marveinator · 1 year
Bad Idea Bella Ramsey x fem!oc (original character)
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inspired by "Bad Idea" by girl in red (after part one) masterlist
This story is complete imagination and how Bella acts here is probably not how they would act irl. They/them pronouns used for Bella. pairing: Bella Ramsey x fem!oc (Mina Willow Lane) word count: 2.4k summary: You and Bella have been childhood friends, but broke off contact because of their acting career. Will your paths ever meet again? a/n: I´ve had this obsession with girl in red for a while now and of course with Bella so... here yall go! I hope many people read this story, because I am again putting my whole heart into this. And I figured since I basically already read all the Bella fics existing, I´d just write my own. Enjoy! I will try to make the chapters as long as possible so that I don´t have to post so many parts and yall can read the story faster! (Don´t be mad I simply but Pedro in the hashtags because he´s a part of the story) chapter warnings: nickname calling, ig that´s it? next chapter: Bella and Mina decide to go to a party as friends- but are they leaving it like this again?
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I closed my laptop. I had just finished watching an interview of Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal. Not only because I was so interested in the series "The last of us", but also because… well. Long story.
I knew Bella. Well, at least I used to. I don't know what they´re like now…. but I'm trying to find out by watching all these videos about them. I miss our friendship a lot.
When we were little, our parents were very good friends and so we always played together. However, when they turned 11, their career went on and on and we broke off contact. They were too busy and now we really had no contact at all, especially since their new series.
I read through the comments under some tiktoks about them and realized how many girls admired Bella. Not only because of their acting, no, also as a person. For whatever reason, I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I wanted to go out and scream loudly "I know Bella Ramsey in person!" just so- I don't even know why. I knew all these girls probably had no contact with Bella, and to be exact, I was one of them too.
It just hurt to lose friends. I missed how Bella would still send me videos every now and then of them practicing their guitar, or when we would have a pie-eating contest together when we were 8. I missed their brown eyes and their beautiful hair. Which, as I had now noticed, was a lot shorter.
But Bella was without a doubt still beautiful. Even more beautiful than I remembered, to be exact.
Sometimes I wondered if they still knew that I even existed. My Bella would never forget me, they were outgoing and cheerful. But were they still like that? What if they had changed? I probably wouldn't even find out.
I turned over in my bed with a sigh. For a few months now, I no longer lived with my parents, but in a small apartment on the outskirts of London.
I grabbed my phone from the table besides my bed and decided to go a bit on Instagram. Only to find a new post of Bella on my home feed. They posted a few behind the scenes pics of their new short film “Requiem” which I had obviously already watched. I sighed and liked the post.
This is how it had been for years. I went on their Instagram, liked the new posts and it went unnoticed by Bella. Of course, they probably got thousands of notifications a day, but still, it made me a bit sad. Almost seemed like they completely forgot about me.
Sometimes I wanted to post something just to see if they would like it- but on the other hand I knew that if they wouldn´t, I´d be heartbroken.
I sighed and switched off my phone, after seeing it was already 11 pm. Usually I stayed up longer, but today I felt extra exhausted. Which didn´t make any sense, I mean I stayed at home the entire day.
That´s what I do most of the time. Normally I work at a small café, but it´s currently closed because they are fixing some stuff in there. I´ve been looking for a new job for the few weeks while it´s closed, but everybody said they only would accept me if I would stay. And I love the café I work at too much and having two jobs isn´t an option right now, so- whatever.
The boss said they´d probably open again in 2 weeks- which was 3 weeks ago. I honestly didn´t know what to do because I did slowly run out of money… I just hoped they would open as soon as possible again.
*1 week later*
I didn´t even know if it was legal that I wasn´t even paid while the café was closed (because that seriously wasn´t my fault?) but I managed to handle everything and was back at work again now.
I wiped all the tables clean; we would open soon. I already saw some people outside patiently waiting, so many loved this place.
Not going to lie, I mean the drinks were good, the workers were friendly, and the little muffins were worth coming here.
After we finished preparing everything, I nodded at my coworker Jamie, and he opened the door.
3 hours later the whole café was full, except for one table. This was good, maybe I would get a lot of tips today. I thanked an older couple who just paid and went over to the next table. “Hey, what can I get for you?”, I asked as I looked up from the wallet where I had just put the money in. You gotta be shitting me.
“Mina? Oh my god, you´re the last person I thought I would see here!”
It was Bella.
Bella fucking Ramsey was sitting on the table in front of me.
What is this, a fucking movie? I surely doubt that.
“Hi, Bella”, was all I managed to say. Bella smiled from one side to the other and happily jumped up from their chair to hug me. It hit me all of the sudden and so I awkwardly hugged back. Bella seemed to notice that I was quite surprised about their sudden action, because they replied with a short “Shit, sorry, that was a bit- out of nowhere…”
They sat down again and looked up at me. We were almost the same height; I was just a little bit shorter. I know, I was tiny or something. Sorry.
“Uh- how have you been? Oh wait- I´m probably interrupting you and your work- uh… Can you recommend anything that is vegan?” I looked at them. Seeing them in real life after such a long time was insanely weird but amazing at the same time. “I´ve been alright I guess, and no worries, they won´t mind if I stay here a minute longer than I should. Well, we have normal juices that are probably vegan, but also, I love the vegan version of our hot chocolate or the iced coffee”, I replied.
Bella smiled again and nodded. “Choose one of those for me, I don´t mind which one, it´s your choice.” I agreed and went to get them a drink. I decided to serve them the iced coffee, I loved it a lot. When it was done, I made sure to decorate it a bit, just because it was for Bella. I know, you shouldn´t prefer any customers, but… could you blame me? I just met my childhood best friend (who is also like- really famous now) after years of no contact again.
With this in mind, I went over to the “boss” of the café, Brian. “Hey, uh, would you mind if I-“ He nodded, without even letting me finish my sentence. “You´re free for today, I figured out it was them.” I had told Brian everything about Bella because overtime we grew closer. Not in any romantic way though, I mean he was a 45-year-old married man, and I was definitely a lesbian (he also knew that). I smiled as I thanked him before running of to Bella (not forgetting their iced coffee of course).
I asked if I could sit down a bit, and they said yes. “So- you just got free for today? That easily?”, Bella asked as I gave them their iced coffee. “Yes, but, it´s only an exception, because well, we haven´t seen each other in such a long time and… yeah- “, I answered.
“I missed you, Mina Willow Lane. I´m sorry I didn´t stay in contact with you, I was just so… busy with work and I know that´s a shitty excuse because I mean almost everyone our age works and you should never leave your friends behind”, the brunette across me explained. “I just felt like it would be easier for the both of us that we weren´t in contact that much anymore because I knew that if we stayed best friends, you would be pulled into the spotlight too and I knew you wouldn´t want that.”
I looked into their eyes and tried to smile a bit. “I know… still. You just like- vanished. I´ve missed you like hell too though, Isabella May Ramsey. Don´t ever leave me like that again, or I swear to god I´m gonna get more mad than last time”, I explained. Bella laughed and nodded. “Do you maybe… wanna hang out a bit? I´m not working for a few weeks and we could- get to know each other again, I mean it was a long time, right?”
I decided to agree with Bella and later that day we went for a walk outside.
“You know, I live in this hotel and the people there are like sooooo rude. I´ve been trying to find a better one for weeks. But they have so many good vegan food options, that´s the main point why I chose it”, they explained while walking next to me. I was so happy we were finally together again; I had missed them so much I almost went insane.
“You could stay at mine, I mean, I still have a guest bed left, and it´s just a tiny apartment, but I could make you any vegan food you´d like-“, I said without any hesitation.
Bella Ramsey POV
I stared at Mina. Was she serious about this? Oh.
"I mean, yeah, I'd love to.... But I really don´t want to get into your way of living-", I replied to her offer. "Keep it down Bella, you're not going to get in my way or anything. Besides, if you live with me, we can spend more time together, I mean you owe me that somewhere after all...", said the girl walking next to me with a grin on her face. I couldn't stop smiling either, we had seen each other for the first time in years and had only been walking for 1 or 2 hours- but I already never wanted to leave her again.
I had to admit, I had missed Mina a lot. Sometimes I even went to her Instagram account, but they didn't post anything there and so I couldn't even know what she looked like now. But when I saw her in front of me today, I recognized her immediately. She hadn't changed a bit. Her hair was still long and dark blonde, her eyes green. Her style was a bit different, but I wasn't complaining, I was convinced that she looked good in everything she wore.
"So... you get your stuff, and we meet at mine again?", Mina asked, nudging me out of my thoughts. I nodded and we parted ways again.
As soon as she was gone, everything was different. I immediately missed her laugh, her beautiful green eyes and her unique way. I hated myself inside that I had pushed such an amazing girl away from me.
Just as I was packing up my things in my hotel room, my cell phone rang. Pedro.
"Hey Pedge, what's up?", I picked up. "I just wanted to check up on you, you haven't called in a while..." I had to chuckle, Pedro worried about me so often, for no reason. But I was grateful to have him, he was almost like a best friend by now- or more likely an annoying MUCH older brother. (To be honest- most of the time it was a father-daughter relationship, with me being the dad of course-)
"You're not going to believe this. I met her. Let´s keep it short and sweet, we uh- move in together?" Pedro stared at me (he just loved video calls, okay-) "You what?!" (A/N: I swear I wrote that and had Bill's voice in my head...)
I just grinned a little sheepishly and stared at Pedro.
"I'm so happy for you. You had missed her so much, and now you're going to see her every day for a while.... But- Bella. Keep me up to dated... if- you know- anything happens-" Pedro said with a wink. I just rolled my eyes.
I had probably told him about Mina almost every day, so now he thought I wanted something from her (in a romantic way). Sure, I loved her, but she was really just a friend- (A/N: Adrien Agreste who?)
"Pedro please, nothing special will happen between the two of us," I replied dumbly. After a while I hung up again, I finally had to finish packing.
Mina Lane POV
Nervously, I bounced around my apartment while waiting for Bella to arrive. Everything was clean, I had put a new bar of towels in the bathroom, picked out a few vegan recipes, and prepared the guest bed for them. The guestroom was right next to mine, and about the same size.
Sure, why had I left this room vacant when I lived alone? Well... just in case an old friend would show up here once-
Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring and I pressed the door opener, so that the front door opened downstairs. Now I had only a few seconds until Bella would stand in front of me, with their luggage, ready to move in for a few weeks. Everything had happened so fast, I couldn't even believe it yet.
When there was a knock on the door of my apartment, I felt goose bumps rising all over my body. Carefully I turned the door knob to the right and opened the door. Bella was dressed differently now, they had gray sweatpants and a dark green sweater on, much more simple and comfortable - but still beautiful.
"Hey, come on in," I said and accompanied Bella into the kitchen. It was an open kitchen overlooking the living room (A/N: Here a plan I MADE of the apartment, so that you can imagine it better <;3).
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"Cozy in here," Bella said with a grin on their face. I had to giggle and showed them around.
"There's only one bathroom, unfortunately, but it's between our rooms, so I hope that's okay-", I explained. "Oh love, don't act like I'm a complete stranger, we've definitely had sleepovers, so if we ever run into each other in the bathroom at night, I think I'll be able to handle it-", Bella grinned. My face turned red. Not only because of the nickname, but also because of the way they looked at me. What was wrong with me?
"Um yeah... I think it´s pretty late already, I picked out food, plain pasta with tomato sauce, hope that's okay..." Bella nodded and thus I started cooking the food while they settled into their new room. This was going to be a few interesting weeks....
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unholyleaf · 2 years
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Fuck it. The entire party from my Monday dnd game. We've had a lot of player changes since the campaign started, but we got a good group goin again!
In order:
Top Row:
Sabina - Half-Elf, Path of the Beast Barbarian/Circle of the Moon Druid
Traidores "Oblitus" Parvos - Variant Human, Phantom Rogue
Bottom Row:
Ink - Tabaxi/Weretiger Monk, homebrew Subclass.
Marvein Garrow - Orc Swashbuckler Rogue
Heron - Presumably Half-Elf, Raven Queen Warlock.
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roachfurby · 5 years
googling “how to make hairs unisex in skyrim” was the best 5 minutes of research ive ever done now i can make my elf twinks have the long flowing locks they deserve
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kacamatach99-blog · 7 years
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Frame Linda faraw marvein Rp90.000 Fullset Terima Ganti Lensa Minus, Cylinder, plus Menggunakan lensa yg kualitas bagus anti radiasi komputer dan anti silau sehingga mata Anda terasa nyaman Terima Ganti Lensa Minus, Cylinder, plus hanya tambah 60.000 Menggunakan lensa yg kuwalitas bagus anti radiasi komputer dan anti silau sehingga mata Anda akan merasa nyaman Open order Bbm : D77A19A7 Line : asyari84 Wa : 087878889728 Transfer Bca/Bri Cara pemesanan Nama : Alamat : No hp : Pengiriman lewat si cepat jne Pengiriman lewat si cepat jne #kacamatasungglases#kacamataframe#frame#kacamataminus#kacamataoptik#kacamatasuper#kacamatamurah#kacamataswarovski#kacamataLv#kacamatadior#kacamatacartier#kacamataversace#kacamatachanel#kacamatamurah#kacamataminus#kacamatamurah#kacamata_import#grosirkacamata#tanganpertama#kacamata#kacamata#termurah#kacamataartis#kacamatahitam#kacamataonline#kacamataimport#kacamatacewe#kacamatawanita#kacamatasyahrini#kacamata#kacamata#frameminus#framekacamata#kacamataminus#kacamatavintage#kacamatatrendy#kacamatamin#kacamatacewe#kacamatasyahrini4
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unholyleaf · 2 years
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Fuck it. The entire party from my Monday dnd game. We've had a lot of player changes since the campaign started, but we got a good group goin again!
In order:
Top Row:
Sabina - Half-Elf, Path of the Beast Barbarian/Circle of the Moon Druid
Traidores "Oblitus" Parvos - Variant Human, Phantom Rogue
Bottom Row:
Ink - Tabaxi/Weretiger Monk, homebrew Subclass.
Marvein Garrow - Orc Swashbuckler Rogue
Heron - Presumably Half-Elf, Raven Queen Warlock.
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roachfurby · 5 years
i have a character who is really old and half the time i call him my baby and half the time i call him my dad
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roachfurby · 5 years
most of my other OCs only have 1 character playlist but Thane has a grand total of 9
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roachfurby · 5 years
i WILL make a hot skyrim elf if it KILLS me
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roachfurby · 6 years
I love altmer.......... dumb ass thots the lot of them...... tall and gay........... wow #relatable
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roachfurby · 6 years
god i just figured out how to wrap up one of my favorite oc’s identity and backstory and its so fucking good im cackling like an absolute madman rn
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