blueiskewl · 2 years
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1958 Maserati 450S by Fantuzzi
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He’s an eight, but he killed his mother and used his inheritance to buy a masserati.
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Once Chay joins college , he's an impeccable student. He brimmed with all the youthful beauty that would put Michelangelo's David to shame , but that wasn't the reason why he rose to fame within the campus.
Always sunny , kind and helpful , respectful towards his seniors and bettering his music every day , practicing late and being a perfect little gentleman to the ladies ,there were only the spoilt jealous few who despised him. Although they teased him , tried some light catcalling , they never had the nerve to go further somehow.
Maybe it was the air of money that hung around Chay - the expensive watch(es) , the charcoal black masserati that looked suspiciously customised which came to pick him up twice, the number of limited edition guitars he seemed to "borrow from a rich cousin" , and something that looked like a crest on his dailywear ring that looked like it was made from 'old money' gold.
Till one day the bully numero uno of the campus spots Chay heading to the men's bathroom alone while classes were still in full swing , looking all jittery. Come to think of it , the perfect new junior with his perfectly gelled hair and perfectly buttoned up shirt and black tie that he wore every. single. day. -looked sweat soaked. Even from this distance.
Smelling the secret in the air , bully#1 decides to follow him after excusing himself from class , and reaches in time to witness a very distracted Porchay pulling at his collar to loosen his tie , while simultaneously trying to wet his face from the steady stream of water from the faucet. He seemed so out of it that , the one who came to sneak up on him doubted if he needed to inform the med wing about a possible addict??
Till he witnessed the model of perfection and the best student Anantrameka had to offer in it's current academic year , pull off his uniform necktie , and pop the few top buttons of his white shirt loose to breathe heavily. In his haste to get water all over his face , Porchay accidentally dropped his necktie to the floor , but when he leaned to pick it up later on , he staggered on his feet...
Only for the senior to catch him.
Phawan looked a bit more closely at Porchay , and now that he thought about it , he did seem pale.But what sent the alarm bells blaring was how his alabaster neck was covered with finger shaped bruises , with something that looked very similar to bite marks breaking skin in between. And yep , he was buring up with fever.
He looked like he was mauled by a bear. Seriously , was this kid being abused at home???
That was only about as far as ge got with his thought process because two long haired men blasted through the doors to the bathrooms -
One with the ponytail , wearing a well fitted black suit that he could've sworn he's seen somewhere , pulled him back towards the stalls while simultaneously, the other one pulled a barely conscious Porchay onto his lap.
His eyes shifted from Porchay's half exposed chest to the man who was now kneeling on the dirty bathroom floor checking for a pulse on the purple tinted neck. He wasn't looking at him , but the man , clad head to toe in black- black sleeveless tank , black jeans ,black boots and black as midnight hair - was prodding and poking at Porchay , the curtain of his long hair hiding his face from phawan's view.
Before he realised , he was forcefully guided out of the bathroom , and could no longer hear the drip of water from the faucet.
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theendinghaters · 2 years
What type of vehicle the BSD Characters would drive. Part 3
Hunting Dogs
Jouno: Small toy cars
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Tecchou: Also an electric toy car, like Kenji
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Teruko: A Kawaski Ninja
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Fukuchi: Also a horse
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Decay of the Angel
Fyodor Dostoyevski: A Masserati MC20 Cielo
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Nikolai Gogol: Customized Wolksvagen Beetle
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Sigma: Barbie's Fiat 500 (white)
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Bram Stoker: A coffin
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anthonyed · 5 months
riding in an ambulance is such a powerboost (just ignore the slup disk and prolapsed uterus on bounciest trampoline part) cause she is THE queen of the road. Every one. Every. Single. One. Give way to an ambulance. Don't care status or shit; masserati or just local scrappiest car, you MOVE tf outta the way when you hear the siren.
There was a police car with its flashing light and siren on the fast lane then we came through with our siren and that police car signalled to the side. It was fun having that much power even though I wasn't doing the driving lmao. Granted the patient was stable.
Now, back to yoko yoko and groaning in bed cause ow, my 32years old back 😭
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jiyongssi · 2 years
that time when kinn anakinn theerapanyakul had his first crush
the back door of the masserati slams shut behind a fuming second-in-line heir of the theerapanyakul family.
chan keeps his flinch perfectly contained by focusing his stare right ahead where other kids are bustling out of the school gate, bags too big for their little bodies, almost dragging them back and down
every single one of them prim and proper with tailored little suits and skirts exhibiting their wealth. except then he starts spotting a trickling of cheap cottons and broken thread bags and his brows furrow before he remembers the recent interdistrict event being organized for this whole week
behind him, his newly dismissed young master is quietly angry; tiny lips forced flat just as his glare burns the entrance of the school. if not for the heat of his stare, no one would know young master kinn is angry at all; product of years of careful training.
it breaks chan's heart honestly.
"someone's pissed," the youngest theerapanyakul states casually, not taking his eyes off the scribbling he's been busy with since he hopped into the car.
"mind your own business," anakinn bites out.
chan shifts the gear, steering into the road. part of him prays this journey will be calm but most of him has resigned for the oncoming turbulence.
just as he predicted -
"i am minding my business. you're my brother so you're my business." little kim shrugs too calmly for his age.
too cool, too collected, too... kim, chan notes with a soft sigh.
he tries to bury most of their banter as background noises but a certain word catches his attention and thenforth, chan eavesdrop, if not for curiosity, for intel then.
"didn't you learn in first grade to be nice to people if you want them to like you? or do they only teach that to smart kids like me?"
chan watches the hindmirror as anakinn's hand curls into a tiny fist. he was four years old when he last brawled like a normal child. at ten, anakinn is beyond shouting and retaliation. chan grieves for his twenty when even his emotions will probably be buried.
but that's not now because a ten years old kinn still blushes in his furiosity and admits albeit softly that he did give that 'brat' a present. even offered to show him around the school.
"oh ho ho!" kimhan giggles. his attention finally leaving that pink book of his. "so you got rejected then?"
"shut up!" kinn snaps. chan's so surprised he immediately looks towards the youngest expecting him to.. he doesn't know, do what kids do like cry perhaps.
but once again the theerapanyakul surprises him when kim simply cocks his head to left, regards his elder brother for a whole minute before simply returning to his book.
"what's his name."
he, chan notes. probably someone kinn admires and wants under his wing.
"not telling you"
"okay. which school then?"
kinn makes an annoyed sound, turning his whole body away and towards the window. chan's lip quivers in amusement.
young master kimhan is like a dog with a bone; "come on, i won't tell anyone. i don't even know who is it. we don't go to the same school. kinnnn...,"
and it's that last babyish drawl which gets him what he wants. something in chan settles with relief. kinn will be anything when he grows up but this part of him; that tenderness he reserves for his loved ones, chan doubts that will ever be robbed.
"porsche," kinn sighs, then immediately after, "do not tell pa. or ma. or anyone at all."
"what about tankhun?"
kinn hesitates before he says, "if he doesn't ask, don't tell. I'll tell him myself. If he asks," he nods mostly to himself.
"okay.. So which school?" kim prods, his precious pink book long abandoned for informations.
"i don't remember what school. but he's competing in taekwondo. he's very good. he never lost even one match. they say he'd been to bigger match like the whole of thailand or something."
"national level," kim nods knowingly.
for a second kinn pauses, scrutinizing his baby brother but continues with a shake to his head when kim pushes him to go on.
at the driver's seat, chan deliberately slows down the speed and keeps his ears sharp
anakinn tells about his approach and offer. how he waited till porsche finished his match before going over to give him a can of ovaltine he purchased from the cafe. he recounts how porsche looked him up and down and just brushed past him like kinn was a nobody. how half of the school saw that and how tay keeps teasing him about it and how he's pissed he has to go back to school tomorrow to face that all over again.
once the story's ended, with it bleeding out most of kinn's anger, young kim taps his chin thoughtfully and humms.
"i think you should have said, 'it will be my honour to show you around' rather than 'it will be your honour if i show you around'. i think he thought you were.. hmm.. what is that word that starts with p and has that omp sound to it, uncle chan?"
chan panics. albeit for a second, to be picked out like that. cunning little kimhan...
"pompous?" he offers as stoicly as he's been trained.
"yes!" kimhan cheers, "i learned that yesterday, it means like arrogant. thank you, uncle chan"
"i wasn't pom - whatever that is." kinn visibly seethes.
chan adjusts his collar, feeling tight around his neck
"no, but you sound like one if you go around telling people it would be their honour to be with you." kimhan tells him like he's reading a script. "maybe you could try again tomorrow."
kinn scoffs, but kim continues
"tell him you like to be friends. Don't use the word honour. It's confusing,"
Anakinn bristles, "What's so confusing about honour. We're ten years old. If he don't understand what honour means, he best not be my friend at all"
to chan's bewilderement, kimhan shakes his little head in the exact fashion his father does when confronted by his own brother and says, "oh kinn.. only god can save you now."
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endlosestrassen · 6 months
Wintertour 2023/2024
01.01.2024 San Marino - Modena
Nachdem der Silvesterabend in San Marino dem starken Regen geschuldet eher karg ausfiel, hab ich heute früh überlegt, wohin icj meine Reise fortsetzen werde. Aufgrund von Nebel, Nässe und Kälte kein einfaches Unterfangen, aber nach einem kleinen Frühstück in Rimini fasste ich den Entschluss, die Emilia-Romagna gen Westen zu durchqueren. Natürlich wie immer ohne Autobahnen und ohne Maut. Das dauert lange, aber man sieht viel mehr.
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Die ganze Region ist natürlich voller Geschichte, Langobarden, Kirchenstaat, Habsburger, Mussolini, Faschisten, Kommunisten….recherchieren kann man bis zum Sankt Nimmerleinstag.
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Landschaftlich eher unaufgeregt , finden sich doch aber überall städtebauliche Perlen wie beispielsweise Bagnacavallo.
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Und auch industriell hat die Region eine große Bedeutung, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Masserati oder auch Ares Design, alle kommen aus der Gegend um Modena.
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Hier schlage ich auch mein Lager auf, und begebe mich auf einen Spaziergang durch die drittgrößte Stadt der Region. Alles ist natürlich immer noch weihnachtlich geschmückt, das bleibt auf jeden Fall bis zum 6.1. in dieser Nacht kommt dann auch die Befana, die einzige Frau, die kochend heißen Tee trinken kann, auf ihrem Besen und bringt Geschenke. ( Das lernt man im Buch „Der blaue Pfeil“ von Gianni Rodari, einer wunderschönen Weihnachtsgeschichte)
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Was es mit dem Panzer auf sich hat, kann man hier nachlesen.
Fazit: Viele schöne Gebäude, aber auch schon Großstadt. Viele Menschen sind auf den Beinen, und trotz des Feiertages ist es recht unruhig. Ich schnappe mir einen e-scooter und Düse also wieder heim ins Hotel, und setze die Reise Morgen gen Genua fort. Auch groß. Noch größer gar.
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sparreaux · 7 months
Turkey pasta in my masserati.
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Masserati GTI. 1964
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There's a heavy storm going on outside so of course i'm thinking of Babes in Toyland.
C I N C I N N A T I, Cincinnati! The best town in O H I O Ohio USA. At first they called it Cinci but since Cinci is so natty, they named it Cincinnati so they say! The girls are pretty pretty in this pretty little city, the fellas are the fiestiest I've seen.
😵‍💫😵‍💫And when it comes to ball teams the reds and the bangals maul teams, they knock the socks off all the other teams...😵‍💫😵‍💫
I MEAN TO argue's indefensible, the facts are common sensible, Cin cin ci is in vin cible YAAAAA KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
Cinci's more than merely Natty, she's Ohio's Masserati!
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takhfifekhob · 10 months
کفش رسمی مردانه Masserati مدل 36341
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کفش رسمی مردانه Masserati مدل 36341 ✅ قیمت 609 تومان 🏡 پرداخت درب منزل 🛒 لینک خرید سریع و مشخصات👇🏻 https://www.takhfifekhob.com/240411 ‼️ سه روز ضمانت تعویض کالا ✔️
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thelaime · 1 year
MASSERATI LeveL 5 vs FORD LeveL 5 | FH5 #shorts #shortvideo #eliminator ...
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ultra-maha-us · 2 years
How To Enhance Your Automotive Hobby Experience By Collecting Car Art
What with the explosive escalation of labor and parts costs to build a collector car or do a proper restoration of a car or truck, collecting automotive art and prints may be a substantial alternative to actually owning a great automotive icon. Artists from around the world are currently selling great works, and you can utilize them in collecting reasonable and provocative car art. You just have to be willing to make the effort to find them. Perhaps this article may prove helpful to you in that pursuit.
It matters little what type of car or truck you love to follow. There are artists who have depicted your favorite vehicle in one form or another, and you can find those artists using the resources suggested here in this article. You may favor restored vehicles, or maybe custom cars, hot rods, muscle cars, pickups, legal classics, vintage racers, drag racing vehicles, vintage antiques, or even foreign sports cars. Trust me…..it has been Glues and Adhesives rendered in oils, water colors, or ink art work by someone somewhere, and you can buy it now. You just have to be able to locate what you want.
Thanks to the wonderment of the internet, typing in just a few key words into your search engine can reveal page after page of resources to review. You don't want to look at just the first page that pops up. You may find that the first five or ten pages reveal hundreds of sources of art work. Take time to look at a lot of these sources. Behind non-descript titles might lay fabulous renderings, many of which have found their way into the leading automotive magazines in America and other countries.
It amazes me how much it costs to get prints of the top art work when that art is done in color by a "name" car artist. Original works can run into the hundreds of dollars or even the thousands of dollars. But there is one way to enjoy it all much more cheaply…….buy the print of the original art. I know of famous painters who sell the actual original for $5000-$40000, but the print may cost only $35-$150 each. And the print may look every bit as stunning when hung on the wall and viewed from ten feet out. Many artists provide 10-20 printed renderings, while others sell up to 40-50 different prints on their website.
The artist who resides overseas from America can give you an exotic take on certain foreign sports cars and legal classics, and I find that particularly attractive if one is to diversify the type of vehicle held in one's collection. Some of the greatest prints or originals of Ferraris, Mercedes Benz, Masserati, Lamborghini, Jaguar and others come from those who reside overseas. Their inspiration probably comes from national heritage or from photography taken at some of the greatest concours competitions held overseas. Of course, many mingle with wealthy car owners and use photography of the cars owned by their friends as inspiration.
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estela-arellano · 2 years
Zaha Hadid- Morphosis-Future Systems
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El trabajo de Zaha Hadid tiene cierto estilo, guiandose sobre un eje futurista, dejando en claro que la arquitecturabse debe percibir y deconstruir completamente, desde todos los puntos posibles.A pesar de que no es mi estilo favorito tiene muchos puntos a favor, lineas organicas, fromas complejas, complejidad al construir y al observar, solo que la materialidad no ayuda mucho.
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Zaha Hadid-CHANEL 2012- PARIS
Uno de mi ejemplos favoritos es el desfile primavera invierno de Zaha ya que usa esos mismo principios y juega con la percepcion y la relación con la estación de tren uniendo lo viejo y lo nueva naturaleza y lo industrial.
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creó piezas escultóricas que hacen juego con el ambiente en general.
Podemos decir que su trabajo representa de alguna u otra manera, la sensación de flujo, continuación, como si la obra en si no terminara. Que es algo que se ve en los trabajos de los diferentes arquitectos que trabajan en esta rama High.tec, decontructivista.
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Parecido al trabajo de zaha en el que cada vista es una nueva version de la arquitectura donde el uso de formas orgánicas ayuda a la complejidad misma de el museo creando espacios impactantes desde cada ángulo.
El giro que le dio es que debido al contexto en el que está, utilizaron concreto para simular la piedra del sitio. donde vemos claramente la idea de flujo en todo el espacio. Que es similar a la utlización del contexto como lo hace Zaha.
También podemos decir que la idea de trabajar este tipo del nivel macro, con proyectos grandes, para crear estas curvas y angulos complejos. creo que un claro ejemplo de esto es el edificio de Selfridges en Birmingham hecho por Future Systems. Lo que me lleva a pensar es que estos tres despachos funcionan o su meta es trabajar a lo grande para imponer modernidad y contratse en los sitios en los que llegan a trabajar. Además de trabajar en proyectos similares.
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Aquí tenemos el uso de materiales, plásticos, metálicos, colores fuertes y contratsantes, ademas de la combinación de formas como las curvas que usan en las rampas para simular caminos, que además de funcionar como elemento unificador del espacio, también es una pieza statement por así decirlo, que jega con la retícula que imponen en el plafón y en la colocación de los automoviles.
Creo que es un claro ejemplo como la modernidad el aerodinamismo que representan estos carros en si a lo largo del tiempo, es algo que este tipo de arquitectura también intenta de asemejar.
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Más bien no asemeja, van de la mano los dos ya que esta arquitectura en si es algo que representa. Otro ejemplo que se me hizo interesante de Future Systems es el museo de Ferrari, donde tomando en cuenta todos los elementos del ferrari y lo que representa y lo icónico que ha sido en cuanto al mundo y la representación que tiene en todos los medios posible, crearon este espacio, parecido a masserati, viendo una vez más, elementos que hemos analizado en otros ejemplos, el uso de flujo y continuidad en el espacio, elementos que también se pueden ver en la fabrica de BMW hecha por Zaha Hadid.
Es importante mencionar que estos despachos a pesar de ser diferentes y trabajar en distintos proyectos, tienen similitudes que ya mencione algunos pero creo que me falta hablar del uso de la iluminación artificial, de manera religiosa practicamente no estoy diciendo que no usen iluminación natural, pero en su mayoría es artificial. 
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romanianwhips · 2 years
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Masserati GranTurismo @kreineradrian @liw89m @goatrallytour #maserati #maseratigranturismo #italy #italy #italian #italiancars ##europa #europecars #europe #eurocars #rally #safetycar #goatrally #bucuresti #bucharest #romania #românia #carsdaily #carstagram #carsofinsta #carsandcoffee #cars #carspotter #carsofinstagram (at JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMMpemLEWk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sharathpai · 2 years
Incident No.6  -
Circa 1999
Sundernagar in New Delhi is a quiet suburb. It is in close proximity to the Honourable Supreme court of India and is home to many Senior Advocates. Even famous law firms in New Delhi have their offices in Sundernagar. It is also considered a posh area in New Delhi akin to something like Altamount Road in Mumbai where the rich of the rich reside.
A property related matter had come up before the Honorable Delhi High Court and my Delhi firm had already sent case related papers to a designated Senior Advocate residing at Sundernagar. I was to liaise with this Senior Advocate and ensure that he receives all case related support he requires.
The residence/huge bungalow of the Senior Advocate operated as an office on the ground floor and a residence on the first floor. The third floor of this majestic bungalow was a library of all kinds of law books and could give the library of any High Court in India, a run for it’s money.
The Senior Advocate had a penchant for collecting old automobiles and used to spend hours maintaining them. As the bungalow was huge, it had place for a huge garage which had a collection of nine to ten rare cars. Mercedes Benz of the 60s, Buick Skylock Tempest of the 70s, Chevrolet, Masserati.
The Senior Advocate’s knowledge of cars, I was told was better than his knowledge of law. The knowledge of the respective car’s chassis, the suspension, the wheel base, the ground clearance, of each and every car manufactured right from the year 1940s was by heart. His love for automobiles was such that if any car needed any part to be outsourced from any part of the world and any of his clients helped him source it, the Senior Advocate would ensure that he would NOT charge a single rupee as fees to this client but he would even ensure that the client was well remunerated for his efforts. All the Senior Advocate’s clients knew this weakness and exploited it to the hilt.
I entered the residence to find a huge table where twenty to thirty people were seated and having food. It was an unwritten rule that any person who visited the residence of this Senior Advocate ought to first sit at this huge table and eat. Whether it be breakfast or brunch or lunch or dinner. Eating was compulsory. The description of the table was similar to the table portrayed in the Last Supper. It was simply gargantuan.
Four cooks had been employed by the Senior Advocate in two shifts round the clock [24/7] who could cook up all kinds of vegetarian dishes. The Senior Advocate was pure vegetarian and no non-vegetarian food was permitted. 
The day’s menu would be displayed on the front door with photocopies of the menu scattered all across the table and any guest or visitor [client/clerk/courier delivery boy/postman] could select anything he/she wanted trom the day’s menu at any point in time and the cook would have to serve it ASAP. So much so that I was informed that there were actually people who used to specially visit the residence to eat food citing flimsy excuses. All were welcomed with open arms.
This particular rule was a rule I was not aware of and prior to my visit I had the misfortune of having a heavy breakfast at my hotel.
Nevertheless in those days age was on my side and hence digestion was not a problem. I ordered from the day’s menu and ate a light snack, prior to entering the Senior Advocate’s library.
In hindsight, of all the Seniors I have encountered, he was by far the sweetest Advocate in so far as juniors were concerned.
The first question was - What did you eat? Upon receipt of a reply, the second question was - ‘Why did you eat so less?’ Did you not like what was prepared? The entire conference hovered around discussions regarding food and cars.
The Senior Advocate was a foodie [lightly put] so much so that loud farts emanated from his chamber all the time. The farts so were full of gas and toxic that for a new comer one had the responsibility of [1] Pretending that they never heard the loud farting sounds [as under no circumstances was the Senior Counsel to be displeased] and [2] One had to control one’s laughter, which for any newcomer on the scene was extremely difficult to do. But I somehow managed to hold fort.
During dictation to the Stenographer, at the time of answering phone calls, the Senior Advocate had no qualms about farting away at leisure. The farts were loud. So much so, that all present in chamber and in the hall where food was being served 24/7 were so used to the sound of farting that none batted an eyelid. As a matter of fact the atmosphere was so relaxed that a few others present also did not mind farting away. There was no shame in doing so.
It’s like when you see a person yawn away, the atmosphere becomes infectious and your mind unknowingly directs you to starting yawning. So you start yawning as well. The situation was albeit similar.
The Senior Advocate was prompt in his court appearance before the Delhi High Court and floored the court with his arguments on a particular ticklish point that caught the other side by surprise. The Court after dismissing the other side’s petition congratulated the Senior Advocate for having brought to the Court’s notice such an important point which had been missed by all. Gracefully accepting the Court’s view, I walked out of the Court Room with Senior Advocate in tow who farted away to glory.
I found it strange that other Advocates who met us in the hallway, other than bowing their heads with respect to the Senior Advocate’s sharp and witty oratory and argumentative skills, none present seemed to mind the loud farts.
The Senior Advocate called for his car and directed me to come back to his residence for a heavy lunch, [which despite me politely refusing],  was taken as an insult. I finally obliged and ended up having a super heavy Punjabi lunch with tons and tons of ghee and departed thanking the Senior Advocate for his hospitality and the way he treated me.
The heavy lunch was indeed the heaviest I ever had in my entire life and simply for reasons beyond my control out came a loud fart ‘FULL OF GAS’ which embarrassed me to a great extent. The best part was none present seemed to mind. I was now indeed a part and parcel of the Senior Advocate’s chamber.
To date, it is an unwritten rule that any one who visits the residence of this Senior Advocate in Sundernagar does not get to leave on an empty stomach. The remaining left over food is promptly packed and handed over to the local Gurudwara for distribution amongst the poorest or poor. The cooks informed me that on any given day food for over two hundred people is prepared. The Menu is painstakingly set by the Senior Advocate himself and the cooks are paid handsomely so much so that no cook wants to leave even for a small vacation for the fear of losing his/her job.
Sometimes in life you meet people who seem obnoxious in their overall demenor and you form a prima facie opinion that they are FULL OF GAS. However in reality God gives you the opportunity to meet the kind hearted people you will ever come across.
i will never forget this Senior for his warmth and heart warming hospitality and the way I was treated. There is an old adage which states - “Food is the gateway to a man’s heart”. I agree. It indeed was.
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