#maskcare for all
wunderthreads · 3 years
I can’t even.
Mask sales will now be going to get myself a new couch, because I had to cut the back of my couch open to rescue my cat. My cat got stuck in my couch near the mechanics for the recliner part of it and I could not get her out safely. So, I had to cut open the back of my couch. SMH.
The criminal and her crime
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belladoesmakeup · 3 years
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Hey guys,
Since the original lockdowns we have experienced a lot of changes and something new in the beauty world is Maskne! Now everyone has experienced this at some point from wearing face masks all day especially if like me you wear them all day. Now while we try to look after our skin as much as we can Maskne is something we can't avoid because our skin is still getting used to wearing a face covering all day where our skin doesn't get a chance to breathe as much as we'd like.
Today we are going to be chatting about a new holy grail product of mine that has worked for my skin so well it's the Revolution Skincare Maskcare Maskne Calming & Purifying Lower Face Sheet Mask , 5.00. This face sheet mask comes in a pack of 2 for £5.00, this innovative lower face sheet mask specifically designed to repair the skin from damage caused by wearing fabric face masks and coverings. Honestly it's such a simple clever idea to fix such a annoying problem. This fully biodegradable sheet mask is fragrance-free which is perfect for those with sensitive skin.
This mask has been created with specific skincare ingredients to help exfoliate skin and prevent clogging in the skin. Like I said before it's really easy to use too. You start off by unfolding and apply the sheet mask to cleansed skin. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Remove mask and gently pat in any excess serum. Dispose of the mask with your household waste.
I love this facemask and I have repurchased these masks since getting them originally as part of a x-mas gift from my cousin and 2 for £5.00 is a real bargain to be honest. So if you're like me and need a little help with your skin check out this range at www.revolutionbeauty.com
Lots of love
Bella x x
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wunderthreads · 3 years
So, what’s coming up?
Once again, it’s been a minute! However, I’ve been trying to adjust my life and figure out what kind of schedule works out the best for me in regards to my ADHD, how I can juggle making product, etc. 
The biggest news points:
I AM CHANGING THE NAME OF THE STORE! I will still mainly fix masks for now, but as interest in masks winds further and further down (I hope) I want to focus on other items. I’m going to be listing embroidery, hopefully selling embroidery patterns at some point, and my brother has asked that I create accessories for action figures. I will be changing the name of the store/all social media from Maskcare for All to Wunder Threads. 
I got a Tiktok. I’ll be posting some quick tutorials on how things are made, and if there’s enough interest for in depth information I’ll make a Youtube for that sort of things. You can find the Wunder Threads tiktok here. (I literally just started it a few days ago) 
Finally, KOFI FINALLY ALLOWS DISCOUNT CODES. That means if you were one of the people who first bough a preorder, you can use that code for items on Kofi! I think I still remember the code I created, but if you try to use it and it doesn’t work, just let me know. That means I got it wrong <3 
Thank you everyone, and I’m looking forward to seeing where Wunder Threads goes next. 
As always, you can go here to purchase a mask or donate for someone else to get a free mask.
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wunderthreads · 3 years
Did I say masks would be uploaded last weekend?? Ignore that, I meant his weekend 😂
New masks are up!!! For now they are exclusive to Kofi, but after the weekend I will be selling them on Etsy as well.
Better pictures coming soon, after I unpack my light box! All items can be found here.
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Again items are all on Kofi with the option to commission me as well!
A few more masks will be uploaded tonight as well.
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wunderthreads · 3 years
Each day is one step closer to spooky season. I’m working on making as many bat masks as possible.
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wunderthreads · 3 years
I make masks! You can commission me for masks! Be your safe and masked spooky, goth, pastel goth, or fun self with winged masks. I’ve got bat wings, dragon wings, mermaid fins, cherub chubby wings, and fitted masks for if you don’t want to be that noticeable.
I’m also working on trying to make a video tutorial or branch into some other items, but I need your help for that. Consider buying a mask or joining in a Kofi tier. Find it all here.
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wunderthreads · 3 years
New to this batches of masks- improvements that makes the wings sturdier!! You can see now they don’t flop as much to the side and they hold up with my hair still down.
Please note if you have long hair, and wear it down, it can cause the wings to push foreword and not rest against your head.
You can get your mask, or request a commission, here
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wunderthreads · 3 years
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Sitting down and sewing for the fist time again in months!
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wunderthreads · 3 years
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I did it. The last order from the first preorder has been shipped!
112 orders, 132 masks, over 50 yards of fabric, hundreds of yards of thread, and months of 12-16 hour work days. Thank you all so much for being patient and for caring about my sewing so much.
I will be taking the weekend off and then the pride masks will start going out at the end of the week. Thankfully, there aren’t nearly as many orders so it will be much faster.
Thank you all again.
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wunderthreads · 3 years
New masks will be launching on Kofi tonight at midnight CST! These masks will ONLY be available via Kofi for this weekend, after that they will also be on Etsy, where there is more traffic and the masks cost more.
In this batch there are 16 fitted masks, 6 adult bag masks, 1 child bat mask, two chubby wing masks, and two mermaid masks. The goal is to organize and get ready to make more and have another batch posted the next weekend!
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wunderthreads · 3 years
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A pile of shaped masks that are ready to be ironed. Black and white so the final look isn’t revealed yet!
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wunderthreads · 3 years
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Working on some fitted masks to put up for sale! These are the fattest to make so I thought they should go first. 😊
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wunderthreads · 4 years
I wanted to tell all of you thank you again and give you an update! 
Because I met my goal of preorders I have put two more masks up for preorder on Kofi! These masks are “A Child” inspired by everyone’s favorite baby in the Mandalorian and “Chubby Wings” which are wings, but chubby. The presales on these two masks will last until November 21st and will start to be mailed out on the 23rd, in the order they were received. 
[image description: two masks. The first is sage green and extends out from both sides of the face and looks like long pointed ears like Yoda. The second is multiple burgandy colors in a marbled pattern and it extends past the face to look like wings with rounded edges and a small spiral pattern near the front of the mask.]
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The “Chubby Wing” mask is made with a marbled fabric and each mask will look just a little bit different from one another!
There has been some concern with Kofi because when folks have tried to order multiple masks that aren’t the same they have had to pay shipping for each item. I contacted Kofi and they said they are going to be implementing  a shopping cart system and it would come soon. Until then- if you have paid shipping twice I will refund you the extra shipping you paid for once preorders are over. If you want to order multiples now please select one mask, order the amount you would like, and then contact me on Tumblr, or through the Maskcare for All facebook page, tell me the name you ordered under and the masks you actually want. Because of the shopping cart issue, and there isn’t a way to create discount codes, I will be shifting over to Etsy after preorders are filled. If Kofi fixes the shipping issue I will sell some through them as well.
After the 7th I will be putting up premade and full priced masks up for sale. These masks will be $15 and $20 before shipping and will be made with fabrics that might be difficult to purchase more than once. For example- fabrics with prints instead of solid colors. 
I can’t wait for these masks to go out into the world and see how you all like them! Again, thank you so so much for the support! 
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pirateliz · 4 years
All of you have blown my mind with your response to my masks and my heart is filled with joy ❤❤ the response has been so much that I think I'll make a seperate tumblr for Maskcare for All so all of you can stay updated if you want.
I got well over the preorder amount I initially wanted so I'll be introducing two more masks on Monday!!
To keep in touch for now you can follow Maskcare for All on Facebook and Instagram!
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wunderthreads · 4 years
This is the new account for Maskcare for All which will just feature information about what I do and the items I sell! 
Please consider following this account to keep up with future sales, designs, and ask any questions you may have. 
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