zorua fit better? Isn't that the black and red trickster Pokémon that fits the overall aesthetic really well? Wouldn't it have been cool for an Akiren that could summon fake illusion personas???" Because I thought the same things until I realized I cannot draw Zorua!
I also think even though Floragato doesn't really fit aesthetically, it fits in every other aspect of joker persona. Silly little jester cat.
I also thought Zorua would be too much of an awkward fit in the group just, vibes man, he's too small. Once you see my other picks you'll get it. You get silly little jester cat take it or leave it.
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I also made him shiny because it matches his color pallete. Literally easiest decision in the world. I was originally going to go with rookidee but again, too small.
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2. The partner
You thought these bitches were doing this shit alone?? NO!! THEY NEED A SILLY FRIEND!! WHO ELSE TO PUT IN THE ROLE OF THE WEIRD ADOPTED ORPHAN THAN WEIRD ADOPTED ORPHAN FUTABA SAKURA!! Also going forward no other character is human, very important pmd shit.
Similarly to the p5 plot, Futaba is still grieving her mom while getting adopted by Sojiro. Wakaba died in an "unfortunate accident" while doing research for a guild on the grass continent. The last thing left in Futaba's possession is her harmony scarf. Unlike p5, Futaba didn't actually see her mom die since she was in Serene Village while her mom was doing research. She still somewhat blames herself for her mother's death but is motivated to find the truth behind it.
Futaba's social anxiety would prevent her from joining a proper exploration team, until of course she gets two new neighbors that are reminded of someone in her and feel obligated to help (THE HEROS FROM BEFORE IN CASE YOU DIDNT GET THAT). Also in Super, the partner doesn't join a team because everyone fucking hates them and I thought wow! That's way too mean! And not in character!! So I changed that.
Anyways JOLTIK FUTABA, SMALL CREATURE. The only one allowed to be teeny tiny.
I originally was planning to go with a Dewpider since I knew for a fact that I wanted her to be a bug type but then I saw Joltik and thought "wow, this bitch has so much mischievous energy" and it stuck.
She'd probably run a support build of some kind in preparation to be backup.
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3. Nuzleafs replacement
Takuto Maruki.
If you thought anyone but him I would tell you to replay Super Mystery Dungeon BECAUSE I THINK IT FITS SO WELL.
Also because it's weird that Nuzleaf was like unemployed, I also made Maruki Audinos replacement as the school nurse. He can be in a weird cult and work at the school at the same time.
Yes Maruki is the one who sends our protagonists to hell! After his childhood friend Rumi never truly recovered from an accident, Maruki turned to the help of Yveltal, believing that the limbo-like state is better than suffering for a lifetime. This happiness can be easily achieved if only he had a human that could destroy the barrier on Revelation Mountain, then their plan would be foolproof..
Also important to note that actualization doesn't exist because personas and the metaverse wouldn't exist in Pokémon.
FURRET MARUKI SHAKES YOU. His ass looks normal until he STABS YOU IN THE BACK!!
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4. Classmates
Ok I got a little burnt out at this point so I don't have references for these ones but the gist is they're literally just the Shujin guys. None of them would join the exploration team (sorry :() but they would still get little side stories. I also tried to match certain characters with their metaverse powers as a little silly.
Ann: Braixen. Literally makes so much sense. Strong girlboss fire wizard like get it queen!! Fuck yeah!
Ryuji: Luxio but specifically with rivalry instead of intimidate purely because it's funny.
Makoto: Houndour. Honestly went with this because of vibes and also because she counters and covers Haru's weaknesses because I am a Makoharu stan frfr.
Haru: Galarian Ponyta. See Makoto.
Mishima: Please suggest a Pokémon for Mishima. I do not have one.
Shiho: also up for suggestions
Sumire: Eevee. Since actualization doesn't exist, she still knows she's Sumire, but is still strongly advised by Maruki to follow in her sisters footsteps considering she trained her entire life as a performer, why shatter your dreams and pursue something that has the chance to bring you pain? Specifically replaces Espurr in this au since she's being manipulated by Maruki.
Yusuke: Alolan Vulpix. Not part of the school, he lives in Lively Town with Madarame, but he gets included on this list because I have no where else to put him.
Morgana: Purrloin. Isn't in this story like at all because he got arrested for crime. Thought I'd include him anyways.
5. Extra thoughts
I have a few more characters that I know for sure are going to be here. Every change of heart is going to happen but they would most likely get arrested instead (cause no metaverse).
This really is just a self-indulgent mashup of P5 and PMD. The characters still generally keep their arcs even if they aren't as important, the overall plot is just that of PMD Super.
And that about wraps it up for now! If you made it this far, I love you, mwah. Also please please please send any questions because I am writing this in the middle of the night and I KNOW I probably missed something and I really just want to share this silly au. Thank you for reading!
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randomkposts · 2 years
The PTs on the possiblity of being the black mask in some other AU
Ryuji:- low. I can't really see it from him. He's probably got the strongest family support at the start of the game and it stays steady. For all he can get mad, it doesn't usually stay a grudge, and I can't see him easily getting into assassin work. Not without changing his character a lot. 
Ann:- low, slightly higher then Ryuji, as shown with Kamoshida when she seriously considered vengeful murder. No family at home to fool would mean an easier time sneaking out, but overall I don't see her inclined that way. And not a lot of angles to push, save maybe Shiho somehow
Yusuke:- low. I can't really see under what circumstances it could happen under for the most part, unless the circumstances for Makoto. Still, he's got too much pride to easily agree to that. 
Makoto:- low in initial circumstances. Makoto's pretty big on following the rules. In some AU where Sae was to young to become her guardian when her father died (their closer in age), and that featherman game Wakaba theory is true, would change things. A Makoto who is doing assassinations for money to keep her family together while hating what she has done, could potentially be an interesting character exploration. 
Futaba:- highest,if we AU a bit. Instead of depression after her mothers death she goes for anger. After all, without Goro its far more blatantly Not an accident. One day, a man who sees her potential offers her a deal, I can get you out of there, if you kill this person for me. She has a gun, and her relatives are shit, and it becomes too much. So goes, and finds the person in the metaverse and kills them. The next day money exchanges hands, and she is an adopted daughter and metaverse assassin. She has a very interesting relationship with Goro Akechi. 
Maybe part of why I want it high, is because a navigator hacker assassin would be an interesting thing to explore. 
Haru:- hmm, medium. Before her betrayal, she wanted to do things to make her father happy. What if, she meets Shido, and notices she has metaverse potential. He does have a connection with the god of mementos, as talked about in his boss fight. Her father wants to curry favor with Shido. He tells her to do what he wants. It helps, that doing so means no fiance. Reluctance means that no one will divert his attention from her at parties. 
She has enough potential to be able to go into the metaverse without a fully realised persona, and take on phansite requests, which probably means she got away with using an axe and rocket launcher. She finds her justice when she reaches the point where she would go through with a betrayal. She is biding her time.
Sumire:- low, but I'm willing to find a potential. Through the power of belief and Marukis persona, she changed her sense of self . What if that could be manipulated and changed by other powers.
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lolo3hwriting · 3 days
Persona 3/4/5 Fic Recommendations
A list of persona fics from ao3 that I particularly like and highly recommend to others. Not in any particular order
Daredevil, You’ve Hit A Wall - P5 Strikers where Sumire and Akechi appear in the story. One of my favorites, mostly focuses on Joker but has perspectives from all of the phantom thieves and lots of introspection. Also has a sequel for P5 Tactica
By @/ez-cookie on tumblr
Pleasant Boy - P5 Royal where Akechi gets taken by Maruki and turns into the polite detective prince, with the phantom thieves trying to revert him.
By @/ez-cookie on tumblr
The Definition of Insanity - P3 Timeloop where P3 Protag is stuck in a timeloop with Ryoji. One day, Kotonoe shows up and throws everything off
By @/BkZa555 on twitter
Double the Hope - P5 and P4 crossover where Yu helps Akria by erasing his criminal record and they take down the conspiracy together 
By Novirp13 on ao3
Is That Really How the World Should Be? - P5 and P4 crossover, Ren took Yaldaboath’s deal and the Investigation Team/Shadow Operatives comes together to figure out what’s going on
By Aurelius_Carlan on ao3
I’m Sitting Right Behind You (And Definitely Not Peeking) - A P4 and P5 crossover chatfic/regular fic where Rise is Joker’s classmate and watches the events of the P5 game unfold, with a few twists
By @/prettypinklass on tumblr
Someone Else’s Soul - Joker summons DLC personas and speaks with their original owners in his dreams. Sweet and hilarious at the same time
By @/prettypinklass on tumblr
Marigolds - P5 Akechi gets sent back in time to get another chance at life after dying in the boiler room. Has his own fool’s journey complete with new social links and palaces. A very long fic, but all of it is very good
By Colbub on ao3
Leave Out All The Rest - Part of a NG+ protagonist au where the P3/4/5 protags go back in time. In this instance, Ren is genderfluid and adopts Akechi and tries to be a good parent. Also part of a whumptober 2020 collection that is also pretty good
By Missingwings on ao3
Life, Death, and the Events Between - Collection of fics from Ryomina week 2023. I particularly like Days 3/5, themed around a flower gifts leading up to a date and a school drama play respectively
By Missingwings on ao3
Can Shadows Find Love in the TV World? - P4 Shadow Kanji and Yu have a sweet conversation with each other. Author also has several other fics about the shadows interacting with each other 
By Unknown_Art on ao3
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carrioncrowes · 5 months
wip tag
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it and/or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was not TECHNICALLY tagged by @unrivalling but I am tagging myself because I would like to scream. Anyone who wants to do it as well can consider yourselves tagged!!
Yes most of these are about Akechi, mind your BUSINESS. A few of these are just outlined, but I would happily scream about them all the same (I'm also keeping it limited to fanfics instead of OW)
Persona 5
Akechi & Maruki third semester angst
Akechi character study
Maruki adopts Akechi AU
Shuake accomplice AU
Gillou NTR kidnapping fic
Tadashi Is Dead character study
Code Geass
Suzalulu dubcon angst
Death Note
Lawlight Gay Chicken
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ghost-chi · 6 months
guyssssss i'm thinking. about a persona 5 swap au that only exists in my head.....
I did not just make this au bc i wanted to see akechi in hacker clothes and be good at hacking
Akechi > futaba's role | Akira > black mask
Futaba > protagonist role | Yusuke > Ann's role
Ann > ryuji's role | Makoto > haru's role
Ryuji > yusuke's role | Haru > sumire's role
Sumire > Makoto's role | Morgana > the same (I FORGOT HE EXISTED)
Zenkichi > the same | Sophia > the same
There will be akechi X akira and probably makoto X haru and ann X shiho Feel free to send me asks about this btw
anyways here's the rough draft for the plot
futaba and akechi are half siblings (fathers side), after akechi's mom dies he gets adopted by wakaba and sojiro > wakaba dies and akechi becomes a hermit (og futaba's story) > futaba becomes the leader of the phantom thieves > they change akechi's heart > akechi and akira meet > cue the gay meetings > black mask akira moment > uhhhhhh akira redemption > maruki's fake reality arc™ featuring haru in sumire's role > Strikers ? maybe?
i really want to write this so like it may take a while bc i have horrible motivation and adhd
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luuxxart · 2 years
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they’re not exes, but they know each other.
(fic is by @suspectunderinvestigation !)
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muzzleroars · 4 years
Au were the Yoshizawas adopt Goro two years before P5/P5R but Goro still becomes Black Mask but in a different way/different motives and while Sumire has more support form Akechi she still becomes “Kasumi”. Akechi hiding his second job from his sister. He despises Maurki from the beginning and is disappointed in Sumire. Just Akechi and Sumire being siblings and willing to die and kill for each other.
GOD i just really wish there was more interactions between the two of them, that they had any decent connection at all tbh. i kno i keep complaining about it, but it felt really weird to sell akira, goro, and sumire as the royal trio when...goro and sumire have very little to actually do with each other, and there’s only one point in the game in which your team consists only of them where goro and sumire get a majority of their interactions. i mean the guidebook even says that goro really feels nothing toward sumire, SO IT JUST LEFT ME PUZZLED TBH (and also the love triangle comment about them...ig they just meant both goro and sumire love akira??? IDK!!!!) so that’s a roundabout why of saying i like any au that gives these two a deeper connection and just like. goro not being entirely sure what’s happened to sumire to make her change so much after going to see that therapist ONE time, like all of her grief has vanished and suddenly she’s tying her hair up like kasumi, taking off her glasses like kasumi...honestly, you’d think her dad would have been ????? over such a drastic and troubling change. and it’s like she’s just fully embraced her sister’s identity, at first all of it seeming like a bizarre way of coping but something isn’t right, not with the way she talks about her sister and how suddenly, she’s not so confident in her cooking and the skills that sumire had. he doesn’t trust whatever maruki did with her, and he digs up dirt on him to figure out what his history is and...a cognitive pscience researcher. it pisses him off IMMEDIATELY, hating that maruki obviously took some easy way out with sumire, that he somehow manipulated her cognition and placed her under the impression that she’s kasumi. he has no idea if she willingly let herself become this or if he did it insidiously, but either way sumire too has taken the easy way out of mourning her sister. but what can he do? he’s stuck where he’s at knowing nothing of maruki and not wanting to stray out of his work due to the kinds of complications it would cause...and he already has more than enough of that. so he just has to bide his time, watching sumire live her life as kasumi instead, nothing he says able to break her out of her fantasy - but honestly, since maruki’s method is unknown, he’s not even confident that dispelling the illusion would be safe for sumire. a lot of story points from p5r could then be kept the same even, all leading up to when akira, goro, and sumire confront maruki in his palace and goro finally learns what happened to his sister BC LIKE...there would be so much good emotional payoff: goro realizing sumire’s situation and the extent of her pain, as well as sumire coming to terms with who goro really is. it would give both of them a nice arc relating to other main characters that aren’t akira, a brother and sister that have grown distant reconciling and moving forward to accept who both of them truly are. I JUST WISH THEY WOULD HAVE GIVEN THEM SOMETHING LIKE THIS PLS ATLUS....
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
Okay new P5 AU idea that's may be triggering 4 some (also a bit of p5r spoilers)
Okay so I've been in a psychiatric hospital (only short term tho) before and I'm clearly in a Mood so here's this idea okay so
Joker is in the hospital 4 alleged anger issues, suspected depression, anxiety, and like everything that comes w PTSD (probably dissociation save him) and he is under house arrest for trying to 'assault' strangers and then trying to escape home so he's got that ankle thing that freaks people out. Hes in for Gov assigned therapy basically. Calling his parents is Bad and sojiro adopts him by the time he gets out.
ryuji is also in for anger issues and depression. Hes one of those sweethearts who encourages everyone else in the group but struggles to show what hes really feeling bout himself. His mom sent him in out of worry that he would hurt himself.
ann in the hospital because she attempted to murder somebody (we know who) after he tried to have sex w her. She is angry and sad and guilty about Shiloh. Shes probably be the first to get out bc she is so so good about herself but she did almost kill a man so...
shiho would also be there but she is in the hospital hospital so :((
Mishima is there for his overwork, anxiety, and general unhealtyness :(
Morgana is the sneaky therapy cat that vanishes when those techs aren't looking. Morgana spends a lot of time with Joker and futaba
Futaba is there she's the youngest in the group and is it I mean it's the same stuff from the game agoraphobia and very anxious and suicidal and having hallucinations she wouldn't talk to anybody until joker was admitted
Makoto would be in for anxiety mostly about school and probably panic disorder (like i was lol) shes probably struggles w self confidence bc of sae. The school nurse sent her to the hospital
yusuke is in because he doesn't understand how to take care of himself so probably in for like depression and recovery from abuse. I imagine his dorm manager found him holed up in his room.
Haru might be in for like panic disorder and maybe like grief and some violent tendencies probably threatened Sugimura and yeah
we know why akechis there and boy that's rough
we also know why Sumi is there and she is buddies with futaba
kawakami and Maruki are the are the tech/therapists at the hospital there's also more like chihaya would be one of those meditation therapists that come in once a week.
takemi would be a nurse the people who give out medicine there we go
Not all of them go to school together and I would imagine this long term hospital is the closest to where joker lives (I had a lot of kids from different states in my group so yeah)
Yusuke loves the art therapies but he hates that there only allowed markers. Futaba would have trouble going to group therapies a lot and she uses her daily phone call just to listen to sojiro talk about his cafe and whatever. She misses her electronics.
Ann calls shiho everyday
This is all I got. For now
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smolstarthief · 2 years
An AU idea crossposted from Twitter!
So... It all started with me thinking about the "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" sequence from Frozen but with Zenkichi and Akane and I guess it evolved into an AU somehow with Akane as Anna and Zenkichi as Elsa? Oops! 😅
Also, just imagining Zenkichi with white hair and an Elsa like outfit (but more based off his Metaverse attire a bit) is oddly surreal too. XD
But anyways:
The basic premise since it would be different: Zenkichi is a king born with ice powers and was happily married to Aoi with a daughter. One night while playing, Zen accidentally hurts Akane and is horrified despite Aoi not blaming him for it. They find help and was told that it was lucky that she didn't get struck in the heart or it could have been fatal. Her memories are rewritten to forget about Zen's powers for her safety while he figures out a way to control them properly. Naturally, it all goes south from there as his anxieties grow worse and worse as Akane gets older. Then Aoi dies along with her family so they're both completely alone which leads to further distance and estrangement. Especially since Akane doesn't understand why her father suddenly wants nothing to do with her despite being such a loving parent before that. She then comes of age and he decides to pass the crown to her while secretly planning to leave for her sake. I think we all know what happens at that party though along with the rest of the plot.
Zenkichi's royal attire would be as follows: Before the incident with Akane and Aoi's death, he would be wearing shades of blue. Afterwards and in the present, it would change to blacks and greys. His hair would also be tied in a ponytail along with wearing black gloves. Basically shows how much he had shut himself out along with mourning for Aoi since she helped keep him grounded and putting up a false mask for himself. After getting exposed and running away, he changes to an attire reminiscent of Elsa's but more based on his Metaverse attire and his hair is down and loose. He keeps that look the rest of the time.
I was thinking maybe Futaba as Kristoff because... FutaKane and maybe Akiren acting as an adopted brother for her. Mona would definitely be Olaf for sure!
Maybe the rest of the PTs would be either remaining Palace staff and/or nobles that are close to the Hasegawas.
But ohh boy... Akechi would fit as Hans but with a twist, the plan wasn't entirely his idea but rather Shido's. Hey, half-brothers HC for him and Zenkichi! He wanted the throne but Zen was named the heir instead despite the fact that A: He was a "freak" in his eyes and B: He was the oldest and therefore more worthy of it. You could say Zen was a bastard child too but not sure yet.
But yeah, he has Akechi and the moment he learned of Akane's coronation, he decided to take an opportunity to pair them up and use Akechi as a puppet king for himself before potentially ending all their lives. Zen's powers being outed was unplanned though but he also seized that opportunity to demonize him before finally killing him himself to look like a hero who stopped the endless winter. He even planted seeds of doubt in Akane's mind during the party before it all blew up.
I really want to include Maruki somehow but I haven't figured that one out yet so this is gonna take some thought.
Naturally, it's platonic familial love that undos everything since Akane would still save Zen's life after Shido's manipulation leaves him vulnerable.
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hemlockd · 4 years
so my wishlist for now is
- to use my shadow akechi in any way shape or form. he will attempt to kick your muse’s ass. he will attempt to kick anyone’s ass. he will, most likely, kick his own ass,
- maruki & sumi interactions because god they have a LOT to talk about
- sumi/futaba as classmates at shujin that are both very shy but late become besties and ultimate sources of support for each other
- ryuuji and sumi as ultimate heart-of-gold airhead jock buddies. i do not take constructive criticism
- makoto and akechi brotp consisting exclusively of makoto spraying akechi with a water bottle when he’s being an asshole
- sae and akechi brotp that is basically the same thing but with a mentor dynamic
- komahinanami, safe and with a hard-earned happy ending. that is all.
- ouma/togami/komaeda brotp, “the v3 cast is another set of remnants” au, they are the three people on jabberwock that everyone avoids like the plague so they flock together
- let ko adopt your warriors of hope muses he is very much not reliable but he Care Them....
- tsumiki/komaeda brotp because god they have a lot in common and see through each other like GLASS.
- junko and komaeda having a one-sided rivalry. komaeda is like “ah, my arch nemesis!!” and junko is like “lmao who the fuck r u”
- future foundation trio, same thing as komahinanami but with absolute lethal bitch vibes. look at them. i’m so proud of them
- kork gathering the entire v3 cast in a semicircle and telling them scary stories
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ao3feed-p5-boyslove · 4 years
by AGiantNerd
"He moved his hand over to pick up the phone, looking away from the window, though he was compelled not to, like a sudden urge saying “don’t look away.” He looked back up quickly as he grabbed his phone and saw him.
The man who was presumed to be missing, the one Maruki told him was dead.
It was Goro Akechi.
He was alive and well, walking with two other men."
(Or Akira adopts Akechi the fic. Beta read by my discord friend Bean! Thanks bean!)
Words: 1525, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Discord AUs that I am working on
Fandoms: Persona Series, Persona 5, Persona 4
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Akechi Goro, Kurusu Akira, Morgana (Persona Series), Takamaki Ann, Niijima Makoto, Kitagawa Yusuke, Sakamoto Ryuji, Sakura Futaba, Okumura Haru, Narukami Yu, Investigation Team (Persona Series), Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Kurusu Akira Mom, Kurusu Akira Dad
Relationships: Akechi Goro/Kurusu Akira, Akechi Goro/Amamiya Ren, Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist, Kurusu Akira & Phantom Thieves of Hearts
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Akechi Goro Lives, Akira Kurusu needs therapy, Akechi Goro needs therapy, Honestly they all need therapy, Goro lives with Akira, Slow Burn, Maybe - Freeform, I don't know I haven't wrote romance before, First Persona fic, Akira's mom is bayonetta but also not at the same time, A fic where Akira's parents aren't assholes? Impossible, Goro faked his death so Shido's men don't find him, Beta Read!
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