#mateo mcclain
actuallysara · 1 year
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911 Lone Star characters as Barbie Posters
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911lsbts · 2 years
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911: Lone Star 4x09 "Road Kill" Stills
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tarlosislove · 2 years
We just had a four episode story arc for Carlos and next week we're getting storylines for other characters now, 4x05 specifically is about Marjan and Grace but because there's a possibility that Carlos might not be in it (Idk why he wouldn't be but we know nothing about him in ep.5) people aren't excited..
Remember we didn't think he'd be in 3x12 and then we got that promo of him passing out..
Can people please be excited for any characters that aren't Tarlos?? Like everyone complains about Owen getting more screentime than everyone else (I get it) but now we're getting Marjan/Grace/fiery explosion rescues and now people aren't excited because we don't know about Tarlos's involvement in it.
Watching an episode only if you know Tarlos is in it is not going to get us renewed and therefore no more Tarlos. Too many people in this fandom only care about other characters when Owen is on screen. Care about them every other time too please.
I mean look! There's a fire! In a firefighter show! With a Marjan storyline! Let's be excited!
(Might I add that Owen got 6 minutes of screentime in 4x04 and Tarlos got a combined 20 minutes.)
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tkstrandreyes · 2 years
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New promotional stills of 911: Lone Star Season 4.
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fangirling-paradise · 2 years
Keep These S4 Stills Coming!
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I love seeing Judd being a dad to little Charlie. She is going to be sooo spoiled by him! Already as a baby/toddler, she has him wrapped around her finger.
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I have two possible conversations between these two. Either Judd is giving marriage advice to TK, as the only one married. Or he's voicing concern or jokes about Owen's new motorcycle purchase.
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Looks like Grace has been summoned to her boss' office. Maybe Grace got a call that is connected to a major case, like the rumored terrorist storyline. Or maybe Grace wants to be involved.
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Marjan looks like she might be teasing Owen about buying the motorcycle. Like he's having a mid-life crisis because TK, his only child, is about to get married & he bought this motorcycle to capture his youth. Mateo just looks to be silently supporting his pseudo older sister.
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Tommy having coffee with Grace at the call center while she's on a break. Possibly talking about Tommy's newest love interest. So glad they are not continuing with Julian; that was just uncomfortable. Can't wait to meet this new person!
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Marjan & Paul look concerned. Paul looks more concerned while Marjan looks to be listening intently and processing what is being said. I know we don't have a lot to go off of with the blurry shoulder. But based on what I can presume the posture is, I think Paul & Marjan are talking to Tk. The posture seems to be leaning on the kitchen counter with the palm laying on the counter which makes the shoulder elevate. Basically, the posture looks like one I've seen TK do quite a bit.
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rafaelsilvasource · 2 years
As Owen wears an FBI wire for his meeting with O’Brien, The Honor Dogs crash the meet-up and let them know there's an infiltrator in their midst. A frantic TK desperately searches for a missing and held captive Carlos in the all-new “Abandoned” episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star airing Tuesday, Feb. 14 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (NLS-404) (TV-14 D, L, V)
Cast: Rob Lowe as Owen Strand; Gina Torres as Tommy Vega; Ronen Rubinstein as T.K. Strand; Sierra McClain as Grace Ryder; Jim Parrack as Judd Ryder; Natacha Karam as Marjan Marwani; Brian Michael Smith as Paul Strickland; Rafael Silva as Carlos Reyes; Julian Works as Mateo Chavez; Brianna Baker as Nancy Gillian
Guest Cast: Neal McDonough as Sgt. Ty O’Brien; Amanda Schull as Special Agent Rose Kacey
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marivelsblog1503 · 5 months
🚒 Parte I: Texas; El cambio. 🔥
Con: 895 palabras en total. Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente: Acompañen a los personajes, en estas nueva aventura. © Todos los derechos reservados.
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«— En la oscuridad de las llamas, encontramos la luz que nos guía a ser héroes en cada rescate.—»
«— En el calor de nuestra pasión, descubrimos que el amor no tiene fronteras ni diferencias, somos el fuego que une nuestras almas, trascendiendo fe y tradición. —» 
«— La mayoría de las personas tienen trabajos normales, pero otros, tienen trabajos los cuales pueden ser peligrosos, incluso hay el riesgo de no regresar nunca. —»
«— No todos los héroes son como los cómics o las películas de super héroes, los bomberos y los policías siempre arriesgan sus vidas cada día, para así salvar a las personas que se encuentra en el fuego cruzado. —»
«— En cada rescate, nuestros corazones latiendo al unísono nos recuerdan que el amor es eterno, sin importar las diferencias que nos separan en el mundo exterior. —»
«— Pero, es posible que te encuentres a la persona correcta, a través del trabajo y en la ciudad correcta, cupido y Texas lo cambia todo. —»
«—Entre el crepitar de las llamas y el eco de sus oraciones, encontramos un refugio sagrado donde nuestra fe se convierte en un lazo indestructible que une nuestras almas, en medio del caos y la adrenalina, sus miradas se encontraron y supieron que estaban destinadas a apagar juntas cualquier fuego que la vida les pusiera en el camino. —»
El fuego que combaten juntas en lo alto de los edificios no se compara con la pasión que arde entre ellas cuando están solas, compartiendo sus miedos, sueños y esperanzas, iluminando su camino en medio de la oscuridad. —»
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Casting de los personajes:
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|| Grace Phipps como Emma Strand. ||
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«— Muchas personas me han dado la espalda, compañeros en la academia por ser lesbiana o por ser mujer, no soy la típica damisela en apuros, no, ¿Cómo sé que puedo confiar en ti, sin que me rompas el corazón? —»
|| Natacha Karam como Marjan Marwani. ||
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«— ¿No te molesta que tenga una fe diferente a la tuya?, las personas pueden comenzar hablar, sobre todo las mujeres que están en mi Mezquita, no quiero que tu nombre sea manchado por mi. —»
|| Ronen Rubinstein como Tyler Kennedy “TK” Strand. ||
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«— No quiero que cometas los mismos errores que yo, y no quiero que te preocupes tanto por mi, quiero que seas feliz, has tu camino a partir de ahora. —»
|| Rob Lowe como Owen Strand. ||
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«— Antes de ser tu teniente, soy tu padre, no pienso abandonarlos a ti y a tu hermano de nuevo, estaré para ustedes en sus decisiones. —»
|| Brian Michael Smith como Paul Strickland. ||
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«— Tienen el mismo espíritu, pero ambas son tercas en admitir lo que sienten la una por la otra, soy su amigo, y mi consejo sería que deben aclarar las cosas. —»
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Casting de los demás personajes:
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|| Jim Parrack como Judson “Judd” Ryder. ||
|| Sierra McClain como Grace Ryder. ||
|| Rafael Silva como Carlos Reyes. ||
|| Julian Works como Mateo Chavez. ||
|| Brianna Baker como Nancy Gillian. ||
|| Lisa Edelstein como Gwyneth Morgan. ||
|| Liv Tyler como Michelle Blake. ||
|| Billy Burke como Billy Tyson. ||
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Playlist de esta primera parte:
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|| Maps de Marrom 5. ||
|| House of Memories de Panic at the Disco. ||
|| On Top of the World de Imagine Dragons. ||
|| Take on Me de a - ha. ||
|| Never Gonna Give you up de Rick Astley. ||
|| International Love de Pitbull ft. Chris Brown. ||
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Descripción completa de la historia:
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❝En el corazón de la estación de bomberos más famosa del condado de Texas, dos almas destinadas a cruzarse se encuentran en medio de la lucha contra las llamas y los peligros que acechan en cada esquina, Emma, una valiente bombera con cicatrices emocionales que la mantienen cautelosa en el amor, se ve atraída por la misteriosa y encantadora Marjam, cuya dualidad entre su identidad musulmana y su deseo por el amor verdadero la lleva por un camino de autodescubrimiento y desafíos.❞
❝Ambas mujeres, luchando con sus propias inseguridades y temores del pasado, se embarcan en un delicado romance que desafía las expectativas y los prejuicios a su alrededor.❞
❝Emma, cuyo corazón ha sido marcado por el dolor que su gemelo TK experimentó en el pasado, sabe que debe protegerse a sí misma y a su relación de posibles desgarros. Mientras tanto, su padre y jefe, en un intento de protegerla, se ve inmerso en un dilema entre su papel paternal y su deber profesional.❞
❝En el caso de Marjam se encuentra atrapada entre dos mundos: Por un lado, su comunidad musulmana que no acepta su relación con una mujer, por otro, el amor que siente por Emma, el cual ha luchado tanto por encontrar, por que ella misma se esfuerza por encontrar el equilibrio entre honrar sus raíces y seguir su corazón.❞
❝A medida que el peligro y la emoción de su trabajo como bomberas los une, el vínculo entre Emma y Marjam se intensifica, desafiando las barreras culturales, familiares y profesionales que amenazan con separarlas. En un torbellino de emociones y desafíos, las dos mujeres se embarcan en un viaje de autodescubrimiento, aceptación y amor, donde juntas deberán enfrentar todo lo que se interponga en su camino para alcanzar la felicidad que tanto anhelan.❞
Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente:
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If You Like Any of The Following Characters:
Bokuto Kotaro from Haikyuu!!
Lance McClain From Voltron: Legendary Defender
Sokka from Avatar : The Last Airbender
Bolin from The Legend of Korra
Shorter from Banana Fish
Kaito Momota from Danganronpa
Kel from Omori
Greg from Night in the Woods
Kaminari Denki from My Hero Academia
Kirishima Eijirou from My Hero Academia
Leonardo Hamato from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Dewey Duck from Ducktales 2017
Sun Wukong from RWBY
Soren from The Dragon Prince
Tamaki Suoh from Ouran Host Club
Indus Tarbella from Epithet Erased
Hau from Pokémon: Sun and Moon
Beast Boy from Teen Titans
VOTE FOR MATEO IN @smallartistocbracket
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Vote for a fellow goofy himbo in the making!
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
This reaction is for the season 4, fifth episode "Human Resources" which originally aired February 21, 2023. This episode was written by Molly Green and James Leffler and directed by Félix Enríquez Alcalá. Spoilers ahead!
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***LAST TIME ON 9-1-1: LONE STAR***Carlos finds held captive by a serial killer and his mother. TK and Gabriel join forces and investigate his sudden disappearance. Carlos almost dies after he is injected with a lethal dose of morphine. TK revives him and the serial killer and his mother are taken away by the cops. Meanwhile, Owen meets up with Sgt. O'Brien and he learns he is indeed one of the good guys. The two of them are kicked out of the Honor Dogs and the FBI no longer has use for either of them. We end the episode with a hooded figure, presumably Andy, building a bomb using the stolen ammonium nitrate. 
Now that we're all caught up, let's discuss episode five - HUMAN RESOURCES.
We begin the episode at a remote location where we see several department store mannequins positioned around a parked yellow school bus. Our hooded, bomb-building, wannabe terrorist from last episode uses a detonator to blow up the bus while Mozart's "Lacrimosa" plays ominously. A hiker (Nick Hope) happens upon the scene and is immediately shot dead.
Title card!
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We next head over to the 126 where we see Owen trying to convince a man named Mitch (Jamison Webb) to purchase his motorcycle. Mateo pipes up and tells Mitch that motorcycles are called donor cycles due to the high mortality rate of their owners. This dissuades Mitch from making the purchase and he walks away much to Owen's disappointment. Marjan asks him why he's selling the bike considering he's only had it for three weeks. Owen tells her that he's ready for a new challenge. Hopefully his next challenge doesn't involve a white supremacist group or terrorism.
Owen says he has another potential buyer stopping by and tells Mateo to keep his mouth shut. A young woman walks up and comments on his fine-looking machine. Owen tells her that she would look smoking hot on his bobber. The woman (Amanda Payton) introduces herself as Asha Fulton - the department advocate from the Professional Standards Division of the Austin Fire Department Internal Affairs. Also known as Human Resources. HR. Yikes! It's not a good look sexually harassing the person who is coming to investigate a recent complaint lodged against the 126, Owen! Asha tells Owen she wants to speak with him privately. 
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At the 9-1-1 dispatch, Grace receives a call from a little boy named Linus (Mason Bloomberg) who is struggling to get through his homework. In an absolutely adorable scene, Grace teaches him a mnemonic device to help him remember his multiplication tables. We get to hear Grace sing and I must say she has a lovely voice which is not entirely surprising since Sierra McClain comes from a family of singers. Linus thanks Grace for her help and the call comes to an end.
Meanwhile, Asha sits down with Captain Strand and asks him about the culture at the 126. Owen tells her that he maintains a professional, diverse, and inclusive environment and challenges her to take a look forself. Asha then brings up the 126's reputation for having a 'cowboy culture'. Owen thinks she's referring to Pearce Risher (Andy Favreau) - former paramedic at the 126. What follows is a hilarious montage featuring each of the 126 firefighters and paramedics being questioned by Asha. The scene is very reminiscent of the police interrogation scene in the 9-1-1 episode "Ocean's 9-1-1". Tommy refers to Pearce as a "disgruntled prima donna whose departure was mutual". Owen calls Pearce a 'coward' and Judd refers to him as a 'jerk'. Asha asks if name-calling is part of the culture at the 126 and Nancy asks if she's referring to 'lard-ass' which is a reference to the episode "Impulse Control" (season 3, episode 14) where a character named Al (Larry Joe Campbell) got stuck in a drive-thru window and the 126 used pig fat (lard) to pull him out. 
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During the line of questioning, Asha asks Paul if they know each other and Paul says he doesn't believe so. Asha asks Owen if there are any other instances where an insult or slur was directed at someone in the field. Mateo mentions a call where Owen called someone a "woman-beater cuck". This is a reference to the episode "Spring Cleaning" (season 3, episode 17) where a woman and her kids were accosted by her abusive ex-husband. There's a pretty funny moment where Nancy attempts to explain what a cuck is and then Tommy comes behind her and says that Owen only called the man that because he was trying to goad him into punching him so the cops would have an excuse to arrest him. Poor Asha! She must be so overwhelmed by hearing all of this information! TK then says that Owen would never do anything that stupid again. 
When Asha asks if there is anything else she should know about, Marjan talks about how Owen has rebuilt the 126 twice and how he brings out the best in all of his firefighters and therefore if he has done something wrong, his intentions were good. Asha then drops the bomb that the inquiry is not about Captain Strand - it's about Marjan. Marjan, like myself, is confused as to why a complaint was filed against her. We are then reminded of the events of this season's second episode "The New Hot Mess" where in the opening scene, the 126 responds to an emergency involving a woman's mobile home being hijacked by her ex-husband. Marjan recounts the steps she took to rescue the woman. She talks about how she repelled out of a helicopter, crashed through the woman's ceiling and pulled her out. Asha reminds Marjan that while attempting to get the woman out of the trailer, she called her a "crazy lady. Asha asks Marjan why she felt the need to use language like that and Marjan says that she was trying to get her to move along so she could get her out of the trailer. Asha says the woman felt unsafe during the rescue. Marjan scoffs at this information and Asha reminds her that the term 'crazy' is a slur and that as a first responder she should be invested in the emotional well-being of the public just as much as the physical well-being. Asha tells Marjan that jeopardizing emotional and/or physical well-being is a serious offense. Marjan asks if she's in trouble but we don't get an answer right away. 
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Back at the 9-1-1 dispatch, Grace gets another call from Linus who is attempting to make macaroni and cheese but burns it. He is worried about getting in trouble because the casserole dish he is cooking in belonged to his great-grandmother. Grace asks if anything is on fire and Linus tells her that everything's okay aside from the burnt macaroni and cheese. Grace is relieved and tells him that he shouldn't be cooking by himself. Grace asks Linus if he has school today and he tells her that his mom stayed home because she has another headache. Linus's mother, Janet (Hayley Chase) comes into the kitchen and chastises him for calling 9-1-1 for a non-emergency. While speaking to him, her words are noticeably slurred and Grace picks up on this. Janet takes the phone from her son and apologizes to Grace on his behalf. Grace assures her that everything is okay. At the end of the call, Grace seems bothered by the interaction.
We head back over to the 126 and see the crew debrief after Asha's questioning. They all hope that Owen is not in trouble but Marjan tells them that she's the one who is in trouble. Marjan tells them about her calling the woman they rescued 'crazy' and the funniest part of this scene is that Nancy responds by saying 'that's crazy'. Judd asks Marjan what her punishment is. Marjan tells him that she won't know anything until the Internal Resources board has had a chance to review all of the facts. She tells them all that her punishment could be a slap on the wrist or something worse. Marjan starts to spiral a bit by saying that she had no right to call the woman 'crazy' since she is not a mental health expert. She's justifiably upset because she's worried that everything she worked for is about to be flushed down the toilet. Owen hears her going off and tells her he wants to have a word with her. 
Owen tells Marjan she needs to be very careful about what she says because he doesn't want her to end up in even more trouble. It's weird hearing Owen say this considering most of the controversy surrounding the 126 is a result of something he has said or done. Owen tells her that he's been where she's been and has ended up in the crosshairs of HR before. Marjan points out that she called someone a mean name and Owen punched out the deputy fire chief - Billy (Billy Burke). Right on, Marjan! Owen tells Marjan there is good news and that good news is that they want to meet with her and him at headquarters to discuss the matter. Marjan wants to know how this is good news and Owen tells at least this means they're not going to drag the process out. Owen tells her that he has her back. When the alarm goes off, Owen tells Marjan to stay put at the firehouse. Marjan is angered by this but Owen tells her that he doesn't want anyone in the field whose head isn't completely in the game - which is understandable. I see where Owen is coming from but I also see Marjan's side as well. Before he hops on the firetruck, Owen tells her to be in her dress uniform at five o'clock. As the truck leaves, we see the guy from the beginning of the episode standing outside of the firehouse. 
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After the commercial break, the guy heads into the firehouse and asks Marjan if Captain Strand is around. She tells him that Owen is on a call and asks if there's anything she can help him with. He asks if she's Firefox and he tells her he's a big fan. He tells her that he started following her on Instagram shortly after the attack on the capital the previous year. He asks if the 126 was there and she says yes. He then comments that the 126 always seem to be involved in the big emergencies. He then tells her he's a veteran of the Army and that he wants to submit an application to the 126. Marjan tells him they don't have applications but she can get him an interest card. While she leaves to go get it, the guy takes one of the radios. Marjan hands him the information and he thanks her before leaving. 
Back at the 9-1-1 dispatch, Grace goes to talk to her boss, Sara Ortiz (Michelle C. Bonilla). Grace tells her that Linus McKinley called back again. She tells Sara that Linus was not at school and that his mother was asleep in the other room while he was attempting to cook macaroni and cheese. Sara asks Grace what she's thinking. Grace plays the 9-1-1 call and points out that Linus's mother was slurring her words. Grace then tells Sara that she pulled Janet's file and saw that she had a DWI six years ago. Sara asks Grace what she thinks they should do. Grace suggests doing a wellness check but Sara points out that doing so could result in child services being called in which could then lead to a myriad of other trouble for Linus and his mother. 
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Marjan and Owen meet with Asha, Lila Geralds (Ashley Rae Spillers), and Lila's ex-husband, Mitch (Jamison Webb). Lila announces that she and Mitch have decided to reconcile and they are not interested in destroying Marjan's life. Owen is here to ask the important questions. He asks how Mitch is not in jail considering he kidnapped Lila and put the 126 and the general public in danger when he decided to drive their mobile home down a highway. Mitch says that he was given a fine. Marjan takes a moment to provide a heartfelt apology to the Geralds however they want her to make a public apology via her Instagram while also tagging their GoFundMe. Owen objects to this but Marjan tells them that she has zero issue with posting the apology on her Instagram. However, she does take issue with asking her followers (her 5 million followers) for money. The Geralds tell her that's okay but if she refuses to follow through with their demands, they have no problem continuing the legal process. I hate them!!!
Marjan looks at the video the Geralds have made for their GoFundMe and tells Paul, Mateo, and Nancy she feels conflicted. Paul and Mateo think she should just make the video and tag the GoFundMe but Nancy thinks she should take a stand. Paul and Mateo point out that Marjan was the one who drove to Owen during the snowpocalypse last year to shame him into signing the apology letter and how her situation is the same. Marjan points out that it's not the same because she's actually apologetic whereas Owen wasn't. Paul reminds her that the 126 needs her but Marjan tells him that her followers need her even more. She tells him that so many of her followers are young and they look up to her and they respect her for being exactly who she is. She's worried about compromising her integrity.
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We head over to the Ryders' residence and see Grace, Judd, and Baby Charlie who is just so adorable. While Judd relays the story of how Marjan got in trouble, Grace seems distracted. Judd gets her to open up about what's bugging her. She tells him about the two calls she received from Linus and how his mother was slurring her words on the call. Grace wants to check in on him but is worried about child services getting involved. Like Marjan, Grace is trying to figure out if she should follow her intuition or follow protocol. Judd being the good husband he is, suggests that she follow her intuition. He tells her to go check on the son and if everything's okay, then it's no harm, no foul. 
Grace drives over to the McKinleys' house with Judd and Baby Charlie in tow and Linus answers the door. They hear Janet collapse in the other room and Grace goes to check on her. She finds Linus' mom unconscious on the floor so she calls the 9-1-1 and then calls Tommy. Tommy asks her to check to see if Janet's pupils are responsive. Grace turns on the flashlight on her phone and checks to see if Janet's pupils react to the light. The right eye is responsive but the left one is not, which is a sign of a stroke. Judd takes Janet to the car and the five of them, including Linus, drive to the nearest hospital. I have to say, it was interesting seeing Grace, who is usually cool as a cucumber during an emergency, panic. She even snaps at Tommy which is very out of character for our favorite Lone Star dispatcher.  
At the hospital, we find out that Janet is going to be okay. They were able to remove a blood clot and restore blood flow before any permanent damage was done. The doctor tells Grace that she and Judd were able to get Janet there in the nick of time. If they had showed up 20 minutes later, it would have been a completely different story. Grace is relieved and she apologizes to Tommy for losing her cool. Tommy is such a good friend in this scene. She doesn't hold it against Grace because Grace is human and she was in a situation she typically would never be in. 
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We next see the creepy guy from earlier being given a tour of a renovated apartment. The building's owner (Aaron Coleman) asks him if he's married. The guy responds by saying he is married and has a son who is 6 years old. Putting two and two together, this has to be Sgt. O'Brien's nephew, Andy, who went missing after he joined up with the Honor Dogs. Andy (Brennan Keel Cook) tells the owner he's not interested in purchasing the space after all but he does manage to open one of the windows before he leaves. The 126 respond to a fire at the same apartment building where we last saw Andy. Marjan and Paul enter the building via the top floor and they find a man who is refusing to exit the building. His actions are very similar to Lila Gerald's which makes Marjan second-guess herself and her actions. Paul ends up knocking the guy out so they can carry out of the building. Hopefully he doesn't end up in HR! By the way, it should be noted that while the 126 was responding to the fire at the apartment building, Andy was watching the whole thing unfold from the safety of his car. 
Speaking of Paul, he goes to see Asha to talk to her about Marjan. He tells her that Marjan is his best friend and that he is there to file a complaint. He tells her that what the department is demanding of Marjan is not an apology. It's extortion. He tells Asha that the Geralds are simply trying to make money off of Marjan's name. He says that Marjan is one of the best firefighters he has ever known. He begs her to do the right thing. Asha tells him that she's going to leave her tablet "unattended" while she leaves the room. Paul reads the confidential email Asha drafted in defense of Marjan. Asha tells him that five minutes after she hit send, the AFD called her to tell her they are not interested in a lawsuit from Lila and Mitch Gerald. So, either Marjan gives in to the Geralds' demands or else she will have to face dire consequences. Paul thanks Asha for going to bat for his dear friend. 
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Asha finally remembers where she knows Paul from. They were in the same sixth grade class. Back then, Paul knew her by her first name - Jasmine. When she moved to Texas she started going by her middle name, Asha. She said she had an identity thing which Paul says he can relate to. He asks her how she remembered him and she tells him she never forgets a smile. Asha tells him that he hasn't changed a bit and my, oh my can I feel the chemistry forming between these two! Hopefully we get to see Asha in the near future because my boy Paul needs some lovin'!
Marjan films her apology video for Instagram but rather than tag the Geralds' GoFundMe page, she calls them greedy opportunists. She goes on to say that she cannot work for a place that forces her to compromise her integrity. Her final statement in the video is that she is resigning from the Austin Fire Department. Marjan shows the video to Owen and he tells her that she shouldn't post it. She tells him it's too late. Owen tells her that he's mad at her but more than anything he's so proud of her.
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In the final scene of the episode, we see that Marjan has purchased Owen's bike. He hands over the keys and we watch as the rest of the 126 says goodbye. Paul looks especially saddened to see her leave. Marjan tells TK that no matter what, she will be back for his and Carlos' wedding. Seeing Marjan hug Nancy was especially touching because it made me realize just how close these have gotten over the last few seasons. Paul tells Marjan that he loves her and she tells him that she loves him, too. Marjan puts on her helmet, gets on the bike, and drives off into the proverbial sunset. 
This episode was a nice palate cleanser to all of the terrorism, kidnapping, and serial killer drama we got in the first four episodes. As much as I love Owen and TK and Carlos, it was nice to see them take a step back so we can focus on Marjan and Grace. I love the message of this episode. Sometimes in life we have to go with our gut, even if it means putting our reputation and livelihood on the line. Even though Marjan had to quit the fire department to follow her intuition, it was nice to see her family support her decision. 
I don't know how long Marjan will be gone but I suspect she'll be back sooner rather than later. I hope they don't try to replace her like they did Chimney on the OG series. It would be nice if we got to see the others learn how to cope in her absence. Something tells me that Marjan will come back just in time for the culmination of the plot involving Andy and all of the ammonium nitrate he stole. Hopefully Marjan doesn't blame herself when she realizes that she invited him into the firehouse. I'm so anxious to see what happens next. The first third of the season has been wonderful. I hope the next two thirds will be just as great! Until next time ...
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actuallysara · 2 years
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Season 1 → Season 4
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ghostiedoesherbest · 6 years
Space Husbands
This is what I will be doing for February. Posting fluffy and/or smutty fics. If you were expecting anything better then obviously you haven't seen my main blog.
It had been a long yet fulfilling day for Mateo. He had been working nonstop since the end of the war. He couldn't even enjoy his own wedding because there was so much work to be done. He hadn't even seen his husband outside of the bedroom and there hadn't been much talking when they were both bone tired. Mateo had taken it upon himself to rework the education system to lighten Lotor's load.
At first he was met with resistance since they had such a harsh system for over 10,000 years. It was like pulling teeth to get some of them to admit that while the current framework was effective, it wasn't great for the mental state of some of the softer students. They didn't have as much need for such a militaristic lifestyle anymore and that was a tough adjustment to make.
Lotor had the harder job because he had to oversee everything. He loved being able to live on the home of his forefathers but right now he wanted to resurrect his parents and strangle them for royally fucking everyone over. The fight to end the slave trade was beginning to make him want to murder his advisors. They were slimy nobles that thought they could manipulate Lotor because he was "softer" than his father. They had the audacity to start pressuring Lotor to birth an heir when neither he nor Mateo were ready for children.
Mateo had been shocked to learn that the Galra had the technology to allow same sex couples to have biological children. However he was content just to have his scaly baby, Toby, not feeling like his life was stable enough for a child that needed constant care. Lotor had respected his decision, understanding that Mateo wanted to have time to give their child the love that they would need. And they would be loved, make no mistake.
Mateo had finally gotten around to teaching his first class of students and they were all starry eyed to see the Emperor's husband teaching their class. They adored the white patches all over his fur, one child even gifted him with flowers that now rested proudly on his desk. According to Lotor, the way vitiligo affected his pigmentation made him beautiful and exotic to the Galra, since most of them came in varying shades of purple and blue. To Lotor, Mateo appeared to have had his body worshipped by star light. This obviously flattered Mateo who had always had his skin condition treated as such a negative thing. No one had been able to find the beauty in it aside from his mother, rest her soul.
Now, all Mateo wanted to do was to lie face down in his big fancy bed and sleep for the entire weekend. That was the plan until he woke the pleasurable sensation of a tongue on his back. At first, he thought it was part of a nice dream until he felt familiar run over his chest as that rough tongue traced his spine. He shuddered violently at the feeling, biting his lip to hold in the moan building in his throat. His chest vibrated with contented purrs and another set of purrs joined his.
"You could have at least woken me up," he sighed as the hands on his chest moved lower to massage his stomach.
Lotor let out a throaty chuckle, "But you looked so peaceful. I could not bring myself to interrupt your pleasant dreams."
"Then what do you call this?" Mateo asked as he covered Lotor's hands with his own, bringing one up to kiss the palm the way he knew his husband loved.
The Emperor let out a ragged breath, "Spoiling you as I promised." There was a sharp intake of air Mateo ran his tongue along Lotor's hand, all the way to his middled finger that he took into his mouth with a mischievous smirk. The other hand had moved to his hip, pulling it back until it rested against Lotor's. Mateo played into this and rolled his hips backwards, causing a deep growl to cut through Lotor's purring.
Lotor leaned down to lick and nip at the back of Mateo's neck, earning a sharp gasp, the feel of those fangs lightly scraping against his skin sending heat south. "Oh, how I have missed you," he sighed, kissing Mateo's cheek as he helped him remove his now wrinkled shirt.
Before he could return to that sinfully tempting back, Mateo grabbed Lotor by the neck and dragged him down into a deep kiss, tongues battling for dominance until Mateo finally won as Lotor whimpered in pleasure. When they pulled away, Lotor was breathing heavily, frustrated that his kisses always left him flustered. Mateo smirked amusement before returning to his previous position and wiggled his rear tauntingly.
Lotor growled playfully and yanked Mateo's pants down to his knees, eyes gleaming woth unspoken promises as he took in his spouse's quivering form. Lotor trailed his tongue down from Mateo's neck to the cleft of his ass, stopping to nip in places that made his back arch in pleasure. Mateo balled the sheets in tight fists as he felt large hands spread him open and warm breaths fan over his entrance.
"Lotor!" He gasped.
"Shh, Starlight. Let me taste you," Lotor purred before flicking the tip of his tongue against Mateo' entrance. The half human hybrid moaned and shifted his hips to get closer, inviting his spouse to indulge in what he desired. Who was Lotor to disobey? He pressed his tongue flat against his entranced and teasingly dipped his tongue im for mere moments before taking it out. He reached around and gentlu traced his nails along Mateo's member causing the young man to arch his back in pleasure.
"Keep teasing and I'll get the vibrator," Mateo growled, pressing his forehead against the cool satin pillows.
"Do not tempt me Starlight," Lotor retorted with his own growl, growing impatient as well. Lotor leaned over Mateo's back and retrieved a container of lubricant jelly from his nightstand drawer. Mateo had gained a certain affinity for the squishy cubes in their escapades.
Lotor took one out of the container and squeezed it firmly between his fingers before gently pressing against Mateo's entrance. It quivered as Lotor dutifully worked to get the cube to rest within his spouse, rubbing his stomach when it finally slipped inside.
The lubrication cubes were a neat little invention of Lotor's own creation. They were to go inside the body cool before expanding to fill the passage as it was exposed to the body's heat before melting, leaving Mateo well prepared for Lotor in mere minutes. Of course, it was a very stimulating experience for Mateo and arousing for Lotor to watch his partner squirm from the sensation of something that he'd made specifically for their pleasure. It did all of the work for him and yet he felt like he accomplished this feat himself because in a way he had.
By the time the cube melted, Mateo was a panting mess, almost sobbing for his release. Lotor was all to willing to give it to him as he shed his own clothes in annoyance of their presence. He pressed against Mateo, hissing at the the sensation of their skin finally making contact before guiding himself into the twitching entrance. No matter how many times they joined, it always felt like the first time to Lotor.
Correction, their first time had been full of fumbling fingers and heated kisses but it felt like Lotor had wanted their first time to go. Lotor didn't even get the tio in before Mateo began to tighten around him. He had to put his hands behind his back and squeeze his arms to ground himself. That effort was for nought as Mateo rolled his hips and seated himself fully on Lotor's dick.
"Oh Lotor!" He moaned, arching his back and curling his toes. He yelped when a large hand connected with his ass with an echoing clap. Lotor was breathing heavily to maintain some semblance of control. "That was a dirty move, Starlight."
"What are you gonna do about it Emperor?" Mateo taunted as he wiggled his hips the way Lotor liked, earning a deep growl from his husband.
Lotor responded worh a harsh thrust, setting a brutal pace that caught Mateo completely off guard. Lotor had never been one to go fast and hard, preferring to savor the intimacy of the act rather rush his release but there was no way Mateo was going to complain. Lotoe was bent over his back like, snapping his hips with increased fervour. Mateo could feel homself getting close and he welcomed the release.
Only for him to whine when Lotor slowed to almost a snail's pace with softer thrusts. Lotor raked his tongue over his ear before whispering, "You cum when I feel you have repented." Woth that he sped up again and Mateo welcomed the change of pace, feeling himself nearing the edge once again before Lptor slowed. They continued this way, trying to see who could outlast the other.
It was a tough battle and neither was willing to give in. It wasn't until Lotor's knot began to swell, catching on Mateo's entrance did one of then finally break, "I'm sorry! Forgive me my Emperor!"
Lotor gave a rough chuckle, "Excellent." Mateo thanked him over and over as he sped up once more, allowing Mateo to finish with a loud cry while he continued to pound him into the mattress to meet his own completion as his knot swelled.
Lotor held Mateo to his chest, never slipping out of him as he rolled to allow Mateo to lay on his chest. They were both breathing as though they'd run a marathon and they enjoyed the feeling of each other twitching every now and again in post-coital bliss. Mateo sighed in contentment, "We haven't had this much fun since our wedding night."
Lotor ran his nose along the scar on Mateo's neck in remembrance of that night. "Indeed, I look forward to surpassing that night."
Mateo furrowed his brows at Lotor, "Lotor I have to talk to your advisors tomorrow.
"Not anymore. It appears that you have become ill and need my tender care, so we will not be able to make an appearance," Lotor fave him a mischievous grin as they settled down for the night. "Rest, my Starlight. You must think of your health afterall."
Mateo chuckled at his husband's absurdity but obeyed nonetheless, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
Tag List: @starfaring-princelotor @motheroflittlelions @fandomsoffeelings@done-with-your-shit-shirogane @kirahhhh @legendofcarl @lotor-for-emperor@marvelheaux @yanderemommabean @lotorrential @planet-jumping-warrior
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tarlosislove · 2 years
4x09 'Road Kill' stills.
Marjan baby is that you?
We do not currently have a synopsis.
(Source: NerdsAndBeyond)
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tkstrandreyes · 2 years
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New 911: Lone Star Season 4 Promotional Stills.
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rafaelsilvasource · 1 year
Owen is conflicted when his brother Robert (guest star Chad Lowe) asks him for help; Judd and Grace face a family crisis; As T.K. and Carlos prepare for their wedding day tragedy strikes in the all-new "Best of Men" / "In Sickness and In Health" 4th season finale episodes of 9-1-1: Lone Star airing Tuesday, May 16 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (NLS-417/418) (TV-14 L, V)
Cast: Rob Lowe as Owen Strand; Gina Torres as Tommy Vega; Ronen Rubinstein as T.K. Strand; Sierra McClain as Grace Ryder; Jim Parrack as Judd Ryder; Natacha Karam as Marjan Marwani; Brian Michael Smith as Paul Strickland; Rafael Silva as Carlos Reyes; Julian Works as Mateo Chavez; Brianna Baker as Nancy Gillian; Skyler Yates as Evie Vega; Kelsey Yates as Izzy Vega
Guest Cast: Chad Lowe as Robert Strand; Jackson Pace as Wyatt
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h50europe · 2 years
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Happy #SilvaSunday via @sjmainmunoz IG
Better late than never. If you haven’t seen it yet, I hope you will check out 9-1-1: Lone Star episode 315 “Down To Clown.” More 💋👀🤗
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detectivereyes · 4 years
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First look at the cast of 911 Lone Star season 2 in Fox’s Winter Preview
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