#maryse lightwood imagine
imaginesbymk · 2 years
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REQUESTED BY @cokcola4112
"HOW did you learn to do that?" A woman's voice asked as they approached you in the training room.
You looked over your shoulder. Maryse headed down the Institute, hoping to find either Alec or Isabelle, but instead found someone else that intrigued her the moment she saw them with their weapon. She wasn't alone, though. Almost a quarter of the Institute gathered around to see what had happened.
It wasn't like Maryse never saw potential in you. You were always known to be a powerful Shadowhunter no matter what. You just needed more people to see you at your very best, and Mrs. Lightwood intended to prove everyone she saw a spark in you greater than angelic powers known in the Shadow world.
Maryse grins. "You really are something, y/n."
"I have a really good teacher," You smiled proudly.
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ghoulie-67-baby · 9 months
Try and stop me Part 2 - Shadowhunters.
Summary: You seek some comfort for you newly festering wound.
Warnings: Changing clothes, pet names, angst, crying, heartbreak.
Pairing: Lightwood family x Adopted!reader.
Word count: 1,370.
Note: This may be a little angsty projection from me so I apologise profusely.
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I hadn't thought through this as much as I should have considering it was pouncing down with rain and I was wearing Jeans, black boots and a thin jumper. Most people would have grabbed a coat but I was so angry and aching to leave that I hadn't thought about it. So as I stomped through the streets, drenched and freezing I cursed myself thoroughly.
I had told Jace, Alec and Izzy they would know where to find me but I didn't even know where I was going. I let my mind zone out and wander, my feet carrying me wherever they felt like. Puddles splattered up my calves soaking me to the bone as I just walked and walked. All I could think of was how Robert was lucky I didn't reveal what I knew but my Mom didn't deserve the heartache of that so I had kept his filthy secret though every fibre of my being screamed against it.
The already dark skies blackened as the evening turned to night and I was violently shivering as I walked down the streets, ignoring the looks I was getting off Mundanes. My aching feet carried me down street after street, alley after alley until they carried me to an apartment I didn't care to pay attention to. Icy hands clenched as they knocked painfully against the wooden door that stood before me. I felt like my eyes had sunk into their sockets, long dried up from tears, and my lips were chapped from the cold and me biting them. I waited patiently as my head throbbed and pounded before knocking on much louder this time. A voice behind the door sounded extremely annoyed at the disturbance and the locks on the door jiggled and clicked open after a few moments.
"So help me if this isn't important then I will turn you into a hamster and keep you in a cage!" The door swung open and I lifted my head wearily to meet the gaze of the person, who was dressed in silk pyjamas. "Y/N? What on earth happened to you?" Magnus' voice softened considerably at my state and I just glanced down at Chairman Meow who wound himself between the Warlock's legs. My eyes welled up, much to my surprise, at the softness of his voice.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, it's just, that I'm not welcome at the institute at the moment." I could barely speak above a scratchy whisper. "I just let my feet carry me and they brought me here. I was kind of hoping you would know what to do." My eyebrows furrowed as I spoke, confusing myself with what I wanted from him. Magnus' hand reached up and tucked a dripping straggle of hair behind my ear as I trailed off.
"Come in Cupcake, let's get you warmed up." Gentle hands guided me into the apartment and I stood silently as he wandered around getting towels and clothes for me. My mind was foggy until he stood in front of me and lifted my chin with his finger. My lip trembled as I stared into his eyes, willing myself not to cry anymore.
"He doesn't want me Mags, he never did." A look of confusion took over his features. "Robert doesn't want me. I'm not good enough. I tried to be, but I'm not." The warlock shook his head gently.
"Let's get you comfortable and then we'll talk. You'll get ill if you stay in these any longer. You're too fragile for magic at the moment so by hand will have to do." I was almost catatonic as he took me to the bathroom to change but I just stood in the middle of the room, not being able to move as my head was overloaded with thoughts. Eventually, he gave up and got me stripped out of the sodden wet clothes, incredibly respectfully, before slipping me into a pair of his grey bed joggers and a long-sleeved t-shirt. His warm hands then guided me back into the living room and onto the cloud-like cushions of the sofa. Within moments I had a hot cup of tea on the coffee table, a hot water bottle on my lap, a blanket around my shoulders and a very concerned-looking Magnus who had sat himself beside me giving me his full attention.
"We were having dinner as a family and he asked me why I hadn't been training so I explained how I'd fallen behind on the books and he started to tell me how I should have caught up because I'd had four years to get it done and that I'm lazy and don't work hard enough." My voice was hoarse and tired. "He never wanted me, Magnus, from the moment Maryse took me in he's looked through me like I'm a ghost. He told me I've never really been a Lightwood, that I take advantage of them." I clenched my fingers together as I spat out his words. "He wishes he hadn't let Mom take me in."
"Don't say that Pumpkin, of course, he wants you, you're his daughter too." I laughed bitterly as the first lot of tears slipped out.
"No, that's the thing. He said it, out loud, in from of Mom, Jace, Alec and Izzy. He said they didn't have to take me in and he was starting to wish they hadn't." I watched as his eyes widened in horror and his thumb brushed my knuckles softly. My lip trembled like a child's whilst my chest heaved.
"I just wanted him to see me. I wanted him to be proud of me and to love me like he loves them. I just wanted him to notice how hard I was trying, wanted him to see how everything I did was to make him happy." My voice broke and my vision blurred with tears. "I just wanted a dad. I've never asked them for anything. But I just wanted him to be my dad." Instantly I broke and my barriers released. My face streamed and I fell forward, letting Magnus catch me against his chest holding me as close as he could. My sobs and wails filled the room as my heart ached in my chest though it threatened to jump out.
The pain that I felt was nothing like I had felt before. Not even like what I felt after my parents abandoned me because this time I had lost someone that I actually loved. Lighting strikes of anguish struck me over and over, doubling me over to the point where I struggled to breathe from my crying. As my body shook, the force of it made Magnus' body shake too though he didn't mind. The Warlock held me, a hand on my back and the other cradling my head as his own tears dripped into my hair. I could hear myself saying the same words as I sobbed; He doesn't want me, it was like venom to my system, taking over and shutting it down, breaking me down by the second until I lay boneless in the arms of the Downworlder.
I didn't have the energy to cry anymore, didn't have the words to make myself feel better, didn't have the frame of mind to think clearly or the motivation to try and deal with this properly. My sobs had stopped and silent tears ran down my reddened cheeks and onto Magnus' already-soaked pyjama shirt as Chairman Meow nuzzled into my hands, providing his own comfort which I gladly accepted.
"Get some rest Pumpkin, we'll talk about this when you've got a little more energy." Magnus swung my legs up on the sofa and settled so I was lying with my head on his chest as he wrapped me up in a mountain of blankets. My skin was still cold to touch and I burrowed against his warm skin with a tired sigh as I closed my eyes and willed sleep to come. Eventually, I managed to drift off to the sound of the Warlock's heartbeat, his soft humming of an unfamiliar song and the gentle purrs of the cat that was curled up on his chest beside me.
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mwagneto · 1 month
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huntingrays · 2 years
i sometimes think about maryse and robert finding out their son is dating magnus
like ignoring their reaction to him being gay, the fact that he’s dating magnus bane must annoy them so much
like… their first child dating this warlock who has probably been a pain in their side for years and also kicked their ass that one time they were in the circle
idk it amuses me to think about
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margareturtle · 4 months
One of the funniest plotholes in TSC is how Robert and Maryse leave the circle and become Heads of the NY Institute
Like ngl the Shadowhunters prob would’ve kept Idris in 2012
If instead of being like “Due to your crimes against Shadowhunters” *the cohort takes out their knives* “Zara & Manuel & Co will be sentenced to banishment from Idris for 20 yrs and to be dispersed across institutes so they cannot plan another coup”
They were like “Due to your crimes against Shadowhunters” *takes out knives* “Zara & Manuel are sentenced to becoming the Heads of the Los Angeles Institute and only allowed back in Idris when the Council holds important votes!” *Zara & Manuel drop knives*
Zara: Wait what? (what zara was dreaming of) Nevermind everyone drop your knives!! sign me up 🙌
The Blackthorns: EXCUSE ME
Like I just can’t imagine how INQUISITOR Imogen “my grandson should be put to death” WHITELAW Herondale was totally chill with the LIGHTWOODS who were part of the CIRCLE taking control of the one of the BIGGEST Institutes in AMERICA not to mention the former residents of said Institute were WHITELAWS and Imogen’s family!! So even if she didn’t grow up in NYC she def visited her FAMILY there!! And said FAMILY was MURDERED by the LIGHTWOODS & CIRCLE CO!! Then to TOP IT ALL OFF Robert & Maryse supported the MAN WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR HER SON’S DEATH till the very end when they sold out their friends for LENIENCY
And I’m supposed to believe that they had strong enough connections and the Clave just loves Lightwood’s so much that Imogen & co had to be okay with these two college age former circle members with their one year old son just heading on over to lead one of the biggest institutes in the USA.
Mmm k ok sureee
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witchlingcirce · 24 days
Interesting enough: anytime I’ve ever mentioned the circle the topic of how Maryse & Robert’s punishment for there crimes wasn’t a good punishment always comes up because I think it’s quite interesting.
Objectively: no it’s not a good punishment. You’re still giving these bad people, who have committed bad acts- a position of power within your council and within shadowhunters as well.
However I think if you think deeper about it (aka think to much about), there are aspects of it that actually make it seem less bad!
I think something people don’t point out a lot when talking about is that they were never allowed to return home, to Idris. Idk- if someone told me I was never allowed to return home I’d be having a mental breakdown. Idris had been both Maryse and Robert’s home, it had been where they where raising there baby (shout out Alec). To be exiled from your home is quite a big punishment in itself.
Now onto the punishment of them being heads on the institute. In truth, I wouldn’t say being given a position of power is really any sort of punishment- especially one as highly regarded as an institute. However I do think there’s some deeper levels to it: Maryse & Robert are both decently young when given this position- not uncommon among shadowhunters but it’s still enough to stress two 22 year olds out - not to mention they have a 1-2 year old son.
NOT TO MENTION: having to run an institute means having to work with downworlders all the time. Which sure seems stupid because why are you putting these two downworlder haters in charge?? But the clave was definitely watching them to make sure they where on there best behaviour. I mean, Imogen was literally breathing down Maryse’s neck in city of ashes- I can imagine that happened a considerable amount of other times as well. Now they have to learn how to get along with these people who 100% hate them (rightfully so) and now they also need to learn how to actually work with them.
Now I think the punishment actually has one specific thing that makes it a “punishment” is what it did to Maryse and Robert’s relationship. This is a more indirect one, but the exile is literally what ruined there relationship. Robert blamed Maryse for everything that happened - they were both upset they weren’t able to return. There relationship before this was already rocky, and now they’ve also been separated from there friends and family.
So yeah, I agree with the overall sentiment: there should’ve been a harsher punishment taken. Idk maybe at least take some of the lightwoods family heirlooms- or repossess some of the family stuff (like they where lowkey doing to Benedict in clockwork princess).
I also think there punishment is meant to directly reflect how shadowhunter take very highly into familial status and how that also reflects in Hodges character but sigh that’s for another blog post.
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omgserafinablog · 3 months
Valentine said he sent Jace to the Lightwoods because he was too soft, unsuitable for his plans. But in "Son of Dawn," Jace did a great job with werewolves, was collected and resourceful, and that was at the age of nine! Although I was alarmed by the way he hid the wound and made excuses when he was caught washing the wound. It's scary to imagine how he grew up under Valentine, and it's unclear how he could miss him, even as an adult, claiming that his father indulged him in many ways and was not so strict at all. Valentine was definitely too demanding and cruel to him. Of course, Jace was special because of the large amount of angelic blood, but he was still a little boy-what did he want from him? Sometimes I think that maybe Valentin sent him away because he became attached to him, fell in love with him to some extent and realized that his special upbringing would spoil and break the boy, and sent him to the best people - caring mother Maryse, or he just got tired of rushing from one house to another.
And where the hell is Hodge in "Son of dawn"? Had Cassie forgotten about him?
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bookishjules · 1 month
any thoughts on how Simon and Isabelle will be around their in laws, I know we got to see a bit of it in the later books but would love to hear your thoughts
anon i will take any chance to talk about rebecca lewis <33 yes, i know there are more inlaws in question, and i will get to them, but i have been dying to talk about becky hehe plus there really is so much more to explore on the lewis side--naturally, since neither elaine nor rebecca have interacted with izzy in canon (insane btw).
sidenote: i kinda love how izzy only ever grew up with brothers, but gained a sister through simon (or two really, since we really must count clary, but you know, we're talking technicalities here), and that for simon, it's the opposite.
anyway, speaking of sisters hehe i genuinely think izzy and rebecca would get along well. i think iz would be a good source of.. fun i guess? for becky. like a good reminder to let loose. and i think becky would be a good resource for izzy, someone with a bit more age and wisdom that she can go to, someone who isn't maryse. and it's not like becky would be the only one offering advice. i think izzy would remind her to put herself first sometimes, to chase what she wants and to be kinda.. undeniable i guess. and i think they would laugh together and i think they would go shopping together, despite their very different fashion senses, and i think becky would maybe make some clothes for izzy and i think they would bond over the matching simon-shaped swell in their hearts.
i think becky is a common presence at the sizzy household. movie nights or game nights, or becky-cooked dinners (she might also try train some better cooking instincts into izzy while she's at it hehe), at least for a while until life things happen etc. i also think, and i know this is thinking a decent way further down the line, but i also think she'll be one of their go-to babysitters, since i don't think she'll get settled with her own family until she's in her 30s, and because i just know she'll want to be part of every second of that.
okay okay i think i need to stop talking about rebecca now or i will end up writing a novel..
i think their relationship with elaine is a lot more.. delicate. they don't see her nearly as often. because they can't be honest about the shadow world, for one, but also because i think she still has a little bit of.. not exactly loose canon, but something akin to that, in her. i think she wishes she got to see her son and daughter in law more, but i think there's this underlying anger for izzy any time they go to elaine's place, because even though it was years ago, izzy's first introduction to her personality was still through the lens of her condemning her son and kicking him out of the house at 16. and i also think izzy's seen how that reaction has affected simon, both in the direct aftermath, and in the years after he got his memories back.
i know levi is dead and wouldn't have any sort of relationship with izzy, but i do think simon would have taken her to levi's grave at some point to introduce them anyway. maybe around their wedding?
i really don't feel like there's much to say about the lightwoods that we haven't already seen, or that can't be easily extrapolated, but in spirit of fairness..
jace and simon are very much jace and simon. it's kinda hard to imagine their relationship changing much more than it already has. the comfortability and familiarity between them, the playful jabs, etc. i do think jace has probably begrudgingly gone to simon for a second (or third after clary, ig) opinion on some plans or strategies etc. he's having to make as an institute head. and i definitely think simon has tried to teach jace dnd, and had him over to play video games more than once.
i think simon and alec's relationship goes through more change than what we've been privy to. i think they have their bonding time doing target practice or over coffee after putting the kids to bed. they talk about politics and work and the sda. they also definitely talk about jace being an idiot lol
when it comes to maryse.. bro maryse is so hard for me. their relationship with her would be much closer than that they have with elaine, of course. and i think in maryse's effort to be more present with her family, she also makes a point to have a personal relationship with simon. they don't really have all that much in common, but simon has always seemed like something of a mom charmer to me. he's funny and smart and knows how to be polite. plus he really really cares about izzy. and i think it means a lot to maryse to see that. call it projection or mother's love or a little of both, but it's nice to have that reassurance that her daughter won't have to go through what she did.
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lawsofchaos1 · 9 months
Shadowhunter Promptlet: The Piano
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A young Alec, overwhelmed by everything Maryse and Robert have dropped himself into his lap, runs away from the Institute- just for a few hours- to see what it would be like to be a mundane child. To see what it would be like to live with no responsibility, without parents who leave their bruises on his skin.
Somehow, Alec accidentally finds himself in a piano lesson with a bunch of other children and he discovers music.
Having learned the basics, Alec knows better than to ever reveal it to anyone at the Institute. But, over the years, he sneaks away a few careful hours at a time. He finds public pianos in the parks or he slips into unlocked middle schools, or, later, unlocked high schools or colleges, blending in and sneaking into their practice rooms to bring the music in his head to life.
Alec never tells anyone, not even Jace, about his escape. Jace has always been different and just because it's okay for him to play music, doesn't mean it's okay for Alec.
One day, Magnus and Alec are visiting one of Magnus' warlock friends and Alec, with permission, goes to explore a few nearby rooms while Magnus and his friend catch up. He doesn't dare even sit down on the bench when he finds the piano, but he knows that this room is too far for them to hear, so he plays.
Magnus walks in without Alec noticing at first, but when Alec catches movement out of the corner of his eye and turns, he's frozen.
[Teenage HOTI-Alec with his mundane accidental-piano-friends below the cut]
Imagine a fifteen-year old Alexander Lightwood, overwhelmed from his recent installation as Acting Head, sneaking into the local high school band room to practice on their piano. Imagine Alec meeting this group of kids who basically adopt him and keep claiming him as their brother/visiting cousin/best friend from another high school whenever anyone else pops into the practice room and asks who this random kid is who definitely doesn't go here.
The tattoos and leather jacket make Alec incredibly popular with the teen girls going after the bad boy and Ryan, Haley, and Alison find Alec's total and utter obliviousness to them absolutely hilarious.
But, the little trio also sees his constant injuries and how exhausted he is all the time and one day Haley kind of snaps and pulls a fuzzy blanket out of her backpack and demands Alec take a nap while she practices Braham's lullaby.
(Alec acquiesces and the trio subtly collates a list of the songs that Alec will sleep through while they play. A few times here and there Alec will creep into the practice room, shadows both in and under his eyes, and he won't even try to put fingers to piano- just tentatively pulls out the blanket from Haley's backpack that is now undeniably his and curls up in the corner to sleep fitfully while Ryan guards the door.)
They see how lonely he looks sometimes, how burdened, and the trio drags him out for milkshakes and tell horrible jokes until Alec truly laughs - looking honestly surprised that that sound even came out of his mouth.
And Ryan doesn't make a big deal of it, but he sees how Alec keeps stroking his Haley's blanket between his fingers, enjoying the softness. The next day, Ryan starts keeping a large black hoodie he found made out of the softest material he's ever felt in his tuba case, waiting for the next time they walk into what has become their practice room after school to find Alec lurking in the corner.
(Ten years later, Alec still wears that sweater whenever he needs some extra comfort.)
The night after the wedding-that-wasn't and before Malec's first date, Alec climbs up the fire escape to the 34th floor of and apartment building in Queens and knocks on Haley's window. He then proceeds to have a Gay Panic on her and Alison's couch before they calm him down and convince him to go woo his man.
A year after that, Alec is a groomsman at Ryan’s wedding and Ryan is suddenly stuck trying to explain to his wife why they have a lovely package of custom daggers as a wedding present.
A few months after Magnus finds Alec hardly daring to touch his friend's piano, Haley, Ryan, and Alison are invited to the loft for dinner. Magnus can barely contain the joy and love in his heart as Alec and the trio recount the stories of their meeting and the blatant shenanigans they got up to over the years. Yet, Magnus' heart is somehow even more full as he watches the four friends troop over to the newly installed piano in Alec and Magnus' living room, trading off playing each other's favorite songs until long into the night.
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faejilly · 1 year
so I wanted to riff off of @alexanderlightweight's response to the Alec/Bow/Quiver/summoning meta post by @ralfstrashcan that I reblogged recently, but also I didn't want it to get lost in an increasingly long reblog chain, so I'm gonna quote and start over here:
my headcanon is that it's alec's shadowhunter ability like clary's rune ability and apparently the herondale ghost talking ability(??)
if we really want to take it a step further. we can even talk about how izzy has specially made weapons that have to be super tricky to use which means weapons ability
but that's just my brain. which made that one scene where alec goes back to the institute make no sense, to retrieve his bow because literally every other time he doesn't need to (they just wanted to give clace the training moment and set up the whole hodge thing)
1: I also think Alec's 'have to go get a bow' is just an excuse, but he's using it to a) get away from Jace behaving incomprehensibly & Clary being So Very Clary, AND b) to cover their tracks now that he's realized just HOW comprehensively his siblings are going to go off the rails in the next day or so. (And on a narrative level I really like the scene with Hodge so I'm glad it exists. 😅)
2: I headcanon that part of the reason Alec (& to a lesser extent but still noticeably so, Izzy) can get away with pushing so many Clave/Nephilim boundaries without actually getting deruned despite their parents being on Thin Fucking Ice™️ with well, everyone, is that they have inherited both Family Traits and that's valuable enough (especially after all the losses during and after the Uprising) that the Clave really really doesn't want to get rid of them.
(Similarly, there's some hope that Jace and/or his expected children might show signs of the Wayland traits coming to life again as they've died out otherwise. Obviously that goes a bit sideways once they finally pick up on How Very Herondale he is, but luckily he's Herondale so that's still a benefit.)
Truebloods: very literally truth-tellers. Variations on their skills include the ability to recognize lies, off the charts charisma when they are invoking what they believe to be the truth, and an ability to make the most awkward truths palatable to audiences that normally wouldn't want to engage with them. They were traditionally the guardians of the Soul Sword whenever it left the City of Bones, but that honor faded away over the years as the Council with the Consul/Inquisitor as heads centralized power in their own hands.
Izzy can be seen doing this during her trial, because even when her personal behavior has included digs & microaggressions against Downworlders, she believes that they as a people can and should do better and her speech clearly works in-universe because of that resonance of truth.
(She even occasionally manages the sincere/heart-felt clunky dialogue that works despite being clunky that Alec's so good at, and poor Jace doesn't, despite his best attempts, because for all he's a Lightwood in every other way that matters, he's not actually part Trueblood.)
Maryse has several hints of Alec's same blunt (inexplicably successful) sincerity once she lets herself stop hiding behind Politics & Expectations. When she's upset with Izzy about spending time with the Seelie in s1, she has a line that always felt very self-recriminating to me; (I'm paraphrasing here since I'm too lazy to pull up the script or episode): 'never trust a people who can't lie, they'll find more imaginative ways to stab you in the back'. She knows this about the Seelie because it's what she's always done.
(Alec's shock at his parents being in the Circle can't be because it's against their politics as they've never really tried to behave better. Perhaps it's because it never occurred to him that they could lie that well. Especially his mother, since he has a much better relationship with her than Robert.)
This means that Maryse buying into Valentine's rhetoric was invaluable to him, because she could back him up and help make sure people would fall for it, because she was a Trueblood. Equally, when she turns, that is part of why the Clave lets them back in. Her vow to now toe the party line is completely believable, because she promised on her children... who are also Truebloods.
This also means that their bloodline is one that would not always be popular since they can call out power when it's behaving badly; thus the apparent decline of Trueblood standing in the way that the show refuses to ever really acknowledge it in the present day timeline, and instead talks about Lightwood honor.
(But countered in the way The Clave doesn't move directly against Alec Lightwood, HotI, despite gay and living with a Downworlder, despite how much clear disdain he has for so many of them and their policies. They aren't willing to risk what a Trueblood could do if pushed into active rebellion.)
Lightwoods have a much more palatable martial gift. Their affinity for the adamas in their weapons means they can bond with them, sometimes strongly enough to summon them, manipulate them in the field, adapt them and rune them and enhance them in ways most Shadowhunters can't. (We never see anyone doing anything resembling Alec runing his arrows in s1 after all. What if most of them can't?)
As shown by Izzy in s3 as Weapon's Master, in Alec's ability to beat his parabatai (the supposed best fighter of a generation) when they're sparring with weapons even if he loses once they get to hand-to-hand, Izzy's unique skill with a whip, Alec fighting with everything he gets his hands on, from seraph blades to his signature bow to actual arrows for stabbing. (As seen in everything in ralf's original meta post and delightful fic.)
There's even something in the fact that Izzy was interested in joining the Iron Sisters (which while prestigious also involves even more sacrifice from a people who have to sacrifice a lot already and are thus vital enough that they let Cleophas join despite her past because they needed her) and yet Izzy stayed active duty -- and presumably eventually marriageable.
(I frequently wonder if part of why she chose to make herself as unpalatable as possible for a traditional/political match was a lingering bit of awareness that that was what The Clave most wanted from her, regardless of who she wanted to be.)
ALSO! There has to be a reason that Robert Lightwood was valuable enough to keep even when they got rid of Maryse, a reason the show reiterates Lightwood honor over and over again, a reason he & Maryse got to be co-Heads of an Institute (even if the general fanon that they were more constrained than most Proper Heads does fit what little we see), and we never actually see Robert fighting or sparring, but we are repeatedly told that his children are the best of the best.
But it's seldom mentioned as a compliment, is it? More like an expectation. They're Lightwoods, they have to be the best with their weapons, or what is the point of them? It's just another weight added to Alec's so-called crown, another expectation Izzy has to both flaunt and fight against every day so she can have at least a little bit of herself left to hold onto.
(The one thing Jace is good at, the one bit of the monster his father built that helps; he's as good with a blade as a Lightwood. It's the only thing that gives him hope for redemption, the only thing that gives him enough conviction to ask Alec to be his parabatai and protect his soul from himself.)
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Hi! I’m a long time reader for both you and saeth and joined tumblr so I could read more of your works. I’m hoping this is the correct way to submit a prompt and if not please ignore!
I would love to see more scheming Alec. Maybe he sees magnus come to the institute to update the wards as a kid and he knew that this is his One Love (which is rare for nephilim hence political marriages). so Alec plots to meet Magnus and/or convince magnus to keep him
Thank you for all your lovely works!
thats really sweet! and this was fine, you did great and actually this is the kick off to a new verse because i have another 3-5 asks abouts manipulative/scheming alec as well. it's called the craft of adoration
i hope you enjoy!
“Are you alright?” Jace asks and Alec nods, ignoring Jace in a way he rarely does before shooing him along.
“I’m fine, just paperwork.” Alec says and he gives the grimace he always tries to hide when Maryse is giving him extra work. Jace relaxes at the normal byplay and Alec watches him leave carefully and then he turns, breathless.
Alec knew that his parents wanted them out of the Institute because the High Warlock of Brooklyn was coming over, but while he was fine if not a little annoyed at their instructions before, he’s now livid.
Alec could have missed seeing and realizing the most perfect being in the universe already existed.
Magnus Bane is everything Alec’s never let himself desire or dream of and standing there, standing up to Alec’s mom, he’s the only person Alec can ever imagine wanting.
Maryse is biting out vitriol and Magnus Bane is matching her barb for barb, a dark, pointed smirk on his face as he lays Alec’s mother bare to the world with only his words.
Unlike Maryse, his tone remains even and cool and even when he raises it, it never becomes the yell that Robert's voice does.
Alec carefully remembers his words and where he wounds Maryse, and he holds his breathe and leaves. He refuses to let Magnus meet him like this. Alec is fifteen, he’s practically a child compared to a High Warlock and he has nothing impressive to his name.
It’s with renewed passion that Alec returns to his studies and the next time Izzy and Jace try to goad him into letting them get away with anything, he thinks of brown eyes that flash gold and shakes his head.
It’s not difficult to manipulate Robert, now that Alec knows what to look for. It’s almost worse, realizing that Robert is expecting Alec to help him hide his affair, not that Alec is going to blackmail him.
“I don’t want the Lightwood name.” Alec says again, for the third time since he’s sat down with Robert. “I’ll be the Trueblood heir, but I won’t be the Lightwood heir.” Alec smirks, “you can have Jace or Izzy be your heir, you don’t need me.”
The Lightwood name is more heavily tarnished than Alec realized at first and while Alec won’t hide who his parents are, he’ll change his last name if it means ensuring Magnus at least looks twice at him.
The separation is quiet and Maryse is contemplative in the months that follow but Alec doesn’t worry about it, too focused on forging connections with other young and political nephilim. He’s back and forth between New York and Idris a ridiculous amount, but it’s worth it. 
Alec is known and knows all the heirs of the next families and the Institutes. Perhaps he doesn’t have friends, but he doesn’t need those just yet, not when he might have to get rid of them if they interfered.
Alec is impatient and he knows he is. He only saw Magnus back then for a few minutes but Alec knows his heart and it’s may not love at first sight, but Magnus is the only one Alec’s heart will ever beat for.
Alec uses that impatience to build his reputation and his skills and as a reason to gently let Jace down when his brother hopes to become parabatai.  Alec won’t take any chances with Magnus not being interested.
Alec gets tall and he gets strong and he focuses on knowing as much as he can because whatever Magnus needs or wants, Alec is going to ensure he achieves it.
There is not room for failure on his list and it’s not an accident that during Alec’s evaluation, Camille Belcourt is caught breaking the accords. The new leader is Raphael Santiago and Alec introduces himself casually, with a politeness that he doesn’t even give the clave. It’s easy enough when Alec remembers that this will be important to Magnus. That Camille is no longer a threat and that someday, Alec can offer her eternally preserved heart that rests in a chest in Alec’s room.  A present for whenever he finally sees Magnus again.
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ghoulie-67-baby · 10 months
Try and stop me Part 1 - Shadowhunters.
Summary: You were adopted by the Lightwood a few years back and Robert hates how you’re different you are from the others. An argument takes place and you’ve decided enough is enough.
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, bullying (idk what to call it), abuse (idk if you’d call it this?), shouting, angst, disowning a child.
Pairing: Lightwood family x Adopted!reader.
Word count: 1,376.
Note: Hopefully you’ll be able to tell from this that I ✨hate✨ Robert Lightwood.
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We only gathered around the dinner table like this for family matters, especially at the institute. Isabelle sat beside me, talking animatedly about the training session she had just finished but I didn't hear much of it. The looks I'd been getting off our father had been unnerving, strange and inexplicable so I'd zoned out, overthinking it.
"It's nice to see everyone is actually here for once," Maryse took her seat, oddly family-orientated recently, at the head of the table beside Izzy and smiled at all of us. "We don't do this often enough." She was trying so hard to hold herself together for the past few weeks. Robert had been cheating on her and nobody knew. Maryse found out but hadn't told the others yet and I wasn't supposed to know but you hear things like arguments when you can't sleep at night. The whole family had noticed a difference in their dynamic but nobody commented, better to ignore these things and see if it all worked out in the end I guess.
We all dug in, always loving when Maryse came to see us and cooked her amazing meals. Izzy tried, bless her heart, but I'd rather eat mud than the food she conjured up and I know the others thought the exact same thing, it was fair to say she didn't have the same gift as Mom when it came to the kitchen. The conversation wasn't loud but it was a nice buzz in comparison to silence and I listened as Izzy and our mother spoke to each other. As soon as the table fell remotely quiet I was called on.
"Y/N, I noticed you've not been training as much as the others." Robert dabbed his lips with a napkin and I looked at him questioning look whilst swallowing my food. "You shouldn't be slacking off. Jace, Izzy and Alec are working so much harder than you."
"Can we not do this now?" Maryse seemed to almost beg him as she glared in his direction. My sibling's eyes zeroed in on me and Izzy tapped my leg under the table gently before looking pointedly at my fork. I placed it down from my trembling hands and sipped my water to clear my throat, I hated confrontation.
"I got a bit behind on the books is all so I'm giving myself a break from physical working to get some studying in, that's all but it won't be for long." I smiled unsurely "Just until I catch up."
"And why is it that you manage to fall behind when everyone else can stay ahead?" He raised an eyebrow. "You should be working just as hard and not being lazy and sitting around letting your studies get the better of you." My eyes flickered to our mother for a moment who looked apologetic and irritated.
"I've just been struggling a bit is all but it won't take me long to catch up, I promise." I bowed my head and shifted the food around my plate wishing I could just disappear into the tension-thick air.
"It's not good enough. You've had 4 years to catch up and it's getting beyond a joke. You need to be as good as the other three, what kind of a Shadowhunter will you be if you let this happen?" I pushed my chair out slightly with cold, shaking hands and bit back my tears of anger.
"Dad, don't you think you should cut her some slack?" Alec started, obviously uncomfortable.
"Don't involve yourself, Alexander." Now Jace looked furious. Nobody spoke to Alec like that when Jace was around not even Robert.
"I'm sorry that I've hit a bit of a slump but I'm working on it," I spoke through gritted teeth. "I know I'm not as good as them and I'm trying so just give me some time and space and hopefully I can get up to the standards you want." My voice was cold and harsh but I didn't care anymore. How dare he. I didn't need reminding that I wasn't a Lightwood or that I hadn't been with them as long as Jace. "Thank you for dinner Mom, I'm going to head off to bed." I stood from the table, not looking at anyone as I turned around.
"You aren't going anywhere Y/N!" Robert's voice thundered through the room and I stopped dead. "When will you finally sort yourself out? We won't baby you anymore! I expect better of you and if you don't sort this out then you won't be a Lightwood anymore, not that you've ever been much of one anyway." My breath hitched, and that stung more than anything ever had. My chest rose and fell as though I had run miles as I clenched my fists.
"Enough! That's too far!" Izzy stood up, arms braced on the table as her chair fell backwards.
"No, what's enough is Y/N taking advantage of the home and life we gave her despite who her parents were. We didn't have to take her in and I'm beginning to wish we hadn't!" This time Maryse yelled at him but I couldn't make out a word as my blood rushed through my ears, anger drowning out everything else. I was slightly aware of Isabelle's hand on my arm but my body wouldn't respond. I turned to face him slowly with a wicked grin on my face as my eyes met his.
"Finally." My voice was scarily calm. "You finally admitted it. After 4 years of thinking about it, you finally gathered up the courage to say it huh? Heaven forbid your wife has a kinder heart and takes in a child who needs her. By the angel, what a crime!" By this point, I was shouting. "I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for you and that I'm very clearly a disappointment but hey, guess you won't have to deal with that anymore if I'm not a Lightwood. I have tried my damn best for the past 4 years, harder than I have ever tried to do anything. All to get you to notice, to impress you, to make you proud so that I don't get overlooked by you anymore but no! Still not good enough!" My voice wobbled and I hated that tears of anger now stained my face. "I know I'm not as good as them and I didn't mind that but I still tried for you. Not for Mom, not for my siblings or the institute but for you because you just looked straight through me like I wasn't there. You always have and I'm sick of it! I'm sick of trying to make you happy and I'm sick of keeping it all to myself, I know more than you think I do and my mind is definitely stronger than you realise." My teeth bared in pure rage as I glared holes into him. "I've had enough. I'm done! I'm done trying to make you happy so you have your way."
I spun on my heel and stormed out of the room, pushing past the other Shadowhunters who seemed to have heard the commotion and making my way to the door. I grabbed a spare stele from one of the weapons racks, sliding it into my pocket and beelining for the doors. I ignored Clary's yells of concern as she followed after me and the voices of my siblings and Mom asking me to stay.
"Don't you dare walk away Y/N! If you walk out that door then you're done, You won't be welcome here anymore!" I stopped, my hands resting on the wooden doors. "I mean it! You leave and I don't want to see your face again!" I looked back at my Mom who was sobbing as Jace held her. I had never seen her so vulnerable, especially not in front of the whole institute.
"I love you, Mom, You guys know where to find me." I smiled at my Mom and siblings softly before looking at Robert. "As for you, try and stop me from coming home, I dare you." With that I threw open the doors and stormed out, leaving the shouting of Maryse behind as I held in my sobs.
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demy85 · 11 days
Drawing you in
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This fic was created for the Shadowhunters Reverse Bang 2024: Presented by the @malecdiscordserver
It was inspired by @kasper-tag beautiful art and betaed by the lovely @maplemachiato
If you'd like to read it on Ao3 you can find the first chapter here.
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV)
Warnings: Rated E.
Relationships: Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane
Words: 28,366
Chapters: 8/8
Magnus, a student in the theater/dance department, was close friends with Isabelle. He had been infatuated with her older brother Alec ever since he met him at a party. When the art department was looking for nude models for a course, Magnus saw it as an opportunity to get closer to Alec.
Chapter 1 is below. You can find the other chapters here:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 1 - First Impressions
Ever since the night Izzy had persuaded Magnus to accompany her to one of her parents' dull parties, he simply couldn't get her older brother out of his head.
Alexander Gideon Lightwood was, inarguably, the most beautiful human being to have ever graced the face of the earth.
But Magnus realized sooner than he would have liked that Alec had no interest in getting to know him better. Even though it was evident that Alec did find him attractive, after that evening Magnus was sure that Alec was struggling with his own sexuality and that he might never follow through on his instincts. Definitely not at his parents' house and certainly not at a party where not only his parents were present, but also many of their business partners.
It was clear to see that Maryse and Robert were extremely unhappy with some of their children's decisions. You could read it in their eyes, gestures and facial expressions when Izzy and Alec introduced themselves to their business partners and told them about their studies.
Magnus couldn't imagine how difficult it must be for them to deal with their parents' apparent disapproval. But he didn't have to wait long to find out what it felt like to be under the scrutinizing gaze of the Lightwoods, which was laced with contempt.
It was by no means a pleasant experience when Izzy introduced him to her parents, and he swore to himself after that evening that he would never accompany Izzy to such an event a second time. 
His decision wasn't just due to the fact that Alec had given him the cold shoulder, no, it was rather because of the disdainful look Izzy's parents had given him when she had introduced him and he wanted to avoid meeting them again at all costs.
He knew that the Lightwoods were deeply involved in the history of Idris, the college where he studied. They were descendants of one of the founding families and therefore had great influence. Magnus just hoped that they wouldn't make his life at college more difficult now that they had actually met him.
Alec had no idea why he had agreed to attend the annual Christmas party organized by his parent's law firm. He knew he would regret it, as these parties were always strenuous. He always ended up feeling drained.
However, Izzy had mentioned that she was going and that Magnus had agreed to accompany her.
Now that Alec knew Magnus would be there, how could he possibly resist?
Izzy hadn't stopped raving about Magnus since her first day at university and Alec was fascinated by all the things his sister had told him about Magnus.
Magnus was apparently two years older than her, had taken a sabbatical after high school and had been exploring the world.
She had told her brother so much about Magnus that it almost seemed as if Alec himself was friends with him.
However, that wasn't the case. Alec had difficulty making friends, especially with men.
So far he had successfully managed to avoid Izzy and her wonderful fellow student on campus, but that night he would be coming face to face with Magnus Bane and he wasn't sure he was prepared.
Magnus was at a loss as to why he had agreed to accompany Isabelle to her parents' party. He was feeling rather nervous, after all he had seldom heard any nice stories about her parents. But at least it gave him the opportunity to visit his father in New York, or rather both his fathers.
Ragnor Fell had adopted him from the orphanage,taken him in, and raised him with much love and affection. Together with two other children, Raphael and Catarina, Magnus spent a wonderful childhood with Ragnor.
He had never felt a desire to find his biological father, even though Ragnor had assured him that he would help him if he wished to do so. But Magnus would prefer to forget his past. Forget finding his mother’s lifeless body and what his stepfather had done to him as a result.
Looking for his biological father at that time would only have created another wound 
But  the decision was snatched away from him one day when a man suddenly appeared on their doorstep.
Asmodeus Yeung.
Asmodeus got along well with Ragnor  from the start which allowed Magnus to open up to him more quickly than he would have thought possible.
Even though he had decided to keep his name and continue to live with Ragnor, he was still in regular contact with his biological father and the relationship between the two of them created many opportunities for Magnus and his siblings.
Magnus was well aware that without Asmodeus, he would probably never have been accepted into Idris.
He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard someone say, "You look quite handsome, son." Magnus turned to see Asmodeus standing in the doorway with a wide grin on his face.
"I hope you have a wonderful evening with Isabelle Lightwood. I'm sure you'll enchant them all with your good looks and charm," Asmodeus said, giving his son a hug before bidding him farewell and retreating back to his study.
After that, Magnus was convinced that the evening would be a good one. After all, Izzy would finally introduce him to Alexander. He had been waiting for this ever since he had first seen him on campus.
So he made his way to the venue in high spirits.
For Alec, being introduced to Magnus by Izzy was a truly life-changing experience. It made him wish for the floor to open up and swallow him as he noticed the heat creeping into his cheeks.
Magnus seemed to be enjoying the sight, which only made Alec all the more nervous.
Izzy was beaming brightly at him as she began to address him, "Hey, Alec. I want you to meet Magnus, my dance partner."
Magnus gulped as he let his eyes roam over Alec unfiltered for the first time. Of course, he had seen him in passing on campus, but never up close.
He was tall and had dusky brown hair that seemed to fall over his forehead as if he'd been running his hands through it. His pale skin stood out against the dark clothes he wore, and when Magnus looked at him, it was almost as if his brain blanked out. 
As he finally lifted his gaze to lock eyes with him, he saw beautiful hazel colored eyes staring straight back at him, making his stomach twist with excitement, and a smile that made Magnus weak in the knees.
Alec couldn't help but stare at Magnus. He exuded so much confidence and appeared to be comfortable in his own skin. Alec admired and envied him at the same time.
He held out his hand and when they made contact, it was almost as if an electric shock shot through his arm.
Alec hoped they wouldn't notice what was transpiring in his head as he literally squeezed out the words, "Nice to finally be able to meet you, Magnus."
It was a mystery to him how he had managed not to make a complete fool out of himself and to be able to utter a full sentence. The elation didn't last long, however, and when he saw Magnus' smug grin, he knew that he had revealed more of his inner turmoil than he would have liked.
He had no intention of appearing rude, but Alec was well aware that there was a good chance that if he remained in Magnus' immediate vicinity for much longer, he would be unable to hide his feelings.
Instead of speaking to his sister and Magnus, Alec excused himself and proceeded to find the only friend he had made among his parents' fellow attorneys.
Jem Carstairs was a young, sympathetic man who was very different from all the other attornies that worked for Alec's parents. Alec could talk to him about anything without fear of condemnation or disapproval.
But that evening, as Alec made his way through the crowd in search of Jem, he found him in a heated discussion with some of the older partners at the law firm. Alec didn't want to intrude, so he decided to back off and get through the event alone.
He found a quiet corner, away from the noise and the stares of the other guests. Leaningagainst the wall and watching the crowd, his gaze constantly drifted to Magnus and Izzy. He couldn't deny that Magnus had an intriguing personality. He was charismatic, charming and had a special way of moving, as if he was dancing to a tune that only he could hear.
Alec couldn't help but to wish that he could be a part of that melody.
Yet , he was aware it was impossible. He just knew there was no way he could come out, not in front of his family and certainly not in such a public setting.
Jem caught a glimpse of Alec walking towards him out of the corner of his eye and immediately reversing his direction when he noticed the person Jem was deep in conversation with.
If he was honest, he could hardly blame Alec for not wanting to be part of their conversation. A talk with Valentine Morgenstern was certainly not a pleasant experience. That being said, he was a very close friend of Robert Lightwood's and therefore it was best not to offend him.
However, Jem was more than relieved when Morgenstern finally dismissed him after a few more minutes and turned his attention elsewhere.
He didn't hesitate and set off in search of Alec.
After finally finding him, he momentarily hesitated as Alec seemed oblivious to the world around him. His gaze was fixed and when Jem followed him, he understood what must be going on in Alec's head.
Alec was staring unashamedly at a flamboyant young man who was engrossed in conversation with Izzy. 
Jem could see the longing in Alec's gaze, the conflict going on inside him, and his heart broke a little for Alec, because he could empathize with how Alec must be aching inside.
He wanted to help him, to show him that it was okay to not conform with the established social norms and an idea began to blossom inside him.
Christmas had slipped past them in a blink of an eye. Alec had spent most of his time holed up alone in his room and had even avoided his sister. His parents were once again working on an important case, so it wasn't surprising that they were hardly ever seen.
If he was honest, he couldn't even remember the last time his family had spent Christmas together, especially when they had all been living in the same house.
One of his parents was always busy with work, and since Jace had left for California, he hadn't spent Christmas with them either. Jace played for the USC Trojans, the University of Southern California’s football team, and his excuse was that his training schedule wouldn’t allow enough time to come home to New York for the holidays. 
Alec and Izzy tried to make the best of it. They usually spent a lot of time wandering around New York, stuffing themselves with all sorts of goodies they found at the various Christmas markets.
Alec had always really enjoyed spending quality time with his sister, as they rarely got to just relax during the semester.
But this year was different, because Izzy was pissed and still hadn't forgiven him for the way he had treated Magnus at the Christmas party. He could hardly  blame her. However, he was also unable to tell her the reason why he had been so short with Magnus.
And so, she had given him the cold shoulder until the moment when she had walked into his room on Christmas morning and stared at him with sorrow in her eyes.
He had a sheet of paper lying in front of him and had started to sketch a person. And even though the drawing was still in its early stages, it was clear to see which person he was drawing.
Alec observed as Izzy began to open her mouth and he was already expecting the worst. Thinking that she was going to reprimand him again for his behavior towards Magnus, he was surprised when he heard what she said to him instead.
"Hey, Alec. Something's bothering you, hasn't it? You seem unhappy, do you maybe want to talk about what happened at the party when I introduced you to Magnus?" said Izzy as she came into the room and sat down on the bed, commenting casually, "The drawing is beautiful, you know."
Alec turned the paper over, he didn't like people looking at his art before he'd finished it. But obviously he hadn't turned it around fast enough, because Izzy had seen it. 
Shyly, he averted his eyes from her. "Nothing's happened. You introduced me to Magnus and I joined the crowd afterwards to socialize like our parents expect me to," he said. 
"Alec, I can see that something has happened."
"Nothing has happened, Izzy. You're reading too much into this. Please, just let it go." 
Ever since he'd seen Magnus at the party, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about him. And at night, while he slept, his dreams were filled with Magnus. But he couldn't afford to tell his sister about it, because it would mean revealing a part of himself and he wasn't ready for that, not quite yet.
He gave his sister a pleading look on his face before pleading with her again, "Just please let me be, Iz. It doesn't matter. Besides, even if something had happened, it really wouldn't be any of your business." 
Alec witnessed the exact moment his words stabbed straight through his sister's heart, and he would have wanted to slap himself for the harsh words.
Izzy shook her head, she couldn't believe Alec wasn't able to open up to her, but she knew when it was time to back off and stop bothering him. Still, she was unable to hide the hurt that his words had caused her from her expression. 
"I love you, Alec, and I hate seeing you like this. If you don't want to talk to me about it, then maybe you should talk to Jace. You might find it easier to confide in him and I'm sure he can help you," she sighed as she stood up. Izzy walked over to Alec and gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room again.
Relieved, Alec lay down on his bed and wished that the time until the start of the spring semester would pass more quickly.
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 days
The topic of the parents of the members of The Circle a little obsesses me because I'm planning a fanfic about this. I did my research a while ago and I can say that not much is known about Maryse's parents. They were horrible about Max and Marisa forced Maryse to do housework because she was a woman (which Maryse takes completely the other way with Isabelle, in the future, not wanting to teach her how to cook properly). As for Robert's parents, it's not really clear if they were ashamed of Robert or that's something Robert imagined his parents thought of him. What is known is that Phoebe took care of Alec quite often and that apparently after getting married Robert and Maryse could have been living at Lightwood Mansion with Robert's parents.
It is not known how long Maryse's parents lived. By the time of The Circle's last battle, at least Robert's parents were already deceased. No one knows about Maryse's. They didn't get to meet Isabelle because Maryse hadn't given birth yet (this is Cassie's mistake because she says that they abandoned Idris with Alec and Izzy but if you do the math with the year Izzy was born, in reality the battle It happened around February 1991 and Izzy was born in May 1991)
The Circle is something I'm obsessed about!
Oh!! I didn't know Alec spent some time with his grandma! That's super interesting.
And yeah man the years don't make sense at all. Also, it says Rober's dad was born in 1939...I don't know if that's too early or what (Especially with the shadowhunters marry young thingy)
Thank you for all the details 💙
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wade-winston-wilson · 7 months
I'm actually more than a lil obsessed with the idea of a While You Were Sleeping AU for Jimon.
• I imagine it's a Mundane AU, because Simon in glasses.
• Also an 80's AU, BECAUSE I'm imagining Simon works at a newsstand. Izzy is a regular. A regular he has a big, fat crush on.
• While Simon is rambling on to her about something, she gets into an accident. I'm thinking a bike runs into the stand and knocks her down. She hits her head and gets a concussion?
• Simon takes her to the hospital. While she's being wheeled away, he sighs wistfully about how he hopes she's okay, they're supposed to get married someday.
• A nurse overhears that and automatically assumes Simon is Izzy's fiancé. She ushers him into the room, tells everyone on the floor.
• Before Simon can protest, Alec Lightwood and his husband, Magnus, come barreling into the room, followed by a stern looking Maryse, young Max, and a disgruntled Robert Lightwood.
• To Simon's surprise, Luke Garroway is there too--his best friend's dad.
• Maryse is actually so distraught over Izzy, that Luke encourages Simon to keep up the charade--at least until Izzy is awake and okay. Her family can't take anymore bad news right now.
• Alec is wary at first, because Izzy would've definitely told him if she's been seeing someone--let alone that she's engaged.
• Simon is THIS 🤏 close to coming clean, when tall, blond and handsome walks through the door, face flushed like he ran all the way there.
• Simon is struck with the OH NO HE'S HOT SYNDROME, and puts up with the charade, doing his best to throw Alec off his scent.
And in the end, Jace and Simon fall in love. Isabelle meets Maia and they get married. Malec are already married and are about to adopt. That is all I have.
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witchlingcirce · 4 months
I miss Luke I need him to be more present in TWP as headmaster!!! Him and Clary’s relationship was so cute I wish we got to see that more :( ALSO do you think Mr Max Trueblood (Maryse’s brother that left shadowhunting bc he married a mundane) will make a comeback?? That’s a NEED. Especially because Alec is consul now and his rules are different and I’m sure they need more people to ascend sooooo ugh I don’t know I want the Lightwoods to have a little cousin
Jace has Kit
Clary has Ash
Izzy and Alec need a little Trueblood cousin
Anyway I would loveee to hear your thoughts and predictions on TWP!! I miss the TMI gang I want to know how they’ll be involved 😔 Literally scrambling for crumbs at this point
So glad someone is talking about Luke and Clary. I love there relationship so much. Overall I think so many of the characters in tmi become disregarded as the series goes on!!! While I don’t think Luke will be any kind of major character in TWP, i definitely think he will have some kind of role. We know Dru gets in a lot of trouble, I can also see him being present in Ash’s life one way or another. Not only is he Ash’s step grandfather (LOL) but I think Luke is someone who constantly has a positive impact on peoples lives, and I think that’s something that will be seen in TWP.
As for Maryse’s family, I’d love for them to make some kind of come back. I feel like it could be something fun. I also think it depends on the age of the kids hahah! Either way, if he does make a comeback I hope the cousin is a girl. Enough with the male cousins! I need to see another Maryse and Isabelle lightwood. However, I don’t think they will make a comeback. As Cassie said in the first book where not spending alot of time in any school or institute setting, so as for the first book I don’t think we will see them. 😭😭😭
Hmmm some thoughts an opinions on TWP??? I don’t really have any theories I’ve made up myself but I do really enjoy some other theories I’ve seen online, but I also do have some other hopes.
- TWP is loosely based on the athurian legends so I can see Dru and or Kit having an Excalibur sword.
- someone mentioned to me once of a parallel between Matthew and James as Ash to Kit and I’ve always really liked that.
- Thule!Simon making an appearance. This one is SO MEANINGFUL TO ME!!!! Imagine if our Simon lost his Clary :(. Also the fact he told Janus “I’ll kill you jace herondale” before his disappearance??? Yeah somethings cooking.
- Julian mentioned having the blackthorn sword remade, and I’d love for it to be remade into a sabre!!! And on that note, I’d love if Dru got it. I can see Dru fighting with a Sabre to honour her sister, especially since in LM it’s mentioned how they fence together.
- This ones lwokey not a prediction but I deadass need Livvy to come back like full, that’s my icon 😭😭. If not I need the final goodbye between her and Ty to be gut wrenching.
ALSOOO YESS I MISS THE TMI GANG!! When I saw that Sizzy literally got a short story in the better in black book I jumped with joy. I HOPE twp ends with Claces wedding!! A cute parallel between Jocelyn and Luke in COHF!
TYSM for the ask!!! 😭😭😭 I’m glad there’s other hardcore TMI truthers out there.
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