#mathias says things
beesandboswells · 2 years
Hey everyone my family could really use the help. Benji was my sister’s service dog. He is now my mom’s service dog that is helping her cope after we lost my sister Hope suddenly this spring. She was a 21 year old trans girl. Any little bit would help. Please help us afford his life saving surgery. Any little bit helps. please share.
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castlephantom · 5 months
Lament of Innocence things that I question myself (if I'm not alone 👀):
"They trusted each other completely, and they were bound by an old friendship."
The age gap between Leon and Mathias is literally 10 years. But that allows me to have some headcanon that Leon and Mathias knew each other because possibly their fathers were also knights or their mother had known each other.
"Rinaldo: The only person who truly understands it is Mathias.
Leon: If you are an acquaintance of Mathias, you are trustworthy."
Like how long Rinaldo and Mathias knew each other. Some think that they met few years ago but then is this line:
"Rinaldo: His family has a book of secret arts, originally handed down orally."
Which this gives me a theory that Mathias met Rinaldo when he was young. I can't exclude the possibility that Rinaldo also knew Mathias' father. I want to imagine that Mathias' father searched an alchimist and somehow he met Rinaldo.
"Succubus: Th-That old man... his own daughter..."
This really interesting aspect that Rinaldo's daughter, Justine, served her at one point if we take the comic, but I want to think that Justine was a teenager when she was turned by Walter and then was given to serve the Succubus. But then the alchimist says:
"Rinaldo: ... And at the center of it were the bodies of my wife and son... I could not believe my eyes... My daughter was there, laughing, blood dripping from her mouth..."
Justine was probabily outside before she became a vampire. After she was turned, she killed her mother and brother (and I think that she was the second born while her brother was the first born) and Rinaldo was in shock state.
The reason why Rinaldo didn't tell to Leon in the first place is because was uncomfortable topic after someone when really in hell and when he killed his daughter, Rinaldo cried about his family after he lost against Walter and stayed in the cabin, but want a revange for Walter had done to him.
"Rinaldo: Making the Philosopher's Stone is the ultimate goal of alchemy... It provides eternal youth. The two other stones were apparently created accidentally. No details of how they were made remain now."
So the Ebony and Crimson stones were creared accidentally? But if we look to create the Philosopher's Stone where were needed four stages:
nigredo, the blackening or melanosis
albedo, the whitening or leucosis
citrinitas, the yellowing or xanthosis
rubedo, the reddening, purpling, or iosis
This give a me a theory that the where other 2 stones besides the Ebony Stone (the weakest) and Crimson Stone (the strongest).
"Leon: I abandoned everything in order to save Sara! I could... I could never do such a thing."
At this point Leon was really in the most desperate to save Sara only to find out that Walter vampirized her. Leon didn't want to sacrifice her, but Sara felt that she would become a monster. Saddly, Leon made the choise that would bring the existence of the most iconic warpon: Vampire Killer.
"Walter: I see... It seems you have enjoyed the gift that I gave you.
Leon: Yes, thanks to that, I now have the power to defeat you."
Literally Leon was trying to say: Thanks for turning my girlfriend intro a vampire and now I have the power to kill you. (I didn't want to make joke about this, but this was probabily in Leon's mind)
"Mathias: That was my goal. It was my revenge against God!"
One thing that Mathias did this was because Elisabetha died and he was jealous of Leon that Sara was alive. But as I mention in the my post of cause of Elisabetha's illness, which I believe that was the real reason why she died.
"Leon: Is this what the woman you loved would have wanted? The Mathias I know would not have loved such a woman."
At first I thinked that "your wife didn't want you to become like this" but then something was in my mind that "do you ever thinked that your wife would be happy". Seriously Mathias. How selfish you could be? He uses Elisabetha as a pretext at this point for his goals.
"Mathias: Elisabetha was a kind, honorable woman. She was concerned only for me to the very end... That is why I hate Him! Am I wrong?!"
Are you sure, Mathias. I really think that Elisabetha is probabily felling sad at her husband's actions. Imagine if Mathias' parents watch at their son from afterlive and and be like: "... seriously son?! We didn't raises you like that!?". Also would be an argument between Leon's and Mathias' parents.
But imagine that after the events and Leon suddenly tells to Rinaldo about what happend:
Leon: Mathias is a vampire.
Rinaldo: Unfortunatly, he would become like Walter.
But after that tragedy, Leon married a woman that started the liniage so their descedents will hunt Mathias.
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knight-commander · 8 months
Mathias would ask his love interest if they’d still love him if he was a worm
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shxwmaster · 1 year
Pathonia Shaw's death was one of the best things to happen to Mathias.
That's not an easy thing for him to say, however.
( cw: parental death, emotional abuse )
Mathias is keenly aware of the damage Pathonia did to him. He was four years old when his mother died on the field and Pathonia took him in, vowing to raise him up to be a better assassin than Charlene was; training started early. As a kid, it took the guise of high enrichment obstacle courses, training his dexterity and teaching him to run, climb, etc., eventually those courses becoming more complex, timed, and bigger until he outgrew them completely. He was made a Fourth Finger Assassin at age 10, and with Pathonia having a heavy hand in his upbringing and life decisions, ended up with more experience in the field than the average agent and assassin.
For nearly 40 years, Pathonia held an iron grip on his life. She controlled everything about him. His diet, his activities, his hobbies, the people he socialized with, everything she could get her hands on. Mathias in his teen years made an effort to run away, only to be brought right back to witness the loss of the First War. She spent every second meticulously breaking him down, taking apart all of his ideals, thoughts and feelings and bending them to the shape of the perfect assassin. He was lucky that, when together with Edwin and raising Vanessa, that she couldn't sink her talons into them.
( though, she would, however, later twist his failings with his family, weaponizing it against him and making him believe he was responsible for everything that followed the VanCleefs, neglecting his emotional breakdowns and refocusing him to work and work only )
By age 30, she promoted him to Spymaster in what was essentially a coronation. The King of Secrets, the Blade of Stormwind, this was passed to him. Now, he had some control, he didn't have to answer to her for missions, and hundreds of the eyes of their kingdom now looked to him for leadership and guidance. Twenty-six years he had been trained to lead them. By now, he has fully bought the vision that Pathonia sold him: This is his destiny, this is what he was bred for, this is what it was all for.
( But really, it wasn't just the pact Pathonia made in her youth that signed him to this life. It was his mother, her sacrifice, her failure, her legacy that he’s here, that he’s become who he is. Everything he did was to avenge her, and everything he’s become is in honor of what she never had the chance to become. His only regret was he had nothing to offer to continue the cycle. )
Well, that regret doesn't last long, though.
As time went on, and Mathias got older, he slowly started to become more aware of where he'd ended up in life, and how much he'd let Pathonia dictate his life. When she started getting progressively ill, and showed no sign of getting better, he began reflecting on their lives, and everything he knew about her. All his life, she'd been this beacon of strength and perseverance, an unstoppable force, clever and cunning, always quick on her feet and agile despite her age. She had built the Assassin's Guild and the SI:7 from the ground up, she had created a masterpiece and welcomed Mathias into that life. Then, she couldn't stand on her own without help. Her hands and joints hurt, she got slower and slower, she started needing assistance with things she would have never asked for before. Watching her start to age and decay like that... it wasn't easy.
Once she finally passed ( not before finally parting her full, honest life story to him on her deathbed ), Mathias felt... hollow. At the end of the day, she was the only family he knew. He never knew his father, she never revealed who his grandfather was, and his mother had died before he could really formulate solid memories. He mourned her, because of course he did — she raised him, she protected him, she gave him shelter, she rescued him any time he was in danger, and she did, in her own twisted way, love him dearly. After all, all the effort she went through to rigorously train him was out of fear of losing him like she lost her own daughter; they were each other's only family. It was them against the world.
But she was a monster, one the Alliance is lucky to have had on their side, just tamed enough to be on the "right" side. He loved her, but he hated her. Everything she put him through, everything she made him do, everything she stripped from him — it took him YEARS to even BEGIN undoing the damage Pathonia did to him. There are years he can never get back, an entire lifetime he can never get back. His life is stuck here now, he can never undo it all. The training will always be with him, his hands forever stained in blood, and there is no room for him to be anything else but Spymaster Shaw.
And he hates, oh, he hates that he NEVER got to tell her to her face that he hated her. Oh, he never had the guts to really stand up to her. How can you blame him? She was everything, she inserted herself into his daily life, she was a constant in his life, always there, always at the ready, invited or uninvited. She kept him alive. She ruined his life. She taught him how to survive. He wouldn't have to fight if it weren't for her. She showed him the ways of an assassin. He never wanted to be one. She made him one of the most deadliest rogues on Azeroth. He will never live a normal life.
Every day, he wishes he would have just gotten the guts to scream at her, to tell her how much he resented her, to lay out everything she had done to him in front of her and force her to face it, to say something, to just fucking say something, but he never got to. He will never have that closure.
As every day passes and he learns more of her post-mortem, that wish gets stronger. On particularly terrible days, if he's wallowed in enough self-pity to drink, he's at her memorial, or he's talking to her ashes, cursing her, cursing her, saying everything he wish he could have, knowing it will never reach her, knowing that it's too late to say any of it.
( When he learned that the VanCleefs had survived and had joined the Horde, oh, he screamed at her grave. He had mourned them, he thought he had lost everything, lost his family, he thought they had died, and that it was his fault. He could've done more, he should have done more. He bore the weight of that for years; it was painful enough to separate from his life partner, but to believe that he and the SI:7 had killed them, when truthfully, they were out there, and he could have been looking for them? That Pathonia lied to him that they were dead? Oh, how he shouted at her remains, screamed his throat raw and wept. At least they lived, at least they lived, but she had spent so, so much time meticulously ensuring that Edwin and Mathias could not live a peaceful life together, it was just another tally in the hundreds of ways she ruined his life. Since that day, her ashes had been tossed somewhere in the Canals, and he has yet to feel any remorse for it. )
He does miss her sometimes. He did love her. But her death set him free, and he's only now learning how to escape the cage and take flight; these wings have been cramped for so long, talons sore from the shackles that had been there for so long. Now, he's taking steps to live. Some more vacation here and there, allowing himself to partake in frivolities, he's changed his appearance to what he likes, he makes a little more time for himself — basic, basic things he never had before. Pathonia will never have an heir, and he is glad for it. Though the SI:7 will eventually need a new leader to succeed him when he passes, he is happy to know that he will break the cycle; there will be no more Shaws after this to take up the mantle, he will not force another to live the life he did. He will never make her mistakes. He will never be her.
He hates her. Even in the grave, she still hurts him. He is sometimes open about his resentment about her, sometimes even referring to her as 'the wicked witch', but he will always owe his life to her. He has her to thank for everything, as well as her to hate for everything.
He won't ever truly be free. It's too late for that now. But at least, with her long gone, he can at least try.
He can finally try.
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lupuslikethewolf · 2 years
Midlife crisis Warren
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i love it tbh this is exactly what he would look like!!! you got the grumpiness on point, especially the fucking side-eye
this hair and outfit >>>
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theowritesstuff · 2 years
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Kaz Brekker x gn!healer!reader
Requests: “Don’t make me say it. I can’t say the words.” & “You are everything. Everything.” Although I did change it to “You are everything to me. Everything.”
Warnings: bruises, knives, guns, stabbing, blood, murder (feral Kaz)
A/N: Yeah, this is pretty dark guys. If you’ve watched the show/read the books you’ll be fine, but the crows plotlines are usually dark. I actually really like this one though! Italics are Kaz’s thoughts.
Request a prompt with one of my characters!
Kaz Brekker was methodical. He planned everything he could down to the very minute. It was how he was able to become the leader of the Dregs, the Bastard of the Barrel. No one dared cross Kaz, in fear of losing their life.
His crew were nearly as untouchable as he was. Jesper, the sharpshooter. Inej, the wraith. Wylan, the demolitions expert. Nina, the heartrender. And Matthias, the druskelle. They, along with their leader, made up one of the most prominent gangs in Ketterdam.
Then there was you. You were the crow that Kaz kept tucked away from the rest of Ketterdam.
Nina had brought you to Kaz after finding you help a small child with a nasty scrape on his knee. She watched as you guided your hand over the scrape, and the cuts disappeared. She hadn’t seen another Corporalnik in Ketterdam before, and knew that having a healer would help immensely when it came to heists.
Kaz was reluctant to take you in, only agreeing once he’d seen you heal a black eye Jesper had been sporting for a few days. He gave you a room at the Slat, gave you a few kruge, and introduced you to the other crows.
They were all easy to get along with. Nina helped you ease into this new life, often times joining you for meals, or taking walks through the markets with you. You had an obvious initial distaste for Mathias, often times choosing to stay away from the druskelle, but seeing him with Nina quickly put you at ease. Inej was incredibly kind to you, and graciously thanked you whenever you healed her. Wylan and Jesper were easy to get along with, often times too absorbed in each other to be aware of other things going on around them.
Then there was Kaz. It was more difficult to have a working relationship with Kaz, anyone could tell you he usually kept to himself unless he was giving orders or collecting kruge. You tried not to take his indifference to you personally.
You do remember the day things changed between you and Kaz though. The group had all come back from a heist exhausted, some injured, some just tired, but you could see Kaz out of the corner of your eye walking to his room quicker than he usually does. You followed him upstairs, and softly knocked on the door.
“Come in.” He grunted.
You’d never been in Kaz’s room before, you don’t think anyone other than Kaz actually has. It’s dark, and honestly exactly what you’d expected. A bed in the corner, a desk against the wall cluttered with paper, and a wardrobe that he was currently riffing through.
“Is there a reason you’ve decided to grace me with your presence Y/n?” He asks, his tone sharp.
“How did you know it was me?” You shuffle forward, and close his door behind you.
“Everyone else knows not to bother me after a job.” He turned his head towards you slightly, allowing you to catch a glimpse of red on his cheek.
“You’re hurt.” You take a step towards him. He steps back from you instantaneously.
“I’m fine.” He turns back to his wardrobe.
“Saints, why must you be so stubborn?” You sigh. He doesn’t answer you. “I thought you hired me to heal you, so let me do my job.”
It’s his turn to sigh this time. It would be nice to stop the stinging sensation on his face. He glances at you, then gestures you towards him. “Fine.” He sits down in the chair at his desk, and watches you slowly step towards him.
You slowly move towards him, aware of the way his shoulder tense with every step you take. You don’t know exactly what’s happened to him, but you can easily tell he’s got some sort of touch aversion after watching him for a while. The black gloves that never come off his hands are used as another layer to keep others away.
Once you’re standing in front of him you take a look at the thin cut across his cheek. “I didn’t know the bastard of the barrel could bleed.” You murmur.
You don’t fail to miss the slight upward quirk of his lips at your comment. He holds his breath as your fingertips hover over him. He expected to feel the waters rise up in his chest, drowning him, instead he’s surprised to feel warmth from your hand. You’re careful not to actually touch him, pulling away once he’s been healed.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” You ask, stepping away from him.
That was the moment you became more than just the Dregs’ healer. Whenever you went out anywhere Kaz would send Inej with you for protection. He knew how valuable a grisha was in Ketterdam, and he was not going to let someone else take you away. He called you into his office in the Crow Club or his room in the Slat more often. Sometimes he’d need you to heal a paper cut, other times he’d just want your company while he planned out heists. On nights where he came back banged up more than usual he’d bare more skin to you, allowing you to heal him and provide him the comfort a part of him so desperately needed.
He’d never let it be known he was growing some kind of attachment to you. You were a weakness to him, and Kaz Brekker didn’t have any weaknesses.
It didn’t take long for the other crows to figure out something was different between the two of you. Kaz was a cold, corrupt gang leader, but they could see a shift in him when you were near.
He’d give you his coat if you felt cold on the walk from the club back to the Slat. He kept your favorite drink in stock at the Crow Club. He’d look to you for your opinion on plans for heists. He whispered comments to you while he thought the others weren’t paying attention, a smug grin growing on his face as you laughed at what he’d said. Soft isn’t the right word for what Kaz had become when you were near. He was gentle with you.
Jesper caught you sneaking out of Kaz’s room early one morning still in the clothes you’d worn the previous day. He smirked at Kaz as he ate his breakfast for the day.
“Have a pleasant night boss?” He asked over his cup of coffee.
Kaz raises a brow at him, silently asking what he meant.
Jesper simply looks over at you, who is currently in conversation with Nina and Mathias on the other side of the room. His eyes travel back to Kaz, gleaming with mischief.
Kaz looks like he’s about to hit Jesper over the head with the crow’s head of his cane. He gets a stern talking to in Kaz’s office later that day, and is informed that if anyone finds out about his meetings with you, his precious revolvers might end up on someone’s table in the market.
No one mentions any changes they’ve seen in Kaz after that. Everything goes smoothly from then on, until one particular heist.
It was a lot like any other heist, sneak into a place, steal something that costs an exorbitant amount of money, then sell it for twice the price. The problem was Kaz needed someone to sneak into a crowded party, and at that point most of the barrel could pick out any of the crows in a crowd. They needed someone that could be inconspicuous.
It was the perfect job for you. You’d always wanted to go on the crazy adventures your friend went on so often, and this was finally something you could swing.
When you volunteered to step in, Kaz immediately refused. There was a reason he kept you locked away in the Slat during jobs.
No amount of kruge is worth putting your life on the line.
He gives excuse after excuse as to why you can’t be used. You haven’t done this before. You don’t know your way around the building. They need their healer ready to treat them afterwards.
I can’t bear the thought of losing you.
“You don’t even know how to use a weapon.” Kaz sighed, barely looking up at you from the blueprints on his desk.
“Inej can teach me, right?” You turn to the wraith with pleading eyes.
Inej stutters as she looks between you, and the icy stare coming from Kaz.
“Besides, you said that you wanted me to learn how to fight.”
No, I said you should learn to use a weapon. I figured Jesper would let you shoot a few bottles behind the Slat.
“We need them boss. Y/n is our best bet.” Jesper shrugs as he becomes the receiving end of Kaz’s glare.
Kaz looks back down at his blueprints. He knows it’s going to be a busy event, and the others will be spotted on sight. He briefly wonders if he can hire someone else to do the job, but then he looks back up at you. He trusts you, more than he’s trusted anyone in a long time. He knows this is something you’re perfectly capable of, but is it something he’s willing to risk?
“Fine.” He grunts. “But Jesper and Inej will teach you to use their weapons first.”
Your hearts swells up with pride. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve thrown yourself over his desk to hug him. “Thank you Kaz. I promise you won’t regret this.”
If only you knew how wrong you had been.
You did train with Inej and Jesper prior to the heist. You even practiced fighting with Mathias a little bit, who was significantly holding back his punches in fear of actually hurting you.
Kaz had made sure to drill his instructions into everyone’s heads, until they could repeat their schedules without thinking about it. Everything had gone to according to plan on the night of, until things took a drastic turn.
He kept an eye on you for as long as he could, until he was needed somewhere else, leaving you in the crowd of the large hall completely isolated from the rest of the group.
You were doing well on your own, slowly becoming more confident as you strolled around and made conversation. You managed to distract all of the merchants with conversation long enough for the crew to get what they needed. It was nearing the time Kaz told you to meet him outside when you were spotted by someone. You vaguely recognized the face, it was a man you’d seen in the Crow Club a few times.
He must’ve known about your affiliation with the crows, because next thing you know you’re being escorted the opposite direction you need to go. You try to stay calm, and remember what Jesper and Inej taught you about fighting, but you know with them holding onto your arms it’ll be near impossible to reach for the knife you have hidden away.
You end up in a courtyard behind the building when they start to question you. Simple things like “why are you here?” and “where are your friends?”. They quickly become aggravated with your innocent act, and become more incessant.
All it took was for one of the men holding you to loosen his grip for you to swing your arm away, and hit him on the side of his face with your elbow. Chaos ensued immediately. You were able to grab your knife, and used it as best you could against the three men fighting you. You had taken a few hits, but were able to stand your ground fairly well, until you felt a sharp pain in your side.
You froze, partially from shock, but mostly from the searing pain you felt. You looked down to see a dagger lodged in your side, being held onto by one of the men. He had a wicked grin on his face as he twisted the knife inside of you. You wailed out as he pulled the knife from your body, and watched as you collapsed to the ground.
“Brekker won’t be able to save you from that, little bird.” He snikered, then ran back inside with the others.
You could feel the blood pooling at your side. You tried to press a hand to the now sticky fabric of your shirt, and put pressure on the wound. You were far too hurt to be able to concentrate your powers to one spot. Your vision started to get spotty when you heard voices above you. A girl’s voice, clearly in distress, and a boy’s voice, sharp and stern.
More hands pressed to your side, then something was wrapped tightly around your waist.
You couldn’t hear what they were actually saying before you felt yourself being picked up, and held in someone’s arms. You looked up to see the figure that was holding you. A bigger build, wide shoulders, blonde hair? Mathias. Had you been conscious enough to speak you would’ve made a joke. Something about a druskelle carrying a grisha to safety. He’d laugh, but retort, telling you about how many times he’s had to save Nina.
You let yourself fall into the darkness after a while, your head lolling against Mathias’ chest. It’s okay, you thought, you knew you weren’t going to make it as soon as he pulled that knife out of you. You just wish you were able to see your friends one last time, to see Kaz one last time.
Kaz could feel his heart thundering in his chest. He tried to keep a calm composure, but anyone of the crows could see the anxiety building up in him. He was barking orders as soon as he saw you laying on the ground, a puddle of your own blood surrounding you. The waves start to build in his chest. He wants to reach out and touch you, to give you any semblance of comfort, because you’re not dead, there’s no way he’s letting you die. He’ll destroy all of Kerch before he lets that happen.
He notices when your head lolls. “Quickly.” He urges the group, speeding his own pace back to the Slat.
Once everyones regrouped they all gather in your room, where Mathias has lain you down on your bed.
Kaz tosses a pouch of coins to Jesper. “Go get some medicine. I don’t care how much it costs. Get the best you can find.”
Inej kneels down next to you, whispering prayers to her saints. Mathias leaves to gather supplies to help you. Nina keeps your heartbeat steady, her hands hovering above your chest.
The waters have reached his lungs now, pulling him down deeper into the ocean. Your blood coats the scarf Inej tied around you earlier, staining the blue material a dark, deep red.
“Saints! Kaz, your heartbeat is obscenely loud! Could you please go anywhere else?” Nina snaps at him.
Kaz doesn’t move for a moment, then quickly leaves your room to go to his own. He attempts to slow his breathing, to calm himself down, but anytime he closes his eyes he sees you again. You and Jordie.
It’s days before he talks to anyone. He only ever leaves his room to step into yours. Nina occupies a chair near your bed, dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep.
“Still alive.” Is all she says to him. He nods, then retreats back to his room.
He scours any and all information he has about the party, until he finds what might give him some relief. He leaves the Slat early one morning, and doesn’t return until late that evening. The gold crow’s head of his cane is now a bright crimson color. Blood is splattered on his neck, and one can assume his clothes as well, though the black hides it well from anyone giving him a second glance.
Jesper is surprised to see Kaz in such a state, knowing that he liked to keep up appearances.
“Hey boss, you’ve got a little…” he trails off, gesturing to his neck.
“It’s not mine.” He rushes passed Jesper, back to his room to start scrubbing the blood away.
You wake up about a week after the heist. Your throat is dry, and you feel incredibly hungry. Your limbs feel weak when move to sit up.
Nina sits next to you on a chair. She’s slouched over, soft snores falling from her lips. You softly nudge her, and let out a hoarse “Nina.”
She grumbles to herself as she wakes up. “Kaz, they’re fine.” She slowly opens her eyes to see you staring back at her, and she gasps. “Saints! You’re awake!”
You point to the cup that sits next to her, and gulp down the water when she hands it to you.
She stands up and looks towards the door to your room. “I’m going to go get Kaz.”
You grab her wrist before she can leave you. “Please don’t. I don’t think I can deal with incessant “I told you so”s right now.”
Nina scoffs. “Oh please, he’s been worried sick about you. I had to kick him out of here because his heartbeat was distracting me from yours.”
“Yeah. He even paid for some pretty pricey medicine for you. Speaking of which, here, take these.” She holds out a few pills. “Now, I’m going to go get Kaz, and maybe after this near-death experience you two will finally just tell each other that you love one another.”
“What? I don’t-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You shake your head.
“It’s okay, he’s not very good at hiding it either.” She smirks at you before she leaves.
She’s only gone a few minutes before your door swings open with Kaz in your doorway.
“You’re awake.” He says.
You shift so that you’re sitting up on your bed. Kaz closes your door behind him, then sits down in the chair Nina had been using, his eyes trained on the floor ahead.
“I’m sorry about the heist Kaz. But I promise I didn’t tell them anything-”
“I know.”
You furrow your brows. “You know?”
He looks up at you. When he does this, you realize just how close you are to him. You can see every detail in his face. The way his blue eyes sparkled in the dim candlelight of your room. You could brush your leg against his if you shifted. You start to move away from him, afraid of touching him, but stop when what sounds like a plea escapes him.
You let out the breath you’d been holding, and relax beside him.
“Nina said you were worried about me.” You say softly.
He laughs a little, shaking his head. It’s a sight he’s reserved for just you. “Of course she did.”
“Were you?”
He looks into your eyes as if he’s searching for something. “I was.” He takes a breath, then turns his body so he’s facing you. “You scared me Y/n. I thought you had died, or were close to it. And I…” His admission is quiet. “Don’t make me say it. I can’t say the words.” He hangs his head in shame. The bastard of the barrel can’t admit how he feels.
“I understand.” You nod. “I feel so much love for you Kaz, you consume my every thought. You don’t need to say anything. I understand.”
He looks up at you, surprised. Surprised that someone as pure as you, someone who was literally made to heal, could ever love someone who’s caused so much pain as he has. He slowly removes his right glove, and drops the leather to the ground. He lifts his hand to your face, hovering near your cheek.
“You don’t have to.” You whisper, body frozen.
“I want to.” He takes a deep breath in an attempt to push the waves down, and slowly caresses your cheek. His throat tightens up, and for a moment it feels like he’s drowning again. But he focuses on your warmth, and his breathing slows down again. “You are everything to me. Everything.”
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savethedots · 20 days
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I know this is nothing new but i wanted to point out again how much sense these two very opposite statements make. Erik knows that the kiss must be one of the big factors of whatever is wrong between him and Mathias. Ever since it happened they haven’t talked at all and all attempts from Erik got ignored or cut short with interruptions.
So he knows he needs to bring the topic up.
At first Erik wants to talk about what happened and says “it was nice”. Because it was. He is sorting it into positive memories. He doesn’t have a problem with the kiss. He didn’t feel bad during it. He was just surprised. I don’t think he’s at the point of wanting another one yet, because he hasn’t sorted his feelings, but that kiss happened and it’s fine with him.
The second one is Erik‘s attempt to just delete the kiss from their friendship. Not necessarily because he needs it to be deleted but he thinks that’s what Mathias needs. Erik only knows that Mathias ignored all his messages, didn’t initiate any conversation about it and then the ugly scene with Felix happened, which ties the kiss to something bad.
So after the first positive try (which was cut short), Erik goes another route. And why shouldn’t he? Even tho Felix was the reason they didn’t finish their first conversation, Mathias did not reach out on his own to finish it but seemingly kept avoiding Erik. So Mathias did not take that positive branch that Erik offered.
We do know that the second one was the worst thing Erik could’ve said. We did see Mathias heart break and maybe they could be at a completely different point right now if Erik repeated his first positive thoughts but it‘s miscommunication, it‘s teenagers, it‘s a slow burn and the first few eps are doing a pretty good job at delivering all that.
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The more I rewatch and analyze their scenes the more I am truly convinced that Erik has been into Mathias this whole time.
This boy constantly finds himself places and doing things that he is adamant he doesn't want to be or do because Mathias flashes him a smile and asks nicely. People only act that way when they like someone. It's really hard to say no to someone you are crushing on.
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beesandboswells · 1 year
Chased the serotonin, ended up making Buddy Daddies playlist. I put a lot of thought into the songs I picked so please check it out :>
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castlephantom · 6 months
Everyone knows about Alucard's iconic design by Miss Kojima but lets remember if he didn't debuted with this design in Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse...
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Then Alucard that we know today never existed.
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alfredosauce50 · 7 months
Yandere Denmark headcanons
Ruthless, ambitious, and with a mind for expansion, it’s no wonder he always finds himself in positions of political power. But like all men, he has desires of the flesh, the longing for real connection. He comes onto you as an ordinary man, and you love him as one.
What you don’t know, is that he’s the king. When you learn the truth, you pull away fearing for your own safety. But he holds onto all the tighter. With the nation obeying his every whim and every pair of eyes and ears working for him, he’s impossible to escape.
Content warning: Sex, violence, and dubious consent. R18+ only.
The nobleman
Mathias commands respect everywhere he goes. As one of the most powerful men in the ancient world, he has a potent presence that causes the whole energy of a room to change if he were to enter it. But he also likes to blend in when he can. He will dress down to avoid standing out, even if it’s still in clothes for those in the top percentile.
He often leaves the palace grounds to visit the city in person. Whether it’s for leisure or to see how his kingdom is doing, he insists on doing it without protection. And when people recognize his face as the same one on the back of their coins, he gives a reassuring smile as they talk excitedly amongst themselves. The King is here!
Chinese silk, richly dyed clothing, and the most exotic Arabian perfume. They’re everything you notice about Mathias when you serve him at your diner. A member of the ruling class, you think. But that’s all. The last thing you’d expect is for the king himself to show up in this humble establishment, fitting in like everybody else.
“Tell me, eskler,” He begins, watching you set down his meal in front of him. Lamb shank, mash, and the soup of the day. A hearty meal to go with the homey atmosphere. “What do you think about the king?”
“I don’t know,” You lift your gaze to him thoughtfully. Without batting an eye, you tell him the words he didn’t know he needed to hear, and would, in turn, change his life forever. “I’ve never met him.”
He’s taken aback by your response, but it draws him in like no other. There’s people who don’t care for politics, and then there’s you. Someone who’s never even seen him before. And so long as he keeps his identity a secret, he’ll be treated as an equal. It’s nowhere near the treatment fit for a king, but somehow, he can’t get enough.
Mathias asks you out for dinner. You reject him the first time, and understandably so. You don’t wanna accidentally become a part of his harem, or whatever it is the elites are doing these days. However, you eventually have a change of heart when you keep seeing him in your diner. Not to pester you about a date, but only to eat and chat.
“Seeing that you’re more polite than any other man I’ve met, I’ll take you up on your offer,” You tell him.
“What, did you have higher expectations for men?”
“No, that’s why I’m surprised you would say yes,” Mathias explains, following you with his eyes as you clear up the last remaining tables. He eventually stands up to ask this. “What makes me so different?”
The truth is, you sense that he’s a good person, and he’s shocked when you tell him. He tries to see himself in your eyes, and in turn, discovers a whole new side. Thanks to your willingness to engage with him on his level, he gets in touch with the more vulnerable parts of his character. He drops his guard, and feels strangely human.
He starts seeing you in secret. The moment he gets the chance, he disappears from the palace and makes a discrete trip to your home. His alibi? The same thing he’s been doing the whole time. He’ll always show up with flowers and other gifts, but more importantly, an empty stomach, having developed an appetite for your simple cooking.
“So, what are we having for dinner today?” He rubs his hands expectantly as he peers over your shoulder.
“Pickled fish,” You hum.
“Can I help?” He lights up, rolling his sleeves.
“You can help me by staying out of the kitchen.”
He’s very playful. Rolling around with you in the grass, pretending to bite you like a frenzied dog, it’s a timeless romance that transcends the ages. He can play with you like a child but love you like a woman, so being with him feels like a dream. His presence is just so fulfilling you can’t imagine asking for more, but he just keeps surprising you.
He spoils you. His generosity is magnanimous, pampering you with jewelry, dresses, homeware, and everything you could ever need, and more. Mathias imagines himself to be the solution to all your problems, and takes great pride in using his privilege to help you. Little does he know, it’s the one thing that drives a wedge between you both.
“This is really nice and all, but—”
Mathias is taking you to store after store, fishing out anything he thinks would look good on you. And he isn’t picky, or shy, for that matter. He will watch your silhouette behind the paper screen until you finish.
“—this is a bit much, don’t you think?” You appear from the side of the screen in a revealing jade dress, cheeks flushed. “I don’t need all these things, and besides, I could never pay you back if I tried.”
“Why would you pay me back?” He questions.
“I’m just saying,” You reply, sliding your hands in his. “It always feels like we’re from different worlds, Mat.”
He takes that statement personally and becomes cautious about protecting his identity. You hold him to a high enough regard already, and he’s only revealed so much — that he’s an aristocrat. Even then, you’re still wary of the class difference that sets you two apart. Mathias is destined for greatness, but this is all you’ll ever be. Imagine how you’d react if you found out he was the king.
He’s afraid that he’ll scare you off. All rulers have blood on their hands, a ruthlessness that evades the ordinary man. You would be heartbroken if Mathias were anything of such, and he knows. He only wants you to see him as the person he is when he’s with you. Kind, gentle, and passionate. You make feel like a man, and when he feels like a man, it fills him with a carnal sense of purpose.
He’s sensual at heart, so he can’t go without it. Not without you, or the intoxicating completion you give him. So when you start pulling away, he’ll feel the whips of panic because a part of him is slipping away. Every interaction you have with him will become emotionally charged. Mathias chases you like crazy, but you withhold from him, causing him to have frequent bursts of passion.
“I thought we talked about this—”
“—No, I thought we talked about this. You said you loved me, and now you’re not gonna marry me?” Mathias sits up out of alarm, then stares at you like you just betrayed him, because to him, you have.
When you argue
There’s no arguing with Mathias. When he wants it his way, he’ll eventually get it. And in that same breath, you can never stay mad at him, allowing for a vicious cycle that never ends. Something about him just gets you to forgive him before he even does anything. It doesn’t matter what the argument is about, or how bad it gets, because it’s guaranteed you’ll be kissing him by nightfall, and he’ll be making love to you until sunrise.
“What’s makes us so different to each other?”
“You know why,” You rub the tears from your eyes as you rush down the stairs. “I’m not your equal. I don’t have money, I can barely read, and I don’t know anything about the things that are important to you!”
“Those are trivial things! And they’re nothing I can’t give or teach you!” He runs in front of you, talking excitedly. And he believes in every word he speaks. “The fact that we’re arguing makes us equals!”
No matter how outlandish.
“It doesn’t work that way, Mathias!”
He uses sex to his advantage. You know touch is his love language, so it becomes hard to resist, especially after a bad fight. The tension calls for a hard release of it, which he does through a hot and raw pounding. It gives him the safety and reassurance that you will always love him, and he’s addicted to it like a drug. Don’t be surprised that he starts picking fights just for the sake of it.
“I’m gonna cum inside you, okay?” He pants over you, moving his pelvis back and forth in fluid thrusts.
“You wouldn’t dare,” You breathe under him.
“I would,” Mathias speeds up to a pace that gets his face to contort from a pleasure so good, it looked like he was in pain. He was going so hard and deep, his orgasm came in seconds, arriving in strong jets that fills you to the brim. And he’s not letting you go until every last drop of it is pumped into your womb.
He wrecks boundaries and shatters your mind in the process. He can’t handle distance, let alone tension, and will force his way into your world. You can’t help but let him, too helplessly in love with his smile and memory. He seems nurturing and giving, when really, he takes just as much, and if not, more. You don’t always realize that, and lose yourself as well as your ability to say no.
The King
He has a fierce intelligence that intimidates. Not only does he have one of the greatest military minds of all time, there is no taking advantage of him in political exchanges. He can read anyone with a single glance, then find a way to get out on top. It’s all in his slick grin, which goes away in an instant. Making it obvious he’s hiding his amusement is just how he mocks his enemies.
Mathias is above the system. He doesn’t abide by existing power or religious structures if he thinks they’re useless. Sailing west into an open ocean, guiding his people to enlightenment and discovery. Questioning rulers, then going so far as to overthrow them. He’s a dark horse when it comes to challenging the natural order, a master of annexation, a force to be reckoned with.
He treats those below him with respect. He will look anyone in the eye to speak to them on their level, no matter who. He’s not pretentious at all, but very understanding of people from all walks of life. Kind to the poor, merciless to the rich. Civilians are cared for by their king and love him for it, but the same can’t be said for high society. Not that they have anything to say about it.
Mathias is uncensored to violence. He wouldn’t bat an eye at the inside of someone’s skull, heads rolling, or spilled guts. As a king, he’s seen it all. He fights with his men like the God of war for all his incorruptible dreams, so every battle serves a divine purpose. If it means he can give his people a better life, give you a better life, he would gladly take it away all the same without hesitation.
And yet, when you come around, his invincibility, sharpness, everything that makes him ruthless, goes away instantly. That impenetrable exterior his enemies work tirelessly to get past, is broken. He returns to who he is at his core, a kind, gentle, and curious man because you see him as such. Being with you is like rising to the surface and taking a breath for the first time, constantly.
For this, he can never stop thinking about you. Every waking hour of the day, you’re on his mind. With the rush of politics and warfare, all he wants is to drown in your love, beauty, and femininity. You are the light to the darkness that pervades the world, your presence a sacred haven in all the chaos. It’s no wonder the world is made for two, because he can’t understand it without you.
That’s why he’s such an intense lover. Mathias will show up to your doorstep uninvited and beg for your attention like he’s starving for it, because there’s no other way to describe such a feeling. Whether it’s through talking, touching, or kissing, the way he looks at you is how all girls want to be looked at — a look with so much love, you can hardly return it. But he makes you every time.
He can stay calm even in times of conflict and crises. He knows when he’s in control, and this has served him well for many years. But if he does lose his head, it’s when you’re caught in the crossfire. He will do anything to keep you safe, even if he has to sacrifice thousands of others. He wouldn’t just go to war for you like other men, he would wage them. Start them. Finish them.
His dedication is the stuff of myths and legends, because if it came down to it, he would venture to the depths of the underworld to rescue you from the dead. Slay monsters to prove his worth. Challenge Gods. Nothing is bigger than his love for you, and he’ll make the whole world feel it. What he has with you is for the history books, epics, and sagas, but he’d prefer privacy over all.
You are his only weakness, so if someone caught wind of the king’s secret lover, everything would be over. Unfortunately, he gets too carried away by going to your home too often. To protect you, he has no choice but to reveal his identity and take you back to the palace. Dressed up in his most extravagant robes, he knocks on your door with a band of soldiers surrounding the property.
When you answer, the first thing you see is Mathias in his crown, and behind him, the royal guard. Your heart sinks as everything clicks. Why he was always so secretive, why he was always so adamant that you were his equal, his other half. Why the court advisors bowed before him despite being the highest ranking officials in the state, because he was above everyone and everything, all except for the Gods themselves.
“Let me explain.” He tells you, brows raised.
“I knew it,” You utter, slamming the door in his face. But nobody simply shuts out the king, not even you. That reality sinks in as he stays outside your home, asserting he has no intention to leave without you.
The honeymoon
The first week is the toughest. You feel betrayed and overwhelmed by who Mathias is, so you refuse to see him. He’s very understanding at first, and prepares a separate room just for you. It’s fully furnished, lavishly decorated, and filled with everything you’ve ever laid your eyes on. He’s been thinking of you all this time, yearning to be with you, but you have yet to give in. This isn’t the man you thought you knew, and yet, some part of you always suspected he’d turn out this way. He seemed too good to be true, and he was. After all, every force has an equal and opposite reaction, where his love for you alone goes head to head with his ruthlessness.
He tries to find you around the palace, which is perfect for when you eventually get cabin fever. You roam the palace grounds out of curiosity, even joining some of the servants in the kitchen. Mathias would never show up in a place like that, and that serves you well for a few days. You feel like yourself again and all is well, that is, until you run into him in the orchard, picking apples for himself. It’s the second time you’ve made the crucial mistake of thinking of him as any other king when he isn’t. No chore is too low for him to do, no place too filthy for him to be. You both stare at each other, eyes wide. Without a single word exchanged, you turn around and run off.
“Will you at least have dinner with me?” He calls out to you, watching your back grow smaller and smaller.
“I’m quite fine, thank you.”
“Please?” Mathias softens his voice. “I miss you.”
You can’t resist him, especially when he talks and looks at you like that. The man you thought you knew is still in there, and it sucks you in like a rip. You join him in the dining hall and have a meal together, even if it’s a silent one. You’re keen on leaving right after, but he’s quick to notice that. He’s never wrong when it comes to reading your body language, even when you were being subtle about it. Turns out, with him, nothing is subtle. He catches you before you get far, grabbing your hand and pulling you back. “I’m still the same person you love, so will you just stay with me?”
Mathias is sneaky. He’s really good at reeling you in and letting you think you’re pushing him away. And he gets closer the more he keeps doing it. He knows exactly what he’s doing, while looking like he doesn’t. His innocent act is more effective than you’re led on to believe, because you fall for it every time. Every interaction with him has a catch, just like the dinner that came with a stroll. And now, you’re in his bed a week after telling him you want to sleep separately. You only realize your mistake three nights in, curled up tightly in his arms, staring up at his tired, smiling face.
“What am I gonna do with you?” You whisper.
“The same thing you’ve always done.” He answers.
He’s comfortable in his natural state. Mathias has the body of a warrior, his skin scarred by all the blades that have touched him. Otherwise, he’s an impressive specimen produced from years of battle and good genes. Large, muscular, and well-endowed. If the weather allows for it, he’ll relax in the bedroom buck naked, and talk to you as casually as he would with clothes on. He doesn’t feel any shame or embarrassment when he’s so familiar with you. He can also work up quite a stink, so he makes it a point to chase you around for a hug. And he catches you every time.
He expects you to join him for breakfast and dinner everyday. Mathias has a lot of business to attend to in between, but wants you to be the first and last thing he sees. Waking up and falling asleep beside you isn’t enough. He also insists on taking all his baths with you, so you ought to get used to being naked around him. He’s the type to stare, and so much that it’s embarrassing, but he always makes sure to remind you how beautiful you are. He may be a handful, but he just wants you to be as comfortable around him as you can so you both can be like two peas in a pod.
“It’s not like I haven’t already seen every inch of you, so don’t be shy,” He wades over to you in the pool.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t stop refreshing your memory.” You splash his face, cackling. “Have some manners!”
He tutors you. Granted, it took a lot of convincing on your end, but you can’t deny that you want to be closer to him, and this is how. He teaches you all about his duties, as well as math, science, and literacy. You didn’t go to school, but he wants to involve you in official business as you’ll be his most trusted partner in the future. And if he sends letters, you need to be able to read them. He’s been elevating you this whole time, hoping that you gain the confidence to stand by his side one day. And when that day comes, he’ll propose to you in a way that feels so natural, you won’t hesitate to accept. If you see him smiling at you over nothing, that’s what he’s thinking about. You’re going to be this nation’s most beloved queen one day, and he can’t wait for it to come.
The night of your wedding, he will carry you to his chambers to consummate it. He doesn’t think of it as a duty wherein he needs to produce heirs, but something he’s been wanting to do for ages. Starting a family with you, if he didn’t already get you pregnant from all the unprotected sex he’s been having with you for months. But tradition is tradition, and there won’t be another opportunity as romantic as this. You’ll be ravished all night, taking him until your insides ache and you get sick of his taste. He has a penchant for all kinds of sex, but combined with his ox-like stamina and insatiable appetite, he could go at it forever.
Mathias would want to reincarnate by your side, finding you again and again in endless rebirths. In the dark ages where life is short and death is always near, having you just once isn’t enough. So after conquering the mortal world and making it perfect for you, he will search for answers to the question that needs answering. What comes after death, and if you’ll be there, waiting for him. It’s strange. He has dreams of having different lives, each more vivid than the last. Sometimes a dashing prince, other times, a champion boxer. He doesn’t understand what he experiences, but the thing about dreams is that they always make sense when he’s in them. So maybe, it’ll come to him one day, even if it’s thousands of years later.
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madisonmccoy · 2 months
Rykter vlog 1 ❤️ (spicy fyi 😳)
from benjamin’s (erik) tiktok:
translated :)
Hello there!
It’s “Eirik” from Rykter here. I thought I should have been more like Mathea who plays Synnøve, and create a little Rykter blog.
I have so many fun videos and things from the set that I thought it would be fun to show off too!
*struggling to lock the door*
IMMEDIATE transition to the thrusting 😳
*whispers* there wasn’t supposed to be a camera here, but…
(Teo/Mathias in the background of the clip saying “you like that?!” 😏)
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marsplastic13 · 4 months
Rainy day
pairings: Kaz Brekker x fem!reader
Summary: When his girlfriend gets kidnapped during a mission he planned, Kaz thinks he can't screw up more than this, or maybe he can?
Tw: kidnapping, mentions of violence, unplaned pregnancy
It was a dark, rainy day in Ketterdam, and Kaz Brekker was annoyed. He was at his desk, Inej and his girlfriend were in front of him. "It's not safe Kaz" the girl was as annoyed as he was. "I planned this, you can do it" "Yes, you planned it in a rush, I say we take some more time to think about it" the boy turned to Inej "And you? What do you think?". Inej really didn't want to be dragged in her friends fight, so she took her time to reply " Well, yes, the planning was a bit rushed, but I think we could make it, I mean, we had worse odds" the other girl scoffed crossing her arms, and Inej mouthed her "sorry". "I'm the one going there, risking my life and I think it's not safe". "You're not in charge here" ha said banging his hand on the desk, and regretting it right after.
He could see hurt and shock in her eyes. "Fine" she was on her feet "Wait, love" he tried to take her hand but she moved it right away from the desk "Let's go Inej" her voice was cold and filled with anger.
Kaz cleared his voice, watching as the girls approached the door "No mourners" ha said tentatively. Inej turned to respond but the other girl cut her off "Go to hell Kaz" and the door slammed behind them. Once alone, Kaz let out a sigh, looking at the rain outside. They would make up when the job was done. After years together, they always did. He would make a reservation in her favourite restaurant, maybe show up with a nice jewel.
Those thoughts were keeping him distracted from things he did not want to think about. Why was she so scared?After three hours, Kaz was starting to be scared too. He estimated two hours top for this job, where were they?
After four hours, he was losing his mind. The boy was about to go out himself to look for the girls, when Inej crawled in by the window. She was out of breath and soaked from the rain "What happened? Where is she?" "Kaz please sit down". He did not take the advice, his look darkend and his grip around the cane tightened even more "Inej..." The girl took a moment fidgeting with her hand "She's been taken, but I followed them, I know where she is". His mind started racing. He fucked up big time. Taken. Taken. Taken. His fault. There wasn't enough air in his lungs, he was going to drown. Inej took him back to reality forcing him on a chair an slapping him hard on the cheek. He felt the ground back under him.
"Thank you" he muttered. "This is not the time to panic, it's time to plan". And so, the rescue planning began.Three days. It took three days to get her out. Kaz didn't sleep, barely ate, cursing himself over and over. From the intel gathered by Inej, they didn't link the girl to the Dregs, so it was decided that Mathias, Jasper and Wylan would be the rescue team, Inej would be in the shadows ready to intervene if necessary and Nina and Kaz would wait at the Slat.
"Saints, can you stop playing with that thing?" Kaz sighed but didn't stop fridgeting with a lighter. Her lighter. It had never left his hands in those long days. "They'll come back any moment, relax" Nina was trying to calm him, as everyone did. He'd been more insufferable than usual, which was understandable, but they were all near to the limit.In the long night hours, all he could think were all the ways he was going to make them pay for taking her away from him.The noise of the door snatched him out of his thoughts. He and Nina rushed to the office's door, as Mathias and Jesper helped the girl that leaned heavily on them. She didn't look hurt. Safe. Safe. Safe. "Take her to the infirmary and come back to debrief, Nina, go check her". As everyone executed, the girl looked at him. She had dark circles under her eyes and she could barely stand "Kaz, please". He didn't look at her, just signaled the boys to go on and take her to Nina."How do you feel dear?" Nina was changing the cloth on her forehead. "Did I fell asleep?" She raised herself on her elbows. "You dozed off for a few hours" "Did he" she cleared her voice "Did he came?". Nina's face sweetened "No dear, I'm sorry". The girl threw herself back on the pillows. "I need to see a healer" the Grisha frowned "Am I not enough for you, miss? You look fine to me " "No Nina, you don't understand, I really need to see a proper healer" Personal or not, Nina looked quite offended "But I-" "Oh Saints" the girl took Nina's hand and put it on her lower belly. Her eyes widened "Oh" "Yeah, oh". After a moment of silence, Nina raised from the chair she positioned near the bed. "I'Il go to tell him to call a healer, but I won't tell him everything, don't worry. Try to eat a bit of broth, will you?".
She came back after a while, looking defeated. "He said that if you look fine to me there's no need to call for a healer, I'm sorry". The girl sighed "Help me up".Once in front of Kaz's office, the girl took a moment to compose herself. Despite still feeling weak, the urge to talk to him granted her enough strength to open the door. As she entered, all eyes turned towards her. The conversations about what to do those whe took her ceased abruptly when she and Nina appeared at the door. Kaz's eyes widened, but the rest of his face remained expressionless."I need a doctor," she stated firmly. Kaz couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze; guilt consumed him. He focused on her disheveled, dirty clothes—still the same ones from three days ago. She appeared fine given the circumstances, and Nina confirmed she had no critical wounds, so there was no apparent reason for her to see a doctor. "You look fine," Kaz said. The girl scoffed, incredulous at his response. Deep inside his mind, a little voice was telling him that if no doctor told she was hurt, then she wouldn't be, simple as that, why dig deeper?"I have to talk to you. Get out," she demanded, addressing everyone in the room. Kaz's crew, his crows, exchanged glances between him and the girl, following the conversation. Eventually, they began to move towards the door.Kaz couldn't bare the thought of staying alone with her in that moment, he wasn't ready to face her rage. "No one moves, you can talk in front of them" he declared, his tone unwavering. Nina audibly held her breath. "You're going to regret this", the girl warned, her voice softening. "Talk" Kaz commanded. "I'm pregnant". If up until that moment there was silence, from that moment on, there was even more. Everyone glanced around at the shocked expressions of the others, but no one dared to speak or move.Inej, always the wise one, was the first to take action; she quickly moved to the window, muttering that she was going to look for a doctor, casting a look of deep disappointment at Kaz. "We should go" suggested Wylan, and one by one they left the room. The boy offered a small smile to the girl while passing her, and the same did a slithly embarassed Matthias, while Jasper pulled her in a quick hug, whispering "Congrats, Mama" in her ear, making her laugh and blush.
The couple remained alone in the room, finally.Kaz's eyes were fixated on her, but it looked like he wasn't really seeing her. She moved towards him, perching on his desk, in front of him."How... how long?" he managed to utter. "I've known for a few weeks, it should be two months top" "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" "I... I wanted it to be a surprise, your birthday is in a few days, I figured I could've just wait some more" the idea that at that time sounded brilliant, in that moment was making her feel foolish.  Kaz noticed the change in her voice and gently pulled her into his lap.Tracing her jaw with his golved hand, he delicately tilted her chin, meeting her gaze "I'm sorry about the mission, I should've listened to you" the girl scoffed, feeling the anger and fear slowly leaving her "Tell me something I don't know". A small smile formed on his lips "Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?" "I think I'm okay, but I'll feel better after seeing a doctor". The boy nodded, "Inej said you didn't fought back like you're use to, that's why they were able to take you?". She sighed "Yeah, I was scared I was going to hurt the baby, and I figured those idiots didn't really knew what they were doing, so even be taken by them couldn't be a great menace. I mean, whose that stupid to kidnap your girlfriend?" "Don't worry they're going to find out pretty soon their mistake", he moved a strain of hair behing her ear. "How do you feel?" she asked. "I think I'm going to need a bit more time to realise", he replied as his mind began to race. "We need a house" the girl started. "A house" he repeated absently. "In a nice neighborhoud, with nice schools" "Schools" "And a University fund" "University" "And a dinosaur for the backyard, Kaz are you listening to me?" "Dino- what?" the boy got pulled out of his thoughts while the girl laughed. "I think the moment of realisation came sooner then I thought," embracing her tightly. "so two, months? Because I have vivid memories of Matthias birthday party, around two months ago". The girl looked at him like something clicked in her mind "Oh Saints, the party! I can't believe that now everyone will know exactly why we disappeared" she said blushing, "maybe we can call the baby Matthias if is a boy, you know, as a sign of peace after literally making it in their bed". Kaz raised his brows, prompting another laugh from the girl.
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Im not allowed to look at the new ship event map pls i cant be in here imma start barking
Rated: Explicit | Warning: Matty kinda mean but like it hot (he barely mean tbh)
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The Puppeteer does not believe you even with his bare hand in your pants, fingers brushing and feeling just how much he affects you. He pushes you further against the way, his eyes narrow but it does not match the malicious voice.
“And then what?” Two fingers pushing the cloth shielding your quim to the side, “What's the next step of your plan?” God, you were not joking or lying! You are actually wet, he can feel the beginnings of it and the way you are already biting the corner of your lip to keep your voice down. Matthias only scowls because he pushes a finger inside and you wrap your arms around his neck, hiding your face in the crock of his neck— The Puppeteer is glad you cannot see now how bright his cheeks are with blush.
“Well?!” Snappy, his voice faltering a bit to sound unaffected.
“I ah wanted to ah show,” Hot puffs of air against his skin, “How badly… Need you.”
As if he does not already know, God, Matthias knows all too well how much you love him. Of course, there is still a part of him that thinks you are not that in love with him. Affectionate as you, easily smiling for others or often speaking with a particular Novelist— It irks him until you do things like this.
Could call you a whore, a hussy, and other words but he would feel guilty though you would only moan louder.
“Shh,” Slowing his pace when he put two fingers inside of your heat, “You can't be loud.” Should have just found a room to hide in and not some hallway, “Can’t you—”
“Mathias,” Needy, “Mathias.” Saying his name as you open your legs a bit wider. He hisses when your teeth bite his neck greedy to mark him as usual. His other hand lifts your leg up to hook around his waist, his finger reaching that sweet spot that makes him quickly grab and pull your hair. A yank backward to seal his lips over yours, swallowing your moans that dare to escape as you easily cum quicker than normal. The fact you were that turned on is… Mathias does not stop kissing you even as you are out of breath, dizzy, but now incredibly more needy.
“Don't stop,” Even as you ride out your orgasm you still want more, “Please, Matthias.” Getting louder.
“Damn it,” Hushing you but he knows you are not going to be quiet at this point, not when you are overstimulated and looking drunk with neediness. “Can't you at least try to be quiet?”
“I will stop.” Pulling his fingers out, though it to get his cock, out you covered your mouth trying to silence yourself just so he would not stop.
You are going to be the death of him.
Part of him, a lot of him, hates having you be quiet but given how risky this spot this is… The Puppeteer needs you just as badly as he lowers his pants and adjusts the position he has you in to slide home.
A low groan from his throat, your teeth biting into your palm.
A few seconds to bask before Matthias is moving like time is not on his side— Because it is not. The paintings on the wall move a bit as his pace is fast and rough, a mess of grabbing and shutting himself up as he fucks you. Only with you would he do something this ridiculously risky.
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jeonsolar · 2 years
I can't believe I just watched an 8 hour long Nikolina, Kanej, Wesper fanfiction of Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows.
Tags: canon divergence, Major Character death, Slowburn, But no slowburn if you know who I mean, Darkling’s evil AmPlIfIeD, 😉, Baghra is good in this one cuz I say so, Malina will be the main focus but I can assure you this is Nikolina, Just wait, Speedrun books 2 and 3, I have a whole new plot written post the Canon divergence, Darkling will NOT take his shirt off for that scene of the book, but I'll give you some Darklina choking to satisfy you Darklina freaks, Marriage of Covenience, Author skimmed the books and picked only a few things that they cared about, Like heavily laying undertones for Nikolina, Mathias is there sometimes, Sometimes, Like for real there will be episode where you straight up forget he's a character, Past Darklina, Current Malina, Future Nikolina, Zoya Genya and Alina are Bffs!, David my beloved 😔
Tell me if I missed anything that is not spoilers.
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lyrakanefanatic · 9 months
Thoughts that I wanted to share about the brothers Hawthorne/ the grandest game bc I don’t wanna make a million posts about each one 💀
1: Phone girls dad literally shot himself ON. HER. BIRTHDAY. 😭😭
2: Skye Hawthorne MIGHT be in the grandest game, because when Avery got bombed and Ricky and skye got arrested for it, they found out that it actually wasn’t them which means they prob got out of jail (maybe not Ricky but probably skye) and she might be controlling one of the players
4: we’ll see which 7 contestants avery will pick for the game!! (While I was writing that instead of contestants I accidentally put tributes 💀)
5: we might learn more about Toby’s backstory (or just the Hawthorne backstories in general, like Zara’s, nans or Alice’s)
7: this isn’t really a prediction but more just like a possible hint for the grandest game, but when grayson tells his brothers about the riddle “what begins a bet? Not that”, Jameson says this
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He says “what’s the opposite of a handshake?” And I found a picture online that shows multiple different options of what could be the opposite of a handshake
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Basically most of the words on there kind of show “misinterpretation” or just different words for some sort of mistake, so would that mean that the “beef” (im just gonna call it that bc I don’t rlly know what went down) between tobias and thomas thomas was maybe accidental?? Or maybe they got into a disagreement that ended in thomas ending his life? All the book really shows is that one paragraph (that I highlighted in green) that talks about what Jameson thought of the riddle, and then Jameson was talking to Avery about the game (probs bc jlb didn’t wanna drop too many hints lmao) And then if you add it in with the “abet” theory ⬇️
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It said that one of the opposites of a handshake were “refusal” and “disagreement”, so what if tobias had wanted thomas to aid one of his crimes and thomas refused, and maybe tobias gave him an ultimatum which is why he shot himself?? It’s so confusing bc what would tobias even do that was so horrible that thomas had to shoot himself, I really don’t know. but if anyone has some theory’s on this pls lmk! 🫶
8: holy guacamole 7 was a long one, but anyway i feel like there are definitely more hints on the grandest game in the brothers Hawthorne then there were in the final gambit, even though in (i think tig is the one that clue was from?) the inheritance games “special” edition bc idk what their called it said “hints in the final gambit”. (although one loose end from tig was David Golding, and @riddles-n-games had a good theory about that) But i read the final gambit entirely and didn’t find a single clue other than David, so that’s kinda weird (unless somebody else found something else they found interesting in that book?)
9: Eve might also be behind one of the players, or just trying to get involved with the game so she could get the cash prize or whatever else it is that that psycho needs 🙄
10: we’ll (most likely, bc I’m 99.9% sure that she’ll be in tgg) see what phone girl looks like and see which one of us were right 😜
11: kinda random but i will bet a whole 5 dollars that phone girls name is either gonna be flower related, or just straight up be lily. Or maybe both, but just think of how ironic that would be (there are calla lilys all over the cover of tgg… 🤷‍♀️)
13: so off topic but WHERE DO GRAYSON AND JAMESON GET THEIR MONEY FROM??? like I’m sure jameson probably gets some cash from his billionaire girlfriend, but what about grayson?? he says in tbh that he’s “buried in work” but what kind of work does he do?? and who does he work for?? 🤨
14: Okay this is gonna be the last one bc i need to shut up, but does anybody have an idea on what some things in the grandest game cover might symbolize? we know about the lilys and the opal rings, but other than that i CANT seem to figure out anything else on there 😭😭
and okay that’s all thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫶😊🙌
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