#marvo makes a thing
marvellousstawler · 1 year
Dumb decision: part two too early.
Part one isn't even off the ground, like, it has barely five chapters drafted, with no art and no music, and they need to be redone because I've just changed the magic system. So why am I brainstorming part two here? Well partly because this is just how I tend to work. I like to think way too far ahead so that it's real easy to retrofit continuity into my work. And because when I get an idea it never actually stops expanding.
The change in the magic system has made it so that it's actually pretty rare and unfeasible for people to use magic for combat; it is firstly very rare for people's magic ability to progress past the most basic stages, because the ruling power wants to maintain an explicit monopoly over all magic, so forcibly employs and stunts all people who show a strong magic potential. It's secondly a system where producing any kind of precise strike is difficult; you can influence the tide or change the shape of a rock, but you'll find it much harder to bend something in a way it won't naturally go; you won't find any water whips or air scooters among most combat-oriented mages.
Part one of TDD will establish the rarity and usual fate of magic users, as well as the protagonist's struggle to endure being literally crushed under the weight of her own magic power (which with the new system makes a whole lot more sense as to how it literally physically crushes her). Part two will begin after a time skip, where she will now have a handle on her powers, but will be reeling from the events of he previous part, and fretting about the temporary and fragile peace achieved by the previous conclusion. She will have established a school explicitly designed to teach people how to use their magic for combat, and will now, as a near tyrannical teacher obsessed with preparing as many people as she can to face the impending threat, become and redistribute the very same crushing pressure she will have been previously forced to endure.
As such, all this gets me thinking of her students; what kind of person would go to a school that teaches combat magic, with an established magic system which normally isn't used for combat at all. Probably people who are either very obsessed with fighting (for whatever reason) or very obsessed with magic (to whatever end). One need only look at any shounen or shounen-adjacent property for a cornucopia of archetypes to fit both of those categories. My mind goes to Fire Emblem first but that's just where it has been lately.
Hm, I have some time now and no one is reading this...let's suggest some ideas for archetypal students. - Reclusive library girl studying eldritch forces who actually has social skills and a desire to make friends (main girl). Like seriously. I was a library girl. We're not all extremely introverted. - Muscly pirate boy built like a fridge and has excellent water magic abilities but all he wants to do is fly (changing elements is possible but not advisable under the new system). Everyone's like "don't you have freedom at sea?" and he's like "not if you spend every day moving a ship and wrestling sea monsters, all I do is work." - Water magic guy wants to use his magic to influence the muscles in his own body and is so obsessed with self improvement that he ignores his teacher and ends up turning himself into a slimy red puddle. - girl just wants to fight people. She just wants to fight people. It's how she communicates with and understands people. She wants to make lightning happen. It's bittersweet because it reminds our teacher of HER teacher, and what could have been if she weren't busy keeping a dragon trapped inside a moon. More ideas will come when I think of more creative uses for the magic system. It's not about generating ideas it's about choosing the best from the ideas which generate automatically.
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scrollonso · 16 days
I Want You — Marcmarc
"Come on, Bez, you can do this." He mutters to himself under his breath, shakes himself out on the front doorstep and cards trembling fingers through his hair.
Heart in his throat, nervous.
Knocks on the door; mouth pursed in a moue waiting for it to open. 
Marc visibly starts when he sees him stood there. Frowns in confusion. "You forget your key?" He asks, huffing out a bewildered laugh.
And Marco gets it, because yeah, they both live here — the pair of them unable not to gravitate towards each other after that night in Jerez, making use of the old Bezzecchi family home, because someone should and they both know it's what Vito and Daniela would've wanted after moving out into a smaller place.
He's just not sure this is though.
Even if the idea of it, the possibility of what could be, is everything Marvo has ever wanted.
"No," Marco grins sheepishly, rubbing his arm. "I just — can I come in?"
"Uhhhh, yeah, 'course. This is your home too, Marco." His moustache, it's a new thing he's trying out, twitches as his mouth ticks up on one side, and he stinks of confusion, but Marc steps back and Marco steps inside; a dance between them that for ages had been missing the music. They both look at each other, the air in the scant space between them, taut and awkward — a place they’ve been trying their best to get away from and yet somehow they’ve ended up back here, all the same. "Soooo....what's up, Marco? Won't lie, I’m not really sure what's going on here."
He swallows; scrubbing a hand over his face. "Sorry about the confusion, I just — I need to speak to you about something, and I'm...I'm not exactly sure how it's going to go."
Marc sniffs; stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "Alright," he turns on the ball of his foot and wanders into the living room. Marco follows behind him silently; no matter how nervous he is about how this is going to go, his shoulders still relax a fraction just from breathing in the calming scent of their shared home. Marc sits down on the sofa and Marco aches to sit next to him but he makes himself sit in the armchair just off to the side. 
His thumb twitches by his thigh with the urge to smooth away the sad furrow between Marc's brows, but it's necessary that he do this.
Sitting here means he won't give in to the urge to just drag Marc close and hold him so tight his bones creak.
Mainly because that's sort of how they got here in the first place.
That, and alcohol.
Because, apparently if him and Marc get drunk enough to let free their inhibitions, then they end up giggling like teenage girls while trying to brush their teeth, toothpaste smeared over their faces, and then they look at each other in the mirror over the sink, and the next thing they know, their toothbrushes are clattering into the bowl, and they’re kissing like feral beasts all greedy tongues and biting teeth and grabby hands pulling the clothes off their bodies, and before Marco knows it, he’s splayed out on the bathroom floor, legs spread like a wanton whore, and Marc in between them, shoving his big dick so far up inside his cunt, Marco can feel it in his throat.
Fucking him hard and rough and so fucking good, his eyes roll back and he comes with a silent scream, just as Marco spills hot and wet inside him.
And then the morning after happens with a lot of groaning and bleary squinting and a whole heap of we’re absolutely not talking about that, while they crawl out of the bathroom into their separate bedrooms, and spend the next few hours curled up under soft duvets, hiding from the reality in which they’d just fucked, and praying they haven’t ruined the relationship that they’d spent so long in the months since the crash.
That was three months ago.
And they’ve not talked about it, not even once.
The most was a straight-lined awkward smile at each other across the kitchen table that evening, and then it’s like they silently agreed not to mention anything. From Marco's point of view that was because he was terrified that if he started speaking to Marc about how incredible it felt to have him splitting open his pussy and fucking him so good he saw stars, then he might start babbling about how he was so down bad in love with him, that he couldn’t think straight, and then he’d run the risk of Marc not feeling that way about him, and losing one of the most important people in his life. Again.
He doesn’t know why Marc didn’t say anything though. Figures it’s probably a mix of regret and only maybe liking Marco physically and so not wanting to get into the whole emotions side of it, but as long as Marc was still in his life, Marco had been willing to accept the fact it would never happen again and carry on with his life — living with Marco and hugging him when he could (thankfully the older man didn’t tell him to stop doing that) and going to bed each night dreaming about them sleeping together under the comforter — his dreams, nothing so big as to be unattainable and yet feeling impossible all the same.
Life gets in the way of hastily and panic-induced put together plans though.
And so, he’s here. In the home he shares with the man he’s in love with, but not as a couple, just Marc and Marco, Marco and Marc, whatever that means, and feeling like if this doesn’t go well, then he might have to find somewhere else to live, maybe Mars.
The mere thought of not living with Marc anymore is devastating, it's an odd pairing but it works. They work.
But he can’t not say anything. He’s not that cruel.
Wouldn't deny Marc this. Or at least the option of wanting it alongside him anyway. If Marc chooses to do this with him, that is.
Marc clears his throat, and Marco snaps his gaze to him. Blushing, because he hadn’t realise he’d just been sat there staring at him for so ridiculously long.
”Sorry,” he whispers.
The Spaniard shakes his head. “What did you want to talk about?”
He rolls his bottom lip against the blunt edge of his teeth, and releases a slow breath. He can do this. He can. Shuffling forward, ass perching on the edge of the armchair seat, that little bit closer because he’s weak at heart, he wraps his arms around his belly and says, “so, I know we’ve not being talking about it—“ Marc stiffens, knows what Marco is going to talk about but not what he’s going to say, he doesn’t interrupt though, “—and I’d been, well not exactly happy about it, but I’d accepted that it would be easier, because we’re not that great at talking are we? Not really?”
Marco smiles ruefully; both of them aware that if they were good at talking they wouldn’t have been estranged in the first place. The whole 'Marquez crashed into me on purpose' thing only resolved after both of them decided to sit down and refused to move until they’d discussed everything, expunging all of the poison that had festered, to start afresh. But that had only been after they’d risked their lives and got high of adreneline, so he’s not sure how much congratulations should be aimed their way if he’s being honest. “But anyway, this isn’t really something that allows us not to talk about it.”
”What…I don’t think you’ve sat me down to finally talk about the fact we fucked three months ago, Marco.”
He barks out a laugh. “No.” He’ll give him that. “The fact that that fuck means I’m now three months pregnant is cause to sit down and talk, though, don’t you think?”
Marc's eyes widen and he sucks in a sharp breath. “Y- Marco, You’re pregnant?”
Marco hums, nodding. “I am. I’d been throwing up in the mornings and I took a test just to rule it out, because, well I’m not exactly a spring chicken.” He winces. “Sorry.” Marc doesn’t even react, he’s just staring at Marco like he can’t believe what he’s looking at. “But yes, I’m pregnant. It’s yours, obviously. And I guess, I wanted to speak to you to see what you wanted to do? With.. it?”
”Do?” Marc finally blinks. “Surely, that’s up to you, like you’re keeping it?”
”Yeah. Of course I’m keeping it. I mean, if you—“ he inhales, exhales. “Did you want to raise this baby together with me, Marc? Or did you just want to be on the outskirts, a family friend? An uncle? I’d like — my preference would be for us to raise the baby together.” Marco splays his hand over his still flat belly, swallowing down a laugh, because preference makes it seem like he’d be happy with any of the other options, when he wouldn’t, not really. “But if you think differently…”
Marco trails off, wetting his lips, still so fucking nervous.
Marc stares at him; for once those gold-flecked eyes were too murky for Marco to properly read. Marco looks back, because how can he not? Waits for Marc to say something. Anything. Even if it’s not what he wants to hear.
“I want to do this with you, Marco,” he says eventually; voice rough, rubbing his knuckles over his sternum.
”You do?” He tries not to let on how hopeful he sounds.
”Yeah. Us together, raising a little terror of a baby.” A flicker of a smile. “I want you to answer something for me though, seeing as we’re talking about this and all.”
He gulps, but nods. “Sure. Anything.”
“Did you not say anything about us sleeping together because you regretted it?”
Marco's mouth parts in surprise, because that hadn’t been something he expected Marc to ask. Not in the slightest. The fact that it mirrors Marco's own thoughts on what Marc could be thinking wasn’t lost on him though. When he takes a second to breathe past the shock, he lets the hope bloom inside him. Because maybe—
Maybe they could be a couple — exclusive — as well as raising the baby together.
And so, despite the fact they’re not good at talking, Marvo decides to just tell the truth. Take a leap of faith and give Marc the chance to catch him.
”No,” he says, feeling like he’s swallowed sandpaper from where his throat is dry with nerves. “I didn’t say anything because you didn’t say anything and…. and because I so desperately wanted it to be more than just a one time fuck — I wanted it — you — to be my every day life. I wanted, still want, you to be my boyfriend because I love you with every fibre of my being, and I said nothing that morning afterwards because I was scared that if I said something then you might say you didn’t want that and I’d lose you again, and that would just kill me.”
”You’re saying something now though.”
Marco huffs, smiling. “Yeah, well, it’s not just me who wants you in their life. I know our baby would want their other dad around, and I do too. I always want you around, Marc. So, I figured I’d take a chance. Try talking for once. See where it got us.”
Marc looks at him again, intense and indecipherable, and then he’s leaning forward, grabbing Marco's hand and tugging him towards him, so Marco has no choice but to collapse into him; legs sprawled out over his lap.
”I love you, Marco,” Marc breathes out; cupping his face and tilting him so their lips brush. “I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. Been in love with you since you retired at the Spanish grand prix in 2017. I've loved you since I was twenty-four and I'm just now saying something, do you know how embarrassing that is? And I said nothing after that night because I was worried you thought it was a mistake when it had been one of the best nights of my life so far.”
”Oh. So you’re saying we’ve both been dumb idiots who should’ve sat down and talked three months ago, and we could’ve been fucking this whole time?”
Marc snorts out a laugh, nodding into the crook of Marco's neck. “Sounds about right for us though, so at least we’re consistent.” He thumbs at Marco's cheekbone, brown eyes filled with wonder now. “You’re really gonna have my baby?”
”I am. I take it we’re not just raising them together as two people that just so happened to fuck without protection on the floor in their bathroom?”
”Absolutely not. I’m gonna marry you. Hopefully within the next hour, really.”
“Oh, so I won’t make dinner then,” he drawls, feeling giddy inside.
”Nope.” Marc jokes as he pulls Marco closer, one hand on his waist with the other toying with his ring finger to emphasise the point just in case the Italian didn’t catch his drift. 
Marco's nose scrunches as he laughs, delighted even if the older man was being dramativ. “Sure, Marc. If that’s what you want.”
”I just want you, Marco.”
”And I want you too.”
”I can’t believe we’re having a baby together.” Marc slides both arms around Marco's back and hugs him tight. “I’m so happy, Marco.”
Marco holds him close and kisses his short curls. “Me too, Marc. Guess we both worried for nothing.”
”Yeah. I’m looking forward to fucking you now we’re both sober and somewhere other than the bathroom floor, now though.”
”Yeah. Something a bit classier, like a bed, might be good.”
Marc grins up at him and Marco can’t resist kissing that mouth soft and slow. “Hey, I bred you on that bathroom floor, it might not be classy, but it sure was a good time. And it gave us our baby.”
The Spaniard covers Marco's hand where it rests on his belly, and Marco smiles at him softly.
”And I’m not disputing that. I’m just saying the tiles aren’t good for getting a good nights sleep afterwards, is all. I’d much prefer my comfy mattress with you curled behind me.”
”When you put it like that, I’d prefer that too.”
”I thought you might.”
And then Marc stands, sweeping Marco into his arms sideways, and while his soon-to-be husband, aparently, and father of his unborn baby carries him up the stairs Marco has traversed so many times before, a big goofy smile on his face, and the scent of happiness thick in the air around them, he realises he had no reason to be nervous in the first place.
Funny how they can get what they want if they just try talking properly.  Who’d have thought, ey? They should probably try and make a habit of it.
Unlike fucking on the bathroom floor.
(that can be saved for drunken special, kid-free occasions in the future).
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legacyshenanigans · 7 months
I wanted to do a 💀BAD TRAITS💀 list for Marvolo and Rowan. 🤍💚 Neither of them are "perfect people," so the traits below, either both of them have or at least one of them has.
Regardless of this list, I still fucking LOVE them though. 🤣
Marvolo & Rowan 🐍🐺
Bad Traits:
• Apathetic
Marvolo CAN be very apathetic to many different situations, though remaining emotionless in some circumstances is actually a strength rather than a weakness to him
• Arrogant
It's no secret, Marvolo can be incredibly arrogant.
Rowan on the other hand isn't in general, but around other Lycans/Werewolves, he CAN be.
• Boastful
Marvolo can be very boastful, in regards to skill especially, he knows he's powerful, and wants his enemies to know that.
Rowan is only Boastful really when it comes to strength, like Marvolo, he makes it clear you don't want to mess with him, because he WILL rip you apart.
• Careless
Rowan is usually VERY careless. He let's his emotions control him, which can sometimes end in situations that SHOULD be thought about, or on a lighter note, he just does and says stupid things without thinking.
• Cruel
Marvolo as a general rule, isnt "nice" and can be horrifically cruel when he wants to be.
Rowan can also be very cruel depending on WHO it is he's dealing with.
• Deceitful
When it comes to Marvolo, Very. He is INCREDIBLY Manipulative, and will do/say whatever it takes to bring about someone's downfall, or get what he wants.
• Defiant
I feel like both of them are, but Marvolo more so than Rowan.
• Dependent
Rowan is more dependent than Marvolo is. Marvolo isn't really dependent on anyone for anything, where Rowan often needs some form of guidance and support and many different things.
• Disorganized
Rowan is pretty disorganized. Man's kinda messy. Lmao.
• Disruptive
Rowan is extremely disruptive, he cares not for where he is, or who's around, if someone were to piss him off in a public place with many folk around he wouldn't think twice about starting a full blown fight, regardless if it's breaking the peace of an area.
• Domineering
Both of them have Domineering qualities, Marvolo more so than Rowan in general, but that's not to say that Rowan isn't dominant, because he very much so IS.
• Exploitative
Marvolo is, absolutely. If he can use someone unfairly to gain, he will.
• Embarrassing
Rowan, bless him, although it's not really his fault, can be extremely embarrassing to be around at times. Because he sometimes lacks the ability to act "normal" (acting like the animal he is)
• Fake
Marvolo can be very fake, though a bad thing, it's handy for him, he can be quite the actor, faking his interest to bring someone into a false sense of security, before he destroys them.
• Feckless
Rowan can be very feckless, he can be incompetent to certain things, sometimes making things worse when he's trying to fix or help.
• Greedy
Marvolos greed is born from wanting power and dominance over others. Where as Rowans greed comes from just wanting more simple things and just being very "MINE!" about it. (Marvolo can be like this too at times)
• Hypocritical
Marvolo, in a way, can be hypocritical, I guess, for example, having no issue at all killing an enemy, but being pissed off by them killing someone under his power in response. So I suppose in a way that's kinda hypocritical.
• Impulsive
Marvolo is cleverly Impulsive, where as Rowan is dangerously Impulsive.
• Indecisive
Rowan can be very Indecisive in many things, always fighting himself in his mind about what to do, which will result in (as said above for different traits) usually something bad happening that COULD have been avoided, but him struggling to make decisions makes him angry.
• Indulgent
Both of them are indulgent to certain topics, some good and some bad, both Marvolo and Rowan are incredibly indulgent to things such as sex and killing.
• Inept
Rowan (again, bless his heart) IS quite inept in many things.
• Insensitive
Marvolo and Rowan in general are rather Insensitive to people's feelings. However, when it comes to people they have emotional bonds with, its different.
• Irresponsible
Marvolo? Rarely. Rowan? Often. lmao.
• Judgmental
Marvolo is, yes. It doesn't take a lot to put Marvolo off someone, even for the smallest of things if he doesn't agree and like a particular something.
• Killjoy
Marvolo gets a sick little thrill from being a killjoy lmao, just ruining people's nice days.
• Klutzy
Rowan can be SO klutzy! To a point where its often comical.
• Lethal
Both of them are very lethal folk.
• Malevolent
Marvolo is VERY malevolent.
• Melodramatic
Depending on certain circumstances, Marvolo can be, but he's quite good at dampening his emotions to certain situations. Rowan, I would say, is more melodramatic in general because he REALLY lets his emotions control him, as does Volo, but only with certain emotions.
• Needy
Rowan DEFINITELY is. Sometimes too needy.
• Neurotic
Both of them have Neurotic tendencies.
• Overbearing
Both of them have the tenancy to be Overbearing in different ways.
• Overcritical
Marvolo can be Overcritical of OTHERS.
Where as Rowan tends to be more Overcritical of HIMSELF.
• Procrastinating
Rowan is awful for procrastination tbh, he'll often put things off.
Marvolo can be rather querulous, always complaining/having something to complain about.
• Quick-tempered
Though Marvolo IS quick-tempered, Rowan is more so. FLYING into a blind rage at the smallest of things at times.
• Reckless
Rowan is incredibly Reckless at times.
• Resentful
Both of them carry trauma which has made them very Resentful to certain people/things.
• Ruthless
Marvolo is more ruthless than Rowan in a general sense. But Rowan still can be very ruthless when he wants to be.
• Secretive
Marvolo is very a secretive person, even when it comes to his loved ones, there's just certain things he doesn't want ANYONE to know.
• Tainted
Marvolo is an extremely tainted person in general.
• Touchy
Marvolo can be, but again, Rowan more so, he's an incredibly touchy person when it comes to his emotions.
• Untrustworthy
In a general sense, Marvolo is not trustworthy, though if he likes someone and has bonded with them deeply, you CAN trust him.
• Ungainly
Rowan can be, yes. He's not graceful, and can be awkward.
• Vengeful
Both of them can be very Vengeful, if they've been crossed.
• Wicked
Both of them can be extremely wicked when the mood arises.
• Weird
I guess many would say they're are "weird" for the things they're into and like.
• Yucky
Both Marvolo and Rowan can be "yucky." They're into disgusting and repugnant things.
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vanityloves · 4 years
if you have ever sent me a f.o letter just know i that im Obessed and i’ve read them like 50 times
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anaban44 · 2 years
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okay, I've been trying to enter to the wonderful world of dnd for several years, but it has so many things that it's extremely confusing, so after reading "enough" I decided to create my first character for this, and I'm DYING BECAUSE. .. I SWEAR THAT I HAD EVERY INTENTION TO MAKE HIM A HAPPY CHARACTER WITH A FUNCTIONAL FAMILY AND MY FIRST GAME WAS TYPE " this kid lacks for development, don't u think?"
A short description of the character: his name is Marvo, he is twelve years old, and he is the MAGICALLY BORN son between a Kenku and a human, his dream is (or was) to become the best wizard in the world.
The INTENTION was that his parents would help him fulfill his dream and that they loved him very much, but OH SURPRISE, in the lore of the Kenkus these creatures are not well seen because they are considered thieves, traitors, unpredictable and many other negative things, and his mother (who I wanted to be good) turned out to be all that and a very powerful sorceress apart, such was her power that she seized an incredible warrior, stealing almost all his energy to conceive Marvo.
What was his mother's disappointment when she discovered that her son had nothing special, so she abandoned him along with his father, but this did not matter to the man and against everyone, he deeply loved his son filling his head with dreams and hopes, but, when he was 4 years old, something unexpected happened, the little one spoke with his own voice (you will say, what is so special about that? Well, it turns out that the Kenkus are a cursed species, and one of their curses is that they have no voice of their own, but can only imitate sounds they have heard), this thrilled his father and helped him on his way to becoming a wizard.
He lives a life as calm as he can, because he is a child rejected by the other members of society, but this does not matter to our little Marvo, since he has his dad, like the Kenkus, Marvo can imitate sounds and He has a bad habit of hiding the objects of others (mainly people close to him), finally when he turned 12 his father decides to take him on "his first adventure", they just had to move away a small settlement of goblins that had settled in the ruins of a castle, but things got out of control, since a troll was prowling the place and trying to kill a poor damsel, as incredible as it seemed Marvo managed to deceive the Troll and together with his father they rescued the woman, the mission It had been more than a success (and I was very happy because I said woahh, that's how easy it is to play dnd).
Night comes and our adventurers decide to take the damsel with them, they give the kid apple juice, the adults drink beer and go to sleep, the kid is happy because now he has a new mom, it's early in the morning and he wakes up all scared because the bed I was strangely wet… it was blood.
The "damsel" had murdered her father while he slept, calling the guards and blaming Marvo for his death, people decide to believe the girl and start hunting the kid, thanks to his powers hebarely manages to escape from the town, but now. .. is a poor boy aimlessly and alone, who has embarked on a new unwanted adventure.
As a last fact he only knows how to handle 2 spells for now, these are Illusions and Fireball
Be nice to him, he's already suffered a lot, he just wants sum luv.
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clouddander · 5 years
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Just watched the pilot for Hazbin Hotel and felt really inspired to make an oc!
Name: Lavada
Sex: F
Age: She was 22 when she died, but has been a demon for 5 years
Sin: Mostly wrath with a bit of pride too.
Quick Backstory: Shortly after Lavada arrived in Hell, she became an aimless wander. She had no choice because she’d destroy every place she stayed at for too long. Lavada just gets so enraged and breaks everything. She’ll actually vomit fire if she gets too angry. Its not a pleasant experience, so she she’s trying to control her rage a bit. Her wandering takes her to the “Hazbin Hotel” where she agrees to this rehabilitation thing so she can control her rage.
P.S. The little green guy is Marvo, his sin is envy and he often provokes and eggs Lavada on to get his way. Sometimes this is to his detriment.
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valeriemperez · 6 years
After reading the interview, I don't think Todd is lying about Ralph being gone. The way he talked about it and said how it was needed for Barrys development, I dont think he'll go back on it. I can't be certain, but that is where I am at right now. If I am wrong and he is back next season I think I'll have to step back too. Maybe just watch Iris scenes. Ralph is just that terrible and I am so disappointed.Even my 7 year old nephew can see what a creep he is and can't enjoy it how the way he did
I’m with you on all of that. Only Iris scenes for me if he’s not gone, because I can’t stop supporting Candice. But I’ve chosen to given them until the finale to turn things around, and I’m happy to hope for the best in the meantime.
@eboniangelvibez said:
I don’t know why; however after rewatching TF 4x19, I felt that the last conversation between Cisco and Harry (specifically when they’re talking about Jesse) is going to tie back to Barry and the Mystery Girl. Perhaps, she’s trying to change events in the past so that he doesn’t disappear in 2024 and can be around for his children and grandchildren? Also, the juxtaposition of WA and Marvoe. I wonder how Marlize is going to approach TF? Hopefully, through Iris!!
Ooooh, I like the idea of fatherhood coming back around. I am hoping Iris is the one who gets through to Marlize, like you said, because she’s been the main connection to Mrs. Devoe since 4.10.
Do you think they will have Barry remember his time in the speedforce during the remainder of this season of TF?
I feel like he has to, or that it’ll have some role to play in the mindscape. Otherwise why include it?
Not to be pessimistic but the only reason I’m looking forward to 4x20 of the Flash is to see “dawn”, how sure are we that she is appearing in that episode?
I’m 99% sure she’ll appear in it. Ken said she filmed that week, Sterling wrote the episode and he wrote both 4.11 and 4.15, and @fallinginloveinaflash spotted her voice in the radio promo.
Yeah I can stomach "We are the Flash" becoming a team thing if IW is the one who says it. It would still be BS but not insulting. If it's BA who says it to C&C...:cries: This made me think about what you said on the podcast, that it makes no sense for BA's FIL to fight DeVoe's Samuroid, for BA's wife to fight DeVoe's wife while RALPH and not Barry fights DeVoe. There were parallels between WA and the DeVoes that got lost to include the team, hence "We are the Flash" being about the team now.
Yeah, there’s definitely a way to expand the meaning without being insulting. But I agree that the season has moved on from being Barry’s story, and hopefully they can bring it back around next season.
See I don’t know what to believe when it comes to Todd (or any showrunner for the matter). He’s said in interviews that this was the plan all along & Hartley knew where the character was gonna go before he got the role. Apparently, this whole season for Barry is about him feeling responsible for someone & trying to make him into a hero & then losing him & using that to propel himself towards defeating the villain. 🤷🏽‍♀️
From my point of view, lying about the past is very different from lying about the future. By saying they had a plan all along, he’s trying to make past mistakes seem less embarrassing. Saying Ralph is done and then him not being done would be setting himself up for failure later.
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startechbd · 4 years
The Best Available Gaming Chairs in Bangladesh You Can Buy in 2021
Gaming Chairs have become a necessary item for a gaming setup. Without it, the gaming setup is never complete. Regardless of how eye-catchy a rig is, or the components used in the build, or how many RGB & Flashy the outlooks make it, a stylish & modern gaming chair is the first thing that comes in contact with the eye before everything else. Gaming Chairs have become that much popular in the gaming community in Bangladesh. Starting from mainstream gamers to casual, everyone with a gaming rig has the thought of purchasing a gaming chair. Whether you play on a desktop or a console, whether you steam your game or go live or play for entertainment, a gaming chair is what brings it all together. They're designed for style, durability, flexibility & comfort.
What are the benefits of a dedicated gaming chair?
Gaming chairs are designed by gamers, for gamers. World-known gaming brands like Gamdias, Gigabyte, Fantech, MSI, Thermaltake, Coolermaster have created chairs to make the gaming experience even more remarkable. Gaming chairs are designed to endure pressure from the user, & keep up with radical & spontaneous movement while gaming. The outlook of a gaming chair is very much similar to an executive chair with key differences. Such as the outlook, designing & color pattern. They are pretty substantial compared to a regular chair, with backrests that extend high enough to support your head, along with massive armrests and a swiveling base with wheels that let you roll and spin freely. They have a strong built quality that is very durable for the long run. Their color scheme makes them stand out from the normal chairs. You can pick anyone that brings your gaming setup together.
What Gaming Chair Brands are available in Bangladesh?
Major gaming brands like Gamdias, Gigabyte, Fantech, MSI, Thermaltake, & Coolermaster have already manufactured chairs that are currently available in Bangladesh. Those chairs are very modern-looking & some are even technologically advanced with built-in RBG systems that make them more appealing. For those who prefer comfort over everything else, some chairs are made with comfort in mind. Each of those chairs can be considered gaming but with a different built structure & look. Other brands like Havit, Marvo have recognized the potential market growth in it & have also introduced gaming chairs with similar features at budget-friendly prices. All of which you can get from Dhaka, Bangladesh. All the mentioned brands are currently making a huge demand in the Bangladesh market with more room to grow further. They constantly evolve their design & add new & more luxurious features to their chairs to ensure an optimal gaming experience. And you can be assured all those new releases will be available in the Bangladesh market soon enough.
Which gaming chairs are now most popular in the Bangladesh Market?
Ranking gaming chairs along with their key features & availability, in the Bangladesh market.
Gamdias ACHILLES E2 L Multi-function PC Gaming Chair
Gamdias is a world-known brand in gaming accessories & gaming chairs.
The Gamdias ACHILLES E2 L chair is a classic example of gaming chairs with no added features but makes up with its look & high comfort level. The built quality of a chair should always take priority over everything else so let's look into some features the ACHILLES E2 L has to offer. Firstly the leather used in the chair is Vinyl which is very durable. The chair type is Conventional Tilt & the adjustable Backrest has an angle/recline up to 150 degrees. The chair has a max load capacity of 440 lbs / 200 kg. And the foundation has a 5-star durable steel base. All in all, it is a very convenient chair with all the key features needed in a gaming chair. It is a very price efficient chair for those who are looking for the optimal experience.
Gigabyte Aorus AGC300 Gaming Chair
Gigabyte is a very popular brand in the gaming community it is known for a lot of successful products introduced in the market. It's only natural that their gaming chairs will captivate the market as well. The Gigabyte Aorus AGC300 stands out from the rest of its competitions simply on style alone. The outlook of the chair has a distinct vibe to it which represents Aorus. A sub-brand of Gigabyte, dedicated to gaming. When it comes to features, they got it all covered. Like soft and adjustable armrests to protect the shoulders and wrist during the long gaming hours, flexible seat back adjustable up to 150 Degree angle to match your comfort. A high backrest saves the neck and spine from inconvenient pain & also allows more room to move around. It is a convenient combination of style & comfort.
Cooler Master ERGO L Ergonomic Gaming Chair
Cooler Master chairs are very different from other gaming chairs. Their design & look are very elegant and have a classy feel to them.
The Cooler Master ERGO L Ergonomic Gaming Chair is a perfect example of it. It has all the key features of a gaming chair with the added looks of an executive chair. Its build quality is very impressive right from the start with the inner material consisting of High tension mesh, Frame & Base materials made of Aluminum. Along with a 2D Armrest that applies to lift & forward to fit your comfort style. The chair is made for durability & lasting use & to deal with pressure. Its overall look is what makes it unique among gaming chairs. It's okay to say that the chair can be used to put your gaming build together or can be used in a corporate office & be displayed as an executive chair. So if you are the kinda person who's into subtle & elegant looks the Cooler Master ERGO L Ergonomic Gaming Chair is for you.
Thermaltake GT Comfort C500 4D Adjustable Gaming Chair
With all the gaming brands are now making gaming chairs, it's only natural that Thermaltake will hop on the train. Chairs made by Thermaltake ensure comfort & flexibility above all. Thermaltake chairs are not shy about letting everyone know that they value comfort more than looks. And that's more than enough for a lot of gamers to buy them. Simply, long hours of gaming can cause a variety of issues for the gamer starting with back pain to aches in the hip area, etc. By keeping those thoughts in mind Thermaltake has introduced the Thermaltake GT Comfort C500 4D Adjustable Gaming Chair along with other various models. Just by glims at the chair one can easily assume that it is very spacious. Key features of the chair will include Backrest Height up to 32.8" / 83.5cm, backrest Shoulder Width: 21" / 53.5cm. Adjustable Headrest, Anti Clockwise Rotation, and Height Adjustment. Along with other noticeable differences. In short, the chair is very customizable compared to its other competitors in the market. It can be customized to meet your particular sitting arrangements to make sure you are comfortable at all times. If the price is not the issue then the Thermaltake GT Comfort C500 4D Adjustable Gaming Chair is the chair you should aim towards.
Fantech Alpha GC-181 Gaming Chair
Fantech is becoming a popular brand in the Bangladesh market as of right now. Its accessories have quickly gained a lot of popularity due to their innovative design & low budget products & longevity. Based on how popular the brand itself is, gamers will be interested in their gaming chairs. And they were not disappointed by any means. The Fantech Alpha GC-181 Gaming Chair is like any other regular gaming chair with the basic features. With some key differences such as Ergonomic High Backseat Design with Wheels Top Choice brand, Class 4 Hydraulic Piston & Nylon Base, Easy Backrest Recline which handles up to 200 Kg & the material used is Genuine Leather. It's a good value for the chair itself & surely is growing rapidly within the community with more customers giving positive reviews on the product.
Gaming chairs are rising to fame regardless of which brand they belong to or which features they have. The growing gaming community has a demand for them & to meet those demands each brand will continue to create, innovate & evolve more versatile & modern-looking chairs which we all will be eager to see soon. At the pace at which the demand for chairs is growing, without a doubt, new models & designs will continue to be available in the Bangladesh Market.
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marvellousstawler · 2 years
Another idea for my VN, probably
Just wanted to mention that I've nosedived back into this project because Sammy has got me clinically addicted to Fire Emblem Three Houses. It isn't lost on me that Zelda is a wannabe Edelgard. Ooh, maybe I should give her a crush on her teacher, that'll be spicy, let me table that.
Every chapter, since I've broken it up like each of the sisters has their own login, will need three streams, depending on whether the player has logged in as Siren, Titan or Zelda. The first story is tentatively called "We Have Never Lived In The Castle" until I can think of a better pun of an existing property. The story however will have little to do with the actual novel 'We Have Always Lived In The Castle;' my brother had to read it for school but I never got around to it. Me not getting around to reading things is part of my brand, if you like. And by part of my brand I mean a genuinely embarrassing weakness. Whatever, that's not what this post is about.
ZELDA I have no idea how to code, but when I find someone who does, I will get them to make it so Zelda's run of the chapter has to be played first for the opening of the game. It will open with her walking through the gates of the school, and feeling intimidated because she can barely read the minds of anyone there because the city has magic blockers. Getting nervous, she begins to wonder how she got herself into this predicament, and a non-linear recount of how she was forced to leave her old school because of a string of psychic attacks. She was actually meant to go straight to prison but managed to finagle her way out of it because no one could concretely prove it was her. She 'agreed to be forced' to go to school in the city because she found herself getting very bored of living in the woods with her father, and she thought the city would give her greater access to her attempt to instill a Sapiocracy (a word she made up) within the fractured government. Bear in mind, she's fourteen, BAST even criticises her for being too ambitious, and Zelda replies, "one must start early." BAST tries to encourage her that there was one more reason that Zelda wanted to go to this specific school in the city, and Zelda denies it, but the only answer is that she wanted to see her older sister again. However, the reunion between Zelda and Siren at the end of Zelda's run is so socially humiliating for Zelda that she regrets all her decisions then and there.
SIREN So the joke here is that Siren definitely lives in a castle. It's a gorgeous three-storey right on the beachfront with a glimmering Mercedes parked in the driveway, and that's just the 'everyday' car. I want to find the most stereotypical Shojo-anime "girl wakes up and goes to school" opening and fuck with it, complete with the toast hanging halfway out her mouth. There should be a scene of her holding back her stims on the train, and waving chipperly at fellow passengers only to receive stares of contempt, and her reaction is "they must just be sleepy." Something something school interactions, talking with her so-called friends who very clearly see her as an ideal to be pursued rather than a person, teachers looking upon her as a walking "her parents will complain." Then as she walks down the hallway she sees her sister standing there, and she's so happy it basically unlocks a dream sequence. Then she remembers what happened last time they saw each other and she starts cold-sweating with fear that Zelda hates her. She decides to offset this fear by dragging Zelda around with her like she's a teddybear. After shenans they end up in Siren's dorm where Zelda finally barks at her about being a bother all day, and Siren breaks down, resolving to make her sister love her again because she is falsely convinced that she hates her now.
TITAN Titan has been released from prison. We learn that she was in there because she willfully set a mine on fire; the mine she had been sent to work in after having already been sent to prison for arson and battery. Her mothers live in the desert, and figure that all this time it has been their negligence and Titan's isolation that has caused their daughter to act out, so, the best way to deal with negligence is obviously to send her to boarding school (admittedly that might help with the isolation). To reduce the fees they get her in on a sports scholarship, because she is such a physical asset that the school can't refuse her, even if her attitude and general demeanor is extremely antisocial. In fact, the fanatical sports teacher decides to take Titan on as a challenge! Titan fails her attempt to fail the sports scholarship exam and winds up stuck living at the boarding school. She does not yet see Siren or Zelda in this run, we're saving that for next chapter.
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novelideasblog · 4 years
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Gifted by Donald Hounam
This book is definitely not what I expected. I’ve always been drawn to the front cover and on the way out of my library a few weeks ago, I grabbed a few chunkier reads to get me through the Lockdown. But from the very first page, it’s clear that this book has more cahoonas - mainly by way of gore, swearing and complex characters - than your average magical Potter story. 
Frank is a young sorcerer who has an anthropomorphic door, the smell of cats innards in his room and frantic code scrawls on his blackboard, which he can memorise and recreate exactly. But when the Bishop of Oxford is discovered without his head, Frank lends a hand and tries to help the police solve the murder case, using his rare and brilliant skill set. That is; magic. With Marvo by his side, a police colleague, they begin to piece together the facts and end up putting their lives at risk several times to find the culprit. But will they work it all out in the end?
I like the writing style of this book very much. Frank is an unlovable, emotionally stunted teen with a big ego but he is also hugely funny and self-deprecating as hell. As a first person narrative, this book works really well and by the end of the novel, we’re all rooting for Frank to see the light and make the right choices. The story is dark and, at times, honestly disgusting, but I think that this only adds to it’s odd appeal (if you like that kinda thing, of course!). There’s also a pretty good finale, which I honestly think should have begun 20 or 30 pages sooner - with so much build up, I was beginning to flag a little towards the end and a longer conclusion would have felt more generous plot-wise. However, this quirky, competent mystery novel is one that will certainly leave a lasting impression and have you pondering over some of the loose threads that unravel at the very end.
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The Beleaguered Bank
From the desk of J-------------- My dear friend L. once asked me, should he ever mysteriously disappear, to access a hotel safe that is not his in order to find and publish the remains of a story that is, for the most part, also not his. While I always imagined I would have to fulfill this request, the manuscript I have found strikes me as temporally incongruous, being the fifth-and-a-half work in a long-concluded project. But here it is, plain as my nose or my glasses or my ring. O! How I have missed my days as a publisher. It is sad, leaving a beloved career and being relegated to simply watching. Ring in the new, though, I always say, and it certainly is a new development in my life, publishing a manuscript written by an old friend. L., I do not know if you will ever see this, but I will attempt to execute your wishes as quickly and accurately as our enemies did my husband. Regards, J--------------
Very few things are less pleasant than being forced to remember several bad memories all at once. For example, if you were petrified of thunderstorms and also disliked cilantro, you might find yourself making several bad memories if a group of villains forced you to eat a plate of cilantro during a particularly vicious thunderstorm. Even if you then escaped from this harrowing - a word which here means “scary and unpleasant” - situation, you would still not enjoy being forced to remember the noise of the storm and the taste of the cilantro and the laughter of the villains the next time you ate at a Mexican restaurant which went rather heavy on their garnishes.
   One of the few things less pleasant than being forced to remember several bad memories all at once is reading the book which you are holding at this very moment. While this book does not contain any cilantro, it does contain a great many villainous people and a particularly vicious thunderstorm, as well as an account of the misfortunes of three orphans who deserve much better than villains, thunderstorms, and cilantro. In fact, this book is so unpleasant that the act of writing it brings back a number of bad memories for me, and if you persist in reading it, it will certainly give you a number of bad memories to be forced to remember later.
   As the Baudelaire orphans rode into the city in the back of Mr. Poe’s car, they found themselves in the unpleasant situation of being forced to remember several bad memories all at once. This was, of course, the same city in which they had once lived in a large mansion, which had since burned down. They lived with their parents, whom they loved very much, and who had since died in the same fire which claimed the Baudelaire mansion. After this, they were sent to live with Count Olaf, an evil man and a mediocre actor, who had since followed them everywhere in an attempt to steal their fortune for himself. Most recently, he had kidnapped the Baudelaires’ good friends, the Quagmire triplets, both of whom had been very kind to the Baudelaires during their time at boarding school. Duncan and Isadora Quagmire were a reporter and a poet, respectively. The third triplet, Quigley, had died in a fire along with Mr. and Mrs. Quagmire. The Baudelaires had felt a sense of kinship with the Quagmires, a phrase which here means that they could relate to each other because all of their parents had died in terrible fires and left behind enormous fortunes which Count Olaf was trying to steal. The Baudelaires missed their friends, especially because Duncan and Isadora had tried to give them a message while they were being kidnapped. “V.F.D.!” Duncan yelled as Count Olaf took him and his sister away.
   Because of events like this, the Baudelaires often felt as though the hundreds of eyes which decorated Count Olaf’s house and the single eye tattoo which decorated Count Olaf’s ankle could still see them, even though, up until that morning, they had been far from the city which contained his house.
   “I’m sure you children are just delighted to be back in the city,” Mr. Poe was saying. “After all the unpleasantness with Count Olaf, it must be nice to return home and forget all about that horrible man.”
   “Actually,” Klaus began to say, but Violet put a hand on his shoulder, and he fell silent. Violet was the eldest of the three Baudelaire children. She was fourteen years old and an accomplished inventor, and anybody who knew her well could tell when she was coming up with a new invention, because she would tie her hair up in a ribbon to keep it from distracting her while she planned. Her hair was not tied up at the moment. Violet knew from experience that Mr. Poe’s car had very few inventing materials and very little space to work. She also knew from experience that it was little use arguing with Mr. Poe because he, like many adults, did not care to hear the opinions of children, even when those opinions were very important and concerned the villain in whose care Mr. Poe had put them. About the only thing Mr. Poe could be reliably counted on to do was cough.
   “Klaus, were you -” Mr. Poe cut himself off by coughing loudly into his handkerchief. “Were you saying something?”
   Klaus thought for a moment before he spoke. “I only wanted to ask how much longer we’ll be on the road.”
   In addition to being a phrase which here means “driving in Mr. Poe’s car,” saying “on the road” can refer to a book by Jack Kerouac. Klaus had not read this book, but he had read many, many others. He was the middle Baudelaire sibling at twelve years old and the only boy, and he had a great appetite for reading. He hoped whatever guardian Mr. Poe was sending them to live with had a library in which he could pass the time with a book.
   “Not very long,” Mr. Poe assured them. “I am bringing you to the banking district, which is just a few minutes away.”
   “Marvo!” Sunny exclaimed. Sunny was the youngest of the three children. She was a baby and, despite what the unusual size and sharpness of her four teeth would suggest, she was still at the age when she mostly spoke in a way that was difficult for adults to understand and was not strictly English. Her siblings understood her perfectly, however. In this case, they knew she meant something like, “Not the bank again!” and, though it was true that Mulctuary Money Management had not been very helpful in the past, Violet and Klaus thought it was wiser not to translate.
   Instead, Violet asked, “Does our new guardian live in the banking district?”
   “Well, it’s a complicated situation,” Mr. Poe said, not answering Violet’s question at all. “Someone offered to be your guardian, but due to complications which he did not specify, he is unable to do so at the moment. Perhaps his wife doesn't want children, or perhaps -”
   He began coughing again. The Baudelaire children looked at each other. Unspecified complications are rarely a good thing, and it seemed as though Mr. Poe was not going to specify why their guardianship situation was so complicated, either.
   “Anyway,” Mr. Poe continued, tucking his handkerchief back into his pocket, “you will be staying temporarily with an acquaintance of mine from the bank until this man resolves his complications and can care for you. My acquaintance is named Mr. Hume, and he is a teller at the Twelfth First Bank of the City.”
   The name sounded familiar to the children. “I think our parents had an account there once,” Klaus said. 
   “Many people do,” Mr. Poe said as he slowed the car to a stop. “Ah, here we are. The Twelfth First Bank of the City is the crowning achievement of the banking district.” He sighed wistfully, a word which here means “as if he very much wished he could work at the Twelfth First Bank of the City.”
   When the Baudelaire orphans exited the car, they were confronted with one of the largest, roundest, goldest buildings they had ever seen. The entirety of the Twelfth First Bank of the City was constructed from what appeared to be dark yellow stone, and the wall curved away from the children in both directions. The wall stretched up toward the sky, higher in some places than in others, forming pointed turrets. There were large round windows every few feet, each tinted a different color, like jewels. The entire building was shaped like a very large crown.
   “There is a rumor that this bank was originally chartered by the Duchess of Winnipeg herself,” Mr. Poe breathed, looking up at the turrets.
   “Originally?” Violet asked.
   “Yes,” Mr. Poe said. “The bank has lost its charter and reopened a number of times. Sometimes, large groups of democratically-minded people enjoy shutting down banks when there is nothing else around for them to shut down.”
   “Jaxin,” Sunny agreed with a solemn nod.
   “And Mr. Hume is employed here?” Klaus prompted. He enjoyed admiring the crown-shaped building, but he got the feeling that Mr. Poe would admire it forever if somebody gave him the chance.
   “Yes, he works here, and he also lives here,” Mr. Poe said. “The tellers have apartments in the upper floors of the bank, although not everybody chooses to use them, so I am sure there will be some spare rooms for you children. Now, I would like to accompany you inside to meet Mr. Hume, but I am a very busy man, and I am told I may be in line for a promotion at Mulctuary Money Management, so I really must get back to work.”
   By this time, the children were used to Mr. Poe dropping them off with a new guardian and scurrying back to the bank, but that did not prevent them from feeling some small pang of loss as he drove, coughing furiously, away from the Twelfth First Bank of the City.
   “Hotep?” Sunny asked, and her siblings knew she meant something like, “What if this Mr. Hume is actually Count Olaf in disguise?”
   “I don't know,” Klaus admitted.
   “I don't know, either,” Violet said, “but I suppose there is only one way to find out.”
   There is rarely only one way to find anything out. If you want to find out the weather, for example, you could step outside, or you could watch the meteorological section of the morning news, or you could telephone your friend who recently received a coded message about the weather and ask her about its contents. Some of these methods are more reliable than others, of course, but they are all ways of finding out the weather. Likewise, if you want to find out whether your new guardian is Count Olaf in disguise, you could check for the presence of shiny eyes or poor personal hygiene or an eye tattoo on his skinny ankle, or you could offer him three children with  a vast fortune and observe how he treats them. However, Violet was correct in this case. If your new guardian is inside the Twelfth First Bank of the City and you need to go inside to determine whether or not he is Count Olaf in disguise, there really is only one way to find out.
   The Baudelaires went inside.
   The interior of the bank was just as round and gold as the outside. Directly in front of the door was an imposing front desk with a plaque on it that said “front desk” in large gold letters. Taped to the plaque was a handwritten sign which read “no attendant due to budget cuts - please attend yourself.”
   “Attend ourselves?” Violet repeated aloud after reading the sign. “I suppose that means we will have to find Mr. Hume on our own.”
   The hallway within the bank curved both to the left and to the right behind the front desk, and the Baudelaires chose the left. The outer wall of the passage contained the large round windows they had seen from the outside. The inner wall was much more interesting. It contained a variety of slots, doors, and openings, all of which were labeled in small gold letters. As they walked, moving at a leisurely pace - a phrase which here means “slowly, so they could examine the slots, doors, and openings” - Klaus read all the labels aloud to his sisters.
   “Student account deposit. Fruit-sellers’ fees. Linguists’ fees. Vegan bakers’ fees. Account transfer area. Invoice transfer area. Transferred money deposit. Global business fees. Local business fees. Tellers’ rent deposit.”
   “Why do they need separate slots for all of these transactions?” Violet wondered aloud.
   When someone wonders something aloud, they are generally not expecting an answer to their question. Sometimes I find myself wondering aloud how on earth I ended up here, hiding my manuscript under the second-softest pillow in an ill-decorated hotel suite, not because I believe anybody has the answer to that question, but because saying it aloud makes it feel as though I am less alone in my confusion.
   This is why Violet was understandably startled when somebody answered her question.
   “There's a rumor that these halls were designed for maximum banking efficiency by J. P. Morgan himself!” crowed a voice. “Of course, I don't believe it myself. Never believe anything you hear without proper evidence, I always say.”    The voice belonged to a very round man with a very round face. He stood at the top of a short flight of stairs which emerged, quite abruptly, from the flatness of the hallway. He regarded the children for a moment before descending the stairs to shake each of their hands in turn - first Violet, then Klaus, then Sunny.
   “You must be the Baudelaire orphans,” he said. “I don't believe we've met. I will be your guardian for the time being. My name is Mr. Hume.”
Read it on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11043645/chapters/24617739
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sometimesfoodie · 4 years
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Lilikoi and Pineapple Hi-Chew - Gift...from 2016 Like many people, to kick off the new year I started deep cleaning my house and what did I find? These Hi-Chew (from 2015). Five to six years ago Marvo from The Impulsive Buy sent me these exclusive Hi-Chew from Hawaii, and I totally lost them. Deep in a box of things from my old bedroom, there they were. I hated the idea of throwing them out, and does candy ever -really- go bad? I mean, it's not like they got wet or anything...
So today I will be tempting fate, and dental work, by trying these two Hi-Chew flavors that officially expired in October of 2016. Wish me luck! 
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 After a quick google search, both flavors were exclusive to Hawaii in 2015, but I'm not sure if they are all that exclusive anymore. Both flavors can be bought online, and they seem to be part of the Tropical Fruit-Combo bags sold at Target's across the nation. (Which you can also get online.)
Let's jump right in!  
Pineapple - On the other hand, I have had plenty of pineapple. This is a sweet pineapple, similar to the clear pineapple Haribo gummi bears. It's almost creamy, and the bouncy Hi-Chew texture makes it seem extra juicy. Fans of Dole Whip might really appreciate this one due to it's creaminess. I'm into it! 
For being half a decade old, they really help up well! The chew is certainly stiffer than usual, but they soften up fairly quickly and the classic Hi-Chew bounce is still there! If there is an apocalyptic event, it's nice to know that Hi-Chew will still be good after the nuclear fallout. (Joking of course, but with how everything has gone the last year or so...you never know.) 
If you enjoy tropical flavors, and chewy fruity candy, these are far better than any tropical Skittle or Starburst offering. I highly recommend them, but don't do what I did and wait half a decade. Eat them while they're fresh.  
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Fans of these would also like: Banana Hi-Chew, Sweet and Sour Hi-Chew, Crown Pokemon Fruit Chews, or Pina Colada Oreo Thins
Keep Up with My Adventures on the main blog, SometimesFoodie.com!
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techno-dragon · 7 years
you have a point that the trans marco theory would be bad IF it was only about marvo loking feminine things like dresses, unfortunately for you it isnt, 1) there are numerous hints of marco having dysphoria, the stuck in like dream, "marco covers the mirror because he's ashamed of his body", an episode where narco is in a closet the entire time, 2)the crew seem to support it, having trans marco art on their fanart wall and making an entire episode literally just about explaining dysphoria
Like I said before, The Trans Marco Headcanon is fine, it's the concept of forcing the gender onto the character even if he doesn't want it from The Trans Marco THEORY that isn't fine. Dysphoria doesn't necessarily mean "I want to be a different gender", it could be anything. Maybe he wants to look more buff rather than flimsy and squishy. I'll only call Marco by the female gender if MARCO is the one that says he wants to be called by the female gender... or one of the creators. But yeah, it needs to be mostly from Marco himself.
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marvellousstawler · 2 years
I don't even know if I like visual novels...
The only reason I'm not writing this in a notebook is because I want to draw later and I don't want to hold a pen any longer than I need to. And the only reason I'm writing this at all is because it's my fourth day working from home and my boss hasn't given me any instructions. So, as Bjork's guttural utterances crawl through my tinny work-laptop speaker, let's put my idea where no one will see it; on my tumblr.
Followers of my private notebooks (of which there are exactly one and a half since my best friend hears all the synopses) will be familiar with a trio of OCs currently known as the Orchid Sisters. Coming up is my ten year anniversary of not knowing what to do with them. They, and I, are beginning to get restless. There have been too many disastrous attempts, within several formats.
My best friend, who I won't name since she's online and doesn't need her reputation soiled with my bullshit posts (let's call her Sammy), suggested that I choose a new medium (since I've tried and failed a few of them for this trio) which properly facilitates the tone and setting, and that I go back to the inspirations for this 'series.' I've just deleted a detailed synopsis of the myriad of inspirations which have mutated the non-existent story of these three characters, including "Twilight Eclipse, but just the soundtrack."
Let me jump to the idea because I'm getting bored of writing the history of my own ideas for literally zero audience. Actually, fuck it. It's easier if I just draft it. Enough throat clearing, here goes nothing. Cringe is dead.
Initializing... Authenticating... Greetings, Administrator. You have likely discovered this software installed on your machine with no memory of how it got there or what it is for, considering that this is your first time using it. You also likely put aside your knowledge of cyber safety and clicked on it because you saw a sticky note on your desktop with an arrow pointing toward the application shortcut, reading "Boot up if amnesia strikes -- Z." Since you know very well who Z is and you trust that she's quite well-versed with computers, you followed her advice. MAIN MENU [Help Menu] [Select User] [Settings] [Archive] [Quit] HELP MENU [Introduction] [What is this software?] [Who are you?] [How do I change the user's settings?] [Where are the files located?] WHAT IS THIS SOFTWARE? This is an application designed by Zelda M Green to manage her own amnesia and social anxiety. You are 84% likely to be Zelda Green, and you of course know if you are her, but I am accounting for the fact that the other two users can (but usually will not) access this help menu. Detailed descriptions of Zelda's reasoning behind creating this software can be found in [Archive]->[Development Log]. This application executes simulations of your social interactions from the recent past, and is updated automatically upon cybernetic upload conducted by my robotic avatar during your hours of sleep. As such, it allows you to extract your own memories and observe simulations of them in order to optimize future social interactions. Seeing as how the cybernetic upload feature is still under development, some user-submitted context clues and social responses will require your input during the social simulations. Completed simulations are available for re-viewing in [Archive]->[Memory List]. For Silence: Zaza-nee made a sim where she can see her memories of convos because sometimes she forgets or gets blushy about it. And you and Tata can use it too!
And so on.
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marvellousstawler · 2 years
It's called the Dragon's Discography for now.
I'm using this as a journal for the progress of my comic/concept album which...is completely in the ideas stage with nothing to show for it after ten years of naval gazing. But here I am writing out the progress of making it for all the zero people who will see it. I have a working title, Dragon's Discography, the meaning of which should become apparent pretty quickly. I really don't believe that I will make it big, and imposter syndrome makes me think I won't make it at all, but I thought maybe letting the internet watch me awkwardly stumble my way through making something will help...someone? At least some creator who doesn't want to feel quite so alone or incapable. The following is a sort of book report on the themes of a book that doesn't yet exist. It's aspirational more than anything; I'm hoping putting it here will keep me accountable. Also if you think this is very unapproachable as a post, "who are these people" and all that, this is just me continuing my journals on tumblr instead of Google Drive. You get to pick it apart like a mystery. It'll be fun. I want the story to follow three different approaches to dealing with parental trauma and personal responsibility, through the lens of fighting a giant dragon lady obliquely coded as an environmental disaster. Our main character, Feina, is literally the adopted daughter of said dragon lady (her name is Nisa), meaning she inherits not only the literal trauma of having endured Nisa's parenting, but all the subtextual responsibility of the dying world. What I want Feina's arc to be, I have yet to decide, but because she threads the line between the other two protagonists, it will likely be influenced by them. I'm not *too* worried about Feina being too passive; I'll have beta readers to protect her from becoming too boring. Isaura is Nisa's aunt. She represents the generation before hers, who is most responsible for the dying world (or, more literally in the story, for Nisa's rise to power), however Isaura herself is not personally responsible. I want her arc to touch on the guilt of being there while the world went to shit, but not doing anything about it.
Zoey is Feina's student, and adopted daughter, so the aim is to show how Feina's own shitty upbringing will affect her parenting style. For example, Nisa was emotionally unstable and very neglectful, so in an attempt to counteract that, Feina might become stoic and overprotective. The lesson Feina needs to learn is that she cannot respond to Zoey's needs by doing the opposite of what Nisa did to her, and more importantly, she cannot protect her from everything. Zoey herself, having inherited the shitty task of saving the world from evil dragon lady, despite being just one part of it, takes on a lot of personal responsibility. Using the contrast between Isaura and Zoey, I'm hoping to explore just how much we can (or should) be expected to 'fix' the messy hand we're dealt, either parental trauma or environmental disaster (again, combined into one sexy dragon queen).
Am I writing this for therapy? Most likely. Every piece of writerly advice I've received has told me not to start with themes, but, eh whatever. I'm not too precious about where the story goes, this is just where it starts. Or, starts again. And honestly it's just an excuse to let Wolf Girl, Bear Girl and Octo Girl fight Dragon Lady. Let's not lose sight of the fun parts.
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marvellousstawler · 11 months
Mon 16 Oct 2023
The busiest week of my entire year (work-wise) just concluded, so, cut me a break, Present Marvo. I haven't even opened my PAX-haul.
Art *cricket noises*... Apparently due to a migraine-addled nostalgia nosedive into Yu-Gi-Oh! YouTube I have learned that I've been Mai Valentine kin-assigned since age eight and cannot divest myself of the need to draw fanart of her. So I guess I'll add that to somewhere on this too-long, unmoving list of incomplete art pieces.
Writing This week I had maybe the worst idea for a 'story' ever conceived, and somehow, against all odds, it already has three 'chapters.' You may remember from last week that I mentioned I play D&D, in 2 campaigns. One of those campaigns is on hiatus, during which time I have, completely against my own wishes, become obsessed with my own bard. To offset this bardless existence I now endure (rather than write the much more useful faction-guide from her perspective), I decided to interview her. Thrice. Writing on my phone in a three-day-long hyperfocused stupor on lunchbreaks, commutes and in waiting rooms. The worst thing about it is that the unfolding dynamic between the interviewee and her interviewer (which, I'll remind you, is literally myself) is genuinely compelling (at least to me) and I'm honestly unsettled by the blatant egotism of that. I wanted to avoid becoming the kind of author who is THAT obvious with their self-inserts in a fictional context, but honestly, it was inevitable. And hey, it's better than no writing. Not that I need've worried, because it turned out through some miracle that I actually did have enough energy to add to TDD's opening act outline AND refine its magic system a little. So, wow? Go me? Don't know how you did that considering how many early crashes you've had this week but, Kudos, Past Self. (Ugh, see? Egotism inevitable. Guess I'm not much of an...elegant egotist? Eh? Ehhhh? Because Mai from YGO, she uses that, that card in the...Anyone? Nah, me neither).
Reading *tumbleweed bounces feebly across an empty highway*... Just this evening I went to a comic store to try and sell some old stuff that's no longer to my taste, only to learn that they don't take single issues. So I thought I might give them to any unhoused people I meet who might want one, just to break up their day and give them something different to read. Like, they're good comics, they're mostly DC, they're just a bit frayed and also not my thing. If I get no takers, I'll put them in one of those street libraries where you can take so long as you give; not enough libraries in general stock comics anyway. Also, while I was at the store I picked up a brochure for a cool scavenger hunt for street art comic panels around Melbourne laneways. It's basically the most Melbourne thing ever, only thing that could make it more so is if some of the panels turn out to feature coffee and/or jazz. Also I learned there are more comic stores in this city than I thought. Apparently if you complete the scavenger hunt you can get free comics at the partner locations, but I'm just keen to meander around Melbourne to look for art, honestly. If you're in Melbourne and you want to take part, you can pick up one of the brochures at most comic stores in the CBD, and scan the QR for more info.
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