#mary lou harrington
badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have My Favorite Wife 1940
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bobawitch · 11 months
hey, i love ur writing sm!! i was wondering if you could write a platonic chris fic (or romantic, whatever u feel like writing), where they're at a party or smth and he helps the reader out when a guy keeps hitting on her and won't take a hint. thank u in advance if you write this!
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a/n: omg tysm for the request and the kind words. im glad you enjoy my writing and i loved this prompt. hope you enjoy <3
pairing: ace/aro reader x chris (platonic)
cw: this does have themes of some sexual harrassment and could be found triggering to some readers. please read at your own discretion. she/her pronouns used and y/n used.
wc: 1308
Halloween night. As was said in Mean Girls it’s one of the only nights of the year when a girl can dress in a revealing way and not get absolutely destroyed by other people for it. Now you found that trend a bit cliche but who doesn’t enjoy looking good for a party? It was a party held by the triplets who had quickly become some of your favorite people in the world. Chris especially, he was your best friend. He was like a twin flame for you, plenty of the fans asked if the two of you were dating but you were quick to admit that you are aromantic and asexual. When you first told Chris he seemed a bit confused and proceeded to ask you as many questions as his funny little head could come up with. You didn’t mind answering questions and you actually appreciated that he tried to understand your romantic and sexual orientation. After that it was history, Chris was like the brother you always wanted. You spent almost all the time with each other, going to concerts and sports games together. You frequently traveled with the triplets back to Boston and Mary Lou absolutely adored you. She’d often call you to get opinions on things she was planning to buy. The triplets found this absolutely adorable and would often tease their mom about it. Mary Lou liked to call you her daughter and honestly you didn’t mind it that much. 
You were currently sitting in Chris’s room watching him pick which costume he wanted to go with. Part of him debated going as Steve Harrington again, or maybe just being the 80s jazzercise coach again. You on the other hand had decided to be a little witch. Basic enough that you weren’t stressed out but could still be cute. Although you didn’t fully send into the sluttiness that usually surrounds Halloween you did have some skin showing. Chris told you you looked amazing which made you gush, you thanked him before calling him corny. “What? Corny!? I can’t compliment my best friend now??” You laughed at Chris’s fake offended face. “Nope!” You teased before looking back down at your phone. You scrolled through tik tok for a bit longer before pushing yourself up to stand. “I’m gonna wait in the kitchen.” You said and Chris nodded. “Ok, see you in a bit.” 
Within no time the triplet’s house had flooded with people, mostly people you knew but a few friends brought their new partners. One person’s partner brought their brother to the party. He was a tall built fellow with sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes. He was definitely conventionally attractive though that mattered little to you. You noticed out of the corner of your eye that he was staring but you just avoided him by walking away. You were currently sitting over on the couch next to a socially exhausted Nick. You nudged his shoulder and he smiled at you with a slightly pained expression. “How you doing bud?” He sighed and rested his head on your shoulder. “I’m so tired. Why are there so many people all the time?” You sighed, laying your cheek to the top of Nick’s head. “Yeahh, parties are kind of a lot.” As you both sat and sighed in antisocial feelings Larray danced his way over to Nick, grabbing his hand and smiling at you. “Mind if I take him?” You looked at Nick who seemed to get a little excited by Larray coming to him. You smiled at the man and nodded. “Go for it.” Nick soon got up and walked away with Larray. You leaned back into the soft couch, closing your eyes for a moment before taking a sip of your root beer. You only opened your eyes upon feeling the cushions next to you sink. You turned your head to see the brother that had been staring at you all night. You furrowed your brows in confusion, quickly looking to make sure you knew where Matt, Chris, or Madi were just in case. Though in the midst of your scouting the man had gotten closer to you. “Hey hot stuff, what’s your name?” You looked at the man, suddenly feeling the need to grasp your cup a little tighter. “Uh, Y/N. Can I help you?” The man smirked and leaned closer to you, placing his arm on the back of the couch behind you. “Let me make you a drink. You look interesting. I want to get to know you.” You tried to put a polite smile on your face before shaking your head gently. “Oh uh I’m sorry I’m actually aromantic and asexual so I’m not really interested in anything.” You found that most of the time if you just told them you weren’t into it they’d leave you alone. Hopefully this guy was the same, but to your dismay the man’s smirk didn’t waiver after you turned him down. You began to stand, seeing that he was standing with you. “Oh come on, I’m sure you just haven’t found the right guy for you.” His hand grazed your wrist, soon holding it with a frightening strength. Your heart began to race and you tried to move your arm away from the guy. “No thank you, I’d like to walk away now please.” He pulled you closer to him and you shut your eyes, fear overcoming your entire body. But instead of hearing his creepiness again you heard a familiar voice. “Hey bro she said she wasn’t interested.” You opened your eyes to see Chris standing between you and the guy. He was still holding your wrist yet you were focused on Chris and the anger that seemed to radiate off his body. “Hey man, we aren't looking for any trouble. Sweetheart and I were just about to leave. No need to get angry.” The guy said, his grip tightening on your wrist. He tugged you, making you step closer to him and farther from Chris. “I’m not gonna tell you again dude. Leave her alone.” You reached out to Chris, trying to let him know you were ok. That you could handle it and that he didn’t need to worry but it was too late. You saw the guy’s mouth open but Chris was staring at his hand that gripped onto you. 
Within a flash you saw Chris lunge at the guy, connecting his fist to his face and repeating. Suddenly the room fell silent as the creepy guy fell to the floor, CHris stradling to land a few more blows. The upbeat music was all you could hear for a moment before you snapped out of your daze. You quickly moved forward, grabbing Chris’s arm and forcing him to look at you. “Chris stop please!” You pleaded with your best friend, his ocean eyes boring into your own. He stopped punching the guy before letting you help him up. “Get out of my fucking house.” Chris said down to the man. “And do not EVER come back.” The guy looked at you before wiping blood away from his mouth and scrambling to his feet. He looked at Chris’s heaving body before turning and leaving, pushing multiple people away as he made his way to the door. You looked at everyone around you, most were speechless and your eyes landed on Nick and Larray. You sighed and grabbed Chris’s hand, intertwining your fingers before pulling him away from the party. Slowly people began to speak again but it was muffled behind Matt’s door. You shut the door and looked at Chris who looked directly back at you. Without a word you wrapped your arms around Chris’s torso, tears streaming your face as you buried yourself deep in Chris’s chest. He wrapped his own arms around you as he tried to catch his breath. He held you close to him as you sobbed, not wanting to let you go. “If I ever see that guy again I’ll beat the shit out of him.” You smiled gently at that, slowly calming yourself in his arms. “Thanks Chris.” “Of course Y/N. I love you, call me if anyone ever treats you like that again.” “Ok, I will. I love you too Chris.”
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stranger-rants · 1 year
This has been sitting in my drafts. Might as well post it now:
I'm not a big fan of Italian American Steve because it's just not believable to me. However, if there was an AU where Steve was an Italian American and not a massive WASP, this is what it would look like:
More Hairy Steve jokes. It would quickly become an exaggerated feature in fandom. Annoyingly so.
Steve may be an only child, but he's got a ridiculous amount of cousins.
The Harrington house is the gaudiest rich person house you will ever see.
Steve communicates exclusively through yelling and hand gestures. People think he’s angry. He’s not. That’s just how he talks.
His vocabulary is littered with Italian American slang. He calls the kids stunads frequently.
His household is matriarchal and his mom babies him to no end because Italian boys can do no wrong.
His mom nags him about bringing a nice girl home but then is judgmental towards every girl he has ever brought home.
There's always bread and olive oil and antipasti out on the counter when folks come over.
Uses olive oil in his hair and on his skin, too.
Steve would be painfully Catholic with religious iconography everywhere. The lack of religious iconography in his home is like #1 on my list of why I don’t believe Steve is Italian for a second and before anyone says ‘maybe they’re not religious’ that is literally not the point Italian Americans hoard religious iconography for the aesthetic.
Steve would wear a gold chain and wear a white tank under everything. No dorky polos.
Steve knows every word of Lazy Mary by Lou Monte.
Steve knows a guy who can get him designer stuff that "fell off a truck" even though his family makes more than enough money.
He's been to dozens of weddings and first communions and confirmations and he lives for the drama that unfolds at them. (My cousin came out at his confirmation lmao)
Steve folds his pizza to eat it. Also uses garlic salt on his pizza. He will not eat pineapple on pizza (sacrilege).
Source: I am an Italian American, and my Italian American extended family lives in New Jersey and New York. Our family originates in Campania.
If you're talking "Maybe Steve's mom is from Italy" or whatever, that’s fine, but Italian Americans of Southern Italian origin (making up the bulk of Italian diaspora) DO NOT function like Steve's family does in canon lmao… and being from Italy, especially in the present time, isn’t comparable to the Italian American experience.
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wahwealth · 5 months
The Woman In Brown (1948) | Conrad Nagel | Courtroom Drama | Full Movie ...
The Woman In Brown aka The Vicious Circle is a 1948 US courtroom drama film directed by W. Lee Wilder.  The movie is based on the play The Burning Bush by Heinz Herald and Geza Herczeg. The stars are Conrad Nagel as Karl Nemesh - Defense Attorney Fritz Kortner as Joseph Schwartz - Defendant tenant Reinhold Schünzel as Baron Arady Philip Van Zandt as Calomar Balog - Special Investigator Lyle Talbot as Prosecutor Miller Edwin Maxwell as Presiding Judge Frank Ferguson as Stark - State attorney Lester Dorr as Andreas Molnar - Neighbor Michael Mark as Gustav Horney - Land owner Belle Mitchell as Mrs. Julianna Horney - Anna's Master Nan Boardman as Mrs. Maria Tamashy - Anna's mother Shirley Kneeland as Clara Tamashy - Anna's sister Rita Gould as Ethel Mihaly Eddie LeRoy as Samuel Schwartz (George) David Alexander as Fisher Ben Welden as Constable Nina Hansen as Mrs. Schwartz Mary Lou Harrington as Anna Tamashy Peggy Wynne as Irene Peter Robert Cherry as Marten Sam Bernard as Herman Rudolph Cameron as Dr. Daroush Peter Brocco as Dr. Georges Samosch Christina Vale as Margaret Daroush - Witness Never miss a video. Join the channel so that Mr. P can notify you when new videos are uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/@nrpsmovieclassics
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jpbjazz · 7 months
‘’HE WAS a gentle man, a kind man, a happy man, an intelligent man and a talented man. He was Andy Kirk, who led one of the better swing bands, one that at times threatened to achieve greatness but which never quite reached the pinnacle it seemed to be constantly approaching.’’
- George T. Simon
Andrew Dewey “Andy ” Kirk est né le 28 mai 1898 à Newport, au Kentucky. Selon la légende, même si la famille Kirk vivait à Cincinnati, dans l’État de l’Ohio, la mère d’Andy, qui désirait que son fils naisse dans son Kentucky natal, avait traversé la rivière pour pouvoir accoucher à Newport. Andy ayant seulement trois ans lorsque sa mère était décédée, il avait été adopté par sa tante Mary. La famille Kirk était déménagée à Denver, au Colorado, en 1904.
Durant son enfance, Kirk avait étudié la musique dans les écoles publiques de Denver. Son professeur de l’époque était Wilberforce Whiteman, le père du futur chef d’orchestre Paul Whiteman. Après s’être acheté un saxophone basse, Kirk s’était joint en 1919 au George Morrison Orchestra. En plus d’exceller au saxophone basse, Kirk jouait également du tuba.
Kirk a amorcé sa carrière musicale en 1918 à Denver, au Colorado, avec le groupe de George Morrison avec qui il était resté jusqu’en 1921.
C’est à la même époque que Kirk avait fait la rencontre de la pianiste Mary Colston qu’il avait épousée en 1925. La même année, Kirk s’était installé à Dallas, au Texas, où il avait joué du saxophone basse et baryton avec le groupe Dark Clouds of Joy dirigé par le trompettiste Terrence Holder. Lorsque Holder avait quitté le groupe en 1928 à la suite de difficultés conjugales, Kirk avait été élu chef d’orchestre de la formation qui avait alors changé de nom pour devenir le Andy Kirk and the Twelve Clouds of Joy. Devenu un des principaux rivaux des orchestres de Count Basie, Benny Moten et Jay McShann comme représentant du style de Kansas City, le groupe avait participé à l’ouverture du Pal-Mor Ballroom de Kansas City, au Missouri. À l’époque, Kansas City était une véritable pépinière de talents pour les musiciens de jazz. Profitant de cette effervescence, le groupe avait fait ses débuts sur disque avec les disques Brunswick et avait décroché un contrat de six semaines au Roseland Ballroom de New York.
L’épouse du saxophoniste alto John Williams, Mary Lou Williams, s’était éventuellement joint à la formation comme pianiste. Engagée d’abord comme remplaçante de Marion Jackson qui n’avait pu se présenter à une répétition, Williams était éventuellement devenue la pianiste attitrée du groupe. Elle écrivait aussi à l’occasion des arrangements pour le groupe. Finalement, Kirk avait été tellement impressionné par le jeu de Williams qu’il s’était débarrassé de Jackson. C’est ainsi que Williams était devenue la principale compositrice et arrangeuse du groupe. En fait, Williams était souvent si anxieuse de jouer que Kirk avait fini par la surnommer ‘’La Peste.’’
Parmi les chansons écrites par Williams, on remarquait ‘’Froggy Bottom’’, ‘’Walkin’ and Swingin’’’, ‘’Little Joe from Chicago’’, “Cloudy”, “Lotta Sax Appeal”, “Blue Clarinet Stomp”, ‘’Roll ‘Em’’, “Once Or Twice’’ et ‘’Mary’s Idea.’’ Parmi les autres membres du groupe, on remarquait Buddy Tate, Jimmy Forrest, Lester Young, Dick Wilson et Don Byas au saxophone ténor, John Williams au saxophone baryton, Claude Williams au violon, Pha Terrell et Henry Wells au chant (Wells jouait également du trombone en plus d’écrire des arrangements), Floyd Smith à la guitare électrique, Harold ‘’Shorty'' Baker, Kenny Kersey, Howard McGhee, Fats Navarro et Edgar “Puddinghead” Battle à la trompette, Hattie McDaniel, June Richardson, Gene Prince, John Harrington, Dick Wilson, Ben Thigpen à la batterie et même Charlie Parker au saxophone alto pour une brève période.  
Commentant une performance du groupe au Savoy Ballroom de Harlem en 1937, le journaliste George T. Simon avait déclaré:
‘’The first time I heard the band in person, early in 1937 in Harlem’s Savoy Ballroom, I was greatly impressed by its simple swinging riffs both in ensemble passages and as backgrounds for soloists, of whom the most impressive was a girl, Mary Lou Williams. One of the most brilliant jazz pianists of all time, serious-looking, with long hair, a shy smile and surprisingly attractive buck teeth, she played in an Earl Hines manner, her solos mirroring phrases that the full band played in its arrangements - arrangements which she herself had written. There was also a good tenor saxist, Dick Wilson, a fine trombonist, Ted Donnelly, whom I always considered to be one of the most underrated of all musicians, and a steady, heady drummer, Ben Thigpen, whose son, Ed, years later, was to drum in the Oscar Peterson Trio.’’
Même si Kirk jouait du saxophone basse et était le leader du groupe, il se produisait rarement comme soliste. Il préférait rester dans l’ombre et coordonner le travail de ses musiciens. Un peu comme Duke Ellington, un des grands talents de Kirk était de mettre en valeur le talent des membres de son orchestre. Malheureusement, le travail de l’orchestre était souvent inégal;  le groupe avait parfois tendance à alterner entre l’excellence et la médiocrité.
Après avoir commencé à faire des tournées au début des années 1930, l’orchestre avait remporté un grand succès après avoir signé un contrat avec les disques Decca en 1936, notamment avec des chansons comme ‘’Until the Real Thing Comes Along’’, tirée de la revue de 1932 ''Rhapsody in Black.’’
Des premiers signes de déclin ont cependant commencé à apparaître après le décès du saxophoniste Dick Wilson en 1941 et le départ de Mary Lou Williams l’année suivante. C’est le pianiste Kenneth Kersey qui avait remplacé Williams avec l’orchestre. Al Sears avait pris la relève de Wilson au saxophone ténor. Au milieu de l’année 1942, Kelsey avait remporté un grand succès avec la pièce ‘’Boogie Woogie Cocktail.’’ Le chanteur Pha Terrell était aussi très populaire. Toujours en 1942, le groupe avait connu un autre grand succès avec la chanson "Take It And Git". Le 24 octobre, la chanson était devenue même le premier simple à atteindre la première position du Harlem Hit Parade, l’ancêtre du  Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs.
Malheureusement, la baisse de popularité des big bands à la fin des années 1940 avait provoqué le démantèlement du groupe en 1948. Après la disparition du groupe, Kirk s’était installé en Californie, où il avait formé un autre groupe, qui avait été démantelé à son tour en 1951.
En 1952, Kirk s’était installé à New York, où il avait réorienté sa carrière dans l’immobilier avant de devenir gérant du Theresa Hotel de Harlem et de devenir un des dirigeants de l’Union des Musiciens. Parallèlement, Kirk avait continué de diriger quelques groupes durant ses temps libres. Plus tard, il était devenu un membre actif des Témoins de Jéhovah et s’était dévoué pour l’Église durant de nombreuses années. Simultanément à son implication religieuse, Kirk avait aussi continué de diriger des groupes à l’occasion au cours des années 1970.
Kirk, qui avait commencé à rédiger ses mémoires en 1977, les a finalement publiées en 1989 sous le titre de ‘’20 Years on Wheels’’. Le titre de l’ouvrage était d’ailleurs inspiré d’une des chansons de Kirk.
Kirk a été élu ‘’Jazz Master’’ par la National Endowment for the Arts en 1991. Kirk a fait don de son prix de 20 000$ à la Adam Clayton Powell Junior High de Harlem. Andy Kirk est mort le 11 décembre 1992 à la suite de complications liées à la maladie d’Alzheimer.
Traçant un parallèle entre la carrière de Kirk et de Jimmie Lunceford, l’historien du jazz Gunther Schuller écrivait dans son ouvrage The Swing Era: The Development of Jazz, 1930-1945:
‘’Consider, for example, the fact that Jimmie Lunceford and Andy Kirk both, somewhat by chance, went to Denver, Colorado, to study with Wilbeforce Whiteman, Paul’s father, and under that remarkable tutelage both became skillful performers on a host of instruments (brass and woodwinds); further that both played and acquired a certain disciplined professionalism with George Morrison’s orchestra in Denver; that the one, Kirk, ended up in 1926 in Terrence Holder’s Texas-based band, the other, Lunceford, in Mary Lou Burleigh’s band in Memphis, and that she, old enough to appreciate as a teenager in her native Pittsburgh the work of a certain pianist named Earl Hines, soon joined her husband John Williams in Terrence Holder’s band, thus becoming with her husband one of the charters members of what in a few years was to be known as Andy Kirk and His Twelve Cloulds of Joy. Thus the lives and talents of the elder Whiteman, three major orchestra leaders, two most remarkable jazz pianists, and one very special woman arranger-composer all intertwine in a scheme of geography and chance.
The parallel between Kirk and Lunceford goes farther in that both gradually gave up their playing roles, turning to leading their orchestras;  and both had in their service at least one major creative personality, Mary Lou Williams and Sy Oliver, respectively, who early on set the basic style of their band. Kirk, a modest man, had in 1929 relucantly taken over the leadership of Holder’s Black Clouds of Joy band, while continuing to play tuba and bass saxophone {...}. Our skein of coincidences continues when, after Kirk had taken over the leadership of the Clouds, George Lee, another important Kansas City bandleader, happened to hear Kirk in Tulsa and recommended him for a long-term engagement at the Pla-Mor Ballroom in Kansas City, affording the band some welcome financial stability. In turn, the young Jack Kapp, recording director for the Brunswick label, happened to hear Kirk and asked him to hold a rehearsal in preparation for a recording date. Here again fate interceded in that the regular Kirk pianist, Marion Jackson, failed to show up at the rehearsal. Mary Lou Williams was asked at the last minute to substitute for Jackson. And so Mary Lou Williams became a permanent fixture of the Kirk organization - indeed one of its two stars; the other, in the late thirties, being the remarkable tenor saxophonist Dick Wilson.’’
Décrivant les qualités de Kirk, l’ancien journaliste du magazine Metronome, George T. Simon, avait commenté dans la 4e édition de son ouvrage The Big Bands:
‘’HE WAS a gentle man, a kind man, a happy man, an intelligent man and a talented man. He was Andy Kirk, who led one of the better swing bands, one that at times threatened to achieve greatness but which never quite reached the pinnacle it seemed to be constantly approaching.’’
©-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
‘’Andy Kirk.’’ Wikipedia, 2024.
‘’Andy Kirk.’’ All About Jazz, 2024.
‘’Andy Kirk.’’ National Endowment for the Arts, 2024.
CERRA, Steven. ‘’Andy Kirk and his Twelve Coulds of Joy 1929-1931.’’ Steven Cerra, 29 mai 2019.
YANOW, Scott. ‘’Andy Kirk and his Twelve Clouds of Joy 1929-1931.’’ The Syncopated Times, février 2024.
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letterboxd-loggd · 4 years
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My Favorite Wife (1940) Garson Kanin
May 30th 2020
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crazyaboutcary · 7 years
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Over at RKO, a couple of darling kids, Scotty Beckett and Mary Lou Harrington, have considerably softened the hard bachelor crust of a chap we'd never tag as a home man. Cary Grant is having the time of his life, we discover, playing papa in "My Favorite Wife," with Irene Dunne.
"It's the first time I've ever been a father," grins Cary, "and believe me, it's swell!" Cary is sitting back in an easy chair wrapped up in an atrocious leopard skin bathrobe and puffing a pipe peacefully, while Scotty and Mary Lou climb all over his knees and muss up his thick hair.
We watch Garson Kanin (director) guide Cary through a scene with the kids. They get along so well, it's over before we know it, and Cary is being dragged over to the set piano to play tunes for his picture progeny. It happens between scenes, he admits. "This is what I get for being a family man," he complains, but we know he's loving it.
Photoplay, 1940
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ksbeditor · 3 years
Retro: Quick Q and A with Eliza Gilkyson
Retro: Quick Q and A with Eliza Gilkyson
Eliza Gilkyson is lauded as one of the best musicians in Folk, Roots and Americana. She is respected by her peers and her songs have been covered by Joan Baez, Bob Geldof, Tom Rush, and Roseanne Cash. She is a member of the legendary Austin Music Hall of Fame and has been given numerous awards by organizations such as Folk Alliance. Eliza’s latest album 2020 is a collection of politically…
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cryptic-stimz · 3 years
welcome to my stimboard kin blog !!
about the mod:
hey, i'm mod raven! my pronouns are he/him, i'm 16 and i'm biromantic, asexual and transgender. i have depression, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, paranoia, add and insomnia, so i'm really sorry if i'm not always super active-
my favorite stims are crystals, dice, knives, soap cutting, pokemon cards and slime stims !!
you can find more bellow the cut~
-please be patient
-i have the right to deny any request
-read everything before requesting, please!
-do not repost/claim my stimboards as yours
-please only send one request per ask. feel free, however, to send as many individual requests as you want/need, just don't spam/send the same request over and over again!
-don't send any requests if they're closed! /gen /nm
-respect my blacklist and dni, please
-i won't do outside sources, sorry!
before you request:
-please tell me the colours/theme and which stims you would like me to include.
-if there are any things you specifically don't want to be included (for example hands, knives, etc.), please tell me so as well.
sources i'll do:
-death note
-fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood
-ghost eyes
-i'm the grim reaper
-it (2017)
-lalin's curse
-lumine (webtoon)
-my hero academia
-pjo, hoo, toa (rick riordan's book series)
-stranger things
-studio ghibli
-the promised neverland
-tokyo ghoul
-voltron: legendary defender
dni if you are/support:
-anti lgbtq+/exclusionists
-anti neopronouns
-map/nom*p (a)/pear/p*do (e)/etc
-t*rf (e)/r*dfem (a)/sw*rf (e)
-ab*se (u), inc*st (e), ped*phillia (o), etc
-r*cist (a)
-s*xist (e)
-transm*d (e)/tr*sc*m (u, u)
-super straight/super gay/etc
-trump supporter
-chihiro fujisaki gender discourse (i'll be using they/them!)
-discourse in general
-kink/nsfw main blog
-cg/l, cg/lre
-any other basic dni criteria i might've missed
(i'm censoring some of the words so they don't show up in tags or something-))
~danganronpa: (characters) kokichi ouma, korekiyo shinguji, maki harukawa, rantaro amami, shuichi saihara, nagito komaeda, chihiro fujisaki (ships) saiouma
~death note: (characters) l lawliet, light yagami, mello, near (ships) lawlight, meronia
~fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood: (characters) edward elric, alphonse elric, ling yao, lan fan, mei chang, envy (ships) edling, almei, lan fan x winry
~ghost eyes: (characters) tobias schneien, mattias schneien, emilio murkmere, rudolph richardson, francis delacruz, dwayne londi, luther schneien, simon louis (ships) tobias x emilio, rudy x carmelo, dwayne x francis
~hooky: (characters) damien wytte, dorian wytte, dani wytte, william, monica, nico, mark, carlo (ships) damien x william, dani x nico, dorian x monica
~i'm the grim reaper: (characters) brook, scarlet, chase
~it (2017): (characters) richie tozier, eddie kaspbrak, beverly marsh, georgie denbrough (ships) reddie
~lalin's curse: (characters) david, felix, cody, (ships) david x cody
~lumine: (characters) kody, lumine, calla (ships) kody x lumine
~my hero academia: (characters) tsuyu asui, denki kaminari, eijirou kirishima, kyoka jirou, shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, tamaki amajiki, hitoshi shinso, eraser head, hawks, tomura shigaraki, dabi, eri, kota izumi (ships) tododeku, kiribaku, erasermic, kamishin, tsuchako
~omori: (characters) sunny/omori, basil, mari, hero, kel, aubrey (ships) sunnflower (basil x sunny), picnic basket (hero x mari), baseball bat (kel x aubrey)
~pjo, hoo, toa: (characters) percy jackson, nico di angelo, will solace, hazel levesque, leo valdez, meg mccaffrey, grover underwood, thalia grace (ships) solangelo, percabeth, frazel, caleo, theyna
~pokémon: (characters) ash ketchum, gladion, lillie, drew, max, hau, allister, mallow, lana, pikachu (ships) ash x gladion
~she-ra: (characters) double trouble, catra, adora, glimmer, bow, lonnie, kyle (ships) catradora, glimbow, repkylonnie (kyle x lonnie x rogelio)
~stranger things: (characters) eleven, max mayfield, mike wheeler, will byers, dustin henderson, kali prasad, robin buckley, steve harrington (ships) byler, harringrove, elmax, mileven
~studio ghibli: haku, chihiro ogino, satsuki kusakabe, mei kusakabe
~the promised neverland: (characters) norman, ray, emma, gillian, lucas, mister/yuugo (ships) norray, yuucas, gildemma
~tokyo ghoul: (characters) ken kaneki, ayato kirishima, touka kirishima, hide nagachika, juuzou suzuya, hinami fueguchi, uta, kuki urie (ships) ayakane, touken, mutsurie, uta x yomo
-gremlincore (don't use the term g*bl*ncore (o, i) on my blog, please, as that term is considered ant*sem*t*c (i, i, i))
-witchcore/witchy aesthetic
~danganronpa: (characters) korekiyo shinguji's sister, haiji towa, hifumi yamada, teruteru hanamura (ships) kokichi ouma x girls, nagito komaeda x girls, tenko chabashira x boys, saimatsu, oumeno
~death note: yagamane
~fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood: (characters) father (ships) edroy
~ghost eyes: lucas schneien, mr. edburt, bennet issac
~hooky: (characters) hans wytte, angela wytte, hilde wytte, will's father (ships) mark x dani
~it (2017): pennywise, oscar bowers, alvin marsh
~my hero academia: (characters) minoru mineta, endeavor, overhaul, all for one (ships) bakudeku, kacchako, kirimina, todomomo, kamijirou, izuocha, eijirou kirishima x girls, shota aizawa x women, shota aizawa x ms. joke, eri x anyone
~omori: something
~pjo, hoo, toa: (characters) octavian, nero (ships) lukabeth, perachel, perlypso, romantic meg x apollo
~stranger things: (characters) martin brenner, lonnie byers (ships) stancy, will byers x girls, robin buckley x boys
-religion-based aesthetics (witchy aesthetic is okay, so are holiday-based ones like christmas or halloween {i'll only do holidays when it's close to the date they're happening, though - like,, i won't do samhain at easter, you know?}, but christcore isn't)
other: spiders, blood, corpses
★ ★ ★
may i have a promo, please? thank you!
@electro-kins @primrose-rondo @catte-kins @teabookedits @fairyhimiko @tricky-kins @twisted-lies @lou-edits @cassahina @scftkitti @kinafe @allys-edit-cafe @kin-of-the-sheep @the-local-manga-library + anyone else
feel free to ignore and/or if you don't wanna be tagged, tell me and i'll untag you !!
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loveislattes · 4 years
Guidelines for what characters in each fandom I write for on a normal basis are below the cut. These guidelines go for ALL requests. 
Examples of my writing are available here on my masterlist.
Stranger Things based:
-Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Eddie Munson, Peter Ballard, Murray Bauman, and Argyle.
Youtube Ego based:
-Dark, Wilford, Host, Author, Bim Trimmer, Dr. Ipler, William, Damien, Actor Mark, Googleplier, Bingiplier, Yancy, and Illinois.
-Anti and Chase Brody.  
Riverdale based:
-Hal Cooper, Alice Cooper, FP Jones, Penelope Blossom, Sierra McCoy, Fred Andrews, Mary Andrews, Hiram Lodge, Hermione Lodge, and Edgar Evernever.
Supernatural based:
-Crowley, Charlie, Donna, Jody, Meg, Lucifer, Gabriel, Chuck, Balthazar, Ketch, Mick, Rowena, and Castiel.
Criminal Minds based:
-Reid, Garcia, JJ, Rossi, Luke, Prentiss, Hotch, Tara, Matt, and Morgan.
Star Wars based:
-Kylo Ren (Not including most recent adaptation TROS).
Batman (Dark Knight series only):
-Batman, Joker, Harley Quinn, and Scarecrow/Dr. Crane.
Grey's Anatomy (up to s3) based:
-Meredith Grey, George O'Malley, Christina Yang, Izzie Stephens, Derek Shepherd, and Callie Torres.
Heartland based:
-Ty Borden, Amy Fleming, Lou Fleming, Tim Fleming, Caleb Odell, Scott Cardinal, and Peter Morris.
IT based:
-Pennywise, adult Richie Tozier, adult Ben Hanscom, adult Eddie Kaspbrak, and adult Mike Hanlon.
HO1C/DR/TFH based:
-Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly, Captain Spaulding, Rufus Firefly, and Winslow Coltrain.
Scream based:
-Sidney Prescott, Randy Meeks, Billy Loomis, and Stu Macher.
House of Wax based:
-Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Nick Jones, Carly Jones and Paige.
SAW based:
-Jigsaw, Mark Hoffman, Lawrence Gordon, Amanda Young, Eric Matthews, and Peter Strahm.
Other slasher based:
-Brahms Heelshire, Candyman, Freddy Krueger, and Jason Voorhees.
If there is someone you’d like that is not on this list, just ask! I might not be able to do it, but asking never hurts.  💓
I accept reader/canon characters in the form of m/m, f/m, f/f, and nb/any, as well as polyamory based pairings, but it needs to be specified. I default to female POV naturally.
Things I refuse to write:
The REAL youtubers/actors themselves.
CanonCharacterxCanonCharacter (I.E. BillyXSidney, Dr. IplierXDarkiplier, etc) [CanonxReaderxCanon is OKAY!]
Excessive gore/mutilation/torture (Some blood, bruising, and fighting is fine)
Non-Con/Dub-Con (I DO write consensual non-con roleplay tho)
Underage characters- unless it is related to wholesome family fluff ONLY
Some specific kinks but those requests are rare to come by (examples are piercing, scat/vomit, age regression {daddy kink is a whole different ball game and I do write it}, cheating, etc) Just ask!
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chaoticlesbiab · 4 years
Character List:
Hello, all! This is just a helpful little list to let you know which characters I feel comfortable with or interested in writing. Check my bio before requesting anything!
Tv Shows:
American Horror Story:
Murder House:
Constance Langdon
Billie Dean Howard
Sister Jude
Lana Winters
Cordelia Goode
Misty Day
Fiona Goode
Elsa Mars
Sally McKenna
Wilhemina Venable
Constance Langdon x Billie Dean Howard
Lana Winters x Sister Mary Eunice
Cordelia Goode x Misty Day
Fiona Goode x Myrtle Snow
Billie Dean Howard x Cordelia Goode x reader
Billie Dean Howard x Wilhemina Venable x reader
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x reader
Wilhemina Venable x Sally McKenna x reader
Orange Is The New Black:
Alex Vause
Nicky Nichols
Carol Denning
Peaky Blinders:
Polly Gray
Thomas Shelby
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Ocean’s 8:
Lou Miller
Rose Weil
Debbie Ocean x Lou Miller
Daphne Klouger x Rose Weil
Debbie Ocean x Tammy
Carol (2015):
Carol Aird
Carol Aird x Therese Belivet
Carol Aird x Abby Gerhard
Thor: Ragnarok:
Hela Odinsdottir
Birds Of Prey:
Harley Quinn
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awhilesince · 4 years
Wednesday, 30 May 1832
7 1/2
12 50/..
fine morning Fahrenheit 59° at 7 1/2 – wrote copy of letter to Bado downstairs at 9 1/2 – wrote one end and crossed above 1/2 the 1st page and finished my letter begun yesterday to M– (Mariana) said the weather had sent me by York instead of Duncombe park – dined at Dr. Belcombe’s and staid 1/4 hour in the minster court – no mention of my travels there
‘but tho’ I did not reach here till after 9, we somehow got into the subject of Miss Salmon, etc etc and I soon found, from the manner in which the thing was handled, that the wisest way was to yield, to own that a new light burst in upon me, – that they were probably right, my scheme was too anomalous, and I should write to you today, and give it up – the fact is, I am convinced both by their remarks, and by the laughing and quizzing here, that all their hopes of serving me in this instance are vain – we had best think of it no more – your sentence ‘you have now so little to do with Yorkshire people, that perhaps you had better not begin again,’ made me melancholy the while – it forcibly brought to mind all I have often felt, and lamented over of late – I see all old connections so slipping from under me, that my eyes must be opened wide upon it now; and the sooner I set myself about being resigned and reconciled the better – all this costs me a deeper sigh than even you imagine; but the truth flashes upon me at last – no effort of my own can save me; and all I can do is to submit – now and then I am sadly out of sorts – but I am better certainly than I was; Croft and Isabella did me good; and I hope and flatter myself you will find no fault when you see me’ –
Mrs Henry Stephen B– Belcombe going to Harrogate for a fortnight but counts upon seeing you – 
‘and very kindly hoped I should continue to be of the party – I really will accept her offer (for one or 2 days) if I can – I have no idea as yet how long I shall be here – a stay of only ten days will not suit the above plan – and now that you have made me so aware of the nowadays common uncomfortableness of our meetings, I hesitate what to do – I grieve over the Snape business, and shall always grieve, with all my heart and soul over ‘everything that gives you the least pain so undeservedly, and so oddly’ – as uncertain and unsettled as ever – people so impressed with ‘the difficulty of suiting me’ have given up the thing of inquiring about a maid hereabouts – I am glad to find Mrs Milne here – her power of being agreeable is undisputed and I am quite sure of benefitting by it during my stay here?’ – 
ask her to write soon – then in what is dated this morning say Mrs M– (Milne) suspects her of telling me everything ‘which I do not allow, and say, I only wish she could persuade me that such was true’ – have told both Mrs M– (Milne) and Charlotte that I think she M– (Mariana) has managed the matter about Miss Salmon having left me time enough to cool about it – 
‘In fact, I have given the thing up – I think again and again of your advice respecting Yorkshire people, I am more and more inclined to follow it – If I may no longer prudently feel the same interests I used to do, I may at least remember them with affectionate regard – But changes at heart will have begun with me more recently than it might be easy to make anyone believe – I feel already the wholesome influence of Langton air – All send their love – Ever my dearest Mary very especially and entirely yours AL (Anne Lister)’ –
Had just written one page to Mrs James Dalton when Mrs Milne came down at 10 10/.. – ten minutes alone flirting kissed her then  breakfast at 10 1/2 – afterwards the news and talking and dawdling away the morning – offered to take Mrs Milne overland to India and be off in July – Joke turned to earnest – she could not leave William – said I would really be off with either Charlotte or Mrs M– (Milne) if either of them could go – Mrs N– (Norcliffe) would not consent to the one – the other could not go or would with pleasure –  came to my room about 1 1/2 after a little tete a tete first with Charlotte then Mrs M (Milne) kissed the latter three or four times told her it was well she could not go to India  wrote pages 2 and 3 and the ends, chit chat, and finished my letter to Mrs James Dalton – Love to all, and Isabella would write to by and by – and 
‘Marianne too in gratitude for her regrets about the coffee, and kindness about the plants – Langton seems very odd to me without the one especial person who has always greeted me there before – but she is at Croft – I should be uncomfortable to have less to say, ungrateful to wish for more – ever my dear Mrs Dalton, very truly and affectionately yours AL( Anne Lister)’ – 
dressed – sent George to Malton with my letters to ‘Mrs Lawton Lawton hall Lawton Cheshire’ and to ‘Mrs James Dalton Croft Rectory, Darlington, Durham’and to ‘Monsieur Bado, Harrington house, Whitehall Gardens London’ – dinner at 4 1/2 – coffee – tea – read the first 20 pages of the natural history of enthusiasm – a long talkathon from Mrs Norcliffe about the Percivals said George’s gaucherie had made the original mischief, but owned that really I had not courage to run the risk of their meeting our friends either in an evening or in a morning call – this led to a long talkathon about the peerage etc etc I of course defendent regretting from principle, that respectable people should run it down – It seems Mrs Norcliffe and Charlotte met Lady Charlotte Lindsay and the Miss Berrys at Rokeby last year and afterwards at Ambleside – the Miss B–s (Berrys) fine, and Mrs N– (Norcliffe) from her own account must have been a bore, recalling all sorts of remembrances that might have been unrelished – she left us at 10 1/2 and we sat up talking till 12 – about les usages du monde etc etc when they doubted my being sick of the world said π (Mariana) had disappointed me a sentence two likes had brought me down to have it explained insinuated her giving into reports about my liking this and that etc I did not blame her but was hurt and disappointed whatever appearances might be she at least ought to
left margin: have given me credit then talking of companions ssaid if Eliza had not married might have asked her  what said Mrs M Milne and not Lou looking significantly at Charlotte   no I declared I never should have thought of it and then descanted on her stiffness coldness and formality – fair but threatening day – rain between 5 and 6 – blustering windy rainy night – Fahrenheit 62 1/2° now at 12 1/2 tonight –
reference number: SH:7/ML/E/15/0073, SH:7/ML/E/15/0074
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panatomic-x · 5 years
「ロール・エム」 演奏:アンディ・カーク楽団  編曲:メリー・ルー・ウィリアムス
 " ROLL'EM " Andy Kirk and The Clouds of Joy 
 Harry Lawson, Fats Navaro, Howard McGhee, Art Capehart,(tp)  Bobby Murray, Joe Baird, Wayman Richardson,(tb)  Ben Smith, John Harrington, Jimmy Forrest, J.D. King, Eddie Loving,(sax)  John Young,(p) Booker Collins,(b) Ben Thigpen,(ds) Mary Lou Williams,(arr) recorded  1944
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SwynWriMo Day Thirteen – Crack!ship AU
Love is Blind: Episode Three: First Looks
Write a crack!ship au.
Belle Beauton: 29, Lawyer ( @labellerose-acheron ) Toulouse Bonfamille: 28, Artist ( @lou-bonfightme ) Thomas Harrington: 28, Firefighter ( @prince--thomas ) Anastasia Tremaine: 29, Influencer ( @ugly-anastasia ) Arista Triton: 28, Music Teacher ( @arista-the-musical ) Vixey Chakraborty: 30, Nurse ( @vixey-chakraborty ) Benjamin Drakken: 37, Scientist ( @dr-drckken ) Gem Morey: 23, Construction Worker ( @gem-morey ) Mary Gibbs: 25, Student ( @boointhenight ) Snow Song: 29, Hotel Manager ( @lady-snow-flower ) Isabela Madrigal: 27, Influencer ( @rowsandrows-of-roses ) William Clayton: 40, Police Officer ( @vcnatorr ) Dian Morey: 37, Doctor ( @dian-morey ) Hercules Kouros: 27, Gym Owner ( @kouros-herc )
<3 <3 <3
This counts and I will not hear anyone say otherwise.
If you want to search a specific couple just ctrl + f.  
CW -- cringe.
<3 <3 <3
Is love really blind? Click here to find out!
[Episode One] [Episode Two]
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ewanfuckingmcgregor · 7 years
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Kylo Ren | Ben Solo
 you owe me (18+) | PART ONE
Kylo Ren is readers step brother and he gets handsy under the dinner table 
repaid debt (18+) | PART TWO
Things have been a little weird between you and Kylo since that dinner, and what have you gotten yourself into now
the last time (18+) | PART THREE
This is the third installment of the you owe me series 
dr ren modern!au (18+)
He’s wearing a tight white shirt and a nice black blazer, you let your eyes rake him up and down, he was sex if sex was a person.
 anger management (18+) 
Kylo Ren takes his anger out on reader in and productive way 
  kidnapping (18+) 
Reader hadn’t want to go out in the first place, going to a bar seem stupid with General Organa needed you, but Poe insisted, and look at you now. Covered in Kylo Ren’s cum.
eighteen (18+) 
Being an 18 year old, and possibly one of the smartest people on board had it’s advantages. But after a meeting with Snoke, a certain Commander makes readers work come to a halt to have some fun of his
solo!twins (18+) 
Virgin!Reader has a lovely time sharing Kylo & Ben solo.
Obi-wan Kenobi 
darling (18+)
Obi-wan wasn’t supposed to be having feels for his young padawan.. especially these type of feelings
Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader 
master skywalker (18+)
After not seeing Anakin for years, you finally reunite
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Credence Barebone 
street help **requested**
Credence wets himself in the street, and reader helps him.
just like him 
Newt finds another obscurus 
another child 
When Mary-Lou has to take in another child on short notice, reader is stuck sharing a room with Credence, and maybe that’s a good thing
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Billy Hargrove 
library fun (18+)
Reader is trying to study, but Billy is horny and has other ideas
tutoring session (18+) 
Billy is falling behind in math, and he needs help from the smartest girl in class
 but you’re my girl (18+) 
When Billy gets angry, he gets rough.. and reader like it rough.
save the day (drabble)
Who know Billy had a soft side, especially for a girl who isn’t the skinniest one around. 
the youngest harrington (drabble)
Billy finds out Steve has a sister, and he has a field day with it.
 wasn’t expecting that (song drabble)
Based off this song (x)
  guys my age (song drabble) 
Based off this song (x)
drunk thoughts are just sober feelings (drabble) 
Billy gets drunk and a side comes out of him that reader has never seen before
taken (drabble) 
Billy and Steve want the same girl, but forget to find out anything about her.
 dirty jeans (18+) 
Billy just looks so damn good in those jeans, reader cant help themselves
  locked in (18+) 
Billy and the reader get stuck in the disabled toilets at school, so they gotta entertain themselves.
  keep driving (18+) 
Billy has a rough day and you help him out
shower time (18+)
It’s raining and reader gets a ride from Billy, but then everything goes south
Steve Harrington
locker room talk (18+) 
After fight with Nancy at Tina’s party, Steve discovers that he wants you and he wants the reader bad.
 plaid skirt (18+)
Steve really loves that skirt, and the view of readers ass it gives
 taken (drabble) 
Billy and Steve want the same girl, but forget to find out anything about her.
 say you won’t let go (song drabble) 
based off this song (x) 
little sister (18+)
Reader and Steve have been seeing each other for a while, but they have to keep it a secret, why? Because she’s Billy’s little sister
 parking lot fun (18+) 
Reader and Steve had a flirty relationship from the start, but you both never thought it would go this far.
 biology class (18+)
Readers mum bought them a new skirt that doesn’t exacting fit right and Steve can’t help himself
Jonathan Byers
demogorgon watch (drabble)
Everyone had fallen asleep while waiting for the demogorgon to show up, except for reader and Jonathan, and reader start talking and he confesses his feelings for you.
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Jake Peralta 
 evidence locker (18+) 
Reader and Jake have had a very flirty relationship since the start, but when reader sees him get flirty with a girl who came into to file a report, reader retreats to the evidence room in jealousy and he follows reader and.. well.. things happen
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Tom Holland 
limo fun (18+) 
On the way to the Avengers: Infinity War premier, reader just looked so damn good in their dress Tom couldn’t control himself.
trailer fun (18+) 
Ever since the beginning of filming for Far From Home, Tom and you just couldn’t get along, it isn’t until recently reader understood why
seven minutes in heaven
a simple game can lead to so much more
 hallway closet (18+) 
Reader is  out to dinner and Tom just can’t keep his hands to himself
 spin the bottle (18+) 
a simple game can turn into so much more
movie night (18+) 
Reader was supposed to be watching a movie with Tom but he has other ideas
Peter Parker
 men’s bathroom (18+) | PART ONE
Peter is needy and really badly wants reader to suck him off
returning the favour (18+) | PART TWO
Since reader helped Peter out, he’s been dying to help reader out
i’m at your window (18+)
Peter comes to your window one night, wanting to be more than just friends
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Michael Langdon: 
tension (18+)
Michael hadn’t really paid attention to sex and attraction, he had bigger things to worry about, but when the reader showed up that changed
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Spencer Reid 
mile high club (18+)
after a tough case you help Spencer relax
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Dracula BBC (2020)
Delicious (18+)
Dracula had always saved the reader for a special occasion, tonight is that night
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Roman Sionis 
Dark Corner (18+)
roman sionis has his way with reader in a dark corner of his club
Sharing is caring (18+)
Victor had eyes for you first, but someone else noticed you as well, so now they have the chance to share you
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thatsmovietalk · 5 years
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Just Pinned to Cary Grant: Cary Grant, Scotty Beckett, and Mary Lou Harrington in My Favorite Wife (1940) http://bit.ly/2IuAqRG
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