#mary winchester hate club
44um-theannoyinggirl · 7 months
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"I've done everything you have ever asked me. EVERYTHING! I've given everything I ever had. And you're gonna sit there and you're gonna watch me die? What kind of father are you? "
"And I.. I had to be more than just a brother, I had to be a father. And I had to be a mother. To keep him safe. And that wasn't fair! "
"Hunter's are never kids. I never was."
- I told you not to let him out of your sight!
- You ever been really hungry? I mean, haven't-eaten-in-days hungry?
"Yeah. "
"He gave me an order and I didn't listen, and I almost got you killed."
- Hey, Dean, why don't you touch up your car before you get rust? I wouldn't have given you the damn thing if I thought you going to ruin it.
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whorefordean · 8 months
also fuck john winchester for making dean think he didn't deserved to be loved and to be happy and to be cared for. fuck him for making dean think his only purpose was to be a hunter and to be a savior. fuck him for not letting sam be happy and for not supporting him in trying to get out of the life. fuck john winchester for caring more about his dead wife than his living kids that he could've protected.
fuck him for dragging his kids through hell just because he refused to grieve. fuck you john winchester im glad you're dead. also fuck mary winchester. she was brought back to life (FOR DEAN) and she couldn't even pretend to be a half decent mother to the boys. "i am not just a mom and you are not a child." HE NEVER GOT TO BE ONE BC OF YOUR CHOICE YOU STUPID BITCH.
god im so fucking passionate about this topic i dont care about any john or mary sympathizers i will die on this hill. sam and dean deserved so much better.
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thedevilsfamiliar · 9 months
Fuck, ow. Fuck. My feelings. Ow.
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sam and dean: it's like our family has been cursed...
samuel campbell, 40 years ago: fuck john winchester!
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connielovescas · 2 years
Mary, Dean and Sam all had their childhood stolen from them because of hunting.
Mary was five when see was told that monsters were real. Mary grew up having no other future than continuing the family business, hunting.
Dean was four when he had to take care of his little brother because his father was too busy running after what killed their mother.
Sam was nine he was given a gun. He was told while he was still a kid that monsters are very much real.
John was the only one that was told that the monsters in his closet couldn't hurt him. After having a somewhat normal childhood and knowing what Mary went through he still decided to bring Sam and Dean into the hunting world.
Both of them had to continue the family business that Mary so much wanted them to get out of.
How is that fair?
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thismustbefakemine · 2 years
thinking about the trolley problem that is Mary Winchester's deal. She makes the deal and has her boys, who go through an immense amount of trauma as a result of her choice, and they save the world OR she doesn't make the deal and the boys are never born and she dooms the world.
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zachariahs behavior and actions towards the memory projection of mary in heaven makes me so fucking angry. it part of why i hate zachariah so much. he may be an angel but in the end hes just another man in power who veiws women as objects. she was dead and you still took advantage of. her. her memory. it makes me want to hurl.
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wraithlafitte · 2 months
halfway thru season 12 and i’m joining the mary winchester hate club
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starlingsrps · 3 months
the saltwater room.
from the infirmary, david bids elliot and indigo to go to london without him with the energy of a dying man begging for his final dreams to be lived out.
be a waste of a perfectly good pass is what they decide before leaving without him.
it’s a hell of a lot less wild than what david had pictured. they go to the british museum to look at mummies before checking in to the hotel. dinner and a few pints at a pub called the winchester before indigo announces that he’s going to take advantage of a steady phone line and call eliza. 
elliot stays put, deciding to finish his beer and people watch for awhile before taking the long way back. it’s nice to be on his own for a change. he likes the guys. he probably wouldn’t have lasted this long in the military if he couldn’t being around them. but he’s a solo pilot for a reason - he thinks clearest on his own and trusts his own judgement and sometimes, he just doesn’t want to think of much of anything. easier to do that on his own.
“captain holland!” 
the sound of his name pulls him back to the winchester and when he finds the source, he smiles to see it’s nell howard, one of the red cross girls assigned to the base. he figures that it’s not really fraternizing if it’s not on base. not that he’s ever seen that slow david or any one else down before but elliot will encourage for others what he will never allow for himself.
“hey nell,” he says, joining her at her table. “didn’t know you girls got passes.”
she looks so pretty, cheeks a little flushed and eyes bright. he catches a lot of shit for hanging around the club mobile when she’s working but she’s so very easy to be near that he can’t help it. “they let us out now and then. mary’s at the bar,” she says. “but i think i’ve been ditched. or i’m being ditched.”
elliot glances over at the bar. mary reminds him of maggie which is safe. he feels like he should maybe step in or say something but it looks like she’s handling herself and the RAF officer just fine. besides, he’s seen her shoot down david with brutal efficiency. she can handle herself. 
“i think she’s definitely got him handled.” he decides to prod a bit. “he didn’t have a buddy for you?”
“hated his accent,” she says, easily brushing him off. “you know when they sound really nasally and fancy?”
he laughs - he’s spent enough time with RAF fighter pilots to know exactly the type. “oh yeah. not the kind of voice you want whispering sweet nothings in your ear, huh?”
she laughs, the sound clear and ringing, and he feels a puff of pride at causing it. “exactly.” she sips her drink and before he can tease further, she speaks again. “weren’t you coming down with captain armstrong? he didn’t ditch you, did he?”
elliot shakes his head. “he’s back at the hotel calling his wife and reading.”
the girls all seem to go gooey over indigo’s devotion to his wife and nell is no different. she smiles and he feels irrationally jealous of indigo for causing it in absentia. “that’s so sweet.”
“yeah, he’s probably enjoying the quiet.” he drains his drink and debates another, if only to keep talking to her before deciding against it. an empty glass can be a prop. “what are you all up to?”
“oh, we’re locked out. they put us up at a hotel with a nine o’clock curfew and now we’re homeless for the night.”
he frowns and twists his empty pint glass in his hands. “that doesn’t seem safe.”
“no, not really. they don’t give you curfew?”
elliot can imagine few things going over worse with men on a weekend pass than being presented with a nine o’clock curfew. he shakes his head. “what’s your plan then? dancing til dawn?”
she laughs and for a second time, he’s pleased to be the source of it. “couldn’t tell you the last time i made it till dawn. maybe till midnight. mary’s working on that guy. we lost helen so she might have made it.”
he stays longer than he planned but doesn’t really notice. she’s easy to talk to and it’s nice to talk to someone about things that aren’t missions and women. they make it through to midnight when the lights drop. mary and her RAF officer stop by to get her purse and make introductions before advising that they’re moving on to a dance club, if elliot and nell want in. elliot isn’t quite sure if he does - dancing isn’t his favorite thing in the world - but he figures he can stick with nell to make sure she’s safe. 
“you don’t have to,” she says when he helps her put her coat on. “i’m a big girl and i can keep myself occupied.”
elliot shakes his head and follows her out and onto the street, hand hovering close to the small of her back in case she needs guiding. “no, it’s fine. i want to hear if this guy sounds normal after a few more drinks.”
she snorts and inhales sharply when they hit the street and the cool night air. “i insist.” her smile goes soft. “you look like you could use a good night’s sleep.”
he could, he really could. but if mary safely reminds him of maggie, nell is someone he wants to protect  in ways that are absolutely not fraternal or friendly. “you sure you don’t want the company?” he asks, about as insistent as he can be. “i’ve got nothing else to do.”
“i couldn’t possibly,”’ she says, waving her hand. “you should go, if you’re tired. we’ll figure something out.”
mary’s laugh draws his attention and hers. they look just in time to see her lock lips with the guy and be swept down the street, tossed over his shoulder halfway down the block. “well, i’ll figure something out,” she corrects, still smiling but with a thin line between her eyebrows now. 
“then i’ll keep you company while you do,” he says. 
she doesn’t demur this time. they walk a ways, trying to find a cafe or somewhere to sit indoors. england turns damp fast after night falls and she looks cold. there’s nothing open but they keep walking and talking to stay warm.
he offers his room at the hotel, quickly explaining that he doesn’t mean like that (turning red enough to light half of london, he’s sure). a place to crash, nothing else. he’ll sleep on the floor or in the lobby, no funny business. she puts him out of his misery by thanking him but turning him down. she says fraternization in a teasing, lilting tone that breaks the tension and makes him laugh. 
there’s a tiny square of a park with a bench that they land on when they get tired of walking. she sits close to him, close enough that he can smell her perfume when he slips his arm around her waist. 
she yawns and tips against his shoulder. “oh, is it six yet?”
his watch is on the hand resting on the bench next to her but he doesn’t need to see it to answer. “not even close. you’re sure?” he asks again. “i mean, i’m happy to sleep on a bench with you if that’s what you really want but there’s an empty bed at the hotel just going to waste.”
her pause is long enough that he’s not sure if she’s fallen asleep or not. “where will you sleep?”
“told you: floor. armstrong’s floor. bathtub. come on, i’ll be a perfect gentleman.”
“always are.” there’s a soft, snuffling sigh against his shoulder before she straightens up. “okay. you win.”
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i am forever thinking about a Julie and the Phantoms X Supernatural crossover that is specifically focused on spnwin where rose and victoria are carlos cervantez's nieces and john had something to do with carlos's death and sam and dean indirectly had something to do with rose's death and so julie haaaaaaates them and also reggie is secretly sam and dean's brother and sam sees a video of the band playing and he's like uhhhhhhh dean you wanna look at this and theyre like oh my god why is our dead brother playing in this "hologram" band and they don't recognize the connection to their family and julie so theyre like "she must be a witch" so they show up at julie's house and they're like "this is the fbi" and she's like "bitch try again i know a winchester when i see one" and they're like "what's going on... why does she know us" and she's like "your dad is the reason my great-uncle died" ala ellen and jo and they're like "we dont even know you" and she's like "well my family is all hunters and i promise you my ghosts aren't vengeful spirits... i don't think theyre even normal ghosts. rock salt and silver didn't even work on them. i tried" and they go into the studio where we learn that rose was actually a witch! and she learned from ada and all the plants in the garage are demons like in that one episode of the winchesters to like. figure out what's up with caleb because julie reveals that the other day julie and nick danforth-evans were assigned to do a school project together and they went to the studio to work on it but nick got stuck on the carpet (they had a devils trap drawn underneath it) and like the purple smoke came out of his mouth revealing caleb and theyre like omg so he's a demon and they join forces with victoria and ray (who obviously monster-hunted with rose back in the day) and they like. hunt down caleb and we learn that rose died the same way mary did and julie watched just like sam did so julie has the magic powers too and together she and sam send caleb to the empty and they do like. the soul for a soul hting to get cas back and dean's like "i always loved you back dont leave me again" and at some point julie digs out the monster club jackets that they said they were gonna make in spnwin but we NEVER ACTUALLY SAW but i know theyre real and hers is a hand-me-down from her mom who got it from her tio carlos and it says cervantez on the back and rose bedazzled it. anyways could you tell ive been thinking about this a lot? id write it but i lowkey hate writing... also there's like very little intersection between the jatp and spn fandoms and even less who actually watched the prequel
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3mpty-wallets · 1 year
mary winchester hate club 🙏🙏
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Season 1, Episode 9: Home
Following visionary Sam's recent nightmare about the former Winchester home in Lawrence, Kansas, where the present dwellers, Jenny from Wichita and mother to two small kids, are suspiciously accident-prone, Dean reluctantly accepts to drive there. Dean and Sam reassure Jenny but follow up on the kids fear of a flaming creature in the closet. They consult Missouri Moseley, their father John's old medium friend, and together with the spirit of Mary Winchester, confront an evil poltergeist, but a second ghost intervenes and someone hides behind Missouri. (Directly from IMDB)
Director: Ken Girotti
Writer: Eric Kripke
Set in: Lawrence, Kansas
I don’t remember this episode either hahah- I must not have paid attention a lot when I first watched it in 5th grade
The beginning of Sam’s psychic arc- his dreams are what are guiding this episode
You know, Dean, you could just go in with the fact hat you’re a Winchester 
Missouri’s a great character, I love her
This is the first true haunted house and they’re doing it well
Protective Ghost Mary saves the day!
WHAT??? (this is really like I’m watching this series for the first time)
This is the I hate John Winchester club, if anyone’s interested in joining...
This was a really good episode
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risingchaos · 3 years
Hi in case anyone needs to know, this is an All Might and Endeavor, John and Mary Winchester, and Dumbledore hate account. More shit characters will be added to and I will GLADLY elaborate if needed. Thanks dolls :)
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castielsgirl · 3 years
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megmeg-chan · 5 years
Ok but theres no one in sam and deans life who treats them how they deserve aside from Jody and we dont see enough of her and I am so salty that these boys are so starved for affection and love and my closing argument is that Mary Winchester will never be the mother they deserve
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crowclubkaz · 3 years
yes we all hate j*hn winchester but no one will ever hate him as much as the girl who wrote the supernatural musical in fan fiction. "he trained us both to track and hunt and kill, he took away our own free will" and "wish I could be as strong as sam... but underneath this broken mask, it is my father with all his wrath" like yes go off sis!!
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