#mass effect three
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At least we threw one hell of a party. Probably the last one.
Last one until you finish kicking the reapers asses, you mean. Because that's the plan.
Mass Effect 3 - Citadel DLC
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mairalynn416 · 11 months
Baldurs gate three has spoiled me in terms of romance in rpg games. I've been playing Mass Effect 3 and the people you romance just have no different dialogue options once you've become official? Like I romanced Treynor and still every time I try to talk to her it's just the one "Commander" line no matter what. No different dialogue, no different actions. I'm not comparing them, they are two very different games but man, Larian has spoiled me.
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nowandthane · 8 months
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in sync babyy
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reallyquitestrange · 25 days
I'm sorry you don't want to hang out with a guy who has his shit together cause he has to be on ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I'd bet half the migraines he gets are from having to constantly box his problems up and deal with everyone else's shit! Comparatively, the backstories of all the other romance options in the first game, Kaidan is the only one who actually learned something from his own mistakes! Ashley "family honor" Williams takes 3 games to really learn that hey aliens aren't the problem, government is; And Liara "mommy issues" T'soni has to be perfect so everyone will love her and not see her as "the girl with the dead mom who helped Saren"
Kaidan is already there, 32 year old independent man with trauma he has dealt with and dealing with of his own design. he knows the Alliance and governments meddle and make hard, fast decisions the enlisted pay for with their lives. He gives you advice on how to avoid making those mistakes. Emotional maturity isn't your turn-on? That sounds like a you issue.
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strawberrysamara · 8 months
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Thane propaganda:
“He was my first ever Mass Effect romance and it made me BAWL. Like I had to physically wake my brother up and cry about it because I was so distraught. Thane's romance is great but also fuck you bioware”
Dimitri propaganda:
“He's chivalrous, he's blood thirsty, all rolled up into one package and calling you "his beloved". Get you a man who can do both.”
“My husband <3 He's schizophrenic just like me and I love him for that.”
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thatwildwolfart · 4 months
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Four ships fanart meme! Featuring @nicolasadrabbles's Hawke and my Shepard
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devilry-revelry · 1 year
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We are making moves to ensure that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is an outstanding game… … by firing the writers that worked on all three games.
BioWare: An Update on the State of BioWare
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temperqnce · 1 month
Spreadsheet Autism: The Great Sharing
Because the internet is nigh unusable these days, with fourteen ads on every wiki page, I like to keep track of data related to my interests in my own personal google sheets. I thought some of them might be useful to others. So I'm sharing them. Several are still under construction in some way so copy what you can use and bookmark the rest if you want to wait for me to finish them lol. Also: I'm not a sheets expert, if anyone knows about how to make these more functional I'd love feedback
Klaus.xls - The Magnus Protocol/Archives
This one contains the original klaus.xls, the (approximate) english translation that other fans put together plus their notes, Bonzo's Number One Fan theory on how the CAT/R/DPHW works (I'm not sold on it but it's interesting), A categorization of each episode with notes, and a similar page on TMA episodes as I go through a rewatch. There's the data on the kids that were interviewed by the institute in the Protocol universe. It's got a page on the fears and their related TMA cults, avatars, etc as well. Go nuts kids.
Fire Emblem Stat Sheet
This is by far the most ridiculous one I have put time into. It tracks what fire emblem games I've played or owned and has planning sheets for each game as well as stats on different classes and units, planning sheets for pairings for the games where you can make them all have babies, etc. Copy what you want to use.
Mass Effect Lesbian Completionist Run
I made this so I could keep track of all the things you have to collect in Mass Effect 1, and also I was romancing Liara at the time rather than my usual Garrus (<3) hence the name. Just select all and un-cross out all the things I've crossed out if you want to keep track of the shit you have to find with the Mako without using a wiki
I'm only just starting with this one: keeps track of what each villager likes for gifts (on a permanent rather than weekly basis) and I'm slowly filling in trackers for the bugs and fish. Just finished one for the bundles.
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secretsimpleness · 1 year
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The disappointment.
Warden Surana, Morrigan / Dragon Age Origins (c) Bioware
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elven-butts · 1 year
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i think he understood something about her in that moment not many people ever do
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Thoughts(TM) on Mass Effect, in no particular order or preference.
- What did they do to Ashley??? Why did she go from kick-ass takes-no-shit-soldier to... kick-ass-takes-no-shit-soldier with eyeshadow and lipstick and a fringe and hair to her shoulders which probably somehow breaks regulations?? That shit would be getting in her eyes when she was trying to shoot, if it wasn't getting ripped out by a rabid husk first... just no.
- While we are talking about this - WHY did they make us suffer the dress(tm) every time woman Shepherd had to dress 'fancy'? First, that is the ugliest effing dress I've ever seen in my life, not to mention out of character for my (and I'm sure a lot of others) Shepherd, who would have been in a suit at the most, or something nicer than that (no, literally, anything would have been better).
+ Garrus... where to even start? Possibly the best developed character in the whole damn game. I adore Garrus. Would kill for him die for him etc. The friendship between him and Shepherd was so lovely and a really nice highlight of all the games. Except for when Shepherd tries to set him up at the bar. Bit weird.
+ Liara... love of my life, light of my life etc etc. Second only to Garrus and only because the romance scene I had ('will you be my girlfriend' in the presidium commons, not sure if there are any others) was so dry and stale compared to the rest of their cutscenes I hated it. But the chemistry between these two across all three games was amazing, and made their relationship (should you choose to accept it) all the more realistic and believable.
- The endings of ME3. Need I say more. -100/10.
+ The 'fight' scene with James at the start of ME3 was so cute. Loved the option of telling him off at the end for the nicknames. Tbh the recurring options throughout the game of whether to respond 'friendly' or 'professional' was a nice touch.
+ Also - the fling/relationship between James and Ashley was equally cute.
+ Anderson and Shepherd?? Maximum cuteness. Especially the 'I'm proud of you' moment at the end. Really focused in on the parent/daughter relationship.
+ The symmetry/comparison of Earth/Palaven/Thessia worlds burning and being ravaged by the reapers... the hurt/comfort of 'I understand exactly how you feel' 'i thought i understood how you felt but this is so much worse??'
+ The party... the party!! Ahhhh the only complaint I had was the prompt to dance disguised as talk... but thats just personal preference. The photo at the end - SO CUTE. Also, Traynor reciting the elements of the periodic table while drunk and dancing was probably one of my favourite moments of the whole game.
+ Joker and EDI. 10/10. Perfect pairing.
- Jacob in ME2. Literally the most bland, boring character I'd ever experienced. Specifically chose him for the mission at the end of ME2 cause it was pretty obvious it would end in death.
+ Tbh, all the other characters I loved to varying degrees. Thane, Samara, Javik, I could probably take or leave. The rest- their stories were all so complex. Hated Miranda at the start, was genuinely upset by her death at the end. Jack's character development was insane. Barely touched Wrex in ME1, thought he was a throw away character (boy was I wrong). Probably the best element of this game is the characters and relationships. Love-hated the death of a character in ME1. That was Kaiden for me, and it fitted so well into the storyline generally it really gave so much depth to Shepherds backstory.
- Samara.... did someone put eight-zero-zero-eight into a calculator while they were having a meeting about her?? Did she put her costume into the dryer when it was line-dry material?? Please TRY and make it less obvious who you are catering to, here. Also upset there was no option to stop her killing her daughter, just...stand by and watch, I guess.
+ ME3 acknowledging and showing the effects of constant war on Shepherd with the nightmares. Enjoyed that you could play it cool/fake it when asked or genuinely respond and say what was wrong. Although, I did notice that for the 'survivor' backstory on Azure, pretty sure it changed from 'Threshermaw attack' in ME1 to 'Cerburus' in ME3. Might've missed something there, tho.
+ Honestly, just the dialogue in ME3. Esp. the mid-fight chatter among teams Mako and Hammerhead in the clone mission. 10/10, apart from the occasional cut-scene dialogue we didn't get enough interaction between characters. Enjoyed it a lot, really put a lot more personality into everyone.
+ Aria... 100/10. Really nice deviation from the 'classic' asari we see elsewhere. Also, her whole appearance and personality were matched so seamlessly, I love it. Felt like it gave my Shepherd an opportunity to play the bad guy a bit more away from her crew. Although would have been nice to get a warning that you can't get back to Omega in ME3 once the mission is completed... I never did find her couch. Saying that, it was a shame she was never made to appear in the final fight cutscene.
+ The ring from EDI... literally the best gift ever. Shepherd is forever keeping it on her tags. Forever.
+-Kinda loved and hated the whole going-to-the-room-the-person-is-in-for-a-chat. The elevator got old pretty quick. A nice touch being able to invite people up to your cabin and meet up on the citadel (although again, at some points it felt like I was at the citadel meeting people more than I was out there saving the galaxy. Shepherd is a popular woman, but more missions to compensate, or mission-related/style meetings could have been nice).
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circesoracle · 8 months
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divine truth argue with the wall
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nowandthane · 6 months
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I have no words tbh I’m still freaking out about this 😭
commissioned the incredible @jazzajazzjazz ❤️
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omgkalyppso · 6 days
@tepkunset's poll made me want to make one. i went back and forth about who i wanted to include, but i think i'm satisfied with my final list.
Make a poll of your favourite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!
if we're tagging people, i'll tag @recurringwriter, @bladesandstars, @jackalopedread, @void-singer, @ghostwise and YOU.
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clericofshadows · 1 year
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Major Kaidan Alenko One of many portraits taken commending his efforts in creating and commanding the 1st Special Operations Biotic Company. Rendered in Blender Cycles v3.3 companion piece to my Commander Shepard render
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