#masanori is my type
annicaax · 9 months
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Oh damn that's a pretty expression
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tomatoscribbles · 1 year
Actor AUs are one of my favorite things. Get rid of all the drama and tragedy for a moment and just be some Guys Hanging Out. So I was very glad to see actor AU brainworms elsewhere and especially with such cool art to go along with it!!
funnily enough, actor aus arent something im usually super drawn to! this one just came to me and the visual potential of jin and kaz acting completely opposite towards each other as in canon was too funny to pass up. that said, its actually become rather heartwarming as well! i love the fake relationship ive made in my head, so ill add some additional "headcanons" under the cut! (and of course tysm for the compliment ♥)
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masanori (kazuya's actor) and isshin (jin's actor) are the only people in the cast actually related, the rest of the mishima/kazama clan is cast purely for looks and believability (as well as performance of course)
isshin's casting was a BIT of nepotism, sure, but he was also an up and coming actor who would be perfect for the role, so he was the first choice. like his father, he's REALLY good at his job
isshin and hwoarang's actor actually get along super well, and unlike masanori having to fight his son, they actually enjoy their character's rivalry a lot
masanori and heihachi's actor get along very well too! he's a veteran actor who used to play hero types but gets cast in more villainous roles as he got older. hes a good guy lol
for masanori and isshin's first scene together (the final confrontation in tk4), they actually had to take breaks between shots because masanori is a baby who cant take hearing his baby boy say such terrible things to him sdhfjkndsf. honey, youve got a BIG STORM COMING
masanori absolutely hates the makeup time it takes for his devil scenes, and the one he had to sit through for 7 nearly had him going insane. isshin was sympathetic but also laughing at him a lot
despite this, isshin is actually even MORE restless than his father, and thats part of the reason devil jin is designed with much less prosthetics
isshin's mother died when he was a child, so masanori has raised him on his own for the better part of his life. incidentally, he might actually end up marrying jun's actress lol?
(this is me speculating on 8 or probably after but) they both knew jin's introduction would lead up to his taking over the series from kazuya completely one day, but masanori's final day on set was a lot rougher than they expected. they actually both ended up really upset lol
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justlarkin · 2 years
Can you make an analysis of Fuxi’s character so he can be understood? Some hate him because of the doxxing but I know he’s different from the other WRs. Now that I know his reasons calling him a siscon seems wrong…
Idk why but my brain completely blanked out when you asked this. Okay, so I have mentioned a lot of this before, but I'll go ahead and give you the full run-down.
-With the main two misconceptions about him: 1) No. It has never been mentioned or implied that he was abusive towards his sister and they didn't have a sexual/romantic relationship nor did he want that type of relationship with her. Fuxi literally hasn't even flirted with MC yet, he's not into it. He's just a weird dude who dotes on his sister too much. That's it. 2) Fuxi isn't the one who doxxed MC. It was the other Invaders like Masanori, Perun, and Volkh who did it. BUT Fuxi was aware that they were going to do it and let it happen because it'd be convenient for him, which was a shitty thing to do. 'Kay? 'Kay.
-Personality: Fuxi comes off as a kind, well-mannered gentleman, but he is mostly apathetic and a bit manipulative. Fuxi has become indifferent to everything due to his future telling ability and the repetitive destruction of Penglai, so he doesn't particularly care for much. For example: Fuxi doesn't horde things such as wealth and he's indifferent towards the world and others. He can also be a bit of a manipulator because he knows exactly what to say to convince others to do what he wants. When it comes to his sister he genuinely loves them and is overprotective of them. It isn't some weird manipulation tactic, his feelings are genuine. Even if he did try to mess with MC/Nüwa, it wouldn't work because they can easily see through him. Fuxi's more petty and immature side also comes out when it comes to them since he's not afraid to do dumb shit for their attention and affection.
-Nüwa: Fuxi and Nüwa were the only survivors every time the world was destroyed, so Nüwa could be considered the most stable thing in his life. Even if the world ended and everyone else died, he could rely on Nüwa to be with him. Fuxi dedicated himself to protecting his sister, even going as far as viewing it as his only purpose in life. When it comes to Fuxi's boredom and indifference towards the world, Nüwa was the only exception. She was the only one Fuxi could never predict or understand and she was the only one who moved his heart. Nothing else really interested him, so Fuxi kinda just made Nüwa his hyperfixation. Unfortunately though, Fuxi's apathy made him view everything Nüwa did as pointless and caused him to develop the tendency to wait around and watch things happen before swooping in last minute, which Nüwa disliked about him. As mentioned before, Nüwa knew that Fuxi was looking down on her, so she did the same to him and eventually left Penglai.
-Siscon: His obsessive siscon trait is often written off as a joke, but Fuxi is like that because he's legitimately mentally unwell. That's not an exaggeration or joke. After losing Nüwa, the only one he loved and his only purpose in living, Fuxi became increasingly unstable. On top of that, Tokyo and the loops made all of the world representatives more unstable in general and they all began to indulge in their worse traits. So he was already going through it and Tokyo made him 12x worse when he got there. I'm sure he already had siscon tendencies when Nüwa was there, but he went completely off the wall by the time we were introduced to him.
Anyways, I think Fuxi is just a flawed man who is capable of both good and bad things, but I admire his dedication and love towards his sister… even though he's weird about it. Plus he's really fuckin goofy and that's funny.
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starrysnowdrop · 1 year
OC Tag Game
Tagged by: @ainyan Thank you so much!! 💖
Tagging: Anyone that hasn’t been tagged yet and wants to do this! Just say that I tagged you!!
Favorite OC: Oh that’s easily Hali. I’m so happy with my girl, and I literally can’t stop thinking about her and Aymeric at all times of the day.
Oldest OC: My oldest OC is one that I’ve had in my head since I was in high school, so over 20 years ago now. His name is Soren Galanthi, and he’s a beautiful white haired man who looks like a Tolkien elf, who is a total ass. He’s a minor antagonist in my original work that I will probably never finish nor publish. I’ve thought about bringing him into FFXIV somehow.
Newest OC: That would technically be Hali’s grandfather Jovian, who you can read about in Hali’s Family on my pinned post. But if we are talking major OCs, it’s Hali actually.
Meanest/Hardest OC: The biggest candidate for that position would be Yume’s father Lord Masanori Aino, who orders his own daughter to commit seppuku for disobeying him. No, I’m not kidding.
Softest OC: That would probably be Yume. Though she’s a samurai and has trained to be a warrior since she was a child, she still has this softness and gentleness to her that is quite different from most OCs I’ve ever created.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: That honor goes to R’angi Tia, who is usually very prickly and doesn’t get close to people easily. If you aren’t a member of his tribe, you’re going to have a hard time getting to know him well.
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Oof, I’m not sure actually… maybe Persie, my long abandoned Xaela OC that I shipped with Emet. She wasn’t dumb really, just not knowledgeable about the wider world.
Dumbest (Derogatory) OC: This is likely R’angi, as he’s definitely not book smart and doesn’t care to expand his knowledge whatsoever. He is out for revenge and to regain his honor, that’s it.
Smartest OC: Hali for sure! She’s from Sharlayan and is a straight-A student that graduated from the Studium with full honors after all!
Horniest OC: That’s also Hali. Yeah, she attacks Aymeric every chance she gets, and can you blame her?? Just look at her boyfriend!
OC You'd Bang: None of them, as I’m happily married and I’m demisexual anyway, so I don’t think I’d ever bang any of them. I do find them all physically attractive though. However, the one that’s closest to my type would be Soren.
OC You'd Be Best Friends With IRL: Hali for sure. We share all the same interests and she’s an extrovert that would bring me out of my shell to have fun.
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ask-maki-mukami · 2 years
Masanori: A E I O U
Headcanon Game - A to Z (NSFW)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex?)
“Aftercare is important especially if my partner is sore afterwards, I tend to full clean up my panther weather it’s licking and kissing away any of my marks left while I add more of course”
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
“Curious aren’t we little one? Heh of course I know what I’m doing with my partner, I’m a expert as these type of things.!”
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
“When Myself and significant other establishes a deep close relationship, I fully given into that person into the end of time.”
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
“I like giving towards my partner, I do once in a while like receiving pleasure from my signature other. Leaving bites mark all of their body, sucking some blood out of them”
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
“Heh I love to tease my s/o or even often whenever they’re at their high or as you call it about to have an Organism, i slow down the pace on them till they beg for their sweet release and speed up randomly.
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fmp1elliotp · 2 months
Masanori Ota (太田正典, Ōta Masanori, born November 23, 1961), better known by his pen name Masamune Shirow (士郎 正宗, Shirō Masamune), is a Japanese manga artist. Shirow is best known for the manga Ghost in the Shell, which has since been turned into three theatrical anime films, two anime television series, an anime television film, an anime ONA series, a theatrical live action film, and several video games.
i think the way shirow renders his artwork is very good, he is very skilled at creating realistic looking metal and its clear he's very knowledgeable with the colours he uses. however i can not say i like his art because of his over sexualisation of his female characters. they are in a cyberpunk world, somewhere that's dangerous and deadly with highly advanced tech and he's drawing these women with super revelling suits for driving these mechs.
almost every drawing of his is an over sexualised woman in a provocative pose, and that not just me being over sensitive, this is a big problem in media, over using sex appeal to sell more artwork. the clothes my characters were are not sexual at all, eithos wares a crop top and leggings but i don't draw her with a tiny waist with a big thighs and chest, she is muscular and wares what she does because its sporty and easy to move in and that's necessary with what she does. i do not see a genuine reason that a police officer would need the top of her boobs showing and i doubt she would be very strong because her waist is so tiny. she doesn't look like a police officer at all her body type doesn't reflect her job and makes her seem like an object.
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dorokora · 2 years
Daily life with the Invaders
Computer: Please enter a password.
Perun: *types in Perun*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Perun: How fucking DARE YOU! *smashes the computer with his hammer*
Masanori: MY COMPUTER!
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that-otome-potato · 5 years
I love you love me
Inspired by a recent event (can’t remember which one now lol... Yes, I’ve been working on this one that long because Dumblr is dumb).
Sweet Kiyomasa x MC fluff with, as is common with me, a dash of angst.  I’M SORRY I AM INCAPABLE OF DOING ANYTHING ELSE.  It’s either smut or something with a bit of angst in it because #Drama.
Warning:  They’re both a little dumb in this because this was without notes and I rewrote it at least three times, especially after tumblr deleted what I had done in this draft.
Tagging: @masamunesmistress, @calicocrest, @all-my-cuffs-have-buttons and @dear-mrs-otome@dear-mrs-otome
It wasn’t a sudden occurrence. 
There was no strike of lightning from the heavens, no mind-shaking epiphany that brought the feelings to my attention, as if they were buried deep in my heart.
It was slow, gradual, unnoticeable until it was too late. I was in love with Lord Kiyomasa. Autumn was still new and the leaves had yet to fall from their perch in their trees when I realized my feelings for Lord Kiyomasa were stronger than mere friendship. I had only been at Nagahama for a short time, but already I felt as if I had been a part of the clan my whole life.
Lord Hideyoshi and Lord Masanori were kind and polite, always making me feel welcome in their group, but it was Lord Kiyomasa that stood out from the others to me. He was taller than Lord Hideyoshi, lithe but still very strong.  He always seemed to be there when I needed someone to carry something I couldn’t or catch me if I started to fall. He had a boyish charm like Lord Hideyoshi, but didn’t try to placate someone like he did.  Lord Kiyomasa made sure you knew where he stood on issues in one breath, while being a shameless flirt in the next.
However, under all that bravado, he was as sweet as honey with a heart as golden as his hair. Hair I kept feeling my hands itch to run my fingers through because of how soft it looked. If I bought some glass beads, would he let me add to the ones he already had…? He always made me smile, taught me how to fold origami cranes, would talk with me into the wee hours of the morning on the veranda as we looked up at the moon.  He was strong, wholly dedicated to Lord Hideyoshi and reliable.  All of this and so much more drew me towards him, wanting more.  Needing more. But I knew it wasn’t meant to be.  Lord Kiyomasa was just getting into his stride in life as a samurai, proving himself in battle and coming out on top. He didn’t need anything extra in his life keeping him back.  At least, not until he decided he needed to seek out a wife of prominent lineage. A prominent lineage of which I certainly had none of. I shook my head to scatter those cloudy thoughts as I served Lord Hideyoshi his lunch, returning his kind smile when he thanked me before moving on. Perhaps Lord Kiyomasa would let me at least continue to be friends with him and serve in his castle if he ever found a woman suitable to be his wife. ~*~ “Why don’t you say something?” Kiyomasa looked up from his bowl of miso soup to his left where Masanori sat when he asked that question, before turning his eyes to follow you around the room. “I have no idea what you mean.” “You can’t fool me.  I see the way you look at her.” His red haired friend replied, eating calmly as if he didn’t care about the conversation at all. Kiyomasa sighed and put his bowl down to sit back, watching you surreptitiously as you finished serving the other retainers with a smile and went back to the kitchen. He thought back to all the times he had spent time with you, the way being around you made his heart race.  The way your very presence brought absolute calm to his soul. He loved how caring and thoughtful you were.  He looked forward to your cooking every day and was marveled at how such a talented cook could be so horrible folding origami. He thought you were beautiful in your humbleness, not fretting over pretty hairpins, obi ties, or makeup like other girls he had been with. He found spending time with you refreshing and revitalizing and every time he had a day off, he sought you out because that was when he was most relaxed. He knew he had deep feelings for you, but couldn’t bring himself to act on them for one reason. Hideyoshi. The way Hideyoshi also looked at you hadn’t escaped him. He saw adoration in his gaze whenever you interacted with him, the soft smiles, the laughing.  So many times he had to convince himself from trying to steal you away and tell you how he felt. He wouldn’t though, because he wouldn’t steal away the girl his friend and Lord has his eyes on.  He respected Hideyoshi too much to do that to him. He was resigned to tell himself he would just be happy with the way things were and to help the love between you and Hideyoshi blossom and grow.  Eventually, the knife twisting in his heart would stop and the pain would ease, right? “She’s not for me.  Sure, she’s fun to spend time with, but she isn’t my type. I like girls who know how to have fun. You know what I mean?” He winked at Masanori with a flirty smirk and a nudge with his elbow, trying to distract those listening, hoping they would think he meant carnal entertainment as he had once been known to partake in. Masanori paused long enough to cast him a deadpan look before returning to his meal. Kiyomasa could tell that his friend didn't believe his words for a moment. “You know, Lord Kiyomasa, she looks at you the same way, right?” Sakon decided to supply from his right side, the entire conversation earning a disgruntled huff from Mitsunari, who was sitting on the other side of Sakon, next to Hideyoshi. “You’re seeing things, kid.” Kiyomasa scoffed, picking his soup up to drink from the bowl. “Fine, don’t believe us.  But we’re telling you that she likes you, too.” Kiyomasa looked at Sakon from the corner of his eye. Surely he must be mistaken. A lady like her, interested in a ruffian like him? No way. “Just talk to her. That will clear things up.” He looked to his other side, watching as Masanori finished off his fish, leaving nothing but a skeleton on his plate before moving on to the next dish. Could he do that?  What if he asked and, as he thought, she really did have feelings for Hideyoshi?  Could he handle the rejection, despite being prepared for it? At least, if he did ask, he would know and could move on. ~*~ “Lord Kiyomasa?” His ears perked at the sound of her voice several days later.  He quickly stood from the desk where he was reading and moved towards the shoji door to his rooms. When he opened it, she was standing there, her hands folded before her over her obi, the light of the waning afternoon sun causing her to be limned in gold. It took everything in him not to show how the sight made him feel like he got punched in the gut. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, my lady?” He gave her his best, most flirtatious smirk as he backed up and motioned for her to enter. She shook her head and remained in the doorway, still acting the prim and proper lady, Kiyomasa felt like rubbing his chest where the pain from his metaphorical gut-punch moved up, squeezing his heart with a tight fist. “I need to talk to you about something very important. Something I can’t talk to anyone else about. Something that I’ve been needing to get of my chest.” “Important, huh? Would you like some tea?" She shook her head again. “I was thinking it was a nice day for a walk?” Kiyomasa nodded and stepped out of his room before closing the door behind him. They walked together for a time before she paused near the back wall of Nagahama’s gardens.  A thousand thoughts flit past his minds eye, all potential topics that she could possibly want to talk to him about. Alone and in the back of the garden. “Is everything okay?” He asked, prompting her to speak. She slowly turned to face him.  Never could he remember seeing her look so serious. ~*~ I could feel sweat gathering at the back of my neck, my heart racing at a fast clip in my chest. Most of the day had been spent thinking things over while doing my chores and, finally, I decided that telling Lord Kiyomasa how I felt was better over all for my health than keeping it in.  The decision had been hard, but I knew it was right.  If he didn’t feel the same way about me, then at least I would know. I could move on.  Or at least try to. “I want to say everything is ok, but I can’t lie to you.  There’s been something I’ve needed to tell you for a while now, and I’ve finally plucked up the courage.” He reached up to tuck some stray hair behind my ear, opening his mouth to say something, but he froze and pulled his hand away, closing his mouth to look at me.  There was an intensity in his gaze I rarely saw unless he spoke of something he was passionate about. “What is it?” “It’s hard to say.  I have strong feelings for someone, but I’m afraid to tell him.  He’s a samurai, I’m just a no-name cook.  He’s going places, I’m not - not like him at least.” “It’s Hideyoshi, isn’t it?” Despair came over his features when he suggested our Lord and friend. He thought I loved Lord Hideyoshi? What caused such sadness on his handsome features?
I moved closer to cup the side of his face on one side.  He looked down at me, his gaze wavering as he seemed to study my face.  I was about to reply when he opened his mouth.
“Honestly, you couldn’t do better.” “Wait, what? No, I’m not…” “I’ve seen you two.  He cares for you deeply.  I’m happy for you, truly.  He’ll make you very happy and be a good husband to you.” With those final words, Lord Kiyomasa turned to walk away from me towards his room in the castle.  Without thinking, I cast my hand out to catch his sleeve to stop him from leaving, forcing him to turn around and face me.  I quickly drop my hand, seeing surprise on his handsome features, feeling it on my own as well. “It’s not… not Lord Hideyoshi.  He’s nice, and I enjoy working for him, but he’s not the one my heart desires.” “Masanori?” “No.” “Mitsunari?” “No!  Gods, no…” “Sakon?” “I’m not even going to grace that response with an answer.” “Who else could it be?  You’re a beautiful, amazing woman that any man should feel honored to have at his side.” “Even you?” “Especially me!  I…” All I hear for several moments after that was the wind blowing through the trees, the chatter of small animals, and the song of birds. “Lord Kiyomasa?” For some reason, he frowned down at me a moment before he gripped both of my forearms and pushed me away, turning on his heel and moving back to the castle. But for just a second, I saw a flash of embarrassment in his golden gaze. I couldn’t let him go without telling him what I had gone there to say - I didn't want to lose my courage. So I chased after him.  When I got close enough, he turned towards me when he heard me running and I saw a look of surprise as I launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and planting my lips against his.   My kiss didn’t get the reaction I had been hoping for, considering how well known with the maids he was and the stories I had heard from his friends.  Perhaps I had been mistaken in what he had meant. The disheartening thought made me stiffen and practically throw myself from him.  What was I doing, throwing myself at him like that? When I backed to a respectable distance and looked at my feet, my hands wringing each other out as I tried to come up with an excuse for my attack and one to escape. ”I…I, um… I’m sorry. After what you said… I thought...” After a few more moments if awkward silence, just as I was about to leave him in my shame, Lord Kiyomasa closed the distance. ~*~ He was ashamed of how long it took to recover from the suddenness of her kiss. It was the last thing he had expected, but certainly not something unwanted. There had been nights he’d fallen asleep thinking about what her lips would taste like, what they would feel like against his own. Which, of course, lead to other thoughts more suited for his bedroom. He didn’t even think about what he was doing - Kiyomasa closed the distance she had created, raised his hands to either side of her head and slanted his lips over hers hungrily. Lips as sweet as berries and just as plump, soon gave way to his kiss, accepting it with enthusiasm and giving as good as she got when he added his tongue to play with hers when she opened to him. ‘So, this is what it feels like to kiss the woman you truly love.’ He thought to himself, feeling her hands gripping at his sides, using his kimono to bodies closer together. ~*~ ‘So, this is what it feels like to kiss the man you truly love.’ I thought to myself, pulling him closer as our tongues dueled and our teeth clashed.I could feel my skin tingling along the path his hand created over my kimono when he moved one of his arms down to wrap around my waist, easing us down into the grass. The feeling of him over me unlike anything I'd ever experienced before - the heat licking at my flesh warming me from the inside out, his weight comforting even as he held himself above me. Lord Kiyomasa was like a man dying of thirst as he moved his lips over my own, lapping and sucking, toying with me and managing to pull a whimper from my throat. My cheeks heated at the sound that came from me, but he replied with a similar sound, pressing his hips into my leg, showing me just how much he was enjoying this.  The feel of his hardened manhood against my thigh caused searing heat to bloom in my core and it made me gasp. I felt a moment of clarity forcing its way through the fog of the arousal he was causing and I pressed the palms of my hands against his chest, ending the kiss."What's wrong?" Panting and deliciously flushed, he looked down at me with heat and a little confusion and uncertainty in his eyes. "Did I go too far?"I just shook my head and smiled up at him, hoping he could see all of the emotions I felt for him in my eyes. "No. I'm okay with this.  But are you? What about your future?" I know that I'd asked this of him already, but I had to be sure.  I wasn't about to let him back out once he told me he was sure.  I wanted - needed- him in my life and wasn't sure if I would settle for less.He just waved my words off with his hand and a smirk. "I wasn't born with this title, as you well know.  I have no designs for the future except to continue serving Hideyoshi. I could care less for having a snobbish noblewoman for a wife.  I want a sweet, caring cook from the capitol who has a perchance for trouble and whose kiss sets my blood aflame.  Someone who I can talk to, can search out and find when troubled, knowing she will make everything better."Lord Kiyomasa delicately carded the fingers of his waving hand through my hair at my temple, sending little sparks through my entire body. "You're the one I want  to come home to, to be at my side, and one day, to share my bed with.  You have been for a long time."His words gathered and settled nice and warm in my chest as I tightened my hold on him, pulling him close as we lay in the dying grass of the garden.  "I have loved you for a long time as well, Lord Kiyomasa. I will stay with you as long as you will have me.  All I ask is that you let me know if you change your mind."I could feel him shaking and heard a low chuckle. When he looked up, I saw flames rekindling in his eyes. "Then be ready to be with me until the end of our days. I'm not letting you go anywhere without me."I hugged him tight again, cradling his forehead where my neck met my shoulder. "Yes, milord."~*~
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justsomebee · 5 years
Oda Army, Ranked (Part 1)
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Really just a pointless ranking of my favorite army in the entire game of Samurai Warriors. I say my favorite army because most of my favorite characters are in this army, and because most of them deserved better (ahem, NENE). But keep in mind that these are my own biased opinions, and you shouldn't take this seriously. Anyways, here we go :3
"...Is that so?"
Nobunaga Oda: One of the great three unifiers of Japan, and the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven. Easily one of my top five characters, and also my second favorite male character. I'm pretty sure anyone who has common sense admires Nobunaga, and it really isn't hard to see why. Sure his methods may be a little...out there, but his ideals are refreshing for a man of his age. Get rid of the old and archaic world and usher in a new world where everyone can be productive and progressive based on their own merit. Wonderful. He's Nohime's husband, and these two are easily the power couple of SW and you can fight me on that. He's Oichi's older brother, that poor poor woman who gave birth to that bitch Lady Yodo, and oh, we'll get to that. Also, I'm really into the dark, evil warlord type shit as well. The whole Demon King is fantastic for me. His SW2 incarnation is my favorite, simply because of that voice. Oof.
Daddy: (11/10)
"To hell for good, if necessary."
Nohime: Just want to start off by saying that if Nohime was born in modern times, she would be the only woman I would go lesbian for. Just saying. Anyways, Nohime Saito is the daughter of Dosan Saito and Nobunaga's wife. She's my second favorite female character and easily the most prettiest, and you can actually fight me on that too, Oichi is not prettier than her. Ahem, she's a lovely femme fatale who seeks only one thing, a perfect hell. And who can bring that to her? Nobunaga himself. At first, I found their relationship to be a little weird, since Nohime wants to...kill him? I dunno, it's all so screwy in the titles. In SW2 she doesn't, but in SW3 she does, and in SW1 she says that she'll feel cheated if he dies at Okehazama and I just...I dunno. They're still a badass couple though. I'm actually really in love with her moveset, I love the whole butterfly aesthetic. Her SW2 incarnation is also my favorite because of her voice as well. Some people say it's too high for her, and it is a little, but I love the lilt in the VA's voice. It fits her.
Wifey: (11/10)
"Such weak enemies...who's feeding them anyways?"
Nene: My favorite overall character, and the best female character in the game by a country mile. Nene is the sweet, sweet, wife of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and they love each other dearly, but she never bore him children. She becomes the surrogate mother to Kiyomasa Kato, Masanori Fukushima and Mitsunari Ishida. She also replaces Kunoichi's role in the second title as female ninja and does a pretty good job of it too, her moveset (even though it's...kinda the same) kicks ass as well. But the reason I like Nene is the whole mother thing. She can't have any of her own, but she still remains upbeat and supports Hideyoshi in spite of that. Good lord, she's so devoted to him it's really amazing, even in history. One of the things I like about these two is that even through their ups and downs in history, they remained together. Hideyoshi still loved his wife in spite of his cheating (and it...unfortunately wasn't considered cheating back then, men were allowed to have other lovers) and constantly sought her council. He wrote her letters, telling her what happened during campaigns, sought her advice with taxes and actually followed it. Her devotion to Hideyoshi is easily one of the best and worst things to me, best when you consider that they were both peasants when they married and they actually married for love and she supported his career through everything. Worst when you consider that because she couldn't have any children, Hideyoshi sought attention from other women, and that hurt her. Side note, one of the best reasons I love Nobunaga is because of the letter he gave to Nene, telling her that her beauty grows day by day and to remain lofty and elegant in the face of Hideyoshi's cheating. Lovely. Her SW2 is by far my favorite, her SW4 incarnation is my second and we don't talk about SW3. Giving my mother that voice, hell no. I also like the golden leaf aesthetic. It's cute.
Mama: 1000000000000/10 (yes I'm biased.)
"Serves you right for getting in my way!"
Hideyoshi Toyotomi: One of the three great unifiers of Japan, Nobunaga's vassal and personal pet monkey, and Nene's beloved husband. Throwing out the whole womanizing thing out for a hot second, I actually really like Hideyoshi. His story is really inspiring, rising up from Nobunaga's sandal bearer to his vassal, to actually unifying Japan is amazing. He's charming, funny, his moveset is fucking fun, if a little awkward, and unlike other lords who have concubines, he really really loves his wife. Anyways, I really don't have much to say about Hideyoshi. I like him, I really do, he's in my top ten characters, but other than that, there's not really much to say. I love his easygoing personality, and to be honest, I think that's what make him and Nene such a great couple. They're the kind of parents who would always show up to your piano recitals, Nene would pack your lunch, they would both dance awkwardly if you played some rap music in the kitchen...stuff like that. Not much to say about Mr.Monkey, I love his vision of 'making a land where everyone can be happy' it's nice. Lady Yodo can bite it though.
Bald Rat: (9/10)
Okay, that's enough for now. I'll do Oichi, Ranmaru, Nagamasa (not really apart of the Oda army, but he's Oichi's husband so I can,) and that fucking Traitor. Ta ta!
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pseudofaux · 5 years
Hey so, I'm newish to SLBP and I noticed you also hella like Masanori!!! 1. I love your content for him, and 2. Out of curiosity, do you have a headcanon voice for him? Or any of the cute side boys, tbh. SLBP has too many cute side characters
Hello! Welcome! You have noticed CORRECTLY: I’m love that gentle giant gingersnap! 🥰 Thank you very much for reading. I am constantly crossing my fingers we get more canon and fan content for him! Such an adorable bear of a man!
Before your question, I had a voice type in mind for him (low but not much drag to it, defaulting to evenness but capable of snarling in comically serious snaps, “big”) but this ask is a great opportunity to pin it down. The closest to what I have in my head when I read his lines is Koyasu Takehito’s performance as Dojima Gin from Shokugeki no Soma. When I looked up a sample roll for him on YouTube, it felt right. This selection may have a lot to do with Masanori and Gin serving similar roles in their cohorts, but the more I think about it, the more it clicks. He was also the voice of Hanamori in Princess Jellyfish, which super sealed this deal for me, because that performance is so much of what I have in mind for Masanori’s voice and personality. For the purpose of this answer I’ll ignore that he also voiced Touga in Utena, but still, obviously: well done + unf. There are entirely💸 too💸 many💸 attractive people in this game, in the wings and front and center. A few of my other sides-y voice choices:
Tadatsugu (ymmv on “cute” but he’s extremely dear and adorable to me): Ikeda Shuichi. When he smiles at something MC does with Ieyasu or Hairzo, it’s Ikeda’s happy-sweet voice, 10000%!
Kansuke: Nakajima Yoshiki, pretty much exactly as he performs for Yugo in My Roommate is a Cat. I can’t find a legal clip online (travesty!), but his voice is deep and even.
Hanbei: KENN
Kiyohiro/Kiyohanzo/”Low Pony” Hanzo: Yamashita Seiichiro (particularly as Daichi in How to Keep a Mummy)
That One Dude NPC Who Almost Always Means Trouble: Nakamura Yuichi
Oichi: Sawashiro Miyuki
Thanks again! I like your Kennyo icon. 💕
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newsintheshell · 5 years
VVVVID, tutte le novità del palinsesto anime autunnale
In arrivo nuove serie, film e anime doppiati!
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Svelate senza preavviso tutte le nuove aggiunte al catalogo di VVVVID che andranno a comporre il palinsesto autunnale della piattaforma di streaming gratuito, offerto in collaborazione con Dynit.
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Seconda parte di “Sword Art Online: Alicization” che metterà in scena l’arco narrativo “War of Underworld” tratto dal popolare romanzo di Reiki Kawahara, edito nel nostro paese da J-POP.
Sono trascorsi sei mesi da quando Kirito, Eugeo e il Cavaliere Integratore hanno abbattuto l’alto prelato, Administrator. Ora, le forze del mondo umano si preparano per una guerra di dimensioni inimmaginabili contro l'esercito del Dark Territory. Si alza così il sipario sull'ultimo capitolo della battaglia più lunga e gloriosa di Sword Art Online!
La serie è diretta da Manabu Ono (Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon, Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei), con l’aiuto di Takashi Sakuma, presso lo studio A-1 Pictures  (Fate/Apocrypha, Wotakoi: L'amore è complicato per gli otaku).  
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Quarta stagione di “My Hero Academia”,la popolarissima serie supereroistica tratta dall’omonimo manga di Kohei Horikoshi, edito nel nostro paese da Star Comics. 
Cosa significa essere un eroe? Il giovanissimo Izuku Midoriya ha le idee ben chiare in merito perché diventare un paladino della giustizia è il suo sogno. Quando scopre di essere stato accettato alla prestigiosa “Hero Academy” è al settimo cielo: proprio in quella scuola uno degli insegnanti è All Might, leggendario supereroe. Riuscirà Izuku ad affermarsi nonostante non possieda nessuna “Unicità” (l'equivalente dei superpoteri) in un mondo dove tutte le élites li possiedono?
L’anime questa volta è diretto da Masahiro Mukai (Hyperdimension Neptunia, Trickster) presso lo studio Bones (Bungo Stray Dogs, Carole & Tuesday, Mob Psycho 100), ma comunque sotto la supervisione Kenji Nagasaki (No. 6, Classroom Crisis), il regista delle precedenti stagioni e dei film del franchise .
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Serie di 24 episodi basata sul manga sci-fi “No Guns Life” di Tasuku Karasuma, edito in Italia da Star Comics.
Il mondo è devastato dalle guerre combattute dagli extend, soldati il cui corpo è stato ibridato con armi biomeccaniche. Juzo Inui è un reduce tornato alla vita civile. Incapace di ricordare il proprio passato prima dell’operazione che lo ha reso un extend, vive ai margini della società occupandosi di crimini in cui sono coinvolti i suoi simili.
Un uomo irrompe nell’ufficio di Juzo “il risolutore”. Ricercato come criminale dall’Ufficio di Sicurezza, lo incarica di proteggere Tetsuro, un bambino da lui stesso rapito in grado di interagire in modo molto particolare con le “estensioni”…
Lo staff al lavoro sul progetto presso lo studio Madhouse (Boogiepop and Others, ACCA: L’ispettorato delle 13 province) vede alla regia Naoyuki Itou (Overlord, Kimi no Koe wo Todoketai), alla sceneggiatura Yukie Sugawara (Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic, Overlord) e al character design Masanori Shino (Black Lagoon, Shigurui).
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Serie di 12 episodi tratta dalla light novel fantasy di Light Tuchihi dal titolo “Kono Yuusha ga Ore TUEEE Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru” (ShinchoYusha o The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious).
La storia ha inizio quando la dea Ristarte decide di evocare un eroe che la aiuti a proseguire nel proprio mondo, che sembra un videogioco impostato su difficoltà hard. L’eroe, Seiya, è incredibilmente forte sotto ogni aspetto, ma è anche eccessivamente prudente. Fa sempre cose come comprare tre armature (una da indossare, una di riserva, e una riserva della riserva) e caricare al massimo della potenza dei semplici ed innocui slime (non si sa mai…).
L’anime è diretto da Masayuki Sakoi (Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online) presso lo studio White Fox (Steins;Gate 0, Goblin Slayer). La sceneggiatura è curata da Kenta Ihara (Saga of Tanya the Evil), mentre il character design è adattato da Mai Toda (Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou).
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Adattamento animato del manga “Africa no Salaryman” (African Office Worker o Businessman in Africa) di Gamu.
Il manga segue le vicende di un leone, un tucano e un rettile che lavorano come impiegati d’ufficio in una società capitalista in Giappone, mentre tratta anche della loro singolare situazione di animali che vivono fuori dalla savana e dalla catena alimentare.
La serie prodotta presso HOTZIPANG è diretta da Tetsuya Tatamitani, che ne sta curando quasi ogni aspetto fra design, colorazioni, animazioni e sfondi. La sceneggiatura è invece ad opera di Yuuichirou Momose.
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Commedia romantica tratta dalla light novel “Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka?” (Would You Like Perverts if They Are Cute? o HenSuki) di Tomo Hanama.  
La serie è stata diretta da Itsuki Imazaki (Magical Somera-chan) presso lo studio GEEKTOYS (RErideD: Derrida, who leaps through time), il design dei personaggi è ad opera di Yousuke Itou (Holmes of Kyoto), mentre la sceneggiatura è stata curata da Kenichi Yamashita (In realtà io sono…).
Keiki Kiryuu è un tipo regolare e come tanti studenti della sua età non ha ancora la ragazza. Finchè un giorno non trova una lettera d’amore – con tanto di mutandine abbinate. La lettera non è firmata: starà a Keiki trovare la misteriosa “Cenerentola” in questione. Una ricerca che lo metterà in contatto con ragazze di ogni tipo, ma con un forte tratto in comune: sono una più pervertita dell’altra.
Tutti i 12 episodi della serie sono già disponibili sottotitolati in italiano.
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Serie di 6 episodi realizzata in computer grafica, ispirata al salaryman con testa da pesce utilizzato in tutto il mondo come sticker sui social.
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Spettacolare film d’animazione realizzato presso Madhouse (Death Parade, ACCA: L’ispettorato delle 13 province) e uscito nel 2009 dopo un intero anno di produzione. A dirigere le quasi due ore del lungometraggio ideato dal character designer Katsuhito Ishii è stato Takeshi Koike (Lupin the IIIrd: Mine Fujiko no Uso), mentre la sceneggiatura è stata curata da Youji Enokido (The Dragon Dentist, Bungo Stray Dogs).
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Il film costituisce il secondo capitolo della trilogia remake di “Eureka Seven”, la serie sci-fi prodotta fra il 2005 e il 2006 dallo studio Bones, distribuita in Italia da Dynit.
Il progetto unisce sezioni originali a nuove scene e a del materiale completamente rifatto da zero, incluso un nuovo doppiaggio. La storia parte da 10 anni prima degli eventi della serie originale, trattando il fenomeno solo citato della prima Summer of Love, per poi continuare con la storia di base che conosciamo e concludersi con un finale però inedito.
Renton Thurston è un ragazzino di 14 anni che vive una vita noiosa in una città noiosa. L’unica cosa che ama è il reffing, uno sport simile al surf, dove al posto delle onde si cavalcano le trapar , particelle presenti nell’aria che consentono evoluzioni aeree strepitose. Il suo sogno è entrare a far parte del gruppo di rinnegati Gekkostate, capitanati dal suo idolo Holland, un leggendario reffer. L’opportunità di realizzare questo sogno si presenta quando un robot, il Nirvash type zero, pilotato da una misteriosa ragazza chiamata Eureka, distrugge per errore la camera di Renton. Entrato così a far parte del gruppo, Renton si rende conto ben presto che la vita dei Gekkostate non è così affascinante come quella raccontata dalle riviste patinate, e insieme ad Eureka si imbarca in un’avventura che cambierà il loro futuro e quello del mondo.
Il primo film, intitolato “Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 1″ è già disponibile sottotitolato in italiano su VVVVID.
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Prima stagione dell’anime tratto dal popolare manga di Kaiu Shirai e Posuka Demizu, edito nel nostro paese da J-POP, diretta da Mamoru Kanbe (The Perfect Insider, So Ra No Wo To) presso lo studio CloverWorks (Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai, Persona 5 the Animation) e sceneggiata da Toshiya Ono (Gatchaman Crowds, Tsuritama).
È notte all’orfanotrofio di Grace Field e due ombre corrono verso i cancelli. Emma e Norman, amici per la pelle, vogliono consegnare un animale di pezza a una bimba appena adottata. Per dirle addio e lasciarle un ricordo indelebile: quello dei bambini con cui ha condiviso 12 anni di studio e giochi all’aria aperta, sotto lo sguardo amorevole della tutrice. Orfani che a loro volta se ne sarebbero andati. È notte, Emma e Norman non lo sanno, ma il buio del mondo al di fuori dei cancelli di Grace Field è pronto a inghiottirli.
I primi 2 dei 12 episodi della serie sono già disponibili doppiati in italiano.
L’ATTACCO DEI GIGANTI - Stagione 3 (Parte2)
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Seconda parte, costituita da 10 episodi, della terza stagione de “L’Attacco dei Giganti” (Shingeki no Kyojin), la celebre serie ispirata al popolare manga di Hajime Isayama, edito nel nostro paese da Planet Manga.
L’anime è diretto da Tetsurou Araki (Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, Guilty Crown) e Masashi Koizuka, presso Wit Studio (Vinland Saga, The Ancient Magus’ Bride).
In precedenza gli uomini temevano il mondo esterno. Vivevano circondati da mura invalicabili, innalzate allo scopo di proteggere l’umanità dai Giganti: creature a immagine dell’uomo, ma snaturate nel comportamento e negli appetiti. Inchiodati a catene invisibili, gli uomini oggi hanno imparato che neppure dentro le mura la sicurezza è garantita. Dopo la brutale minaccia del Gigante Bestia e la fuga dei traditori, Eren e compagni vedono scossi nelle fondamenta i valori con cui sono cresciuti. Minacciati nella sopravvivenza continueranno a cercare un fuoco di verità che illumini il loro cammino.
Gli episodi 13 e 14 sui 22 totali sono già disponibili doppiati in italiano.
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Prima parte di “Sword Art Online: Alicization”, la terza stagione dell’anime tratto dal popolare romanzo di Reiki Kawahara, edito nel nostro paese da J-POP. La serie prende il nome dalla saga di Alicization che viene raccontata dal 9° al 18° volume dell’opera.
Kirito spalanca gli occhi e la domanda che gli sale alle labbra è piuttosto familiare: “Dove mi trovo?” Come altre volte, Kirito è entrato in un mondo parallelo ma stavolta ha perso i ricordi che precedono il tanto familiare “LINK START”. Muovendosi in questo nuovo mondo arriva all’ombra di un maestoso albero dove incontra un ragazzino, Eugeo. Stranamente, Eugeo dimostra più emozioni e sensibilità di un comune NPC scatenando in Kirito ulteriori domande e ricordi sopiti…
I 24 episodi saranno distribuiti doppiati prossimamente. 
Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
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daeva-agas · 5 years
NPC Election greetings
Part of the winner tiers include Rank 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 posting nice messages on Twitter.
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[Masayuki: 30th place]
For some reason, my sons have already started preparing to rally support for the next election. As we don’t know if there will be a next one yet, they really are overeager. Still, preparing oneself for a battle that may come at us any time is a good intention. Next time, without fail, we will show you the spirit of the Sanada.
{Sorry, its a bit out of order because my bias LMAO. Really wanted to hear what Masayuki says}
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[Kiyomasa: 10th place]
Hideyoshi’s been kicking a fuss because I placed 10th in the election. He was saying “Amazing, you got 10th place!” over and over. It’s really great and all to rank that high, but somehow I feel like I’m being made fun of. Oh, well. It’s the proof that you gave me lots and lots of love, right?
{Hide and Kiyomasa is Double Trouble LOL. And poor Masanori is like the awkward one in the middle.}
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[Masanori: 20th place]
Someone randomly left spring onions and tofu in front of my door after the election ended. I wonder, is it because I mentioned miso soup in my speech? I’m a bit concerned because it’s not given to me directly, but it can’t be helped. I’m going to make miso soup now, so please come over if you’d like. 
{He’s a big floofy teddy bear, I swear... He’s so cute in his normal mode, and badass in battle}
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[Francisco: 40th place]
It’s outrageous, I’m telling you! That Luis, he would never pass the chance to brag “I got 38th place” to me! I’m so offended! It’s just a difference of two ranks, you know! I won’t have it, I’ll definitely win from Luis next time. Please give me your support!
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[Matsuko: 50th place]
After the election, everyone in the castle seems so happy. Without a doubt, it’s because we know that we’ve received love from you. It will make me so happy if we can continue to get along well, far into the future. For your sake, all of us would gladly lend our strengths.
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[Kennyo: 60th place]
My, my, after the election, there’s been many requests for “Grant me miracle” or “Preach a sermon for us”~. If you want to listen to my sermons, your continued donations will be much appreciated~. I’ll give you a great bargain for your first donation, and thank you for your patronage!
{And over in the Ikesen universe, Kennyo feels a disturbance in the Force because of this nonsense. Can I say that my brain melted with every word that I have to type? I just can’t with this dumbass and the weird stuff he says D:}
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tentoriwrites · 5 years
Now I found your site and let me tell you I love your writings.
Hey there Anonnymoose! I hope your day went well! 
*Squee* Thank you for reading it! I am currently working on the last part of that series. It’s about half finished. I’m not sure how long it will take to be posted though. I’m only getting about a paragraph a day typed! X_X If you feel comfy coming off anon and letting me know, I will tag you in a heart beat once it’s done. My DMs are always open, I’m just not always quick to respond, especially middle of the day for the USA.
I am going to be perfectly honest with you, I’m not really a fan of Kiyomasa or Masanori. But there’s nothing wrong with liking them! Just not my personal cup of Cola. I would be open to trying to write them, I’m just not sure how well I’d do or how fast I could put it out. If you have an idea of what you’d like to see, that would be really helpful. And again, if you feel comfy you can come off anon and drop it in my box or DMs. If not, just stick it in my box and I’ll try to remember to post something so you get an advanced heads up!
That being said, you know who is a fan? And bonus, an even better writer? @dear-mrs-otome That’s who! So nosh your eyeballs on these tasty morsels!
Sugar and Spice WIP
And somewhere out there is a two part 4some including Hideyoshi that I cannot find for the life of me. If someone knows the fic I’m talking about, please hook a sweet anonnymoose up! Or, if you know of other fics featuring these guys too!
And now! AWAY! *whoosh*
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maddy-the-otome-hoe · 6 years
And They Were Neighbors
Alright here’s the deal. I finally wrote a thing for my boy Mitsunari cause I honestly miss him and his blunt self. I may continue this story though cause I see a lot of potential in it but for now it’s just a oneshot. Just some nice warm, fluffy feelings. For now? I loosely based MC off me for this mixed with how MC is in Mitsunari’s route. Also just to be fair I haven’t played Hideyoshi’s route so I’m just going off of past event stories for him and Masanori (I really love that grouchy red head too).
Summary: MC is struggling to move into her new apartment when you should come to her aid, none other than Hideyoshi. He introduces her to Sakon and Masanori. Mitsunari comes later and is is flustered self. 
   MC stood at the steps of her new apartment building dreading the walk up. Her apartment was on the the third floor and she had insisted to her family that she could handle it. Letting out a long sigh she got out of moving truck and opened the back up. She decided to move the lighter boxes first but they went rather quickly and now she was at stuck with all of the furniture. Still determined however she began trying to move her dresser off the truck. Getting it off the truck wasn't too hard thanks to the ramp, but now that it was on the sidewalk she wasn't sure what to do. As she was giving it some thought a cheerful voice spoke to her. "Are you gonna move it all by yourself?" MC jumped a little and turned to the owner of the voice. It was a man with light brown hair and kind golden eyes. When he noticed that she was startled he smiled and held out his hand. "Sorry for scaring you. My name is Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but you can just call me Hide. I live in the building. Are you moving in?" MC nodded and returned his smile.
"I'm MC,and yes, but at the rate I'm going it's going to take me all day." She sighed and motioned to the truck. Hideyoshi looked into it and his eyes went wide with shock.
"You were going to move all of this by yourself?" MC blushed in embarrassment but nodded. "Don't you have any friends or family to help you?" His voice almost sounded sad when he asked her.
"My mother and brother offered to help but they live over an hour away and needed to keep the restaurant open. I have a close friend who lives in the city and he was supposed to meet me here but he's past late." She frowned remembering to punch her so called friend the next time she saw him. Hideyoshi looked at her furrowed brows and laughed.
"Well he sounds like a terrible friend but I can help you. I'll even ask my roommate to come down and help." MC's eyes went wide with shock as Hideyoshi pulled out his phone and began typing on it.
"Oh no you don't have to do that. I'm sure you both have better things to do with your day." However he only smiled at her protest and climbed into the truck.
"Don't worry about it. I really don't mind and Ichimatsu is already on his way down." He climbed down from the truck with a couple of chairs and gave her a carefree smile. "Plus if you're going to be living in the building it's a good way to get to know you. So which floor are you on?" Seeing that there was no refusing his help MC smiled.
"Third floor room 606." Hideyoshi's eyes lit up and he smiled at her.
"That's awesome! I'm in 611 with my roommate Ichimatsu, and all my other friends live on that floor too!" MC couldn't help but laugh at his excitement. It helped her feel at ease to know that she had already made a friend. Hideyoshi was bring down the rest of the boxes when two other boys approached them. "Speaking of friends here's some of them now." Hideyoshi point to the man with the red hair. "That's my roomate Masanori but I call him Ichimatsu. Then this is Sakon." Hideyoshi pointed to the one with shaggy brown hair. MC smiled at them both and waved.
"It's nice to meet you both." Masanori said nothing but Sakon smiled back at her.
"Ditto! So what floor are you on?" He picked up a box and eagerly waited for her answer. It was already obvious that Sakon was the energetic sort which MC didn't mind too much.
"606 on the third floor." His eyes lit up and he began to bounce with excitement.
"That's right next door to my place. I live in 608!" He then began to name everyone else who lived on their floor as they walked up the stairs. Before anyone knew it they had moved most of the boxes into the apartment and all that was left was the bigger furniture. Her dressers, bed, a sofa, an armchair, the tv, and her round dining table.
"Well we might as well start with the biggest." Hideyoshi pointed to the sofa and the other two nodded. "You two grabbed that end and MC and I will take this one." They all got into positions and got a grip on the sofa. "On three. Ready? One, two, three!" Everyone lifted and MC was surprised by how easily they got it up. "Everyone good? MC?"
"Yeah I've got it." MC wasn't lying but she had a feeling that she was struggling more than the others. Hideyoshi figured this and shifted the weight so she didn't get hurt. After a lot of slow steps they finally got the couch into MC's living room. Getting the rest of the stuff up was considerably easy with all of them doing, and they finished just as the sun was setting. Hideyoshi and Sakon collapsed on her couch and she gave them all glasses of water. "Thank you guys so much for helping. I was really up a creek when Inuchiyo bailed on me. Let me at least order you guys a pizza or something." She turned to look at them but they were all just staring at her with wide eyes. "What?" Hideyoshi only gave her an amused smile.
"Would be talking about our own puppy Inuchiyo Maeda?" MC tilted her head at the word puppy but that was Inuchiyo's name.
"Yeah. We grew up together. Did you call him a puppy?" Hideyoshi began to laugh and waved his hand to dismiss the subject.
"Well I'm sure he had a good reason for not showing up, but I'm glad for it. We all got to meet you instead so I'll have to thank him for that. It's not everyday you get to help out a cute girl." He winked at her and had a mischievous smile. MC knew that he was only teasing her but she still felt the blush on her cheeks.
"Well I'm glad I got to meet you all too. So again please let me at least order pizza or something to thank you. What kind do you guys want." The simple question soon had her apartment in an uproar as the three argued over what toppings to get. In the end MC ordered one veggie pizza, a meat lovers, and a regular pepperoni one. With the pizza ordered they began to help MC unpack her living room in the search for plates. Sakon had opened four boxes so far and they had all been books.
"Man MC you must really like to read." Her cheeks turned a little red at his assessment and she nodded.
"Yeah. I spent a lot of time by myself as a kid so I read a lot. Then as I got older I read to relieve stress. Books are a great way to escape life and learn new things." She didn't look at any of them as she spoke but Hideyoshi and Sakon shared a knowing look.
"Hey all these books remind me, we should invite Mitsunari over! All he does after work is stay stuffed up in his apartment reading. I bet him and MC would get along real well!" Having a new goal made him bounce with excitement and Hideyoshi only smiled.
"It's MC's apartment so it's up to her. You know how he feels about parties though." Sakon rolled his eyes as if he didn't believe it.
"He idolizes you Hide. If you told him to come then he'd come." Hideyoshi gave it some thought and smiled at Sakon. MC watched the two and didn't know which question to ask first.
"Best just to let them do as they please. Mitsunari isn't a bad guy but I doubt he'll show up. He doesn't like parties and I've never seen him eat pizza." MC wasn't even aware that Masanori was next to her until he spoke. "Sorry didn't mean to sneak up on you." She smiled at him and shrugged.
"I grew up in a restaurant so I'm used to a constant stream of people. From the sound of it though Mitsunari seems like the opposite of those two." Masanori let out a chuckle and her eyes went wide when he smiled a little.
"You couldn't be more right." Before he could say anything else the door opened up and a tall man with navy hair came through it. He looked around with ocean blue eyes. He smiled when he saw Hideyoshi but it immediately fell when Sakon came into his view.
"Mitsunari come check out all these books!" Mitsunari scowled as he went over to Sakon. Despite being a constant annoyance the fact that Sakon was excited about books had Mitsunari curious. He walked over and saw at least four boxes packed with books. They were all in various subjects and they were all well worn. "There's more over here too. Man MC you must be super smart! Have you read all of these?" Mitsunari looked to see who Sakon was talking too and that's when he saw MC. Her cheeks turned red at Sakon's praise and she gave off a nervous laugh. To Mitsunari she seemed like a plain girl and yet he couldn't look away. Then she spoke and Mitsunari felt something come undone inside of him.
"I have, for the most part. There are a handful of new ones that I haven't gotten to yet, but I plan to start them once I get settled in." Her voice was so bright and her excitement about the books was obvious. She then looked at Mitsunari and smiled at him. "Oh, hello you must be Mitsunari. I'm MC." She held out her hand but instead of shaking it like he wanted to, Mitsunari turned around and left without a word. Not really sure what just happened MC frowned and looked to her new friends. "Was it something I said?" Hideyoshi put a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her.
"Of course not. Mitsunari just isn't that good with new people. Just give him some time to get used to you." Hideyoshi's words soothed MC's anxiety and she nodded at him. With the mood of the room restored the four of them kept unpacking things until there was a knock on the door. Figuring that it was the pizza MC went to answer it. However she was shocked to see that it was Mitsunari and he was holding the pizza. It was the last thing she was expecting and she couldn't help but stare. Mitsunari frowned at her and shoved the pizzas into her arms.
"Well are you just going to stand there like a dullard or invite me in?" His words were sharp but they snapped MC out of her shock. She nodded and moved aside.
"Of course. Come in." She smiled at him and Mitsunari's eyes fell to the ground as he walked in. He instantly went over to Hideyoshi and avoided looking at her. While it stung a little that Mitsunari didn't want to talk to her she remembered Hideyoshi's words. So she left him alone except for asking if he wanted pizza, which he accepted. While they were all eating MC decided to go down and start bringing up the last few boxes she had left in the cab of the truck. "You guys enjoy. I'm going to bring up the last few boxes from the truck before I forget about them." The men all shared a worried look but she didn't seem to notice.
"Well hold on and one of us will go with you." Hideyoshi's smile was kind but MC only shook her head.
"No, seriously it's ok. You guys have been more than enough help already. There should only be two or three boxes left, and they're not heavy either." Not giving them a chance to change her mind MC slipped through the door, and the men sat there stunned until Hideyoshi laughed.
"Well she's certainly stubborn. I just hope she doesn't run into Ieyasu or anyone like that. She might move away before getting settled if that happens." He laughed at the notion but noticed how antsy Mitsunari was now. "I'm sure she'll be fine either way." He said casually as he reached for another piece of pizza. Without a word Mitsunari stood up and left the apartment. Hideyoshi smiled in triumph and Masanori rolled his eyes.
"I take it that was part of your plan?" Hideyoshi blinked his doe like eyes at his roommate and tilted his head in confusion.
"I have no idea what you mean." He was feigning innocence but his smile was alight with mischief. Outside the building MC was carrying three boxes, all stacked high in her hands. They weren't terribly heavy but she could barely see over them as it was. However she had made it to the lobby and that made her proud. She was trying to make her way across the lobby when the weight of the boxes suddenly became lighter. MC saw that Mitsunari had taken two of the boxes but didn't seem happy about it.
"Mitsunari what are you doing?" She didn't mean to sound so surprised but she was. He only frowned at her question but then looked almost bored.
"What does it look like I'm doing? For someone who reads so much you really are a dullard." He turned around on his heel and headed for the elevator. MC was still stunned but managed to catch up with him before the doors closed.
"Well thank you. You really didn't have to go so much trouble though." She kept her face forward but smiled all the same. It made her happy that Mitsunari didn't seem to hater her as much as she thought. She expected the elevator ride to be silent until Mitsunari broke it.
"I apologize for suddenly leaving earlier. It was very rude of me." His words surprised her but they only made her smile grow. She looked over at him and saw that his pinks were dusted pink. MC was in awe. Every time she thought she had Mitsunari figured out she got a glimpse of something else. It made her wonder what other sides he was hiding
"There's no need to apologize. If anything I'm sorry if you got the impression that you weren't welcome or something." Mitsunari raised an eyebrow at her and only sighed.
"Don't flatter yourself. I had forgotten to turn my kettle off in my apartment so I went to do that." His voice was blunt but she felt good to hear she wasn’t the reason. If Mitsunari had been honest he wasn't sure why he left. When he first saw MC his mind was blank for the first time and that freaked him out.
"Well I'm glad you remembered then." Mitsunari nodded and they stayed silent until the doors opened on their floor. "Hey would like to help me get my library in order tomorrow? If you're not busy that is." He gave her a skeptical look but she didn't seem to notice.
"Why do you want my help?" He was genuinely curious. His first impression clearly wasn't good and he doubted that his company would be any better.
"Well as helpful as Sakon and the others are I don't really trust them with my books. And Hideyoshi told me that you like books so I thought you might actually enjoy it." She shrugged as they got closer to the apartment. Mitsunari was curious to see what kind of books she had but didn't know if he wanted to be alone with her. There was something odd about her that he couldn't quite put his finger on.
"I get off work at five tomorrow. I'll come over at six." She smiled at him not bothering to hide her happiness. It brought a small smile to his own lips. The idea of spending the evening organizing books didn't sound bad to him at all.
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kimonobeat · 6 years
aiko bon “Profile Interview” Chapter 6 (3/3)
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ーWhat songs did you contribute to the CD, aiko?
aiko: 3 songs: “Ano Ko e (For Her)”, “more&more”, and “AB-Gata no Futari (Us Two Type AB People)”. “Ano Ko e” ended up being one of the B-sides to “Rosie” later on. “more&more” is also a B-side on “Sakura no Toki”, but I sang it with a completely different sort of bossa nova vibe. Then there’s “AB-Gata no Futari”, which I haven’t included on anything yet. The key of that song is super duper high for me to sing, now. “Once a week I call him out of love~ Even though I’ve never said the words ‘I like you’ out loud~ I call him~” I used falsetto to sing that entire part.
ーYou were just fine singing in that key at the time, though?
aiko: No, it was still pretty high for me even then. (smiles wryly) But singing songs in a high key gave me so much status back then. All I did was write songs in super high keys because it made me so happy to hear people go, “Wow, that’s so high! Amazing!” For example, “Aitsu wo Mukaseru Houhou” starts off with me singing on the CD, but the old version actually started with me libbing some high notesーyou know, “Yeah yeah yeah~”, that sort of thing. It was super high-pitched. I tried to sing it again for real and was like, “Huh!?” (laughs) “AB-Gata no Futari” has this nice jazzy sound to it. It’s a song about how these two people whose blood types are both AB fall in love. It only takes them 3 hours to fall in love, but half a year to express their feelings to each other. I’d love to sing this song again.
ーHow did you arrange those 3 songs? Did you form a band for it?
aiko: They were all really simple, I sang accompanied only by a piano. Like, one of my friends from music school played the piano for me, and I sang.
ーAnd then after that was your very first indies release, “astral box”, which was your first solo work.
aiko: Yes, that’s right. We recorded it in this studio in Machida named Dutch Mama. It was called Dutch Mama because it was in Machida. Get it? Dutch Mama, Machida, Dutch Mama… I-I’m sorry, that was rude. (laughs) That mini-album had 5 songs on it, including “DO YOU THINK ABOUT ME?”, “Hikari no Sasu Ashimoto (Where the Light Hits Your Feet)”, and “HOW TO LOVE”, all of which have yet to make it onto any of my major label CDs. I’ve released the other two, “Power of Love” and “Kiss de Okoshite (Wake Me with a Kiss)”. The director, Mr. Chiba, said I absolutely just had to release “DO YOU THINK ABOUT ME?” right this moment. That said, he’s said that about a lot of songs by now. It’s like, “So Chiba, when is ‘this moment’ exactly?” (laughs)
ーBut since you were writing songs constantly after your talent agency president told you to, I’m guessing it wasn’t that much of a struggle to come up with songs when he asked you to make an album?
aiko: Uhhh, I think I had about 15 at that point. I was painfully slow at writing songs back then compared to the pace I go at now, so I think that was about how many I had in stock. Of those, we chose a few and then Shimayan (Shimada Masanori) recorded the arrangement digitally on a keyboard. I think I might’ve been a little bit nasty to him when I first met him. I mean, that was pretty much the first time I ever had anyone arrange my songs, and it really surprised me when he added all of these different sounds to songs I’d based around a piano. When he asked me what I thought about the arrangement, I didn’t give him very many positive replies. “How come this sounds Chinese?” I’d say. “I don’t get what that sound’s for there.” At the time, I pretty much hated everything about it.
ーWasn’t that the height of MIDI music, though?
aiko: Yeah, but I wasn’t a huge fan of the way it sounds. I was also sick and tired of it because everything under the sun had a MIDI arrangement back then, so I was like, “Wait, MY songs are all gonna have a MIDI arrangement too!?” I had a pretty strong reaction to it. But even though I thought I hated all things MIDI, when we worked on my 2nd indies release there were other times when I thought, “Wow, I had no idea it could sound like that… Cool!” My hate for MIDI arrangements totally vanished right then and there. I still feel like I caused Shimayan a lot of trouble because I just couldn’t accept it the first time. (laughs)
ーDid recording the vocals go smoothly?
aiko: I sang them all so seriously. We recorded 3 songs a day, or something like that. Now that I think about it, it’s pretty incredible that we were able to record so many! We went at a pace of 3 songs a day, choruses and all. I sang the same song over and over and OVER again because I didn’t know I didn’t have to, like, sing the song all the way through. I was so serious about all of themー”I sang a lot today and got it recorded.” (laughs) When I listen to it now, I can’t help but be bothered by the fact that I can hear the pitch wobble here and there, and that I’m not keeping the rhythm well. I’m able to keep a rhythm and sing on pitch now, but not I wonder if I’d be able to sing so animatedly now. It’s so complicated. I feel like I’m asking for too much, you know?
ーSo how was recording as a whole?
aiko: It was fun, but definitely exhausting. You see, I was commuting from Osaka. I still had my radio jobs in Osaka so I came and went in-between. Seeing a CD come together bit by bit made me so happy, though. You know how you get a sample of the cover and such before the CD is complete? I  remember putting it in a color CD case. I put the back cover in the case and was like, “Wow, so that’s what it’s gonna look like!” That made me so happy. We did talk about that cover looking like it had blood all over it though. (smiles wryly) I also didn’t know anything about the ‘eye’ in ‘eye make-up’ at the time, so my eyebrows were bushy, I’d never worn mascara before, and I absolutely hated curling my eyelashes with an eyelash curler. ...Man am I being super harsh. (laughs)
ーYou the followed that up by releasing your 1st indies single “Hachimitsu (Honey)” roughly 5 months later, and then your 2nd indies mini-album “GIRLIE”.
aiko: Right. It all happened so fast after I released “astral box”. And I was really exhausted because I was still commuting from Osaka to Tokyo like always. Of the 5 songs on “GIRLIE”, I’ve released “Ijiwaru na Tenshi yo Sekai wo Warae! (Mean Angel, Laugh at the World!)” and “Rosie” after signing to a major label, as well as “Hachimitsu”. I still haven’t released the 2 songs “Inu ni Naru (I’ll Be a Dog)” and “Sasenaide (Don’t Make Me)” since going major, though. But man oh man, the cover for “GIRLIE”... just yikes. (laughs)
ーI don’t think it’s that bad.
aiko: I haaate it. For real, I do. It’s almost kinda funnyーlike, who is that even? My face is so chubby. (laughs) I made the pants I’m wearing in that picture myself; I cut my hair all by myself too. A friend came over to my house and gave me that bushy perm. We didn’t even use rods to curl my hair, we used pencils. That picture is just SO embarrassing…
ーDid you get the offer to debut under a major label with the movie theme song “Ashita (Tomorrow)” around the time you were working on “GIRLIE”?
aiko: I think so. We talked about it sometime in April, and then I debuted in July. I thought I would just be participating as the vocalist at first, though. I was really shocked to find out that I’d be releasing as a CD under the name ‘aiko’. For real, I was like, “...Wait, what!?” It wasn’t my songーwell, I wrote the lyrics myself, but they had a lot of requests. They said things like, “Kids are going to be listening to this” and “Don’t use difficult words, please”, which I whined about. That was the first time I’d ever listened to a composition and written lyrics for it too, since I tend to write songs starting with the lyrics first. Because of all that, I wasn’t really sure how to feel about it. In the end, I sort of just did it because the president of my talent agency said I didn’t have anything to lose by doing it. I didn’t care much  either way. To be really honest, I didn’t have a clue. I honestly had no clue whether to OK it or not…
ーSounds like you were having a hard time making a decision. It wasn’t even a song you’d composed.
aiko: Yeah, exactly. And when I went to record it, there were people chit-chatting in English to each other, talking about the equipment, and I didn’t get their Tokyo sense of humor at all. It felt like I was in a foreign country. I slept in the corner of the studio with a knitted hat pulled all the way down past my nose. (laughs) They were very painstakingly detailed about choosing which take to use for like, the chorus, so I had to sing the same parts multiple times. It left me so beat that I almost had to hold onto the music stand to stand. Part of it was because I wasn’t used to being in the studio yet, I think, but that was also a pretty demanding recording.
ーBe honest, how did you feel when “Ashita” was released?
aiko: It didn’t really sink in. It didn’t feel like I’d ‘debuted’ at all. It didn’t even feel like it was ‘my’ song. I thought it was just going to be a one-shot thing. A little after I’d made my debut, people at [Pony] Canyon were telling me all the time that they honestly didn’t know who I was. (laughs) I was still living in Osaka, and the only information they had on me was this tiny A4-size flyer. Apparently they weren’t aware I existed even after I’d debuted. The Canyon people in Tokyo of all places were saying, “aiko? What’s that? Oh, she’s debuted? Who is she?”, which meant the locals definitely didn’t know who I was. We did a campaign to help with that, but even then we only went to Okayama and Matsuyama. I went with someone from Canyon since it didn’t cost me anything, did our campaign, ate some food. And then on the way home that person said, “I need to go to another campaign event. You think you can make it home on your own?” I said yes and took a plane home by myself. (laughs)
ーThat sounds like a pretty sad story.
aiko: But then FM OSAKA worked really hard and put “Ashita” on power rotation. There was also this guy over at FM Toyama named Kawakado. He was close to someone named Komorita who promoted my song a lot, so it was played heavily there too. It sold some copies thanks to those 2 stations. It sold maybe 20k or 30k copies in Osaka and Toyama, which got the Canyon people in Tokyo to go, “Hm? What’s this all about? Who’s this aiko girl?” And then it wasn’t a one-shot thing anymore. We started talking about signing a contract. I really feel like FM OSAKA and FM Toyama putting the song on power rotation was huge for me. FM OSAKA in particular really supported me.
ーWere you still the DJ for “Count Down Kansai Top 40” at FM OSAKA when you debuted?
aiko: I was. I even said “I made my debut!” while I was on air. (laughs) The time frame was changed to Saturdays late at night from 2 AM until 5 AMーa promotion! (laughs) The show had to be put on hold every now and then to check the broadcast equipment, but since I was generating some numbers, they decided to give me a live broadcast from 2 to 5 AM on Saturdays. I started getting more and more faxes and emails.
ーSince you’d just debuted at the time, right?
aiko: Right. The radio station was really supportive. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the radio station. That’s how much they all supported me. It felt like I had a bunch of moms and dadsーit still feels that way.
ーIt still feels like you have so many people supporting you, from the radio, to your fans, and all the various members of the staff, you mean?
aiko: Mm-hm. So many people have shown me so much support. I’m able to continue releasing CDs by… by selling a few copies here and there. I see that now.
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ieyasu-tacogawa · 7 years
SLBP 3rd Anni Tsunamoto story
Yeah I don’t know who the fuck he is but I was 100% SEDUCED by the end of the story. He's reminds me of Ikesen Shingen, minus the excessive pickup lines. It’s kind of refreshing to have an older male as the love interest in these NPC stories. Not even my type, but I fell for him. Well done, Tsunamoto.
Wikipedia says he is Kojuro's older step ish brother.
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SLBP 3rd Anniversary summaries
Ieyasu's Decorating Plans
Ieyasu and Tadatsugu
Toramatsu and Tadakatsu
Kiyohiro and MC
Toramatsu and MC
Tadakatsu and MC
Yasumasa and MC
Tsunamoto and MC (you are here)
Keiji and MC
Kiyomasa and MC
Masanori and MC
Kanbei and MC
Yoshitsugu and MC
Nobuyuki and MC
Kansuke and MC
Kotaro and MC
Kanetsugu and MC
Kageie and MC
Yoshichi and MC
Kagetsugu and MC
Tsunamoto and MC are traveling through a wintry, snowy Oshu (the animated snowflakes are a nice touch, lol). It’s getting much colder. MC breathes on her hands to warm them. Tsunamoto extends his hand and says “here. Holding hands will make them warm right?” MC happily takes his hand, where he comments “ah! Cold!” lol.
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Shortly, the snow gets heavier and worse. Tsunamoto says it’s too dangerous to continue traveling, so they go to an inn. There’s only one room open at short notice (I’ve read enough fiction to know where this is going).
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MC feels really nervous with the idea of spending the night alone in this inn room with Tsunamoto. She stands hesitantly. Tsunamoto asks her
“Are you nervous? Haha, don’t worry, I don’t bite.”
MC is surprised that he read her mind, but denies it to him heavily. Tsunamoto walks up to her and hugs her. He says
“Do you want to sleep hugging each other like this to keep warm?”
MC feels blood rush to her face. Tsunamoto continues.
“Haha, your ears are red. Don’t worry, it was just a joke.”
This upsets MC. She tries to struggle out of Tsunamoto’s hug but he won’t let go. She screams at him “I don’t know who you are anymore!” Tsunamoto apologizes, saying
“Sorry, don’t run away. You were just so pretty and huggable. I didn’t mean anything.”
MC feels herself blushing even more. She’s pained, thinking that she is the only one who feels nervous about everything. Since Tsunamoto is much older and more of an adult than her, he clearly isn’t bothered. It’s only her heart that won’t stop beating rapidly. MC looks dejected.
Tsunamoto asks her what’s wrong. MC tells him
“… it’s just that I’m charmed by you.”
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Tsunamoto asks her if she’s serious, and she screams that she is. Her voice is louder than usual, mixed with feelings of both happiness and loneliness. Tsunamoto then grabs her hand… and holds it to his chest.
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She feels his heart, beating as rapidly as hers. He asks her do you understand now? He is just as nervous as she is, it’s just that adults are more desperate to conceal their feelings. As Tsunamoto talks, he looks away, blushing. MC laughs sweetly. He asks what is it and she tells him she’s happy that he’s feeling the same as she is. Tsunamoto pouts, saying he can’t be swayed by someone so younger than him. MC says even if he doesn’t want it, she does. Tsunamoto tells her to stop trying to seduce him.
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Then, MC and Tsunamoto kiss.
He asks her “are you prepared for tonight?” MC tells him “please wait” LOL but he whispers in her ear
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“I love you.”
MC’s resistance crumbles to dust. As the snow falls, they share a sweet, passionate night with each other.
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