#mashita satoru headcanon
Ahh!~ You have no idea how happy I am to see someone write for Death Mark. For such an interesting game, it's seriously underrated.
Anywho, could we get Yashiki and Mashita's reactions to their s/o waking them up to some breakfast in bed, please? 💚
This is S U C H an adorable request, I’m in love!! <3 Also, yes, I’m so happy whenever I see people who love the series! It’s so, completely underrated, but soooo good! <3
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He’s so tired all the time, always on the go, always puffing on his cigarettes, that I’m pretty sure Mashita forgets to eat 90% of the time.
And if he DOES it, it’s most likely something he bought from a gas station in a rush, and only if he felt faint and the coffee wasn’t keeping him on his feet anymore.
Definitely a disaster man, though he wants to keep the facade of keeping things together like a responsible adult, still up and running.
But he’s not fooling you, of course.
Because he’s always up so late at night, he hates waking up in the morning - And considering he doesn’t have a job anymore and he’s a freelancer private detective, his schedule is pretty much flexible.
So sleeping in it is!
It’s perfect for you, especially if you have a more stable time-table with work or studies, because in the morning, you can always leave him a little surprise...
Even if you’re just as much as a disaster as he is, waking up in the last minute and just washing your teeth, brushing your hair and putting on some clothes and running out of the house, 15 minutes on the watch.
During the rare times when you actually have the energy to wake up half an hour earlier than needed, you make a coffee and put a mug by his nightstand, hoping that it would still be a bit warm when he wakes up. If you’re feeling extra good, you’ll even make a sandwich for him -- And hopefully one for yourself as well!
On the even rarer times when you have a laxer day though, it’s when the good things actually happen - Not only do you get to get some proper sleep, snuggled up in his arms, but when you wake up, you have enough time to admire that beautiful face of his and then prepare some proper, warm breakfast for him.
It’s times like these when you feel your heart swell with love and you can’t help but want to smother the man with all the affection you have for him, and just spoil him to death.
Whether you know how to cook or not, whether be it a heated sandwich, an omelette, some eggs and bacon, fruit juice or a coffee, all placed beautifully on a tray and brought over in bed.
You’d wake him up with a sweet kiss on his forehead and a whispered “Good morning, my love”.
Even if it’s not the first time you surprise him with a breakfast in bed, he’ll still be so shocked, but as the tough cop that he is, he would simply give a sleepy half-smile and even a breathless chuckle as his way of thanking you.
He knows that whenever he receives this kind of spoiled treatment, he gets to spend much more time with you, and he’s going to cherish it, and you, of course.
Completely different to his usual stoic and pragmatic self, he’d get quietly clingy, though not speaking a word to you unless he’s properly woken up - 
And when he does wake up, he’ll tease you here and there, yet still be more affectionate than during most days.
It’s only such moments when he allows himself to take a step back, keep work out of his mind and treasure your relationship properly.
After going through the whole Death Mark incident, he’s learnt, though only in his heart, that he should hold onto and appreciate the people dear to him, and even as a quiet protector type, he’s going to show you a bit more obviously that he loves you more than you can ever imagine.
And then, when you fall asleep in his arms, when he’s 100% sure you’re deeply asleep, he will plant a kiss on your forehead and tell you how much he loves you.
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With Yashiki, things are going to be a bit different than with Satoru.
First of all, though both men are complete disasters, Yashiki is even more of a scatterbrain - Responsible and well-intentioned, but still a scatterbrain. Before and After the Death Mark incident.
It doesn’t matter to him whether you’ve known him since his Masamune days, or during his memory erasure and you call him Kazuo - Since so many people call him Yashiki nowadays, he just got used to it and adopted both names equally.
Unlike Satoru, who forgets to eat because of work, Yashiki forgets to eat... Just because. He doesn’t even drink an excessive amount of coffee, or puff 10 packs of cigarettes per second... He just... Forgets.
Even more, if he knows that you’re not eating properly, he will go out of his way to make food for YOU - And NOT eat any part of it himself, because he’s a dumbass.
You will have to at least remind him to eat and drink some water, otherwise, who knows how he’ll survive... Honestly.
Still, he would often bring you breakfast in bed, so much that it’s almost like a daily ritual and it’s almost impossible, with your fixed schedule, to find a day when you can wake up before him and have enough time to properly pamper him as he so much deserves.
But when finally, that opportunity arrived and you were the one to steal that tray and fill it with so much food and various types of beverages, and even that single flower in a small glass trope, he was so overwhelmed!
Coffee, water, three types of fruit juice, toast, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, boiled eggs, bacon, small sandwiches, grilled cheese, milk and cereal, yoghurt with fruit and granola - All piled up with no empty space.
Don’t get him wrong, he’s so happy, but his eyes just can’t seem to tear away from all that appetizing food, and his mouth is agape, unable to mutter a single word.
It isn’t until you offered him a sweet “Good morning, darling. Hope you enjoy your breakfast.” that he finally wakes up and smiles up at you.
Still, there’s a ton of food, so he’ll get you in bed, snuggled to his side, the try in the middle of you so the two of you can share the meal... And hopefully, finish it, eventually.
He really enjoys getting this pamper-treatment from you, but even more, he loves spoiling you and having this intimate time with you - A serene bliss with no words needed - Just a peaceful and beautiful morning.
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o0rotator0o · 2 months
I kind of have this headcannon that Mashita only shows he cares In the most shady and potentially illegal ways possible
He wants yashiki to get sleep for once so he just drugs his cup of sugar
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mlmdarkfiction · 2 years
May i trouble you for some headcanons for how mashita and yashiki would feel as they get feelings for a G/N reader who is a new mark bearer during the whole surviving a spirit ordeal. thank you!
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me holding my possessed hand back so I don't make these poly hcs and to not add any angst
Aw shit here we go again-
Honestly he's pretty pissed about this whole situation, sorry.
He's even more annoyed if either your mark hasn't gone away have the Shimi-O case, or if you're in a situation similar to Yashiki.
He kinda just wants to clear his hands of all this ghost curse shit, and it's hard to do that while he's worried about you.
And it's not like he has total 100% confidence in Yoshiki's abilities. The man doesn't even have a license.
As unfortunate as it is to say, Mashita is 100% the "he's mean to you because he likes you" thing people say.
In his defense though he only thinks you're a little incompetent.
A lot of his rude comments about your abilities more come from him not wanting you to be in a life or death situation with these ghosts if he can help it.
And although he's put himself back into this on your behalf without having been asked, he's still going to complain.
Going as far as to say (mostly jokingly) that you'll owe him a couple of drinks after all this.
Unlike Mashita who is (relatively) a well adjusted adult man, I don't think Yashiki's even quite aware of his feelings for a while.
I think it takes either you getting hurt while with him investigating a spirit, or him being with another mark bearer and missing you for him to realize just how fondly he regards you.
I think especially if you're someone like him or Christie, who's mark takes a few cases to remove, that he'd eventually come to rely on you a bit without even realizing it.
At some point he even secretly hopes that your mark won't disappear, just so you won't leave the mansion, so you'll still need his help, and by extension him.
But as soon as he realizes where his thoughts are going, Yashiki always feels guilty.
And all this being said, when the time comes he won't mention that he'll miss you presence in the mansion, he tells you, like all the others who's mark has disappeared, that you shouldn't stay after this final night.
Yashiki's not the type of person to ask you to stay.
Mary might.
After finding out the truth about everything, I think he would ask you for help the same way he did the others.
Not only are you a comforting presence to be around for him, but I think you help get him from getting too frustrated and hopeless when it comes to the extreme lack of progress he's able to make.
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spirithunter-bs · 4 years
Mod shitpost #3:
Mashita will sometimes slap Yashiki’s ass without him notice, and then try to cover that up by saying “maybe some random ghost really like your ass”
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offiiciium-a · 3 years
@vaciiviity is enabling my obsessions and i love her for that
14: Can you name 3 bad traits about them??
sou: *gestures to everything about him*
mashita: bad tempered. vengeful. impressively rude.
kaworu: self-sacrificing. jealous. ignorant to human emotions (depending on the loop)
26: Bad habits??
sou: breathing. he should learn to quit sooner rather than later. extremely impulsive. overly reckless. overly confident. he doesn’t really have many actual habits.
mashita: smoking. fidgeting when he’s craves cigarettes. not sleeping enough. he’s terrible at sleeping in general, but when he’s really invested in a case sleep and eating are completely ignored. will pass out at desk. grinding teeth. 
kaworu: withholding the truth. he doesn’t so much as outwardly lie, but angel boy surely does keep most information under lock and key. zoning out, usually due to remembering things from previous loops. 
28: What kind of sleeper are they?? What position do they sleep in?? 
sou: very light sleeper. will be wide awake at small sounds. usually sleeps wrapped around shin. 
mashita: rarely gets a good night’s rest. once he’s out, he’s fucking out for good. doesn’t sleep long but a bomb could go off beside him and he’d sleep through it. usually sleeps at his desk, but when he’s in bed he’s usually sleeping on his side. occasionally on his stomach.
kaworu: he’s shockingly the most normal. gets good rest like a good boy. has a little routine. sets his phone down at least 30 minutes before bed. skincare routine, some stretches, reads for a little bit. then gets a good 6-8 hours. he usually sleeps fetal position while hugging something. 
40: Favorite time of year?? Why?? 
sou: he honestly gives 0 shits what time of the year it is ever. likes ruining people’s days extra during holidays tho bc funny.
mashita: also doesn’t care about the time of year. he doesn’t have a great relationship with his family so he doesn’t care about holidays. although maybe with the dm/ng little family he... might warm to them.
kaworu: new years!! loves the hope it brings and how fresh it feels. he finds it encouraging to see people trying to stick to resolutions. ofc loves seeing people succeed, but also finds inspiration in the people who fail but keep trying their hardest!!
46: Are they the type to enjoy watching tv and or play video games??
sou: no. sou plays mind games only. will only watch tv if he’s hanging out with someone who wants to, even then he has very little interest. will probably end up watching whoever he’s with instead or just drags whatever is on.
mashita: he mostly puts tv on for background noise while doing something else. usually the news or thriller movies. occasionally plays video games but doesn’t have much time for them. will definitely play video games if a certain someone sends them to him, just won’t admit it.
kaworu: for sure once life. settles down... finds both fascinating and is blissfully unaware that it’s a terrible way to learn about humanity for awhile. 
49: What do they find annoying?? 
sou: people who get in his way. people who think he’s wrong about anything. stupid people. gross people. children. animals. taking orders. being outsmarted. losing. 
mashita: also stupid people. the entire police force. reckless people who seem to needlessly risk their lives (he’d hate this guy vvvv) 
kaworu: gendo ikari. seele. they’re both more soul consuming hatred, but. 
50: What are they most terrible at??
sou: having an ounce of chill. he’s not bad at many things bc he fucking hates being bad at things. 
mashita: also having an ounce of chill. he’s terrible at opening up or showing any sort of emotion. 
kaworu: thinking about himself. taking a break. 
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Death Mark dating headcanons
My first headcanons, yey! I started with Yashiki, Mashita, and Daimon first, but If you want me to write more characters then please let me know <3 Also spoilers warning!
Kazuo Yashiki/Masamune Kojou:
Well, prepare for soft, very loving but also awkward Yashiki.
When you start dating, he is so happy to have you around in the Kujou mansion. He would be very lonely without you.
He cares so much about you, that sometimes he is kinda overprotective. He also has a tendency to put your well-being first.
Because of that, he would keep a lot of his problems and worries to himself. Like his grief of losing his sister or recurring nightmares showing him the horrible imagines from times when he had the Mark.
But he isn’t very great at hiding all of his problems, especially when you both live together.
Healing from trauma and loss of family member is a lot, but Yashiki’s relationship with you is helping him a lot.
Your daily activities would include mostly household duties - the mansion is pretty big and with all spirit stuff often happening around, It wouldn’t be smart to hire a housekeeper.
But housework is not so bad, when you do it together with one who you love, right?
As I said before - Yashiki would be pretty awkward in relationships like he is in general, sometimes he says things without thinking first and he is kinda a mess, but it’s cute at the same time.
Imagine him trying to compliment you, but then he realized that what he said sounded wrong and he tries to explain himself while blushing. So cute.
Also please keep eye on him. If you won’t he will forget to sleep and eat only sandwiches and coffee for weeks.
One of his favorites things to do is doing your hair! It brings back good memories of his sister and It makes him happy in a kinda bittersweet way.
He’s kinda too awkward to be into PDA, but on another hand, your touch calms him a lot, so prepare for a lot of hand-holding (l-lewd!) and hugging to soothe his nerves!
He absolutely loves snuggling with you, generally, he loves doing a lot of things with you, but when both of you are just buried in blankets, entwined in an embrace he feels so good and he wants those moments to last forever.
The way he kisses you is usually pretty chaste, but if you get him into the mood and he knows that you don’t mind, then you will get a lot of very romantic and tender kisses.
He usually prefers to be the big spoon but doesn’t mind being the small one.
Satoru Mashita:
This relationship is not going to be an easy one.
Even if by some miracle you had gained his trust, he will not be open with everything. He used to keep his true feelings to himself.
But also let’s not forget - he is an asshole.
So If you want to date him prepare for getting smoke in your face, being called names and him getting involved in some dangerous business and worrying you sick.
But It’s not like he doesn’t care about you, If he didn't, he wouldn’t date you, he is not a type to be with someone only because of pity.
The way he shows his affection is very subtle. He has a very keen eye, so probably he would be first to notice changes in you (both in appearance and personality) even the smallest ones.
“Oh, you cut your hair?  It’s not bad” “Yeah I did. (Only a few inches but you still noticed it?)”
Also, the way he shows that he cares is very practical? Like most people would give them S/O flowers or other cute presents, but if Mashita noticed that you could get in danger, he wouldn’t hesitate to get you a gun or other kind of weapon.
He often checks on you If you need anything of If something is wrong and is kinda overprotective.
He is not very into PDA (he is not very into showing positive emotions in general), he prefers to touch you only when both of you are alone.  He will usually put his arm around your shoulder while you both sit together.  
His kisses are usually just quick peck into your mouth or your cheek, but when he is in mood, he loves to kiss you passionately while holding your jaw harshly. Loves to smoke kiss you, but won’t do it often If you don't want to.
He is neither a big or little spoon. He’s a knife.
Shuuji Daimon
Well, first of all, he is surprised why would you date him. He is just an old, weak, overworked man, not a particularly great candidate for boyfriend. He just kinda can believe that someone who has their whole love ahead them would like to be with him. But he is not going to complain about it.
Actually, he is very happy to be with you. You bring a lot of life and hope in his life.  
Being the doctor he deeply cares about your health, and always keeps an eye on your daily habits, so he knows if you eat enough, or take your meds or have enough sleep, etc.
But like he said “He doesn’t practice what he preaches” so prepare that he will confront you about your unhealthy behavior while he slept only 2 hours that day, drank only coffee and eaten like only a little bit. So you better call him out for him, if you want him to live longer.
He tends to overwork himself, but after you start dating he tries to spend more time with you (but that doesn’t mean that he starts to neglect his work).
He is also a kind of guy that shows his affection in a very subtle way, but at least he is not as mean as Mashita. He doesn’t often say compliments and “I love you”s, but when He does, you know that He truly means it.
He loves to show his feelings through music. If he has enough free time he would go with you to concerts (If you up for it, maybe even for Love & Hero’s ) or just go karaoke with you (well he can't sing for too long because of his sickness, but loves to hear you sing, even if you are not best at it).
In a matter of PDA - he is not against it but isn’t also a big fan of it. He will probably hold your hand, maybe give you small kisses, but nothing more in public.
But when you get home, prepare for much more touches. Absolutely loves to hug you from behind and (if you short enough, but he is actually one of the tallest guys in Death Mark cast, so there’s a big possibility that he is the taller one)  put his chin atop your head. Also, he can be either a little or a big spoon.
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I've found a few focs where Mashita from Death Mark is portrayed as a yandere, & your headcanons are among the few that are really sweet & enjoyable. Thank you very much! May I request a Mashita x Reader where it's how they met, their first date, & their first kiss?
Oh, hell yes! I’m super happy that you like my portrayal of Mashita! I’ve been wanting to write a long fic with him for a few years now, and the chances of it happening are big, after how much fun I had, and still have, writing my story with Seiji from Spirit Hunter NG <3
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You first met when Yashiki and Mashita went around the park to do their research of the Bee-Killer Shimi-o and they just found you somewhere in the forest, laying down on the grass, peacefully sleeping, for whatever reason.
Yashiki was looking at you weirdly, while Mashita, being in the law enforcement previously and having experience, went by your side and shook you awake - Only to notice, on the side of your neck, the Death Mark burnt into your skin.
So you were a victim too.
As Mashita called out his partner’s name, pointing out the problem, you fluttered your eyes open and looked up at the man touching you.
For a split second, you locked contact, and Satoru couldn’t help but admire those beautiful fawn eyes that even while tired, looking so innocent - And then, when you realised what was going on, you let out a gasp of realisation and leapt out of there, hiding behind a tree, farther away, barely brave enough to peek from behind it.
The two men tried to call out to you to calm down and explain the situation... But how could you believe two mental guys, in the middle of the forest, talking gibberish about ghosts and curses that would kill you?
Instead, you asked them to go back so you could run the hell away from there, but the brunet man let out a phone number and an address on a slip of paper and put it in a tree, telling you to go to him if you lose your memory or see the mark on your neck - And then, he took his friend and went deeper into the forest.
Relieved, you picked up your bag and the slip of paper and got out of there as soon as possible, ordering a pizza and drinking some hot chocolate to calm yourself down from the awful experience you just had.
The first strike was that you forgot the exact address you were staying at, though the muscle memory and inertia brought you to your home without realising.
The next was the next morning when you went to brush your teeth and saw the awful mark... And the third was that you had no idea where you worked or what were you supposed to do during the day.
Much to your anxiety, you went to the address given by that man and it brought you to a pretty basic apartment complex and you rang the bell - Thankfully, the man in cause answered rather quickly, and with a smug half-smile, he let you in and guided you to the living room where he treated you to some coffee and went to sit on the couch opposite of you.
The fourth strike, that was also the most painful, was when he asked you your name and you opened you mouth to answer, but nothing came out. Just blank. You had no idea what your name was.
And you started freaking out internally, while opening your wallet to look at your ID and telling him your name.
He felt pity, realising you’re in a situation as bad as Yashiki, but he also had that cult to investigate, so he was pretty caught up with two problems at once. Still, he showed you his own mark on his wrist and started telling you about the whole gist with the ghosts and curses and what not.
Then, he asked you why you wanted to kill yourself, which left you confused. “I have an herbs glossary. I usually go to that forest because it has a lot of different flowers so I put them in my glossary, draw them and write medical and botany facts about them.” you explained - To which he pointed out that, whilst you forgot a lot of things about yourself, that detail was something that still remained firm in your brain, so you were still doing well.
Without realising, Satoru protected you during the whole investigation and made sure you were doing alright during all of it - But when you had to go purify the ghost, he firmly told you to stay behind so you wouldn’t be hurt, seeing as the memory loss affected you the most out of them.
However, you soon realised that the two forgot the grass root and honey jar in the car so you sprinted out of the car, following the awful vibes that were guiding you, until you reached them and threw the two items at the ghost that was dangerously close and towering over the two.
The ghost was then purified and the two men let out of sigh of relief - Until Mashita went to you and shook you by the shoulders, frowning and reprimanding you for getting out of the car against his orders, and you could have gone hurt, or worse -
“But you forgot the purifying items! You could have died! What would I do without you?!” that explanation stunned the both of you, and immediately, you stepped away from one another, coughing awkwardly and putting the incident at the back of your minds.
When you went by the Kujo Mansion, the two of you were free of the Death Mark and were ready to leave, not wanting to stay any more in that awful place, though cozy, and apologising to Yashiki, Mashita took you out of there and said he would walk you by your home, under the pretext that he’s a man of the law and has to make sure you are safe.
But then he asked you out for a coffee the next day, in the most leisure and nonchalant way there was... So why wouldn’t you accept?
Your first date was as boringly normal as any date could be, just having a nice and hot coffee, a piece of cake, some nice background music, and just chilling - No ghosts, no curses, absolutely nothing that would threaten your livelihood.
And it was the most enjoyable thing in the world.
Tough he’s not a man of many words, he has some pretty interesting things to narrate, and you enjoyed all of them.
Likewise, he felt at ease hearing even the most boring story that you had to tell him, be that some gossip from your workplace or whatever childhood thing you knew growing up.
After a few more incredibly boring but incredibly fun and relaxing dates, and walks through parks that were definitely not haunted, he walked you home and just before you stepped inside your house, he grabbed your face and pulled you into a kiss, leaving you awestruck and wanting for more.
And the more dates you had, the more you got.
He’s a pragmatic, nihilistic and cynical person, and most of all, he loves teasing you, pinching your cheeks, ruffling your hair, giving you looks and what not, but he never means to hurt you.
He’s not the best with words, so he prefers letting his actions explain how he’s feeling - You never felt as safe, appreciated and loved as when you were with Satoru, feeling his arms around your body as he embraced you and kissed the top of your head.
Also, he loves it when he has his arm around you, pulling you to his side, or when you cling to his arm while walking around the city - It really strokes his ego and he feels like he’s really showing you off to the world, because you’re the best.
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Hi, I really like your Spirit Hunter Headcanons! I saw you wrote one for NG with the guys reacting to reader getting hurt. Is it alright if I request a version of that but with the Death Mark characters?
I've got you~ And I'm very happy to see more Death Mark/NG requests <3
・┆✦ʚ Mashita Satoru ɞ✦ ┆・
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🚬 One would think Satoru is the most apathetic of the bunch, but in reality, his sense of justice and moral compass are still up there.
🚬 At his core, he will always be a policeman, and any wrong-doing will anger him internally.
🚬 He has lost everything during the Honey Bee Cult case, when his mentor was killed, and he got so close to the truth that he was kicked out of the police force under sexual harassment allegations, and his credibility and job opportunities were denied.
🚬 In spite of all this, he found a friend in Yashiki, and he treasured you more than anything in life.
🚬 You were there for him through all the hardships he went through, and he is infinitely grateful for your endless support and love.
🚬 That is why I say, when he finds out you've been cursed, he is devastated, as though the sky fell on him.
🚬 He found you on the ground in the forest while he and Yashiki were searching around for Shimi-O.
🚬 He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you - He left you at home, why were you here? He couldn't be hallucinating, could he? So what is going on?
🚬 What's worse, not only did the Death Mark flash brightly on the soft neck of your skin, as if to taunt and mock him, but your clothes had subtle tears - But what is worse, they were bleeding.
🚬 He's not one to panic quickly under pressure, but you can bet Mashita is livid.
🚬 If it weren't for Yashiki calming him down and suggesting to get you back home to Mary and have Christie look after you, while the two of them purify the ghost and make sure everyone is fine.
🚬 Satoru held you dearly in his arms all the way back to the Manor, his grip a little too tight - He was afraid, deathly afraid, but not for himself, but for you.
🚬 He'd never forgive himself if he allowed you to die, when your life was in his hands like that.
🚬 What kind of reliable policeman would he be? His mentor would be disappointed if he failed you and himself like that.
🚬 He placed you comfortably on the bed he slept on while Yashiki told Christie not to tell you anything about the Mark; There was no need to worry you for no reason, especially as the scar was in a place you couldn't notice easily.
🚬 Though he knew he had to worry, Mashita lingered for a few minutes more - He couldn't stop looking at you, he felt weak, he blamed himself for dragging you into all of this, especially as the only reason you got cursed was that he forgot his gun at home.
🚬 Not only was it incredibly irresponsible of him, but he also willingly got himself in this mess, in hopes of unveiling the truth behind his mentor's death.
🚬 After tucking you in bed, Satoru kissed your forehead and took one last look at you, before pushing himself off the bed and quickly leaving the room, before he'd feel tempted to just get next to you and hold onto you until Yashiki solves the issue by himself.
🚬 He was much quieter and snarkier with Yashiki, even he was well aware he was much more of a menace than usual, alas there was nothing he could do about it.
🚬 Your well-being was above anything else, for him.
🚬 His rage, complimented by the extreme memory loss caused by Shimi-O, made for quite a weird iteration of Mashita, but regardless, with a simple slap, he was capable of helping Yashiki to purify the ghost.
🚬 Though Kazuo himself wasn't rid of the curse, you and Mashita, along with Shou, were able to return home with no more issue.
🚬 You didn't know why exactly your boyfriend was so clingy and mellow, but you didn't mind it one bit. It was a lovely change of pace, for the otherwise teasy man.
🚬 It would take a few days before he confesses to you the truth of what happened that night - And more than that, he thanks you dearly for compromising your life to bring him the gun, as without it, he and Yashiki wouldn't have been able to defeat the ghost.
🚬 He'd get very annoyed if you got smug with him for being so tender - But he'll get over it fast, don't worry - You just need to bat your pretty lashes at him and kiss him like there's no tomorrow.
🚬 He won't necessarily get overprotective after this encounter, but he will take all proper precautions going further into his and Yashiki's little 'Ghost Hunting Business'.
🚬 He might be reticent to you joining them for field work, but he'd be more than happy if you were to help with intel. You're safe, and he's reassured. Perfect!
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ Daimon Shuuji ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
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🩺 By the time Daimon gets cursed, he's already 44 years of age and chronically single and ill, so he resigns himself to the idea he will remain forever married to his work and succumb to loneliness and sickness.
🩺 When he gets cursed, however, he finds a new will to live - It's the human's natural response to danger, right? Fight or flight - Or at least, that's how he rationalises it.
🩺Not only that though, but also, his morbid curiosity with his grandfather's work in the Engineering Lab during WW2 and whatever atrocities happened down in the bunker hidden in the sewers of the city.
🩺That - And he's always been impressed by the supernatural, and now, he gets to experience it first hand - If only it wasn't life threatening, it would be much more enjoyable.
🩺It was here that Yashiki introduced him to a scientist women called Hiroo Madoka, whose grandfather was also involved in similar work to his own family... Though she's rather annoying to deal with, and thankfully, in spite of his kind demeanour, Yashiki is also of the same idea about her.
🩺But there was one more - He met you - Someone closer in age to him, who's professionally accomplished and so very beautiful; Not only beautiful, but so very and sweet, while also being effortlessly confident and radiating an aura of reassurance like the Sun.
🩺He couldn't help but feel attracted to you like a month to the light, caring little about getting burnt in the process, like the fool Icarus, flying towards the Sun with his waxed wings.
🩺How could he not gravitate around you, when you made him feel revitalised, no more the zombie of a man he accepted to being for so long.
🩺You worried for his health, told him to take better care of himself, even threw an off-comment about cooking him a nice soup and cutting up a fruit salad so he'd get more energy.
🩺Daimon was flabbergast - Did he truly deserve any of this? He knows he's not the most amicable person alive, yet you don't seem to be offended or intimidated by his coldness.
🩺During the whole investigation, you are the reason he stays sane and has hope for the future - A future with you.
🩺You weren't overly assertive, yet through your kindness and positivity, you made your intentions clear; He loved just how well the two of you understood each other, without the need of words.
🩺He was absolutely mesmerised by everything you did.
🩺From the time when you braved through the hypothermia and drove him back home - Only to see that the heating and water were being closed for the week because of reparations - So you invited him to sleep over at your home because it's extra warm.
🩺And how you nonchalantly told him you have a single bedroom, so you'd have to sleep together - All that, while he was suffering a bad case of tachycardia and his face had a feverish colour from too much emotion felt all together - But you? You were so nonchalant about it, wearing your pretty lingerie pyjamas, leaning on the heater and drinking a little alcohol to warm up, and inviting him to do the same.
🩺In those few days he got so used to living with you, that he almost felt disappointed when the day of the encounter came by and you got rid of the curse and had to part ways.
🩺He was there to watch you take the Suzu Bells and step up, confronting the Kannon Soldier all by yourself - He didn't know whatever Shinto or Buddhist mantras you chanted there, but by the time you started yelling at the ghost in Chinese, and ended it by slamming the wand into the side of its head and it disappeared into a splash of brightness, he felt as though he just watched a movie, because everything felt unreal.
🩺For the next two years, the two of you have such a domestic bliss, Daimon feels it's unreal that someone thinks he's not as unsufferable as he thinks he is, and by the way you smile at him so sweetly, he believes you are just as happy as he is, living together.
🩺Though when Yashiki goes ghost-hunting again, both of you are willing to help; Daimon remains in the hospital to care for Hiroo and Banshee, while you go on-site to aid him and Mashita with investigation.
🩺He knew both men would take care of you, and he knew you were strong and witty enough to take care of himself and succeed in this new case;
🩺Alas, when you are brought to the hospital, in full hysterics, Shuuji panics for the first time in his life - What in the world could have shaken you to such degree, that you lost your cool?
🩺After Mashita explains the three of you were blocked in an elevator filling up with a bunch of huge spiders, even he cringes, especially knowing your clear aversion and disgust towards them.
🩺As much as he cares about the two special patients in his care, he's going to take the week off to take care of you.
🩺He'll hold you close and try to reassure you to the best of his ability; Though he's known as not having the best bed-side manners, he's so unexpectedly tender and sweet, that Yashiki thought it was another person altogether.
🩺He'd make you warm honey tea and suggest watching any of your comfort tv series or movies, and he'll kiss your face so gently.
🩺There's not much he can help much to help you relax, except get some sedatives if you're going into panic mode again, but regardless, there's nothing he wouldn't do for you.
🩺When you're finally better, he'll feel so relieved - He was so worried for you and your mental state, that he'll be fussy over you for a long time going on.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ Yashiki Kazuo/Kujo Masamune ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
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🐇 It's needless to say, you and Yashiki went through a lot together.
🐇 From the day you got cursed, until you managed to purify the ghost with Yashiki's help, and got all better.
🐇 You decided to stay until the very end to aid your partner with the curse - But if not even the Kannon Soldier cursed him then... Could it have been Mary...?
🐇 Yashiki was protective of all the mark bearers he encountered, you most of all, so when he regained his memory, he made sure to keep everyone at a safe distance so he can deal with Mary himself.
🐇 You were the only one who knew the truth of the Doll, so of course, you worried over his well-being; But he still wouldn't step back and allow you to help him, it was far too dangerous for anyone else.
🐇 So, to reassure you, he promised to take you out on a date by the time he's some with the Doll; And he vowed to also tell you the truth and his memories.
🐇 Thankfully, that evening, you receive a text from Yashiki, with the details of your date the next day, namely the time and place.
🐇 You're so excited and happy that he's alive, that you can't contain your joy, and you call all the mark bearers to tell them that Yashiki is alright and he finally got rid of the curse - And decide to celebrate together, of course!
🐇 What was supposed to be a private date became a private party for the Death Mark survivors - And although he was bewieldered, Yashiki was beyond touched by your act.
🐇 Still, you still had to go on that date - And when you finally did, he told you all about his real identity, as Kujo Masamune, about his sister, about the Doll Mary, and what not.
🐇 And for the next two years, you had a beautiful relationship, with Mashita as the wing-man.
🐇 But when the two of them went to investigate the Masquerade Love Hotel, you got worried; Can't he stay out of trouble, for once? Those two are searching for an early death sentence.
🐇 So of course, from your worry stemmed overprotection, and you insisted in joining them in the investigation.
🐇 Unfortunately, because of your personal relationship with Yashiki, and your spiritual-proneness, you were the first prey of the Jirogumo spirit.
🐇 Not only were you forced to experience first-hand the memories of the poor, tortured girl who was forced to ingest a living spider crawling down her throat with those furry legs, but you felt all of her horrors.
🐇 Once you came to, your mind was in shambles, and you shrieked, running the hell out of that perverted torture den, aimless and confused;
🐇 Thus, you ended up wearing only your pretty lingerie, on a dusty bed, slamming your boyfriend on the bed to seduce him into sleeping with you.
🐇 At first, Yashiki was shocked out of his mind - What the hell happened to possess you like that? You were never this straight-forward, let alone to do something so vulgar and lustful in public; But then, he noticed the spider web sticking to your back.
🐇 As soon as he ripped it away, you fell limp in his arms like a marionette, deep into a coma that he knew wouldn't get away unless the ghost was exorcised.
🐇 He quickly dressed you back in your clothes and called for Mashita to help him get you to Daimon under constant care.
🐇 The whole time, he was out for revenge - Yes, he pitied the poor ghost girl, but he pitied you more; Not only that, but were it not for Mashita, he also would have died, plunging out of the window.
🐇 Who was going to take care of you, if he dies?
🐇 He was going to fight even God himself, if it meant saving you; So there was little a silly little malevolent ghost could do, that would deter him from his path of purifying it.
🐇 Even Mashita hadn't seen him so on-edge and boiling inside from rage for allowing you to get hurt and possessed like that.
🐇 The otherwise moral compass and spine of the group was almost shaking with anger, and it was terrifying.
🐇 He even cursed once! Yashiki - Cursed!
🐇 When the whole charade was finally over, he rushed to the hospital to see how you were doing.
🐇 Thankfully, you didn't remember a single thing of those traumatic encounters, and he wasn't going to tell them to you either.
🐇 He just told you you collapsed suddenly because of low blood sugar, and Daimon gave you some glucose IV and a good rest.
🐇 Though you didn't fully buy it, it was clear he wasn't going to tell you the truth, so you let that be.
🐇 Surprisingly though, he asks if you want to go on a date with him. At home, watching a movie and drinking hot chocolate by the fireplace.
🐇 He's as much of a gentleman as always, or even more so.
🐇 Although he's sometimes awkward when expressing himself, holding you tightly to his chest does wonders in non-verbally telling you how terrified he was for your well-being.
🐇 For his sake, you don't ask about the investigation, just settling to being happy it was over.
🐇 Instead, you decide to promise him that you're not going anywhere - You're a tough cookie, and will always be by his side.
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offiiciium-a · 3 years
RULES: Mark the ones your muse has done and put the final result at the top. Please, repost and don’t reblog!! TAGGED BY: @vaciiviity thaaaanks!! TAGGING: steal it, loser
[ x ] consumed alcohol [ x ] slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex [ x ] slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex [ x ] kissed someone of the same sex [ x ] had sex [ x ] had someone in your room other than family [ x ] seen porn [ ] bought porn [ x ] tried drugs
[ x ] taken painkillers [ ] taken someone else’s prescription medicine [ x ] lied to your parents [ x ] lied to a friend [ x ] snuck out of the house [ x ] done something illegal [ x ] felt hurt [ x ] hurt someone [ x ] wished someone to die [ x ] seen someone die
[ x ] missed curfew [ x ] stayed out all night [ x ] eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself [ x ] been to a therapist // forced to go and stopped very quickly  [ x ] received a ticket [ ] been to rehab [ ] dyed your hair [ x ] been in an accident [ x ] been to a club [ x ] been to a bar 
[ x ] been to a wild party [ ] been to a Mardi Gras parade [ x ] drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night [ ] had a spring break in Florida [ ] sniffed anything [ x ] wore black nail polish [ ] wore arm bands [ ] wore t-shirts with band names [ ] listened to rap
[ ] dressed gothic [ ] dressed girly [ ] dressed punk [ ] dressed grunge [ x ] stole something [ x ] been too drunk to remember anything [ ] blacked out [ x ] fainted [ ] had a crush on a neighbor
[ x ] had a crush on a friend [ x ] been to a concert [ x ] dry-humped someone; been dry humped [ ] been called a slut [ x ] called someone a slut // degradation kink+humiliation kink don’t shame him or this partner xD [ ] installed speakers in a car [ x ] broken a mirror [ x ] showered at someone of the opposites sex’s house   [ ] brushed your teeth with someone else’s toothbrush
[ ] considered Ludacris your favorite rapper [ x ] seen an R-rated movie [ ] cruised the mall [ x ] skipped school [ ] had surgery [ x ] had an injury [ x ] gone to court [ ] walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping [ x ] caught something on fire. [ x ] lied about your age
[ x ] owned/rented an apartment/house [ x ] broke the law in the police’s presence  [ x ] made out with someone who had a GF/BF [ x ] got in trouble with the police [ x ] talked to a stranger [ ] hugged a stranger [ x ] kissed a stranger [ x ] rode in the car with a stranger [ ] been harassed [ x ] been verbally harassed
[ ] met face-to-face with someone you met online [ ] stayed online for 5+ hours straight [ ] talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight [ ] watched TV for 5 hours straight [ ] been to a fair [ x ] been called a bad influence [ x ] drank and drove [ ] prank-called someone [ x ] laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex [ x ] cheated on a test
If you have 00-10 … write [I’m a goody-goody] If you have 11-20 … write [I’m still a goody-goody] If you have 21-30 … write [I’m average] If you have 31-40 … write [I’m a bad kid] If you have 41-50 … write [I’m a very bad influence] If you have 51-60 … write [I’m a horrible person] If you have 61-70 … write [I should be in jail] If you have 71-80 … write [I should be dead] If you have 81-90 … write [I got a ticket to Hell]
1 note · View note
Everything with *** is NSFW, the rest is SFW!
                                     VIDEO GAMES
Honey, I’m Home! ~ Alhaitham x Liyue!Reader My Glaze Lily ~ Baizhu x Reader
How you first meet Pocky Game Babysitting Fallen Angel!Au  OCs-First Kiss (Altair,Connor,Jacob) Bellydancing( +OCs+Yusuf) CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (+OCs) Cooking with the assassins When you get injured Artist!Fem!S/O - Ezio Auditore
One Shots
Altair Malik Ezio(songfic) Haytham Ezio Kadar Petruccio Jacob Frye (songfic) Connor Kenway x Angel!Reader Leonardo da Vinci Pranks! ~ various assassins Caress My Soul ~ Malik Al’Sayf x Katrina
Preferences How you meet-Boys How you meet-Girls Waking up to their fem!S/O for the first time - Yasuo, Kayn, Jinx, Sona First Date - Kayn, Yasuo, Varus, Vladimir, Nami
Relationship HCs - Twisted Fate, Garen Relationship HCs - Irelia Relationship HCs - Rakan, Vladimir Relationship HCs - Ezreal, Ekko Relationship HCs - Varus, Talon Relationship HCs - Jhin, Zed, Shen Relationship HCs - Draven Relationship HCs - Aatrox Relationship HCs - Azir Relationship HCs - Galio Relationship HCs - Yasuo, Darius Relationship HCs - Talon Relationship HCs - Taric Relationship HCs - Miss Fortune Relationship HCs - Neeko Shy!Reader First Kiss - Talon Romantic/Fluff - Shen What kind of S/O they’re looking for - Twisted Fate, Garen Short!Energetic!S/O - Kayn How he behaves in public with S/O - Kayn Fluff Alphabet ( J, K, L, N ) - Lee Sin, Jhin Fluff Alphabet ( B, D, I, J ) - Aatrox, Rhaast Fluff Alphabet ( D, R, A, V, E, N ) - Draven S/O with abuse scars - Draven General S/O HCs - Lucian Crush HCs - Academy Ekko, Academy Vladimir Platonic HCs - Maokai, Malphite Cuddling - Taliyah, Neeko Relationship HCs with a Rapunzel!S/O - Yasuo, Twisted Fate, Talon Yasuo confessing his love to S/O Ahri with an Asexual S/O Comfort HCs - Yasuo
One Shots
Kayn’s Fem!S/O trying to befriend Rhaast “Let’s push all of these stuff away. I wanna dance here right now with you” - Rakan “It’s weird. I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling.” - Twisted Fate “It’s getting crowded. Here, hold my hand” - Kayn First encounter - Aatrox “Did you seriously injure yourself carving a pumpkin?” - Twisted Fate
One Shots
Hanzo Shimada Hanzo Shimada
When They Save You - Sergei, Kazuya, Kunimitsu, Xiaoyu
Zayka Moya ~ Sergei Dragunov x Reader
Sal with a clueless crush Larry as a husband and father Sal as a husband and a father
N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( K ) - Cathy Ward *** Mommy/Little Girl HCs - Cathy Ward ***
When You Get Hurt - Seiji, Akira, Ban When You Get The Death Mark - Yashiki, Mashita, Daimon, Shou S/O is snarky and sarcastic - Seiji, Akira, Ban Surprising them with breakfast in bed - Mashita, Yashiki How you start dating - Mashita Satoru When You Get Hurt - Mashita, Daimon, Yashiki
One shots
Kazuichi Souda x feminine!male!reader
Shy S/O who gives them a flower - Nagito, Chiaki, Korekiyo, Kokichi SFW/NSFW Non-Despair AU!Mondo x Fem! Reader  *** SFW/NSFW Alphabet - Owada Mondo - C, O, W / E, H, K, O, R *** SFW Alphabet ( C, N )  - Shuichi Saihara SFW/NSFW HCs - Kazuichi Souda *** General dating HCs - Hajime Hinata Danganronpa 1 cast as Ice Cream flavours Danganronpa 1 cast as Disney songs
Celestia Ludenberg Vampire
My Beloved Cherry Blossom ~ Yamaoka Kazan/The Oni x Fem!Reader Smile For Me, Sweetcheeks ~ Ghostface x Fem!Reader Brahms's Lullaby ~ Brahms Heelshire x Reader Can You Get Enough Of Me? - Michael Myers x Reader An Angel and A Demon ~ Pyramid Head x Reader
Killers reacting to their S/O getting used as a shield against his attacks ( part 1 -  The Trapper, The Oni, The Spirit, The Executioner  ) Killers reacting to their S/O getting used as a shield against his attacks ( part 2 -  The Shape, Ghostface, The Trickster, The Legion - Susie ) Killers Reaction to a Survivor making their way to their camp Pyramid Head showing his affection for a survivor S/O The Trickster taking a liking to a survivor S/O The Artist with a survivor S/O that helps repair her nest
My Green Signal Samurai Girlfriend ~ Miles Edgeworth/Mitsurugi Reiji
Domestic HCs - Miles Edgeworth/Mitsurugi Reiji
Morishige x S/O who protects him General N.S.F.W. Hcs - Seiko *** Comforting each other during Heavenly Host - Shinohara Seiko
General N.S.F.W. HCs - Garry ***
One shots
“You don’t have to tell me anything” - Kai Satou “Can I kiss you” - Keiji Shinogi “You’re warm” - Keiji Shinogi “Take a deep breath” - Sou Hiyori “Cross my heart and hope to die” - Sou Hiyori “Take my jacket. It’s cold outside” - Sou Hiyori “Don’t cry” + “Go back to sleep” + “Sweet dreams” - Sou Hiyori “Can I kiss you?” - Alice Yabusame
Relationship HCs - Keiji Shinogi Relationship HCs - Alice Yabusame Relationship HCs - Sou Hiyori Fluff Alphabet (  T, V, R, P, K ) - Alice Yabusame, Keiji Shinogi Fluff Alphabet ( P, K, J, Y ) - Rio Ranger Fluff Alphabet ( C, J, P ) - Joe Tazuna Artist!S/O - Kai Satou, Sou Hiyori Fluff Alphabet ( J ) + N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( I, P, R, Y ) - Sou Hiyori *** Fluff Alphabet ( C ) - Sou Hiyori N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( K, O ) - Sou Hiyori *** Kissing HCs with a Shy S/O - Alice Yabusame Flirting HCs - Alice Yabusame, Kai Satou N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( K ) - Sue Miley *** Relationship HCs - Rio Ranger Mommy/Little Girl HCs - Sue Miley *** Male! S/O is nervous about exams - Sou Hiyori, Kai Satou Best friends to lovers - Sou Hiyori
Beauty and the Beast ~ Ajax x Reader
Please, Come Back... (Self indulgent fic where I write my grief away) Change Of Heart ~ Heimdall x Reader
Heimdall finding his soulmate Relationship HCs - Kratos
Being in a relationship with Enki Ankarian...
                                  MOVIES / TV SERIES
Game Of Thrones/House Of The Dragon
One Shots
Ramsay Bolton Ramsay Bolton x Fem!Stark Reader Ramsay Bolton x Fem!Lannister Reader Robb Stark x Fem!Lannister Reader Ramsay Bolton x Fem!Targaryen!Reader She Hates Yellow ~ Sandor Clegane x Stark!Reader My Innocent Snowdrop ~ Oberyn Martell x Stark!Reader Moon’s Queen ~ Ramsay Bolton x Tyrell!Reader ***
Imagine Aemond... (Aemond is afraid My Lady will find him ugly) Imagine Aemond... (Aemond is frustrated with the court and My Lady spoils him) Imagine Aemond... (Aemond discovers you pampering Vhagar, the Matchmaker) Imagine Aemond... (My Lady is afraid of the concept of childbirth and pregnancy) Imagine Aemond... (Engaging in a romantic, literal Dance of Dragons in the air )
Imagine Daemon... (Being smitten over an adventurous Lady who flies Balerion)
One Shots
James Patrick March motivating his S/O to study James Patrick March with an S/O who’s afraid of the dark Michael Langdon with an S/O who can’t fall asleep
Fluff Alphabet ( J, K, O, U ) - James Patrick March Fluff Alphabet ( B, C, G, I, J, K, O, P, Y ) - Jimmy Darling
One Shots
Draco with an S/O who loves hugs and affection Slytherin!Orion Amari (Hogwarts Mystery) x Slytherin!S/O Troublemakers ~ Aesop Sharp x Gaunt!Reader My Little Twinkling Star ~ Ominis Gaunt x Slytherin!Reader
Draco as a boyfriend
Kitsune-hime ~ Kakihara Masao x Reader
It Has Always Been You ~ Batman x Healing Powers!Reader
Sugar Plum Fairy - Spencer Reid x Reader
Primum Non Nocere ~ Gregory House x Katrina Black
The Chess Game ~ Tommy Shelby Sibling Protection Squad ~ Arthur Shelby Don’t Let Go ~ Alfie Solomons Queen of Masks ~ Alfie Solomons Angel of Birmingham ~ Alfie Solomons x Reader
When the Wild Wind Blows ~ Negan Smith x Reader
When it’s your birthday - Sherlock, John, Greg When you get kidnapped - Sherlock, Moriarty, Mycroft
The White Rose of Jerusalem ~ King Baldwin IV x Reader
El Profesor cuddling his S/O Berlin with a petite!S/O
Thranduil with a short S/O Relationship HCs - Thranduil Relationship HCs - Thorin Relationship HCs - Aragorn
One shots
Henderson!Reader x Robin Reader x Billy - Fluff "You look at me like I was the best thing of the world. I never felt so loved"  - Billy Hargrove “I’m so in love with you...And I can't stand the thought of losing you” - Billy Hargrove Just A Smile ~ Billy Hargrove x Reader
Fluff Alphabet ( J, K, X ) - Billy Hargrove Fluff Alphabet ( B, G, L, N, O ) - Billy Hargrove
                     ANIME / MANGA / MANHWA 
Shy and sweet S/O who loves hugs and flowers - Aizawa, Toshinori, Todoroki Fem!S/O helps Tokoyami relax after a rough time They meet Fem!S/O’s ex-boyfriend - Dabi, Tamaki, Chisaki, Tomura They meet Fem!S/O’s ex-boyfriend - Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou S/O dies in their arms - Dabi, Chisaki Fem!S/O with self-image issues - Aizawa, Todoroki, Kaminari Kissing/Affection - Iida Rising Hero!Kaminari’s sister!Fem!S/O - Aizawa General Course!S/O trains to go to Hero Course - Tokoyami Abuse scars!Insecure!S/O - Toshinori Abuse scars!Insecure!S/O - Aizawa Anxious!Trans!S/O - Bakugou Courting his S/O - Dabi Finding out he has a fanclub - Dabi Romantic HCs - Aizawa N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( F, H, I, J, K ) - Kaminari, Midoriya *** SFW + N.S.F.W HCs - Midnight *** N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( B, C ) - Tamaki, Kirishima *** Sero Petting A Cat He Didn’t Want At First BakuSquad In Jail ( crack ) N.S.F.W. general HCs - Sero Hanta (mostly soft) *** Sero trying to court a civilian S/O who is oblivious and clueless Wolf!S/O Quirk - Yaoyorozu Momo
Pocky game -  Aizawa, Hizashi Being saved by their S/O - Dabi, Kirishima, Tsuyu, Chisaki Saving their S/O - Chisaki, Dabi, Tomura Healer!Fem!S/O is wronged - Chisaki, Aizawa, Shinsou Fem!S/O with Anxiety - Chrono, Dabi, Bakugou
One Shots
Kirishima having a crush on a girl with an Empath Quirk Chisaki’s Fem!S/O gets kidnapped Tamaki’s Fem!S/O falling asleep on him Toshinori’s S/O being being motherly to Izuku Dabi x Insecure!Fem!S/O Chisaki x Hacker!Fem!S/O Chisaki x Fem!S/O who needs comfort  Shinsou x Fem!Reader whose bff is Bakugou Sleeping in the same bed for the first time - Kirishima I’m Weak Too... ~ Bakugou x Reader Traditionally, I Love You ~ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader ***
Yakuza Chisaki
One shots
Undertaker Pink Lotus Princess - Lau
My OC - Kitsune Kasai Kitsune as a Genin Kitsune Kasai OC template
One shots
Kakuzu Kisame Itachi Kankuro My Clarity ~ Shikamaru x Kitsune Peace of Mind ~ Hatake Kakashi The Flower Princess ~ Kakuzu x Reader
How You Met - Akatsuki How You Met - Ninjas You Become Friends - Akatsuki You Become Friends - Ninjas
One shots
Germany 2P!Japan France/2P!France ( Different endings ) 
Cute jealousy ( not toxic!! ) HCs - America
One shots
Karius/Karias Blerster
One Shots
Matt Jeevas
The Idiot ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky
A Thousand Year Love ~ Ryomen Sukuna x Kitsune!Reader Curse-Breaker ~ Ryomen Sukuna x Fem! Reader ***
Fluffy Domestic Relationship HCs ~ Nanami Kento
Flowers - Nicolas Brown x Reader Soft Tunes, Warm Hugs - Worick Arcangelo x Reader Remember Me ~ Worick Arcangelo x Reader Headcanons Fluffy, slightly NSFW-ish HCs - Nicolas Brown *** Nicolas Brown reunited with childhood sweetheart S/O Nicolas Brown with a hard of hearing S/O
Smoke and Mirrors ~ Sesshomaru x Reader
Andersen realises he is in love Alucard realises he is in love N.S.F.W. HCs - Alucard ***
Your Protector ~ Gloxinia x Reader
I’m Your Little Butterfly ~ Hanayama Kaoru x Reader Always By Your Side ~ Jack Hanma x Reader
Being in a relationship with Yujiro Hanma N.S.F.W. HCs - Yujiro Hanma *** S.F.W & N.S.F.W. HCs - Baki Hanma *** S.F.W. & N.S.F.W. HCs - Hanayama Kaoru ***
Headcanons N.S.F.W. Alphabet - Okubo Naoya *** Raian instantly falls in love with a girl at the tournament Being in a relationship with Kure Raian... Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat... Being in a relationship with Kano Agito... Being in a relationship with Tokuno’o Tokumichi... Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing... Being in a relationship with Wakatsuki Takeshi... Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki... Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga... Being in a relationship with Shen Wulong...
Heart Sutra ~ Buddha x Goddess! Reader My Most Cherished Friend - Lu Bu Fengxian x Reader My Reason For Smiling ~ Sasaki Kojiro x Reader You Are My Sunshine - Jack the Ripper/Jack Smith x Reader Goddess of the Luo River ~ Qin Shi Huang x Reader
Relationship Headcanons - Thor
One Shots
Ryou Bakura/Akefia x Reader/Ancestor 
How you met - Atem, Seto, Ryou/Yami Bakura, Akefia S/O warming up their hands in winter - Seto, Yugi, Jounouchi
Halloween - Ryou Bakura Relationship HCs - Pharaoh Atem Courting HCs - Seto Courting HCs - Ryou  Cute date - Yugi N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( A, F, J, K ) - Atem, Yugi *** You save them with CPR - Priest Seto, Pharaoh Atem, Priestess Isis
My JoJo Stand - Lilium
New Kids - Kakyoin Noriaki x Fem!Reader  Heal Me - Kujo Jotaro x Fem!Reader Memories - Bruno Buccellati x Fem!Reader Reader is de-aged by Alessi - Kakyoin Noriaki Save Me From Myself - Leone Abbacchio  Milkshake - Ghiaccio Kiss on the forehead + Milkshake + Pull to the chest - Giorno Giovanna My Strength - Risotto Nero God’s Snowdrop - Dio Brando (Non Vampire AU) Rose Pink - Giorno Giovanna ( Snow White x Vento Aureo crossover ) Platinum Cherry Blossom - Kujo Jotaro ( Mulan x SDC + Vento Aureo ) - Part 1 Platinum Cherry Blossom - Kujo Jotaro ( Mulan x SDC + Ventro Aureo ) - Part 2 Kiss It Better - Gyro Zeppeli x Reader Heartbreak, Jailbreak - Narciso Anasui ( Non-Pucci AU ) Beauty and The Brando - Dio Brando (1/2) Beauty and The Brando - Dio Brando (2/2)
When They Realise They Love You - Risotto, Bruno, Giorno, Abbacchio, Rohan, Kakyoin When They Meet Your Ex - Risotto, Bruno, Abbacchio, Jotaro When You Save Them - Risotto, Caesar, Abbacchio, Rohan
NSFW Alphabet - Joseph Joestar part 3 - S, T, A, R, K, O, M, V, Y *** Fem!Black!Punk!S/O x Leone Abbacchio  New Hairstyle - Fem!Black!Punk!S/O x Leone Abbacchio Bucci Gang with a Sweet, Affectionate S/O Josuke, Jotaro, Vampire!Dio with a Sweet, Affectionate S/O S/O starts to share similar habits - Kujo Jotaro, Dio Brando (Slight NSFW-ish) Dio standing up to his innocent S/O that gets taken advantage of *** Idol!S/O who gets their privacy invaded by a creep ~ Jotaro, Rohan, Narancia Gyro comforting a sad S/O
                          DATING SIMS / PHONE GAMES
Mammon unrequited love (fluffy ending) Beelzebub x Reader who loves to cook Lucifer learning to play a game MC plays with Leviathan Where they take you on vacation - 7 Brothers + Diavolo FemDom reader - Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo *** FemDom reader - Beelzebub *** FemSub reader - Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beelzebub *** N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( A, H, I, M ) - Lucifer  *** FemSub reader - Belphie *** Relationship HCs - Asmo, Lucifer N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( B, O, Y ) - Lucifer, Satan *** 7 Brothers reaction seeing Fairy!S/O ‘s scars from getting their wings ripped. Seeing Fairy!S/O’s scars from getting their wings ripped - Diavolo, Simeon, Barbatos Comfort HCs - Asmodeus SFW & N.S.F.W. HCs Shy!S/O - Lucifer, Satan *** Going clothes-shopping with S/O - Lucifer, Mammon N.S.F.W. Beel with a Male!S/O who begs, whimpers and dirty talks a lot *** S/O blowing Levi while he’s playing video games *** Reassurance HCs for a chubby, insecure S/O - Asmodeus, Leviathan When You Become A Fallen - 7 Brothers x Fallen!Seraph!Reader When You Become A Fallen - Diavolo x Fallen!Seraph!Reader Demon Brothers + Diavolo Doing Dance Workouts With S/O Favourite Pizza Toppings - 7 Brothers Alternate Zodiac Signs - 7 Brothers Calm and collected S/O slaps a demon & defends Mammon - Lucifer They find out you were abused - Lucifer, Mammon, Satan They take you to the beach when you’re sad - Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Asmo God allows Seraphim!Reader to date a demon - Satan S/O is emotionally exhausted - Diavolo, Beelzebub, Belphegor N.S.F.W. hcs with a shy, submissive fem!S/O - Diavolo, Solomon *** SFW Alphabet ( F, H, J ) - Leviathan N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( F, H, J ) - Leviathan *** Getting Comforted about your poor sibling relationship - Mammon  How they react when S/O gets talked over and ignored by their friends - Mammon, Satan, Barbatos, Solomon
Satan cuddling cats x Reader Heaven’s Jewel - Diavolo x Seraph!Reader (Seraphine) Happy Birthday, Lucifer~! Eternal Love ~ Diavolo x Reader Spark, Ignite, Detonate, Explode ~ Mammon x Reader Guardian Angel ~ Lucifer x Reader Hold Me, I’m Soft ~ Mammon x Reader Take My Hand ~ Lucifer x Reader
Obey Me! Birthday Event! Obey Me! OC - Katrina Black Barbie/Disney Movies - Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Beel (cursed post)
The CEO’s Little Kitten ~ Jumin Han x Reader Fluffy Kittens ~ Jumin Han x Katrina, Delilah <3 Elizabeth the 3rd  Fluffy Days ~ Jumin Han x Reader ( Ultra Fluff )
General N.S.F.W. HCs - Seven ***
Sheepless Sheep Girl ~ Yin Zhi x Reader Little Tinkerbell ~ Yin Zhi x Reader Your Saviour ~ Yin Zhen x Reader A Zhang Of Redness ~ Yin Zhen x Reader Hunting Trip ~ Fu Heng x Reader The Tigress of Wrath and the Golden Dragon ~ Yin Zhen x Reader My Little Physician Empress ~ Yin Zhen x Reader
They find out you want revenge on the Crown Prince - Fu Heng, Pan An, Yin Zhen General relationship HCs - Pan An
Shall We Date?  Otome games
My Neo Geisha ~ Kinshiro Toyama
Fawn Princess ~ Tokugawa Ieyasu x Reader
S/O Overworks Herself ~ Mitsuhide, Nobunaga, Masamune
Pinky Promise - Cho Sangwoo Love Story ( Squid Game )
Chapter 1 - Lost It All Chapter 2 - Opportunities Chapter 3 - Honey, Honey Chapter 4 - Let's Start A Riot Chapter 5 - Legacy Chapter 6 - Trust Chapter 7 - 281 + 139 = 45.6 Billion Won
FoxFire - Sabaku no Gaara Love Story ( Naruto )
Chapter 1 - A Little Fox
The Blood Moon - Billy Hargrove Love Story ( Stranger Things )
Chapter 1 - The Fox and The Lion Chapter 2 - The Rogue and The Bard Chapter 3 - The Nerd and The Playboy Chapter 4 - The Tiefling and The Dragonborn Chapter 5 - Fear and Loathing in Hawkins Chapter 6 - Summertime Sadness Chapter 7 - I’m Loving You Chapter 8 - Happily Ever After
Your Guardian Angel - Tokita Ohma Love Story ( Kengan Ashura )
Chapter 1 - The Healing Angel Chapter 2 - Debt Chapter 3 - Promise Of Reunion Chapter 4 - The Ashura and The Kitsune Chapter 5 - The Forbidden Technique Chapter 6 - Replacement Chapter 7 - I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES! Chapter 8 - The Betrayal Chapter 9 - Let The Show Begin! Chapter 10 - Strengthening Friendship Bonds Chapter 11 - Am I Wrong? Chapter 12 - Foxes Have Fangs And Rabies Chapter 13 - New Rules, New Moves Chapter 14 - Battle Of The Psychos Chapter 15 - Distress Chapter 16 - Unlikely Best Friend Chapter 17 - The Kitsune Chapter 18 - Le Petit Empereur Chapter 19 - The Return Of The Queen Chapter 20 - Ken Doll and Barbie the CEO Chapter 21 - 👑Kengan de Huángdi👑 Chapter 22 - Crimson Spider Lily Chapter 23 - The Connector  Chapter 24 - Wǒ Qīn'ài de Húxiān Huánghòu
Deicide - Kratos Love Story ( God of War )
Chapter 1 -  The Marked Warrior Chapter 2 - Call Out My Name Chapter 3 - The Final Task  Chapter 4 - Kinslayer  Chapter 5 - The Truth Revealed Chapter 6 - Death To All Who Oppose Us Chapter 7 - Patricide Chapter 8 - Frozen Heart Chapter 9 - Witch's House
Social Medias
Fake Instagrams - Hunger Games (Effie, Haymitch, Seneca, Foxface, Annie, Finnick) Fake Instagrams - BBC Sherlock (Sherlock, Moriarty, Irene, Molly, John) Whatsapp conversation - Bucky & S/O Fake Instagram post - Tony Stark & S/O Fake Snapchats - Charles Xavier & S/O
In Character Asks & Letters
Mail Jeevas ( Death Note ) Draco Malfoy ( Harry Potter ) Asmodeus ( Obey Me! ) John Watson ( BBC Sherlock )
Day 1 : Hand Holding - Uchiha Itachi Day 2 : Hugs - 2P!America/Allen Jones Day 3 : Kiss - Ezio Auditore Day 4 : Cuddles - Undertaker Day 5 : Caress - Malik Al’Sayf Day 6 : Comfort - 2P!Canada/James Williams Day 7 : Playing With Hair - Billy Hargrove Day 8 : Carrying/Holding - Kakuzu Day 9 : Flowers - Komaeda Nagito Day 10 : Date - Chisaki Kai Day 11 : I Love You - Dabi Day 12 : Fantasy/Video Game - Larry Johnson Day 13 : Pining - Sal Fisher Day 14 : Shy - Snake Day 15 : Passion - Jhin Day 16 : Wings - Hawks Day 17 : Fireworks - Gambit Day 18 : Whisper - Sherlock Holmes Day 19 : Jealous - Draco Malfoy Day 20 : Fingertips - Isaac ‘Zack’ Foster Day 21 : Dance - Kizami Yuuya Day 22 : Nicknames - Mitsuhide Akechi Day 23 : Confession - Satan Day 24 : Christmas Eve - Kaiba Seto Day 25 : Family - Aizawa Shouta Day 26 : Lap - Shigaraki Tomura Day 27 : Heartbeat - Shinogi Keiji Day 28 : Crush - Shinsou Hitoshi Day 29 : Gift - Tanaka Gundham Day 30 : Horse Riding - Philippe Duc d’Orléans Day 31 : Not Lonely Anymore - Obey Me! Brothers
           Me being an idiot and doing troll things
Obey Me (Un)periodically QuaranTEAne cursed post spill. - Barbies I look like Kakyoin Noriaki, but I can’t do the RERO no matter how much I try I killed Jotaro...Not really, but now...KONO DIO DA! La Squadra Esecuzioni-Trollioni-Mangiarioni
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