#maskers au
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Finally got around to colouring the other designs for @bio-nerds-corner's maskers au. Clothes were in the plans, but this got off the leash and overly complex as is so this is where I'm calling it. Dream's an owl boy, Sapnap is 100% paper wasp and George got himself Luna moth wings.
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autocat5876 · 3 months
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hello hello! these guys came to me in a dream
the maskers are a subspecies of the lost ones and are different by their use of the comedy and tragedy masks. they tend to stick together in large groups in old places in the studio that would have once been highly populated, like a cafeteria or a theatre. as lost ones don't have much in terms of face to show their emotions, maskers use double sided masks (one side comedy the other tragedy) in order to show their moods, aggressive or passive. when the mask is on the comedy side, they are aggressive and will attack main character (either audrey or henry, i'm leaning more to henry at the moment) and will lock onto and attack then should they come near. they're used as a mechanic to prevent the mc from progressing through the studio in the incorrect order. when the mc has completed what they need to to properly enter the room the maskers are protecting, they flip their masks to the passive tragedy side, where they regain some humanity and the ability to speak and remember their pasts (something the comedy side doesn't allow). the mc can walk through the area peacefully and even interact with the maskers and talk to them if they really wanted to.
as for the masks themselves, they were created by wilson as a way to turn the lost ones into his willing peons and soldiers, but they didn't work and the masks were scrapped behind the old gent factory. a group of lost ones found them and put them on, causing the maskers to be born. the masks are flexible as they're. you know. made of ink, and that's how they can be flipped to either side and not look awkward.
i would love to hear any thoughts or feedback or ideas or anything! this is my first time posting an au or an oc or anything of the sort on tumblr so there's going to be a lot of updates as the time goes on.
(i'm thinking they could be a species for bendy the cage? but i've been keeping myself in the dark about that game so i can see it for myself when it comes out)
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maskemasker · 9 months
Is there e gonna be Drayton x Lefty
not to give to much away but your right on the money
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pinkpawpads · 2 months
sidesys based on the ocean?
sure!! (sorry if the pack isn't correct, I'm kinda new to sys-terms hehe) and the long wait too, mobile is WAAY to hard to use so we had to wait until we got a new laptop - Ronnie, WBS
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Name; Mafuyu, Mariana, Mira
Pronouns; She / Pearl / Shell / They
Gender; Shelsonatic
Sexuality; Lesbian + Cupiosexual
Age; 17
Role; Soother & Principal
Conditions / Disabilities; Autism + Alexithymia
Source; Project Sekai, Colourful Stage (Mermaid AU)
Faceclaim; artist is @xakuras on twitter
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Name; Celia , Celina , Saline
Pronouns; She / Wave / Destiny
Gender; Lovegender + Hydrogender
Sexuality; Asexual Lesbian
Age; Ageless
Role; Curamor
Conditions / Disabilities; Partial Blindness , Separation Anxiety
Source; Cookie Run: Ovenbreak
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Name; Nix , Nilah / Nyla
Pronouns; She / It / Lure / Harm
Gender; Sirenic
Sexuality; Bisexual w/ male Pref
Age; 25~
Role; Persecutor-Protector
Conditions / Disabilities; ASPD + Diogenes Syndrome
Source; (N/A)
Faceclaim; Yuri Kozukata - Fatal Frame
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Name; Shandy Irvine , Cpt. Irvine (Real name; Santiago)
Pronouns; He / Wave / They
Gender; Demiboy + Wellwassigender (isn't public about the Xeno)
Sexuality; Bisexual
Age; 37 - 42 (Age slider)
Role; Replacer + Forpotian
Conditions / Disabilities; Prostetic leg + Near sighted (wears contacts)
Source; Songtive ( The Sailor Song - Toybox )
Faceclaim; Jack O'connell (Godless)
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Name; Pearl , Pauline , Polly
Pronouns; She / Fan / Fashion
Gender; Manbasummeric
Sexuality; Pansexual
Age; 22
Role; Steward + Masker
Conditions / Disabilities; High masking autism
Source; Royale High (Sunset Island)
Faceclaim; Pearl / Pageant Lady - Royale high, sunset island
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(Sorry its fem dominated,, i suck at makin male ppl)
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renegade-diamonds · 5 months
whump robin one shot where nancy is very overprotective of robin and she gets hurt in some way
I don't have time to write out a one-shot right now, but here's a little snippet I have from an ABO AU where the Upside Down creatures are aggressive towards omegas. It goes along the lines of the prompt lol.
Robin finds out the hard way about the monsters of the Upside Down, and their targeted aggression against omegas. 
Eddie’s throwing the bat’s corpse away from the group as Robin cowers up against the rock by Steve. Nancy has wrapped the wounds on her best friend’s stomach, the bleeding slows and becomes barely visible through the fabric. 
Robin’s shoulders ache with pain. The latest bat went straight for her, regardless of the blood coating everyone’s skin- they continue to zero in on Robin for reasons she can’t quite understand. 
Nancy’s scent is stressed and worried. The female alpha’s scent-maskers had been washed away by the lake, and Robin can clearly pick up on the intricacies of the future journalist’s feelings with her own sense of smell. 
“Are you alright?” Nancy turns to Robin, worried at the sight of blood bleeding through the white fabric of her top. She reaches out but hesitates, knowing that Robin’s wounds may be small compared to Steve’s, but they were numerous. 
Back near the portal, the demobats had been unusually aggressive to Robin, as some had even abandoned their attack on Steve in order to target her instead. 
“It’s just this shoulder,” Robin gestures with a wince. The other bites may be painful, but none were deep or large enough to be threatening. “It was the one that tried to fly away with me.”
Nancy frowned at the reminder. One of the bigger demobats had dug its claws into Robin’s arms and tore into her shoulder with its beak while it launched itself into the air with her. 
Eddie had saved her by grabbing the bat’s tail, and Steve had managed to rip it away from Robin, biting into the animal’s flesh with a vengeance when it turned its attack on him. 
Nancy had wrapped her arms around Robin and dragged her away, listening to the boys as they yelled to run for the trees. More demobats emerged in the distance, and there were too many guarding the gate to go back through. 
“You’re bleeding a lot,” Nancy ripped more fabric from her shirt, and Robin looked away to hide her blush when she noticed the brief flashes of Nancy’s abdomen. “We need to wrap it.”
Eddie and Steve kept watch as Nancy helped her fiddle out of her overshirt and undershirt, leaving the omega in a sports bra and pants. 
She didn’t notice the way Nancy’s eyes stayed stubbornly on the nasty looking bites on her shoulder- she didn’t notice the way Nancy’s hands shook very minutely, the way her scent suddenly pulled in on itself to hide the alpha's worry for Robin and her anger towards the ugly bat-like creatures.
Robin winced as Nancy treated and covered the wound as best she could, wrapping Robin’s shoulder with tender care. She bit her tongue as Nancy pulled the fabric tight, but couldn’t stop herself from falling into her nervous rambles, “So, is it bad? Because that’s going to be a total mood-killer if it scars. How will I wear tank-tops if people keep asking me where I got that giant scar from? How will I explain all this?” Her arms trembled, “Oh god, what if they do have rabies!?” She glanced over in Steve’s direction, “We’re doomed!”
“Robin-” Nancy grabbed her gently by the arms, allowing her scent to reach out with soothing pheromones, “Robin, relax. It’s fine. You’re fine.” Nancy gently allowed her thumb to rub against the skin of her upper arms.
Gradually, the omega relaxed, the scent of fear and panic ebbing away. She reached almost hesitantly for Nancy, clearly wanting comfort of some kind. Nancy wrapped her arms around the girl and let her scent wash over her, overpowering and covering up the stomach-curdling smells that the monsters left behind. Robin's breathing evened out, her panic subsiding. She leaned back and nodded her head, and Nancy knew it was time to move if they didn't want to attract any more of the Upside Down's inhabitants.
Nancy helped the other girl get back in her clothes, before checking with the other two and deciding to keep moving forward. Worry curled in the alpha's stomach, she couldn't help the way she kept Robin close at her side. Protectiveness flared inside her, Robin's rambling was nonexistent, and that in itself was a bad sign. She could smell the omega's nerves, taste her fear, see her shaking hands and trembling breaths.
Nancy frowned and swallowed heavily. She shared looks with Steve and Eddie, who scouted a few dozen feet ahead. They were worried too, and Nancy knew then and there that getting Robin out of this hell-like dimension was now their top priority.
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the-silent-fellowship · 5 months
Binded to the Mind
Binding of Issac AU
[PT: Binded to the Mind | Binding of Issac AU]
Hiiiiiii, system here who has a obsession with the Binding of Issac and have had this HC/AU idea for a hot minute so ima post it here ig. I would on the fandom blog we have but I like to explain shit with system terms and I’d rather not have system demonizers find it easier.
Anywho. Too the basics! (It’s long so go under the cut)
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Firstly the systems host and assumed original is of course, Issac. Issac is the oldest known headmate in the system yet is the youngest within the headspace. Most to all the others are adults, teens, or older kids. The system is spiritive-heavy with a lot of figures seen form the Bible or at least heavily influenced by it. The system is Traumagenic…if not obvious why. Listed bellow this is general info about each character!
Order: Name, Pronouns, Gender, Roles
Issac, He/Him, Genderfluid, Host (autism creature)
Magdalene, She/Her, Transfem, Co-Host & Main caregiver (A caring woman who shows affection to all)
Cain, He/They, Male, Co-Host & Main Protector (one of the first formed he kinda just sticks out. New York accent)
Judas, Only Name, Unknown, Charge(link) (formed and immediately tried to gets mothers help before being pushed away)
??? (Blue), It/They, Unknown, Urge Holder & Trauma Breaker (formed during the chest incident)
Eve, She/They, Demigirl, Urge Holder (…no comment)
Samson, He/Him, Male, Protector & Anger Holder (after a bit they got so mad that they like swore at their parents)
Azazel, Any, Genderfluid, Janusian(link) & Ex-Co Host (a chaos gremlin who needs a leash)
Lazarus, He/Him, Male, Shock Absorber(link) (tends to be the one at front when they get hurt. He hates it$
Eden, All Pronouns, Pangender, Mood Booster & Symptom Holder (she is one of the few who knows about most of their disorders but like tells no one)
The Lost (Casper), It/Its, Agender, Sadness Holder & Fear Holder (Formed during the chest incident and thinks that they are dead)
Lilith, She/Her, Transwoman, Parental figure & caregiver (she was formed during a time when the parents where fighting and she acts as a form of getting a healthy parent relationship)
Keeper (Cuddles), By name, Non-binary, Comforter & Archivist (Keeper in this AU is based off a toy Isaac has that formed into a headmate)
The Forgotten (Skulls), They/Them, Nonbinary, Masker (The soul acts as a backup)
Bethany, She/Her, (trans)Woman, Religion Holder & Persecutor (Bethany is the only member who actively attempts to hurt the body as a act of punishment due to the religous beliefs)
Jacob & Esau, He/They, Systemgender(link), Protectors & Trauma Holders (The two are mentally linked so can be accounted as the same. When they are separated they end up having self districtive actions)
Tainted characters in this AU are just the aftermath of the system leanring and processing their trauma. So in the beginning of the AU it takes the story but makes it that they end up not dying due to the chest. The mother realizes she fucked up and tries her best to rekindle a relationship with them. She ends up getting suggested a (Christian) therapist who believes they are possessed .
Later on they do find a better one and are able to diagnose them with what they are. They go though the motions to figure out who everyone is and process everything!
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If you’d want to see more please let me know! I really love the concept of plural TBOI and I know there are others who HC the charaters as such! If anyone has questions feel free to put them into the ask box! (Also we may do doodles for it)
(Tag being I mentioned this like a bit ago to you @dove-tears)
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windsweptinred · 2 years
So following on from...
So consider an AU where Dream finally breaks under the pressure and warps into Delusion of the Endless.
"No longer Dream beloved, Delusion now.... Lord Masker, Prince of the Kindly Lies, Master of the Waking Dreams, King of the Poppy Fields. Oh but I am sweeter then he. For now we can live freely in blissful fantasy. Where no one can bother us. For what are laws and rules to I? They don't exist for us, I make it so. Won't that be a merry life my darling? What say you my heart? Will you take my hand and still love your endless Delusion?"
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I have no set look in mind for Delusion of the Endless. But this magnificent artwork by Yoshitaka Amano, with Dream looking all opalescent, fantastical and in white... Is a strong contender!
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spicymiilk · 2 years
Couldn’t draw today some here’s some human au headcanons in the mean time
Vapes. profusely. Has a nicotine addiction and likes the worst flavors known to man
Unironically says “hey mama” to tsireya
He’s not an anti masker but his mask is ALWAYS below his nose
Where’s those skinny jeans with the ribs constantly and acts like it’s high fashion
Her room is pretty and filled with little collectibles and it’s amazing until it falls into borderline hoarder territory and her room smells terrible because something is definitely rotting somewhere
Entertained the idea of being a 2020 vsco girl until she had a complete vibe change
Only dirty part of her are her crusty ass nails there’s so much dirt and debris under there that it’s forming it’s own little ecosystem
One of those kids who where’s neon yellow or orange Nike gear every where
Has really calloused hands and they’re deeply unpleasant to touch or feel it’s like alligator skin but worse and always peeling and gross
Smells. Just a little.
Has middle child syndrome as the oldest
It’s obvious whenever someone talks to him that he thinks he’s a bit better than then but he’s too nice to say it to their face
Talks so much shit about everyone
Perfect baby angel
iPad kid
Disgusting hands and mouth there’s always some food or leftovers
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wetcatspellcaster · 7 months
Honest Lie - 6, 22, 25
6. What do you need to write? Is there anything special you need to do/have to help your creative flow?
Honestly, this is an interesting question for this fic specifically, bc my writing usually comes from a place of... pure fucking spite lmao. If there's something I don't like enough, I want to fix it (in Bleeding Heart, it was all the early access bullying lol). An Honest Lie is weird because I actually really like the Astarion canon storyline - though I can't speak for patches. So in this case, what I need to write, is a few weeks of getting depressed from my angsty as fuck AU, and then I come here to be cosy and promise my OC the world :')
22. Does personal experience ever inspire your fics? What about this particular fic?
Crying. killshot.
The fun thing about me, is that I don't consider any of my OCs self-inserts or related to me at all(this is no judgement to self-insert OCs, I simply do not consider myself hot enough to hold a candle to the imaginary women in my brain and thus, I admire anyone with the confidence).
...And then I go into therapy, and my therapist asks me about my writing, and then they give me a long hard look and I say "oh, no, I get that look, but it's not me, you see. because this girl is hot :) and pink :)". And then my therapist looks at me some more.
which is a bit of an overshare, but basically it turns out that every fic I write can be archaeologically surveyed about a year after I write it for the personal experience it actually entails (yes, I'm extremely worried about Pieces).
luckily, Rosalie is 2yrs old, so I have done that work already! and oh boy, does that make writing An Honest Lie fucking weird at times!
I've been pretty open that Rose was my pandemic OC. I didn't write her based on my own pandemic experiences - it was actually that two of my friends at the time were agoraphobic, I was anxious, and I liked the idea of a magical cure for both of those things, in the form of the tadpole. But since I wrote the first fic with her, I have realised a lot about myself: I have recovered from an acute self-hating depression, and I have received an autism diagnosis, all of which seem relevant to the Masker Extraordinaire.
If I was to pinpoint the exact piece of personal experience here, I think it's the irrational fear that all recovery can be undone in an instant. That is the worry that motivates a lot of Rosalie's character. Like Rose, I really fear the moment where my progress is exposed as a lie, or the risk that one thing will tip me back into my worst moment without me having any control over it. I don't think it will happen, but I do feel like that possibility haunts my choices and my everyday life!
25. Is there anything you would change about this fic? Why/Why not?
Weirdly... I'm not sure if I'd write it? which is a depressing way to answer this question. I like it as a project, but it's a little different than my approach to other fics - it feels messier as a story. I mostly started it bc people asked for a continuation of my first fic, and I have a lot of love for A Bleeding Heart... neither of these are good motivations for a whole new fic lmaooooo. But now that I'm here, I wouldn't change anything. I've accepted it's going to be a messier, more self-indulgent project, and that while it doesn't come from my usual urge to fix things in a story, which means I have less prompts going forward, instead I just have to fully enjoy the bits I love.
behind the scenes fic asks!
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karouvas · 9 days
•Whether I ship it or not: I ship it a little but primarily my interest in it comes from from an obsessed-with-Adam’s-psyche pov, I read and interact with it purely from a standpoint of how it could provide interesting character work for Adam rather than an emotional attachment to the idea of it as a *romance* yk? So, would answer yes over no but it’s a more clinical interest rather than something that gives me feeeelings ( my favorite pairings are the ones that make me experience both a thirst to analyze and potently strong feelings simultaneously). It’s my second favorite Declan ship after Jordeclan though.
•Why I ship it or not: I like thinking about Adam going through it and making bad horny choices and Decladam lends itself to this nicely. I also enjoy stories about mirroring and identity work so their foilisms and similar tendencies as social maskers, while also there’s some distortion and projection at play, are interesting to explore through having them interact. But I would need more canon material and emotional content to get to a higher level of shipping than just *intriguing* like I said.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): well Adam being at least a little attracted to Declan in early trc is basically canon, as is his multifaceted complex and *thing* for men *cut from the same cloth* as Declan. So definitely basis for physical attraction within canon / I think Adam’s thoughts about Declan have historically been So much hornier than he’d ever be willing to admit, although I think when it comes to romantic attraction on Adam’s side you need to diverge / spin off from canon to a certain degree for me to see it. I don’t think within the sequence of canon events he would develop much in the way of romantic feelings for Declan but I could see him getting there in the right story that either diverges from canon (@decladams fic is a really excellent take on a decladam relationship that I can buy) or is an au. Really I think the most compelling way for that to unfold that I could buy the most is a situation where Adam is at rock bottom which sounds mean to Declan but like.. yeah that’s the headspace I think Adam would need to be in. I like a good trainwreck relationship though so that’s not a deterrent for me. My interpretation of Declan’s side is less fixed, but I definitely think Declan finds Adam to be compelling to a greater degree than he would like to admit to himself, and I don’t think it’s difficult to extrapolate that response into repressed attraction if you want to. I also do think Adam and Jordan have some interesting parallels / are similar in some ways personality wise, so I think you could use that as basis for Declan being inclined to fall for someone like Adam. But I only feel strongly about teenage Adam having some type of physical attraction/psychosexual thing for Declan / that’s the only part really set in stone in my head as Sana’s-trc-canon, in terms of them. With anything else I think there’s potential if you want to see it but I wouldn’t die on the hill of reading the rest of the dynamic as subtextually queer.
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): hmmm. I don’t have a lot of thoughts on fanon about them I guess the only thing I’ve seen that I specifically disagreed with was takes on Declan’s perception of Adam in MI that position it as entirely a correct read, I think he has a better read on the Adam and the crying club situation than Ronan does at that point because he doesn’t have Ronan’s specific emotions/insecurities there but I also think Declan projects onto Adam in a weird way and so I don’t take his interpretation of Adam in those chapters as wholly reliable or correct. But I haven’t interacted with fanon about them a ton tbh
(send me a ship and I’ll answer these questions about it)
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Got @bio-nerds-corner ‘s maskers au brain rot again. This birb Dream is perfectly healthy and has no scary secrets none at all.
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autocat5876 · 3 months
i think the maskers can talk well. they like to talk about their past when passive
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pinkpawpads · 2 months
Prince Shin Tsukimi pleas..
ONE PRINCE SHIN TSUKIMI, PUT IT ON A RAFT FLOATIN DOWN THE RIVER!! (read in the nice diner lady voice)
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Name; Shin , Silas , Seb / Sebastian
Pronouns; He / They / Royal / Crown / Jewel / Blood
Gender; Transmale + Royalbloodic
Sexuality; Gay + Ceptusexual
Age; 22
Role; Masker + Diffuser
Conditions / Disabilities; Chronic Pain , ASD , Selective mutism , Chronic Fatigue
Source; YTTD (technically an AU??)
Faceclaim; beloow (it wont let me fix the layout so no aesthetic side images, sooryy..)
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
See not to piggyback on the previous post but the 'Iruma uses the same cologne as succubi' headcanon makes me laugh super hard because in my au, clara's scent maskers are just household cleaning supplies and the contrast is just sending me
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She just walks around with a full spray bottle and spritzes herself throughout the day
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gwydionmisha · 6 months
Clair De Lune
Your soul is as a moonlit landscape fair,     Peopled with maskers delicate and dim, That play on lutes and dance and have an air     Of being sad in their fantastic trim.
The while they celebrate in minor strain     Triumphant love, effective enterprise, They have an air of knowing all is vain,—     And through the quiet moonlight their songs rise,
The melancholy moonlight, sweet and lone,     That makes to dream the birds upon the tree, And in their polished basins of white stone     The fountains tall to sob with ecstasy.
      ~~  ORIGINAL FRENCH  ~~
Votre âme est un paysage choisi Que vont charmant masques et bergamasques Jouant du luth et dansant et quasi Tristes sous leurs déguisements fantasques.
Tout en chantant sur le mode mineur L'amour vainqueur et la vie opportune Ils n'ont pas l'air de croire à leur bonheur Et leur chanson se mêle au clair de lune,
Au calme clair de lune triste et beau, Qui fait rêver les oiseaux dans les arbres Et sangloter d'extase les jets d'eau, Les grands jets d'eau sveltes parmi les marbres.
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toasters0422 · 2 years
I had a cool AU idea, it's like a swap AU of IEYTD! basically all the characters personalities and sides are swapped!
Agent phoenix's swap is a lot more calm, collected, a bit cold, and focused, a all business kinda guy. Phoenix does not like him. He's a lot less chaotic and more bland, i also despise him /pos. But other than that he's very loyal and willing to do whatever it takes. although he is a lot less likely to sacrifice himself, unlike Phoenix. Aliases: Agent Bird, Bird, Agent, Birdbrain(given by their handler/ same relationship as juniper and the fabricator)
Juniper's swap is nothing like juniper. Instead of being cocky, charismatic, and prideful. His swap is sweet, socially anxious, and humble. he's a clutz, he worries abut people and tends to put others need after their own. They're honest and kind. seriously tho he is adorable and i love him. Aliases: Agent Mask, Mask,Masky(used by their handler), Maskers(used by swap charlie), and Mask boy(given by bird)
Handler's swap is unkind, cruel, and vainglorious. They suck. They're mean and hate their agent(bird). They are the definition of a bastard. and i hate them. Aliases: Earpiece, and Voice guy(agent mask).
The Fabricator is quite the opposite as well, she's kind, motherly, and considerate. i like her. she dresses like a 50's housewife which is fun to draw. I like her, she's nice and pretty to draw :]
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