#matching outfits? oy.
spidybaby · 1 year
Begin Again | Part Three
Summary: Back to the start to fix the broken pieces just to find that you can get what you always dreamed.
Warnings: cursing
A/N: Hello! I want to apologize for the waiting. Most of that was because I got sick (I still am), but here it is. Hope you like it. Love you all 💛✨️
Part one | Part two
April 2027
The moving went smoothly, Elena and Paulo helped you with everything. Your parents didn't like the idea, but you shut them down.
You weren't supposed to start till the end of April, giving you enough time to mind a plan to fix everything.
You saw online that Pedro was on Manchester. Apparently, Manchester City wanted to buy him.
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"No sobre pienses tanto lo que haces, estas haciendo lo mejor para ti." (Don't overthink your decision. You're doing what's best for you)
Elena was the voice of reason in this situation.
"No sé ni donde empezar." (I don't even know where to start)
"Escuchame, eres una de las personas más inteligentes que conozco, venga tía, tu puedes con esto, es normal no saber ni donde empezar, pero estoy aquí para ti, para ayudarte en todo." (Listen to me, you're one of the smartest people I've ever known, c'mon dude, you can do it, it's okay not knowing where to start, but I'm here for you to help you with everything)
You hug her, crying a little, she makes you feel less alone.
Your mother stopped talking to you once she found out about the moving, telling you how much of a mistake you were making.
Your dad was siding with her, even when he didn't say you were making a mistake, he did tell you it was a bad decision.
But you didn't care, you pack your stuff and moved back to Barcelona. You even unblock his family from social media and didn't follow them, but unblock them was a start.
"Vamos por un helado." Elena says, drying your tears, "polito, amor mio, vamos!" (Let's go get some ice cream, Polito, my love, let's go)
She was carrying the diaper bag and your son, to say he even had a matching outfit with her.
"Oye, vamos a la playa, quiero una foto con mi bebé. Polito, te pondré tu chamarra de osito." (Let's go to the beach, I want a photo with my baby, Polito, let me put you your bear sweater)
"Tu bebé?" You laugh helping her with the sweater. "Amorcito, tienes nueva mami." (Your baby? Baby, you have a new mommy)
She laughed and made her way to the front door, grabbing your purse on the way out and your phone. You followed her.
"Crees que Pedro haría algo para quedarse con Polo?" You ask once you got to the beach. Your mom words did have an impact, even if you knew he wouldn't. "Yo sé que no, pero me da miedo." (Do you think Pedro would do anything to take Polo away? I know he wouldn't, but I'm scared)
"Y/n, claro que no, por favor saca esas ideas de tu mente, Pedro y tu tuvieron algo tan especial, él jamás haría nada para lastimarte." (Y/n, of course not, please take that idea out of your mind. Pedro and you had something so special, I know he won't do anything to hurt you)
You only nodded, not wanting to overthink those words.
"Mis padres me odian." (My parents hate me)
"No creo, solo están preocupados." (I don't think so, they're just worried)
But worried about what?
"Venga, Dame a mi hijo, vamos a tomarnos fotos." Elena says, throwing the empty ice cream cup in the trash can near you. (Give me my son, let's take some pictures)
"Lo bueno es que tu lo pariste, vieja tonta." (The good thing us that you birth him, dumbass)
Elena dances a little with him, singing a Quevedo song. The song makes you remember Pedro, he loves Quevedo music.
You take the pictures of Polo and Elena and she then takes some of you and him.
"Ay déjame subir esta." (Oh let me post this one)
You see the picture, it was cute.
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"La verdad la oferta esta muy buena, para mi que la tomes." Mario, who is Pedro's manager says, "O es que aún piensas en quedarte en el barça?" (I think the offer is really good, I think you should take it. Or are you still thinking about staying?)
Pedro was lost in his thoughts, Manchester was offering him 150 million euros, with full on benefits and even to keep the number 8.
But on the other side, Barça was the club of his life. He couldn't imagine playing for other club.
He played for another season, but due to a mistake in his contract, he could leave for free this summer.
"Creo que debo pensarlo, hablarlo bien con mis padres." (I have to think about it, talk with my parents)
His manager agreed and changed the subject. He was invited to a club, but he rejected it. Fer was not I the mood, and without him, he was not going.
"Vamos de regreso al hotel." (Let's go back to the hotel)
After the arrival, he and his manager went to their rooms. He was sharing one with Fernando.
"Cómo te fue chaval?" (How was it?)
"Mmm. Estuvo bien, es un puto dolor de cabeza pensar en esto, no sé ni que hacer." (It was good, but it's a fucking headache thinking about all of this, I don't even know what to do)
"Venga, vamos al bar del hotel, tomamos algo y hablamos, no te estreses Pedro" (Let's go to the bar of the hotel, let's have some drinks and a talk. Don't stress)
They both made their way to the bar, Fernando was telling him about a gift he bought for his girlfriend.
"Mira que linda foto," Fer says, showing him the picture Elena posts about a baby with a bear sweater. "Quiero un sobrino para vestirlo así." (Look at this beautiful picture, I want a nephew to dress him like that)
Fernando looks at him with funny eyes, Pedro only laughs, "eres un gilipollas, tu deberías darme un sobrino" (you're an asshole, you're supposed to give me a nephew.)
They laughed and forgot about the picture. Asking for drinks and some food to begin the night.
"Alguna vez has pensado en cómo serias cómo padre?" (Have you ever thought about you as a father?) Fernando asks.
That puts him in deep thoughts. He did think about it, even dream with it.
The little baby in your arms with the barça shirt, his number on the back of both yours and the baby's shirt.
"La verdad?" (You want the truth?)
"Macho, no como crees? Dime mentiras." Fer says as he hits him on the back of the head. "Pues claro tonto, por algo pregunté." (Man, not at all, tell me lies. Well, obviously, I want the truth, I asked for a reason.)
"Venga ya que la colleja no era necesaria." He laughs. "Siempre lo imaginé, usualmente era algo que hablamos y/n y yo, ella quería un niño, y hombre no te miento, yo también quería uno, pero luego miraba a nuestro primo con su hija y pensaba en una niña." He says, remembering all the late night talks you two had. (The hit on the head was not necessary, I've always pictured it. It was something y/n and I always talked about. She wants a boy and man, I do want a son too, but after seeing our cousins with his girl, I thought about having a girl)
Fernando looks at the way he talks about it, the shine of his eyes, he haven't seen that shine in months.
"Puedo preguntarte algo, pero no te enojas?" (Can I ask you something without you getting mad?)
"Por qué la dejaste ir?" (Why did you let her go?)
Pedro takes his eyes away from his brother. That question was one he asked himself every night since that December night.
"Recuerdas el anillo?" He asks, Fernando nods. "Yo sabía que ella quería que su padre estuviera de acuerdo con el matrimonio, la bendición, así que fui a pedirla, yo quería casarme con ella." (Remember the ring? I knew she wanted his father to be okay with the marriage, the blessing. So I went to ask for it, I wanted yo marry her)
"Pero?" (But?)
"Pero su padre me dijo que no podía darmela, que yo era un chaval con una vida muy distinta a la que el soñaba para el esposo de su hija. Me dijo que pensaba que ella algún día iba a darse cuenta y dejarme, como no lo hizo, solo esperó. Me pidió dejarla, diciendo que ella no quería irse de Barcelona por mi, porque no quería dejarme, diciéndome que sus sueños iban a ser siempre interrumpidos por mi, por mi carrera y me pidió dejarla ir, dejarla emprender su propio camino, brillar por si sola." He says angrily, remembering the words of your father. (But her father couldn't give it to me, I was a kid with a totally different life from the one he pictured his son in law would have. He told me he hoped for her to realize that and left me, but she never did, so he waited. He asked me to leave her, but she didn't want to leave Barcelona because of me, telling me her dreams were going to be interrupted by me because of my career. So he asked me to let her go, for her to shine on her own, to begin her own path in life)
Fernando was in shock. He always thought it was about a fight, maybe even a bad patch on the relationship. Even his parents told him he was making a mistake, but know it makes sense.
"Pedro. Por qué no me habías contado?" (Pedro, why didn't you tell me?)
He shrugs, not facing him. Drinking way too quickly.
"Pedro, por favor mirame."
He did, after a few minutes.
"Lo siento, por haberte criticado, haberte culpado y juzgado mal. No sabía lo que había pasado, ojalá me hubieras contado, para así apoyarte. Lo siento hermanito." He hugs him, the hug was tight, and Pedro needed that. (I'm sorry. For judging you and for blaming you. I didn't know, and I wish you had told me I would have supported you. I'm sorry, hermanito.
Pedro felt relief. The secret he kept to himself was now free from him.
"Has pensado en hablar con ella?" (Have you thought about reaching her?)
He shake his head no.
"La verdad siento que me odia, la hice mierda, la deje y luego ignore sus llamadas, sus mensajes. Me dolió el alma, Fernando. Pero era lo que yo en ese momento creía correcto. (To be honest, I feel that she hates me, I fuck her up, after I dumped her I ignored her calls and texts, that broke my heart, Fernando. But I thought I was doing the right thing)
"Escuchame, tu hiciste lo que en ese momento creíste correcto, no te culpes más, pero creo que es obvio que no la has superado, aún piensas en ella." Fer says, patting his back. "Venga, déjame ayudarte a recuperarla y si no se puede pues ayudarte a superarlo, juntos en todo, como cuando niños." (Listen to me, you did what you thought was the right thing, don't blame yourself anymore. I think it is pretty obvious that you love her. You still think of her. So, let me help you get her back, and if that's not possible, let me help you move on, but together, like when we were kids)
"Te amo, eres el mejor." (I love you, you're the best)
"Yo te amo más, venga que tenemos que pensar en algo." (I love you more, c'mon, we have to plan how you're getting her back)
Pedro smiled, high five his brother, and begins with the plan for that to happen. Like fer said, together.
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You were at the supermarket, you needed food for your fridge. Elena stayed with Polo. He was fussy, so you let him stay.
You got almost everything on the list. I'm picking a few fruits. Since Polo is now six months old, the doctor told you to start with some fruit based foods.
You grabbed some sweet potato, some bananas, and some avocados. Also some vegetables like broccoli, carrot, and some more.
You were so focused on picking some apples that when someone touched you to grab your attention you kind of jump.
"Ay Dios," you say, putting your hand on your heart, "Pablo?" You ask seeing him smile, trying not to laugh.
"Sigues siendo la misma tía que se asusta de todo al parecer." (You're still the same scary girl I see).
You laugh, hugging him. It's been a long time without seeing him.
"Cuando volviste?" (When did you came back?)
"Hace poco, a finales de marzo." (Not that long ago, end of March.)
"Y estas aquí para quedarte? O solo de visita?" (Are you staying or only for a visit?)
You smile, "Vine para quedarme" (I'm here to stay)
You talked for a while, and you both continued the shopping.
"Y dime, como vas de amores?" (And tell me, how's the love?)
You shrug, not knowing how to answer.
"Pues, sigo soltera. Los Italianos son muy intensos, te juro. Y tu que tal de amores?" (Well, I'm still single, Italian guys are way too much. What about you?)
"Recuerdas a Carolina?" (Do you remember Carolina?)
"La nena del agua?" (The water girl?)
He nodded, excited. "Hace casi un año estamos saliendo, ya no es la del agua, ahora es entrenadora de los niños en el club" (almost a year ago we been dating, and she's not the water girl anymore, she's a coach for the first starters in the club.)
"Eso está increíble, Pablito." (That's amazing, Pablito)
"Haz vuelto a hablar con Pedro?" (Have you talked to Pedro?)
If Pablo was known for something, it was two things, his anger on the pitch and not having a filter when he speaks.
"No, hace mucho que no hablo con él." (No, it's been a long time without talking to him.)
He nodded, understanding.
"Pero, de hecho he querido hablar con él desde que regresé. No sé si quiera hablarme." (But, I've been looking to talk to him since I came back, but I don't know if he would talk to me)
"Pero vamos, claro que quiere" (c'mon, he obviously wants to)
You smile at his words.
"Deja darte el número, tuvo que cambiarlo porque en un entreno le hicimos mierda el movil" (let me give you his number, he had to change it since once during training we fucked his phone)
"No me sorprende, siempre se hacian mierda las cosas ustedes" (I'm not surprised, you guys always fucked your things)
He grabbed your phone, saving Pedro's number.
"Te he guardando el mio igual, por si alguna vez necesitas algo, acá estoy." (I saved mine too. If you ever need anything, I'm here)
You hugged goodbye as you both went different ways.
You hurry to the line, wanting to get home so you can tell Elena the news.
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"Sabes que me encanta de Manchester, el ambiente es diferente a España, no sé cómo describirlo pero es diferente" Fernando says, looking around. (You know what I love about Manchester? The atmosphere is different. I don't know how to explain it, but it's different)
Pedro laughed, agreeing with him. Mario only nodded smiling.
"Bien, entonces dame unos días y te daré la respuesta, si?" (Okay, give me a few days, and I'll have the answer) Pedro says referring to the contract.
"Tomate una semana, meditalo y si tienes dudas podemos hablar, poner un pro y con sobre la mesa." (Take a week, meditate it, and if you have any doubts, call me up, and we can put all the pros and cons at the table to make up your mind)
After that, they changed the topic, talking about a game they were invited to, Fer and Mario were talking about one specific player and how he got a yellow card for something that was a clearly a red.
Pedro's mind was far away from that, seeing the text he got from Pablo.
She was back, and she wanted to talk with him.
He was out of breath, wanted to tell Fernando right away, but he knew better and wait for the night to be over.
As they entered the room, he grabbed his brother's shoulders, shaking him while screaming in happiness.
"Me vas a descalabrar capullo." (You're going to hurt me, idiot)
"Mira," he shows the text message.
Fernando is now screaming with him, happy for the news.
"A ver, calma ya" (okay, let's calm down), Fernando says, taking a few breaths. "Si te quiere ver y Pablo le dio tu número, ella te va a escribir, es obvio." (If she wants to see you and Pablo gave her your number, she'll text you, it's obvious)
And as Fer finished saying that, Pedro's phone lights up with a text from an unknown number.
Pedro checks it and screams, showing it to his brother, who screams with him.
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I hope you're doing great. I'm sending you this message to let you know I'm in Barcelona and I'll like to meet up with you to talk.
"Qué contesto?" Pedro says, full of nerves. (What can I text back?)
"Trae pa ca', tonto," he says, taking the phone from his brothers hand. (Give me that, morron)
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I like to see you, we can meet wherever, maybe somewhere more calm to avoid paparazzi)
Back in Barcelona, you and Elena are sitting in your couch, face to face.
"Ya contestó," you say excited. (He answered)
"A ver," Elena says, taking the phone from you. "Contesta" (let me see, answer him).
"No sé que poner," you say nervios. (I don't know how to answer)
"Ay, dame aquí, tonta" (give me that, idiot)
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("Do you still living I'm the same place." "Yes, do you remember the address, or do you need the location?")
"Crees que recuerde?" Pedro asks, seeing the answer his brother sends. (Do you think she remembers?)
"Callate, déjame ver que responde," Fer says, seeing the three dots. (Shut up, let me answer)
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("No, I do remember, what about tomorrow morning?" "I'll be back from Manchester tomorrow at noon. Let's meet at night, if that's okay with you.")
"Cierto que vi que estaba en Manchester," you say as you read the text, "Dile que si" (it's true, he's in Manchester, say yes)
"Calmate," Elena says. (Calm down)
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("I'll see you tomorrow at night" "7 pm?" "Yes, " "I'll see you tomorrow. " "Goodbye, Pedro.")
Pedro and Fernando were looking at the last text.
"Niño" Fernando says, screaming and hugging his brother.
Pedro is excited. He was getting you back. No matter how hard, how much he has to fight or work, he's getting you back. He's putting that ring on your finger. He's getting that dream family.
What he didn't know is that on Barcelona, Elena, and you are jumping and screaming on the couch.
"Dios, estoy tan nerviosa." You say as you calm down. "Necesito que me lleves, por favor." (Gosh, I'm so excited. Please, I need you to take me)
"Obvio, tonta." (Obviously, dummy)
You both look and start screaming again, until a cry make you stop.
"Oops," Elena says.
You laugh and go to collect your baby. He was crying due to your screaming, mad because his dreams were interrupted.
"Ya, ya mi amor, ven acá." You say picking him up, calming him. "No sabes, tu papi y yo nos vamos a ver." You say as he calms down. "Y estoy nerviosa, espero mañana puedas conocerlo." (It's okay, love, come here. You have no idea. Daddy and I are meeting up, I'm nervous, and I hope you both can meet up tomorrow)
You kiss him. Taking him with you back to the living room.
"Vente." You say to Elena, "ayúdame a escoger el outfit." (Come, help me pick my outfit)
You feel like a teenager getting ready for her first date.
The butterflies, the nervousness in your system, and the excitement.
Tomorrow, you're getting that family you both dreamed about.
Tag list:
@alwaysclassyeagle @footballerficsposts @gulphulp @cinderellawithashoe @jajajhaahaha @bellinghambby22 @pablogavisgirl @lunamelona @christinabae @fadinglovermuffintaco 💛✨️
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347-emeraldbitch · 2 years
Walk Walk Fashion Baby
Dearest siblings,
Mother and father refuse to take my money to help with the household, so to spite them I’m wasting it on you four!!! I’m mad at them right now, so it’s an appropriate response.
I know you know about the up and coming Yule Ball and I want to make sure you all look your best. I saw the outfits our lovely mother plans on sending and I’m putting my foot down!!! I’ve seen what I’ve needed to see, and it’s a no. You can call me prissy all you want but even I wouldn’t wear these “traditional” wizard robes. Those outfits are a crime against fashion!!! I cannot stand for this.
I’ve sent photos of the offense to Bill and Charlie who were both rightfully horrified. As your older brothers we are doing you a favor. You will be best dressed!!!
Ron! You will get the cobalt blue robs. The silver details will bring out the lighter shade of blue in your eyes.
For Ginny an emerald green. I better see that pretty long red hair down little miss!!! Mum and Bill are sending you some silver jewelry.
Fred gets the royal purple while George gets the plum. It’s a special night, you’re allowed some individuality. Charlie and I agreed on the copper trim. Mum gave you those pretty brown eyes. Put them to good use!!!
Have fun!!!
Percy, Charlie, & Bill ♥️
Harry tries to not laughter at the utter confusion on Ron’s face as he reads the letter from his older brothers.
“Ron! Let me see!!! I’ve been trying to get into mum’s jewelry all summer!!!”
“What’s the difference between the shades of purple?”
“Dunno. But mine is loads better I bet.”
“How rude.”
Ron pulls out his robes-brand NEW robes and passes his hands over the material, “it’s so soft.”
“They’re lovely Ron. Very blue to match your eyes. Percy has good taste.” Hermione smiles.
“Thank you,” The top of Ron’s ears burn.
“Ronniekins you can flirt later. Pass me my robes. I want to show Angie. Make sure we match.” Fred winks at his brother
“Yes, pass the package. I want to see how lovely I look too!!!” George bats his oh so pretty brown eyes.
“Our brothers wasted money on you two. Obviously Ginny is going to be the prettiest!!!” Ron snaps back.
“True, but I’m pretty too so.”
“No, George is the better looking twin.”
“Thank you!”
They end up seeing Percy at the Yule Ball. Their brother is wearing cerulean blue. Red curls all neat and in place. Uh, he should give Harry some pointers. Percy acts just like their mother and makes them take pictures!?
“Percy, where did you get a camera?!?!?” Ron is mortified, but his siblings are smug. They’re pleased not only to see Percy but are loving the attention. Ron wants to die of embarrassment.
“I bought it for tonight of course! Now let me see!!! I promised everyone pictures. Oh you all look so lovely!!! I knew we picked the right colors!!!” 😍
Percy takes a group shot of them, “this one is for mum. She’s sending it to family so smile!!!”
They also take individual shots. There’s one of Ginny spinning to show off her robes, one of Fred dipping George, and one of Ron laughing. Those he will send to Bill and Charlie. Percy also takes pictures of his siblings with their dates. “Everyone looks wonderful!” Ron and even his siblings’ dates do end up liking their little photo shoot.
Padma [(what a lovely young lady, well done little brother,) Ron looks likes he’s about to throw himself into the Black Lake] takes a picture of all five Weasleys.
Harry smiles at the redheads, “it must be nice to have siblings.”
“It is.” Parvati answers back. “It wouldn’t be the same without them.”
Harry hears yelling and looks back to the Weasleys who are forming a human pyramid?!?!
“Harry!!! Get your skinny arse over here!!! This shot is for Bill and you need SIX people not five George!! Thank Merlin Fred is good at maths.”
“It’s not my fault! Mum and da spaced us out!”
“Eww. Please stop talking.”
“On second thought, having multiple siblings looks extra difficult,” Parvati giggles into her hand.
Professional McGonagall breaks them up in the middle of their first year dragon saving reenactment photo (what do you mean you snuck out a dragon to Romania!!!! Oppps) for Charlie to line up the champions.
The night looks good.
Bill frames the photos he received. One wall in his home is dedicated to photos of family and friends. The group picture waves to him constantly. They always greet him home.
Charlie cackles at his younger siblings shenanigans. He has miniatures made of the photos. He carries them in his inner pockets. The one next to his heart.
The pyramid:
Ron, Harry
George, Percy, Fred
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Shaking with excitement because the requests are open ! JJBA ask- Anything for Dr. Ferdinand and/or Oyecomova , with a F!S/O preferably ? SFW or nsfw , you make the choice 🫶🏻
Hi! Decided to go with Oyecomova, because I've never seen anything written for him. And also because I don't feel comfortable writing anything nsfw with Ferdinand
Anyways hope you enjoy! I kept rewriting this one but I finally decided on a spicier plot, hope that's okay! Thank you for requesting!
Bueno Pa' Gozar
I just realized I named this after Oye's song, and I didn't even add the one scene I really wanted to... I'm so upset. Anyway;
Notes include: Fem!reader, NSFW, possible dubcon, just adding in case that makes some uncomfortable, exhibition, cunnilingus, dirty talk(?) so many pet names
You were stuck in a losing battle. Johnny was bleeding out. Alive but unconscious, thankfully. Same for Gyro, leaving you as the last one standing. Oyecomova's Stand was far too powerful, and yours was severely under matched. The pain in your body refused to let you think of a new plan. You were frozen where you stood, everything was beginning to get blurry. The man in the middle of your sight was nothing more than a hazy blob as he approached you cooly, hands on his hips, looking over your body like a choice piece of meat. But he didn't attack. Not yet. As he circled your body like a hawk you kept your sights on him, calculating his moves, thinking of what he was going to do next.
His lithe fingers danced over the fabric of your outfit, tapping, thinking with a soft hum.
He spoke in a bored tone. "You kept up a good fight, dear. But you're far too useless to keep around."
His pale digits wrapped around your chin, bringing it up for him to stare into your dull eyes. "But you're far too pretty to kill so soon."
You couldn't reply. He watched over you more, looking at the scarlet blood and the dirt staining your body and clothes.
"You won't talk? Then listen." He pressed his heart into your back, hands splayed over your chest as he moved to whisper in your ear, plump lips moving against your sensitive skin. "Let's play a game. If you win, I'll let you an' yer friends go free."
"And if I don't win?" You asked turning to see his eye. They were deep black, no hint of any emotion as your heart dropped further at his words.
"I'll kill you all. Obviously."
You took a deep breath ignoring the stinging sensation in your side as you did. You asked him to explain the rules while you gulped for breath. "It's simple enough. We'll make love. If you're still awake after I'm done with you, you and your friends are free to leave. And if I catch you slip, I'll plant a knife in your neck. Deal?"
You weighed the options. Swallow your pride and try for your freedom? Or die with dignity? Damnit. It didn't help he had a pretty face to look at. His clothes didn't do a thing to cover up his body, giving you plenty to see.
No. Wait. Were you actually considering doing this? This blood loss was getting to your brain. Still... Literally fucking 'til death didn't sound like a bad way to go. You'll die either way. Except having sex with this guy gives you an opportunity at freedom... Damnit, you were actually considering it.
"Tick tock, dearie." The man hummed.
"Fine. Let's play."
"Good girl," You found yourself on your ass in the blink of an eye. Oyecomova was between your legs, hands pulling apart your thighs to press his crotch into yours. The sudden intimate grind made your breath hitch. Just layers of your jeans and his skirt kept you from feeling his length. "What to do, what to do." He breathed. His fingers clawed into covered skin, slowly making it up to the belt snug against your hips. "I'd love to see you writhe around in pain some more. But this time around I'll keep myself from hurting you too harshly."
"Don't tell me you expect to keep in touch after this is all done." It came out as a tired hiss between your teeth. Your jeans were already unbuckled, thrown carelessly to the side with your undergarments somewhere  you couldn't see them. Oyecomova stared down mesmerized at your body. His hands came back down to split you apart. "Whether you get to live, or if I get to kill you, I'll get my fun in the end."
What the hell did that mean?
There wasn't much time to think about it longer, Oyecomova quickly lapped up your insides, burying his face deep between your legs. His tongue was slow, working in lazy circles. Not enough to earn him any noise. But he was getting there. He wasn't any loud during his session. Only a soft hum at your taste and the sound of his lips suckling at your wet core. His hands squeezed your soft thighs against his head, pushing him deeper into you while he enjoyed your taste. It felt good. There was a pleasant hum in your brain. His tongue wasn't moving overstimulating fast, nor was it enough to get you off, either. Surely this wasn't all he had planned.
Just as you thought, his wet lips left your core, he got off of his belly and replaced them with his fingers. They were quicker than his mouth. Still not terribly fast, just enough to get a deep sigh out of you, and for your head to lull back in bliss. He watched you some more, training his eye on your blissed out expression, then looking down at his dirty fingers inside of you.
With a hum his other hand joined between your folds. It pushed them apart to show your sensitive clit, desperate and practically pulsating for attention. "This is what drives you women crazy isn't it?" Oyecomova asked lightly while bringing himself back down to your bottom half. "So what if I..." Trailing off, he attacked you once more, cupping his lips around your clit, moving mercilessly. He sucked on you painfully well, and licking your bundle of nerves like it was a hot treat. All while his fingers rocketed in and out of your hole. Your body was taken over by electricity, forcing you into awkward angles to try and grab a hold on yourself. Your legs collapsed around his head again, hands clawing into his hair to ground yourself. Fuck, it felt so much better than before, so much more powerful. You finally let out the sounds Oyecomova was ready to hear, along with a stray curse from your mouth.
His lips left your core with a sick pop, mouth wet with your cum, shining in the sunlight. "Do be careful, dear. Unless you want our audience to wake up and hear those sweet noises you're making for me."
Oh my god. You totally forgot. Your head twisted to the side, hands flung over your mouth to silence yourself after another painful suck from Oyecomova.
Thank goodness, they were still unconscious. Wait! No! Not like that, they were still breathing. Good. They hadn't been awake to see what this man was doing to you. Even better. You couldn't let them see this. You'd kill yourself before Oye could if Gyro saw you with your pants down.
The first orgasm you went through snuck up before you even realized it was happening. Not untill Oyecomova's tongue got faster, and faster, lapping at your clit at bruising speeds, looking you in the eye as you unraveled in his mouth to the point you saw stars.
"S-So. Is this your plan? Just make me cum until I can't take it anymore?" You gasp, watching him lap up the fluids on his fingers like cake icing. Oye hummed in agreement. His scooped up some more of your cum, using it on his hard cock that was poking out from his skirt. It was a sickly pale just like the rest of him, except with an angry pink head leaking pre. Damnit, were those more tattoos?
"Use you until I'm satisfied, that's my plan. I'll push you to the brink, over, and over, and over again. Even when you're beggin' me to stop. I can't take it easy on you, can I? What fun is that?"
With the use of his hand, his cock sliding in you didn't hurt too badly. He made up for it with the relentless pace in his hips. You couldn't get a word out before his dick was hitting deep inside of you, rendering you mute. His thrusts left you feeling raw, coupled with the overstimulation from your first orgasm. Oyecomova didn't let up. To keep you quiet, his dry lips pressed into yours, quickly worming his tongue into your mouth to let you taste his spit and your own cum.
He took you there, splayed out between your two unconscious friends. When you weren't occupied staring at Oyecomova, you could see Gyro's body from your peripheral, moving in time with his breath. You were terrified of them waking up... But it sent a thrill down your spine you couldn't contain.
"Are you still hanging on?" Oyecomova asked, "Feeling like passing out yet?"
"Hell nah. I can do this all day." You say through gritted teeth. Hips still slapping against yours, he hummed into your lips. "Tell me; do you prefer it slow, or fast?"
"Whatever gets me outta this the quickest."
"Ouch." He frowned slightly.
His hips suddenly stilled, moving away from yours and having his wet cock leave your core. The emptiness stung, but you didn't have any time to complain, as Oyecomova moved you off of the ground.
He lifted you up like you were weightless, moving you around to a nearby tree, pinning you against it with his arms and length. The position wasn't like anything before. Gravity pierced you on his cock, ringing new noises from your throat. He bounced you up and down, lips never leaving your sweat slick neck, kissing and licking away your salty taste.
He smiled into your skin, "There's those noises I wanted to hear."
His cock continued to ram into you, finding the best place to attack to make you putty in his arms. There was nothing you could do but latch on to him, clawing his neck, whining pathetically as another orgasm washed over you. The sensation left you weak, softly mewling out to Oyecomova while he continued to bruise your body. Black spots decorated your vision, clouding your sight with every thrust. He let out a soft moan as your sensitive walls squeezed around him, making him freeze in place, his hot cum spilling inside of you slowly. You were squished between him and a tree for some time as he enjoyed his high, not saying anything, but keeping his eyes closed in bliss. When it was all over, he moved your tangled legs from around his waist and tried to make you stand on your own feet. You failed miserably, immediately collapsing into the grass. You couldn't see anything but stars as you calmed down, and his leaking cock in your face, of course.
Oyecomova watched for a moment, before pulling out a switch knife from behind his back and pointing the blade at your belly.
"S-Still awake! Still awake!" You shrieked grabbing at the tree behind you. He ignored your cries to hook the last button of your shirt with the blade, striking up to destroy your shirt, giving him the sight of your bare, heaving chest. "Relax, playtime isn't over yet dearie."
He pumped his cock in his other hand. Somehow he was able to get it standing up straight yet again with the flick of a wrist. The hand that was holding a very sharp knife grabbed your chin, forcing your jaw open. A sick sneer was on his mouth while he tapped his heavy cock head on your bottom lip. "Let me fuck your throat raw next while I give your bottom half some time to get ready for round two, yeah?"
So about the scene I didn't add. The lyrics "Oye como va, mi ritmo, bueno pa' gozar " roughly translates to "Listen to how my rhythm goes. (It's) good for having fun" guess you could say you enjoy the rhythm of Oyecomova's hips. Huh, huh? I thought it was funny
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(@driftward) So let's see, Alphabet Headcanon game, how does she soothe the (H)air - How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc., (U)nfair - how much they like to tease, (R)isk - Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc., (T)oy -Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?
(H)air - How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc. Petra's cooch looks like the burning bush. She has her natural rust-red hair colour all over, and doesn't bother trimming.
(U)nfair - how much they like to tease She's a big ol' capital-S Submissive, so Petra usually doesn't do much teasing as Hilda takes the wheel almost all the time - but this does mean that Hilda teases her mercilessly, driving her to the brink again and again without giving her release just so Petra will be even more desperate to do what she wants. Petra doesn't mind as long as it means she's Doing A Good Job. Hilda will also tease Petra as foreplay, but rarely does it in public as it makes Petra uncomfortable if someone can see it.
(R)isk - Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc. Petra's still a bit shy when it comes to sex, but can usually be coaxed out of her shell (and down into subspace) with promises of praise and validation. She wants to be a Good Girl so bad, and will let Hilda take the lead if that means Getting A Good Grade In Bed (something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve). She does not like taking risks in the sense of being in/near public spaces, and only feels comfortable enough to be sexually intimate and/or naked behind closed doors.
(T)oy - Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves? Before dating Hilda she did not own any toys, being a shy and inexperienced virgin, but with her girlfriend's guidance Petra now owns a variety of toys, accessories, outfits, implements, etc. for Hilda to enjoy and/or use upon her. They're used very frequently. There's a maid outfit.
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(illustration is not my work - see https://drawception.com/game/y7qwhFFO5O/pants-maid/#panel-37697519)
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mrsdanirojas · 2 years
Yara libre || Dani Rojas x Reader
Summary: In a chance meeting, Yara's favorite guerrilla asks you to dance.
Notes: I thought this scenario was so cute but decided not to go anywhere with it, so here it is. <3 Also this is my first writing I'm sharing soooo do with that what you will lol. I'd link to AO3 but I don't have one. Also I took almost no time to edit so sorryyyy.
Content notes: alcohol; one multiple strong curses (depending on who you ask)
Word Count: 639
"Me da una Cuba libre, gracias." You slid a bill across the shiny wooden surface of the bar, crumpled the receipt that came sliding back. Moments later the busy barkeep pushed a sweaty highball your way, thanking you for the tip you pressed into his palm. Leaning back against the edge of the bar, you savored the fizzy drink, stirring it with its thin pink straw and letting the burning rum drift up from the Coke and settle into your palate. For now, you ignored the tiny slice of lime clinging to the rim, preferring to suck on it at the end.
"You should have ordered the Yara libre instead," a serious voice on your left counseled.
Mid-sip, you smiled, fairly certain you knew the voice of the intruding rum connoisseur. You lowered your drink.
"Dani Rojas, if I wanted drinking advice, I would not be asking you, of all guerrillas," you replied, turning to face her.
Dani laughed, the light sound prompting an unexpected flutter in your stomach. Hija de puta. "But you didn't ask, did you?" she grinned, taking a small step toward you.
Handsome as all hell, skilled enough to put nearly every hideout in Yara deeply in her debt, and well-known for smooth-talking all the women, Dani Rojas was still gallant enough to respect your space. You were glad of it, not expecting to finally meet her here, now, in a grungy bar in Segunda just days after your team had lost the old fort nearby.
Now, Dani stood before you, close enough for conversation but far enough that she couldn't see your pulse jump inside your throat. She was dashing in a sleek black high-necked jacket and matching tight pants, black gloves and tactical boots completing the full coverage of absolutely everything below her sharp jaw. To your frustration, the suit at once enveloped her body and outlined its toned form. Something about that outfit, clearly meant for sensitive operations, made you want to rip it off in pursuit of other sensitive operations. You eyed her, watching her roving hazel eyes as she also shamelessly drank you in. "What's in the Yara libre, Rojas?"
"Coke and rum," she beamed, torn from her trance. "Same as the Cuba libre, only with twice the rum and served in a crocodile glass."
A croc –
You smacked her firm leather-bound arm for the joke. "I've never seen a fucking crocodile glass in my life," you began, but Dani was already turning around to pick up her own drink from her spot at the bar, bringing it to you with obvious pride.
A highball roughly the same size as yours sparkled in the weak string lights of the bar, remaining ice chips inside tinkling softly over the deejay's set. Only…this glass was half-full, and in the shape of a long crocodile, its outstretched maw serving as the opening of the glass. Little crocodile tail wrapped around the base of the glass.
Despite yourself, you broke out in laughter at the whimsical vessel. "What the fuck?" As you regained your breath, you noticed Dani's expression had softened, smiling at you but eyes distant.
"Oye, guerrilla. Earth to Dani?" She was every bit as cute as you'd heard and more, but you didn't expect her to be this weird, either. Still, you took a long draw of your Cuba libre, needing the liquid courage.
"Dance with me?" Her gloved hand appeared, proffered as sweetly as her invitation.
"If you insist," you accepted, stretching out your own hand, light teasing tone belying the hammering in your chest. Her grasp was firm, comforting.
And Dani Rojas whisked you away from the bar with the crocodile glasses and onto the dance floor proper, bowing deeply as she gestured for you to step forward into the crowded revelry.
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jayeray-hq · 4 years
How He Shows You Affection: Kageyama Tobio
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Thank you again for requesting anon!
Post Time Skip/Manga Ending Spoilers!
Warnings: None all fluff!
How He Shows You Affection Masterlist - Character Masterlist
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Thank you as usual to the amazing Tay @deathcab4daddy​ I know you’re busy so I really really appreciate it! 🥺💖
He Dotes on You
           Kageyama had always been a bit socially awkward, which had at times made it difficult for both you and others to see how very much he cared about you. It had taken you a good long while to realize that despite the stilted, often abrupt, and abrasive, words that came out of his mouth that he truly loved you. He was even doing everything in his power to show you, since he couldn’t seem to vocalize how he felt with any sort of eloquence. It was in the little things he did, every day and in every moment that showed he was thinking about you.
It was how whenever he went to the vending machines, he always came back with his milk in one hand and your favorite drink in the other. It was in the way he ensured you never ran out of your favorite treats at home, restocking them every time he went to the store and never forgetting them. It was how there was always a seat reserved for you at all his games, even the ones you couldn’t come to because he wanted to remind you that you were always welcome and that he was always thinking of you.
             The little things he did never failed to make your heart warm, each gesture stating how much he loved you loud and clear for anyone who cared to look. After all, each gesture was catered to you and to the things you loved. It surprised every single person who asked about your relationship, but after the first few mistakes where you stated your preferences to him clearly, Kageyama hadn’t ever gifted you something you didn’t like.
             Your volleyball crazy boyfriend had proved over and over that the only things he paid attention to and bothered to memorize were about the things he loved. It was why he’d struggled so much in school, and yet he never seemed to forget a single detail about you. He knew your favorite dessert, the things you craved, when your cycle was, your hobbies, and the little things you did or that he could do to brighten your day. He memorized it all, carefully and meticulously and pulled those details out when he needed them to help him prove to you how very much he cared.
             It meant when the two of you went shopping that if you happened to mention you liked or wanted something, you could almost always count on having it show up sometime in the near future. It made things a little difficult at times as your boyfriend, with all his adorable awkwardness, didn’t seem to know the meaning of the word excessive. You couldn’t help but find that part of him incredibly cute. It just meant you’d had to learn to watch your words so you wouldn’t accidentally take advantage of the way he wanted to spoil you.
             However, the clearest and most obvious sign of his adoration for you was when you asked him for something, he almost never said no, even if doing it for you made him a bit uncomfortable at times. If you asked him for a hug, he gave it, even if it was in public in front of his team, or even in front of reporters and fans despite the fact that public displays of affection made him uncomfortable. He would blush the whole time, and maybe be a little stiff and awkward, but if you asked, or even so much as hinted that you might need it he would do it without hesitation.
             It was another thing you were very careful never to take for granted, unwilling to make him uncomfortable or unhappy for your own selfish reasons. However, you really appreciated that he was willing to step out of his comfort zone for you, to do whatever it took to make you feel loved.
             A lot of people over the years had asked you how you could be with someone who seemed so cold. You’d always scoffed at those people, because it was very clear to you and everyone who truly knew him. Kageyama was the exact opposite of cold. Sure he struggled sometimes, but it was clear to you that he was doing his best to show you how much he truly loved you, and in the end that was all that mattered.
 He Makes Time for You
             You waited patiently up in the stands, watching as your boyfriend practiced his setting for Hoshiumi, Ushijima, and Romero below clearly working on something or another. You honestly loved watching your boyfriend practice, the look on his face was unlike anywhere else, the sheer joy and concentration in his expression clear to anyone who cared to look.
             It was very clear to you that the volleyball court was where Kageyama belonged, and where he felt most comfortable. However, these days you liked to think volleyball wasn’t the only thing that could make his face light up with joy, a feeling that was only confirmed as he glanced up after a successful toss to meet your eyes.
             It was a habit he’d formed fairly early on in your relationship, searching out your face in the crowd, almost as if seeking your approval, something in his face clearly asking ‘did you see that? Did you see what I did?’. The answer of course was always yes, because when he was playing you could hardly ever tear your eyes away from him, which was part of the reason the two of you had gotten together in the first place.
             However today wasn’t about volleyball, or enjoying watching him set for hours on end. No today was supposed to be about the two of you. It was an important date after all, Valentine’s Day, and one he’d promised to you. He clearly hadn’t forgotten, judging from the lovely bouquet of your favorite flowers that had arrived while you were at work, and as he caught your eye, he nodded to you in acknowledgment before turning to his teammates.
             You weren’t sure what exactly it was he said to them, but it had Hoshiumi letting out a surprised shout, and Ushijima raising a brow at your boyfriend. Romero, whose Japanese had improved a lot recently, simply clapped your boyfriend on the shoulder in a clearly congratulatory manner before gently pushing him off the court.
             Kageyama went, though not before meeting your eyes and gesturing that he would meet up with you in the lobby. You waved in acknowledgment, a wide affectionate smile on your face as you stood to leave, even if it would take him at least ten minutes to shower and dress.
             Your departure however was stopped by a shout from Hoshiumi. Curious, you turned to find all three of the players who’d been practicing with your boyfriend, along with the team captain Hirugami, Fukurou, all gathered below the bleachers clearly looking to speak with you.
             “How did you do it?” Hoshiumi asked you bluntly, his eyes wide with shocked awe as he stared up at you.
             “Do what?” you asked him, a little dumbfounded by the question. Hoshiumi was a bit of an odd one, and though you didn’t know him well you did know he was the kind of guy that was almost impossible to predict.
             “How did you convince Kageyama to leave practice early?” he asked, his voice getting louder and louder with each word, clearly baffled, “We can hardly ever get him to leave the building period, but somehow he’s ditching us early?”
             “Kageyama is very diligent,” Ushijima added thoughtfully, also looking a bit baffled as to why anyone would want to leave practice. The compliment was a high one though, especially from Ushijima who was honestly the epitome of diligence.
             “But I didn’t,” you told them, unable to help the fond smile that pulled at your lips as you realized that your boyfriend had clearly made special plans for the two of you, especially if he was leaving practice early, “Tobio was the one who told me what time I needed to be here. He insisted on making the plans for today.”
             Hoshiumi made a clearly disbelieving noise, but Romero who had been listening intently and quietly asking Hirugami for clarification at certain points simply nodded voicing, “Is the power of love, sí?”
             You flushed a bit at having it pointed out so bluntly, especially when Hoshiumi squawked in clear surprise and Hirugami started in on a coughing fit, clearly trying to cover his laugh. However, the beaming smile on your face no doubt gave you away.
             “Kageyama told me a couple weeks ago that he’d be leaving practice early today,” Hirugami told the group, once he’d recovered from his fit, “It surprised me and the coaches too. Apparently, he’s more of a romantic than I thought.”
             “I never thought I’d see the day Kageyama loved something as much or more than volleyball,” Hoshiumi voiced with a frown, “I’ve known that kid since high school, and never would’ve guessed he had room in his head or heart for anything more than the game. Guess you must be pretty special to him eh?”
             You didn’t get a chance to respond to the surprisingly perceptive question from the white-haired wing spiker, as your conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the man himself. He was dressed surprisingly nicely, in dark pants and a deep blue button down that no doubt had been picked for him by his older sister Miwa. He had a bit of an impatient look on his face, clearly suspicious as he glanced between you and the members of his team who’d gathered to speak to you.
             “Oy, come on, we’re going to be late,” he informed you bluntly, holding his hand out to you.
 “You look nice Tobio,” you acknowledged, immediately accepting his hand, smiling up at him, and enjoying the faint pale blush you could see across his cheeks. He was clearly a little flustered at the compliment, simply dipping his head, unable to collect himself to return the compliment just yet.
 However, he did carefully guide you out of the bleachers, ensuring you didn’t slip on the stairs because of the heels you’d worn to match your date night outfit. The soft, admiring look he gave you every time he looked at you more than enough of a return compliment, and reward for dolling yourself up for the night.
 You waved in acknowledgment as the team wished the two of you a good evening together. You stepped out hand in hand with your boyfriend ready to enjoy the evening and celebrate your love, one that he’d more than proved already, simply by taking the time off to be with you.
 He Vocalizes it to You (and only to you)
             “Tobio is something wrong?” you asked your boyfriend, deeply concerned with the way he’d been acting all evening. He’d been fidgety and restless, casting you furtive looks out of the corner of his eye that he clearly thought were subtle but were actually anything but.
             Usually when he got a bit agitated or when something was bothering him, you could get him to relax by cuddling up together on the couch and running your fingers through his hair as you watched something mindless on tv. Tonight however, even that surefire method had failed. You weren’t sure what was wrong, only that something was.
             Kageyama fidgeted for several seconds, clearly fighting with himself as you waited patiently. By this point in your relationship, you were well aware that sometimes the best thing to do with him when you wanted answers was to quietly wait him out and give him some time to get his thoughts together.
 You didn’t mind. The fact that Kageyama was able to communicate effectively with you at all was, according to some of his old high school senpai, a minor miracle. After all, verbal communication was one of the areas your boyfriend struggled with the most, and had led to quite a few misunderstandings and hurt feelings on both sides from the people he’d known over the years.
 He’d gotten much better though as he got older and a little more patient. It was something he credited Sugawara, Hinata, and Oikawa of all people with, which had always baffled you a bit. Oikawa himself had squawked rather indignantly when your boyfriend had mentioned as such in his hearing which, while hilarious, had done nothing to clear up your confusion.
 You were grateful for it nonetheless as it had certainly helped ease things in your relationship. The two of you had, had more than a few bumps along the way, especially at first, but these days you liked to think the two of you had a good system worked out and communicated rather well.
 “I love you,” your boyfriend blurted suddenly, the words pulling you from your reminiscence about the past rather abruptly and startling you a bit with their volume.
 “I love you too, Tobio,” you told him immediately, a little taken aback, but warmed nonetheless about his declaration of affection, even if the delivery hadn’t been all that smooth. He didn’t say it as often as some, and never where anyone else could overhear, too shy to do so, but when the two of you were home, he never failed to tell you and it warmed your heart every time.
 “You- you know I love you,” he continued hesitantly, peering up at you from where he’d been resting on your lap, his deep blue eyes clearly troubled as he asked, “right?”
 “Of course,” you answered, more than a bit baffled about what had brought this on all of a sudden, “And, you know I love you back, right?”
 “I know,” he murmured his voice quiet, but filled with affection as he peered up at you, his face full or adoration even if the worry hadn’t completely left his eyes.
 “I just wanted to make sure you knew,” he told you earnestly, his ears burning red, clearly embarrassed but determined to keep going despite that, “Because everyone says it isn’t obvious, and I just thought, maybe it might not be obvious to you.”
 “Everyone says?” you repeated a little baffled, before remembering the article that you and one of your friends had been laughing at over lunch earlier in the day. It was one of those stupid gossip rags that made up random news articles about celebrities. This particular one had proclaimed that it was clear your boyfriend wasn’t in love with you, because he was never affectionate or loving toward you when the two of you were in public.
 It had even gone on to proclaim this was because he was in love with another woman, and included a grainy picture of him hugging her as clear ‘evidence’. You’d nearly laughed yourself to tears seeing the photo as it was clear how incredibly uncomfortable he’d been, stiff as a board in the embrace. Even funnier was that you’d recognized the ‘other woman’ in the photo as his sister Miwa.
 You hadn’t given it a second thought other than to ask your boyfriend if the PR team of the Adlers was going to do anything about it. He’d immediately responded with an affirmative, and you’d seen the magazine had been forced to print a retraction and an apology just an hour or two later. You’d honestly forgotten about the incident completely, but apparently your boyfriend hadn’t.
 “Tobio, you know I don’t care about what anyone else says about our relationship right?” you told him gently, “As long as you know I love you, and I know you love me that’s all that matters. As long as you keep talking to me, keep telling me you love me that’s all I could ever need to know how you feel.”
 Kageyama still looked a bit concerned, the furrow that appeared whenever he was thinking hard about something still evident between his brows. You meant the words though, really and truly. You knew how hard they were for him to say, both because he struggled with communication in general and because he was shy about expressing his feelings. Which was why it meant the world to you that he went out of his way to say them to you. You didn’t need him to proclaim them to the world, him just saying them to you was more than enough.
 “I love you,” you told him earnestly, peering down at him, gently smoothing the crease in his brow until his face relaxed, into the soft look he reserved for you.
 “I love you too,” he told you sincerely, sitting up to press a sweet, lingering kiss to your lips.
 “Then that’s all you have to say,” you assured him, nuzzling your face into his affectionately, relishing in his presence, and basking both in his love and the words he saved for you and you alone.
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thewebcomicsreview · 3 years
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Tonight on Legend of the Hare: Falls Count Anywhere!  
 How did Jill and the Rabbits get to the pig layer, you ask? Well, you see, I'm changing the subject. "The following contest is scheduled for one fall" (ONE FALL!) is a common introduction to pro wrestling matches, as I was into rasslin' at the time, whereas the Arena with the circular logo in the middle bisected by lines is meant to be evocative of a Pokemon gym. Riley's been forced into what's obviously a slave Leia outfit by Peggy, who's where what's rather less obviously Queen Beryl's dress from Sailor Moon. The rabbit-themed bar on Jill's side of the arena is meant to be "culturally sensitive". 
 This is the first mention of Jill being from Somerville, which I vaguely remembered as having a nickname of "Slummerville", but even back when I wrote this Somerville was pretty heavily gentrified and posh, and there's no way Jill could afford to rent a house there. Really there's nowhere in Boston you can rest a house like that with only one roommate, even Watertown. But I like Boston so maybe Jill mooches off Tempest and maybe Tempest is independently wealthy. When I started writing book 2 I actually lived in Somerville and some Somerville landmarks popped up, but when writing book 1 I lived in Cambridge. 
This is actually one of the few pages that led to a lot of disagreement and pushback from Drowemos (my editor), about Jill's weight. In the original script, Jill was 165 pounds (making her a Middleweight), and Drow felt I was overshooting, and it led to an amazing and probably cringy and better-off-forgotten argument between three men as to what was a "realistic" weight for a woman. Fortunately for us all, I no longer have that discussion, which may have been on Skype. Carlos pointed out that Jill is actually very smol, around 5'3" (you can see this most clearly in page 39, where Riley's a head taller than Jill even when bending a bit), so I relented and she became a 147-lb Welterweight, like Oscar De La Hoya. Welterweights were the hot popular boxing weight when I was a kid, so I was okay with this extreme high-stakes battle of how to be Properly Feminist in a scene that was going to end with Jill naked for no reason whatsoever. Oy. 
 Speaking of weirdly horny, Viola is looking at Riley and blushing. Hmm....
Read the rest of the comic and a bunch more commentary at https://www.lothcomic.com/
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axther · 4 years
black tie occasion (and other little things that make you fall in love)
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prompt: slow dancing
bakugou katsuki x reader 
rule number one of proms: there’s always a balcony 
Dedicated to @heroinepose​ - finally, a good bakugou fic
Thanks to @add-a-teaspoon-of-heroism​ for giving the idea of a suit. Nish, your mind-
Thank you to @samanthaa-leanne​ for beta’ing for me!! 
Bakugou Katsuki wasn’t much of a smiler, YN had concluded. 
Sure, he smiled, but it was more the kind of smile that brought a chill into your bones, especially if you were at the receiving end of it. There were smiles that he had around his friends, but they were still guarded, still angry. 
YN had made it her goal to see Bakugou smile, for real. 
Truthfully speaking, she hadn’t known Bakugou for very long. She entered Class 1-B and saw him in intermediate periods. He was growly and big and angry, and yet, YN found him endearing. It went without saying that most of her class was confused, but YN let them stay confused. She went with what her heart said, and her heart said that the bundle of rage was more than he let on. 
“A prom? What the hell?” 
Speak of the devil. 
YN paused mid-step from the lunchroom to glance over at the spiky blonde. Surrounding him was his posse, all powerful quirk users in their own rights. The red-haired one, Kirishima, patted Bakugou on the back. 
“Wow! A real prom!” She giggled, linking arms with Mina. 
“Don’t sweat it, bro! We can get some cute dates, have a nice night, and get some good food!”
“Aren’t proms an American thing…?” Sero murmured. “Why now?”
“I know!” Seemingly out of nowhere, Midoriya Izuku popped up with a nervous grin. His own group of friends were close by, and Ochako skipped to the info board with a smile. 
“It’s to create a sense of unity. It’s for all the classes in the first year, and since there’s such a rivalry between the classes, Principal Nezu wanted everyone to have an evening together!” Midoriya listed it off like he was a dictionary, and YN titled her head. 
“Something the matter?” 
Shinsou’s voice came directly behind YN and she jumped with a squeak. Several heads turned (though not Bakugou’s notably) at her cry, and Shinsou chuckled. 
“You looking at the board?” He hummed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. The strap of her bag was jostled. “Or at Bakugou?” 
“None of the above,” YN huffed, turning away. “I was looking at the expanse between time and space.” 
“What the hell?” His nose scrunched up a little, watching her walk away with sass. He shook his head before glancing over at Bakugou, who was absorbed in berating Kaminari over something. His eyes flicked from him to YN, who was nearly skipping down the hall. Shinsou placed his hands in his pockets.
The next month has filled with a buzz, between students asking each other out and someone actually asking Midnight if she could be their date. It was a month of pure giddiness. 
Except for YN. 
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get the courage to ask Bakugou to the dance. She knew several other people had asked him and he had turned all of them down, spitting insults the entire way. With every rejection, fear crawled into her heart. 
“Where’s all that lion-heart gusto?” Shinso told her on the Monday before the prom. “Weren’t you raring to go?” 
“Oh, you hush.” YN sat at her usual lunch table, watching the rabid blonde growl and bark at his friends about something. 
“Personally, I’m kinda glad.” 
YN sat upright almost immediately, fury on her face. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Shinsou laid back with his arms behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. He hummed. “I wanted to ask you. You’re my only girl friend, after all.” 
YN’s brow went from furrowed to upturned, eyes wide and cheeks pink.
“Shinsou, you bastard. I thought you were saying that Bakugou and I weren’t a good fit!”
“You aren’t. He’s prideful. You’re calm.”
“Those two aren’t opposites!” 
From across the room, Bakugou stopped yelling at Denki and watched YN playfully smack Shinsou’s shoulder. His eyes narrowed.
“Bro…” Kirishima whispered. “She isn’t gonna make the first move.”
“Shut the fuck up!” He barked, looking as though the whites of his eyes had dominated his entire demeanour. 
“Ha!” Mina tittered. She leaned back with a wide smile. “The mighty Katsuki Bakugou, whipped like a little bitch.”
“I am not a little bitch!” 
In the days leading up to the prom, YN was nervous.
She didn’t think she should’ve, considering she nailed a date with Shinsou (or, rather, he nailed a date with her) so all she had to do was get an outfit ready. 
Unfortunately, her classmates weren’t much help. 
She walked over a bit timidly, peeking past YN’s shoulder. “O-Oh!” She gasped. “It’s very pretty…!” 
“Wear something sexy!” Setsuna cheered, holding up a short purple dress. “You’d look fine as hell in this!”
“No…” Ibara frowned, placing her hands together. “She must wear something modest that respects the Lord.”
“Wait!” Kendo gasped, holding two dresses that had already been rejected. “YN! What do you want to wear?”
“I dunno…” YN murmured, picking up the skirt a white dress that had apple accents on them. “Pony, you might like this one.” 
YN pulled it off the rack and handed it to Pony, pointing to the changing room with a grin. “Go, and we see if you like it!” 
“Mm!” She nodded. There was something unspoken about it, but Yui looked as though she wanted YN’s thoughts. 
She trotted off happily and Yui walked up. She was holding a mid-length black dress.
“Do you like this one, Yui?” YN tilted her head. 
“I think you’d look cute! Here, I’ll help the other girls pick something out, and we can have a mini runway show.”  
“MM!” Yui smiled and skipped away. YN began picking at dresses to give to the others, walking from the rack when something in the clearance aisle caught her eye. 
“Yeah!” Kendo pulled off a crisp shirt that vaguely reminded YN of a mobster. “Why?” 
She picked out a suit jacket, noting the orange hints with the pocket and cuff. She tilted her head and hummed.
“Oy!” She turned, looking at Kendo. “Do they have dress shirts over there?” 
YN shrugged, hiding the jacket underneath some of the dresses. She walked over to Kendo and handed off a sporty blue dress, smiling. “Can you put the shirt on top?” 
Kendo obliged, walking into a changing room. More dresses were passed around with the girls until everyone had something. Sassy compliments were thrown around (except for when Ibara dragged Setsuna for wearing something that clung to her). 
YN sighed happily, running a thumb over the orange fabric. It reminded her of Bakugou, and she felt terrible for putting a guy she wasn’t even going with over matching with Shinsou, but…
She blushed, smiling. 
“You look happy,” Komori leaned over YN’s shoulder. “Did you find something you like?” 
“Yeah.” YN held up the suit jacket. “This. I don’t know if they have pants here, but I can make it work.” 
YN paused in the changing room, still holding the shirt, pants, and jacket to her chest. She looked down and bit her lip a bit. She was going with Shinsou, and though she never even asked Bakugou, there was still a part of her that was convinced that she had a chance with Bakugou. 
“Ooh!” Setsuna jumped a bit and ran off, leaving YN and Komori in the dust. Both looked confused until Setsuna ran back with loose black slacks. “Here! Try this!”
“It’s modest.” Ibara murmured. “And you would look good.” Even Pony stepped out and cheered YN on about the suit. Setsuna gently pushed YN into the changing room with a grin.
“Go on, girl! Work it!” 
“Are you okay?” Komori’s voice leaked from the other side of the door. YN jumped a bit. 
“Uh, yeah!” YN changed as fast as she could, tripping over herself in an effort to get into the pants. “Just a second.” 
“Hot damn.” Setsuna whispered, eyeing YN up and down. “You look good.” 
Once she adjusted the pants, she opened the door and stepped out, albeit ungracefully. The girls stopped talking immediately, staring. YN felt an embarrassed flush crawl under her skin.
“Hey, uh, I’ll pick something different out, gimmie a second-” 
“Yeah!” Kendo cheered. “It really suits you!”
“Was that a pun?” YN gave Kendo a look. 
“Get it!” Komori grinned. “Bakugou’ll drop dead!”
There were collective laughs and YN flushed. 
“Ay!” YN rushed forward to mock-wack Setsuna and they took off across the store. Kendo watched them with a laugh as YN easily outran Setsuna, thanks to the pants. 
“But I’m not-!”
“And?” Setsuna shrugged. “You’ll still see him.” 
“Stop running.” Ibara frowned. 
“Get over here!” Kendo took off after YN, and YN watched her go after Setsuna. She paused and panted a bit, grinning. 
This weekend was going to be good. 
At five-thirty on Saturday, YN stood next to Shinsou, standing outside the U.A. hall. There were scattered blue and yellow balloons on the ground from an arch over the door. Lights lit up the path to the door in an attempt to set a mood, but it seemed tackier than anything. There were flower petals, too, and YN wondered if maybe one of the more sentimental teachers was hoping to make it romantic. Other students lingered, too, talking quietly. 
“Should we go in?” YN turned to Shinsou, wearing the white corsage he gave her in her pocket. He, too, wore a suit and had his corsage in the same style, but he was shorter than her and had to look up.
“Sure.” He shrugged. He didn’t seem to know what to do with his hands but settled for shoving them in his pockets. Part of YN felt guilty for the awkwardness, but accepted it and wrapped her arm over his shoulder. 
“Then let’s go.” They walked down the path and she opened the doors, letting Shinsou go before her. The entire hall was dimly lit, with more blue and yellow balloons than necessary and a DJ at the back of the room, but YN supposed that it was some of the teachers just getting too excited with the idea of prom. 
She saw Kendo wrangling Monoma by the punch bowl and Midoriya Izuku talking with Todoroki Shoto. They both nodded in Shinsou’s direction, and he nodded back, but turned to you. 
“Alright. Where is he?” 
“Huh?” YN stared at Shinsou dumbly. “What are you talking about?” 
“Bakugou.” Shinsou looked both unamused and ready to laugh. “Do you see him?” 
YN flushed and looked around. He was nowhere to be found just from glancing alone, and YN shrugged. 
“I don’t see him. He might not have come.” A part of YN hoped he did, even if it was just to see him in a suit. She continued looking. 
“Hm.” Shinsou huffed. “Fine then. Guess I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.” 
Before YN could ask what he meant, Shinsou disappeared into the crowd around them. YN could’ve sworn she saw a pair of pink arms pulling purple away, but before she could check, she got swept into the tide of newly arriving students. It was like swimming upstream, and she decided to just let herself be carried away. 
Sorry, Shinsou, but I’ve got a plan. 
She ended up shifting towards a more open area, facing out towards the main road and seeing several sappy teenagers make out with one another.
And there, at the edge of the balcony sat Bakugou Katsuki. The man of YN’s hour, if you will. She stared at him timidly, for a moment, before tilting her head.
Bakugou Katsuki swore up and down that he hated parties. 
He went to bed strictly by nine, avoided alcohol if he could help it, and stayed away from questionable crowds. 
So, why the fuck was he tipsy at eleven at night while Caramelldansen blasted over the speakers? 
The answer was that Mina had dragged him to the school’s prom. He didn’t want to go, not after the mess that was him chickening out on asking YN. But the acid-user donned him in a suit with hints of orange and walked he through the doors. But around the time that they started playing Lil Jon’s Get Low, drink after drink was offered to the oh-so-famous winner of the sports festival and that one kid that got kidnapped, right?, and Bakugou accepted one, if only to get the crowd to shut up and leave him alone. But the drink was vaguely sweet, with hints of pink lemonade, and when he was offered another he was less adamant in rejecting them. He didn’t even know who even snuck in the drinks; just that they long left him for better horizons and consenting partners. 
If Bakugou was being honest, then he didn’t like being tipsy. He wasn’t drunk enough to enjoy the feeling or do anything out of his comfort zone, but just inebriated enough that his balance was off, his sight felt a little bit weird, and it felt like everyone was talking about All Might. 
He couldn’t tell if the lights were red or brown anymore, and he’d lost sight of Mina, when he heard someone gossip. 
“I heard that the Bakugou dude...he’s why All Might retired, and he doesn’t even have a good attitude.” 
It probably wasn’t meant for him to hear, or even exactly what he heard, but it felt like it was whispered directly into his ear. Shame flooded through Bakugou, and he felt every set of eyes in the room fall on him. His breath caught in his throat, and the lights blurred, and he waded through the sea of people, hoping to get just a second’s reprieve. He never thought he deserved it, but he still pursued it. Maybe that was how one could explain Bakugou; searching for what he never felt he deserved. 
He stumbled onto a balcony, nearly shoving over two teenagers that were making out before clutching the balcony rail. The world spun, despite just how little alcohol he had, and he felt as though it was all closing in. 
“Water?” She repeated again. “You look like you need it.” 
Bakugou’s eyes snapped open, and he shot the nastiest glare he could muster at who spoke. It fell almost immediately when he realised who it was.
YN stood there with kind e/c eyes and eyeliner that could cut him. She had a red solo cup in her hand. She held it out to him but kept her distance like he was a feral dog. 
Bakugou said nothing but turned all the way, choosing to remain cautious. Despite the bitter bile in the back of his throat, he hesitated. 
“Why?” He croaked out and hated just how torn his voice sounded. 
“Because you’ve been drinking” She extended the cup to him a bit more with a guarded smile. “And, you look like you need someone to listen.” 
Bakugou’s face flushed angrily and a white-hot rage rushed through him. 
“I don’t need a fucking therapist! Get out of my fucking face with that shit!” He snatched the cup out of her hand and she didn’t so much as flinch. 
“You were crying.” Her smile fell, and if Bakugou wasn’t tipsy and angry, then he would have sworn that concern flashed through her eyes. Bakugou took a quick but hefty gulp of the water, feeling it go down his throat with subdued satisfaction before rearing back to yell at her more. Before he could, though, she raised her hand to his cheek. Her fingers were deathly cold, like what a corpse might feel like, but they were gone before he could complain about it. She held her fingers up to the swirling lights, and every time a strobe hit her hand, Bakugou could see the glistening of something wet on her fingers. Her eyes held something like pity, but it wasn't pity for him. It was just indomitable sadness. 
She turned and began leaving as Bakugou stood there in shock. He didn’t feel himself crying or the typical runny nose, just the cold and sudden terror of loneliness. It carved him out like a pumpkin, and before he realised that he was moving, he had grabbed YN’s wrist. She glanced back in surprise, but it faded into a gentle look that, had it been any other person, would have made them melt.  Bakugou stared between her wrist and her face, glancing up and down and back again in confusion before ripping his hand away. He held it like it had been burned, with a flushed face and blank confusion. 
“Sorry,” He grumbled, letting his hand hang down again. YN didn’t leave but she was still turned. Bakugou could only stare as the lights backlit her, like a bomb, and there was a glint in her eyes that was neither pity nor judgement, but indomitable sadness. There was an oozing silence, until she tilted her head. For just a moment, he felt like he was being dissected by her eyes, scrutinised like roadkill, before the sadness returned. 
“And they fuckin’ say it’s not my fault, but All Might would’ve never had to retire if I had just been strong enough!” 
“Wanna talk?” 
Somehow, be it the little alcohol in his system or the fact that YN just seemed so warm, he had begun spilling all his fears and burdens to her. She never spoke, besides the occasional hum of confirmation, but occasionally rubbed his back when he choked up. She would whip out tissues sometimes, but overall, she listened perfectly. 
“I know that just being told that it isn’t your fault doesn’t help.” The girl murmured, staring through the short pillars of the balcony, taking a deep breath before continuing. “But I think it was a good thing that All Might retired.” 
Bakugou felt his heart leap into his throat with rage, but before he could rip her apart, she side-eyed him and took another sigh. 
“Don’t get me wrong. He did great work. But...he was in pain the entire time. Could you imagine the toll? Physically and mentally? That the world was on your shoulders, and you were slowly dying, but you weren’t able to just...stop.” She sighed for a third time, and for a moment, Bakugou wondered if she knew exactly what All Might felt like, with the stars in her eyes and sorrow on her shoulders. “His retirement would have happened eventually. You spared him months, maybe even years, of pain and torment. He went out, and nobody can ask him to come back, and now he can kick back and let someone else take over. And I think he deserves it. To be able to finally rest.”
Bakugou stared for what felt like the upteenth time that night, before feeling something else tense in his heart. It was like a knot had been wrapped around it, unbreakable and tight. But with only a minute, a girl that he only ever watched from a distance, at a party he never meant to attend, had undone it completely. It snapped, and if he thought about it enough, he could almost feel the cord hitting his ribcage and coming to rest on his kidney. 
YN gave a teasing grin on his subdued, awestruck look, and hummed. She rose with a groan, stretching her arms in front of her with a yawn. 
“There you have it. That’s just my opinion, anyway. You don’t have to take it.” Someone called out, and Bakugou couldn’t quite hear it, but YN turned. She waved, and then looked back at Bakugou. “Take care of yourself. Don’t let them get to you.” 
She turned to leave, and she felt like this incomprehensible force that made everyone else move like the tide, or the Red Sea. Softer, kinder music leaked through from the dance floor, and he shot up. 
It was a demand and a question all wrapped in one and YN snorted, nodding. 
YN stopped and turned with a tilt of her head. “Yeah?”
“Fucking-!” He was choking on his words, trying to literally grasp them from the air. “Fuckng dance with me!” 
She walked back to them and some of the other students left the balcony, abandoning them. Bakugou’s hands felt sweaty and he wiped them on his pants, heart pounding in his ears. 
“D-D’ya know how to waltz?!” He barked, eyes flickering from nervousness. 
“Yeah.” YN nodded. “I can lead.” 
And she did, spinning Bakugou around under the stars in a moment that felt untouchable. Bakugou looked at her, and she looked at him, and at once, he felt at ease. Everything melted off of him for five minutes and fifty-two seconds, with her hands on his hip and holding him just tight enough that he knew she was real. The stars glittered in her eyes, and the breeze was warm and cool and perfect. 
“I love you,” He whispered with wide eyes. She didn’t so much as flinch, pulling down into an Eskimo kiss. 
“I love you, too.”
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osamusriceballs · 4 years
Manager-chan's timeskip!life. Day 14. Manager goes to the beach with MSBY together. She referees their beach volleyball match. Boys try not to stare too obvious, but she looks so amazing in her beach outfit. I swear, no one dares hit on her, when those boys are with her though. Bonus: Bokuto: "Y/n-chan, let me put some sunscreen on your back!". Atsumu: "Bokkun, not trouble yourself, because I-". They start arguing. At this time, Sakusa already helps her: "Oh, you're so kind! Thank you!"...
... Atsumu: "Oy, Omi-Omi, it's not fair!". Sakusa: "You all never wash your hands. You better not touch it, don’t want y/n-san to get sick".
I‘m so soft, because that means that Sakusa trusts her enough to touch her without second- thoughts 🥺 he is already comfortable around her 🥺
And I’m sure that Omi-Omi‘s stares are enough to keep everyone far away :,) they don‘t have to worry about other guys and can just relax!! ✊🏻
But don‘t worry, Atsumu! 💖 Manager-chan will definitely make sure to put sunscreen on your back, cause she doen‘t trust the others enough to do it properly!! And Atsumu would stand there all stiff like 😳😳 what’s happenin‘? 😳
AND HINATA GETTING EXCITED LIKE A LITTLE PUPPY WHEN IT COMES TO BEACH VOLLEYBALL, CAUSE HE ALREADY HAS SO MUCH EXPERIENCE IN IT 🥺💖 I‘M SURE THAT HE WANTS TO SHOW HER ALL OF HIS SKILLS 🥺💖 and Bokuto would just throw her over his shoulder and carry her into the water- mich to Atsumu‘s dislike- cause HE wanted to do that himself!! 😫
They‘d have so much fun at the beach, playing volleyball, swimming and just laying in the sun!! 💖
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heroes-writing · 4 years
Hello Holly and Stella! How are you both doing? May I request something please? I'm going through a bit of a Zombieman phase myself, and I was wondering if you could write a scenario or headcanons (I don't care which) of Zombieman and his so/gf at some fancy HA gala? Something I must know, DO THEIR OUTFITS MATCH? Thank you very much, and stay safe!
Hey Anon (and the rest of you folks), Stella here. It’s nice to meet y’all! I am so honored for this to be my first post, and inaugural prompt to write. I hope you enjoy it!
Alrighty, let’s start this off with a nice BANG!
Word count: 927
“Z, can we blow this popsicle stand? These people suck,” she tries to say in a whisper. His girlfriend must be just the slightest bit tipsy to not realize that she had said it a bit louder than she’d intended...
But Zombieman agrees with her wholeheartedly. “Sorry babe, I wish we could leave too. The HA execs begged us to stay at least until 8:30. S-Class Heroes have to make an appearance, they said… Our association funding depends on it.”
“Aww, okay. Makes sense.”
He offers her his arm, and she takes it, linking both her arms around his, as they lazily make their way down to where potential donors and heroes are gathering to socialize. The pair is among some of the last stragglers trickling down the hallway, and her glossy black stilettos click against the hard tile as they walk.
“Not that I’m going to do much schmoozing, mind you. No good at it anyway. I hate the type they’re asking us to mingle with. So I figure we’re going to show up, stand in the corner, and hope I look intimidating enough that no one has the guts to talk to us.”
She’s nodding as he says it, so vigorously so that the French twist she’d put her hair up in threatens to become undone. “Yes, yes yes yes. Yes to all of that. You schmooze pretty well with me though.”
He chuckles. “I’m happy when I’m with you, though, that’s the difference. Thanks for agreeing to this, by the way, was afraid you wouldn’t. It makes it all a little easier to bear than last year...”
“It was a good excuse for a sewing project. Look on the bright side.”
“What bright side?” he grumbles good-naturedly.
“Hey, the food was good, the cocktail was tasty,” she looks up at him, her smile fox-sly, and flutters her lashes, “and there’s something else that looks delicious, too.”
“I uh—” He coughs out, “Thirty more minutes, and then we can both get out of here, I promise. I didn’t plan on staying any longer than I have to.” He smirks down indulgently at his girlfriend, then sighs.
He really wants a smoke…among other things.
She groans as he opens the door to the grand ballroom and motions for her to go through first. 
“Aww, this is gonna be the longest thirty minutes of my life.” She releases his arm, trailing her fingers down his wrist (he shivers), and walks past him into the ballroom.
It’s bustling with crowds of fine silk clothing and candlelit white-clad tables and staff gliding about smoothly with trays of champagne in crystal flutes. She turns around and waits for him, deliberately readjusting her dress’s sooty-smoke-hued sleeves to again float just off her shoulders.
He’s only just rejoined her when he feels her place her hands on him, one on each shoulder. He’s wondering what she’s doing before she pops herself up on her tiptoes, and she kisses him on his lips. 
Zombieman is a bit shocked that she’s doing this in such a public place, but not unpleased. He’s starting to enjoy it for the brief second it lasts before she drops back down and gives him a shy, wobbly smile. 
He’s starting to ask what brought this on, until he realizes that this was her way of announcing to the world that he was hers. Before the gala, she had shared her concerns about going public, although he himself couldn’t care less if people knew. Guess this was her answer. He smiles at his feet, a bit dazed, staring at the black patent leather of his fancy oxfords. This woman... 
Zombieman becomes conscious of nosy, curious stares on him and his partner. He’s not embarrassed at all for people to know they’re together, but their affection is something he wants to cherish and jealously protect from prying eyes. It’s something precious between just the two of them and it’s nobody else’s goddamn business.
He hunts down the upper-crust do-nothings that are openly gawking, and stares each of them down until they become uncomfortable and awkwardly look away.
“Hello, helloooo, HA to Zombieman. Did someone spill a drink on you? Do I need to go have a talk with someone? What’re you looking at?” Her eyes are twinkling at him. 
He comes back to the moment and softens, giving her a cheeky grin. “You.”
“Ahaha, you’re such a scoundrel. Oy, take better care of this, Mr. Zombieman,” she playfully scolds him as she reaches back up to adjust his ash-black bowtie, which had become crooked over the course of the evening. “I didn’t make this from the leftovers of the dress fabric just for you to abuse it like this. You didn’t even own a single bowtie, so you owe me one.”
She pulls away, teasingly running her fingers down his jaw, and chirps, “All better. I’m gonna get another drink. Want anything?”
His breath shallowing, he shakes his head and she withdraws. He can’t pass up the opportunity to watch her (and the elegant curve of her exposed neck) as she leaves. The weighty damask skirt of her dress flares out and sweeps about her heels as she pivots and saunters into the chaos, deftly plucking a glass from a passing tray of drinks.
He can’t help but check the time. It didn’t matter how thoughtfully she had crafted his bowtie or how carefully she’d made her dress. The second they left the venue...it was coming off. All of it. 
It’s the most agonizing fifteen minutes of his life.
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okitnoburemaking · 4 years
Hello my love tell me about the lesbians! You kin the blonde one? OwO
I just think that they're so neat.... I've been meaning to reread the gudagudas + the translated version of the newest one for new okitnobu content 👭👭 might update when i do.... Their mentioned dialogs r so funny & cute as well...
Here's okitas (saber) dialog for nobunaga (archer)
With her, I feel a destined connection... albeit one that involved a bit of an unpleasant run-in at the Capital. However, in terms of affinity, I'm the one who has the advantage!
And okita (alter) wanted to match swimsuits with nobunaga (summer/berserker) because she thought she looked nice + didn't know you could wear such a thing LOL 😭😭
Is that you, Demon King of the Sixth Heaven? What's with that outfit? Aren't you cold? A swimsuit...? I see... I didn't know such a wardrobe existed. Master ...perhaps something similar ...uh...for me...
When okita got her summer version she boasted about how cute she looked and tried to get nobu to admit it as well
Swimsuit Okita-san’s great victory! Please look at this swimsuit, Nobbu! A special jet swimsuit suited for the lovely and invincible Okita-san, isn’t it?
Also I think summer nobus line for okita is so funny 🤾‍♀️
Sorry, sorry, leaving you behind, I went ahead and exposed my swimsuited form. But hey, it can't be helped if I'm a more popular character than you! ... Can't be helped at all~ that I'm more popular than the small time slayer club's (Shinsengumi) princess... Oy, what's wrong, lower your sword. Eh? It's your job, so you can't? No, no, that's not what I meant... Oy, stop it, don't approach me with those strange steps! Whoah, calm down, Okitaaaoawaaaa!!
Avenger nobu (demon king) says this about okita
I’ve associated with you for a long time, manslayer. Well, you probably are the only one who can talk to me without fear. And, I wonder if this is good enough. Well, what. That aside, I’ll be counting on you once more
Ah! Okita’s Alter or something. You’ve gone through a hard job hunting to become a regular employee after your part-time job at the Counter Force. Well, tell me if there’s something troubling
ALSO YES !!!! That's miss okita :]
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rosemaidenvixen · 5 years
Christmas Card
Notenrique celebrates his first Christmas as part of a family.
“Are you eating the scented pinecones?”
Notenrique scooped out a pinecone and popped it into his mouth “No,” he said while spraying flecks of wood.
Javier raised an eyebrow but said nothing about this blatant lie “Well hurry up, you still need to get changed,”
“Already took care of it,” he snapped the elastic waistband of his diaper “I changed meself half an hour ago,”
“No no,” Javier shook his head “Changed into this,” he held up a miniature suit; white shirt, red tie, and a matching black vest and pants.
Notenrique narrowed his eyes, hand still buried up to the wrist in the decorative wicker bowl “Not happening,”
“Are you guys still not ready?” Claire walked into the room, tailing Ophelia who carried Enrique, dressed in a suit identical to the one Javier was holding, gurgling happily.
“Almost, Ricky just needs to get changed into his outfit,”
Notenrique frowned, he still wasn’t sure how he felt about the nickname they had started calling him, but one thing was for damn sure, he was not wearing that. 
“Nuh uh,” he stood up straight and folded his arms, just so they knew how serious he was “Ain’t no way you’re forcing me into that monkey suit,”
Ophelia frowned “But the photographer will be here in half an hour,”
“Like I said, not going to happen,”
Rather than protest further, Ophelia exchanged a sly look with Javier, and then slowly set Enrique down on the easy chair.
Notenrique’s ears flicked back. His self preservation instincts, the very thing that had kept him alive in the depths of the darklands, were going off like crazy.
A metallic click sounded from the far side of the room. His head snapped in the direction of the sound, too late he saw that Claire had shut and locked the door.
It was a setup.
Notenrique jumped onto the couch just in time to avoid being tackled by Javier, swiveling his head from side to side. The windows were all latched shut, Claire was still standing guard by the door.
No use, all the exits had been sealed.
Unfortunately during his lapse in attention Ophelia managed to grab his scruff and put him in a headlock 
Notenrique squirmed in her grasp “OY! LEGGO OF ME SCRUFF!”
Ophelia ignored him and tightened her grip “I’ve got him, get the suit!”
Javier swept in, vest and tie at the ready “I’m on it, hold his legs!”
Notenrique sat on the couch, still in his suit, albeit with tie undone and vest unbuttoned, head buried in a sack of scented pinecones. He had already eaten his first two bags and was well into the third. They had given him one right after the photography session, but with a little pouting he had been able to squeeze two more out of them. 
Claire walked up to him, beaming and holding a stack of small stack of cards. He lifted his head out of the bag and swallowed a mouthful of cinnamon scented wood chips.
“What are you smiling about big eyes?”
She held one of the cards out to him, grinning from ear to ear “The pictures turned out great, take a look,”
Curious, Notenrique glanced down at the glossy paper. The card was dominated by a large picture of the five of them, Claire sat on a stool in the middle while Ophelia and Javier flanked her. Her father holding a giggling Enrique while her mother had Notenrique balanced on her hip. 
Notenrique leaned in closer to get a better look at his photo. His smile was a little forced, and from the angle of the photo you couldn’t see the very firm grip Ophelia had on his scruff while the picture was being taken. Despite that he didn’t look half bad, pretty slick even, maybe he could learn to live with the monkey suit.
But it was the words printed beneath the photo that set his gut churning in an unfamiliar but not unpleasant way. 
‘Merry Christmas from the Nuñez family’
‘Javier, Enrique, Claire, Ophelia, and Notenrique “Ricky” Nuñez’
“So what do you think?” Claire piped up.
Notenrique blinked back the unexpected wetness in his eyes “Could use more socks, but it'll do,”
“Are you crying?”
“No!” he shouted, a bit louder than he intended.
Claire rolled her eyes “Right,” she ruffled his exposed scruff “Merry Christmas hermanito,”
Notenrique playfully batted her hand away “Merry Christmas yourself sis,”
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serpentico · 4 years
okay but now ya gotta elaborate on the Being at Ringside for Legado cause i wanna hear more about this!
When Joaquin and Raúl have a match without Santos, I get to stand ringside and watch with him in our matching outfits which are way too flashy for just ringside but every week is fashion week around here bro
We just whisper to each other, looking like we’re scouting and taking names, and being all mysterious, but really it’s like “I’m thinking steak for dinner. You?”
And we’re confident in legado, so we don’t even have to move or help. Our presence is intimidating enough and my heels are probably too high for trouble anyway.
And when Santos has seen enough of Joaquin and Raúl showing off, he nods at me, and I get to say, “Oye, acábenlo,” Finish it.
And then we get to get our steak boyyyyy
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
The boys as supportive hype men bfs
For when you’re lookin extra fine and they just wanna hype the shit outchu
-“dimelooo mamiii”
-literally that ^ but with different inflections on dif syllables everytime depending on mood/situation lol
-not a very big social media man, but will post a quick story of you like “🥴❤️” dressed in something reeeeaal nice then delete it later (bc he want u for his eyes only duH!)
-but in public tho !!
-that’s his game, he’d be huggin all up on you like no ones watching
-Defintely would get caught by the paparazzi for some “provocative touching/staring” with each other
-Buys you everything
-flowers in that little shop on the corner? Done. Ice cream on the street that looks way too good? Chocolate vanilla swirl it is.
-Would probably go all out and buy you a new fancy piece of jewelry too
-its his own lil ritual to get u a new pair of earrings that match with the particular outfits he loves to see you in uwu
-he honestly seems like he’d want to hype you up all day but then spend the rest of the night with you in private
-hype you up in his own personal way ayooo
-details? I think a lil bit
-whisper dirty praises in your ear about how good you look
-goes in between rough and tender touches over his favorite parts of your body
-dead eye contact the whole time so it’s super intimate
-k that’s all u get u thirsty hoes
-does that thing to random strangers like “that’s my gf” and points at u
-for literally anything
-like when you’re ordering food for you both at a fast food place and he’s watching you lookin snackish tell them you’d like two number 5’s
-he leans over to the old lady next to him like “that girl- mi novia 😉”
-he’s also very vocal
-just likes you or him (or both) to be the center of attention
-kinda embarrassing but at the same time so sweet and way flattering so u don’t front bout it
-doesn’t really show you off on social media, but more in public or to his family
-Just wants to show his favorite ppl his fav person and how amazing you are
-compliments you all day
-really bad pick up lines mostly
-but they’re so bad that they’re actually really cute and funny
-pretends that youre a stranger at a store and hits on you like you’ve never met before
-“Erick please not here,” you’d beg while in line at the busy concession stand of the movie theater
-“im jus asking if u as sweet as those cookie dough bites u got right there mami mmhmmm”
-literally the cutest of them all
-not super extra, but very lovey and sweet
-you’d walk in the room all dolled up and he’d be super star struck like “oh my god dude you’re so beautiful”
-for literally any outfit too tho
-You can walk in with his sweatpants and necklace on and he’d lose it just as hard
-stares at you all day
-buys you flowers just for the heck of it
-sweet gentle touches and kisses all day too
-when he talks about you in public it’s all super down to earth and him saying how gorgeous you are doing anything
-takes you out to show you off
-somewhere where he knows a lot of press and people in general will be
-makes it super obvious you’re there together
-“don’t worry HONEY, I’ll grab the door for you BABE” and looks other homies dead in the eyes for dominance purposes
-he really would take you anywhere to show you off tbh. The dog park, museum, grocery store, you name it
-he fills his camera roll with candid pics of you through the day
-when you guys get really rowdy at the end of the night bc you’re tired, he records you the whole time dancing n singing and being a crackhead
-but its wholesome content of you guys being happy in love and having so much fun :,)
-he posts it all and everyone is like “couple goals wowo” and it makes your heart melt bc you’re with someone who makes you confident and happy and he’s everything
-literally not one second where his hand would be off of you
-ESPECIALLY in public
-hand in your back pocket, on your waist, in your hand
-also the type of guy that would be super extra and do things like hold the door for you dramatically, carry you over potholes or puddles in the street like “no te preocupes amor, i gotchu”
-a master at subtly tho
-and subtle teasing
-would mention how fine you look at the beggining of the day with a low whisper in your ear and a hot neck kiss
-then totally drop it for tension purposes
-would ignore u in person for a bit or maybe he just doesn’t see you much that day
-then would post a fire pic of you like “sheeesh🥵”
-comments under all your recent pics suddenly with thirsty shit
-all the fans are freaking out like “GET UR MAN”
-but he’s still avoiding you personally bc he knows it gets you all riled up
-so you watch him post and hype you all day until he gets home finally and wants to touch you and love you
-and you’re like “NO! No touching bc u can’t play these games Camacho”
-He smiles at you and puts on his nasally play voice while swooping in to lift you off your feet, tickling your sides and kissing you all over
-“mira que sexy ohmygaaad”
-ok but also
-he’d take his time with you when it got down to business, letting you know everything going through his mind when he kisses you, every time he removes another piece of clothing, telling you how perfect you are
-slow passionate intense nights that feel like they could last forever
-constant screaming
-“oye mamiiiii”
-his million stories on insta are all of you with dif filters, emojis, and captions
-he’s singing or yelling in the background every one, but honestly no one can tell at this point
-besos every other second
-you’re just *taking a bite of pizza* and Chris would drop everything like “fucK pls kiss me now”
-a lot of seductive glances from a distance
-intimidates everybody in the room tbh
-will be that guy talking to anyone being like “doesn’t my baby look ultra fine today- well i mean she always fine, but today it just hits different”
-probably very sweet like Joel but in his own sappy Chris way
-will sing to you every love song that comes on in the car or while you’re standing around
-dances with you in public just to spin you around, kiss you, and tell you how good you look
-you’re always afraid to look like that one annoying pda couple but the way y’all make it look is actually rly sweet and sincere
-also does that thing and records you being a crackhead at night, but he’s actin just as wild so all the videos are so hard to follow
-they’re all of you guys SCREAMING and CACKLING SOO HARD and no one can form out anything anyone is saying bc you’re both just being idiots
-he records you dancing like a dummy in the dark corner of your room and he’s just there like “AYY AY DALE MAMI AY”
-for some reason i just see him at the end of the night wanting a long, deep makeout sesh more than anything
-bc sometimes kissing can be just as intimate and passionate when you’re with the right person, and Chris is exactly that guy
-he’d be kinda vocal and mumble every time your lips disconnect abt how much he loves you and how crazy you make him by being so god damn beautiful all the time
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headcanonsandmore · 6 years
Hello Headcanonsandmore!!! Can you do a cheerleader hermione and quidditch player Ron Headcanon list please? would seriously appreciate it. Thanks!!!
Hello, anon! Of course!Hope you like them!
Just a head’s up; I’m British,and therefore don’t have much first-hand experience of cheerleading. I knewpeople at university who did it, but I never had much first-hand experience ofit. Apologies if I get any terminology wrong.
Hermione Granger didnot like sports. Even in the muggle world, she never understood what the bigdeal was. Quidditch was something that she support her friends’ endeavours in.
Which- by a peculiarstring of events- had resulted in her being roped into helping out thecheerleading team.
She had been hangingaround the Quidditch pitch, waiting for Ron and Harry to finish morningtraining, a large stack of toast in her hands. The cheerleading captain (acheery-faced fourth year with a nametag identifying her as Sophie Tyler) tappedHermione on the shoulder.
‘Hey, can you help usout? We’ve a person short for the cheer squad…’
Hermione spluttered.
‘No…. I’m terriblysorry… I’m just waiting for…’
‘Oh, you’re HermioneGranger, aren’t you?’ Sophie said. ‘You’re just like Ron Weasley described…’
That threw Hermione.
‘Er… w-what did he say?’
Sophie grinned.
‘Usually how beautifulthat hair of yours is. Don’t tell him I told you, though. The poor bloke getsso embarrassed when people bring that up.’
Hermione felt her faceburning. Ron had said that about her?
‘Oh hi, Hermione!’
The bushy-haired witchalmost dropped the toast she was carrying; Ron Weasley was walking towardsthem, his brow wet with sweat from training. His muscles bulged under hisQuidditch training shirt.
‘Hermione, are you helpingout with the cheering squad?’ he asked, eyes flicking over the spare cheeroutfit that Sophie was holding out to Hermione.
‘Er…w-well… you see… Iwas just…’
‘Yeah!’ Sophieexclaimed, nodding excitedly. ‘She’d be great at it, don’t you reckon, Ron?’
Ron blinked quickly,wiping the sweat from his brow.
‘Yeah,’ He said, notquite looking Hermione in the eye. Was… his ears going pink? Why was Ron embarrassed?
‘Exactly!’ Sophie said.She took the toast from Hermione’s hands and dumped it into Ron’s arms, before linkingan arm though Hermione’s, and frog-marching her towards the cheerleaders’changing rooms.
Ten minutes later, Hermione found herselftrussed up in a cheer outfit. Thankfully, Hogwarts’ cheerleaders tended tofavour gender-neutral practical outfits, so Hermione didn’t have to worry abouta skirt half-a-foot shorter than she usually wore. A Gryffindor lion wasplastered across the top, with bright red stripes. It was actually quite a niceoutfit. It was less form-fitting and less revealing than many of her muggleclothes, which was nice.
Why is Ron blushing so much?
As Hermione began tohaphazardly learn the moves, she couldn’t help but notice that Ron seemed toavoid looking at her. Which was weird, considering that he was facing towardsher from the goal-posts.
The poor redhead’sblushes were visible from fifty feet in the air, a fact that was not lost onHarry.
‘Gee, what’s with him?’The raven-haired boy had asked, as he went to get a drink from the coolernearby where the cheerleaders were practicing. ‘I’ve never seen this flustered.’
Hermione didn’t trustherself enough to comment.
Hermione spending theentire time until the next match helping out with the cheer squad. At first itwas just because she felt obligated to contribute, but (after a few sessions)she begins to really enjoy it, losing some of her initial shyness.
Ron blushing furiouslywhenever he sees Hermione cheer-leading. Hermione being too flustered to bringit up in conversation. Harry rolling his eyes as he watches his two bestfriends being dorks around each-other.
Ron getting nervous asthe next match approaches, and his old insecurities begin to surface again.
Hermione gettingconcerned about him, and eventually suggesting that he come down with her tothe Quidditch pitch the night before the match.
Hermione “borrowing”Harry’s invisibility cloak to do so.
Ron and Hermioneblushing as their shoulders knock against each-other as they huddle under thecloak whilst walking through the castle.
Hermione (her cheeks alittle pink) demonstrating all the cheering she’ll be doing for him the next day.
Ron asking ‘don’t youmean “for the whole team”?’.
Hermione replying ‘No.I’m cheering for you, Ron. I…I alwayshave been.’
Both of them not beingable to pull their eyes away from each-other. Their faces are barely two feetapart, but neither of them moves away.
Ron opening his mouthto ask Hermione, but –at that moment- Filch’s voice is heard from nearby, andthe two teenagers hide under the cloak before beating a hasty retreat back toGryffindor Tower.
Ron and Hermioneawkwardly leaving for their own dormitories as soon as they get back, mutteringa ‘good night’ to each-other. Both turning to look back, but missing the othersgaze.
The Quidditch matchbegins with difficulty for Gryffindor. Hermione and the cheer squad decide topull out the big show of support; a pyramid. With Hermione (being the smallest)on the top.
Ron noticing Hermione’ssincere support as the Quaffle flies towards his goal-posts again.
Ron stops the Quaffle,leading to some big cheers from the red-clad supporters. Hermione shouts louderthan everyone-else.
Ron saves goal aftergoal, stopping the opposing team from advancing their lead, and giving Gryffindorrenewed confidence.
And- as Harry grabs thesnitch from under the nose of the opposing seeker, the stadium erupts inapplause and celebrations.
Amid the chaos,Hermione runs across the pitch towards the goals, as Ron swoops down, entangledin a group hug from his team-mates.
‘You did it, Ron!’Hermione exclaims, her eyes shining with pride. ‘I’m so proud of you!’
‘Well…’ Ron says, as heclimbs off his broom and stands in front of Hermione. ‘I guess I just neededsomeone cheering for me in my corner.’
Those beautiful blueeyes of his are glinting down at her, and his red hair is shining in thesunlight. His smile is turning Hermione’s stomach is a mess of butterflies.
Throwing away the lastof her self-control, Hermione throws her arms around Ron’s neck and kisses himfull on the mouth.
Ron kisses her back, respondingwith so much enthusiasm that he lifts her clean off her feet; one hand buriedin the mass of her bushy hair as he holds her to him.
‘Oy; you two!’ ExclaimsSophie, laughing good-naturedly.
‘Time and place, mate!’Harry laughs, the snitch still in his hand.
Ron and Hermione brokeapart, blushing furiously but grinning from ear-to-ear as the crowd erupts inwolf-whistles and giggling around them.
‘Well, it’s now or never, innit…’
Thanks for the request, anon! Hope you enjoyed them! So sorry it took this long to respond! 
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weirdohippiefreaky · 5 years
Life. Don’t talk to me about life
Right...So, I really am the worst employee ever. Anytime I get scheduled to come in early, I never remember and come in at the regular time. It happened last week and it happened again today. Man, I suck.  
So, friday I hung out with Brent, Sammy and his folks at my dad’s house. It was really great. But I ended up getting to the BCIU late and getting charged an additional 15 bucks.  oh well. 
Saturday was the Cub scout camp out. I got there a little late due to it being at Hawk mountain...the one run by the Boy Scouts, not the regular one. Who knew there was two?! I get there and I see Scott and Anna Schweigert. I felt a little awkward talking to them.  Not for any incidents in particular, but there was just a lot of awkward pauses and bullshit filler questions to break the silence that they couldn’t possibly give a shit about. I, of course, was thinking about how Anna unfriended me on facebook after I sent her a private message just asking how she was doing (grant it, I absolutely was asking to see if she and Scott were still married.  But, that was not at all made apparent by the message).  I have come to the conclusion that I will never not be socially awkward and shy. 
So, that night, the boys and I went to bed in our tent.  They both fell asleep right away. I, on the other hand, had a bad case of restless leg syndrome and it kept me up. I must have eventually fallen asleep, because the next thing I know Nathaniel is sitting up, projectile barfing everywhere. I had no idea what to do. It was all over him, his sleeping bag, the tent, our clothes, my sleeping bag, his pillow, my pillow. I had forgotten a flashlight and my phone was under 20%. I began to panic (along with thinking of the irony of being a boy scout retreat, while being totally unprepared...despite their motto of “be prepared”. ugh). I had to walk 15 minutes through the woods to get to my truck while both boys stayed in the tent. By the time I got back, there was another dad who was keeping them company, and he was nice enough to help me break the tent down and get it all into my truck, and we came back to the house around 2 am. Dawn was already there taking care of the dog. 
The following morning she didn’t have work until 2 pm, so she ended up hanging out with me. We talked a little about our dating lives...by which I mean she asked about mine and then told me about hers without me asking. She dated some guy casually who dumped her because he though she wanted a boyfriend and he didn’t want to commit.  Plus, he told her he was on the spectrum and was hard to get close too.  I was thinking “WTF? You claimed just that as one of the main reasons why you were miserable being married to me, yet you get into a relationship with another guy who straight up told you that was the case?!  Not self aware at all”. She also talked about how she sent me a pic in her Supergirl outfit via snapchat and how she knew I took a screen shot. (I had no idea they tell you if someone takes a screen shot of it) She just laughed and said she was flattered. I was puzzled when she sent it to me in the first place.  It’s a sexy outfit and I just assumed she was done trying to turn me on. Oh well.  
Rebecca came over last night after she got the boys.  We had some damn hot sex. She was also telling me about her ex husband trying to talk her into taking him back. I know our circumstances were totally different, but I feel kinda bad for the guy. He doesn’t get why she left him. he just wants his wife back so things can go back to normal. Where things make sense. He also was going from “I love you, we belong together” to “I hate you, you ruined everything” in less than Oy.
I have still been writing to women on Match. Man, in the last few days I have come across a few total hotties who live near by, who seem totally compatible with me (at least on paper). Loves bonfires, cartoons, The Grateful Dead, cannabis, politically progressive, has a dry sense of humor and also has young children so she will totally get that I also won’t have a lot of time.  Wants a laid back relationship but still wants to be exclusive...SCORE. I send her a message based on her profile (to show I read it) and wait.  And Wait.  and wait. Finally I see she read it and just didn’t respond.  I’m all “AW COME ON, MAN!!” Check to see if my profile wasn’t clearly stating that this is totally what I want too. Look, I totally get that this doesn’t mean they are obligated to respond. But, it’s within my rights to bitch about it on tumblr.  Maybe they think I’m a pale skinny goon or something. But come ON.  
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