#mask explosion
fishklok · 2 years
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it makes sense to me
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firyfox · 2 years
Hot take : Katsuki looks waaayyy better with his mask pulled down around his neck than with his mask pushed up past his forehead 😤🤚🏼
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socialsanxiety · 2 years
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I don’t have energy to make art so I did some crafting because I still wanted to Create! something and it was so fun!!
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explosiontooth · 2 years
Metal masked assassin vs Nathan explosion who’s winning the boob off
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gointothevvater · 2 years
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fagtainsparklez · 2 years
so for the superhero au. i wanna draw their designs at some point but 1. i don’t have time and 2. i haven’t figured all of them out yet BUT i got the kids’ core aesthetics down for anyone who wants to draw them!!
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art--harridan · 3 years
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[Image description: A digital comic centered on TommyInnit. It's starts with the line "your passion is a match;", which is accompanied by a drawing of George's mushroom cottage and a giant, lit match. However, the matchhead is the disc Cat. Then, there's an image of Tommy - he's coughing up ash into his hands, and in the background there's an explosion. Next to this, theres the sentence "affection tastes like ash on your tongue". Below, there's a drawing of a lit powder keg, and a selection of items. The items include the l'manberg flag, the axe of peace, Dream's mask and Eret's crown. To the right, it says "why are all your relationships powder kegs?" There's is a heart underneath that's cracked into multiple pieces, along with the final line. It reads "why does your love always result in self-immolation?" The background is a gradient from yellow to orange to red, resembling fire.]
Set yourself on fire to keep others warm
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thatwritingho · 3 years
Different anon, just wondering if you could point me (Us? The whole fandom?) towards some other good MTL writers? I can't speak for everyone but I'd love to follow more of you guys!
You know, we need another one of these posts listing out mtl writers, it's been a while since there was an updated one!
It totally depends on what type of writing you're looking for, but I'll go ahead and tag as many people I can think of in no particular order.
Metalocalypse Writers
Please check the reblog for further writers as this post hit the mentions limit!
Please tag/comment/reblog to include anyone I left out!
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mateuscosme · 3 years
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fishklok · 2 years
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i told myself that these sketches were me practicing for the encore comic, but nah i'm just procrastinating
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dyketubbo · 3 years
controversial opinion i think itd be fun if c!tubbo got pissed at techno. not in a violent dangerous way no i just want him to be able to actually vent out his frustrations at techno and point out all the fucking bullshit technos put him and others through. "but he forgave techno!" yeah and he can still be pissed at people he forgives. i dont want him to physically fight techno, i dont want him to kill techno, but i want to see tubbo get a chance to call techno the hell out. maybe even phil too! dreams already gotten chewed out plenty of times (even if hes yet to be chewed out completely for exile bc tommys not ready to talk about it w more people yet), wilburs gotten his fair share of "oh im kind of doing too much here" realizations and is likely to get a big turnaround moment, but techno and phil havent gotten their turnaround moments, phils gotten a small share of people pointing out his shit actions, but i want there to be a moment where techno and phil are forced to realize what theyve done and how shitty theyve been to others.
and i want tubbo to do it because time after time techno and phil just pretend like hes not a person, just a kid to teach a lesson to for acting out (just a government figure to drill into that hes a tyrant that deserved to have everything taken away from him), and tubbo getting pissed at them would just be. satisfying, yknow?
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lvcygraybaird · 3 years
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MOVIES I WATCHED IN 2020 ⇢ BIRDS OF PREY (2020) (this is the last movie i saw in theaters RIP 😢)
No one is like me. If you wanted to even come close, you would have to go to medical school. Become a psychiatrist. Work in an asylum. Fall in love with your patient. Break said patient out of said asylum. Begin a life of crime. Jump into a vat of chemicals to prove yourself to a madman. Get arrested by the Batman. Go back to jail. Get out of jail with a bomb on your neck. Save the world, go back to jail, and break out of jail before breaking up with the aforementioned madman, and going out on your own. 
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cloudyrei-rando · 3 years
To everyone in the Metalocalypse fandom, never forget The Fax Machine Incident of April 2016... not until we see the movie with our own two eyes anyway...
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I'm not saying I'm not excited and/or not to get our hopes up but I am saying don't set your expectations with Adult Swim TOO high.
Get excited! Take part in the fandom! We live again!
But keep the memory in the back of your mind cause we've been burned before.
Also links to the posts in the above screens shots here for those interested in that whole mess: The initial petition post, secondary petition post about the fax machine, my post with my petition essay which I saved cause of course I did lol
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a-dope-fiend · 3 years
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take it, just....take it
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rasartblog · 2 years
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When you overhear someone say that Nanotyrannus really existed. 
Character by Evodolka
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