#masking in adobe camera raw
clippsunil-blog · 7 months
Photo retouching services
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Photo retouching services are offered by many companies and freelancers, and they involve editing digital images to improve their appearance or fix any flaws. These services can range from basic adjustments like color correction and exposure balancing to more advanced techniques such as removing blemishes, reshaping the body, or even adding or removing objects from the image. That's correct! Photo retouching services encompass a wide range of editing techniques to enhance the visual appeal of digital images. These services are commonly used in various industries, including fashion, advertising, e-commerce, and photography. Basic adjustments typically involve correcting exposure, color balance, contrast, and sharpness to improve the overall appearance of the image. More advanced techniques may include skin retouching to remove blemishes, wrinkles, or scars, as well as body reshaping to slim or enhance body contours. Other advanced retouching services may include background removal, adding or removing objects or people from the image, and composite image creation. These services are often used to create visually stunning images for advertising, marketing campaigns, or personal projects. It's important to note that photo retouching services should be done with care and attention to detail to maintain the integrity of the original image while enhancing its visual appeal.  
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tranakin-skywalker · 10 months
The padawans found out about it first, as padawans are wont to do. Getting into trouble without realizing the full extent of it, stumbling right into something so much larger than they could understand. In any other scenario it would have been fodder for their masters to tease their apprentices over and -later- rib one another with. But not with something like this.
Jedi, as a whole, didn’t tend to concern themselves with things such as the holonet. When there was a crisis somewhere out in the galaxy, they were typically brought into the know before even the news outlets were told, their response being what led the rest of the Republic forward.
There were of course those who would tune in to certain channels to watch their favorite soap operas, or catch up on the goings on in the parts of the galaxy outside of the Jedi’s jurisdiction, but it was really the younger generation who had any sort of presence on the ‘net.
So really, it shouldn’t have come as any surprise when a crowd of junior padawans and older initiates had gone running in search of Master Nu during their recreational time in the archives (or the several dozen senior padawans with their own personal access to the holonet who’d screamed across their quarters for their masters to come and see). 
It did not take long for the news to reach the Council members, who immediately called an impromptu session to watch and review. There were many angry holocalls sent out inquiring why the Jedi hadn’t been informed of this development sooner, mostly by Adi Gallia. There were also many headaches developed, also by Adi Gallia who both dealt and received.
Mace Windu also had one such headache, brought on by watching the recording for the fifth time- or was it the sixth now?
The image was grainy, implying poor equipment, but the shot held remarkably steady throughout which spoke to some level of familiarity with filming. The grandiose excess of a Hutt residence decorated the space, covering over hard packed adobe walls and tiled floors covered in a thin layer of sand. It was apparent that this was no Nal Hutta, but the exile planet of Tatooine. This was the domain of Jabba Desilijic Tiure and- to a lesser extent- Gardulla Besadii the Elder. 
Or it used to be.
The holo paned slowly over the large interior of the palace, lingering on the forms of a number of sentients, many of them scantily dressed, some of them no more than children, all of them with heavy collars around their necks. Some looked healthy, deceptively so, but there are others- thin with protruding bones, or open gaping wounds leaking out bodily fluids, and those missing whole limbs. The first few minutes were nothing but the camera moving through the inside of the palace, taking in the misery and the horror, from up in the audience hall all the way down to slave quarters deep below the palace.
There were other figures too- those dressed in dark desert weave and wearing a wide collection of masks over their faces. Some of them had what looked suspiciously like lightsaber hilts hanging from their belts.
They worked to remove the chains from the slaves while a voice spoke over the recording in Huttese. Mace wasn’t much familiar with the language, only understood a handful of words spoken. They were still working on getting the poor audio translated, but from what they were able to gather it was a rallying cry for other enslaved worlds to fight back.
The holo lingered a long moment on an opened metal collar, dried blood and bits of flesh stuck to the inside where it had rubbed skin raw. Then it cut suddenly, the screen black for a fraction of a second before suddenly illuminated with the blinding light of two suns.
The new perspective showed a town center of some sort, huge crowds of people gathered in streets and on the roofs of buildings, the camera panning down to capture the thousands of faces looking up toward the platform.
A slave auction block, they found out later.
The camera turned from the crowd to instead film the group standing atop the platform. There were more figures in black and brown, but unlike when they were within the palace, these had brightly colored cloth thrown over the rest of their attire, ponchos and scarves and wraps. Mace assumed there was some sort of cultural significance to it, but he didn’t know enough about the planet’s people to know for certain.
These, too, wore metal masks.
Beneath the desert suns it was easier to make out that most were fashioned into abstract animal faces, with fangs and horns and sweeping pieces that might have been feathers. All of them carried metal cylinders at their hips.
In the middle of the platform, surrounded by more masked guards with lit sabers in hand- colors a wash of oranges and yellows and greens and even one that looked pink- was Jabba the Hutt. Large gashes and lesions covered the expanse of his body, a heavy chain wrapped several times around his neck. It didn’t seem to be connected to anything- seemingly more of a humiliation rather than something to keep the Hutt confined.
The lightsabers pointed at him likely did well enough a job of that.
Standing between Jabba and the crowd was a lone figure in all black. If they were sweltering in the heat, they gave no indication of it, their long layers and heavy helmet seemingly inconsequential. It was a tall figure, humanoid and seemingly male in stature- though that was hard to tell beneath the dark clothing that seemed almost a parody of Jedi robes. The helmet they wore was dog-like, or at least that of a canine skull, with jaws that looked less like jaws and more like a muzzle. There was something altogether disquieting about the figure.
Tilting its head like a curious predator, the figure turned to look the camera lens dead on. It didn’t feel like someone looking into a camera, but like something looking straight through and into the view beyond.
Each time Mace had watched the recording, that single look managed to make hair prickle up on the back of his neck. An animal response.
The figure in black spoke in Basic, addressing the holo’s audience and not the crowd actually present. The voice that came out was distorted through a vocoder into something that was more hard and mechanical than organic, it was still distinctly male, and distinctly authoritative. The rest of the video would prove that this was likely the leader of the whole affair, but even in the opening minutes, it was easy to tell here stood the catalyst for all that would crumble down after.
“You say that slavery is illegal in your Republic,” the voice growled from behind the melted teeth of the dog’s jaw. “And you say that Tatooine is part of your Republic. Then what is this we stand on? What is it that the Hutt empire has made its fortunes off of? What your own halls hide and Senators pedal behind closed doors. Look at what you have turned your blind eyes away from.”
With a gloved hand, he reached to his belt and unclipped a black and gray hilt. “We will not let you look away.” He then turned to the crowd and raised the saber hilt high over his head, calling out something in a language that sounded nothing like Huttese. The crowd thundered back in unison.
The saber lit with a wash of red as violent as a wildfire.
Lowering his arm slowly, the man turned to finally face Jabba, his blade hungry and crackling at his side. He spoke again- softer this time- but still loud enough for the gathered populace to hear. Huttese again, Mace was pretty certain, something about punishment- or maybe it was justice.
For a split second on Jabba’s face there was a look of pure unfiltered terror- the sudden fear in falling with the knowledge that the ground was coming and coming up fast. 
Then that hungry blade slid easily into thick Hutt skin that couldn’t be cut by any other means, sinking into the hilt, fat bubbling and cooking with the heat of it.
Jabba made a noise that Mace never, ever wanted to hear again.
The man dragged the blade down- slowly- guts spilling out from where the Hutt was being unzipped like a field-dressed carcass, still wriggling. Jabba moved a lot less than someone being methodically disemboweled should, but that might have something to do with the dog-skulled man’s left hand being raised up like an open claw. Like he was pinning the crime lord in place with sheer will or- more concerningly- with the Force.
That obsidian black mask seemed to give a jackal grin as the red blade was pulled from the Hutt’s body and Jabba Desilijic Tiure was unceremoniously dropped to slowly die on the same platform where thousands of people had been bought and sold.
Stepping away from the smoking body, the Sith- for what else could this monster be but a Sith?- flicked his blade to the side as if trying to rid it of gore. A useless endeavor for a plasma blade, but there was something almost poignant about the move.
He stood facing the screaming, cheering crowd, but his head was tilted sideways just slight enough to look back at the camera from the inky black socket of the dog’s eye.
“You’ve spent long enough ignoring us. I suggest you start paying attention now.”
The feed cut to black.
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helluvatimes · 1 month
Far From Home
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Coccothrinax miraguama, a Cuban endemic palm, waving happily in the wind in the Gardens by the Bay here. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.
The halos around the palm leaves were the result of pulling back the highlight slider drastically in Adobe Camera Raw. This was probably the best that could be expected from its masking algorithm I guess.
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maloubelou · 7 months
Arched building that once contained a street altar Pompeii Walk by Mary Harrsch Via Flickr: These screen captures from the Pompeii Walking Tour 2020 video is courtesy of the POMPEII ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK and ProWalk Tours. Note to educators: ProWalk Tours as producer of the original video footage has agreed to allow my derivative still images to be licensed with Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike so they can be freely used for teaching and research publications. Technical notes: I have used Topaz Sharpen AI to remove the slight motion blur in screen captures as well as Adobe Camera Raw to adjust clarity, texture, highlights, shadows, and occasionally haze and white balance. I increased dynamic contrast and added a subtle vignette with On1 Photo Raw Effects and removed distracting visitors and some barriers, as well as replaced empty skies with Photoshop and its Sky Replacement feature, changing the blend mode from Screen to Multiply to avoid excessive editing of the mask layer. You can explore the Pompeii Walk video yourself here - no special hardware is required : www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUYJ8LbF1YsT
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charlena-blog · 21 days
Photo Editing
Introduction to Photo Editing
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Photo editing has become an essential part of modern photography, enabling photographers and hobbyists to enhance their images and bring out the best in their shots. Whether you're a professional photographer, a social media influencer, or just someone who enjoys taking pictures, understanding the fundamentals of photo editing can dramatically improve the quality of your photos. This comprehensive guide will explore various aspects of photo editing from basic adjustments to advanced techniques, providing you with the knowledge to create stunning images.
The Importance of Photo Editing
In the digital age, capturing a great photo is only half the battle. Even the best cameras can produce images that need a little tweaking to reach their full potential. Factors like lighting, color balance, and composition often require post-processing to ensure that the image looks as vibrant and professional as possible.
Enhance Colors and Lighting: Adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation to make your photos more visually appealing.
Correct Imperfections: Remove blemishes, correct red-eye, and fix other flaws that detract from the image.
Alter Composition: Crop, straighten, and reframe images to improve their composition.
Create Artistic Effects: Apply filters, overlays, and textures to give your photos a unique, creative look.
Before diving into specific editing techniques, it's essential to understand the tools at your disposal. Various photo editing software options range from beginner-friendly apps to professional-grade programs.
Popular Photo Editing Software
Adobe Photoshop:
Overview: The industry standard for photo editing, offering a vast array of tools for everything from basic adjustments to complex image manipulation.
Key Features: Layers, masks, advanced retouching tools, and support for plugins.
Best For: Professionals and serious hobbyists who need advanced features and flexibility.
Adobe Lightroom:
Overview: A powerful tool designed for organizing and editing large collections of photos.
Key Features: Non-destructive editing, presets, and robust organizational tools.
Best For: Photographers who need to manage and process large numbers of images.
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program):
Overview: A free, open-source alternative to Photoshop.
Key Features: Comprehensive tools for editing and manipulating images, supports layers and plugins.
Best For: Users who need advanced editing features without the cost.
Affinity Photo:
Overview: A budget-friendly alternative to Photoshop, offering many of the same features.
Key Features: High-end photo editing tools, RAW editing, and a user-friendly interface.
Best For: Photographers who want professional-level tools at an affordable price.
Overview: A user-friendly online platform for basic photo editing and graphic design.
Key Features: Drag-and-drop interface, templates, and basic editing tools.
Best For: Beginners and casual users looking for quick edits and design work.
Basic Photo Editing Techniques
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Once you've chosen your editing software, it's time to start enhancing your photos. Here are some basic techniques that form the foundation of photo editing.
Cropping and Straightening:
Purpose: Improve composition by removing unnecessary elements and straightening horizons.
How-To: Use the crop tool to trim the edges of your photo. Many tools also offer a grid overlay to help you straighten the image by aligning key elements with the grid lines.
Adjusting Exposure:
Purpose: Correct the overall brightness of your image.
How-To: Use the exposure slider to increase or decrease the brightness. Be careful not to overexpose (too bright) or underexpose (too dark) your image.
Contrast and Brightness:
Purpose: Enhance the difference between the light and dark areas of your photo, making it more dynamic.
How-To: Adjust the contrast slider to increase or decrease the difference between shadows and highlights. Use the brightness slider to fine-tune the overall lightness of the image.
Color Correction:
Purpose: Ensure that the colors in your photo are accurate and appealing.
How-To: Use the white balance tool to correct any color cast (e.g., too warm or too cool). Adjust saturation and vibrance to enhance colors without oversaturating them.
Purpose: Enhance the clarity of your image by making edges appear more defined.
How-To: Apply the sharpening tool carefully to avoid creating a grainy or unnatural look. Focus on areas that need more definition, like eyes in a portrait or the edges of objects in landscapes.
Noise Reduction:
Purpose: Minimize graininess or “noise,” particularly in low-light photos.
How-To: Use the noise reduction slider to smooth out the grain, but be careful not to overdo it, as it can lead to a loss of detail.
Advanced Photo Editing Techniques
Once you've mastered the basics, you can explore more advanced techniques to take your photo editing to the next level.
1. Layering and Masking:
Purpose: Allows you to make non-destructive edits, combine multiple images, and apply adjustments selectively.
How-To: Use layers to separate different elements of your photo (e.g., background, subject) and apply masks to control where adjustments are applied. This technique is powerful for compositing images or making complex adjustments.
2. Dodging and Burning:
Purpose: Enhance or darken specific areas of your photo to add depth and focus.
How-To: The dodge tool lightens areas of your photo, while the burn tool darkens them. Use these tools selectively to draw attention to key parts of your image or to create a more balanced exposure.
3. Cloning and Healing:
Purpose: Remove unwanted elements or imperfections from your photo.
How-To: The clone stamp tool allows you to copy pixels from one part of your image to another, effectively “erasing” unwanted objects. The healing brush works similarly but blends the copied area with the surrounding pixels for a more natural look.
4. Advanced Color Grading:
Purpose: Apply a specific mood or aesthetic to your photo through color adjustments.
How-To: Use curves, selective color, or split toning to fine-tune the colors in your image. This technique is often used in cinematic photography to create a specific atmosphere.
5. Working with RAW Files:
Purpose: RAW files contain more data than JPEGs, giving you greater flexibility in editing.
How-To: Open RAW files in a program like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop. From there, you can adjust exposure, white balance, and other settings with minimal loss of quality. RAW editing is essential for professional photographers who need the highest quality results.
Creative Photo Editing
Beyond enhancing and correcting photos, editing can also be used creatively to produce artistic images. This involves thinking outside the box and using various tools and techniques to transform your photos in unique ways.
1. Applying Filters and Presets:
Purpose: Quickly change the look and feel of your photo.
How-To: Many editing programs come with built-in filters and presets. These are pre-defined adjustments that can dramatically alter the appearance of your image. You can also create your own presets for a consistent style across multiple photos.
2. Adding Textures and Overlays:
Purpose: Enhance your photos with additional visual elements.
How-To: Apply textures (like grunge, paper, or fabric) as an overlay to add depth and interest to your photo. You can also use light leaks, lens flares, or bokeh effects to create a specific mood.
3. Photo Manipulation:
Purpose: Combine multiple images or elements to create a surreal or fantasy composition.
How-To: Use techniques like compositing, where you blend multiple images, or digital painting, where you paint directly onto your photo. This requires a good understanding of layers, masking, and perspective to achieve a believable result.
4. Black and White Conversion:
Purpose: Create timeless, classic images by converting color photos to black and white.
How-To: Use the black and white adjustment layer or desaturation tool to remove color from your image. You can then adjust the contrast and apply filters to enhance the tonal range and bring out details.
Tips for Effective Photo Editing
Work Non-Destructively:
Always use layers, masks, and adjustment layers to ensure that your original image remains untouched. This allows you to experiment and make changes without permanently altering your photo.
Use Shortcuts:
Familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts in your editing software. This will speed up your workflow and make the editing process more efficient.
Keep It Natural:
While it's tempting to push adjustments to the extreme, subtlety is often more effective. Aim to enhance your photos without making them look overly edited.
Learn from Others:
Study the work of professional photographers and editors. Tutorials, online courses, and forums are valuable resources for learning new techniques and improving your skills.
Practice Regularly:
The more you edit, the better you'll become. Experiment with different styles and techniques to develop your unique editing style.
The Future of Photo Editing
Photo editing technology is constantly evolving, driven by advancements in software and artificial intelligence (AI). Here’s a glimpse of what the future holds:
1. AI-Powered Editing:
AI is making photo editing faster and more accessible. Tools like Adobe's Sensei and Laminar AI can automatically enhance photos, suggest edits, and even retouch portraits with a single click. As AI technology advances, we can expect more intuitive and powerful editing tools.
2. Augmented Reality (AR) in Editing:
AR is starting to influence photo editing, allowing users to visualize edits in real-time or apply effects that interact with the environment. This technology could lead to new creative possibilities and more immersive editing experiences.
3. Mobile Editing:
With the increasing power of smartphones, mobile editing apps are becoming more sophisticated. Professionals and amateurs alike are turning to mobile apps like Adobe Lightroom Mobile and Snapseed for on-the-go editing. The convenience and accessibility of mobile editing will continue to grow.
4. Collaborative Editing:
As cloud-based tools become more prevalent, collaborative editing is becoming easier. Multiple users can work on the same project simultaneously, whether they are in the same room or across the globe. This is particularly useful for professional teams and creative agencies.
The Importance of Photo Editing
In the digital age, capturing a great photo is only half the battle. Even the best cameras can produce images that need some tweaking to reach their full potential, and post-processing is often required in elements such as lighting, color balance and composition  to make your images look as vibrant and professional as possible.
Enhance Colors and Lighting: Adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation to make your photos more visually appealing.
Correct Imperfections: Remove blemishes, correct red-eye, and fix other flaws that detract from the image.
Alter Composition: Crop, straighten, and reframe images to improve their composition.
Create Artistic Effects: Apply filters, overlays, and textures to give your photos a unique, creative look.
Before diving into specific editing techniques, it's important to become familiar with the tools available to you. Various photo editing software options range from beginner-friendly apps to professional-grade programs.
Popular Photo Editing Software
Adobe Photoshop:
Overview: The industry standard for photo editing, offering a vast array of tools for everything from basic adjustments to complex image manipulation.
Key Features: Layers, masks, advanced retouching tools, and support for plugins.
Best For: Professionals and serious hobbyists who need advanced features and flexibility.
Adobe Lightroom:
Summary: A powerful tool  for organizing and editing large photo collections.
Key Features: Non-destructive editing, presets, and robust organizational tools.
Best For: Photographers who need to manage and process large numbers of images.
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program):
Overview: A free, open-source alternative to Photoshop.
Main features: Comprehensive tools for image editing and manipulation, support for layers and plugins.
Best For: Users who need advanced editing features without the cost.
Affinity Photo:
Overview: A budget-friendly alternative to Photoshop, offering many of the same features.
Key Features: High-end photo editing tools, RAW editing, and a user-friendly interface.
Best For: Photographers who want professional-level tools at an affordable price.
Overview: A user-friendly online platform for basic photo editing and graphic design.
Key Features: Drag-and-drop interface, templates, and basic editing tools.
Best For: Beginners and casual users looking for quick edits and design work.
Once you've chosen your editing software, you're ready to start enhancing your photos. Here are some basic techniques to help you start editing your photos.
Cropping and Straightening:
Purpose: Improve composition by removing unnecessary elements and straightening horizons.
How-To: Use the crop tool to trim the edges of your photo. Many tools also offer a grid overlay to help you straighten the image by aligning key elements with the grid lines.
Adjusting Exposure:
Purpose: Correct the overall brightness of your image.
How-To: Use the exposure slider to increase or decrease the brightness. Be careful not to overexpose (too bright) or underexpose (too dark) your images.
Contrast and Brightness:
Purpose: Enhance the difference between the light and dark areas of your photo, making it more dynamic.
How-To: Adjust the contrast slider to increase or decrease the difference between shadows and highlights. Use the Brightness slider to optimize the overall brightness of your image.
Color Correction:
Purpose: Ensure that the colors in your photo are accurate and appealing.
How-To: Use the white balance tool to correct any color cast (e.g., too warm or too cool). Adjust saturation and vibrance to enhance colors without oversaturating them.
Purpose: Enhance the clarity of your image by making edges appear more defined.
How-To: Apply the sharpening tool carefully to avoid creating a grainy or unnatural look. Focus on areas that need more definition, such as eyes in a portrait or the edges of objects in a landscape.
Noise Reduction:
Purpose: Minimize graininess or “noise,” particularly in low-light photos.
How to: Use the Noise Reduction slider to smooth out  grain, but be careful not to overdo it as this can result in loss of detail.
Advanced Photo Editing Techniques
Once you've mastered the basics, you can explore more advanced techniques to take your photo editing to the next level.
1. Layering and Masking:
Purpose: Allows you to make non-destructive edits, combine multiple images, and apply adjustments selectively.
How-To: Use layers to separate different elements of your photo (e.g., background, subject) and apply masks to control where adjustments are applied. This technique is great for compositing images or making complex adjustments.
2. Dodging and Burning:
Purpose: Enhance or darken specific areas of your photo to add depth and focus.
How-To: The dodge tool lightens areas of your photo, while the burn tool darkens them. Use these tools selectively to draw attention to key parts of your image or to create a more balanced exposure.
3. Cloning and Healing:
Purpose: Remove unwanted elements or imperfections from your photo.
How-To: The clone stamp tool allows you to copy pixels from one part of your image to another, effectively “erasing” unwanted objects. The healing brush works similarly but blends the copied area with the surrounding pixels for a more natural look.
4. Advanced Color Grading:
Purpose: Apply a specific mood or aesthetic to your photo through color adjustments.
How-To: Use curves, selective color, or split toning to fine-tune the colors in your image. This technique is often used in film photography to create a particular atmosphere.
5. Working with RAW Files:
Purpose: RAW files contain more data than JPEGs, giving you greater flexibility in editing.
How-To: Open RAW files in a program like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop. From there, you can adjust exposure, white balance and other settings with minimal loss of quality. RAW editing is essential for professional photographers looking for the highest quality results.
Creative Photo Editing
Beyond enhancing and correcting photos, editing can also be used creatively to produce artistic images. It's all about thinking outside the box and using different tools and techniques to transform your photos in a unique way.
1. Applying Filters and Presets:
Purpose: Quickly change the look and feel of your photo.
How-To: Many editing programs come with built-in filters and presets. These are predefined adjustments that can drastically change the look of your image. You can also create your own presets to create a consistent style across multiple photos.
2. Adding Textures and Overlays:
Purpose: Enhance your photos with additional visual elements.
How-To: Apply textures (like grunge, paper, or fabric) as an overlay to add depth and interest to your photo. You can also use light leaks, lens flares, or bokeh effects to create a specific mood.
3. Photo Manipulation:
Purpose: Combine multiple images or elements to create a surreal or fantasy composition.
How-To: Use techniques like compositing, where you blend multiple images, or digital painting, where you paint directly onto your photo. This requires a good understanding of layers, masking, and perspective to achieve a believable result.
4. Black and White Conversion:
Purpose: Create timeless, classic images by converting color photos to black and white.
How-To: Use the black and white adjustment layer or desaturation tool to remove color from your image. You can then adjust the contrast and apply filters to enhance the tonal range and bring out details.
Image editing is an essential skill in today's visually driven world. Whether you want to fix small mistakes or create stunning visual art, image editing tools and techniques offer endless possibilities. By understanding the basics and exploring advanced techniques, you can turn your photos into something truly stunning.  Remember, image editing is both a science and an art. It requires technical knowledge, creativity and practice. With the right tools and the willingness to keep learning, you can master photo editing and realize your creative vision. Whether you're enhancing snapshots for social media or creating a professional portfolio, photo editing is  key to making your images stand out in a crowded digital environment.  Photo editing has become an essential part of modern photography, allowing photographers and amateurs alike to enhance their images and get the most out of them. Whether you're a professional photographer, a social media influencer, or simply someone who enjoys photography, understanding the basics of photo editing can greatly improve the quality of your photos. This comprehensive guide will explain the various aspects of photo editing, from basic adjustments to advanced techniques, giving you  the knowledge to create amazing images.
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photoeditorph1 · 3 months
Photo Editor Tips: Enhancing Detail and Texture
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Enhancing detail and texture in your photos can significantly elevate their quality and impact. Whether you're working with landscapes, portraits, or macro shots, bringing out the details can make your images more captivating. This blog post will provide tips and techniques for using a photo editor to enhance detail and texture, helping you create stunning, high-quality photos.
Understanding Detail and Texture
Detail refers to the fine elements in a photo, such as sharpness and clarity, while texture refers to the surface quality and feel of the subjects within the photo. Enhancing these aspects can make your images more lifelike and engaging.
Tips for Enhancing Detail
1. Sharpening
Sharpening enhances the fine details in your photo, making them appear crisper and more defined. Use sharpening tools in your photo editor to achieve this effect.
Unsharp Mask: A popular sharpening tool that allows you to control the amount, radius, and threshold of sharpening.
High Pass Filter: Apply the High Pass filter and blend mode to enhance edges without increasing noise.
2. Clarity and Structure
Increasing clarity and structure can enhance mid-tone contrasts, bringing out details in textures and patterns.
Clarity Slider: Available in software like Lightroom and Capture One, the clarity slider enhances mid-tone contrasts.
Structure Tool: Found in tools like Nik Collection, the structure tool enhances the overall detail and texture.
Tips for Enhancing Texture
1. Dodge and Burn
Dodging (lightening) and burning (darkening) specific areas can enhance texture and detail, creating depth and dimension in your photos.
Dodge and Burn Tools: Use these tools in Photoshop or Lightroom to selectively lighten or darken areas.
Frequency Separation: Separate the high and low frequencies to work on texture independently from color and tone.
2. Contrast Adjustments
Adjusting contrast can enhance the appearance of texture by increasing the difference between light and dark areas.
Curves Adjustment: Use curves to fine-tune contrast and bring out textures.
Contrast Slider: Increase contrast to make textures more pronounced.
Tools for Enhancing Detail and Texture
1. Adobe Photoshop
Camera Raw Filter: Offers powerful tools for enhancing detail and texture.
Layer Masks: Use layer masks to apply enhancements selectively.
2. Adobe Lightroom
Detail Panel: Contains sharpening and noise reduction tools.
Clarity Slider: Enhances mid-tone contrasts for better texture.
3. Capture One
Clarity and Structure: Provides advanced tools for enhancing detail and texture.
Luma Curve: Adjusts brightness and contrast without affecting color.
Tips for Effective Enhancement
Work Non-Destructively: Use layers and masks to make reversible edits.
Zoom In and Out: Regularly zoom in to work on details and zoom out to see the overall effect.
Avoid Overdoing It: Over-enhancing detail and texture can make your photo look unnatural. Aim for a balanced, realistic look.
Use Light and Shadow: Enhancing the interplay of light and shadow can add depth and dimension to textures.
Enhancing detail and texture is crucial for creating high-quality, impactful photos. By using sharpening tools, clarity adjustments, dodge and burn techniques, and contrast adjustments, you can bring out the best in your images. Whether you're using Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Capture One, or another photo editor, these tips will help you achieve stunning results that captivate viewers and highlight the intricate details and textures of your subjects.
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jackylans · 3 months
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FInal Image 01
In the upcoming blog post, I will provide an in-depth explanation of each of the 8 final images. This will include the meaning behind each photo, the background story, the intended message, the shooting process, and the post-editing techniques.
My goal is to depict the protagonist's inner state through these dreamlike images. In photo 01, I aim to convey the vitality and positive energy of nature, which offers a relaxing atmosphere and serves as the beginning of the dream. In this series, light is used as a visual symbol of emotional energy, guiding viewers to understand the context and state of the subjects in each image.
In my own life, whenever I experience negative emotions or feel overwhelmed by multiple challenges, I find solace in walking through two nearby parks. Being in nature helps reduce my stress and clears my mind. I wanted to capture this scene to introduce the healing power of nature, suggesting that those facing life's struggles might find relief by visiting local parks or finding their own ways to relax and relieve stress.
Shooting Process: For this shoot, I used a tripod, a 24-70mm lens, and two light sticks. The camera settings were 30s exposure time, f/8 aperture, and ISO 100. I had two friends assist me. I set the camera on the tripod and focused on the central tree. Once the composition was ready, my friends positioned themselves near the closest trees (left and right). After pressing the shutter, they used the light sticks to illuminate specific points on the trees for one second before moving to another spot, continuing this process for the entire exposure. We repeated this for each tree, ensuring more detailed lighting for the trees closest to the camera and single exposures for trees further away to avoid overlap.
The entire shooting process took about 30 minutes.
Post-Editing: I started by marking the photos in Adobe Bridge, then used Photoshop for stacking to reduce noise. The stacked image served as the base layer. I imported all the photos into Photoshop and used layer masks to paint the illuminated parts onto the base layer. This process was repeated for each tree until all were illuminated. Afterward, I grouped all the layers, duplicated the group, and merged it into a single image. Finally, I adjusted the brightness and color in Camera Raw to complete the final image.
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citynewsglobe · 4 months
[ad_1] Very similar to the entry of iGaming platforms just like the On line casino Vulkan Vegas revolutionized the playing realm, placing a digicam inside a telephone is one concept that considerably modified the entire idea of pictures. In the identical means on line casino websites the place everybody can play slots on-line Canada began giving land-based playing homes a run for his or her cash, the camera-making business has confronted hefty competitors as extra folks started buying smartphones as an alternative of conventional cameras. Photographers discovered palm-sized smartphones extra handy than massive and heavy cameras, because of digicam telephones. Though smartphones’ captured photos had decision hiccups on the very starting in comparison with DSLRs, it wasn’t a lot of a problem in a while, because of steady upgrades like modifying instruments and particular processors. Smartphone cameras can now seize greater decision photographs that may be edited utilizing modern instruments in design apps to offer a picture you’re really after. The enjoyable a part of all that is that you simply don’t must be an expert photographer to expertly use the design pictures apps to create a visible masterpiece you possibly can admire. So, how is smartphone pictures unlocking customers’ creative facet? What are the perfect instruments utilizing which you'll be able to edit your photographs? What made mobile-based pictures an fulfilling playground for anybody with a inventive thoughts? Let's discover solutions to all these questions! Progressive Design Purposes in Cell Pictures Typically, the captured picture comes out the way in which you visualize it. In different instances, the picture has some blemishes that, as soon as corrected, will give it an elevated look. Cell apps are designed to assist edit such photos on the go. You’d be shocked to understand how a lot you possibly can edit utilizing cell design purposes. They allow superior capabilities like tone changes, masking, blemish fixing, overlays, HSL color correction, and gradients. The best apps you possibly can obtain in your smartphone to edit your pics as we speak embody: Adobe Lightroom Cell Its digicam function permits photographers or informal snapshooters to shoot raw-format photos on iOS and Android units. The app’s free model additionally permits filters and different instruments. With a paid subscription, Adobe Lightroom customers can get pleasure from cloud storage, superior modifying instruments, and results like therapeutic, masking, and preset options. Apple Photographs This helps you make inventive edits on iOS units. Stay photographs can have lengthy publicity and bounce results. When you have an iPhone, the app offers you extra modifying prospects, like altering the white stability and lifting shadows. It’s slick, and also you’ll get all the color changes you would ever ask for. One other good thing about utilizing Apple Photographs in cell pictures is that it excels at organizing your photographs and utilizing the system’s AI assistant that will help you discover distinctive objects and particular folks. Afterlight Afterlight is an iOS cell app wealthy in primary modifying options like cropping, distinction, publicity, saturation, and so forth. Whereas these options can be found within the free model, upgrading Afterlight to the paid account gives higher perks, corresponding to making certain no stone is left unturned in pictures creativity. The perks embody: Superior filters for HSL (hues, saturation, and lightness); Movie and VHS look filters; Tone curve modifying; Materials and textual content overlays; Sharpness and gradients. Snapseed The Snapseed app is among the many very unique innovators in Google’s portfolio. Its sturdy photo-improving instruments haven’t seen many upgraded options, however that shouldn’t be a priority, as the present ones are adequate. Snapseed permits modifying uncooked digicam DNG and JPG information with instruments like HDR, sharpness, therapeutic brush, and perspective.
The app is free for all Android and iOS customers—an enormous plus, proper? Polish Polish is an Android and iOS freemium app that options Photoshop-like instruments. It allows masking and AI-powered artwork transfers. The free model is nice, however you possibly can improve to the professional version for a greater modifying course of with out the distraction adverts, which has cropping options at its finest stage. VSCO VSCO is the place professional photographers excel with filters. It has normal correction and modifying capabilities you’d look forward to finding in different cell picture design instruments. The app helps uncooked digicam information and supplies superior modifying instruments like HSL and split-tone modifying. Higher nonetheless, authorized VSCO individuals can focus on posts and contribute concepts on bettering current options. Different Picks for You So, if inventive pictures is your factor and you want modifying photos on the go, you must contemplate having numerous modern purposes mentioned above in your system. Certainly, these six apps are just some of the best-rated professional cell pictures instruments, however beginner photographers can nonetheless unlock their modifying artistry with different apps like: TouchRetouch; Polarr; Google Photographs; PicsArt.  Unlock the Potential of Inventive Cell-Primarily based Pictures! Smartphone producers are making strides in telephone digicam high quality, narrowing the hole between DSLRs and smartphones. Furthermore, by the perfect purposes the place you possibly can edit each picture, the pics taken by your cell system can now rival the management that DSLRs provide. Cell phone builders are constantly innovating telephone cameras with greater megapixel decision and improved movement blur. Mix that with the modern instruments featured in high picture modifying apps, and also you’ll agree that the way forward for cell pictures is vivid. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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melanie707 · 8 months
2/8 Assignment #1: Camera Raw to Adobe Photoshop: Frame Within A Frame (Before and After Masks)
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creativecourse · 9 months
30 Day Photoshop Mastery Information 30 Day Photoshop Mastery is a course that aims to help participants master Adobe Photoshop, a powerful software used for image editing, graphic design. How To Create Amazing Photos In Photoshop… Without Huge Learning Curves And Constant Frustration! Thousands Of Budding Photographers Are Taking My 30 Day Challenge to Develop Their Photoshop Skills And Create Works Of Art From Their Photographs! If You’ve Ever Wanted to Create Amazing Photos without Spending Hours in Photoshop, This Is for You… Looking back on photographs is a feeling unlike any other, isn’t it? Whether it’s family events, holidays… or pictures of your grandchildren, nothing else warms your heart like looking back at treasured photos. Unfortunately, while capturing photos is easy… editing them and making them look amazing is a lot tougher… And today, using Photoshop can seem more complicated and time-consuming than ever before. Photoshop isn’t just for manipulating unrealistic photos it’s your ultimate digital darkroom… Creating high-quality images and editing them WITHOUT guesswork can seem near impossible… And, as a result, you end up being left with a bunch of half-hearted photos you’re not happy with. Maybe you’ve tried to follow online tutorials before… Maybe you’ve tried to learn how to use Photoshop yourself… Or maybe you already have some basic editing skills – but want to make your photos look even better… Today, I’m going to show you an EASY and EFFECTIVE way of creating stunning works of art from your photos… Without spending hours in Photoshop trying to “figure things out” yourself. Creating Stunning, Memorable Photos In Photoshop Is Easier Than You Think… My name’s Blake Rudis, and for the past decade, I’ve been teaching budding photographers like you skills and strategies to make your photos look great in Photoshop. I realize the struggles and frustrations that come when you don’t know how to use this powerful photo editing tool… And I realized that almost ALL conventional Photoshop tutorials, courses and guides are poorly laid out. They’re confusing… they overload you with information… And, for the most part, they don’t take you by the hand and give you step-by-step guidance. That’s why I decided to create a special 30-day challenge… that gives you a small “bitesize” lesson every day, for 30 days. It’s designed to teach you the skills and techniques you need to make high-quality, great-looking edits to your photos… And already, this 30-day challenge has helped thousands of photographers, like you, create stunning works of art… memories they can look back on for years to come. What You’ll Learn In This Course? Adobe CC – Exploring Your Subscription The Three Parts to Photoshop Intro & Overview of Bridge CC Intro to Adobe Camera Raw & the Global Tools Advanced ACR & Local Tools Ps Interface, Layout, & Setup Layers, Layer Types & Working With Layers Adjustment Layers & Saving Layered Documents Opacity & Fill Blend Modes Blend If Blend If & Adjustment Layers Intro to Masking Clipping Masks Selections & Selection Tools Select & Mask, Select Subject, Remove Background Color Range Selections Cleanup Tools Content-Aware Fill Layer Transformations Filters for Creative Effects Filters for Noise Reduction & Sharpening Adobe Camera Raw as a Filter Smart Objects Actions Custom Brushes Full Portrait Workflow Full Landscape Workflow Full Architecture Workflow The Many Ways to Do 1 Thing in Photoshop About Author Hey, I’m Blake Rudis, and I’m what you’d call a Photoshop fanatic. All my life, I’ve been trying to capture and edit the PERFECT photos, and for the last decade I’ve been teaching others how to do the same. In 2010 I launched a blog. While initially a way of showcasing my work, before long, thousands of people were visiting, asking me how I created the shots and captures displayed. It quickly turned into an education platform. Since then, I’ve helped tens of thousands of men and women learn basic and advanced Photoshop skills…
And I founded the f.64 Academy – a fully comprehensive “online school” for those wanting to learn how to use Photoshop to create the best-looking photos of their lives. Today, I’m incredibly excited to invite you to join the 30 Days To Photoshop Mastery challenge… and in just 30 days from now you’ll be up-to-speed and competent with Adobe products… letting you create works of art from your photos. The next challenge is about to begin, so make sure you secure your spot now. Click the button below, and make creating great-looking photos the easy way. More courses from the same author: Blake Rudis
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Week 2 - DSLR: Taking Charge Workshop
RAW is a term used to describe unprocessed data that the camera captures. – Larger, can shoot in 16-bit mode.
JPEGs are converted to 8-bit mode, use unsharpen mask, and set contrast and saturation; different cameras will do these differently. – Smaller, compressed file
RAW holds more information and is easier to edit. Larger dynamic range. Holds all camera settings.
More pixels have more colour information.
Each pixel has a value that describes how bright they are.
Camera Raw for Photoshop CS to convert.
Aperture priority, priorities aperture etc.
Manual gives you more control.
High dynamic range – HDR – which is the detail in the shadows and the highlights.
Adobe Bridge – Advance file browsing software
Proof sheet in Lightroom
Shoot in RAW!!!
Default your camera stores as JPEG, can be heavily compressed without losing details.
Do not contain all colour detail, hard for post production.
Raw files store all colour details your camera captures.
Raw can allow you to recover from overexposed highlights. Recover detail and save and image.
I was able to learn some new knowledge about using the DSLR camera. Such as Raw vs Jpeg, why you could use each one. Changing the ISO, aperture and shutter settings. The correct way to hold a camera and change a lens. I felt like I gained some confidence and knowledge that I can bring to taking photos this week. I also learnt how to make a contact sheet in both Adobe Bridge and Lightroom, something I wish I'd known last week.
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ethan-a-levels · 1 year
week 26/27
This week we were learning about adobe premier pro. We first started on the basics and the important things to do eg save all the files work in an organised way by arranging everything in different bins
Our teacher gave us some some notes. Bellow are the notes
Sync settings have creative cloud and allows multiple people to work on the same project from different devices.
Home setting are where the filter and search bar are, these help locate the exact file one needs. It is better to use underscores instead of space when titling a project as using space takes time in processing. (Vinyl code: 0 = space 1 = character and 0 is heavier to process than 1)
It is better to save all drafts incase one file gets corrupted, the data will not be lost.
The final porject that we will be working on will be under a folder with 3 other folders: Source, Render, Project
Source: Raw files
Project: Premiere pro project files
Render: Outputs, the cuts and final projects.
Copy - It copies and creates similar file, back up
Transcode: Makes a different low res file, but are not connected.
Create proxy: Makes a different low res file, but they are connected.
Tabs that are the top of the software include; Learning, Assembly, Editing, Color, effects, Audio, Graphics, Libraries.
Yellow: Original (source)
Red: Unrendered no cache/no preview created (project)
Green: rendered (render)
Editing workspace will have 4 window
1) Project window: all the files and clips we have to import.
3 ways to import: Files to input
Ctrl+i or double clip.
Zoom in zoom out: +/- keys
Freespace and thumbnail view
Sort to filter in what way you want the files to be
Lumetri presets: Filters for colour grading
Twiddle (~) key for fullscreen
2) Source window
Double clicking on a panel shows it to you in source panel.
Effects control: Helps manipulate effects in clip
Meta data: All data of clip, the FPS, ending, beginning, properties.
FPS 24 aka Every second has minimum 24 frames
Higher the FPS smoother the video, slow motion
Program window has 6 tools, before, overlay, insert after, replace and overwrite.
In point and out point, mark in and mark out, marks the beginning and end you choose of a clip and when dragged it appears automatically cropped
to take you to the first and last frame.
3) Timeline:
New sequence; sequence preset, needs similar preset to camera.
Clip mismatch warning: Clip and camera settings don’t match.
Work area bar, defines precise work area.
M: muting track
S: Solo track will play only that track
4) Decibel monitor to monitor the sound
5) Tool Bar - has 5 tools
Magnet: Snapping tool helps precisely place clips (always on)
Linked video (always on)
Selection tool: Select and move clips
Track select tool: it moves everything on all the tracks
Ripple edit: It crops and moves clips in place automatically, changes position of video.
Rolling edit: One clip gets cropped shorter the other cropped longer.
Razor tool: helps cut a clip into multiple clips.
Slip tool: Shot size remains the same and content is free to change.
Pen tool: Masking and VFX
Hand tool: Scroll
Text: To add text
Auto reframe sequence changes aspect ratio, moves the centre according to the clip.
Window: Controls visibility of windows
Right click menu
Adobe audition: only for audio manipulation
Enable: removes visibility.
Make subsequence
Label: easier to distinguish, group and categorise.
higher the % higher the speed
Scale to frame size: For multiple clips
Set to frame size: For one clip
Adjustment layer: Where you insert all the effects including colour grading
Audio gain and audio channels.
Audio gain: Amplification
Video effects and transition difference:
Effect - Applied to whole
Transition - Always applied in between two audios or videos or on a cut
EQ: Equalizer
Modular changes
Noise reduction.
Constant gain: Constant volume no matter what
Constant power: slight dip in audio and then constant
Exponential fade: crossfade, fades into and out
Echo: echo motion.
Color correction: uniformity to get same baseline.
Colour grading: add a color tone.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Adobe Photoshop CC for Photographers by acclaimed digital imaging professional Martin Evening has been revamped to include detailed instruction for all of the updates to Photoshop CC on Adobe’s Creative Cloud, including significant new features, such as the painting tool and Pen path tool refinements and Range Masking in Camera Raw. This guide covers all the tools and techniques photographers and professional image editors need to know when using Photoshop, from workflow guidance to core skills to advanced techniques for professional results. Using clear, succinct instruction and real world examples, this guide is the essential reference for Photoshop users. The accompanying website has been updated with new sample images, tutorial videos, and bonus chapters. Publisher ‏ : ‎ Routledge; 1st edition (9 March 2018) Language ‏ : ‎ English Paperback ‏ : ‎ 768 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1138086762 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1138086760 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2 kg 100 g Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 18.8 x 5.08 x 24.38 cm Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ United Kingdom [ad_2]
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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dalatcomputer · 2 years
Là một giải pháp hoàn chỉnh cho việc xử lý các hình ảnh kỹ thuật số chuyên nghiệp, Adobe Photoshop CC 2023 có chứa các công cụ mới nhất để làm việc với hình ảnh và cơ hội mới để thực hiện các ý tưởng sáng tạo có thể cải thiện đáng kể năng suất. Chỉnh sửa hình ảnh với độ chính xác tuyệt vời, sử dụng các công cụ trực quan và quy trình công việc mới để tạo đồ họa 3D, các dự án 2D và phim ảnh.
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Ở bản Photoshop 2023 có gì mới ?
Màu sắc và Luminance Range Masking trong Adobe Camera Raw
Trình quản lý Brush Preset mới trong Photoshop 2022
Brush Stroke Smoothing và Paint Symmetry
Công cụ New Curvature Pen
Phông chữ và cải tiến Typographic
Chú giải ý nghĩa các công cụ, dễ tìm hiểu hơn cho người mới bắt đầu
Truy cập ảnh trong Lightroom từ Màn hình Bắt đầu của Photoshop CS
Hoàn thiện spherical 360 pano workflow
Link tải Adobe ph0toshop CC 2023 ở trên đã được tích hợp Active sẵn. Ngoài ra, bạn có thể tham khảo hướng dẫn cài đặt để có thể đạt sự ổn định nhất khi sử dụng. Hãy tải ngay từ trang DalatComputer nhé !
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