#marvel reader insrt
kimistorm · 3 years
Don't do That! (Doctor Strange x Reader Part 7)
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Doctor Strange x fem! Reader
Series: It's all a Little Strange, Chapter 7 Masterlist
There was the sound of magic coming from the library. Mordo and Wong clearly heard it too as they were running towards the library. You burst through the door and saw Stephen with the Eye of Agamotto open and running. Behind him, mirrored walls were starting to pop up from the ground. “Stephen no!” you shouted and ran at him to knock him down and hopefully break his concentration.
“Stop!” Mordo yelled as well and Stephen snapped out of his stupor a moment before you crashed into him.
“What were you thinking!” you demanded and got back onto your feet without helping Stephen to his feet.
“Tampering with the continuum of probability is forbidden!” Mordo shouted as he ran up to Stephen.
“I... I wa... I was just doing exactly what it said in the book!” Stephen stuttered in defense. “And what did the book say about the dangers of performing that ritual?” Mordo shot back. “Yeah, I don't know. I hadn't gotten to that part yet.” Stephen confessed. Mordo shook his head and explained, “temporal manipulations can create branches in time. Unstable dimensional openings. Spacious paradoxes! Time loops!” You interrupted Mordo, “you want to get stuck reliving the same moment over, and over, forever, or never having existed at all?” you asked in disbelief. Stephen tried to laugh, “they really should put the warnings before that stuff.”
“I told you that!” you shouted in frustration, “I told you that warnings go after the spell!”
“Either way, they really should-”
“Stephen!” you cried out, “your curiosity could have gotten you killed.” “You weren't manipulating the space-time continuum,” Mordo explained, “you were wrecking it.” He looked disapprovingly at Stephen, “we do not tamper with natural law. We defend it.”
“Don’t do that.” You stated stubbornly and refused to look Stephen in the eye, “don’t...mess with stuff you don’t understand.” You finished quietly and wiped a tear that had fallen.
“I clearly understood it if I could do it, and I read through the book.” Stephen protested.
“Ha! You didn’t ‘read through the book,’” you finally looked at Stephen and met your watery eyes with his shocked ones, “you only read part of it. Like you said, you hadn’t got to the warnings part yet.”
“Wha? (f/n), is this sentiment coming through?” he asked in amusement.
“Shut up Stephen!” You shoved his shoulder with enough force he had to step back to regain his balance. “I’d have to be pretty heartless to not care about you.” You answered, “though it seems heartless-ness is something you excel at.” You muttered under your breath.
“If you’re done having your domestic-” Mordo started.
“Oh my gosh Mordo!” you shouted, “this was not a domestic!” you pointed rapidly between the two of you.
Mordo ignored your outburst and trained his concentration on Stephen, “how did you learn to do that?” he gestured to the Eye of Agamotto, “where did you learn the litany of spells required to even understand it?”
“I’ve got a photographic memory,” Stephen explained, “it’s how I got my M.D. and Ph.D at the same time.”
“What you just did,” Mordo once again gestured to the Eye of Agamotto, “takes more than a good memory. You were born for the mystic arts.”
“Hold up,” you stepped into the conversation, “how can you conclude that?”
“It takes years for someone to have the skill to utilize the Eye of Agamotto. I’m sure you can’t even do it yet,” Mordo explained and you frowned at his comment, “and he was able to do it in weeks.”
“What about you,” you continued to sulk and crossed your arms, “can you utilize the Eye?”
“I’ve never tried.” Mordo answered simply.
Stephen shook his head, “I side with (f/n), my hands still shake.” He lifted his hands up to show that they were indeed trembling.
“For now, yes.” Mordo agreed.
“Not forever?” Stephen asked excitedly.
“We’re not prophets.” Mordo shook his head in denial, “come.” He gestured and led the way down the hall. You gestured for Stephen to go first and you were about to follow them when your pager shrieked.
“(f/n)?” Mordo and Stephen turned to look at you as you looked down at the pager.
“You guys go on ahead. Looks like I’m needed at the hospital.” You opened a portal into your room to change, “and it was my off day too.”
You hurriedly changed and portaled a block away from the hospital. You were still straightening your clothes when you burst into the hospital.
“Oh (f/n)! I’m so glad you could make it!” Christine gestured for you to follow her.
“What’s the emergency?” you asked and pulled your hair into a ponytail.
“Our other cardiovascular surgeon is in the middle of a surgery right now, but this guy needs immediate attention.” She explained and led you to a surgery room, “it’ll be quick.”
“Got it.” You responded and entered the room to do your job. Like Christine explained, it was quick and you were out in minutes. Which proved to be excellent timing as you got a text from Stephen. You frowned, you didn’t remember giving him your phone number. It was a simple text with one word, ‘Kaecilius’, and you jumped to look for Christine. “Christine!”
“Yeah?” she asked and looked at you.
“Listen, I’ve got to go. It’s an emergency.” You hurriedly told her.
“Go ahead. Thanks for coming on such short notice.”
“Thanks Christine!” you called over your shoulder and ran out of the hospital. You found an alleyway and portaled straight to the front of the New York sanctum and burst through the doors.
“I’ve got to hand it to you Kaecilius.” You called out and he spun around to face you, “you didn’t pick an awful time.”
“Who is this chick in scrubs?” you heard one of the zealots mutter.
“This ‘chick in scrubs’ is actually a doctor in scrubs!” you corrected, “and I’m going to kick your butt!” behind them you saw Daniel shaking his head. “Oops, guess I lost the element of surprise didn’t I?”
“Yep!” he shouted.
“Give me a break Daniel! I’m trying to be cool here!” you protested and noticed Stephen standing on the balcony above, “I need to be a cool mentor!”
“Quit while you’re ahead (f/n)!” Daniel laughed.
“Shut up Daniel!” without warning a zealot ran at you with his spear poised to stab you. You jumped and spun around in the air and kicked him in the face as you spun around. “At least give me a chance to change!” you shouted indignantly and formed a shield on your left forearm to block the next attack. You flipped over the zealot and landed on his back while simultaneously transforming your shield into your favorite weapons. The two ice chakrams. Before the zealot had a chance to throw you off you jumped off of him but the other zealot ran straight into the area where you were about to land.
“Nope!” you heard Daniel yell and a whip shot out and pulled the zealot away from you.
“Hey Stephen!” you shouted and ducked another stab, “if you feel up to it, you can join in!” you brought a chakram around to slice at the zealot’s legs but he jumped out of the way. You jumped up and threw both chakrams at him.
“Oh, so now I can fight?” Stephen asked in annoyance.
The chakrams returned to you and you snatched them out of the air, “only if you want to. It’s experience!” the zealot ran at you and you spun around and kicked him away. “Daniel and I got this!” you smirked and risked a knowing glance to Daniel.
“Are you still good at that one spell?” Daniel questioned and grunted as he ducked an attack, “because now would be a good time!”
“On it!” you responded and your chakrams dissolved as you summoned a fiery whip and hooked it onto the balcony above the lobby and swung yourself up.
“What are you doing?” Stephen asked as you stood next to him and held your hands together in a symbol.
“Magic.” You replied without looking at him since you’re eyes were closed, “now stop talking.” You started to chant the incantation for the spell and a wind was throw up around you and snowflakes started to form within the whirlwind. Beside you, Stephen had staggered back and held up an arm to shield his eyes. The whirlwind was picking up speed and the snow around you was thickening with you in the center of it all, chanting the entire time.
Neither you nor Stephen noticed a zealot run at you and land a punch straight to your face through the whirlwind. You screamed and fell to the ground and the whirlwind dissipated in a second. You scrambled to get back up in your dazed state but a weight landed itself onto your chest and you blinked to recognize the zealot sitting on you.
“She’s too much trouble,” you heard Kaecilius call out followed by a grunt as he dodged a punch from Daniel, “kill her.”
“No!” you heard two voices yell out and the zealot formed a space shard poised for your heart.
“(f/n)!” you heard Stephen scream and the weapon rushed down at your chest.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion. One of your arms raised to meet the zealot’s arm to block the blow. It didn’t completely block it, but it did cause the zealot to lose her mark and instead stab you in the stomach. Time resumed it’s normal passage and you screeched. Not even a moment later the zealot was yanked from your body as Stephen’s whip wrapped itself around her and tossed her ungraciously over the railing.
“(f/n)! (f/n)!” Stephen rushed to your side.
“There’s still a battle going on Stephen!” you winced, “it’s not fatal.” You used one hand to push him away while the other clutched at your wound to stanch the bleeding, “help Daniel.” When he didn’t move you shoved him harder, “go!”
That shook him out of his reverie and he scrambled up to his feet to go and help Daniel, “stop!” he cried out and leapt over the railing of the balcony to deal with what had happened.
You looked down at your stomach to see the dark red blood quickly seeping through your scrubs, “and these were my nice ones too.” You sighed. You took your shirt and ripped off the lower half of it. Not enough to reveal too much, but enough to provide pressure for your wound. You took it and wrapped it around your wound and tied it tight.
“This better hold up.” You muttered to yourself. Stephen, followed by Kaecilius and his two zealots bound up the stairs and you were no longer hidden from them. You drew out a whip made of the normal red matter as one of the zealots ran at you. You swung the whip around in an attempt to keep the zealot away. It registered in the back of your mind that Daniel was nowhere to be seen. The zealot broke through the line of fire and you barely managed to put up a shield before the zealot was in your face with the space shard pressing down on your shield.
“I don’t want to kill you.” You told the zealot.
“Too bad,” she snarled, “because I do.” She abruptly spun away and came at you with renewed vigor. At the last moment you dodged her and ran out of the balcony to keep you from being cornered in the wall. Your adrenaline was quickly muting the pain from the wound.
You turned around the next corner and fell into the ceiling. The hallway was spinning round and round at Kaecilius’ whim. The other zealot fell around the corner but got back up onto her feet much quicker. At the end of the hallway was the Rotunda of Gateways with one of the gateways broken open. The hallway turned again and this time everyone grabbed onto something to keep from falling through the gateway.
You formed a whip out of the cooler blue substance and hooked it onto the wall. You then swung up to face the other zealot and kicked her hand that was holding onto the ledge of the wall. She screamed and fell down into the gateway, barely skimming past Stephen.
“A little warning would be nice!” he called up to you. You gave him a cheeky smile and dropped down as well. Your whip wrapped itself around a door, but it wasn’t necessary since the hallway corrected itself. You ran towards the dial in front of the gateways but another zealot stopped you by throwing a space shard at you, which you (luckily) dodged.
Stephen then interfered by punching the zealot in the face. You took this opportunity to turn the dial, therefore trapping the other zealot. Stephen managed to throw the zealot into the forest and you spun the dial.
“Good job.” You panted. You started to calm down and the wound made itself known. You winced and placed your hand on the wound. It was bleeding more profusely than ever and the fabric was hot and sticky from blood. You leaned against the wall as your knees started to feel weak.
“(f/n)!” Stephen gasped as he saw how bloodied your clothes were and how pale you were.
You shook your head (which you regretted since you were taken over by a wave of nausea), “Kaecilius. Where’s Daniel?”
Stephen’s answer was interrupted by Kaecilius running up to Stephen with his space shards poised to hit. Stephen ducked and ran down the hall. Kaecilius then turned to you and you dodged and ran down the hall that Stephen ran down. Each step sent pain through you and your vision started to fade in and out. You gritted your teeth as you followed Stephen.
You turned a corner and nearly ran into Stephen who was pulling down a wardrobe, “it won’t do anything, leave it!” you commanded and continued to run.
The two of you made it into the room full of relics, “(f/n), hide. You can’t fight like this.” Stephen ordered.
“I won’t just leave you.” You argued.
“You’re a lot less helpful if you’re dead. You’re losing blood, we don’t have time. Hide!” he shoved you aside and you stumbled, but you followed his words and ducked into another hallway and tucked yourself behind a cabinet.
You ripped a piece of fabric from your pants and wrapped it around your wound. You took deep breaths as you tried to calm down your racing heart. You winced as you heard the sound of breaking glass. As much as you wanted to run to Stephen’s aid, you had to trust that he could hold his own. There was the sounds of more fighting, shoes being dragged against the ground, and then silence. As much as you had faith in Stephen, you couldn’t stand sitting down doing nothing. You tried to get back onto your feet, but the blood quickly rushed from your head and you fell forward. ‘Sorry Stephen.’ You thought to yourself as your eyes closed.
Taglist: @panhoeofmanyfandoms @daydreamer-in-training @marine-captain-deku
32 notes · View notes
kimistorm · 3 years
It’s All a Little Strange || Chapter 6 (Dr. Strange x Reader)
This is chapter 6 of my series, if this is your first time, please check out my masterlist to get caught up!
There was the sound of magic coming from the library. Mordo and Wong clearly heard it too as they were running towards the library. You burst through the door and saw Stephen with the Eye of Agamotto open and running. Behind him, mirrored walls were starting to pop up from the ground. “Stephen no!” you shouted and ran at him to knock him down and hopefully break his concentration.
“Stop!” Mordo yelled as well and Stephen snapped out of his stupor a moment before you crashed into him.
“What were you thinking!” you demanded and got back onto your feet without helping Stephen to his feet.
“Tampering with the continuum of probability is forbidden!” Mordo shouted as he ran up to Stephen.
“I... I wa... I was just doing exactly what it said in the book!” Stephen stuttered in defense. “And what did the book say about the dangers of performing that ritual?” Mordo shot back. “Yeah, I don't know. I hadn't gotten to that part yet.” Stephen confessed. Mordo shook his head and explained, “temporal manipulations can create branches in time. Unstable dimensional openings. Spacious paradoxes! Time loops!” You interrupted Mordo, “you want to get stuck reliving the same moment over, and over, forever, or never having existed at all?” you asked in disbelief. Stephen tried to laugh, “they really should put the warnings before that stuff.”
“I told you that!” you shouted in frustration, “I told you that warnings go after the spell!”
“Either way, they really should-”
“Stephen!” you cried out, “your curiosity could have gotten you killed.” “You weren't manipulating the space-time continuum,” Mordo explained, “you were wrecking it.” He looked disapprovingly at Stephen, “we do not tamper with natural law. We defend it.”
“Don’t do that.” You stated stubbornly and refused to look Stephen in the eye, “don’t...mess with stuff you don’t understand.” You finished quietly and wiped a tear that had fallen.
“I clearly understood it if I could do it, and I read through the book.” Stephen protested.
“Ha! You didn’t ‘read through the book,’” you finally looked at Stephen and met your watery eyes with his shocked ones, “you only read part of it. Like you said, you hadn’t got to the warnings part yet.”
“Wha? (f/n), is this sentiment coming through?” he asked in amusement.
“Shut up Stephen!” You shoved his shoulder with enough force he had to step back to regain his balance. “I’d have to be pretty heartless to not care about you.” You answered, “though it seems heartless-ness is something you excel at.” You muttered under your breath.
“If you’re done having your domestic-” Mordo started.
“Oh my gosh Mordo!” you shouted, “this was not a domestic!” you pointed rapidly between the two of you.
Mordo ignored your outburst and trained his concentration on Stephen, “how did you learn to do that?” he gestured to the Eye of Agamotto, “where did you learn the litany of spells required to even understand it?”
“I’ve got a photographic memory,” Stephen explained, “it’s how I got my M.D. and Ph.D at the same time.”
“What you just did,” Mordo once again gestured to the Eye of Agamotto, “takes more than a good memory. You were born for the mystic arts.”
“Hold up,” you stepped into the conversation, “how can you conclude that?”
“It takes years for someone to have the skill to utilize the Eye of Agamotto. I’m sure you can’t even do it yet,” Mordo explained and you frowned at his comment, “and he was able to do it in weeks.”
“What about you,” you continued to sulk and crossed your arms, “can you utilize the Eye?”
“I’ve never tried.” Mordo answered simply.
Stephen shook his head, “I side with (f/n), my hands still shake.” He lifted his hands up to show that they were indeed trembling.
“For now, yes.” Mordo agreed.
“Not forever?” Stephen asked excitedly.
“We’re not prophets.” Mordo shook his head in denial, “come.” He gestured and led the way down the hall. You gestured for Stephen to go first and you were about to follow them when your pager shrieked.
“(f/n)?” Mordo and Stephen turned to look at you as you looked down at the pager.
“You guys go on ahead. Looks like I’m needed at the hospital.” You opened a portal into your room to change, “and it was my off day too.”
You hurriedly changed and portaled a block away from the hospital. You were still straightening your clothes when you burst into the hospital.
“Oh (f/n)! I’m so glad you could make it!” Christine gestured for you to follow her.
“What’s the emergency?” you asked and pulled your hair into a ponytail.
“Our other cardiovascular surgeon is in the middle of a surgery right now, but this guy needs immediate attention.” She explained and led you to a surgery room, “it’ll be quick.”
“Got it.” You responded and entered the room to do your job. Like Christine explained, it was quick and you were out in minutes. Which proved to be excellent timing as you got a text from Stephen. You frowned, you didn’t remember giving him your phone number. It was a simple text with one word, ‘Kaecilius’, and you jumped to look for Christine. “Christine!”
“Yeah?” she asked and looked at you.
“Listen, I’ve got to go. It’s an emergency.” You hurriedly told her.
“Go ahead. Thanks for coming on such short notice.”
“Thanks Christine!” you called over your shoulder and ran out of the hospital. You found an alleyway and portaled straight to the front of the New York sanctum and burst through the doors.
“I’ve got to hand it to you Kaecilius.” You called out and he spun around to face you, “you didn’t pick an awful time.”
“Who is this chick in scrubs?” you heard one of the zealots mutter.
“This ‘chick in scrubs’ is actually a doctor in scrubs!” you corrected, “and I’m going to kick your butt!” behind them you saw Daniel shaking his head. “Oops, guess I lost the element of surprise didn’t I?”
“Yep!” he shouted.
“Give me a break Daniel! I’m trying to be cool here!” you protested and noticed Stephen standing on the balcony above, “I need to be a cool mentor!”
“Quit while you’re ahead (f/n)!” Daniel laughed.
“Shut up Daniel!” without warning a zealot ran at you with his spear poised to stab you. You jumped and spun around in the air and kicked him in the face as you spun around. “At least give me a chance to change!” you shouted indignantly and formed a shield on your left forearm to block the next attack. You flipped over the zealot and landed on his back while simultaneously transforming your shield into your favorite weapons. The two ice chakrams. Before the zealot had a chance to throw you off you jumped off of him but the other zealot ran straight into the area where you were about to land.
“Nope!�� you heard Daniel yell and a whip shot out and pulled the zealot away from you.
“Hey Stephen!” you shouted and ducked another stab, “if you feel up to it, you can join in!” you brought a chakram around to slice at the zealot’s legs but he jumped out of the way. You jumped up and threw both chakrams at him.
“Oh, so now I can fight?” Stephen asked in annoyance.
The chakrams returned to you and you snatched them out of the air, “only if you want to. It’s experience!” the zealot ran at you and you spun around and kicked him away. “Daniel and I got this!” you smirked and risked a knowing glance to Daniel.
“Are you still good at that one spell?” Daniel questioned and grunted as he ducked an attack, “because now would be a good time!”
“On it!” you responded and your chakrams dissolved as you summoned a fiery whip and hooked it onto the balcony above the lobby and swung yourself up.
“What are you doing?” Stephen asked as you stood next to him and held your hands together in a symbol.
“Magic.” You replied without looking at him since you’re eyes were closed, “now stop talking.” You started to chant the incantation for the spell and a wind was throw up around you and snowflakes started to form within the whirlwind. Beside you, Stephen had staggered back and held up an arm to shield his eyes. The whirlwind was picking up speed and the snow around you was thickening with you in the center of it all, chanting the entire time.
Neither you nor Stephen noticed a zealot run at you and land a punch straight to your face through the whirlwind. You screamed and fell to the ground and the whirlwind dissipated in a second. You scrambled to get back up in your dazed state but a weight landed itself onto your chest and you blinked to recognize the zealot sitting on you.
“She’s too much trouble,” you heard Kaecilius call out followed by a grunt as he dodged a punch from Daniel, “kill her.”
“No!” you heard two voices yell out and the zealot formed a space shard poised for your heart.
“(f/n)!” you heard Stephen scream and the weapon rushed down at your chest.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion. One of your arms raised to meet the zealot’s arm to block the blow. It didn’t completely block it, but it did cause the zealot to lose her mark and instead stab you in the stomach. Time resumed it’s normal passage and you screeched. Not even a moment later the zealot was yanked from your body as Stephen’s whip wrapped itself around her and tossed her ungraciously over the railing.
“(f/n)! (f/n)!” Stephen rushed to your side.
“There’s still a battle going on Stephen!” you winced, “it’s not fatal.” You used one hand to push him away while the other clutched at your wound to stanch the bleeding, “help Daniel.” When he didn’t move you shoved him harder, “go!”
That shook him out of his reverie and he scrambled up to his feet to go and help Daniel, “stop!” he cried out and leapt over the railing of the balcony to deal with what had happened.
You looked down at your stomach to see the dark red blood quickly seeping through your scrubs, “and these were my nice ones too.” You sighed. You took your shirt and ripped off the lower half of it. Not enough to reveal too much, but enough to provide pressure for your wound. You took it and wrapped it around your wound and tied it tight.
“This better hold up.” You muttered to yourself. Stephen, followed by Kaecilius and his two zealots bound up the stairs and you were no longer hidden from them. You drew out a whip made of the normal red matter as one of the zealots ran at you. You swung the whip around in an attempt to keep the zealot away. It registered in the back of your mind that Daniel was nowhere to be seen. The zealot broke through the line of fire and you barely managed to put up a shield before the zealot was in your face with the space shard pressing down on your shield.
“I don’t want to kill you.” You told the zealot.
“Too bad,” she snarled, “because I do.” She abruptly spun away and came at you with renewed vigor. At the last moment you dodged her and ran out of the balcony to keep you from being cornered in the wall. Your adrenaline was quickly muting the pain from the wound.
You turned around the next corner and fell into the ceiling. The hallway was spinning round and round at Kaecilius’ whim. The other zealot fell around the corner but got back up onto her feet much quicker. At the end of the hallway was the Rotunda of Gateways with one of the gateways broken open. The hallway turned again and this time everyone grabbed onto something to keep from falling through the gateway.
You formed a whip out of the cooler blue substance and hooked it onto the wall. You then swung up to face the other zealot and kicked her hand that was holding onto the ledge of the wall. She screamed and fell down into the gateway, barely skimming past Stephen.
“A little warning would be nice!” he called up to you. You gave him a cheeky smile and dropped down as well. Your whip wrapped itself around a door, but it wasn’t necessary since the hallway corrected itself. You ran towards the dial in front of the gateways but another zealot stopped you by throwing a space shard at you, which you (luckily) dodged.
Stephen then interfered by punching the zealot in the face. You took this opportunity to turn the dial, therefore trapping the other zealot. Stephen managed to throw the zealot into the forest and you spun the dial.
“Good job.” You panted. You started to calm down and the wound made itself known. You winced and placed your hand on the wound. It was bleeding more profusely than ever and the fabric was hot and sticky from blood. You leaned against the wall as your knees started to feel weak.
“(f/n)!” Stephen gasped as he saw how bloodied your clothes were and how pale you were.
You shook your head (which you regretted since you were taken over by a wave of nausea), “Kaecilius. Where’s Daniel?”
Stephen’s answer was interrupted by Kaecilius running up to Stephen with his space shards poised to hit. Stephen ducked and ran down the hall. Kaecilius then turned to you and you dodged and ran down the hall that Stephen ran down. Each step sent pain through you and your vision started to fade in and out. You gritted your teeth as you followed Stephen.
You turned a corner and nearly ran into Stephen who was pulling down a wardrobe, “it won’t do anything, leave it!” you commanded and continued to run.
The two of you made it into the room full of relics, “(f/n), hide. You can’t fight like this.” Stephen ordered.
“I won’t just leave you.” You argued.
“You’re a lot less helpful if you’re dead. You’re losing blood, we don’t have time. Hide!” he shoved you aside and you stumbled, but you followed his words and ducked into another hallway and tucked yourself behind a cabinet.
You ripped a piece of fabric from your pants and wrapped it around your wound. You took deep breaths as you tried to calm down your racing heart. You winced as you heard the sound of breaking glass. As much as you wanted to run to Stephen’s aid, you had to trust that he could hold his own. There was the sounds of more fighting, shoes being dragged against the ground, and then silence. As much as you had faith in Stephen, you couldn’t stand sitting down doing nothing. You tried to get back onto your feet, but the blood quickly rushed from your head and you fell forward. ‘Sorry Stephen.’ You thought to yourself as your eyes closed.
taglist: @panhoeofmanyfandoms @daydreamer-in-training (message me if you'd like to be added!)
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