#ana does medicine
anthonyed · 4 days
Went in for work yesterday, praying may this oncall be peaceful. Started up with some scopes (oesophago and colono) then the emergency cases were called in for operation so I did both and came out at around 2.30pm thinking ah, maybe lunch and some water.
Got me some water but not lunch cause I said no to egg sandwiches which I regretted later when I came out of an emergency laparotomy and splenectomy, gastric perf repair, liver packing and bogota from a very sad motor vehicle accident around 7pm. Knew my fate was sealed for the rest of the night with this case cause I'm gonna have to camp by him and him only and I was right.
Managed to pee around 7.30pm then someone called telling an advanced cancer patient was unresponsive so I ran back to ward to explain to family and establish DNAR cause no way I'm CPR-ing a palliated patient. Then I wanted a water break but was diverted to accompany the trauma patient for an overdued pan CT and then I stuffed myself with some food at around 11.30pm and grabbed a shower then whatnots and camped the rest of the night by that trauma patient's side.
Come morning, I went to join the ward round at 8.30am and my surgeon asked me to post an emergency laparotomy for suspected perforated gastric ulcer which radio didn't want to grand CT for and I'd just grabbed the phone when my colleague came running cause the 1st patient they're reviewing was unresponsive and asystole.
Commenced the damned CPR; x2 cycles and defib x1 and then continued ward rounds once ROSC but then patient asystoled once again so another round of CPR and ROSC and then carried on with rounds, then posted another case and continued with emergency scopes while awaiting the operation theatre to call our cases and they did exactly that while we're struggling to secure an invisible upper gi bleed so we wrapped that up once it seemed stable enough, grabbed a potassium supplement aka banana as per my nurse's word and went in for another operation.
All I can say is thank fuck my pee is still yellow. I wanna crash but I have to standby till 8am tomorrow after finishing my active oncall yesterday.
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a-shade-of-blue · 19 days
Hi everyone. Mohammed Khalil (@ahmed0khalil) has asked me to share his story, and I’m writing on his behalf. Mohammed created the donation campaign for his little brother 6-year-old Ahmed, and he aims to raise funds to evacuate his family of 8. You can see in his blog how much he loves and worries for 6-year-old Ahmed. Mohammed is only 19 years old. This is not normal. He should have been in school, not begging for our attention to try and raise enough funds so that they can buy food, water, medicine, and a chance to evacuate to safety.
In Gaza, where the sounds of bombing blend with the cries of children, Mohammed and Ahmed's family experienced days they never imagined they would endure. Mohammed (19) and Ahmed (6) have four other siblings: Fathi, Aya, Anas and Abdullah. Aya (21) is a uni nursing student and Anas (15) is also a school student. Neither of them can study anymore with the current genocide. This war is especially hard on Fathi (23), who is blind and suffering from coronary artery disease, Abdullah (11) who is autistic and does not understand what is happening, and Ahmed (6), a small child who had barely started kindergarten before his education came to a halt.
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The destruction that struck the area left them with no place to live. The sounds of explosions fill the horizon, and the homes that once sheltered them have become piles of rubble. They suddenly found themselves outside their home, homeless.
The bombing not only destroyed their home, but also severely injured Mohammed. Mohammed was sitting at the entrance of the school his family was sheltering in when three bombs were dropped in front of him. The bombs destroyed a residential tower in front of Mohammed. Dust filled the air and the resulting rubble and shrapnel fell on Mohammed, injuring him in the leg. Mohammed was so severely wounded that he could not walk, and he had to lie there, hurt and bleeding, for 2 hours before the Palestinian Red Crescent came and carried him to the hospital.
The bombing shattered the glass in the school Mohammed and his family was staying at, but thankfully the children sustained no serious injuries. Soon after, they were asked to evacuate the school immediately as there were news that the IOF were going to bomb the Abbas prison near it. And so even though Mohammed was wounded, he could not rest and wait for his leg to heal, but had to leave again with his family.
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Now they are living in a small tent in a refugee camp. Mohammed told me that they had to bathe in polluted water and the place smelled of sewage and corpses. Camp life was difficult not only because of the scarcity of food, the infectious disease, and the polluted water, but also because of the psychological torture they endure. Looking at all the devastation, and how the world seems indifferent to their suffering, Mohammed told me that they, including young innocent 6-year-old Ahmed, had begun to lose hope for a better future.
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Internet is unstable and often lacking in the refugee camp. Mohammed is using the precious time when Internet is available to tell me his story. I hope you will not turn away their calls for help. They urgently need donations to provide for shelter, food, and medicine, as well as to evacuate out of Gaza. Donations are coming in really slowly for Mohammed’s campaign, and I beg all of you, please, don't turn a blind eye to his story. 
Mohammed’s campaign has been shared by 90-ghost and I’ve also been talking extensively with him. He is a very nice person and he just really wants to help his family survive. Please, please, help Mohammed evacuate himself, his 5 siblings and his parents! Little 6-year-old Ahmed does not deserve to live in fear of falling bombs every day, and neither does Mohammed and the rest of his family. 
Really low funds! Only €1,185 raised of €50,000 target!!
Please share/reblog and donate to help a family of 8! These are children we are talking about, and my heart breaks for what they have to endure.
Please follow Mohammed and Ahmed on @ahmed0khalil to get updates on their situation!
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yahyabkheeblog · 5 days
Who cares about family day living in Gaza🆘🚨
To compassionate and humane hearts
We will spend a whole year in our most difficult time in the war
And I don't want you to stop until it comes so I can continue this war from Gaza to Egypt
My family consists of six people, me, Sharbat, and my three children, Dima, Mira, and Anas. My mother suffers from heart disease and diabetes and needs treatment, but she does not want treatment. CD
I have contacted Ya Hala Egyptian Travel Company and they want me to pay a total of $30,000 USD in full.
Until we evacuate my family from Gaza to Egypt, otherwise the reservation in my family name will be cancelled
Each person needs $5,000 to coordinate their exit from Gaza
Only $5,223 was collected out of a total amount of $30,000
The fundraising process is going very slowly and we need to reach the full amount before it is too late
Time passes quickly. I want to protect my family. I don't want to lose anyone
We suffered a lot of hunger, fear and living in burning tents
Here we are close to the cold winter season. We need to repair the tent and prepare it for the winter. The price of one meter of shade is $200. This is expensive due to the lack of tents and shelters. We are in a difficult life that does not have any necessities for life.
My child Anas contracted a skin disease from the polluted water we drink
And my child, Dima, has lost an entire academic year of her life, and here she is in the second year, on the verge of losing it due to the war and the destruction of schools.
My little girl, Mira, is sick. She had a mild flu, but I was not able to provide fever-reducing treatment. This is the least she needs, but it was not provided due to the lack of medicines in the medical points due to the occupation preventing him from entering the Gaza Strip.
I want you to consider my family's campaign and help us so that I can help and protect my family from this genocidal war.
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@fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @just- browsings-world @mothblossoms @aleciosun @fluoresensitive @khizuo @lesbiandardevil @transmutationisms @schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @sar-soor @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild- hunt @determinate-negation @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda @tamarrud @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @awetistic-things @pcktknife @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @sygol @junglejim4322 @heritageposts @chososhairbuns @punkitt-is-here @dlxxv-vetted-donations @illuminated- runas @imjustheretotrytohelp @loonarmuunar @sabertoothwalrus
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catt-nuevenor · 12 days
Due to supply issues of my regular medication, you can probably guess what medication that is without too much difficulty, my work schedule has been all over the place these last two weeks.
I'm lucky I'm only getting the headaches and fatigue, some folks in my position are having it a heck of a lot worse. Still, that means work has been patchy for a while now.
In attempts to get back into some kind of routine, I've been looking through the story I've already written for Ana's route (the next route to be released in the demo), and found very early on a reference to a plant called Sweḟenwyrt. This gave me a little burst of inspiration.
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Full disclosure, Sweḟenwyrt is not a real plant. Do not go hunting through your local boggy wetland for it. The drawing is based off of Betonica Officinalis, otherwise known as Betony, Bishop's wort, or Wood Betony.
In the Tudor period, the writer Nicholas Culpeper ascribed many virtues to Betony, including but not limited to; aiding with sores, ulcers, using the leaves as a flavouring for meat or medicine, drawing out splinters, alleviating symptoms of coughs, colds, and shortness of breath, staying bleeding, etc.
Modern studies have found little of this to be true, however the herb does show signs of potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
As with any plants I ever mention on Tumblr, in the stories, or anywhere else: Do NOT take medical advice from strangers on the internet, always consult a medical professional when it comes to health concerns, and especially don't go looking to four-hundred-year-old plus medical writings as alternative for modern studies.
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kryptonitepizza · 24 days
Hearting does not help. You need to reblog and donate if possible! tumblr wont let me update this post so please refer to other posts! I decided that I'd leave this account, since I'm getting overwhelmed. however you may check out these familys and other ones. Keep in mind I wont be active on this account though!
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andiatas · 29 days
Ana and I are visiting the vet tomorrow to see how her toe has healed this past week (two weeks? I've lost track of time). It will be interesting to see what they say, considering she's a master at escaping her bandage 🫣
I'm very thankful for the support you guys have given me since this accident, but we're not really out of the woods just yet. As I mentioned in my original post, we have tomorrow's visit plus, most likely, a third visit in another two to three weeks. Veterinary costs are expensive enough, but then we have the medicine she has to take on top of that, which insurance doesn't cover 😭
If there is room in your budget, I would very much appreciate if you could spare €5 (approximately 5 USD/4 GBP) or more to help me out with covering these costs 💜
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Photos from today when she a) managed to "free" herself from her bandage just before our lunch walk, and b) made Greta Thunberg proud by prohibiting food waste in form of picking up a loaf of bread from the street before her "mean" owner could even react (said "mean" owner just accepted her faith and are now praying the bread wasn't bad or anything because she does not want to have to deal with diarrhoea)
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wildissylupus · 4 months
I've talked talked about a few Mirrorwatch versions of characters before but I haven't talked Vengeance yet, which surprises even me cause I think she's probably my second most talked about character on here.
Now while currently Vengeance seems to be a very calm but ominous person, I don't think she was always like that. In fact by her tone you can tell that there is a lot of anger simmering under the surface in her voicelines. There is also the fact that from her voice lines she does want "what's best" for humanities future.
My theory is that Vengence likely started off in the same way that Mercy did, being taken in by Torbjörn and being focused on medicine, trying to improve it for the betterment of everyone. However in contrast I think that in this universe Vengence never got the support that Angela had.
We know from one of her voice lines that Vengence and Ana don't seemingly get along and I think that would be the case for most of if not all of the MW!Old Guard. My theory is that with the support and likely being ridiculed for her vision for the future, Vengeance snapped and decided; "If they don't want the future I hope to bring, then I will force them to witness it."
Basically I think Vengeance is a character who cares but in a very twisted way.
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sanskari-kanya · 4 months
Rating my professors
Dr. Nini : 5/5
Sweetest, softest, pookiest ever. She is the only reason I actually made my peace with Anatomy. She also gave me extra credits last semester. Always smiles when i see her even if she’s not teaching me this sem. She has a pet bunny whose photos she used to show us regularly.
Dr. George : 0/5
His accent is beyond human comprehension. Looks like the lite version of Chris Evans. Fucked up my credits last semester. I hate physiology thanks to him. Refuses to give ppts or materials too. For some reason i see him everywhere; elevators, supermarkets, cafeteria literally everywhere. Was gonna give him 2/5 but I did surprisingly well on today’s physiology test :)
Update : In front of everyone, he said don’t bother becoming a doctor if you can’t study (I couldn’t answer a question) He loses all the points and my respect goodbye
Dr. Ana : 5/5
Literally a Barbie. Blue eyes, straight blonde hair, internal medicine residency, cracked USMLE and a good fashion sense; what more does a 🎀 girl 🎀 need? The sheer fear of letting her down when she takes my weekly viva makes me study her subject a little too much of determination. Give it a few more months, she’s gonna be my girl crush.
Dr. Natia : 3/5
Homegirl has no value of time. She comes after 4:30 for a 4 pm lecture. Awkward way of teaching Radiology but I must be a clown to judge a radiologist with 10 years of experience. I wonder why she deducted 0.2 from my credits (i bunked)
I’ll leave the rest for part 2 because y’all may or may not be interested in my yapping.
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malachitemischief101 · 3 months
Hi um, I’m seeing mu celeb sp soon and he’s very very famlus and many people want him (he’s in a big group) and no matter how much I affirm and cancel my doubts and negative thoughts I cannot feel like he’s already mine, I feel very anxious and that I’m gonna fuck everything up,
What do you think?
(I saw your post about celeb sps and thought I would ask you❤️)
Hey darling, first off, congrats on going to see him! It sounds super exciting 💕 let's see.
Starting off, as I said previously, being famous is part of his job, nothing wrong with it, proud of him! Using my example: If I like this girl, let's say 'Ana' (Im not good w coming up w names mb 😭) and she's a doctor. Would I ask 'Can I manifest Ana? she's a doctor.' NO I WOULND'T. Because whichever impressive things she's done as a doctor (earning a big paycheck, having a PhD, Saving lives, fucking create a new medicine) IT'S JUST PART OF HER JOB, all it means, is that she's doing a good job at it.
"famlus and many people want him (he’s in a big group)" That's okay! remember, this is YOUR reality, not theirs, you control what happens, not them. You're the operant power, the one who chooses.
Actually an excercise (cr: hyler, I think?) Deep breaths
You're the operant power of your reality, you control what happens, okay?<3
And remember, it's okay to feel anxious, but let me tell you something, intrusive thoughts, or doubts don't manifest!
Because they're not your DOMINANT thoughts. They're thoughts that come and pass, remember to do your best not to dwell on them though!! You don't neccesarily have to believe 'he's already mine¿, but rather affirm it.
-> Your mind tells you he's not yours? affirm that he is. -> A newspaper says gossip about him being interested in somone? yea thats you
-> you think he's not yours? yes he is! even if you don't believe it, say you do. And of course when something's going to happen soon I use affirmations as a safety net, so like, maybe you could do an affirming challenge of 1 week, or 3 days (depending on when you're going to see him.) Or maybe even the 10k challenge! (Also if you'd like to read my reminder about methods, read my other post: https://www.tumblr.com/malachitemischief101/754828769555087360/a-more-organized-less-angry-version-of-this-i) But remember:
-time does not determine when your desires arrive, you do.
-You're the operant power of your reality / god(ess) of your reality
-You're affirming to remind yourself!!
Sending much love! and try and do something to cope if you feel like you're really really anxious becaue remmeber, loa is supposed to be comfortable.!!!<3 apologies if this is too long sweetheart!! Success stories to motivate you (none mine!!!):
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redrumrose · 10 months
For the wholesome ask meme!
1 for Dima and his brothers
4 for Anara
14 for Chayne
20 for Sunny
And 42 for Em!
1. (For Dima and his brothers) What is their go-to comfort food?
Dima's comfort food is actually blini/crepes with a sweet filling, he also LOVES milkshakes!
Danila loves any kind of dumplings x3
Pyotr likes bbq (or more so he just likes to cook it… FIRE)
Pavel just likes tea (in his favorite cup and saucer is a bonus haha)
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4. (For Anara) What is the thing they like the most about their friends and what is the thing their friends like the most about them?
So the only true friend Ana has at the hospital is probably Natalya (the head nurse) ^^; Ana likes Natalya because… I guess the best way I could describe it is, she's like an overly caring and nice aunt xD She's always inviting Anara over to her place for lunch or to gossip about things. She also helps Anara out a lot around the hospital (especially when she was brand new).
Natalya loves Ana because of her charm. She loves how kind, optimistic, and talkative she is (with her and everyone she meets in the hospital). And also how she's not afraid to break Pavel's rules xD
Aaand Pavel… I wouldn't really call them friends, but it's very much a teacher whose proud of their student kind of thing. Anara appreciates his honesty and no bs/blunt approach to stuff (though she does admit he can be too strict/harsh sometimes).
And Pavel appreciates that Anara is open to learning and trying anything, and her determination. Even if she fails at something, she'll bounce back and try again 10 fold. He sees great potential in her in the world of mad medicine.
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14. (For Chayne) Quickly, let them give us some life advice!
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(oh Chayne pffft)
20. (For Sunny) What is their hidden talent? Is that a skill they’ve been practicing since childhood or just something they happen to know and never had the chance to show? Was it something forced upon them, taught by someone close, or they picked it up themselves?
Singing was his hidden talent for a bit. He only really sung in groups/or with his mom growing up. But once he was in college and needed some extra funds (so did Chayne), they started singing/busking on the side. Sunny also can play ALOT of different instruments! Most were self taught, other times people in the hippie commune taught him, or his dad.
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42. (For Em) Let them vent for a second, without the fear of being judged. What would they like to say?
Eeeey, ya'll get a small sneak peak of what I've been cookin haha xD
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(some WIP sketch panels ^^)
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anthonyed · 8 months
riding in an ambulance is such a powerboost (just ignore the slup disk and prolapsed uterus on bounciest trampoline part) cause she is THE queen of the road. Every one. Every. Single. One. Give way to an ambulance. Don't care status or shit; masserati or just local scrappiest car, you MOVE tf outta the way when you hear the siren.
There was a police car with its flashing light and siren on the fast lane then we came through with our siren and that police car signalled to the side. It was fun having that much power even though I wasn't doing the driving lmao. Granted the patient was stable.
Now, back to yoko yoko and groaning in bed cause ow, my 32years old back 😭
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a-shade-of-blue · 5 days
Masterlist of Fundraisers from the Palestinians who directly contacted me (15-18 September)
18 September
Shaima (@familygazaamal): Shaima has 4 children: Magdy, Walid (9), Abdel Rahim (8), and Amal. Her husband went to Egypt right before the current war on Gaza happened, and since the crossing closed, they could not go to each other. Amal’s infant nephew is suffering from nerve damage and needs to be evacuated to Egypt for medical treatment. They are trying to evacuate to Egypt. (https://gofund.me/59b524b6) (vetted by association. This campaign belongs to the family of @asmaamajed2's brother. (@asmaamajed2;s campaign has been shared by 90-ghost, promoted by @banyulepalestineactiongroup on IG, click here to see post)) 
Yahya Bkheet (@yahyabkhee-blog, @yahyabkheeblog): Yahya is from a family of 5. Their house has been bombed and they have been displaced. His has young children and his child Anas has developed skin diseases all over his body. They are trying to evacuate out of Gaza. (https://gofund.me/4129fcd7) (vetted by nabulsi)
Sondos Malaka (@sondosgzz): Sondos has lost 29 family members. She is from a family of 7 and is a 19-year-old uni student studying dentistry. She has a 14-year-old brother Osama who is autistic. The medicine and treatment he needs is not available in Gaza, and now even though he does not understand everything, he does not eat or drink out of fear. Her sister Tasneem was in her last year of high school. She is trying to evacuate herself, her 4 siblings and her parents out of Gaza. (https://gofund.me/dd0cdc1b) (#879 on the Butterfly Effect Project vetted campaign list) (€361 raised of €95,000 goal) 
Amal Ghilan (@amalgheelan99, @amalgaza99): Amal has 3 children: Abdullah (8), Salwa (6) and Nour (9 months old and born during this war). Her  father-in-law and sister-in-law have been killed. Their house and source of income have been destroyed. (https://gofund.me/20f8f0b7) (vetted by association. This campaign belongs to the sister of @eslamfamily1  (shared by @/90-ghost, #175 on the Bees and Watermelons spreadsheet))
Najah Al-Haila (@najahmeq): Najah has 4 children. Their home has been destroyed. They are trying to evacuate out of Gaza.  (https://gofund.me/85cee023) (vetted by @/gazavetters and is #49 on their vetted fundraiser list. For more info on @/gazavetters click here) (€2,470 raised of €80,000 goal)
Asmaa Ziad Awad (@asmaa-needs): Asmaa and her husband Majdi have 4 daughters: Menna (9), Malak (6), Mariam (2), and Fayza (1). Faiza has breathing problems and an injured finger that has undergone 3 surgeries but still isn’t healing. Malak requires medical treatment for epidemic hepatitis. Asmaa suffers from various diseases, including diabetes, and high blood pressure. Her father-in-law has health problems and cannot walk on both feet. They, and Asmaa’s father-in-law and mother-in-law, are trying to evacuate out of Gaza. (https://gofund.me/f69fb089) (vetted by association. They are a friend of @youseffamily (shared by 90-ghost, #406 in the Butterfly Effect Project verified fundraiser list) and also a friend of @save-mohammed-family2 (vetted by 90-ghost, #475 on the Butterfly Effect Project.))
17 September
Abdallah (@a-d-h-4, @save-gaza-a-d-h-4): Abdallah is 23 years old and from a family of 8. He and his 12-year-old brother Omar is doing everything they can to help their family survive. They’ve lost their aunt because of the lack of medical facilities in Gaza right now. They are fundraising to buy daily basic necessities. (https://gofund.me/70bd50b3) (vetted and promoted by @/gaza-evacuation-funds) (€580 raised of €15,000 goal)
The Khalid Sisters (@khalid-sisters): Najwa, Jana, Farah, and Maryam are the sisters of Shaheed Khalid Saed Ash-Shawwah, who was martyred on 07/31/24 along with Al Jazeera correspondent Ismail Al-Ghoul. Their brother Khalid was bombed while coming back from delivering food to their old and injured neighbors. They are fundraising to get funds for daily necessities. (https://gofund.me/3155a1ff) (vetted by association. The Khalid sisters are relatives of @/olagaza (#205 on the verified fundraiser list created by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi). The Khalid sisters are also nieces of @/tahseenkhazen (shared by 90-ghost)) 
16 September
Ahmed Matar (@ahmedmatatsblog): Ahmed has 5 children (ages between 15 and 2), and he is also responsible for caring for his sick elderly parents and his married brother with his 2 children. Ahmed decided to migrate and apply for asylum in another country a week before the current war with hopes to improve the living conditions of his family. But now he cannot work while his asylum application is getting processed, and his family is trapped in Gaza. He is trying to raise funds to cover his famly’s daily expenses and to evacuate them out of Gaza. (https://gofund.me/04873d58) (vetted by @/gazavetters and is #33 on their Gaza vetted fundraisers list. For more info on @/gazavetters click here) (€1,205 raised of €64,000 target)
Yusra (@mariam2013y): Yusra has a 11-year-old daughter named Maryam. Their house has been destroyed. They have been displaced no fewer than 4 times and they are trying to evacuate out of Gaza. (https://gofund.me/959e2902) (vetted by association! Yusra is a friend of @/dodooomar (shared by 90-ghost)) ($1,956 USD raised of $30,000 target)
Ahmed Mohammed (@helpzzmeplz): Ahmed has 2 children: Majdi (6) and Ayah (7). They are trying to migrate to Canada. (https://gofund.me/e22e9331) (vetted by association. Ahmed is a friend of Sahar (@/a-ss-123). (Sahar is also vetted by association. She is a relative of @/burningnightgiver (@/burningnightgiver's campaign has been shared by 90-ghost, also see post here)))
Yazan and Yamen (@yazanabed, @yamenbakera): Yazan and Yamen are brothers who live with their parents and their younger brothers. They have a younger brother who has contacted hepatitis C, and another who has contacted cancer due to the horrible conditions they are in. Their parents both need medication for their chronic illnesses. They also have a sister who is pregnant and her husband has been killed. (https://gofund.me/a1f08107) (vetted by association! They are the brother of @/bshaeromars-blog (#231 in verified fundraiser spreadsheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi. Also promoted by nabulsi)) ($438 USD raised of $40,000 goal)
Mahmuod Anwar (@mahmoudanwar): Mahmoud is from a family of 10. Mahmoud has proposed to a girl and they intended to get married but this war had disrupted their plans. His house and his workplace have been destroyed. His younger brother dreamed of studying law at uni. His older sister Suha was a uni accounting student. His mother suffers from high blood pressure and chronic diseases but there is no treatment. They are trying to evacuate out of Gaza. (https://gofund.me/ffd50356) (vetted by @/gazavetters and is #38 on their vetted fundraiser list. For more info on @/gazavetters click here) (€135 raised of €15,000 goal)
Ahmad Zindah (@ahmednser): Ahmed’s house, vehicle, and the factory ran by him, his brothers and his father have all been destroyed. Some of his family members were injured by the bombings. (https://gofund.me/beb55c95) (vetted by @/gazavetters and is #37 on their vetted fundraiser list.  For more info on @/gazavetters click here) (€182 raised of €100,000 target)
Iyad Alanqar (@eyad-alanqar255): Iyad is trying to evacuate himself and his his family. Their house has been destroyed. They tried seeking shelter at a hospital but it was bombed, and he had to pull his niences and nephews (Nasser, Jana, Mohammed, and Hind) out from under the rubble. He also needs funds to treat his respiratory issues, as well as to continue his education. (https://gofund.me/9e599706) (vetted by @/gazavetters and is #24 on their vetted list. For more info on @/gazavetters click here)
15 September
Ahmed Almeshal (@abutamim92, @save-my-daughter-najah): Ahmed has two children. He lost his child Tamim due a lack of medical resources in Gaza. He has been separated from his wife and his remaining daughter Najah who are in North Gaza right now. Najah was born just before the war and requires intensive care which is currently unavailable. (https://gofund.me/2f9daabe) (promoted and vetted by @/gaza-evacuation-funds) (€674 raised of €20,000 target)
Eman (@emanfamily3): Eman is a science teacher and has 5 children: Nada (11), Rahaf (8), Sarah (5), Sham (3) and Zeina (8 months). Zeina was born in a tent. Their house has been destroyed and the children are suffering from skin diseases and malnutrition. They are trying to evacuate out of Gaza. (https://gofund.me/77751696) (vetted by association. Eman is a sister of @eslamfamily3 (shared by @/90-ghost, #175 on the Bees and Watermelons spreadsheet)) ($345 USD raised of $20,000 goal)
Amany Ubeid (@amnyaburas): Amany has 3 children: Mohammed (16), Moath (14), and Habiba (9). Her husband suffers from a skin disease called psoriasis and needs constant treatment that is not available. His son needs surgery to save his eye to avoid becoming disabled. They are trying to evacuate out of Gaza. (https://gofund.me/fab6b079) (vetted by the @/gazavetters team and is #17 on their vetted list, for more info on @/gazavetters click here.) ($1,384 CAD raised of $68,000 target)
Nadine Ismail Rajab (@nadeen-23, @nadoosha-sd): Nadine is a 21-year-old uni student studying English. She is from a family of 8, but has lost her infant brother Mohammed to hepatitis. She has a 3-year-old sister named Manal. They are trying to evacuate out of Gaza. (https://gofund.me/5492cf17) (shared by 90-ghost) ($832 USD raised of $25,000 target)
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 13 - 25 July.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 26 -29 July.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 30 July - 1 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 2 - 5 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 6 - 10 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 11 - 14 August.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 15 - 18 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundrasiers from 19 - 21 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundrasiers from 22 - 24 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 25 - 28 August
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 29 August - 1 September
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 2 - 5 September.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 6-10 September.
Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 11-14 September.
How does vetting and verification work? See post here. (also read comments regarding 90-ghost and why we trust the campaigns he has shared)
Click here for my Google Doc with my complete masterlist of all the Palestinian gfm asks I've received, updated daily (along with other verified ways to send aid to Gaza).
See post here for other verified ways to send aid to Gaza.
Don't forget your Daily Clicks on Arab.org, it's free!!! and Every click made is registered in their system and generates donation from sponsors/advertisers.
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purplekoop · 1 year
So uh. full disclosure, this was meant to be a breakdown of the entire blog post, but there's not anything super interesting besides one piece of concept art I ended up having a LOT to say about and another tiny piece of info I'll explain in another post.
So, this post starts off showing the ideation for the basic design of the character, see here:
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Here we see a wild array of drastically unique potential Support hero designs, varied in gender, ethnicity, and costume design, which the post says culminated into the final design. Gonna throw in a bit of personal speculation on what these earlier designs might've been planned to do:
The leftmost one seems to bending water or some other kind of substance as they float slightly off the ground. Possibly could've used water to help their teammates move around the map more freely? Definitely the simplest design of the bunch, but not bad either.
Next is a... wanting to say Japanese or Chinese but not totally certain man who appears to be holding small (acupuncture?) needles and carrying a gourd jar (I think? Not sure what they're called, again not totally sure please don't kill me). My guess is that he would've had a kit based in large part on traditional medicine from (whichever part of the world it is). I'm assuming that he would've thrown those needles as an attack/healing ability like Ana's darts, and the container would be some kind of throwable burst heal/utility? All that does sound just like a mix of Ana and Kiriko though, so that's why I'm assuming he got shelved. Okay so, belated edit: the only character of the 4 that has any specific accompanying text says: "One of these pieces features an older physician who drew healing energy into his hands and blasted it into his allies, a bit like Moira’s Coalescence." I misinterpreted this for a while as being for the fourth character of the set, but I realized this was almost certainly the "Older Physician" of the bunch. If I'm understanding it right this time, I think his healing would've essentially been healing with hadoukens?? I can definitely see this working visually with Lifeweaver's healing mechanic.
The detail sticking out to me the most is that he appears to have...
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a Chronal Accelerator?? Probably not, but this does seem to be a very specific high-tech part of his design. Speaking of specific high-tech design details that remind me of other characters, there's one detail that did make it from this guy to the final design of Lifeweaver:
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The little uhhh. Tube thingy. Around the collar. Yeah that. I don't know what it does. But they both got it!
Third design features a woman wrapped thoroughly in some kind of vines, with a familiar-looking flower behind her body (though this one 6-pointed instead of Lifeweaver's 5, which makes her look even more like Volcarona). I'd wager this is where the devs were starting to figure out how their ability ideas would be executed in a similar means to the end result. Personal theory: This character would've ended up being another Oasis scientist and would've been headcanonned to hell and back as Moira's rebound. Good for her.
Now oohohoohohohoooo, this last one
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Look at this MAN. This ABSOLUTE LAD. Frankly I'm mad they showed this guy off, because now I wish this guy didn't get shelved.
With the exception of the plant themes, I think this guy could have very realistically had all of Lifeweaver's current kit, at least in some way. The large clock emblem on the ground could've materialized into the floating platform. And instead of pulling allies back to safety with a vine, my theory is that he would've had a targeted recall, sending allies back to where they were a few seconds ago.
This also ties into my hypothetical lore theory: This guy almost certainly would've had something to do with the Chronal tech that Tracer uses. This would go along with the trend of new heroes tending to have direct ties to existing heroes, and despite being the poster girl, Tracer doesn't really have any unique ties to other heroes outside of being friends from Overwatch, so having some character with at least a shared technology tying them together would've been interesting.
So uh. Yeah sorry flower boy, but if you and this guy were dangling off a bridge about to collapse, I know who I'd be saving.
But yeah! Very interesting set of concept art, and while sadly it doesn't seem like any one of these concepts went too far, or if they did then we didn't get to hear about what happened before they got shelved, it's still super cool to see them anyways. Always happy to get a chance to analyze Overwatch's hero design process.
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ruiniel · 2 years
Thanks again! :D I would LOVE a scene where Lisa is treating a patient at her home/clinic in Lupu and their child meets a young Adrian (age 5/6 yo, there about maybe?) where they both seem to be getting along until the kid sees his fangs and freaks out. Cue in some angsty hurt/comfort with Lisa having to console her poor son afterwards. :'( Hope that's okay.
Thank you again I love opportunities to write Lisa and the prompts you send my way are so good! Got very soft and squishy feelie with this short *twiddles thumbs* :
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Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Characters: Alucard, Lisa
Relationship: Alucard & Lisa
Rating: G
Count: 1.2k
Tags: kid!Alucard, ficlet, alternate universe, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, pre-castlevania
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“There, good.”
The youth winces in response as she lowers his arm and continues to unwrap the bandages, revealing the mess of a burn injury. “You’re doing well, Florin. With this ointment, it should feel even better in a week or so. Old Elvira can vouch for that.”
The boy nods, biting his lip. Lisa works smoothly, careful not to jar him more than required. There was an accident at the forge days ago. Florin is the blacksmith apprentice, the eldest of his family, and the only one capable of work; he needs a swift mending.
To Lisa’s left, Adrian watches, seated on a chair and ready to fetch anything she might need—or so Lisa assured him of his role. She likes to have him close, and he likes to feel useful, and it’s how they get on during the hours Lisa runs her practice. Besides, the wonder on his face with every new discovery keeps her warm.
“I like your hair,” comes another voice, and Lisa smiles as next to her son is sat Florin’s little sister, who apparently enjoys being here about as much as rain enjoys falling and cannot stand still, legs dangling back and forth as she watches the adults with significantly less interest than Adrian. 
Lisa does not look their way, now focused on cleaning the burn wound, but she needn’t see to accurately guess her cub’s reactions. He’s probably blushing like a beet already, as he does whenever someone offers the slightest whiff of praise. 
“Thank you,” Adrian replies gratefully, stiffly looking Ana’s way, trying a smile of his own.
And then come the questions, and Adrian is pulled into answering this and that as Ana gets up and walks about the chamber functioning as a dispensary, staring at the shelves, at the medicine bottles, wanting to touch some things (which Adrian gently tries to prevent).
Their voices fade as the children leave the room, and soon Lisa hears Adrian’s voice join the girl’s more often, a sign he’s gotten comfortable with the company; there’s giggling and dares.
“Watch yourself, Ana,” Florin calls to his sister, likely from habit when they both hear animated chatting.
“Oh, no trouble at all. We like the company,” Lisa says. “There, done for today.” She rises and goes over to a basin to wash her hands. “Now, let me give you more of that pain relief since you said it works—”
She starts at the sudden, high-pitched scream; a child’s. Alarmed, Lisa rushes towards the source first, and upon entering the living room is struck by something barreling into her: Ana, shaking with fear, wailing and looking between Adrian and her, then stumbling, screaming for her brother. 
“He’s… he’s not…” the girl babbles, muffled into the youth.
“What happened?” she asks Adrian, who’s standing clumsily in the middle of the room, in a frozen state of shock himself.
“... Nothing,” he murmurs as Lisa goes to him, placing a long hand on his shoulder. “I laughed.”
She never knew what to expect, considering her child’s nature or his place in the world (or, rather, ‘worlds’). She and Vlad said they would cross that bridge once they got to it, and that time is drawing nigh already; they—she—would have to be more cautious about Adrian when he’s here, and this was a first warning. Humans sometimes fear, more than anything, the Unknown. It so easily turns them vicious, violent in desperation. She will never allow it to find Adrian unawares. 
She guides the visitors outside as the girl settles, apologies included, which Florin waives away in understanding. The girl still mumbles attached to his side. 
“I swear, I saw them… he’s not…”
 “...you have to believe me this time. I’m not making things up… we have to tell papa, Florin…”
Lisa closes the door on the last words and sighs, then schools her face into serenity and walks back inside to her son.
Adrian has seated himself by the window corner he likes, his slight face an open book to her, now with sadness and the horrible feeling of being rejected based on something one cannot control.
“I didn’t harm her, Mother,” he says.
Lisa walks over and kneels before him, drawing Adrian into a hug. “I know, dear child. I know.” She rubs a soothing hand up his back. “But it will not happen again,” she murmurs. “Let’s return to the castle tomorrow. What do you say?” Earlier than planned. “I’ll have Ms Djuvara cover here in my stead. We’ll pluck your father from his scrolls, and the three of us will go do something together.”
Adrian stirs, his slight arms hugging her tighter. “I’d like that.” 
Lisa rocks him gently back and forth, the part of her that will live on long after she is dust.
“It’s because I’m not like them, isn’t it?” The question is meek, the look in his eyes questioning and sincere, near desperate with a need to know. 
Lisa takes his small, finely veined hands in hers, rubs her thumbs over them. “You, are you. You are my child. You mean everything to your father and I, and others in this world will soon see why. I simply know it. Until then, we’ll ensure we avoid these situations.”
He buries his head against her chest. “But what if I never learn? What if I never learn to be like them, or like Father?” he asks finally. “What if I can’t…”
“Oh, Adrian,” Lisa soothes. So soon, so young, and the topics he dwells on… a part of her swells with pride while another is dismayed. Already, Adrian shows traits that have her reassessing her convictions of what a childhood should be like. For now, she takes a decision: doing what feels right and speaking to him plainly. Lisa reaches for a drawer and opens it, retrieving an object.
Adrian glances down at the unfamiliar item she presents to him: a cameo brooch, oval in shape, with a creamy-white engraved lily set against shining black. “It’s so pretty,” he murmurs, taking the brooch as Lisa hands it over. 
“The lily is carved of shell, and the stone is onyx, you see,” Lisa explains. “The heraldic device of my family. It has passed through generations of our House, and now I want you to have it. The lily suggests hope, and though it’s frail, compared to the darkness in the world,” she runs a finger over the onyx surface, “Look how strongly it stands out against it. And you are hope too, Adrian.”
“Yes, you. You are a being come from love, and the unification of both mine and your father’s people, but all else is your choice once you’re ready to make it. You are someone wonderful given to this world, and you must never doubt your worth. Will you do this for me?”
Adrian nods, turning the brooch over in his hands; he looks better. “I will.”
Lisa holds up her little finger, wiggles it. “Promise.”
Finally, a smile—the only sunrise she ever cares to see—as Adrian hooks his pinkie around hers, so very solemn, and makes his promise. 
“I will cherish this,” his fingers then close around the brooch. He brings it to his chest. “Thank you, Mother.”
Lisa runs a hand through his hair, kisses his temple, and lifts him up in her arms. Adrian settles with his head on her shoulder and she walks back towards the staircase leading to the upper level, holding him with the selfishness of a dragon protecting its gold hoard. “I’m here for you,” she tells him. Come what may.
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imtoofattoeat · 2 years
I feel like shit. I had a long talk with my brother yesterday about everything that's going on in my life for the past year and he basically said that the devil controls my life. He refused to believe that I accepted to be prescribed medicine for my anxiety disorders and my depression and that I have been doing meetings with a psychiatrist. And he definitely does not agree with me going inpatient for anorexia nervosa. I knew he would react like that but I hoped he wouldn't. I was doing better with everything lately and he just made everything even worse than before. Ana has now taken control over my life again. I want to just end it all. I'm just a burden. I make everyone's life worse and I hate it. I never want to wake up again
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
I am trying to lose weight and am rly obsessive and I think maybe I have atypical anorexia too? I’m scared to tell anybody. People are proud of me and encourage this.
Hi anon :) it’s great that you reached out to somebody. It sounds like you might be in a rough spot rn.
I can’t diagnose you, or really give any validity to the idea you might have an eating disorder because I don’t know you or what dieting and obsessive means to you. But it sounds like you’re struggling and that the dieting and obsessions around food maybe are quite distressing. People don’t usually come to the conclusion they may have an eating disorder until it is really impacting their life, and they have spent so much time researching. (I would say it’s VERY common for people with any kind of restrictive/weight-focused ED to think there isn’t a problem; ED brain does that). So while I can’t like, validate or diagnose exactly, I trust that if you are reaching out, you really truly are suffering. And that is valid. The exact term or diagnosis is, in my opinion, less important than recognizing the pain and suffering and internal/mental anguish of eating disorders.
As somebody who has recovered- but still has an “ED brain” and truthfully can’t “healthily” diet / pursue intentional weight loss- I know how hard it is to be in that headspace while those around you actively encourage it. Atypical ana super sucks and isn’t easy to recover from. It’s similar to “typical” (low-weight) anorexia in many ways, but the triggers we have and just how we are perceived in society and in medicine are often different and create real, different barriers. I think there is still this idea floating around that people at lower weights are suffering more than people with atypical anorexia. Like atypical ana is “ana lite” IF we have our suffering acknowledged at all. The higher your weight is, the more weight stigma you experience. And that makes seeking care very difficult.
Again- I know nothing about you, so I can’t know what you are experiencing. But it sounds like you may be at a higher weight than what is considered “ideal” in your culture, or you started at a higher weight, so people around you are praising the obsessive behaviors causing distress. I just want to remind you that for those of us with atypical anorexia, this is actually a very common experience. You aren’t alone.
And I get if that also means seeking help us even more so difficult. I wish I had a happy story to tell on that front. I don’t. I had my ED for multiple years before “atypical anorexia” became a talked about thing- it was EDNOS still in the past DSM, which nobody wanted to consider in me at all. Every time I wanted to talk about how I felt like my eating was different from others, like I would start to reach out, it was shut down. I only really got the diagnosis retroactively after having to do so much of my recovery alone (somehow I managed? But 0/10 would not recommend). I would still encourage you to try to reach out to a professional. The world has changed a little bit since then- it’s been ten years since the DSM-V came out and actually specified that “atypical anorexia” was a thing (under OSFED), and we have more research out there to validate that our suffering isn’t just mental. It has real, and honestly scary, physical health consequences, even at higher BMIs. If you can find a HAES (health at every size) provider in your area, they are less likely to write off your concerns / more likely to be supportive and treat you with the care and compassion you deserve.
Reaching out to me was a fabulous first step. And I’m here for you if you want to reach out again, for any reason.
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