#mary anning rocks
monkeymeghan · 2 years
Tonight I attended a virtual event through my local library. It was given by Claire Evens and was about the Jurassic Coast in England and Mary Anning. Mary Anning was a fossil hunter and was so unappreciated in her time. Men mostly got credit for her finds, and she was somewhat lost in history. I can’t wait to go to the library to find some books about Mary Anning to learn more about her life and discoveries. I mean, she found the first ichthyosaur and plesiosaur, as well as the first pterosaur in England. I was so excited for this event, and it didn’t disappoint. Sorry for the babbling post, I just really enjoyed the presentation.
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mary-ace-merrill · 2 months
Hey Mary!! Great to have you here, I'm sorry you gotta share your space with that fucking asshole tho. Let me know if you wanna go grab something at the diner after I'm done with baseball practice, I've missed you so much!! -Tina
Tina!!! Ohhh come on now, he isn't all that bad...he's been good today! And besides he's hardly on much, but you can leave stuff for him! Just say it's for Ace and he'll get to you♡♡
I'm sorry for not getting to you sooner! Oh maybe we can get something tomorrow? I have some very funny stories to share, and I've missed you so much dear!
Oh Tina!! -Mary♡
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museaway · 2 months
Some things I've enjoyed in the past month! If I react positively to something, I generally like it whether or not it has flaws. I'll just mention what I appreciate!
The Housekeeper and the Professor, Yoko Ogawa. I adore this author. This book was gentle and a little heartbreaking, and really lovely. I cried over the love reveal.
The Secret Talker, Geling Yan. I won't spoil it, but while the premise is kind of absurd, the book was a wild ride. I couldn't put it down. (check warnings on this one)
my storygraph
The Best Offer, 2013, starring Geoffrey Rush. A famed auctioneer becomes entangled with a young heiress who won't leave her house. The twist in this hurts. I think about it a lot.
Safe, 1995, directed by Todd Haynes. Brilliant lead performance by Julienne Moore. Disturbing look at how society treats disease. The 90s sexism rang loudly. I've admired Todd since Velvet Goldmine and don't know how I missed this one.
Ammonite, 2020, starring Kate Winslet in a fantastic performance. Watched via Kanopy (ty, library!). Melancholy love story between two women and exactly my speed. A+ on the intimacy but has an ambiguous ending. Loosely based on paleontologist Mary Anning, who is also featured in Tracy Chevalier's novel Remarkable Creatures (probably my favorite of hers).
on repeat
Jade by X JAPAN. This song goes hard. The rock opening shifts into a power ballad. I didn't think I'd heard of this band until last year, only to discover that one of my college J-rock favorites (Crucify My Love) is also theirs. Small world etc.
Aftermath by Muse. I've been looping this song for a couple of months. Something about it just goes right for my heart. Haven't been able to get enough of Neutron Star Collision either.
Google Calendar has integrated Tasks, and you can even put them in tidy columns! At the top of the calendar page, just click the little checkbox to toggle between calendar and tasks view.
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cloudycera · 1 year
So u know how the In the upcoming Shazam Comics Billy is exploring the Rock and ignoring the whole war thing.
What if loses the powers of shazam but keeps his connection to the Rock and choose to stay there as the Rocks new overseer and caretaker, turning it into a sanctuary for anyone who wants to disappear off the face of the earth.
Mary ans Malik (is that his name?) can take care of the Champion duties while Billy upholds Multiversal order with the rocking sword😎
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She sells seashells by the seashore
Petrified bones of plesiosaurs
Belemnites with ink sacks preserved
T. platyodon carefully unearthed
From rocks exposed on the Dorset coast
By one of the figures who contributed most
To founding the paleontological field
But the Geological Society would not yield
Denying a woman entry was forgone
Even the one who found Dimorphodon
Who realized bezoar stones were old feces
Who helped spread the concept of extinct species
In her own time she did not get her due
So now, Mary Anning, this goes out to you
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 2 months
SOOO!! A fun bit of tidbits~ about Mary-Ace Merrill!
It's a very hush hush matter, Ace himself has a reputation to uphold, but the need to be a pretty girl outweighs that at times. He gets all dressed in very pretty 50s clothes, and is quite good at makeup and hair, along with sewing and mending.
Granted he technically wears a very nice blond wig that he styles but he has that along with his "Girlie" things hidden in his closet(HA! ....poor man-)
He normally travels further away to indulge in his Mary side, but recently took up dressing up while staying home for the day, and so he's created this extremely elaborate lie.
"I'm Mary...Merrill! I-Im...I'm Ace's cousin, he...he's nkt here I'm sorry-" man is SO SHY as Mary for multiple reasons, ans the only one to really knkw the secret is Richard(eyeball) who teases him about it but makes sure he stays safe and if the others find out I really doubt they care. (The cobras are already a bunch of outcast, might as well have a fairy like Ace.)
Stumbles over her words at times, very soft hushed tone, so so sweet and lovly, just the perfect girl of Castle Rock to lots of folks, and she gets very nurvous going places in town.
Which is how she meets Nancy I imagine, dressed as Mary, enguraged by Richard to just visit a few spots and all of a sudden she's mildly cornered my Nancy asking her name and just being so friendly and she freezes up for a number of reasons. Mary almost wants to printed she's a mute, but gets the courage to very quietly say her name and it sparked a long odd mostly oddly achudraled friendship between the two.
Mary doesn't like to get undressed or attend slumber parties of other girls it makes her very nurvous. She wears a slip and stockings every. Single. Time. She does anything. (Helps Ace keep his shape and keep well in order) She's very shy and flusters very very easily, and so worried about doing things(playing, attempted rough housing, picking things up, Ace is fairly strong, as is Mary and it terrfies her since it's not "Lady Like")
Nancy is always wanting to do her hair and it made Mary worried sevral times, but she lets her do her makeup at least.
"How are you and Ace even related? You tow are better off twins than cousins!"
"Ahah..well, they say we were but I was given up to a relative who...couldn't have them.."
"Awee...your great at this Mary!"
"Oh I'm really not, it's all blotchey-"
"You call this blotchy!? I look like a movie star Mary!!"
"I-im just coping the tabloids and magazines Nancy..."
Ace getting extra hard feelings for Nancy and not being as...teasing toward her, and maybe Mary let's her in on some "Ace Gosspip" and it's just Mary telling her about themselves.
....that is all, enjoy the thoughts~🎉🎉
I love The idea if Mary being quite contrast to her Ace counterpart and being more shy and quiet, also Eyeball being the only person who knows about it and hangs around with her made my heart melt a little bit.. 🥺
AND MARY AND NANCY HANGING OUT GRAAHHHH *passes away*[someone should stop me I'm going feral over this 💀]
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arypurple · 10 months
Ayato Sakamaki
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Nom: Sakamaki.
Prénom: Ayato.
Parents: Karlheinz et Cordelia.
Âge: 17 ans (physiquement)
Race: Vampire.
Taille: 1m74
Date de naissance: 22 mars.
Signe astrologique: Bélier.
Nourriture favorite: Takoyaki.
Hobbie(s): Le basketball.
Physique: Jeune homme élancé avec des cheveux indisciplinés, de couleur rougeâtre hérissés aux extrémités, des yeux verts étroits et un teint clair. Il porte généralement un goujon sur son oreille droite.
Caractère: Étant un fauteur de troubles, Ayato est un chercheur d'attention et aime les méfaits. Il méprise les autres et adore intimider les gens. Il se réfère très souvent à lui même comme "Ore-sama". Ayato est un rebelle et a une passion pour les dispositifs de torture du genre l'iron maiden dont il possède dans sa chambre en guise de lit (il a retiré les pointes). Il est du genre vantard et commande souvent à tout le monde de l'appeler Ayato-sama. Ayato utilise un langage vulgaire et insulte sa mère (même après sa mort), ainsi que le reste de sa famille en leur donnant des surnoms: hystérique pour Kanato, Shichisan Megane (quatre-yeux) pour Reiji. Il a aussi tendance à être arrogant car il se dit le plus fort et le meilleur.
Histoire: Ayato est le dernier né parmi les triplés, le plus vieux étant Laito. Mais selon une vieille tradition japonaise, le dernier né dans une naissance multiple est considéré comme l'aîné. Il était celui qui attirait le plus l'attention de sa mère, Cordelia, et aussi celui qui subissait le plus d’abus de la part de celle-ci. Ayato a grandi sans recevoir le moindre amour de la part de sa mère, étant élevé uniquement dans le but d’être le meilleur de la famille et de surpasser Shuu, qui est l’aîné de la fratrie. Il a déjà été noyé en guise de punition et a été témoin des rapports entre sa mère et Richter. Motivée par son désir égoïste d’être enfin reconnue par un mari qui la négligeait, Cordelia n’hésitait pas à faire souffrir son entourage, y compris ses propres fils, pour parvenir à ses fins. Pour avoir jeté une fleur que sa mère avait reçu afin d’éviter qu’elle souffre davantage de l’absence de Karlheinz, Ayato a été giflé à répétitions par cette dernière. Au final, il a été le premier à se rebeller contre elle et à comploter avec ses frères pour la tuer.
Il est gaucher.
Il porte du quarante-et-un en chaussure.
Le premier endroit qu'il vérifie en voyant une fille est la poitrine.
Il n'est pas très bon avec les études en général.
Il a dit savoir qu'une cravate est une cravate, mais attache sa cravate sur son uniforme scolaire d'un style différent.
Son takoyaki préféré est celui dont l'extérieur doit être croustillant tandis que l'intérieur est vraiment doux.
Il est si bon danseur qu'il a impressionné Kou et Ruki.
Il a admis aimer la musique rock.
Il a tenu Teddy une fois.
Ayato a une peluche de lapin qui lui a été offerte par Karlheinz et il dormait avec quand il était enfant.
Dans Dark Fate, Ayato pardonne à Cordelia pour tous les abus qu'elle lui a fait subir après avoir connu la vérité derrière sa cruauté et son passé.
Il a peur des abeilles.
Il ne se souvient pas de quand et pourquoi il a commencé à aimer les takoyakis.
Son endroit préféré où sucer le sang est la nuque.
Il n'aime pas les poivrons verts.
Chanson thème: 🎵
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awordwasthebeginning · 11 months
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Moonacre Week 2023
Day 05: Cave
“Damn –”
Maria bit her lip to suppress the rest of a very unladylike curse and moved her hand to wave the smoke away. Of course she had dropped her torch. Was this her divine punishment for coming here alone?
She had been fascinated by the cliffs in the morning and had wanted to go exploring, but her uncle and governess had been in firm agreement that such a pastime was not suitable for a young lady.
Nonsense. If Mary Anning did it all the time, why shouldn’t Maria Merryweather?
So she had come back in the evening. Miss Heliotrope was in her room indulging in her digestion problems, and her uncle was…getting drunk in the billiard room, most likely.
She had been well prepared, dressed in sturdy shoes and wrapped in a warm coat over a dark riding dress. She had even though to light the torch at the edge of the cave, with one of those matches that nearly burnt her fingers off. Luckily, the sea wasn’t far.
But now, of course, she had dropped the god-damn torch, because a bat and a noise had scared her.
She might be able to find her way back without a torch, but there were more tunnels in the walls of the cave than the one she had come through, and some of them had looked quite narrow and steep, and who knows where they led? She would have to hope to find the right one in absolute darkness. Perhaps it would be better if she stayed right here and waited for the first group of tourists in the morning. Maria shuddered as she imagined it – the humiliation would be far worse than her uncle’s furious disapproval. And Miss Heliotrope, what would she say if she didn’t find Maria in her room in the morn-
There was that noise again! Maria turned her head to listen.
A quiet shuffling sound, not far above the ground. Not an animal, it did not sound like fur or paws or panting. On the contrary, it might have been fabric, or leather, quietly scraping over well-worn stones. Human steps, quiet and slow, but steady and sure. Someone who knew the way.
Only the stories she’d heard about smugglers along the coast stopped her from calling out, “Hello! Is anybody there?”
Instead, she turned towards the sound, reached out her hand until she felt the cold rock under her palm, and followed the stranger’s steps as quietly as she could. It was madness, of course it was, but this entire endeavour of hers had been madness from the beginning.
If all else failed, she thought at the sight of the far opening of the cave, suppressing a giggle that was in equal parts hysterical and relieved, she could blame the full moon.
She stood still in the darkness. The moon was particularly full that night. Had it ever shone so bright before? She could see the way ahead, and she could see the stranger, tall and lean, moving across the uneven ground with the grace of a tightrope walker.
At the very edge of the cave, he stood and turned. The moonlight gave his silhouette a thin silver contour, but his face was still in the dark, so Maria could not make out his features.
Nevertheless – and she would later blame this on her full-moon folly – she took a step forward into the light.
For a second or an eternity, they stood there watching each other, like two ghosts in the place where one had died by the other’s hand.
Then the stranger turned and left, and Maria waited until she could not hear anything but the sea and her own heartbeat anymore.
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I saw a post about how waluigi and Wario aren't just supposed to be opposite Luigi and Mario, they are supposed to be their personality traits cranked up to the extreme, so a somewhat wimpy loser is an exceptionally pathetic coward and an a guy who likes to eat alot and collect coins is an insatiable Glutton who's obsessed with money.
Anyways that has made me realize that wapeach and wadaisy must be like this:
we must have wadaisy be just this exceptionally buff gigantic woman in a dress, she looks like a freakin body builder or a monster of some kind and she's 2 feet taller than waluigi.
Sometimes she will pick him up by the neck and just slam him into a wall like Dwayne the rock Johnson, cause obviously if daisy is a little bit of a tomboy and is pretty athletic, wadaisy has to snap her boyfriend in half like a twig anytime he mildly disagrees with her and since waluigi is a coward he just sits there and takes it.
Then wapeach should be this over the top feminine princess who's dumber than a sack of bricks since princess peach is considered a damsel in distress.
She wears a giant poofy dress that is covered in ruffles ans possible to move in, her hair is in some absolutely impossible over the top hair do that Marie antionette would be jealous of, and her make up is something the Tim Burton queen of hearts would probably wear.
She just expects Wario to do everything for her since she can't do anything herself so she's kind of a spoiled brat, they are basically the pinnacle of those boomer humor "I hate my wife" memes.
I'm not even sure they're dating, she might just be some weirdo who loves Wario for no reason.
BTW wadaisy screams 24/7 and wapeach sounds like a sped up tape recorder or something, they are both insufferable to talk to.
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astrolotte · 1 year
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For all the 10 people in the world who like both FNAF and Splatoon, one or two of which I converted into Splatoon myself.... this is for u 🤝
Anyway this is Charlie Emily as a sea anemone, aka... Charlie Anemily. Get it? Charlie Anemily? Charlie Ane-
Anyway this came with a proper FNAF-Splatoon au including Sanitized Inkling Michael and Mammalified Inkling Evan among other cool things and I'm working on a plot rn. Will this ever reach you? Probably not. IDK ask me about it in DMs or on Discord or something
Anyway, yeah. Sea anemone Charlie. She's very interested in the weaponry used in Turf Wars but isn't too interested in the sport itself; she just likes fixing them up. I think Henry runs a weapons shop called Army Enemy (somewhat obscure anemone pun) and she hangs out around there somedays to help out. She's interested in music and produces some of her own with piano but she isn't very popular, but it works out because she's mostly making it for herself. I mean, feedback would be nice, but...
Her symbiotic clownfish friend is black-and-white and named Marie, a pun on marionette :p they're buddies. Also she's friends with the Aftons, of course :3 and later on she befriends the missing kids
Design notes, uh.. I guess the multi-colored hair strands(?) is like a birth defect, as it appears in a band member of Ink Theory and that's the explanation for it iirc. She rocks it though- she thinks it's neat. Styled her look after it. And speaking of: she made her shirt herself, as she's interested in sewing! And uhhh the little circular bits attached to the bottom of her eyes are protruding.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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August 19th 1561 saw Mary Queen of Scots land at Leith on her return from France, after the death of her husband, King Francis.
At around 5 am on a tuesday morning in the famous thick Scottish Haar,  a day that seemed to be grieving in sympathy with her on her separation from her beloved France, Queen Mary arrived in Leith. 
She had not been expected till the last days of the month, when the nobles and gentry had been summoned “with their honourable companies to welcome her Majesty.” No. preparation had therefore been made to receive her, but the cannon of her two galleys soon brought out the people in crowds to greet her. She was accompanied by her three uncles on her mother’s side, of the House of Guise, by her four Maries, who, like herself, owing to their long residence in France, always spoke Scots with a French accent, and others of lower order.
It was a less than overwhelming reception. She was after all a devout Catholic set to rule, with the exception of parts of the Scottish Highlands, a deeply Protestant country with a vibrant and fundamentalist Presbyterian reform movement. Also, despite being born in the country the 18 year old Mary had little knowledge or understanding of Scottish society and culture. Even so, she did little to rock the boat. She accepted the Protestant Ascendancy and retained the Council of Advisers headed by her half-brother, the Protestant Earl of Moray.
She refused, however, to make the Reformed Church the established Church of Scotland.  However she assented, not only to the undisturbed maintenance of the new creed, but even to a scheme for the endowment of the Protestant ministry out of the confiscated lands of the Church. Despite the earnest opposition of Knox, permission was obtained for her to hear Mass celebrated in her private chapel - a licence to which, said the Reformer, he would have preferred the invasion of ten thousand Frenchmen.
No amount of concessions Mary made to the likes of Knox would have made any difference to the antagonism of people like him, who railed against her taking of the Mass and preached that she was the new anti-Christ set upon making Scotland the new Sodom, this is what she was up against from day one.
As no preparation had yet been made for her at Holyrood she "remainit in Andro Lamb's hous be the space of ane hour,"  in Leith, where, according to John Knox, she remained till towards evening, when she proceeded to the Palace.
Mary was left without her usual trappings on her journey to Holyrood, two Dutch ships carrying he wardrobe , horses and carriages had been seized by the English and held at Newcastle, they were later released, but  it would be a month before she would be reunited with her horses, 29 in total.
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Fossils found by Mary Anning, one of the most important pioneers of modern fossil hunting. She found the ichthyosaur (middle) when she was only 12 y.o. It was the first ever full ichthyosaur found (in 1811). The plesiosaur (bottom) was the first complete ever found.
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Portrait of Mary Anning with her dog Tray.
Imagine: she was a woman born in Jane Austen's time, scaling cliffs and unstable rock falls to stare at the preserved remains of creatures no one knew existed, picking at them with a hammer to release them from prehistory. She made discovery the work of her life.
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Article in Record Journal about Chocolate USA, bands name and Maria Caso's (Julian's grandmother) contribution to the recording of “All Jets Are Gonna Fall Today”, 23 July 1993
Granny helped Chocolate U.S.A. with debut
Marie Caso has a lot of opinions. For years, she's dutifully recorded them in cassette letters to her grandson, Julian Koster. Now, grandma's introspective snippets are radio fodder, providing commercial breaks between pop songs on her grandson's first CD. "OK, that’s all the complaints I have right now,"’ Caso said in a chatty Lone Island drawl during one of her many between-song guest appearances on Chocolate U.S.A.'s spunky debut, All Jets Are Gonna Fall Today. "So, uh, I'll talk to you again later. I'll put on Tommy Dorsey again, and maybe if he's got some nice music, I'll let you hear it.” She also talks about contentment vs. happiness (‘'...Yes, you can be content. I've taken happy out of my vocabulary. I never say that I'm happy! I say that I’m content") and how she's waiting for ‘God to water my garden," offers piano accompaniment to vocal exercises (presumably for Julian to practice with), and tells us when to turn the tape over. "She's the real deal," said Julian's bandmate, Keith Block, in a mid-tour interview from Granny Caso's Amityville, Long Island, home. "As we were recording the album, it just kind of dawned on him that he had all these tapes. So he sat down and listened to them, and he realized pretty quickly that this was something we could use. Bits and pieces seemed to relate to our songs. "Most of the songs were written when Julian was 14 or 15, and recorded when he was 18. At the time, she was the voice of comfort as he was going through all that turmoil of having parents or teachers or whoever bouncing you back and forth and telling you what to do and basically scaring the hell out of you. His grandmother was one who saw things in the long run and put things in a comforting way.'’ And does granny like the all the between banter stuff - the songs? "She thinks some of it's pretty interesting," said Block, adding that grandma agreed to be sampled. "She thinks that’s cool." Granny won't be part of the show when Chocolate U.S.A. stops by for a gig tonight at New Haven’s all-ages club, Tune Inn. But the band's quirky blend of King Missle meets They Might Be Giants pop-rock promises to be entertaining anyway, touching on topics from television teen doctor Doogie Howser's love theories to the desolation of missing Feelies Show. Formed in Florida and based in Athens, Georgia, Chocolate U.S.A. actually started out as Miss America — that is, until they started getting publicity and drew threats from the real Miss America people (inspiring a "We're getting Sued by the Sexist, Fascist Corporate Pigs" re-naming party and the grandiose single, "100 Feet Tall" about Miss America status). They realised Jets on their own, recording in dribs and drabs as money trickled in. Less than a year later, Bar None signed the band and rereleased the album. Already, the band's moved past the old material and is preparing to record a second release with more contributions from other band members. Before finishing the interview, Block asks, ‘‘Don’t you. want to know our influences?” responding to his own question with: "Definitely They Might Be Giants and Sonic Youth and all that. Also Simon and Garfunkel and Three Dog Night. And Jackson 5, big time, back when they were just another Motown act they were great." He seems eager to dispell the notion that the band's spoken-word "Wash My Face" ans stream of consciousness lyrics may have been inspired by Kin Missile's success; the two bands played together once and are friends, but the songs predated Missile's success, he notes. And though Chocolate U.S.A. has a "Chocolatey Good Smash Hit of the Month Club," in which the band offers non-album ditties on cheat cassette newsletters "to all the little chocolatey good folks in America," that also developed before the band knew about They Might Be Giants' phone line for fans. And what of the band's new name. Is there any significance? "No, basically, it's something that everybody loves," Block explained. "It's something that's childish and not very good for you but you can't help yourself. But beyond that, it's something that was kind of taken offhand. As far as I'm concerned, the band will always be Miss America. If not, then I just said, 'Screw it, we'll name it Fred.' " For information about Chocolatey Good Smash Hit of the Month Club, see a band member at the show or write to Bar None Records at P.O. Box 1704, Hoboken, NJ, 07030.
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Une pyramide en Écosse ! La reine Victoria a décrit Balmoral comme son « cher paradis des Highlands », et le château fait toujours partie des demeures privées de la famille royale qui s’y rend chaque été ! J’imagine que vous vous demandez bien ce que vient faire une Pyramide, ici, en Écosse ?! Et bien sachez tout d’abord qu’il s’agit en réalité d’un Cairn : Le Prince Albert’s Cairn. Érigé par la reine Victoria en l’honneur de son défunt mari, le prince Albert mort en 1861 à l’age de 42 ans. On peut d’ailleurs voir cette inscription gravée au centre de la pyramide : « À la mémoire du bien aimé Albert. Le grand et bon Prince Consort. Érigé par sa veuve au cœur brisé Victoria R. 21 août 1862 ». La reine Victoria aimait beaucoup les cairns qui la passionnaient elle décida d’en construire plusieurs sur le domaine de Balmoral en l’honneur de sa famille. Ils commémorent des événements familiaux importants comme les mariages de ses enfants. La pyramide est le plus grand et impressionnant des cairns, puisqu’il est visible à des kilomètres à la ronde ! Il offre une vue à couper le souffle sur le domaine ainsi que sur le château. L’on dénombre 11 cairns sur tout le domaine royal. L’un d’entre eux fut construit pour marquer le jubilé de diamant de la reine Élisabeth II en 2012. Il se compose de 60 pierres, une pour chaque année de règne de Sa Majesté. Un quoi ? Un cairn. Le mot vient du Celtique « Karn » qui signifie » rocher, pierre ». Il a par la suite donné naissance au mot Écossais « carn » qui désigne plus largement, des types de collines ou encore des amoncellements naturels de pierres. Plus intéressant encore en breton le mot « Karn ou Carn » existe également et indique la position de sites dolméniques comme la ville de Carnac par exemple. Les Cairns peuvent avoir de nombreuses significations :
- Baliser un chemin de randonnée afin de guider les marcheurs.
- Repérer un point particulier comme le sommet d’une montagne ou encore l’entrée d’une grotte.
- Célébrer les morts ou marquer un site funéraire.
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A pyramid in Scotland! Queen Victoria described Balmoral as her "dear Highland paradise", and the castle is still the private residence of the royal family who visit every summer. I suppose you are wondering what a Pyramid is doing here in Scotland. Well, first of all, you should know that it is actually a Cairn: Prince Albert's Cairn. Erected by Queen Victoria in honour of her late husband, Prince Albert, who died in 1861 at the age of 42. The inscription engraved in the centre of the pyramid reads. "In memory of the beloved Albert. The great and good Prince Consort. Erected by his heartbroken widow Victoria R. 21 August 1862". Queen Victoria was very fond of cairns and decided to build several on the Balmoral estate in honour of her family. They commemorate important family events such as the marriages of her children. The pyramid is the largest and most impressive of the cairns, as it can be seen for miles around! It offers a breathtaking view of the estate and the castle. There are 11 cairns on the entire royal estate. One of them was built to mark Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee in 2012. It consists of 60 stones, one for each year of Her Majesty's reign. A what? A cairn the word comes from the Celtic 'Karn' which means 'rock, stone'. It later gave rise to the Scottish word "carn" which refers more broadly to types of hills or natural heaps of stones. More interestingly, in Breton the word 'Karn or Carn' also exists and indicates the position of dolmenic sites such as the town of Carnac for example. Cairns can have many meanings:
- To mark out a hiking trail to guide walkers.
- To mark a particular point such as the top of a mountain or the entrance to a cave.
- To celebrate the dead or mark a burial site.
Décembre MMXXII
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hiya-im-mary · 2 years
Numbers Don’t Lie
Summary:This Is Just How My Self Insert Is Near The Ending Of The Game,Again,Spoilers Below!!!
It’s Been A Long Few Days,Through Bunk Bed Junction Fighting Each District Charter,They Eventually Got To Tatiana,They Fought Her,And Rock Was Brought To Vinyl City…It Wasn’t Just Bunk Bed Junction However…They Dragged Someone With Them…Mary
She Never Wanted To Fight Anyone,And To Be Fair,She Never Did! She Actually Grew An Attachment To Most,If Not All Of The Charters Fought…
Currently,Mayday And Tatiana Were Arguing,And Zuke Checked To See How Rock Was Powering Vinyl City,Mary Stood A Bit Away From Them,She Was Usually Social,But All Of This Took It Out Of Her,She Seemed Sad,Tired,And Just Wanted This All To Be Over…
But What Zuke Said Seemed To Have Cut Through Mary
“It’s Uhhh…Still Fourty Seven Percent”
He Said,Rather Awkwardly…Rock Didn’t Really Do Anything To Help The City,Apparently…
“HAA- Wait,WHAT?!”
“Oh,Bravo,You Sure Showed Me,Shall I Go Get The Champagne?”
Mayday Was Surprised At What Zuke Said,And Tatiana Was Annoyed,But Smug…She Proved Her Point Of How She Viewed Rock As Useless
Mary Was Silent,Turning To Them With A Expression Of Disbelief…Was This…Really For Nothing?
“I Don’t Get It,Zuke! What Did We Do Wrong?”
“I Have No Idea, But The Numbers Don’t Lie-“
“…This Was All For Nothing?”
Mary Finally Spoke Up,It Seemed Like What Happened Broke Her In A Way,
She Stopped,And It Seemed Like Time In The Room Stopped With Her
Mary Was Starting To Shout A Bit Now…This Hurt Her-
Both Members Of Bunk Bed Junction,And Even Tatiana Seemed Worried
“Mary…We Were Doing This For Vinyl City-“
She Yelled,Pretty Much Sobbing Now,Everyone Seemed Shocked,But…They Did Understand Mary For Feeling Like This
She Yelled,Tears Streaming From Her Eyes In Sadness Ans Frustration…It Was Hard To Tell How Much Of Her Wasn’t Being Effected By Her Emotions…But…She Did Care For Those People…They Were Tearing Others Down,Even An Actual Child…
“I…I Just Wanted Us To Help The City…Without Anything About Harming Anyone Involved…”
She Turned Away From Them
“Why Did It Have To Be Like This?”
Before Anyone Could Respond,Someone Else Entered The Room…
“Wooo! You Guys Did It! That Was Smashing!”
The Person Who Walked In Turned Out To Be Kliff
“Look At You Kids Now,The King,Queen And Princess Of Vinyl City! Tatiana’s Got Nothing On You Guys!”
He Was Abnormally Happy,Like He Accomplished Something
“My Oh My…Such A Great Way To Lighten Up An Otherwise Dull Night,Huh?”
(Part 2 Will Come Soon,I Hope)
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ousontlesfemmes · 2 months
Claude de France (1499-1524)
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Ou la reine qui ne compte pas que pour des prunes
Elle aurait pu être une référence dans la célèbre chanson de Lio mais hélas, c’est un peu pour cela que l’on retient la pauvre Claude de France : celle qui a donné son nom au célèbre fruit rapporté de l’Empire Ottoman via l’ambassadeur de France, merci Soliman le Magnifique ! Oui, Claude est l’une des grandes oubliées parmi les reines de France et il est vrai que face à la flamboyante Aliénor d’Aquitaine, à l’iconique Marie-Antoinette, à la badass Anne d’Autriche, la première épouse de François I peut faire pâle figure. Cependant, ce n’est pas parce que l’on est effacée que l’on n’est pas intéressante ou indigne d’être reconnue pour autre chose qu’un fruit.
Claude de France est la fille de de Louis XII (1462-1515) et de son épouse, Anne de Bretagne (1477-1514). Oui oui, la célèbre Anne de Bretagne, rien que ça ! D’ailleurs, son père n’est pas en reste : quand son cousin Charles VIII meurt le 07 avril 1498 après s’être cogné la tête contre un linteau de porte (ce qui est bête comme mort mais il est mort à 27 ans comme une rock star!), qu’est-ce que Louis fait ? Il pécho la veuve de son cousin, OKLM. En vérité, c’était surtout pour éviter que la France ne perde la main sur le duché de Bretagne mais ça reste quand même bien cocasse.
Claude, donc, est la fille aînée du couple. Sa sœur Renée (1510-1574) marquera elle aussi l’histoire de France et mériterait son propre article mais on parle de Claude, là ! Bref, Claude a une sœur et pléthore d’adelphes hélas morts au berceau. Elle a quinze ans quand sa mère meurt de la gravelle, une maladie touchant le système urinaire et cause moult calculs rénaux. Anne n’ayant pas eu de fils survivants et les duchés pouvant être hérités par des femmes (Coucou Marie de Bourgogne!), c’est donc l’adolescente qui est la légataire maternelle. Je répète. Quinze ans, duchesse de Bretagne. Rien que ça !
Physiquement, Claude n’est pas un canon de beauté : elle est petite, elle a une scoliose et selon les ambassadeurs de l’époque, elle boîte et a un strabisme. Ses sept grossesses auront un impact sur sa silhouette et la cour se moquera bien d’elle, surtout après la mort de ses parents. Oui, le bodyshaming, ça existait déjà à la Renaissance. Mais quand on est princesse, la beauté est vite remplacée par les avantages et les dots qu’on apporte à son époux.
On l’a fiancée d’abord avec Charles Quint (1500-1558). Vous savez, celui qui a fondé l’Empire des Habsbourg… Mais elle est mariée à un cousin de son père, François de Valois, futur François I (1494-1547) mais comme Louis n’a pas renoncé à avoir un garçon, il épouse la belle Marie Tudor, sœur d’Henry VIII d’Angleterre. Il meurt d’épuisement, dit-on, tant il a essayé de lui faire un enfant mais l’anglaise n’est pas enceinte.
François devient François I et Claude est donc, en plus d’être duchesse de Bretagne, reine de France comme sa maman ! Alors certes, elle ne le sera pas deux fois comme Anne mais ça reste un beau cumul des mandats ! Comme quoi, on n’a rien inventé…
Alors oui, il est vrai qu’en tant que reine de France, Claude n’a pas été des plus prolixes. Elle s’est surtout concentrée sur la fondation d’établissements religieux, laissant la politique à son mari. Très vite après son mariage, elle tombe enceinte et donne naissance à une petite fille, Louise, prénommée ainsi en l’honneur de sa grand-mère paternelle, ce qui devait être une idée du papa vu comment la belle-mère « (…) rudoyait fort » sa belle-fille selon Brantôme. Mais la fillette, hélas, meurt à l’âge de trois ans.
Ses grossesses sont très rapprochées : 1515, 1516, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1522 et 1523, au point qu’en 1524, épuisée, elle décède à l’âge de 24 ans. Certains historiens pensent qu’elle aurait pu avoir une tuberculose osseuse ou qu’elle aurait pu être affectée par une maladie vénérienne transmise par son époux qui n’était guère fidèle. Après tout, « une cour sans femmes est un jardin sans fleur »…
A sa mort, c’est son fils François qui devient duc de Bretagne avec son père comme régent mais comme il meurt sans enfant, c’est son frère Henri qui récupère le duché. Quand il sera couronné Henri II, la Bretagne intégrera définitivement le royaume de France.
Brantôme, toujours lui, nous peint le portrait de Claude : « Il faut parler de madame Claude de France, qui fust très bonne et très charitable, et fort douce à tout le monde, et ne fist jamais desplaisir ny mal à aucun de sa court ny de son royaume. Elle fust aussy fort aymée du roy Louys, et de la royne Anne, ses pere & mere, et estoit leur bonne fille et la bien-aymée, comme ilz luy monstrarent bien; car amprès que le roy fust paisible duc de Milan, ilz la firent déclarer et proclamer en sa court de parlement de Paris, à huys ouverts, duchesse des deux plus belles duchez de la chrestienté, qui estoient Milan et Bretaigne, l’une venant du pere et l’autre de la mere. Quelle heritiere! s’il vous plaist. Ces deux duchez joinctes ensemble eussent bien faict un beau royaume »
Alors oui, il est vrai que Claude n’est pas une grande guerrière, elle n’est pas quelqu’un qui déchaîne les passions ou qui fait rêver. Elle a eu le destin de nombreuses femmes avant elles : mourir trop jeune en mettant au monde des enfants tout en priant qu’ils leur survivent. Cependant, elle a fait ce que l’on attendait d’elle : Elle a soutenu son époux, n’a causé aucune esclandre, s’est montrée pieuse et douce, a assuré la descendance du royaume et de son duché. Etre « banale», ce n’est pas une tare non plus.
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J’espère avoir pu vous en apprendre un peu plus sur la pauvre Claude et que désormais, quand on vous parlera d’une pauvre femme historique oubliée, vous penserez peut-être à elle !
Si toi aussi tu veux en lire plus sur Claude, tu peux aller regarder ces sources :
Les témoignages de Brantôme : http://www.corpusetampois.com/che-16-brantomeclaudedefrance1.html
Les reines de France au temps des Valois – Tome 1 – Le beau XVIe siècle par Simone Bertière
Claude de France : première épouse de François Ier, mère de Henri II d’Henri Pigaillem
Claude de France : Femme de François Ier de Jean Alexis Neret
Image mise en avant : Portrait de Claude de France, 1550, Corneille de Lyon, Moscou (musée Pouchkine)
Billet de Marina Ka Fai
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