#masamune is grumbling somewhere
writingwhimsey · 1 year
All's Fair In Love and War- Nobunaga Ch. 10
“Lord Nobunaga is missing!”
Hideyoshi’s frantic proclamation rang out in the audience hall where the other warlords were gathered along with Ava’s vassals. “What are you talking about, Hideyoshi?” Ieyasu grumbled.
“How do you know our lord is missing?” Mitsuhide asked.
“He wasn’t in his room when I went to greet him this morning and finish with the last of the preparations for the trip.” Hideyoshi answered. “We need to start searching right away.”
“I am sure he’s in the castle somewhere, Hideyoshi. You must calm yourself.” Mitsuhide said in his usual tone.
“I have a feeling I know where he is.” Sato said, wearing a grin.
Masamune was grinning right back at her. “I think I know what you’re getting at and I think I agree with you.”
“Wait…you don’t really think…” Jiro began to question.
“What are you all getting at?” Hideyoshi asked. “I have been searching all over the castle for him.”
“Hideyoshi, do you notice who else isn’t in this room right now?” Masamune asked.
Hideyoshi took a quick look around the room. “Lord Ava is missing as well…”
“I bet you they’re together.” Sato said. “Did you happen to check Lord Ava’s room?”
“I…uh…I did not.” Hideyoshi replied. “I know they haven’t been playing Go for the last several nights. I thought maybe…”
“I think Nobunaga got tired of the lass hiding from him.” Masamune said with a grin. “And he went to her.”
“Lord Ava doesn’t hide from anyone.” Jiro defended.
“No, but she does hide from her own feelings.” Sato spoke up.
“Sato…” Jiro said, giving her a look.
“What? You know I’m right.” She replied.
“Nobunaga’s the kind of man who goes after what he wants.” Masamune said. “I think he went to the lass last night…and I’d have to guess things must have gone well if they’re noth still not here.”
“About time.” Sato said. 
“Why do you act like this?” Jiro asked Sato, an exasperated expression on his face.
“What? It’s like a love story in a play that you just can’t help but to root for.” Sato replied.
“I don’t know if I believe that’s what happened, but I have to go find Lord Nobunaga.” Hideyoshi said.
“I’ll come with you.” Sato said, jumping up. “If they’re in any kind of compromising position, if I’m with you Ava will be less likely to kill you.”
“I’ll come, too. This could be interesting.” Masamune said with a laugh.
“I think I’ll come, too.” Mitsuhide said. “I’ll be sure to catch you when you faint, Hideyoshi.”
Hideyoshi glared at Mitsuhide. “One of these days I am going to punch that smug look right off your face.”
“Oh, such passion Hideyoshi. You’re going to give me chills.” Mitsuhide teased.
Hideyoshi grumbled incoherently under his breath as he headed out of the audience chamber the others following him. Ieyasu was the only one who did not get up immediately to follow after them. “I might as well. Somebody might end up needing medical attention.” He grumbled before following after the others.
I felt myself stirring from slumber as the early morning rays of the sun began crawling across my face. Sleep seemed to have a rather strong grip on me yet as I shut my eyes tighter. I felt a warmth next to me and I felt drawn to it. Rolling over I snuggled closer to the warmth I felt and soon it was enveloping me.
“Mmm…so warm…” I muttered in my sleep. Whatever this warmth was…it felt nice and comforting.
“Yes…you are.”
I was not expecting the warmth to talk back to me nor for it to sound like Nobunaga. I then felt myself being pulled tighter by the warmth…what I became aware of as a pair of strong arms. My eyes popped open and I was greeted by the sight of Nobunaga’s strong chest, which was mostly bare as his robe had become disheveled in the night.
“I’m dreaming…I have to still be asleep and dreaming.” I spoke.
Nobunaga’s chest rumbled as he chuckled, causing me to turn my gaze up to his face…that rather handsome face. “It is not a dream.” He said, smiling at me…a surprisingly tender smile.
“What…what even happened? I know I didn’t drink THAT much. I only got like half of the bottle of sake.”
“You fell asleep while we were sitting on the veranda. I carried you to bed.” Nobunaga explained.
“That still doesn’t tell me how YOU got into MY futon.” I told him. “Or why you’re holding me.”
Nobunaga’s face took on a curious expression. As if he were unsure of whatever power had possessed him to crawl into bed with me. “When I saw you sleeping…it filled me with such strange desires.” He said. “I was getting ready to head back to my own room…but then…”
“But then what?” I asked.
Nobunaga lifted a hand to cup the side of my face. His hand was large and warm and calloused and my skin tingled at the feel of it. His carnelian eyes were gentle and warm as he looked at me and spoke his next words. “You called my name in your sleep.”
I felt my cheeks heating up at learning this news. But…the way Nobunaga was looking at me right now. “I guess…you consume my thoughts even in my dreams.” I murmured.
An almost magnetic force felt like it was pulling Nobunaga and I closer. Our lips were mere centimeters from brushing. “As you consume my thoughts.” Nobunaga told me, his breath brushing across my lips in a ghost of a kiss.
Before anything else could happen, we were being interrupted by the sound of my door sliding open followed by a gasp. “M-my lord…”
Nobunaga turned from me, an annoyed look on his face as he looked at our intruder…well intruders, for right behind Hideyoshi was…well pretty much everyone.
“See, you can calm down now, Hideyoshi. Our lord is safe and sound.” Mitsuhide said.
“I knew this is where they’d be.” Sato said. She was then giving me a grin. “Good for you my lord.” 
“Oh no…I did not sign up for THIS. I’m out.” Ieyasu said before walking off.
I suddenly felt like I wanted to die of embarrassment at having them all here. I pulled myself from Nobunaga’s arms…albeit reluctantly and was leaping out of the futon. “You know, this isn’t what it looks like…”
“Uh-huh.” Sato said, giving me a look.
“Lord Ava…you know you are free to do as you please.” JIro said.
Nobunaga was sitting up, in no hurry to get up apparently. He looked at the others, an annoyed expression on his face. “You are all interrupting what was a rather pleasant morning.”
“That we have.” Sato said. “We should get going.” As she was leaving, she gave me a look that clearly said she expected me to tell her everything later.
“My apologies, my lord.” Hideyoshi said, bowing to Nobunaga. “I…I was just worried when you were not in your chambers.”
“Yes, Hideyoshi here got himself quite worked up.” Mitsuhide said, his tone teasing. “Now we should all get going. Give them some privacy.”
“Just…make sure you take the time to eat some breakfast.” Hideyoshi said. “We have to set out early to make sure we are back in your territory in time, Lord Ava.”
Everyone began to clear out then, leaving Nobunaga and I alone once more. Nobunaga was rising from the bed, stretching as he approached me. “That was the first night I have slept well in quite some time.” He told me. 
I hated to admit it…but it was for me, too. I didn’t see the need to say that aloud though. I was still a bit embarrassed by pretty much EVERYONE finding us in bed together and their minds immediately going to the gutter. “It was…rather pleasant. Though maybe I would have enjoyed it more had I known I was going to be sleeping with you.”
Nobunaga chuckled. “What strange logic you have.” He said, lifting his hand to my cheek once again. “You are rather warm and comfortable to hold.”
Unconsciously I felt myself leaning into his touch. Why did his hand feel so good? And why did I want to go back into his arms?
“I…I didn’t realize how…comfortable I was feeling around you.” I muttered, looking away from him, but not moving from my spot. I didn’t want his hand to leave me.
Nobunaga chuckled once more. “We do need to get ready. We can continue this later.”
The next thing I knew, I felt something soft and warm brush against my forehead. My cheeks were a blazing inferno as I realized it was his lips. I felt frozen to the spot as Nobunaga pulled away from me, smiling quite gently as he walked away, heading out the door.
I was still frozen in place, lost in my thoughts and feelings when my door slid open and Sato was coming in. “Lord Ava…” She said, pulling me from the trance Nobunaga’s forehead kiss had put me in.
“Oh…uhm…” I said, my cheeks still blazing red.
Sato grinned at me. “I will help you finish packing while you tell me EVERYTHING.” She said. “And I do mean EVERYTHING. I want details, my lord.”
“Nothing happened.” I told her, managing to pull myself together. Though my cheeks were still red, I managed to glare at my vassal.
She only grinned at me. “Then why did you wake up in bed with Lord Nobunaga?”
“Okay, well maybe SOMETHING happened…but it wasn’t THAT.” I told her.
Sato tilted her head as she looked at me. “Then what DID happen?”
I sighed as I then explained to Sato about what happened last night and this morning. “And then… he kissed me on the forehead…and I can still feel it even now…the warmth of his lips lingering…”
“Oh, this is definitely getting serious.” Sato said, smiling at me. 
I sighed. “Sato…do… do you really think that…that things are different this time?” I asked her. “I mean…it does feel different.”
Sato nodded. “I think so. Especially since it seems like this is all new to him, too. From what you’ve described anyway.”
“I just…I don’t know what to do.” I told her. “But…I do…I like the way he makes me feel. And I feel like…we understand each other, but…there’s still so much to think about…”
“Ava, don’t think. For once…just go with it.” Sato said. “I mean…you have been seeming more and more like your old self and…A happy daimyo is a good daimyo.”
“But I have to put what’s best for everyone above myself and my own desires.” I replied.
“But if you never do anything for yourself, you’ll end up resenting your role and the people in your charge.” Sato reminded me. “Just… it’s not like you’re in marriage talks or anything. Just… enjoy whatever is happening. I think…I think this is good for you. This is my advice for you as your friend AND as your vassal.”
“Maybe…” I replied. “I’ll think about it.”
Sato sighed. “Well, at least Nobunaga being in our land, maybe you’ll feel more comfortable.” She said. “Now come on, let’s get ready.”
I nodded. “Right, let’s get going. I am looking forward to going home.”
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nekkyousagi · 6 years
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Ushu no Kitsune!
Mogami Yoshiaki - Sengoku Basara - Digital Sketch by Nekkyo Usagi (c) 2018
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Ikemen Sengoku comforting a MC that is feeling sick
Platonic! MC x suitor
1. Nobunaga Oda :
He calls you to his tenshu and lets you rest near his huge balcony while seeing the stars. Asks you if you're feeling okay or not from time to time. Feeds you konpeito as a reward. Huffs when you don't like them. Whistles in the air for Haguro and demands that he entertain you.
2. Hideyoshi Toyotomi :
Prohibits you from doing any work at all. You have to lay down and rest. Don't worry, your older brother will arrive with a tub of water and a clean cloth to put on your forehead. Cleans up your room as he rambles about Mitsuhide's deeds. Notices you sleeping an hour later.
3. Masamune Date :
Brings his tiger to snuggle with you and to provide you comfort. Makes your favourite dishes and soup. Feeds you soup even though your nose is blocked and you can't taste it very well. Sad boy when you tell him that you're full and can't eat anymore.
(Will you eat sexy eyepatch daddy's cooking? Cause I sure will)
4. Mitsuhide Akechi :
Stops teasing you for once and actually gets serious. Wraps you up in a 100 layers and tells you to sleep like the darling mouse you are. Spies on you to make sure you eat. Threatens to use "unfair means" to tease you to submission if you don't listen to him. Smirks when you make a pouty face.
5. Ieyasu Tokugawa :
Actually knows what to do in this scenario. Gives you the appropriate food and medicine. Let's you braid his hair after you plead with him a million times. You heal quickly thanks to Ieyasu's vast knowledge of medicine. Blushes when you thank him for taking care of you.
6. Mitsunari Ishida :
Clueless boy tries his best. Reads you stories with his soothing voice. Calls Ieyasu for help and gets scolded by Ieyasu. Smiles at you goofily when you tell him to answer Ieyasu back with the same demeanor. Forgets you exist when he starts reading his books.
7. Keiji Maeda :
Tells you to go horseback riding with him or climb a tree with him and gets spanked by Hideyoshi. Tries very hard to come up with a good reasoning for you to climb up a tree and fails. Makes you laugh by saying extremely shitty jokes. Later he tries to climb a tree, sees a snake and pisses his pants.
(Sorry Keiji XD)
8. Ranmaru Mori
Brings you peaches and volunteers to massage your shoulders or any area that you feel pain. Gets flustered when you tell him to dance for you. Carries you around if you need to be somewhere and realizes that you still need more rest. Guards you at night even though there are soldiers outside and inside the castle.
9. Kenshin Uesugi :
Tries to "kill" this so called virus which he heard from Sasuke. Goes into big brother mode and chases Shingen away when he comes to flirt with you. Only him, Ume, Take, and Matsu are allowed to visit you. He doesn't want anyone to bother his sister.
10. Shingen Takeda :
Thinks flirting will make you feel well and has clearly never been more wrong in his whole life. Tells the cook to prepare your favourite sweets and hot soup. Wants to feed you but later is withheld by a meeting. Sends you a hairclip as a get well soon gift.
11. Yukimura Sanada :
Tries very hard to not get into a stupid fight with you. Calls you a dummy for falling sick and not taking care of yourself. Is shocked when you start crying and confused when you fall asleep after that. Is very unfamiliar with the concept of "mood swings". Grumbles about it and later gets sick too because he slipped on a banana peel and fell into the castle pond.
(MC set him up lmaoo)
12. Sasuke Sarutobi :
His knowledge of modern medicine was immense, but unfortunately there weren't many tools to work with in the Sengoku period. Tries to cheer up his modern day bff with vines and tiktok dances he learnt. Later they both fangirl about Ieyasu and scream. Sasuke is now prohibited from visiting MC's room because he gave her a sore throat from all that laughing.
13. Kanetsugu Naoe :
Can't care more about some rat being sick. He still helps you though, by telling you he has postponed your punishment. It doesn't help much, but you know Kanetsugu is warming up to you. Fangirls about Kenshin to you and later gets caught by Sasuke. He later is seen chasing the ninja throughout the castle.
14. Yoshimoto Imagawa :
Lets you lay your head on his lap as he plays with your hair. Massages your scalp very gently and makes sure everything you need is available. Offers you freshly cut up fruit and chats with you all day long. Surprised to hear that you too have an exquisite eye for clothes and fashion. Wants to go shopping with you someday.
15. Motonari Mouri :
Tells his men to steer the ship a little slowly and barks at anyone who says that the new girl made him weak. Takes you out on the deck to get your mind off your sickness. Cooks for you and scoffs when you tell him he added too much salt. Surprised to see you sleep walking on the deck late at night and asks what were you doing. He remembers being knocked out by someone and wakes up with a bruised nose the very next day.
(MC sleep-punched Moto)
16. Kicho :
Gives you chocolate which he got from a foreign trader. Happy to see you're all well and smiling now. Offers to give you a bigger room if that is what will make you happy. Clicks his tongue when you tell him that you don't need a bigger room or any fancy treatment. Disgusted when Motonari comes to visit and winks at you saying that it will make you feel better.
17. Kennyo :
Prays for you and for your health. Gives you herbs and advice on how to take care of yourself properly next time. Brews warm tea for you and gives you snacks. Insists you rest up and not care about anything else for the meantime. Will definitely get Ranmaru to dance for you if that is what the situation asked for.
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Night Off (MC x Kojuro x Tsunamoto)
MC and Kojuro are trying to navigate their relationship after finally hooking up, only for Tsunamoto to crash the party with his chaotic ass. it's double daddy duty featuring one of supporting cast's finest. nsfw!
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You never were one to concentrate on one thing at a time. 
As you scooped porridge into a bowl, you mentally listed all the letters that were awaiting a response from Kojuro. You carefully laid the soft doughy orb of mochi on top of the porridge while noting you needed to track down that retainer to get his report on how the crops were faring this season. As you attempted to remember the name of some Western book Lord Masamune had requested, the boiling water you meant to pour into the teapot had instead landed on your hand. 
“Ahh!” you hissed. Chastised by your own folly, you finally focused on the task at hand, assembling the tray for Kojuro’s afternoon tea break including an extra tea cup for yourself. It had been a few weeks since the incident, and you were relieved that things were starting to feel normal again, if not a little awkward.
The month before last, the clan embarked on a particularly brutal campaign. Upon their return, an abnormally shaken Kojuro promptly made love to you, after a year of working closely late into the night, nursing each others’ hangovers, confiding in each other different ways to help Lord Masamune not be so hard on himself. Kojuro fucked you on his desk on the heaps and heaps of his letters and notes and then again in his bedding, drawing from you something he had left on the battlefield. You were genuinely surprised Kojuro had made good on the attraction between you, but the next day, you could have sworn you overheard Shigezane distributing to a handful of retainers what sounded like payouts for a bet. 
You and Kojuro decided that while you both enjoyed yourselves that night and were clearly well suited, it was not the best time to pursue something real, not with the Ashina acting up as they were. The others teased Kojuro endlessly about making an honest woman out of you, and for some reason, a part of you believed he actually wanted to. But the thing about Kojuro was he would never be forced to make a decision about you so long as he had that endless pile of work on his desk to hide behind. 
It’s not as if you wanted to be an honest woman anyway.
And so it was as though you started your relationship from scratch, relearning boundaries and reacquainting yourself with some professional distance. The only acknowledgment of your intimacy—other than the fact that he ceased referring to you as his “precious girl”—was the fact that you had started to join him for his afternoon tea every day. And that’s exactly what you were looking forward to doing when you walked back into his office, tray in hand, only to find a brawny, effortlessly disheveled, scar-faced sight sitting in your spot.
“Look what the winds blew in,” Kojuro said to you mischievously.
“Lord Tsunamoto!” you exclaimed, shocked to see the handsome man before you. “To what do we owe the pleasure?” 
Whereas Kojuro was seated rather formally at his desk, Tsunamoto sat back outstretched, his chest peeking through his signature, generously loose robe. You’d always been a bit nervous around the man, his lingering eye contact, and general aversion to modesty. You dismissed him as not your type more as a form of self protection, like a chest of gunpowder dodging a spark. Despite being polar opposites, he and Kojuro were thick as thieves when reunited, Kojuro bringing a calm patience out in Tsunamoto, and Tsunamoto reviving a roguish edge in Kojuro. 
“Surprised to see me?” Tsunamoto declared more than asked. Why did everything about him seem flirtatious?
“Did you send a letter?” you asked, knowing he hadn’t. “I’d have planned a feast if I knew you were visiting!” 
“No need for the fanfare. I’m just passing through for a few days.” 
"Too late, I already have a menu in mind,” you said, picking up the teapot. Tsunamoto’s eye locked on the second cup as you poured the tea. Your face heated up as you watched him realize the second cup wasn’t meant for him, that maybe he was interrupting something. You wondered if from just one mundane piece of ceramic, he deduced everything about your and Kojuro’s past. Tsunamoto cocked his head, and directed an inquisitive smile toward Kojuro who was suddenly couldn’t seem to drink his tea fast enough.
"I suppose there’s no point in trying to stop you,” Tsunamoto relented, graciously accepting the cup you offered.
“Believe me, I’ve tried,” Kojuro quipped.
“Uh huh.” Tsunamoto noted. His gaze flickered to you.
“Let me bring you some oshiruko,” you said with a firm smile and a desperate need to catch your breath. 
“No need,” Kojuro waved away. “Bring him his favorite dessert.”
You cocked your head at him in confusion. The two men looked at each other in a way that made your cheek tingle. 
“Sake,” Kojuro said slyly.
The next morning, you arrived at training, where Tsunamoto had stepped in to lead. After sparring one-on-one with every retainer, he finally approached you. 
“Solid form,” he offered as your wooden swords cracked against one another. You had been on the defense the whole time, allowing him to gain ground or at least think he was. Luckily for you, his strength made him slower, and as his body twisted to strike at you, you quickly maneuvered under his swing, striking him in his side in a full low lunge. He let out a laugh as you smiled shyly to yourself. 
“I’ve taught her well, huh?” Kojuro called out from afar, who had apparently stopped by to observe training.
“Technique was always your strength,” Tsunamoto called back to him. 
You resumed sparring, Tsunamoto hitting a bit stronger and moving much faster than before. With every step you took, he met you there, almost predicting your movements. The confidence you gained now sputtered out as you barely dodged his attacks. Running out of ideas, you tried a new gambit Kojuro taught you but as you spun around, you felt yourself caught in a vise-grip, your back to Tsunamoto’s chest as if he was simply waiting for you to fall into his trap. His arms easily restraining yours, he brought his lips to your ear and lowered his voice, looking directly at Kojuro who was watching the two of you intently.
“See, I know a few of Kojuro’s weaknesses as well,” he said, sending a shiver down your spine.  
“Besides, who do you think taught him?” He let you go and jogged back over to the rest of the retainers as if nothing happened. Straightening out your hakama, you looked over at Kojuro who hadn’t taken his eyes off you.
After a full day of cooking and preparing, you tried to make yourself scarce during that night’s feast. You spent the evening running back and forth between the kitchen and main hall, hauling food and empty dishes until someone, you weren’t sure who, grabbed your hand and pulled you down to sit between Kojuro and Tsunamoto. Despite your initial protests, the two of them finally convinced you to stay and enjoy your own handiwork. You relented, and jovially ate, drank, and chatted with the rest of them, until you remembered something.
“Hells, I never spoke to Shiroishi about the crops today,” you confessed with a grimace. 
“Yeah, I'm not sure Shiroishi is in any state to discuss much of anything,” Tsunamoto said. Across the room, the retainer in question was somewhere between laughing drunk and falling asleep drunk.
“What kind of master am I?” Kojuro bemoaned. “My own page sitting here thinking about work when she should be enjoying herself?”
“She learned from the best,” Tsunamoto joked under his breath. 
“Milord,” you started, “You’re a good ma—”
He turned to you, his face serious. “I want you to forget about all your work. Take the night off and just have a good time, okay?” Since you and Kojuro slept together, “good time” had become something of a loaded term. 
“But Milord,” you teased. “Who will keep your desk clear?” 
“I can keep my own desk clear for one night, thank you very much!” 
“You didn’t even clear it when we—” 
You cut yourself off abruptly and bowed your head in embarrassment, suddenly realizing how much you had drank. Tsunamoto let out a satisfied laugh, and you thought Kojuro would strike you down then and there for your slip up. But he merely smirked at you, amused. It’s not like anyone else had heard outside you three—by now all the retainers were completely intoxicated and Lord Masamune had excused himself long ago.
“You didn’t seem to mind at the time, precious girl,” Kojuro fired back with a small, unbearably winning smile. You were at once delighted and flustered by Kojuro’s familiarity and Tsunamoto's presence. You didn’t know what to make of him playing witness to this charged tête-à-tête. 
Sensing the tension, Tsunamoto spoke up. "That’s our Kojuro, always with the last word.” 
“You see what I have to work with every day?” you fussed, turning to him with a big smile.
"You poor thing,” Tsunamoto said, playing along and touching your cheek. You were surprised by the gesture, but played it off well. You happily sipped your sake, oblivious to the glance Kojuro and Tsunamoto shared, an entire unspoken conversation transpiring above your head.
It was late into the night when the last of the retainers drunkenly shuffled off to their quarters for the night, and Kojuro asked you to bring a jug of sake to his office. When you arrived you were astonished to find the two of them seated across Kojuro’s desk boisterously engaged in a heated match of arm wrestling of all things. Only Tsunamoto could convince Kojuro to engage in such nonsensical activities.
“So these are the brilliant, visionary advisors of the Date clan,” you huffed as they cheerfully welcomed you. You sat down at the edge of the desk and looked back and forth between them before pouring the sake. With great effort, Kojuro finally pressed Tsunamoto’s knuckles into the wood. 
“Damn,” Tsunamoto grumbled. They downed the sake and immediately put their elbows back on the table, ready for another bout. You poured more sake and sipped on your own. "Alright, this is the tiebreaker,” Tsunamoto said, flexing his fingers.
“And what is the prize?” you asked. 
“A kiss from the beautiful page,” Tsunamoto cracked. 
“And smart,” you added.
“Right, a kiss from the beautiful and smart page,” Tsunamoto beamed.
Kojuro looked up at you, concerned. “[Y/n], you don’t have to—”
“Okay,” you said simply. Kojuro was dumbfounded.
“I said okay. I will kiss whoever wins this stupid competition,” you said with a shrug. Did those words just come out of your mouth? The two men looked at each other again, and again you felt that tingle in your cheek.
“You heard her, Kojuro,” Tsunamoto said.
“I suppose I did.”
The two readied themselves on Kojuro’s desk, grasped hands and began, but this round was different. For the first time since Lord Tsunamoto arrived, the two men went silent as they strained to defeat the other. 
“Kojuro, finally putting up a fight. Desperate for a kiss, old man?” Tsunamoto jeered.
"Put as much effort into training as you do into talking shit and you’d have unified Japan yourself by now,” Kojuro taunted back.
Unable to fathom the scene playing out in front of you, you simply took another shot of sake. It was a total deadlock for minutes until suddenly with a loud crack, both men were sent to the floor. Apparently Kojuro’s poor desk gave out from the pressure of the match or perhaps it had simply lost the will to live after years of neglect and misuse. The three of you devolved into a fit of laughter as you pieced together what had occurred.
“A draw!” Kojuro howled. 
“We both lost? How pathetic!” Tsunamoto asked, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye and trying not to laugh again, though you sensed he was relieved at the outcome. The two men sat up on either side of the broken desk, looking down in amused pity.
“Or maybe,” you said timidly. “You both won.” 
You couldn’t believe what you had just said. What you had just implied. The two men froze and looked at you, waiting for the catch, for you to burst into laughter and exclaim, “Gotcha!” and tease them endlessly for thinking twice. But you didn’t. 
“[Y/n]?” Kojuro asked softly with a nervous smile. 
With the latest shot of sake taking effect, you leaned over to him and gave him a firm kiss. His body froze before you, and you instantly cursed yourself for being so stupid and so forward. What were you thinking? You expected him to pull back, graciously reiterate the need for professionalism, and dismiss you for the night, but to your surprise, he dug his fingers in your hair and deepened the kiss. His tongue grazed your lips hungrily and bit your lip the same way he did when you first kissed just weeks ago, and you felt the same rush of sensual relief.
The two of you parted with a small, uncertain smile. You took a breath and looked deep into the torrent of Kojuro’s eyes.
“I’m going to kiss him now,” you said. “Is that alright, Milord?”
“Of course,” Kojuro said with a genuine smile. “He earned it just as much as I did.”
Kojuro watched as you leaned over to Tsunamoto. For perhaps the first time ever, Tsunamoto looked thrown off, almost nervous, which exhilarated you. You lips brushed over his. He looked over at Kojuro questioningly, and Kojuro nodded encouragingly. Satisfied with this, Tsunamoto closed his eyes and drew you closer, hungrily lapping at and biting your lips. You expected him to be an aggressive kisser compared to Kojuro, but there was also a sweetness about the way he gently swept his tongue against yours. 
Tsunamoto broke the kiss before you were ready. You hadn’t even noticed that Kojuro had moved the broken table aside and moved closer to you. The two men stood up and pulled you up between them. 
“Are you sure you want this?” Kojuro asked. You looked at the dizzyingly handsome men on either side of you. “Want us?” 
“Yes,” you panted as you kissed Kojuro again, grabbing his collar. You felt Kojuro loosen your obi as Tsunamoto stood behind you and began to kiss your neck, his hands loosening your collar. You reached to grasp at both of their hair as Tsunamoto opened up your kimono, exposing your breasts. 
Kojuro leaned back and took the sight in before leaning down and taking your nipple into his mouth. From behind, Tsunamoto took your other breast into his hand and possessively turned your head to kiss you. 
“Nghgh,” you moaned as both the men worked your breasts. Kojuro finally removed your obi and your body was completely exposed. He licked his fingers and placed them between your legs, where he began stroking you. You were already wet, but you had to admit you missed his touch. Tsunamoto slid the kimono completely off your shoulders, his hands trailed down the sides of your body and he grabbed a handful of your ass. 
“Fuck,” Tsunamoto exhaled. “You have this parading around your office all day?” You caught a glimmer of pride in Kojuro’s eyes as you set to work on Kojuro’s obi, freeing him of his robes. You were pleased to find he was already hard. You grasped him, and looked behind you to find Tsunamoto removing his own robe. 
“Come here,” Tsunamoto said as he lowered himself to the floor and lied down. Kojuro guided you to Tsunamoto’s head and gently pushed you down onto your knees until they flanked Tsunamoto’s ears. You could feel the warmth of Tsunamoto’s breath on your slit. Kojuro stood in front of you, his member in hand. You grabbed it and held it to your lips, teasing his tip with your tongue as Tsunamoto ran his fingers in and out of your folds, spreading them. You finally took Kojuro fully into your mouth just as Tsunamoto pulled you down fully onto his lips and eager tongue. You immediately felt a pulse of pleasure shoot from Tsunamoto’s tongue to your extremities, and you let out a loud moan around Kojuro. 
You started to squirm, but Tsunamoto held you in place like a clamp as he lapped you up. There was clearly no escaping your own pleasure—the only thing you could do, really, was take it out on Kojuro. You furiously swirled your tongue around him. Cursing, Kojuro ran his fingers through your hair and pushed further into your mouth, which in turn, made you grind your hips harder on Tsunamoto’s face, who moaned as he sucked on your clit.
“Ride him,” Kojuro growled and you looked up. “I want to see.” He was wearing the same face he was when he watched you at training earlier that day. Feeling your climax start to build up, you began to ride Tsunamoto’s face harder, thrusting your hips back and forth whimpering, his fingers clenched deep in your hips, his tongue unabating. You started to lose focus and could barely hold onto Kojuro, abandoning his pleasure in search of your own. “You’re so beautiful,” he said, captivated, as you grabbed your own breast and unraveled before him on Tsunamoto’s face with a full-throated sigh. 
You got off Tsunamoto and collapsed as he got on his knees. "God I hope she feels as good as she tastes,” Tsunamoto said, licking the corners of his mouth.
“He would know,” you said boldly staring down Kojuro.
“Find out for yourself,” Kojuro said. The two men looked at you and you nodded.
Tsunamoto pulled you to him. He sat back on his heels and guided you into his lap, wrapping your legs around him as his tip teased your opening before pushing himself in. 
“You feel incredible,” Tsunamoto uttered in amazement. He stretched you out gently.
You surveyed the scar that trailed down Tsunamoto’s brow and onto his regal cheek. Your gaze locked on his other eye and as he began thrusting in earnest, it suddenly became so clear why Tsunamoto carried himself with endless confidence. You watched him roll his hips tantalysingly slow and deep into you, hitting all the right spots.
“How does he feel, precious girl?” Kojuro asked. He was stroking himself at the sight of you. 
“He feels so—uuuunnnh!” Your response was interrupted by a particularly deep plunge Tsunamoto took. 
You looked back at Kojuro and reached for him, but he leaned back just out of reach with a mean grin. “You need to learn to focus on the task at hand,” he said lovingly. He watched as Tsunamoto drove into you harder and faster, his strong arms essentially keeping you floating as he slid in and out of you. Kojuro was completely entranced, savoring the way your eyes glazed over as his oldest friend in the world fucked the woman he loved if only he'd let himself, wondering if the most precious things weren’t meant to be shared. 
Tsunamoto slowed down in an attempt to stave off his own climax. Kojuro kneeled behind you, steadying you as Tsunamoto pulled out of you and you got your bearings.
“Are you alright, precious girl?” You nodded, catching your breath. 
“Good. All fours,” Kojuro directed. You did so, swaying your hips in an attempt to further tempt him. Kojuro sidled up behind you and caressed your back, kissing the dimples on your lower back. Your eyes met Tsunamoto’s as Kojuro positioned his cock between your folds and pressed in. You let out a long, lusty moan that bloomed more for every inch he filled you. He hadn’t taken you from behind before, and you wondered how you’d be able to work alongside him anymore after this.
You lost yourself in Kojuro’s languid thrusts and found yourself again, grinding back against him. He whisked you up on your knees, pressing your back against his chest. 
“Not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought of you,” he professed softly into your ear. “That I haven’t dreamed of feeling you like this again.” He wrapped his arm around your torso to keep you in place as he dove in and out of you. Tsunamoto crawled over to you and bent down, pressing his tongue squarely on your clit.
“Ahhnn!” You cried out as he raked his tongue up and down from your clit to your opening where Kojuro was thrusting into you. 
The sensation was too much too soon, so you grabbed Tsunamoto’s hair, pulled him to your face, and gave him a frantic, sloppy kiss as you took his cock and stroked him. You felt Kojuro lean over your shoulder, and you pulled away.
“She taste as good as she feels?” Kojuro asked as Tsunamoto approached. You watched as the two men took each other by the lips. You joined in, the three of you licking, biting, sucking each other as you pumped Tsunamoto to Kojuro’s rhythm.
Tsunamoto stood up in a frenzy and placed his cock on your lips. You knew he was close, and you took him into your mouth. “You are taking us so well,” Tsunamoto said as you devoured him. As Kojuro devoured you. You whined as you felt the electricity build up in your core. 
“Don’t stop,” you pleaded. “I’m so close!” 
Kojuro managed to fuck you even faster and harder. He brought his hand between your legs, his fingers fluttering on your clit as Tsunamoto all but fucked your mouth. Kojuro groaned as you screamed in pleasure around Tsunamoto’s cock. 
“I’m coming,” Tsunamoto rasped as he ejected into your mouth. You did your best to take it all as you reached your own climax. You felt feverish, heat tearing through your body and cracking you open. 
“Come for me my precious girl,” Kojuro snarled in your ear. 
You let out a cry as the pleasure rushed through you, leaving you trembling. You tightened unbearably around Kojuro’s cock, and he finally released into you with a curse.
The three of you collapsed on the floor, sprawled in a heap of pleasure and exhaustion and a giggle or two. 
“If only every trip to Oshu was this fun,” Tsunamoto simpered. You sighed a chuckle in response.
Kojuro reached up for his kiseru. You caressed his back, muscular by training, worn by war. “You know, [y/n],” he panted. “You should take the night off more often.”
You and Tsunamoto shared a knowing look, both helplessly endeared by the precious, precious man. 
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Ikesen - Rating Suitors
Except it’s my cats who do the rating, as my little Rzepka sat on my arm and is preventing me from writing. Excuse all the typos, let’s say my screen visibility fluctuates. 
Without further ado, allow me to introduce our judges! 
Rzodkiewka/Rzepka - the matriarch of the clan, the miniature kitty of confused stares and trust issues, the lady of reoccurring bladder problems, the one and only princess of wet cat food! She has seen some shit in her life. What shit? Idk. But she’s a good cat. infinity/10, would reccom...I am not supposed to be doing that.
Junko - the older sister, the mighty beast of cuddles, the resilient hunter who fears nothing, and will not leave until your plate is empty - either because you hurried to eat your food or because you’re now crouched in front of the couch and trying to GET BACK MY YOUR BREAD. Associate of cat food thieve organisation. Clumsy fluffy ass. Never did anything wrong in her life.
Porzeczka - the void kitty, one who knows all and has experienced all things of the world.... Except for snow. And rain. But who would want that, right? Ew ew ew, my paw is wet, how did that happen, i only put it in my water bowl. How was I supposed to know that water is wet? Hm? HM? Now look at it, your wall is wet, and I want fresh water in the bowl; will murder you with her claws. Sleeps on my stomach at night. Tsundere. Shows affection excussively between midnight and 5 AM. THE NINJA.
Rzodkiew - would most likely piss in his futon from stress, not that he would notice it given how little he sleeps. Wouldn’t rule the world at his side, too much ore in this sama. 0/10
Junko - sold after the first piece of konpeito which she absolutely shouldn’t have been given. Turns into a round cat. She rolls in happiness and food. Perfect sleeping charm, the match made in heaven - her previous owner has been long imprisoned due to complaints about cat dietary habits .-. ; 11/10
Porzeczka - she is an independent kitty. She cares not for his promises. Her murder mittens have murder in them for a reason. Time to set the history straight - and then perhaps go and live peacefully somewhere in the mountains. Whew, this odd man was really too stressful, there was no other way.; -11/10
The council of cats has expressed their regret in having to announce no fucking way. Dude, are you ever home? Do you think Rzodkiew will be waiting? Nu-uh, get yourself and yours schemes somewhere else, void kitty smells nothing but trouble here. Food? What food? There is no joy in depriving you of food if it’s barely edible in the first place. Those leaves you eat aren’t the conventional edible leaves, sir. Don’t you even dare to disrespect the-mighty-hunter Junko like that.
Rzodkiew - yes, please??? Somebody with a common sense??? Who knows that animals need to be fed and who is responsible enough to be trusted with it??? Is home at least frequently?? Cares for his pets?? Rzodkiew would give him smootches, may leave some paw prints on correspondence though. Will absolutely sit in the ink if it means he’ll go to sleep; 110/10
Junko - forget about your pipe, Hideyoshi. Junko knocked it over. It’s probably under the couch. Or the desk. Cabinets. Somewhere. Actually, Junko doesn’t know where it is either. She also left nice print on the tatami mats, but found no bread, sadly. Get her some bread? No? NO?! Well, good, cats shouldn’t eat bread, that’s a plus point. Junko still likes you. Just spoil her with treats. I will come after you the moment she turns into a rolling cat, though. ; 8/10
Porzeczka - void kitty likes. Calm (aside from when he isn’t). Organized. Too stupid to stop her in her plans of world domination. Purrfect conditions for her development.; 9/10, could give her more cat trees.
Because he already has a cat, duh. 
Rzodkiew - is always super grumpy, no matter how many smootches she gives him. Somewhat confusing. But he treats her and is very gentle, and understands the personal space, and actually gives them very good food, and... RZODKIEW WHERE ARE YOU GOING, NO, DON’T MOVE OUT; 14/10
Junko - she is always with him, hugging him and such. Stopped trying to steal his food after she succeeded ONCE (too much spice, man, too much spice). Likes how fluffy his hair is, may try to groom him. 10/10, best friends, their colour schemes sorta match.
Porzeczka - destroyed his scarf because she thought it was a toy. Responsible owner. Not too loud. Will grumble with him, and then will headbutt him to show love. She understands. She would lend him her murder mittens. ; 10/10
Because they don’t want to become the food. Take it as you will, they don’t know who’d they fear more - him or Shogetsu.
Jokes aside, Junko loves the food part. The holy cat mother says annoying. Porzeczka opened claws.
Porzeczka is scared of bunnies. Is there even any place for cats left there? So many bunnies.
Is he multip...?Oh.
Prediction: Kasugayama will become a Bunny-Yama soon enough. Porzeczka must up her plans for world domination.
Rzodkiew - can I call you father? Gentle gigant, gentle gigant, gentle gigant! Emotionally stable. Could build her a fort. Spoils all the ladies - and she IS a lady. A little (literally) tiny (very tiny) cat lady. *hit adopt button*; 16/10
Junko - tall guy tall guy tall guy shoulder rides on the tall guy! SWEETS. THEFT TIME. Her foodie instinct is tingling. Although she knows she will only get food appropriate for cats. Smh. She didn’t travel to the past for that.; 5/10
Porzeczka - he is fine, I guess? She would purr at him to go rest. And then would sit on his chest to make sure he can’t get up. It’s the law of the land, you can’t get up if a cat sits on you. I’m not making this up.
Yukimura & Sasuke
No. They have Shingen and Kenshin to baby. No room for pets in that.
Aaand the winner iiiiiis
Solely because he has all the benefits of the above and no annoying neighbours/INTENSE BOSSES/ore excess. 
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the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat 1/?
- sephiroth/reader
- sfw
“The hell, man?”
With a sharp jerk of your wrists, you flipped the headset above your eyes, roughly shoving your hair up at the crown that gave you the vague appearance of a hastily arranged bird’s nest. Seconds ago, you were cutting down Shinra grunts on the Midgar highway like they were nothing but flowers. And now you were standing in a dome, adrenaline still buzzing through your veins. As the sim around you dissolved in a shower of 1’s and 0’s, the source of the interruption blotted out the light from the training room’s exit. Standing across from you - draped in black and wearing a grave face that would’ve made a skeleton shiver - was your mentor.
Sephiroth was an obelisk of a man, tall and lean and not unlike one of the statues you’d see guarding the churches in Sector 5’s slums.
“Least you could do is give me a warning before you pull me out like that.” you whined as you rolled your shoulders with a satisfying pop. “I was doing just fine before you rudely interrupted.”
“‘Just fine’ won’t cut it when you’re face-to-face with Wutai soldiers.” he said, crossing his arms. “You can do better. I’ve seen you do better.”
Sephiroth always spoke in a calm manner (as if he wasn’t already a pain in the ass to read), but since taking you under his wing you had come to recognize the many different flavors in which that calm manifested itself. And this was specially reserved for when he was very, very tired.
Feeling your palms prickle, you shoved your pair of shortswords back in their scabbards.
“Right.” you nodded curtly, setting the headset back in its charging port and already meaning to leave before he could cite some vaguely-worded and slightly cryptic advice. “There’s always tomorrow, right?”
Sidestepping in front of you in one fluid motion, Sephiroth peered down at you with an icy gaze. Craning your neck upward at an uncomfortable angle so that you weren’t eye-to-chest, you ground your foot into the floor.
“So we’re good tomorrow?”
He was as rigid as a glacier, and just as vocal. You sighed.
“Permission to return to quarters, sir?” you grumbled.
You wheezed out a bitter laugh. Sometimes you wondered if he got off on bossing you around, but the notion of Sephiroth getting off to anything was enough to send you reeling.
“I thought you wanted to make 1st.”
A pithy breeze flashed in front of you, and it took you a second too long to realize there was a sword directed at your sternum. You stumbled backward, only barely finding your balance.
“Don’t worry, this won’t be a fight.” he said, slowly inching Masamune forward until you had no choice but to walk backwards. “Think of it as a dialogue.”
You steadied the heavy thump of your heart as you straightened yourself, lifting your chin maybe just a little too high in a feeble attempt at hiding your nerves. The only time you had ever faced your mentor in a fight was the day he chose to train you out of a flock of other SOLDIERs. It was a punishing session, and in the end he had disarmed you in three moves. You had heard later from the other recruits that that was the longest anyone had lasted.
“Isn’t that the opposite of what you should be teaching me?”
“A SOLDIER isn’t just their kill count.”
Unsheathing your swords, you let slip a snort. “Easy for you to say.”
“I mean it.” he said, fortifying his stance as the room melted back into the sim.
“You’re getting sloppy. Good form, but no tact. When you accept those as parts of you,” he said, nodding toward your swords. “And not just a tool, everything else becomes an afterthought.”
He was awfully serious today - and he had practically cornered the market on being serious - but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you just a little nervous. You were used to aloof Sephiroth - succinct nods of approval and pointed glares of disapproval, both marked by a signature silence that could fill a room. Talking someone’s ear off wasn’t something Sephiroth was known for (or particularly good at, if you were being honest), but when he did, man was it weird.
In that time, you were back in the sim, now finding yourself standing outside a Shinra facility - a mako refinery, if the acrid odor drifting beneath the thick, briny scent of seawater gave you any indication. The two of you were standing on just one of the massive metal-plated pipes that fed into the factory. Jutting out the side of a cliff like a blossoming giant, a mess of pipes and valves, it faced a sea.
The environment around the facility was in a perpetual state of dusk, the sun sitting just above the water’s horizon, with clouds in shades of pink and gold that hovered wistfully in the sky. The last of the day’s blue disappearing into a day that would never come. The sea itself was dark, lazily churning against the face of the cliff, the sun’s light refracting into thousands of tiny gems on its surface.
Sephiroth took no time to admire the sim’s flawlessly randomized recreation - raising the hilt of his sword up to his eye level while keeping his right hand close to his body, shifting his weight on one foot while the other stayed back, ready to spring him forward at a moment’s notice. Taking his cue, you balanced yourself, holding your swords out in front of you in an x-shape.
The corner of his mouth quirked up in a tiny, self assured smirk (though, to the untrained eye, resembled more an involuntary twitch of muscle than anything), blinking long and slow. Your teeth worried at the inside of your cheek. Had he made you wait any longer and you think you would’ve broken skin.
But before you could worry a hole through your cheek, 7 feet of sinewy muscle charged at you like a bullet shot from a gun. His sword clashed against yours with an ear-splitting clang, the ringing of metal running down the tips of your fingers. Grunting at the force pushing back at you, you slid one sword out from under Masamune, slashing the air between you and effectively getting him to step the fuck off.
He bounced back, landing gracefully on the tips of his toes like a dancer coming down from a leap. His eyes narrowed, but there was a twinkling in his pupils. Normally, a beaming Sephiroth would’ve been a sight to commemorate, preferably behind a neat little frame set on a desk somewhere. But it only gave you one thought: Shit.
In a very short space of time, you were standing face to face with your superior once again, his sword slamming into the broad, flat side of your right hand’s blade. You had barely raised it in time, and he had only given you a moment to prepare yourself against a barrage of attacks, somehow managing to parry each one.
“You block too much. You’re a sword, not a shield.” he said, almost sounding bored.
You would’ve responded with any number of pieces of crude backchat that you’d accumulated since training under him, but the man hardly gave you time to breathe let alone think.
Each twitch of his sword was a masterpiece of technique. He fought like a well-oiled machine, inevitable, bloodless, with absolute awareness of the power he held. It was beautiful, or, it would be if you weren’t on the receiving end of his advances. He was fast, inhumanly, unfairly fast. And with his equally unfair reach, it was a miracle if you ever came close to landing a hit on him. The man had some cruel agreement with gravity.
After your nth parry and a last minute pass back, you held Masamune in place, running your left blade down its length. His eyebrows briefly twitched upward before flicking his sword up, sending your blades down and away. But in a flash, you lunged forward, cutting just beneath his chin and hacking away thin slivers of his bangs. You were about to allow yourself a smirk, maybe even a ‘hmph’ born from pride and amusement.
What happened instead was something so irritating it didn’t register with you until you were slammed to the floor. Pivoting away from an overhead slash, he - very gently - tucked his blade underneath yours, sending another bone-ringing clang through you like a bell. And (incredibly obnoxiously) he used your weight against you, forcing you backward. But, in a last-ditch effort to not look like a fool, you stuck one leg out - effectively killing any chance of recovery but by Gaia were you gonna take him down with you.
You staggered backward like a flimsy piece of rubber, hitting the ground with a thump as your swords clattered on either side of you. Of course, Sephiroth landed with grace - hardly falling at all so much as shifting himself in tune with your otherwise graceless tumble. And yet - despite being perfectly fine, actually - he wore an uncharacteristically poleaxed expression, his lips hanging slightly open like a man caught mid-practical joke.
The sim had already disappeared, the panel next to your head flickering off and on before completely shuttering off a few seconds behind the rest.
That was when the sound of cracks splitting across the floor met your ears. His sword had pierced the tile mere centimeters away from where your forehead was, drowning out the sound of blood rushing to your ears. Sephiroth stood hunched over you like a gargoyle, one knee drawn up to his abdomen while the other pressed hard into the floor, effectively caging you in black leather and silver hair. Tucked between cold tile and an even colder man, you couldn’t get back up if you wanted to.
“Was that good enough for you?” you wheezed, feeling like a pair of bricks had been shoved in your rib cage.
He studied you with close scrutiny and a blank expression, hardly winded but breathing quietly, evenly. You could never tell what he was thinking, even this close. You had resigned yourself with the thought that you never will.
“Dismissed.” he ordered, finally.
Pulling himself up, he tugged Masamune out from where it had wedged itself, stepping over you without so much as a look back.
You tried to sit up, only managing to lift your head before a singular phlegm-raddled cough sent you thudding back to the floor, dazed and hot - uncomfortably so, like you had been tossed in a furnace. Feeling the muscles in your arms and legs cry for mercy, you decided to lay there. Just for a few minutes more.
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lailyn · 3 years
Summary: Loki's plan to make dinner goes awry.
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Loki/Stephen Strange
Warning: Some blood. Like, really not a lot.
"This looks like so much work…" Stephen said, trying to convince Loki what a bad idea it was to toil away in the kitchen at this late hour of the night. 
"That's the fun part, cooking. Getting these seemingly incompatible ingredients to come together in a dish, it's magical!"
"So is frozen pizza," Stephen said dryly.
"Which is essentially a manufacturing process I have outsourced to a factory somewhere at no detriment to my time, energy and wallet."
"Stephen. Let me do this okay?" Loki stopped rummaging through the freezer for a second to place his frigid hands on his boyfriend's hips. "You deserve a nice, hot meal once in a while, and...I want to be the one to make it for you."
How could Stephen say no to that? 
"I should be the one cooking for you," Stephen said apologetically. "You're my guest."
"Permanent guest," Loki corrected. "And last I checked, the Sanctum wasn't a B&B."
"It's got aesthetic appeal."
"And shitty central heating."
"Good thing you don't mind the cold."
"No, I don't," Loki agreed in a husky voice. His hands travelled upward to wrap around the back of Stephen's neck. "Not when I've got you to warm me up."
Stephen savoured every second of the kiss, hoping it would lead to something naughty involving the kitchen sink, but when Loki had put his mind to something, there was no budging him.
"Behold!" Out of his pocket dimension, Loki produced a sleek chef's knife that glinted in the dim kitchen light, its ebony handle adorned with buffalo horn trimming so exquisite it must have cost Loki a fortune. "My prized Santoku knife, forged in the same fire that made the legendary Honjo Masamune, with hardness and sharpness unparalleled!"
Masamune? The thirteenth-century knife smith?
"I hope you kept the receipt," Stephen snorted. 
"Laugh at me all you want. I can make my stew as awful or as delicious as I want it, and you are going to eat every single bite," Loki promised with a benevolent smile. 
Stephen cleared his throat; he'd better change the subject quickly. "That looks sharp. Please be careful. I can't be seen doing kitchen surgery at this juncture in my life."
"Knives have been my plaything since I was a child," Loki pooh-poohed good-humouredly. "Besides, a lot of Japanese knifemakers purposely don’t sharpen the blades to maximum sharpness. They may be the masters of knifemaking but the customer is the master wielder. It is the owner's prerogative to take it to the sharpness needed for the task."
"That's interesting," Stephen murmured, losing himself to the lulling sound of Loki chopping up the vegetables with an enthusiasm that was almost obscene. There was a smile on his lover's face and Stephen was grateful he was privy to such a private moment. 
A soft, pained gasp shattered his reverie, and the sudden smell of blood had Stephen leaping out of his chair. 
"Loki!" He exclaimed, eyes widening at the sight of blood bubbling from a laceration on Loki's index finger, trailing down Loki's elbow and dripping onto the chopping board. 
"Ah," Loki offered a sheepish smile, but Stephen could see the shock and pain in his eyes. "I seem to have cut myself."
He held Loki's wrist under the tap, waiting anxiously for the swirls of blood to disappear. "I told you to be careful."
"It's just a scratch," Loki said in an attempt to placate him but Stephen was not having it.
"This is going to take ages to heal," he grumbled. "You've sliced through the distal interphalangeal crease, that's an area of high skin tension, you're going to need stitches - "
"Stephen, stop." Loki laid his other hand on Stephen's chest. "It is fine. I am fine."
"But your hand…" Stephen protested.
"My hand is fine," he soothed. "I've been cut worse."
Loki pulled his hand out of Stephen's grip and quickly wrapped it in a clean tea towel. "Some blades need...tempering. Hopefully what little of my blood it took was sufficient."
"What the hell does that mean?" Stephen asked irately. 
Loki only gave one of his trademark smiles, mysterious and infuriatingly patient. "Just know that it is appeased, and it will not hurt anybody else in this house."
A chill ran down Stephen's spine. "Your knife...is not something anybody can buy at Walmart, is it?"
"For the sake of your world, I hope not."
Stephen shook his head in bewilderment. "You never cease to surprise me."
Loki's surly 'sorry' had Stephen reaching for him and kissing their foreheads together. "All this for a stew."
"Damn those cooking shows," Loki mourned. "They make everything look so easy."
Stephen chuckled, but he sombered soon enough. "You know what else is easy? Frozen pizza."
Loki sighed. "Frozen pizza it is."
Stephen took in the sight of his lover's slumped shoulders and something inside him gave. "Come on. We're going out. My treat."
"But what about the health of your wallet, the detriment to your time and energy? I really do not mind just stayi - "
"Odinson," Stephen interrupted Loki mid-sentence, "Cheese or chocolate?"
Loki's face brightened in an instant. "Fondue? You really do love me."
Stephen reached for the tea-towel wrapped hand as gently as he could. To the fingertips protruding from the top of the makeshift bandage he pressed kisses, wispy and light and magical. 
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otomefoxystar · 4 years
Into the Woods
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing: Mitsunari X MC
Warnings: NSFW, oral sex, vaginal sex 
Genre: Smut
There was a celebration in the wake of one of Nobunaga’s victories. The alcohol was flowing, and there was an abundance of food decorating the table. You were seated between Mitsunari and Masamune. 
“ We couldn’t have won without Mitsunari, his tactical advice always ends up being a crucial part of our plan you should be proud of him lass.” You smiled and grabbed Mitsunari’s warm hand, interlacing your fingers with his. He squeezed your hand tightly.
“ I am very proud of him, however, I must admit I worry when he is away. I wish I could always come, but I have so many kimono deadlines with summer coming.” 
Masamune smiled his cerulean eye sparkling “We’ll make sure he stays safe, but you know he’s gotten pretty good with a sword. I am confident he can take care of himself.” You looked at Mitsunari as he took a bite of food. 
“ Is this true? Have you been practicing?”
“Yes, in fact, Lord Ieyasu even said I was getting better.” 
He grinned and Ieyasu turned his head at hearing his name. 
“ I said no such thing” He glared at Mitsunari 
“ If I recall you told me that my form looked good.” 
Ieyasu rolled his eyes “ How do you always twist what I say?” 
You laughed “ I’m glad nothing has changed” 
Ieyasu grumbled and turned to Mitsuhide. Mitsunari put his chopsticks down and looked at you.
“ Do you want to go for a walk?” 
“ That sounds nice.” 
He smiled sweetly and stood up putting his hand on the small of your back. Masamune started whistling as you left the dining hall. The celebration was going on outside as well with a fair amount of intoxicated people. 
You looked up at the dark sky “ look at the stars Mitsunari!” 
He looked up. “ They are beautiful aren’t they?” 
You nodded your head “ Yes, you know the stars here look different from the ones where I’m from. They seem to shine brighter ” 
He kissed your cheek “ Maybe it’s not the stars, but the company you are with.” You looked at the stars pondering what he was trying to say 
“ You’re saying that because I love you the stars appear brighter?”
“ Yes, emotions can make us see things differently.” 
You smiled “ I can see that.” 
He took your hand 
“ I want to take you somewhere” You looked at him quizzically. 
“Where?” he smirked “ It’s a surprise.” you smiled, and he led the way to an open meadow. He put his haori on the ground.
“Sit down,” you did as he said and sat on his haori and he sat next to you. He laid down and pulled you down next to him by your arm. 
“ Look at the stars now” You both gazed at the twinkling of the stars. 
“ Mitsunari, this is perfect” You took his hand and started fiddling with his fingers and drawing circles on his palm with your nail. 
He looked over at you and you looked over at him. 
“I’m glad you came to us, I don’t think I could bear it if you left me.” You stroked his silver hair 
“ I will never leave you, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me forever.” 
He smiled, “ I’m okay with that.”
 As the two of you laid there together with your hands tightly woven together, you pointed out all the constellations that you could remember. He listened intently, fascinated with the information you were feeding him. A light caught the corner of your eye and you turned your head, and there was a shooting star racing across the sky. 
“ Oh! a shooting star, make a wish!” 
He looked at you confused “ a wish?” 
You smiled “ hurry before it goes away”
“ there’s another one”  
You both watched as the star faded.
  “ Did you make a wish ?”  
“ Of course” He looked at you curiously. “What did you wish for?” 
you smacked his shoulder 
“ I’m not telling, it won’t come true.”
 He looked at you tenderly and ran a finger along the lines of your face until he came to your lips. He ran his finger over your bottom lip, then he cupped both your cheeks and kissed you softly. His lips were so tender, so loving. His tongue entered your mouth exploring and caressing your tongue. As your tongues wrestled his hands were feeling your curves and you couldn’t help but moan. 
He broke the kiss, and the only thing that connected you was a string of salvia. He pulled your body closer to his so your bodies were flush against each other. He kissed beneath your ear where the skin was especially sensitive. 
“We’re outside,” you said breathlessly.
Mitsunari kept kissing down your neck, you kept resisting but it felt so good. 
“ I want to make love to you under the stars.”
 He opened up the collar to your kimono to reveal your chest. He kissed across your collarbones. 
“ But Mitsunari” He kissed your lips again. 
“ No but’s I’m far too excited now.” 
He helped you sit up, and unraveled your obi. Letting your kimono loosen and fall to your waist. Cupping your breast he kissed your neck 
“mmm,” you moaned involuntarily.
 “ You are so beautiful” 
he discarded the rest of your clothes laying you down on his haori. His lips went to your chest, kissing your breast. He pinched your nipples to make them harden. He took one of your nipples into his mouth sucking. Repeating the same action to the other one.
You pulled at his kimono opening it up to feel the hard planes of his chest. You rolled over towards him and sucked his earlobe, knowing he was especially sensitive there. He gasped, making you smile. You loved it when he made noises like that, but he was never quiet when making love. He got up and sat on his knees, taking off his kimono you could see his erection straining in his fundoshi. You sat up and pulled it off hearing him hiss from the relief of his cock springing free.
You took him in your hand pumping him, and when his head started leaking you rubbed it over his sensitive head using it as lubrication. 
“ahh,” He looked at you with darkened eyes. “ I need to be in your mouth." He sighed deeply
You looked at him surprised “ So demanding.” 
You stood up and backed him against a tree, and got on your knees. You pumped him a couple more times for good measure. You licked the underside of his cock from the base, over his pulsing vein to the tip. You circled the tip with your tongue. You looked up at him, and he had closed his eyes. He grasped the hair on your scalp to keep himself steady. 
You took his length in your mouth slowly, and once his cock hit the back of your throat you began bobbing your head up and down his length. He was sighing and gasping as you continued your ministrations. 
“ St-stop...I want you to feel good too, it’s my turn to pleasure you.” 
He laid you down, and settled his head between your legs. He spread your folds with his fingers and ran the flat of his tongue on your throbbing clit. 
“ Ohhh...yes” he looked up at you.
“Someone might hear if you don’t want to be heard you need to be quiet.” 
He went back to your clit moving his tongue up and down quickly. He entered two fingers curling them into you as he licked at your clit 
“ Ahhh”
 your walls started fluttering, and he started moving his fingers faster pumping them in and out, and he took your clit into his mouth sucking it. You arched your back, and he pumped slowly helping you ride out your orgasm.
He slowly pulled away and smiled at you while you caught your breath. He climbed on top of you, kissing you. He spread your legs with his knees and lined his cock up with your entrance. 
“ You ready?” 
you looked at him with need 
“ I need you Mitsunari” 
he pushed into you with one swift motion. 
“ I don’t think I can be gentle tonight.” 
You cupped his cheek “ you can be rough with me.” 
His eyes widened “ you don’t know what you do to me.” 
He wrapped your legs around his hips and lowered his body weight onto you. His thrusts started slow, but he quickly increased his speed. As he thrust himself in and out of you he pulled almost completely out only to slam back into you. You met his thrusts with your hips. 
He grunted as he thrust into you, and your moans became screams of pleasure. He stopped to give you a sloppy kiss. He wanted to give you maximum pleasure so he reached between your bodies and started rubbing your clit in circular motions. You started feeling warm from your toes to your ears 
“Faster! I’m going to come so hard!” 
He grunted and went faster and felt you clench around his cock. You scratched up his back.
 “Ohhh! Mitsunari!”  
Hearing you scream his name like that turned him on, and he thrust hard into you chasing his orgasm until he shot his essence into you and slowly stopped moving. Pulling out he collapsed beside you, both of your chests heaving. He brushed your sweaty hair out of your face. and kissed your cheek. 
“ I guess you couldn’t stay quiet, could you? I’m sure all of Azuchi heard you.” You blushed furiously
“ I couldn’t help it. I didn’t know my angel could be such a devil.”
He bit his lip “ I can’t control myself with you.” 
You looked over at him, and stroked his hair, looking into his eyes knowing how lucky you are to have him.
“ I love you”
he kissed your forehead.
“ And I love you, always will.” 
You both took your time getting dressed and walked slowly back to your room where you spent the night holding each other. 
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tsubaki3192 · 4 years
250+ Followers HC! Artist!MC Draws a Portrait of Nobunaga, Ieyasu, Kenshin, Mitsuhide
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Requested by: @puffpuff300​
Note: Thank you so much! Haha this sounds like so much fun… So here we go!
Haha… Not all of these are portraits or are they drawn, but…
Edit: I’m so sorry it took so long! But now I think I’m back in business! 
Please let me know if you’d like to be (un)tagged!
Honestly? You just loved the way the paint seems to splatter itself on the page.
No, before I properly begin, you don’t necessarily do traditional painting. You like the abstract ones. Like Piccasso… but not quite his style xD
Piccasso’s style… Would confused the shit out of NObunaga if you drew him in that style- I swear if you don’t paint him like that at least once, I’ll smack you xD
Anyway, your paints are precious to you. You know that Nobunaga might be able to get some oil paints for you, but acrylic paint has always seemed to be better for you. That, and you’ve gotten used to it.
On the night you arrive at Honnoji, you’re carrying your art satchel, filled with paint, a couple of canvases, and your beloved brushes. You were in Japan to paint some of the blooming cherry blossoms and scenery at the time.
Dragged into this mess of a Princess and chatelaine duties made you miss painting so badly. Even picking up a calligraphy brush reminded you of the calligraphy-brush style paintings you had been studying before you had arrived.
So you grab the a4-sized canvas and wander the hallways for days, as you search for the best thing to draw. Honestly? You’ve had to white the canvas multiple times simply because nothing seemed right.
That sakura tree in the corner of the castle gardens? Nope.
The bustling streets of Azuchi town in the middle of the day? Hm...
The Ghost of Mitsuhide, smirking wildly as he wanders down the hallways? Not that either.
Not even the pretty Mitsunari seemed to capture your attention for long.
Ironically though, you didn’t even think of paining the lord of the castle at first, perhaps because his ego didn’t need to be brushed up further? 
At the end of the day, you’ve decided to retire to your room, having wasted the whole day wandering the town and castle, listlessly, tirelessly and unsuccessfully seeking the perfect scene to paint.
Weirdly enough, just after dinner, you somehow end up outside the tenshu, peering through the gap the raven-haired lord left in the doorway.
What a sight, though, to see Nobunaga hard at work, that frown finally focused on something other than yourself. You’re suddenly filled with inspiration, and you set down opposite the gap, sketching the outline of exactly what you’re seeing: the gap between the doorway, and Nobunaga seated at his desk.
You know he can see you: You’ve spotted that all-knowing smirk of his. But he doesn’t speak or move until you begin to leave, having finally marked out the correct colours in pencil. 
“Fireball, you may enter the room if you wish-?”
Unsurprisingly, you had jolted at the sound of his voice and bolted from the opening of his door, leaving a baffled Nobunaga staring at your empty postion.
2 days later, you leave the completed painting on his desk, covered by a square of leftover fabric you had used to make the kimono you wore that day. 
He unveils it curiously, only because you didn’t leave a note of any kind. 
Honestly? He just kinda stares at it- curiously- since the painting seemed even more realistic than the ones circling at that time.
And he just laughs, leaving it hanging against the wall beside the Kimono you had made for him.
Okay… So catching this one somewhere paintable is simply impossible. Believe yourself- You’ve tried.
In fact the only reason why you’re trying to paint Mitsuhide is: 1. You don’t have a camera, and 2, He’s just so ethereally beautiful and 3. He’s never lingered in somewhere pretty or ‘nice’ enough for a sufficient amount of time to even sketch him.
As for Mitsuhide, he, without a doubt, is teasing you. He’s seen the paint tubes you brought with you on that night you had first arrived in the Sengoku Era, and he’s seen that sketchbook- or rather paint-book- of yours, filled with random practice paintings of flowers you’ve spotted in the Azuchi gardens-
or Kyubei, which you had admittedly sketched multiple times. Why were both Lord and Vassal so pretty?
and has figured out their uses after stealing a blank page from your book and a couple of paint tubes. 
You’ve found that same torn page tucked within the pile of paperwork when he requested your assistance once.
It was kinda cute too: fingerprints and finger painting galore xD
You’ve also spotted paint residues of blue beneath his fingernails, much to your amusement.
Anyway… So you’ve been trying to paint an image of Mitsuhide with a parasol beneath a willow tree for awhile now… And it’s to the point where you’re tempted to just use your imagination bc he’s simply not letting you.
But you just snap at him, one day, after having had a VERY bad day. And he just… relents, standing statue-still despite you still grumbling beneath your breath with every glance towards him.
You stuff Kyubae into the image too bc he deserves to be immortalised in a painting with his lord….
It takes a week, on top of all your other duties, to complete the painting, and if that’s not the best painting you’ve ever painted, you’d be lying to yourself.
Honestly, even though he’s curious and teasing about it, Mitsuhide only finds out once you’ve completed the painting. Yes, he could’ve seen the painting at any time, but a part of him wanted to keep that as a reward for all his hard work.
He makes that adorable blushy pout when he later realises he simply could’ve asked you to see the painting: Kyubei’s seen it before he has.
You leave the painting on his desk under all the paperwork there is, knowing full well that his curiousity would get the better of him and he’d stop working-
It works, but only at the expense of your blush from his tease when he finds you in the kitchen with Masamune, rewarding yourself with Mochi.
He’s secretly proud of it, and it’s the only one he’ll willingly hang in his room.
Ehhhh…. This one’s kinda easy, okay?
So you’ve always wanted to paint Ieyasu with Wasabi. It’s been on your agenda ever since you first caught him playing with the baby deer 3 nights after your arrival in Sengoku Japan.
The only thing is, you’ll have to resort to using Traditional watercolour techniques, since you: 1. Had no paints on you, and 2, canvases didn’t exist back then. You could try to make one, but you swore it wouldn’t turn out as good as the store-bought ones.
So you do paint it. From your memory, and from whatever scenery you could draw from the Azuchi garden.
It’s pretty funny, actually: You know most of the Azuchi warlords are aware of what you’re up to. And by that, you mean all but Ieyasu, who claimed he couldn’t care less, and Mitsunari, that oblivious genius.
Nobunaga and Mitsuhide knows because they’ve been watching you, and Masamune and Ranmaru only knows because Hideyoshi found out.
Long story short, you’ve been neglecting yourself: forgetting meals and overall becoming a Mitsunari 2.0…. Hence the whole “Hideyoshi” thing.
Honestly, it’s a surprise the receiver of the painting doesn’t know. Usually Ieyasu would be the type to scold you with harsh words before you even get to painting him.
But not this time.
Actually, you’re certain he’s been avoiding you. For what reason? Who knows. But painting from memory was always a good mental exercise….
Ieyasu does find out eventually, but that’s simply because you purposely drag him out to the garden where you’ve hung the painted scene on a branch to allow it to dry.
He just sort of stands there surprised, before averting his gaze.
“This is what you’ve been doing the entire time?”
You don’t blame him for the blunt question since you rushed off to the location at any given time to continue the painting, pretty much neglecting anything but your sleep, chores and-
Honestly, being that tsundere-contrarian he is, he flicks you on the forehead while muttering a quiet “It’s good” with averted eyes.
You honestly should never have grinned that widely at his words, bc now he’s walking off while  blushing… and taking the painting with him :3
You know better than to go behind Kenshin’s back. And by that, you mean “Oh-god-he’s-etherally-beautiful-but-also-a-yandere-so-I-must-gain-permission-to-paint-him-otherwise-he-might-kill-me-help”.
But honestly, it takes you awhile, simply because you’re not sure how to approach him- He’s always given you that sensation of “don’t-touch-me” xD
If it weren’t for Sasuke, who you had known for years, given you went to the same university and assisted him with some artist renditions of the night sky, you honestly would never have had the courage.
The question comes off as awkward. Very much so, since you had been, well, stalking him for days on end before he calls you out and you reply to him, nervously stuttering in response.
Kenshin doesn’t disagree with your request, however, choosing to just call for you whenever he suddenly feels bored.
It’s honestly chaotic and stressful, since he keeps changing position every few minutes…. ^-^’’
In the end you enlist  the help of Shingen, who was only willing to pose for you so he could stare at your expression~ xD
The rest of the time you spend painting is holed up in your room, which, by the way, confuses Kenshin since usually artists would force him to sit agonising hours of stillness just to capture his appearance.
So he goes looking for you.
It’s at a pretty ironic time too, considering you were just adding the finishing touches to the painting. Just some background colouring and details….
But Kenshin’s hovering over your shoulder and-
He compliments you with some VERY sugary words, while you’re wrapped up in his arms. Honestly it puts Shingen’s flirting to shame xD 
You’re warm, but to be fair you’ve left him pretty much unattended for the past week thanks to your want to paint.
Just cross your fingers he never asks you how exactly you managed to accurately paint the position he, in the painting, sat in.
Shingen would most certainly die from spending hours with Kenshin’s princess and love of his life-
Tagging: @tsukiiiyo​​ @unstoppablelinda​ @zavannahmj​ @nad-zeta​ @thesirenwashere​ @ikemenoliver​​ @jiyuu-chan​ @nuttytani​ <3
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In the Woods ( Mitsunari X Reader)
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Fandom: Ikémen Sengoku 
Pairing: Mitsunari X Reader 
Prompt : Shooting Star 
Warning: NSFW 
Genre: Smut 
Requested By : Anonymous 
Word Count: 1,670 
Written by: @otomefoxystar​
There was a celebration in the wake of one of Nobunaga’s victories. The alcohol was flowing, and there was an abundance of food decorating the table. You were seated between Mitsunari and Masamune. “ We couldn’t have won without Mitsunari, his tactical advice always ends up being a crucial part of our plan you should be proud of him lass.” You smiled and grabbed Mitsunari’s warm hand, interlacing your fingers with his. He squeezed your hand tightly.
“ I am very proud of him, however, I must admit I worry when he is away. I wish I could always come, but I have so many yukata deadlines with summer coming.” Masamune smiled his cerulean eye sparkling “We’ll make sure he stays safe, but you know he’s gotten pretty good with a sword. I am confident he can take care of himself.” You looked at Mitsunari as he took a bite of food. “ Is this true? Have you been practicing?” “Yes, in fact, lord Ieyasu even said I was getting better.” He grinned and Ieyasu turned his head at hearing his name. “ I said no such thing” He glared at Mitsunari “ If I recall you told me that my form looked good.” Ieyasu rolled his eyes “ How do you always twist what I say?” You laughed “ I’m glad nothing has changed” Ieyasu grumbled and turned to Mitsuhide. Mitsunari put his chopsticks down and looked at you. “ Do you want to go for a walk?” “ That sounds nice.” He smiled sweetly and stood up putting his hand on the small of your back. Masamune started whistling as you left the dining hall. The celebration was going on outside as well with a fair amount of intoxicated people. You looked up at the dark sky “ look at the stars Mitsunari!” He looked up. “ They are beautiful aren’t they?” You nodded your head “ Yes, you know the stars here look different from the ones where I’m from. They seem to shine brighter here.” He kissed your cheek “ Maybe it’s not the stars, but the company you are with.” You looked at the stars pondering what he was trying to say “ You’re saying that because I love you the stars appear brighter?” “ Yes, emotions can make us see things differently.” You smiled “ I can see that.” He took your hand “ I want to take you somewhere” You looked at him quizzically. “Where?” he smirked “ it’s a surprise.” you smiled, and he led the way to an open meadow. He put his haori on the ground. “ sit down,” you did as he said and sat on his haori and he sat next to you. He laid down and pulled you down next to him by your arm. “ look at the stars now” You both gazed at the twinkling of the stars. “ Mitsunari, this is perfect” You took his hand and started fiddling with his fingers and drawing circles on his palm with your nail. He looked over at you and you looked over at him. “I’m glad you came to us, I don’t think I could bear it if you left me.” You stroked his silver hair “ I will never leave you, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me forever.” He smiled, “ I’m okay with that.” As the two of you laid there together with your hands tightly woven together, you pointed out all the constellations that you could remember. He listened intently, fascinated with the information you were feeding him. A light caught the corner of your eye and you turned your head, and there was a shooting star arcing across the sky. “ Oh! a shooting star, make a wish!” He looked at you thinking “ a wish?” You smiled “ hurry before it goes away” “ there’s another one”   You both watched as the star faded. “ Did you make a wish ?”   “ Of course” He looked at you curiously. “What did you wish for?” you smacked his shoulder “ I’m not telling, it won’t come true.” He looked at you tenderly and ran a finger along the lines of your face until he came to your lips. He ran his finger over your bottom lip, then he cupped both your cheeks and kissed you softly. His lips were so tender, so loving. His tongue entered your mouth exploring and caressing your tongue. As your tongues wrestled his hands were feeling your curves and you couldn’t help but moan. He broke the kiss, and the only thing that connected you was a string of salvia. He pulled your body closer to his so your bodies were flush against each other. He kissed beneath your ear where the skin was especially sensitive. “We’re outside” he kept kissing down your neck, you kept resisting but it felt so good. “ I want to make love to you under the stars.” He opened up the collar to your kimono to reveal your chest. He kissed across your collarbones. “ But Mitsunari” He kissed your lips again. “ No, but’s I’m far too excited now” He helped you sit up, and unraveled your obi. Letting your kimono loosen and fall to your waist. Cupping your breast he kissed your neck “mmm,” you moaned involuntarily. “ You are so beautiful” he discarded the rest of your clothes laying you down on his haori. His lips went to your chest, kissing your breast. He pinched your nipples to make them harden. He took one of your nipples into his mouth sucking. Repeating the same action to the other one. You pulled at his kimono opening it up to feel the hard planes of his chest. You rolled over towards him and sucked his earlobe, knowing he was especially sensitive there. He gasped, making you smile. You loved it when he made noises like that, but he was never quiet when making love. He got up and sat on his knees, taking off his kimono you could see his erection straining in his fundoshi. You sat up and pulled it off hearing him hiss from the relief of his cock springing free. You took him in your hand pumping him, and when his head started leaking you rubbed it over his sensitive head using it as lubrication. “ahh,” He looked at you with darkened eyes. “I need you to suck me, right now!” You looked at him surprised “ So demanding.” You stood up and backed him against a tree, and got on your knees. You pumped him a couple more times for good measure. You licked the underside of his cock from the base, over his pulsing vein to the tip. You circled the tip with your tongue. You looked up at him, and he had closed his eyes. He grasped the hair on your scalp to keep himself steady. You took his length in your mouth slowly, and once his cock hit the back of your throat you began bobbing your head up and down his length. He was sighing and gasping as you continued your ministrations. “ St-stop...I want you to feel good too, it’s my turn to pleasure you.” He laid you down, and settled his head between your legs he spread your folds with his fingers and ran the flat of his tongue on your throbbing clit. “ Ohhh...yes” he looked up at you. “Someone might hear if you don’t want to be heard you need to be quiet.” He went back to your clit moving his tongue up and down quickly. He entered two fingers curling them into you as he licked at your clit “ Ahhh” your walls started fluttering, and he started moving his fingers faster pumping them in and out, and he took your clit into his mouth sucking it. You arched your back, and he pumped slowly helping you ride out your orgasm. He slowly pulled away and smiled at you while you caught your breath. He climbed on top of you, kissing you. He spread your legs with his knees and lined his cock up with your entrance. “ You ready?” you looked at him with need “ I need you Mitsunari” he pushed into you with one swift motion. “ I don’t think I can be gentle tonight.” You cupped his cheek “ you can be rough with me.” His eyes widened “ you don’t know what you do to me.” He wrapped your legs around his hips and lowered his body weight onto you. His thrusts started slow, but he quickly increased his speed. As he thrust himself in and out of you he pulled almost completely only to slam back into you. You met his thrusts with your hips. As he hit your cervix it was almost painful, but the pleasure outweighed the pain. He grunted as he thrust into you, and your moans became screams of pleasure. He stopped to give you a sloppy kiss. He wanted to give you maximum pleasure so he reached between your bodies and started rubbing your clit in circular motions. You started feeling warm from your toes to your ears “Faster! I’m going to come so hard!” He grunted and went faster and felt you clench around his cock. You scratched up his back. “Ohhh! Mitsunari!”   Hearing you scream his name like that turned him on, and he thrust hard into you chasing his orgasm until he shot his essence into you and slowly stopped moving. Pulling out he collapsed beside you, both of your chests heaving. He brushed your sweaty hair out of your face. and kissed your cheek. “ I guess you couldn’t stay quiet, could you? I’m sure all of Azuchi heard you.” You blushed furiously “ I couldn’t help it. I didn’t know my angel could be such a devil.” He bit his lip “ I can’t control myself with you.” You looked over at him, and stroked his hair, and looking into his eyes knowing how lucky she is to have him. “ I love you” he kissed her forehead. “ And I love you, always will.” You both took your time getting dressed and walked slowly back to your room where you spent the night holding each other.
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Ieyasu and Chilli
This is a touch of madness that came from the wonder that is Discord, my 2am brain and a lot of supportive encouragement from a bunch of friendly enablers. 
@umbralaperture​ @tsundere-mitsuhide​ @silver-fox-of-azuchi​ @jennacat84​
I hope you all enjoy it.
Ieyasu and Chilli
Imagine if you will a tiny timid little creature. No this is not a height joke aimed at our fluffy contrarian. 
For those of you unaware of what a Dik-dik is they are tiny antelopes (30-40cm in height and 50-70cm in length.) So a baby one is well, smaller. 
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Image is not mine it was from a newpaper article and all credit goes to the photographer for capturing such cuteness. *link for article is here
This is also the creature that Mai came into the castle carrying in her arms after somehow liberating it from a merchant.
“What have you got now?” Ieyasu stops in his tracks on his way out of the castle gate as she tries to slip past unnoticed. 
“Oh! Ieyasu. I found this and wanted your advice on how to take care of it.” Mai’s shoulders jumped at being called but she quickly plastered a rather overly happy smile on her face and faked acting like everything was totally normal. 
Yes, nothing to see here people just Mai carrying a rather small animal in her arms like a doll or a child. What do you mean she didn’t have that when she left earlier?
“Put it back.” His voice was firm and commanding. His green eyes flicked briefly to the creature before holding a very stone-cold glare at his girlfriend.
“What?”Her eyes went wide. For some reason, she never thought he would tell her that. I mean this is Ieyasu. Her Ieyasu. The one that has a deer living in his garden at his mansion to prevent Masamune tuning it into venison burgers.  
“Go and put that thing back wherever you found it. You don’t know where it’s been and there is more than enough work around here for both of us without adding caring for a rodent.” 
“He isn’t a rodent! He’s a... deer-like something.” Actually, Mai had no idea as to the true name of the animal cradled in her arms. Sasuke was going to get paid a visit at some point so she could ask him if he knew.
“You don’t even know what it is and you are saying you want to look after it?” Ieyasu scoffed his tone was still cold but he was coming closer to her now so he could judge for himself if this thing was really not a threat.
“Look I found him. The guys at the dock caught him running around and put him in a cage. They were talking about roasting him.” Mai was pleading with her big eyes that seemed to be mirrored in the same way by the little creature in her arms. Great two sets of puppy eyes.
“I’m sure he’d make a very nice snack.” Ieyasu quipped remembering his own first encounter with Wasabi except he now seemed to have switched places with Masa. Not an idea he liked very much at all.
*GASP!* “Don’t listen to the nasty man Chilli you are no more a snack than Wasabi is rations.” Mai acted dramatically covering the ears of the little creature with her fingers. 
She knew. Of course, she did she was his girlfriend and knew all about Wasabi and how he came to care for the deer. Curses.
“Don’t bring up Wasabi... and don’t name the thing you’ll get attached to it.” Ieyasu began trying to solidify how he was putting his foot down only to be brushed past by Mai as she continued into the castle. “Hey, you listening to me?!”
Regardless of his ever-constant protests, Ieyasu ends up watching the little creature even more closely than Mai. He can’t believe she brought him back to his manor with her and let him loose in his room.
“It that thing gets into my medicinal herbs you are getting the blame.”He grumbled but made sure to move anything that might be poisonous to the small deer creature out of reach.
“Oh, he’s fine. Look, he isn’t after herbs at all he’s more interested in your scarf.” Mai giggled.
“What!?” Her laughter was welcome but the sight of the small animal tugging on his clothing that had been placed nearby was not. “Oh no, you don’t.”Ieyasu rushed to take back the scarf that was being gently tugged. “Bad little deer thing. My scarf, not yours.” 
He grabbed the fabric and yanked it a little harder than he realised the little animal made a noise as it rolled and then scampered under a chair to hide.
“Aww look what you did now it looks so frighted.” Mai crawled over and scooped up the trembling animal back into her arms. he watched it still at the sound of her heartbeat and then without saying a word he left the room feeling wretched for his own actions.
Later that evening Mai had managed to fall asleep. Chilli was near the brazier curled up like a cat with a small bowl for water and one that had some vegetables from the kitchen nearby.
He put down his book and decided to go to bed himself. blowing out the candle and getting changed he heard something pining. Chilli had moved to the futon and was trying to nudge Mai’s hand. He was only a baby after all so he was probably looking for comfort.
“You are hopeless.” Ieyasu huffed in a half-whisper. Taking his scarf and curling it up at the edge of the futon near Mai for Chilli. “Happy now?”
That night was probably the first time Ieyasu ended up wondering if this is what it was like to be a father. 
When Mai is busy around the castle the little creature tries to keep up by very quickly tires out. It is rather like watching a duckling following its mother which is endearing but almost gave Ieyasu a heart attack when someone ran up to the Princess and nearly kicked the little thing, unaware of its existence.
“Have a care!” Ieyasu called out as he swiftly bent down to pick up Chilli before he could be kicked in the head.
“My lord?” The vassel was confused as they genuinely didn’t know what they had done to earn Ieyasu’s ire. 
“Tell me is it part of basic training now that we simply blunder about without taking note of our surroundings or is it that something that is unique to you?” Ieyasu shot the man a pointed glare and turned swiftly walking away from both Mai and the stunned soldier carrying Chilli.
When Mai is in the castle now unless she is working on commissions Chilli is with Ieyasu. 
Each has a bed for him in their rooms that are little more than a small round basket and some handmade bedding. 
Mai originally only intended to make one for her room in the castle but after Ieyasu stopped by to bring her something from Nobunaga he noticed it.
“What? You think it’s dumb?” Mai asked noticing Ieyasu was lingering in her room longer than it took to just deliver missives. Realising his eyes were on the pet bed she had fashioned.
“I think it’s very you.” Aware he had been caught staring Ieyasu attempted to make it sound as if he thought her actions were childish. 
“Well, luckily Chilli here seems to like my work.” Mai reached out and stroked the animal that he could have sworn developed a very smug look on its face after receiving her attention. 
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” 
“Did you want one for your room too?” Mai asked partly as a joke. She could see his ears were a little red and whatever unspoken misunderstanding she had over the pet bed was suddenly gone. 
“Whatever.” Ieyasu left her room and returned to his mansion muttering to himself. He wasn’t going to be jealous of Chilli. Just because he got to be near Mai all the time. No that was ridiculous. 
When Mai returned at night with a replica bed with bedding in different coloured fabric Ieyasu avoided looking at it until she was asleep. He ended up with the softest smile on his face as he stroked the curled up Chilli in the basket. Not that he would ever admit that to anyone.
Wasabi is a big fan of new friends. Unlike Ieyasu, she is much more open to new people and animal friends. That is after she has gotten over the timid part of her nature as a deer.
Chilli is practically the animal equivalent of a heart eyes emoji. As far as he is concerned Wasabi is a Deity and adores her. When she lays down and is much more ‘his level’ he popcorns around in little jumps and hops on, off and over her. Wasabi doesn’t mind in the slightest. 
Their first encounter had Ieyasu more nervous than Mai. Chilli was put down on the ground near Wasabi as she was enjoying some food and there was a moment where Ieyasu looked like he was about ready to jump in and scoop up the tiny addition if Wasabi was in the slightest bit aggressive. 
Think eagle watching a bunny as it hovered over it. Hideyoshi clearly passed some helicopter parenting skills down to the resident contrarian. 
It didn’t happen. What did happen was Wasabi bent down and touched noses with Chilli, both wagged their tails at the other and then in a very welcome to the family gesture Wasabi took a small leaf from the bowl in Mai’s hand and gave it to Chilli. 
“Looks like you were worried for nothing then huh?” Mai laughed happily seeing the two getting along.
“I wasn’t worried.” Ieyasu said visibly relaxing slightly even if he was still observing like a hawk.
“Well, he can come outside and play at the manor now at least.” Mai smiled watching as Chilli investigated some of the flowers and rocks. A whole new world.
“Not without supervision.” Ieyasu stated flatly.
“You don’t think Wasabi will still hurt him?” Mai tilted her head at him.
“No, but it’s going to be a pain if he falls somewhere and gets stuck. You would never let me hear the end of it.”
Masamune came to visit the manor on Mai’s day off carrying something in his arms that was apparently a new dish he wanted her opinion on. Ieyasu was reading next to her as she put down her own book and tried the dish.
“It’s wonderful Masa. Maybe a little too sweet though.” Mai’s verdict was as honest as she was which didn’t insult the chef at all. He kept smiling and made a mental note so he could amend his recipe later.
“You’ve been hanging out with this one too long Lass next you’ll be telling me it’s not spicy enough and telling me to put more chilli in my curries.” Masa was as friendly as ever. Ieyasu had given up trying to prevent him from attempting to be near Mai and settled on being the chaperone to their friendship. The scarf around Ieyasu’s neck moved the little head of Chilli popped out from the fabric like a chick in an egg. Masa noticed the movement and his eye went wide.“What on earth?”
“Oh! right I guess you didn’t meet. Masa this is Chilli.” Mai reached out and peeled back some of the scarf that had pooled near Ieyasu revealing more of the little animal. 
“Interesting. Deciding to grow your own herd now are ya? I’ll put in an order now shall I?” Masa reached out towards Chilli who darted back under the scarf and pressed itself as close as possible against Ieyasu.
“Don’t be ridiculous there isn’t enough of him to make any kind of a meal.” Ieyasu slapped Masa’s hand away.
“Yeah wanna bet on that one Lad cos I’m sure I could whip up something that-”
“You upset him and it upsets her. I don’t care what really happens to him but you upset Mai and I’ll relieve you of your other eye.” Ieyasu cut off Masa’s little joke with a warning as he stood up and carried both his book and Chilli away with him.
The laughter and teasing that happened in the castle at Ieyasu’s expense after that lasted for weeks. Every time Chilli appeared from under his scarf or was seen in his arms where he had picked them up because they had become too tired to carry on the teasing restarted. 
As much as it annoyed him Ieyasu wouldn’t give up the little creature now if you paid him. He will say it is because of Mai. He doesn’t want her to be upset and that is true. What he won’t say is that he adores the small deer just as much as she does. 
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haloshornsinkstains · 4 years
Interrogation (Mitsuhide x MC)
Available on AO3 here: Interrogation
Mitsuhide (Ikemen Sengoku) x MC. PWP, 18+
“You’ll find they won’t break Little Mouse.” Her head whipped up at the sound of his voice, heart racing as she felt cool fingers stroke her cheek. “Now, do you have my answers or do I need to pry them out of you?”
The cool air of the dungeons raised goosebumps on her flesh as Midori waited, twisting her wrists in the binds and testing their strength. They were tight enough to keep her in place, but loose enough to avoid any discomfort. She smiled, ‘the kitsune still has his weaknesses then’, though where he was now was a mystery. It felt as if she’d been here forever and barely a moment all at once, and with the blindfold over her eyes she couldn’t even tell if Mitsuhide was watching her squirm or not. She huffed, tugging at the binds once more.
“You’ll find they won’t break Little Mouse.” Her head whipped up at the sound of his voice, heart racing as she felt cool fingers stroke her cheek. “Now, do you have my answers or do I need to pry them out of you?” His voice was almost as gentle as his hands on her skin, but she could picture the wicked glint of his smile even from behind the cloth over her eyes. Midori shifted slightly, smirking in the direction of his voice. “Oh, you’ll have to try harder than that kitsune.” His laugh was musical, enough to momentarily distract her as he made his move. The smack rang out loud in the silent air, the sting soothed almost immediately as he ran his hand over her behind. Even through the layers of her kimono it was a powerful blow, and she bit her lip to hold back the moan that rose in her throat. “Such a beautiful shade of pink.” Mitsuhide purred, fingers toying with the edge of her kimono. “Shall I see where else I can turn such colours?” This time a quiet moan escaped her, her head tilting back to expose the column of her throat to him. “Perhaps you should try.” She heard the slight hiss of a blade being withdrawn from somewhere, barely stifling the hiss of surprise as the cold metal touched her skin. ‘I can trust him, this is Mitsuhide. And it was my idea.’ “Worried so soon Little Mouse.” “Stop mind reading you ass.” She tried to move away from him with a huff, but the bindings really were good. “Now, now, don’t be like that.” He chuckled, a hand pressing gently against her back to keep her still. “If you squirm I might slip and this blade is very sharp.” He touched it lightly against her skin, pulling just low enough to tug at the edges of her kimono. “Or you could just tell me what I want to hear and this could be over.” Midori took a deep breath, planting her feet and turning her head to where she thought he was. “I told you I wouldn’t make it easy for you, do your worst.” She expected more teasing, instead she felt the knife move downwards, followed by the unmistakable sound of tearing fabric. She winced a little as she felt her obi fall apart, sure no amount of sewing skill would be able to put that back as it was. “So troublesome little one.” The purr in her ear made her jump this time, and the carefully held blade nicked the soft skin of her stomach. She felt him tense behind her for a fraction of a second, until he realised the sound that left her lips wasn’t one of pain. She could practically hear the amused smirk as he traced a long finger down her newly exposed skin. “This is an interesting development.” Midori arched her back, pressing her body as much into his as she could. “Mitsuhide…” “Yes my dear one?” “I hate you.” “I’m very sad to hear that, given that I love you so dearly.” He traced the blade across her skin again, pressing just enough for her to feel the sting but not deeply enough to draw blood. His cool hand soothed the sting almost as soon as it was inflicted. She leant into his touch, breathing on the verge of ragged. “Mit… su… hide… please…” He hummed appreciatively. “Nearly dearest one.” “Damnit Mitsuhide, please!” The words were almost a moan. “I need you.” His hands stilled on her lower stomach, his own breathing ragged in her ear.  “Ple-” Midori’s begging was cut off by soft lips pressing against hers, his tongue tracing the outline of her bottom lip.
He pulled back too soon, a whine rising in her throat. “Good girl.” he murmured, fingers trailing down her cheek. “Tease.” She huffed in return, though the words lacked any bite. Mitsuhide chuckled, running a finger down her neck and between her breasts. “Ah but you love that about me.” “I’d love it more if you gave me what I asked for.” Midori grumbled. His breath tickled her neck as he trailed his hand lower, shifting slightly to be at her back and let her melt against him as his other hand moved up to cup one of her breasts. Without her sight every touch felt magnified ten times, her skin more sensitive to him than it had ever been. She gasped as his fingers ghosted over her nipple, distracting her for a moment from the other hand that had worked its way between her legs. His fingers found the sensitive bundle of nerves there, working in circles as she gasped and bucked against his hand. He chuckled in her ear, shifting slightly so his thumb remained pressed against her clit as long fingers pressed inside her. “You seem to be enjoying this little one.” The only reply he got were her fevered gasps and whimpers as skillful fingers brought her tumbling over the edge, his other arm around her chest all that kept her standing as her legs turned to jelly. She panted, leaning back against his chest and wished she could see the hungry passion she knew would be written across his face. It was these moments she treasured most, the places where his cool mask slipped and showed her expressions only meant for her eyes. As her breathing steadied and her legs regained some strength she tried to twist to face him, seeking his lips even when she couldn’t see. He obliged, of course he did, he would do almost anything for her, catching her in a kiss so sweet she could taste it. “Mitsu…” She breathed, resting head against his shoulder. “I want to see you.” He said nothing, but she felt him move to pull the blindfold from her eyes, freeing her hands seconds later to allow her to embrace him, even as she pressed feather light kisses across his collarbones. Pressed together like this she could feel the hard line of him through his hakama. She looked up, one hand reaching to cup his face while the other worked on freeing him from his clothes. Even with the desire she could see burning there his golden eyes were soft when they looked at her. “Let me.”  She sank to the floor, taking his hakama with her, glancing up to see his eyes widen as she winked and licked a long stripe from the base to the head of his cock before taking him into her mouth. It took Mitsuhide a moment to respond, one hand finally finding its way to the back of her head, resting there gently as she bobbed up and down. It wasn’t long before his grip was tightening, soon turning into an insistent tug. With a wicked smile Midori pulled back, flicking the head of his cock with her tongue as she did so. Mitsuhide sighed, sinking down to the floor with her and trapping her beneath his body.  “What am I to do with you?”  She smirked, lifting her head to kiss him softly. “I can think of a few things.” As his answer he shifted her slightly and slid himself inside, stealing any more smart quips that might have come from her mouth and replacing them with moans. She arched her back, pulling him deeper as he thrust into her. She wanted to watch him, but she couldn’t keep her eyes open, and in the quick glances she did manage she realised he couldn’t either, peppering light kisses along her neck and shoulder. His movements soon became more erracting, the kisses more fevered, and, just as she was reaching her peak he bit into the soft flesh where her neck and shoulder met, sucking a bruise into the delicate flesh. The rush of sensation was enough to send her crashing into her orgasm, and as he felt her walls spasming around him Mitsuhide followed her into his own.
Afterwards they lay on the floor of the dungeons, Midori’s head resting on Mitsuhide’s chest as he covered them both with his kimono, his hand stroking idly through her hair. “I hope you don’t treat all your prisoners like that.” She hummed, nuzzling her face into him. Mitsuhide chuckled. “Only the ones who ask me to interrogate them.” “It wasn’t my worst idea?” Mitsuhide had just opened his mouth to respond when they heard footsteps rushing towards them. Frowning he pulled Midori’s body closer into his, keeping her shielded with his kimono as he propped himself up on his elbows to see who was making their way into the dungeons in such a hurry, “Mitsuhide! I don’t know what you think you’re playing at but Lord… oh. Oh… no, I…” Hideyoshi stopped mid-tirade when he spotted the two of them, quickly trying to look anywhere except at the couple curled up under a kimono. “Lord Nobunaga wants to see you. I’ll… um, I’ll go.” He sped out, still looking very hard at the floor on his way out. “My, my… to think, all of the things I’ve done and I’ve never seen him quite so flustered.” Mitsuhide chuckled. “Perhaps we shall do this again.” “How did he know… Masamune.” Midori laughed. “Wait… did you want to do this again or just embarrass Hideyoshi? Though I have to admit, that shade of red was really something.” Mitsuhide pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “One of the many reasons I adore you. Now, we must move. Our Lord is waiting.”
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Secret Santa present
Title: The Gift of Forgetfulness
Fandom: IkeSen
Suitor: Masamune, Mitsunari and Yukimura
To: @yunohawkeye
From: @darkmindsthinktwistedthoughts
A/N: To my sweet lil’ Yuno I hope this tale finds you well and brings a smile to your face at this time of year.
Winter was here and with it came the long dark nights full of biting cold that had you wanting to curl up under blankets by a warm fire. The snow was falling once more, drifting through the air like frozen feathers until it blanketed the ground in a kind of pristine purity.
She found herself standing in her kitchen with her oversized mug in hand watching the outside world lazily. The steam rose from the hot tea in her hands in curls her eyes unfocused remembering the dream that woke her up a little earlier.
If you had asked her when it had happened, she would have been unable to answer you. Not long after setting out into the world alone she had acquired the lease on a great little apartment and then discovered she was living right next door to some of the most handsome men she had ever encountered outside of glossy tabloid pictures. To make it even more unbelievable they all seemed to take an interest in her.
Guy number one was tall with wild chestnut brown hair and piercing blue eyes… well, eye. He was rugged and charming with just a hint of danger that drew you in like a moth to a flame. He had helped her carry in some boxes from her car after she just arrived. He then made a comment about how she couldn’t possibly consider eating frozen microwave meals, insisting on having her joining him at his place for dinner with the rest of the guys.
It had been a strange turn of events after she had found herself agreeing happily to the rather pushy invite before realising what she had done. She then met guy number two. Silver hair that shone in the light but looked as soft as smoke if you were to touch it. Violet eyes full of intelligence scanned pages of thick intellectual books on topics she had never heard of with such ease you could be forgiven for thinking it was a comic book. When he was nudged and noticed her standing there nothing prepared her for that smile. The old saying of hearing music when talking to someone sprung to mind and she was a little worried she might have been staring at him, smiling like an idiot.
Dinner had been wonderful guy number one turned out to be a chef in training and damn that man had talent. The flavours were perfectly balanced and the skill he showed with a knife was mesmerising. She had allowed her gaze to linger on his hands a little longer than she realised, following those long fingers as they worked their magic. A shiver ran up her spine when she composed herself and prepared to leave.
She was just about to reach for the handle on the front door when she came face to chest with guy number three. Another brown-haired model type. Except this one looked a bit more of a rough, outdoorsy kind. He had a pair of chocolate brown eyes she could have drowned in. Too bad the illusion of charm was blown as soon as he began to ask who the wild boar was running out of the house.
Eventually, they had all fallen into a comfortable space where they could hang out together as friends. Still, she had not forgotten the times when the air had seemed tense between the men. Or how some of the looks had morphed into death glares in her presence. All things said and done this was what it was and no one seemed like they were going to make a move to change it. Their time together was growing short soon they would be going their separate ways for the holidays.
Her mind wandered. It wandered even more at night when she was alone and slipping into slumber. She found herself thinking about them. The sound of their voices, the warmth of their hands… the scent of their bodies. Yes, Winter was here but somewhere in her dreams, Spring was alive and well.
School was over for another semester and the holiday season was everywhere like a glitzy illuminated bomb in town. Streets lined with ornate lighting and store windows decked out in the traditional array of over the top festive magic. It had taken a while to get home as the public transport was suffering cancellations due to the bad weather.
She smiled to herself as she patted her messenger bag. When your world becomes full of clouds, she usually looked for the silver lining in them and had taken the opportunity to pick up three presents for her neighbours that had helped her since her move.
Masa was to be the recipient of a foreign cookbook that involved fusion cookery and science to create some intricate and unusual dishes. Yuki was going to get that selection box of foreign sweets and some new gloves that were waterproof, weatherproof and still allowed you to use your touch screen on your smartphone. Nari had been a little difficult. It felt strange considering that the guy would be happy with anything she had got for him but that was exactly what made choosing one so damnably hard.
He didn’t wear accessories; his fashion was simplistic and nothing at all designer. The only thing she had seen he might require after spending time with him helping her write her dissertation was something to help him find his glasses. A fine but strong silver chain was gift-wrapped and waiting to be slipped into his hand. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little nervous about giving them all their gifts. Still, the excitement and anticipation won out over the nerves and she found she was walking with a slight bounce in her step as she made her way home past the busy shopping district.
“Oh to Hell with it!” The impassioned response from Yuki came after he once more let go of his end of the garland only to see it drop to the floor. “How do you manage to get these things to stay put?” He glared over at Masa who had finished his half of the decorating and was stifling laughter. Seriously the guy has one eye and is challenged with depth perception constantly yet he can hang these things first time every time.
“There are hooks on them.”
“I know that idiot!” Yuki grumbled as he once more struggled to find the fabric loop that could attach to the nail in the wall.
“Masa are these alright?” Nari entered the room carrying a tray that was covered in cookies looking mildly worried. At least they were once more obvious cookies until he was left alone to decorate them and now it looked a little like a canon full of icing and sprinkles had taken over.
“They’ll be fine Lad not like anything you could do to them now will affect the flavour.” Masa chuckled and patted the younger man’s silver hair. At Masa’s words, Nari visibly seemed to brighten up and smile relieved to have been told he had done a good thing.
Finally attaching the decoration Yuki jumped down from the stool he had been standing on and joined the other two guys as they took in the now perfectly decorated home. It had taken all day and a fair amount of secretive planning to achieve this but they had all agreed it was one step closer to making the girl in their lives happier.
“I hope she likes it.” Nari spoke with an almost hushed whisper just as muffled footsteps could be heard by the front door. The handle turned and a hesitant head popped into view peeking around it as they entered.
The lights were on when she eventually arrived at their place. Nari had said he was home today as the research centre was closed due to the weather but it was unusual for him to be aware enough of the growing darkness outside to remember to turn on the lights. Turning the ice-cold handle, she pushed it tentatively and looked inside. After calling out a greeting she became a little dumb stuck with the scene.
Shades of greens and reds covered the place in a garish seasonal display. Honestly, it was like walking right into a candy cane gingerbread house. Standing in the middle of the living room were the three guys she had been wanting to see and for the first time recently they were all standing so close it looked as if they were practically the same being.
“Welcome Home Kitten!” Masa cried out and came over to wrap her in a warm hug.
“I hope you didn’t have too much difficulty in coming home.” Nari went to move to join in with the embrace only to have Yuki snatch the forgotten tray from his hands at the last minute to prevent any possible disasters with the iced cookies.
“You finally made it then?”
“Sorry were you all waiting long?” Her voice was a little muffled as her face was being squished into a rather solid chest.
“Not long at all. Come on sit down there’s cookies and I’ll just go check on the mulled cider.” Masa practically shoved her into the sofa before bouncing out of the room to go to the kitchen.
“He means apple juice. You know he can’t drink.” Yuki rolled his eyes and picked up a cookie from the tray that seemed to be one-quarter cookie three quarters tooth decay.
“I heard that!”
“You were meant to!”
The familiar friendly back and forth between the guys had her smiling and giggling. Ignoring the fact that Yuki had developed a slight redness to his cheeks after her outburst of joy she picked up a tree-shaped cookie and took a bite.
After settling in on the sofa with the hot drinks it felt as if the ice cold that had snuck into their bones without them noticing had finally decided to melt. Glancing around at the men before her she was reminded a little bit of her not so very innocent dreams and suppressed a shiver.
“So are you going to tell me why you did all this? I thought you were never home for the holidays and were always out at parties someplace else?”
“Not in the mood.” Yuki’s reply was so short it felt clipped as he took a sip from his cup.
“What Yuki means Kitten is we decided to stay home this year. We all agreed we had a good reason to.”
“You Princess.” Nari nodded in agreement with the other men.
“Would you prefer to be called a Parrot instead of a Wild Boar?”
“Of course I wouldn’t!” She knew Yuki meant well. He wasn’t exactly trying to get on her nerves but he did have a tendency to be a little to blunt and that sometimes rubbed her the wrong way. Pouting with an upset frown on her face she glared at the guy who in a slight panic placed his cup down on the coffee table and gracefully shifted to be closer to her side.
“Hey come on don’t pull that face I was only joking.” His large hands came up and drew her head to his shoulder as if he couldn’t bring himself to look at her face right now. Knowing Yuki this was probably partly true. In all the time she had known him he had never been able to handle when someone got a little emotional around him.Especially a female. “He’s right though we all decided to stay here this year and spend time with you.” His large weathered hand carded its way through her hair softly like he was stroking a small animal.
“I got plenty of food prepared it just needs heating up whenever you want it. We got the place decorated…” Masa began proudly, as he puffed out his chest slightly, listing off the things he had spent a long-time planning.
“I helped with the cookies!” Nari enthusiastically pointed to the plate on the table.
“Nari drowned the gingerbread.” Yuki muttered just low enough for her to hear him which resulted in a sudden burst of laughter falling into the nape of his neck. She felt his body tense and took a slight bit of satisfaction in knowing he was aware of her given how irritating he could be sometimes.
“And this is what you want?” She asked looking around the room.
“We want to see you happy Kitten.”
“He’s right, it's not much fun staring at someone looking mopey in the holidays. You should be grinning like an idiot.”
“Hey!” Swatting at Yuki’s arm she pulled back far enough to see everyone clearly. “Oh, that reminds me I got you guys some gifts.” Gathering up her bag from the floor she pulled out three wrapped parcels.
“Oh Hells!”
“I knew there was something else.”
All three men looked at the gifts in her hands their expressions morphing into looks of regret and remorse.
“What are you-?”
“Sorry Kitten we kinda forgot that bit.” Masa rubbed his neck sheepishly holding her gaze with his singular blue eye.
“You can keep your gifts if you like? No sense in us having them and you left without.” Yuki nodded making a little move to try to push her hand gently and get her to take them back.
“But that isn’t what it’s about. I don’t give them to get something in return. And you guys have already been so kind to me I just wanted to do something nice in return.” Stubbornly pushing on she placed each gift in the hands of the appropriate man.
“Still it does seem a little one-sided for the holidays.” Nari accepted knowing it to be bad manners to refuse otherwise. It was still clear he had his own misgivings about it all.
“I know Kitten.” Masa suddenly sounded a little brighter after being struck with a thought. “How about we give you what you want?”
“Excuse me!?”
“Yeah, whatever it is we’ll do it.” Yuki seemed very animated by the suggestion too as he quickly accepting the new plan.
“No request too big or too small we will be at your command Princess.” Nari declared beaming a smile that would not look out of place on a fairytale Prince.
This was all happening so fast and felt so surreal that it was difficult to tell if it was really happening. They were all willing to do whatever she said. Suddenly the dreams and reality overlapped and the rush of excitement that she had tried to suppress came in an overwhelming flood that began to consume her mind. Ribbons… bows… the glow of sweat-slicked skin bound in a design of her creation.
“And you won’t complain? You really will do whatever I say?” She subtly gave the inside of her arm a little pinch just to check this was really happening. The men nodded without hesitation. “This could be the best Christmas ever!”
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Warlords x Reader - “Fluff Army” [Part 1]
Struggling to keep up with the pace of the preparations for the arrival of the Uesugi-Takeda alliance as well as helping everyone around the castle made you very very overworked. The Oda forces, having understood this, decide to put their pet’s care inside your hand instead of working you hard. After discussing the ceasefire, both side go on the search for you and find a promising scene that only melt their heart.. some more than others.
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A/N: I honestly don’t know what went through my brain when I wrote this, it was supposed to be cute but it turned out chaotic, blame the warlords! Also, don’t mind the edit, I know it’s bad but I don’t have the time to think over it.
"Oof," she released a breath as she bumped into a tall frame when pacing around a corner.
"Careful before you trip and fall," the blond grumbled.
Peeking from over the stack of clothes she was carrying, her eyes locked with his.
"I'm so sorry Ieyasu, it's hard for me to see over this, I'll be more careful next time." Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. The man didn't say a word.
"Whatever, just watch where you're going," he glanced away from her, feeling his own cheeks blush before moving out of her way.
"Do you need help with that?" Masamune raised a questioning eyebrow at her, also sliding out of her path.
"No, I'm good." Her grip tightened around the fabrics to make sure none of them were falling off.
"Why are you in such a hurry?" The One-Eyed Dragon interrogated.
"Well, since the last ceasefire, most people around the castle want to look their best, for the most part, the maids, they seem particularly keen to impress Shingen." She paused for a moment before continuing, "the seamstress also want my help to sew them something for him once they've finished with their own orders."
"That damn tiger, stealing all our women, I'm happy he didn't get to your pretty little head, however," the warlord smirked, tapping two fingers consecutively on her forehead.
"I need to go."
"Don't overwork yourself, I'd hate to have to take care of you," Ieyasu mumbled, watching as she nodded and scurried down the hallway to her room.
"Why am I not surprised to see you outside of war council?" A honey dipped sigh was heard behind them.
"I'm not late, I'm with Ieyasu," the dragon defended.
"He has a reason to be out, you don't." Hideyoshi's scowl only grew as he glared at him.
"Well, I'm here now aren't I?"
"Just come on, we has issues to discuss before they get here!"
"According to the messenger, they are supposed to arrive in the afternoon." Mitsuhide informed.
"Let's hope (Y/N) will be in bed by then." Masamune added.
"Yes, she needs to sleep." The vassal's motherly tone appeared.
"She's not a child, and it will be during the afternoon, of course she will still be awake!" Ieyasu rolled his eyes.
"She's overworking herself."
"Is she now?" Nobunaga intervened, remembering the kimono she delivered for him this morning.
"Everyone wants to look their best in front of our soon-to-be temporary allies, especially the ladies for Shingen." Mitsunari recounted the information she had told him the day before
"Then make sure she takes no part in the banquet, she need only enjoy." The devil announced.
The sun was nearly setting when a herd of mounted horses arrived in Azuchi.
"Still as lively as I remember," Kenshin watched as the numerous markets and shops appeared to be still open.
"Oh, it's you," Ieyasu stated stoically.
"You can at least greet us correctly can't you?! We came all this way after all." Yukimura scoffed.
"Yuki," Shingen warned.
"I apologise for his behaviour." Toyotomi bowed deeply to the four of them.
"As do I," Shingen dismounted his horse and flicked his vassal's forehead.
"Ow!!" He moaned, glaring at his lord.
"This way please."
They walked in silence until the doors before they were greeted by a few maids.
"Good day, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu, ooh, and Shingen, do you remember me?" A girl grinned, locking eyes with smoky grey ones.
"Why of course! How can I forget such a pretty face," he chuckled.
"How about me?" Another one chipped up.
"Yes I-" Yukimura pushed him through before he could say anymore.
Kenshin's scrutinizing gaze pierced through the girls, making them cower slightly under his beautiful yet intimidating figure.
"Feel free not to scare the maids," Sasuke spoke.
"Here we are," Ieyasu groaned, interrupting the dragon of Echigo from coming up with a retort to his ninja.
"Any chance my lovely goddess would be in here?" Shingen smiled, before it fell completely, "nope, clearly not." His eyes scanned over the men that were patiently waiting for them to arrive.
"You won't be seeing her." Nobunaga spoke.
"What is this nonsense you speak?" The warlord's hetechromia eyes shot daggers at his rival.
"What? Afraid we will 'intoxicated' and 'pollute' her?" Yukimura mocked.
"Yes, actually." Mitsuhide snickered.
"What?!" Shingen and Kenshin nearly screeched.
"Does she even know we are coming?" Sasuke asked.
"She does, but we have given her the task to take care of our- the animals roaming around in the castle gardens so she doesn't have to see you." Hideyoshi intervene.
"How cruel of you to overwork such a wonderful person just so she couldn't see the people who came just to have a glimpse of her again." Shingen frowned.
"She's overworking herself, the responsibility she had in organising the banquet has changed to playing with animals, she loves that, curiously." The snakes eyes narrowed as they locked with the ninja's.
"Enough of this, I don't want to be here anymore, let's finish this." Kenshin stood in front of Sasuke, glaring possessively at the fox, who innocently looked away.
The sky was filled with beautiful shades of yellow, pink and purple when they finally ended council.
"Now to see my lovely goddess" Shingen grinned happily.
"Not over your dead body!" Kenshin intervened.
"Where would (Y/N) be?" Sasuke turned to Hideyoshi.
"Around." Masamune answered vaguely.
"Why thanks," the light brown-haired vassal scoffed.
"Normally in the gardens," Toyotomi finally admitted.
Without another moment of hesitation, the Oda's enemy skipped towards the gardens.
"(Y/N)?" Kenshin asked firmly.
"Where is she?" Mitsunari peered from around the doorframe, squinting in an attempt to see her standing somewhere around the small pound.
"What's that over there?" Nobunaga pointed to the base of a tree, among the grass.
Hastily, the Takeda-Uesugi allies moved to inspect the unknown figure in the grass.
"H-huh?" Their eyes went wide as they recognised the woman they were waiting to see.
"What is it?" Nobunaga's vassal's raced to them to see what was going on. Soon after, the rest of the Oda forces peered over the figure.
The most adorable scene was unfolding in front of them.
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xathia-89 · 5 years
Playing in the Alpha’s World - Pt 8
My skirts were tight, as I was padding around the office at five months pregnant, my shoes were long gone and somewhere under my desk as Mitsuhide was sitting on my desk with a chuckle.  
“We both know Hideyoshi would be going mad at the sight of you right now,” he sniggered.
“We both know you’re sending photos to Kenshin, and he’ll be threatening to come and carry me everywhere again,” I corrected him, before leaning on the intercom. “Natalie? Need to borrow you please.”
We had hired three 'secretarial' roles. Natalie was our main role, she took on my old job description while backed up by Annika and Johann. Natalie spent most of her day being called into the office and giving the role of judge between Mitsuhide and me something which never failed to amuse. Natalie had spat out her drink when it came out that I was an omega, she said that someone had clearly gotten things wrong because I was an alpha all over. Then she met Kenshin and conceded some form of defeat. It was a month or so after the mass hiring that we found out that I was 10 weeks pregnant, so we were now going through documents to see about bringing on someone to take on my role for several months.  
“Just speak to Hideyoshi and Nobunaga,” Natalie was shaking her head at us. “Masamune may come over with Kiyotaka, and you said there was an omega with him?”
Both of us paused and looked at the other. It hadn't occurred to us that another VP member would want to consider coming over as I checked the timings.  
“He’s out of the office for the day now, he’ll be in when you come in at seven tomorrow morning though,” Natalie was getting very confident in herself, as she stood with her hands on her hips.
“Why do I work with so many alphas?” I grumbled, sitting down and tapping emails out to Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Masamune.
“Because you apparently attract us,” Natalie laughed, turning around with the swing of her hips before my phone started to ring.
“Guten abend, Frau Kayda Uesugi spricht,” I opened on autopilot.
“Entschuldigung,” the voice came on the other end.
“Nein!” I blurted out, “Es is Kayda Saito!”
I couldn't believe I had slipped up as I continued on the call. The client was thankfully believing of me before Natalie was emailing me while on the phone afterwards with them. Her shit-eating grin was enough for concern while I was trying to look busy.  
It was getting more and more suspicious as it came time for me to leave, and Natalie was still wearing that grin.
“See you tomorrow, Frau Uesugi!” She called out, at such a volume that Mitsuhide definitely heard, and smirked at me.
“I am never hearing the end of that one,” I sighed, getting in the elevator to escape the giggling shit heads.
It was getting worse when Masamune landed. Kiyo gave me a sympathetic smile when my nameplate was presented as 'Frau Kayda Uesugi', and Kenshin had been sent plenty of photos of my door and the likes as well. Natalie had told him what I had said to a client, and Kenshin simply hadn't done anything since. It was a slip of the tongue, nothing major, and I was getting rounder by the day at seven months pregnant. I was falling asleep occasionally in the middle of the afternoon or after lunch on some occasions, and Johann and Annika had been sent food hunting a couple of times a day at least. Kenshin was on speed dial for everyone since he knew exactly what was sold where for my cravings, and Natalie had created a spreadsheet to keep tabs on it as well. Especially when it was proven that a year or two after the birth of a child, ruts and heats would generally start up again. Meaning this would likely not be my only pregnancy.
Kiyo was checking with Natalie the sort of things that I would be covering, as I then informed Masa he would be checking in with Hideyoshi mostly. Not pleasant news to Masa as he knew that Hideyoshi would be relentlessly nagging about 'no sex in the office', which made me laugh.  
“No way,” Masa laughed. “You haven’t?”
"I had blinds installed, and soundproofed the walls," I winked, showing him how to operate the blinds to obscure us. "Shadows still show if the light comes from behind, but if you put the phone to code 7, then Natalie knows where to shine the lights. Mitsuhide has a couple of rendezvous too, so you can dump us all in if anyone gets caught," I grinned, before huffing a little at a swift kick to my bladder. I grunted and leaned on the intercom. "Natalie, spare trousers and panties, please. My baby is using my bladder as a trampoline."  
“Natsuki says she just feels fat right now,” Masamune chuckled in sympathy, already throwing tissues down at the floor for the dribbles. “I’m sure our experiences will change with the passing months too.”
“She’ll long for the days of feeling fat. I get angry at so many things because they’re out of reach. I can’t stretch as far, I definitely can’t bend down most of the time,” I listed, before feeling more uncomfortable and excusing myself to find Natalie with the discreet changing bag out on her desk for me to poddle off to the toilets and clean up.
The end of my day wasn't getting here fast enough before Kenshin was called yet again to the office to get me. I couldn't keep my eyes open at all, and my office couch was the right size for a nap with my feet elevated on the far arm. Masamune was wearing a big grin before I was scooped up into Kenshin's arms and carried off. Mitsuhide stopped us just before the lift and placed an envelope in my lap with a wink. It almost felt like everyone that worked around us was looking and waving me good night as I fiddled with the envelope. Summoning the energy even just to open it was impossible, I was so snug in Kenshin's hold, it was too comfortable to focus on anything. I let myself just enjoy being held by my alpha before I was lowered to the sofa with a smile that would melt Australia in the middle of their fires.  
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, his hand stroking my bump. “Growing and glowing,” he kissed me on the cheek.
“With your child,” I slightly pouted. “I feel so useless and fed up, I can’t get to so much stuff.”
Then he started to massage my feet, and all of my thoughts fell away, a soft purr echoing throughout me as the soothing sensations worked through me.  
“Are you going to open the envelope?” He smiled serenely at me. He looked too angelic for me to try and be mad at, while I slipped my finger in under the flap, ripping it open and pulling out the card.
“Dear Kayda,” I began, reading out loud after moving the smaller envelope out of the way. “We wish you all the best for the birth of your baby with Kenshin. You will be sorely missed in your absence, and we eagerly await the announcement of the birth,” I paused, trying to work out if it meant what I thought it did. “Yes, you’re on maternity leave now for the next five months. You had to leave me with Masamune too. You will be able to start returning after that for reduced hours since Natsuki will be due around that date, so you and Masamune can share the role,” It made me smile that Mitsuhide was enjoying teasing me even through a card. “Enjoy all the nap times without being disturbed by anyone other than you and the baby now.”
Kenshin had moved to nuzzle my neck, smiling as he tapped the smaller card.
It contained a gift card to one of the stores I mentioned that we seemed to be spending all of our free time in. From everyone at work, something that touched me as I fired off texts to Mitsuhide, Masa and Natalie.
"At least I won't be walking into your office most days now," Kenshin teased before he kissed me on the head.  
“Meanie,” I pouted, before getting up and getting a shower.
Kagami Isehime Uesugi born Thursday at 4.39 am weighing 3.97 kilos. Mother and baby at home and doing well. No flowers are to be sent, by request of parents.
The email ripped through the company worldwide, there were cards with all sorts of postage stamps on for us as I bounced our little girl in my arms. She was as cute as anything, with tufts of my honey-coloured hair and then Kenshin's mismatched eyes peeking out before I tucked her safely away in her pushchair.  
The walk was almost a faint memory after four months. Kagami had arrived a little early, two weeks before we expected her, but she was on the heavy side when born anyway. She was eager to get out into our world; it seemed as I pushed through to our reception. A new girl on the desk gave me a very snooty look. She scoffed when I asked for Natalie, Johann or Annika, saying that I would need an appointment to see anyone at that level. I kept pushing politely until Annika was summoned with a tired look on her face.  
It disappeared the moment she saw me, her face lit up like a Christmas tree, and she squealed, rushing over to peek into the pushchair. She was gushing and pushing me into the lift, rambling away about the terrors that Masamune and Mitsuhide had been up to in my absence.  
Natalie was on the phone, though she was now trying to get whoever it was on the phone, off so she could come and join in the mutual squealing. Johann was cooing, cradling Kagami and showing her to Annika and Natalie from afar.
“How long until you come back? I miss your organisation, and that you don’t join up with Mitsuhide for pranks,” Natalie begged, glaring over my shoulder as the two incriminating suspects came into view.
“She’s just mad you got Natsuki pregnant before she could sit on her face,” Mitsuhide chuckled to Masamune, and then leaned forward to kiss Kagami on the head. “Hey you, not giving mom a hard time I hope?”
"She's as good as gold, makes me wonder when it'll kick in, and she'll start. We're on a good routine at least," I smiled, stroking her nose.  
“Well, I’m sure once you’re pregnant with your next, her jealousy will pick up,” Masamune laughed.
“No, that’s just Kenshin,” I grinned, and winked at Johann. “Alphas don’t like it when their omegas are preoccupied with someone else.”
Natalie stuck her tongue out, taking Kagami from Johann. “She’s so beautiful. You two make the best babies.”
"I'll take that compliment and pass it to Kenshin as well," I blushed, glancing over the office. Coming back part-time would give me the best of both worlds, I did miss my job, but I loved the new addition to my life. Things moved on and progressed, and our friendly family was only going to grow from this point. Nobunaga and Ieyasu had adopted a young boy in New York, Hideyoshi and Hitomi were early on in their pregnancy, Sasuke had met a young omega called Kaede, and they were apparently in the middle of a mutual rut and heat. It wouldn't be long before Yukimura and Shingen made announcements about relationships I figured.  
It was warming. Masamune’s arm around my shoulder while Natalie was teasing Mitsuhide about being the odd one out for once.
It was heaven, and I’d never been happier.
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ikemenfics · 5 years
Every Kiss Begins With...Chocolate?
A Mitsuhide birthday and a bottle of sake later…
Me: ….the hell I just write?
Word Count: 2817
Note: Thanks to @acrispyapple for letting me steal her banner phrase for all of this.  Should you come to regret this choice, I will remove the phrase.
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You sat up, stretching your arms above your head, working the last vestiges of sleep from your system.  You glanced, seeing light from outside bathing your quarters in a golden glow.  “A pretty day,” you mused, “I wonder what I’ll be doing today.”
The room seemed to warp as a tear appeared in the fourth wall, a figure decked in white stepping forth.  He gave a bow, a gloved hand moving towards his chest in an elegant flourish.
“Pardon me,” he said, his face all smiles as emerald eyes glimmered at you, “My name is Edgar and I have been commanded to bring you this.”  He reached into nowhere and pulled out a bag, handing it to you, stating, “I was told that this will bring joy to this day.”  With that, he stepped back into the tear he had created, and brandishing a rapier, used the tip to zip up the tear, leaving your room just as it was before his appearance.
(That...was odd) You glanced down at the bag he’d given you, turning it over to read the label, “Hershey’s….” you murmured, utterly confounded.  (He said it’d be joy...I think I should take this with me)  You stood and dressed, tucking the bag of chocolatey goodness into your bag.
Walking the halls, it wasn’t long before you found a member of the new family you had been blessed with for your Sengoku stay.
“Mornin’, lass,” his easy voice greeted you with a grin.  You smiled and greeted him back, your treat bag scrunching as you moved into your formal bow.  “Whatcha got in there?”
“Oh,” you paused, opening the noisy purse a little, showing him the candy bag underneath, “I was given this.”  You decidedly did not mention who or how said this was given.  “It’s to bring joy to this day,” you offered cheerfully.
His brow quirked as he examined the contents of your purse, “How’s that, lass?”
You smiled, reaching into the bag, and pulled out one of the teardrop pieces, “The village I come from, they’re called ‘kisses’.”
Masamune nabbed the small bit of Hershey’s from your fingers, examining the shiny wrapping.  “Lass,” Masamune’s voice sounded disappointed but patient, almost like he was explaining a concept to a stubborn child, “this isn’t a kiss.”  He leaned forward, his singular eye glittering as the cat-eyed the mouse, “Let me demonstrate a kiss-”
Your hands were up, pushing his face away, “No.  Nope nope nope nope.  Not gonna do it.”  Masaume frowned down at you, miffed you spoiled his opening, “They’re called kisses, not because of that, but because they’re small ‘kisses of chocolate.’  You eat them.”
Masamune eyed the chocolate, then you, and said, “Your village sounds stranger and stranger, kitten.”  
“No, wait!  You have to unwrap the foil off them first!”  You cried, the image of Masamune eating aluminum.  Masamune looked at the alien food again a moment longer.  An idea struck him, then.  He grinned then, snagging your purse, and the Kisses, from your unprepared hand.  The sapphire storm was halfway out of sight, calling behind him, “Thanks for the kisses.  I’ll put them to good use, lass.”
(Th-that…..one eyed dragon!  Wait...Good use?) You took off after him, ready to call a protest, and rounded the corner finding two more warlords.
“Look at her,” the blond one stated, his eyes full of what you had come to realize was mock awe, “Just charges on without looking.  How are you still alive?”
“You shouldn’t run in the halls,” Hideyoshi chided.  
Your eyes frantically found Masamune, watching you from his sparkly orb.  “Hey, Hideyoshi,” he called, “got something for ya.”
Hideyoshi frowned, “You sound like Mitsuhide.  First, tell me what it is?”
Masamune’s face looked about the same as when he hit the battlefield.  (That face doesn’t bode well…)  “It’s from the lass.  Got enough for everyone.” (Ok...that’s...not so bad.  But I don’t think Hideyoshi will take to sweets)
Hideyoshi’s gaze turned towards you, eagerness almost surfacing before he snuffed it down deep, “Alright.  If it’s from the Princess, I won’t refuse.”  Masamune placed a drop in Hideyoshi’s waiting hand, leaving the latter warlord to look at it in confusion.  “What is that?”
“It’s this,” Masamune responded, grabbing the other warlord and pressing his lips to Hideyoshi’s.  Your eyes nearly fell from your head as you couldn’t believe what you were seeing.  Hideyoshi’s expression practically mirrored yours, his lids wide open and shock freezing him a moment before he forcefully shoved Masamune away.
Masamune had already moved, his aim the grouch whose proverbial jaw landed on the floor.  As soon as he realized the warlord of Oshu was gaining on him, he shook his head, “Don’t even think about i-”
Masamune chucked the snack at Ieyasu, the latter’s movements shifting immediately to catch it, leaving him entirely open.  Masamune used the distraction and his larger size and seized Ieyasu in a kiss of his own. Muffled protests met your ears and the kiss was suddenly over.  
“I am rubbing poison ivy on your bandages from now on!”
You ran between the two fuming men, shouting apologies, but couldn’t stay to explain as the veritable tiger man was already prowling for his next victim.
(Oh no...Mitsunari...run…) You pleaded, your tongue apparently no longer working in the current state of affairs.
“Good morning Masamune-sama,” the cheerful voice greeted.  “Oh, and Hideyoshi-sama, too.”  Mitsunari bowed to his lord.  “Ah, Ieyasu-sama, good mor-”
“It is certainly NOT a good morning,” el porcupine announced, “and you should run before THAT menace does something you can’t understand.”
“Understand?”  Mitsunari blinked.
“Got something for ya.”
Mitsunari held out his hand, all innocence and smiles, and received his present.  “Oh-” was all he got out before Masamune lips were on his.  Mitsunari didn’t move, the kiss ending and Mitsunari’s nervous laughter filling the hall.  “Oh dear, Masamune-sama.”
“Masamune,” Hideyoshi strode, “what is the meaning of all this?”
“Ask her,” Masamune thumbed your direction and started laughing, “she said she had these things.  They’re kisses that you eat.”
Eyes blinked and you shuffled feeling a bit on the spot.  “They’re kisses of chocolate…” you murmured, bashful.
“How do you eat a kiss?  Do you use your teeth?”  Mitsunari pondered.
“You’re special, you know that?” Ieyasu muttered.
“Nah, that’s biting.  It’s like kissing, but there’s a winner,” Masamune answered the angel in purple.  
Hideyoshi snorted at that, “Ok, but why are you running around assaulting everyone?”
“Because, I told you,” Masamune answered as if it were 100% sane and sensible, “she has kisses for everyone.  So I’m giving you kisses.”  Groans met him.
“Who is giving who kisses?” A low voice interrupted.  Everyone turned, finding the snowy-haired warlord viewing the spectacle with amusement.
“I am,” Masamune announced, taking Mitsuhide’s hand to press a chocolate into it.  Mitsuhide didn’t even look at the item before Masa’s mouth was firmly against his own.  Hideyoshi fought, Ieyasu protested, Mitsunari just took it, all the while Mitsuhide seemed to be studying, and you were faint with a weird sense of either hysteria or giddiness, you weren’t sure.
Masamune backed off and found Mitsuhide’s watching him in quiet bemusement.  “Kisses you say,” Mitsuhide brought the confection up to examine, “well, allow me to return your gift.”  Mitsuhide nabbed Masamune and both found themselves locked in embrace again, Masa grunting in surprise but offering no resistance.
“Mitsuhide,” Hideyoshi interjected, clearly about to announce he was done with the nonsense, “don’t encourage him!  We have to attend a war council.”
The M’s parted, but Masa pressed the chocolate to Mitsuhide’s chest once more, snagging another peck before sauntering away, “No takebacks!”
“Ugh,” Ieyasu pinched the bridge of his nose, “I’ve got three headaches and all are M’s…”
“Least he’ll be on time for today’s meeting,” Hideyoshi grumbled.  (Silver linings, I suppose)
The meeting was like all meetings, much of it worrying you, scaring you, and then going over your head.  It was easy to tune it out to contemplate your own issues, like getting home, Sasuke, did you still have a job waiting for you.
“That sounds like the best strategy,” Nobunaga was saying, you almost going back to your thoughts when he gave the ending question, “Anything else we need to discuss?”
(Yay, meeting’s over!)
“I have something,” Masamune proclaimed.  Velvety blue turned to stare at you and your heart sank.
(Oh.  My.  God.  No...we’re all gonna die…)
You were trying not to heave as Masamune reached into that accursed bag, “I have a gift for you, my lord.”
Cinnamon eyes warmed in anticipation, “There is no ceremony that demands a gift to me.” (Yes, Nobunaga, tell him no!)  “But,” your heart fell somewhere beneath the floorboards (If only my ceiling ninja could be under the floor to save me!), “I will not deny a present from my subject.”  He held out his hand, expectantly.
Masamune moved close, placing the foil-wrapped item into Nobunaga’s hand.  Nobunaga glanced at it, dubiously.  “What’s this?”
Masamune looked almost as evil as the devil himself as he went for the kill-I mean kiss.  He tilted his head, fitting his mouth fully over the devil king’s and the entire room seemed to explode into action.  
“How dare you assault our lord, Masamune!”
“I always knew you were suicidal…”
“So how is this eating kisses?”
“I will miss him so.”
Your lungs constricted, but Nobunaga seemed to just go with the impromptu makeout session, his eyes open as he examined the One-Eyed Madman.  
Masamune backed away, Nobunaga carnelian orbs assessing his general, “That was a brave move, Date Masamune.”  You held your breath, praying to anyone listening that Masamune not die or be horribly maimed today.  After all, this was the man that beat a maid over a stick and killed a man over rice.  “But that doesn’t answer the question of what this is.”
Masamune smirked, “According to the lass it does.”  Six men were suddenly staring at you and you were sure your whole body was probably red.  “She calls them kisses.  So I gave you a kiss.”
“This is not a kiss, Masamune.”  Nobunaga held up the sweet.
“I told her.  I’ve been spending the day showing her what kisses are.”
“Is THAT why you’ve assaulted everyone today?”  Hideyoshi’s outburst went ignored.
Nobunaga’s gaze bored holes into your very soul and set it on fire.  “My lucky charm really doesn’t know what a kiss is?”  He smiled then and you knew you were entirely done for if something didn’t happen, quick.
“They’re…” your words were breathy and you were light-headed, this whole fiasco turning you sheepish, “called chocolate kisses.  Because it’s like a kiss of milk chocolate.”
“Come,” that singular command.  You did your best not tremble as you approached the dais.  Nobunaga shifted, leaving his cushion to pull you up, settling you onto the vacated spot.  Warmth seeped in through your knees from the previous occupant.  Fingers grabbed your chin, forcing your head upward.  His head drew near, while his hand moved to grab your, placing something small into it.  
Your mind barely registered that he’d given you the chocolate kiss Masamune had previously awarded before Nobunaga’s lips sealed over your own.  You gave a questioning, “mmph.” Your eyes wide, but surprise had you unable to move.  
His kiss ended, leaving you flustered all over.  “Well, for treating Masamune to all these kisses for him to spread,” Nobunaga announced, gesturing to the others, “Everyone who has received a kiss in her honor now gets a chance to return the favor.  You all may approach.”
Of course, Masa was first, “Since I got the first kiss…” Masamune didn’t finish, lips snagging yours even as the denial that he was given that type of kiss could even fully rise from your throat.  It was rough, just like the man giving it, and you could feel his teeth pressing into you before he withdrew.  He grinned at you, and you swore if he had two eyes, one would wink at you.
Ieyasu came second, “Don’t get me wrong.  I’m just getting this over with.”  Ieyasu’s kiss trailed over your top lip, then your bottom, before taking you full-on, leaving you to whimper in its wake.  When it was over, jade stared at you, a smirking triumph gracing Ieyasu’s features as he stepped away.
Hideyoshi followed suit, “As my lord commands.”  When his tongue probed, you opened your mouth, your logic far far away -probably jettisoned 500 years into the future at this point- leaving you to just revel in all of it.  The hot appendage traced over the roof of your mouth, your moan low and guttural.  (I knew he was a ladies’ man, but holy cats he’s a great kisser).  You almost fell over as Hideyoshi left, his own cheeks ruddy as he whispered something your ears couldn’t catch.
Mitsunari stepped up, his visage about the same shade as you were certain yours was.  “Please accept this,” he bowed formally, his lips ghosting over your own.  Sensations lit your senses on fire as his tongue traced your shape.  That tease was all you got before he backed away, “Please excuse me…”
A silver fox was all that was left.  His lips were shaped in what could only be called utter glee as he observed your discomforts.  “Don’t think that I’ll go easy on you just because everyone got to tease you today, Princess.”  You closed your eyes, giving a soft whine of you weren’t quite sure you were going to allow yourself to identify what emotion as Mitsuhide closed in on you.  The scene behind your eyelids darkened as he moved close, warmth pressing to your forehead.  (Oh thank goodness…)  Mitsuhide gave a soft grunt of mirth and Mitsuhide was gone.
You were moving to also leave when a heavy hand fell on your shoulder.  Oda Nobunaga held up the Hershey’s Kiss to your eyes and you realized  (oh no...he stuck it in his mouth).  He demanded, “How are you supposed to eat this?”
Your voice was weak, all the roller coaster of the day leaving you in a state of odd euphoria as you answered, “You’re...supposed to take the foil...off.”
And that, Sasuke, is how I wound up being kissed by six warlords.
“Your intense face tells me the news from Azuchi is serious,” Shingen all but purred, the idea that his great enemy was in a bind filling him with joy.
“His army marches, then?  We are going to war?”  Kenshin, smiled as well, stroking the sword that scarce left his side.
“Sasuke,” Yukimura called, “Hey Sasuke.  You aren’t answering…”
The green ninja in question’s face was unreadable, as always, leaving the other three to question incessantly as he stared at the letter you had sent him.  He stood, excusing himself before leaving the room, Yukimura close behind.
“What’s gotten into him?”
“The army is marching, Tiger.  It’s the only time he gets like this,” Kenshin pouted, “Why must I have such a war hating ninja?”
“Oi, Sasuke!”  Sasuke stopped, still saying nothing, but allowed his friend to catch up to him.  “What’s wrong with you?  Boar woman hurt?  She finally charge headlong off a cliff?  She decide to come here or something?”
Sasuke handed him the letter, the red warrior reading it over.
“If I had only known it would have taken chocolate to win over Ieyasu,” Sasuke whispered.
Yuki didn’t hear. Instead, his brows furrowed in confusion, “The warlords ate her?!  How do you eat kisses??”
All of a sudden, the world seemed to warp, a point of a rapier piercing as if from behind a screen.  The blade moved downward, sliding a neat slice into the scenery.  A gentleman decked in white stepped into the courtyard Sasuke and Yukimura stood in.  He gave an elegant bow, smiled, and said, “Pardon me.  My name is Edgar and I have been commanded to bring you this.”  His hands reached into nothing and pulled a bag into existence.  Handing it to Sasuke, he continued, “I am pleased to hear that joy has been brought earlier today.  I will now bestow the same to you, to bring joy to your day.”  And with that, he stepped back into the hole in reality, using his blade to seal the cut he had previously created, leaving the world as perfect as before his arrival.
“What the…” Yukimura had his weapon out, but with no enemy to attack and the stranger completely gone, he seemed at a loss on what to do next.
Sasuke held up the bag, reading aloud, “Hershey’s kisses.”  The light of the sun reflected off his glasses, making his already indiscernible face impossible to decipher.
“Hershey...kisses?”  Yuki parroted.  He looked at the bag, seeing the small chocolates inside.  He reread over the letter, realization dawning.  “Hey, Sasuke…”
“.....You’re not giving me one of those.”
Writer, what did I just read?
Writer, why is Edgar here?
Well, you see...I figured I was gonna have to shoehorn why and how the kisses survived...why not really shoehorn the plot in.
Ok, but why Edgar?
Cuz he’s the most likely one to have Hershey’s Kisses
But he can’t cut through canons like that
Yeah he can...there’s a thing...during the anniversary.  Loki did too
Are you gonna write a Sasuke sequel?  I wanna see if Sasuke kisses Kenshin!
Well, you see...about that...LOOK, A DISTRACTION!
“Pardon me.  My name is Edgar and I have been commanded…”
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