cryptidm0ths · 1 year
okay im back to normal
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ye god yeslike the closest is probably romanitc?date where he lashes out at tatsumi but he doesnt really question his behaviors similarly in ariadne there the overthinking to try and guess at what HiMERU would want vs "him" but no click and honestly yht efact that hes constantly trying the refer to HiMERU - the perfect idol, who is incapable of being wrong, being cruel, of being human- instead of kaname who is painfully human is jsut setting himself up for grander failure
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britt-kageryuu · 1 month
There were times Donnie wondered why some people watch some of the streams they did. He's literally just putting together the bases for a mod they were adding to a private MMO server. If it was for his model, he really didn't want to know how many fans simped over a 3D Model of him in a pair of deep lavander sweatpants, a black tank top, Atomic Lass slippers, and his usual decorated mask.
Shelldon was zipping about the studio with River following after, testing her newly upgraded body that could move much faster than previously. Their models would pop up every now and then when they got close to the computer workstations.
A notification goes of, which prompted him to check the prompter that listed the recent donations and subscriptions.
"Thank You, 'DancingintheWaves' for the $30 donation, 'We know Blue can speak Spanish, so do you and your brothers know any other Languages?' Why yes, we all have picked up some Spanish from Blue, and Señor Hueso, but on top of that we all have learned Sign Language," He pauses to make sure his hands are in clear veiw, "And before you ask for a demonstration remember this model only has 6 fingers. Jazz Hands!" He does a bit of jazz hands to emphasize this point.
" 'Aren't their any official altered Sign Language for those who lose fingers?' Maybe, but I don't think it's very well documented. Though I can show you the way to 'sign' my name," He forms what resembles D, then tapped his head before moving his hand away, "A simple D, and signing Smart. The others can show their own on their own time."
Another notification goes off.
" 'TerrapinTurnabout' thank you for the $10, 'Why did you learns Sign Language?' Well that's not an invasive question what so ever, he said with great sarcasm." Donnie knew this would be asked, but it's still not annoying, "Okay, when I was a little Turtle Tot, I tended to be very non verbal, so we learned SL so that I could at least 'tell' them what might have upset me. From there it became just another way me and Blue could plan pranks without anyone else hearing. Now it's just better to keep up with it just in case."
He pauses to double check what he just typed out, because at least once he accidentally typed what he was saying, and not the code for the program.
"The just in case moments include, Mandarin and Blues jobs, and the rare Red fan. As for me, there are just days were talking is to much. Now let's run a test of what I have so far!" Donnie hypes up only to see the program not do what he expected. And the stream goes on from there.
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jaggedjot · 3 months
An Extended Set of Notes on a Look at Season Two
Or, an attempt at being cohesive in extenuating circumstances.
"He wants you in pieces for the privilege of putting them back together as he sees fit." Armand has correctly identified Daniel's saviour complex (part projection-denial of his own feelings for Louis, part assertion of the white masculinity he leans into) with Louis.
There is a distinct edge to the smiles that Claudia and Armand give each other.
It is implied through the montage that Louis’ speech about his newfound commitment to pragmatic optimism ("Stop feeling sorry for yourself. A shit life beats no life. And where we're going now, we can't be running away again.") is aimed at Claudia. If that is the case, then Claudia is going to rightfully furious at this implicit criticism of her own despair at being an eternal adolescent, especially as this is coming from the man who played a significant role in causing that about. Not to mention the underlying resentment it suggests Louis has about her willingness to leave him, when Louis will be doing something similar to her later in the season.
I do need Sam Reid to teach classes about how to remove a shirt or waistcoat that smoothly.
The third episode of season one had Daniel point out how different Louis portrays Lestat in the present day to the original interview, namely that at the time he seemed to despite Lestat. Armand though clearly recognised that the anger and loathing Louis exhibited in the 1970s is something of a front to mask still existing love.
Initially I thought that Lestat was eating bible scripture, but, judging by the modern costume, he may be eating one of Armand’s scripts instead; the symbolism of both potential images is wonderful.
While Claudia and Madeline’s heads are already turned away, defeated, we catch a glimpse of Louis watching Lestat leave them to their fate.
Interesting that Armand is not going to pretend that there isn't something between him and Lestat.
Whoever blocks the sex scenes understands the importance of desperately grasping hands. I wonder if this tussle will end, as the previous one did, with Louis’ initial dominance fading as he allows himself to be overwhelmed.
“Let me guess, he’s your companion, finally. Picked another one over me!” It must be incredibly difficult for Claudia to see Louis find love, and be loved so intensely, when she is unable to in large part due to Louis' decision for her to be turned as a child. And for Louis to then decide that he has grown out of their relationship.
The line of "You fear Armand. You should fear the other one." before cutting to Louis smashing a glass against a priceless painting. My crazy girl is back.
Present day Louis actually seems to be wearing a colour that isn't black for the first time.
Even having rewound a dozen times, I still have no idea what horrific creature Louis imagines crawling out of the hollow of Lestat's throat. You would presume it would be a rat, but there is something insectoid to it.
A lot of theories about what happened on that fateful night in San Francisco being refuted or made more valid, specifically the seeming confirmation that it was Louis that left that scar on Daniel, and that the interview did take place the same night Louis and Daniel met.
Claudia and Louis sharing Madeleine is quite something.
The implication of the montage accompanying Claudia’s “You got to give up something to get something.” seems to be that Claudia is going to realise that she can never be fulfilled while maintaining her splintering relationship with Louis. Then for it to be followed up by Louis' "You and me, me and you." speech to her.
Santiago's inclusion in the "You and me, me and you." montage promises many things.
This trailer does nothing to contradict my theory that Armand is standing in the prompter’s box of his theatre during the trial, while claiming in the present day that he had no say over what happened next.
Please tell me Lestat's imagined ghost is not accompanying Louis and Armand during all their Parisian dates.
The shot of Lestat laughing while holding an ashing cigarette further confirms that there will be flashbacks to Rue Royale, as the blurred background looks very similar to the downstairs room.
"Pieces of my life gone. I knew who I was without those pieces." LOUIS.
The toast between Claudia, Madeleine, Louis and Armand seems to be taking place immediately before the trial, because Claudia is wearing the same fateful yellow dress and Madeleine the same blue blouse and, seemingly, red two-piece skirt and jacket.
The collapse of the bookshelves containing memorabilia of the past are not clearly connected to something happening in an interview session. If this is a response to something dramatic or particularly emotional in the story, you would expect Daniel to be up close, not sitting behind a desk alone.
It does hurt me to see Louis cry.
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purplebass · 6 months
Kell the sea warrior: Kay the privateer
I was thinking about Kay Maresh, Kell's privateer identity that he took on after a few years of physical training on the Grey Barron. I wanted to see if the name was another spelling of the name Kai, and it turns out that it is. Depending on the roots, this name means "sea/ocean" or "shell" or even "warrior" and "to rejoice". All these meanings fit Kell's new identity on the ship, out to sea. And the name was chosen deliberately to represent all of his nuances as a character in this new journey. When he's Kay, he conceals his face with a mask, has a new costume and spelled blades, and he is a warrior who uses his body to fight and he also learnt how to be swift and quiet when he moves. Like a ninja or a thief.
Something switches in Kell when he decides to become Kay. He finds hope and confidence in himself for the first time in years after his magic was broken. He understands that if he puts his mind to it and if he believes in himself, he can be anything he wants to be. We see that he still longs for his magic even as Kay, and how he wavers because he is a human being and therefore he's not perfect. Kay was a way to cope with loss and build strength, both physical and mental. Kay was the light at the end of the tunnel. After his magic is fixed, it feels like Kay has served his purpose because Kell the magician his whole again. But Kell decides to still "perform" Kay's identity when he's in private with Lila, because she loves this part of him as well. And Kay is part of Kell by now, another side of himself he didn't know before he got on Lila's ship. After all, the reason Kell took on the Kay identity on the ship was because and thanks to her. Lila couldn't watch him self-sabotage anymore, and she gave him a pep talk which can be summed up in: do you want to keep sinking or do you want to learn how to swim? She knew Kell could very well swim, if only he let someone help him see how there is still much to his life than his magic. His magic didn't define him. And he decided to trust Lila for once.
Kay first appears after a few years of trying to swim and try to keep himself afloat. Lila was the main prompter of Kell's journey to freedom, to Kay himself, so it was only right that he would first show Kay to her. She was his final boss.
Beating her at something she excelled at was a big confidence booster for him, but getting her seal of approval with his new disguise? Lila being proud of him for both? That didn't just boost his confidence, but also his ego, and made his heart lighter. This man is so head over heels for her and I can't imagine how he was excited like a little kid when she was so happy that he had decided to trust himself and his abilities and to envision a new path for himself amid his hopelessness.
Lila was so proud of Kell and also turned on by Kay, because it was the first time in years she had also seen that Kell was finally getting better compared to when they first started their journey together.
The circle opened when he shows Kay to her for the first time and closes after his magic his fixed, after Kay has served his purpose in the story. Both of these moments lead to an intimate situation where Lila wants to see what Kay can do. I think that the intimate response is her way to practically show Kell how much she loves and appreciates him and how happy she is for him. It's her way to say I love you, because she prefers to show rather than tell. We see how Kay also works like this, in fact he leads her to the bed, surprising her. So Kay is Kell's daring side.
The reason why Lila doesn't want to let go of Kay even after Kell is back is because Kay is another side to him. A side to him he only shows privately to her, and that she knows deeply because it's a mix of his hopes and fears as well as his courage to dare and risk. He doesn't need to let Kay go. Kay is a side of him and she loves all the parts of him.
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trickricksblog09 · 3 months
🚨MASK SLIPS: With hard drugs wearing off fast Joe Biden has a truly shocking moment of honesty & lucidity.
After MTG screams Laken Riley’s name Biden goes off prompter, rattled and admits:
“THOUSANDS of Americans are being Killed by ILLEGALS.”
Joe knows.
He doesn’t care.
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givethispromptatry · 1 year
hi . so , I've been following you since my start on tumblr . you and a lot of other writing blogs were my first experience on writeblr . I really hope the surgery goes well and you'll be fine in due time . have a nice day , and know that you're a big part as to why I stayed on this hellsite (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
You are so sweet! I'm so glad that my blog is that entertaining! I do have to say that tumblr is really my ideal social media website so staff would really have to mess up for me to leave. 😅
I've been doing well all things considered. I'm all set up for my surgery that's happening in the morning on the 11th. I've been wearing those KN95 masks everywhere so we don't have to delay anything!
This kind of surgery means I'm going to be in the hospital anywhere from 3 to 5 days depending on how my parts react to being sliced at. Hopefully it won't be too bad as it is a very small section of my colon that needs to be cut out. I don't know how much energy I'll have then but maybe I'll do a 'ask prompter' thing or something to pass the time in between family visits!
I hope you have a lovely day or evening or whatever time it is for you! ❤️
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thebiggerbear · 6 months
Prompt Response List
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Overall list of where I find/found the prompts I use/used and to give due credit to the prompters:
@dumplingsjinson's prompts:
“Quick, kiss me again, they’re coming back—”
“Why’d you do that?” “Because you wouldn’t shut up.”
“You break the tradition and you end up being cursed for life. Is that what you want?” “…Are you blackmailing me right now?”
"I took care of that asshole for you." "I don't like the sound of that."
“Why did you…” “I’m trying to remind you of what happened last night.” (Beau x Cassie)
“That’s so unfair!” “What’s unfair?” “You can’t just do that without warning me!” (Beau x Cassie)
“I am not kissing you.” “Too bad. It’s tradition.” (Beau x Cassie)
“Merry Christmas!” “…Did you seriously get me a gift card from your favorite store?” (Beau x Cassie)
@sydnee-kom-spacekru's prompts:
fluff prompt list #33: “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
"You're safe now. I'm here." (SDV Leah x Reader)
"You're safe now. I'm here." (Soldier Boy x Reader)
@winchester-reload's prompts:
Suptober2020 - #6 - Masks
@creativepromptsforwriting's prompts:
#941 "I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that"
Soldier Boy x Reader
Beau Arlen x Reader
Dean Winchester x Reader
Jenny Hoyt x Reader
Anael x Reader
Jason Teague x Reader
Tom Hanniger x Reader
Alec McDowell x Reader
CJ Braxton x Reader
Rachel Gatina x Reader
SDV Leah x Reader
@thelonelyempath's prompts:
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
Soldier Boy x Reader
Beau Arlen x Reader
Dean Winchester x Reader
Jenny Hoyt x Reader
Anael x Reader
Jason Teague x Reader
Tom Hanniger x Reader
SDV Alex x Reader
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spn-masquerade · 2 years
Supernatural Masquerade Round 9: Fall of Forbidden Fantasies
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The Supernatural Masquerade is back for round 9 (now even with a tumblr)!
What is the Masquerade?
Supernatural’s (semi) annual, quick-fire, anonymous prompt fest of kink!
What does that mean?
We host a prompt meme, where everyone can anonymously prompt and fill prompts in the span of four weeks. Any pairing (including at least one SPN character or SPN RPF actor), any kink goes, as long as we all keep our masks on ;) After the prompting and filling period is over, you may de-mask and claim your fills or reveal yourself as prompter, but you don’t have to! We play with all the kinks and all the respect for each other. (Assume a blanket warning for everything. Any kind of kink may be mentioned in a prompt, so proceed cautiously if there are things you want to avoid.)
For the detailed rules and guidelines see this post.
What is not allowed?
Kink shaming. And reposting any works to other platforms. You may link works you enjoy, but absolutely no reposting or unmasking the creator. You recognize someone’s style? That’s great, but keep it to yourself until they choose to reveal themselves.
What kind of fills do you accept?
We accept both fic and art! For easy fill finding we have a pinboard where all fills from this round (and the previous ones!) get pinned and tagged with pairing, kinks, and warnings.
Where does this happen?
We used to be based on livejournal, which has sadly disabled anon commenting, so we’ve moved to Dreamwidth here. You do not need an account to play.
For updates follow us here or on twitter.
When does this happen?
Round Nine is running from October 1st to October 29h. The detailed schedule is here.
Why does this happen?
Because long live the kink! Now come join us and play. 
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heimeldat · 1 year
I think all the fics I've read by you are very cool, but as the Seventh Doctor and Ace fan that I am, you know I would love to hear your Director's Cut about those XD ❤️
Ooh let’s see...I guess I only have 3 with them so far.
Incendarine Contamination was kind of an accident. I hadn’t really planned to write anything with Seven, at least not until I’d refreshed my memory on some of his serials. But someone had given me an “accidental baby acquisition” prompt for an entirely different Doctor (I think it was Twelve) and this image just popped into my head of Seven carrying around some sort of ugly tentacly baby that had physically latched onto him, while Ace stared in dismay. So I kind of laughed and started writing a description of the scene, and next thing I knew I’d written 8 thousand words and fallen in love with Seven all over again.
Crystal, Fuse, and Mask was based on a prompt I snagged from some exchange I wasn’t part of, so I set out to fulfil as many of the prompter’s tags as possible, and that really guided the plot. I didn’t write this one all at once, though; I posted each chapter as I finished it and then figured out later how to resolve whatever problem I’d just created. This one is notable for introducing me to Doctor Nyarlathotep. I always liked the more eldritch mental-powers side of the Doctor’s character, but I didn’t know it was a Thing. I think it was actually you, Dyo, who mentioned Nyarla in the comments and prompted me to look up what that meant. Never coming back from that rabbit hole! Btw I do still intend to continued this story; it’s going to be a trilogy, each installment about the same length as this first one. I just haven’t gotten around to writing it yet.
Cold and Hot was inspired by a list of Whumptober prompts. I knew I wasn’t going to do more than a couple stories in October, so I crammed as many of the prompts as possible into one story. (Well, I probably could have managed more than eight, but that felt like enough.) I’d already been wanting to do a shipwreck story, and my first thought was to use Eight and Charley; they felt like the obvious choice for the romanticized adventure tropes associated with wrecks. But I’d been writing a lot of Eight/Charley and wanted a change, and I also didn’t feel like dealing with the frustration and anger that Charley often feels when the Doctor gets all self-sacrificial. Ace is much more likely to take that type of plot in stride; she gets triggered by secrets, not sacrifice. I’m glad I went that route; in this case, it was more fun exploring Time Lord biology (especially since I’d just finished writing my biological essay) than dealing with Charley’s emotions.
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The Stars Stopped To Watch
by Kuukuukachu
A salacious invitation leads Vi and Caitlyn to explore their sexuality together and put on a show at an upscale kink party. ______________________________ This is a fic exchange submission and I'm running a little behind with it. I am offering a delicious prelude as peace offering and as a promise to the events therein discussed.
The prompt I was given: Caitlyn brings Vi to an upscale masked Kink party in Piltover. Vi finds herself bombarded with requests to top. Caitlyn is jealous, wants to demonstrate ownership, and they put on a bit of a show. Want to see: Orgasm denial, begging, impact play, light public exposure, and soft aftercare
This may not entirely be what you were thinking, but I hope it pleases you greatly anyways, Prompter D!
Words: 1423, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Caitlyn (League of Legends), Vi (League of Legends), Mel Medarda, Elora (Arcane: League of Legends), Shoola (Arcane: League of Legends)
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Bathtub Sex, Kink Party, submissive Top Vi, Dominate bottom Caitlyn, they're switches, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Little Bit Jealous, Orgasm Denial, Begging, Impact Play, Soft Aftercare, THEY'RE ALSO IN LOVE, Strap-Ons, Sextech (League of Legends), Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Leashes, Dirty Talk
from AO3 works tagged 'Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)'
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grayintogreen · 2 years
I wanna maintain a little bit of hype for you can't deny high noon, since it won't start being posted until December and since I'm working on it slowly (mostly writing the prologue and first chapter because those have been in my head for AGES and then some other scenes that have ALSO been in my head for ages), I thought for WIP Wednesdays, I'd share bits and bobs that aren't super spoilery, but i also wanna share parts of the prologue for, uh... reasons related to solidifying some things in the minds of whoever is here and planning on reading before the Lucien book fucks me.
So here's a bit from the prologue featuring, ahem, an "original" character and a familiar face!
Cal pressed the tips of the index fingers of his clasped hands to his lips as he listened to the report being given. Over the years, he had cultivated a mask of positive emotions, rarely giving in to the negative because it was unbecoming of a man who once managed the public relations between Cognouza and the other wards, back when they were still allowed to associate with them. Now he used it to keep himself from panicking. It wouldn’t do for the Spymaster to be seen falling apart in front of his best agent even if what she was telling him was troubling.
“So. Avalir is falling as we speak. And you’re sure?”
Bolo narrowed her eyes. “Am I sure? I am very sure. Fiends punch holes in the fabric of Material Plane.” She waved her hand, speaking curtly in her broken Common. Her first language was Draconic and Cal had always had a suspicion of why that might be, but as a man with celestial blood and the corona of a halo around his white-blonde hair to prove it, he didn’t think he had room to judge.
“That’s… not great,” Cal said, very slowly. Underneath his careful facade his heart was racing. He could feel his halo flickering, making the shadows of his office dance in time with its stutter.
“Not great is understatement,” Bolo drawled. “If whatever is happening came to Avalir, it will come here and be worse. You know what they are building in Genesis Ward.”
“And it still isn’t ready?” He finally lowered his hands.
“Not operational in the least. They intended to test it on Lathras, but-“ Again, she waved her hand, dismissively. For someone who had witnessed the beginnings of the fall of Avalir, her calm made his look cheap.
“Augusta’s machine is untested, but she claims it’s ready.” Cal exhaled between his teeth. “I’ll have to make the call.” He moved with grace towards his desk- white marble and full of elegant arcane holograms that activated with a touch of his fingers. He had written this announcement in advance when he and the other eight agreed that one day they would tear themselves away from Aeor proper and be done with this plane and had it all ready on a prompter to be read.
It needed a bit of editing now, but that was fine. He was good at improvising.
His finger hovered above the intercom button that would send his voice throughout Cognouza. “Will you be going with us?”
Bolo snorted and muttered something in Draconic he couldn’t understand. Off his raised eyebrow, she bared her teeth. “I do not know how to say this politely in Common so I will say it blunt- you people are insane and this will never work. I will take my chances as far from Aeor as possible.”
Cal chewed on the inside of his cheek. “I appreciate the vote of confidence, Bolo.” He sank into his chair, finger still poised over the button. “Still, I appreciate the work you’ve done for me. I wish you well.”
She turned on her sharp heels, still dressed smartly for a party. She hadn’t even bothered to change before making her report- that said something about how dire she found the situation, even if her curtness belied it. He’d never known Bolo to not be in uniform when she met with him. “I wish you some sanity, but you have already lost that. The Nine are full of dreams.”
“And that’s where the power is, Bolo,” he sing-songed.
“Bah!” She said over her shoulder. The sliding door opened to meet her as she stepped in front of it and snapped closed behind her.
Cal breathed deeply and pressed the button. “My beloved Cognouza…” He began praising his city for its merits and the loyalty of its people, who stood by its leaders when the rest of Aeor shut them out. They were all the misunderstood dreamers of Exandria and soon they would have their due.
He could hear his voice echoing beyond the door- muffled to him, but to the rest of his ward it would draw their attention, clear and lovely as bells. He may have gone from PR to spycraft, but at least the denizens of Cognouza still treated him as their voice.
His calming platitudes were only a smokescreen to ease them into the poorer news, but his voice remained firm and unwavering even as the tone shifted. “I have just received word that Avalir is falling. The time for us to leave this plane is now. Please report to your designated stations. This is not a drill.”
He paused. This was really happening. They were going home. For good this time, not just in their dreaming. Let the rest of the disillusioned masses of Aeor fall to pieces around them. Let the whole Material Plane fall apart. Let the gods have it if they wanted it so badly.
They were going where anything they wished could be made real. They would be the gods now.
Calpurnius Amabilia loved this city with all of his heart and he would help bring it to the glory that it deserved. A new age of enlightenment birthed from the aether of manifestation.
He leaned forward with a dreamy little smile and said: “Will the Somnovem please report to the Aether Crux for activation.”
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monriatitans · 3 months
Ta-Da! List: Monday, March 25th
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I share my “Ta-Da! List” every day so everyone gets a daily update and I have a reminder of what I’ve accomplished.
To learn more about “Ta-Da! Lists”, check out @adhdjesse‘s book Extra Focus.
– O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog – WGS: The Weekend Game Show – ASO: Artist Shout-Out – BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee – TDL: Ta-Da! List
Ta-Da! List
✧ Mar. 24th: – Medium: updated the Bio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ throughout the day: – kept emails manageable – loaded the dishwasher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the bedroom setup: – WGS: gave a human artist, Ana Filipa, a shout-out by sharing it on O&T and other social media– Medium: updated the SITE MAP – Patreon: updated the profile photo – embedded the Tumblr post Embracing Authenticity: A Journey Through Autistic Masking into an O&T post – Steam: bought AURA: Hentai Cards and Horny Recruiter; discovered the Demos section – Pixiv: updated the cover photo and profile pic; began a purge of who was being followed after seeing AI-prompters (to put it mildly) slipped through – O&T: shared today’s TDL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the office setup: – Personal: avoided due to working on it worsening neck, shoulder, and back pain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ chores and miscellaneous: – “watched” “WALL-E” repeatedly – “watched” “The Patriot” repeatedly – started the dishwasher – partner bought Culver’s for lunch – washed the bedspread – checked the mail – emptied the dishwasher – had schnitzel and veggies for dinner
Well, these are all the updates I had for today! Thank you for reading!
May every decision you make be *in the spirit of fairness* and may the rest of your day *NOT go to $#!7*!
Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC)! Like what you see and want to know when there’s more? Click here to subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button! Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch and YouTube! For more about MonriaTitans, click here! The images were made in Canva!
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nextist-skill-box · 10 months
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【Adobe After Effects / Premiere Pro】 8月7日〜11日まで『aescripts+aeplugins』『Toolfarm』で対象製品は《25%OFF》『Summer of Sales 2023 第4弾』開催予定🎉
注目は『DeepGlow』や『Text Box』でお馴染み『Plugin Everything』や『StreamDeck』のボタンツールで人気の『SideshowFX』がセール対象になってます٩( ᐛ )و
【Adobe After Effects】 Simple Text Dresser Mask Prompter Dresser AEInfoGraphics 2 Origami PATTOON 2 Texture & Displace MographAE MoBar 2 Soft Body 2 Textyle Studio Ae Dynamic Shadow Deep Glow TextBox 2 TextDelay AutoFill Keystone CuttanaNir2 After Effects Shortcut Icons
【Adobe Premiere Pro】 Silence Remover Transmitter for Premiere Pro Textyle Premiere Pr
記事は書きますが、動画はかなり手間がかかる割に視聴数が少ないので、今回は出さないかも…( ;∀;)
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animar64 · 1 year
The Separate Room
WP Prompters are curious! Today they would like to know who  my favorite Historical Figure is and one name popped into my mind right off of the bat- Anna Maria “Marie” Grosholtz- or as she was famously known-  Madame Tussaud. A waxwork of Marie molding the death mask of Marie Antoinette Last year I saw a show on Netflix about Haunted Houses- and one Haunted House that they featured   (I wouldn’t…
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Widofjord Au: Fjord is a dragon that lives in a cave by the sea and occasionally takes the form of a half orc to go and play nice with folks around the sea. He sees a red haired man that looks on the verge of starvation being thrown over board a ship and decides to pick him up and take him to his lair just on a whim. As time goes on Fjord realizes that nope. This human wizard is his hoard now. His beautiful smart wizard and he will be kept safe from his foes. The sea's fury has nothing on his.
Fjord loves coin. Fjord loves treasure. Fjord loves Caleb. Not all are equal.
"What do you think?"
After a few more blinks, Caleb looked up from the book delicately held in his hands. "Where did you find this?"
"You know these port cities. There's always new merchants coming into port to spend a few days selling their wares before they move to the next."
"This must have cost you a fortune. This is... This is incredible."
"It didn't cost me a fortune because you can see there's still plenty here." Fjord gestured to the piles of coins and all manner of artifacts he collected over the years. "Even if it did, it's not like all of this is doing more than collecting dust. It's always worth spending on you."
"You spoil me."
"Someone has to."
"Many people would disagree with you."
"Those people are wrong. You deserved to be spoiled. Whatever you want, all you have to do is ask and I'll get it for you."
"That's a dangerous promise to make to someone."
A hand tucked a lock of hair behind his ear, then slid down to cup his jaw in a soft cradle. "It's not one that I make lightly. You've read of my kind. You know we tend to be possessive of what is ours. We take care of what is ours. We guard it and protect it and keep it close. If you asked me to rip apart the people who hurt you limb from limb, I would because you're mine."
"As tempting as that is, I think I would prefer you stay here. I enjoy your company. I miss you when you are gone."
"You could come with me next time. No one would be able to hurt you as long as you're with me."
"Are you sure that is a good idea? I wouldn't want to ruin what you've built."
"I'm very old, Caleb. I've had lives come and go. Rebuilding that means nothing to me. I've done it before and I'll have to do it again."
"For some reason," His head tipped down to break eye contact with Fjord's as his words hit him. "that doesn't make me feel better."
The hold on his face shifted to gently tilt his head back up to make their gazes meet once more, but he kept his eyes intentionally focused anywhere else. A low sigh filled the space between them, then lips captured his in a fierce kiss that caused him to gasp. Fjord took advantage of the slip to deepen the kiss with a rumbling growl as he drew Caleb into his chest.
When they finally broke, his words came out low and deep against his lips. "I know you're clever. Your magic is impressive. Why do you think I keep bringing you books? There are spells that can change things, and I want to keep you. It might take time, but we still have it. Be patient. I'm not going to let you go."
"You could have told me that's what you were looking for. I might have heard about a few books that might be useful."
"So very clever. Tell me what you need. I'll get it for you."
"Or, I could come with you."
"That is even better."
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milkteamiku · 6 years
A/B/O Shklance or Shance: Lance is having his first heat since going into space and has stolen clothes from everyone including the Alteans for his nest. But what none of the paladins were expecting was that humans are the only species the Alteans have met with A/B/O dynamics so trying to explain things to them like WHY it was alright for Lance to steal Shiro's shirt off of him and why Lance was trying to sneak into Allura's room to steal a dress and it just meant they were really close.
Ahh I love abo prompts like this ♥ Lance would definitely be the type of omega to obsessively nest, this is a fact I will never stop believing in haha. I love the idea of all the Paladins knowing what he’s doing straight away because he is so obvious about it, but the Alteans would have no idea!
All the abo prompts I’ve gotten lately have been nourishing my soul it’s wonderful.
Here you go! I hope you like it!
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